Small Wars Journal

17 October SWJ Roundup

Mon, 10/17/2011 - 5:42am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI


German President Makes Surprise Afghanistan Trip - VOA

Afghan Provincial Intel Chief Targeted in Bombing - AP



Tensions Flare as GI’s Take Fire Out of Pakistan - NYT

US Goes after Haqqani Network - WP

Pakistan Leans Toward Talks, Not Fighting, with Insurgents - WP

Fearful Pakistanis Spurn Polio Vaccines - LAT

Pakistan Wants Afghan Action on Taliban Cleric - Reuters

US Drone Strike in Pakistan Kills 3 Haqqani-Linked Egyptians - AP



Iran Could Scrap Directly Elected President - Reuters

US Gov’t Says Alleged Iran Plot Was 'Very Real' - Reuters

Iran Reacts to Pressure From America - NYT

Khamenei Warns US over Assassination Claims - AP

Iran Demands Access to Accused US Plotter - Reuters

US Congress Losing Patience with Iran Policy - WP



Analysis: Iraq US Troop Deal Drifts Over Immunity - Reuters

PM Maliki: Strong Man - NJ

Iraqi Kurds Rally over Right to Raise Kurdish Flag - AP



Arab League Discusses Suspending Syria - VOA

Arab League Calls for Syria Talks - BBC

Arab League to Discuss Suspending Syria - AP

Arab League Calls for Dialogue in Syria - Reuters



Libya NTC Forces 'in Bani Walid' - BBC

Gaddafi Diehards in Sirte Hold Up Libyan Troops - Reuters

Libyans Tearing Down Gadhafi's Tripoli Compound - AP

Survivor Sheds Light on Piles of Bodies Around Sirte - LAT

Hospital in Sirte is a Casualty of Libyan War - WP



Yemeni Forces Kill 5 in Sana'a, Taiz - VOA

Revolt Escalates, Pro-Government Forces Fire on Protesters - NYT

Protesters 'Shot' for Second Day in Yemen Capital - BBC

Forces Battle in Yemeni Capital - AP

Eight Yemenis Killed, Saleh Sees Russian, Chinese Support - Reuters

Saleh: Diplomats Spreading Falsehoods - AP


Israel / Palestinians

In Israel, Charged Debate over Prisoner Release - AP

Some Try to Halt Israeli Prisoner Swap - WP

Poll: Israelis Widely Support Prisoner Exchange - AP

Israel Releases Names of 477 Prisoners to Be Freed in Trade - NYT

Israel Publishes Prison Swap List - BBC

Israel Moves 430 Palestinians Near Prisoner Swap Venue - Reuters

Prominent Palestinian Prisoners to Be Freed - AP

Israel Torn by Morality of Shalit Prisoner Swap - Reuters

Emotions High Ahead of Israel-Hamas Prisoner Swap - AP



Egyptian Political Coalitions Polarized Ahead of Elections - LAT

Egypt's Reform Leader Criticizes Military Rulers - AP

ElBaradei: Civil Courts Must Try Egypt Clash Suspects - Reuters


Middle East / North Africa

US Arms Deal to Bahrain Faces Resistance - WP

US Arms Won't Be Used on Bahrain Protesters - DN

Saudi King in Hospital for Back Operation - Reuters

Tunisia Islamists Set for Big Election Gains - AP

Thousands of Tunisians Rally Against Extremism - AP

Tunis Crowds Gather for anti-Censorship March - LAT


US Department of Defense

US Navy Considering Dual-Mission Submarine - NT

Unfounded Drone Fears - LAT opinion


United States

Perry a Hawk on Texas Border Security - WP

Gingrich Slams Obama over National Security - WT

Border Agency's Growth Accompanied by Rise in Corruption - LAT

Anti-Wall St. Movement Grows to Dozens of Cities - AP

An Aid Agency in the Crosshairs - WP opinion


United Nations

UN Chief Pushes Trust, Green Themes with Lawmakers - AP



‘Occupy’ Protests Continue Worldwide - WP

Global 'Day of Rage' Mostly Peaceful, Rome Clears - Reuters

Good News! No, Really! - NYT opinion



Kenyan Forces Enter Somalia to Battle Militants - NYT

Kenya Hunts Kidnappers in Somalia - BBC

Tanks and Jets: Kenyan Military Moves Into Somalia - AP

Kenya, Somali Troops Target Al Shabaab Bases in Somalia -Reuters

Kenya Helicopter Crashes; Push into Somalia Begins - AP

Al Qaeda Tries a New Tactic in Somalia: Philanthropy - NYT

Uganda's President Says US Troops in Africa Will Not Fight - AP

Why Set US Troops on Africa Militants? - CBS

Radical Sect Kills Community Official in Nigeria - AP

Bomb Kills 3 at Northern Nigerian Police Base - Reuters

Liberia Presidential Challenger Predicts Runoff - AP

Liberia Leader Welcomes Runoff - BBC

Int'l Court Probes Ivory Coast Post-Poll Violence - AP



Central America Rains Toll Rises - BBC

Heavy Rains Wreak Havoc Through Central America - AP

Calderon Sparks Mexico Drugs Row - BBC

Calderon: Mexico Opposition May Work With Criminals - Reuters

Mexican Soldiers Rescue 61 People Held by Drug Gang - AP

Mexico Troops Free Kidnap Victims - BBC

Bolivians Rebuke Morales in Judicial Ballot - AP

Bolivians Vote for Top Judges; Opposition Protests - AP

Venezuela: Chavez Travels to Cuba for Medical Tests - AP

Cuba's Ladies in White Stage March, Vow to Continue - Reuters

Leader's Death a New Challenge for Cuba's 'Ladies' - AP

Cuba: Legacy of a Lady in White - WP opinion

What Haiti Doesn’t Need - WP editorial


Asia Pacific

China Watches Nervously as Taiwan Election Nears - Reuters

North Korea and US to Meet in Geneva Next Week - Reuters

US-South Korea Free-trade Pact Challenged - WT

Thailand: Flood Barriers Shield Bangkok - AP

US and Philippine Marines Hold Drill Near Spratlys - AP

Italian Priest Shot Dead in Southern Philippines - AP



In Italy, Rioting Leads to Recriminations - NYT

Italy Cracks Down on Anarchists After Riot - AP

Rome Rioting Said to Cost Euro 1 Million or More - AP

France's Socialists Have a Candidate - LAT

France: Hollande Elected to Face Sarkozy - BBC

Sarkozy Challenger Hollande Seen as Soft, Unifying - AP

Germany: Greek Debt Write-Down Must Be Higher - Reuters

Greece Heads for Standstill Before Austerity Vote - Reuters

UK Town Gets Royal Title for Honoring War Dead - AP

Allies: Russian Activist Denied Proper Health Care - AP

Conference Due on ETA Separatists - BBC


South Asia

India March over 'Draconian' anti-Insurgent Law - BBC

India Politician Sacked over Missing Nurse - BBC

Australia Pressed to Investigate Sri Lanka Envoy for Warcrimes - Reuters



Tue, 10/18/2011 - 1:24am

Well I have some ideas to save money, just start asking for some volunteers to perform some special missions. No BUD/S or SF pipeline to complete. No Airborne School etc. Give us a pocket full of cash, a backpack full of gear, drop us off in close proximity to these mortar POOs and tell us to "fix it". Me and a few other people will fix it, then we'll just find a way back to town, where town is, get a taxi, get to a US embassy or airport, get on a plane and off we go. Hell, I'll even use my own leave time. If people are shooting at our Soldiers & Marines, they need to pay. End of story.

If we don't make it back, well, we accepted the risk.

But, either we fight the war or end the war. Either way, having your people take mortar fire with no recourse is wrong. People need to be fired for that.

- Sorry for the rant, but this really agitates me.

The New York Times reports today that American posts near the Afghan border with Pakistan are receiving increased amounts of 107 & 122mm rocket fire originating from inside Pakistan or from the Afghan side within yards of the border. The soldiers on the spot are prevented from doing all they could do to retaliate because of where the border line is drawn. The story states that the enlisted soldiers are seething because of this.

From the viewpoint of a civilian, and if the story's facts are true, it seems that our soldiers are not being permitted to defend themselves. This restriction is not because the rocket launch sites are in the middle of a refugee camp or a village bazaar, it it solely because of a line drawn on the map. The conclusion to be drawn is that the restrictions exist to avoid the Pak Army being cross with us. So far the fire hasn't caused a American casualties but it is inevitable that if it continues, it will. I don't believe the comrades of the dead will be satisfied with the explanation that their friend's deaths were a worthwhile price to pay to avoid GEN Kayani raising a disapproving eyebrow at ADM Mullen next time they sit down to tea.

Again from a civilian's standpoint, doesn't loyalty work both ways? Don't the higher ups owe it to the guys on the spot to let them shoot back effectively or to get them out of there?