Small Wars Journal

Blog Posts

SWJ Blog is a multi-author blog publishing news and commentary on the various goings on across the broad community of practice.  We gladly accept guest posts from serious voices in the community.

by The Wall Street Journal | Tue, 08/27/2019 - 10:32am | 0 comments
"Some in Congress question whether deal would secure U.S. against another 9/11, as critics say elections could hinder talks on country’s political future."
by Voice of America | Tue, 08/27/2019 - 12:35am | 0 comments
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan heads to Moscow on Tuesday to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in a bid to bridge the deepening divide over Syria. Erdogan is calling for an end to the Russian-backed Damascus offensive against rebels in Syria's Idlib province.
by Defense News | Tue, 08/27/2019 - 12:23am | 0 comments
"U.S. President Donald Trump said Monday at the G-7 summit he would be willing to meet with Iran’s leader under the right circumstances, a sign simmering tensions between the two nations could soon reach a diplomatic solution."
by The Wall Street Journal | Mon, 08/26/2019 - 12:08pm | 0 comments
"Israeli aircraft struck a Palestinian group’s base in eastern Lebanon, Lebanon’s state news agency said, an attack that escalates tensions as Israel expands efforts to push back against Iran and its allies in the region."
by Reuters | Mon, 08/26/2019 - 11:42am | 0 comments
"As U.S. and Taliban negotiators push to wrap up talks aimed at securing the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan, disagreement remains about whether a pact will mean an end to the insurgents’ fight with the U.S.-backed Afghan government."
by The American Conservative | Mon, 08/26/2019 - 10:54am | 0 comments
"Taking a page from T.E. Lawrence and excelling at primitive drone technology, these 'ragtag' insurgents are besting major powers in Yemen."
by Associated Press | Mon, 08/26/2019 - 12:20am | 0 comments
"A heavily fortified Turkish observation post in the northwestern village of Morek stood surrounded on all sides by Syrian troops Saturday, a testament to the rapid advance of President Bashar Assad's forces in Syria's northwest over the past three weeks as rebel defenses collapsed."
by Voice of America | Sun, 08/25/2019 - 4:50pm | 0 comments
Israel says it had attacked Iranian targets in Syria to foil an imminent attack by what it called Iranian "killer drones" on Israel. Despite Iranian denials of the attack, the incident has sparked new tensions between Israel and Iran. Israel ordered deployment of its Iron Dome missile to its border with Syria.
by Associated Press | Sun, 08/25/2019 - 4:39pm | 0 comments
"Two members of an Iran-backed Iraqi paramilitary force say that a new drone attack has killed one commander and wounded another near the border with Syria."
by The British Broadcasting Corporation | Sun, 08/25/2019 - 5:17am | 0 comments
"Israel has struck Iranian military sites in Syria to prevent what it said was a pending drone strike by Iran."
by Voice of America | Sat, 08/24/2019 - 7:04pm | 0 comments
The Taliban said Saturday that they expected negotiations with the United States to conclude the following day, finalizing a peace deal to end the 18-year-old war in Afghanistan.
by Voice of America | Sat, 08/24/2019 - 4:30pm | 0 comments
Syrian state media report that government forces now control all of northern Hama province for the first time since 2012 and that they have encircled a Turkish military monitoring post in the town of Morek. Turkish President Erdogan says that he will discuss the issue with Russian President Vladimir Putin when they meet next week.
by Al-Monitor | Sat, 08/24/2019 - 3:38pm | 0 comments
"Iraqi authorities are investigating the source of attacks on four weapons storage facilities in the past month belonging to the country's Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) militia. The most recent explosion on Aug. 20 once again prompted accusations of possible US and Israeli involvement."
by SWJ Editors | Sat, 08/24/2019 - 4:40am | 0 comments
Via C4ISRNET - "Countries around the world will increasingly operate on the drone axis, developing capabilities to both employ and combat against drones."
by The Wall Street Journal | Sat, 08/24/2019 - 3:32am | 0 comments
"India’s decision to sideline Kashmiri political leaders as it enforces a military lockdown has left many locals wondering how their Muslim-majority state will mesh with an increasingly Hindu-dominant India."
by Marine Corps Times | Sat, 08/24/2019 - 2:44am | 0 comments
"On Aug. 1, 2016, a large-scale operation to push ISIS fighters out of the embattled Libyan city of Sirte was launched. The fight, dubbed Operation Odyssey Lightning, would include support from attack helicopters and Harriers embarked with the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit and fires from the 5-inch gun aboard the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer Carney."
by Voice of America | Fri, 08/23/2019 - 5:15pm | 0 comments
The State Department says it will assess its programming and redirect all funding on foreign aid, after U.S. President Donald Trump abandoned plans to cut $4 billion in spending on the grounds that it was wasteful and unnecessary.
by The United States Institute of Peace | Fri, 08/23/2019 - 3:01pm | 0 comments
"Given the price Afghans have paid and continue to pay, one might assume that they would eagerly welcome and accept any deal that brings an end to the ongoing war. But is that really the case and is it really that simple?"
by The Wall Street Journal | Fri, 08/23/2019 - 7:28am | 1 comment
"Decision follows similar moves by Twitter and Facebook, with concern that China is trying to discredit pro-democracy demonstrators."
by Associated Press | Fri, 08/23/2019 - 7:20am | 0 comments
"A United States envoy and the Taliban resumed negotiations Thursday on ending America’s longest war."
by Associated Press | Thu, 08/22/2019 - 6:16pm | 0 comments
"The head of Iraq’s paramilitary forces supported by Iran on Thursday walked back a statement by his deputy the day before in which he blamed Israeli drones and held the U.S. responsible for a series of attacks on bases run by the militias."
by The Washington Post | Thu, 08/22/2019 - 11:40am | 0 comments
"The Trump administration has moved to pull back troops from conflict zones like Syria and Afghanistan. But here at Al Udeid, home to the largest U.S. military base in the Middle East, there is no sense of retreat."
by The Washington Post | Thu, 08/22/2019 - 4:02am | 0 comments
"Iranian-backed militias in Iraq warned Wednesday that foreign aircraft flying over the country may be treated as “hostile” amid growing suspicions that Israel is responsible for mysterious explosions at militia bases."
by The Wall Street Journal | Thu, 08/22/2019 - 2:07am | 0 comments
"Powerful lieutenant of President Nicolás Maduro discussing elections in return for safety guarantees."
by Breaking Defense | Wed, 08/21/2019 - 5:24am | 0 comments
"The Army wants to expand its fledgling cyber branch into an information warfare force that can do everything from jamming insurgent radio stations to fighting Chinese cyber espionage and to protecting US elections from online subversion."