Small Wars Journal

12/6/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 12/06/2021 - 8:59am

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National Security News Content:

1. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: November
2. U.S. Military Has Acted Against Ransomware Groups, General Acknowledges
3. FDD | The Intelligence Community Must Work to Gain the Public’s Trust
4. WSJ News Exclusive | China Seeks First Military Base on Africa’s Atlantic Coast, U.S. Intelligence Finds
5. The Counter-Intuitive Sensibility of Taiwan’s New Defense Strategy
6. Diplomacy—and Strategic Ambiguity—Can Avert a Crisis in Ukraine
7. The rollback of free market policies in China
8. "I am not a traitor": Reality Winner explains why she leaked a classified document
9. The 2021 Just Security Holiday Reading List
10. Senators: Military hurt by politicians using them as ‘props’
11. Marine-style barbecue? Marines add foraging class to The Basic School
12. US Air Force’s new goal? Get rid of planes that don’t scare China
13. Japan to shoulder more cost of hosting U.S. military forces
14. Beijing’s Strategic Blueprint Is Changing as Tensions Grow
15. Who’s to Blame for Asia’s Arms Race?
16. U.S. and other nations condemn Taliban over ‘summary killings’
17. Biden administration expected to announce diplomatic boycott of Beijing Olympics this week
18. Review Finds No Answers to Mystery of Havana Syndrome
19. US military minds still stuck in Pearl Harbor mentality
20. It’s Time to Democratise Doctrine

Korean News Content:

1. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: November - KOREA
2. North Korea is a Nuclear Power with Increasingly Advanced Conventional Capabilities
3. Kim Jong-un's Sister Disappears from Public Eye
4. Tough tests for South Korea’s next president 
5. What Would an End-of-War Declaration for the Korean Peninsula Actually Mean?
6. North Korea calls streetside commerce a “crime against the people”
7. With North Korea's Kim snubbing talks, Seoul kindles ‘long shot’ bid for Pope Francis to help
8. Prices of food, daily necessities estimated to be rapidly soaring in N. Korea: gov't
9. Seoul to step up monitoring fake news on N. Korea
10. North Korean government begins nationwide purchases of rice from farmers
11. Pandemic-hit North Korea faces chronic food shortage amid COVID-induced border closures
12. Ball in Kim Jong-un's court for 'end of war' declaration
13. Moon's 'declaration' is downplayed by U.S. as a 'statement'
14. Japan's PM says Tokyo to keep demanding Seoul's 'appropriate' measures over history-related row
15. Reflections on inter-Korean peace

Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: November

Mon, 12/06/2021 - 6:34am

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December 3, 2021 | FDD Tracker: November 3, 2021-December 3, 2021

Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: November

David Adesnik

Senior Fellow and Director of Research

Trend Overview

Edited by David Adesnik

Welcome back to the Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker. Once a month, we ask FDD’s experts and scholars to assess the administration’s foreign policy. They provide trendlines of very positive, positive, neutral, negative, or very negative for the areas they watch. November, like October, proved to be a month in which the dividends of the administration’s “relentless diplomacy” remained elusive. Persuasion moved few adversaries to temper their demands, mitigate their threats, or moderate their oppression at home. In Vienna, nuclear negotiations with Iran resumed after a five-month break, with Iran demanding immediate sanctions relief while enriching uranium at a fortified underground facility. Determined to reach a deal, the Biden administration muted its criticism despite Tehran’s persistent stonewalling of UN inspections. In Qatar, U.S. diplomats negotiated with Taliban officials, who likewise called for the lifting of sanctions. Meanwhile, the Pentagon reported that China accelerated the buildup of its nuclear arsenal, although Chinese leader Xi Jinping sought to reduce tensions in a virtual meeting with President Joe Biden. The administration remained silent when the United Nations fired a whistleblower who revealed the Human Rights Council’s practice of sharing information about dissidents with Beijing. Russia gathered military forces near Ukraine, threatening a new offensive. Syria continued its emergence from diplomatic isolation, which began after the White House quietly signaled to Arab governments they could re-engage with Damascus. The Venezuelan and Nicaraguan regimes held rigged elections with little concern for U.S. or regional backlash. As the end of its first year approaches, the administration may want to reconsider the importance of leverage as a prerequisite of effective diplomacy.

Trending Positive



By RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery and Annie Fixler



By Bradley Bowman



By John Hardie

Trending Neutral



By Craig Singleton



By Hussain Abdul-Hussain


International Organizations

By Richard Goldberg



By David May



By David Maxwell



By John Hardie

Trending Negative


Arms Control and Nonproliferation

By Anthony Ruggiero and Andrea Stricker



By Craig Singleton


Latin America

By Carrie Filipetti and Emanuele Ottolenghi


Sunni Jihadism

By Bill Roggio



By David Adesnik



By Aykan Erdemir

Trending Very Negative



By Richard Goldberg and Behnam Ben Taleblu



12/5/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 12/05/2021 - 11:53am

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National Security News Content:

1. Containment Can Work Against China, Too
2. Facing Economic Collapse, Afghanistan Is Gripped by Starvation
3. Abuses, malaises of US democracy exposed in China’s report
4. The Case of Tennis Star Peng Shuai Reveals the Real Purpose of China's Censorship
5. US makes resurgence to extend lead over China as most powerful nation in Asia
6. China’s communists bash US democracy before Biden summit
7. (UK) Special Forces soldiers headhunted to work as MI6 spies as China and Russia threat soars
8. Opinion | Biden’s Democracy Summit Was Never a Good Idea. But Here’s How To Make It Work.
9. Opinion | Who ordered the Uyghur genocide? Look no further than China’s leader.
10. Beijing ‘hunts’ Taiwan citizens overseas, gets hundreds sent to China: report
11. U.S. sounds alarm on Ukraine
12. Beijing hosts international democracy forum calling for upholding common values
13. How Taliban Have Used US Media against the US to Further Their Afghan Agenda
14. Why the US Navy Wants More Aircraft Carriers
15. On Syria’s Ruins, a Drug Empire Flourishes
16. Myanmar’s top general Min Aung Hlaing is strangling a democracy. What will the west do about it?
17. Americans used to trust the military more than the rest of the government, but now even that’s fading
18. When the Biggest Spenders Aren’t Coming Back Any Time Soon
19. The rescue of Parwana: 9-year-old child bride is taken to safety in Afghanistan
20. The inside story of how ISD crippled a terrorist network targeting Singapore after 9/11
21. U.S. should expect cyberattacks in any struggle for Taiwan
22. The U.S. Triumphs When Leaders Find a Path Between Isolation and Hubris
23.  Finely-Tuned, Hyper-Focused (Air Force Special Operations Command)
24. Special Operations: Media Misinterpreting Marines (UK)
25. US officials say humanitarian effort in Syria is another means to counter ISIS (US SOF)

Korean News Content:

1. North Korea heads into ‘tense’ winter: Closed borders and food supplies in question
2. The Politics and Strategy of an End-of-War Declaration on the Korean Peninsula
3.  China, South Korea to further deepen bilateral cooperative partnership: high-ranking officials meeting in Tianjin
4. Wartime strategy update: ROK, US agree to fortify alliance against NK threats
5. South Korea temporarily reverses course in exiting Covid restrictions.
6. Korea's Battery Industry Over-Dependent on Chinese Materials
7. Russian 'help' to ability to hit US – truth about North Korea's nuclear arsenal
8. Defending against nukes (ROK and beyond)

12/4/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 12/04/2021 - 11:42am

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National Security News Content:

1. A former Chinese soldier turned artist explains how a song on Radio Australia changed his life
2. Meet the Texas Secessionist Movement: Brought to You by Russia
3. A Big, Dumb Machine: The problem in Afghanistan wasn't mere incompetence. The problem was a broken system.
4. Biden expected to nominate first woman as Army Cyber chief
5. Afghanistan’s Looming Catastrophe
6. Elon Musk Needs China. China Needs Him. The Relationship Is Complicated.
7. How Migrants Got Weaponized
8. U.S. to Urge Democracies to Sanction Corrupt Foreign Officials, Human-Rights Abusers
9. This is how to rescue a hostage from terrorists in under a minute
10. Collusion or Collision? Turkey-Russia Relations Under Erdogan and Putin
11. FDD | U.S. and Europe Must Counter Potential Weapons-Grade Enrichment by Iran
12. A woke military is no defense at all — why Defense bill in current form must not pass
13. To Deter China, Invest in Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons
14. Understanding the Pro-China Propaganda and Disinformation Tool Set in Xinjiang
15. Leaked papers link top Chinese leaders to Uyghur crackdown
16. #StopXinjiangRumors: the CCP’s decentralised disinformation campaign
17. Philippine military says Muslim rebel leader killed in clash
18. Stanley McChrystal Accidentally Reveals the Dishonesty of U.S. Generals
19. In Afghanistan, ‘Who Has the Guns Gets the Land’
20. Veterans Are Being Recruited by Extremist Groups. How Do We Help Them Say No?
21. Sophia Glock divulges her secretive life as a child of CIA officers in 'Passport'

Korean News Content:

1. Minor quake hits off Baengnyeong Island, no damage reported
2.  Unification ministry budget for inter-Korean cooperation rises 2 pct in 2022
3. The Korean Peninsula Conundrum - True Peace, Security and Human Rights (OKN Book Launch with HRNK)
4. [ICKS Annual Conference] Security Challenges on the Korean Peninsula in 2022: Prospects for Peace and Stability
5. New daily cases hit new high of 5,352; 3 additional omicron cases reported
6. North Korean leader sports new look
7. Seoul, Beijing push for virtual summit in January
8. Activity at the Uiju Airfield Suggests Further Preparations for Reopening the Border
9. Defending against nukes

12/3/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 12/03/2021 - 9:35am

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National Security News Content:

1. China’s Political System in Charts: A Snapshot Before the 20th Party Congress
2. Why Xi Jinping could be overthrown as China's Communist leader
3. Senate passes stopgap funding bill, avoiding shutdown
4. PGM: Iran's greatest threat to Israel after nuclear program - opinion
5. U.S. has rock solid commitment to help Taiwan defend itself -official
6. Army reports the most racist extremism cases, Marines the most anti-government
7. ‘We just feel it’: Racism plagues US military academies
8. Confidence in military continues to fall after Afghanistan withdrawal: survey
9. The three ghosts haunting US foreign policy
10. Ending Strategic Ambiguity Won’t Help Taiwan
11.Iran’s Quest for Soleimani’s Revenge Goes to Latin America
12. ‘Toyotas of War’ is the photo archive we never knew we needed
13. Large scale Russian offensive possible in January, Ukraine says
14. Getting Competition Wrong: The US Military's Looming Failure
15. Taliban release decree saying women must consent to marriage
16. DeSantis proposes a new civilian military force in Florida that he would control
17. The final, anguished years of a warrior-scholar who exposed torture by U.S. troops
18. Lawyer for Philippines’ Nobel Peace Prize winner Ressa ‘confident’ about Oslo trip
19.  In the annual football uniform dispute, 2021 Army trumps Navy
20. The China Initiative, US crackdown on Chinese economic espionage, is a mess. We have the data to show it.

Korean News Content:

1. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and South Korean Defense Minister Suh Wook Hold a Press Conference Following the 53rd U.S.-Republic of Korea Security Consultative Meeting in Seoul
2.  N. Korea to hold key party meeting as leader Kim set to mark 10 years in power
3. S.Korea, U.S. to Update War Plans Against N.Korea
4. South Korea relaunches aircraft carrier plan
5. Top Chinese official expresses support for Seoul's pursuit of end-of-war declaration: embassy
6. U.S., S.Korea eye broader Asia role while sprucing up N.Korea plans
7. With Omicron spreading, N. Korea’s coronavirus response headquarters calls for strengthened quarantine efforts
8. U.N. excludes N. Korea from humanitarian aid plans for two straight years
9. N. Korea conducts final screening of project aimed at developing military reconnaissance satellites
10. More details emerge about N. Korean defector who escaped prison in China’s Jilin Province
11. North Korean waitresses in China are made to work without masks
12. New tax hits already meager earnings of North Korea spring water sellers
13. <Inside N. Korea> For Some Reason, the Power Situation Suddenly Improves. So Why do Some Cities Get 10 Hours of Power a Day?
14. North Korean Hackers Impersonated Samsung Recruiters by Sending Fake Job Offers
15. The U.S. Wants South Korea To Help Take On The Chinese Military As Well As North Korea
16. Allies expressed concern over Washington’s revision of NPR

12/2/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 12/02/2021 - 9:50am

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National Security News Content:

1. Kabul, Afghanistan to Kansas, America The Story of Shakila Nazari
2. Why the West should deter a Russian attack on Ukraine
3. The Ukrainian army has got better at fighting Russian-backed separatists
4. ‘We’re talking about a war’: tech competition between the U.S. and China is in a dangerous new phase, says former Google disinformation chief
5. Beijing’s strategy for global dominance
6. The 2021 War on the Rocks Holiday Reading List
7. Gunnery sergeants who never went to boot camp? It may be coming in the Marine Corps
8. ‘It’s like hell in here’: The struggle to save Afghanistan's starving babies
9. Kurt Campbell on what America is for, “rather than what we’re against”
10. For Contingencies in Indo-Pacom, Army Will Serve as 'Linchpin' for Joint Force
11. FDD | China Seeks to Exploit Interpol Leadership Role to Hunt Dissidents
12. Should Europeans invest in Iran? No! Even after 2025
13. Why the Iran Nuclear Talks Were Over Before They Began
14. Wormuth: Here's the Army's role in a Pacific fight

Korean News Content:

1.  53rd Security Consultative Meeting Joint Communique
2. Korea National Diplomatic Academy chancellor urges end of war announcement
3. Canada spots ship-to-ship transfers, North suspected
4. US, SKorea to bolster alliance at talks amid NKorean nuke threats, challenges from China
5. N.Korea's Kim warns of 'very giant struggle' next year to boost economy
6. S.Korea, US agree to update war plans against growing N. Korean threats
7. Korea, U.S. vow to update outdated war planning
8. Korea joins diplomats for high-level talks with the Taliban
9. People in parts of Yanggang Province no longer have access to tap water
10. N. Korea’s Ministry of Social Security actively employs discharged soldiers to maintain social order
11. Moon’s end of war proposal faces multitude of challenges
12. Top S. Korean, Chinese officials meet amid Seoul's push to declare formal end to Korean War
13. Why Can’t the Japanese and Koreans Get Along?



12/1/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 12/01/2021 - 8:08am

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National Security News Content:

1. Opinion | Space Force General: China and Russia attacking U.S. space assets ‘every day’
2. Jake Sullivan, Biden’s Adviser, a Figure of Fascination and Schadenfreude
3. Nine female medics seized in Myanmar army raid now held in prison
4. The Pentagon’s China Report: Reading Between the Lines
5. Pentagon's innovation steering group mapping existing efforts
6. Inside the ‘Misinformation’ Wars
7. Leaked crash video of British F-35B shows jet dropping off carrier ramp
8. Dozens of Former Afghan Security Forces Dead or Missing Under Taliban, Report Says
9. West Point unveils specialty football uniforms for showdown with archrival Navy
10. Former Air Force Weapons Chief Tapped to Become the Pentagon’s Lead Arms Buyer
11. Israel has 'free rein' to deal with Iran's precision weapons, not its nuclear program
12. New 360 degree review to start with just 200 Marines
13. FDD | Japan, India, Quad can play big role in Micronesia: Dr Hayakawa
14. Austin orders National Guard to get vaccinated or face loss of pay
15. The Honor of a Nation - A Case for Stoicism in Foreign Policy
16. The NDAA Likely Won’t Become Law Until 2022. That’s ‘Not The End of the World’
17. The Most Powerful Data Broker in the World Is Winning the War Against the U.S.
18. U.S. delegation met with Afghan Taliban representatives in Qatar
19. How Disinformation Corrodes Democracy
20. America Is Not Withdrawing from the Middle East
21. The Global Posture Review: Strategic Vapor Lock
22. A Slavish Devotion to Forward Presence Has Nearly Broken the U.S. Navy

Korean News Content:

1. US, S. Korea to Write New War Plan to Counter N. Korean Nukes, Missiles
2. No ICBM launch anniversary in N. Korea's 2022 calendars: Seoul official
3.  Pentagon chief due in Seoul for annual security talks on N. Korea, alliance
4. Philippine Navy to Acquire 2nd Pohang-class Corvette from South Korea
5. Iran bans goods from South Korea’s Samsung and LG
6. Desperate North Koreans sell homes to raise money for food
7. North Korea orders people to pay for candies as gifts from leader Kim Jong Un
8. Korean defense firms eyeing Africa, Middle East markets
9. Real South Korean labor abuses inspired Squid Game
10. First suspected cases of omicron variant detected in S. Korea
11. N. Korea kicks up commemorative mood for late leader Kim Jong-il
12. Moon says S. Korea-U.S. alliance 'linchpin' of Northeast Asian peace
13. Pentagon chief stresses unity in S. Korea-U.S. alliance amid Sino-U.S. rivalry
14. Military veterans' groups join hands to help bolster Korea-US relations
15. N. Korean middle school student sentenced to 14 years of forced labor for watching S. Korean film
16. Ask a North Korean: What do North Koreans think of regime sympathizers?

11/30/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 11/30/2021 - 8:01am

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National Security News Content:

1.  2021 Army-Navy Uniform: The U.S. Army Special Forces Command
2. Pentagon’s military presence review done, but details lacking on new deployments, troop plus-ups or home-port shifts
3. Pentagon Plans to Improve Bases in Guam and Australia to Confront China
4.  China's biggest movie is about how a US Marine division held off 12 Chinese divisions
5. CIA releases detailed report about what it was like to give Trump infrequent 'presidential daily briefing'
6. Inside the Data-Driven Operation that Moved Afghan Refugees from Dulles to Safe Havens
7. DoD Concludes 2021 Global Posture Review
8. Analysis | Victory over pandemic may look like victory in War on Terror: Vague
9. Turkey is Collateral Damage in Erdoğan’s Hostage Diplomacy
10. The Human Cost of War: My Own Failure and Our Military’s Mental Health Crisis
11. Why China’s elite tread a perilous path
12. MI6 boss warns of China 'debt traps and data traps'
13. Taliban kill, abduct dozens of ex-officers: rights group
14. Brian Cox on: “Congress Must Make Informed Decisions to Prevent Risk of Systemic Military Justice Failure”
15. The Uncomfortable Reality of the U.S. Army’s Role in a War Over Taiwan
16. Four-star to review 2019 Syria strike that killed dozens of civilians
17. Former Trump Pentagon chief sues to publish material in memoir
18. Afghanistan's women leaders persist despite exile — the US must follow their lead
19. The Brain Is a Battlespace
20. One among most wanted Abu Sayyaf members, 3 others surrender in Sulu

Korean News Content:

1. The Shocking Life of a North Korean Female Soldier: The Reality of North Korea!
2. Pentagon’s military presence review done, but details lacking on new deployments, troop plus-ups or home-port shifts
3. Biden Approves Global Posture Review Recommendations
4. U.S. global posture review calls for allies' cooperation to counter N.K., China threats
5. N. Korea slams AUKUS as U.S. 'tool for war' threatening world security
6. Food aid to North Korea leads to starvation | Opinion
7. What Does US Want From South Korea’s Presidential Election?
8. South Korea and America Must Look Beyond Pyongyang
9. Pentagon calls for enhancing alliance to deter China, NK in review
10. U.S. affirms nuclear umbrella over South Korea
11. 'Little America in Korea': Yongsan US Army homes open up to Korean public
12. S. Korea approves civic groups' applications for N. Korea aid: official
13. Kim Jong Un gives new authority to sister Kim Yo Jong to inspect military logistics
14. <Inside N. Korea> Malignant Influenza Outbreak in North Korea: "Could it be coronavirus?"