Small Wars Journal

11/9/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 11/09/2021 - 7:00am

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National Security News Content:

1. America’s Missing Ambassadors
2. How to Avoid Nuclear War
3. China and the ‘G’ Word—Genocide
4. Solomon Islanders beat back Beijing, for now
5. Opinion | China is rising as a nuclear power. Its ambitions warrant global attention.
6. China ‘Clearly’ Developing Aviation and Maritime Capabilities to Counter U.S. in Indo-Pacific, Says Pentagon
7. I'm Helping to Start a New College Because Higher Ed Is Broken
8. KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: Media and Misinformation
9. They were children when the Afghanistan War began. As soldiers they carried the burden of ending it
10. Bomb threats evacuate Ivy League campuses after similar calls to Miami University, Ohio University
11.  AUKUS shows Europe’s security no longer a US priority
12. ‘Desert warships’ spark new fears at the Pentagon
13. Adding India to the Five Eyes Would Cause a New Cold War, Pakistani Official Says
14. How Taiwan Underwrites the US Defense Industrial Complex
15. Pentagon: Allies’ ‘Views and Perspectives’ Being Considered in Nuclear Posture Review
16. 5 key updates in the Pentagon’s 2021 China Military Power Report
17. Fear, Honour, and AUKUS in the Indo-Pacific
18. Sanctions Reform Should Start with the Treasury Office Enforcing Them
19. Pentagon scaremongering in bid to justify US' aggressive nuclear policy
20. Pentagon intensifies effort to evacuate families of Defense Department service members from Afghanistan
21. Beijing’s Taiwan Invasion Timeline: Two Predictions

Korean News Content:

1. Prospects for Diplomacy With North Korea
2. U.S., S. Korea see 'eye-to-eye' on need to denuclearize Korean Peninsula: State Dept.
3. Satellite imagery shows continued operation of N. Korea's uranium enrichment plant: report
4. China can and should help steer N. Korea toward denuclearization: Pentagon spokesman
5. Japan reluctant to accept proposal to declare Korean War over
6. 'The UN's eyes': French Navy enforces North Korea sanctions
7. Twilight of the Kims?
8. U.S. lawmakers call on Biden to declare formal end to Korean War
9. N. Korea bristles at EU over UN resolution on human rights
10. Military holds meeting of generals, admirals on defense reform, leadership
11. <Inside N. Korea> Infant deaths rampant due to medical collapse. Colds and diarrhea make them die quickly.
12.  23 U.S. reps get behind end-of-war declaration
13. 'US waits for next South Korean government over China issue'
14. What’s behind the emergence of Kim Jong-un-ism?
15. Seoul monitoring signs of N. Korea's border reopening amid reports of train operation

11/8/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 11/08/2021 - 9:23am

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National Security News Content:
1. Witnesses to the End (Afghanistan)
2. Did the U.S. Marines Really Get 'Crushed' By the Royal Marines?
3. Afghan Military Pilots, on the Run, Feel Abandoned by U.S.
4. China Builds Missile Targets Shaped Like U.S. Aircraft Carrier, Destroyers in Remote Desert
5. T-Day: The Battle for Taiwan (war game scenarios from Reuters)
6. Investigative journalist seeks to uncover the truth behind fatal 2017 Niger ambush in documentary
7. T-Day: The Battle for Taiwan (war game scenarios from Reuters)
8. To Steer China’s Future, Xi Is Rewriting Its Past
9. We’ve All Pretended About Taiwan for 72 Years. It May Not Work Any Longer.
10. FDD | Secure the Data, Not the Device
11. Saudi Arabia and Israel Tiptoe Toward Overt Security Cooperation
12. Biden’s sweet talk won’t curb Erdogan’s abuses in Turkey and beyond
13. How China's 'greyzone warfare' is designed to subdue the enemy
14. Novels of Sino-American War and the Shadow of Hector Bywater 
15. The Lessons of Two Decades of War: A Review of IWI’s Inaugural Conference
16. Can American democracy and soft power be restored?
17. The Politics of Freedom
18. Will to Fight: Are Americans and Chinese Ready to Die for Taiwan?
19. China looks to Tajiks to spy Afghan terror risks
20. Creative Peacemaking in Mindanao

Korean News Content:

1. S. Korea to keep monitoring N. Korean military's moves: ministry
2. Suspected COVID-19 cases lead to lockdown of Eighth Corps' housing district
3. Korea has a seat at Biden's first democracy summit
4. Russia looks to Korean ship industry for help in Far East, Arctic
5. Urea water shortage woes deepen as production wanes
6. Envoy says China will do its best to help solve urea water solution shortage in S. Korea
7. S. Korea to import 200 tons of urea from Vietnam amid supply shortage
8. S. Korean vice minister, U.S. envoy discuss Iran issue
9. [Us and Them] Why does Korea have such a deep political divide?
10. Yes, I’ve seen ‘Squid Game’ by Ambassador Kathleen Stephens
11. Long before ‘Squid Game,’ South Korea filmmakers elevated the underdog
12. Where the Hell Is Kim Jong Un’s Eric Clapton-Obsessed Brother?
13. Yoon says he is open to inter-Korean summit, but not 'for show'
14. Korean War mural in Washington D.C. explained in US designer's upcoming memoir

11/7/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 11/07/2021 - 11:17am

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National Security News Content:

1. ‘A Daily Cloud of Suffering’: A Crackdown in China Is Felt Abroad
2. How the $1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Aims to Affect Americans’ Lives
3. Climate Change Denial Is Morphing into a More Dangerous Form of Misinformation
4. Climate shuffles superpowers
5.  US, China race walking towards a Taiwan war
6. The Pentagon’s 2021 China Military Power Report: My Summary
7. Biden’s foreign policy undercut by domestic weakness
8. Alleged Jan. 6 Rioter Tries to Sell Home on Zillow, Inadvertently Reveals Cache of Explosives: FBI
9. Special Operations Success Hinges on People, Partnerships
10. Op-Ed: Special forces roles ‘in doubt for the future’? – Guess again.
11. Clemency Request for Guantanamo Inmate 'Enlightening,' Hambali's Lawyer Says
12. China slams US curbs on visiting scholars from military-linked institutions
13. People Worldwide Name US as a Major Threat to World Peace. Here's Why.
14. US court convicts Chinese intelligence agent of spying
15. From Nicaraguan revolutionaries to US embassy informants: How Washington recruited ex-Sandinistas like Dora María Téllez and her MRS party
16. A Veterans Day letter to President Joe Biden
17.  Will COP26 Solve Anything?
18. Reflection on Failure By Major Matthew Tweedy, USMC

Korean News Content:

1. U.S. diplomat coordinating to arrange talks with presidential candidates in Seoul: sources
2. N. Korea holds artillery fire competition: state media
3. Why US is sitting on appointing ambassador to Seoul
4. Phenomenon of learning Korean
5. VANK urges UN to add 'East Sea' on its map
6. A last security option (South Korea)
7. Nuclear niceties (ROK nuclear energy)
8. Pirate attacks on S. Korean ships down amid anti-piracy efforts off western Africa
9. N. Korea's ambassador to China holds talks with Chinese assistant FM
10. Military to fly 20,000 liters of urea to Korea this week
11. Conservation groups look to save flora and fauna in DMZ
12. S. Korea to expand high-level communication with U.S. on chip supply chain cooperation: gov't
13. North Korea’s “Anti-Capitalist” Crackdown: Old Roots but New Vigor
14. Fighting North Korean Human Rights Abuses

11/6/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 11/06/2021 - 12:53pm

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National Security News Content:

1. Opinion | It’s Getting Dire in Afghanistan. Biden Can’t Walk Away.
2. FAST THINKING: China’s stunning military buildup
3. Xi Is Running Out of Time
4. The U.S. Navy Needs Its Own Bonds to Be Ready for China
5. Tech Advantage Critical to Prevail in Strategic Competition With China, DOD Official Says
6. White House Appoints 2021-2022 Class of White House Fellows
7. Official Says DOD Is Focused on Threats From State Actors, Terrorists
8. State Dept. names new team to oversee ‘Havana Syndrome’ response
9. ANDREW YANG: News outlets like CNN and Fox News are only making America's problems worse.
10. Plan to Draft Women is Uniting Unlikely Political Allies
11.  FDD | China Consolidates Rare Earth Supply Chain
12. The Taliban’s Man in Washington
13. Opinion | President Biden, don’t help our adversaries break NATO
14. FDD | Turkish Streamers Colluded With Iran-Based Money Launderers: Amazon Subsidiary Twitch Should Take Action
15. American Defense Policy After Twenty Years of War by Jim Webb
16. FBI believes U.S. faces equal threats from domestic extremists and Islamic State -official
17. New Tech Will Erode Nuclear Deterrence. The US Must Adapt
18. Taiwan establishes task force against China’s election-meddling deepfakes
19. 'Absolute totalitarianism': China's Xi aims to cement authority and moral legitimacy
20. Joint Chiefs’ Information Officer: US is Behind On Information Warfare. AI Can Help

Korean News Content:

1. Another bad harvest in hungry North Korea underscores root cause of food crisis
2. 42% of North Korea's population was malnourished between 2018-20, FAO report says
3. Eighteen Months After COVID-19, North Korea Hints at Opening Border
4. <Inside N. Korea> Sex Trafficking of Underage Girls Spreads, Including 'Aid Relationships.' Authorities issued strict orders to eradicate it.
5. S.Korean drivers panic buy urea after China tightens supply
6. America’s diplomatic approach with North Korea is flawed. It’s time to change tack
7. Dallas Theater Center comedy enrolls Kim Jong Un at boarding school in ‘stinky cheese’ Switzerland

Special Operations Forces and Great Power Competition - Modern War Institute

Sat, 11/06/2021 - 9:13am

Access the podcast HERE.

This is a must listen podcast.

Special Operations Forces and Great Power Competition - Modern War Institute

Will the role and capabilities required of special operations forces change in a geopolitical context characterized by great power competition? How will SOF balance enduring counterterrorism missions with new requirements to deter great power rivals? Episode 39 of the Irregular Warfare Podcast brings together the commander of US Special Operations Command and a leading researcher of special operations to dig into these questions.

Kyle Atwell and Shawna Sinnott host General Richard Clarke  and Linda Robinson.

11/5/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 11/05/2021 - 10:07am

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National Security News Content:

1. Milley: US 'absolutely' could defend Taiwan from China
2.  Thousands of intel officers refusing vaccine risk dismissal
3. How the U.S. Drone Warfare Program Evolved Over Two Decades
4. Likely Drone Attack On U.S. Power Grid Revealed In New Intelligence Report
5.  Marine Corps Rejects Reports That It ‘Surrendered’ To British Forces During Exercise
6. China and Russia Are Waging Irregular Warfare Against the United States: It is Time for a U.S. Global Response, Led by Special Operations Command
7.  FDD | American NGOs Rally Behind Groups Accused by Israel of Terrorism
8. FDD | How Hezbollah’s hold destroyed Lebanon’s relationship with Saudi Arabia
9. China’s Xi Jinping, preparing for a third term, shuts the door on the past
10. Taiwan Won’t Capitulate to China
11. Humans and Hardware: How Special Operations Can Pioneer Wearable Technology
12. U.S. Policy Toward Myanmar’s Military Junta
13. Special Operations Forces and Great Power Competition
14. China has debated attacking Taiwan-controlled islands, Taiwan official says
15. The Small Pacifist Party That Could Shape Japan’s Future
16. State Department: Thousands of U.S. Residents Still Stuck in Afghanistan
17. Nakasone: Cold War-style deterrence 'does not comport to cyberspace'
18. Why won't Biden save the Afghan commandos?

Korean News Content:

1. CFC chief LaCamera calls S.Korea-U.S. combined forces 'most lethal, ready'
2. Senior U.S. diplomat for East Asia policy to visit Seoul from Nov. 10-12
3. Seoul vows close communications with UNSC following N.K. sanctions relief proposal
4. Hundreds Of South Korean And U.S. Warplanes Are Conducting A Secretive Exercise In Korea
5. Four out of 10 N. Koreans undernourished: FAO
6. Air force plane to help enforce sanctions on North Korea
7. North Korea can produce more uranium than current rate, report says
8. As North Korea’s economy flounders, hints of easing isolation
9. Over two-thirds of South Koreans back U.S. alliance, up from less than half under Trump
10. Canadian brands sold clothing from factory suspected of secretly using North Korean forced labour
11. South Korea’s Approach to the Metaverse
12. On North Korea, America Refuses to Admit the Obvious
13.  In July, Central Committee ordered stockpiling of goods to prepare for "protracted quarantine efforts" by late October
14. North Korea still adheres to airtight quarantine measures despite opening in South
15. As winter looms, reports of starvation in North Korea
16. U.S. remains committed to U.N. sanctions on N. Korea: State Dept.

11/4/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 11/04/2021 - 10:51am

Access National Security News HERE.

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National Security News Content:

1. China unlikely to try to militarily seize Taiwan in near future, top U.S. general
2. China Moves to Quash Online Rumors That Taiwan War Looms
3. DOD Releases 2021 Report on Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China
4. Save The Stranded: A Post Afghan-American War Project: A Story of Starvation
5. Veterans are united on wanting accountability for the war in Afghanistan
6. Reducing Civilian Harm in Urban Warfare: A Commander’s Handbook
7. Blue Flag exercise has Israel’s enemies seeing red
8. Royal Marines Commandos force US Marine Corps troops to surrender in training exercise
9. The AP Interview: Justice Dept. conducting cyber crackdown
10. Bernard-Henri Levy’s dispatches from troubled lands
11. Pentagon details China info war on U.S.
12. Radicalization's path: In case studies, finding similarities
13. What drove the United States to AUKUS?
14. Gaza Conflict 2021 Hamas, Israel and Eleven Days of War
15. The Implications of Simultaneous Conflicts in South Korea and Taiwan
16. Myanmar Resistance Groups Lure and Aid Military Defectors
17. Design the Littoral Combat Team Around Its Core Mission
18. SOCOM Commander: Navy SEALS to Focus on Strategic Reconnaissance, Working with Partners
19. Marine Corps Seeks ‘Fundamental Redesign’ to Recruiting, Retention, Careers
20. The U.S. Risks Catastrophe if It Doesn't Clarify Its Taiwan Strategy
21. US strategic clarity on Taiwan wouldn’t unleash a spiral of escalation
22. Chinese People Think China Is Popular Overseas. Americans Disagree.
23. Army relieved ‘old school’ battalion leader over poor command climate
24. Pentagon: Chinese nuke force growing faster than predicted
25. 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) Wreath-Laying Ceremony to Commemorate President John F. Kennedy's Contributions to the U.S. Army Special Forces
26. Unleashing the U.S. Military’s Thinking about Cyber Power
27. A Japanese Seaplane Could Be the Difference-Maker for the U.S. Military
28. China's advice to stockpile sparks speculation of Taiwan war
29. Military Special Operations Forces Adapt to New Warfare - The War Horse

Korean News Content:

1. North Korea Can Make More Uranium for Nuclear Bombs Than Previously Thought
2. The Implications of Simultaneous Conflicts in South Korea and Taiwan
3. China, Russia ask U.N. to end sanctions so North Korea can import bolts, utensils, vacuums
4. New Report Details Experience Of Christians Detained In North Korea
5.  Military plays down rift over command transfer
6. US alliance under Biden more popular with South Koreans than under Trump, poll finds
7. North Korean soldier injured picking chestnuts in leader Kim Jong Un’s name
8. Meeting between Moon and Kishida falls through
9. Moon extends nuclear help to Hungary, Poland
10. Korea's nuclear phase-out policy trapped in paradox
11. KAI aims to supply Slovakia with domestically developed FA-50 aircraft
12. N. Korean Cabinet calls on commercial sector to eradicate the "import disease"
13. N Korea in final arrangements to reopen China border to revive economy amid COVID: Report