Small Wars Journal

10/11/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 10/11/2021 - 10:02am

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National Security News Content:

1. Navy nuclear engineer and his wife charged with trying to share submarine secrets with a foreign country
2. Sea Power Makes Great Powers
3. To Counter China, U.S. Policy toward Taiwan Must Change
4. Blind to History, Facebook Is in the Trustbusters’ Crosshairs
5. We've left Afghanistan — but its consequences are just starting to arrive
6. Does Taiwan Need Nuclear Weapons to Deter China?
7. America's veterans hold a reserve of national security strength we should tap
8. Wanna Fight? (advise and assist)
9. What’s Next for U.S.-China Relations Amid Rising Tensions Over Taiwan
10. The Essence of Special Operations – What You Need to Know About Special Operations while Serving at the Joint Operational Level
11. Post-Afghanistan, the US Army wants to carve out its role in the Pacific
12. US Army insists next year’s Defender Europe is not canceled
13. SFAB troops and an aviation brigade will rotate to Europe next
14. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near
15. Taliban says US will provide humanitarian aid to Afghanistan
16. Cyberattacks concerning to most in US: Pearson/AP-NORC poll
17. Fiona Hill, a nobody to Trump and Putin, saw into them both

Korean News Content:

1. N.K. leader urges improvement in people's living conditions on party's founding anniversary
2. N. Korea quietly marks 76th founding anniversary of ruling party
3. Disagreement on North Korea sanctions feared to weaken Seoul-Washington alliance
4. Drugs, arms, and terror: A high-profile defector on Kim's North Korea
5.  S. Korean, US top security advisers to discuss NK
6. North Korean leader calls for improved living conditions
7. Man on FBI's most wanted list pleads guilty in Singapore court to falsifying North Korea-linked invoices
8. 'North Korea hasn't changed': High profile defector on world's most secretive nation
9. A former North Korean spy said the regime planned terrorist activities as a 'gift' to the supreme leader: report

10/10/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 10/10/2021 - 11:49am

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National Security News Content:

1. Former Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno Dies
2. Pakistani nuclear weapons scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan dies aged 85
3. Microsoft: Digital Attacks Are Getting Worse, Russia Bears Much of the Blame
4. U.S. Set Out to Hobble China’s Huawei, and So It Has
5. It’s Not Misinformation. It’s Amplified Propaganda.
6. Taiwan's future lies in reunification
​7. ​Why Can’t Women End Wars?
8. US Withdrawal From Afghanistan: An Act Of Offshore Balancing
9. EXCLUSIVE Cash airlifts planned to bypass Taliban and help Afghans -sources
10. China’s Communist Party Formally Embraces Assimilationist Approach to Ethnic Minorities
11. ‘Starting a Fire’: U.S. and China Enter Dangerous Territory Over Taiwan
12. Box office success in China of Korean war epic shows importance of patriotic themes and influence of Hong Kong filmmakers
13. Who should decide the future of Taiwan?
14. Chinese former journalist detained after questioning country's role in Korean War
15. Perspective | Why outlawing harmful social media content would face an uphill legal battle
16. Applications for FDD’s 2022 National Security Fellows Program are NOW OPEN!

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea quietly marks 76th founding anniversary of ruling party
2. Gyeonggi Gov. Lee named presidential candidate for ruling party amid swirling corruption scandal
3. Finalization of PPP’s presidential contenders
4. What Makes North Korea's New Hypersonic Missile So Terrifying
5. Victims of North Korea’s ‘Paradise on Earth’ Campaign Demand Justice (Japanese abductees)
6. What is Kim Jong Un thinking?
7. North Korea employs charm offensive for leverage with U.S.
8. The Nobel committee’s warning (A view from Korea)
9. North Korea's Special Forces: 200,000 Shock Troops Ready for War

10/9 2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 10/09/2021 - 11:12am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. China’s Xi Emphasizes ‘Peaceful Reunification’ With Taiwan, Days After Record Show of Force
2. The challenge facing the National Defense Strategy
3. China Will Test America on Taiwan. What Will Joe Biden Do?
4. The China Challenge
5. Drone Strikes Gone Wrong: Fixing a Strategic Problem
6. CIA's New China Mission Center: How To Do It Right
7. You Think It’s a Game? What Video Games Can—and Can’t—Teach About Strategy and History
8. U.S. investigators increasingly confident directed-energy attacks behind Havana Syndrome
9. COVID Conspiracy: Analysis of foreign disinformation driving US vaccine resistance
10. PH gov't 'must drop all cases against Ressa' – international lawyers
11. Asian countries are at last abandoning zero-covid strategies
12. Laser weapons are coming, like it or not
13. Duterte on 2022 presidential race: ‘Inday is definitely out’
14. 4 C’s Drive Biden Administration’s First Naval Strategic Guidance
15. Xi Jinping vows to fulfil Taiwan ‘reunification’ with China by peaceful means
16. Joe Biden-Xi Jinping summit is in the cards

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea's nuclear reactor appears to be still operating: 38 North
2. South Korea’s growing partisanship over relations with the United States
3. South Korea ‘Seriously’ Looking to Join CPTPP Following China Bid
4. S. Korea charges 15 in sex abuse case as military grapples with mistreatment of female and trans soldiers
5. Singapore and South Korea to jointly launch quarantine-free travel for vaccinated travelers
6. 'Squid Game' is a global sensation. But at home, it's delivering hard truths.
7. North Korea says abduction issue "already resolved," raps Japan's new PM
8. North Korea, Thailand, Indonesia ruled non-compliant by WADA
9. 7-Eleven store in South Korea to launch drone delivery
10. Grassley congratulates Korean American judicial nominee on 'your people,' their 'work ethic'
11.  More than 30 mln people fully vaccinated in S. Korea
12. Behind-the-scenes in North Korea through diplomat's wife's lens
13. North Korea distributes new emergency COVID-19 rules to its population
14. North Korea’s Progress on Poultry Farms

10/8/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 10/08/2021 - 8:51am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Journalists Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov win 2021 Nobel Peace Prize for press freedom
2. U.S. Troops Have Been Deployed in Taiwan for at Least a Year
3. C.I.A. Reorganization to Place New Focus on China
4. The Last Days of Intervention: Afghanistan and the Delusions of Maximalism
5. The Tyranny of the 21st-Century Crowd
6. Why Biden’s Foreign Policy Looks so Similar to Trump’s
7. Special Forces soldier charged with murder of pregnant wife
8. Two-thirds of military teens want to follow in their parents’ footsteps. But these kids ‘are not okay,’ survey finds
9. China Urges U.S. to Abide by Deal to Keep Troops Out of Taiwan
10. Biden Administration Should Make Guam's Defense Center of Indo-Pacific Strategy, Expert Says
11. Taiwan is spending an extra $9B on its defense. Here’s what the money will buy.
12. State Department discloses number of nukes in US stockpile
13. Iron Dome heads to missile defense experiment in Guam
14. EXCLUSIVE US electronics firm struck deal to transport and hire Uyghur workers
15. FDD | Tehran Demands Access to $10 Billion of Frozen Iranian Assets as Reward for Negotiating
16. Palestinian official: ‘China will lead the world and is on our side’
17. Majority supports American troop intervention if allies targeted: poll
18. As CBO Shows How to Cut $1 Trillion From Pentagon, Progressives Urge Spending on ‘True Security’
19. Addressing Biocrises After COVID-19: Is Deterrence an Option?
20. Hundreds of billions were spent by the US in Afghanistan. Here are 10 of the starkest examples of 'waste, fraud and abuse'
21. DOD Announces Plan to Tackle Climate Crisis
22. Taiwan: how the ‘porcupine doctrine’ might help deter armed conflict with China
23.  The Rot of Democracies
24. Zignal Labs Announces Public Sector Advisory Board

Korean News Content:

1. U.S. supports humanitarian aid for N. Korean people: State Dept.
2. U.S. expert suggests easing sanctions on N.K., with snapback clause attached, for nuclear talks
3. New spy satellites can provide data on North Korea and other key areas
4. Japan's new leader states plan to demand 'appropriate' action by S. Korea to address diplomatic stand-offs
5. North Korea distributes new emergency COVID-19 rules to its population
6. North Korea Accepts Pandemic Aid, But Border With China Remains Closed
7. Ministry: N. Korea seems to maintain strict land border controls despite signs of easing sea route
8. Unification minister talks with Jim Rogers, renews calls for 'New Deal' initiative related to inter-Korean cooperation
9. North Korea sanctions must be lifted as food shortages loom, U.N. expert says 
10. U.N. member countries voice concern over N.K. missile launches
11. Family member of security agent in Hoeryong murdered recently
12. Perspective | Should South Korea build its own nuclear bomb?
13. Six in 10 Americans support US troop intervention in case of Korean conflict: survey
14. Iran-SKorea row worsens over oil billions frozen by US sanctions
15. Blinken, new Japanese counterpart share concerns on North Korea
16. Moon Jae-in Suggests Ending the Korean War; Pyongyang Agrees, but Says It’s an Unfavourable Time
17. Sue Mi Terry Appointed Director of the Hyundai Motor Korea Foundation Center