Small Wars Journal

12/2/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 12/02/2021 - 9:50am

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National Security News Content:

1. Kabul, Afghanistan to Kansas, America The Story of Shakila Nazari
2. Why the West should deter a Russian attack on Ukraine
3. The Ukrainian army has got better at fighting Russian-backed separatists
4. ‘We’re talking about a war’: tech competition between the U.S. and China is in a dangerous new phase, says former Google disinformation chief
5. Beijing’s strategy for global dominance
6. The 2021 War on the Rocks Holiday Reading List
7. Gunnery sergeants who never went to boot camp? It may be coming in the Marine Corps
8. ‘It’s like hell in here’: The struggle to save Afghanistan's starving babies
9. Kurt Campbell on what America is for, “rather than what we’re against”
10. For Contingencies in Indo-Pacom, Army Will Serve as 'Linchpin' for Joint Force
11. FDD | China Seeks to Exploit Interpol Leadership Role to Hunt Dissidents
12. Should Europeans invest in Iran? No! Even after 2025
13. Why the Iran Nuclear Talks Were Over Before They Began
14. Wormuth: Here's the Army's role in a Pacific fight

Korean News Content:

1.  53rd Security Consultative Meeting Joint Communique
2. Korea National Diplomatic Academy chancellor urges end of war announcement
3. Canada spots ship-to-ship transfers, North suspected
4. US, SKorea to bolster alliance at talks amid NKorean nuke threats, challenges from China
5. N.Korea's Kim warns of 'very giant struggle' next year to boost economy
6. S.Korea, US agree to update war plans against growing N. Korean threats
7. Korea, U.S. vow to update outdated war planning
8. Korea joins diplomats for high-level talks with the Taliban
9. People in parts of Yanggang Province no longer have access to tap water
10. N. Korea’s Ministry of Social Security actively employs discharged soldiers to maintain social order
11. Moon’s end of war proposal faces multitude of challenges
12. Top S. Korean, Chinese officials meet amid Seoul's push to declare formal end to Korean War
13. Why Can’t the Japanese and Koreans Get Along?