Small Wars Journal

08/29/2020 News & Commentary – Korea

Sat, 08/29/2020 - 11:23am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. As natural disasters strike, North Korea cuts itself off

2. N. Korea yet to face major outbreak but will need assistance: U.N. rapporteur

3.  Typhoon Maysak expected to affect S. Korea next week

4. Russian warplanes violate S. Korea's air defense zone again

5. N. Korea broadcasts encrypted spy message on YouTube for first time

6. N.K. broadcasts encrypted message on YouTube

7. North Korea Raised Tensions During the 2016 Elections. What About 2020?

8. We Interrupt this Propaganda…A Dynamic 24 Hours on North Korean TV

9. Trump, Biden and Korea | Opinion

10. Asia Today: Cases still rise in S.Korea, Malaysia stays shut

11. Kim Jong-un's sister disappears amid fears of huge power struggle in secretive North Korea

12. Demographic cliff in S. Korea is just around the corner

13. Who is Kim Jong Un’s older brother Kim Jong Chul, and could he be his successor?

14. Kim Jong Un said to be closely watching for who will replace Shinzo Abe

15. South Korea sect members donate blood for coronavirus research

16. Let the North Korean Labor Party buy stock of'Samsung Electronics'...

17. Review | A frustrating search for the truth about America’s biological warfare


1. As natural disasters strike, North Korea cuts itself off

The Economist · Aug 29th 2020

It is what the regime does.  Close off to the outside world in the face of crisis.  As I have said we could see a humanitarian disaster on a scale beyond the 1994-1996 Arduous March.


2. N. Korea yet to face major outbreak but will need assistance: U.N. rapporteur · by 변덕근 · August 29, 2020

The tragedy is coming if it is not already occurring.


3. Typhoon Maysak expected to affect S. Korea next week · by 김한주 · August 29, 2020

It looks like north Korea will dodge this bullet.


4. Russian warplanes violate S. Korea's air defense zone again · by 황장진 · August 29, 2020

The Russians are at it again.  What are their intentions? Simply to cause instability in the region?  What is a maritime patrol aircraft patrolling for?


5. N. Korea broadcasts encrypted spy message on YouTube for first time · by 황장진 · August 29, 2020

Is anyone at YouTube paying attention?  A new form of the "spy numbers stations" via YouTube. Is the RGB entering the modern era (old concepts with new technology)? 


6. N.K. broadcasts encrypted message on YouTube

Not much of a screenshot but I see some 1s and 0s in the lower left corner.   I have checked out the Pyongyang Broadcast Service but I could not find any number broadcasts (I am not going to watch all those propaganda videos).  Also, note there some 41,000 subscribers to the YouTube channel


7. North Korea Raised Tensions During the 2016 Elections. What About 2020?

The National Interest · by Mark Episkopos · August 28, 2020

I hope Kim realizes that his actions will not change the votes of any American voters.  I am skeptical that he will conduct a provocation with the intent of trying to influence the election.  However, the potential severe internal conditions in the north could cause him to try to externalize the problems.  As I have said if the regime is unable to successfully execute the 10 OCT military celebration Kim may order a provocation in an attempt to "blame" the ROK and US for his failures.


8. We Interrupt this Propaganda…A Dynamic 24 Hours on North Korean TV

38 North· by Martyn Williams · August 28, 2020

I do not think there is anyone who tracks north Korean broadcast media (propaganda) more closely than Martyn Williams.  Some unusual reporting on (and by) north Korea. "breaking news" and on scene real time reporting is not normal.  I suppose the Propaganda and Agitation Department is trying to move into the modern era but it is obviously taking some risk as it cannot control the narrative as closely as deliberate in studio reporting.


9. Trump, Biden and Korea | Opinion · by Donald Kirk

From the always pithy Donald Kirk.  He provides some interesting political analysis.


10. Asia Today: Cases still rise in S.Korea, Malaysia stays shut

Toronto Star · by The Associated Press · August 29, 2020


11. Kim Jong-un's sister disappears amid fears of huge power struggle in secretive North Korea

Express · by Simon Osborne · August 28, 2020

More speculation. "Huge power struggle?". Kim yo-jong "disappears?"  I guess we should expect this from the sensational UK Express. But I always click on its clickbait.


12. Demographic cliff in S. Korea is just around the corner · August 29, 2020

South Korea needs to build a large professional reserve force to mitigate the effects of the decline in military age personnel.


13. Who is Kim Jong Un’s older brother Kim Jong Chul, and could he be his successor?

New York Post · by Gabrielle Fonrouge · August 28, 2020

I seriously doubt he would be a successor.  Then again, you never know how the north Korea game of thrones will play out.  I wonder if we will ever see video of him playing his guitar(s).


14. Kim Jong Un said to be closely watching for who will replace Shinzo Abe

New York Post · by Lia Eustachewich · August 28, 2020


15. South Korea sect members donate blood for coronavirus research · August 29, 2020

Maybe some good will come of this.


16. Let the North Korean Labor Party buy stock of'Samsung Electronics'...

News Daily · August 28, 2020

This is a google translation of a Korean article.  This is an unbelievable proposal by the Ministry of Unification.  I cannot believe Minister Lee would think this is a good idea.

Excuse the translation but focus on the paragraph about Department 39 (Room, Office, Bureau):


“...but regulations such as permitting mutual investment between the two Koreas, installation of mutual offices, and permission to co-production of contents, which were as controversial as the liberalization of contact with North Korea, were announced as scheduled.

 Article 17-3 of the Inter-Korean Exchange and Cooperation Act'Economic Cooperation Project' stipulated that inter-Korean companies can jointly or independently engage in profit-making activities in South Korea, North Korea or a third country. It also included a plan to allow North Korean companies to invest in domestic stocks, bonds, real estate, and copyrights. In addition, the amendment has also included a regulation that allows companies and organizations in the South and North to establish offices on both sides.

As there is virtually no stock market, bond trading, or real estate ownership in North Korea, such investments are meant to allow the North Korean ruling power to invest directly in the country. In other words, a company affiliated with Labor Party Room 39, which raises the slush fund for the Kim family, can set up an office in Seoul to buy shares of Samsung Electronics, LG Chem, and SK Biopharm.”


17. Review | A frustrating search for the truth about America’s biological warfare

The Washington Post · by Mark Athitakis

Some controversial history from the Korean War and beyond.




"My father was a soldier. He was a frogman in the special forces in Denmark before I was born, and always the reality of that inspired me. My mom is very left-wing, classic socialist, and she always talked about the solders as almost crazy, violent, sick people, and I want to confront that because its very judgmental, and I'm not sure it's true.”

- Tobias Lindholm


“Huey Long once said, ‘Fascism will come to America in the name of anti-fascism.’ I’m afraid, based on my own experience, that will fascism will come to America in the name of national security.”

- Jim Garrison (Playboy Interview, October, 1967)


I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.”

- Douglas MacArthur

Covid-19, Gangs, and Conflict: A Small Wars Journal-El Centro Reader

Sat, 08/29/2020 - 1:19am

Covid-19, Gangs, and Conflict: A Small Wars Journal-El Centro Reader

John P. Sullivan and Robert J. Bunker, Editors

SWJ has released a new curated collection COVID-19, Gangs, and Conflict examining the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in light of exploitation by gangs, cartels, and mafias.  The reader contains previously published material as well as a prologue by Steven Dudley, a foreword by Nils Gilman, an introduction by John P. Sullivan and Robert J. Bunker. These are followed by a series of previously published SWJ-El Centro research notes on the topic, a curated section of essays, a conclusion by Robert J. Bunker, an afterword by Colon P. Clarke, and a postscript by Tuesday Reitano.

Covid Cover

The Coronavirus pandemic is fueling conflict and fostering extremism while concurrently empowering gangs, cartels, and mafias in their quest for power and profit. In COVID-19, Gangs, and Conflict, Editors John P. Sullivan and Robert J. Bunker bring together a curated collection of both new and previously published material to explore the trends and potentials of the global pandemic emergency. Topics include an exploration of proto-statemaking by criminal groups, the interaction of pandemics and conflict, as well as a comparison of gangs, criminal cartels, and mafias exploiting the crisis and exerting criminal governance in Brazil, El Salvador, Mexico, Colombia, and South Africa. Implications for national security, biosecurity, slums, transnational organized crime, and threats and opportunities in the contested pandemic space are assessed. SWJ

Source: John P. Sullivan and Robert J. Bunker, Editors, Covid-19, Gangs, and Conflict: A Small Wars Journal-El Centro ReaderBloomington: XLibris, 2020.

08/28/2020 News & Commentary-Korea

Fri, 08/28/2020 - 10:23am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Andrew Narloch

1. U.S. Moves to Seize Cryptocurrency Accounts Linked to North Korean Heists

2. North Korea Facing Perfect Storm of Economic Stressors

3. N.K. leader visits typhoon-hit area, calls for all-out recovery efforts

4. N. Korea's state TV runs breaking news on typhoon, airs flooding scenes live

5. S. Korea, U.S. set to wrap up summertime combined exercise

6. The biggest COVID-19 crisis (South Korea)

7. North Korea Orders Troops and Police to Shoot Citizens Who Approach the Chinese Border

8. Why Isn't Seoul Amplifying the Voices of North Korean Escapees?

9. For Trump or Biden, N. Korea is the Problem that Won't Go Away

10. Korea-Japan GSOMIA Survives Amid Disputes over Historical, Trade Issues

11. Army chief Gen. Suh Wook tapped as defense minister: Cheong Wa Dae

12. How to Constructively and Safely Reduce and Realign U.S. Forces on the Korean Peninsula

13. Seoul Sees More Infections in August Than in Last 7 Months

14. Refined oil shipments to N. Korea from China, Russia halved: UN report

15. Pyongyangites given rice reserved for the military amid food shortages

16. Samjiyon and Hyesan locked down after woman crosses border

17. Don't expect quick change with NK

18. A role for ASEAN on the Korean Peninsula?


1. U.S. Moves to Seize Cryptocurrency Accounts Linked to North Korean Heists.  WSJ · by Ian Talley and Dustin Volz This is much needed. Will this have the effect similar to the Banco Delta Asia action? Too soon to tell. It contributes to maximum pressure by trying to cut a flow of funding to the regime. And it is a step in the right direction to countering some of the regime's nefarious actions in the cyber domain. But more can and must be done.

This is the issue: "U.S. and U.N. officials say North Korea relies on a range of sophisticated cyber capabilities to evade global sanctions and expand its regime's geopolitical relevance, as the country is otherwise shut out from the international financial system."  We must employ the full range of our law enforcement and cyber capabilities against the broad spectrum of north Korea's illicit cyber activities.  And at some point we are going to need to go on the cyber offensive.


2. North Korea Facing Perfect Storm of Economic Stressors · by Bruce Klingner I concur with much of Bruce's analysis. Here are my thoughts: we should offer humanitarian assistance as we have in the past.  However, there are two things to consider.  First, the north must accept it and allow transparency to ensure it makes it to the Korean people in need and is not diverted to the military or regime elite.  Second, we should be under no illusion that providing such humanitarian aid will result in any change in the denuclearization efforts. Such aid will not cause Kim to rethink denuclearization.  If he even accepts it (which is really a long shot at the moment) he will attempt to use the aid for his own political purposes even if he does not divert it.  The only possible benefit for providing humanitarian aid will be to the people who receive it but we have to make sure that can happen.  And we should only provide aid because it is the right thing to do.  We should also understand that sanctions do not prevent the provision of humanitarian aid despite the reports from some NGOs and international organizations. They do  suffer difficulties when they are trying to conduct financial transactions through sanctioned banks; however, the sanctions themselves do not prevent humanitarian assistance. The problem is the regime tries to extort money from these organizations to allow them to provide humanitarian assistance.  Lastly, we should consider that the US, South Korea, and the international community shows more concern for the Korean people living in the north than does Kim Jong-un and his regime.  He could solve many problems with changes to his priorities and policy decisions but he chooses to prioritize himself, the regime elite, the military, and his nuclear and missile programs over the welfare of the people. That should be a consistent talking point and part of an information and influence campaign.


3. N.K. leader visits typhoon-hit area, calls for all-out recovery efforts · by 고병준 · August 28, 2020 I am sure the leadership experts and "Kimologists" are assessing the photo. I saw some reports that the typhoon damage was not as bad as anticipated.


4. N. Korea's state TV runs breaking news on typhoon, airs flooding scenes live · by 김승연 · August 27, 2020 Yes this is unusual. It is a challenge for the Propaganda and Agitation Department to manage and control l break news.


5. S. Korea, U.S. set to wrap up summertime combined exercise · by 오석민 · August 28, 2020 To my Korean friends, let me comment on  the OPCON Transition FOC:

Not conducting the FOC certification during this Combined Command Post Training (CCPT) actually the Moon administration from itself.  Because of the cancelled training last February/March and the need to focus on the priority mission of the ROK/US Combined Forces Command, deterrence and defense, and the need to ensure readiness of the combined force, FOC certification could not be effectively conducted.  The command was not ready for the certification.  If the certification had been conducted there were only two outcomes, both bad.  The first would be a thorough evaluation assessing the command's ability to successfully execute all the mission essential tasks to be able to defend the ROK against the existential threat from the north.  The most thorough and objective assessment could have led to a failing grade because the command has not had the opportunity to sufficiently train on the missile essential tasks. How would it look to fail the fully operational capability certification.  The second outcome would have been a rubber stamp passing grade, finger drilling the evaluation of the mission essential tasks simply to comply with the political wishes of the Moon administrations.  

A rubber stamp approval would have led to two outcomes.  First and most deadly is that the future ROK/US CFC would not actually be able to execute its mission essential tasks to defend the ROK.  This could be catastrophic.  

Second, a rubber stamp approval would be exposed.  It would very likely be leaked to the press.  It would not only lead to severe criticism of the command and the OPCON transition process and of the Moon administration for putting politics before national security.  And most important this rubber stamp approval would undermine the legitimacy of and the trust and confidence in the future ROK/US Combined Forces Command.

Fortunately, I know the ROK and US military professionals who conduct the evaluation and certification are of great integrity and they will not rubber stamp the certification.

The excerpt above also outlines the way ahead. FOC can be conducted in the winter training and FMC can be conducted in next summer's CCPT. My only recommendation would be to do this effectively aggressive training events need to be conducted between the major training events. The timeline will be compressed so more aggressive local training must be conducted to ensure preparation for the certifications. So it is possible to conduct the certifications necessary for OPCON transition before the end of the Moon administration.  However, we must also keep in mind that this is a conditions based process and all the conditions have to be met in addition to the FMC certification.

So the bottom line is not conducting the FOC certification during this CCPT was a smart move and not one designed to hinder the process.  The ROK and US  combined military keeps as its number one priority readiness to accomplish its assigned tasks both now and for the future ROK/US CFC.  I hope the ROK political leaders recognize that and the press and pundits will respect that and stop with the conspiracy theories that somehow the US wants to walk back and prevent the OPCON transition.  In my opinion the OPCON transition provides more benefits than risk.  This is the natural evolution of the alliance,demonstrating it is a true partnership.  it will send the message of trust and confidence in and respect for our Koreean military leaders.  Any operations into north Korea must be led by a Korean general.  This also will reduce the perception that the US is an occupier of the north.  And following either war or instability and regime collapse the military will need to support the political process of unification and that military support must be led by a Korean general.  The US can and must provide support but the path to a United Republic of Korea must be a Korean one and led by Koreans.  The future ROK/US CFC with a Korean general in command is the right way. 

6. The biggest COVID-19 crisis (South Korea)                                                     August. 28, 2020 

7. North Korea Orders Troops and Police to Shoot Citizens Who Approach the Chinese Border                                                                                                                     28, 2020                                                                                                                      Is there any stronger example of the regime's draconian population and resources control measures?

8. Why Isn't Seoul Amplifying the Voices of North Korean Escapees? Ha From my colleague Mathew Ha.  The Moon administration needs to protect, respect, value, and employ escapees from north Korea.


9. For Trump or Biden, N. Korea is the Problem that Won't Go Away ·William Gallo August 26, 2020                                                                               As long as the Kim family regime exists there will always be a complex security threat in Northeast Asia.

The root of all problems in Korea is the existence of the mafia- like crime family cult known as the Kim family regime that has the objective of dominating the Korean Peninsula under the rule of the Guerrilla Dynasty and Gulag State.

The only way we are going to see an end to the nuclear program and threats as well as the human rights abuses and crimes against humanity being committed against the Korean people living in the north by the mafia-like crime family cult known as the Kim family regime is through achievement of unification and the establishment of a United Republic of Korea that is secure and stable, non-nuclear, economically vibrant, and unified under a liberal constitutional form of government based on individual liberty, rule of law, and human rights as determined by the Korean people.  In short, a United Republic of Korea (UROK).


10. Korea-Japan GSOMIA Survives Amid Disputes over Historical, Trade Issues · August 25, 2020-Terrence Matsuo Small victory but the controversy is not over.


11.  Army chief Gen. Suh Wook tapped as defense minister: Cheong Wa Dae · by 이치동 · August 28, 2020


12. How to Constructively and Safely Reduce and Realign U.S. Forces on the Korean Peninsula · by Clint Work Yes we should not fear realignment, reduction, (or even a possible increase) in the numbers of troops though we should also wean ourselves off the focus on the topline number. To be even more direct, the size of the combined force should be determined by answering this question:  How do we optimally organize the combined force to achieve the objectives set by both countries and to protect the interests of the ROK/US alliance and the ROK and the US individually.  The number of troops is not the important point.  It is the capabilities of the combined military force that is critical.  But I know it is naive to think we could ever focus on capabilities instead of the top line number because it is that top line number that is simple to understand and discuss among the political leaders, the pundits, the press, and the population.


13. Seoul Sees More Infections in August Than in Last 7 Months 28, 2020 Certainly worrisome for South Korea.


14. Refined oil shipments to N. Korea from China, Russia halved: UN report · by 고병준 · August 28, 2020 Possible evidence that Kim Jong-un's response to the coronarius is having a greater effect on the north  and its economy than UN sanctions.


15. Pyongyangites given rice reserved for the military amid food shortages · Mun Dong Hui- August 28, 2020 This is obviously significant.  north Korea is like a body with hypothermia.  It must keep the core temperature warm and Pyongyang is the core.  The extremities that do not contribute to keeping the core temperature up are deprioritized and they will suffer frostbite and eventually gangrene and wither and die.  And the military is also the "organ" that contributes to the safety of the regime and so to reallocate some of its reserve rice means there are very serious problems inside north Korea.  weed to be observing for the indication and warnings for internal instability.


16. Samjiyon and Hyesan locked down after woman crosses border ·Ha Yoon Ah  - August 28, 2020 Another example of the harsh population and resources control measures.  But the people need the cross border trade to survive.


17. Don't expect quick change with NK The Korea Times · Troy Stangarone- August 27, 2020 I do not mean to be flippant but there will be no change with NK as long as Kim Jong-un and the Kim family regime exist.


18. A role for ASEAN on the Korean Peninsula? · by Ang Guan Teo · August 28, 2020 Sounds nice in theory but I am doubtful the regime would be receptive.



Victor Hugo was a master of figurative language, including the use of oxymoronic and paradoxical phrasing, chiastic constructions, and, of course, vivid metaphorical images. Here are ten of his best:

"Toleration is the best religion."

"Thought is the labor of the intellect."

"The malicious have a dark happiness."

"Melancholy is the pleasure of being sad."

"To rise from error to truth is rare and beautiful."

"A compliment is something like a kiss through a veil."

"Laughter is the sun which drives winter from the human face."

"One can resist the invasion of armies;

one cannot resist the invasion of ideas."

"It is the essence of truth that it is never excessive . . .

We must not resort to the flame where only light is required."

"There are thoughts which are prayers. 

There are moments when, whatever the posture of the body, 

the soul is on its knees."


08/27/2020 News & Commentary – National Security

Thu, 08/27/2020 - 12:31pm

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Ahyoung Shin


1. Exclusive: Milley to sign new Unified Command Plan; Defines SPACECOM’s roles

2. Esper shares U.S. Vision for a Free and Open Indo-Pacific Region

3. UN again calls for full ratification of nuclear test-ban treaty

4. The U.S. military has a plan to beat Russian, Chinese and Iranian missiles

5. U.S. 'won't cede an inch' in Pacific, Esper says in swipe at China

6. Sailor investigated for Arson after burning of Navy Warship

7. US 'walking on thin ice' with spy plane flight

8. US sanctions 24 Chinese companies over South China Sea island building

9. China tests long-range anti-ship ballistic missiles as U.S. spy plane watches it all

10. Latest variant of Patriot missile misfired in major test of command system

11. U.S. imposes restrictions on Certain PRC state-owned enterprises and executives for malign activities in the South China Sea

12. U.S. military presence needed in Asia, Philippines' foreign minister says

13. South China Sea: ‘If China attacks our navy, we’ll call the US’, Philippines says

14. The Philippines is now the online gaming capital of China

15. China’s checkmate: the technology weapon you didn’t see coming

16. CIA’s In-Q-Tel among backers of German satellite-thruster startup

17. Lack of U.S. warship repair capacity worrying Navy

18. Tibetan uncle and nephew arrested for urging resistance to Chinese land grab

19. Subtweets are partisan too: Why retired Generals can’t avoid the parties


1. Exclusive: Milley to sign new Unified Command Plan; Defines SPACECOM’s roles · by Theresa Hitchens

2. Esper shares U.S. Vision for a Free and Open Indo-Pacific Region · by JIM GARAMONE

We should not miss this point: "The Indo-Pacific is the main focus of American national strategy. The region is crucial to the U.S. economy, and U.S. service members are crucial to maintaining peace and stability in the region."

3. UN again calls for full ratification of nuclear test-ban treaty · August 26, 2020

4. The U.S. military has a plan to beat Russian, Chinese and Iranian missiles

The National Interest · by Kris Osborn · August 26, 2020

North Korea did not warrant inclusion in the headline and only in the subtitle. If KJU reads this, it may piss him off and he might want to show off his capabilities. 

5. U.S. 'won't cede an inch' in Pacific, Esper says in swipe at China · by Ben Blanchard

We need to take a good look at the Go (or wei chi or paduk) board.

6. Sailor investigated for Arson after burning of Navy Warship

The New York Times · by Eric Schmitt · August 26, 2020

I hope they find this person. I wonder if the Navy can bring back keelhauling or at least the lash. 

7. US 'walking on thin ice' with spy plane flight · by 于小明

So is China going to stop its spying?

8. US sanctions 24 Chinese companies over South China Sea island building

CNN · by Nectar Gan

This seems to be a significant action. I received a briefing a couple of years back from a great organization (C4ADS) in which they showed the connectivity between companies conducting construction work on these islands with specific members of the politburo and ruling elite.

9. China tests long-range anti-ship ballistic missiles as U.S. spy plane watches it all · by Joseph Trevithick · August 26, 2020

Signaling or a coincidence?  Will this lead to miscalculation?

10. Latest variant of Patriot missile misfired in major test of command system

Defense News · by Jen Judson · August 26, 2020

Do not be alarmed or misled by the headline. 

11. U.S. imposes restrictions on Certain PRC state-owned enterprises and executives for malign activities in the South China Sea · by Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State

12. U.S. military presence needed in Asia, Philippines' foreign minister says

Reuters · August 26, 2020

Was he speaking for his president or his nation?

13. South China Sea: ‘If China attacks our navy, we’ll call the US’, Philippines says

scmp · by Alan Robles · August 26, 2020

Ha! Call the alliance 911 (the Mutual Defense Treaty).

14. The Philippines is now the online gaming capital of China · by Eduardo Baptista

15. China’s checkmate: the technology weapon you didn’t see coming

Forbes · by Tatiana Koffman · August 26, 2020

I have no knowledge of this concept. But based solely on this article I think we must be concerned. I think the Go (wei chi or paduk) board must have a cyber and technology dimension.

16. CIA’s In-Q-Tel among backers of German satellite-thruster startup · by Marcus Weisgerber

17. Lack of U.S. warship repair capacity worrying Navy · by Megan Eckstein · August 26, 2020

Our failure to invest in logistics and support facilities will be an achilles heel. 

18. Tibetan uncle and nephew arrested for urging resistance to Chinese land grab

Resistance.  We should all be thinking about resistance that is taking place around the world. From the USASOC ARIS Project and the publication on The Science of Resistance:"

19. Subtweets are partisan too: Why retired Generals can’t avoid the parties · by Luke J. Schumacher · August 27, 2020


"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.

- Marcus Tullius Cicero"


"We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training."

- Archilochos


"Be selective about whom you take on as friends, colleagues, and neighbors. The world is full of agreeable and talented folk. The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best. But remember that our moral influence is a two-way street, and we should thus make sure by our own thoughts, words, and deeds to be a positive influence on those we deal with. The real test of personal excellence lies in the attention we give to the often neglected small details of our conduct. Make it your business to draw out the best in others by being an exemplar yourself."

- Epictetus




08/27/2020 News & Commentary – Korea

Thu, 08/27/2020 - 10:46am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Ahyoung Shin


1. FASTCash 2.0: North Korea's BeagleBoyz Robbing Banks

2. U.S. warns of global bank heist campaign by North Korean hackers

3. US government exposes North Korean government ATM cashout hacking campaign

4. Typhoon Bavi approaches North Korea, posing another crisis for Kim Jong Un

5. Kim braces North Korea for typhoon that could wipe out crops

6. Who is Chang Song-min, the man behind the Kim Jong-un death rumors?

7. Kim’s younger sister climbs the despot’s ladder. @DavidMaxwell161, and @GordonGChang

8. How Kim Jong Un is confusing the world with contradictory signals

9.  North Korea and coronavirus: Hide-and-seek with the world

10. N.K.'s propaganda outlet slams defector-turned-lawmaker for opposing leafleting ban

11.  Gov't backs off on plan to ease rule on contact with N. Koreans

12. N. Korea's media report on broken trees, inundated streets as Typhoon Bavi makes landfall

13. Coronavirus Infections Rise to Fresh High (South Korea)

14. Baffling photo emerges after Kim Jong-Un’s rumored coma

15. U.S. continues to pursue complete, verifiable North Korea denuclearisation, says Esper

16. South Korea reports 441 new coronavirus cases, most since March

17. Feminine touch or iron first? What we know about Kim Yo-jong

18. Kim Jong-un's sister disappears from public view

19. My family’s shrouded history is also a national one for Korea


1. FASTCash 2.0: North Korea's BeagleBoyz Robbing Banks

My colleague, who is a north Korea cyber expert, says this is one of the best organized reports he has seen. There is certainly a lot of information and data in this. I don't need to state the obvious again, but we need to be very concerned with the entire spectrum of north Korean cyber activities.

2. U.S. warns of global bank heist campaign by North Korean hackers

WSJ · by Dustin Volz and Ian Talley · August 26, 2020

3. US government exposes North Korean government ATM cashout hacking campaign · by Shannon Vavra · August 26, 2020

4. Typhoon Bavi approaches North Korea, posing another crisis for Kim Jong Un

The Washington Post · by Min Joo Kim · August 26, 2020

North Korea just cannot catch a break. I fear things are going to get real bad for a very long time for the Korean people living in the North.

5. Kim braces North Korea for typhoon that could wipe out crops · by Jeong-Ho Lee · August 26, 2020

With all that is happening inside North Korea I fear we could see a food crisis on the scale of the 1994-1996 famine this winter.

6. Who is Chang Song-min, the man behind the Kim Jong-un death rumors?

The National Interest · by Mitchell Blatt · August 26, 2020

He has created quite a firestorm. He will forever be known as the pundit (boy) who cried wolf. Hopefully the media will no longer listen to him.

7. Kim’s younger sister climbs the despot’s ladder. @DavidMaxwell161, and @GordonGChang

My discussion with John Batchelor and Gordon Chang on Kim Yo-Jong.

8. How Kim Jong Un is confusing the world with contradictory signals · August 26, 2020

Kim is dealing with multiple crises while trying to protect himself from the coronavirus. Will he conduct another provocation before the election? It is of course always possible, but we need to ask what would he think he would achieve with some kind of provocation?

9.  North Korea and coronavirus: Hide-and-seek with the world

DW · by Deutsche Welle

Although I saw a report that some 2000 people were tested and they were all negative, it does not appear the regime is making strong denials of any outbreak in North. Perhaps that is because they admit to one case with the defector in Kaesong.

But I missed this report in June.

10. N.K.'s propaganda outlet slams defector-turned-lawmaker for opposing leafleting ban · by 고병준 · August 27, 2020

Thae Young-ho is a threat to the North.

11.  Gov't backs off on plan to ease rule on contact with N. Koreans · by 고병준 · August 27, 2020

The question is will North Korea be receptive to such engagement? I think not unless they find a way to extort these municipalities for large sums of money. I wonder if some think this might be some kind of process that will circumvent sanctions.

12. N. Korea's media report on broken trees, inundated streets as Typhoon Bavi makes landfall · by 고병준 · August 27, 2020

Early reporting.

13. Coronavirus Infections Rise to Fresh High (South Korea)

14. Baffling photo emerges after Kim Jong-Un’s rumored coma

I am not clear what is baffling about this photo unless it is the fact people thought he was incapacitated or dead.  

15. U.S. continues to pursue complete, verifiable North Korea denuclearisation, says Esper

Reuters · August 27, 2020

Consistent with SECSTATE's statement in his Congressional testimony on July 30.

16. South Korea reports 441 new coronavirus cases, most since March · August 27, 2020

17. Feminine touch or iron first? What we know about Kim Yo-jong · by Samantha Dick Reporter · August 26, 2020

Not too much.

18. Kim Jong-un's sister disappears from public view · August 27, 2020

I guess we need to establish a Kim Yo-jong watch. It is August. Perhaps she is on holiday with her family.

19. My family’s shrouded history is also a national one for Korea

The New York Times · by Alexander Chee · August 27, 2020

This provides some insight into the lasting influence and impact of the Japanese occupation of Korea from 1910-1945.


"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.

- Marcus Tullius Cicero"


"We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training."

- Archilochos


"Be selective about whom you take on as friends, colleagues, and neighbors. The world is full of agreeable and talented folk. The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best. But remember that our moral influence is a two-way street, and we should thus make sure by our own thoughts, words, and deeds to be a positive influence on those we deal with. The real test of personal excellence lies in the attention we give to the often neglected small details of our conduct. Make it your business to draw out the best in others by being an exemplar yourself."

- Epictetus




08/26/2020 News & Commentary – National Security

Wed, 08/26/2020 - 12:22pm

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Ahyoung Shin


1. Beijing protests alleged U.S. spy plane incursion during Chinese military drills

2. Chinese diplomats helped military scholars visiting the U.S. evade FBI scrutiny, U.S. says

3. Where the Pandemic Is Cover for Authoritarianism

4. FDD | Guam needs Aegis Ashore

5. US retreat from multilateralism blunts the fight against COVID-19

6. Army consolidating cyber operations forces

7. EMP weapons: How to beat the U.S. military in a war?

8. Reviving the Liberal World Order: An American Challenge

9. Needed: American Diplomacy, Defense, Democracy

10. Philippines won't cease Spratly patrols despite China call vs 'provocations': DFA

11. Can 'The Quad' work together to contain Chinese aggression?

12. Veterans Affairs has now reported more than 50,000 coronavirus cases

13. Rising military personnel costs may mean future cuts in troop numbers

14. Veterans see mail-in ballots as 'most sacred of the sacred'

15. Where does Biden stand on China and Taiwan?

16. Video - ARSOF and Great Power Competition | SOF News

17. US nuclear policy and posture: bending toward Asia?

18. The weird and eerie battlefields of tomorrow

19. Capt. Kirk to Space Force: Let's debate rank names

20. What the heck is wrong with you, Space Force?


1. Beijing protests alleged U.S. spy plane incursion during Chinese military drills

Los Angeles Times · by Associated Press · August 26, 2020

2. Chinese diplomats helped military scholars visiting the U.S. evade FBI scrutiny, U.S. says

WSJ · by Kate O'Keeffe and Aruna Viswanatha · August 25, 2020

I am sure the Houston consulate was not unique.

3. Where the Pandemic Is Cover for Authoritarianism · by Timothy McLaughlin

When you think about it the pandemic really has been an "opportunity" for the countries discussed in the article and others as well to really crack down on their populations. Not mentioned is North Korea. Kim has really exploited the pandemic to impose even more draconian population and resources control measures than perhaps ever.

4. FDD | Guam needs Aegis Ashore · by Bradley Bowman and Maj. Shane Praiswater · August 25, 2020

5. US retreat from multilateralism blunts the fight against COVID-19 · by David Lubin · August 26, 2020

The US has "lost interest" in the idea of multilateralism. The strength of the populism strain will work to prevent multi-lateral solutions. I fear that will come back to haunt us in the coming years.

6. Army consolidating cyber operations forces · by Yasmin Tadjdeh

7. EMP weapons: How to beat the U.S. military in a war?

The National Interest · by David T. Pyne · August 25, 2020

And I do not think we have ever taken EMP weapons seriously.

8. Reviving the Liberal World Order: An American Challenge · by Michael Miklaucic

Probably not in the near future.

9. Needed: American Diplomacy, Defense, Democracy · by Ambassador Charles Ray and Vice Admiral Kevin Green, U.S. Navy (retired) · August 23, 2020

The 3Ds. Diplomacy, Development, and Defense. A lot of renewed calls for American leadership these days.

10. Philippines won't cease Spratly patrols despite China call vs 'provocations': DFA · August 26, 2020

11. Can 'The Quad' work together to contain Chinese aggression? · by Joseph Hammond

Interesting comments here.

12. Veterans Affairs has now reported more than 50,000 coronavirus cases · by Leo Shane III · August 25, 2020

13. Rising military personnel costs may mean future cuts in troop numbers · by Leo Shane III · August 25, 2020

Some interesting assumptions noted by Todd Harrisson here.

14. Veterans see mail-in ballots as 'most sacred of the sacred' · August 23, 2020

15. Where does Biden stand on China and Taiwan?

The Hill · by Joseph Bosco, opinion contributor · August 25, 2020

16. Video - ARSOF and Great Power Competition | SOF News · by SOF News · August 25, 2020

The 21 minute video can be accessed on YouTube here.

17. US nuclear policy and posture: bending toward Asia?

The Korea Times · by Steven Andreasen · August 26, 2020

18. The weird and eerie battlefields of tomorrow · August 25, 2020

"The horror, the horror." Writing horror fiction will help military planning. I am reminded that Colonel Kurtz told us about the horror.

19. Capt. Kirk to Space Force: Let's debate rank names

Stars and Stripes· by Chad Garland · August 25, 2020

William Shatner weighing in on critical defense issues.  I think he must be unhappy that the Space Force has not adopted his uniforms.

20. What the heck is wrong with you, Space Force? · by Bill Shatner · August 26, 2020

And here is the OpEd in William Shatner’s own words.


"History is about life. It's awful when the life is squeezed out of it and there's no flavor left, no uncertainties, no horsing around. It always disturbed me how many biographers never gave their subjects a chance to eat. You can tell a lot about people by how they eat, what they eat, and what kind of table manners they have."

- David McCullough 

"The secret of it all, is to write in the gush, the throb, the flood, of the moment - to put things down without deliberation - without worrying about their style - without waiting for a fit time or place. I always worked that way. I took the first scrap of paper, the first doorstep, the first desk, and wrote - wrote, wrote. By writing at the instant the very heartbeat of life is caught."

- Walt Whitman 

"Just as nature takes every obstacle, every impediment, and works around it - turns it to its purposes, incorporates it into itself - so, too, a rational being can turn each setback into raw material and use it to achieve its goal."

- Marcus Aurelius, Meditations




08/26/2020 News & Commentary – Korea

Wed, 08/26/2020 - 11:52am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Ahyoung Shin


1. Kim Yo Jong has taken over a key North Korean political post, another potential sign of her increasing authority

2. What is Kim Yo Jong's exact role in North Korean politics? Top South Korean officials appear divided

3.  North Korean leader Kim calls for prevention efforts against coronavirus, looming typhoon: KCNA

4. N.K. leader chairs politburo meeting to discuss typhoon preparation, antivirus efforts

5.  Wracked by economic meltdown, North Korea pauses weapons testing

6. N. Korea orders suspension of all trade across Sino-North Korean border

7. N. Korea using hackers to steal, fund weapons program: U.S. commander

8. North Korea LinkedIn hackers are targeting Brits in wave of fake job scams

9. N.Korean hackers suspected in Phishing Attack (South Korea and escapees targeted)

10. Women's evolving role in North Korea's Jangmadang generation

11. Civilian Army worker at unit participating in joint exercise with U.S. tests positive for COVID-19

12. S. Korea detects more of mutated strain of COVID-19 that hit N. America, Europe

13. Unexpected mystery submarine in North Korea

14. White House official 'burst into laughter' when hearing Kim Jong-un coma claims

15. North Korea doesn't trust China to protect it

16. FDD | Beijing seeks to divide Seoul and Washington

17. Oct. 10 military parade still appears set to go ahead as planned (north Korea)

18. Moon's new security team off to awkward start

19. Defense Ministry refutes Kim Won-wung's criticism of late Gen. Paik

20. Family of Japanese woman abducted by North Korea seeks US help to bring her home


1. Kim Yo Jong has taken over a key North Korean political post, another potential sign of her increasing authority

CNN · by Joshua Berlinger and Yoonjung Seo, CNN

We should all understand how important the Organization and Guidance Department is. This is a key assessment from Robert Collins who probably knows more about the OGD than anyone outside of it. There is a lot to digest in this short but important comment.

Becoming the OGD Director is the only avenue to potential leadership of NK for Kim Yo-jong should something happen to Kim Jong-un. Any other route leaves her insufficient influence over the NK elite of the elite. The OGD controls the General Political Bureau which controls all military officers. Lack of such control opens the door to a coup, something she would not likely survive. So if she is not the OGD Dir, she still is only KJU's sister with KJU-approved billboard support from the Propaganda and Agitation Department. If she becomes the OGD Dir, I am impressed.  That would also imply that KJU is worried about all the challenges NK is facing with the sanctions impairing the economy, especially the military, the coronavirus pandemic, and the natural disasters.

2. What is Kim Yo Jong's exact role in North Korean politics? Top South Korean officials appear divided

CNN · by Joshua Berlinger and Yoonjung Seo, CNN

Different assessments from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Unification.

3.  North Korean leader Kim calls for prevention efforts against coronavirus, looming typhoon: KCNA

I think the regime will be internally focused for weeks to come. The next major event is the October 10th celebration. If they are not able to complete the preparations in time, I expect we could see a provocation that will create the perception of high tensions and thus they will have to scrap the celebration. Additionally, if the coronavirus gets out of hand, we could see some of provocation to divert attention and ten demands on the South for assistance while the South is blamed for introducing the virus at Ksesong but the double defector. But other than that, I expect Kim is going to have his hands full dealing with the crisis.

4. N.K. leader chairs politburo meeting to discuss typhoon preparation, antivirus efforts · by 고병준 · August 26, 2020

Looking good in their “summer whites.”

5.  Wracked by economic meltdown, North Korea pauses weapons testing · by Jack Beyrer · August 25, 2020

Yes the regime is distracted but we should not be complacent. 

6. N. Korea orders suspension of all trade across Sino-North Korean border · by Ha Yoon Ah · August 26, 2020

This will have a severe impact on the market economy inside North Korea which is the key to economic resilience and economic survival of the Korean people in the North. As has been noted this is far more damaging than international sanctions.

7. N. Korea using hackers to steal, fund weapons program: U.S. commander · by 변덕근 · August 26, 2020

No surprise but we need to conduct aggressive cyber defense and offensive operations against the north Korea and governments, businesses, and individuals need to be aware of the north Korean cyber threat that is posed on multiple levels against multiple targets.

8. North Korea LinkedIn hackers are targeting Brits in wave of fake job scams

Mirror · by Michael Havis · August 25, 2020

Everyone is vulnerable to North Korean attacks unless we practice good cyber civil defense and good cyber hygiene. 

9. N.Korean hackers suspected in Phishing Attack (South Korea and escapees targeted) · August 26, 2020

10. Women's evolving role in North Korea's Jangmadang generation

HRNK · by Emily Gibson, Edited by Rosa Park · August 25, 2020

11. Civilian Army worker at unit participating in joint exercise with U.S. tests positive for COVID-19 · by 오석민 · August 26, 2020

12. S. Korea detects more of mutated strain of COVID-19 that hit N. America, Europe · by 김덕현 · August 26, 2020

The virus mutates to survive of course. And that obviously makes it harder to contain and eradicate. And international travel helps the pandemic to continue to spread.

13. Unexpected mystery submarine in North Korea

Forbes · by H I Sutton · August 26, 2020

The regime continues to try to modernize in key areas. Is this an indigenously developed submarine?

14. White House official 'burst into laughter' when hearing Kim Jong-un coma claims

The Sun · by Christy Cooney · August 25, 2020

More "sun-sational" reporting. I wonder who it was who burst into laughter?

15. North Korea doesn't trust China to protect it

Foreign Policy · by Monet Stokes · August 25, 2020

Say it ain't so. One thing we can know for sure - the regime is so paranoid it trusts no one. However, I do not recall any Chinese offer to provide a nuclear umbrella over North Korea.

16. FDD | Beijing seeks to divide Seoul and Washington · by Mathew Ha · August 25, 2020

From my colleague Mathew Ha.  We need to expose China's strategy.

17. Oct. 10 military parade still appears set to go ahead as planned (north Korea) · by  Jeong Tae Joo · August 26, 2020

And I am sure every briefing to KJU says everything is on track. What will happen when they have to tell him all the construction projects, etc are not ready?

18. Moon's new security team off to awkward start

The Korea Times · August 26, 2020

I think South Korea needs to rethink the role and mission of the Ministry of Unification as it treads on the turf of the NIS and MOFA. I think it should focus solely on planning and preparation for real unification under a United Republic of Korea and get out of the business of trying to appease north Korea.

19. Defense Ministry refutes Kim Won-wung's criticism of late Gen. Paik

This is so terribly insulting.  I am glad MND is refuting this but for a government official to make these kinds of slanderous remarks is really disgusting. He should be censored.

20. Family of Japanese woman abducted by North Korea seeks US help to bring her home

Stars and Stripes · by Hank Kusumoto and Seth Robson · August 26, 2020


"History is about life. It's awful when the life is squeezed out of it and there's no flavor left, no uncertainties, no horsing around. It always disturbed me how many biographers never gave their subjects a chance to eat. You can tell a lot about people by how they eat, what they eat, and what kind of table manners they have."

- David McCullough 

"The secret of it all, is to write in the gush, the throb, the flood, of the moment - to put things down without deliberation - without worrying about their style - without waiting for a fit time or place. I always worked that way. I took the first scrap of paper, the first doorstep, the first desk, and wrote - wrote, wrote. By writing at the instant the very heartbeat of life is caught."

- Walt Whitman 

"Just as nature takes every obstacle, every impediment, and works around it - turns it to its purposes, incorporates it into itself - so, too, a rational being can turn each setback into raw material and use it to achieve its goal."

- Marcus Aurelius, Meditations




08/23/2020 News & Commentary – Korea

Sun, 08/23/2020 - 11:46am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. New virus cases spike to near 400 as KCDC warns of nationwide pandemic crisis (South Korea)

2. Seoul to mandate masks starting Monday; gov't says this week is crucial in anti-virus fight

3. Kim Jong-un dead and sister poised for North Korea takeover experts say after clue spotted

4. North Korea's Kim Jong-un In a Coma? History Cries Out to Be Skeptical.

5. North Korea's nuclear weapons pose a greater threat than meets the eye

6. Strange Developments Afoot in N.Korea

7. S. Korea ‘on brink of nationwide pandemic’

8. ‘Clear willingness to kill’ - Extent North Korea will go for world domination

9. Interview: 'From an Overall Safety Point of View, There is Not a Huge Concern' About Flooding at Yongbyon

10. China, South Korea vow to further develop bilateral ties, uphold multilateralism

11. Time for South Korea to Build Nuclear Submarines?


1. New virus cases spike to near 400 as KCDC warns of nationwide pandemic crisis (South Korea) · by 김한주 · August 23, 2020

I am confident Korea will get a handle on this. Again, we can learn from this.


2. Seoul to mandate masks starting Monday; gov't says this week is crucial in anti-virus fight · by 이치동 · August 23, 2020

So again, is this a second wave?


3. Kim Jong-un dead and sister poised for North Korea takeover experts say after clue spotted

Express · by Ciaran McGrath · August 23, 2020

There is not a grain of salt big enough for this "report."  A lot of "speculation" in this with not much analysis.  I think this all stems from one NIS briefing to the South Korean National Assembly and one politician talking out of school.


4. North Korea's Kim Jong-un In a Coma? History Cries Out to Be Skeptical.

The National Interest · by Daniel R. DePetris · August 22, 2020

I certainly agree with Mr. DePetris.  We need to be skeptical.

That said, North Korea is the hardest target and it is difficult for us to know what is reality happening inside Pyongyang.  So we should be skeptical but we also should be wary and these reports should remind us that we need to have contingency plans for what might come next in north Korea.  We should be able to answer this question: When we learn that Kim Jong-un is dead what actions are we prepared to take immediately?  Have we thoroughly wargamed hit out from an alliance perspective?


5. North Korea's nuclear weapons pose a greater threat than meets the eye

Washington Examiner · by Cory Evans · August 23, 2020

The author's bottomline: "It remains a vital national security interest of the U.S. to limit, to whatever extent we can, North Korea’s nuclear enrichment program."  And this is a critical conclusion: "Given the critical security threat posed by its clandestine nuclear program, suspending sanctions against North Korea would be a grave strategic mistake. Let’s hope the next administration avoids it."


6. Strange Developments Afoot in N.Korea

It is still too soon to know with any certainty that these changes have taken place.  We need to keep in mind the regime's ruling system is based on one man (or woman) rule.  There is no provision for "splitting" duties and responsibilities. If these developments are in fact happening, then we need to be on guard for mistakes and miscalculation. 


7. S. Korea ‘on brink of nationwide pandemic’ · by AT Contributor · August 23, 2020


8. ‘Clear willingness to kill’ - Extent North Korea will go for world domination

Express · by Joel Day · August 22, 2020

World domination?  Sounds like something out of Team America.  However, I will say the regime does want to dominate the Korean peninsula.  That is the key objective of the regime's strategy.


9. Interview: 'From an Overall Safety Point of View, There is Not a Huge Concern' About Flooding at Yongbyon· by Sangmin Lee

Perhaps some good news. An interview with Olli Heinonen.


10. China, South Korea vow to further develop bilateral ties, uphold multilateralism · by 刘明

This is a view from China.  There should be no doubt that China seeks to drive a wedge between the ROK and US and is actively trying to bring the ROK into its sphere of influence.


11. Time for South Korea to Build Nuclear Submarines?

The National Interest · by Sanghoon Kim · August 22, 2020

This is not a new idea and will continue to be debated in the ROK. The author points out a number of problems with this.




"Propaganda seeks to destroy art in order to sanitize culture."

- Mary Karr in The Art of Memoir


"So the realm of strategy is one of bargaining and persuasion as well as threats and pressure, psychological as well as physical effects, and words as well as deeds. This is why strategy is the central political art. It is about getting more out of a situation than the starting balance of power would suggest. It is the art of creating power."

- Lawrence Freedman, Strategy: A History


"There is simple ignorance, which is the source of lighter offenses,

and double ignorance, which is accompanied by a conceit of wisdom; and he who is under the influence of the latter fancies that he knows all about matters of which he knows nothing."

- Plato