Small Wars Journal

9/14/2021 National Security and Korean news and Commentary

Tue, 09/14/2021 - 9:36am

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National Security News Content:

1. Attack of the Blob: Why America’s U.S. Foreign Policy Has Been Crippled
2. Global Posture Review Still On Track, Pentagon Spokesman Says
3. Blinken vows Afghanistan evac mission will continue, but lawmakers skeptical
4. Top US spy says Somalia, Yemen, Syria and Iraq represent greater terrorist threat than Afghanistan
5. Army refuses to say whether officer’s resignation letter citing ‘Marxist takeover of the military’ is real
6. Taiwan Is Arming Itself To Beat A Chinese Invasion. Some New Weapons Are Better Than Others.
7. Forward to the Past? Weigh Covert Options in Afghanistan Carefully
8. How Should US Special Operations Forces Train for Great Power War?
9. Afghanistan Has Been 'Gut-Wrenching,' 'Deeply Personal For IC': DNI
10. Opinion | What Game Theory Says About China’s Strategy
11. American Global Leadership Is in Retreat
12. Biden Doctrine abating US tensions with China
13. Facebook Says Its Rules Apply to All. Company Documents Reveal a Secret Elite That’s Exempt.
14. ‘To Rule the Waves’ Review: The Necessity of a Navy (book review)
15. After South China Sea Incidents, US Needs 'Sustained' Pacific Presence, Lawmaker Says
16. Mark 9 SDV: The SEALs' mini-sub that packed full-sized torpedoes
17. Will the AUMF’s 20th Anniversary Prompt Congress to Act?

Korean News Content:

1. U.S. ready to help address N.K. humanitarian concerns regardless of denuclearization: envoy
2. Unification ministry vows efforts for resumption of inter-Korean liaison office as it marks 3rd anniversary
3. Nine Hoeryong residents arrested and tried for using foreign mobile phones
4. North Korea once again imports refined oil from China
5. IAEA chief calls North's nuclear activities 'cause for serious concern'
6. U.S. still open to dialogue with North, despite weekend tests
7.  The China factor (ROK/US Alliance)
8. Hell-bent on engagement north-South Korea)
9. North Korea missile tests fly under the radars of South, U.S.
10. South Koreans sour on China ahead of Wang Yi visit
11. A New Look at Biden’s North Korea Strategy
12. In Signal to the US, North Korea Tests New Long-Range Cruise Missiles
13. North Korea Tests New Long-Range Cruise Missile: What You Should Know
14. N.K. calls for speedy recovery efforts in flood-hit eastern regions
15. North Korea Tests First Cruise Missiles Capable of Hitting Japan
16.  North Korea capable of arming 'strategic' missile with nuclear warhead to 'surprise' Japan

9/13/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 09/13/2021 - 9:24am

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National Security News Content:

1. Top US commanders in Afghanistan wrestle with mistakes and regrets as America's longest war ends
2.  ‘Imminent Threat’ or Aid Worker: Did a U.S. Drone Strike in Afghanistan Kill the Wrong Person?
3. Those Still Left Behind in Afghanistan
4. Afghan American woman’s escape highlights secretive CIA role in Kabul rescues
5. Retired two-star general opens up about bipolar disorder; now his mission is to save lives
6. Opinion | What the U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan Means for Taiwan
7. Opinion | What we still don’t know about Americans in Afghanistan
8.  Jarhead elites: Marine Raiders are aiming high
9. Nuclear Terrorism: A Plausible and Pestilent Threat
10. The Pentagon’s Army of Nerds: Why the military needs Silicon Valley, now more than ever
11. Disinformation Wars: Retired Indian Army Officer Becomes Butt Of Jokes After Sharing Photo From A Movie Set As ‘Truth’ Of Pakistan Army in Panjshir
12. Read former President George W. Bush's speech at the Flight 93 memorial service
13. How Equipment Left In Afghanistan Will Expose US Secrets
14. Thoughts on 11 September: A Special Operations Perspective
15. The Lie of Nation Building

Korean News Content:

1. North Korea says it tested new long-range cruise missiles
2. North Korean missile: scary message, crafty timing
3. North Korea's Kumsong 121 recently employed social media to launch a cyber attack
4. Fundamentals of South Korean Public Opinion on Foreign Policy and National Security
5. Unfair practice:Yonhap under fire for betraying public's trust
6. Korea to Build Another Missile Submarine
7. U.S. military says N.K. missile launches show threats it poses to int'l community
8. S. Korea, Australia hold '2+2' talks among foreign, defense ministers
9.  Top nuke envoys of S. Korea, Japan hold talks amid renewed tensions over N.K. missile launch
10. Moon to visit U.S. next week for annual U.N. session: Cheong Wa Dae
11. North Korea slams UK for 'miserable' maltreatment of children
12. Yongbyon nuclear facility assessments: three contradictions
13. DPRK test-fires newly-developed long-range cruise missiles

9/12/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 09/12/2021 - 11:12am

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National Security News Content:

1. America's unfortunate 9/11 legacy: Low strategic IQ
2. 9/11 at 20: after war, what? From The Lancet
3. Opinion | The CIA Spent 20 Years on the Front Lines of the War on Terror. It's Time For That to Change.
4. Biden Declassifies Secret FBI Report Detailing Saudi Nationals' Connections To 9/11
5. A Crisis of Credibility: Why Non-Governmental Organizations are Struggling
6. FBI releases details of probe of Saudi’s alleged link to 9/11 – Operation Encore
7. Political uncertainty clouds China Inc.'s Afghanistan ambitions
8. China Makes Sure Everyone Writes Taiwan’s Name Just So—Even a Colorado High School
9. Afghanistan: Lessons From Cambodia
10. Biden Calls Xi as China-US Relationship Grows More Fraught
11. In Chinese eyes, ‘British are bastards’
12. The counterterrorism dilemma
13. Top National Security Posts Sit Empty, Mired in Senate ‘Purgatory’
14. Three terrorist suspects arrested in Indonesia
15. UN Mission to Afghanistan Relocates to Kazakhstan
16. Pak ISI Chief Hosts Security Meeting On Afghanistan With Intel Heads Of China, Iran

Korean News Content:

1. Analysis: Is Biden Summoning 'Strategic Patience' With North Korea?
2. N. Korea-linked hackers attempt to break into emails of Seoul's defense panel members
3. N.K. outlet accuses S. Korea of 'sharpening knife behind curtain of peace'
4. Army chief to visit U.S. for conference with counterparts from Indo-Pacific countries
5. Korea calls out Japan's decision to publish watered-down textbooks
6. 'Discussions on inter-Korean humanitarian projects make progress'
7. N. Korea calls U.S.-led Afghan war 'human rights crime'
8. After reining in Google, Apple, South Korean regulators turn to local tech giants
9. Trump: ‘Magnificent reality’ of denuclearized Korea within reach
10. Military competence matters
11. Defend yourself first
12. The Battle of Kumsong

9/11/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 09/11/2021 - 11:50am

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National Security News Content:

1. How America wasted its unipolar moment
2. What difference did 9/11 make?
3. Noncombatant Evacuation Operation - Afghanistan (Update)
4. History's 'what if' questions
5. The nobility of service in a post 9/11 world
6. Pakistan Is an Arsonist That Wants You to Think It’s a Firefighter
7. House committee demands answers on Afghanistan
8. U.S. Forces Were Training the Guinean Soldiers Who Took Off to Stage a Coup
9.  NSW Wraps Up SOF Phase of MALABAR with Partner Nations
10. Beyond Forever War: A Smarter Counterterrorism Approach Is Now Within Reach
11. America Did Al-Qaeda’s Work for It
12. Pro-PRC Influence Campaign Expands to Dozens of Social Media Platforms, Websites, and Forums in at Least Seven Languages, Attempted to Physically Mobilize Protesters in the U.S.
13. Jacksonian America: The Sleeping Giant Awakened by 9/11
14. Opinion | Biden is embracing a redefinition of war — but not an alternative to war
15. How Hollywood Sold Out to China
16. What the U.S. Has Learned About Fighting Terror Since Sept. 11
17. Drastic changes to military pay, benefits needed to meet rising personnel costs: report

Korean News Content:

1. Moon expresses sympathy to Biden, American people on 9/11 anniversary
2. Brookings Institution names Andrew Yeo as Korea chair
3. Talk of a Nuclear Deterrent in South Korea
4. Thinner, energetic Kim stands out at North Korean parade
5. Voice of America: [Washington Talk] North Korea 'reduced military parade'... What is the purpose of Wang Yi's 'visit to Korea'?
6. When Will the United States Have a Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights?
7.  New cases in 1,800s for second day amid spread in capital area
8. North Korea's disappearing supply of soybean oil
9. Korea, China may be part of expert group monitoring Fukushima water release
10. [Kim Myong-sik] Pathetic ulterior motive of ‘fake news’ bill

Unconventional Warfare, 9/11 And The Future Of U.S. Military Power

Fri, 09/10/2021 - 6:08pm

A 9-11 tribute to the late BG Frank Toney.

Access it on 19FortyFive HERE.

As the United States and the military reflect on the end of the war and the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan it may be useful to return to the beginning on the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001.  The entire nation suffered a tremendous blow and from that day forward the U.S. military, the intelligence community, law enforcement, diplomats, development specialists, and contractors have been engaged in bringing to justice the perpetrators, preventing another terrorist attack on the homeland, and trying to alter the geopolitical environment in the face of a global threat of terrorism. Although many may be experiencing a sense of strategic failure there have been many successes over the years. Most importantly, after-action reviews will take place to learn from mistakes. The national security community also must identify what did work and make sure America does not forget the positive lessons even as the negative ones dominate the news.

The nation, the intelligence community. and the military were caught off guard on September 11, 2001. While the government learned much from the 9-11 Commission Report and made many changes, America was flatfooted with no plan on how to respond to the attacks. However, there was one force that was part of the initial response that was trained and ready for just such a response. This was due to one person and his vision in two words: unconventional warfare. The man was the commander of the U.S. Army Special Forces Command, the late Brigadier General Frank Toney.


9/10/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 09/10/2021 - 9:35am

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National Security News Content:

1. Reflections on 9/11 Twenty Years After
2. Less door-kicking, more resistance: Inside Army SOF’s return to unconventional warfare
3. White House approves partnership with vets evacuating U.S. citizens, Afghan allies
4. Afghanistan Is Not Done With Us; Four Long-Term Dangers Await
5. Failed U.S. Afghanistan Withdrawal Is Ammo For Disinformation Attacks
6. Between Then and Now, They Did Not Die in Vain
7. Army Chief Calls for Afghanistan Review: ‘Let the Cards Fall Where They Fall’
8. Opinion | The Islamic world has changed over the past 20 years. The Taliban is about to feel it.
9. How to prevent future Afghanistan-like disasters
10. The war in Afghanistan is over but military leaders are still trying to hide their failures
11. It’s been twenty years since 9/11. The US Army still hasn’t learned to speak Arabic or Dari.
12. Opinion | Christopher Wray: Hard-earned lessons from 9/11 offer a playbook for combating today’s threats
13. Serving in a Twenty-Year War
14. American soldiers today: Lions led by donkeys
15. How 9/11 helped China wage its own false ‘war on terror’
16. How Active-Duty Officers Should Criticize Policy and Practice
17. Michelangelos of Strategy: Linguistic Chisels, Sculptural Forms, and the Art of Strategy
18. Back to the Future: Rediscovering Operational Art in an Era of Great Power Competition
19. The Real Lesson of the Afghanistan Debacle
20. 9/11 was a test. The books of the last two decades show how America failed.

Korean News Content:

1.  Washington is ready to fall into Kim Jong Un's trap, again
2.  Top nuke envoys of S. Korea, U.S., Japan to meet in Tokyo next week
3. Unmasked: Vessel Identity Laundering and North Korea's Maritime Sanctions Evasion — C4ADS
4.  N. Korea's suspension from Olympics augurs ill for Seoul's peace efforts
5. Ministry of Social Security officer in Hyesan arrested for colluding with remittance broker
6. The worsening plight of North Korean soldiers
7. Kim parades at midnight but China muffles his guns
8. N.Korean Troops Parade in Hazmat Uniforms
9. North Korean Restaurants Abandon Price Controls Amid Food Shortages
10. The highest-grossing film in South Korea this year is a true story set in Somalia
11. Is Kim Jong Un On The Same Weight Loss Program As Most North Koreans?
12. S. Korea too important for U.S. to withdraw troops: U.S. lawmakers
13. Members of Congress Urge Biden Administration To Proceed with Caution On North Korea Sanctions
14. The Real Reason the North Korea Parade Was Weird as Fuck

The Forensic Crisis in Mexico

Thu, 09/09/2021 - 4:37pm

The Forensic Crisis in Mexico: More than 52 thousand unidentified dead people in Mexico according to official figures: MNDM Report

Mexico is experiencing a profound forensic crisis in terms of human identification: there are 52,000 unidentified deceased persons, according to official figures obtained by the Movement for Our Disappeared in Mexico (Movimiento por Nuestros Desaparecidos en México).

The Movimiento por Nuestros Desaparecidos en México (Movement for our Disappeared in Mexico – MNDM) has issued a report “La Crisis Forense en México: más de 52 mil personas fallecidas sin identificar("The Forensic Crisis in Mexico: more than 52,000 unidentified deceased persons"). The report in Spanish notes that the situation regarding unidentified deceased persons has reached crisis proportions.

A press release in Spanish about the report is available here. A synopsis of the report in English follows.

MNDM comprises 74 local collectives of families with disappeared family members (desaparecidos) located across 22 states in Mexico and three in Central America. The movement is also composed of several human rights organizations that have compiled a report exposing the forensic crisis that has resulted in the lack of identification of over 52,000 deceased Mexicans. The movement argues that the leading cause of the current forensic problem is the rise in violence and human rights violations caused by the war on drugs and the militarized approach taken by the Mexican government to combat it. They expose several problems with the current forensic system, including the lack of experts specialized in forensic identification and the lack of adequate training of many scientists assigned to forensic identification. Another issue is the low budgets allocated to forensic institutions and problems with the coordination of databases.

The report was created by using data provided under transparency laws in Mexico and the firsthand experience of families that have tried to find their missing family members. The report shows that of the 52,000 deceased, 60 percent are in mass graves in public cemeteries, while a shocking 22 percent of the deceased have an unknown or undetermined location.

The Mexican government and the UN have taken an essential step in addressing this forensic crisis by creating the Extraordinary Mechanism of Forensic Identification (Mecanismo Extraordinario de Identificación Forense – MEIF).

The MEIF is tasked with helping identify the 52,000 deceased and was formed on 4 December 2019. Its operations were delayed by the lack of a coordinating group. Fortunately, the government recently announced the coordinating group on 30 August 2021. The MEIF is important as it reflects the government's acknowledgment that the ordinary mechanisms to deal with the identification of deceased persons in Mexico are not currently sufficient.

“La Crisis Forense en México: más de 52 mil personas fallecidas sin identificar also provides several other recommendations to help transform the ordinary forensic services in Mexico. Among these recommendations are the expansion, improvement, and autonomy of forensic services in Mexico and updating protocols for forensic identification. They also suggest the need for the approval of technical protocols in archeology, anthropology, necropsy, and odontology and the creation of national data banks to help with forensic identification, such as a national bank for forensic data. Most importantly, they seek to end the illegal practice of burying people who have not been identified into collective mass graves and continue international cooperation to help resolve this forensic crisis.

Source: La Crisis Forense en México: más de 52 mil personas fallecidas sin identificar. Movimiento por Nuestros Desaparecidos en México (MNDM). August 2021.


9/9/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 09/09/2021 - 10:16am

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National Security News Content:

1. The Army Needs to Understand the Afghanistan Disaster
2. Seven Movies Worth Watching About 9/11
3. Entire U.S. Terrorism Watch List Leaked Online
4. How AI Could Go Disastrously Wrong
5. White House wants $6.4 billion to help resettle Afghan allies, refugees
6. New war-gaming center to speed up weapon deliveries to US Marines
7. Japan’s Potential Acquisition of Ground-Launched Land-Attack Missiles: Implications for the U.S.-Japanese Alliance
8. Confronting Chaos: A New Concept for Information Advantage
9. As airport reopens, Taliban gives permission for at least 200 dual nationals, including Americans, to leave the country
10. America’s High-Tech Problem in Low-Tech Wars
11. Biden Is Running a Hostage Negotiation With the Taliban
12. Taliban’s government includes designated terrorists, ex-Guantanamo detainees
13. After 9/11, the U.S. Got Almost Everything Wrong
14. Opinion | How 9/11 conspiracy theories fueled the war on reality
15. Forceful, Yet Magnanimous: The Foreign Policy of George H. W. Bush
16. Pentagon Chief Says Hopes Fading for More Open Taliban Government in Afghanistan
17. Hybrid Wars: Technological Advancements and the Generational Evolution of Warfare
18. Russian Rear Area Operations and the Resistance Operating Concept
19. The Pandemic Has Cost the Pentagon at Least $13.6B and Counting
20. China won't accept US hegemonic acts in the South China Sea
21. Koch-Funded Quincy Institute Joins Communists To Demand Biden Administration Lift Sanctions on US Enemies
22. General Failure: How the U.S. Military Lied About the 9/11 Wars
23. Pro-Beijing operatives used social media to try promoting NYC protest - CyberScoop
24. A Reckoning for U.S. Foreign Policy Elites is Long Overdue
24. U.S. Navy looks to South Korea's free-diving women for hypothermia remedy
25. Biden boots Trump appointees from military academy advisory boards
26. Afghanistan withdrawal has Taiwan pondering its alliance with the US – and China is upping the pressure

Korean News Content:

1. North Korea holds middle-of-the-night military parade
2. What’s happening inside North Korea? Since the pandemic, the window has slammed shut.
3. North Korea Holds Toned-Down Military Parade, Its First of Biden Administration
4. N. Korea holds midnight military parade without Kim's address, new weapons
5. Group of youth in Tanchon arrested after singing and dancing to South Korean music
6. Amid Food Shortage, North Korea Orders Army to Shoot Crop Thieves on Sight
7. EU's top diplomat vows support for dismantling N. Korea's nuclear program
8. How N.Korea Manipulates S.Korean Governments, Public Opinion
9. North Korean district office heads join crackdown on grasshopper merchants
10. Pyongyang's parade featured tractors, motorbikes
11. China claims ban on K-pop fan accounts not targeted at Hallyu
12. Gov’t defends N. Korea’s restart of nuclear activities
13. Screening of controversial Chinese film about Korean War canceled
14. Xi, Putin vow efforts to advance relations with North Korea
15. The US-South Korea Alliance Is A Historic Success (And Could Get Even Better)
16. Moon presents S. Korea's vision for 'overwhelming' global leader in shipbuilding sector

9/8/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 09/08/2021 - 10:18am

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National Security News Content:

1. Veterans groups, evacuees plead for action: ‘We are in some kind of jail’
2. State Dept. Working ‘at the Highest Levels’ to Clear Mazar-i-Sharif Charter Aircraft
3. Secretary Blinken’s Gibberish about Afghanistan
4. Hardliners take all key posts in Taliban government
5. ‘Strategic ambiguity’: Former INDOPACOM chief calls for Taiwan policy review amid Chinese buildup
6. The US military changed for the war on terror. Now, it has to change again, experts say
7. China Weighing Occupation of Former U.S. Air Base at Bagram: Sources
8. Global Hawk maker scores $40 million software contract for Japan, South Korea fleets
9. Why Israel’s transfer to US Central Command could help deter Iran
10. US aircraft carrier, destroyer busy in South China Sea despite Beijing’s new notification law
11. Marine Special Ops Command Hones its ‘Cognitive Raiders’
12. Special Operations Command Wants Tiny Cruise Missiles With Hundreds Of Miles Range
13. US over-the-horizon capabilities robust, but use requires ‘strategic refinement,’ experts say
14. ‘Dear America’: Gold Star Families Want ‘Archaic’ Support Systems Fixed
15. A Weapons of Mass Destruction Strategy for the 21st Century
16. Cyber Threats and Choke Points: How Adversaries are Leveraging Maritime Cyber Vulnerabilities for Advantage in Irregular Warfare
17. Lessons from Kabul: The US Military Must Resolve Its Air Mobility Dilemma
18. Strategic Drift in Afghanistan, from Bonn to the National Elections
19. Chinese, Russian narratives following US Afghanistan withdrawal present a US in decline
20. Emails prove State Dept refused to approve Afghan evacuation flights
21. Opinion: In defense of the much-maligned foreign policy establishment by Max Boot
22. Analysis | American diplomats recall 20-hour days, sleeping in Kabul airport while helping those desperate to flee
23. Archive Find Could Hurt China’s ‘Historic’ Claim To Paracel Islands
24. ‘Like Game of Thrones’: how triple crisis on China’s borders will shape its global identity

Korean News Content:

1. NSC officials stress U.S. has no hostile intent toward N. Korea
2. Restarting Yongbyon nuclear reactor is not violation of inter-Korean agreements, says Seoul official
3. Gov't struggles over news about Yongbyon
4. Foreign ministry, presidential office slammed for defending North Korea's suspected nuke program
5. A love affair with Pyongyang
6. 'Money or freedom': Is South Korea safe from China's infiltration?
7. North Korea boosts celebratory mood for founding anniversary
8. North Korea May Soon Stage First Military Parade Under Biden
9. South Korea develops submarine-launched missile often used to carry nuclear warheads
10. South Korea should spend more on defense and spend less time kowtowing to China
11. Former envoy: More focus on North Korean human rights
12. Navy launches new frigate equipped with anti-submarine torpedo
13. Hyesan officials intensify crackdowns on street vendors
14. Expert discussion on 'fake news' bill faces complications
15. Nearly half of Americans concerned about N. Korean nuclear program: report
16. No discussions with U.S. on USFK troop reduction: defense ministry