Small Wars Journal

6/3/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 06/03/2022 - 8:43am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: June
3. US Army Delays Doctrine Release to Incorporate Lessons from Ukraine
4. Kremlin’s Other Special Operation Seeks To Get Western Elites To Desert Ukraine – OpEd
5. More Military Education Should Be Like the ‘Strategic Thinkers Program’
6. After 100 days of war, Putin is counting on the world's indifference
7. Palantir’s Karp is first western CEO to visit Zelenskyy amid invasion
8. U.S. updates fact sheet, again, says does not support Taiwan independence
9. TN four-star General Carl Stiner, a pillar of U.S. Special Forces, dead at 85
10. US to China: We're hosting world's largest naval exercise, in Pacific
11. Russian Pacific fleet begins week-long exercises with more than 40 vessels -Russian agencies
12. EXPLAINER: At 100 days, Russia-Ukraine war by the numbers
13. Exclusive: Putin treated for cancer in April, U.S. intelligence report says
14. FDD | China’s Multilateral March Continues
15.  FDD | Israeli-Saudi Deal Over Two Islands Is a Step Toward Peace
16. The U.N. Nuclear Watchdog Must Censure Iran
17. The Long Arm of Authoritarianism
18. Weighing America’s ‘repivot’ away from Asia
19. Workforce Development Agenda for the National Cyber Director - CSC 2.0
20. Inside the White House's struggle to get Joe Biden to matter: 'Why are we doing this?'
21. FDD | Hamas as Tehran's Agent

Korean News Content:

1. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: June - KOREA
2.​ U.S. to adjust military posture against N. Korea's provocation: envoy​
3.​ S. Korea, U.S., Japan to hold vice ministerial meeting in Seoul next week​
4.​ Swearing-in ceremony for new U.S. ambassador to S. Korea held​
5.​ Outrage as North Korea takes helm of world disarmament body​
6.​ N. Korea has done more than any other nation to undermine nonproliferation regime: State Dept. ​
7.​ Kim Jong Un Congratulates Queen Elizabeth After Exchange of Letters​
8.​ <Inside N. Korea> Facing the spread of starvation, N. Korean authorities distribute food for free in some urban areas​
9.​ Rural North Koreans turn to deer blood, counterfeits as COVID meds go to Pyongyang​
10.​ New sanctions against North Korea are a hard lift, so US needs a Plan B, experts say.
11. ​Around 20 residents of South Hwanghae Province die due to starvation
12. N. Korea warns that a major crisis point in the COVID-19 outbreak could come in June or July
13. Making sense of North Korea’s covid mystery — and its menace
14. Beijing and Washington Need a Joint Plan for North Korea’s COVID-19 Disaster
15. Why some South Koreans want their own nuclear bomb
16. North Korea set for nuclear test, says US official

Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: June

Thu, 06/02/2022 - 8:32pm
Access the Foreign Policy tracker HERE.


June 2, 2022 | FDD Tracker: May 3, 2022-June 2, 2022

FDD | Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: June

Trend Overview

Edited by David Adesnik and John Hardie

Welcome back to the Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker. Once a month, we ask FDD’s experts and scholars to assess the administration’s foreign policy. They provide trendlines of very positive, positive, neutral, negative, or very negative for the areas they watch.

Bipartisan majorities in Congress approved a $40 billion assistance package for Ukraine and regional security, while President Joe Biden welcomed Finland’s and Sweden’s bids to join NATO.

Biden made his first trip to Asia, where he met with democratic allies but still did not lay out a clear policy toward China. Rather, Biden made an unexpected pledge to defend Taiwan from Chinese aggression, which White House staff swiftly retracted. While struggling to contain COVID-19 outbreaks at home, Beijing won election to the Executive Board of the World Health Organization despite China’s perennial obstruction of pandemic-related investigations. The agency’s member states also rewarded Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus with a second five-year term despite his deference to Beijing, challenging Biden’s strategy of reforming multilateral organizations via deeper engagement.

The president’s campaign to revive the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran also stalled, apparently because Tehran continued to demand that Biden lift the designation of its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. Meanwhile, North Korea launched three ballistic missiles amid signs of activity at one of its nuclear test sites.

Please check back with us in 30 days to see if the administration has laid out a clear path for dealing with China, Iran, and North Korea while continuing to oppose the Kremlin’s aggression.

6/2/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 06/02/2022 - 8:58am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Ukraine SITREP 6/1/22
3. Documents Reveal Hundreds of Russian Troops Broke Ranks Over Ukraine Orders
4. U.K. seeks U.S. approval to send rocket systems to Ukraine
5. Phoenix Ghosts are part drones, part missiles. How does that change combat?
6. US military hackers conducting offensive operations in support of Ukraine, says head of Cyber Command
7. Why the Office of War Information Still Matters
8. The Human Element: The Other Half of Warfare
9. The Marine Corps’ debate with its generals is amusing, but dangerous
10. Never Underestimate Ukrainians
11.  Army prepares for its first-ever Patriot missile exercise on Palau this summer
12. Russia tightens grip on Ukrainian factory city, decries U.S. rocket supplies
13. Kremlin accuses U.S. of "deliberately" heating up Ukraine war
14. How Lessons from Afghanistan are playing out in Ukraine
15. Do Targeted Strikes Work? The Lessons of Two Decades of Drone Warfare
16. Not Built for Purpose: The Russian Military’s Ill-Fated Force Design
17. US military may need innovation overhaul to fight future wars, Milley says
18. U.S., Taiwan to launch trade talks after island excluded from Indo-Pacific group
19. Laydown of US troops in Europe will depend on how Ukraine war ends
20. FBI director blames Iran for 'despicable' attempted cyberattack on Boston Children's Hospital
21. Biden’s pledge to send rocket systems to Ukraine is no silver bullet
22. FDD | Enlist Quad, France to take China on in the South Pacific
23. FDD | The War in Ukraine and the Western Balkans
24. Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Stavridis: Zelenskyy beats Putin on military calculus
25. Western Support for Ukraine Has Peaked
26. Putin World Descends Into Fury Over New U.S. Rocket Delivery

Korean News Content:

1.​ S. Korea, China hold high-level phone talks on N. Korea, bilateral ties​
2. Canada says Chinese warplanes harassed its patrol aircraft on N.Korea sanctions mission
3. S. Korea to scrutinize N. Korea's message from upcoming party meeting
4. Growing security threat from North Korea: Korea Herald
5. N. Korea's new suspected COVID-19 cases under 100,000 for 3rd day
6. North Korea: The mystery of its Covid outbreak
7. Is this the stupidest thing the UN has ever done?
8. Blinken highlights need to work with China on global issues including N. Korea
9. NATO invites Yoon Suk-yeol as it looks beyond Europe
10. Cybersecurity emerges as top priority
11. North Korea’s virus outbreak ‘getting worse, not better,’ WHO says
12. Warning over NK nuke threat after Kim Jong-un's crypto hackers target US
13. Whither Korea?
14. Ruling party wins resounding victory in local elections
15. Yoon likely to visit Spain for first overseas trip
16. Yoon's agenda gets boost from ruling party's sweeping triumph in local elections

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN June 1, 6.00 pm EST

Wed, 06/01/2022 - 7:15pm


Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



June 1, 6.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the Russian forces from 24.02 to 01.06:

personnel ‒ about 30700 (+200) killed

tanks ‒ 1361 (+3)

APV ‒ 3343 (+41)

artillery systems – 659 (+10)

MLRS ‒ 207 (+0)

Anti-aircraft warfare systems ‒ 94 (+1)

aircraft – 208 (+0)

helicopters – 175 (+1)

UAV operational-tactical level ‒ 519 (+4)

cruise missiles ‒ 120 (+0)

warships / boats ‒ 13 (+0)

vehicles and fuel tankers ‒ 2290 (+15)

special equipment ‒ 49 (+1)

The ninety-eighth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

In the Volyn and Polissya directions, units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus continue to perform tasks to strengthen the protection of the Ukrainian-Belarusian border in the Brest and Gomel regions. Measures are being taken to check the combat readiness of certain units and military units.

In the Siversky direction, Russian enemy units are conducting engineering equipment of positions in the areas of some settlements of the Bryansk region, at a distance of about 3 km from the State Border of Ukraine.

Russian aggressor fired a Su-35 missile at Bilopillya, Sumy oblast. Artillery fire damaged in the area of ​​the settlement of Seredyna-Buda, Sumy oblast.

In the Slobozhansky direction, Russian enemy continued to focus its efforts on maintaining its positions and conducting reconnaissance.

In the Kharkiv direction, Russian enemy fired from barrel and jet artillery at the settlements of Oleksandrivka, Slatyne, and Tsyrkuny. It struck by helicopters of the army aircraft in the areas of the settlements of Vesele and Ternov.

In the Slovyansk direction, Russian enemy regrouped its troops. As a result of the losses, in the Dovhenkyi district it took some units to the city of Izyum for reconstruction. In order to strengthen the protection and defence of logistics routes, it strengthened the group in the village of Kupyansk by moving the battalion tactical group. It conducted reconnaissance of the positions of our troops with the help of the Orlan-10 UAV in the areas of Izyum, Pervomaisky and Velyka Komyshuvakha.

In the Donetsk direction, Russian aggressor's units, with the support of the air force, are focusing their efforts on conducting offensive operations.

In order to inflict losses and deplete the personnel of our troops, Russian enemy fires along the line of contact.

In the Siversky direction, Russian enemy did not take active action, and no signs of the formation of strike groups were found. In order to demonstrate the presence and restraint of units of the Defense Forces, the enemy continues to maintain units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the border areas of the Bryansk and Kursk regions.

From the territory of the Kursk region, Russian enemy fired artillery at units of the Defense Forces in the areas of the settlements of Bilopillya and Stukalivka, Sumy oblast.

In the Kharkiv direction, the main efforts of Russian enemy are focused on maintaining the occupied borders and restraining the advance of our troops. In order to reduce the offensive potential of our troops, the enemy fires at the positions of the Defense Forces with barrel and jet artillery in the areas of the settlements of Ruski Tyshky, Zolochiv, and Derhachi.

In the Slovyansk direction, Russian enemy fired artillery at our units in the areas of Svyatohirsk and Ridne. It led the offensive in the direction of Dovhenky and Dibrivny, suffered losses, and withdrew.

In the Donetsk direction, Russian enemy launched airstrikes with operational and tactical aircraft in the areas of Avdiivka, New York, Novoselivka, Shcherbakiv, and army aircraft - near the settlements of Rota, Pokrovske, and Novoselivka.

In the Sievierodonetsk direction, the enemy is conducting assault operations in the settlement of Severodonetsk, has partial success, and has established control over the eastern part of the city.

In the Bakhmut direction, Russian enemy is attacking the village of Komyshuvakha, without success.

Russian occupiers did not conduct active hostilities in the Avdiivka, Kurakhiv, Novopavliv, and Zaporizhzhia areas.

In the South Buh direction, Russian enemy continues to equip the positions and frontiers. Conducted air reconnaissance in the settlements of Ivanivka, Lepetykha, and Zelenodolsk.

The enemy increased the intensity of fire damage to our troops with mortars and artillery in the areas of the settlements of Snihurivka, Vysokopillya, and Zolota Balka. Continued shelling of objects of civil infrastructure and residential quarters shelled the city of Mykolayiv.

In the Bessarabian direction, no significant changes in the activities of enemy units are observed.

In the temporarily occupied territories, the enemy continues to take measures to restrict the rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens, restrict movement, carry out filtering measures and deepen the humanitarian crisis in these territories. Russian servicemen rob civilians. In some settlements, the enemy organizes the restoration of damaged military equipment at the facilities of local enterprises. Thus, the repair of military equipment was found in the city of Berislav in the Berislav Machine-Building Plant.

Russian occupiers blocked access of Ukrainian residents to Ukrainian mobile operators and the Internet in almost the entire temporarily occupied territory.

from mortars, artillery and multiple rocket launchers. Repaired the railway bridge crossing in the area of ​​the settlement of Kupyansk to restore the logistics supply of the railway branch Kupyansk - Lyman.

In the Lyman direction, the enemy reinforced units and regrouped them. With the support of Ka-52 helicopters, the offensive is in the direction of the Lyman -Stary Karavan, the fighting continues.

In the Sievierodonetsk direction, aggressor carried out assault operations in the northern, southern and eastern districts of the city of Severodonetsk.

In the Bakhmut direction, the enemy is trying to oust units of our troops from their positions in the Belogorovka and Vrubivka districts. It used assault and army aircraft in the settlements of Komyshuvakha, Berestov and Nyrkove.

In the Zaporozhzhia direction, the enemy carried out engineering work to improve the fortifications of the second line of defense. He relocated to the area of ​​Vasylivka settlement to the T-62 tank battalion and to the motorized rifle battalion.

In the Avdiivka, Kurakhivka and Novopavlivka directions, the enemy holds its occupied positions, inflicting fire damage with mortars and artillery.

In the South Buh direction, Russian enemy's main efforts are focused on maintaining the occupied positions and creating additional lines of defense. In the areas of the settlements of Mykolayivka, Novopavlivske and Shyroke, it carried out massive shelling from multiple rocket launchers, artillery and mortars.

In the waters of the Black and Azov Seas, ships of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian federation continue to perform tasks to isolate the area of ​​hostilities and blockade shipping.

The storm tore from the anchor 2 enemy naval mines. One was carried by the waves to the shores of Odesa, where it was neutralized by specialists of the Navy subversive team, the other was blown up by our soldiers just at sea.

One carrier of naval-based cruise missiles of the "Caliber" type is ready to use missile weapons in the Black Sea.

In the past 24hrs, nine enemy attacks have been repulsed in Donetsk and Luhansk, two tanks, thirteen artillery systems, eight armored fighting vehicles and six enemy vehicles have been destroyed. In the South, in the Kherson and Mykolaiv oblasts, the losses of the Russian occupiers, in addition to military equipment, amounted to about seventy people.


Minister of Defence of Ukraine

Oleksii Reznikov address to Ukrainians.

Today is 1 June, but many of us feel like it’s 24 February.

Wherever each of us may be, mentally we are still in Kharkiv, Luhansk and Donetsk regions. With our hearts and minds, we are with Kherson, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia regions and Crimea.

“How are our Ukrainians doing out there?” – this is the main question that remains in constant focus. How are those who heroically defend Ukraine from the russian invasion? How are those who, sadly, are now in captivity or on temporary occupied territories?

The battle for Donbas and our other territories continues. Ahead of us lies the de-occupation of all our lands according to internationally recognized Ukrainian borders. Difficult stages of liberation of our boys and girls from captivity, as well as the return of Ukrainian citizens forcibly deported to russia lie ahead.

We are working on this all together: President of Ukraine, Presidential Office, members of Government, our diplomats, intelligence, military command, and soldiers on the ground. It is a difficult path. But we will make it.

For a long time now, the Ministry of Defence’s efforts have been focused as much as possible on ensuring that the needs of Ukraine’s defense forces are perceived as one’s own in Europe and beyond.

On Sunday, I had the honor to address the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and take part in the discussion. Apart from traditional emphasis on the fact that Ukraine needs heavy weaponry quickly and in sufficient quantity, I proposed the members of the Assembly (who also represent the parliaments of their states) to take three things into account.

First. The actions of the Russian authorities are openly criminal and terrorist in nature. The Kremlin is committing a crime of genocide against Ukrainian people. At the same time, Russia is trying to terrorize the world by the threat of a global food crisis. This is state terrorism, and this is exactly how it should be perceived in every country of the free world. With corresponding consequences for criminals.

Second. Russia is investing huge resources into fake news, speculating on problems it creates on its own. I call upon parliamentarians to take the lead in explaining to their citizens what the kremlin regime does to Europe. Talks about “fatigue” from Ukraine and the war, which russian leaders are trying to spark artificially, and objective complications will disappear only when the cause – russian aggression – will be eliminated.

Third. There is no point in pushing Ukraine to make decisions on surrendering its own territory for the temporary appeasement of moscow. This will only increase the aggressor’s appetites. Moreover, such measures will not be accepted neither by the Ukrainian government, nor by the Ukrainian people. Someone who wants to stop the war this way will get the exact opposite result. The war will come directly to the NATO and EU borders. Russian propagandists directly controlled by the kremlin are already saying on air that it is time for russia to “demilitarize” not only Ukraine but the entire NATO. That is, we hear direct threats to the safety of the whole world. There will be millions of new refugees and hundreds of billions of new financial losses for Europe.

In its final declaration in support of Ukraine, the Assembly inter alia noted the following important things.

First of all, it was recognized that through its aggression against Ukraine, russia seeks not only to destroy Ukrainian democracy, but also intimidate other sovereign and democratic countries, and hence undermine the values fundamental to the NATO and the whole democratic, civilized and peaceful world.

Furthermore, Assembly members stated that Moscow actions created a new strategic reality, and that the Alliance’s allies and partners should immediately find solutions, including long-term ones.

In this context, the NATO Summit in Madrid will be of paramount importance. It is where the adoption of the NATO Strategic Concept 2030 is expected. I drew the attention of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly to the fact that this Concept would be weak from the very beginning, if it fails to designate a clear place for Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. Among other things, this may encourage other actors that view armed aggression against an independent state as means for achieving their goals.

In the end of the month, we will see the results. Meanwhile, we are continuing intensive dialogue with our partners on the bilateral level.

Yesterday I had a very meaningful conversation with a great friend of Ukraine, the US Secretary of Defense Mr. Lloyd Austin III. We are anticipating a new portion of good news soon thanks to the remarkable leadership of the United States in supporting Ukraine’s fight against the russian invasion.

I also spoke with my colleague, the Minister of National Defence of Canada Mrs. Anita Anand. I highly value the efforts of the Minister in everything she does for Ukraine. We have a special relationship with Canada and feel their genuine support.

Before that, I had spoken with the Minister of National Defence of Portugal, Prof. Helena Carreiras. We greatly appreciate Lisbon’s support, their concrete and necessary steps that will increase our capacity to resist the kremlin.

Today we expect good news from Poland. Our delegation from the Ministry of Defence is finishing its work. We will announce the details soon.

In total, we calculated that in May there were 30 official international events, not counting dozens of working contacts. The key event in May was the second meeting of the Coordination and Advisory Group for Assistance to Ukraine in the Ramstein format. In two weeks, we will discuss the progress on our third meeting.

The results of these communications are already working at the front lines or are on the move to Ukraine.

Ukraine is currently going through a critical phase of the war. We have extremely bloody battles on the East. We lack heavy weaponry to push back the enemy. That is why we are not stopping, even for a minute.

However, every day of resistance strengthens the confidence that Ukraine will endure and certainly win.



President of Ukraine

Address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Ukrainians

Every year on June 1 we celebrate Children's Day. A special day when adults pay special attention to the rights of children, safety and development of our kids. But since February 24, everything has changed in our country. And literally every day now is a day of protection for us. Protection of all our people, children, our future. Protection of a free country where every child can, when he or she grows up, live the life he or she wants. Without coercion and oppression.

Everyone sees what Russia brings to Ukraine and what it wants to bring to other European countries. Total contempt for individuals, for entire nations. The Russian state despises even its own citizens so much that they do not understand the value of human life at all. Russian soldiers kill and die themselves as if they were not people, but just dust. Dust under the feet of the owners of Russia.

The principles of our life are completely different. And although life has changed with the onset of wartime, our principles remain the same. Every person matters. This is the main thing that distinguishes us from the occupiers.

During the 98 days of the Russian invasion, 689 children were injured as a result of the occupiers' attacks. And these are only those we know about. We do not yet have all the information from the territory that is currently occupied. But from what is known today - 446 children were injured, 243 children died. 139 went missing.

It is said that human consciousness does not perceive large numbers. The larger the number, the harder it is for a person to realize what is behind it. Destroyed families. Little personalities who did not even have time to see what life is like.

Like little Denys from the Zhytomyr region, from the village of Malynivka, who died with his whole family when a Russian plane dropped bombs on the village. Denys was less than two years old.

Like Stepan from the village of Novi Petrivtsi, Kyiv region. He was less than three years old when a Russian shell hit the yard. The kid was fatally wounded.

Like Anya from Bucha, Kyiv region, she was 14 years old. She was killed when the Russian military fired at a minibus on the road. People were just trying to escape. Anya was in that car with her mother and grandmother. They all died.

Polina, she was not even two years old. A Russian tank fired at a house in Borodyanka. An ordinary house. Direct hit. Polina died.

Arina, Mykolaiv region. On March 5, she received shrapnel wounds as a result of artillery shelling, the occupiers hit the usual residential sector. She died at the hospital. Now, in June, Arina could be 4 years old.

Svyatoslav from Odesa, he was 15 years old. He was killed by a Russian missile strike at a dormitory. It happened on May 2. His body was retrieved from the rubble of the house.

Alisa from Okhtyrka, Sumy region. 7-year-old kid. She died on the second day of a full-scale war as a result of Russian artillery shelling. The occupiers simply fired at the houses.

Mykyta from the city of Izyum, Kharkiv region. He was 3 years old. On the night of March 3, he was killed by a Russian air strike at the city. A total of nine people died that night.

Two sisters - Varvara and Polina from Mariupol. Varvara was 14 years old and Polina was 11. They died as a result of the Russian shelling of an apartment building.

I have named only ten children from the list of two hundred and forty-three. And it's not just numbers. Each line is a separate world that was destroyed by the Russian army.

In this list there are those about whom nothing is known at all, even the name... 243 children! Eternal memory to everyone whose life was taken away by the Russian war against us, against Ukrainians, against Ukraine.

About 12 million of our citizens have been forced to flee their homes due to the war. More than 5 million went abroad. And the vast majority of them are women with children. We will do everything so that they can return home to Ukraine.

Russia is also pursuing a consistent criminal policy of deporting our people. Forcibly deports both adults and children. This is one of Russia's most heinous war crimes. In total, more than 200,000 Ukrainian children have been deported so far. These are orphans from orphanages. Children with parents. Children separated from their families.

The Russian state disperses these people on its territory, settles our citizens, in particular, in remote regions. The purpose of this criminal policy is not just to steal people, but to make deportees forget about Ukraine and not be able to return.

But we must find a solution to this challenge as well. And ensure that all those who killed, tortured or deported Ukrainians are held accountable.

The inevitability of punishment is a principle that Ukraine will definitely teach Russia. But first of all, we must teach it on the battlefield that Ukraine will not be conquered, that our people will not surrender, and our children will not become the property of the occupiers.

Today I signed two new decrees on awarding our heroes. 380 combatants were awarded. In total, since the beginning of the full-scale war, 17 thousand 86 defenders of Ukraine have received orders and other awards.

Thanks to all those who defend our state, our people, our children, We can be sure that Ukraine has everything, and has a future.


On the International Children's Day, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy took part in a meeting of the Council on Issues Related to the Life and Safety of Children in Wartime and Postwar chaired by Andriy Yermak, Head of the Office of the President.

During the event, the President spoke in a video conference format with Ukrainian children temporarily staying in the Republic of Poland and with students of Drohobych Lyceum, among whom were residents of different regions of Ukraine.

The main topic of the Council’s meeting was the development of a clear mechanism for recording the crimes of forced deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia and the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, identification of deported children in order to return them.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy was informed that as of today, 234,000 young Ukrainians have crossed the border with Russia, 4,795 children among them are identified.

The Council is also working on the concept of the information and communication portal "Children of War", which will publish daily information on how many children died and were injured as a result of hostilities in Ukraine. In addition, there will be information about the search for children from the National Police of Ukraine, the data of children who were deported to Russia. On this portal you can apply for a search for a child who is lost or deported, as well as submit information about other crimes against children.


Speech by Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak at a meeting of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence of the Irish Parliament

For three months now, we have been resisting one of the world's largest armies.

Ireland was among those states that extended a helping hand to Ukraine in the first hours of the full-scale Russian invasion. We are very grateful to the people and Government of Ireland for their support, for the immediate abolition of visas and for the creation of the most favorable conditions for refugees from Ukraine. We are also thankful for the consistent position that the Republic of Ireland has taken throughout the eight years of Russian aggression against Ukraine on the need to comply with international law and non-recognition of the annexation of illegally occupied territories of our country.

In these eight years, the world has failed to stop Russia. It failed to restrain its imperial intentions. Unpunished evil always becomes stronger, always becomes more ambitious.

But Ukraine did not surrender. It has been resisting for more than three months already. The Kremlin cannot conquer it. And so it resorted to the destruction. It began to destroy its industrial and economic potential. Regular missile and air strikes, artillery shelling of settlements and critical infrastructure are carried out exactly for this purpose.

The looting of the occupied territories of Ukraine is large-scale and systematic. And this indicates that looting is the basis of Russia's public policy in these lands. Hundreds of thousands of tons of Ukrainian grain have already been taken to Russia from the southern regions, which are under the control of Russian troops. At the same time, Russia refuses to provide green corridors for the export of our agricultural products. This is an obvious blackmail of the world community with food shortages, as before the war Ukraine was the guarantor of food security for 400 million people on the planet.

This is already the fourth type of blackmail used by the Kremlin during the aggression against Ukraine. It was preceded by threats of energy shortage in the European Union, a possible catastrophe at one of the seized Ukrainian nuclear power plants, and a nuclear strike. We do not know what else Russia's actions in its longing for domination can lead to. But we know for sure: it must be stopped.

It is very difficult for us now. As a result of hostilities, 5 million people left the country. The number of internally displaced persons is the same. Tens of thousands of civilians have been killed in the Russian invasion. The war took away 35% of Ukraine's GDP. We lost more than 200 factories. Our direct losses today exceed $ 600 billion.

Nevertheless, Ukraine continues to defend itself. Fierce fighting continues in the east and south. We have to win. Otherwise, Ukraine will simply disappear as a nation and as a state. The more help the international community provides, the closer our victory is. Any help - military-technical, political, financial or humanitarian.

An extremely strong support for Ukraine in deterring aggression is increasing sanctions pressure on Russia. I would like to talk about the International Expert Group set up at the initiative of President Zelenskyy, which I have the honor to chair with Ambassador Michael McFaul, and which has already presented two documents: the Sanctions Strengthening Plan and the Sanctions Roadmap, which contain detailed recommendations for a coordinated and coherent sanctions policy.

Ukraine welcomes the EU's move to implement the Sixth Sanction Package. A key part of it is a complete embargo on Russian oil. This should be done as soon as possible. Energy accounts for the lion's share of Russia's budget revenues. So, buying them, Europe is financing the Russian military machine.

We have a very wide space for cooperation. Agriculture, pharmaceuticals, food industry, mechanical engineering, services - you name it.

I will place a special emphasis on the capabilities of the IT sector. Even before the war, Ukraine introduced a revolutionary tax regime in this area - Diya.City. It continues to work effectively even in the current circumstances.

Our future security will depend, among other things, on our ability to adapt and implement technologies such as artificial intelligence, autonomous management and cybersecurity. Ukraine could cooperate with Ireland as a high-tech country on these issues.

Full text:


Prime Minister of Ukraine

On June 1, Ukrainian-Polish intergovernmental consultations were held in Kyiv under the co-chairmanship of the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal and the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki. The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy took part in the opening of the meeting.

According to the President of Ukraine, the meeting of the two governments in this format is taking place in Kyiv for the first time and is historic for both states.

"I want to note the priority of relations between Ukraine and Poland. I believe that due to Russia’s war against Ukraine our relations have moved from warm and neighborly to a new stage-strong and historical relations," the President said.

Opening the meeting, Denys Shmyhal stressed that Ukrainian-Polish relations have become closer than ever.

"We appreciate every step the Polish side has taken since the beginning of the war. Poland's military-technical, financial and humanitarian aid is accelerating our victory over the enemy, "said the Prime Minister of Ukraine.

As Denys Shmyhal noted, today significant volumes of cargo pass through the common border of Ukraine and Poland in both directions. According to him, both Ukraine and Poland are aware of the importance of improving the efficiency of border checkpoints. He added that one of the key priorities of the Government of Ukraine is to join the EU common transit regime (NCTS).

"Ukraine also continues to take the initiative to conclude an agreement on the creation of a common roaming space between Ukraine and the EU. An important issue in this context is joining the EU's Roam like at home program. Thus, our citizens will have the right to the same quality and speed of the mobile network abroad as at home, "the Prime Minister of Ukraine stressed.

Denys Shmyhal expressed gratitude for Poland's support and significant assistance in rebuilding the energy infrastructure destroyed as a result of russia's military aggression against Ukraine. According to him, the received equipment will be primarily aimed at restoring power grids and energy facilities that have suffered the most damage due to the fighting.

"Ukraine and Poland have a common strategic energy potential that can be used for the development of the energy sector of Ukraine and Poland, cooperation between European countries. This potential is an air line connecting the Khmelnytsky NPP with the Polish city of Rzeszow, which will allow exporting more electricity to Poland and further to other EU member states, "said the Prime Minister of Ukraine.

Moreover, Denys Shmyhal praised Poland's assistance in building modular towns. In particular, during Mateusz Morawiecki's visit to Kyiv region on June 1, a modular town was opened in Borodyanka.

Following the intergovernmental consultations, Ukraine and Poland endorsed the Joint Statement and signed a number of bilateral documents.


State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

During a working trip to the south of Ukraine, the Head of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine met with Kathryn Insley, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation Programs at the U.S. Department of State.

Serhiy Deyneko thanked for the opportunity to hold the meeting, and also thanked the US Government for supporting the State Border Guard Service in countering russia's military aggression.

He briefed the representatives of the partner country on the participation of units of the State Border Guard Service in repelling the russian invasion of Ukraine.

"For more than three months now, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine as part of the Security and Defense Forces has been taking comprehensive measures to repel the armed aggression of the russian federation and is acting according to the general plan of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Units of the department are on the front line and resist the enemy under round-the-clock missile and mortar shelling, conducting heavy fighting, "said the Chairman of the State Border Guard Service.

Serhiy Deyneko noted the high level of cooperation with the US State Department and the EXBS Program in the implementation of joint international technical assistance projects. In particular, during the war, border guards received protective equipment for personnel, night vision and surveillance devices, medical equipment and first aid kits, tactical belongings and more.

In particular, the Head of the Border Guard thanked for the decision of the US Government to increase the budget to strengthen the capacity of the State Border Guard Service in carrying out tasks to protect and defend Ukraine's borders.

During the meeting, Serhiy Deyneko stressed that Ukrainians are fighting not only for their cities and their country, but also for the values and key democratic principles that russia is trampling on. He expressed the readiness of the Border Guard Service of Ukraine for further fruitful cooperation and joint activities to ensure national and international security.

6/1/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 06/01/2022 - 9:32am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Opinion | President Biden: What America Will and Will Not Do in Ukraine
3. US to Send Ukraine Advanced Rockets; Kyiv Promises Not to Fire Into Russia
4. Biden administration to send long-range rocket system to Ukraine as part of new aid package
5. Documents Reveal Alleged Russian PSYOP Instructions For Dealing With Ukrainians
6. Leaked Audio Footage Reveals How Russian Troops, Fed Up With Putin’s War, Nearly Blew Up Their General
7. Send In the Marines for a Modernization By​ ​Seth Moulton and​ ​Mike Gallagher
8. China president warned Biden democracy is dying: "You don't have the time"
9. A former president of Estonia predicted Russia would invade Ukraine
10. Three More Nations Join Ukraine Planning Cell Run By Army Special Forces
​11. ​The Ukrainian Missile "Crisis"
​12. ​Russian Military Is Repeating Mistakes in Eastern Ukraine, U.S. Says
​13. ​U.S. reinserts troops in Somalia after long-awaited elections are completed
​14. ​Why Ukraine is pleading with the US for rocket artillery
15. Don’t Let Iran Humiliate the IAEA Again
16. Lebanon Has an Opposition Movement Again
17. 'I was wrong': Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen concedes she misread threat of inflation
18. Combat white supremacist violence using sanctions
19. Why Is Israeli-Palestinian Violence Returning to Jenin?
20. Twelve propositions on the state of the world
21. War Is Still War: Don’t Listen to the Cult of Cyber
22. The Xinjiang Police Files Should Prompt Action Against Uyghur Genocide
23. Inside a Biden White House adrift
24. America’s Interests in Ukraine

Korean News Content:

1. South promises strong measures if North conducts nuclear test
2. U.S. will again urge U.N. sanctions if N.Korea carries out nuclear test
3. Why the World Should Care About the COVID Outbreak in North Korea
4. North Korean COVID-19/Fever Data Tracker
5. South Korean special forces captain charged with spying for North Korea
6. North Korea: Deterrence Fast Losing Its Luster And Impact – OpEd
7. Korean armaments are getting into Ukraine
8. Ambassadors, civic groups condemn North's abductions
9. Poland requests S. Korea to accelerate arms supplies amid Ukraine war
10. S. Korea's new COVID-19 cases below 16,000 amid slowing virus trend
​11. ​Second Miracle on the Han is in the U.S.
​12. ​Biden's Asia Visit Shows Commitment to the Region
​13.​ Rare Ship-to-Ship Transfers Keep Oil Moving From Russia to China
​14. ​BTS says hopes visit to White House will be first step toward equality
15. White House Press Unleash Their Inner ARMY During BTS Briefing

5/31/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 05/31/2022 - 9:20am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. The Untold Story of the Battle for Kyiv
3. Biden rules out sending weapons to Ukraine that can strike inside Russia
4. In major blow, EU bans imports of most Russian oil
5. Shanghai moves toward ending 2-month COVID-19 lockdown
6. Paper Trail of Terror - REVIEW: 'The Bin Laden Papers'
7. Putin’s Hard Choices - Why the Russian Despot Can Neither Mobilize Nor Retreat
8. Guided U.S. Rockets Could Double Ukraine’s Strike Range
9. In Joseph Conrad, a Lens on Russia’s Barbarism
10. Xi Jinping is Poised to Become “Leader for Life” in Exchange for Sharing Politburo Seats with Rivals
11. Why China Is Miles Ahead in a Pacific Race for Influence
12. Would We Do Better? Hubris and Validation in Ukraine
13. Repacking Pandora’s Box: Managing the Dangers of Weapons Proliferation in Postconflict Ukraine
14. Top Gun reinstates Taiwanese flag on Maverick's jacket after outcry
15. Ukraine troops hold out as Russia assaults Sievierodonetsk wasteland
16. Is America heading for civil war? (Reviews of Three Books)
17. Regime Change: Favorite Pastime Of United States – OpEd
18. ‘Real courage’: Remembering the OSS commandos who helped defeat the Nazis in Southern France
19. Italy's Youngest SOF: 17 Stormo Incursori | SOF News
20. Why Starlink Scares China: Researchers Pitch Plan To 'Destroy' SpaceX Satellites
21. He’s 31 and has one of the most important jobs in the war. Meet Ukraine’s top ‘digital general’
22.  Putin Has a Problem: Russia Has Suffered 'Devastating Losses' of Junior Officers
23. Russia's army could COLLAPSE amid huge losses, UK report says
24. Math books outrage China with 'ugly, sexually suggestive, pro-American' images
25. Heroes of the resistance who are sabotaging Putin's war machine by blowing up trains, stealing weapons and assassinating Russian officers
26. Ex-U.S. Commandos Are Training Civilians to Crush Putin Army
27. The battle of Kyiv will be taught in military history for years
28. US congressional delegation makes surprise visit to Taiwan

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea asserts need for nuclear deterrence, citing war-torn countries 'tricked' by U.S.
2. S. Korea's military team leaves for Hawaii to join U.S.-led RIMPAC exercise
3. N. Korea's food shortages estimated at 860,000 tons: CIA data
4. AUSA LANPAC Symposium - Panel Discussion: Deterring Aggression through Joint and Coalition Readiness
5. Civic groups, foreign envoys stage joint campaign against N. Korea over 'enforced disappearance' of persons
6. As cases surge in the U.S., Army units in South Korea are commended for fighting COVID
7. Good Luck Not Accidentally Hiring a North Korean Scammer
8. Russia ousts North Korea to claim title of least-liked country
9. South Korea to upgrade Patriot missile defence system to deter North Korea's belligerence
10. US Air Force to deploy B-1B bombers in Guam in several weeks
11. Seven out of 10 Koreans believe ‘nuclear power is necessary’
12. North Korea’s Kim Jong-un has closer ties to South Korea than he likes to admit
13. Yoon Suk-yeol says South Korea will no longer ‘appease’ North, but are Seoul’s policies and China impacting future talks?
14. Tokyo issues complaints over Seoul’s Dokdo marine survey amid efforts to thaw relations

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN May 29, 6.00 pm EST - The ninety-fifth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

Mon, 05/30/2022 - 9:41pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



May 29, 6.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 29.05 were approximately:

personnel - about 30150 (+150),

tanks ‒ 1338 (+8)

APV ‒ 3270 (+12),

artillery systems – 631 (+3),

MLRS - 203 (+0),

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 93 (+0),

aircraft – 207 (+0),

helicopters – 174 (+0),

UAV operational-tactical level - 504 (+1),

cruise missiles - 116 (+0),

warships / boats - 13 (+0),

vehicles and fuel tanks - 2240 (+14),

special equipment - 48 (+0).

The ninety-fifth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

In the Volyn and Polissya areas, there has been an increase in the number of operational and combat training measures during the inspection of the response forces of the Armed Forces of the republic of Belarus. The threat of missile and air strikes on the territory from the republic of Belarus on Ukrainian infrastructure remains.

In the Siversky direction, the enemy continues to cover the Ukrainian-Russian border in the Bryansk and Kursk regions. It fired mortars at the positions of the Defense Forces in the Sumy region.

In the Slobozhansky direction, Russian enemy exerts systematic fire to prevent further advance of our units in the direction of the State Border of Ukraine. Takes measures to replenish the loss of weapons and military equipment.

In the Kharkiv direction, Russia focused its main efforts on maintaining the occupied frontiers and deterring units of the Defense Forces. It fired on civilian infrastructure in the areas of Cherkasy Tyshky, Ruski Tyshky, Petrivka and Ternov. It continued the activities of remote mining of the area in the probable areas of action of the Defense Forces.

In the Slovyansk direction, Russian enemy did not conduct active hostilities, conducted intensive reconnaissance. The main efforts were focused on maintaining the occupied positions and creating conditions for the resumption of the offensive. Replenishes losses and inventories.

It carried out artillery shelling of civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Husarivka, Velyka Komyshuvakha, Bohorodychne, Sviatohirsk and others. it continued to launch air strikes in the Dovgenky area by the army aviation forces.

Russian enemy is conducting offensive operations in the Donetsk direction. Actively uses the forces and means of missile forces and artillery and electronic warfare. Increased the intensity of operational-tactical and army aviation.

In the Lyman direction the enemy strengthens the group. It used assault aircraft near Dibrova. It is trying to gain a foothold in the area of the Lyman settlement.

In the Severodonetsk direction, with the support of artillery, it carried out assault operations in the area of the city of Severodonetsk, the fighting continues. In the area of the settlement of Bobrove the enemy suffered losses and retreated to previously occupied positions. Assault aircraft launched air strikes in the Ustynivka area.

Russian occupiers are trying to improve the tactical situation in the Bakhmut direction. With the support of mortar and artillery fire, the enemy conducted offensive and assault operations in the areas of the settlements of Volodymyrivka, Vasylivka, Komyshuvakha and Myronivka. It was unsuccessful, suffered losses, and left. Army strikes near Yakovlivka.

In the Avdiivka direction, with the support of artillery, Russian enemy tried to advance in the areas of the settlements of Kamyanka and Vesele, but was unsuccessful.

It did not carry out active offensive operations in the Kurakhiv, Novopavliv and Zaporizhzhia areas, and fired on civilian infrastructure along the line of contact.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy suffered losses as a result of offensive actions of Ukrainian units and took up defense on unfavorable borders near the village of Kostromka. Takes measures to restore lost positions by transferring reserves to threatening areas.

Russian occupiers inflicted fire damage on civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Lymany, Stepova Dolyna, Luch, Partizany, Chervony Yar, Trudolyubivka and others.

In order to make up for the losses, the enemy reinforces the group with obsolete weapons and military equipment, in particular, T-62 and BMP-1 tanks.

The situation in the Bessarabian direction has not changed significantly.

Restrictive measures are underway in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, inspections of infrastructure, transport and citizens have been intensified, and control over the use of cars equipped with special equipment has been strengthened.

The enemy continues to suffer losses. In particular, sanitary, which necessitates the creation of additional opportunities for medical care. Thus, in the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the occupation administration ordered to stop accepting civilians in order to vacate the beds for the wounded. Donor blood is being collected intensively.

For the past 24hrs, seven Russian enemy attacks have been repulsed in Donetsk and Luhansk aonly, one tank and six enemy vehicles have been destroyed. Air defense units destroyed Orlan-10 UAVs. Russian enemy has losses in other areas.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Borders of Chernihiv and Sumy regions were shelled 10 times from territory of Russia.

The Russian invaders carried shelling, 2 to 7 shots for  each volley, of the border areas of Ukraine.

In total, the Russians fired 9 times on the territory of the Novgorod-Siversky district of Chernihiv region. Border guards counted 33 explosions of Russian shells.


State Emergency Service of Ukraine

Every day, rescuers from the State Emergency Service are involved in eliminating the terrible consequences of the Russian army's shelling of infrastructure, social facilities and houses of peaceful Ukrainians.

From 28 to 29 May, rescuers of the SES made 199 trips to eliminate the consequences of shelling by the occupiers of settlements and infrastructure, eliminated 42 fires, rescued 3 people, provided psychological assistance to 213 people.

In the Luhansk region over the past day, the Russian army has once again struck at residential neighborhoods. 13 houses were destroyed in Severodonetsk, 11 in Horsky, 7 in Toshkivka, six in Vrubivka, and two in Nyrkovo.

In Sumy region, rescuers put out a fire caused by an enemy attack. On May 28, the Rescue Service 101 received a report that as a result of enemy shelling in one of the settlements of Sumy district, a fire broke out on the territory of a kindergarten. Firefighters who promptly arrived on call extinguished the fire and prevented it from spreading to the school building.

In the Donetsk region on May 28 in the town of Avdiivka, Pokrovsky district, at about 4 pm, private houses were damaged as a result of shelling. 2 people were rescued and sent to a medical institution. Rescuers unloaded humanitarian aid for the population of Avdiivka, Pokrovsk, Dobropillya. The total amount of unloaded humanitarian aid is 14.3 tons. 81 people were evacuated, including 16 children from the settlements of Raigorodok, Mykolaivka and Donetsk, Kramatorsk district.

In the Kharkiv region, fires caused by enemy shelling occurred in Kharkiv (6), Chuhuiv (2) and Bohodukhiv (1) districts of the region. Private houses, outbuildings, garages, cars, gas pipelines, etc. were affected. At about 11:00 the enemy fired on the village. Zircons of the Kharkiv district of the region. Rescuers were called to extinguish 5 fires at different addresses. Private houses were on fire, the total area of fires was 560 sq.m. Fortunately, all of them did not gain significant scale and were promptly eliminated.

In the Dnipropetrovsk region, enemy missile strikes destroyed an industrial enterprise in Kryvyi Rih. Two aggressor missiles hit there. As a result of the hit, there was a fire, which was extinguished by firefighters. No one was killed.


Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights

The invaders are resuming study process in Mariupol damaged school with prospect of granting students"documents about educational completion " upon conclusion of school year.

According to the city hall, Mariupol Secondary School of I-III degrees No. 65 has been launched.

For the provision of educational services, a small part of the school, which houses 9 classes of 35-45 children of different ages in each, was allocated. Teaching is carried out in Russian and according to Russian program. The school building itself is partially destroyed, windows broken. Due to the damage, there is no stable electricity supply. It is powered by only one generator. Children are not provided with food.

The work of the school was partially restored by the efforts of the parents of education. They were forced to tape the windows, remove the trash in order to create the illusion of order for children. Information is spreading across the network that a Russian missile detonated on the school territory, on which a 12-year-old boy exploded.

Thus, the school building is currently unsuitable to accept educators in their walls. The resumption of school can pose a threat to the life and health of children.



Russian propagandists create fakes, trying to discredit Ukrainian protection seekers in the European Union.

Russian media spread information about the "tiredness" of Europeans of Ukrainians, the inconvenience they cause to citizens of European countries and Russians living in Europe, and also tell that support of Ukrainian citizens in Europe every day with melting down with less active.

Dehumanization, the creation of a negative image of Ukrainians abroad is another manipulation of the Russian Federation in attempts to discredit support of Ukraine by the civilized world, to create an atmosphere of hate and hostility to them in the Russian-speaking environment of the Eurpe,

However, Russian propaganda works mainly on the "internal consumer", evidenced by the support of Ukraine and Ukrainians both at the state level of EU countries and at the level of average Europeans who demonstrate solidarity with the Ukrainian people.


Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine

Russian invaders fired missiles at Kryvyi Rih and Dnipropetrovsk regions - An investigation of potential war crimes has been launched.

The Dnipropetrovsk Regional Prosecutor's is supervising criminal proceedings on the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war (Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, in the evening of May 28, 2022, the armed forces of the Russian Federation, ignoring the norms of international humanitarian law, launched a missile attack on the industrial infrastructure of Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region.

Also, the occupiers, using artillery weapons, fired on the village of Kryvyi Rih district. The shelling damaged the church.

The civilian population was not injured during the shelling of the aggressor. There are no military facilities in the area.


According to Division for Prosecuting Juvenile Cases 242 children have died as a result of armed assault by Russian Federation.

More than 682 children were injured in Ukraine as a result of the armed assualt by the Russian Federation. As of the morning of May 29, 2022, the official number of child victims per day has not changed - 242. The data on the wounded have not changed - 440.

These figures are not final, as work is underway to establish them in places of active hostilities, in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories.

The most affected children were in Donetsk region - 153, Kyiv region - 116, Kharkiv region - 108, Chernihiv region - 68, Luhansk region - 51, Kherson region - 49, Mykolaiv region - 45, Zaporizhia region - 28, Sumy region - 17, Kyiv city - 16, Zhytomyr region - 15.

As a result of constant bombing and shelling by the Russian armed forces of Ukrainian cities and villages, 1,888 educational institutions were damaged. At the same time, 180 of them were completely destroyed.


The Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Freedom of Speech 

On May 28, 2022, Ternopil journalist Vitaliy Derekh was killed by air strike during fighting with the Russian invaders in the Popasna district of Donetsk region.

Vitaliy Derekh was 34 years old. As a 16-year-old boy, he became a participant in the Orange Revolution, then the Revolution of Dignity. In the spring of 2014, he was one of the first to volunteer for Aidar, commanding the first division of the first company of the battalion. He was awarded the State Order for Courage of the Third Degree, the Plast Bronze Cross for heroic deeds (saving lives).

On May 28, 2022, Ternopil journalist Vitaliy Derekh was killed in an air strike during fighting with the Russian occupiers in the Popasna district of Donetsk region.






President of Ukraine  

Address by President Zelenskyy to Ukrainians

This address of mine is dedicated to four cities of Ukraine: Kharkiv, Kyiv, Severodonetsk and Kryvyi Rih. And through them - to our whole state, to all our cities and communities.

Today I visited Kharkiv. Both the city itself and the frontline positions of our military in the region. Kharkiv suffered terrible blows from the occupiers. Black, burnt-out, half-ruined apartment buildings face east and north with their windows - from where Russian artillery was firing. From where Russian combat aircraft arrived. They face Russia. And in them now, like in a mirror, the Russian state can see itself. See how much it lost during these 95 days of full-scale war against Ukraine.

Russia has already lost not only the battle for Kharkiv, not only the battle for Kyiv and the north of our country. It lost its own future and any cultural ties to the free world. They all burned down. In particular, there, in Saltivka.

I held a meeting with the leadership of the region and the city. Thanked them for being and remaining together with the people of Kharkiv, together with Ukraine. And - what is very important now - together with each other. They have one hundred percent cooperation - the army, the police, the mayor of Kharkiv, the regional state administration - everyone really works for victory and does it very effectively.

Unfortunately, this cannot be said about the local leadership of the Security Service of Ukraine. I arrived. Clarified the situation. Dismissed the head of the Security Service of the region. For not working to defend the city from the first days of a full-scale war, but thinking only of himself personally. What were the motives? Law enforcement officers will find out.

One third of the Kharkiv region is still under occupation. We will definitely liberate the entire territory. And everyone should work for this result in positions both at the local level and at the state level.

Before the trip, I signed a decree awarding our defenders. 222 combatants were awarded state awards. And during the trip today I had the honor to personally present some of the awards from this decree and others that were signed earlier.

The post-war reconstruction of Kharkiv and the Kharkiv region was discussed very objectively with the local authorities. We must use only advanced ideas, only modern technologies in reconstruction. In particular, security technologies. And the best offers from our partners. Kharkiv and all other cities and communities in our country affected by the war must be reconstructed to have the most modern look in Europe.

Returning from the east to Kyiv at this time leaves a rather ambiguous impression. After Saltivka's silence, there is Khreshchatyk, full of people and smiles. After the roar of artillery on the frontline - the relaxation of Kyiv residents who today walked the city. On the City Day, the Day of Kyiv, which is celebrated by thousands of people every year.

But it is for such happiness to live, live your normal life and just quietly walk the streets of your own city that this war is going on now. That's what we are fighting for in it. For everyone in Ukraine. Freedom and peace is what could really be felt in Kyiv today. Even in spite of the air-raid siren that sounded today as well.

So, I wish you, the people of Kyiv, to keep this peace - the peace of life. Take care of your city. And be sure to remember what it cost to defend the capital. Remember how many lives were given for the capital.

I understand that in your eyes - it's summer already. I understand all this. But I want you to have an understanding - we still have to fight. The war is not over yet.

Sophia and Lavra, Andriivskyi, Podil, Volodymyrska, Reytarska, Lypky and Khreshchatyk... I am grateful to everyone who made sure that the occupiers would never have a place here in Kyiv again.

And I am very much looking forward to the day when I will be able to say similar words to another of our cities. A city that should celebrate its Day today in the same way as Kyiv. But... Russia came too close to it. It gathered too many forces in our Donbas. It was too prepared for the offensive there. I consider it very symbolic that the Russian military began the attempt to capture Severodonetsk by entering a hotel called “Myr” (Peace - ed.). Peace is indeed Russia's first target.

Having taken away our peace in 2014, the occupiers want to take away everything else. Literally everything. They want to leave us neither freedom, nor houses, nor life.

As a result of the Russian strikes at Severodonetsk, the entire critical infrastructure of the city has already been destroyed. 90% of houses are damaged. More than two-thirds of the city's housing stock has been completely destroyed. There is no mobile connection. Constant shelling.

Capturing Severodonetsk is a fundamental task for the occupying contingent. And they don't care how many lives they will have to pay for this attempt to raise the Russian flag on 32 Druzhby Narodiv boulevard (Friendship of Nations - ed.) - no matter how bitter the name sounds now - where the Severodonetsk administration is located.

We are doing everything to repel this offensive. There was not a day that we did not try to find more weapons, more modern weapons to defend our land, to defend our people.

And I am grateful to everyone who defends Severodonetsk and demonstrates to the occupiers that peace will still be ours. In all our state, in all Donbas and of course - in Severodonetsk.

And another city I want to address today. For me, of course, the city is special. My native Kryvyi (Kryvyi Rih - ed.) also celebrates its birthday today. Already 247th. It would celebrate. But the time is not appropriate. The conditions are not appropriate. And the enemy is still on our land. The time to celebrate will be after our victory. And it will come.

And today I want to wish just that - to my hometown and to all cities and communities of our great country. A shorter time to victory. We must all work for this - each and every one without exception.

In my inaugural speech three years ago, I said that each of us is a president. And right now it is felt the most. Because our future depends not only on my actions in this office, the office of the President of Ukraine, or on what is being done in other offices in Kyiv. But also on what is being done in Kharkiv, Sumy, Kryvyi Rih and Odesa, Lviv and Uzhhorod, Lutsk and Vinnytsia, Mykolaiv and Dnipro, Zhytomyr and Chernihiv, Poltava and Kropyvnytskyi, Chernivtsi, Frankivsk, Ternopil, Rivne, Khmelnytskyi and Cherkasy. Of course, in Kherson, in the Zaporizhzhia region, and in all territories of our Donbas and Crimea.

The unity I saw with my own eyes today in Kharkiv. The heroism our soldiers in Donbas show every day. The determination of Kryvyi Rih. This is our path. The path to ensure that the peace of life is always felt throughout Ukraine and that smiles always reign, not the roar of artillery.


Ministry of the Economy of Ukraine

Ukraine participates in meeting of Economics and Security Committee of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly

First Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Denys Kudin took part in a meeting of the Economics and Security Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the North Atlantic Alliance.

During the meeting, they discussed the macroeconomic situation in Ukraine, wartime economic policy, macroeconomic forecast, reconstruction and development plan, as well as cooperation between Ukraine and NATO.

Members of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly expressed their admiration for Ukraine's resilience. They noted that at the beginning of the war, most experts expected our military and economic collapse, which, fortunately, did not happen.

"Ukraine is grateful to NATO for expanding the existing mechanisms of cooperation, first of all, within the framework of the Comprehensive Assistance Package. It includes the provision of non-lethal international technical assistance and services as well as staff training. We appreciate greatly the Alliance's contribution to the organization of treatment of severely wounded Ukrainian soldiers abroad. However, the situation at the front and in the rear requires even more intensive cooperation between Ukraine and NATO," Denys Kudin stressed.


Ministry of Health of Ukraine

The Ukrainian armed forces recently  received 15,000 individual first aid kits from the Ministry. These . tactical kits allow for  first aid in case of injuries resulting from hostilities.

"Properly equipped first aid kit increases the chance of saving lives in case of injury. Today, we have given our defenders kits that can save the lives and health of our fighters. But I am very much counting on the fact that no one will need them at all during hostilities, "said Deputy Minister Maria Karchevych.

The contents of first-aid kits, in particular, include mechanical means for stopping bleeding (turnstiles), dressings, sutures, polyethylene-based thermal blankets, medical examination gloves, scissors for cutting clothes and shoes (atraumatic), waterproof markers, etc.

The Ministry of Health expresses its sincere gratitude to Crown Agents and the Kyiv School of Economics Charitable Foundation for their humanitarian assistance.


Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN May 28, 6.00 pm EST

Mon, 05/30/2022 - 9:35pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



May 28, 6.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

     The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 28.05 were approximately:

personnel - about 30000 (+250),

tanks ‒ 1330 (+8),

APV ‒ 3258 (+12),

artillery systems – 628 (+5),

MLRS - 203 (+2),

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 93 (+0),

aircraft – 207 (+1),

helicopters – 174 (+4),

UAV operational-tactical level - 503 (+0),

cruise missiles - 116 (+1),

warships / boats - 13 (+0),

vehicles and fuel tanks - 2226 (+0),

special equipment - 48 (+0).

Russian enemy suffered the greatest losses (of the past day) at the Avdiivka and Kryvyi Rih direction.

The ninety-fourth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

In the Volyn and Polissya areas, certain units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus continue to perform tasks to strengthen the protection of the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. This group was reinforced by electronic warfare maneuver groups operating along the state border of Ukraine. Training of reserve officers for the needs of manning units of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces in educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus continues.

The 9K720 Iskander-M (SS-26 Stone) mobile short range ballistic missile system division has been relocated to the Luninets area of the Brest region. The threat of strikes on infrastructure facilities and units of the Defense Forces from the territory of the Republic of Belarus remains.

In the Siversky direction, Russian enemy is taking measures to strengthen the coverage of the Ukrainian-Russian border in the Bryansk and Kursk regions. No significant changes in the activities of enemy units were noted.

In the Slobozhansky direction, Russian enemy fired at units of our troops to prevent their further advance in the direction of the State Border of Ukraine to the north and northeast of the city of Kharkiv. Takes measures to provide logistics and replenish losses.

Russians did not carry out active offensive operations in the Kharkiv direction. It fired on civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Ternov, Prudyanka, Ruski Tyshky, Kutuzivka, Varvarivka, Petrivka, Mykhailivka, Korobochkino and others. Conducted remote mining of probable areas of action of the Defense Forces.

In the Slovyansk direction, the enemy did not conduct active hostilities, conducted intensive reconnaissance. The main efforts were focused on maintaining the occupied positions, replenishing losses and stocks, as well as creating conditions for the resumption of the offensive.

Russian enemy carried out artillery shelling of civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Studenok, Sviatohirsk, Bohorodychne, Karnaukhivka and Virnopillya. Russian army aviation forces continued to strike in the area of the village of Dovgenke.

With the support of artillery, it tried to develop offensive operations in the area of the settlement of Pasika, was unsuccessful, and withdrew.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy is conducting active offensive operations. Continues fire damage to our units along the line of contact, strikes missiles. Increased the intensity of operational-tactical and army aviation.

In the Lyman direction, the enemy continued shelling with mortars and multiple rocket launchers in the areas of Ozerne and Dibrova, where it struck airstrikes. It is trying to gain a foothold in the area of the Lyman settlement.

In the Sievierodonetsk direction, with the support of artillery, Russian enemy conducted assault operations in the areas of the settlements of Sievierodonetsk, Oskolonivka, Toshkivka, had no success, suffered losses, retreated to previously occupied positions.

The enemy is trying to develop success in the Bakhmut direction, to reach the rear of our troops and disrupt logistics. With the support of mortar and artillery fire, it carried out offensive and assault operations in the areas of the settlements of Nahirne, Vasylivka, Komyshuvakha, and Vidrodzhenna, but was unsuccessful.

In the Avdiivka direction, Russians used artillery on civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Novobahmutivka, Novoselivka Druha, Vesele, Avdiivka, Pisky and Krasnohorivka. Inflicted air strikes on civilian infrastructure in the Yakovlivka, Avdiivka, Vesely and Kamyanka districts.

Russian enemy did not conduct active offensive operations in the Kurakhiv direction, deployed jet and barrel artillery at the firing positions, and fired on the positions of the Defense Forces and civilian infrastructure near Marinka, Myslyvsky and Pavlivka.

In the Novopavlivsk and Zaporizhzhia directions, Russians fired on civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Vremivka, Poltavka, Chervone, Huliaipole, Orikhiv, Kamyanske and others. Russian enemy army aircraft operated near Olhivsky.

As a result of the actions of the Defense Forces of Ukraine, the enemy suffered significant losses and retreated in the areas of the settlements of Novopil and Novodarivka.

In the South Buh direction, the occupiers were concentrating their main efforts on maintaining the occupied frontiers and fortifying the positions of the third line of defense. As a result of the offensive actions of the units of our troops, the enemy suffered losses and took up defense on unfavorable frontiers.

The fighting continues. The invaders fired on civilian infrastructure in the settlements of Osokorivka, Novovorontsovka, Blahodatne, Zorya and Tavriyske. Continues to increase the air defense system in the Kryvyi Rih direction. To replenish losses, the group provides obsolete T-62 tanks from decommission.

Over the past 24hrs, eight Russian enemy attacks have been repulsed in the Donetsk and Luhansk directions, five tanks, ten units of armored combat vehicles and four enemy vehicles have been destroyed. Air defense units destroyed Orlan-10 UAVs.

As a result of the actions of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the enemy's tactical company group with equipment and manpower was destroyed. In the Kharkiv region, servicemen of the Assault Troops shot down a Ka-52 combat helicopter.

Russians fired mortars four times at the positions of the border service units in the areas of the settlements of Seredyna Buda, Stari Vyrky and Znob-Trubichevska. In addition, an operational and tactical aircraft from the airspace of the Kursk region fired a missile at a civilian industrial facility in the Sumy region.

In order to clarify the position of our troops, Russian enemy conducted air reconnaissance with the help of UAVs in Chernihiv and Sumy regions.

In the Kharkiv direction, enemy units are concentrating their main efforts on maintaining their occupied positions and preventing the further advance of our troops, and the engineering equipment of the positions in the area west of the settlement of Kozacha Lopan is underway.

In the Slovyansk direction, a group of Russian enemy troops is taking measures to resume the offensive in certain areas. The enemy continues to transfer weapons, military equipment and other material resources from the territory of the Russian Federation to the Kupyansk district of Kharkiv region by rail.

After conducting reconnaissance with unmanned aerial vehicles, it fired artillery at the positions of our troops in the settlements of Nova Dmytrivka, Velyka Komyshuvakha, Dovhenke, Dibrova, and struck with helicopters in the area of Dovhenke.

With the support of artillery, Russian enemy tried to develop offensive operations in the area of the settlement of Pasika, was unsuccessful, withdrew.

In the Donetsk direction, the aggressor is conducting active hostilities in the Lyman, Sievierodonetsk, Bakhmut, Kurakhiv and Avdiivka directions. The main goal is to surround our troops in the areas of Lysychansk and Sievierodonetsk and reach the administrative border of Luhansk region.

In the Lyman direction, Russian enemy units are consolidated on the captured frontiers in the settlement of Lyman. Assault aircraft struck three airstrikes near the village of Dibrova.

In the Severodonetsk direction, Russians, with the support of artillery, led the offensive in the direction of Borivsky, suffered losses, retreated to previously occupied positions. Conducts reconnaissance of the district in order to identify and suppress elements of the fire system of units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

In the Bakhmut direction, the invaders are trying unsuccessfully to improve the tactical situation in the areas of Komyshuvakha and Novoluhanske. Fighting continues.

In the Avdiivka direction, Russian enemy inflicted intense artillery strikes along the entire line of contact, and fighting continued. Assault aircraft struck in the areas of Avdiivka, Vesele and Kamyanka.

In the Kurakhiv, Novopavliv, and Zaporizhzhia areas, Russian enemy waged a counter-battery battle and fired on our troops.

In the South Bug direction, the enemy is concentrating its main efforts on maintaining the occupied frontiers.

Two cruise missiles with naval-based Caliber missiles are ready for use in the Black Sea.

As a result of offensive actions of units of the Defense Forces, Russian enemy suffered losses and occupied the defense on unfavorable borders near Andriyivka, Lozove and Bilohorka, in Kherson oblast. The fighting continues, occupiers fired on civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Pribuzke, Posad-Pokrovske, Blahodatne, Osokorivka, Novovorontsovka, Novooleksandrivka and others. With the help of S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, the enemy continues to increase the air defense system.


Security Service of Ukraine (SSU)

The SSU continues to identify war criminals of Russian occupation groups. We have established the identities of Russian high-ranking officials who organized the armed seizure of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

It has been established that the order to attack a strategically important Ukrainian facility was given by the former deputy commander of Siberian district of the National Guard of Russia, major general Oleg YAKUSHEV.

To execute the criminal order, colonel Andrey FROLENKOV, deputy commander of the combined special purpose unit of the National Guard of Russia in Bryansk region, directly supervised actions of his subordinates during the attack on the NPP.

Thus, the occupiers grossly violated the requirements of international humanitarian law, including the Geneva Convention, which explicitly prohibits attacks on nuclear power plants in wartime.

In addition, after the armed seizure of the NPP, another Russian general of the National Guard of russia, Sergey BURAKOV, ordered his subordinates to illegally take to Russia 169 servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine, who were defending the state institution.


Despite threats of execution and punishment, more soldiers are deserting Russian army

Soldiers flee from Russian army despite threats of execution and punishment. This is evidenced by numerous telephone conversations of Russian invaders intercepted by the SSU.‘The guys just decide and leave... Our brigade will be disbanded anyway, because many people have resigned. For example, one soldier leaves because his contract has expired… he gets on a Kamaz truck and 8 more guys get on with him, those who want to resign due to non-compliance [with orders]. And they just go and resign. And this happens all the time,’ the occupier tells his wife. He hopes that he will also be allowed to return home in late May, just after the 90 days that the ‘special operation’ was supposed to take.

After all, every day that Russians stay in Ukraine they risk to get on the list of ‘200’ [killed military], which already includes 29,500.


Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine

Under the supervision of the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, a pre-trial investigation was launched into violations of the laws and customs of war (Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, on May 28, 2022, at about 2:00 pm, Russian troops fired on the village of Zolochiv in the Bohodukhiv district. Enemy shells fell between private homes. One of the Russian shells pierced the roof, flew into the kitchen and did not explode. A 50-year-old man and a 62-year-old woman were injured in the shelling.

The scene was inspected by the Investigation Departments of the 1st JI of the Bohodukhiv District Police Department of the GUNP in Kharkiv Oblast.

The pre-trial investigation into the criminal proceedings is being carried out by the SBU Office in Kharkiv Oblast.


23 million hryvnias of an enterprise controlled by the Russian Federation have been  frozen

At the request of the Prosecutor General's Office, almost 23 million hryvnias were seized by a decision of the investigating judge of the Shevchenkivsky District Court of Kyiv. These funds are in the account of the banking institution and belong to the business entity formed by the Russian PJSC "Rosneft Oil Company" and controlled by the Russian inveders.

The Prosecutor General office will supervise pre-trial investigations in criminal proceedings on the facts of financing actions committed to forcibly change or overthrow the constitutional order or seize state power, change the boundaries of the territory or state border of Ukraine (Part 4 of Article 110-2 of the Criminal Code).

The investigation established the circumstances of possible illegal activities - the financing of large-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the beneficiaries of one of the business entities located in the territory of our state and controlled by the Russian Federation.


A criminal enterprise has been exposed for transferring million hryvnia to the accounts of Russian-controlled enterprises

The Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office is supervising the  criminal proceedings initiated on the facts of embezzlement and forgery (Part 3 of Article 191, Part 1 of Article 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, from 2021, officials of the company, which belongs to a citizen of the Russian Federation - a former deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the pro-government party, committed financial fraud in the purchase of production materials. They transferred to the accounts of companies located in the territory of the aggressor country, the overestimated import value of goods in the amount of over UAH 52 million.

Law enforcement officers conducted authorized searches at this enterprise, at the places of residence of the defendants and their premises. During the searches, the primary documents of financial and economic activities on import transactions and transactions with counterparties of the domestic market of Ukraine, financial statements and draft records were seized.

The pre-trial investigation is being carried out by investigators of the SU of the State Unitary Enterprise of the National Police in Kyiv with the operative support of the National Police of Ukraine.




President of Ukraine  

Address by President Zelenskyy to Ukrainians

The 94th day of the full-scale war is over. The situation is very complicated. Especially in those areas in Donbas and the Kharkiv region, where the Russian army is trying to squeeze at least some result for themselves.

The key areas of struggle at the front are still Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Bakhmut, Popasna and other cities where the Russian offensive is concentrated.

But our defense holds on. It's indescribably difficult there. And I am grateful to all those who withstand this onslaught of the occupiers.

We work every day to strengthen our defense. This is primarily a supply of weapons. Every day we are bringing closer the time when our army will surpass the occupiers technologically and by firepower. 

Of course, a lot depends on the partners. On their readiness to provide Ukraine with everything necessary to defend freedom. And I expect good news on this already next week.

Today, the Russian army has launched absolutely senseless, openly barbaric strikes at the Sumy region. Missiles, mortars. And for what? And what does it give?

Ukrainians of the Sumy region, as well as any other region of our state, have already understood everything about Russia. And it will not be able to add anything by the new terror. And even more so, it will not be able to intimidate.

As a result of the Russian shelling of Mykolaiv today one person died, seven were wounded, two - in a grave condition. The shells hit a residential area, twenty meters from the kindergarten. These are the enemies chosen by the Russian Federation.

Again and again I will remind the world that Russia must finally be officially recognized as a terrorist state, a state - sponsor of terrorism. This is simply true. This is fair and reflects the daily reality that the occupiers have created in Ukraine and are eager to bring further to Europe. And this must be legally enshrined.

I am preparing for the meeting of the European Council, which will take place on May 30-31. I will address the participants of the meeting. In particular, I will talk about it. About terror, which has become in fact the only form of action of the Russian state in relation to Europe. Terror on the land of Ukraine. Terror in the energy market of Europe, not just our country. Terror in the food market, on a global scale. And what terror will be next?

Only together - all Europeans - will we be able to stop such a policy of such a state.

Of course, in my address to the European Council I will pay due attention to the progress in the development of our state, which has already been achieved and which can be achieved in the near future.

I will also continue to address the parliaments of European countries next week. There will be many other international activities aimed at strengthening our state and increasing the joint pressure of the whole free world on Russia.

I spoke today with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. On defensive support and fuel supply to Ukraine. On how we can unblock Ukrainian ports, and therefore prevent the food crisis from unfolding.

Security guarantees for Ukraine were also discussed separately, and we need to intensify work on them.

There is more and more information that the occupiers are trying to limit the departure of our people from the temporarily occupied areas of the Kherson region. They do not provide any humanitarian corridors. And they have closed the individual departure of people.

Those who are confident in their position would definitely not make such decisions. This is clearly a sign of weaknracis. Manifestation that they have nothing to give pesople. And people do not want to take anything from them. So they try to take people hostage.

But Ukraine will return everything that belongs to it. Everything. Definitely.

And it's only a matter of time. And every day this time, the time of liberation, is reduced. We do everything for this.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Address by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba to the Oslo Freedom Forum

I thank the organizers of the Oslo Freedom Forum and Mr. Kasparov for inviting me to address you today. Today marks exactly three months since Russia planned to destroy us in three days. All according to plan, as Russian officials often say, and we keep pushing Russian invaders out of our land.

President Zelensky once famously said that freedom is the absence of fear. Ukraine is one of the nations which knows this all too well. Our freedom has not been granted to us. We have won it in a lengthy, bloody, and difficult fight. We have defended our rights in three revolutions over the past three decades, and two wars, of which the current one is the most brutal, bloody, and devastating. It is therefore no surprise to us in Ukraine that the incredibly strong civil society has been one of the key factors of Ukrainian resolve in the past three months.

Ukrainians are a brave nation. Ukrainians are the people who played a crucial role in dissolving the Soviet Union in 1991. Ukrainians rejected attempts to steal their vote and their right to choose in 2004. Ukrainians refused to yield in 2013 when our country was forcibly dragged into Russia’s sphere of influence. In 2014 Ukrainians refused to allow Russia to destroy us militarily, and now we have no other option than to defend our right to exist and ultimately prevail.

Anyone trying to explain these processes through the lens of geopolitics will always get things wrong. By the way, this is the mistake that Putin has made. And the mistake that even some Western governments made by underestimating Ukraine.

These decades of a nation on the move and in the fight for its freedom are a result of what is inside Ukrainian men and women. Activists and lawyers, human rights defenders, journalists, medics and firefighters, teachers, soldiers, women activists, diplomats and politicians, workers and labor activists, farmers, civilian volunteers, and every Ukrainian person who simply wants to live a decent life. Have their dignity respected. Enjoy freedoms and opportunities of a free society. Being able to change a government and protest decisions they don’t like. Are they asking that much?

It’s obvious that the Ukrainian model of society is competitive to that of Russia. We rely on a decentralized, highly motivated and self-organized model with a strong social cohesion and solidarity. I want to assure you that Putin will never be able to defeat a nation like this. Past three months have proven my point. Ukrainians are united as never before in fighting a real people’s war. Where everyone contributes, from donations to volunteering, from saving civilians to evacuating animals from the war zone. No state in the history of humankind has ever won a war against the people.

Many of the consequences of Russia’s actions not only affect the lives of Ukrainians but also put millions of people around the world at risk of hunger, and undermine their livelihoods through its impact on energy and financial security. Moscow’s unprovoked and unjustified aggression is a war against us all and can be effectively defeated only through solidarity of the international community.

We are confident that with international support Ukraine will prevail. But no victory will be complete without accountability for massive violations of human rights and international humanitarian law carried out in the course of this aggression. International human rights mechanisms should be an important part of this process by establishing facts and preparing evidence for further trials. Among many instruments, we very much count on the effectiveness of the Commission on Inquiry established by the UN Human Rights Council. We expect it to become an important asset to ensure there is no impunity for perpetrators.

Russian aggression is also accompanied by a massive flow of lies that aim to mislead the international community. Such disinformation, which accompanies serious violations of international law, is a threat to human rights and requires strong countermeasures. Last April the Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on the role of states in countering disinformation’s impact on human rights. It was put forward by Ukraine and became an important milestone in addressing the problem of disinformation from a rights-based perspective. We count on further effective cooperation with all stakeholders engaged in countering this challenge.

To conclude with, I think that Ukrainians understand very well the fight many of you are fighting around the world to defend your rights. We know how difficult this fight may get, but we also know that the price of losing it is even higher. Freedom is not free. May our fight encourage people around the globe to stand up for what they care for and what they are entitled by birth. Freedom, dignity, human rights, and equal opportunities. I also encourage you to learn from Ukrainian experience and establish more people-to-people contacts with Ukrainians. The fight for freedom is a constant struggle that requires global effort.


Minister of Finance of Ukraine

 Sergii Marchenko has approached 37 Finance ministers of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) member states and observers requesting their support for the initiative to expel the Russian Federation from the FATF and including it on the “Black list”. The reason for this is a gross violation by Russia of the FATF general principles, failure to comply with the FATF standards, and the subsequent impact on the security situation in Ukraine and the world.

All the recent actions clearly demonstrate that the Russian Federation abuses its position as a FATF member, and does not comply with the standards of the organisation. Furthermore, this undermines global efforts to prevent terrorism financing, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and money laundering.

After the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine and well-documented war crimes committed by Russian troops in Ukraine, a number of international institutions have excluded Russia from membership.

Given the FATF's role in complying with global financial crime rules and the FATF's powerful rule of law tools, the FATF is expected to take a more proactive and constructive stance in responding to Russia's systematic and flagrant violations of international law.

Excluding Russia from the FATF and its subsequent blacklisting will also contribute to the global efforts to stop the bloody war at the heart of Europe that was started by Russia and has already displaced over 10 million people and killed thousands of civilian Ukrainians, including children.

The FATF blacklisting will prevent the Russian regime from evading international sanctions, put on Russia over its brutal invasion of Ukraine, through various existing loopholes.


The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Speaker  The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ruslan Stefanchuk, thanked the Parliaments of Six Countries for Recognizing Russia's Actions as Genocide of the Ukrainian People.

"I sincerely believe that the number of states that are in solidarity with this decision will only grow. Recognition of Russia's crimes as genocide of the Ukrainian people is, first of all, respect for the memory of thousands of innocent Ukrainians killed, including children, "Ruslan Stefanchuk said, adding that Russia should be held accountable for war crimes.

The Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament expressed hope that all civilized countries of the world share the position of our Parliament: "I believe that the whole world is with us and for us."


Ministry of the Economy of Ukraine

601 companies that took part in the relocation program have completed relocation from areas where hostilities continue. 390 of them have already resumed work on new sites in the western regions of Ukraine.

Another 87 companies are at various stages of transportation. The equipment is moved by Ukrzaliznytsia, Ukrposhta facilities or own resources (with compensation). Soon another 151 companies will move, which are currently on the routes or drawing up the necessary documents.

Zakarpattia, Lviv and Chernivtsi remain the most popular areas for relocation of enterprises. The business is also finding new places to locate its facilities in Ternopil,Iivano-frankivsk, Vinnytsia and some other regions.

The relocation program helps to protect the industrial capacity of domestic enterprises of all forms of ownership. Moving businesses to safer regions creates new opportunities for economic development and allows businesses to operate in times of war.

To participate in the program you need to register on the digital interaction platform, which is available at


Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Oleksandr Komarida: We are making efforts to enable purchase of Ukrainian medicines by   refugees  temporarily living  in European countries..

One of the strategic goals of the Ministry of Health is to enable people who are temporarily in European countries due to the war with Russia to buy Ukrainian medicines there, which they used to buy at home. This was stated by First Deputy Minister of Health Oleksandr Komarida.

Registration of medicines in the EU is a very difficult process, as foreign markets protect themselves, and the Ukrainian product can become a strong competitor in the European market. It is a product with a lower cost, but in fact of the same quality as European medicines.


5/30/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 05/30/2022 - 9:51am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

A Message to the American People from Commande​r​- in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine General Valeri Zaluzhnyi

2. Ukraine suffers on battlefield while pleading for U.S. arms
3. How to Break Russia’s Blockade of Ukraine’s Black Sea Ports
4. Why Putin will never truly conquer Ukraine
5. Putin Hasn’t Gone Far Enough for Russia’s Hawks
6. A Lack of Morality and Courage
7. Russian Academics Aim to Punish Colleagues Who Backed Ukraine Invasion
8. Heavy fighting as Russian troops enter outskirts of Sievierodonetsk
9. What is America’s end-game for the war in Ukraine?
10. Zelensky: Conditions in Donbas ‘indescribably difficult’
11.  China’s Push for Agreement With Pacific Island Nations Stalls
12. Is Russia Gaining the Upper Hand in Ukraine’s East?
13. How India Influences the Quad
14. China, Russia Again Veto UN Statement on Myanmar Conflict
15. Retired Special Forces officer comes out of retirement to help in Ukraine
16. Lebanon’s Spy Chief Visits Washington to Cooperate on American Hostages
17. US to transfer long-range rocket systems to Ukraine amid Donbas struggle: reports
18. China urged to deepen Asean ties as US becomes India’s biggest trading partner
19. Believe Biden When He Says America Will Defend Taiwan – Analysis
20. Opinion | Despite the war in Ukraine, Biden understands China matters most
21. More than 100 members of Putin's 'private army' were fired for refusing to fight in Ukraine
22. The mystery of China’s sudden warnings about US hackers
23. Putin's Nightmare: A Ukrainian Guerrilla Movement Has Emerged
24. NGA Plays Crucial, Albeit Top-Secret, Role in Major Military Successes, 
25. Negative views of Russia mainly limited to western liberal democracies, poll shows

Korean News Content:

1. Yoon calls for firm response to N.K. provocations
2. N. Korea's new suspected COVID-19 cases back to above 100,000
3. Top N. Korean diplomat affirms 'full support' for China's global security proposal
4. PPP is sending a delegation to Ukraine
5. Unfathomable veto by China and Russia
6. Will China, Russia Keep Blocking Action Against N.Korea?
7. Yoon Suk-yeol drops by neighbors, Defense Ministry, JCS
8. Yoon’s strong start
9. South Korea in dilemma over Canada's request to send artillery ammunition
10. CEOs in Korea and Japan vow to restore bilateral economic ties
11. 'Devotion' trailer teases the story of a Medal of Honor recipient who tried to save his wingman in the Korean War
12. N. Korea compels party members to contribute household medicine and food for those in quarantine
13. For two North Korean escapees, losing local elections in the UK feels like a victory


5/29/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 05/29/2022 - 11:16am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. Russia-Ukraine war: situation in Luhansk ‘extremely escalated’ amid intense shelling by Russian troops
3. Ukraine war volunteers are coming home, reckoning with difficult fight
4. Feds entered school to kill gunman after local cops asked them to wait
5. Putin ties grain exports to demand that sanctions on Russia go
6. He Pushed for Democracy in China for Decades. Now He’s Accused of Spying for China.
7. Russians face prospect of Soviet-style shortages as sanctions bite
8. U.S. bill would bar Google, Apple from hosting apps that accept China's digital yuan
9. UN Corrects China on Human Rights Chief’s Actual Words to Xi
10. Jordan Has an Iran Problem. Can Israel and Saudi Arabia Unite to Combat It?
11. China’s Lockdowns Prompt a Rethinking of Life Plans Among the Young
12. China’s BRI Is Aggravating Ethnic Tensions in the Global South
13. Taiwan: From strategic ambiguity to strategic incoherence
14. The Constitutional Case Against Defending Taiwan
15. Why I Disagree With Henry Kissinger by George Friedman
16. No traction for a war-ending deal in Ukraine
17. How the U.S. Has Struggled to Stop the Growth of a Shadowy Russian Private Army
18. Without summits, a West Asia ‘Quad’ makes progress
19. How the Quad Can Take on China in the 'Gray-Zone'
20. DARPA's revolutionary seaplane wants to change how the Pentagon hauls cargo
21. As War Rages in Ukraine, the U.S. Military Studies Russian Weapons at a ‘Petting Zoo’ Outside Las Vegas

Korean News Content:

1. Biden's Asia Trip: Was It a a Success or a Failure?
2. N.Korea stockpiled Chinese masks, vaccines before reporting COVID-19 outbreak
3.  North Korea punishes officials for failing to contain coronavirus
4. N. Korea touts progress in handling COVID-19 pandemic, but prepares for another wave
5. Unconditional Covid-19 aid for the North
6. Defense chiefs of S. Korea, U.S., Japan arranging talks in Singapore next month
7. China and Russia’s veto of North Korea resolution ‘undermines collective security’, says US envoy to UN
8. Sanctions won't help solve peninsula issue, China says
9. North Korea tests rivers, air, garbage as anti-Covid efforts intensify
10. Redback armored vehicle flaunts field maneuverability
11. N. Korea reports 89,500 new fever cases
12. N. Korea hints at possibility of easing COVID-19 curbs
13. Korean conglomerates vow to invest billions as new president takes office
14. Freedom is back in vogue
15. The 30 Best Korean Dramas on Netflix Right Now
16. Recognizing the power of Korean film
17. BTS members depart for U.S. to visit White House
18. A look through green-tinted glasses at Korea's soju obsession