Small Wars Journal

Save The Stranded: A Post Afghan-American War Project: A Story of Starvation

Thu, 11/04/2021 - 7:36am
Read the entire story HERE
Documenting a humanitarian crisis in real time

Save The Stranded: A Post Afghan-American War Project

By Scott Chapman and Russ Pritchard

  Since the last military flight out of Kabul and the Khider District Massacre, both events occurring on 30 August 2021, Chapman and Pritchard have co-authored a story every day about Afghans in peril. 


A Story of Starvation

Shona ba Shona (translation: shoulder to shoulder) is an organization of Military Senior Leaders, SOF Operators, Senior Executives, Thought Leaders in Media and Academia, and International Law Experts. Our present focus is the humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan. Many of us received protection and endured hardships with our Afghan friends. We understand the process to successfully integrate people from an environment of peril to an environment of safety. Members of our board have assisted in successful refugee relocation from places like Vietnam, Somalia, and Iraq.


We direct both material and personnel support where it’s needed most. We provide a direct conduit of information flowing from the ground to the highest levels of our country’s executives and to the executive branches of our allies. We share information, best practices, and cross level knowledge with all organizations with similar goals. Winter is coming, both figuratively and literally, and Shona ba Shona will provide humanitarian aid to the people of Afghanistan. In this capacity, we will share with you stories of the beautiful people of Afghanistan many of us have known for almost two decades


This is the story of three families:


In the States on the east coast, we wake at 4:30 to the constant thrum of messages coming across our phones. While messages come all night long, 4:30 rings out like the start of a horse race. The gates open and the sprint through the day commences. The time zone differences are brutal. Kabul, Afghanistan is 8.5 hours ahead of EST in the States. It’s 4:30am EST, and Afghans in peril seek food, safe shelter to stay ahead of the Taliban, and medical care before their day ends and curfew begins. It’s three hours until the sun comes up in the States and four hours until the sun goes down in Kabul.


Read the entire story HERE

11/3/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 11/03/2021 - 8:57am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker:October 7, 2021-November 2, 2021
2. Needed: A Military Strategy for China
3. Opinion | When It Comes to China, Don’t Call It a ‘Cold War’
4. Shutting Down Historical Debate, China Makes It a Crime to Mock Heroes
5. Military Grants Few Vaccine Exemptions as Deadlines Loom
6. The Most Dangerous Global Flashpoints
7. Why hundreds of QAnon supporters showed up in Dallas, expecting JFK Jr.'s return
8. Extending that 'Loving Feeling' (Maritime Strategy) by Frank Hoffman
9. SOCOM Head On Global Terrorism: 'I Think It's Spread'
10. From Little Green Men to Little Blue Helmets: Imagining the Future of Russian Aggression—and What to Do About It
11. MWI Podcast: On Resistance
12. US probe of undersea sub collision raises doubts
13. White House creates new national strategy for preventing veteran suicide
14. Biden administration considers adjusting rationale for U.S. nuclear arsenal
15. Nuclear arms hawks give bureaucratic mauling to Biden vow to curb arsenal
16. ‘Nine Eyes’? Bill Would Look at Adding Four Countries to Intel-Sharing Pact
17. U.S. Marines training Taiwan elite troops in Guam
18. Bulls, Bears, and Trolls: Social Media Influence Operations and Financial Market Risk
19. Why the promise of nuclear fusion is no longer a pipe dream
20. The Defense Policy Bill Is Late Again. This Year, the GOP Is Blaming Democrats
21. Yes, It Was An 'Evil Empire'

Korean News Content:

1. Biden Foreign Policy Tracker: Korea
2. From BTS to ‘Squid Game’: How South Korea Became a Cultural Juggernaut
3. China, Russia urge UNSC to end key sanctions on North Korea
4. North Korea may launch space rocket next year: expert
5. Senior U.S. diplomat for East Asia policy to visit Seoul next week
6. N.Korea Shows up at UN Climate Conference
7. Chinese public security officials carry out surprise searches of female North Korean defectors' homes
8. N. Korean workers in China are making clothes for South Korea
9. North Korea seeks to boost education with toy-like robots
10. Moon's ideological thinking of North Korea
11. Seoul-Tokyo business leaders seek to expand economic exchanges
12. S. Korea pledges to annually cut greenhouse gases by 4.17%
13.North Korea’s Long-term Prison-Labor Facility Kyo-hwa-so No. 3 T'osŏng-ni, Sinŭiju-si, P’yŏngbuk
14. North Korea and China restart rail freight, ending pandemic trade ban
15. <Interview with a single mother> Young women who avoid marriage is on the rise. (north Korea)

Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: October (October 7, 2021-November 2, 2021)

Tue, 11/02/2021 - 9:46pm
Can be accessed HERE
November 2, 2021 | FDD Tracker: October 7, 2021-November 2, 2021
Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: October
David Adesnik
Senior Fellow and Director of Research
John Hardie 
Research Manager

Trend Overview
Edited by David Adesnik and John Hardie
Welcome back to the Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker. Once a month, we ask FDD’s experts and scholars to assess the administration’s foreign policy. They provide trendlines of very positive, positive, neutral, negative, or very negative for the areas they watch. Testifying before the Senate, a top Pentagon official revealed the U.S. intelligence community’s assessment that the Islamic State in Afghanistan may be able to attack the United States in as little as six months, while al-Qaeda could do so within a year or two. On this and other fronts, the era of relentless war did not appear to give way to an era of relentless diplomacy, as President Joe Biden forecast in his first address to the UN General Assembly. Iran took further steps to limit UN inspectors’ oversight of its nuclear program and was likely behind a drone attack on an American base in eastern Syria. North Korea showed off its newest missiles while rebuffing a U.S. offer to negotiate without preconditions. Russia continued to block inquiries regarding its illicit chemical weapons program while escalating its harassment of independent journalists. Chinese leader Xi Jinping rejected an invitation to the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, a sign that Beijing plans to withhold cooperation until the United States dials back criticism on human rights and other issues. Regardless, the White House continued to advocate for Taiwanese membership in multilateral organizations. The apparent lesson for Biden is that relentless diplomacy does not elicit cooperation from adversaries when Washington does not build the leverage necessary to put a price on intransigence.



11/2/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 11/02/2021 - 8:39am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. What Will Drive China to War?
2. Officials: Damaged US Navy sub struck underwater mountain
3. AUKUS, US allies and the age of conditional proliferation
4. Indo-Pacific Theater Design Working Paper 4 Assessing Alternative Theater Design Choices: A Framework for Analysis
5. Military weighs penalties for those who refuse COVID vaccine
6. Marine officer blasts major general for calling him 'narcissistic' in reprimand letter
7. United States Participates in Proliferation Security Initiative Exercise DEEP SABRE
8. What Can the Army do Best in the Indo-Pacific?
9. Special ops task force in Middle East restructured for ‘broad, regional’ ISIS fight
10. The Pentagon quietly removed more than 130,000 Afghanistan War photos and videos from public view
11. New policy protects sexual assault survivors from being charged with ‘minor’ infractions
12. Colombia, Washington’s “Closest Ally,” Looks to Beijing
13. Xinjiang’s Oppression Has Shifted Gears
14. UN Committee Votes 'Yes' On UK-US-Backed Space Rules Group
15. Netflix removes spy drama episodes after Philippines' complaint over China map
16. Combat mentality, exercising the mind for special operations
17. What traits make you ‘truly American?’ Democrats and Republicans disagree
18. FDD | Will the NBA Stand Up to China’s Bullying for Enes Kanter?

Korean News Content:

1. Unification minister, WHO chief agree to cooperate for humanitarian aid to N.K.
2. How to Solve North Korea: Time to 'Replace' Kim Jong-un?
3. S.Korea, US hold deputy-level talks on N.Korea
4. Combat mentality, exercising the mind for special operations
5. Most Heavily Armed Place on Earth? That Would Be the Korean DMZ
6. China, Russia revive push to lift U.N. sanctions on North Korea
7. The "Squid Game" critique is also a love letter to a unified Korea
8. China Aids and Abets North Korea’s Abuse of Christians
9. North Korea is breeding black swans for people to eat, as the reclusive nation faces a crippling food shortage
10. Pope Francis unlikely to visit North Korea this winter because he is from 'warm country': presidential spokeswoman
11. Some N. Korean workers welcome blackouts in Chinese factories
12. Historic All-Female formation flight (in Korea)

11/1/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 11/01/2021 - 8:23am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Could the U.S. Lose a War with China Over Taiwan?
2. Taiwan: Will We or Won’t We?
3. What Role Could Civilians Play in Taiwan’s Defense?
4. COVID-19's global death toll tops 5 million in under 2 years
5. In Afghan hospital, unpaid doctors and rigid Taliban clash
6. Left Behind After U.S. Withdrawal, Some Former Afghan Spies and Soldiers Turn to Islamic State
7. Taiwan Special Forces Have Been Working With US Troops, but Who Are They?
8. The Taliban Haven’t Changed, But U.S. Policy Must
9. Op-Ed: We Can Still Help the Women of Afghanistan
10. U.S. Military Jury Condemns Terrorist’s Torture and Urges Clemency
11. Pentagon rattled by Chinese military push on multiple fronts
12. Australian warship stops at Navy base in Japan to replace helicopter lost at sea
13. Pentagon may not immediately fire vaccine resisters
14. Air Force is first to face troops’ rejection of vaccine mandate as thousands avoid shots
15. Blinken says US will 'make sure Taiwan has the means to defend itself'
16. Defense Companies Brace For Workforce Loss Due To Vaccine Mandate
17. Appeal for CIA, DoD Clandestine Ops to Rescue Afghan Allies
18. Biden tells Macron US ‘clumsy’ in Australian submarine deal
19. The unintended consequences of the AUKUS deal
20. Re-shaping Forces for the High-End Fight: The Challenge of Overcoming the Legacy of the Land Wars
21.  Journalist shot dead in Philippines, 21st killed since Duterte took office
22. Your Laptop Does More Than PowerPoint: Computational Thinking and Changing the Military’s Mindset
23. Is U.S. Foreign Policy Too Hostile to China? Foreign Affairs Asks the Experts
24. FDD | Russian Hackers Continue Targeting the Software Supply Chain

Korean News Content:

1. USFK chief stands firm on alliance on visit to JSA
2. Seoul urges Pyongyang to accept proposed visit by pope
3. N.Korea 'Preparing for Another Submarine-Launched Missile Test'
4. How China-US Competition Factors Into Moon’s Final Inter-Korea Push
5. Nuke envoys of S. Korea, China discuss end-of-war declaration for NK dialogue
6. Talk of possible shift in U.S. nuke policy rekindles questions over America's security assurances for allies
7. S. Korea to develop homegrown lightweight torpedoes by 2028
8. Unification ministry to discuss resuming Panmunjom tours with UNC
9. S. Korea, U.S. kick off joint air exercise
10. Japan's LDP win may throw a wrench in Seoul-Tokyo relations
11. Foreign minister pushes for end of war in talks with U.S. envoy
12. Explosion at Chongjin chemical and textile plant leaves several workers injured
13. Obsession with NK - Pyongyang said to have offered absurd preconditions for talks
14. Time to ease sanctions (north Korea)

10/31/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 10/31/2021 - 12:53pm

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Allies lobby Biden to prevent shift to ‘no first use’ of nuclear arms
2. Xi Hasn’t Left China in 21 Months. Covid May Be Only Part of the Reason.
3. Opinion | What We Did the Last Time We Broke America
4. How to Fix Social Media
5. As machine learning becomes standard in military and politics, it needs moral safeguards
6. Global Democracy Under Attack Despite Biden Push
7. To Save Democracy, America Needs a Mandatory Public Service Program
8. Afghans Accuse The Taliban Of Misappropriating Foreign Aid
9.  US develops game-changing nuclear sensors for warheads
10. Filipino Special Forces Take Out Key Islamist Militant Leader
11. Reimagining the Peace Corps for the next 60 years
12. Chinese Enterprise: Contracting Security Abroad
13. Women: Terrorism’s Secret Weapon
14. A Navy admiral bids farewell to Southcom as it welcomes the first woman to hold the top post
15. Pentagon Will Add a Climate-Policy Czar
16. The second Cold War has already begun
17. Blinken raised concerns about Taiwan with China
18. China’s ‘Battle at Lake Changjin’ Becomes 2021’s Highest-Grossing Film Worldwide, Preps Sequel
19. Breathtaking collection of war stories from MAX HASTINGS that put YOU at the heart of the battle

Korean News Content:

1. CIA ran previously undisclosed office in Seoul until last year: sources
2. No one except for Moon rushing for talks with North Korea
3. S. Korea, U.S. discussing Washington's nuke policy review on 'various occasions': Seoul official
4. N. Korea accuses S. Korean entertainment industry of helping Netflix
5. North Korea tells people to eat black swans amid crippling food crisis
6. Vatican working for papal visit to N. Korea: archbishop
7. Prepare for South Korea and US to expand military alliance, China warned
8. America Needs to Stop Demanding North Korea Give Up Its Nuclear Weapons
9. Pope Francis wants to visit North Korea to create ‘momentum for peace’
10. North Korea’s Missile Tests: Addressing Vs Normalizing – Analysis
11. South Korea to develop its own naval interception system as it grows advanced military capabilities
12. Kim Jong Un loses 20 kgs, not using body double, clarifies spy agency
13. Academics involved in North Korea studies are hacked
14. Unification minister meets with WFP chief, senior Vatican official in Rome
15. S. Korea to bid farewell to late former President Roh
16. North says no more sanctions in return for end-of-war talks
17. N. Korea accuses U.S. of acquiescing in nuclear proliferation with 'double standards'
18. U.S. to offer $12 mln in grants to prevent proliferation of N. Korean WMD
19. [Peace & Prosperity] N. Korea’s SLBM test amid discussion for the end-of-war declaration

10/30/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 10/30/2021 - 11:49am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Details of China info war revealed
2. Four-star: 98 percent of US Special Operations Command has received COVID vaccine
3. The Inevitable Rivalry – America, China, and the Tragedy of Great-Power Politics
4. New White House Cyber Director Wants to Fight Like Cobra Kai
5. Preserving the Warrior Ethos
6. China Tests an Orbital Hypersonic Nuclear-Capable Weapon
7. US Air Force looks to make jet fuel from atmospheric carbon dioxide
8. Northern Va. authorities on alert after learning of potential threat to shopping centers
9. Why H.R. McMaster thinks Biden’s foreign policy is putting the country in danger
10. Inspector general for Afghanistan war pressured by State, DOD to redact reports
11. Prof. David Silbey Analyzes How and Why the U.S. Lost its Longest War in Webinar
12. Afghan Crime Wave Adds to Taliban Dystopia
13. VIDEO: US 'Did Not Fail' In Afghanistan, Legendary French Writer Says - Zenger News
14. ‘I just want to work hard’: Afghan pilot who protected US airman starts over in America
15. Enemies, Foreign and Domestic
16. Taiwan defense chief offers fighting talk amid doubts about troop readiness
17. Do We Disdain Intellectual NCOs?
18. How SOCOM plans to use the MC-130J in a war with Russia or China

Korean News Content:

1. What to make of North Korea's current play of 'Tong-nam-bong-mi'?
2. China and Russia submit proposal to ease UN sanctions on North Korea: sources
3. ‘Kim Jong Un-ism’ in his 10th year in control
4. A Family of 4 Fled North Korea, Kim Jong-Un Ordered Arrest at All Costs
5. N.K. propaganda outlet calls S. Korea's Nuri space rocket launch 'failure'
6. Moon tells Biden about his offer of papal visit to North Korea
7. Moon asks Pope Francis to visit N. Korea
8. S. Korea bids farewell to late former President Roh
9. S. Korea, China FMs discuss end-of-war declaration, cultural issues in Rome
10.  Korea's oldest combat techniques text to become national treasure
11. Exaggerating NK refugee activism

10/29/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 10/29/2021 - 9:36am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Facebook is changing its name to Meta as it focuses on the virtual world
2. Don’t Assume the US Will Fight China and Russia One at a Time
3. Vulnerabilities Grow as Utilities Link Control Systems to the Internet
4. Army Expects Fierce, Close Combat In Next War Despite Advanced Tech
5. The Fight for Taiwan Could Come Soon
6. Four U.S. Intelligence Agencies Produced Extensive Reports on Afghanistan, but All Failed to Predict Kabul’s Rapid Collapse
7. Nuclear-Powered Submarines for Australia? Maybe Not So Fast.
8. ‘How would we know when it was over?’ – Perspective is power in forever wars
9. Pentagon Reexamining How It Addresses Chem-Bio Threats
10. Exclusive Front-Line Report: Modern Trench Warfare in Eastern Ukraine
11. Tajikistan Approves Construction Of New Chinese-Funded Base As Beijing's Security Presence In Central Asia Grows
12. Guarding Against an Exclusive Warrior Class
13. How China spreads misinformation around the world
14. China's Hypersonic Weapons Tests Don't Have to Be a Sputnik Moment
15. How Facebook Failed the World
16. FDD | The joystick intifada
17. 'Lightning Carriers' Could Be Lightweights in an Asian War
18. For First Time in Public, a Detainee Describes Torture at C.I.A. Black Sites

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea demands sanctions relief before discussing end-of-war declaration: NIS
2. N. Korea issues "emergency order" to arrest locals who violate nighttime curfew
3. U.N. committee approves draft resolutions calling for N. Korea to give up nukes
4. S. Korea, U.S. envoys hold phone talks on N.K. nukes, end-of-war declaration
5. N. Korea seen preparing to reopen border with China amid economic woes
6. Kim Jong-un Inherits Grandfather's 'Great Leader' Title
7. US conducting in-depth review of Korean War's end declaration: US official
8. North Korea’s Food Shortage Is a Lesson for US Policymakers
9. North Koreans drafted to harvest rice are strip searched to stop grain theft
10. Australia’s continued commitment to sanctions enforcement against North Korea
11. U.S. benefits from stronger bond between Seoul and Tokyo
12. ‘You Live With a Degree of Paranoia’ (north Korea sanctions evasion)
13. Cheong Wa Dae official rejects notion of S. Korea-U.S. rift over end-of-war declaration
14. Harry Kazianis: Joe Biden's North Korea policy is a disaster. Now is the time to get serious
15. Another ROK-North Korea Summit Won’t Make a Difference
16. US policymakers can't seem to figure out how to deal with South or North Korea