Small Wars Journal

19 October SWJ Roundup

Wed, 10/19/2011 - 6:17am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - Real Clear Politics


Taliban Showing Weakness in South, General Says - USAT

Afghan, NATO Troops Ramp Up Fight Against Haqqani - AP

Training Concerns Hover Over Delivery of Afghan Equipment - NYT

Initial US Drawdown to Pull From Restive Afghan East - Reuters

France Begins Afghan Troop Pullout - Reuters

UK: Hammond Briefs MPs, First Time on Afghanistan - BBC

Roadside Mine Kills 5 Afghan Troops - AP

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



Pakistan Army Chief Tells US: Focus on Afghanistan - AP

Focus on Afghanistan, Not Pakistan, Army Chief Tells US - Reuters

Taliban 'Must Disarm for Talks' - BBC



Iran's Supreme Leader Ups Fight With Ahmadinejad - AP

Iran Nuclear Issue to Grow More Urgent - Reuters

Plot on Envoy Pushes Iranians, Saudis Closer to Brink - WT

Iran Says Saudi Plot Defendant Belongs to Exile Group - NYT

UK Seizes Iranian Accused Assets - BBC

UK Orders Asset Freeze Over Assassination Plot - AP

Taking Aim at Iran’s Revolutionary Guards - WT opinion

Iran Plot Irrational, But So Is Iran - WP opinion


Israel / Palestinians

Israeli Soldier, 477 Palestinians Freed in Prisoner Swap - VOA

Hard Feelings Test Hope in Israel-Hamas Deal - NYT

Shalit Back in Israel After Swap - BBC

Israeli Soldier Shalit, Palestinians Freed in Captive Swap - Reuters

Prisoner Swap Emboldens Hamas - WP

Palestinian Elation is Mixed with Israeli Anguish - LAT

Mid-East Joy at Prisoner Exchange - BBC

Thousands Celebrate Freed Palestinian Prisoners - AP

Palestinians Hail Lopsided Swap, Call for More - Reuters

Sharp Criticism for Egyptian Interview With Soldier - NYT

Israel 'Shocked' at Egypt TV Schalit Interview - AP

Hamas Plays Trump Card to Free Prisoners from Israel - BBC

Israeli-Palestinian Swap Happens after Years of Talks - WT

UN Concern at Fate of Palestinian Detainees - Reuters

World Leaders Welcome Israel-Hamas Prisoner Swap - VOA

Gilad Shalit’s Release - NYT editorial

Shalit Trade Exposes Israeli Weakness - JP opinion

Saving Shalit, Encouraging Terror - NYT opinion

Israel's Difficult Ransom for Shalit - WS opinion

Conflicting Values Behind Shalit Deal - FA opinion

America Must Punish Abbas - NI opinion



Panetta Hopeful of Iraqi Deal on US Troops - AP

Red Tape, Corruption Stifle Iraq's Economy - AP



Turkey Meets Syrian Opposition Members - AP



Clinton in Libya Vows Support For Democracy - VOA

Clinton Tells Libyans: 'We're On Your Side' - WP

Clinton in Libya to Meet Leaders and Offer Aid Package - NYT

Clinton Pledges More US Help on Surprise Visit - WT

Clinton in Unannounced Libya Trip - BBC

Clinton in Libya to Offer New Aid Package - AP

Clinton Brings Unity Message on Visit to New Libya - Reuters

NATO: End in Sight As Libya Mission Continues - AFPS

NATO Nearing Decision to End Libya Operation - AP

Battle for a Holdout City Stalls Healing in Libya - NYT

Libya Following Perilous Afghan Path - FP opinion



Yemen Unarmed Protesters Killed by Loyalist Gunmen - TG

Yemeni Forces Kill 12 in New Protests - AP

Yemen Clashes Kill 6 in Intensifying Crackdown - Reuters

Yemen Nobel Winner Appeals to UN - BBC

UN Rights Office Against Proposed Saleh Immunity - Reuters

Family of Dead US Militant, Son Criticizes Strikes  - AP


Middle East / North Africa

Arab Spring Abuses Show Need for Arms Trade Curb - Reuters

Kuwait Opposition Boosts Pressure After FM Resigns - AP

Egypt Protesters Post Wills on Twitter, Facebook - LAT

Tunisians in France Mobilize for Landmark Ballot - AP


US Department of Defense

US Weighs Its Strategy on Warfare in Cyberspace - NYT

10 Technologies US Military Will Need For the Next War - ND

Cone of Silence Surrounds US Cyberwarfare - S&S

STRATCOM Commander: Drone Virus Infection Accidental - S&S

US Army to Fly 'Kamikaze' Drones - AFP

Army's Housing Budget Busters Include Mansion Renovation - S&S

Dempsey: New Energy Technologies Already Helping DOD - AFPS

Panetta, Shinseki Discuss More Transition Support for Vets - AFPS

Commandant: Marines Permitted to Wear KIA Bracelets - S&S


United States

Lawyer Warns of Militarized Approach to Counterterrorism - WP

Clapper: ‘Double-Digit’ Cuts Coming for Intel Budget - WP

ICE Removes Most Illegals in Agency History - WT

Latinos Said to Bear Weight of a Deportation Program - NYT

Senate to Justice: No Tax Dollars for Gunrunning Programs - WT

Three Lawmakers Propose Cutting Contractor Wages - NYT

The Wall Street Whiners - WT editorial

The Wrong Way to Fight Terrorism - LAT opinion

Twilight of the Foreign Policy Wise Man - FP opinion


United Kingdom

Child Abuse Claims at UK Madrassas 'Tip of Iceberg' - BBC

Defence Secretary Fox Ignored Warnings on Werritty - BBC



New Malicious Program by Creators of Stuxnet Is Suspected - NYT

UN: Rise in Global Asylum Claims - BBC



Website Showing African Rebels' Movements Attracts Interest - S&S

Somali Raiders Cause Increase in Global Piracy - WT

Kenyan Troops Advance in Somalia, Pursuing Al-Shabab - VOA

Following Troops, Kenyan Officials Go to Somalia - NYT

French Woman Held in Somalia Dies - BBC

France Says Female Hostage in Somalia Is Dead - Reuters

Blast Kills at Least 3 Near Somali Foreign Ministry - VOA

Somali Suicide Attack Near Talks - BBC

Somali Rebels Fortify Defenses, Blast Kills Six in Capital - Reuters

Suicide Car Bomb Rattles Somali Capital, Kills 4 - AP

Former Rebel Leader Endorses Liberian Incumbent For President - VOA

Liberia: Former Rivals Now Allies in Presidential Race - LAT

Ex-Warlord Backs Liberia Leader - BBC

6 Die in Attack, Backlash in Central Nigerian Town - AP

Uganda Cracks Down on Opposition, Arrests Leader - Reuters

Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets at Ugandan 'Walk' Protest - AP

Swedish Journalists' Terror Trial Opens in Ethiopia - VOA

Churches Accuse South Africa's ANC of Interfering - AP



Mexico: Alleged Drug Gang Leader Arrested in Acapulco - AP

Mexico Fires Nearly 1,000 Police in Gulf State - AP

Mexican Leftist Tries Softer Image in Election Bid - Reuters

Chavez Opponent Says He Won't Bow Out of Venezuela Race - AP

Chavez Rival to Run Despite Venezuela Court Ruling - Reuters

Venezuela: Huge Fine for anti-Chavez Channel - BBC

Chile Students Clash with Police - BBC

Google takes Street View to the Amazon - WP

Haiti PM and His Govt Are Installed in Ceremony - AP


Asia Pacific

UN: Southeast Asian Floods Trigger Humanitarian Crisis - VOA

China Keeps Quiet about Central Committee Session - LAT

China's Top Communists Call for Cultural Campaign - AP

Taking Big Risks to See a Chinese Dissident - NYT

Rights Group Deplores Chinese Policies Against Tibetans - VOA

China: Tibet Nun 'Dies in Fire Protest' - BBC

China: Group Says Tibetan Sets Herself on Fire in Protest - AP

China: Dalai Lama Stance on Suicides Is Terrorism - AP

China's Vice Premier to Visit North, South Korea - AP

Taiwan's Tsai: China Peace Accord Will Hurt Island - NYT

Upgrading Taiwan's Defense - LAT opinion

North-South Korea Talks in US Serious, But Civil - AP

Filipino Soldiers Clash With Rebels; 19 Killed - AP

Filipino Troops Search for 10 Missing Soldiers - AP

No Letup as Thai Authorities Battle Against Flood - AP



Merkel: EU Will Not Solve Crisis With One Summit - Reuters

Moody’s Downgrades Spain’s Rating - WP

General Strike Begins in Greece - BBC

Germany Wants to Cut Defense Orders - Reuters

Italy Plans Tough New Measures Against Rioters - Reuters

Italy: Judge Clears Berlusconi in Fraud Case - Reuters

NATO Warns Kosovo Serbs to Remove Road Barricades - AP

Kosovo Serbs Resist NATO Demands - BC

Hollande Must Rally French Left to Win in 2012 - Reuters

Europe’s Displeasure Over a Prosecution in Ukraine - NYT

Russia: Putin Remark Fuels Questions About Medvedev Role - Reuters

Suspected Russian Spy Fights Deportation From UK - AP

Russia Signs Free-trade Agreement with Former Soviet States - BBC

Rebels Kill 24 Turkish Soldiers - BBC

Kurdish Rebels Said to Kill 24 Turkish Soldiers - Reuters

Bomb Kills 8 in Southeastern Turkey - VOA

Roadside Bomb Blast Kills 8 in Turkey - AP


South Asia

Indian Officials See Power of Twitter - WP

US Alert for India Holiday Season - BBC

India Row over Hindu Epic Essay - BBC

India ex-Minister Returns to Jail - BBC

Message from the CIA Director

Tue, 10/18/2011 - 11:47am

Message from the Director: Setting the Record Straight on Our Afghanistan Analysis

Statement to CIA Employees by Director David H. Petraeus

October 14, 2011

An Associated Press article published today presents an inaccurate picture of my thoughts on the CIA's Afghanistan analysis. The article asserts that a change in process introduced to enhance coordination, to get our officers even earlier access to more information, and to ensure we gain the benefit of hearing from those on the ground full-time—intelligence base chiefs, civilian experts, and military officers alike—was somehow designed to impose a military viewpoint on our analysis. That is flat wrong.

No one on the CIA leadership team has directed that our analysts pay more attention to or place more weight on the views of our military colleagues. In fact, analysts here have always taken into account the full range of opinions on Afghanistan. The change has been one of process, not substance, and it was one put in place by Michael Morell when he was Acting Director of the CIA. The change was simply this: to ask our analysts to discuss their findings with working-level ISAF officers before discussing them with the ISAF leadership—the same steps, but just in a different order.

Before my confirmation and after my arrival at our Agency, I made it abundantly clear that I support strong, objective analysis. Like those of you who work the analytical side of our mission, I believe in the thorough examination of the best and broadest pool of information. Accurate, insightful, and useful intelligence analysis must always be the product of rigorous debate and free discussion. The change will in no way undermine the objectivity of DI analysis on the war in Afghanistan. We will still “call it like we see it,” but now with even better ground truth.

Michael, Fran, and I all agree that our analysis is wholly owned by our analysts. It’s yours. And when I head downtown to the White House to present the CIA’s findings, I take great pride in faithfully presenting your work to the President and to other leaders of our government. The assessments of our Directorate of Intelligence remain the gold standard for all-source intelligence analysis. The single best way our leadership team can help maintain that high performance is to do whatever we can to uphold and preserve the objectivity of your superb analysis—and I have no higher priority as Director.


CIA to Fuse Troops' Opinions in War Analysis - Original AP report by Kimberly Dozier

David Petraeus and the Afghanistan Report Card - Joshua Rovner, The National Interest

Faulty Intelligence - Joshua Rovner, Foreign Policy

SSCI Confirmation Hearing for General David H. Petraeus - Statement for the Record

18 October SWJ Roundup

Tue, 10/18/2011 - 4:41am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI


Failed Attack on US Base Rattles an Afghan Valley - NYT

Military Fielding Small Robots in Afghanistan to Protect Troops - USAT

Stryker Brigade Commander Nearly Lost His Job - TNT

Karzai Seeks NATO Report on Night Raid Deaths - AP

Suicide Attack Targets North Afghanistan Intel Chief - VOA

Restored Citadel is Symbol of Hope in Afghanistan - AP

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



US Pegs Haqqani as Most Lethal Foe - WT

Taliban Must Give Up Arms Before Talks - Reuters

In Raymond Davis Case, Justice for Some - WP

Pakistan Soldiers Killed in Militant Ambush in Khyber - BBC

14 Militants, 9 Pakistani Soldiers Dead in Battle - AP

Pakistani Boy's 'Taliban Escape' - BBC

Is Chaotic Karachi the City of the Future? - FP opinion



Iran Accuses US of Trying To Sow Regional Discord - NYT

Iran ‘Set Back’ on its Nuclear Program - WP

Khamenei Sets Stage for a Less Democratic Future - CSM

Iran Plans to Investigate Assassination Plot Allegations - VOA

Iran Ready to ‘Investigate’ US Charges - WP

Ahmadinejad Denies Iran Plot Against Saudi Envoy - AP

Saudis Want Alleged Plot Brought to UN Council - AP

Reports of Human Rights Abuses in Iran on Rise - Reuters

Will Obama Attack Iran? - WT editorial

Bombing in DC - WP opinion



Panetta Hopeful of Iraqi Deal on US Troops - AP

Talks Continue On Post-2011 Troop Presence in Iraq - AFPS

US Forces in Iraq Prepare for Transition - AFPS

Bomb Near Baghdad Liquor Store Kills 7 People - AP

Iraq, the Forgotten War - NYT opinion



More than 40 Killed in Syria - WP

Syrian Tank Forces Kill 25 in Opposition Hotbed Homs - Reuters

'Renewed Deadly Clashes in Homs' - BBC

Syrian Regime Accused of Targeting Doctors - AP



US Debated Cyberwarfare in Attack Plan on Libya - NYT

Libya's NTC Forces Take Most of Gadhafi Stronghold - VOA

Libyan Forces Seize Most of Bani Walid - AP

NTC Forces Celebrate Capture of Bani Walid - Reuters

Libyan Forces 'Seize Bani Walid' - BBC

Libyans Struggle to Control Information Flow - AP

Britain Warns Africa Not to Shelter Libya Fugitives - Reuters

Clinton Thanks Malta for Help During Libya Crisis - AP



Violence in Capital Escalates as Clashes Enter Third Day - NYT

Clashes Kill 8 in Yemeni Capital - VOA

Heavy Fighting in Yemeni Capital - BBC

Yemen's Capital Sanaa Sees Worst Fighting in Weeks - AP

Family Speaks Out after al-Awlaki’s Son is Killed - WP


Israel / Palestinians

Hamas Feeling Pressure Amid Changes in Middle East - LAT

Hamas Frees Israeli Soldier as Prisoner Swap Begins - NYT

Israel-Palestinian Prisoner Swap Underway - LAT

Israel, Hamas Begin Prisoner Swap‎ - WP

Israeli Captive Handed over to Mediators - LAT

Shalit Freed as Prisoner Exchange Begins - BBC

Hamas Militants Release Captured Israeli Soldier - AP

Hamas Releases Israeli Soldier in Prisoner Swap - Reuters

Israeli Court Backs Shalit Deal - BBC

Prisoner Swap Between Israel, Hamas Moves Ahead - AP

Israeli Families Attempt to Block Palestinian Prisoner Swap - VOA

Quartet to Hold Separate Talks With Mideast Parties - Reuters

East Jerusalem Jewish Housing Plan Clears Hurdle - AP

The Moral Dilemma of Prisoner Exchanges - JP editorial

(Almost) Everyone Loses in Prisoner Exchange - TNI opinion

US Must Reevaluate Aid to Israel - WP opinion



Islamists Try to Seize Mantle of Revolution - NYT

Another Revolutionary Spark in Egypt? - WP

American Held in Egypt as Israeli Spy Could Be Freed - NYT

Egypt-Israel Ties Are Stronger Than They Appear - VOA

Mubarak Sons Have Swiss Millions - BBC

Death of Officer Key to Egypt Prison Breaks - AP

Egypt Must Look Past the Military - TN editorial

The Egyptian Military's 'Pseudo-Coup' - GPS opinion

The New Egyptian Underground - PM opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Court Mulls Trial in Absentia for Hariri Case - AP

Lebanon Tribunal Asks for Hariri Trial in Absentia - Reuters

Jordan’s King Shakes Up His Government - NYT

Jordan’s King Appoints Judge as PM - BBC

Saudi King Abdullah a Cautious Reformer - Reuters

Saudi King Surgery 'Successful' - BBC

Broadcast of a Film Roils Tunisia Before Elections - NYT

Roadside Bomb Kills Woman in Algeria - AP

The Intolerant Arab Spring - Newsweek opinion

An Ominous Message from Tunisia - WPCW opinion



Assange Calls Wikileak Defection Reports False - AP


US Department of Defense

This is No Time to Cut Defense - FP opinion

Hard Choices for Ground Forces - DN opinion


United States

‘Fast & Furious’: Botched Operation Spawned Fatal Results - WT

Questions Linger over Why CIA Operative is at NYPD - AP

Weapons Stolen from Los Angeles SWAT Training Site - AP

Hacker Group Threatens Industrial Computer Systems - WT

Online Shopping, Banking at Risk from Increased Hacking - WT

Supreme Court to Decide on Stolen Valor Act - LAT

High Court to Rule on Stolen Valor Act - AP

Republicans and Foreign Policy - NYT editorial

Who Mailed the Anthrax Letters? - NYT editorial

Calculating the Costs of War - WT opinion

America: With God on Our Side - LAT opinion



No Combat Role for US Advisers in Uganda, Official Says - NYT

Fanfare Masks Doubts on US Anti-Rebel Push in Africa - Reuters

Ugandan Troops Had Wanted LRA Leader in Its Sights - AP

Uganda Police Tear Gas Protesters in Capital - AP

Kenyan, Somali Troops Hunt Rebels, Residents Try to Flee - Reuters

Somalia: Al-Shabab Threatens Response to Kenya Incursion - VOA

Somali Militants Threaten Kenya Over Cross-Border Troops - NYT

Somali Militants Threaten Kenya - BBC

Kenya Arrests Two Britons at Somali Border - Reuters

Somali Militants Send Displaced Families Back to Famine Zones - VOA

Ex-Warlord Backs Liberia Leader - BBC

Liberia President Optimistic Over Runoff Vote - AP

Ex-Gaddafi Tuareg Fighters Boost Mali Rebels - BBC

Cameroon Opposition Calls For Protests if Vote Stands - VOA

Fighting a Terror Kingpin in Africa - CNN opinion

Uganda: Obama Wears a White Hat - LAT opinion

Now to Uganda - WP opinion



Mexican Drug Cartels Recruiting Texas Children - Reuters

Mexico: Violent Ciudad Juarez Extends a Welcome - AP

Mexico Says 61 Men Held Captive Were Migrants - AP

Venezuela Blocks Chavez Rival's Presidential Bid - Reuters

Venezuela Court Puts in Doubt Opposition Presidential Bid - AP

New Corruption Scandal in Brazil - BBC

Chile Military Drafts Thousands, Blames Students - AP

Void Votes Dominate Bolivia Poll - BBC


Asia Pacific

Still Strong, Economy In China Cools Slightly - NYT

Chinese Succession Opens Door for Military - AP

China Police Fire on Tibetans, Nun Burns to Death - Reuters

US Summit on North-South Korea Relations Opens - AP

Pentagon to Resume N. Korea Talks after 6-year Break - AP

UN Humanitarian Chief Arrives in N. Korea - AP

Japan to Move Forward with Plans to Relocate Marines - S&S

Thailand: Bangkok Flood Defenses Hold Firm - NYT

USS George Washington Preps for Aid Mission to Thailand - S&S

US Wants all Burma Political Prisoners Freed - WT

US Urges End to Abuses of Burma Minorities - AP

Philippine Police Seek Witnesses in Priest Killing - AP



Germany Lowers Expectations for EU Summit - NYT

Greek Workers Strike Against Austerity Measures - VOA

Ukraine’s President Taking Hard Line Against His Rival - NYT

Peace Conference Urges Basque Group ETA to Renounce Violence - VOA

Basque ETA Urged to Give Up Arms - BBC

World Leaders Urge ETA to Declare End to Conflict - Reuters

US, Italian Defense Leaders Reaffirm Partnership - AFPS

Italy Interior Minister Under Fire Over Riots - Reuters

Putin Lays Out Case for Kremlin Return - Reuters

Putin Says Russia Wants Friendly Ties With West - Reuters

Putin Calls Himself Hardest-Working Russian Leader - AP

Russia Denies New Facility in Serbia is for Spying - AP

Head of French Spy Agency Handed Initial Charges - AP

Europe's Last Stand Needs Overwhelming Firepower - Bloomberg editorial


South Asia

India: Gujarat Police Officer Sanjiv Bhatt Freed on Bail - BBC

Hard Choices for Ground Forces

Tue, 10/18/2011 - 3:27am

Hard Choices for Ground Forces by David W. Barno, Nora Bensahel and Travis Sharp at Defense News.

Given today's fiscal constraints, together with a shift of emphasis to the Indo-Pacific Rim, the United States should make plans to reduce the Army and Marine Corps to roughly pre-9/11 levels. We believe that cutting below these levels would jeopardize the ability of the United States to prevail against determined adversaries in unexpected ground-force contingencies without potentially incurring heavy casualties…

U.S. Marine lieutenant has a message for China

Mon, 10/17/2011 - 10:01am

The United States and the Philippines have begun a two-week training exercise that includes a practice amphibious assault on a beach facing the Spratly Islands. A reporter for the Associated Press caught up with a U.S. Marine lieutenant (I don’t know whether he is a PAO) who had an interesting comment about the exercise:

U.S. Marine 1st Lt. Nick Eisenbeiser said the Oct. 17-28 maneuvers would focus on honing their joint capability to ensure regional security and were not aimed at China or any country as an imaginary target.

"They shouldn't get worried," Eisenbeiser told The Associated Press, when asked if the exercises were aimed at China, whose growing naval power has set off concerns in the region. "We're assisting the Chinese in ensuring that their region is peaceful."

Good messaging, both by conducting the exercise itself, and by 1stLt. Eisenbeiser.

17 October SWJ Roundup

Mon, 10/17/2011 - 5:42am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI


German President Makes Surprise Afghanistan Trip - VOA

Afghan Provincial Intel Chief Targeted in Bombing - AP



Tensions Flare as GI’s Take Fire Out of Pakistan - NYT

US Goes after Haqqani Network - WP

Pakistan Leans Toward Talks, Not Fighting, with Insurgents - WP

Fearful Pakistanis Spurn Polio Vaccines - LAT

Pakistan Wants Afghan Action on Taliban Cleric - Reuters

US Drone Strike in Pakistan Kills 3 Haqqani-Linked Egyptians - AP



Iran Could Scrap Directly Elected President - Reuters

US Gov’t Says Alleged Iran Plot Was 'Very Real' - Reuters

Iran Reacts to Pressure From America - NYT

Khamenei Warns US over Assassination Claims - AP

Iran Demands Access to Accused US Plotter - Reuters

US Congress Losing Patience with Iran Policy - WP



Analysis: Iraq US Troop Deal Drifts Over Immunity - Reuters

PM Maliki: Strong Man - NJ

Iraqi Kurds Rally over Right to Raise Kurdish Flag - AP



Arab League Discusses Suspending Syria - VOA

Arab League Calls for Syria Talks - BBC

Arab League to Discuss Suspending Syria - AP

Arab League Calls for Dialogue in Syria - Reuters



Libya NTC Forces 'in Bani Walid' - BBC

Gaddafi Diehards in Sirte Hold Up Libyan Troops - Reuters

Libyans Tearing Down Gadhafi's Tripoli Compound - AP

Survivor Sheds Light on Piles of Bodies Around Sirte - LAT

Hospital in Sirte is a Casualty of Libyan War - WP



Yemeni Forces Kill 5 in Sana'a, Taiz - VOA

Revolt Escalates, Pro-Government Forces Fire on Protesters - NYT

Protesters 'Shot' for Second Day in Yemen Capital - BBC

Forces Battle in Yemeni Capital - AP

Eight Yemenis Killed, Saleh Sees Russian, Chinese Support - Reuters

Saleh: Diplomats Spreading Falsehoods - AP


Israel / Palestinians

In Israel, Charged Debate over Prisoner Release - AP

Some Try to Halt Israeli Prisoner Swap - WP

Poll: Israelis Widely Support Prisoner Exchange - AP

Israel Releases Names of 477 Prisoners to Be Freed in Trade - NYT

Israel Publishes Prison Swap List - BBC

Israel Moves 430 Palestinians Near Prisoner Swap Venue - Reuters

Prominent Palestinian Prisoners to Be Freed - AP

Israel Torn by Morality of Shalit Prisoner Swap - Reuters

Emotions High Ahead of Israel-Hamas Prisoner Swap - AP



Egyptian Political Coalitions Polarized Ahead of Elections - LAT

Egypt's Reform Leader Criticizes Military Rulers - AP

ElBaradei: Civil Courts Must Try Egypt Clash Suspects - Reuters


Middle East / North Africa

US Arms Deal to Bahrain Faces Resistance - WP

US Arms Won't Be Used on Bahrain Protesters - DN

Saudi King in Hospital for Back Operation - Reuters

Tunisia Islamists Set for Big Election Gains - AP

Thousands of Tunisians Rally Against Extremism - AP

Tunis Crowds Gather for anti-Censorship March - LAT


US Department of Defense

US Navy Considering Dual-Mission Submarine - NT

Unfounded Drone Fears - LAT opinion


United States

Perry a Hawk on Texas Border Security - WP

Gingrich Slams Obama over National Security - WT

Border Agency's Growth Accompanied by Rise in Corruption - LAT

Anti-Wall St. Movement Grows to Dozens of Cities - AP

An Aid Agency in the Crosshairs - WP opinion


United Nations

UN Chief Pushes Trust, Green Themes with Lawmakers - AP



‘Occupy’ Protests Continue Worldwide - WP

Global 'Day of Rage' Mostly Peaceful, Rome Clears - Reuters

Good News! No, Really! - NYT opinion



Kenyan Forces Enter Somalia to Battle Militants - NYT

Kenya Hunts Kidnappers in Somalia - BBC

Tanks and Jets: Kenyan Military Moves Into Somalia - AP

Kenya, Somali Troops Target Al Shabaab Bases in Somalia -Reuters

Kenya Helicopter Crashes; Push into Somalia Begins - AP

Al Qaeda Tries a New Tactic in Somalia: Philanthropy - NYT

Uganda's President Says US Troops in Africa Will Not Fight - AP

Why Set US Troops on Africa Militants? - CBS

Radical Sect Kills Community Official in Nigeria - AP

Bomb Kills 3 at Northern Nigerian Police Base - Reuters

Liberia Presidential Challenger Predicts Runoff - AP

Liberia Leader Welcomes Runoff - BBC

Int'l Court Probes Ivory Coast Post-Poll Violence - AP



Central America Rains Toll Rises - BBC

Heavy Rains Wreak Havoc Through Central America - AP

Calderon Sparks Mexico Drugs Row - BBC

Calderon: Mexico Opposition May Work With Criminals - Reuters

Mexican Soldiers Rescue 61 People Held by Drug Gang - AP

Mexico Troops Free Kidnap Victims - BBC

Bolivians Rebuke Morales in Judicial Ballot - AP

Bolivians Vote for Top Judges; Opposition Protests - AP

Venezuela: Chavez Travels to Cuba for Medical Tests - AP

Cuba's Ladies in White Stage March, Vow to Continue - Reuters

Leader's Death a New Challenge for Cuba's 'Ladies' - AP

Cuba: Legacy of a Lady in White - WP opinion

What Haiti Doesn’t Need - WP editorial


Asia Pacific

China Watches Nervously as Taiwan Election Nears - Reuters

North Korea and US to Meet in Geneva Next Week - Reuters

US-South Korea Free-trade Pact Challenged - WT

Thailand: Flood Barriers Shield Bangkok - AP

US and Philippine Marines Hold Drill Near Spratlys - AP

Italian Priest Shot Dead in Southern Philippines - AP



In Italy, Rioting Leads to Recriminations - NYT

Italy Cracks Down on Anarchists After Riot - AP

Rome Rioting Said to Cost Euro 1 Million or More - AP

France's Socialists Have a Candidate - LAT

France: Hollande Elected to Face Sarkozy - BBC

Sarkozy Challenger Hollande Seen as Soft, Unifying - AP

Germany: Greek Debt Write-Down Must Be Higher - Reuters

Greece Heads for Standstill Before Austerity Vote - Reuters

UK Town Gets Royal Title for Honoring War Dead - AP

Allies: Russian Activist Denied Proper Health Care - AP

Conference Due on ETA Separatists - BBC


South Asia

India March over 'Draconian' anti-Insurgent Law - BBC

India Politician Sacked over Missing Nurse - BBC

Australia Pressed to Investigate Sri Lanka Envoy for Warcrimes - Reuters

Unfounded Drone Fears

Mon, 10/17/2011 - 4:57am

Unfounded Drone Fears - Los Angeles Times Op-Ed by Michael W. Lewis.

Almost since the United States began using the unmanned aerial vehicles known as drones, their use has drawn criticism. The latest criticism, which has received considerable attention in the wake of the drone strike on Anwar Awlaki, is that America's use of drones has sparked a new international arms race.

While it is true that some other nations have begun developing their own unmanned aerial vehicles, the extent of the alarm is unjustified. Much of it rests on myths that are easily dispelled…

Spirit of America Update

Sun, 10/16/2011 - 5:36pm

General (Ret.) Stanley McChrystal joins Spirit of America Advisory Board

Spirit of America is proud to announce that General (Ret.) Stanley McChrystal has joined our Advisory Board.

Spirit of America is a Los Angeles-based 501c3 non-profit that helps our troops help local people. We provide goods and assistance for local people in response to needs identified by American service men and women. This fast, flexible and decentralized support improves conditions and relationships on the front lines.

At a dinner in New York two weeks ago, Gen. McChyrstal said, “The reason I’m so passionate about this is that Spirit of America has hit upon a model that is very flexible. It’s what we Americans we can do well. It’s being flexible at the lowest level. The US Government is not the right entity to do that. We’ve got the best service people in the world but we’ll never be flexible enough to bring all America’s strength to bear. That is the really entrepreneurial part… that is the focused part. I could not be more passionate about what Spirit of America is doing.”

For more on Gen. McChrystal and the unique approach Spirit of America takes in supporting the United States’ mission in Afghanistan as well as the potential role Spirit of America can play outside of Afghanistan, please visit our website here.

Spirit of America seeks 2 exceptional individuals to join its Commander Support Program in Afghanistan

As Spirit of America continues to work alongside US Marine and Army units in southern Afghanistan, we are seeking two individuals to work alongside Army units in eastern Afghanistan. The assignment is for 8 months. Military or civilian service in support of Operations Iraqi and/or Enduring Freedom is a must. Visit our website here for a full job description and requisite experience and qualifications.

Please send a resume and a cover letter stating your interest in the position to Matt Valkovic, Manager, Commander Support Program at

16 October SWJ Roundup

Sun, 10/16/2011 - 4:02am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI


NATO Assessment Emphasizes Setbacks for Taliban - NYT

Afghan Violence Falling Sharply, NATO Says - McClatchy

US Base in Normally Tranquil Province Hit by Suicide Team - LAT

Militants Assault US Base in Eastern Afghanistan - AP

Militants Strike US Afghan Base - BBC

Eight People, 2 NATO Troops Killed in Afghanistan - VOA

Searches of Turbans, Symbols of Identity, Rattle Afghans - NYT

Taliban Bomber Responsible for British Deaths Captured - TT

Son of NY Bomb Plot Sheik Killed in Afghanistan - AP

NATO: Taliban Did Not Kill Afghan President's Brother - Reuters

Afghan Parliament Clears Hurdle to Aid - WP

Afghanistan Passes Key Hurdle to Release Aid Funds - Reuters

The Afghan War Everyone Wants to Forget - TS opinion



US Goes after Haqqani Network - WP

US Missiles Kill 6 in Northwestern Pakistan - AP



To Isolate Iran, US Presses Inspectors on Nuclear Data - NYT

The Texan-Iranian, Saudi Ambassador, and Tale of 2 Cousins - TT

Four Attacks that Have Been Blamed on Iran - CSM

Iran's Supreme Leader Rejects US Allegations - VOA

Khamenei: US Charges ‘Meaningless’ - WP

Iran Says US Claim of Plot Has 'No Legal Logic' - AP

Saudi Arabia Refrains from Fingering Iran - CSM

Iranian Oil Sales, Foreign Exchange Taking a Hit from Sanctions  - CSM

The One-Way War - WS opinion

Breaking Tehran - NR opinion

The Diminishing Returns of Reasonableness - NR opinion

Punching Holes in the Iran Plot - TD opinion



US Cuts Back the Proposed Size of Its Force in Iraq - NYT

US Abandons Plans to Keep Troops in Iraq Next Year - FOX

US Drops Plans to Keep Troops in Iraq - AP

No Decision Yet on Future Troop Presence in Iraq - Reuters



2 Killed at Funeral for Syrian Victim - VOA

Syrian Forces Fire at Mourners, Battle Defectors - Reuters

Syrian Forces Target Funeral, Assassinate Activist - AP



Heightened Security in Libya's Capital Following Clashes - VOA

Libyan Forces Search Tripoli for Gadhafi Loyalists - AP

Gaddafi Home Town Largely Destroyed - WP

Gaddafi Loyalists Hold Out in Last Desperate Resistance at Sirte - TG

Ruined Sirte Becomes a Killing Ground - TT



Where is Yemen Headed as Saleh Tries to Reassert Power? - CSM

Yemeni Troops Fire into Crowds, Dozens of Casualties - VOA

Deadly Protests in Yemen Capital - BBC

Fatal Airstrikes Hit Yemen as Violence Escalates in Capital - NYT

Yemen Forces Kill 12; Insurgents Wreck Gas Pipeline - Reuters

Yemen Says Al Qaeda Militants Killed in Drone Strike - LAT

US Strike Kills 9 Al Qaeda Militants in Yemen - AP


Israel / Palestinians

Israel, Hamas Prepare For Prisoner Swap on Tuesday - VOA

Hamas Negotiator: We Won't Continue Talking to Israel - JP

Israel’s Peres Begins Review of Palestinians to be Freed - VOA

Israeli President Begins Pardoning Palestinians - AP

Israel Publishes Prisoner Swap List - BBC

Israel Names Prisoners to Be Freed in Swap Deal - Reuters

Chinese Jews Feel More at Home in Israel - LAT



Egypt’s Military Expands Power, Raising Alarms - NYT

Stunned by Bloodshed, Egyptians Torn Over Army - AP

Hundreds March for Muslim-Christian Unity in Cairo - AP

Egypt's Military Rulers Criminalize Discrimination - AP


Middle East / North Africa

Oman Votes for Advisory Council After Protests - AP

Morocco's Problem: Freelance Jihadis, Not Al-Qaida - AP

Saudi Arabia's Hollow Equal Rights - FA opinion


US Department of Defense

McKeon: Tax Hike is Last Resort to Fund Defense - NT

Strong Bonds Link Military Dogs, Handlers - S&S

Leaders Challenge Gay Troops to Come Out, be Role Models - S&S

Battaglia Ready to Assist in Shaping Total Force - AFPS

McNabb Passes TRANSCOM Command to Fraser - AFPS

Army Museum's Morbid Oddities Resettled in MD - AP


United States

Michele Bachmann Vows to Finish Mexico Border Fence - LAT

America’s ‘Primal Scream’ - NYT opinion

OWS: Marxist Mobocracy - WT opinion

In Protest, the Power of Place - NYT opinion

Crisis of Decadence - NR opinion

A Serious Discussion of US Foreign Policy? - WPR opinion



Rallies Across the Globe Protest Economic Policies - NYT

United in Anger, ‘Occupy’ Goes Global - WP

Protests Against Corporate Greed Spread Across Globe - LAT

'Occupy' Protests Go Global - CSM

Riots in Rome as Wall Street Protests Go Global - TS

Rome Erupts Amid Global Greed Protests - TA

'Occupy' Anti-capitalism Protests Spread Around the World - TG

NY Caps Day of Worldwide Protests - BBC

Wall Street Protests Go Global; Riots in Rome - Reuters



US Ventures into Bloody Uganda Conflict - Time

What US Manhunt for LRA Leaders Reveals about War Strategy - CSM

Rights Groups Welcome US Decision to Send Troops to Uganda - VOA

Ugandans Welcome US Troop Plan to Fight Rebels - Reuters

8 Opposition Parties Pull Out of Liberian Election - VOA

Liberia Opposition Denounce Poll as 'Fraudulent' - BBC

Liberians Count Votes and Fraud Allegations - NYT

Radical Sect Kills Policeman in North Nigeria - AP

Senegal Curbs a Bloody Rite, African-Style - NYT

Treat Somali Pirates Like Terrorists - WT opinion



Mexico’s President Works to Lock In Drug War Tactics - NYT

Twenty Die in Mexico Prison Fight - BBC

Mexico: Prison Fight Leaves 20 Inmates Dead - AP

Brazil President Holds Her Own as Lula Successor - LAT

Haiti MPs Approve New Government - BBC

UN: Haiti Prison Break Trial to Begin Tuesday - AP

Cuba's Ladies in White Mourn Leader, Vow to Go On - Reuters

Cuban Dissidents Mourn Passing of Leader Pollan - AP

Central America Death Toll at 45 From Heavy Rains - Reuters


Asia Pacific

China's Leaders Begin Key Meeting - BBC

China and Vietnam to Strengthen Military Ties - Reuters

Japan's Aging Air Force Plans Major Overhaul - AP

Aid Arrives for Flood-Swamped Thailand, Cambodia - VOA

Thailand: Bangkok Escape Floods as Waters Recede - AP

Forging a Stronger US-Korea Alliance - KT editorial


Central Asia

Upcoming Election Raises Specter of Terror in Kyrgyzstan - AP



European Officials Struggle Toward a Debt Solution - NYT

Europe rejects US, IMF Debt Plan - WP

G20 Ministers Meet to Resolve European Debt Crisis - VOA

EU Summit to be 'Decisive' for Crisis - BBC

European Economic Protests Turn Violent in Rome - VOA

Rioters Hijack Rome Protests, Police Fire Tear Bas - AP

Italy’s Berlusconi Vows to Punish Rioters - BBC

Protesters in Lisbon Surround Parliament - Reuters

New Stage for US-Russia Relations - WP

Russia: Medvedev Says Leader Plan Was Studied - NYT

Russia's Medvedev Rallies Disappointed Supporters - AP

German Police Critiqued for Spying - WP

French Socialists to Choose Presidential Nominee - AP


South Asia

India Struggles to Cope with Population Boom - WP

India ex-Minister Held on Graft - BBC

Mexican Cartel Tactical Note # 4

Sat, 10/15/2011 - 5:51pm

Mexican Cartel Tactical Notes: No 4. Cartel Military Weapons Cache Discovered Near Fronton, Texas.

Who: US Border Patrol Agents find a Mexican cartel (assumed) weapons cache and turn it over to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (BATF) for further investigation. Border Patrol Chief Rosendo Hinojosa made comments to the media pertaining to the incident.

What: Black bag found in the brush containing:

            • 6 Assault Rifles [See Photo]

            • 1 Rocket Launcher [See Photo]

            • 1 Grenade Launcher

            • 3 Packages of C-4 Explosives (Per News Video)

            • 1 Lower Receiver for an Assault Rifle

            • 20 Magazines

When:  Tuesday, 13 September 2011.

Where:  Near Fronton, Texas, North of the Rio Grande River on US soil. Mexican city reference: Roughly between Nuevo Laredo and Reynosa.

Why:  The weapons cache was either left in the brush near the Rio Grande for pick up or abandoned due to US LE presence in the vicinity. One assumption is that the weapons were meant for a cartel kill-team/enforcers operating in the region; another is that they were on their way to Mexico.

Photo Forensics:

Photo: Courtesy of US Customs and Border Protection (For Public Release)

General ID information only due to the angle and resolution of the picture.

Top Weapon: An enhancement of the sling ring and end cap shows that it is an M-72 Light Anti-tank Weapon (LAW), possibly an A2 model.

2nd Weapon: Either an AR-15 or an M-16 (selector on opposite side) that appears to be a “parts” weapon. It is not in fireable condition as the recoil spring and recoil spring housing are missing along with the stock.

3rd Weapon: Appears in all respects to be an AR-10 (7.62mm x 51mm).  The verified size of the magazine well is consistent with that of a 7.62mm magazine and the slight forward cant of the well is germane to the AR-10 only.  Additionally, the enlarged head on the take-down pin on the receiver of this Armalite is not common to other AR models, but does occur on the AR-10; and the size and format of the brass deflector on this weapon only occurs on the AR-10. There is also no forward assist on the receiver. Production time period and exact model variance from the angle of view is uncertain.

4th Weapon: An AK action in a polymer stock; possibly a knock-off that was originally semi-auto possibly converted to full.

5th Weapon: Weapon with the well-worn receiver appears to be a select-fire M-4 carbine.

6th Weapon: appears to be a Model SAR-4800 Sporter Rifle in 7.62 x 51mm.  The pistol grip on the stock has been trimmed way down to fit a smaller hand.  The barrel has also been cut off just ahead of the gas piston adjustment for maneuverability.

7th Weapon (Partial): No ID due to partial image.

Tactical Analysis: Mexican cartel weapon caches containing military grade weaponry have been regularly found throughout Mexico and even close to the US-Mexican border. This specific cache was found on US soil and contained a rocket launcher (M72 LAW), a grenade launcher (type not identified), and C-4 explosives in addition to assault rifles. Of significance is that an earlier weapons cache was also discovered in this same area by US Border Patrol personnel (assigned to the Rio Grande City Station) on Wednesday 16 March 2011. During that incident a suspicious pickup truck was viewed and when personnel searched the area where it had stopped they found a large duffle bag hidden in the brush. The bag contained:

            • 8 AK-47 Assault Rifles

            • 2 AR-15 Assault Rifles

            • 350 Rounds of Ammo (Varying calibers)

• 2 Grenades (Type not identified; blown in place by local bomb squad)

• 1 40mm Grenade Launcher [See Photo; appears to be a M-203 variant]

These weapons were also turned over to the BATF for further investigation.

Photo: Courtesy of US Customs and Border Protection (For Public Release)

Initial analysis suggests that cartel operatives for whatever reason, likely Zetas or Gulf cartel personnel given the location of the find, are now bringing heavier infantry weapons into the United States. That analysis, however, is in variance with earlier statements made by Chief Hinojosa who said the weapons in the March seizure were being smuggled into Mexico. In that case military grade weapons such as the 40mm Grenade Launcher (presumably stolen and then resold) are loose in the US and are being sent to Mexico. In either scenario the rocket and grenade launcher seized in September 2011 (and the grenade launcher seized earlier) pose a significant US officer safety threat as does the C-4 which can be utilized in an improvised explosive device (IED) role.  

Significance: Cartel Weaponry; Officer Safety Issues


Mark Nino, “Border Patrol Agents Seize Weapon Cache”. KVEO 23- Rio Grande Valley. 14 September 2011, [See Video]

Ildefonso Ortiz, “Border Patrol finds rocket launcher, grenade launcher, explosives near Rio Grande.” The Monitor. 14 September 2011,

Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol, CBP Public Affairs, “Agents Find Cache of Weapons near Rio Grande”. 17 March 2011,

South Texas Today, “BP Agents Find Weapons, Ammunition and Grenade”. 17 March 2011,