Small Wars Journal

9/17/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 09/17/2021 - 10:22am

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National Security News Content:

1. France says drone strike killed leader of Islamic State in Sahara
2. FDD | A New Partnership to Counter China in the Pacific
3. America’s New Anti-China Alliance
4. The Counterterror War That America Is Winning
5. What Would a New US-Philippines Defense Agenda Look Like?
6. US troops are still in Syria and nobody can give a good answer as to why
7. A 9/11 in Space? UK ‘Space Force’ Chief Warns of Increased Threat of ‘Space Terrorism’
8. Generals Should Not Have to Break the Rules to Prevent Nuclear War
9. Opinion | The Downside of High Trust in the Military
10. The Marines Are Looking for a Few Older People
11. Lebanon's new Hezbollah government | Opinion
12. The Center Cannot Hold - Will a Divided World Survive Common Threats?
13. To take on Russia and China, the US Navy is standing up a new unit to do the missions that only SEALs can do
14. French airstrike kills ISIS leader responsible for deaths of 4 U.S. soldiers in ‘decisive’ blow to organization
15. The US Air Force's special operators are hustling to turn their biggest planes into flying boats
16. After 9/11, Good Intelligence is More Important than Ever
17. Can The US Army Transform Without A New Approach to Warfare?
18. Technology, Innovation and Great Power Competition
19. Could Multinational Peacekeepers Prevent Worst-Case Outcomes in Afghanistan?
20. Biological Deterrence for the Shadow War
21. New disclosures show how Gen. Mark A. Milley tried to check Trump. They could also further politicize the military.

Korean News Content:

1. New Cruise Missile Gives North Korea Lethal Capability
2. North Korea gives train missile launch video a Hollywood touch with drone shots, multiple cameras
3. Initial Analysis of North Korea’s “New Type Long-Range Cruise Missile”
4. Yongbyon Nuclear Research Center’s UEP May Not Be Operating
5. Uranium enrichment in Yongbyon is growing: report
6. Week of Tit-for-Tat Missile Tests on Korean Peninsula
7. N. Korea says U.S. 'double standard' to blame for deadlock in talks
8. Moon says two Koreas' accession to U.N. 30 years ago was 1st step for cooperation, but still long way to go
9. N.K. paper urges farmers to brace for hailstone damage ahead of fall harvest
10. EXPLAINER: Kim's Launches Show Push to Boost Nuke Arsenal
11. N. Korea shows off nuclear power to reach all parts of S. Korea
12. North Korean weapons advance; negotiations stalled
13. Worries as N.Korea Launches Missiles 'from Train'
14. Unification minister promises support for humanitarian aid to North Korea despite missile launches
15. Koreans in their 20s and 40s show generational divide on key issues
16. Assault on Free Speech: YouTuber Choi Tae-woon Imprisoned for 2 Years for “Defamation”
17.  Int'l Rights Watchdog Urges Moon to Scrap Press Gag Bill
18. Satellite images reveal North Korea expanding facility used to produce weapons-grade uranium
19. Violators of N. Korea's anti-reactionary thought law face punishment along with their families
20. Korea’s Risky Missile-Measuring Contest Shows Lack of Faith in the U.S.
21. Tensions rise on Korean Peninsula as both sides test missiles

9/16/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 09/16/2021 - 10:18am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Joint Leaders Statement on AUKUS
2. Gen Keane on Milley's phone calls with China: The media is taking this 'out of context'
3. Milley’s China Calls During Trump Defeat Were ‘Lawful,’ Conveyed Reassurance, Pentagon Says
4. Australia Will Get Nuclear-Powered Subs In New Partnership With US, UK
5. Out of Africa: The Strategic Mistake of US Disengagement from Somalia
6. How to Deter China From Invading Taiwan
7. The future of special operations may look a lot different than the GWOT aesthetic we’ve come to know
8. US needs to revamp its defence co-operation with Taiwan
9. Analysis | Murphy’s misfired claim that 8 out of 10 U.S. drones miss their target
10. Why China Loves America's Defense Budget Inaction
11. Taliban lionizes Haqqani commander who celebrated ties to Al Qaeda, held American hostage
12. ‘Extremely serious’: Japan says flotilla of gun-equipped Chinese ships appeared near Senkakus
13. Party Capital: A Blueprint for National Security Due Diligence on China — C4ADS
14. General promises US ‘surge’ against foreign cyberattacks
15. Working with the Devil? The Potential for U.S.-Taliban Cooperation Against the Islamic State in Afghanistan
16. How China Exports Authoritarianism
17. Why Australia's new defence pact with the US and Britain is so significant

Korean News Content:

1.  Missiles on a train (north Korea)
2. Is China losing South Korea?
3. N. Korea confirms missile launches from train
4. North blasts South for calling tests 'provocations' ― but look at that train
5. China strengthens efforts to curb US influence on South Korea
6. Diplomats of S. Korea, Japan hold talks on peninsula security, history
7. N. Korean ambassador to U.N. likely to attend upcoming U.N. General Assembly session
8. North Korea distributes food on the country's foundation day
9. China Stymies Once-United U.N. Panel on North Korea Sanctions
10. Cheong Wa Dae: no comment on N. Korea's criticism of President Moon
11. S. Korea, U.S. share urgent need for N.K. dialogue following missile launches
12. Two students in Haeju put on public trial for watching and distributing South Korean videos
13. North and South Korea unveil new missile systems
14. China, S. Korea vow to boost bilateral ties, strengthen cooperation
15. Nuclear weapons no real advantage for South Korea, former USFK commander says
16. Has an Arms Race Begun on the Korean Peninsula?
17. North Korea’s latest missile provocation was entirely predictable
18. Opinion | There’s a simple option for defusing the coming crisis with North Korea
19. "Threat To World": UN Security Council On North Korea's Missile Test
20. The North Korean Regime Continues To Get Away With Some Of The Worst Atrocities Of The 21st Century
21. Twitter Reacts to Kim Jong-Un's Weight Loss Transformation

9/15/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 09/15/2021 - 9:34am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Milley warned defense leaders that Trump could order an unwarranted nuke strike: book
2. New York Times and Washington Post investigations cast doubt on Pentagon's account of Kabul drone strike
3. Stanford professors urge U.S. to end program looking for Chinese spies in academia
4. Beyond Alliance Repair: Biden Must Do More in the Indo-Pacific
5. The Subprime Strategy Crisis: Failed Strategic Assessment in Afghanistan
6. John Arquilla on the New Challenge of Cyberwarfare
7. Our veterans are still suffering | Opinion (Rubio and Gillibrand)
8.  The final scramble out of Kabul required skills only commandos have, special-ops veterans say
9. The US isn’t ready for the new national security risks of clean energy
10. Backing the Wrong Horses: American Blowback From Vietnam to Afghanistan
11. ‘Exclusive Cliques’: China Lashes Out at Upcoming Quad Meet
12. How the Army's elite Delta Force pulled off a record-setting mission against the Taliban only weeks after 9/11
13. Senate Republicans blast Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal as ‘disaster’ after classified session with top general
14. Then-CIA director Gina Haspel said the US was 'on the way to a right-wing coup' after Trump lost the election: book
15. The Marines Are Copying the Air Force's Efforts to Counter Online Disinformation

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea fires 2 short-range ballistic missiles into East Sea: JCS
2.  S. Korea succeeds in testing ballistic missile launch from submarine: Cheong Wa Dae
3.  South Korea plans 'comprehensive review' of North Korea's policy amid talks with U.S., Japan
4. S. Korea's NSC expresses 'deep concern' about N. Korea's missile launches
5. Moon says S. Korea's SLBM development can be deterrent to N. Korean provocation: Cheong Wa Dae
6. Is N.Korea Restarting Uranium Enrichment?
7. New details revealed about North Korea's recent naming of Pak Jong Chon to key positions of power
8. Lecture held for officials in charge of constructing border wall in Yanggang Province
9. North Korean Cops Go Undercover as Phone Brokers to Entrap Refugees’ Families
10. Pyongyang's latest missile launch strengthens case for keeping sanctions in place: Korea Herald
11. North Korea Just Tested a New Missile. Here's What U.S. Diplomats Had to Say About It.
12. What Trump Said About North Korea in His Address to the Unification Church
13. Security crisis on the Korean peninsula cannot be resolved without a peace treaty
14. China’s top diplomat Wang Yi slams US move for South Korea to join ‘outdated’ Five Eyes alliance
15. North Korea Might Have a Sneaky New Way to Transport Nukes

Tracking the Violent Extremism Spillover from the Sahel to Littoral West Africa

Tue, 09/14/2021 - 8:24pm

Tracking the Violent Extremism Spillover from the Sahel to Littoral West Africa

A recent analytical report by Aneliese Bernard, summarized in an article for the Irregular Warfare Initiative at the Modern War Institute at West Point, details the expansion of violent extremism from West Africa's Sahel region into the Littoral states on the Gulf of Guinea. For a full copy of the report, please contact

Elva Report Cover

The report offers a comprehensive analysis of the situation in the border communities of this region, focused on Littoral states that are experiencing nascent violent extremist influence and operation campaigns. In addition to in-depth analysis, the report offers a variety of recommendations on how to combat this growing insurgency from the defense, diplomacy and development lens. The report draws from hundreds of expert interviews and three rounds of mixed-method data collection that took place over 12 months, in over 300 border communities in Burkina Faso, Niger, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo and Benin.

Source: Aneliese Bernard, “Jihadism is Spreading to the Gulf of Guinea Littoral States, and a New Approach to Countering it is Needed.” Modern War Institute. 9 September 2021.