Small Wars Journal

9/7/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 09/07/2021 - 8:31am

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National Security News Content:

1. Americans Stretch Across Political Divides to Welcome Afghan Refugees
2. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: How '9/11 mastermind' slipped through FBI's fingers
3. US helped 4 US citizens leave Afghanistan overland, official says
4. U.S. helps American family cross Afghanistan border to safety
5. Pentagon restarts 16 advisory boards after 7-month pause
6. China’s Industrial Planning Evolves, Stirring U.S. Concerns
7. The US military needs a seventh branch: The Cyber Force
8. Fascinating Infantry/Ranger Video
9. Joe Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal: What Will History Say?
10. 9/11: The Way We Thought Then by Robert D. Kaplan
11. Kill Terrorists in Afghanistan from 'Over the Horizon'? Good Luck.
12. After Afghanistan: time for the Quad to take centre stage
13. Credibility Controversies: The Implications of Afghanistan for the Indo-Pacific
14. State Department accused of trying to take credit for rescue of 4 Americans from Afghanistan
15. US-built databases a potential tool of Taliban repression
16. The Latest: Blinken says US working with Taliban on flights
17. U.S. Working With Taliban on Flying Remaining Americans Out of Afghanistan
18. Taliban poised to unveil new government after claiming Panjshir
19. From Kabul to Kyiv: Strengthening Deterrence Amid Questions About American Resolve
20. There Is More War in the Classroom Than You Think
21. What Afghanistan Cost the CIA (book review)
22. How Afghanistan’s fall to the Taliban increases the global terrorism threat
23. It Is Time for Senior Military Reform
24. Taliban completes conquest of Afghanistan after seizing Panjshir
25. Afghanistan: The Warlords Who Will Decide Whether a Civil War Is Likely
26. America's Return to Realism
27. 'Keep your head on a swivel': FBI analyst circulated a prescient warning of Jan. 6 violence
28. Planes Chartered To Evacuate Americans And Others From Afghanistan Remain Grounded

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea likely to hold military parade this week: sources
2. 2. S. Korea successfully tests SLBM from new submarine '
3. NATO accuses North Korea of ‘spreading dangerous technology’
4. N. Korea's trade with China plunges 82 pct on-year amid pandemic: unification minister
5. With restrictions lifted, South Korea launches $13B space power scheme
6.  Resuming dialogue with N. Korea 'pressing' matter: foreign ministry
7. N. Korea promotes demoted military chief to member of politburo presidium
8. 'Chinese FM's visit to South Korea is to curb US influence'
9.  ​Sources: Large numbers of North Korean soldiers die in hospitals for suspected COVID-19 patients
10. Military closely monitoring N.K. amid signs of military parade preparation
11. Post-Suga, no dramatic shift in Seoul-Tokyo relations expected
12. N.Korea Building High-Rise Apartments on Chinese Border
13. What Kim Jong-un May Learn from Biden's Chaotic Afghanistan Exit
14. High flying North Korean general promoted to senior party role
15. Kim Jong-un admits failure and calls for 'big leap forward' at rare North Korean party congress

Special Operations Association of America - Our Experience: On The Ground with Afghan Evacuees

Mon, 09/06/2021 - 7:11pm

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Sometimes things just don’t play out in the way you would expect. The Taliban closed in on Kabul much faster than anyone thought, and Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) became the center of the universe for the US Military, leading to the greatest airlift conducted in history. As the massive operation was starting, Ramstein Air Base in Germany was declared the location where evacuees would be consolidated as they were prepared to be transported to the United States and it just so happened that a Special Operations Public Affairs Officer (PAO) and two members of US Army Special Forces were brought on to the team to assist with the humanitarian efforts underway. The PAO had previously deployed numerous times with US Special Operations Forces (SOF) to Afghanistan, including Achin District in Nangarhar province when the MOAB was dropped in 2017. Upon the PAO’s arrival an assessment was made, and it was determined that the situation did not fit any one doctrinal definition. This led her to seek out the help of those that she had worked very closely and extensively with before, Green Berets. As luck would have it two Special Forces Operators were passing through Ramstein on their way to another mission elsewhere in the world and they ended up linking up and putting their skills to task.

(Continued at the link HERE)

9/6/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 09/06/2021 - 12:01pm

Access National Security News HERE.

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National Security News Content:

1. Inside Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan: Warnings, Doubts but Little Change
2. U.S. Embassy contractors, visa applicants among Afghans left behind after one of the largest airlifts in history
3. Report: Army official’s secret texts said, ‘We're f-ing abandoning Americans,' as US withdrew from Afghanistan
4. Corporate boards, consulting, speaking fees: How U.S. generals thrived after Afghanistan
5. The Appeal of Covert Action: Psychology and the Future of Irregular Warfare
6. State Department Press Briefing – September 2, 2021
7. As they did on the battlefield, the Taliban outlasted the U.S. at the negotiating table
8. Taliban say U.N. promises aid after meeting with officials in Kabul
9. How a Long Island Man Became the ‘Forrest Gump of Jihad’—and Then Flipped
10. American Spies Are Fighting the Last War, Again
11. Assessing Shortcomings of the U.S. Approach for Addressing Conflict Below the Threshold of War
12. Afghanistan: 'Everyone got it wrong' on Taliban takeover - armed forces chief
13. The Afghanistan Meltdown Proves Vietnam Taught Us Nothing
14. OPINION | RICHARD MASON: A smarter way to dominate enemies
15. Ritchie Boys: The secret U.S. unit bolstered by German-born Jews that helped the Allies beat Hitler

Korean News Content:

1. U.S. Defense Bill Drops Commitment to Troop Numbers in Korea
2. Five Eyes invitation may come with costs
3. Global Hawk flies over Korean Peninsula skies anew
4. S. Korea to continue efforts to improve relations with N.K. on occasion of major anniversaries
5. North Korean contract manufacturing companies in Sinuiju are increasingly shutting down
6. South keeps eye on North ahead of possible SLBM unveiling
7. N.K. paper stresses effective land management as top economic policy priority
8. Chinese FM to visit S. Korea for talks on bilateral relations, N. Korea: sources
9. Pakistan-North Korea’s ‘unholy alliance’ breeds doubt with thermal power plants near nuclear sites
10. North calls U.S. 'destroyer of human rights' after Afghanistan pullout
11. As Afghan Refugee Crisis Unfolds, Survivors Recall ‘Miracle’ Evacuation
12. The Afghan Effect: U.S. Afghan Withdrawal to Accelerate Alliance Change
13. What Happens When You Have Too Many Nuclear Cooks in the Kitchen
14. Christians in North Korea face torture, execution by firing squad: USCIRF report
15. Kim Jong-Un Demands ‘Urgent Action’ On Climate Change
16. South Korea - Container ship orders hits record amid soaring shipping fees

Noncombatant Evacuation Operation - Afghanistan

Sun, 09/05/2021 - 11:30am

Current operations update at the web site.  Access it HERE

Noncombatant Evacuation Operation - Afghanistan

The Biden administration was caught by surprise with the speed of the Taliban offensive across the country and how rapidly the insurgents occupied Kabul. It had to quickly put together a non-combatant evacuation operation (NEO) to rescue its Kabul embassy personnel, American citizens, foreign diplomats, Afghan interpreters, and other Afghans associated with the U.S. effort in Afghanistan. Other nations quickly joined the effort to evacuate their citizens and Afghan workers.

9/5/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 09/05/2021 - 11:27am

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National Security News Content:

1.  The Afghan Fiasco Will Stick to Biden
2. Noncombatant Evacuation Operation - Afghanistan
3. Milley: Afghan forces ‘not designed appropriately’ to secure nation in ‘lessons learned’ following withdrawal
4. Pakistan’s Support to the Taliban is One of the Greatest Feats of Covert Intelligence
5. Suicide attack targets soldiers in Pakistani city of Quetta
6. The Navy SEAL Who Went Rogue
7. US Special Operations Command has given up on its 'Iron Man suit,' but it's still looking for other high-tech upgrades for its operators
8. Flexing the Quad
9. Why the West must stay engaged in Afghanistan
10. Beijing revs up South China Sea domination strategy
11. US, China dueling for power on the Mekong
12. Taliban special forces bring abrupt end to women’s protest
13.  The Afghanistan Papers review: superb exposé of a war built on lies (book review)
14. How Taliban's Win Might Influence Radical Muslims in Southeast Asia
15. Forget Asia-Pacific, it’s Indo-Pacific now. Where is that?

Korean News Content:

1. UN discussing easing sanctions on North: Interfax
2. U.S. reconnaissance drone spotted over Korean Peninsula
3.  NK’s vaccine refusal may be due to side effects, efficacy concerns
4. Why North Korea Turned Inward After the Trump Era
5. Korea's female population forecast to surpass that of males in 9 years
6. President Moon unlikely to veto 'fake news' bill
7. Korea Was the United States' First Forever War
8. Opportunities and Pitfalls of an End of War Declaration for Korea


9/4/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 09/04/2021 - 12:50pm

Access National Security News HERE.

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National Security News Content:

1. A Legendary Marine's Name As Code: The Ad Hoc Network That Helped Rescue Afghans
2. Former Special Forces Personnel Stay Behind in Afghanistan to Rescue People Biden Left Behind
3. A Dishonorable Exit
4. US troops lingering in Pakistan ring alarm bells
5. Tony Blair: Afghanistan withdrawal is ‘imbecilic’
6. The UK and US are feuding over the Afghanistan withdrawal, with British ministers calling the president 'doolally' and Biden ignoring Boris Johnson's calls
7. Not clear yet if US is withdrawing or regearing
8. Defense Sec Lloyd Austin ordered by House committee to submit Afghanistan plan on evacuations
9. Failure in Afghanistan Has Roots in the All-Volunteer Military
10. The U.S. ground war in Afghanistan is over. Now it’s the Navy’s turn.
11. Afghans With Ties to U.S. Who Could Not Get Out Now Live in Fear
12. Inside the Afghan Evacuation: Rogue Flights, Crowded Tents, Hope and Chaos
13. This May Be First Step In Curing PTSD With A Pill
14. China’s Type 003 aircraft carrier will be advanced, but not a game-changer for US, experts say
15. Beijing is having trouble selling its citizens on a partnership with the Taliban
16. China exerts growing power right on America's doorstep
17. Opinion | I helped design the SIV program. It needs an urgent update if we want to help Afghan refugees.

Korean News Content:

1. Kim Jong Un might be playing good cop to his sister's bad cop, but it's how they are seen by North Koreans that matters most
2. U.S. stands ready to respond to any N. Korean missile launch: U.S. commander
3. North Korea has entered the chat
4. Domestic Politics Could be Behind North Korea’s Rejection of Sinovac Jabs, Experts say
5. North Korea declines 3 million COVID vaccines, says they should go to other nations
6. North Korea is forcing youth into 'backbreaking' hard labor at mines and farms to control them, human rights group says
7. Scrutinizing North Korea’s Record on Civil and Political Rights: The New ICCPR Reporting Cycle
8. ‘Artery of friendship’: Seoul proposes extending legendary Trans-Siberian railway from Vladivostok through to North & South Korea
9. Tech-intensive defense blueprint (South Korea)
10. Strengthening Of US-South Korea Ties Has Consequences For Region – Analysis
11. Extending the North Korea travel ban is a missed opportunity – Responsible Statecraft


SWJ-El Centro Senior Fellows Interviewed on Mexican Cartel Tactics

Fri, 09/03/2021 - 6:24pm

SWJ-El Centro Senior Fellows Interviewed on Mexican Cartel Tactics

SWJ-El Centro senior fellows Dr. Robert J. Bunker and Dr. John P. Sullivan were interviewed by Chris Dalby at Insight Crime.  They discussed their recent edited collection Illicit Tactical Progress: Mexican Cartel Tactical Notes 2013-2020.

Illicit Tactical Progress

The interview in available in English as "How Mexico's Cartels Have Learned Military Tactics" and Spanish as "Cómo los carteles de México han aprendido tácticas militares." The book chronicles the evolution of tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by Mexican cartels and criminal armed groups (CAGs).

"As violence has continued to rise in Mexico year after year, criminal groups have adopted an increasingly militarized approach to their tactics, weaponry and training." – Chris Dalby


Chris Dalby, "How Mexico's Cartels Have Learned Military Tactics." InSight Crime, 2 September 2021.

Chris Dalby, "Cómo los carteles de México han aprendido tácticas militares." InSight Crime, 2 de septiembre de 2021.

Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan, Editors, Illicit Tactical Progress: Mexican Cartel Tactical Notes 2013-2020Bloomington: Xlibris, 2021.

9/3/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 09/03/2021 - 8:58am

Access National Security news HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. The CIA Is Better Than the U.S. Military at Creating Foreign Armies
2. Report: Army official’s secret texts said, ‘We're f-ing abandoning Americans,' as US withdrew from Afghanistan
3. Fighting Breaks Out Between Taliban, Panjshiri Resistance After Failed Talks
4. Resistance fighters in Afghanistan say they've 'caused the Taliban heavy losses... but need help'
5. Anti-Taliban resistance fighters rely on grit, history and geography to hang onto a sliver of Afghanistan
6. Afghanistan Voice of America, Radio Free Liberty/Radio Europe Staff Left Behind
7. Americans, Afghan commandos evacuated through secret CIA base outside Kabul: report
8. From Saigon to Kabul
9. Opinion | China’s latest crackdown on video gaming isn’t really about kids. It’s about control.
10. Analysis | The U.S. couldn’t build Afghanistan a democracy. That rarely works.
11. The U.S. Military Got Some Things Right in Afghanistan
12. Fired Marine’s question about leader accountability should not be dismissed
13. VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: There’s A Problem In The Upper Reaches Of Our Military
14. China erases billionaire actress Zhao Wei from history
15. What Went Wrong in Afghanistan?
16. Opinion | How the U.S. Made War Humane and Endless
17. Appoint an 'Afghanistan commission' now
18. U.S. Retreat from Afghanistan Alarms Allies Like Taiwan
19. The Forever War is Dead. Long Live the Forever War.
20. Americans support Afghanistan pullout — but not the way it was done, a Post-ABC poll finds
21. Marine Corps revamps infantry school to produce critical-thinking, more advanced infantrymen
22. National Resistance Front repels multi-day Taliban assault on Panjshir
23. Taliban Says China Will Be 'Main Partner' To Rebuild Afghanistan
24. The Proper Measure of the Place: Reflections on the Afghan Mission
25. What is Infrastructure? Doctrine’s Failure to Define the Word and the Military’s Inability to Understand It
26. Why Some of America’s Diplomats Want to Quit
27. What Trump understood and Biden gets right about America's new role in the world

Korean News Content:

1. U.S. draft bill seeks possible inclusion of S. Korea in 'Five Eyes' intelligence sharing program
2. House committee passes defense bill with no lower limit for USFK troops: source
3. Unification ministry closely watching N. Korea for signs of military parade preparation
4. ROK military reveals strategic ballistic missile is nearing completion
5. Afghanistan, Korea and America
6. North Korea steps up efforts to draw attention from US
7. Phased approach to North Korea's nuclear program gaining traction
8. Afghanistan and alliance
9. Coronavirus: why did North Korea turn down 3 million Sinovac vaccine doses?
10. N.K. leader chairs politburo meeting to discuss antivirus efforts, food shortage
11. N.Korea's Kim calls for preventing natural disasters and COVID-19 outbreaks
12.  Kim orders tougher virus steps after N. Korea shuns vaccines
13. U.S. to Include Korea in 'Five Eyes' Spying Pact
14. How North Korea’s founding father, Kim Il-sung, came to power
15. Kim Jong Un Warns on ‘Abnormal Climate,’ Orders Land Overhaul
16. North Korea Investigates Youth Who Avoid Hard Labor Mobilization Drives