Small Wars Journal

6/19/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 06/19/2022 - 11:11am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. Ukraine war could last for years, warns Nato chief
3. The nature of war is not changing in Ukraine
4. The Return of Industrial Warfare
5. How the US Could Lose the New Cold War
6. Texas A&M’s Unreported Foreign Funding
7. High Casualties: Russia Pulls Out All the Stops to Find Fresh Troops
8. The US Needs a New Solarium for a New Grand Strategy
9. Uvalde Officer Passed Up Shot at Gunman for Fear of Hitting Children
10. ‘I had to cut off the head, bro’: Myanmar soldiers swap slaughter stories.
11. Dangerous Straits: Wargaming a Future Conflict over Taiwan
12. Peter Thiel helped build big tech. Now he wants to tear it all down.
13. Ukraine Intensifies Strikes Against Russian-Controlled Areas
14. Biden’s Patent Gift to Beijing
15. U.S. senators introduce broad Taiwan bill to boost security aid
16 Where Are the Rockets for Ukraine?
17. Patriot Front and Pride: How right-wing influencers are driving extremists to real-world violence
18. Opinion | How to Celebrate Juneteenth
19. The joy of Juneteenth: America’s long and uneven march from slavery to freedom

Korean News Content:

1. North Korea deploys national medical teams to battle intestinal epidemic
2. Ex-generals see nuclear blackmail "trinity" in Russia, China, North Korea
3. North Korea reports 19,310 new fever cases amid COVID-19 outbreak, KCNA says
4. Feared North Korean general dubbed 'Angel of Death' to oversee brutal purges
5. Main opposition accuses ruling party of framing Moon administration as ‘pro-North’
6. 4 Korean battle deaths in Ukraine not confirmed
7. Yoon hosts 'housewarming' event in front yard of new presidential office
8. Space rocket Nuri to be moved to launch pad Monday as planned
9. Internet Explorer's final resting place: as a 'world-class joke' in South Korea
10. Industry deal moves Poland closer to acquiring South Korean artillery system
11. Korean YouTuber-turned-Ukraine fighter Rhee Ken under prosecution for violating passport law
12.  ‘Sounds cooler in English’: South Korean president’s unnecessary mixing of languages annoys citizens

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN June 17, 6.00 pm EST

Sat, 06/18/2022 - 10:16am


Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



June 17, 6.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 17.06 were approximately:

personnel - about 33150 (+200),

tanks ‒ 1456 (+7),

APV ‒ 3563 (+18),

artillery systems – 734 (+5),

MLRS - 233 (+0),

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 97 (+0),

aircraft – 215 (+2),

helicopters – 180 (+1),

UAV operational-tactical level - 593 (+2),

cruise missiles - 129 (+0),

warships / boats - 13 (+0),

vehicles and fuel tanks - 2496 (+2),

special equipment - 55 (+0).

Russian enemy suffered the greatest losses (of the past day) at the Bahmut direction.

The one hundred fourteenth (114) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

In the Volyn and Polissya directions, certain units of the Armed Forces of the republic of Belarus continue to carry out tasks to cover the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. Engineering equipment of positions in the border areas of Brest region is underway. In the period from 14 to 16 June, a command and staff exercise was conducted with the military units of the logistics of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

In the Siversky direction, the enemy fired artillery at the settlements of Leonivka in the Chernihiv oblast and Ulanove, Sopych and Baranivka in the Sumy oblast. It struck by a couple of Ka-52 helicopters a strike near the town of Hlukhiv in the Sumy oblast.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy is fighting to deter units of the Defence Forces from further advancing towards the State Border.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy used artillery and rocket-propelled grenade launchers in the areas of Zolochiv, Uda, Bayrak, Peremoha, Rubizhne, Verkhniy Saltiv, Pechenigy and Lebyazhe.

Artillery shelling was recorded in the Slovyansk direction near Mazanivka, Krasnopillya and Dibrovny. Ukrainian soldiers repulsed an enemy assault in the direction of the village of Dolyna. The enemy retreated.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy does not stop firing on the positions of our troops along the line of contact, concentrating the main efforts on the Siverodonetsk and Bakhmut directions.

No active offensive operations were observed in the Lyman direction. The occupiers fired artillery at the Starodubivka district.

In the Siverodonetsk direction, the enemy used artillery and rocket-propelled grenade launchers in the areas of the settlements of Siverodonetsk, Lysychansk, Ustynivka, Loskutivka, Metolkine and Borivske. Inflicted an air strike on Loskutivka.

In the Bakhmut direction, Russian occupiers fired artillery at areas of the settlements of New York, Zaitseve, Pokrovske, Nova Kamyanka, Yakovlivka, Berestove, Mykolayivka, and Novoivanivka. A pair of Ka-52 helicopters attacked in the peaceful settlement of Yakovlivka. Our soldiers again successfully repulsed the assault of the enemy in the direction of Berestove.

In the Avdiivska, Kurakhivska, Novopavlivka and Zaporizhzhia directions, the enemy tried to carry out assault operations in order to prevent the transfer of our troops to other directions. It fired mortars, artillery and multiple rocket launchers in the areas of Marinka, Novomykhailivka, Zaliznychne, Huliaipole and Charivne.

The situation in the South Buh area has not changed significantly. The enemy continues to focus on maintaining the occupied frontiers and improving the engineering equipment of the positions.

It used barrel and jet artillery in the areas of Osokorivka, Dobryanka, Topolyne, Knyazivka, Murakhivka, Chervona Dolyna, Zorya, Kotlyareve, Novomykolaivka, Stepova Dolyna, Tavriyske, Lymany and Oleksandrivka.

The enemy maintains three high-precision weapons carriers ready for use with a total volley of up to 20 Caliber cruise missiles.

Significant losses of Russian occupation troops ruin the military leadership's plans to move rapidly into Ukraine. Cases of large numbers of personnel being fired for refusing to take part in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine have become more frequent. This does not allow to strengthen and replace Russian units that have lost their combat capability in a short time.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian units, performing fire tasks, continue to successfully reduce the number of Russian occupiers on Ukrainian soil.

In the Siversky direction, the enemy fired on civilian infrastructure near Mezenivka and Hlukhiv, Sumy region. In addition, enemy aircraft struck two settlements in the Sumy region.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy carries out remote mining of the area. Conducted air reconnaissance using UAVs.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy is trying to prevent units of the Defense Forces from entering the state border of Ukraine and Russian group of troops operating in the Slovyansk direction.

In order to identify weaknesses in the defense of our troops in the areas of Dementiyivka, Rubizhne, and Pyatihatki, the enemy used to sabotage and reconnaissance groups. Ukrainian soldiers found them and inflicted losses. The enemy retreated. Not far from Kochubiivka, the occupiers tried to conduct reconnaissance by fighting. Our defenders did not give them any chance of success and the enemy retreated with losses.

Russian occupiers fired on civilian infrastructure in the areas of Tsyrkuny, Verkhniy Saltiv, Pishchane, Ruska Lozova, and Krynychne.

In the Slovyansk direction, the enemy's main efforts are focused on continuing the offensive in the direction of the city of Slovyansk, and the fighting continues. It tried to conduct reconnaissance near Krasnopilla by battle, was unsuccessful, and retreated.

The enemy carried out systematic artillery shelling in the areas of the settlements of Dibrivne, Pashkove, Hrushuvakha, Kurulka, and Velyka Komyshuvakha.

Units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine forced the enemy to leave the village of Dmytrivka, Izium district, Kharkiv oblast.

The enemy did not take active action in the Lyman direction. It fired at the positions of our artillery units.

In the Siverodonetsk direction, the occupiers continue to fire from artillery and rocket-propelled grenade launchers. In addition, they launched air strikes on the positions of our units near Syrotyn and Borivske.

Fighting continues to establish full control over the city of Siverodonetsk.

Our soldiers successfully repulsed the assault in the areas of Sirotin and Metolkino. The enemy withdrew to the previously occupied positions.

In the Bakhmut direction, the enemy fired on civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Mykolaivka, Bilohorivka, Pokrovske, Zaitseve, and Stepne.

Near Hirske, Ukrainian defenders stopped by selective-fire an attempt of enemy's reconnaissance by fighting. Also, the enemy again conducted unsuccessful assaults in the areas of Berestove and Kodema. It suffered losses and left.

After regrouping, with the support of artillery, the occupiers attempted an assault near Nyrkove. Ukrainian soldiers by fire forced them to abandon this idea. Now the enemy is counting his losses.

In the Avdiivka, Kurakhivka, Novopavlivsk, and Zaporizhzhia directions, the enemy did not take active action. It fired on civilian infrastructure in the settlements of Novoselivka, Krasnohorivka, Zelene Pole, and Kamyanske. It struck air strikes on New York, Avdiivka, and Pobeda.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy conducted air reconnaissance of UAVs in order to detect changes in the position of our troops and correct artillery fire.

In order to deter our units, it fired from barrel and jet artillery and mortars in the areas of the settlements of Topolyne, Knyazivka, Lupareve, Posad-Pokrovske, and Novohryhorivka.

The occupiers continue to violate the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Ukraine in the temporarily occupied territory, to destroy and export to the territory of the Russian Federation the property of the seized industrial enterprises, to carry out measures of the administrative-police regime. The enemy does not understand and is afraid of total resistance from Ukrainians.




President of Ukraine

Address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Ukrainians

We are now one step from the beginning of full-fledged integration with the European Union. We have a positive conclusion from the European Commission on the candidacy for Ukraine. And this is a historical achievement of all those who work for our state. The only thing left is to wait for the decision of the European Council next week. And I believe that Ukraine has done everything possible for this step to be positive as well – the decision of the European Council, i.e. the leaders of the EU states.

Ukraine deserves this positive. Ukrainian values are European values. Ukrainian institutions maintain resilience even in conditions of war. Ukrainian democratic habits have not lost their power even now. And our rapprochement with the European Union is not only positive for us. This is the greatest contribution to the future of Europe in many years.

Let me remind you now only one thing: after February 24, our country acceded to the European energy system. Our networks - Ukraine and the European Union - work in sync despite a full-scale war. Hence, even this fact alone shows everything at once - the professionalism of our people, the strength of our institutions, our ability to fulfill promises and the magnitude of Ukraine's potential.

And I want to emphasize that Ukraine's European integration is not something purely political, not something detached from the lives of ordinary people. On the contrary. The closer we are to other European countries, the more opportunities we will have to guarantee all Ukrainians a modern and prosperous life.

I spoke today with Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission. I thanked her and all members of the European Commission for their leadership and today’s decision. I also spoke with European Council President Charles Michel. We are coordinating our steps. And I am grateful to Charles for feeling the historical significance of these processes for both Ukraine and the future of Europe.

Today I will also speak with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Rutte. I use every opportunity for our interests, for Ukraine. During yesterday's visit to Kyiv by the leaders of France, Germany, Romania and Italy, it was clear what far-reaching prospects are being opened both for our country and for all Europeans if we continue to work together. And today this understanding has become even clearer. European strength, European independence and European development can be imagined truly powerful only with Ukraine.

It is interesting, by the way, how the course of history chooses the time for important decisions: the government of Ukraine abolished the agreement on visa-free regime with the Russian Federation today. Now the visa regime will be effective starting from July 1. It is difficult to overestimate the symbolism of what happened today. But no one picked the moment on purpose. This is what the course of history is. Russia itself has done everything to destroy any ties with Ukraine. Well, we are doing everything to make our ties with Europe as strong as possible.

Boris Johnson visited Kyiv today. This is already the second visit of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to our capital since February 24.

The negotiations are positive. We discussed the situation on the frontline and ways to achieve our victory. I am grateful to Boris for his leadership in supporting Ukraine, including with weapons. I am also grateful that we equally perceive the need for unconditional protection of our state. We talked about security guarantees for Ukraine. When we define the parameters of these guarantees, they will determine the future of Ukrainians and all Europeans for generations to come.

In general, the week was maximally useful for Ukraine – in many areas. And I would also like to thank US President Biden today for increasing American support for Ukraine every week. And this week we have significant results on the front exactly due to the support of the United States.

I have just signed new decrees on awarding our heroes. 413 combatants were awarded state awards, 29 of them posthumously.

And finally. Today I can already announce this: we managed to liberate “Tayra”, Ukrainian paramedic Yulia Payevska, from captivity. I am grateful to everyone who worked for this result. "Tayra" is already home. We will keep working to liberate everyone.


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

I commend the positive European Commission Conclusion on Ukraine’s candidate status. It’s the 1st step on the EU membership path that’ll certainly bring our Victory closer. Grateful to Ursula von der Leyen and each EC member for a historic decision. I expect the positive result from EUCO next week.


President of Ukraine met with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in Kyiv for the second time during a full-scale war.

The Ukrainian Head of State noted that this was the second visit of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to Kyiv since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation.

According to the President of Ukraine, the talks were as substantive as possible, filled with important details. Among the key issues are bilateral relations and the overall situation in Europe and the world.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom for understanding the armed needs of our country.

Also, according to him, during the talks the parties touched upon the results of the third meeting in the Rammstein format, where Great Britain facilitated the interests of Ukraine.

In addition, the interlocutors discussed the need of our state for financial and economic support.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Boris Johnson raised the issue of increasing sanctions pressure on the Russian Federation.

In addition, he believes that Russia must bear responsibility for the food crisis it provoked and the food shortage on the world market, which arose due to the Russian blockade of Ukrainian ports.

The parties also continued to work out security guarantees for Ukraine, which can bring stability not only to our country, but also to Europe and the world.

For his part, Boris Johnson noted the heroism of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, their courage and bravery. He expressed understanding of the impossibility of any compromise between the Ukrainian people and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to him, Great Britain wants to provide Ukraine with strategic endurance, so it will strengthen the world diplomatic coalition in support of our state and work on strengthening sanctions against the regime of Vladimir Putin.

"I understand the need to continue financial support for Ukraine, to unblock grain exports that Putin has held hostage in an attempt to deprive the world of food," said Boris Johnson.

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom assured that his country is ready to continue providing weapons to Ukraine and organizing military training for its use.


            Prime Minister of Ukraine

On June 17, the Cabinet of Ministers has approved a resolution "On the termination of the Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Russian federation on visa-free travel", announced the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal.

"We are finally severing all ties with Russia. In order to counteract unprecedented threats to national security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state, the Government today, on the commission of the President of Ukraine, decided to terminate the agreement with Russia on visa-free travel," stressed Denys Shmyhal.

The Prime Minister noted that Russian citizens will not be eligible to travel or be admitted to Ukraine without a visa. The decision comes into force on July 1 this year.


The Government has approved a delegation to negotiate between Ukraine and the EU on participation in the Digital Europe Programme, told Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal.

The Head of Government noted that Digital Europe is a large-scale project worth EUR 7.5 billion, which finances research and programs in the field of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and digital skills. Partaking in the programme, according to the PM, will allow Ukraine to accelerate obtaining a visa-free regime in the digital sector with the EU.

"We want to be part of the Digital Europe, which will open up even more opportunities for our country and its citizens to develop and utilize the potential," emphasized Denys Shmyhal.

According to the Prime Minister, in 2021, Ukraine planned in 2-3 years Ukraine to sign 5 new visa-free regimes with the European Union: agreements in the sectors of energy, customs, transportation, digital market and trade conditions. Denys Shmyhal admits, we have almost fulfilled all the mentioned 5 visa-free regimes.

"Ukraine has received a visa-free regime in the energy domain in March. We disconnected from the energy systems of Russia and Belarus and became part of the European energy network ENSTO-E. We export electricity to Europe. The EU has abolished all quotas and duties on exports of Ukrainian products. This is tens of millions of dollars in savings for our business and additional opportunities to enter European markets," emphasized Denys Shmyhal.

Besides, Ukraine has agreed with the EU on visa-free regime, or the Agreement on the liberalization of road transport. According to the Prime Minister, this deal will help us to solve the problem of lack of permits for international transportation, which has existed for years: "This further removes barrier to trade with EU countries, improves logistics, price and speed of transportation for Ukrainian entrepreneurs".

Denys Shmyhal added the Cabinet of Ministers had endorsed and submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a bill that would allow the final introduction of visa-free regime in the customs sector. We are talking about acceding to the Common Transit Convention.

"Technically, we are prepared for a customs free visa regime to be concluded this summer," stressed the Head of Government.

The Prime Minister emphasized after obtaining candidate status, we will move just as quickly on other integration projects and reforms.


The Ministry of Finance 

Ukraine Received CAD 1 Billion from Canada

The State Budget of Ukraine received CAD 1 billion (USD 773 million) loan on concessional terms from Canada.

The funds were raised in accordance with the loan agreement between Ukraine and Canada. These are the first funds that Ukraine received through the mechanism of the administrated account of the International Monetary Fund. The loan maturity is 10 years, the interest rate is 1.69% per annum.

"I am grateful to the Government of Canada and personally to the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance of Canada Chrystia Freeland for the unwavering support for Ukraine in the fight for our freedom. This decision once again demonstrates Canada's leadership in supporting the Ukrainian people and crucial timeliness to help Ukraine", - said Minister of Finance Sergii Marchenko.

The funds will be directed to the state budget to finance priority expenditures, in particular to ensure priority social and humanitarian expenditures.

In April 2022, the International Monetary Fund decided to create an administrated account in the form of a share of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) from donor countries in favor of Ukraine. All funds raised through this account should be used to support Ukraine's financial stability in the form of grants or loans.

6/18/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 06/18/2022 - 10:15am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. U.S. Restraint Has Created an Unstable and Dangerous World by H. R. McMaster
3. Transcript of AP interview with President Joe Biden
4. The Myth of Ideological Polarization
5. America Must Not Forfeit Technology Dominance
6. With scant options in Ukraine, U.S. and allies prepare for long war
7. Russians Breached This City, Not With Troops, but Propaganda
8. How Ukraine Is Winning the Propaganda War
9. Opinion | Who Will Remember the Horrors of Ukraine?
10. Swedengate Was a Lesson in How Easily Misinformation Spreads
11. China’s Xi Jinping Could Knowingly Start a War Without Victory
12. Defending against disinformation (Canada)
13. Tainted Qatari Millions Are All Over Washington
14. Is the war in Ukraine creating a new world order?
15. Fujian: China's New Aircraft Carrier Is Important — But No Game-Changer
16. U.S. Must Counter Collective Nuclear Blackmail
17. Looking at the Ukraine War Through the Lens of the Korean War
18. Joe Biden's Blank Check Strategy Won't Help Ukraine Beat Russia
19. It looks like China did have access to U.S. TikTok user data
20. It's Not About Democracy
21. Opinion | Stunning Trump revelations raise fears of a dark, violent future
22. Opinion | White nationalists are getting bolder. Enforcement must, too.

Korean News Content:

1. Senate Passes Otto Warmbier North Korea Censorship and Surveillance Act
2. N. Korea remains unresponsive to US overtures: State Dept.
3.  ‘The Lazarus Heist’ Is the Gripping Story of North Korean Cybercrime (book review)
4. N. Korea's trade with China sharply drops on-month in May: data
5. S. Korea to actively use nuclear energy to reach carbon neutrality: PM
6. S. Korea verifying Russia's data on deaths of 4 volunteer fighters in Ukraine
7. North Korean COVID-19/Fever Data Tracker
8. Gov't Pushes Environmental Study of THAAD Base

6/17/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 06/17/2022 - 8:31am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. Netherlands says Russian spy caught seeking war crimes court internship
3. China launches third aircraft carrier, named after province opposite Taiwan
4. 3rd American veteran reported missing in Ukraine
5. FDD | Iran Further Inhibits IAEA Monitoring in Possible ‘Fatal Blow’ to the Nuclear Deal
6. Inside the US military’s modern ‘island hopping’ campaign to take on China
7. The Bay of Bengal Could Be the Key to a Free and Open Indo-Pacific
8. A Chinese Invasion of Taiwan Could Unleash an Economic Disaster
9. Preparing Army Leaders for Future War
10. Opinion | China’s military expansion is reaching a dangerous tipping point
11. How Ukraine Will Win – Kyiv’s Theory of Victory
12. Ukraine’s losses are China’s gains
13. Iran on the Nuclear Brink
14. Biden tries to climb down from Ukraine ledge
15. Biden ‘to stay the course’ in Ukraine
16. Trilateral – Not Quad – Is the Best Chance for Indo-Pacific Defense

Korean News Content:

1. N.K. leader's sister sends medicine to patients with new infectious disease: KCNA
2. U.S. Bombers on Standby for N.Korean Nuke Test
3. Seoul's top nuclear envoy meets senior U.S. officials to discuss N. Korea issue
4. Behind N. Korea's latest shakeup of officials in high-ranking positions
5. JCS chief visits southern Navy, Air Force units to inspect readiness
6. Yoon says U.N. Security Council should resolutely respond to N.K. provocations
7. S. Pyongan Province authorities forcibly mobilize street vendors to weed fields
8. Defense Ministry pushes for normalization of THAAD base in Seongju
9. South Korea's Yoon calls for coordinated U.N. response to North Korea's provocations - media
10. Australia and South Korea: Resetting Middle Power Ambitions
11. US conveyed concerns over N. Korean nuclear weapon test to China
12. As nuclear test looms, North Korea reports intestinal epidemic
13.  Here's Why Japan and South Korea Are Attending a NATO Summit
14. What To Do If North Korea Tests a Nuclear Weapon Again

6/16/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 06/16/2022 - 10:03am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. $1 Billion in Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine
3. More Than 50 Nations Pledge to Help Build Ukraine
4. One of President Zelenskyy's top advisers told NPR what Ukraine wants
5.  Ukraine finds itself outnumbered as Russia advances in the Donbas
6. American veterans in Ukraine tell NATO how to end Russian "slugfest"
7. The U.S. overestimated Russia’s military might. Is it underestimating China’s?
8. The Defense Production Act is helping rebuild the US industrial base. Let’s keep it that way.
9. Russia's growing Ukraine occupation partisan resistance problem
10. Retired Army generals join nonprofit which urges public to recommit to democracy: "This is as dangerous a time as we've seen in our lifetime"
11. Who is Deterring Whom? The Place of Nuclear Weapons in Modern War
12. How Russia telegraphed invasion of Ukraine in space and online
13. Nighttime U.S. Helicopter Raid Captures 'Senior Daesh Leader' In Syria
14. Opinion | The U.S. Is Losing Its Military Edge in Asia, and China Knows It
15. Latvian foreign minister says European leaders should not fear provoking Putin and must not push Ukraine to make concessions
16. Russia Might Try Reckless Cyber Attacks as Ukraine War Drags On, US Warns
17.  The UN continues Israel-bashing after Biden promised to stop it
18. What would a Chinese strategy of restraint look like?
19. Lawmakers order Army to create separate fitness standard for combat specialties
20. Why Do People Hate Realism So Much?
21.  The Consequences of Conquest​ - ​Why Indo-Pacific Power Hinges on Taiwan
22. U.S. veterans missing in Ukraine, feared captured, families say
23. Military postal system plans to end mail privileges for overseas military retirees
24. Learning the Wrong Lessons: The Blind Spots in the US Approach to Foreign Military Training
25. The future of global security will be decided in Ukraine
26. Broadening the Quad’s appeal in the Indo-Pacific
27. When the Army Stopped Serving Beer, American Beer Barons Bought a Round for Freedom
28. The Army is asking for a new $34M gun range at Fort Bragg; here's why
29. What the invasion of Ukraine has revealed about the nature of modern warfare
30. Werner Herzog's new novel is a story of the jungle and obsession and delusion

Korean News Content:

1. Satellite images may show North Korea is prepping for another nuclear test
2. Putin could inspire North Korea to launch war under tactical nuclear umbrella
3. Starvation becomes a side effect of North Korea’s struggle to contain COVID
4. S. Korea, U.S. come up with concrete ways to boost alliance: FM Park
5. Foreign ministry pushing for new bureau focused on science, technology diplomacy
6. USFK chief hosts farewell event for outgoing S. Korean JCS chair
7. New infectious disease outbreak reported in N. Korea; leader Kim sends medicine: KCNA
8. North Korean doctors in Laos ordered to pay ‘loyalty funds’ to Pyongyang
9.  Technical inspection of Nuri space rocket under way after canceled launch
10. U.S. will keep the pressure on N. Korea, says Blinken
11. ‘Not defection’: Authorities U-turn on South Korean man’s killing by North Korea
12. FM suggests holding ‘2+2’ ministerial summit with top US commerce chief
13. Pyongyang might be preparing for more than one nuke test
14. Korea, Japan inching back to intelligence-sharing pact
15. N. Korea orders universities nationwide to prevent students from traveling during summer break
16. Column: In dealing with North Korea, unpredictability is the norm
17. Inside ‘Pachinko’, The Apple TV+ Hit From Soo Hugh That Captured Hearts
18. No Progress on Name for New Presidential Office
19. North Korean defector: I am terrified of the 'massive indoctrination coming from the left' in public schools

6/15/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 06/15/2022 - 9:28am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2.  The New China Baseline: Washington Warms Up to Beijing’s Cold War By Matthew Pottinger
3. What the “Bad Guys” Teach Us About Contemporary Conflict—An Opinion Essay
4. Lack of Space National Guard Could Hurt Training, Recruiting
5. General Officer Announcement (Lt. Gen. Bryan P. Fenton)
6. ‘A huge lag time’: DoD struggles to rush cutting-edge tech to Ukraine
7. Ukrainians are putting paid messages on artillery rounds fired at Russian soldiers
8. Army advisors in Latin America told to behave as word of drinking, Tinder use and STDs grew
9. A Strategy for the Fence Sitters
10. Expedite arms deliveries to beleaguered democracies
11. Russia-Ukraine war: what we know on day 112 of the invasion
12. American Carrier Strike Groups in Philippine Sea Ahead of RIMPAC 2022
13.  Opinion | Biden’s Saudi Arabia Opportunity
14. Death of international law: Flouted by despots and weaponized against small nations
15. War in Ukraine Is Destabilizing the Middle East and North Africa
16. America’s ‘Midway Measures Trap’ May Doom Ukraine
17. China’s ‘non-war ops’ may target protests or Taiwan
18. The dollar is weak, not strong
19. In Denial About Denial: Why Ukraine’s Air Success Should Worry the West
20. 4 lessons China should take from Ukraine: Pentagon policy chief
21. Russia's Grand Strategy for Ukraine Takeover Unmet, Says DOD Official
22. Opinion | Five Blunt Truths About the War in Ukraine
23. Taiwan rejects Beijing's claim of sovereignty over U.S.-used waterway between island, China
24. Asymmetric Advantage or Achilles Heel: Logistics in the U.S. Military
25. How Russia Turned Its War Around
26. American veterans in Ukraine tell NATO how to end Russian "slugfest"

Korean News Content:

1. U.S., S. Korea agree to place top priority on N. Korea issue: FM Park
2. Unification minister vows consistent N.K. policy, marking key summit anniv.
3.  Korean Peninsula Tensions Escalate Amid a Return to Old School Policies
4. Deterrence and Assurance on the Korean Peninsula
5. Biden should return to ‘maximum pressure’ on North Korea
6. N. Korea slams U.S.-led security pacts, upcoming RIMPAC exercise as tools for hegemony
7. What’s in a Tripwire: The Post-Cold War Transformation of the US Military Presence in Korea
8. North Korean COVID-19/Fever Data Tracker
9. N. Korea's suspected COVID-19 cases drop below 30,000: state media
10.  South Korea seeks to establish North Korean human rights foundation
11. Rocket Nuri launch indefinitely postponed due to technical glitch
12.  Diplomatic thaw needed to Korea-Japan military agreement back on track: experts
13. US hasn’t finalized adjustments to military posture against N. Korean threats: Pentagon
14. Pulling US troops out of Korea was Trump's second-term priority, Esper's memoir reveals
15. US extends North Korea national emergency declaration
16. Denying the Refugee: a Comparative Analysis of China and the EU’s Use of the Term “Economic Migrant”
17. US, South Korea Prepare for Contingencies of North Korea's Imminent Nuclear Test

6/14/22National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 06/14/2022 - 10:21am

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National Security News Content:

2. As China Rattles Sabers, Taiwan Asks: Are We Ready for War?
3. Taiwan: Are the US and China heading to war over the island?
4. The battle of Donbas could prove decisive in Ukraine war
5. Airmen cleared of wrongdoing in deaths of Afghans who mobbed C-17 during Kabul evacuation
6. US Army to double cyber corps strength as focus shifts from counterinsurgency
7. Army secretary on combating military sexual assault: "Every leader at every level is focused on this"
8. China’s Crisis of Confidence
9. What Erdoğan Has Wrought?
10. US Defense Secretary Austin meets Thai leader to boost ties
11. Austin Impressed by Partnership and Professionalism Exhibited by U.S. Unit in Thailand
12. Geospatial Support for Atrocity Accountability Act
13. China 'will fight to the very end' over Taiwan: Chinese defense minister
14. There Is No Military Path for Ukraine To 'Defeat' Russia
15. Divisions in the west threaten Ukraine
16. Why War Fails
17. DC shifts to damage control as Ukraine defense fades
18. Kishida Vision for Peace: Japan’s Global Leadership Gambit
19. Biden must own the Ukraine war’s endgame
20. The Army Risks Reasoning Backwards in Analyzing Ukraine
21. From Complicated to Complex: The Changing Context of War
​22. A Measure of American Decline​
23. The future of US security depends on owning the ‘gray zone.’ Biden must get it right.
24. Ukraine Will Survive and the US is Preparing to Arm it for Years, Says Pentagon’s Hicks
25. US is building ‘exclusive’ club to confront, contain China
26. President Zelensky: Tell people in the occupied territories that the Ukrainian army will come
27. China’s ‘Particle Beam Cannon’ Is a Nuclear-Power Breakthrough

Korean News Content:

​1. Blinken says US is prepared to make adjustments to military posture in response to North Korea
2. N. Korea ready to conduct nuclear test any time: ministry
3. Pyongyang estimated to have 20 nuclear warheads
4. Latest B-1 Bomber Task Force Deployed to Guam Hones Coordination With Allies
5. Presidential office to be called 'Yongsan Presidential Office' for now
6. S. Korea cautious about whether N. Korea's replacement of top diplomat heralds policy change
7. S. Korea's new COVID-19 cases rebound to near 10,000, deaths drop to 9-month low
8. Yoon’s election a strategic boon for Biden
9. Seoul, Washington, Tokyo plan missile-tracking exercises in Aug.
10. Seoul, Washington are stressing extended deterrence again
11. As North Korean missiles fly, Seoul signals need to revitalize intel pact with Tokyo
12. N. Korean nuclear test will be met by united, firm response from U.S., S. Korea: ministers
13. Yanggang Province calls on security and police officials to help resolve food shortages
14. US to keep up North Korea pressure; Seoul urges China to use influence
15. North Korea plans crackdown as Kim pushes for internal unity
16. Biden hopes to "work together" with Xi on North Korea amid U.S.-China feud

6/13/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 06/13/2022 - 6:25am

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National Security News Content:

2. ‘PLA will continue to harass aircraft operating in international airspace’
3. US president confirms deployment of troops in Yemen
4. The Google engineer who thinks the company’s AI has come to life
5. Read the conversations that helped convince a Google engineer an artificial intelligence chatbot had become sentient
6. Ukraine’s leader says his troops keep defying predictions
7. In Kherson, misery under Russian occupation, hope over Ukrainian gains
8. Zelensky Wants Asia to Stop Enabling Putin’s War
9. 'They're Wiping Us From Earth': Evading Russian Artillery With a Ukrainian Military Unit
10. John Allen Resigns as President of Brookings Institution Amid Qatar Controversy
11. World headed for new era of nuclear rearmament: SIPRI
12. Biden chooses ‘lesser of two evils’ in navigating tough foreign policy
13.  Spirits of the Past: The Role of History in the Russo-Ukraine War by Sir Lawrence Freedman (MUST READ)
14. China says its new nuclear weapons are only for self-defense
15. China Alarms US With Private Warnings to Avoid Taiwan Strait
16. Former special operations soldier returns to Iraq — but this time with her Harvard master's degrees
17. China More Vulnerable Than US in Supply Chains: Analysts
18. Photos: Can M777 Artillery Help Ukraine Defeat Russia?
19. Big boys playing dress up
20. The Real End of Pax Americana
21. The Evolving Political-Military Aims in the War in Ukraine After 100 Days
22. Pockets of Sunflower Seeds: Civil Resistance in Ukraine

Korean News Content:

1. Presidential office holds security meeting amid N.K. artillery shots
2. N. Korean leader urges officials to wage battle against 'unrevolutionary act'
3. [INTERVIEW] Anti-leaflet law, clear violation of UN treaty, must be revoked: rights expert
4. Kim Jong Un threatens ‘Fight against Enemy’
5. DPRK leader underlines need for stronger self-defense measures
6. ​​North Korea Reportedly Test-Fired Artillery Pieces Into Ocean On Sunday
7. North revives 'confrontational struggle' language at meeting
8. North Korea tries to cheer people up by ordering police to start being nice
9. North Korea makes school uniforms in inter-Korean industrial zone without permission
10. A look into N. Korea’s COVID-19 situation…The elderly and young are dying
11. Final preparations under way for 2nd launch of S. Korean space rocket
12.  N. Korean leader urges officials to wage battle against power abuse, bureaucratism
13.  North Korean COVID-19/Fever Data Tracker
​14. ​Yoon defends watching movie on day N.K. fired artillery shots
15. Nuke test may be a 'political decision' away, says top envoy
16. N. Korea launches surprise inspections of navy and air force units
17.  N. Korea distributes lecture material calling for all-out focus on "weeding fields"
18.  North's artillery fire wasn't reported for hours
19. 'North Korea's reshuffle signals preparation for dialogue'
​20. ​Why is New Zealand’s defence minister visiting South Korea?

6/12/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 06/12/2022 - 11:44am

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National Security News Content:

2. Opinion | Zelensky calls for international support for Taiwan before China attacks
3. China accuses US of trying to 'hijack' support in Asia
4. US defense chief says China muscling neighbors, plundering resources in Pacific
5. Ukraine's teen drone hero "happy that we destroyed someone"
6. Give Ukraine a Chance to Win
7. Integrated Air and Missile Defense: Early Lessons from the Russia-Ukraine War
8. China launched the world's first AI-operated 'mother ship,' an unmanned carrier capable of launching dozens of drones
9. US, China Defense Ministers Hold First Meeting
10. Chinese defence chief says it is up to U.S. to improve bilateral ties
​11. ​Behind Nato’s defensive ‘shield’ lies weakness and division. Ukraine will pay the price
​12. ​A case study in American propaganda - Responsible Statecraft
​13. ​Bringing Justice Home: Dispatches from the ISIS ‘Beatles’ Trial
14. The Russian invasion has clear implications for the US Army
15. Nicaragua authorizes entry of Russian troops, planes, ships
16. How China Hacked US Phone Networks
17. Proxy war or not, Ukraine shows why moral hazards matter
18. 10th Mountain Commander Says Leaders Need to Leave Soldiers Alone After Hours
19. Guns aren’t going away. What if we treated gun violence that way?
20. Trump’s Air Force One Deal Pains the Pentagon, Not Just Boeing

Korean News Content:

1. United States-Japan-Republic of Korea Trilateral Ministerial Meeting (TMM) Joint Press Statement
2. North Korea's New Foreign Minister: A 'Very Familiar' Face in DC
3. Seoul to 'dramatically' boost defense amid fears over North Korea's nuclear plans
4. North Korea’s Belated Effort to Import COVID-19 Medical Supplies
5. S. Korea's new COVID-19 cases below 10,000 for 3rd day
6. N. Korea's suspected COVID-19 cases close to 40,000: state media
7. S. Korea to 'normalize' security cooperation with Japan to address N.K. threats: minister
8. N. Korea fires presumed artillery shots: S. Korean military
9. Who Is Choe Son-Hui ? First Female Foreign Minister of North Korea
10.  North Korea slams Seoul’s part in massive US-led RIMPAC naval exercise
​11. ​In first, Japan, U.S. and South Korea stress importance of 'peace and stability' in Taiwan Strait
12. China calls for more goodwill on peninsula
13. N. Korean leader extends full support to Putin amid war in Ukraine
​14. PACAF Highlights Strong ‘Trilateral’ Response to North Korea Missile Tests
​15. ​North Korea's leader defends arms buildup during party meeting
​16. ​Chinese fishing boat seized for alleged illegal fishing in S. Korean waters

6/11/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 06/11/2022 - 11:49am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:
2. Ukrainian special-operations forces doubled in size while training with the US, top US special-ops commander says
3. How the Marine Corps went to war with itself over the next war
4. US: China's military activity around Taiwan threatens region
5. The Potential of Integrating Intelligence and Intuition
6. FDD | Hungary’s Orban Is Hardly a Model for American Conservatives
7. Ukraine pleads for weapons as 100-200 soldiers die a day
8. Communism Still Haunts Russia
9. Japanese PM Kishida Lays Out Indo-Pacific Strategy in Shangri-La Speech
10. Bizarre Drone Swarms That Harassed Navy Ships Demystified In New Docs
11. Inflation is at historic highs, but Americans are spending money like they don’t care
12. Lloyd Austin warns China against ‘provocative’ military activity near Taiwan
13. Japan Resets on Defense
14. Putin admits Ukraine invasion is an imperial war to “return” Russian land
15. Life under Russia’s brutal occupation in eastern Ukraine: ‘You can be shot at any moment’
16. Congress targets Harvard, Yale and top universities with China-linked endowments

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea names Choe Son-hui as new foreign minister in decision from party meeting
2. North Korea appoints nuclear negotiator as first woman foreign minister
3. S. Korea, U.S., Japan agree to ramp up joint efforts to counter N.K. missile threats
4. Stop Dawdling—Name a Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights
5. Readout of Secretary Lloyd Austin’s Meeting With Republic of Korea Minister of National Defense Lee Jong-sup
6.  N. Korean leader urges stronger national defense; no new direct message toward U.S., S. Korea
7. Fifth Enlarged Plenary Meeting of Eighth WPK Central Committee Held
8. Austin stresses push for stronger 'extended deterrence' against N.K. nuke, missile threats
9.  S. Korea, U.S., Japan discuss combined military exercises amid N.K. threats
10. S. Korean defense minster meets senior Ukrainian diplomat in Singapore
11. S. Korea to actively consider economic support for Ukraine
12. Biden's mounting nuclear threats from North Korea, Iran