Small Wars Journal

8/11/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 08/11/2022 - 8:31pm

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:


2. Ukraine says 9 Russian warplanes destroyed in Crimea blasts

3. US Military ‘Furiously’ Rewriting Nuclear Deterrence to Address Russia and China, STRATCOM Chief Says

4. Taiwan, China and the U.S.: Inside the fight to control the microchips that power your car and computer

5. The Afghanistan Deal that Never Happened

6. Biden says US government knows 'with certainty' that Austin Tice has been held by Syrian government

7. Gary Schroen, Who Led the C.I.A. Into Afghanistan, Dies at 80

8. The Army Is Hunting For More Soldier-Connected Tech

9. Is Russia a State Sponsor of Terror?

10. Intelligence Expert: Is TikTok China's Trojan Horse?

11. What-If DC War Game Maps Huge Toll of a Future US-China War Over Taiwan

12. The Hacking of Starlink Terminals Has Begun

13. The U.S. Navy SEALs Seem Unstoppable for a Reason

Korean News Content:

1. Defense minister warns of 'high-intensity' response against potential N.K. nuke test

2. U.S. concerned by N. Korea's 'strengthened rhetoric' around its nuclear program: State Dept.

3. THAAD issue not subject to negotiation: presidential office

4. N.K. leader declares victory in fight against COVID-19: state media

5. China Claims S.Korea Pledged to Abide by THAAD Promises

6. Beijing wags finger at Seoul on Thaad, Three No's

7. Kim declares 'shining victory' over Covid in North Korea

8. North Korea soldiers in Ukraine would be logistical 'mess’ Putin won’t 'allow': Russia expert

9. North Korea claims miraculous win over coronavirus, says Kim suffered a fever

10. ASEAN-hosted security meeting backs complete denuclearization of Korean Peninsula

Call for Papers: Journal of Strategic Security Security – Special Issue: Urban Security 2023

Thu, 08/11/2022 - 6:22pm

Call for Papers: Journal of Strategic Security

The Journal of Strategic Security has issued a call for Papers for its upcoming Special Issue on Urban Security. The special issue will look at a range of urban security issues including urban warfare, urban insurgency, urban crime and insecurity, operating in dense urban terrain (DUT), megacities, and subterranean spaces (SubT), and in the Urban-Littoral interface, as well as the protection of the populace.

Papers addressing the full range of violent actions from high intensity crime to civil strife and other situations of violence, non-international armed conflict (NIAC), and large scale combat operations (LSCO) during international armed conflict (IAC) are encouraged. All papers  submitted to the special issues issue will be subject to double-blind peer review. Small Wars Journal-El Centro Senor Fellow John P. Sullivan, Fellow Nathan P. Jones, and Associate Daniel Weisz Argomedo are co-editing the special issue. Details on the special issue follow.

Panama M113

US Army M-113 in Panama, Operation Just Cause 1989 (Public Domain)

Journal of Strategic Security – Special Issue: Urban Security 2023

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres pointed out at a recent Security Council meeting, that “50 million people currently face the dire consequences of urban warfare” and that “when explosive weapons are used in cities, 90 percent of those affected are civilians.”[1] Urban warfare has long been minimized in insurgency and counterinsurgency (COIN) studies with a focus on the rural environment, despite the historical significance of urban insurgency in the 20th century, e.g. the Tupamaros and Marighella.[2] The emphasis on rural COIN may have been based upon the US experience in Vietnam and Afghanistan, the rise of Mao in China, its implications, and 20th century demographics.[3] However, as the global population increases, there are myriad reasons why conventional and unconventional conflict will tend toward the urban.

Scholar-practitioners such as David Kilcullen,[4] Anthony King,[5] Jamison Medby and Russell Glenn,[6] have pointed out the presence of megatrends which increase the likelihood the world will face more urban conflict. These mega-trends include population growth, increased urbanization, increased growth of cities on coasts, and the advantages urban environments have for connectivity. As Kilcullen points out, rising sea levels due to climate change endanger the cities where growth is likely to occur. Further, in many urban settings, “ungoverned spaces” are really “alternatively authority and [places of] softened sovereignty;”[7] be they governed by warlords, insurgencies, militias, pirates, or profit-seeking criminal groups in forms of ‘synergistic violence.’[8] The security community has also increasingly recognized that mega-cities, defined as cities of more than 10 million people, are increasingly likely to be the sites of urban conflict.[9]

Scholars such as Medby and Glenn (2002) have long pointed to the importance of urban intelligence in conflict and the role of “intelligence preparation of the battlefield” (IPB), an analytical approach to understanding how an urban adversary might react in various situations given terrain and other contingent factors.[10] In a testament to the growing interest in urban security there have been numerous anthologies, edited volumes, and collections published on the subject in recent years. For example, scholars such as Glass, Seybolt, and Williams (2022) focused an edited volume on the importance of urban violence resilience with a focus on the global south.[11] The Small Wars Journal recently published an anthology on urban warfare and its consequences entitled Blood and Concrete which anthologized many of the key pieces from the famous Small Wars Journal website.[12]

The conflict in Ukraine has opened the world’s eyes to the horrors of urban warfare. Urban warfare will be a part of the return of great power conflict, be it in the form of revanchist/irredentist powers such as a Russia and China, or in the defense of national sovereignty by democracies such as Ukraine and the West. Scholar practitioners such as John Spencer have written urban warfare guides and handbooks which have been distributed to urban defenders in recent urban warfare in Ukraine. His website contains a Ukrainian translation in addition to an English version of his Mini-Manual for the Urban Defender.[13] The uptake of the manual from US personal computer to social media, to the battlefield, demonstrates the real-world implications of scholar-practitioner activity in urban security. This special issue of the Journal of Strategic Security hopes to add to the important literature on Urban Security by receiving and peer reviewing high quality submissions in accordance with the Journal’s high publishing standards.

Below is a list of urban security issues the special issue editors would like to see submissions on:

  • Conflict in Megacities (10 million or more)
  • Police-Military Intelligence interface in urban conflict
  • Insurrection
  • Urban-littoral nexus
  • Information warfare in support of urban conflict
  • Urban insurgency
  • Urban Terrorism
  • Criminal governance in cities (Slums/Favelas)
  • Criminal Armed Groups (CAGs) in cities
  • Social Media and Urban Conflict
  • Climate Conflict in Cities (Urban-Climate Conflict Nexus)
  • Urban counterterrorism
  • Urban counterinsurgency (COIN)
  • Urban Riots and Public Order
  • Intelligence for Urban Operations (e.g., GeoINT)
  • Urban policing
  • Urban critical infrastructure protection including urban cyber security
  • Humanitarian operations and protection of civilians in urban conflict
  • Medical and humanitarian response to urban crises and disasters

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Please follow manuscript submission guidelines for drafts:

Special Issue Editors 

John P. Sullivan,
Nathan P. Jones,
Daniel Weisz Argomedo 

Key Dates

Abstract submissions to special issue editors 1 February 2023 (250-word maximum)
Draft submissions for blind peer review 1 June 2023
Projected Special Issue Publication Fall 2023

Source: “Call for Papers 2023; Special Issue: Urban Security.” Journal of Strategic Security, 2022:


[1] “Urban Warfare Devastates 50 Million People Worldwide, Speakers Tell Security Council, Calling for Effective Tools to End Impunity, Improve Humanitarian Response,” (Security Council, January 25, 2022),
[2] John P. Sullivan and Nathan P. Jones, “Bandits, Urban Guerrillas, and Criminal Insurgents: Crime and Resistance in Latin America,” in 
The Routledge Handbook of Latin America and the Caribbean (Twentieth and Twenty-First Century) ed. Pablo Baisotti (New York: Routledge, 2021).
[3] David Kilcullen, 
Out of the Mountains: The Coming Age of the Urban Guerrilla (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015); Mao Tse-tung, Mao Tse-Tung on Guerrilla Warfare, trans. Samuel B. Griffith, FMFRP 12-18 (Washington, DC: U.S. Marine Corps, 1989),
[4] Kilcullen, Out of the Mountains.
[5] Anthony King, 
Urban Warfare in the Twenty-First Century (Medford: Polity, 2021).
[6] Jamison Jo Medby and Russell W. Glenn, 
Street Smart: Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield for Urban Operations (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2002).
[7] Anne L. Clunan and Harold A. Trinkunas, 
Ungoverned Spaces: Alternatives to State Authority in an Era of Softened Sovereignty (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010), 19.
[8] Howard Campbell, “Downtown Juárez,” in Downtown Juárez: Underworlds of Violence and Abuse (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2022), 19.
[9] Dave Dillege, Robert J. Bunker, John P. Sullivan, and Anna Keshavarz., eds., 
Blood and Concrete: 21st Century Conflict in Urban Centers and Megacities, A Small Wars Journal Anthology (Bloomington, IN: Xlibris, 2019). 
[10] Jamison Jo. Medby and Russell W. Glenn, Street Smart
[11] Michael R. Glass, Taylor B. Seybolt, and Phil Williams, “Introduction to Urban Violence, Resilience and Security,” in Glass et al, eds.,  Urban Violence, Resilience and Security: Governance Responses in the Global South (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022). 
[12] Dave Dillege, Robert J. Bunker, John P. Sullivan, and Anna Keshavarz., eds., Blood and Concrete.
[13] John Spencer, The Mini-Manual for the Urban Defender: A Guide to Strategies and Tactics for Defending a City, Fourth Version, 3 April 2022
; John Spencer, John Spencer Online,, 2022,

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN August 10, 6.00 pm EST

Thu, 08/11/2022 - 3:57pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



August 10, 6.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 10.08 were approximately:

personnel - about 42800 (+160) persons,

tanks ‒ 1832 (+15),

APV ‒ 4086 (+10),

artillery systems – 971 (+7),

MLRS - 261 (+0),

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 133 (+0),

aircraft – 232 (+9),

helicopters – 193 (+0),

UAV operational-tactical level - 766 (+9),

cruise missiles - 185 (+0),

warships / boats - 15 (+0),

vehicles and fuel tanks - 3005 (+7),

special equipment - 89 (+2).

Russian enemy suffered the greatest losses (of the last day) in the Donetsk direction.

Data are being updated.

The one hundred sixty eighths (168) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to Russian military invasion continues.

In the Volyn and Polissya directions, the situation did not change. Until August 11, the first stage of joint operational-tactical training with the combat firing of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus is planned.

There is a threat of the providing by the enemy of missile and aviation strikes from the territory and airspace of the republic of belarus.

In the Siversky direction, the enemy fired at the barrel artillery near Senkivka of Chernihiv oblast.

In the Kharkiv direction, shelling of tanks, barrel and jet artillery in areas of settlements of Udy, Dementiyivka, Nove, Pytomnyk, Ruski Tyshky, Peremoga, Verhniy Saltiv, Staryy Saltiv, Mospanove, Stara Hnylytsa, Husarivka, Korobochkyne, Pyatyhirske, and Shevelivka.

In order to improve the tactical position, the enemy fought the offensive battles in the direction of the Veterynarne - Udy, had no success, suffered losses, and departed. The fighting is ongoing in the direction of Bayrak - Husarivka.

In the Slovyansk direction, the enemy fired at the districts of the Velyka Komyshuvakha, Dmytrivka, Karnaukhivka, Dovhenke, Virnopilla, Nova Dmytrivka, Bohorodychne and Dolyna.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the enemy was carried out by artillery shelling near Siversk, Hryhorivka, Verkhnokamjansk, Sydorove, and Rayhorod.

In the Bakhmut direction, the invaders were shelling from the barrel, jet artillery, and tanks in the areas of settlements of Konstantynivka, Bakhmut, Ivano-Dariivka, Pokrovske, Zaitseve, Kodema, Kurdyumivka, Bakhmutske, Soledar, Yakovlivka, and Vershyna. Aviation strikes were struck by the assault and army aviation near Spirne, Soledar, Bakhmut, Zaitseve, and Vershyna.

The enemy attempted to conduct assault actions in the directions of Novoluhansk - Spirne, Volodymyrivka - Yakovlivka, Stryapivka - Soledar. It had no success and withdraw.

In the Avdiivka direction, shelling near Mariinka, Avdiivka, Opetne, Pisky, Pervomaiske, Nevelske, Petrovske, Netaylove and Krasnohorivka was recorded. The hostile aircraft of assault aviation operated near Krasnohorivka and Mariinka.

The enemy tries to restore the offensive in the direction of Donetsk - Pisky, but fighting continues. The enemy led the attack in the directions of Mineralne - Avdiivka, and Spartak - Avdiivka. It had no success, suffered losses, and withdraw.

In Novopavlivsk and Zaporizhzhia directions, the occupiers fired from tanks, barrels and jet artillery areas of settlements Kostantynopolske, Novomykhaylivka, Mala Tokmachka, Velykomykhailivka, Pavlivka, Volodymyrivka, Shevchenko, Prychystivka, Velyka Novosilka, Burlatske, Vremivka, Zaliznychne, Stepove, Poltavka, Novosilka, Hulaypole and Mali Shcherbaky. The enemy carried out air strikes near Pavlivka, Vuhledar, and Novosilka.

In the South-Buh direction, the enemy fired at tanks and artillery of various calibers along the line of combat contact and caused aviation strikes near Novohryhorivka, Andriivka, and Olhyne. It led to air intelligence UAVs.

In the waters of the Black Sea, two carriers of sea-based cruise missiles of the Kalibr type are in readiness for the use of high-precision weapons.

There is a threat of missile strikes on military sites and critical infrastructure sites in Ukraine.

The attack aircraft of the Air Force of Ukraine continues to patrol the airspace of Ukraine, and the strike - unreasonably provides fire support to our units in certain operating areas.

The operational update was on 18.00, on August 10, 2022.

In the Siversky direction, the enemy shelled civilian infrastructure in the areas of Senkivka, Chernihiv oblast and Havrylova Sloboda, Stari Vyrky, Seredyna-Buda, and Brusky, Sumy oblast.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy actively conducted aerial reconnaissance by UAVs. Considerable efforts are devoted to improving the logistical support of units operating in the specified direction. It carried out shelling in the vicinity of Svitlychne, Prudyanka, Ruska Lozova, Cherkaski and Ruski Tyshky, Verkhniy, and Stary Saltiv, Korobochkine and Shevelivka. It made an air strike near Husarivka.

In order to improve the tactical position, the occupiers carried out assaults in the areas of the settlements of Uda, Petrivka, and Husarivka. Ukrainian soldiers inflicted significant losses on the invaders and forced them to flee back.

In the Slovyansk direction, the enemy carried out fire damage from tanks, barrels and rocket artillery in the areas of Dovhenke, Velyka Komyshuvakha, Virnopilla, Dibrivne, Bohorodychne, Krasnopilla, and Dolyna. Near Velyka Komyshuvakha, the occupiers tried to break through the defense of our troops, but they did not succeed, they retreated.

In the Donetsk direction, with the aim of displacing Ukrainian units from the occupied borders, the enemy used barrels, rocket artillery, and tanks. For the reconnaissance of logistics support routes and critical infrastructure objects, the UAV conducted aerial reconnaissance.

In the Kramatorsk direction, shelling was recorded near Siversk, Verkhnyokamyanske, Hryhorivka, and Sydorovo.

In the direction of Bakhmut, the enemy fired artillery at civilian infrastructure near Bakhmut, Bakhmutske, Soledar, Yakovlivka, and Vershyna. Airstrikes near Yakovlivka, Spirne, Soledar, Bakhmut, Zaytseve, Vershyna, and Vesele. Conducted aerial reconnaissance of the UAVs.

It tried to advance in the areas of the settlements of Bakhmut, Kodema, Spirne, Yakovlivka, and Soledar with offensive and assault actions, it was unsuccessful, and it withdrew.

Artillery shelling continued in the Avdiivka direction near Avdiivka, Maryinka, Pisky, Kurakhove, Sukha Balka, and Krasnohorivka. Near the Krasnohorivka and Maryinka, the occupiers also used aviation.

The enemy carried out offensive actions in the direction of Avdiyivka and Pisky, received a decent repulse, and retreated.

On the Novopavlivske and Zaporizhzhia directions, the enemy carried out shelling near Novomykhailivka, Vuhledar, Shevchenko, Velyka Novosilka, Bilohirya, Burlatske and Olhivske. Airstrikes were recorded in the areas of Pavlivka, Vuhledar, Novosilka, Novodanylivka and Poltavka settlements. Enemy reconnaissance UAVs were operating.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy is concentrating its main efforts on holding the occupied positions and preventing the advance of our troops. It continues to actively use UAVs for aerial reconnaissance.

The enemy carried out shelling of civilian and military infrastructure in the areas of Prybuzke, Lymany, Luch, Oleksandrivka, Novomykolaivka, Myrne, Blahodatne, Kobzartsi, Knyazivka, and Trudolyubivka settlements. Airstrikes in Andriivka, Olhany and Novohryhorivka districts. Tried to conduct reconnaissance by fighting near Lozova. It came under the accurate fire of our soldiers, suffered losses, and retreated chaotically.




President of Ukraine

Address by President V.Zelenskyy to Ukrainians

At the end of this difficult 168th day of our defense, a few things should be said.

First. The Armed Forces of Ukraine, our intelligence and our law enforcement agencies will not leave today's Russian shelling of the Dnipropetrovsk region unanswered. 13 people died as a result of the occupiers' attack on Marhanets'. More than ten are wounded, five are in grave condition.

Russian troops were striking with "Grads". This regular manifestation of Russian terror, just as the attacks on Mykolaiv and Kharkiv, once again proves that it is necessary to increase military aid to Ukraine. The more powerful our weapons are and the greater the range of their use is, the sooner this cruel war will end.

And that's the second thing I wanted to say today. This is a question that worries absolutely everyone: when will the war end? Someone says - months, someone - a year, someone - even more. But the question of time actually directly depends on the question of the losses that Russia will suffer. The more losses the occupiers suffer, the sooner we will be able to liberate our land and guarantee Ukraine's security. This is what everyone who defends our state and helps Ukraine should think about: how to inflict the greatest possible losses on the occupiers so that the time of the war gets shorter.

If almost 43,000 dead Russian soldiers do not convince the Russian leadership that they need to find a way out of the war, then more fighting is needed, more results are needed to convince.

In just one day, the occupiers lost ten combat aircraft: nine in Crimea and one more in the direction of Zaporizhzhia. The occupiers also suffer new losses of armored vehicles, warehouses with ammunition, logistics routes...

A conference at the level of defense ministers of Ukraine's partner states begins tomorrow in Copenhagen. Further support for our state in this war, including weapons, will be discussed. I am grateful to all our partners who understand that only by ensuring Russia's defeat on the battlefield, only by Russian losses - military, political, economic - can the return of security for Ukraine and the whole of Europe be brought closer. The more weapons, the more military-technical and financial support Ukraine receives, the sooner our people and all Europeans will be able to experience peace and stability in life again.

And the third thing. I want to say it right now to the residents of the temporarily occupied territory. No matter what the occupiers promise, their only way is to escape. At best. If they make it in time.

We expelled the Russian army from the northern regions. We expelled the invaders from our Zmiinyi Island. They already feel that the time has come to flee from Kherson and from the south of our country in general. The time will come when they will flee from the Kharkiv region, from Donbas, from Crimea... And everyone who can help in this, should do so.

If you have any important information about the enemy, please report it in a safe way to our intelligence services, our military. If you know those who help the occupiers or justify aggression, please report this as well.

Be sure to help our people in the occupied territory who are left alone or without communication. Talk to them, support them, tell them about our struggle and about the possibilities of evacuating to a free territory. The invaders are using our people to cover their attacks as human shields. Ukraine will return everything of its own, and must save as many lives as possible.

I held several important meetings today, in particular, regarding the program for the fast recovery of liberated territories.

I continue to establish new ties at the highest level with African countries - today I spoke with the President of the Republic of Ghana. Yesterday - with the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Food security, cooperation in international organizations, economic ties are a range of issues that benefit both our state and African countries.

In the evening, I signed another decree awarding our defenders. 244 combatants were awarded state awards, 21 of them posthumously.

Ukrainians should always remember that every step of our army in this war was made in cruel and difficult battles. The occupiers have not captured anything without the resistance of our heroes since February 24 and will not be able to keep anything. We will liberate everything.


Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine

The Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine Olha Stefanishyna met with the Ambassador of the United States of America Bridget Brink.

The Ambassador congratulated Ukraine on receiving the status of an EU candidate and assured of support by the US for reforms that make Ukraine stronger and bring it closer to the EU.

In her turn, the Deputy Prime Minister informed about the next steps in the field of reforms, in particular, the implementation of the recommendations of the European Commission and the adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to European laws.

"Despite the full-scale war waged by russia against our country, we started work on preparing Ukraine for EU integration. This is gearing up for our victory," the Government’s official said.

Separately, Olha Stefanishyna emphasized the importance of mobilizing efforts and resources of partners aimed to ensure the implementation of the plan for the fast recovery of Ukraine, which involves the urgent reconstruction of social and critical infrastructure facilities.

The Deputy Prime Minister thanked the United States for its support and assistance to Ukraine, both military and financial, to maintain economic stability. Thus, on August 8, it was announced that the United States was providing an additional USD 4.5 billion in direct budget support to the Government of Ukraine to help alleviate the acute budget deficit.


Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

On August 10 the visit of the delegation of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine led by Minister Oleksiy Reznikov to the Kingdom of Denmark to participate in the Copenhagen Conference of Northern European allies in support of Ukraine began.

The conference will be held tomorrow, August 11, 2022.

Today, as part of the visit, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine held a meeting with his colleague, the Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Denmark, Morten Bedskov.

During the meeting, the Heads of the defense departments discussed the directions of promising bilateral cooperation, in particular in the field of training of personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, namely:

– leadership courses for junior commanders and commanders of the tactical unit;

            – training of demining specialists both on land and at sea;

– basic combined military training of mechanized units of the Ground Forces and the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The parties also exchanged views on expectations from the Copenhagen Conference and its results.

At the end of the meeting, Oleksiy Reznikov awarded Morten Bedskov with an incentive award of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine - the medal "For Assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine".


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are eligible to obtain social services and payments on the basis of a certificate from the State Migration Service of Ukraine (SMSU) or an e-Document.

IDPs have this opportunity since August 7. It is stipulated by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 1, 2022 No. 755, initiated by the Ministry for Reintegration of Temporary Occupied Territories of Ukraine together with the Ministry of Social Policy and the State Migration Service of Ukraine.

The changes significantly simplify obtaining services for people who have moved from war zones and lost their documents. From now on, they can register and receive assistance from the state as internally displaced persons even without a passport. Instead, it is enough for the IDP to provide a certificate from the SMSU or a temporary document certifying the identity during martial law - e-Document, available in the Diia application.

A certificate stating that a person has applied for a passport (ID card or passport booklet) can be obtained from departments of the State Migration Service of Ukraine, centers for administrative services provision (CASPs) or Passport Service citizen service centers, if the person is identified according to the information of the Unified State Demographic Register or the departmental information system of the SMSU.

Apart from that, citizens can receive a certificate stating that a person has applied for a passport booklet or a photo card to be stuck into it upon reaching the age of 25 or 45, but such a document is issued only in the territorial divisions of the State Migration Service of Ukraine.


 Ministry of Energy of Ukraine

The Minister of Energy of Ukraine, German Galushchenko, thanked the European Commission and the European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, for their clear position on the need for immediate de-occupation of the Zaporizhzhia NPP.

The Minister of Energy wrote about this on his Facebook page.

"The published Statement by the European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, is the essence of the position we expect from the international community in the face of the biggest nuclear threat created by russia. State-backed nuclear terrorism is unthinkable. It must be stopped at any cost, including the strengthening of international sanctions. Only with joining international pressure will we force the russians to leave the station and bring the world out of the threat of a nuclear disaster," German Galushchenko emphasized.

Statement by Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson on the situation at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant


            Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

The Government has agreed to allocate UAH 44.3 million from the reserve fund to finance the first winners of the grant program for the development of processing business. In the near future, program participants who scored the most points for their business projects will receive funds for equipment, materials, raw materials, etc.

Among the projects to which the financial resources will be directed are the launch of a line for the production of wire, the scale-up of the production of children's toys, the purchase of modern equipment for the expansion of the production of meat and sausage products, the purchase of an electro-optical sorting line for the processing and canning of fruits and vegetables, and others.

Implementation of the first projects in the field of processing will provide employment for 150 people.

"The creation of about 75,000 jobs during the year and the emergence of new enterprises that will create quality Ukrainian products - we expect such results from the implementation of the grant program for the development of the processing industry. We support the Ukrainian manufacturer, whose products have a chance to take their place in world trade and prove their compliance with international quality standards", emphasized the First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Svyrydenko.

In total, since the launch of the grant program for processing enterprises, Ukrainians have submitted 574 applications for participation through the Diia Portal. 65% of applicants plan to spend money on equipment, 22% - on putting the equipment into operation, 13% - on delivery of equipment.

Among the most popular directions in which entrepreneurs implement their projects are the production of goods and their wholesale trade - 4.5%, sawmilling and planing production - 4.1%, processing of grains, legumes and oilseeds - 3.8%, production of of meat products and meat - 3.2%.




8/10/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 08/10/2022 - 9:09am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:


2. With Enough Help, Ukraine Can Win

3. Military Recruitment Woes Endanger National Security By Michael R. Bloomberg

4. New ‘Influence Triad’ Will Fuse SOF, Cyber, and Space Command Satellite Intelligence

5. U.S. Will Spend $89M To Eradicate Russian Landmines In Ukraine

6. China reaffirms threat of military force to annex Taiwan

7. What ever happened to the “rules-based international order?”

8. A US-China War Over Taiwan Isn't Happening Anytime Soon

9. China drills show ambitions beyond island, Taiwan warns

10. Ukraine Live Briefing: Ukraine special forces behind deadly Crimea strike, official says

11. $1 Billion in Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine

12. The President Needs the Power to Fire Bureaucrats

13. New Army recruiting ad continues crusade against civilian workforce

14. The U.S. lost track of why it was in Afghanistan, former commander says

15. FDD | Senior Pakistani Taliban leader reportedly killed in Afghanistan

16. The ‘forever war’ against the West

17. Pentagon Contractors in Afghanistan Pocketed $108 Billion Over 20 Years

18. Opinion | What’s up with Amnesty International and its moral myopia on Ukraine?

19. Chinese Official Says Taiwan Is Part Of China Because It Has Many Chinese Restaurants

20. The FBI’s golden Chinese intelligence asset was a double agent the whole time

21. What Makes the Green Berets Special? A Former Army Special Forces Officer Explains

Korean News Content:

1.  Will We See North Korean Forces in Eastern Ukraine?

2. Recovery gets under way after record rainfall

3. 3. Yoon to meet with Bill Gates next week

4. Defense chief calls for firm readiness against possible N.K. provocations during allied drills

5. A sad reality of Pelosi’s visit: South Korea won’t help defend Taiwan

6. Seoul Asks Beijing to Help with Security on Korean Peninsula

7. N. Korea sends letter to China slamming Pelosi's Taiwan trip

8. China says S. Korea has vowed to limit THAAD operation, heralding continued diplomatic row

9. Experts "China's demand for 'Three Dollars of THAAD' interferes with internal affairs... South Korea must protect its security sovereignty"

10. "Hybrid multilateralism" and the Yoon pursuit of middle power strategy

11.  Japan could send a message to North Korea, China by amending its constitution

12. U.S. has returned 31% of Yongsan base

13. [INTERVIEW] Polish arms deal may well lead to greater opportunities for Korea: expert

14. Seoul reiterates that '3 Nos' policy is not commitment to China

8/9/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 08/09/2022 - 9:05am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:


2. U.S. Will Continue Taiwan Strait Transits, FONOPs in Western Pacific Despite Growing Tension with China

3. Taiwan holds drills, says China seeks control of seas8/9/22 Korean News and Commentary

4. The SciOps Conundrum: A Case Study on Applied Analytics (USAJFKSWCS)

5. $1 Billion in Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine

6. USD (Policy) Dr. Kahl Press Conference

7. Thailand, China to resume air force exercises after pandemic pause

8. It’s Time to Respond to Iran’s Bad-Faith Negotiations

9. Afghanistan Did Not Have to Turn Out This Way

10. CIA-JSOC convergence impedes covert action oversight, researcher warns

11. Inside the War Between Trump and His Generals

12.  Ukrainian resistance grows in Russian-occupied areas

13. Russian disinformation spreading in new ways despite bans

14. Zelensky calls on West to ban all Russian travelers

15.  Dozen Pentagon nominees stalled as Senate leaves for August recess

16.  The Rise and Fall of Village Stability Operations in Afghanistan: Lessons for Future Irregular Warfare Campaigns

17. An Alternative History of AirLand Battle, Part II

18. The Wrong Way to Compete With China

19. Stop Tiptoeing Around Russia by Alexander Vindman

20. "My Copilot Just Ran Out The Back Of The Plane"- Chilling Audio From Aerial Incident Near Fort Bragg

21. New Chinese Drills Spark Fears Of Prolonged Squeeze On Taiwan

22.  Beijing’s Taiwan Aggression Has Backfired in Tokyo

Korean News Content:

1. North Korea coming to Russia’s rescue in Ukraine?

2. North Korea mocks DC memorial’s new Wall of Remembrance as ‘ceremony play’

3. South Korean rain turns roads into rivers, leaves 8 dead

4.  8 dead, 7 missing in record rainfall in Seoul, surrounding areas

5. N. Korea issues heavy rain alert for southern regions

6. U.S. imposes sanctions on crypto mixer over ties with N. Korean hackers

7. Crypto Mixer Used by North Korea Slapped With US Sanctions

8. N. Korea reports no new suspected COVID-19 cases for 11th day: state media

9. Attacks on Ukrainian nuclear power plant are raising global concern

10. Korean envoy gets headwind from Pelosi's visit in China

11. Yoon should have met Pelosi

12. North Korea releases water from border dam after downpours

13.  N. Korea’s parliament revises outer space law, plans key meeting before Foundation Day

14. North Korea: Repeated Reshuffling at the Top

15. North Korean soldiers sent to collective farms to relieve manpower crunch

16.  “Kim Jong Un, a Dictator Who Brainwashes His People... President Biden Must Appoint a North Korean Human Rights Envoy as Soon as Possible" – Rep. Chris Smith

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN August 8, 6.00 pm EST

Tue, 08/09/2022 - 8:57am


Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



August 8, 6.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 08.08 were approximately:

personnel - about 42340 (+140),

tanks ‒ 1811 (+6),

APV ‒ 4070 (+15),

artillery systems – 960 (+2),

MLRS - 261 (+1),

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 132 (+0),

aircraft – 223 (+0),

helicopters – 192 (+1),

UAV operational-tactical level - 754 (+4),

cruise missiles - 182 (+0),

warships / boats - 15 (+0),

vehicles and fuel tanks - 2993 (+15),

special equipment - 86 (+0).

Russian enemy suffered the greatest losses (of the past day) at the Donetsk direction.

Data are being updated

The one hundred sixty sixth (166) day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to Russian military invasion continues.

There were no significant changes in the position and actions of the enemy in the Volyn and Polissya directions. The build-up of the air defense system is noted.

In the Siversky direction, the enemy continues to hold separate units of the troops of the Western Military District in the border areas of the Bryansk and Kursk regions.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy carried out fire damage from barrel and rocket artillery along the line of contact. Fired at civilian infrastructure in the areas of Zolochiv, Prudyanka, Dementiyivka, Ptomnyk, Ruska Lozova, Ruski and Cherkaski Tyshky, Kutuzivka, Stary Saltiv, Chuhuiv and Asiivka.

The enemy arried out airstrikes near Husarivka and Verkhniy Saltiv. Actively conducted aerial reconnaissance of UAVs of the operational-tactical level.

In the Slovyansk direction, the enemy shelled the areas of Velika Komyshuvakha, Virnopilly, Suligivka, Rydny, Dibrivny, Hrushuvakh, Bogorodichny, Nortsivka, and Dolyna. Airstrikes near Zalyman.

In the Kramatorsk direction, enemy shelling from tanks, barrel and rocket artillery was recorded near Kramatorsk, Siversk, Serebryanka, Hryhorivka and Spirne. The occupiers launched airstrikes near Hryhorivka and Ivano-Daryivka.

In order to improve the tactical position, the enemy waged an offensive battle in the Verkhnokamyanske area. The enemy traditionally suffered losses and left.

In the Bakhmut direction, the enemy shelled military and civilian infrastructure in the areas of Bakhmut, Chasiv Yar, Soledar, Zaitseve, Yakovlivka, Bilohorivka and Bakhmutske settlements. Used aviation near Bakhmut, Yakovlivka and Zaitseve.

The enemy continues to conduct reconnaissance, sparing no personnel. Enemy reconnaissance groups were detected and neutralized in the areas of Bakhmutske, Bakhmut and Yakovlivka settlements.

The enemy tried to conduct assaults near Bakhmut, Zaytsevo, Yakovlivka and Vershyn, but was unsuccessful and retreated.

In the Avdiivka direction, artillery shelling was recorded near Avdiivka, Pisky, Nevelske, Krasnohorivka, and Kurakhovo. The occupiers launched airstrikes near New York, Krasnohorivka, Maryinka, and Yuryivka.

The enemy carried out offensive actions in the direction of Pisky, Nevelske and Avdiyivka, had no success, retreated.

In the Novopavlivske and Zaporizhzhia directions, the enemy continues shelling the military and civilian infrastructure in the areas of Novomykhailivka, Kostyantynivka, Shevchenko, Orihiv, Mala Tokmachka, Novodanilivka, Vremivka, Novosilka, Bilohirya, Stepove and Poltavka settlements. Used aviation for strikes near Novomykhailivka, Prechystivka, Volodymyrivka, and Novosilka. It led offensive actions in the directions of Maryinka and Shevchenko. Ukrainian soldiers met the invaders with accurate fire and pushed them back.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy's main efforts continue to focus on holding the occupied positions and preventing the advance of our troops. The enemy actively conducts reconnaissance of UAVs.

The enemy conducted shelling from barrel, rocket artillery and tanks along the entire line of contact. It carried out airstrikes in the districts of Olhyne, Novohryhorivka, and Andriivka.

In the waters of the Black Sea, the enemy's ship group continues to perform the specified tasks. The threat of missile strikes on military facilities and infrastructure elements throughout Ukraine remains.

Ukrainian soldiers are firmly holding the defense, inflicting losses on the enemy and are ready for any changes in the operational situation.

The operational update as of 18.00, August 8, 2022.

In the Kharkiv direction, enemy units using tanks, barrel and jet artillery are trying to restrain the Defense Forces from advancing deep into the territory temporarily captured by the enemy. Shelling was recorded in the areas of Uda, Svitlychne, Zolochiv, Slatyne, Nove, Borshchova, Ruski Tyshky, Tsyrkuny, Peremoha, Slobozhanske, Chervone, Husarivka and Asiivka. The occupiers carried out airstrikes near Husarivka, Verkhnyi Saltiv, and Bayrak, and also used UAVs for reconnaissance near Tsupivka and Ruski Tyshky.

In the Slovyansk direction, the enemy carried out fire damage from artillery near Velyka Komyshuvakha, Dmytrivka, Virnopilla, Rydne, Dibrivne, Hrushuvakha, Bohorodychny, Nortsivka, Krasnopilla, and Mykilske. It made an air strike near Zalyman.

The occupiers unsuccessfully tried to improve the tactical position near Bohorodychne.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy, using the available means of fire damage along the line of contact, is trying to inflict maximum losses on our units and prevent them from being transferred to other directions.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the enemy shelled the districts of Kramatorsk, Siversk, Hryhorivka, Verkhnokamyanske, and Starodubivka from tanks, barrels and rocket artillery. Airstrikes near Hryhorivka and Ivano-Daryivka.

In the direction of Bakhmut, the enemy fired at our troops near Bakhmut, Zaytseve, Yakovlivka, Krasnopolivka, Pokrovske, and Vershyna It carried out airstrikes in the Bakhmut, Soledar, and Kodema districts.

Our soldiers repelled enemy assaults in the direction of the settlements of Bakhmut, Zaitseve, Vershyna, and Kodema.

In the Avdiivka direction, artillery and tank shelling was recorded near Avdiivka, Opytny, Novobakhmutivka, Karlivka, Keramik and Kurakhove. Enemy aircraft operated near New York, Krasnohorivka, and Maryinka.

The attempt of the occupiers to advance in the direction of Avdiyivka and Piski was choked under the fire of Ukrainian soldiers. The enemy left.

In the Novopavlivske and Zaporizhzhia directions, the enemy used tanks, barrels and rocket artillery to fire at civil infrastructure objects in the areas of Novomykhailivka, Vugledar, Shevchenko, Hulyaipilske, Temyrivka, Vremivka, Hulyaipole, Malynivka, and Novopilla settlements. It carried out airstrikes near Prechystivka, Volodymyrivka and Poltavka.

The enemy tried to break through the defense of our troops in the direction of Maryinka and Shevchenko settlements, but was unsuccessful and retreated. It conducted aerial reconnaissance of the regions of the cities of Zaporizhzhia and Pavlohrad.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy fired tanks and artillery of various types in the areas of Mykolaiv, Tavriyske, Lymany, Oleksandrivka, Kotlyareve, Novomykolaivka, Novohredneve, Kiselyvka, Kobzartsi, Kvitneve, Zeleny Hay, Andriivka, Ivanivka, Novooleksandrivka, Topolyne and Potemkyne settlements. It carried out airstrikes near Lozove Olhany, Andriyivka, and Tavriyske. Considerable attention is focused on aerial reconnaissance by unmanned aerial vehicles.

In the waters of the Black Sea, the enemy's naval group concentrates its main efforts on supporting the actions of the land group of troops and attacking objects deep in the territory of Ukraine.

Four sea-based cruise missile carriers are ready to use high-precision weapons.

Today, around 10 o'clock, the anti-aircraft missile units of the Air Force destroyed four sea-based cruise missiles of the "Calibre" type launched by the enemy from the Black Sea. One missile was destroyed in Odesa by soldiers of the "South" air command, and three more were shot down by anti-aircraft missile units of the "Center" air command.


Secret Service of Ukraine

The Secret Service of Ukraine (SSU) launches online service to search for prisoners of war and persons who went missing during war.

The United Center for Search and Liberation of Captives has introduced a fast way to submit applications on Ukrainians who went missing during the war and those who were captured by the occupiers.

Now, it is possible to report a missing person through an online form. Those citizens who applied to the United Center earlier do not need to fill out the electronic form – their information has already been processed. Data in the form are confidential and will not be shared with third parties.

As a result of joint activities and implementing the decisions of the Coordination Staff on Treatment of Prisoners of War, the United Center liberated 573 persons from captivity and returned them to Ukraine-controlled territory.





President of Ukraine

Address by President V.Zelenskyy to Ukrainians

These days, people remember the Russian war against Georgia in 2008. There are many talks about the prerequisites of that war, about its consequences. About how that year's refusal to provide Ukraine and Georgia with a NATO Membership Action Plan increased the audacity of the Russian leadership. But still, the war of that time has not yet become history, has not completely receded into the past. Therefore, it is necessary to talk more about what can be done than about what happened.

The challenges of that time are still very relevant today. And not only because the threat of further Russian aggression in this part of the Caucasus still exists, even though it is frozen. Only now has the world begun to realize the need for real, effective tools to prevent such aggressions and to bring any aggressors to justice.

2008, 2014, 2022 - the wars that started in these years have a different scale and nature, but there is one meaning of what happened: regional and global security mechanisms did not work.

That is why the principle of prevention, which we have been insisting on for a very long time even before February 24, is so necessary in international relations. If it is already clear that a state is preparing aggression - unjust, unprovoked, illegal, then the world's reaction to its preparation should be the same as to the aggression that happened. It is necessary to act to prevent war, not to wait for strikes and victims.

After this Russian war against Ukraine, neither smoldering nor frozen conflict should remain. This is an important conclusion. Ukraine must return everything that Russia temporarily seized, and the aggressor state must be punished for the crime of aggression. And this is important not only for justice.

Only the obvious defeat of the aggressor, their loss of everything captured and their international legal responsibility for aggression are safeguards against any war.

This is what our diplomats, the Office, government officials and absolutely everyone involved in organizing a global political, economic and legal response to Russian aggression are working on. By protecting our state, we automatically protect everyone who has already been threatened or may still be threatened by a terrorist state.

And, of course, the greatest contribution is now made by the military - all Ukrainian heroes who are breaking the Russian terrorist machine on the battlefield.

Today I especially want to thank the Ukrainian anti-aircraft fighters of the Air Command "Center" and Air Command "South" for the successful destruction of Russian missiles that were launched from the Black Sea in the morning. The four downed Kalibrs are dozens of Ukrainian lives saved. Our military also managed to shoot down some of the missiles that Russian terrorists launched at Ukraine in the afternoon and in the evening.

Yes, our military means are still not enough to guarantee the downing of all Russian missiles. And we will do everything to ensure that such means appear in our country. But even now, the skill of our heroes makes it possible, at least partially, to reduce the Russian terrorist threat. I am grateful to everyone who ensures that!

We are actively informing the world about Russian nuclear blackmail - about shelling and mining of the Zaporizhzhia NPP facilities. There are already appropriate reactions from the international community. But it is necessary to speed up actions in response. Russia will not pay attention to words and concerns. New sanctions are needed against the terrorist state and the entire Russian nuclear industry for creating the threat of a nuclear disaster. The world should not forget about Chornobyl and remember that the Zaporizhzhia NPP is the largest in Europe. The Chornobyl disaster is an explosion in one reactor, the Zaporizhzhia NPP is six power units.

I held negotiations with the President of Botswana - the first in the history of our bilateral relations. We discussed cooperation within the UN and other international organizations. I expressed gratitude for the condemnation of Russian aggression and assured Mr. President that Ukraine is ready to continue being the guarantor of world food security.

Implementation of the grain export initiative continues - today, for the first time since February 24, a loaded ship left the Pivdennyi port. Currently, there is every chance to ensure the rhythmic nature of such exports. However, as in previous days, the key thing is the ability of the partners to prevent any attempts by Russia to disrupt exports and exacerbate the global food crisis again.

And I want to remind all our agrarians, all workers of our ports, all those involved in related industries and all those who comment on this that sea export was restored primarily thanks to our warriors who protected the relevant water area: our intelligence, our special operations forces and "Alpha" of the Security Service of Ukraine, gunners, the Navy, the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, border guards and our entire heroic army that defends the state.

A new package of American support for Ukraine in the amount of one billion dollars was announced today. These are, in particular, rockets for HIMARS, ammunition for artillery and many other really useful things. I am grateful to President Biden and the people of the United States for this support, 100% of which is used to protect freedom, our common freedom.

I signed a new decree on awarding combatants. 183 of our defenders were awarded state awards, four of them posthumously.


First Lady of Ukraine

Olena Zelenska gave an interview to NHK Japan Broadcasting Corporation. The President's wife spoke about barrier-free projects that will be implemented during the reconstruction of Ukraine.

Olena Zelenska recalled that even before the Russian invasion, powerful initiatives to create a barrier-free environment and a society of equal opportunities were launched in the country.

In particular, the President signed the Decree "On ensuring the creation of a barrier-free space in Ukraine", the National strategy for barrier-free environment was adopted - standards of equal opportunities for all population groups. Ukraine introduced paternity leave for dads so that both parents have equal opportunities to care for children and work, the wage gap between women and men was reduced by 3%. Under the patronage of the First Lady, the Barrier-Free Solutions Album was created - a guide to city planning friendly to all population groups.

Olena Zelenska emphasized that after the Russian invasion, these projects become even more important, as the Russian invaders traumatize Ukrainians physically and psychologically every day.

"Ukraine should become the most comfortable place in the world for its people who have experienced and are experiencing so much. Every street, every building should be convenient for citizens of any physical condition and age. This is an ambitious goal and a new challenge for our barrier-free projects. A chance to remove a barrier that prevents a person from living, be it physical or psychological barrier. Get the war out of the way. Forever," the First Lady emphasized.


Prime Minister of Ukraine

The Federal Republic of Germany supports the provision of macro-financial assistance to Ukraine from the European Union and the launch of a new special program with the International Monetary Fund. This was discussed during an online conversation between the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal and the Federal Minister of Finance of Germany Christian Lindner. The Minister of Finance of Ukraine Serhii Marchenko was also present during the conversation.

The Head of the Ukrainian Government thanked Germany for its substantial support for Ukraine, in particular for EUR 300 million in credit and EUR 1 billion in grant aid, as well as for the support of providing by the European Union of the first tranche of exceptional macro-financial assistance in the amount of EUR 1 billion.

"In the spring, the European Commission approved the decision to provide EUR 9 billion of macro-financial support. We have already received EUR 1 billion and expect the next EUR 8 billion. We hope our partners will demonstrate firm support regarding this decision as such funding is critically necessary for us," the Prime Minister noted.

Denys Shmyhal informed that last week Ukraine had submitted an official proposal to the International Monetary Fund regarding the launch of a new special IMF program.

"On Friday, the letter was sent to the leadership of the Fund. We expect to receive appropriate assistance from the IMF yet in November-December this year," said the Head of the Government.

The Prime Minister of Ukraine and the Federal Minister of Finance of Germany also discussed the issue of restoring infrastructure and networks in Ukraine, as well as gas procurement for the autumn-winter period. In addition, Denys Shmyhal expressed his gratitude to Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz for the initiative of holding the G7 conference on the restoration of Ukraine in October.

Federal Minister of Finance of Germany Christian Lindner, for his part, assured that Germany would help Ukraine quickly receive the remaining EUR 8 billion of macro-financial assistance from the EU. In addition, according to him, Germany supports the procedures initiated by the Government of Ukraine to postpone the payment of debts as well as efforts towards the launch of a special program with the IMF.


Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine

In the morning of August 7, a second caravan with Ukrainian food left the ports of Odesa and Chornomorsk - 3 ships from Chornomorsk and one more from Odesa.

More than 160,000 tons of agricultural products are on board the bulk carriers STAR HELENA, GLORY, RIVA WIND and the tanker MUSTAFA NECATI.

"After the organization of the first caravan by the ports, we are gradually moving on to larger volumes of work. We plan to ensure the ability of the ports to handle at least 100 vessels per month in the near future.

Also, soon we plan to fully join the Pivdenny port to the implementation of the Initiative. We expect that thanks to this we will be able to send even larger caravans of ships to buyers, at least up to 3 million tons per month," commented the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Oleksandr Kubrakov.

The vessels are heading to the ports of Italy, China and Turkey.

As was reported on July 22 in Istanbul, at the proposal of the United Nations, Ukraine, Turkey and UN Secretary-General António Guterres signed the Initiative for the Safe Transportation of Grain and Food Products from the Ukrainian Ports of Odesa, Chornomorsk and Pivdenny.

As part of the implementation of the agreements, 4 ships have already been sent with a cargo of Ukrainian corn: RAZONI, NAVI STAR, ROJEN and POLARNET. They transport more than 80,000 tons of corn.


The POLARNET vessel, which was one of the first to take part in the implementation of the Initiative on safe transportation of grain and food products from Ukrainian ports, successfully passed the inspection by the inspection team in Istanbul and arrived at its final destination in Turkey.

"This first successful experience of the implementation of the "grain initiative" allows us to look optimistically at the future prospects of transportation. I am grateful to our partners from the UN and Turkey for effectively guaranteeing the safety of the ship's movement and maximum cooperation at all stages of the implementation of the agreements. I am especially grateful to the crew of the POLARNET vessel for being one of the first to use the "grain corridor", thereby opening the way for all other vessels," commented the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Oleksandr Kubrakov.

The arrival of the NAVI STAR, ROJEN vessels, which left the ports in the same caravan with POLARNET, is expected at the destination ports approximately in a week.

As was reported earlier, on July 22 in Istanbul, at the proposal of the United Nations, Ukraine, Turkey and UN Secretary-General António Guterres signed the Initiative for the Safe Transportation of Grain and Food Products from the Ukrainian Ports of Odesa, Chornomorsk and Pivdenny.

On August 1, as part of the implementation of the agreements, the first ship - RAZONI under the flag of Sierra Leone - departed from Odesa port. The ship is transporting 26,000 tons of Ukrainian corn to the Lebanese port of Tripoli.


8/8/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 08/08/2022 - 10:38am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:


2. Exclusive: U.S. readies new $1 billion Ukraine weapons package

3. Thirteen Lives’ Review: Dramatizing the Near Impossible

4. Is the Marine Corps Becoming Irrelevant?

5. Did Nancy Pelosi Put the U.S. and China on a Path to War?

6. White House resists Congress’ bipartisan bid to overhaul U.S.-Taiwan relations

7. Could the U.S. Military Fight Russia and China At the Same Time?

8. FDD | U.S. Senate votes 95-1 to add Finland and Sweden to NATO alliance

9. FDD | What the U.S. Should Say About the Death of Shireen Abu Akleh

10. Ukraine calls for demilitarised zone around nuclear plant hit by shelling

11. Taiwan crisis: China defends calling off US military talks as exercises set to resume

12. China’s Military Drills and Other Tensions With Taiwan, Explained

13. One year after Afghanistan, spy agencies pivot toward China

14. US, Philippines flex alliance in heat of Taiwan crisis

15. How SOCOM's secret 'knife bomb' became the prime weapon for killing hard-to-reach terrorists

16. Innovation: People Are More Important than Technology

17. America’s Long Road to Global Power

18. Philippines welcomes possible WPS joint patrols with US

19. Don’t Ever Underestimate Your Opponents — Especially When They’re Chinese

20. Mozart and Wagner clash on the battlefields of the Ukraine

21. It’s an artillery war, but Ukraine still kills tanks with Javelins

22. America's deadliest Irishman - the Irish James Bond

23. FVR established AFP's most elite unit in 1962; it was his ‘most exciting, dangerous' assignment

Korean News Content:

1. Defense minister visits key U.S. base to underline 'solid' S. Korea-U.S. alliance

2. North Korea Offers 100,000 Troops to Help Russia Fight Ukraine: Report

3. N. Korea's security agents shake down remittance brokers for money in border region

4. Korea Needs to Organize Immigration as Population Declines

5. Ministry of State Security fishing boats on secret operation seized by military vessels

6. Korea to Join Early Meeting of U.S.-Led Chip Alliance

7. COVID Spreads Faster in Peak Holiday Season

8. China conducts live-fire drills in Yellow Sea after Taiwan Strait

9. N. Korea to hold Supreme People's Assembly meeting on Sept. 7: KCNA

10. The first ever western movie to show on North Korean TV isn’t what you’d think

11. ‘Crossings’ Follows A Walk For Peace As It Crosses The Korean Divide

12. Yoon vows to go back to basics amid low approval ratings

13. 'Chip 4,' Thaad likely to be discussed by Korea, China's top envoys

8/7/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 08/07/2022 - 12:04pm

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:


2. China launches long-range airstrike drills around Taiwan on fourth day of military exercises

3. After China’s Military Spectacle, Options Narrow for Winning Over Taiwan

4. China’s Taiwan Saber-Rattling Is the New Normal

5. Why Superpower Crises Are a Good Thing

6. After raging at US and Japan over Pelosi's Taiwan visit, China faces dilemma

7. Russian men, dying in war, leave many families sad, angry and silent

8. A U.S. Return to Guadalcanal, in Another Tense Historical Moment

9. White House summons Chinese ambassador amid military exercises, diplomatic retaliation for Pelosi Taiwan visit

10. The Provocative Politics of Nancy Pelosi’s Trip to Taiwan

11. Making Sense of the Nepal Army’s Engagement With Big Powers

12. ‘There’s no path out of economic oblivion for Russia’: New report reveals how corporate exodus has already wiped out decades of post–Cold War growth

13. Tracking the Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis

14.  ‘Putin’s Chef’ Is Personally Touring Russian Prisons for Wagner Recruits to Fight in Ukraine, Reports Say

15. Can Russia Divide Europe?

16. U.S. SOCOM hosts change of responsibility and retirement ceremony for its top enlisted leader

17. ‘Absolute evil’: inside the Russian prison camp where dozens of Ukrainians burned to death

18. Russia’s co-opting of US political groups is serious business

19. Blinken commits U.S. to defending Philippines against armed attacks

20. Corruption is sending shock waves through China's chipmaking industry

21. Opinion | Even from prison I can see opposition to Putin’s war growing

22. ‘America’s Philosopher’ Review: The Key to John Locke

23. Ex-Time reporter: The day I knew journalism had died in America

24. Another Way to Help Taiwan—and America

25. As English Goes, So Goes the U.S.

Korean News Content:

1. Korea says ‘no promise was made’ to China’s policy claim

2. N. Korea has selected workers to be dispatched to eastern Ukraine

3. South Korea’s Presidential Snub of Pelosi Was an Unforced Blunder

4. Two different victories after Pelosi’s trip

5. South Korea, US to hold talks next week on deterrence against North Korea

6. North Korea says Yoon’s ‘audacious plan’ is rehashed ‘waste’

7. 150 front-line Army commandoes to conduct joint training at US Army's National Training Center

8. Does the South Korean Ministry of Gender Equality Need to Be Abolished?

9. Ahead of U.S. midterm, Attention is Being Focused on the Appointment of Special Human Rights Envoy to North Korea

10. North Korea's triple economic woes stoke fears of 'silent' famine

11. Will North Korea sell its nuclear technology?

12. Ukraine Situation Report: Army Of North Korean ‘Volunteers’ Said To Be Ready To Help Russia


8/6/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 08/06/2022 - 12:39pm

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:


2. Ukrainian partisans ‘fought like special forces’ against Putin’s army

3. Mozart Group: the western ex-military personnel training Ukrainian recruits

4. Obituary: Gary Schroen, the CIA spy sent to get Osama Bin Laden

5. Chinese Stages Show of Force Near Taiwan for a Third Day

6. Ex-diplomat says there are 'more intelligent ways' for the U.S. to support Taiwan than to visit

7. China’s military exercises are an intel bonanza — for all sides

8. Canadian military’s special operations members helping train Ukrainians: sources

9. What Pelosi’s Trip to Taiwan Tells Us about U.S.-China Relations

10. US-Israel-Palestine security role facing downgrade; can a colonel do a general's job?

11.  Military Briefing: Himars fuels Ukraine hopes of ‘limited’ counter-offensive

12. The Coming War Over Taiwan

13. Taiwan, Thucydides, and U.S.-China War

14. In the 'gray zone' outside Kherson, Ukraine's soldiers pay a terrible price

15. Dr. Dave Johnson on “Is the Virtue in the Weapon or the Cause?”

16. The Inside Story of Carlos Ghosn’s Brazen Escape From Japan

17. Top Taiwan missile official found dead in hotel room after heart attack

18. McMaster: Taiwan Could Prove Difficult for China to Invade

19. Putin is banking on a failure of political will in the west before Russia runs out of firepower

20. The Marine Corps’ new plan will not beat China in a fight for Taiwan

21.  Dan Rice, Special Advisor to CinC Valeriy Zaluzhnyi​: ​The beta test is over. Time for NATO to send in more arms to evict the Russians

22. America Can't Allow China to End Taiwan's Democracy and Dominate Asia

Korean News Content:

1. FM calls for inter-Korean dialogue during brief encounter with North's envoy at ASEAN meetings

2. N. Korea, supply chain issue to be discussed in S. Korea-China high-level talks next week

3. N. Korea slams Pelosi's Panmunjom visit

4. S. Korean, Australian defense chiefs visit construction site for K9 howitzer factory

5. North Korea Offers Russia 100,000 ‘Volunteers’ for War on Ukraine, Russian State TV Says

6. Ukraine war LIVE – Putin should ACCEPT North Korea’s assistance in conflict, claims pundit

7. Hackers From North Korea Seen As Culprits In DeBridge Finance Cyberattack

8. North Korea calls Pelosi 'destroyer of international peace'

9. South Korea’s THAAD Missile Shield Reconsidered After North Korean Threats

10. My journey from North Korea to Columbia University

11. North Korea preparing for atomic tests, dodges sanctions in drive for weapons

12. North Korea Reports No New COVID Cases and an ‘Impossible’ Fatality Rate

13. Why We Know Even Less Than Usual About North Korea’s Food Situation

14. North Korean COVID-19/Fever Data Tracker

15. Freedom is not Free. If you don't fight for it, you will lose it eventually.

8/5/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 08/05/2022 - 9:56am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:


2. Chinese Disinformation Group Targeted Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit

3. 11 Chinese Ballistic Missiles Fired Near Taiwan, U.S. Embarks USS America From Japan

4. Why military aid to Ukraine doesn't always get to the front lines: "Like 30% of it reaches its final destination"

5. Xi Tries to Ride a Real-Estate Tiger, and We All May Get Mauled

6. Xi’s Great Leap Backward

7. Money and Partnerships Matter in Cybersecurity

8. U.S. Seeks to Reassure Asian Allies as China’s Military Grows Bolder

9. China sanctions House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over 'egregious provocation' in visit to Taiwan

10. U.S. calls China's military action over Taiwan unjustified, Beijing sanctioning Pelosi

11. After Griner gets jail, Russia ready to discuss swap with U.S.

12. Putin can’t control his Ukraine cataclysm — and the US must get ready

13. Michael Grinston's Quiet War to Help Make the Army More Lethal, Wokeness Hysterics Be Damned

14. Representatives are Too Invested in Defense Contractors

15. What’s Next for al-Qaeda?

16. Keys to Ukrainian victory? Logistics, heavy weapons and the ‘test of will’

17. US Special Forces conduct bold, new experiment to meet future challenges

18. Observations from the Donbas Front Line


Korean News Content:

1. Putin 'is considering turning to Kim Jong Un for help in Ukraine'

2. North Korea's major weakness exposed: 'Take it away, everything collapses'

3. North Korea tests explosive devices at nuclear site: U.N. report

4. Koreas: The hidden risk of the “kill chain”

5. Kim Jong-un horror claim: Tyrant had uncle killed and fed to a pack of starving dogs

6. Pelosi visited Korean Demilitarized Zone with congressional delegation

7. Talking with Lavrov, S. Korean minister raises concern about N. Korea's possible nuclear test

8. North Korea marks end of first COVID wave, but risks persist

9. US military infections remain stable amid COVID-19 surge in South Korea

10. South Korean spacecraft launched to the moon, country’s 1st

11. Russia grows closer to North Korea amid international isolation

12. North Korean Hackers Are Reportedly Going After Gmail Accounts

13. S. Korea's new COVID-19 cases above 100,000 for 4th day

14. Poland is Buying 1,000 K2 Black Panther Tanks (And More) For a Russia War

15. ROK-US house speakers commit to strong nuclear deterrence

16. Phone conversation between Pres. Yoon and Nancy Pelosi

17. Egypt emerges as new market for Korean arms exports

18. Top S. Korean, U.S. diplomats discuss Indo-Pacific strategy