Small Wars Journal

7/20/2021 Korean and National Security News and Commentary

Tue, 07/20/2021 - 9:43am

Access Korean news HERE.

Access National Security News HERE.

Korean Table of Contents:

1. N.K. propaganda website slams S. Korea for pushing ahead with upcoming joint military drill with U.S.
2. An Interview with NED President Carl Gershman
3. N.K. official paper calls for continued efforts for self-reliance even if economic conditions improve
4. U.S. possesses capabilities to counter cyber attacks: Pentagon
5. Appeal made to Britain's top envoy on North defectors
6. Lord David Alton's Letter on Human Rights (north Korea and China)
7. No secret: Kim is giving away military’s rice store
8. No breakthrough in sight for Seoul-Tokyo ties after summit called off
9. Defense minister apologizes for outbreak on destroyer
10. Could North Korea Be Sitting on Big Oil Reserves?
11. North Korea and Iran Have a Very Special Missile Relationship
12. Young generation arises as new center of Korean politics, economy
13. North Korean defector hits out at woke brigade: 'Even Kim isn't this crazy!'

National Security News Contents:

1. The United States, Joined by Allies and Partners, Attributes Malicious Cyber Activity and Irresponsible State Behavior to the People’s Republic of China
2. Constant but Camouflaged, Flurry of Cyberattacks Offer Glimpse of New Era
3. ‘A big blow’: Washington’s arms controllers brace for loss of their biggest backer
4. Chinese Disinformation Efforts on Social Media
5. 'We lost': Some U.S. veterans say blood spilled in Afghanistan was wasted
6. Biden opens new cyber fight with China
7. ODNI’s Critical Role in Cybersecurity: Facilitating Collaboration, Sharing, and A Combined Response to Foreign Threats
8. How Kissinger’s Secret Trip to China Transformed the Cold War
9. Why Strategic Ambiguity over Taiwan Stabilizes East Asia
10. US lacks credible response to Chinese hacking
11. Nobody is checking on bioweapons violations
12. What Is Happening to Our Apolitical Military?
13. Gen. Mark Milley Reminisces About the Battle of the Beltway
14. Britain to Permanently Deploy Two Warships in Asian Waters
15. China Dismisses U.S. Accusation of Global Hacking Campaign
16. Up to 200 Americans have reported possible "Havana Syndrome" symptoms
17. ​What Is Happening in Cuba? The Protests Against the Communist Regime
18. Why does America need Delta Force? An operator's perspective
19. Re-Thinking the Strategic Approach to Asymmetrical Warfare
20. The Hedgehogs of Critical Race Theory

7/19/2021 Korean and National Security News and Commentary

Mon, 07/19/2021 - 9:10am

Access Korean News HERE.

Access National Security News HERE.

Korean News Contents:

1. Moon decides not to visit Japan: Cheong Wa Dae
2. S.Korea military suffers worst COVID-19 outbreak aboard anti-piracy ship off Africa
3. Dereliction of duty (Korean Navy and COVID)
4. Chinese refined oil imports lead to fall in North Korean gasoline and diesel prices
5. North Korea warns youth against using South Korean slang, says Pyongyang dialect is superior
6. S.Korea's Moon scraps Tokyo trip over 'unacceptable' diplomat remarks
7. Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Expresses Regret over Official's 'Sexual Remarks'
8. For North Korean workers, Russia’s Far East remains a windfall for them and for Kim’s regime
9. ‘Historical Distortions’ Test South Korea’s Commitment to Free Speech
10. Could North Korea See a Shift in Its Balance of Power?
11. Beijing sent over 50 defectors in detention back to N. Korea
12. Korea secures 94% of global LNG tanker orders in 1st half
13. China's peninsula engagement

National Security News Contents:

1. Revealed: leak uncovers global abuse of cyber-surveillance weapon
2. Response from NSO Group to the Pegasus Project
3. Military-grade spyware found on journalists and activists' phones: report
4. Special Operations News Update - Monday, July 19, 2021 | SOF News
5. Former SOCOM, CENTCOM commander wants no one left behind in Afghanistan
6. Retired U.S. general: Afghanistan is disintegrating
7. What happened to Pat Tillman’s jersey? Here’s how the last Americans at Bagram Airfield rushed to secure mementos.
8. Former Green Beret, son, get Japan prison terms for Ghosn escape
9. China: Xi Jinping Is About To Make Most Important Strategic Decision Of Our Era – Analysis
10. Not just the money: Ransomware a growing political threat to U.S. interests
11. The Reassuring Data on the Delta Variant
12. Afghanistan withdraws diplomats from Pakistan following alleged kidnapping of ambassador's daughter
13. Pentagon drones ‘8 to 14 times’ costlier than banned Chinese craft
14. Microsoft Exchange email hack was caused by China, US says
15. Takeaways from the Pegasus Project
16. The Information Technology Counter-Revolution: Cheap, Disposable, and Decentralized
17. Despite the hype, iPhone security no match for NSO spyware
18. Biden-Xi summit coming into view
19. A Straightforward Primer On Critical Race Theory (and Why It Matters)
20. FDD | How Iranian Intelligence Hunts Down Dissidents While Protecting Al-Qaeda
21. FDD | Jeff Flake as ambassador to Turkey is a chance for my home country to heal
22. 19 Military Athletes to Represent U.S. at Tokyo Olympics
23. U.S. Will Formally Accuse China of Hacking Microsoft
24. Open letter to Senators on Operation Protect Democracy principles


Special Operations News Update – Monday, July 19, 2021

Mon, 07/19/2021 - 6:49am

Access SOF News HERE.

Special Operations News Update – Monday, July 19, 2021

July 19, 2021 SOF News Update 0

AC-47 and AC-130J Legacy Flight

Curated news, analysis, and commentary about special operations, national security, and conflicts around the world. Topics include SOCOM and AI, awards for Battle of Mogadishu, SEALs and their SDVs, Belgian SOF, MACV-SOG, Afghanistan, COIN, SFABs, IO, GPC, and more.


7/18/2021 Korean and National Security News and Commentary

Sun, 07/18/2021 - 10:39am

Access Korean News HERE.

Access National Security news HERE.

Korean News Contents:


1. Setting the Record Straight on OPCON Transition in the U.S.-ROK Alliance

2. Mexico Floats Restoring Diplomatic Relations With North Kore

3. The Nuclear Future Of East Asia – Analysis

4. A North Korea Collapse Means One Thing: Find the Nuclear Weapons, Fast.

5. Can South Korea Build an ‘Iron Dome’ to Protect Against North Korean Artillery?

6. N. Korea's imports from China surge on-month in June

7. N.K. media outlet reports on S. Korean criticism of call for abolishing unification ministry

8. N. Korea warns youth against adopting foreign speaking habits, lifestyles

9. Why is Kim Jong-un clamping down on millennials, K-pop and slang?

10. The truth about our 'abandonment' and reclaiming our Korean identity

11. How to enhance peaceful nuclear cooperation between Korea, US

12. Return to Korean-style Confucianism

National Security News Contents:


1.  U.S. diplomats in Afghanistan face daunting, dangerous mission with little military backup

2. How a former Afghan interpreter became a US Army officer

3. ‘Everyone is dying’: Myanmar on the brink of decimation

4. According to a senior British military official, the United Kingdom will launch covert missions of its special forces against Russia and China

5. Japan’s Olympic security balancing act leaves few satisfied

6. [OPINION] Fighting the virus of lies

7. Facebook Tells Biden: ‘Facebook Is Not the Reason’ Vaccination Goal Was Missed

8. COVID-19 still killing Americans faster than guns, cars and flu combined

9. Two men charged over plot to blow up Sacramento Democratic headquarters

10. Disinformation experts doubt authenticity of leaked documents describing a Russian plot to help Trump in 2016

11. As Taliban surge, al-Qaeda poised for swift return

12. America’s Collapsing Meritocracy Is a Recipe for Revolt

13. Reporters Reveal 'Ugly Truth' Of How Facebook Enables Hate Groups And Disinformation

14. The Black Rifle Coffee NYT Interview Is A Courageous Journey Up The Arch Of The Moral Universe

15. Ten Conservative Principles


7/17/2021 Korean and National Security News

Sat, 07/17/2021 - 11:30am

Access Korean news HERE.

Access National Security News HERE


Korean News Table of Contents:

1. North Korea says Cuba can "smash" U.S. interference, joining Russia, China, Iran

2. Foreign ministry calls on Chinese envoy to be 'cautious' after remarks on presidential front-runner

3. Vice FM Choi calls in Japanese ambassador over his deputy's 'rude' remarks

4. IOC makes South Korea remove banners from Olympic village

5. N. Korea blasts Japan over claim to Dokdo

6. North Korea arrests around 20 trading company heads in latest crackdown on unauthorized trade

7. North Korea warns of heat wave's impact on crops

8. Welcome aboard Kim Jong Un’s party boat

9.  U.S. Will Need to Work With China to Make Progress With North Korea -Official

10. South Koreans now see nation as stronger than North, but more want to reunite: poll

11. Moon Jae-in asks for Vietnam's help in restarting North Korea dialogue

12. Only 2 N.K. defectors arrive in S. Korea in Q2, lowest ever

13. The summer of North Koreans’ discontent

14. Seoul releases rare footage of Yongsan bombing during Korean War

15. Protester rushed to hospital after clash at South Korea THAAD site


National Security news Table of Contents:

1. The Last Commander (General Miller)

2. Mark Milley’s Fight to Stop Trump from Striking Iran

3. Senior Biden officials finding that Covid lab leak theory as credible as natural origins explanation

4. U.S. Offers $10 Million Rewards In Effort To Stop Ransomware Attacks

5. First Woman Completes Training for Elite U.S. Navy Program

6. Biden’s Afghan blunder

7. How the Intelligence Community Can Get Better at Open Source Intel

8. The Road Ahead for Taiwan-US Relations

9. The U.S. Navy's leadership crisis | Opinion

10. G-7’s counter to China’s Belt and Road Initiative is welcome, but needs more coherence

11. What Lies Between China’s Nationalism And Growth? – Analysis

12. China missing from itinerary of U.S. diplomat's second Asia tour

13. A good plan would deter China and protect Taiwan — but we don't have one

14. The Geopolitics Of Cuba Unrest – Analysis

15. Facebook catches Iranian spies catfishing US military targets

16. PETA demands Marines stop drinking snake blood in jungle training: A ‘gruesome frat party-like event’

17. Biden’s Cybersecurity Team Gets Crowded at the Top

18. Lawmaker: Special Operations Must Adapt to Gray Zone Conflict

19. The Iraqi Spies Who Helped Defeat ISIS (Book Review)

20. Airborne Assault to Occupy South China Sea Features?

21. The Next War’s ‘Butcher’s Bill’ Will Match WWII’s—Unless the US Adapts, Milley Says



Operational Cyberpsychology: Adapting a Special Operations Model for Cyber Operations

Fri, 07/16/2021 - 3:46pm

Access the full report HERE.

Operational Cyberpsychology: Adapting a Special Operations Model for Cyber Operations

 July 2021  No Comments


Author(s): Spitaletta, J. (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory)
Invited Perspective Preview

This paper conceptualizes operational cyberpsychology as a field that supports missions intended to project power in and through cyberspace (Joint Staff, 2018) by leveraging and applying expertise in mental processes and behavior in the context of interaction amongst humans and machines (Norman, 2017). Operational psychologists can improve the effectiveness of cyber operations by contributing to (1) supporting online psychological operations (PSYOP), (2) facilitating and supporting online intelligence operations, (3) assessment and selection of personnel, (4) operationally focused mental health support, and (5) hostage negotiations (Staal & Stephenson, 2013). The US government’s cyberpsychology initiative applies operational psychology to cyber operations (LaFon & Whalen, 2017) and should serve as the foundation for a broader operational cyberpsychology capability. Operational cyberpsychology can be a force multiplier for an increasingly critical operational capability in support of US national security, but its maturation will require additional resourcing to ensure that the research and development, as well as the operational integration and evaluation, are conducted with not only the appropriate understanding of the problem but also the perspective of those actively engaged in addressing it.



7/16/2021 Korean and National Security News and Commentary

Fri, 07/16/2021 - 6:19am

Access Korean News HERE

Access National Security News HERE

Korea News Table of Contents:

1. U.S. Deputy Secretary Sherman to visit S. Korea next week

2. Sharp Focus: A Unique View of the Sinpo Shipyard

3. Son of slain fisheries official files damages suit against Coast Guard, calls for apology

4. Guardian of international order (US or China?)

5. South Korea’s democratic deconsolidation

6. North Korea Sets Stern Punishments for ‘Anti-Socialist’ Acts

7. Chinese Traders in Dire Straits Over Frozen Border Trade With North Korea

8.  Is the North Korean Economy Under Kim Jong Un in Danger? “Arduous March” in the Age of COVID-19?

9. Trump says he will 'blow up' Korea-US alliance if reelected: book

10. NUKE THREAT North Korea’s nuke expansion is ‘one of most immediate threats to US as Kim Jong-un tries to drive wedge between allies’

11. Survey: More than 90% of S. Koreans don't believe N. Korea will denuclearize

12. S. Korean, Israeli leaders agree on closer ties in response to COVID-19

13. US deputy state secretary's visit to focus on China-curbing alliance

14. Three Haeju university students brought to court for watching and distributing S. Korean videos

National Security News Table of Contents:

1. Strategic Influence: Applying the Principles of Unconventional Warfare in Peace

2. Biden’s new China doctrine

3. Why Freedom Will Find A Way In Cuba

4. 1st female sailor completes Navy special warfare training

5. The Hearts-and-Minds Myth - How America Gets Counterinsurgency Wrong

6. Japan Is Indispensable Again

7. Gamifying Disinformation Mitigation

8. SecDef Teases New Deterrence Strategy, Vows Billions More for AI

9. So nice of China to put all of its network zero-day vulns in one giant database no one will think to break into

10. The China Challenge: How confident can Beijing be about its future?

11. U.S. military once trained Colombians implicated in Haiti assassination plot, Pentagon says

12. Xi’s squeeze taking the verve out of China Inc

13. Tanks are here to stay: What the Army’s future armored fleet will look like

14. Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House

15. Education Against Extremism: Suggestions for a Smarter Stand-Down

16. China snubs senior US official in worsening diplomatic stand-off




Strategic Influence: Applying the Principles of Unconventional Warfare in Peace by Robert C. Jones

Thu, 07/15/2021 - 3:46pm

Strategic Influence: Applying the Principles of Unconventional Warfare in Peace

Download the complete article HERE.

 July 2021  No Comments

Author(s): Jones, R. (United States Special Operations Command)
Invited Perspective Preview

“The most important aspect of our containment strategy is that it serves to contain ourselves,” former President Dwight Eisenhower reportedly observed after he had left office. Perhaps the greatest problem facing the United States in the post-Cold War era is not our waning ability to deter the problematic peacetime activities of others; rather, it is that we have lost sight of the need to deter ourselves. Therefore, any serious look at updating US deterrence going forward must include a serious look at our own missteps. The world is changing rapidly, and we can neither wish nor force it into staying in some form we deem best for us. To truly lead a rules- based system, the US must first understand the world better for what it actually is and then shape changes in directions favorable to us. To lead, we must also pursue our interests in ways others deem appropriate and see as being in their own interests to follow.