Small Wars Journal

11/21/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 11/21/2021 - 10:54am

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National Security News Content:

1. Top U.S. admiral warns about China threat at Halifax forum
2. How the game of Go explains China’s aggression towards India
3. The world is entering a new era of big government
4. The Bad Guys Are Winning
5. Senators Have More Than 900 Ideas To Fix America’s Security
6. Hybrid Warfare in an Age of Wokeness by Srdja Trifkovic
7. The Pandemic’s Next Turn Hinges on Three Unknowns
8. Perspective | Weapons tests in space could shut down ATMs and ground your next flight
9. As Soldiers Abandon Notorious Myanmar Army, a Morale Crisis Looms
10. Thousands of Afghans evacuated during U.S. withdrawal awaiting resettlement
11. Collection of U.S. actions inconsistent with words on China
12. China reduces ties with Lithuania in Taiwan spat
13. FDD | Biden-Xi Summit Only Highlights Fundamental Differences Between U.S. and China
14. Commentary: Placing Terrorism in a Violent Non-State Actor Framework for the Great Power Competition Era
15. Enes Kanter: Move the Olympics for Peng Shuai’s Sake
16. F.B.I. Agents Became C.I.A. Operatives in Secret Overseas Prisons
17. Special forces testing Black Hawk helicopter with side-mounted electric motorcycles
18. These Are the Top 10 War Movies as Picked by an Actual Combat Veteran
19. Videos Said to Be of Peng Shuai Don’t Resolve Questions About Her Safety

Korean News Content:

1. Ruling party candidate challenges Constitution with idea on unification
2. How Kim Jong-un, once a young political novice, cemented power in N. Korea in 10 years
3. Chronology of N. Korean leader Kim Jong-un
4. Why is North Korea known as the most isolated country in the world?
5. Boycotts of Beijing Olympics threaten Moon's diplomacy
6. U.S. envoy to visit Seoul for conference on U.N. peacekeeping
7. Army officer wounded in unidentified blast (South Korea)
8. N. Korea dismisses UN human rights resolution as outcome of ‘hostile policy’
9. Under decade of Kim's rule, N. Korea makes strides in nuke, missile capabilities

11/20/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 11/20/2021 - 11:34am

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National Security News Content:

1. Lithuania to get U.S. trade support as it faces China fury over Taiwan
2. Is Russia Poised to Invade Ukraine?
3. Smallpox vials found at lab were mislabeled and didn't contain virus
4.  Security assistance in Africa needs an industrial boost
5. The folly of a no-first-use nuclear policy
6. The Politics of War
7. Biden Brings Out the Big Guns for NatSec Noms
8. Are U.S. Missile Defenses Vulnerable to Cyberattacks?
9. Why China Wants More and Better Nukes
10. What Does Russia Want?
11. 'Almost a melding' of US, UK, Aussie services coming: NSC's Kurt Campbell
12. Pentagon Delays Release of Potentially Politicized Report on ‘Extremism’ in the Military – Why?
13.  Moscow’s Foreign Policy is Getting Increasingly Ideological
14. Asia's quiet militarization threatens to turn the region into a powder keg
15. Ukrainian defense minister says he's asked Pentagon for military assistance
16. The Decline of Congress
17. Work on ‘Chinese military base’ in UAE abandoned after US intervenes – report
18. US, China commence ‘responsible competition’
19. Biden and Xi move back from the brink
20. Kyle Rittenhouse Is No Hero

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea raps U.N. human rights council over 'arbitrary' standard
2.  U.S. alliances with S. Korea and others cause China heartburn: Campbell
3.  Vice FM says S. Korea, Japan will continue dialogue amid renewed Dokdo spat
4.  Russian, Chinese warplanes enter South Korean air buffer zone: Seoul
5. Top U.S. trade official stresses will for 'mutually beneficial' ties with S. Korea
6. Sinpho Secure Boat Basin: A Reassessment of Recent Developments
7. US, South Korea and Japan warn North Korea to invoke sanctions for launching missiles
8. Former US military, diplomatic reps are cautious about formal end to Korean War
9. Diplomatic discourtesy: Japan under fire for undermining trilateral cooperation
10. Lack of diplomatic acumen (Korean presidential candidates)
11. Old-world Seoul going, going, gone

11/19/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 11/20/2021 - 9:16am

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National Security News Content:

1. Beijing’s propagandists flounder as the world asks, ‘Where is Peng Shuai?’
2.  China Can’t Censor Away Growing Anger Over Athlete’s #MeToo Accusation
3. Perspective | The WTA cares enough about Peng Shuai to stand up to China. Does anyone else?
4. Opinion | The battle to protect Taiwan’s democracy is already underway
5. Pentagon Quietly Puts More Troops in Taiwan
6. Biden says U.S. ‘considering’ diplomatic boycott of Winter Olympics in China
7. Prominent scientist who said lab-leak theory of covid-19 origin should be probed now believes evidence points to Wuhan market
8. Why China, Russia, and other autocracies may wield an AI advantage in global cyberwars
9. Analysts: Beijing Behind Rise of Chinese Private Security Companies Worldwide
10. War by Timeframe: Responding to China’s Pacing Challenge
11. Anchorage will be the new home for DoD Arctic Security Studies
12. Book excerpt: ‘Gaza Conflict 2021′ dives into ‘war between wars’
13. Marines end crisis response force rotations in Africa, Middle East in favor of airlifting Army troops
14. Japan is prepared to pay more to support US forces, according to local report
15. 94% of active duty Marines at least partially vaccinated as deadline looms
16. Here’s why Marine expeditionary units could soon take a hit
17. A Discussion with Major General James F. Glynn: The CG of MARSOC
18. The Washington Conference 100 Years Later: Averting Great-Power Conflict in Asia
19. FDD | Confronting Kremlin and Communist Corruption
20. FDD | Poor Cybersecurity Makes Water a Weak Link in Critical Infrastructure
21. Iranian dissidents win right to protest against nuke talks in Vienna
22. Fort Bragg's Special Forces, Psychological Operations, Civil Affairs induct honorary members
23. Why This Singer Is the Only Woman Buried In Fort Bragg's Special Forces Cemetery
24. Confronting the Kremlin's New Hybrid War in Europe
25. ‘Where we belong’: Bond forged in war lands Afghan commando's family in Pennsylvania
26. I’m a Defense Industry Worker. It’s Time to Cut the Pentagon Budget.

Korean News Content:

1. S. Korea, U.S. in final-stage talks over end-of-war declaration: unification minister
2. North Korean soldiers face punishment for calling South Korea by its official name
3. 5th Conference of Frontrunners in Three Revolutions opens
4. S. Korea to establish new information center on unification
5. Make Release of Six South Koreans Detained in North Korea Top Priority
6. Moon testing valuable U.S.-ROK relationship with demand to end Korean War
7. US, Japan reaffirm importance of trilateral cooperation with S.Korea
8. US designates North Korea as state violator of religious freedom
9. Why Did the 2015 Japan-Korea ‘Comfort Women’ Agreement Fall Apart?
10. N. Korea has more than 100,000 people with COVID-19 symptoms quarantined in state facilities
11. North Korea's food prices fall as new goods hit the market
12. Lessons from history: the Taft-Katsura meeting
13. Time for South Korea to abandon the “middle power” moniker
14. Experts: China May Attempt to Use North Korea to Counter US
15. North Korea’s Moral Challenge to President Biden

11/18/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 11/18/2021 - 9:53am

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National Security News Content:

1. Modern War in an Ancient Land: The U.S. Army in Afghanistan) Volumes I and II (Afghanistan War History from the U.S. Army Center for Military History)
2. Philippines tells China to ‘back off’ after South China Sea clash
3.  Taiwan’s Defense Plans Are Going Off the Rails
4. Japan, U.S. conduct their 1st anti-sub drill in South China Sea
5. Do Less, Better: The Audacity Of Stewardship In Great Power Competition
6. Women's tour chief casts doubt on statement attributed to China's Peng
7. China's move on Taiwan is all but inevitable unless Biden stops it
8. Peng Shuai: Doubt cast on email from Chinese tennis star
9. The challenge of extremism in the military is not going away without a new perspective
10. ‘We must work harder,’ SECDEF says as Pentagon grapples with civilian casualties of airstrikes
11. PacNet #53 – What should Washington expect from US-China strategic stability talks? - Pacific Forum
12. Tougher U.S. stance on Taiwan urged by Congressional advisory body
13. Is Belarus migrant crisis a new type of war?
14. Pentagon Scrambles to Defend ‘Juicy Targets’ After Rivals’ Space Tests
15. Virginia elections show that Biden needs a bipartisan approach to Iran
16. FBI launches probe after 'smallpox' vials are found in Merck facility
17. FDD | A Sign That Iran Is Still Pursuing Nukes
18. FDD | Washington and Jerusalem Enhance Cooperation to Counter Ransomware
19.  The IAEA’s Iran NPT Safeguards Report - November 2021
20. FDD | Don’t Believe Predictions of a Rift Between Iran and Syria
21. The US Must Turn the Tables on Russia’s Psyops
22. The Navy's plan to build flying submarines for Navy SEALs
23. With special-ops drills in hotspots on opposite sides of the world, the US military says 'they're back'

Korean News Content:

1. UN Member States urge DPRK to fulfil international human rights obligations in an EU-facilitated resolution
2. U.N. adopts resolution on N. Korean human rights for 17th consecutive year
3. U.S. designates N. Korea as state violator of religious freedom
4. UN condemns North Korea's rights violations once again
5. Deputy Secretary Sherman’s Trilateral Meeting with Republic of Korea First Vice Foreign Minister Choi and Japanese Vice Foreign Minister Mori
6. Japan, South Korea balk at sharing stage after US talks
7. Wheels fall off a show of trilateral cooperation over Dokdo
8. S. Korea reaffirms continued efforts on N. Korean human rights issue over U.N. resolution
9. N. Korea underlines past feat from 'three-revolution' movement ahead of related event
10. Korea peace talk brings UN alliance into play
11. Deputy Secretary Wendy R. Sherman at a Press Availability (without Korea and Japan)
12. N. Korea orders regional party committees to "guarantee" military rice stores
13. The Essence of North Korea’s ‘Our State First’
14. How South Korea Is Attempting to Tackle Fake News
15. Squid Game is even being watched in North Korea
16. More dire trade figures for North Korea

11/17/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 11/17/2021 - 10:10am

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National Security News Content:

1. An independent commission should review our National Defense Strategy
2. U.S. Allies Drive Much of World’s Democratic Decline, Data Shows
3. Will the Biden Administration Be Soft on Sanctions?
4. China’s Search for Allies- Is Beijing Building a Rival Alliance System?
5. Australian Official Says AUKUS Will Establish Rules-Based Order with China Other Countries
6. Don’t Be Evil: America Needs Its Mantra Back
7. Swift trans-Atlantic action kept Turkey from fueling Belarus’ hybrid attacks
8. Rising costs for troops’ pay and benefits could hurt military readiness, experts warn
9. United Nations’ transnational bureaucrats now do Beijing’s bidding
10. The death of democracy (USAGM/VOA)
11. A Veteran Diplomat, a ‘Tragic Figure,’ Battles Critics in the U.S. and Afghanistan
12. President Biden to visit Fort Bragg for early Thanksgiving with service members
13. Agile Multilateralism Is Needed to Address Cybercrime Safe Havens
14. Why Cyber War Is Subversive, and How that Limits its Strategic Value
15. More Deferential but Also More Political: How Americans' Views of the Military Have Changed Over 20 Years
16. China Locks Down Its History, to Its Peril and the World’s
17. COMMENT: China invokes history of Korean War, CCP and Xi in battle for hearts and minds
18. Authoritarian Leaders Are Weaker Than They Look, Thanks to Covid
19. The U.S. Military and the Coming Great-Power Challenge By Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr.
20. As U.S. spies look to the future, one target stands out: China
21. 9th U.S-Philippines Bilateral Strategic Dialogue
22. Joint Vision for a 21st Century United States-Philippines Partnership

Korean News Content:

1. Deputy Secretary Sherman’s Meeting with Republic of Korea First Vice Foreign Minister Choi
2. Senior S. Korean, U.S. diplomats discuss N. Korea, end-of-war declaration: ministry
3. End-of-war declaration can be 'catalyst' for N. Korea talks: minister
4. FM Chung calls for cooperation among S. Korea, China, Japan to overcome 'differences'
5. N. Korea slams U.S. military drill as a 'nuclear war exercise'
6. North Korea warns of 'catastrophic' COVID-19 crisis as other countries ease restrictions
7. U.S. State Dept. doesn't mention end-of-war declaration
8. Korean Peninsula issue neglected in titans' showdown
9. U.S. can work with China on North Korea, says White House adviser
10. Military aircraft will be grounded in South Korea as students take college-entrance exam
11. N. Korea on the hunt for two men who escaped while being transported to forced labor camp
12. North Korea Pushing U.S. to Tolerate Missile Tests and Nuclear Program, Says Panel
13. Several local governments in S. Korea are building AIs using CCTV data without subjects' consent
14. Seoul's end-of-war declaration push raises questions over UNC future
15. South Korea loosened covid rules after massive vaccine uptake. Now cases and hospitalizations are surging.
16. Smuggled copies of Squid Game spread inside North Korea
17. USFK begins COVID-19 inoculation program for affiliated children

11/16/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 11/16/2021 - 9:10am

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National Security News Content:

1. Biden, Xi Open Talks on Friendly Note, With Tough Topics Ahead
2. Biden and Xi meet virtually as US-China chasm widens
3. Remarks by President Biden and President Xi of the People’s Republic of China Before Virtual Meeting
4. Biden and Xi Pledge More Cooperation, but Offer No Breakthroughs
5. Biden-Xi talks: China warns US about 'playing with fire' on Taiwan
6. Readout of President Biden’s Virtual Meeting with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China
7. The Taiwan Question: How to Think About Deterrence Now
8. China-Taiwan conflict: Island's 'guerilla' home guard gears up for David v Goliath battle with Beijing
9. Russia's 'Irregular War' Against NATO’s Eastern Flank Must Be Confronted
10. US urged to help more people escape Taliban-led Afghanistan
11. How the family of the ‘3212’ soldier who fell in Niger grappled with false and misleading information
12. ‘We are warriors’: Women join fight against military in Myanmar
13. US Manufacturing Decline is Hurting National Security, Report Warns
14. Hacking For Defense planners look to expand beyond military problems
15. Grenada, the Evacuation of Afghanistan, and the Future of War
16. Andrew Sullivan and the Narrative of the "MSM Narrative"
17. Disinformation is spreading beyond the realm of spycraft to become a shady industry – lessons from South Korea
18. Don’t believe the deglobalisation narrative
19. The military keeps finding it did nothing wrong when it investigates itself
20. FDD | Warfare Is More Than Just Bullets
21. It’s Time to Be Honest About Fossil Fuels’ Role in Energy Transition
22. FDD | Iranian Professor At US College Complicit In Crimes Against Humanity
23. Erdogan's veneer of respect conceals blatant antisemitism - opinion
24. Myanmar: how Bill Richardson used despot diplomacy to secure US journalist Danny Fenster’s release
25. Opinion | France admits it spreads disinformation. Other democracies should also own up.
26. When America Talks, China Doesn’t Listen

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korean leader visits Samjiyon city in first public activity in more than month
2. U.N. rapporteur raps China over repatriation of N. Korean defectors: news report
3. Envoy describes end-of-war deal North can't 'walk away from'
4. North Korea’s Kim appears after month-long absence, visiting ‘utopia’ city created to cement regime’s legacy
5. Disinformation is spreading beyond the realm of spycraft to become a shady industry – lessons from South Korea 
6. Diplomacy Is Critical to Denuclearization of Korean Peninsula, DOD Official Says
7. Tyrant Kim looks fighting fit in 1st public appearance since month-long absence
8. Time for Japan and South Korea to bury the hatchet
9. A revolt against America (Korean history)
10. 'Covid obsessive sent suspicious package to vaccine factory and Kim Jong-un'
11. The little film made from a man’s desire to right a serious wrong
12. The Brave Women-Led Movement Making History on the Korean Demilitarized Zone
13. N. Korea calls on police in Yanggang Province to make "100 rounds a day" to prevent defections
14. Husbands of undocumented North Koreans beg China not to deport their wives

11/15/2021 2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 11/15/2021 - 9:36am

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National Security News Content:

1. US journalist freed from Myanmar jail with ex-diplomat's aid
2. A complicated relationship: Biden and Xi prepare for meeting
3. Book Excerpt: Navy SEAL’s Behavior Led Teammates to Change Their Mission
4. Belarus Is Laying Tinder for a War. How Will NATO Respond?
5. A Dictator Is Exploiting These Human Beings
6. Taliban hold military parade with U.S.-made weapons in Kabul in show of strength
7. US Actions in Ukraine Backfiring as Risk of Russian Invasion Grows, Analysts Say
8. What the Taliban’s youngest fighters tell us about the future of the movement
9. The Stunning Lack of Accountability for the Botched U.S. Drone Strike in Afghanistan
10. EXCLUSIVE: General Atomics is secretly flying a new, heavily armed drone
11. America's lesson from Gaza: prepare for disinformation war
12. Senate ‘likely’ to move defense bill this week, Schumer says
13. How the CIA Lets America Down
14. Opinion | It’s Time to Get Honest About the Biden Doctrine
15. Japan ‘more than willing’ to help ensure AUKUS success
16. Does Security Assistance Work? Why It May Not Be the Answer for Fragile States
17. FDD | The May 2021 Israel-Hamas war was a stress test for normalization
18. Pacific Leaders Agree on Vaccines But Not on US Hosting APEC
19. Expand Israel-Arab-US military drills to counter Iran and its proxies
20. FDD | Sudanese Military Looks to Play Russia Against the U.S.
21. Consulting giant McKinsey profits off both sides of U.S.-China cold war
22. Opinion | Is America on the brink of a civil war?
23. Opinion | A Coke and a genocide (China and the Uyghurs)
24. All Over the Map: The Chinese Communist Party’s Subnational Interests in the United States

Korean News Content:

1. S. Korean official voices optimism on accord with U.S. on end-of-war declaration
2. End-of-Korean-War Declaration Could Have Serious Consequences for Alliance Security
3. How Can Unvaccinated N.Korea Escape Pandemic?
4. UNC says commander OKs expansion of visitation to Panmunjom
5. S. Korea cuts Indonesia's payment for joint fighter development: arms agency
6. North Korea building project points to reopening of border with China
7. N. Korea to hold conference on 'three revolutions' to boost internal unity
8.  N. Korea replaces, punishes 14 cadres and technicians working on nuclear-powered submarine program
9. North Korea's human rights and COVID-19 crackdowns
10. High Court sets Nov 24 for decision on AGC’S bid to strike out N. Korean’s suit over extradition
11. North Korea tried to vaccinate people against waterborne diseases in August
12. N. Hamgyong Province party committee holds meeting about progress in improving childrearing policies
13. Vaccines from abroad don't cut it in Korea
14. Japanese-Korean-Turkish language group traced to farmers in ancient China