Small Wars Journal

09/10/2020 News and Commentary -Korea

Thu, 09/10/2020 - 10:51am

News and Commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and Published by Andrew Narloch.


1. Resumption of N. Korean weapons testing only matter of time: U.S. expert

2. NK may be preparing to launch submarine missile: CSIS

3.  Sinpo South Shipyard Update: New Vehicles Emerge, Still Suggestive of SLBM Test Preparations

4. NSC officials discuss ways to advance Korea peace process before inter-Korean summit deal anniversary 

5. Korean, U.S. Security Chiefs Discuss Peace Process, COVID-19

6. Suh Hoon, O’Brien move to resume nuclear talks

7. Ministry resumes probe into defector groups after virus-caused suspension 

8. Kim Jong-un delegating control to cabinet, diplomatic source says

9. Kim Jong-un lobbied hard for 3rd summit in letters to Trump: book

10. ‘Japan should apologize to S. Korea for nose tomb,’ says former ambassador

11. North Korean Soldier Deserts Unit During Military Parade Practice

12. North Korea horror: Soldiers collapse in agony and others flee as major event looms

13. Is North Korea Changing Its Approach to Journalism?

14. Seoul Cracks Down on Dissent Against North Korea

15. A North Korea Strategy for the Next Administration

16. Students, senior citizens mobilized to mine for calcium carbonate in Chagang Province 


1. Resumption of N. Korean weapons testing only matter of time: U.S. expert · by 변덕근 · September 10, 2020


2. NK may be preparing to launch submarine missile: CSIS · by The Korea Herald · September 10, 2020


3.  Sinpo South Shipyard Update: New Vehicles Emerge, Still Suggestive of SLBM Test Preparations

CSIS- by Joseph Bermudez-September 9, 2020

Here are the images and Joe Bermudez' assessment


4. NSC officials discuss ways to advance Korea peace process before inter-Korean summit deal anniversary · by 이치동 · September 10, 2020

Not much time for this.  September 19 is just around the corner.

I think September 19 was an "inflection point" but not in a positive way.  Yes there was an agreement (declaration) that included the Comprehensive Military Agreement (CMA).  However, what was significant was Kim Jong-un's major strategic error of allowing President Moon to speak to the Korean people in the north.  Although his speech was criticized by conservatives in the South for not talking tough the mistake was President Moon undermined north Korean propaganda.  The Korean people saw an articulate leader who did not appear to be a puppet of the US.  September 19 became a turning point because ever since then the north has been unwilling to engage with the South in any constructive manner and its propaganda has been more than insulting of the South. Yes, there were some small steps forward on the CMA but those are relatively insignificant and certainly have not advanced the course of peace as the South had hoped.  

So I do not hold out much hope for any advances by September 19th.


5. Korean, U.S. Security Chiefs Discuss Peace Process, COVID-19 10, 2020 08:28


6. Suh Hoon, O’Brien move to resume nuclear talks 10, 2020 07:43

And seemed to have discussed Quad Plus.


7. Ministry resumes probe into defector groups after virus-caused suspension · by 고병준 · September 10, 2020

This must stop.  The South must rethink its approach to escapees.  These actions are not good and they not only damage the reputation of the ROK, they will cause long term negative effects not only with escapees but with the unification process as a whole.  These actions give the appearance of appeasing north Korea. IThe regime is deathly afraid of the effect information has on the Korean people living in the north.


8. Kim Jong-un delegating control to cabinet, diplomatic source says YOU SANG-CHUL, SHIM KYU-SEOK 

I do not agree with this assessment.  The regime requires one man (or women) rule.  I am skeptical of these assessments except to note that Kim is under pressure from the elite and the military for his failures - in particular the failure to effectively play Trump and Moon to get sanctions relief while maintaining his nuclear and missile programs. But I do not think he is "delegating" control to them to appease them.


9. Kim Jong-un lobbied hard for 3rd summit in letters to Trump: book

Interesting. I did not know that. I guess that is why we saw the June 30 meeting at Panmunjom.  I ordered Woodward's book solely to read the letters from Kim Jong-un that are supposedly published in it.


10. ‘Japan should apologize to S. Korea for nose tomb,’ says former ambassador 10, 2020 

This is why historical issues between Japan and Korea are so hard to overcome.


11. North Korean Soldier Deserts Unit During Military Parade Practice

So much to unpack here.  Loyalty checks, a huge celebration planned for October 10th (though reports that it may be "halved" due to the requirements for typhoon response), brutal training in preparation for the celebration.


12. North Korea horror: Soldiers collapse in agony and others flee as major event looms

Express · by Ciaran McGrath · September 10, 2020

Here is how the UK Express interprets the Radio Free Asia report on the OCtober 10th parade preparations.


13. Is North Korea Changing Its Approach to Journalism? · by Tae-jun Kang · September 8, 2020

It is moving into the modern era and it has to compete with all the information getting into the Korean people in the north. And with 6.5 million smart phones in north Korea social media is becoming increasingly important even though it is still firewalled off from the outside world. 


14. Seoul Cracks Down on Dissent Against North Korea

WSJ · by Joshua Stanton and Sung-Yoon Lee

By two people who are the most articulate and outspoken on this issue (along with Dr. Tara O).  I hope South Korea reads this and gets its wakeup call. This cannot stand.  The irony is these actions and laws will not appease the north.  It will only cause the regime to make more demands and continue to conduct its subversion strategy to undermine the legitimacy of the South Korean government. It has to be assessing its strategy as successful.


15. A North Korea Strategy for the Next Administration

Foreign Policy · by Andrea R. Mihailescu · September 9, 2020

I suppose you could make a case for every one of the actions outlined in this article.  But they all depend on one thing:  Kim Jong-un's decision making.  What will it take to change Kim Jong-un's calculus?  I would argue that there is nothing in this article that will cause him to change his strategy and his objectives.  His objectives are incompatible with the objectives of South Korea and the ROKUS Alliance.  We must develop our strategies and policies with a thorough understanding of his and not wishful thinking that he is somehow going to act as a responsible member of the international community.


16. Students, senior citizens mobilized to mine for calcium carbonate in Chagang Province · September 10, 2020

This is the nature of the Kim family regime.  But students and the elderly to work.


I am reminded of hwang Jong Yop's words (the late highest ranking north Korean defector and the "father" of "uche ideology.): 


"The fundamental reason for human rights being trampled in North Korea lies in the 'Dear Leader Absolutism' dictatorship.  There can be no human rights for the people in North Korea where the greatest morality and absolute law is giving one's mind and body to the Dear Leader; and living as a slave who obeys completely and unconditionally the Dear Leader - it is the only life permitted the North Korean People."

Hwang Jang Yop, 2 DEC 99



"To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart." 

- Eleanor Roosevelt


"Radical groups with distant goals could find comfort in an isolated purity, while those who tasted success saw the value of accommodating the views of others."

 - Lawrence Freedman, Strategy: A History


"A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader."

- Samuel Adams


09/09/2020 News & Commentary - National Security

Wed, 09/09/2020 - 3:33pm

News and Commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and Published by Riley Murray.


1. U.S. Military Is Offered New Bases in the Pacific

2. Nine Drug Company CEOs Sign Pledge on Covid-19 Vaccine

3. I Hope American Soldiers Read Stars and Stripes Forever

4. White House asked VA secretary about running Pentagon if Trump fires Esper

5. Opinion | We must stop helping our enemies undermine our democracy

6. The Milk Tea Alliance (Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Thailand)

7. Stopping jihadists is a mission worth discussing during presidential election

8. China's second century of shame, thanks to its Communist Party

9. Army Chief Denies Trump's Claim That Generals Make War for Arms Makers

10. Neurotoxins Are A Rising Threat. Here's How the Military Will Detect Them

11. How America's Defense Strategy Left Us Unprepared for a Pandemic

12. Australia's "Belt & Road" Agreements: Dead and Buried?

13. How the government is keeping hackers from disrupting coronavirus vaccine research

14. Trump is serious about ending America's longest war

15. Osama bin Laden's niece says only Trump can prevent another 9/11

16. Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Now Linked to 250,000 Covid-19 Cases

17. Sturgis Motorcycle Rally was 'superspreading event' that cost public health $12.2 billion: analysis

18. Did Stars and Stripes win the fallout from Trump's 'losers' comments?

19. From Racism to Russia, Top General Says Army Must Change

20. 'Mulan' Has a Message: Serve China and Forget About the Uighurs

21. 5th SFAB just went on its first overseas mission to Asia

22. The Cold War Is Over, But Radio Free Europe Is Back in Hungary

23. Beyond the classics: A fresh international relations reading list for students

24. Military Forced Into Payroll Tax Deferral; 1.3 Million Can't Opt-Out



1. U.S. Military Is Offered New Bases in the Pacific

WSJ · by Gordon Lubold – 8 September, 2020


2. Nine Drug Company CEOs Sign Pledge on Covid-19 Vaccine

WSJ · by Jared S. Hopkins and Peter Loftus – 8 September, 2020

This unprecedented action probably makes very good business sense too.  You cannot have the public lose trust in a vaccine before it is even developed. 


3. I Hope American Soldiers Read Stars and Stripes Forever

WSJ · by Seth Lipsky – 7 September, 2020

As I said I still maintain a digital subscription to the Stars and Stripes. I think the description of it has independent minded is a good one and one we should all value.


4. White House asked VA secretary about running Pentagon if Trump fires Esper

NBC News · by Carol E. Lee · September 7, 2020

Terrible RUMINT.


5. Opinion | We must stop helping our enemies undermine our democracy

The Washington Post · by Opinion by Susan M. Gordon · September 8, 2020

YES.  I hope everyone gives some thought to this.


6. The Milk Tea Alliance (Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Thailand) - September 09, 2020


7. Stopping jihadists is a mission worth discussing during presidential election · by Clifford D. May


8. China's second century of shame, thanks to its Communist Party

The Hill · by Joseph Bosco, opinion contributor · September 8, 2020

They still haven't gotten over the first hundred years of humiliation.


9. Army Chief Denies Trump's Claim That Generals Make War for Arms Makers · by Katie Bo Williams

A strong rebuttal to the President's comments.


10. Neurotoxins Are A Rising Threat. Here's How the Military Will Detect Them · by Patrick Tucker

The Russians (and the north Koreans) are likely being conditioned to believe they have free reign to employ these chemicals.


11. How America's Defense Strategy Left Us Unprepared for a Pandemic · by Jerry Meyerle

This seems a little naive and idealistic.  Yes, there needs to be a global response to the pandemic.  But we also have to recognize and deal with our adversaries as they really are and not as we would wish they would be. While we may have laudable goals and willing to work with anyone to solve the pandemic that is likely not the case for our adversaries.

That said, the bigger problem is simply that we are taking a "go it alone" approach to a global pandemic.  But that is not a National Defense Strategy problem.  


12. Australia's "Belt & Road" Agreements: Dead and Buried?

The National Interest · by Michelle Grattan · September 8, 2020

The Chinese-PRC relationship, competition, conflict is important to observe and assess.  We should be able to learn from it.  And One belt One Road must be considered a potential threat to many countries.


13. How the government is keeping hackers from disrupting coronavirus vaccine research · by Shannon Vavra · September 8, 2020


14. Trump is serious about ending America's longest war

Washington Examiner · by Jack Hunter · September 8, 2020


15.  Osama bin Laden's niece says only Trump can prevent another 9/11

New York Post · by Jon Levine · September 5, 2020


16. Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Now Linked to 250,000 Covid-19 Cases · by Vince Neilstein · September 8, 2020

Not sure about this source but the information should be no surprise.  But it links to this 63 page report from the Institute of Labor Economics


17. Sturgis Motorcycle Rally was 'superspreading event' that cost public health $12.2 billion: analysis

The Hill · by J. Edward Moreno · September 8, 2020

This also refers to the 63-page report from the Institute of Labor Economics.


18.  Did Stars and Stripes win the fallout from Trump's 'losers' comments?

Columbia Journalism Review

Timing is everything.  Did this get a reprieve for Stars and Stripes?


19. From Racism to Russia, Top General Says Army Must Change · by Kevin Baron


20. 'Mulan' Has a Message: Serve China and Forget About the Uighurs

Foreign Policy · by Jeannette Ng · September 8, 2020

The cultural battlefield.


21. 5th SFAB just went on its first overseas mission to Asia · by Kyle Rempfer · September 8, 2020

I wonder how they are faring on Soi Cowboy.


22.  The Cold War Is Over, But Radio Free Europe Is Back in Hungary

Vice – by Tim Hume


23. Beyond the classics: A fresh international relations reading list for students

The Brookings Institution · September 8, 2020


24. Military Forced Into Payroll Tax Deferral; 1.3 Million Can't Opt-Out

Forbes · by Shahar Ziv · September 7, 2020

Military personnel (and others) are going to face a financial crisis in the next year when they have to pay their taxes.



"Read, read, read. Read everything - trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it." 

- William Faulkner


 "Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love."

- Lao Tzu

"An unexamined life is not worth living."

- Socrates

09/09/2020 News & Commentary - Korea

Wed, 09/09/2020 - 3:21pm

News and Commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and Published by Riley Murray.


 1. N.K. leader holds party meeting to discuss typhoon damage at large mine area

2. Just in: Xi congratulates Kim on DPRK's 72nd founding anniversary

3. N. Korea's Central Committee orders Foundation Day events to be toned down

4. N. Korea orders apples to be supplied to residents of Pyongyang

5.  Typhoon Maysak causes death, destruction in Sinpo

6. New virus cases under 200 for week, virus fight still harried by cluster infections

7. U.S. Amb. Harris unveils books on his desk, many about N. Korea, for Month of Reading

8. U.S. flies surveillance plane over peninsula on N.K.'s founding anniversary

9. UNESCO reiterates support for Moon's plan to list DMZ as World Heritage site

10. Vice FM Choi to visit U.S. for talks with Biegun this week

11. Kim Jong-un 'Feared Poisoning' at Summit with Trump

12. Don't Ignore North Korea Human Rights, UN Says

13. Kim Yo-jong disappears from public radar

14. Korea ranks first in shipbuilding orders for two consecutive months

15. Evaluating Trump's North Korea policy - Different methods but strategic ambiguity remains constant

16. North Korea celebrates 72nd anniversary, as coronavirus, typhoons hit economy

17. South Korea's defiant churches face backlash for hampering COVID-19 response

18. Korean War: Open Questions


1. N.K. leader holds party meeting to discuss typhoon damage at large mine area · by 고병준 · September 9, 2020

This is a significant statement.  But the question is will he cancel the October 10th celebration since the preparations must be expending all kinds of resources that might be better deployed to help contain the damage as well as "change the direction of the year-end tasks."  If the October 10th celebration goes as planned with the extravaganza we expect then we can be sure Kim is only paying lip service to the problems the Korean people and north Korea as a whole face.


2. Just in: Xi congratulates Kim on DPRK's 72nd founding anniversary

Xinhua |

I wonder why north Korea is not the "senior" communist country.  It was founded in the year before the PRC (1948).


3. N. Korea's Central Committee orders Foundation Day events to be toned down – by Kim Yoo Jin - September 9, 2020

"Reduced by half". This is an interesting development.  I think the regime may be very worried about internal control and the potential for instability.  After all, who does the regime fear more" The US? Or the Korean people lining in the north?


4. N. Korea orders apples to be supplied to residents of Pyongyang · September 9, 2020

Let them eat.....apples?

North Korea has a bureaucracy like all others - the right hand does not always know what the left hand is doing.


5. Typhoon Maysak causes death, destruction in Sinpo – by Lee Sang Yong - September 8, 2020

The question is what damage did the naval facilities at the port of Sinpo suffer?  Of course, those reports are likely state secrets.  Hopefully, we will get some satellite imagery analysis from CSIS' Beyond Parallel or the Stimson Center's 38 North soon.  Will this affect a potential SLBM test?


7. U.S. Amb. Harris unveils books on his desk, many about N. Korea, for Month of Reading · by 송상호 · September 9, 2020

An interesting reading pile!  (not a list since the books are already on his desk)


8. U.S. flies surveillance plane over peninsula on N.K.'s founding anniversary · by 최수향 · September 9, 2020

As we should.

Buried lede.  I did not know the Army flew a jet.


9. UNESCO reiterates support for Moon's plan to list DMZ as World Heritage site · by 이원주 · September 9, 2020

I bet UNESCO does not have a site that is actually as militarized as the DMZ.


10. Vice FM Choi to visit U.S. for talks with Biegun this week · by 송상호 · September 8, 2020


11. Kim Jong-un 'Feared Poisoning' at Summit with Trump - September 09, 2020 12:46

Not surprising or even new. Surely common to all authoritarian dictators.  Remember as we watched Kim Yo-jong at the Singapore Summit swap out the pen on the desk at the signing ceremony.


12. Don't Ignore North Korea Human Rights, UN Says – by William Gallo – September 8, 2020

Human rights is a national security issue in addition to a moral imperative.  Kim Jong-un must deny the human rights of the Korean people living in the north in order to remain in power.


13.  Kim Yo-jong disappears from public radar · September 8, 2020

I wonder if the IC has dedicated Kim Yo-jong watchers!  Seriously, her absence leads to all kinds of speculation as indicated in the article.  I disagree with the assessment she has been delegated part of her brother's authority.  The regime depends on one-man (or women) rule.  I believe she may be being groomed as an eventual successor, but she is not sharing power with her brother.


14. Korea ranks first in shipbuilding orders for two consecutive months - September 09, 2020


15. Evaluating Trump's North Korea policy - Different methods but strategic ambiguity remains constant

ATLANTIC FILES – by Catherine Jones and Alex Brunner - September 07, 2020

Interesting analysis that you do not find in many of the more common sources of Korea reporting.

16. North Korea celebrates 72nd anniversary, as coronavirus, typhoons hit economy

Kyodo and Reuters – September 9, 2020

The proverbial "perfect storm" is taking place in north Korea.


17. South Korea's defiant churches face backlash for hampering COVID-19 response · by Hyonhee Shin


18. Korean War: Open Questions

Some fascinating questions and scholarship from a number of scholars and researchers.  



"Read, read, read. Read everything - trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it." 

- William Faulkner


 "Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love."

- Lao Tzu

"An unexamined life is not worth living."

- Socrates

9/8/2020 News & Commentary - National Security

Tue, 09/08/2020 - 10:42am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Duncan Moore.

1. ‘Really diabolical’: inside the coronavirus that outsmarted science

2. Eyeing China, Taiwan urges alliance against 'aggressive actions'

3. A new free trade agreement opportunity for Taiwan

4. Russia and China wield dull wedges

5. Four years on, Philippine President Duterte is still struggling to show the benefits of being pro-China

6. Revealed: Royal Navy trained China for free at five-star hotel

7. China slams US defense secretary's article on Chinese army

8. How a Soviet triple agent recruited new spies in the West

9. WHO: mass COVID vaccinations unlikely before middle of 2021

10. Trump accuses Pentagon leaders of wanting to 'fight wars' to make defense companies rich

11. China to launch initiative to set global data-security rules

12. A Snowden pardon could have a snowball effect on protecting national security secrets

13. Congress must stop the closure of the Uniformed Services University

14. In 2020, Eisenhower is a lantern in the dark

15. The problem with Mulan: why the live-action remake is a lightning rod for controversy

16. Disney's Mulan was filmed in Xinjiang amid cultural genocide

17. Coming soon: LUSV, the U.S. Navy's drone mothership (and much more)?

18. Transforming Athena: educating military officers during an rra of great change through experiential learning

19. The missing, irregular half of great power competition

20. Last year, he was the country’s top military officer. Now, he is retired on the South Shore.


1. ‘Really diabolical’: inside the coronavirus that outsmarted science

Wall Street Journal · by Robert Lee Hotz & Natasha Khan · September 7, 2020

Scary. Just read the first paragraph.


2. Eyeing China, Taiwan urges alliance against ‘aggressive actions’

Reuters · by Ben Blanchard & Clarence Fernandez · September 8, 2020

I am sure Taiwan would accept an invitation to join the Quad Plus.


3. A new free trade agreement opportunity for Taiwan

National Interest · by Michael Mazza · September 8, 2020

Or it would simply "leave a mark" depending on the Chinese response.


4. Russia and China wield dull wedges

Wall Street Journal · by Walter Russell Mead · September 7, 2020

I hope he is right.


5. Four years on, Philippine President Duterte is still struggling to show the benefits of being pro-China

CNBC · by Yen Nee Lee · September 8, 2020

Brings to mind the sarcastic questions: "How's that working out for you?"


6. Revealed: Royal Navy trained China for free at five-star hotel

Declassified UK · by Phil Miller · September 7, 2020



7. China slams US defense secretary's article on Chinese army · September 8, 2020

They doth protest too much.


8. How a Soviet triple agent recruited new spies in the West

Daily Beast · Anton Shekhovtsov · September 7, 2020

Can we trust such a "manual?" But some very interesting anecdotes in this article.


9. WHO: mass COVID vaccinations unlikely before middle of 2021

Chosun Ilbo · VOA News · September 7, 2020

Not good news.


10. Trump accuses Pentagon leaders of wanting to 'fight wars' to make defense companies rich

Task & Purpose · Jeff Schogol · September 7, 2020

I am sure people will be involving President Eisenhower's speech about the military industrial complex.  Here is a link to it.

Excerpts from Eisenhower’s' military industrial complex speech from 1961:

This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence -- economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.”


11. China to launch initiative to set global data-security rules

Wall Street Journal · by Chun Han Wong · September 8, 2020

Of course, it does. It does not want to play by "good" rules. It wants to play by its own rules.


12. A Snowden pardon could have a snowball effect on protecting national security secrets

National Interest · by Sina M. Beaghley & Marek N. Posard · September 4, 2020

I hope the national security professionals in the administration can talk the President out of this.  This would be a terrible mistake.


13. Congress must stop the closure of the Uniformed Services University

The Hill · by Tom Jurkowsky · September 4, 2020

Another mistake. We cut off our noses to spite our face. Some of the best doctors I know were educated and trained here.


14. In 2020, Eisenhower is a lantern in the dark

War On the Rocks · by Derek Chollet · September 8, 2020

An interesting conclusion.


15. The problem with Mulan: why the live-action remake is a lightning rod for controversy

The Guardian · by Jingan Young · September 7, 2020

I am usually not a movie critic, but this has some foreign affairs implications.


16. Disney's Mulan was filmed in Xinjiang amid cultural genocide

Axios · by Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian & Sara Fischer · September 8, 2020

This gets more to the point on the film.


17. Coming Soon: LUSV, the U.S. Navy's drone mothership (and much more)?

National Interest · by Kris Osborn · September 7, 2020

Sounds like a very interesting concept.


18. Transforming Athena: educating military officers during an era of great change through experiential learning

Strategy Bridge · by Jonathan E. Czarnecki · September 8, 2020


19. The missing, irregular half of great power competition

Modern War Institute · by Eric Robinson · September 8, 2020

My sense:

Competition equals political warfare (most likely course of action)

State-on-state conventional warfare less likely (most dangerous course of action)

Problem: we face threats from political warfare strategies supported by hybrid military approaches.

All of the above may be exploited by gray zone conflict, hybrid conflict, unconventional warfare, counter-unconventional warfare, revolution, resistance, insurgency, terrorism, civil war, and great power competition.

It is not either/or. It is both/and.

We have to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. We have to sustain a military that can deter the most dangerous course of action and, if deterrence fails, to fight and win. But, we cannot neglect the competition that is political warfare, which, of course, includes irregular warfare.


20. Last year, he was the country’s top military officer. Now, he is retired on the South Shore.

Boston Globe · by Brian MacQuarrie · September 6, 2020

Life after being the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.


“Our society buries most of those that contribute above their station. It disbelieves them, labelling them whatever nickname will soil their reputation the most at the time. That's the standard protocol for political and economic warfare.'

- Anita B. Sulser, PhD, We Are One

"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence."

- Aristotle

“Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

- George Bernard Shaw

9/8/2020 News & Commentary - North Korea

Tue, 09/08/2020 - 9:58am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Duncan Moore.

1. South Korea conservatives rebrand as People Power Party in tilt left

2. Typhoon Maysak causes death, destruction in Sinpo (north Korea)

3.  North Korea ready to produce newest weapons: report

4. Pyongyang elite 'volunteer' for flood recovery efforts

5. Pyongyang deploys "capital party member divisions" to typhoon-ravaged areas

6.  North Korea provides unprecedented, nearly real-time reports on typhoons

7. Lee In-young calls for 'small steps' to revive dialogue with North

8. Secretary Suga affirms hardline stance on Korea-Japan relations

9. Trump denies viewing 'love letters' from N. Korea's Kim just as such

10. N.K. propaganda outlet slams U.S., Japan for strengthening defense cooperation

11. WFP chief urges more int'l cooperation in helping N. Korea amid pandemic-sparked restrictions

12. N.K. paper highlights nationwide recovery efforts from back-to-back typhoons

13. U.S. advisory on N.K. ballistic missile procurement issued as guidance to private enterprises: source

14. Will COVID-19 change S. Korea's Chuseok holiday?

15. Time for Donald Trump to make North Korea an offer it can’t refuse?

16. Fact: North Korea already tested a submarine-launched ballistic missiles in 2015

17. More anti-government rallies planned for Foundation Day (South Korea)


1. South Korea conservatives rebrand as People Power Party in tilt Left

Bloomberg · by Jeong-Ho Lee · September 3, 2020

I missed the "left tilt." Of course, "people power" is often associated with left movements. Note some of the actions and platform items by the "new" party. It appears the Korean conservative movement is dead.


2. Typhoon Maysak causes death, destruction in Sinpo (north Korea)

Daily NK · by Lee Sang Yong · September 8, 2020

In this way North Korea is similar to any other country: there are always people who do not heed the warnings.


3. North Korea ready to produce newest weapons: report

Korea Herald · by The Korea Herald · September 8, 2020


4. Pyongyang Elite 'Volunteer' for flood recovery efforts

Chosun Ilbo · by Kim Myong-song · September 8, 2020

In the Army, we call this being "volun-told."


5. Pyongyang deploys "capital party member divisions" to typhoon-ravaged areas

Daily NK · by Ha Yoon Ah · September 8, 2020

North Korea is always on a "war-footing" for dealing with any crisis.


6. North Korea provides unprecedented, nearly real-time reports on typhoons

Korea Times · by Park Han-sol · September 8, 2020

This started with the original flooding this summer.


7. Lee In-young calls for 'small steps' to revive dialogue with North

Korea Joong Ang Daily · by Shim Kyu-Seok · September 7, 2020

Interesting comments. Invoking the German experience and using an interesting turn of phrase from CVID. But the Minister should the keep in mind and focus on his unification mission.

The only way we are going to see an end to the nuclear and missile programs as well as the human rights abuses and crimes against humanity being committed against the Korean people living in the North by the mafia-like crime family cult known as the Kim family regime is through achievement of unification and the establishment of a United Republic of Korea that is secure and stable, non-nuclear, economically vibrant, and unified under a liberal constitutional form of government based on individual liberty, rule of law, and human rights as determined by the Korean people. In short, a United Republic of Korea (UROK).


8. Secretary Suga affirms hardline stance on Korea-Japan relations

Dong-A Ilbo · by · September 8, 2020

Does not bode well for Korea-Japan relations.


9. Trump denies viewing 'love letters' from N. Korea's Kim just as such

Yonhap News Agency · by · September 8, 2020


10. N.K. propaganda outlet slams U.S., Japan for strengthening defense cooperation

Yonhap News Agency · by · September 8, 2020

Yes, we must stop the "military collusion" between the US and Japan. Someday I will gift a new thesaurus to the Propaganda and Agitation Department.


11. WFP chief urges more int'l cooperation in helping N. Korea amid pandemic-sparked restrictions

Yonhap News Agency · by Koh Byung-joon & Yi Wonju · September 8, 2020

Donor fatigue? But international and non-government organizations do not want to provide aid without sufficient transparency.


12. N.K. paper highlights nationwide recovery efforts from back-to-back typhoons

Yonhap News Agency · by Koh Byung-joon · September 8, 2020


13. U.S. advisory on N.K. ballistic missile procurement issued as guidance to private enterprises: source

Yonhap News Agency · by · September 8, 2020


14. Will COVID-19 change S. Korea's Chuseok holiday?

Yonhap News Agency · by · September 8, 2020


15. Time for Donald Trump to make North Korea an offer it can’t refuse?

National Interest · by Doug Bandow · September 7, 2020

I recall the President and Secretary of State have sent such messages and made offers of assistance to the regime back in March.

An agreement between now and the election?  A pipedream. 


16. Fact: North Korea Already Tested a Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles in 2015

National Interest · by Daniel R. DePetris · September 7, 2020

As I have been reminded by Dr. Bruce Bechtol, this SLBM the North has been developing does not appear to be an ICBM. President Trump's agreement with Kim is not to test nuclear weapons and ICBMs, so an actual test might not technically violation their agreement.


17. More Anti-Government Rallies Planned for Foundation Day (South Korea)

Chosun Ilbo · by Choo Yoo-mi · September 8, 2020


“Our society buries most of those that contribute above their station. It disbelieves them, labelling them whatever nickname will soil their reputation the most at the time. That's the standard protocol for political and economic warfare.'

- Anita B. Sulser, PhD, We Are One

"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence."

- Aristotle

“Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

- George Bernard Shaw

09/07/2020 News & Commentary – National Security

Mon, 09/07/2020 - 9:27am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. FBI Sweep of China Researchers Leads to Cat-and-Mouse Tactics

2.  We Are Already Behind Enemy Lines: Lessons from the Secretive Online Fight Against the Islamic State

3.  Why We Tweet: General Officer Use of Social Media to Engage, Influence, and Lead

4.  The return of the Blob

5.  Journalists Aren't the Enemy of the People. But We're Not Your Friends.

6. 'October Surprise' might be more surprising this time

7. Non-negotiable: all military members will be subject to Trump's payroll tax deferral

8. Pentagon to Employees: How Can We Boost Diversity?

9. Lessons From Three Years in an Iranian Prison

10. 'Sci-Fi Awesome'-A U.S. Army Howitzer Just Shot Down A Cruise Missile

11. Be Glad That Taiwan Didn't Shoot Down A Chinese Fighter - And Start A War

12. The Army Is Working To Field A Ground-Launched Strike Version Of The Navy's SM-6 Missile

13. Why is China so worried about the new alliance between Taiwan and Somaliland?

14. Philippines Duterte pardons U.S. Marine convicted of murdering transgender woman

15. The Ugly Truth about China's Crackdown on Its Uighur Population


1. FBI Sweep of China Researchers Leads to Cat-and-Mouse Tactics

WSJ · by Kate O'Keeffe and Aruna Viswanatha· September 7, 2020

So I guess the question is how many of these spies have we not detected?


2. We Are Already Behind Enemy Lines: Lessons from the Secretive Online Fight Against the Islamic State · by Len "Loni" Anderson · September 7, 2020

Key point: "In short, we need a force not only prepared to fight tonight in a possible combat zone but also actively engaged and contesting the gray zone in the present. Designing a force that can do both is the vexing problem that many - including Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger - have recently highlighted. We believe the approach refined by task force ARES over several years campaigning against the Islamic State offers solutions applicable across the joint force. As a bonus, these are changes the Marine Corps can experiment with and implement now without waiting for a redesigned force in 2030."


3. Why We Tweet: General Officer Use of Social Media to Engage, Influence, and Lead

Strategy Bridge · by Mick Ryan, Tammy Smith, Patrick Donahoe · September 7, 2020

I will have to update my twitter feed to add some of these new people to follow (though I do follow many already).  Some good recommendations below.


4. The return of the Blob · by Robert D. Kaplan · September 4, 2020

The subtitles for this essay could be "If VP Biden is elected" or "a defense of the Blob."  The other key point is if President Trump is re-elected it could be the end of the think tank model as we know it.


5. Journalists Aren't the Enemy of the People. But We're Not Your Friends.

The New York Times · by Ben Smith · September 6, 2020

Nor should they be.  But they should be professional colleagues who have a critically important job to do in support of our nation.


6. 'October Surprise' might be more surprising this time · by Bhim Bhurtel · September 7, 2020

What can really surprise us?  I think a good surprise would be to have no surprise at all.  A short summary of some past political October surprises.


7. Non-negotiable: all military members will be subject to Trump's payroll tax deferral · by Nicole Ogrysko

This could be devastating for many people if this withholding is later collected and not forgiven and the payroll tax must be eventually paid.  The right thing to do to protect yourself would seem to be to set aside this short term increase in take home and be prepared to pay it back on demand.  But that would defeat the purpose of putting more money in households to provide more purchasing power to sustain the economic engine.


8. Pentagon to Employees: How Can We Boost Diversity? · by Courtney Bublé

Our personnel systems need a lot of work in a lot of areas.


9. Lessons From Three Years in an Iranian Prison

Foreign Affairs · by Wang Xiyue · September 3, 2020

A fascinating read.

Conclusion: "The United States is a lot more important for Iran than Iran is for the United States. But Iran is a spoiler power that can cause great damage to the interests of the United States and its allies. This destructive capability is the principal leverage Iran wields. Washington should never lose sight of it, no matter how polarized debates on Iran become. Wishful thinking about the capabilities of Iranian moderates or the possibility of changing the revolutionary nature of the Islamic Republic actually helps fuel the anti-American rhetoric and disinformation of the Iranian regime and allows it to take advantage of the political divisions inside the United States.


10. 'Sci-Fi Awesome'-A U.S. Army Howitzer Just Shot Down A Cruise Missile

Forbes · by David Axe · September 5, 2020

Could be a game changer?


11. Be Glad That Taiwan Didn't Shoot Down A Chinese Fighter - And Start A War

Forbes · by Michael Peck · September 4, 2020

I missed this yesterday in my search about this alleged incident that did not take place. Thanks to a friend for flagging this.

I also received these important comments from a very experienced China watcher responding to my query about propaganda for the Chinese.  This is very much worth reading and considering.

This is an interesting example of the Chinese emulating the Russian approach on fake news.

The plane crash in China was picked up by some obscure Indian social media sources, some of which, if the trackers are to be believed, have ties in turn back to China.

Like various other media outlets, the Chinese can then report on the reports, thereby "verifying" that there are "claims" that the plane was shot down by the Taiwanese, while not implicating themselves in the process. (This is an old Soviet-era tactic, where stories would be planted in foreign publications, then "reported" on by TASS, etc.)

Since Taiwan has been gaining some momentum (such as with the Czechs), this is an opportunity to both muddy the waters about who might be irresponsible in any Taiwan Straits confrontation, as well as warning Taiwan about how far it can/should go seeking out new partners.

More worrisome, this goes to the Chinese belief that they can play with popular sentiment, and crisis management, in ways that the West tends to find concerning. WE (i.e., the West) are more worried about the Chinese government creating a nationalist wave that they can't control much more than the CHINESE are concerned about their creation of a nationalist wave they cannot control. This, of course, in turn plays into Beijing's hands. "Don't interact with Taiwan/intervene in the South China Sea, because it might 'unleash' a nationalist wave that we can't control!" That the wave was actually unleashed by the Chinese, who have formidable controls over their regular and social media is left unstated.

It's always fascinating to me that a nation that has the Great Firewall of China, intelligent AI algorithms that suppress various discussion threads, and thousands and thousands of censors humanly examining emails and the like, somehow is unable to control hackers, many of whom work for state-run entities such as the PLA. Or disseminating certain messages through state-run media (in accordance with directives from the Central Propaganda Department.)


12. The Army Is Working To Field A Ground-Launched Strike Version Of The Navy's SM-6 Missile · by Tyler Rogoway · September 6, 2020

Let's deploy this throughout Asia and all our base locations.


13. Why is China so worried about the new alliance between Taiwan and Somaliland?

The Telegraph · by Nicola Smith and Sophia Yan · September 7, 2020

The Great Power Competition is a global board game of Go or Wei Chi or Paduk.


14. Philippines Duterte pardons U.S. Marine convicted of murdering transgender woman

The Washington Post · September 7, 2020


15. The Ugly Truth about China's Crackdown on Its Uighur Population

The National Interest · by Sumantra Maitra · September 7, 2020

Curious is right.


“Experts on specialized topics often focus on why their area of research is more important than others. But everything starts with grand-strategy in this business. Foreign policy realists should be worried about everyone using the return of great-power rivalry to make weak cases for further continuous involvement in theatres which are inexorably declining in importance in the overall grand strategic game. Western Europe and the Asia-Pacific region remain important to the United States and to the survival of the United States as a great power. Africa and the Middle East, while important, are not existential. That doesn't mean the United States and the West shouldn't be prepared to challenge a great-power rival threatening direct interests. But just because there's a great power rivalry on, doesn't mean one needs to compete in every domain and every theatre. Prioritizing is crucial. And an intelligent strategy is to let China overstretch. If China is indeed getting involved in the Middle East...then it is a buck that one should be happy to pass on to China. France, the British Empire, the Soviet Union, and the United States suffered to order that region. Let China join the party and bleed itself dry.

The Ugly Truth about China's Crackdown on Its Uighur Population

China faces no backlash from the Islamic world because the global spotlight is constantly on the West trying to order that ungovernable stretch of land for more than two hundred years.”




"Life is a daring adventure or it is nothing at all." 

- Helen Keller


"There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing." 

- Aristotle


 "We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." 

- Plato

09/07/2020 News & Commentary – Korea

Mon, 09/07/2020 - 8:34am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. Will North Korea opt for provocation on party foundation day?

2. North Korea's sabotage plots foiled as UK intelligence cracks Kim Jong-un's secret codes

3. Kim Jong Un fires top official while touring typhoon-stricken areas

4. New virus cases dip below 200 for 5th day; tougher virus curbs in greater Seoul extended

5.  Mutually beneficial inter-Korean ties will help accelerate peace and nuclear talks: minister

6. Party members respond swiftly to N.K. leader's calls for recovery efforts

7. U.N. chief says diplomacy is 'only pathway' to sustainable peace and denuclearization

8. Navy upgrades command and control system  (South Korea)

9. N. Korea sets up "strict security zones" on Sino-North Korean border

10. S. Korea to use ARF meeting to urge N. Korea to return to nuke talks

11. Head of Hyesan's Ministry of State Security office steps down

12. Korea’s social media penetration rate ranks third in world

13. North Korea to send only low-level envoy for UN General Assembly meetings


1. Will North Korea opt for provocation on party foundation day?

The Korea Times · September 6, 2020

As I think through the regime’s potential for limited use of force or non-kinetic provocations I think it is important to examine what might be the regime's objectives and intent..  Specifically, I have four questions:

1. What is the regime objective for the action?

2. What effect is the regime trying to achieve with the action? (What is the broader effect beyond the immediate objective? How does it fit into it’s strategy?)

3. How does the regime expect the ROK and US, individually or collectively through the alliance, to react to the action?  Not what will we do, but what does the regime think we will do – too often, we answer this question with what we know or think we will do.  But it is what the regime thinks that is important and we may have conditioned the regime to think certain ways based on our actions or lack of them.

4. How does the regime believe it can prevent escalation after it conducts a limited use of force?  After all, by definition, limited implies preventing escalation.

Setting aside an accidental confrontation or miscalculation which can be hard to discern and is the cause of decision making paralysis – we wait to determine if the actions was accidental or deliberate.  - e.g., DMZ exchanges or naval engagements in the West Sea the major objective for the limited use of force is to achieve some information and influence effect.  A major part if not the major reason for any limited use of force is a Psychological Warfare objective.   We must seek to understand that to be able to counter it or neutralize the effects.


2. North Korea's sabotage plots foiled as UK intelligence cracks Kim Jong-un's secret codes

Express · by Marco Giannangeli · September 6, 2020

Yes, this is from the Express.  But if true, it is a fascinating story.


“But one scrambled broadcast last week contained a message that will change the nature of how it issues commands for the foreseeable future.”

‘The message relayed information about the breaking of codes and instructed agents to simply ‘await further instructions’.”

“Western intelligence agencies believed they already possessed the key to Pyongyang's numbers-based code.”

“To MI6's surprise, however, the unidentified defector revealed that there was a second "code within a code" about which the West knew nothing.”


3. Kim Jong Un fires top official while touring typhoon-stricken areas

New York Post · by Tamar Lapin · September 6, 2020

What will happen to officials after this next Typhoon hits the north?


4. New virus cases dip below 200 for 5th day; tougher virus curbs in greater Seoul extended · by 김수연 · September 7, 2020

The ROK government is being prudent.  Lifting the measures too soon will likely cause a new rise.


5. Mutually beneficial inter-Korean ties will help accelerate peace and nuclear talks: minister · by 고병준 · September 7, 2020

I think it is important to keep in mind that the Kim family regime is not interested in anything that is mutually beneficial with South Korea.  For the regime, it is a zero sum game.  The north wins, the South loses.  When or if the north makes agreements it is because it sees an advantage and a move forward in its long con (concessions and sanctions relief while maintaining its nuclear and missile programs) to its ultimate strategic aim to dominate the Korean peninsula under the rule of the Guerrilla Dynasty and Gulag State.


6. Party members respond swiftly to N.K. leader's calls for recovery efforts · by 이원주 · September 7, 2020

Of course.  Failing to respond swiftly means a swift trip to a gulag for re-education.


7. U.N. chief says diplomacy is 'only pathway' to sustainable peace and denuclearization · by 고병준 · September 7, 2020

But for that to be true, it means the Kim family regime wants a diplomatic solution.  I do not think that is the case unless diplomacy means appeasement of the north and bringing the South under northern domination.


8. Navy upgrades command and control system · by 최수향 · September 7, 2020

Are they doing the same for the other services and for a national military command and control system?  And most importantly is the ROKG investing in the C4I capabilities that will provide the necessary C2 to support the future ROK/US Combined Forces Command?


9. N. Korea sets up "strict security zones" on Sino-North Korean border · September 7, 2020

Shoot to kill without warning.


10. S. Korea to use ARF meeting to urge N. Korea to return to nuke talks · by 김승연 · September 7, 2020

Best of luck to Minister Kang.  I agree she has to try.  But I am not optimistic that the north will respond favorably.


11. Head of Hyesan's Ministry of State Security office steps down · September 7, 2020

Hyesan is probably one of the most troubled regions of north Korea (from the regime's point of view).

Note the corruption.


12. Korea’s social media penetration rate ranks third in world · by The Korea Herald · September 7, 2020

UAE (99%)and Taiwan (88%)  are number 1 and 2 and South Korea (87%) at number 3.   Interesting.

Korea’s social media penetration rate ranks third in world


13. North Korea to send only low-level envoy for UN General Assembly meetings · by James Reinl · September 7, 2020

North Korea to send only low-level envoy for UN General Assembly meetings | NK News

September 07, 2020




"Life is a daring adventure or it is nothing at all."

- Helen Keller


"There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing."

- Aristotle


"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."

- Plato

09/05/2020 News & Commentary – National Security

Sat, 09/05/2020 - 2:45pm

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Ahyoung Shin

1. What the Pentagon’s new report on China means for US strategy - including on Taiwan

2. China vs. America: A new Cold War means new great power blocs

3. West Point superintendent says he’s taking action on racism highlighted by nine recent cadets

4. Army Cyber Command completes its move to Georgia’s Fort Gordon

5. Czech Republic and Taiwan deepen bilateral ties, announce new areas of cooperation

6. Trump says he won't cut funding for Stars and Stripes

7. This tiny nuclear reactor just won safety approval

8. Independent tribunal launched to judge claims of mass atrocities crimes in Xinjiang

9. Russian national indicted for conspiracy to introduce malware into a computer network

10. AFP to monitor social media to prevent recruitment of young suicide bombers (Phliippines)

11. How Americans get tricked into participating in disinformation campaigns

12. USC communications professor placed on leave after using Chinese word that sounds like racial slur

13. Stationing US troops in Poland is a bad idea

14. White House issues new cybersecurity policy for space systems

15. The ideology delusion: America’s competition with China is not about doctrine

16. The Pentagon is terrified of talking to reporters again

17. 52% of young adults in the US are living with their parents. That's the highest share since the Great Depression

18. Disdain for the Less Educated Is the Last Acceptable Prejudice


1. What the Pentagon’s new report on China means for US strategy - including on Taiwan

The Brookings Institution · by Michael E. O'Hanlon · September 4, 2020

Indirect defense of Taiwan?

2. China vs. America: A new Cold War means new great power blocs

The National Interest · by Yao-Yuan Yeh · September 4, 2020

In my opinion this is an ideological war (i do not think I can add "new"). The revisionist (and rogue, revolutionary)  powers who want to remake the international system to support their authoritarian surveillance state rule, centrally commanded market economies, rule by law, and denial of human rights versus the Arsenal or Alliance of Democracies (with shared interests, values, and strategies) that value liberal democracy, freedom and individual liberty, free market economy, rule of law, and respect for human rights. This may seem a simplistic breakdown of a bipolar world, but I think it is accurate.

But the real question is can countries walk the tightrope or have a foot in both camps?

3. West Point superintendent says he’s taking action on racism highlighted by nine recent cadets · by Kyle Rempfer · September 3, 2020

I think it is important to take this seriously.

4. Army Cyber Command completes its move to Georgia’s Fort Gordon · by Russ Bynum, The Associated Press · September 3, 2020

5. Czech Republic and Taiwan deepen bilateral ties, announce new areas of cooperation · September 5, 2020

Will the Czech Republic be able to defend itself against the potential economic warfare attacks the PRC will likely initiate over this?

6. Trump says he won't cut funding for Stars and Stripes

The Hill · by Morgan Chalfant · September 4, 2020

The Stars and Stripes is a daily newspaper and not a magazine. Just saying.

7. This tiny nuclear reactor just won safety approval · by Mike Wehner · September 5, 2020


8. Independent tribunal launched to judge claims of mass atrocities crimes in Xinjiang · by Joshua Lipes · September 4, 2020

Important reporting from Radio Free Asia.

9. Russian national indicted for conspiracy to introduce malware into a computer network · September 4, 2020

10. AFP to monitor social media to prevent recruitment of young suicide bombers (Phliippines) · September 4, 2020

Is this something the military should be doing?  Is it the most effective organization for doing this?  Is this the right course of action? What are the legal and ethical implications?

11. How Americans get tricked into participating in disinformation campaigns

The National Interest · by Elinor Harty · August 31, 2020

We must vaccinate ourselves from disinformation and active measures.

I am doing some more dead horse beating here:

From our NSS on page 14.

"A democracy is only as resilient as its people. An informed and engaged citizenry is the fundamental requirement for a free and resilient nation. For generations, our society has protected free press, free speech, and free thought. Today, actors such as Russia are using information tools in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of democracies. Adversaries target media, political processes, financial networks, and personal data. The American public and private sectors must recognize this and work together to defend our way of life. No external threat can be allowed to shake our shared commitment to our values, undermine our system of government, or divide our Nation."

12. USC communications professor placed on leave after using Chinese word that sounds like racial slur · by Brittany Bernstein

Sigh… Video at the link

13. Stationing US troops in Poland is a bad idea

The Hill · by Gil Barndollar, opinion contributor · September 3, 2020

I do not think this is a majority view.

14. White House issues new cybersecurity policy for space systems · by Nathan Strout · September 4, 2020

The 6 page policy directive can be accessed here.

15. The ideology delusion: America’s competition with China is not about doctrine

Foreign Affairs · by Elbridge Colby and Robert D. Kaplan · September 4, 2020

Another view of PRC-US completion. An important essay. I guess I am guilty of viewing the problem through the wrong lens.

16. The Pentagon is terrified of talking to reporters again · by Jeff Schogol

Terrified? I think it may probably be trying to avoid stepping in the partisan minefield in the election period.

17. 52% of young adults in the US are living with their parents. That's the highest share since the Great Depression

CNN · by Catherine E. Shoichet

Wow. That is quite a stat.

18. Disdain for the Less Educated Is the Last Acceptable Prejudice

The New York Times · by Michael J. Sandel · September 2, 2020

We need dignity and respect for all. This should not be acceptable. I know many people with much less education who are more successful than most (my younger brother is one - no college education yet runs his own business and has an income probably 5 times mine).


 "First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends. Third, adjust all your means to that end." 

- Aristotle


   "I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do." 

- Leonardo da Vinci


 "There are no traffic jams along the extra mile." 

- Roger Staubach