Small Wars Journal

8/23/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 08/23/2021 - 9:52am

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National Security News Content:

1, How to Help Afghan Refugees and the Relief Effort
2. FDD | Biden's catastrophe
3. An Un-American Way of War: Why the United States Fails at Irregular Warfare
4. Terrorism in South Asia After the Fall of Afghanistan
5. Taiwanese shrug off China threat and place their trust in ‘Daddy America’Opinion | My Family Fled Cambodia as the Americans Evacuated. Here's What I Hope for Afghan Refugees.
6. Anti-Taliban leader Massoud wants to talk but ready to fight
7. SAS in dramatic desert raid to save troops from Taliban
8. The failure of intelligence in counterinsurgency - opinion
9. So Much for a ‘Foreign Policy for the Middle Class’
10. Opinion | Could Cyberwar Make the World Safer?
11. America Got Afghanistan Wrong, But It Can Still Make Things Right
12. Some Americans No Longer Believe in the Common Good
13. Liberal Democracy Is Worth a Fight
14. An Army Can’t Defeat Guerilla Fighters
15. Opinion | How the Taliban Turned Smartphones Into Weapons
16. All the President’s Yes-Men
17. Cleaning Up After Biden on al Qaeda
18. Opinion | My Family Fled Cambodia as the Americans Evacuated. Here's What I Hope for Afghan Refugees.

Korean News Content:

1, Top S. Korean diplomat says U.S. requested use of American bases in Korea to house Afghan evacuees
2. Korea must do its share (Afghanistan)
3. Acceptance of refugees in USFK bases for humanitarianism
4. Korea divided over housing Afghan evacuees in USFK bases
5. US makes clear its support for inter-Korean humanitarian aid
6. North Korea's newspaper urges people to prioritize socialist ideology
7. Help fleeing Afghans (South Korea)
8. Korea, Japan show no signs of US withdrawal anxiety
9. Assembly panel advances ratification bill for USFK cost-sharing deal
10. Choco Pies in China, Russia getting more expensive
11. Biden's special envoy urges North Korea to return to talks
12. US Envoy Says No Hostile Intent Toward North Korea, Calls For Talks
13. COVID-19 reveals North Korea is no longer a hermit kingdom
14. He Was Kim Jong Un’s Party Pal. Now He Rots in a Chinese Prison.
15. Taliban hopes for S. Korea's diplomatic recognition, economic exchanges: official
16. Arrests of North Korean Wives of Chinese Men Spooks Refugee Community
17. Police in some regions of North Korea take bribes to protect transport of goods
18. N. Korea develops real-time PCR equipment to test for coronavirus: state media

8/22/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 08/22/2021 - 11:17am

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National Security News Content:

1. Opinion | The Taliban Were Patient. Now They Hold All the Cards. by Ryan C. Crocker
2. Perspective | Afghanistan is not the country the Taliban last ruled. Will that matter?
3. Department of Defense Activates Civil Reserve Air Fleet to Assist With Afghanistan Efforts
4. Miscue After Miscue, U.S. Exit Plan Unravels
5. Taliban photo appears to mock Iwo Jima flag raising in latest propaganda push
6. Justice Department Moves to Dismiss Bowe Bergdahl’s Case to Overturn His Conviction
7. Defense Secretary Orders US Airlines to Help With Evacuation
8. US credibility with military allies at risk over Afghanistan pullout
9. Column: The fall of Kabul doesn't need to spell the end of U.S. global power
10. The Taliban Takeover: Plan Now for the Next Crisis in Afghanistan
11. U.S. Considers Ordering Commercial Airlines to Help in Afghan Evacuation
12. Opinion | I Can’t Forget the Lessons of Vietnam. Neither Should You.
13. Atlantic Charter credibility crumbles; can an Indo-Pacific Charter give hope?
14. US special operations forces race to save former Afghan comrades in jeopardy
15. U.S. Military Veterans Rush to Help Afghan Interpreters Escape
16. Plan for Texas to host Afghan evacuees gets bipartisan support though experts are wary
17. Afghan Resistance Ready For Conflict But Prefers Negotiations
18. Colonel Maxwell is flawed

Korean News Content:

1. U.S. considering housing Afghan evacuees at American bases in S. Korea: report
2. Gyeonggi Gov. Lee pledges to meet with Biden, Kim Jong-un to broker denuclearization deal
3. Nuclear Weapons in South Korea? Not So Fringe Anymore.
4. Seoul FM, U.S. envoy discuss ways to resume Korean peace process: ministry
5. S. Korea in vaccine swap talks with Romania: foreign ministry
6. Korea's strategic importance growing amid US-China tensions
7. Steps for Korea's 'graduation'
8. New COVID-19 cases dip to 1,600s, virus curbs extended for 2 weeks


Flawed assumptions led to tragic outcomes in Afghanistan

Sat, 08/21/2021 - 2:40pm

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Flawed assumptions led to tragic outcomes in Afghanistan

David Maxwell

Many Afghanistan post-mortems will be written. All will identify many problems. But two major flaws in U.S. policy are readily apparent and warrant immediate attention. Although it is too soon to draw definitive conclusions, the current tragedy likely stems in part from false assumptions — embraced by the White House —about the Afghan military and the recently ousted Afghan government. Assumptions may seem like a mundane aspect of military planning, but they are critical for the success of any military operation.

All planners know that assumptions are warranted when there is a lack of information to continue planning. They are “suppositions taken as true in the absence of truth,” as noted on page I-5 of joint planning doctrine. If additional information emerges, assumptions can become facts. If there is information that shows an assumption is wrong, the plan must change. If a plan is executed based on assumptions that prove to be wrong during execution, the operation will fail unless there is a contingency plan for the failed assumptions. This is why all planners remember Von Moltke’s adage, “no plan survives contact.”

8/21/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 08/21/2021 - 10:35am

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National Security News Content:

1. Biden vows to evacuate all Americans -- and Afghan helpers
2. Are US citizens being asked to pay $2,000 for evacuation flights out of Kabul?
3. David Petraeus on American Mistakes in Afghanistan
4. US Helicopters Rescued 169 Americans Outside Airport; More Ops Could Follow
5. State Dept. will not charge for evacuation flights from Afghanistan
6. U.S. helicopters at Kabul airport flew outside the gates to bring Americans to safety
7. US general tells British special forces: Stop rescuing people in Kabul, you're making us look bad
8. Son of anti-Taliban fighter calls for US weapons assistance
9. More Americans now say government should take steps to restrict false information online than in 2018
10. I was in Kabul when it fell to the Taliban. The speed of the collapse stunned me | Franz J Marty
11. Army Eyes Intelligence Community Campus at Fort Belvoir North Area
12. Rare earth trillions lure China to Afghanistan's new Great Game
13. The intelligence community's silence is deafening
14. Here’s How the US Could Get Afghanistan Evacuees to the United States More Quickly
15. Taliban Takeover Brings Cheers, Fears to SE Asia and Bangladesh
16. Amanda Gorman and Kate Winslet join advocates urging Biden to protect Afghan women
17. Will the Next American War Be with China?
18. This Navy captain is now the first woman commanding a nuclear aircraft carrier
19. Germany Sending Special Ops Helicopters To Kabul To Rescue Evacuees Outside The Airport (Updated)
20. A New York Times reporter and former Marine who evacuated Kabul flew back to help his Afghan colleagues escape the Taliban
21. Where’s Biden’s Plan to Stop Terrorism?
22. ‘We mishandled this so dramatically’: Trump acting SECDEF Chris Miller on US withdrawal from Afghanistan
23.  Don Bolduc calls Afghanistan exit a 'geopolitical disaster of unparalleled proportions'
24. Biden Insiders: Our Afghanistan Exit Is a Part of a Much Bigger Reset
25. The Right and Our Afghan Allies (Wall Street Journal Editorial Board)
26. Protests in Pakistan erupt against China’s belt and road plan
27. The Taliban Are Promising Inclusivity and Amnesty in Afghanistan. But Some Officials Predict Bloodshed
28. The School That Built Asia
29. Anti-Taliban resistance makes modest gains outside Panjshir | FDD's Long War Journal
30. Veterans who once sought ‘hearts and minds’ in Afghanistan must now mend their own

Korean News Content:

1. N.K. leader again inspects apartment construction site for riverside flats
2. U.S. nuclear envoy arrives in Seoul for talks with S. Korean, Russian counterparts
3. Jet flight similar to N.K. leader's personal plane raises speculation about Kim's trip
4. 7 additional video reunion centers for separated families to be completed this month
5. New Northern Policy shows some results, but lacks deeper philosophy
6. Former science and education department head Choe Sang Gon sent to political prison camp
7. Laid to rest, freedom fighter puts veterans in limelight
8. North Korea threat actor hacked South Korean site, researchers say
9. Suspects in North Korea espionage case to be turned over to prosecution
10. McDonald’s Won’t Transform North Korea

GALLERY: Remarkable photos show U.S. military helping Afghan evacuation

Fri, 08/20/2021 - 4:31pm

Access the Photos HERE

Thank you to Connecting Vets.

The Department of Defense released photographs of American troops aiding in the evacuation of Afghanistan as thousands of civilians flee Taliban control and violence at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul.

The remarkable series of pictures shows Marines, soldiers, and airmen helping children, comforting infants, and escorting refugees through the process of leaving Afghanistan.



8/20/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 08/20/2021 - 9:25am

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National Security News Content:

1.  Confidential State Department Cable in July Warned of Afghanistan’s Collapse
2. As US military sticks to airport, British and French forces are rescuing their citizens in Kabul: reports
3. Afghan officer who fought with US forces rescued from Kabul
4. U.S. position on Taiwan unchanged despite Biden comment - official
5. How News Organizations Got Afghan Colleagues Out of Kabul
6. Failure in Afghanistan Won’t Weaken America’s Alliances
7. Will Afghanistan Become a Terrorist Safe Haven Again?
8. What I Learned While Eavesdropping on the Taliban
9. Evacuation proceeds, but fears of Taliban reprisal soar
10. US struggles to speed Kabul airlift
11. President Biden will speak Friday on the troubled evacuation effort.
12. How a Technology Revolution Powered the Taliban's Return
13. The Panjshir Afghanistan Resistance is No Coincidence
14. Harris' Asia trip carries new urgency after Afghan collapse
15. How the Taliban won: They leveraged Afghan history and culture
16. Taliban Takeover: Panjshir Valley Holdouts Offer Peace Deal to Taliban
17. CNN continues hammering Biden over Afghan turmoil: 'If this isn't failure, what does failure look like?'
18. Army Special Forces want to integrate more with other military units on info warfare
19. Lost trust in the US? One country differs.
20. Irregular Warfare is Great Power Competition - Part 2
21. Asymmetric Warfare and Military Modernization in the Philippines
22. Tsai says Taiwan needs to be stronger
23. Taiwan Wants Paladins. Congress Should Say No
24. As Chinese Vaccines Stumble, U.S. Finds New Opening in Asia
25. Opinion | Here’s why the U.S. national security apparatus keeps producing failures
26. Chinese espionage tool exploits vulnerabilities in 58 widely used websites

Korean News Content:

1. Biden says S. Korea, Taiwan fundamentally different from Afghanistan
2. Biden administration values alliances as 'profound source of strength': State Department
3. Ongoing S. Korea-U.S. exercise optimal for war preparations: defense chief
4. US struggles to speed Kabul airlift
5. President Biden will speak Friday on the troubled evacuation effort.
6. Biden Sends Nuclear Envoy to Seoul Amid North Korea Threats
7. S. Korean nuke envoy to hold talks with U.S., Russian counterparts on N. Korea
8. WHO to allot 3 million Chinese vaccine doses to North Korea
9. Kimchi's new Chinese name has become the epicenter of a cultural war ... again
10. South Koreans Now Dislike China More Than They Dislike Japan
11. North Korea could be getting ready to test weapons, South Korea report indicates
12. Korean War foundation waits on long-overdue names from DOD for remembrance wall
13. Trump praises his relationship with Kim Jong Un for preventing nuclear war
14. Analysis: What Does Fall of Kabul Mean for North Korea?


8/19/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 08/19/2021 - 10:09am

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National Security News Content:

1. Trump’s Pledge to Exit Afghanistan Was a Ruse, His Final SecDef Says
2. CIA’s Former Counterterrorism Chief for the Region: Afghanistan, Not An Intelligence Failure — Something Much Worse
3. For Those Who Served In Afghanistan
4. Journalist Joe Galloway, chronicler of Vietnam War, dies
5.  Tom Tugendhat on UK and Afghanistan: Anger, grief, rage
6. The Taliban Have Seized U.S. Military Biometrics Devices
7. What in the absolute hell does Palantir know that we don’t?
8. For Texas veterans, Taliban triumph a gut punch
9. US troops will stay until all Americans are out of Afghanistan, even if past Aug. 31 deadline: Biden to ABC News
10. First Resistance to Taliban Rule Tests Afghanistan’s Uncertain Future
11. Pentagon: No plans for rescuing Americans in Afghanistan who can’t get to the airport
12. Vietnam’s lessons for the Afghanistan failure: Don’t count out US leadership just yet
13. After fall of Kabul, resistance to Taliban emerges in Panjshir | FDD's Long War Journal
14. The Dangerous Road to the Kabul Airport
15. Chinese students rush to return to America
16. After the Debacle: Six Concrete Steps to Restore U.S. Credibility
17. Disinformation, Revisionism, and China with Doowan Lee | Mad Scientist Laboratory
18. The U.S. Is Hostage to the Taliban
19. SECDEF Austin: U.S. Lacks ‘Capability’ in Kabul to Create Safe Passage for Americans, Afghans to Leave Afghanistan
20. Build a More Effective Cyber Force, Not More Bureaucracy
21. Read What The Taliban Told NPR About Their Plans For Afghanistan
22. Opinion | Al Qaeda is loving our withdrawal from Afghanistan
23. Irregular Warfare in Great Power Competition

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea issued navigational warning for East Sea in indication of missile launch preparations
2. Seoul Isn’t Kabul
3. Helluva time to sell a US-North-South Korea alliance
4. N.K. nuclear talks will fall behind on U.S. priority list due to Afghan situation: expert
5. Post-Kabul worries
6. Experts split over impact of US pullout from Afghanistan on N. Korea issue
7. N. Korea investigates State Academy of Sciences for possible involvement in manufacture of narcotics
8. DMZ ceremony marks 45th anniversary of American soldiers’ axe slaying
9. American Columnist Under Fire For Comparing South Korea To Afghanistan's Tragic Situation
10. Controversial remarks on N. Korea amid Afghan situation
11. North Korea Warns Citizens Not to Speculate About Leader’s Health After Weight Loss
12. Doubts over alliance
13. Court orders seizure of Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy's assets in S. Korea over forced wartime labor
14. North Korea is a Nuclear Weapons Power: Should the U.S. Accept Reality?
15. North Korea calling

8/18/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 08/18/2021 - 9:59am

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National Security News Content:

1. Intelligence Warned of Afghan Military Collapse, Despite Biden’s Assurances
2.  In the End, the Afghan Army Was Always Doomed
3. ‘Team America’ has success evacuating Afghans, seeks help as requests grow
4. Opinion | Biden is blaming everyone but himself. But he’s the one who gave the Taliban a green light.
5. Biden Wanted to Leave Afghanistan. He Knew the Risks.
6. Flights to leave hourly from Kabul airport, if evacuees can get there
7. The Biggest American Fuck Ups That Screwed Afghanistan
8. FDD | The Afghan debacle will destroy the Biden presidency
9. Mike Pence: Biden Broke Our Deal With the Taliban
10. The Ides of August by Sarah Chayes
11. Why Was there so little Resistance when Afghanistan Collapsed?
12. Unrealistic timelines, unsustainable goals made ‘victorious US withdrawal’ from Afghanistan impossible, watchdog finds
13. Navy SEAL Commander in Kabul Getting Bolstered by 82nd Airborne
14.Opinion | Condoleezza Rice: The Afghan people didn’t choose the Taliban. They fought and died alongside us.
15. A philosophy professor breaks down why the US has a moral responsibility for the tragedy unfolding in Afghanistan
16. Cobra blood is off the training menu for US troops, PETA says
17. To China, Afghan Fall Proves U.S. Hubris. It Also Brings New Dangers.
18. Leaving Afghanistan was America’s Most Moral Choice
​19. ​Senator mistakenly lists 30,000 US troops in Taiwan​
20. Chinese state media chief calls for war with US over troop numbers in Taiwan
21. Secret terrorist watchlist with 2 million records exposed online


Korean News Content: 

1. Afghanistan crisis stirs debate over stability of South Korea-US alliance
2. South Korea's ruling party calls for faster transfer of military control from U.S.
3. The world is turning its back on North Korean refugees
4.  US will not be fighting in a war that Afghan forces are not willing to fight, says Biden (Korean perspective)
5.  North Korea Cracks Down on Employees Skipping Work to Earn Money Elsewhere
6. White House assures Korea it isn't pulling its troops
7. Seriously? North Korea Continues to Claim Zero Coronavirus Cases
8. ‘Lips and Teeth’: The Enduring China-North Korea Relationship
9. South Korea's ruling party poised to enact media law that penalizes 'fake news'
10. <Inside N. Korea> Electricity situation deteriorates further: “Even in the city centre, supply is limited to one or two hours a day.” Equipment and parts not coming in from China.
11. <Inside N. Korea> Supply of COVID-19 Disinfectant and Protective Clothing Improves. “If you eat garlic, you won't be infected,” said residents.
12. North Korean media denounces South's plan to build new frigate
13. North may have attempted missile launches on Liberation Day
14. North Korea-China border wall running into trouble due to lack of supplies
15. North Korea crafts new legal provisions to punish businesses that fail to regularly pay electrical bills