Small Wars Journal

9/2/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 09/02/2022 - 10:05am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: August 4, 2022-September 1, 2022


3. China’s Gorbachev phobia 

4. New reports detail Russia’s vast ‘filtration’ system for Ukrainians

5. The military’s sexual assault problem is only getting worse

6. Some of the first troops into Afghanistan celebrate victories, lament failures

7.  Why Not A Phased Withdrawal From Afghanistan?

8. A Reminder that the position of Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs actually exists

9. A Strategist’s Cast of Characters: The Critical Attributes and Skills of Strategic Decision-Makers

10. Funding the Indo-Pacific Pivot

11. Fort Bragg moves 100 soldiers from mold-plagued barracks, plans to move 1,000 more by month’s end

12.  How to Teach Beijing a Lesson in Ukraine

13.  Opinion | Ukraine’s counteroffensive is more than just bravado

14.  Gorbachev 'Shocked and Bewildered' By Putin’s Ukraine War

15. Blast from the Past: What We Learned by Bringing a Rear-Area Combat Concept from the 1980s to the National Training Center

16. I’m a Ukrainian Soldier, and I’ve Accepted My Death

17. Lukoil chairman Ravil Maganov is the 8th Russian energy executive to die suddenly this year

18. UN report on human rights in Xinjiang is damning for China. But what will its impact be?

19.  Marine Hone Future Concepts with Dune Buggies, Liaison Officers, and Many Radios

20. The Army Wants Smarter Sensors To Ease Soldiers’ ‘Cognitive Burden’

21. Philippine-born pretenders pursue QAnon global ‘monarchy’

22. Biden's effort to isolate Russia has a big problem: India

23. In the new offensive in the Ukraine War, can new recruits, high morale and heavy weapons tip the balance?

Korean News Content:

1. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: (KOREA)
2. Unification minister discusses N.K. human rights with U.N. rapporteur
3. N. Korea blasts new U.N. rapporteur on its human rights as 'puppet' of U.S.
4. Top nuke envoys of S. Korea, U.S., Japan to meet in Tokyo next week
5. Lifting ban on North Korean media can only help the South Korean government
6. New U.N. rapporteur voices concerns over South Korea's repatriation of N. Korean fishermen in 2019
7. S. Korea, U.S., Japan agree on strong response in case of N. Korea's nuke test
8. S. Korea approves basic plan to upgrade AH-64E Apache helicopters
9. Pyongyang General Hospital’s construction manager sent to forced labor camp
10. North Korea’s Plan for Unification by Federation: What It Really Means 
11. N. Korea forces border residents to sign oaths to “never use foreign-made cell phones”
12. N. Korea puts 20 people on trial for watching, distributing “impure recorded materials”
13. Korean delegation proposes ‘joint consultative channel’ to U.S. (IRA)
14. One-of-a-kind U.S. Army laboratory strengthens partnership with South Korean allies
15. South Korea Zeros F-35B CVX Carrier Program in Favor of Funding North Korean Deterrence Strategy 
16. Shifting World War II Memory in East Asia Signals Newly Emerging Global Alliances
17. <Local Interviews>Is N. Korea’s “victory over COVID-19” legit? (1) Fever patients still emerge…People believe the country has achieved herd immunity

Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: August 4, 2022-September 1, 2022

Fri, 09/02/2022 - 7:25am
Access the Foreign Policy Tracker HERE. 


September 1, 2022 | FDD Tracker: August 4, 2022-September 1, 2022

FDD | Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: September

David Adesnik
Senior Fellow and Director of Research

John Hardie
Research Manager and Senior Research Analyst · by David Adesnik Senior Fellow and Director of Research · September 1, 2022

Trend Overview

Edited by David Adesnik and John Hardie

Welcome back to the Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker. Once a month, we ask FDD’s experts and scholars to assess the administration’s foreign policy. They provide trendlines of very positive, positive, neutral, negative, or very negative for the areas they watch.

As August drew to a close, Washington and Tehran were nearing a nuclear agreement that imposes even fewer constraints than the 2015 deal with Iran. The White House pushed ahead with the nuclear negotiations even as the Justice Department revealed an Iranian plot to assassinate former U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton. Meanwhile, one of Tehran’s Iraqi proxy forces employed Iranian-provided drones to attack U.S. troops in eastern Syria. Tehran also continues to stonewall inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), who are investigating the presence of nuclear materials the clerical regime failed to disclose despite a binding obligation to do so under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The Biden administration’s determination to ignore Iran’s signs of bad faith suggests the White House may accept a nuclear deal based more on trust than on verification.

Will the Biden administration insist that Tehran address these concerns, or will it press the IAEA to stand down, as the Obama administration did to protect the original nuclear deal in 2015? Will President Joe Biden accept a deal that renders military sites off-limits to inspectors, like the original agreement? Come back next month to see if the White House was able to push the deal over the finish line, and whether the cost of doing so was trusting Tehran to honor its promises.

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN September 1, 6.00 pm EST

Thu, 09/01/2022 - 7:22pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



September 1, 6.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 01.09 were approximately:

personnel - about 48350 (+450),

tanks ‒ 1997 (+23),

APV ‒ 4345 (+33),

artillery systems – 1115 (+24),

MLRS – 287 (+2),

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 153 (+1),

aircraft – 234 (+0),

helicopters – 205 (+1),

UAV operational-tactical level – 851 (+2),

cruise missiles - 196 (+0),

warships / boats - 15 (+0),

vehicles and fuel tanks – 3239 (+3),

special equipment - 104 (+1).

Russian enemy suffered the greatest losses (of the last day) in the Donetsk and Kurakhove directions. Data are being updated.

The one hundred ninetieth (190) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

The enemy is concentrating its efforts on establishing full control over the territory of Donetsk oblast, as well as maintaining the captured areas of Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, and Mykolaiv oblasts.

The enemy continues to carry out air and missile attacks on military and civilian objects on all the territory of Ukraine.

The situation remains unchanged in the Volyn and Polissya directions. Units of the Armed Forces of the republic of belarus continue to carry out the task of strengthening the protection of the section of the belarusian-Ukrainian border in the Brest and Gomel regions.

The threat of the enemy launching missiles and air strikes from the territory and airspace of the republic of belarus remains.

In the Siversky region, the enemy continues to hold separate units of the armed forces of the Russian federation in the border areas of the Bryansk and Kursk regions. The enemy, using barrel artillery, shelled civilian and military infrastructure in the areas of Kamianska Sloboda and Zaliznyi Mist settlements of Chernihiv oblast.

In the Kharkiv direction, using tanks, combat vehicles, barrel, and jet artillery, the enemy shelled the positions of our troops and civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Klenove, Dementiivka, Ruski Tyshky, Velyki Prohody, Petrivka, Peremoha, Bayrak, Shevelivka. It continues conducting aerial reconnaissance using unmanned aerial vehicles.

In the Slovyansk direction, it carried out shelling with the use of tanks, barrel artillery, and MLRS in the areas of Krasnopilla, Virnopilla, and Hrushuvakha settlements. Conducted aerial reconnaissance using UAVs.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy continues to conduct active combat operations, concentrating the main efforts on the Bakhmut and Avdiivka directions. Exercises fire influence and tries to improve the tactical position, actively conducts air reconnaissance.

In the Kramatorsk direction, shelling was carried out with the use of barrel and rocket artillery in the areas of the settlements of Raihorodok, Berestove, Rozdolivka, Tetyanivka, Mala Piskunivka, Verkhnyokamianske, Ivano-Daryivka, and Siversk.

In the direction of Bakhmut, shelling of military and civilian infrastructure in the areas of settlements Bakhmutske, Soledar, Yakovlivka, Mayorsk, Diliivka. Enemy units tried to conduct offensive battles in the areas of Vesela Dolyna and Zaitseve settlements.

In the Avdiyivka direction, it carried out shelling with the use of barrels, jet artillery, and tanks in the areas of the settlements of Opytne, Pervomaiske, and New York. It carried out airstrikes in the areas of the settlements of Vremivka, Neskuchne, Oleksandropil.

In the Novopavlovsk direction, it shelled the positions of our troops with the use of tanks, barrel artillery, and multiple rocket launcher systems in the area of ​​the settlement of Zolota Nyva. An airstrike was carried out in the area of ​​Maryinka settlement. It led an offensive battle in the area of ​​the settlement of Vodyane, but was unsuccessful.

In the Zaporizhzhia region, it shelled the positions of the defenders of Ukraine with the use of barrel and jet artillery, tanks in the areas of settlements of Novopil, Olhivske, Hulyaipole, Novodanylivka, Novoyakovlivka, Dorozhnyanka, Zelene Pole, Charivne, Bilohirya.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy is concentrating its main efforts on maintaining the occupied positions. The enemy is taking measures to replenish losses. Conducted shelling with the use of tanks, barrels and jet artillery along the contact line. Fired objects of civil and military infrastructure in the areas of settlements of Stepova Dolyna, Novomykolaivka, Stepove, Partyzanske, Andriivka, Myrne, Prybuzke, Mykolaivka, Zorya, Luch, Ivanivka, Knyazunka. For the purpose of conducting aerial reconnaissance, the UAV was actively used in the indicated direction. The enemy is trying to restore the logistical support of his troops.

The enemy ship group continues to focus its efforts on conducting reconnaissance and blocking civilian shipping in the northwestern part of the Black Sea.

Operational update as of 6 p.m. CET, September 1

The enemy is trying to establish complete control over the territory of the Donetsk oblast and to hold the captured areas of the Kherson, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, and Mykolaiv regions.

The enemy continues to carry out air and missile attacks on military and civilian objects on the territory of our State.

In the Siversky direction, the enemy is holding separate units of the armed forces of the Russian federation in the border areas of the Bryansk and Kursk regions. The enemy shelled the areas of Kamianska Sloboda, Zaliznyi Myst, Senkivka of Chernihiv oblast, and Starykovo of Sumy oblast with mortars and barrel artillery.

In the Slobozhansk direction, the enemy continues to conduct hostilities with the aim of holding the previously occupied areas.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy shelled targets in the areas of Udy, Sosnivka, Velyki Prohody, Pytomnyk, Ruska Lozova, Ruski Tyshki, Cherkaskie Tyshki, Stariy Saltiv and Pryshyb with the use of tank weapons, barrel and rocket artillery.

In the Slavyansk direction, enemy units shelled the areas of Hrushuvaha, Velyka Komyshuvakha, Vernopillya, Dolyna, Krasnopillya, Dibrivne, and Nova Dmytrivka settlements with barrel artillery and multiple rocket systems.

It used aviation to strike the areas of the settlements of Nova Dmytrivka and made an attempt to attack in the direction of Dolyna settlement, was unsuccessful, withdrew.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the enemy fired tanks, mortars, barrel and jet artillery at the areas of the settlements of Raihorodok, Piskunivka, Siversk, Verkhnyokamianske, Ivano-Daryivka, Spirne, and Rozdolivka.

In the Bakhmut direction, the enemy shelled the areas of the settlements of Vesele, Yakovlivka, Vyimka, Bilohorivka, Krasnopolivka, Zvanivka, Soledar, Bakhmut, Bakhmutske, Mayorsk, Vesela Dolyna with tanks, barrel and rocket artillery.

With offensive actions, it tried to advance in the direction of the settlements of Vesela Dolyna, Soledar, Bakhmutske, and Zaytseve, but was unsuccessful, and withdrew.

In the Avdiivsk direction, the enemy fired with tanks, mortars, and barrel artillery in the areas of the settlements of Oleksandropil, Rozivka, Tonenke, Avdiivka, Karlivka, Vodyane, Opytne, Pervomaiske, Pisky.

It carried out an airstrike on the areas of the settlements of Vremivka, Neskuchne, and Oleksandropol.

With offensive and assault actions, it tried to improve the tactical position in the direction of the settlements of Pervomaiske, Nevelske, and Opytne, it was unsuccessful, suffered losses, and withdrew.

In the Novopavlivsk direction, it shelled the areas of Krasnohorivka, Maryinka, Novomykhailivka, Velyka Novosilka, and Prechistivka settlements. An airstrike was carried out in the area of ​​Maryinka settlement.

With offensive and assault actions, it tried to improve the tactical position in the direction of the settlement of Vodyane, but it did not succeed, and withdrew.

In the Zaporizhzhia direction, the enemy shelled objects in the areas of settlements of Novopil, Olhivske, Hulyaipole, Luhivske.

In the South Buz region, the enemy tried to use tanks, mortars, and barrel artillery to hit important objects in the areas of Potemkine, Andriyivka, Novohryhorivka, Shyroke, Partyzanske, Novopetrivka, Lyubomirivka, Shevchenkove, Stepova Dolyna, Tavriyske, Lupareve, Oleksandrivka, Pervomaiske, Lozove, Olhyne settlements.

The enemy naval group in the waters of the Black and Azov seas continues to conduct reconnaissance, perform the task of supporting the actions of the ground group and block civilian shipping.

There is still a threat of missile strikes on objects and infrastructure elements deep in the territory of Ukraine.


State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine

Hackers are attempting an attack on Ukrainian, Austrian and German organizations.

The Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) under the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine has the following warning to communicate: On August 30 and 31, 2022 mass emailing of messages themed “Technical Drawing” (“Technisches Zeichnen”) to Ukrainian, Austrian and German organizations was detected.

Experts note that similar bulk emails were detected also on August 11 — the messages had a topic and an attachment titled “Contract Documentation” (“Договірна документація” in Ukrainian) then.


State Enterprise «National Nuclear Energy Generating Company «Energoatom»

Ahead of IAEA mission visit, the Russian military resorted to new provocations at ZNPP.

Today, September 1, 2022, at 4:57 am, due to another mortar shelling by the Russian occupying forces at the Zaporizhzhya NPP site, the emergency protection was activated and the operating power unit 5 was shut down.

Furthermore, the ZNPP 330 kV backup power supply line used for in-house needs was damaged. In the transitional mode, the non-operating power unit 2 was de-energized with the start-up of diesel generators.

This is the second time in the last 10 days that the criminal actions of the Russian military have caused the shutdown of the unit and the power plant blackout.

Power unit 6 keeps operating in the power system of Ukraine and at the same time powers the ZNPP's in-house needs.


International Atomic Energy Agency

AEA's Support and Assistance Mission to Zaporizhzhya (ISAMZ) led by Director General Rafael Grossi has arrived today at Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant to conduct indispensable nuclear safety and security and safeguards activities.





President of Ukraine

Address by President V.Zelenskyy to Ukrainians

Today, a new academic year began in our country, as it should be. Despite everything. More than six months of full-scale war. Extraordinary destruction caused by the occupiers. But the education of Ukrainian children continues.

It takes place in various formats, yet systematically and professionally everywhere. And I am grateful to all our educators who continue their work and guarantee with their attention to children that all young Ukrainians have an opportunity to become educated and live a decent modern life. More than 300,000 first-graders, almost 4 million pupils - this is the scale of September 1 this year.

So, in addition to many other conclusions, a very important political conclusion can be made today - about the resilience of our state, about the strength of our society. Our educational institutions are effective. Our state and local communities ensure the restoration of education even in those areas where schools were destroyed during the occupation.

Today I was in Irpin, Kyiv region. I saw the beginning of the work of such a restored school. 1,300 pupils will get their education there. The children went to the first grade, as is customary. I was happy to see them starting to study and to see the conditions it happens in. A good, comfortable, humanly warm school. And it will be the same on the entire territory of our state, which we will definitely oust the invaders from.

No matter what they destroyed, we will restore everything, we will rebuild everything. No matter how much they want to destroy Ukraine and anything Ukrainian, our children will still go to their schools and universities and get an education absolutely freely. National education. Humanistic education. Education built not on lies and propaganda spread by the terrorist state, but on real knowledge, openness to the world and the best human values.

Today, the IAEA mission arrived at Zaporizhzhia NPP. It's good that it happened. The fact itself despite all the provocations by the Russian military and the cynical shelling of Enerhodar and the territory of the plant. Ukraine did everything to make this mission happen. But it is bad that the occupiers are trying to turn this IAEA mission - a really necessary one - into a fruitless tour of the plant. I believe that this will be prevented.

It is good that the IAEA representatives have an opportunity to draw objective conclusions about the risks that have arisen at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant for the first time in history. Moreover, the risks that have arisen precisely because of the occupiers. The main thing is to have the will to draw objective conclusions. Constant shelling, the presence of Russian military and weapons at the plant, tormenting Ukrainian personnel and attempts to put the plant under the control of Rosatom representatives who are not at all capable of a responsible attitude towards such an object... These are the reasons for the risks.

We have clear evidence that Russia did a lot of cynical things to deceive the mission. In particular, with the help of intimidation of residents of Enerhodar. The occupiers forced people to lie to the IAEA representatives - to hand over some papers, sign something, say something.

When we met with Mr. Grossi and members of the mission in Kyiv, we agreed that the mission would be accompanied by journalists from Ukrainian and international media. Independent journalists. For the world to see the truth. To see what is really happening. Unfortunately, this wasn’t done. Although it was promised. Unfortunately, the occupiers did not let the journalists in, but organized a bunch of their propagandists. Unfortunately, the IAEA representatives did not protect the representatives of independent media.

We are hopeful that the mission will nevertheless draw objective conclusions from the circumstances at the plant. For more than three decades, 5 facilities have been under the control of our specialists - the Chornobyl plant and 4 operational nuclear power plants. The IAEA never had any claims regarding the activities of any of these facilities until Russia invaded our territory and brought its madness here.

When the Russian military finally leave the territory of the Zaporizhzhia NPP, when they take away their weapons, ammunition, when they stop shelling Enerhodar and neighboring areas and cease their provocations, the Zaporizhzhia plant will be able to return to a completely safe functioning, which has always been the case under the control of Ukraine.

And the key thing that should happen is the demilitarization of the territory of the plant. This is exactly the goal of Ukrainian and international efforts. And it is bad that we have not yet heard the appropriate calls from the IAEA. Although we talked about it with Mr. Grossi at our meeting in Kyiv. This was the key - the key! - security point of our agreements. It was clearly stated: demilitarization and full control by Ukrainian nuclear specialists.

Today I had a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark who arrived in Ukraine. I thanked him for the support, which is a very useful support, in particular in the field of defense. We discussed further steps to defend Ukraine and the entire united Europe, the sanction policy and the restoration of our state after hostilities.

I held the first conversation with the new Prime Minister of Israel Lapid. I emphasized the necessity of Israel’s accession to the sanctions on Russia, sanctions for all the evil brought by this war. The evil that should have never returned again.

I addressed the Polish people - September 1 is the anniversary of the beginning of World War II. I said an important thing in this address: just as that aggressor was defeated and convicted, this aggressor will inevitably be defeated and convicted as well. When the free world is united and the victim of aggression is not left alone, when no one signs disgraceful pacts with evil, the war ends with the victory of the forces of good.

I signed another decree on awarding our warriors. 155 combatants were awarded state awards, 22 of them posthumously. In total, since February 24, 28,042 Ukrainian warriors have received state awards. Those who heroically defend our state in all directions. Who ousted the enemy from the north, who are beating the occupiers in the east, who are destroying them in the south and, what is very important now, are working for the liberation of our Crimea.

And today I especially want to express gratitude to our defenders in the Kharkiv direction - the 92nd brigade, all warriors and сommanding officer of the brigade Fedosenko. Thanks for your bravery guys!

And also to our Air Forces. Yesterday, the anti-aircraft troops in the Donetsk region did a very good job - shot down another helicopter of the occupiers, already the 205th during the full-scale war, and two UAVs. In total, more than 800 Russian drones have already been destroyed. Today, our Air Forces did a good job against enemy missiles - thank you for the result!


We will do everything so that Ukrainians, Poles and all the peoples of Europe live freely – President of Ukraine addresses the people of Poland on the 83rd anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War

Already 83 years separate us from that morning that put Europe and the world on the brink of ruin. On September 1, 1939, around 4 a.m., the Polish city of Wieluń was the target of a terrible bombardment. Nazi Germany went to war against all free nations, starting with Poland.

And there will not be such a generation of Ukrainians, Poles, all Europeans or people in general who will forget what Nazism brought and what the Nazi executioners were held accountable for.

People believed that it would be possible to avoid the repetition of those terrible crimes and such a cruel war. But it was such a morning again. Only on February 24, 2022, when bombs and missiles hit peaceful cities. Once again, the ideology of hatred is trying to seize space in Europe through mass murder and terror.

Wieluń is repeated – in Kharkiv, in Mykolaiv, in the cities of Donbas, in Mariupol. Burnt cities and villages were repeated. Katyń was repeated – in Olenivka. The deportation was repeated.

But there is something that did not happen again. No one made criminal pacts with hatred. And from the first minute of this war, we receive real help from true friends and brothers, who have become our powerful rear and are doing everything to help us win.

We will do everything to ensure that Ukrainians, Poles and all the peoples of Europe live freely. So that every generation of our peoples, all Europeans and people in general remember what racism was and what the racist executioners will be punished for. We will do everything to ensure that the morning of September 1, the morning of June 22 and the morning of February 24 do not repeat. Never again. We will do everything so that hatred finally loses.


Prime Minister of Ukraine

Support for Ukraine, the development of public-private partnership and the restoration of our state were among the issues for discussion of Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Denmark Jeppe Kofod during a meeting in Kyiv on September 1.

Denys Shmyhal thanked Jeppe Kofod for the current visit and emphasized that his visit to Kyiv in the first months of the full-scale war had been a very important signal of support on the part of Denmark.

"Denmark will further remain our reliable partner. We highly appreciate comprehensive support, in particular in the field of supplying military technology and weapons, in the field of humanitarian aid, and the creation of relevant places for the treatment of wounded people in Ukraine," the Prime Minister noted.

The Head of the Ukrainian Government noted that the supply of weapons was number one task for Ukraine these days in order to protect the country and European borders. Therefore, the Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to Denmark for advocating the EU's allocation of appropriate military aid in the amount of EUR 1.5 billion.

Apart from that, Denys Shmyhal and Jeppe Kofod tackled the issue of gas supply in the context of the recent meeting of the heads of government of Northern European countries and Germany, as well as the situation at the Zaporizhzhia NPP. The Prime Minister emphasized that Ukraine had responsibly managed five nuclear power plants for more than 30 years.

Now, during this war, Russia has seized the Zaporizhzhia NPP and is creating high risks at the plant. Russian troops do not have a culture of dealing with nuclear facilities. And this is a great threat to us, Europe and the world. The IAEA mission is to visit the station today. We expect that this will be the first step towards the complete demilitarization of the ZNPP," stressed Denys Shmyhal.

Separately, the Prime Minister thanked Denmark for cooperation in the field of public-private partnership, in particular in the context of leveraging private investments to Ukraine in the coming years.

"After the Conference in Lugano, where we presented the Ukraine Recovery Plan, we consolidated the countries around the discussion on how we will rebuild our state. Now we have to implement the first part - rehabilitate critical infrastructure. We engage in talks with our partners on how to implement this as soon as possible," said the Head of the Government.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark thanked Ukraine and Ukrainians for fighting for their freedom and for the freedom of everyone in Europe. Jeppe Kofod emphasized that Denmark would prolong its support for Ukraine, both in the military sphere and in reconstruction. In particular, a new aid package is already being prepared.



9/1/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 09/01/2022 - 10:38am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:


2. Secret American Special Operations Mission Rescued A Hostage In Africa This Week

3. U.N. Says China May Have Committed ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ in Xinjiang

4. China rejects UN report on Uyghur rights abuses in Xinjiang

5. History's bookends: Putin reversed many Gorbachev reforms

6. China locks down 21 million in Chengdu in COVID-19 outbreak

7. US war-gamed with Ukraine ahead of counteroffensive and encouraged more limited mission

8. Ukrainian Soldiers Say They Are Advancing in the South, but at a Cost

9. Guerrilla Warfare: Ukraine's Partisans are Taking the War to Russia

10. Taiwan Crisis: Taiwan Shoots Down Unidentified Drone

11. The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant Is Kindling for World War III

12. A Draft for Russia’s Army? Putin Opts for Domestic Stability Instead.

13. Reported sexual assaults across US military increase by 13%

14. Illia Ponomarenko: Stop whining about the war in Ukraine

15. Ukrainian military launches offensive to retake territory from Russia

16.  BRICS president: Russia and India have no need for the U.S. dollar

17. Why Washington should provide ATACMS weapons to Ukraine

18. Faces of Kremlin Propaganda: Margarita Simonyan 

19. Russian Anarchists Are Sabotaging Railways To Stop Putin’s War on Ukraine

20. UN inspectors arrive at Ukraine nuclear plant after shelling causes delay

21. Taiwan shoots down drone for first time off Chinese coast

22. How American Lawyers and Accountants Help Fuel the War in Ukraine

23. FDD | Clashes Erupt in Iraq in Response to Sadr’s Resignation

24. Pelosi showing up in Taiwan is not enough

25. China's psychological war for Taiwan

26. Going Viral: Preparing Ground Forces for Combat in the Information Age

Korean News Content:

1. S. Korean, US troops to end two-week combined exercise

2. Poland eyes SKorean rocket launchers amid HIMARS talks with the US

3. U.S. promises to look into Inflation Reduction Act impact on Korean carmakers: Seoul official

4. U.N. rapporteur urges efforts to address human rights problem of N. Korean women

5. Two cheers for the three nos

6. Enmity between Koreans and Japanese recedes

7. Joint military drills important for security on Korean Peninsula: Pentagon

8. USFK deploys advanced Gray Eagle drones

9. Yoon government has last opportunity for North Korea's denuclearization: experts

10. The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant Is Kindling for World War III

11. S. Korea: China, Russia hold key to North's denuclearization

12. North Korea's COVID restrictions intensify human rights violations - U.N.

13. Normalizing US-North Korea Ties Before Denuclearization Seen as Unrealistic

14. South Korean Cybersecurity Experts Play Cat-and-Mouse With the North’s Hackers

15. North Korean parents fear their children will serve in army’s construction detail

16. US and South Korean forces hold first live-fire exercises since new unit formed

17. Residents complain of noise, danger as U.S. troops practice in S.Korea

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN August 31, 6.00 pm EST The one hundred eighty-ninth (189) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

Thu, 09/01/2022 - 10:26am


Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



August 31, 6.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 31.08 were approximately:

personnel - about 47900 (+350) persons,

tanks ‒ 1974 (+20),

APV ‒ 4312 (+18),

artillery systems – 1091 (+12),

MLRS - 285 (+3),

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 152 (+1),

aircraft – 234 (+0),

helicopters – 204 (+0),

UAV operational-tactical level - 849 (+2),

cruise missiles - 196 (+0),

warships / boats - 15 (+0) од,

vehicles and fuel tanks - 3236 (+19),

special equipment - 103 (+0).

Russian enemy suffered the greatest losses (of the last day) in the Donetsk and Kurakhove directions.

The one hundred eighty-ninth (189) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

In the Volyn, Polissya, and Siversky directions, the situation remains unchanged. On the latter, the enemy carried out mortar and artillery shelling in the areas of the settlements of Hai in the Chernihiv oblast and Dmytrivka and Kindrativka in the Sumy oblast.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy fired from barrel and jet artillery in the areas of the settlements of Duvanka, Klynove, Sosnivka, Dementiivka, Ruska Lozova, Ruski, and Cherkaski Tyshky, Velyki Prohody, Tsirkuny, Petrivka, Stary Saltiv, Peremoha, Shestakove, Bayrak, Nortsivka, and Shevelivka.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy does not stop trying to enter the administrative border of the Donetsk oblast. To date, fierce battles continue in the Bakhmut and Avdiivka directions, in the Kodema, Zaytseve, Piski, Pervomaiske, and Maryinka areas.

In the Slovyansk direction, enemy units continued shelling from barrel artillery and multiple rocket launcher systems near Dolyna, Krasnopilla, Bohorodychne, and Virnopilla. Enemy aircraft struck near Virnopilla.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the enemy shelled the areas of the settlements of Vesele, Berestove, Bohorodychne, Tetyanivka, Zakitne, Mala Piskunivka, Hryhorivka, Verkhnyokamianske, Spirne, and Ivano-Daryivka with mortars, tanks, and rocket artillery. Areas near Spirne and Ivano-Daryivka were hit by enemy aircraft.

In the direction of Bakhmut, shelling from the artillery of various types was recorded near Bakhmut, Bakhmutske, Soledar, Yakovlivka, Zaytseve, Mayorsk, and Kodema. With offensive actions, the enemy tried to advance in the directions of Bakhmut, Vesela Dolyna, and Zaitseve, but was unsuccessful and retreated. Attempts are being made to establish control over the settlement of Kodema, and fighting continues.

In the Avdiivka direction, the enemy fired mortars, tanks, barrels, and rocket artillery near Avdiivka, Opytne, Umanske, Pervomaiske, Staromykhailivka, and New York. With offensive actions, it tried to improve the tactical position in the directions of Krasnohorivka and Maryinka, which traditionally suffered losses and retreated.

In the Novopavlivsk direction, enemy fire was recorded near Novomykhailivka, Paraskoviivka, Prechystivka, Zolota Nyva, Velika Novosilka, and Blagodatne.

In the Zaporizhzhia direction, the enemy is using tanks, rockets, and barrel artillery, the enemy carried out shelling along the contact line. The enemy is regrouping units and units of the 3rd Army Corps on the temporarily occupied territory of the Zaporizhzhia region with the aim of resuming the offensive in the specified direction.

In the South Buh region, the enemy continued shelling military and civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Oleksandrivka, Lyubomirivka, Novomykolaivka, Lupareve, Chervonyi Yar, Novohryhorivka, Stepove, Pervomaiske, Kiselivka, Partyzanske, Kvitneve, Chervona Dolyna, Kobzartsi, Ternivka, Andriivka, Osokorivka, Olhyne, Ivanivka, Trudolyubivka, Dobryanka, Potyomkine, Knyazivka and Topolyne. The Andriyivka district and the Plotnytske tract were hit by air strikes.

The enemy's naval group in the waters of the Black and Azov Seas continues to carry out the tasks of reconnaissance and blocking civilian shipping. The threat of missile strikes on objects and infrastructure elements deep in the territory of Ukraine continues.

The operational update as of 18.00 (CET), on August 31, 2022

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy shelled civilian infrastructure from tanks, combat vehicles, and barrel and jet artillery in the areas of Duvanka, Sosnivka, Ruska Lozova, Cherkaski Tyshky, Tsyrkuny, Stary Saltiv, Shestakove, Nortsivka, and Husarivka settlements. It supports the high intensity of UAV reconnaissance. It carried out airstrikes in the area of ​​Ruski Tyshky. The enemy made an unsuccessful attempt to attack in the direction of Prudyanka.

In the Slovyansk direction, the positions of the Defense Forces in the areas of Dolyna, Bohorodychne, and Dibrivne settlements were hit by fire. An airstrike was carried out near Virnopilla. The enemy is trying to improve the logistical support of his troops.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the enemy fired from barrel and jet artillery near Vesele, Bohorodychne, Zakitne, Hryhorivka, and Spirne. It carried out airstrikes in the areas of the settlements of Spirne and Ivano-Daryivka.

In the Bakhmut direction, the occupiers fired at military and civilian infrastructure facilities in the Bakhmut, Soledar, Zaytseve districts.

Ukrainian defense forces repelled enemy offensive attempts in the direction of Vesela Dolyna, Bakhmut, Zaytseve, Mayorsk settlements.

In the Avdiivka direction, the enemy fired from tanks, barrels and jet artillery near Avdiivka, Opytne, Umanske, Pervomaiske, and Staromykhailivka. It made an unsuccessful attack attempt in the direction of the settlements of Avdiivka, Pervomaiske, Krasnohorivka, and Maryinka, suffered losses, and retreated.

In the Novopavlivske direction, shelling of the positions of our troops in the areas of Novomykhailivka, Prechystivka, and Velyka Novosilka settlements was recorded. The enemy tried to improve the tactical position in the Pobyeda area but was unsuccessful.

In the direction of Zaporozhzhia, the areas of Burlatske, Kamianske, Novopil, Hulyaipole, Orihiv, Zaliznychne, Vremivka, Novoivanivka, and Mala Tokmachka settlements were attacked by the enemy. The enemy used aviation for strikes near Chervone, Dorozhnyanka, and Novosilka.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy is concentrating its main efforts on holding the occupied positions. Takes measures to replenish losses and restore the logistical support of the troop group. It carried out shelling from tanks, barrel and rocket artillery in the areas of the settlements of Oleksandrivka, Lupareve, Chervony Yar, Kiselivka, Kvitneve, Velyke Artakove, Shevchenkove, Mykolaiv, Bila Krynytsia, Posad-Pokrovske, Olhyne, Dobryanka, and Topoline. Areas of Andriyivka, Olhyne, and Plotnytske settlements were hit by airstrikes. The enemy pays considerable attention to aerial reconnaissance by UAVs.

In the waters of the Black and Azov Seas, the enemy's naval group focuses its main efforts on maintaining a favorable operational regime and blocking civilian shipping in the northwestern part of the Black Sea.





President of Ukraine

Address by President V.Zelenskyy to Ukrainians

Today was a really busy day. I held a meeting of the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. All relevant leaders were there: Zaluzhny, Monastyrskyi, Budanov, Maliuk, Danilov and others. I think it is obvious what issues we considered. The military reported on the situation on the frontline, on the development of the situation.

I will not reveal the details now. I will say only one thing: on behalf of our intelligence, I want to thank all our people who support us very strongly in the south of our country, and especially in Crimea. The intelligence officers are grateful for the information provided and will use it to the maximum. Let the enemies not forget whose peninsula they are staying on. Temporarily staying.

The fighting in Donbas remains fierce – the hot spots in the region have not changed. Our guys are holding their ground. I am grateful to every warrior for resilience!

Today I held a meeting with representatives of the Parliament and the Government of Ukraine regarding the current plans of the state’s work.

I took part in the work of a very respectable forum in the Czech Republic, in Prague, called Forum 2000. It was founded by Václav Havel and is attracting significant attention in Europe.

I addressed the participants of the forum and urged them to strengthen the support of our state in this war and the protection of all of Europe from Russian pressure. In particular, the issue of limiting European visas for citizens of Russia should be finally resolved.

I think it is humiliating for Europe when it is considered as just one big boutique or restaurant. Europe is primarily a territory of values, not primitive consumption. And when the citizens of the state that wants to destroy European values use Europe for their entertainment or shopping, for the vacation of their mistresses while they themselves work for the war or to simply silently wait out the immoral fall of Russia, which is happening right now, this is completely contrary to everything which Europe was united for in general.

The European Union was intended to maintain peace on the continent. Work for peaceful and democratic development of European countries. Europe cannot become morally deaf. And none of the European leaders will be able to justify the fact that the money allegedly doesn’t smell for them with the consequences of COVID.

Because if there is such deafness, if there is such a loss of the ability to distinguish the smell of blood on bills, there will be no Europe, there will be no peaceful Europe.

I am grateful to those Europeans who understand that in wartime it is the duty of any normal person to fight for the aggressor to lose, for the occupation to end, for the Russian military to leave Ukrainian land.

Today I want to thank all our agricultural workers, port workers, diplomats and government officials who returned the status of a real guarantor of food security in African countries to Ukraine.

23 thousand tons of Ukrainian wheat under the UN World Food Programme have already arrived at the port of Djibouti. And they will be delivered to the people of Ethiopia, where there is the worst drought in the last 40 years and millions of people are on the verge of starvation.

We are also restoring the relevant connections with the countries of the Arabian Peninsula - almost 40 thousand tons of wheat are headed to Yemen.

And in general, more than 1.5 million tons of our food have already been exported by sea from the three ports that became operational thanks to the grain export initiative. We are doing everything for the world to feel the importance of Ukraine and be grateful to our people.

I signed the decree on awarding our warriors today. 149 combatants were awarded state awards, 15 of them posthumously. We will always remember our heroes!


Russia wants the world to make three mistakes: to get used to the war, to put up with the war and to forget about the war; this intention should never succeed - address by the President of Ukraine to the participants of the Venice Film Festival

I appreciate the opportunity to address you today and tell our story. Tell about Ukraine, its people and the war that Russia has been waging against us for 189 days. A story that is beyond competition and beyond the limits of humanity and common sense. A drama based on real events. Embodied in life by real savages, murderers, torturers, terrorists. A tragedy accompanied not by Morricone's brilliant music, but by gruesome ditties and sounds of explosions, gunshots and air raid sirens. Horror, not 120 minutes but 189 days long. 189 days of war, which continues in Ukraine and which Europe and the world are allegedly tired of. This is what Russia claims. This is what Russia wants. A primitive plot in three acts for the world to make three dramatic mistakes. To get used to the war. To put up with the war. To forget about the war.

This intention should never succeed.

Cultural figures, directors, producers, actors, screenwriters, DOPs, composers, artists, designers, film critics and thousands of other people - from different countries of the world and one cinematographic family. Your position is important, your voice is influential, your word is loud. The least you can do today, or rather, NOT do, is not to be silent, not to be afraid, not to turn away, not to pass by and not to be indifferent to the war in Ukraine, which was unleashed by Russia.

To hear about this war in the most understandable language. For you, this is the language of cinematography. But you won't see any scary footage now: explosions, gunshots, destruction, smoke, pain and tears. You will see things that most people don't usually see. An integral part of every film, which not everyone pays attention to. Important names that fade into oblivion and obscurity, because the moment they appear on the screen, most viewers do two things: stand up and leave. I know that the first thing today is important. The second is impossible.

To be continued… To be continued? The answer to this question today depends on all of us.

Whenever someone talks about being tired of Ukraine, these titles should be mentioned. To get tired of Ukraine means to brush off these names. To forget these names.

I am confident that the whole civilized world will never do this, will never give up, will stand with Ukraine to the end, to the victorious end, when truth and justice will hear applause!


Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba

Caught up with @JosepBorrellF on the margins of #Gymnich. Josep has demonstrated strong leadership since the onset of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. EU support will continue for as long as it is necessary for Ukraine to win.


Dmytro Kuleba had a meeting with Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Annalena Baerbock

Dmytro Kuleba: "Met in Prague with my counterpart and friend Annalena Baerbock. We discussed the eighth EU sanctions package, visa ban for Russians, and further arms deliveries to Ukraine. Russian energy blackmail is part of its war on Europe and must be met with a strong and unified European response".


Dmytro Kuleba met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia Ilia Darchiashvili

Dmytro Kuleba: "I met my Georgian counterpart Ilia Darchiashvili at the margins of the informal EU Foreign Ministers meeting in Prague. We discussed a range of bilateral issues and the future of Eastern partnership".


Dmytro Kuleba met with Belgium’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Hadja Lahbib

Ukraine’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba and Belgium’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Hadja Lahbib met in Prague today on the margins of Gymnich meeting. It was the occasion for an update on Ukraine’s military, diplomatic and humanitarian situation on the ground, including the worrying situation at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant.

They discussed further efforts to help Ukraine defend its territory. In this context, minister Lahbib informed her Ukrainian colleague on the support from Belgium, including Belgian’s recent 8 million euro of non-lethal support to the Ukrainian armed forces.

Minister Lahbib also welcomed the granted candidate status to Ukraine last June. Belgium is ready to support Ukraine in advancing on the path to full membership in the EU, in particular through achieving key reforms especially in the field of rule of law.

Minister Lahbib provided the following clarification on her trip to Ukraine (Crimea):  Last year, as a journalist and documentary filmmaker, she visited the city of Sevastopol in Crimea in violation of Ukrainian legislation. As a documentary filmmaker, she had the project to show how Russia used culture as power and propaganda, and how artists could live under strong domination in a trying historical period. She sincerely regrets that the visit took place under such circumstances. Minister Lahbib has always defended the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, as well as the status of Crimea as an integral part of Ukraine.

Minister Lahbib wishes to personally assure the Ukrainian people of her support and of Belgium's willingness to contribute to the return of peace and the reconstruction of Ukraine.

Minister Kuleba welcomed Belgium’s sincere and faithful commitment to Ukraine’s territorial integrity, as well as the contributions it makes to that end.

Ministers agreed to hold their next meeting at the upcoming session of the UN General Assembly in New York to follow up on bilateral projects in Ukraine.


Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine

The Governmental delegation of Ukraine, led by the Minister for Communities and Territories Development, Oleksii Chernyshov, during a visit to the United States, met with Amos Hochstein, Department’s Senior Advisor for Energy Security.

During the meeting, the parties tackled issues of energy security and the passage of the heating season in Ukraine.

"Cooperation with the USA in the field of energy is one of the key directions our independence is based on. We immersed deeply into the issue of energy security and the smooth passage of the heating season. It is historically important for Ukraine to develop backup options in case of emergencies. It is critical to ensure each community and the state as a whole be prepared for these situations," said Oleksii Chernyshov on his Facebook page.

As was reported earlier, on August 29, the Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Oleksii Chernyshov started working trip to the USA as the head of the Governmental delegation. Key topics of the visit are support for fast recovery and preparation for the heating season in Ukraine.




Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN August 30, 6.00 pm EST

Wed, 08/31/2022 - 4:26pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



August 30, 6.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 30.08 were approximately:

personnel - about 47550 (+450),

tanks ‒ 1954 (+7),

APV ‒ 4294 (+25),

artillery systems – 1079 (+19),

MLRS - 282 (+3),

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 151 (+2),

aircraft – 234 (+0),

helicopters – 204 (+1);

UAV operational-tactical level - 847 (+3),

cruise missiles - 196 (+0),

warships / boats - 15;

vehicles and fuel tanks - 3217 (+29),

special equipment - 103 (+2).

Russian enemy suffered the greatest losses (of the past day) at the Donetsk and Kurakhove directions

The one hundred eighty-eigth (188) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion continues.

The enemy continues to focus its efforts on establishing full control over the territory of the Donetsk oblast, maintaining the temporarily captured districts of the Kherson oblast, part of the Kharkiv oblast, Zaporizhzhia oblast, and Mykolaiv oblast.

It strengthens the grouping of troops in the Donetsk direction. The movement of units of the 3rd Army Corps to the temporarily occupied territories of the Zaporizhzhia and Kharkiv oblasts continues.

Russian occupiers continue to carry out air and missile attacks on civilian objects on the territory of Ukraine.

In the Volyn and Polissya directions, the situation remains without significant changes.

In the Siverskyi direction, the enemy carried out artillery fire on the areas of the settlements of Hremyach of Chernihiv oblast and Novovasylivka, Bachivsk, Starykove, Pisky and Myropilske of Sumy oblast.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy continues to conduct hostilities with the aim of holding previously occupied lines.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy shelled the Dolyna, Adamivka, Kharkiv, Khrestyshcha, Bayrak, Oleksandrivka, Mazanivka, Udy, Borshcheva, Velika Komyshuvaha, Svitlychne, Kostyantynivka, and Ruska Lozova districts with mortars, barrel and rocket artillery. It used aviation for a strike near Husarivka.

In the Slovyansk direction, enemy units continued shelling from barrel artillery and MLRS in the vicinity of Pryshyb, Husarivka, and Krasnopilla.

The occupiers tried to advance in the direction of Shnurky, were hit by fire and retreated. Losses are being verified.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy is strengthening the grouping of troops in the Kurakhiv direction due to the regrouping of individual units from the Central Military District.

Defense forces conduct positional battles in order to improve the tactical position along the contact line. The main efforts of our units are focused on fire damage to control points, anti-aircraft defense facilities, warehouses with ammunition and disrupting the functioning of the enemy's logistical support system.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the districts of Bohorodychne, Sloviansk, Hryhorivka, Spirne, Pereizne and Vyimka were damaged by fire. Enemy aircraft strikes were recorded near Hryhorivka and Pryshyb.

In the direction of Bakhmut, the enemy fired from tanks, barrel and jet artillery near Bakhmut, Soledar, Bilohorivka, Zaytseve and Kodema. The occupiers launched a rocket attack on the district of the city of Kostiantynivka.

With offensive actions, the enemy tried to advance in the directions of Zaytseve, Vesela Dolyna and Bakhmut, but was unsuccessful and retreated.

The invaders are trying to establish control over the settlement of Kodema from several directions at the same time, fighting continues.

In the Avdiyivka direction, the enemy carried out mortar and artillery attacks near Maryinka, Vesele, Opytne and Novomykhailivka. With offensive and assault actions, it tried to improve the tactical position in the directions of Opytnye Avdiyivka, Pervomaiske and Krasnohorivka, suffered significant losses and retreated.

In the direction of Novopavlivka, the enemy shelled territories near Pavlivka, Prechystivka, Novoukrainka and Novopole.

In the Zaporizhzhia direction, the enemy inflicted fire damage on objects in the areas of settlements of Novoprokopivka, Robotyne, Chervone, Hulyaipole, Novoandriivka, Zaliznychne, Kopani, Zelene Pole, Poltavka, Mali Shcherbaki, Kamianske, Orihiv, Stepove and Olhivske. Enemy aviation operated near Novodanylivka and Novosilka.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy shelled the areas of the settlements of Oleksandrivka, Novoselivka, Lyubomirivka, Stepova Dolyna, Novohrigorivka, Kiselivka, Shyroke, Pervomaiske, Kalynivka, Andriivka, Lozove, Shevchenkove, Belousove, Zarichne, Knyazivka, Olhyne, and Zelenodolsk.

The enemy carried out airstrikes near Andriivka, Davydiv Brid, Osokorivka, and Potyomkine. Russian occupiers continue to destroy civilian objects in the city of Mykolaiv with rocket attacks.

Under the cover of the infrastructure of the nuclear power plant, the artillery of the Russian federation intensified its shelling of the areas of the settlements of Nikopol and Oleksiivka.

The enemy's naval group in the waters of the Black and Azov Seas continues to carry out the tasks of reconnaissance and blocking of civilian shipping.

There is still a threat of missile strikes on objects and infrastructure elements deep in the territory of Ukraine.

The operational update regarding the Russian_invasion on 06.00, on August 30, 2022

The enemy continues to focus its efforts on establishing full control over the territory of Donetsk oblast, maintaining the captured districts of Kherson, part of Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia and Mykolaiv oblasts.

Russian occupiers continue to carry out air and missile strikes on civilian objects on the territory of Ukraine.

The situation in the Volyn and Polissya directions has not changed significantly. Units of the Armed Forces of the republic of belarus are carrying out the task of strengthening the protection of the section of the Belarusian-Ukrainian border in the Brest and Gomel regions.

The threat of the enemy launching missile and air strikes from the territory and airspace of the republic of Belarus continues.

On the Siversky direction, the enemy continues to hold separate units of the armed forces of the Russian federation in the border areas of the Bryansk and Kursk regions. The enemy carried out artillery shelling in the areas of the settlements of Obody, Novovasylivka and Myropilske of the Sumy oblast.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy continues to conduct hostilities with the aim of holding previously occupied lines and preventing the offensive of units of the Defense Forces.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy fired from barrel and jet artillery in the areas of Prudyanka, Dementiyivka, Ruska Lozova, Petrivka, Stary Saltiv, Pytomnyk, Sosnivka and Velyki Prohody settlements. Used aviation for a strike near Husarivka.

The enemy was conducting an offensive battle in order to improve the tactical position in the area of ​​the settlement of Uda, after being hit by fire by our soldiers, it retreated.

In the Slovyansk direction, enemy units continued shelling from barrel artillery and MLRS near Velyka Komyshuvakha, Krasnopilla, Dmytrivka, Brazhkivka, Dolyna, and Bohorodychne.

The enemy tried to conduct aerial reconnaissance of the UAVs in the Bohorodychne area. The aircraft was destroyed by Ukrainian defenders.

Enemy units made an attempt to conduct an assault in the direction of Shnurky, but were unsuccessful and withdrew.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the occupiers shelled the districts of Zvanivka, Siversk, Verkhnokamyansk, and Slovyansk with barrel and jet artillery. Airstrikes were carried out near Hryhorivka and Pryshyb.

In the Bakhmut direction, shelling from tanks, barrel and rocket artillery was recorded near Soledar, Dolyna, Zaytseve and Bilohorivka. The enemy carried out airstrikes in the areas of Soledar and Kodema settlements, as well as a rocket attack near Kostyantynivka.

The occupiers waged offensive battles in the directions of Zaytsevo, Shumy, and Kodema. They were repulsed and retreated.

In the Avdiivka direction, artillery shelling continues in the areas of Opytne, Pervomaiske, Avdiivka, Maryinka, Novooleksandrivka, Vodyane, Novomykhailivka and Tonenke settlements. The enemy waged offensive battles in the direction of Maryinka and Novomykhailivka, had no success, and retreated. Led reconnaissance in the direction of Opytny.

In the direction of Novopavlivske, the territories near Vuhledar, Velyka Novosilka, Prechystivka, Novopole and Zelene Pole were affected by enemy fire.

In the Zaporizhzhia direction, the enemy shelled the areas of the settlements of Novodanylivka, Hulyaipilske, Charivne, Poltavka, Mali Shcherbaky, Zaliznychne, Novoivanivka, and Dorozhnianka. It carried out airstrikes in the vicinity of Novodanylivka, Novosilka, Kamianske and Stepove. Conducted aerial reconnaissance of the UAVs in the regions of Orihiv, Hulyaipole and Novoandriivka.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy fired in the areas of the settlements Oleksandrivka, Stepova Dolyna, Lymany, Blahodatne, Myrne, Kotlyareve, Shevchenkove, Novomykolaivka, Pervomaiske, Partyzanske, Shyroke, Chervona Dolyna, Chervony Yar, Murakhivka, Lozove, Trudolyubivka, Zelenodolsk, Olhyne, and Dobryanka. It made an air strike near Andriivka.

It led offensive battles in the direction of Potyomkine, had no success, withdrew. It used reconnaissance UAVs near Davydiv Brid, Snihurivka, and Velike Artakove.

The enemy naval group in the waters of the Black and Azov seas focuses its main efforts on conducting reconnaissance and blocking civilian shipping. Caliber sea-based cruise missile carriers are ready for use.


Secret Service of Ukraine (SSU)

In Kyiv and Kropyvnytskyi, the SSU blocked two channels that enabled citizens of call-up age to leave Ukraine illegally.

For this purpose, criminals were forging documents for their clients, including for those supposedly studying in the EU member-states.

Using the schemes, organizers planned to make millions of ‘profits’.

In Kyiv, the SSU detained a local resident, who established a channel for illegally transporting conscripts to other countries under the guise of studying in European higher educational institutions.

The fraudster offered to ‘buy’ from him false invitations, student cards, and confirming certificates.

According to the investigation, the organizer was making the counterfeits himself.

He set up a clandestine workshop with the necessary printing equipment in his own apartment.

He offered ready-made ‘products’ through specialized Internet platforms, charging EUR 1,500 for a set of counterfeits.

The SSU detained the offender when he tried to sell a package of ‘documents’.

The SSU apprehended another organizer of illegal transportation of conscript age men across the border in Kropyvnytskyi. The offender was selling fake identity cards of IDPs who supposedly needed medical rehabilitation abroad.

His ‘services’ cost USD 3,500 per person.

SSU investigators will notify detainees of suspicion of crime under Article 332.3 of the CCU (illegal transportation of persons across the state border of Ukraine). The court is to decide on the type of detention.

The pre-trial investigations are underway.

The SSU Cyber Security Department and the SSU Office in Kirovohrad region are investigating these cases under the procedural supervision of the Prosecutor’s Office.





President of Ukraine

Address by President V.Zelenskyy to Ukrainians

Today, the Verkhovna Rada worked quite effectively and, in particular, endorsed several important laws and ratifications that bring us closer to the European Union. No matter how difficult it is - even in the conditions of such a war - we are moving step by step towards full membership in the EU.

I have just signed these documents - on accession to the Convention on the Simplification of Formalities in Trade in Goods and to the Convention on the Common Transit Procedure. They are the actual implementation of the customs visa-free regime. We did it in record time and in a completely coordinated manner - all branches of government.

And I want to thank all our diplomats, government officials, deputies who ensured this result. Ukraine will be a full member of the EU - and we are already closer to Europe than at any time in previous decades.

Representatives of the IAEA have already arrived in our country and are to visit the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. It's an important mission, and we're doing everything we can for it to be safe and work at full capacity.

Unfortunately, Rusiia does not stop provocations precisely in those directions from which the mission is supposed to arrive at the station. But I hope that the IAEA mission will be able to start its work.

The situation at the ZNPP and in Enerhodar, in the surrounding areas, remains extremely threatening. The occupiers do not leave the plant, continue shelling and do not take away their weapons and ammunition from the territory of the NPP. They intimidate our plant’s staff. The risk of a radiation disaster due to Russian actions does not decrease for a single hour.

Tonight I spoke about it with President of France Emmanuel Macron. We coordinated our positions in protecting Ukraine and Europe from Russian radiation blackmail. In the afternoon, I discussed the situation at the Zaporizhzhia NPP and the dispatch of the mission to the plant with IAEA Director General Grossi. I hope that together with international organizations, with all our partners, we will be able to return the plant under the full control of Ukraine and force Rusiia to withdraw all its military personnel and weapons from the plant. Immediate and complete demilitarization of the ZNPP is needed.

Only Ukraine can guarantee that all processes at the Zaporizhzhia plant will take place in accordance with standards and under control. Rusiia simply does not need it.

Today I also held a meeting with American senators - Mr. Portman and Ms. Klobuchar, who arrived in Kyiv. These are people who have done a lot to protect our state and generally freedom in Europe and the world. I thanked them for the bipartisan support.

The key topic of the negotiations is, of course, our interaction with the United States of America and the necessary steps for our joint victory in this battle for freedom.

In particular, we discussed the strengthening of support for Ukraine - financial and security, strengthening of sanctions against Rusiia - these sanctions should grow like a snowball in order to demolish the terrorist potential of this state.

Over this day, the occupiers brutally shelled Kharkiv, Mykolaiv and our other cities. And almost everywhere - civil infrastructure exactly.

Only one Russian shelling of Kharkiv took the lives of 5 people today, another 12 were wounded. There are also victims as a result of other shelling occasions... Eternal memory to all those whose lives were taken away by the occupiers!

The Armed Forces of our country, our special services, our intelligence are doing everything possible and impossible for every Russian military to necessarily feel the Ukrainian response to this horrible terror that Rusiia has brought to our land.

Throughout the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, from Crimea to the Kharkiv region, the Russian army does not have and will not have a single safe base, a single quiet place. Our defenders will destroy all warehouses, headquarters of the occupiers, their equipment, wherever they are located. Near Sevastopol - then near Sevastopol. Near Luhansk - then near Luhansk. This is Ukrainian land, and the occupiers can do only two things - flee or surrender. We leave them no other options.

Currently, active hostilities are taking place almost along the entire frontline - in the south, in the Kharkiv region and in Donbas. Today I especially want to thank the warriors of the 56th and 110th brigades, who are showing maximum resilience and heroism in the Avdiivka direction. The warriors of the 53rd and 93rd brigades, who are defending the Bakhmut direction, defending courageously, intelligently, heroically.

The Russian military command was instructed to capture the Donetsk region by the end of August. The end of August is already tomorrow. And in Donbas there are the Ukrainian flag and the Ukrainian heroes. Despite everything - despite the round-the-clock Russian fire, despite the occupiers' efforts to send various mercenaries and convicts there...

I thank each and every one who stands firm, who defends positions and who accurately "subtracts" the invaders, their equipment, logistics and ammunition.

Also, today I want to once again draw the attention of all our people in Crimea - please stay away from Russian military facilities, do not stay near Russian bases and military airfields, inform the special services of Ukraine of all the information you know about the occupiers, so that the liberation of Crimea can happen faster.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a meeting with US Senator, co-chair of the Ukrainian Support Group in the Senate Robert Portman and US Senator, member of the Ukrainian Support Group Amy Klobuchar.

Greeting the guests who are once again visiting our country, the Ukrainian Head of State noted: "This is an important signal of support for Ukraine and its territorial integrity. I would like to express gratitude for the bipartisan and bicameral support in the US Congress. I would like to personally thank President Biden and his administration for their constant work."

Volodymyr Zelenskyy informed the Senators in detail about the situation at the front. In this regard, the President of Ukraine noted the importance of security assistance coming from the United States and the need for its continuation and increase. The President also emphasized that Ukraine provides reliable control over weapons and military equipment received from foreign partners.

Noting the leadership positions of the US in the comprehensive support of Ukraine during the counteraction to the Russian armed aggression, Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized the importance of intensifying financial assistance to our state. The President expressed his belief that the United States of America will continue to support Ukraine as a leader among all states that provide assistance to our country.

During the meeting, particular attention was paid to the situation at the Zaporizhzhia NPP. The President of Ukraine emphasized that Rusiia's actions are a manifestation of nuclear terrorism and pose a global threat. First of all, it concerns the European continent.

During the meeting, the work carried out by our state was separately discussed, in particular in the format of the Group on International Security Guarantees for Ukraine, which is co-chaired by Head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak and former Secretary General of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

The interlocutors also noted the importance of the recent visit to Washington by First Lady Olena Zelenska, which contributed to raising the awareness of American society and politicians about the consequences of Rusiia's full-scale war against Ukraine, as well as increasing support for our state.

The President separately emphasized the importance and effectiveness of ongoing cooperation between Ukraine and the United States at the level of Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov and United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak and US National Security Advisor to the President Jacob Sullivan.

At the end of the meeting, Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented the Order of Merit of the 1st degree to the Senators, with which they were awarded by the Decree of the Head of State of August 23, 2022 for significant personal merits in strengthening interstate cooperation, support of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, significant contribution to the popularization of the Ukrainian state in the world.


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a meeting with Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi who will lead the agency's mission to the Zaporizhzhia NPP.

The Head of State highly praised the arrival of the IAEA mission, as the situation around the nuclear power plant is escalating, and Rusiia, whose troops are illegally stationed at the nuclear power plant, is blackmailing the world with a new nuclear disaster.

The President of Ukraine noted that the state leadership would like the IAEA mission headed by Rafael Grossi to find an opportunity to prevent all these threats.

"Zaporizhzhia NPP is located on the territory of Ukraine. It is and will remain the property of our state. This should be an axiom for the IAEA mission," Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized, adding that the plant should be returned under Ukrainian control.

The Head of State emphasized the importance of immediate demilitarization of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

"The nuclear power plant is not the place where weapons and explosives should be stored. Existing risks can be eliminated only by demilitarizing the plant," the President noted.

During the meeting, it was emphasized that Rafael Grossi is well aware of the situation around Zaporizhzhia NPP.

The interlocutors were also unanimous about the importance of an urgent visit of the IAEA mission to the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, since any incidents at it will not just affect Ukraine, but have global consequences.


  Andriy Yermak emphasizes the importance of Ukraine’s fastest possible gaining of membership in the OECD Working Group, which will contribute to strengthening the trust of partners in the process of rebuilding our state

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development should become one of the key participants in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, and our country's membership in the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions will play an important role in strengthening anti-corruption policy. This was said by Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak during an event dedicated to cooperation with the OECD.

The event is held in the context of strengthening cooperation between Ukraine and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the desire of our country to become a member of the OECD. During the Ukraine Recovery Conference, which took place on July 4-5 in Lugano (Switzerland), the Prime Minister of Ukraine handed over to Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Mathias Cormann our country's application for membership in the OECD.

A prerequisite for this is joining the Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions as a full member. The government of Ukraine submitted an application for joining this group on 2 August 2022.

Andriy Yermak, who heads the group on approaching membership in the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions, emphasized that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is a unique intergovernmental center of knowledge and a powerful player on the international arena, whose opinions and conclusions are listened to by the European Union, the IMF, the World Bank, the EBRD, the USA and the G20.

The Head of the President's Office noted that the OECD is participating in the development of the Recovery Plan for Ukraine.

"The experience and capabilities of the Organization are extremely valuable, even unique for post-war reconstruction. Therefore, the OECD should be one of the key international players during the reconstruction of Ukraine," he said.

According to Andriy Yermak, today Ukraine is fighting for its future, and therefore transparency in relations with other states, which is the basis of trust, is of particular importance.

He emphasized that post-war Ukraine should become attractive for investments, and that is why our state institutions should inspire confidence among investors.

According to Andriy Yermak, our state is working on strengthening anticorruption institutions, because the fight against corruption is one of the fundamental values for Ukraine.

OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann, for his part, noted that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development stands with Ukraine and is determined to help together with international partners in the post-war reconstruction of our country.

He emphasized that the OECD is ready to help Ukraine so that corruption risks do not stand in the way of the reconstruction process.

The Secretary-General said that the OECD has been extremely active in cooperating with our country since 2014, in particular helping build institutions. And in the last report of the Organization, which came out in May, significant progress in Ukrainian anticorruption legislation was noted.

Mathias Cormann emphasized the importance of efforts to increase transparency in the public sphere, in particular, in the issue of avoiding conflicts of interest and ensuring integrity. Also, according to him, it is extremely important to protect anticorruption bodies from attacks.

The Secretary-General of the OECD noted that he was extremely pleased to receive Ukraine's application for participation in the OECD Working Group, the process of joining which brings our country closer to the standards of the Organization and the UN Convention against Corruption.

He emphasized that the submission of the application is a confirmation of the determination of the Ukrainian authorities to advocate anticorruption reforms and adhere to OECD standards.


Prime Minister of Ukraine

Strengthening relations with the OECD has always been one of the key priorities for Ukraine, stated Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal in a statement online during a public discussion "Cooperation with the OECD and new horizons for the Ukrainian anti-corruption agenda" held with the participation of the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak and the OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann. Among those participating in the event were Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, Matti Maasikas, and the British Ambassador to Ukraine, Melinda Simmons.

"The enemy rests assured that military actions will endanger our economic development and implementation of reforms. But in response, on the contrary, we intensify our partnership with developed countries and international organizations. Ukraine's status as a candidate for the EU is a clear proof of that," Denys Shmyhal stressed.

The Prime Minister noted that Ukraine's goal is to gain full membership in both the European Union and the OECD. According to him, the OECD has supported our country for many years on the path of economic transformation and modernization of state institutions and governance.

"Together, we have achieved incredible results in various areas, such as implementation of anti-corruption reform, improvement of the tax system, investments, green economy, entrepreneurship and competition policy, corporate and state governance, education, energy, decentralization, etc. It's time to move on," the Head of Government emphasized.

The Prime Minister recalled that during the International Lugano Ukraine Recovery Conference, he had submitted to Mathias Cormann an application for Ukraine to become a member of the OECD. In addition, with the political support of the President of Ukraine and on the initiative of the Head of the Office of the President Andri Yermak, on August 2, Ukraine's request to join the OECD Working Group on Bribery.

"Ukraine has already embarked on drafting the post-war reconstruction plan. And we see the OECD as an important partner in the process of our recovery, while joining the Working Group is one of the measures that the Government of Ukraine includes in this recovery plan. After all, we want the reconstruction of Ukraine to be based on reliable international standards and to contribute to global prosperity," said Denys Shmyhal.

The Prime Minister also welcomed the decision of the OECD Council to establish a regional office in Ukraine and called on representatives of central authorities to provide maximum assistance to the OECD in opening of it.

Mathias Kormann, for his part, noted that the OECD stands side by side with Ukraine and is determined to support the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine. He emphasized that Ukraine's application to join the OECD, which had been submitted by the Prime Minister in Lugano, is a reflection of the determination to carry out reforms and adhere to EU and OECD standards.


Comment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine regarding the passage of the ship "Sparta II" through the Bosphorus Strait

On August 29, 2022, Ambassador of Türkiye to Ukraine Yagmur Ahmet Guldere was invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Mykola Tochytskyi expressed to the Ambassador of Türkiye the concern of the Ukrainian Side in connection with the available information regarding the transportation of S-300 missile systems from Syria to Rusiia via the Bosphorus Strait by the ship "Sparta II" chartered by Russian ministry of defense.

The Turkish Embassy was handed a verbal note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the raised issue.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine drew the attention of the Ambassador of Türkiye to the fact that, according to the provisions of the Convention regarding the Regime of the Straits of July 20, 1936, the specified vessel falls under the definition of a warship for the purposes of this Convention.

M.Tochytskyi requested the Turkish side to provide official information regarding the cargo that was transported by the ship "Sparta II" through the Bosphorus Strait, as well as regarding the measures taken by Türkiye in order to fulfill the provisions of the Convention and prevent further escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The Deputy Minister expressed the hope that the Turkish side will strictly adhere to its decision of February 28, 2022 to close the Black Sea straits for Russian warships during the Russian-Ukrainian war in line with the consistent position of the Republic of Türkiye to support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine in its internationally recognized borders.


Ministry of Infrastructure

Today, the bulk carrier BRAVE COMMANDER, chartered by the United Nations World Food Programme, arrived in Djibouti. It has 23,000 metric tons of wheat on board, which will be delivered to consumers in Ethiopia after unloading.

“Since the signing of the “grain initiative”, we understood the global food responsibility of Ukraine to the world, especially to the countries in Africa and Asia facing a humanitarian disaster. That is why, in close cooperation with the UN, we have already sent two ships with more than 50 thousand metric tons of agricultural products to help the people of Ethiopia and Yemen.

For our part, we ensure the fastest and most efficient process of receiving, loading and sending these vessels. Such transportation is an undeniable priority for us.

We continue to work with the UN World Food Program to increase the amount of food aid. I am grateful to our partners for their cooperation,” commented Oleksandr Kubrakov, Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

It will be recalled that the bulk carrier BRAVE COMMANDER departed from the port “Pivdennyi” on August 16.

In addition, already today, on August 30, the second vessel chartered by the UN World Food Program left the port “Pivdennyi”. 37.5 thousand metric tons of wheat for the needs of the population of Yemen are aboard the bulk carrier KARTERIA.

In general, during the implementation of the Initiative on safe transportation of agricultural products, 61 ships with 1.5 million metric tons of agricultural products on board have already departed from Ukrainian ports.



8/31/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 08/31/2022 - 9:39am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Ceremony Pays Homage to Special Ops Command


3. Inside the Shadow Evacuation of Kabul

4. Do Not Trust Your Gut: How to Improve Strategists’ Decision Making

5. Army grounds entire CH-47 Chinook helicopter fleet over engine fires

6.  AirLand redux? Early lessons from Ukraine

7. Shaking the Dungeon: James Baldwin and the Strategies of Subversion and Surveillance

8. Ukraine Tries to Make Southern Offensive a Turning Point in War

9. Ukraine lures Russian missiles with decoys of U.S. rocket system

10. Nuclear inspectors are in Ukraine for a high-stakes visit to the Zaporizhzhia plant.

11. Taiwan forces fire at drones flying over island near China

12. China's Xi pushes forward to third term despite mounting crises

13. FDD | Russia Continues Meddling in the Balkans

14. Opinion | Now the real work to end hostage-taking and wrongful detentions begins

15. FDD | Turkey’s Latest Move to Undermine NATO

16. FDD | A New Iran Deal Would Empower Palestinian Islamic Jihad

17. At SOCOM Change of Command, Nods to Afghanistan, Future in Indo-Pacific

18. Army JAG with vendetta tried contacting Russian embassy: prosecutors

19. Opinion | Plans to prevent civilian casualties leave crucial questions unanswered

20. The Grand Race for Techno-Security Leadership

21. The enemy gets a vote: The forever war and future war after Afghanistan by Joesph Felter

22.  Issues related to responding to foreign language influence activities in the U.S.

23. Into the gray zone

24. Here’s What Biden’s New National Security Strategy Should Say

25. A Frontline Shadow Economy: Ukrainian  Units Swap Tanks and Artillery

Korean News Content:

1. S. Korea, U.S. flaunt combined firepower in large-scale field exercise amid N.K. threats

2. U.S., S.Korean troops practice war with eye on N.Korea and 'near-peer' enemies

3. Hon James R Clapper: The Korean Peninsula Issues and US National Security (Video)

4. S. Korea 'deeply concerned' about N. Korea's rights situation, minister tells U.N. rapporteur

5. [Planning: Diagnosis of the South Korean government's North Korean human rights policy] Western experts express “concern

6. N. Korea’s political prison camp population has fallen by around 20,000 compared to last year

7. Pyongyang turns to New Delhi for rice

8. National security advisers of S. Korea, U.S., Japan to meet in Hawaii

9.  S. Korea to lift pre-travel COVID-19 test requirement for inbound travelers this week

10.  Next 5 years last chance for North Korea's denuclearization: experts

11. As North Korea struggles, a renewed focus on loyalty

12. Lockdowns in China, and North Korea, Deal Double Blow to Bridge City

13. The U.S. and South Korea Are Simulating a North Korean Attack

14. Coronavirus: North Korea state media confirm leader Kim Jong-un has been infected with Covid-19

15. <Interview with a N. Korean Woman>What do N. Koreans think about Kim Yo-jong’s speech?

16. S. Koreans are immensely fatigued about N. Korea…But continued interest in the N. Korean people is necessary.

17. Yoon Suk-yeol's 'ambitious' N. Korea policy takes center stage at Korea Global Forum for Peace 2022

8/30/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 08/30/2022 - 10:31am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. The Candy Maker, The Cop, and The Fireman Fighting America's Shadow War
3. Jakarta gets ‘grey-zoned’ by Beijing
4. Arizona CBP agents seize enough fentanyl to kill 42 million people in latest border drug bust
5. Learned Helplessness: China’s Military Instrument and Southeast Asian Security
6. What are the prospects for stability across the Taiwan Strait?
7. Death in Navy SEAL Training Exposes a Culture of Brutality, Cheating and Drugs
8. Taiwan Says It Will Now Shoot Down Rogue Chinese Drones
9. U.S. Strategy and the Future of Money: Advancing U.S. Interests During a Financial Transformation
10. Kherson: Ukraine claims new push in Russian-held region
11.  The United States Is Behind the Curve on Blockchain
12. A post-dollar world is coming
13. Road to Nowhere: Debts Mount with China's Prestigious Silk Road Project
14. Afghanistan After Zawahiri: America's Counterterrorism Options in the New South Asia
15. One year after U.S. withdrawal, resistance to Taliban rule grows 
16. Rafael Grossi Is the Last Man Standing For Nonproliferation
17. Mapping the Fall of Afghanistan
18. Pentagon's Plan to Reduce Civilian Harm May Not Work in Future Conflicts, Experts Say
19. Inevitable: Melting Greenland ice sheet will send seas nearly a foot higher, study finds
20. Fix and Expand the Interpreter Visa Program
21. Opinion | The U.S. military’s overdue reckoning with civilian casualties
22. Should democracies ever lie? 
23. Remembering the Largest Non-Combatant Evacuation Operation in US History
24. How Ukraine Is Remaking War
25. Beijing’s Debts Come Due
26. Russia Confounds the West by Recapturing Its Oil Riches
27. US: Russia running into problems with Iran-made drones
28. If war is politics by other means…. …then what is a soldier?
29.  Are China and the US edging toward ‘Henry Kissinger’s war’?

Korean News Content:

1. US, South Korea kick off ‘counterattack’ phase of Ulchi Freedom Shield exercise
2. N. Korea to buy 10,000 tons of rice from India
3. Satellite imagery shows flood damage at N. Korea's nuclear test site: Beyond Parallel
4. Budget raised for defense system against N.Korean threats
5. Human Rights Violations of the South Korean Government: Interview with Director Hyunseung Lee
6. North Korea imports Chinese meteorological equipment
7. North Korean family settles in ‘heaven on earth’: Salt Lake City, Utah
8. Heavy rain, salt scarcity in North Korea may complicate kimchi season
9. Korea, U.S. agree to launch formal talks on U.S. Inflation Reduction Act: Amb. Cho
10. Korea can't ignore human rights in China, says U.S. envoy
11. THAAD a purely defensive system designed to counter N. Korean threat: State Dept. 
12. What Might be Yoon Suk-yeol's Productive Approach in Economic Cooperation with North Korea?
13. S. Korea calls for 'consultative mechanism' with U.S. on inflation law
14. S. Korean Navy joins U.S.-led maritime exercise in waters off Guam 
15.  Arming to Disarm: North Korea’s Nuclear Paradox
16. South Korea’s embattled Yoon spurned by young antifeminists over failed pledges, scandals

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN August 29, 6.00 pm EST

Tue, 08/30/2022 - 6:44am

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



August 29, 6.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 29.08 were approximately:

personnel - about 47100 (+350),

tanks ‒ 1947 (+5),

APV ‒ 4269 (+12),

artillery systems – 1060 (+10),

MLRS - 279 (+5),

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 149 (+1),

aircraft – 234 (+0),

helicopters – 203 (+1),

UAV operational-tactical level - 844 (+6),

cruise missiles - 196 (+0),

warships / boats - 15 (+0),

vehicles and fuel tanks - 3188 (+17),

special equipment - 101 (+2).

Russian enemy suffered the greatest losses (of the past day) at the Donetsk direction.

The one hundred eighty-seventh (186) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

There are no major changes on the Volyn, Polissya, and Siversky directions. On the last day, the enemy shelled civilian infrastructure with barrel artillery in the areas of the settlements of Bilopilla, Hai, Katerynivka, Myropilla, and Vodolaga of the Sumy oblast. Conducted aerial reconnaissance with unmanned aerial vehicles.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy shelled territories near Peremoha, Svitlychne, Husarivka, Borshchova, Zalyman, Slatyne, Nove, Ivanivka, Ruska Lozova, and Sosnivka from tanks, combat vehicles, and rocket artillery. Made an air strike near Nove. Continues intensive aerial reconnaissance of the UAV.

In the Slovyansk direction, shelling was recorded from tanks, barrel artillery, and MLRS near Kurulka, Brazhkivka, Bohorodychne, Krasnopilla, and Adamivka. The enemy used reconnaissance UAVs. It tried to carry out a pointless reconnaissance by combat in the area of the village of Dolyna, suffered losses and withdrew. In order to improve the tactical position, the enemy carried out assaults near Bohorodychne, without success.

In the Kramatorsk direction, shelling from existing artillery systems was recorded near Hryhorivka, Siversk and Ivano-Daryivka. The occupiers also used aviation to strike in the Hryhorivka area.

In the direction of Bakhmut, the enemy shelled military and civilian infrastructure near Bakhmut, Shumy, Yakovlivka, Zaytseve, and Kodema. It carried out airstrikes in the areas of Yakovlivka and Kodema. Continued aerial reconnaissance of the UAV in the specified direction. The enemy's attempts to conduct offensive battles near Kodema and Zaitsevo were stopped by Ukrainian defenders.

In the Avdiivka direction, the areas of Avdiivka, Vodyane, Vesele, Maryinka, Oleksandropil and Tonenke were affected by the fire. In order to improve the tactical position, the enemy conducted offensive battles in the area of Pervomaiske, without success.

In the direction of Novopavlivka, the positions of our troops were shelled from tanks, barrel artillery and MLRS near Pavlivka, Volodymyrivka, Konstyantynivka and Novoukrainka. The enemy used aircraft to strike in the area of Volodymyrivka.

In the Zaporizhzhia region, the occupiers shelled positions from barrel, rocket artillery, and tanks in the areas of the settlements of Dorozhnianka, Shevchenko, Poltavka, Bilohirya, and Novopil. Airstrikes were carried out near Novopole and Novosilka.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy is concentrating its main efforts on preventing the advance of our troops. Takes measures to replenish losses.

The available artillery systems and tanks shelled the infrastructure in the areas of Oleksandrivka, Prybuzke, Novohryhorivka, Pervomaiske, Kvitneve, Kobzartsi, Yakovlivka, Potemkine, Trudolyubivka, Dobryanka, Tavriyske, Shevchenkove, Lyubomyrivka, Bereznehuvate. It used aviation near Novohryhorivka and Andriivka to carry out the strikes. Reconnaissance UAVs of the occupiers were active.

In the waters of the Black and Azov seas, the enemy's naval group focuses its main efforts on conducting reconnaissance and blocking civilian shipping in the northwestern part of the Black Sea.

Ukrainian soldiers are firmly on the defensive and are ready for any changes in the operational situation. The destruction of enemy command posts of various levels and ammunition depots continues.


Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

The elderly and persons with limited mobility being the internally displaced people (IDPs) are under the special protection by the state. This was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister for Reintegration of Temporary Occupied Territories of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk during her visit to the Mykolaiv geriatric boarding house. IDPs from the Mykolaiv, Kherson and Odesa regions have been staying here.

Residents of the boarding house said that they were provided with everything they need: food, clothes, medicine. They thanked the staff of the institution and the authorities for their care and attention.

Caring for the seniors who had to flee their homes as a result of the russian invasion is one of the key priorities of the state, noted Iryna Vereshchuk.

"Elderly people often do not have the courage to leave dangerous areas because they are not sure that they will get protection. I assure you: there is a specially equipped transport for their evacuation. They are waiting for all there and will shelter everyone who needs that in safe regions," the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized.

She handed over humanitarian aid from the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Government of Poland to the residents of the boarding house.






President of Ukraine

Address by President V.Zelenskyy to Ukrainians

Today we honored the memory of our warriors who gave their lives for our state, for our independence.

This day of remembrance is set for the end of summer, August 29, to remind everyone about the tragic events of 2014, about Ilovaisk, about the fact that this war, which began with Russia's occupation of our Crimea, with an attempt to seize Donbas, must end precisely there - in the liberated Crimea, in the liberated cities of Donbas, with our troops reaching the state border of Ukraine.

We have always kept this goal in mind. We do not forget about it.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine, our intelligence, our defense forces are doing their job. I am sure that you all understand what is happening, what we are fighting for and what we are striving for. And our warriors do not need any announcements or information waves in the back.

Ukraine is returning its own. And it will return the Kharkiv region, Luhansk region, Donetsk region, Zaporizhzhia region, Kherson region, Crimea, definitely our entire water area of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov - from Zmiinyi Island to the Kerch Strait. This will happen. This is ours. And just as our society understands it, I want the occupiers to understand it, too. There will be no place for them on Ukrainian land.

Anyone want to know what our plans are? You won't hear specifics from any truly responsible person. Because this is war. And this is what it is during the war.

But the occupiers should know: we will oust them to the border. To our border, the line of which has not changed. The invaders know it well.

If they want to survive, it is time for the Russian military to flee. Go home. If you are afraid to return to your home in Russia - well, let such occupiers surrender, and we will guarantee them compliance with all norms of the Geneva Conventions.

If they do not listen to me, they will deal with our defenders, who will not stop until they liberate everything that belongs to Ukraine.

And it is not something special. It's not something that supposedly started. We've been talking about it for 187 days.

Today, I held meetings with the military, with representatives of the military-industrial sector, and with government officials. Important meetings, important topics, it is wrong to reveal them. But everyone can see the result over time. When our defenders destroy the logistics, bases, and headquarters of the enemy. We will continue this.

 I’ve made three appeals to foreign partners today.

The first is Norway. I took part in the work of the energy forum, and I would like to thank the Prime Minister of Norway, Mr. Støre, for the new support package for Ukraine - about 200 million dollars as part of the energy preparation for winter.

The second is France. A powerful association of entrepreneurs - hundreds of thousands of businessmen, millions of owners, managers and employees. I am grateful to them for their support and understanding of what we are fighting for in Ukraine, understanding that this struggle is shared by all Europeans.

The third appeal is to the participants of the security forum in Slovenia, in particular, to our friends - the leaders of the countries of Central Europe and the Balkans.

In the evening, I signed a decree awarding our warriors. 141 combatants were awarded state awards, ten of them posthumously.

It is very important - today I had the honor to present the Gold Star Orders to the relatives, families of Heroes perished while performing combat missions.

Eternal memory to all our heroes! Eternal glory to all those who fight for freedom for our entire land!


Energy independence from Russia is of fundamental importance for all Europeans, and only together can we protect Europe – speech by the President of Ukraine at the Offshore Northern Seas Conference 2022

I'm sure you are well informed about the situation in Europe, about the risks - I heard you talked about them now - that we all face now in addition to the brutal terrorist war that Russia is waging against our citizens, our state, against our independence. It is important to know that this is the independence of all other European states. This is a war for independence as such.

We all see how destabilized the gas market is. We all see how European countries are revising their plans for coal, coal-fired power plants. We can all see that the threat of energy poverty is becoming real for tens of millions of people in Europe, the price of energy is so high that thousands of businesses have gone into crisis. This leads to a reduction in jobs and a drop in workers' incomes. In winter, energy prices can rise even more...

We all see that for the first time since 1986, when the Chornobyl tragedy occurred, we have to consider as seriously as possible the scenarios for countering the radiation disaster that Russia is bringing closer with its terror at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

This is what the authors of this large-scale – and completely artificial – crisis that Europe is going through are counting on. They want the Europeans to be scared. To draw wrong conclusions and give up European values in favor of illusory price reductions. Russia is using economic terror, price crisis pressure and poverty to weaken Europe just when its full force is needed to defend against terror in the war that Russia has been waging for more than six months. Full-scale war! And in general, its invasion of Ukraine has already been lasting for 8 years.

This is what the Russian state, its officials and companies, such as Gazprom, are working for. For creating crises and for crises to turn into disasters. Right now, Russia is burning at least 10 million euros worth of gas near the Finnish border every day. Gas is being burned that should have been supplied to German and other European consumers. Russia cannot stop its production, does not want to supply it to the Europeans, as it is interested in the crisis, and has no other buyers. So it just burns this gas. Just like they burn our people.

10 million euros on fire every day at the border of Russia is hundreds of millions of euros in additional expenses of the European middle class, ordinary workers, pensioners on energy every day as well. Because of the inflated prices on the market, because of the shortage, because of Russia trying to prevent the replenishment of European gas storages before winter.

A normal market player would have already supplied the free volume of gas to the market. The terrorist state does everything to ensure that there is as little gas as possible on the market at the highest possible price, which leads to an increase in other prices. And this is all part of the Russian hybrid aggression against all people, against all of us, against all of you, against all of united Europe.

And take a look at the situation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. The goal of Russia is the same, completely cynical, completely deliberate - to intimidate Ukrainians, to intimidate all Europeans. To blackmail and coerce. This pressure is for Russian state propagandists and officials to say that it is allegedly not Russia to blame, that someone else created another crisis and that this someone should be influenced, and that it is allegedly necessary to negotiate with the Kremlin precisely for this reason.

Russia wants Europe to turn a blind eye to the war, and for this purpose it is provoking internal chaos in Europe. Russia wants to take away freedom from us by force of arms, and from you - by these crises that it creates and exacerbates. Russia wants to force you to abandon European values. Here is a correct conclusion from the available facts. And based on this conclusion, a correct policy is needed. The policy of even greater unity, as the Prime Minister has said now, unity in Europe for our common defense. The policy of even greater energy independence of Europe from Russia. The policy of even greater sanctions against Russia.

It is not normal when there are still no blocking sanctions against Rosatom for radiation blackmail at the Zaporizhzhia NPP. It is not normal when some European companies are still hesitant whether to leave the Russian market or not. And it is not normal when someone still hopes for cooperation with Russia in the energy sector. There can be no concessions to bandits! Only new sanction strikes against them.

For its part, Ukraine can already do - and is doing - concrete things to protect our common values and normal life on the continent.

We are fighting for freedom and for everything that Europe is based on, defending all Europeans in this war. And this is not pathos - this is the truth! We have united Europeans and helped overcome the various contradictions that have been dividing the continent for decades. We have shown what power Europe has when united and what enemies it can overcome.

In addition, Ukraine can become - I believe it will become - one of the guarantors of the energy security of the European continent. Together with Ukraine, you will be able to prevent such price crises ever again.

We have a unique system of gas storage facilities near the border of the EU, with a volume of more than 30 billion cubic meters. We are asked about help. That's how practical it is - use our gas storages already this season. Today, for example, we have a free volume of 15 billion cubic meters. Ukraine needs 3 billion of additional reserves, which we ask you to keep in Ukraine, and another 12 billion cubic meters may be the gas needed in winter for the security of all of Europe. You can help us - and this will be your help both to us and to yourself.

Ukraine also has significant deposits of natural gas. The leadership of Russia dreamed of stealing this part of our national wealth from us as well. But we will not allow it. We invite all investors, contractors and service companies to join gas production in Ukraine. If you want to help us pragmatically, please use this tool. Obtain licenses, enter into agreements on the distribution of products, carry out exploration and drilling. We would appreciate it. Our gas fields can play the same stabilizing role for Europe as the fields of Norway in particular.

We are preparing to increase the export of our electricity to the countries of the EU - despite the war, during the war we ensure this export, and our electricity is much cheaper than what is currently available on the market. We can really help overcome the cost of living crisis in our neighboring EU countries.

We invite you to invest in the production of green energy and green hydrogen in Ukraine. Our state is one of the best locations for providing all of Europe with green energy and green hydrogen.

We don't want to look into the past, we don't want to repeat who didn't hear us. Ukraine wants us all not to lose the opportunities we have at this historical moment. Only together can we protect Europe. Only by preserving our maximum principles. And only by achieving victory in this war together.


The Yermak-Rasmussen group is finalizing the draft recommendations on future security guarantees for Ukraine

The Yermak-Rasmussen group is finalizing the draft recommendations on future security guarantees for Ukraine

The international working group on security guarantees for Ukraine, co-chaired by Head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak and former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, is about to complete the work on a document with recommendations on future security guarantees for our country.

At the third meeting of the group in video conference mode, Andriy Yermak emphasized that the dream of security guarantees for Ukraine is consistently turning into a plan with clear time frames.

“We are entering a new phase of this brutal war. Against the background of the events unfolding in the frontlines, it is time for our partners to take new decisive steps to guarantee Ukraine's further security. These guarantees should form a new security order on the European continent and prevent a new war in its heart,” he is convinced.

The Head of the Office of the President noted that due to the joint efforts of the group members, a high-quality comprehensive project of recommendations was created in less than two months of work.

According to him, this document covers a wide range of guarantees: military, economic, political, sanctions. After the preparation of the final version, the document will be submitted for consideration by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

“With its publication on the Presidential Office website, our diplomacy will receive powerful assistance in the context of negotiations with the governments of allied and partner states,” Andriy Yermak emphasized.

The Head of the Presidential Office believes that future security guarantees should become part of legally binding documents, in particular, treaties between Ukraine and the guarantor countries.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that the updated (second) draft recommendations take into account key comments received from the previous group meeting.

"You will also be able to see that the main focus in this draft is more focused on the first part - defense guarantees, which are the basis of our recommendations," he noted.

At the end of the meeting, Anders Fogh Rasmussen informed the meeting participants that former Minister for European Union Affairs of Türkiye Volkan Bozkır became a new member of the group.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen announced the transition to the Group's work in a co-chair format with personal bilateral consultations with some members on specific issues.

Andriy Yermak and Anders Fogh Rasmussen thanked everyone present and noted that the final version of the recommendations on security guarantees would be provided to the group members before publication.


Comment of Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Oleg Nikolenko regarding the Visit of the IAEA Mission to the Zaporizhzhia NPP

At the invitation of the government of Ukraine, the IAEA formed a mission to visit the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. The mission includes 14 international experts and is headed by IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi.

The delegation of international nuclear scientists has already left Vienna and should arrive in Kyiv today. The mission is expected to begin its work at the ZNPP in the coming days.

The IAEA mission will focus on three main tasks:

- Physical protection

- Nuclear safety

- Guarantees of non-proliferation of nuclear materials

Ukraine's position has been clear: the occupation of the ZNPP by Russian troops and the importation of a large amount of military equipment and ammunition into its territory in violation of all international rules expose the nuclear plant to extreme danger, in particular provoking a nuclear incident.

As Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba emphasized, Russia must immediately demilitarize the facility, withdraw military units, equipment and Rosatom’s experts and return control over the ZNPP to the government of Ukraine.

We expect the IAEA will play an important role in achieving this goal.


8/29/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 08/29/2022 - 9:36am

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