Contact Us
We are staffed too thin to monitor phones, so we must receive all inquiries by email. We'll get to you as quickly as we can, quicker if you get your inquiry into the right queue, based on what you're looking for:
- To comment on content, register on the site and post in the public comments. Do not submit to our back office.
- To submit your work or other content for publication or inclusion in the site, review our Submit page.
- For technical issues with the site, see the Help page, then email
- For reprint permissions, please review our Terms of Use. 90% of the requests we've been receiving are pretty much covered by the Creative Commons License we've granted that allows for generous non-commercial reuse with attribution and share-alike distribution. If your desired use doesn't meet those terms, then be specific about why it doesn't and submit an explicit proposal to us at
- For any other copyright or permissions issues:
- To advertise on SWJ, review our Advertising page.
- For office stuff like receipts, PayPal, shipping, use
For all other inquiries, you can start at or contact the appropriate folk below.
For correspondence, our mailing address is Small Wars Foundation, 1350 Beverly Rd, Ste 115-224, McLean, VA 22101-3633.