Small Wars Journal

7/31//2021 Korean and National Security News and Commentary

Sat, 07/31/2021 - 12:07pm

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Korean News Contents:

1. United States Seizes Oil Tanker Used to Violate Sanctions Against North Korea
2. U.S. seizes Singapore-owned oil tanker in violation of N. Korea sanctions regimes
3. Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's Phone Call With Republic of Korea Minister of Defense Suh Wook
4. Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's Phone Call With Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi
5. North Korea Is Strictly Enforcing Its Language Purification Policy
6. N. Korea's food shortage to worsen in H2: U.N. report
7. 14 U.S. lawmakers endorse bill on declaration of official end to Korean War
8. 265 members of virus-hit Cheonghae unit released from hospitals
9. Too much haste of N. Korea policy
10. Brooks talks about S. Korea’s populist presidential candidates
11. Inter-Korean military hotlines back to normal operation: defense ministry
12. China's Xi vows to "defend" and "develop" North Korea ties as Kim rallies army
13. Kim Jong Un chastises North Korea’s military, brings leaders to a workshop to address “major shortcomings”
14. North Korea's economy contracts most in 23 years, bank figures show
15. How Feminism Became a Dirty Word in South Korea

National Security News Contents:

1. ‘How Does One Process Defeat?’
2. Will Beijing Invade Taiwan?
3. Air Force special operations’ next big battlefield: Facebook
4. Pentagon Grappling With New Vaccine Orders; Timing Uncertain
5. Who’s against the jab: Our statistical model throws light on America’s vaccine hesitancy
6. DoD really has no idea who it’s hired to do private security, report finds
7. U.S. scheme to hype South China Sea issue sanctimonious - Xinhua
8. Army Says Drowning Wasn't the Cause of Green Beret's Death, Retracting Prior Claim
9. Philippine, US Troop Pact In ‘Full Force Again’
10. China theme runs through Philippine weightlifter Hidilyn Diaz’s Olympic gold medal
11. Why a post-US Afghanistan poses a litmus test for China as a military power
12. DIA Medical Sleuth Busts China Biowarfare Plot Theory
13. How the U.S. Learned to Stop Worrying About the Pacific and Love the ‘Indo-Pacific’
14. ‘Complete disaster’: Inside the Biden team’s chaotic bid to evacuate Afghan interpreters
15. FBI probe shows amount of chemicals in Beirut blast was a fraction of original shipment
16. Russia-Japan Tensions Rise As Moscow Eyes Kuril Development
17. Re-Shaping the USMC as a Crisis Management Force: Working Naval Integration
18. 6 key takeaways about the state of the news media in 2020
19. The Return of Hypocrisy
20. DoD needs to get a handle on quality of life at remote, isolated U.S. bases, report finds
21. The Secret Source Who Helped Fuel Trump’s Big Lie
22. Lithuania leads in defying China
23. QAnon is not Dead: New Research into Telegram Shows the Movement is Alive and Well

7/30/2021 Korean and National Security News and Commentary

Fri, 07/30/2021 - 10:45am

Access Korean news HERE.

Access National Security News HERE.

Korean News Contents:

1. N.K. leader accuses 'hostile forces' of intensifying 'war drills for aggression'
2. Deep politics behind Korean DMZ hotline reconnect
3. Korea’s conservatives get a presidential warrior
4. North Hwanghae Province mobilizes locals for "irrigation struggle" to prevent drought damage to crops
5. North Korea's state-run food shops have little or no rice to sell to consumers
6. Wife of North Korean Consul in Russia Dies from COVID-19
7. North Korea Watchers Parse Motives Behind Restored Hotline with Seoul
8. A Grand Bargain with North Korea
9. Japan Wasted a Golden Chance for Olympic Reconciliation
10. North Korea began the summer in a food crisis. A heat wave and drought could make it worse.
11. Senior North Korea military official reappears after absence, rebuke
12. Is Kim even SLIMMER? North Korean leader appears to have lost weight
13. Kim stresses military preparations ahead of U.S.-South Korea drills
14. BRIEF REPORT: North Korea, Climate Change and Security
15. Nuke envoy says humanitarian support for N. Korea can contribute to dialogue mood
16. North Korea reports a ‘great crisis’ in its virus response.
17. Seoul to push for video-linked family reunion as priority project with North: Cheong Wa Dae

National Security News Contents: 

1. Pentagon, reacting to Biden order, working on plan for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations
2.  ‘We will do this again,’ Afghanistan IG warns of future drawn-out wars
3. The US and China say they want to avoid military conflict, but no one can agree on how
4. Everything America did wrong in Afghanistan, according to the top US government watchdog
5. Overmatch by other means: integrating Irregular Warfare into Joint Force Wargaming
6. What Are The Best Ways To Shield Taiwan From A Hungry China?
7. FDD | U.S. Leads International Efforts to Attribute China’s Microsoft Hack
8. Austin on a strategic mission in SE Asia
9. Charges preferred against seaman apprentice accused of starting USS Bonhomme Richard fire
10. Biden prepares the ground for Quad-3
11. Duterte restores Philippines as ‘sick man of Asia’
12. China Is Providing an Alternative Regional Framework for South Asia
13. The Forever Wars Aren’t Ending. They’re Just Being Rebranded.
14. Twitter Will Not Steward the Profession
15. Are We Asking the Right Questions?
16. Huawei launches new smartphones without 5G as U.S. sanctions, chip shortage bite
17. The West Embraces State Subsidies, a Policy Throwback, to Counter China
18. Sunisa Lee Is Representing America in the Tokyo Olympics—and a Community America Left Behind
19. First Afghan Interpreters Arrive in Virginia
20. Analysis | The Technology 202: Chinese disinformation "much more subtle, much more insidious" than Moscow's, former cyber chief warns

7/29/2021 Korea and National Security News and Commentary

Thu, 07/29/2021 - 8:00am

Access Korean News HERE.

Access National Security News HERE.

Korean News Content:

1. Biden Foreign Policy Tracker - Late July: Korea
2. Pope must not allow himself to be propaganda tool for North Korea
3. From Korean Special Forces to Army Chaplain
4. 'Hotline restoration between two Koreas shouldn't be overplayed'
5. Remaking the South Korea-US Alliance
6. The Koreas are talking again — Moon is for real, but what about Kim?
7. S. Korea to discuss with N.K. ways to hold virtual inter-Korean talks via restored hotlines
8. Senior diplomats of S. Korea, U.S. hold phone talks after reactivation of inter-Korean hotline
9. The predictable collapse of the Afghan Air Force is happening in real time
10. No decision yet on details of summertime S. Korea-U.S. combined exercise: defense ministry
11. N.K. leader says 'kindred ties' with China will last for generations
12. N. Korea's trade down 73.4 pct in 2020: KOTRA
13. Kim Jong-un Likens N.Korea's Plight to War
14. North yet to send signal on denuclearization after restoring hotlines
15. One-quarter of Yongsan Garrison being returned to Korea
16. US speeds up return of Yongsan Garrison site
17. Blockbuster 'Escape from Mogadishu' scores highest Korean film opening record of this year
18. The number of inmates in North Korean political prisons have increased by at least 20,000 since March 2020

National Security News Content:

1. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: Late July
2. National Security Memorandum on Improving Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure Control Systems
3. White House Asks CISA, NIST to Set Cybersecurity Performance Goals for Critical Infrastructure Operators
4. The Age of Zombie Democracies
5. China seeks Taliban promise to wage war on Uighur fighters in Afghanistan
6. The U.S. Is Making One Thing Clear: China Must Back Off on Taiwan
7. Exercise Tests DOD's Integrated Deterrence
8. Navigating Through Turbulence: Think tanks’ impact on policy in a rapidly changing world
9. Cryptocurrency should be added to the US-Japan trade deal
10. Can diplomacy get global cyberwarriors to sheathe their swords?
11. The US military couldn’t stop the heroin trade from funding the Taliban. But synthetic opioid producers might.
12. David and Goliath: Myanmar’s Armed Resistance at the Crossroads
13. Pentagon announces new commander for U.S. Army Special Operations Command
14. Soldier with 10th Special Forces Group drowns while training in Florida
15. Hidilyn Diaz says China team mad at her Chinese coach for not sharing extent of her strength
16. The predictable collapse of the Afghan Air Force is happening in real time
17. U.S. House bans funding for maps that depict Taiwan as part of China
18. China names Xi ally, 'wolf warrior' as new ambassador to US
19. Chinese Defense University Conceals Partnerships With U.S. Schools
20. China’s New Ambassador to U.S. Is ‘Willing to Ruffle Feathers’
21. Time for a New Approach to Defense Strategy
22.  Fully Fund the Guam Defense System
23. Americans and the Dragon: Coalition Warfare from the Boxer Rebellion to the Future Battlefield
24. China’s Sputnik Moment? How Washington Boosted Beijing’s Quest for Tech Dominance

Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: Late July

Wed, 07/28/2021 - 9:53pm

Access the Tracker HERE. 

July 28, 2021 | FDD Tracker: July 15 – 28, 2021
Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: Late July

Jonathan Schanzer
Senior Vice President for Research

Trend Overview
Edited by Jonathan Schanzer
Welcome back to the Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker. Two times per month, we ask FDD’s experts and scholars to assess the administration’s foreign policy. They do so with a smile, while providing trendlines of very positive, positive, neutral, negative, or very negative for the areas they watch. As our experts note, this has not been a quiet summer. The United States continues to beat a rapid retreat from the Middle East. Tensions linger over a massive cyberattack by Russia-based cybercriminals. And Iran is now digging in its heels even after President Joe Biden’s White House offered up more concessions than most experts thought possible. Read below to see how FDD’s scholars assess these challenges. And do not forget to check back again in two weeks. The one thing you can count on these days is rapid change.