Small Wars Journal

3/26/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 03/26/2022 - 12:28pm

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Russian Forces Halt Kyiv Advance as Kremlin Says Donbass Was Only Goal All Along
2. War in Ukraine: Change of emphasis or admission of failure by Moscow?
3. Russia Abandons March on Kyiv, Focuses Embattled Troops Instead on Donbas
4. In Ukraine, Russian Activity Now More Focused on Donbas Than Kyiv
6. Vladimir Putin on the run? Russia says it will scale back its Ukraine invasion to focus on 'liberating' the eastern Donbas region 'and save face' after losing 20 BATTALIONS
7. Russian commander run over ‘deliberately’ by his own troops in Ukraine, officials say
9. The new Russian cult of war
10. Russia Was Losing the Information War. Then Fox News Stepped In.
11. Op-Ed: Ukraine — Redefining the role of modern special forces in a ground war
12. Alert the Fifth Force: Counterinsurgency, Unconventional Warfare, and Psychological Operations of the United States Air Force in Special Air Warfare
13. Special Operations News Update - March 26, 2022 | SOF News
14. Supreme Court restores Pentagon's authority over deployment of unvaccinated SEALs
15. Russia’s failures in Ukraine imbue Pentagon with newfound confidence
16, How NATO ‘woke up’: The response to Putin’s war
17. Did Putin's Invasion of Ukraine Damage Russia's Ability to Sell Weapons?
18. Yes, US Green Berets Helped Ukraine Train for a War with Russia
19. That Time US Forces Tore Hundreds of Russian Wagner Group Mercenaries to Pieces in Syria
20. Ukraine, Taiwan, the Koreas: Is the world tilting toward major wars?
21. Constellis company Triple Canopy wins $1.3 billion State Department WPS III Baghdad contract
22. The Lost Reason Russia Is Losing in Ukraine: The Information Economy Problem

Korean News Content:

1. KDVA: Joint Message Regarding North Korean Missile Launches
2. N.K. media boast of ICBM launch 'success'
3. US experts and defector diplomats "Kim Jong-un's remarks of 'long-term confrontation with the US' are bluffs, endangering both residents and the military"
4. China’s protection of North Korea should stop
5. Remarks by Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield in Response to China and Russia at a UN Security Council Briefing on the DPRK
6. Russia says it has agreed to coordinate with China on North Korea
7. China calls for restraint regarding nuclear issue on Korean Peninsula
8. North Korea launches first ICBM since 2017, ending self-imposed moratorium
9. US calls for stiffer UN sanctions against North Korea
10. Why Does North Korea Want ICBMs?
11. Experts: North Korea's New ICBM May Carry Multiple Nuclear Warheads
12.  U.S. will introduce new UNSC resolution to strengthen sanctions on N. Korea: U.S. envoy
13. Three principles for the transition
14. North Korea's ICBM launch complicates President-elect Yoon's defense vision
15. What to Expect for US-ROK Relations and Inter-Korean Relations Under Yoon Suk-yeol

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN March 25, 5.00 EST

Sat, 03/26/2022 - 8:51am
And I would add this new meme.  As I have written, President Zelensky is giving us a master class in strategic communications.
uk meme

 Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



March 25, 5.00 EST


At least 300 innocent lives have been lost as a result of Russia’s missile strike at the Mariupol Drama Theater. Mariupol is on the brink of survival. The number of deaths from starvation is rising.

The occupants launched artillery fire at evacuation train near the town of Vasylkiv, Kyiv region.

Russian forces failed to reach their main goals - the blockade of Kyiv and access to the administrative borders of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Russia is growing its naval fleet in the waters of the Sea of Azov.

Foreign Minister of Ukraine:  No consensus in negotiations yet. Ukraine’s position is clear: ceasefire, security guarantees, no compromises on territorial integrity. But Russia sticks to ultimatums. To stimulate a more constructive approach we need two things: more sanctions and more military aid for Ukraine.




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russian forces failed to reach its main goals of a large-scale war - the blockade of Kyiv and access to the administrative borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. The enemy has had partial success in creating a land corridor between the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and part of the Donetsk region.

In the Volyn direction, the enemy has not been active. The probability of involving the armed forces of Belarus in the aggression against Ukraine is estimated as high.

In Polissya, the enemy has not carried out offensive operations. Their efforts have been concentrated on shelling the positions of Ukraine's Armed Forces in the regions of the settlements of Nova Buda, Nalyvaykivka, Ozerchchyna. They are carrying out the movement of units, logistics, and are attempting to gain foothold on the occupied frontiers. Eastern Military District troops have set up a rear area (field camp) in the Chornobyl region.

In the direction of Siversk, the occupational forces continue to hold the previously captured borders, and are attempting to grow their groups and blockade Chernihiv. They continue to shell city's infrastructure.

Advancement in the direction of Brovary has been unsuccessful - the occupants were stopped immediately, have switched to defence and are attempting to gain foothold at their current positions.

In the direction of Slobozhansk Russian forces are concentrating on holding down their positions near Sumy and Kharkiv, are replenishing their losses and continue destroying the cities' residential areas.

In the direction of Donetsk the enemy continues to replenish losses, is re-grouping units. Russian fascists are firing, using artillery and aviation, at the infrastructure of peaceful cities. They are not giving up on the idea of entering the administrative borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

In the Tavriya direction, in the temporarily occupied territories, preparations for the implementation of an occupation government are taking place. Measures were taken to isolate the railway station of Kherson.

The enemy is growing its naval fleet in the waters of the Sea of Azov. There has been a record of the passage of the small minesweeper "Valentyn Pikul", the missile boat "Naberezhnye Chelny" and two landing crafts, via the Kerch Strait, in the north direction.


Russia is taking measures to restore combat capability, replenish ammunition and fuel to ensure the readiness of offensive operations.

Ukrainian forces involved in the defense of the city of Kyiv continue to repel the enemy's offensive, inflict fire on Russian fascists and hold their positions.

In the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the occupiers continue to terrorize the local population, forcing people to be deported to the territory of the Russian Federation. In order to intimidate the local population, Russian fascists are carrying out chaotic shelling of settlements, confiscating vehicles and personal belongings.

In the temporarily occupied Luhansk, in the local hospital, the occupiers established a military hospital, which is full of wounded servicemen of the Russian Federation. Part of the hospital is set aside for the storage of corpses due to the fact that the local morgues are overcrowded.

The enemy continues to suffer losses among the leadership. On March 25, Ukrainian defenders killed in action the commander of the 49th Army of the southern military district, lieutenant general Yakov Rezantsev.


Prosecutor’s General Office of Ukraine

As of March 25, 2022, 135 children had died in Ukraine due to the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and 184 children were injured. Children suffered the most in the following regions: Kyiv - 64, Kharkiv - 44, Donetsk - 46, Chernihiv - 34, Mykolaiv - 25, Zaporizhia - 26, Zhytomyr - 15, Kherson - 15 and Sumy - 14.

Russian daily bombings and shelling damaged 566 educational institutions in Ukraine, 73 of which were completely destroyed.

More than 230 schools and 155 kindergartens were damaged and destroyed.

The worst situation is in Donetsk, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Kyiv, Kherson and Chernihiv. In addition to this, more than 40 children's facilities were affected by the enemy fire, this includes medical and sport facilities, art schools and libraries.


In the evening of 24 March 2022, Russian soldiers shelled Kalynivka village, Kyiv region with multiple rocket launchers. As a result, fuel tanks of the oil depot were destroyed and a fire broke out. The occupants also launched artillery fire at evacuation train near the town of Vasylkiv, Kyiv region.


On 24 March 2022, members of the Russian armed forces shot dead two residents of the village of Velykyi Sambir, Konotop district, in their own yard. A 62-year-old man and a woman died of their gunshot wounds.


Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland have set up a joint investigation team to investigate Russia's war crimes.

Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova signed an agreement with Lithuanian Prosecutor General Nida Grunskene and Polish Prosecutor General and Minister of Justice Zbigniew Zobro on the establishment of a joint investigation team to investigate Russia's aggression and war crimes in Ukraine. The document was also signed by representatives of the countries in Eurojust. In addition, the Ukrainian and Lithuanian Prosecutors General exchanged the originals of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Prosecutor's Offices signed on March 2.

The activities of the JIT will focus on the collection, safe storage and rapid exchange of information and evidence of war crimes of the Russian Federation, collected during investigations in the territory of the States Parties, as well as operational and investigative measures. In addition, it will identify the assets of war criminals in order to freeze them.

"Our joint investigation team is open to other participating countries. Currently, in addition to Ukraine, 9 other countries are conducting their own investigations into the war waged by Russia: Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Estonia, Germany, Sweden, Latvia, Norway and France. We are also waiting for the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to join our team, the Prosecutor General added.

During the meeting, Lithuanian and Polish colleagues spoke about the steps already taken in their own national investigations. First of all, they worked with witnesses and victims - refugees from Ukraine.


The shelling of the village New-York near the city of Toretsk took the life of a local resident. In the town of Selidove, doctors are helping a wounded resident of the village of Mykolayivka, and in Bakhmut continue to receive citizens who were injured in Popasna, Luhansk region.


Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights

Russian troops continue to wage a brutal war against civilians in Ukraine.

In Kharkiv, six civilians were killed and 13 wounded as a result of enemy shelling of the “Nova Poshta” post office, where people were queuing up to receive humanitarian aid.

In Luhansk region, the Russian army shelled a church, houses and a bus: 5 people were killed and 8 wounded. Firefighters rescued 18 residents from under the rubble.

In Mykolaiv Region, the Russian Army launched an attack at civilians from “Smerch” multiple rocket launcher. Three people were killed, 13 injured, one in serious wounded.

An evacuation train №43 Kyiv - Ivano-Frankivsk came under fire near Kyiv. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

In Kalynivka, Kyiv region, three people were injured as a result of shelling. Shell debris hit an oil depot, leading to a large-scale fire.

The occupants used heavy artillery to shell a residential area near Vyshgorod in Kyiv Region. As a result of the shelling, a multi-storey building was damaged.

In Dergachi, Kharkiv Region, one civilian was killed and another wounded after the city center was shelled from a drone.


At least 300 innocent lives have been lost in a missile blast at the Mariupol Drama Theatre.

According to eyewitnesses, it became known that a missile hit the building, killing people inside. That's about 300 civilians along with pregnant women and children.

Today, a damaged and destroyed Mariupol is on the brink of survival. The number of deaths from starvation is rising. People are unable to leave the city to evacuate. More and more are left without any food supplies. All attempts to launch a large-scale humanitarian operation to save the residents of Mariupol are blocked by the Russian side.


Russian officials (M. Myzincev) and the media, in particular TASS, provide information on the deportation of 366,182 Ukrainian citizens from Ukraine to Russia, including 77,062 children (as of March 22, 2022).

Currently, there is evidence of abducted citizens of Ukraine that representatives of the Russian Federation confiscate their passports, keep them in filtration camps, and ban them from leaving the territory of the Russian Federation.

“I sent a letter to the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova with a request to provide me and the Central Investigation Agency of the International Committee of the Red Cross with information about persons displaced from Ukraine.” stressed the Commissioner.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

In Zaporizhzhia police document the consequences of the shelling of civilian houses. According to preliminary data, private houses and other living areas of Orikhov village were destroyed and damaged by artillery shelling and air strikes.




Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Some mass media outlets are citing the comments of President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the negotiation process with Russia.

Our country is sincerely grateful to the Turkish side and especially to President Erdogan for their political and humanitarian assistance, as well as diplomatic efforts aimed at ending Russia's war against Ukraine.

At the same time, it is important to evaluate the situation objectively.

There is no consensus with Russia on the four points mentioned by the President of Turkey. In particular, the Ukrainian language is and will be the only one state language in Ukraine.

In general, the classification of key topics of negotiations into four or other points is incorrect. Many different issues are discussed at the same time in the subgroups of delegations.

The negotiation process is very difficult. The Ukrainian delegation has taken a strong position and does not relinquish its demands. We insist, first of all, on a ceasefire, security guarantees, and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Ukraine will continue its dialogue with Turkey and other stakeholders to restore peace on Ukrainian soil. We hope that Turkey, as a friend and strategic partner of Ukraine, will also continue its support on all tracks.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to remind you that the introduction of new sanctions against Russia and the strengthening of Ukraine's defense capabilities are no less meaningful factors in stopping the Russian military machine and achieving the desired progress in the negotiations.

Such a tripartite strategy - sanctions, military support, negotiations - should not be questioned.  

Foreign Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba

We believe that not some, but all Russian banks should be disconnected from SWIFT, that the EU should impose ban on Russian gas and oil, and to apply many other financial sanctions.


No consensus in negotiations yet. Ukraine’s position is clear: ceasefire, security guarantees, no compromises on territorial integrity. But Russia sticks to ultimatums. To stimulate a more constructive approach we need two things: more sanctions and more military aid for Ukraine.

3/25/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 03/25/2022 - 9:42am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. Ukraine’s troops begin a counteroffensive that alters shape of the battle with Russia.
3. Putin's war in Ukraine nearing possibly more dangerous phase
4. NATO Ignores Zelenskyy’s Plea For 1% of Its Tanks, Jets
5. U.K. Says Russian Mercenary Group Aims to Assassinate Ukraine’s President
6. Ukraine War Update - March 25, 2022 | SOF News
7. Ukraine tells the US it needs 500 Javelins and 500 Stingers per day
8. IntelBrief: The Impact of Security Cooperation and Building Partner Capacity in Ukraine
9. The US Army's Green Berets quietly helped tilt the battlefield a little bit more toward Ukraine
10. What Happens in Russia If Putin Can’t Win in Ukraine?
11. Instead of consumer software, Ukraine’s tech workers build apps of war
12. Why the U.S. Was Wrong About Ukraine and the Afghan War
13. A circular firing squad is forming in the Kremlin, with everyone pointing their guns at each other:
14. Russia 'is planning false flag attacks on its own cities - blamed on Ukraine
15. Prepare for covert war in Ukraine
16. Deter Russia’s Use of Chemical Weapons in Ukraine
17. FDD | Tehran to Pocket Billions From Lower Import Costs if Sanctions Are Lifted
18. China and Solomon Islands Draft Secret Security Pact, Raising Alarm in the Pacific
19. Ukraine should provide Japan’s wake-up call
20. First Army Warfighter Exercise in Pacific will take on large-scale operations
21. How Strategic Messaging Can Help Turn Putin Around
22. Piercing the Fog of War: What Is Really Happening in Ukraine?
23. 23. FDD | Engines of Influence: Turkey’s Defense Industry Under Erdogan
24. Putin’s Real Fear: Ukraine’s Constitutional Order
25. Ukraine’s Three-to-One Advantage
26. Russian Ship Burning in Ukraine Harbor, Hit by Missile Strike
27. Russian warship, Go F**k Yourself – A Short History of Wartime Taunts

Korean News Content:

1. South Korean President-Elect Yoon Suk-Yeol’s Early Foreign Policy Challenges
2. N. Korea confirms 'successful' test-firing of Hwasong-17 ICBM
3. Yoon warns N. Korea will gain nothing from provocations after ICBM launch
4. New Sanctions Under the Iran, North Korea, and Syria Nonproliferation Act (INKSNA)
5.Kim Jong Un’s Latest Missile Test Officially Puts America ‘At Risk’
6. N. Korea says it test-fired biggest ICBM, US adds sanctions
7. Yoon calls on Xi to cooperate closely for N.K. denuclearization
8. Hawasong-17 ICBM Test Proves America's North Korea Policy Has Failed
9. North Korea's New ICBM: Built to Hit America With Multiple Nuclear Warheads
10. North Korea Just Openly Tested Its First ICBM Since 2017 And It's A Monster
11. S. Korea holds rare training involving F-35A fighters after N.K. ICBM launch
12. Yoon may visit former President Park prior to meeting Moon
13. Outgoing power’s obsession with authority over personnel affairs
14. Give South Korea Nuclear Weapons
15. Kim Jong-un stars in wild "Top Gun"-style North Korea missile launch video
16. Chrome Zero-Day Vulnerability: North Korean Hackers Bring Threats to US Targets, Same One in Past Years
17. Kim Jong Un’s Latest Missile Test Officially Puts America ‘At Risk’

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN March 24, 6.30 pm EST

Thu, 03/24/2022 - 9:24pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



March 24, 6.30 pm EST


President Zelenskyy: The threat of large-scale use of chemical weapons by Russia on the territory of Ukraine is quite real.

A.Yermak: Ukraine wants the State of Israel to be one of the guarantors of a major international treaty that would provide clear security guarantees for our country after the end of the war with Russia.

I.Vereshchuk: Today was held the first full-fledged exchange of POWs.

140 countries voted in favor of the UN Resolution "Humanitarian consequences of aggression against Ukraine" that clearly indicates the grounds of the humanitarian catastrophe.

From February 24 to March 24, the State Border Guard Service registered 3.2 million people crossed the Ukrainian border, in particular 2.2 million of our compatriots and 275,000 foreigners left Ukraine.





General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The 29th day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion continues.

The full-scale armed aggression of the Russian federation against Ukraine continues. The enemy continues to suffer significant losses.

To replenish them, the Russian invaders are recruiting reserve officers, conscripts and sergeants. The practice of recruiting mercenaries, recruited by Russian private military companies, persists.

In order to restore combat capability, the commanders of the Armed Forces of the Russian federation have made a number of decisions to remove from storage and send to military units that restore combat capability, obsolete armoured vehicles.

In the territories temporarily occupied by the enemy, there are frequent cases of seizure of trucks and special agricultural machinery from private entrepreneurs and farmers.

According to the information received, the military-political leadership of the Russian federation has decided to adjust the plans for further hostilities on the territory of Ukraine due to the fact that the goals set before the war with Ukraine were not met in time.

Over the past two weeks, more than 20 enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the Russian federation have been forced to suspend their activities in whole or in part due to lack of components and parts. In particular, the production of aircraft missiles at the Russian research and production enterprise "Vimpel" was suspended.

At the same time, the Russian military leadership is transferring weapons and military equipment from military districts to the territory of Belarus and the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The goal is to make an attempt to prepare and implement offensive actions for the encirclement of the city of Kyiv.

The Russian military leadership is beginning to realize that the available forces and means are not enough to maintain the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and conduct defence operations.

In the Volyn, Polissya, and Siversky directions, the enemy was forced to abandon offensive operations, regroup troops, and hold previously occupied frontiers. Takes measures to mislead our units and continues to conduct reconnaissance.

Units of the Armed Forces of the republic of Belarus continue to be involved in covering certain sections of the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.

Enemy units are trying to blockade Chernihiv and capture the city of Slavutych, but did not achieve their goal.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy continues to blockade the city of Sumy. It did not take any active actions in the direction of Kharkiv. The main efforts focused on the destruction of the city's civilian infrastructure.

It was not successful in the Izium direction. The Russian enemy suffered losses. It retreated to the southern part of the city.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy does not refuse to conduct offensive operations, with the ultimate goal of reaching the administrative borders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

In the South Buh area, the enemy is defending, taking measures to restore combat capability, replenish ammunition and fuel and oil in preparation for the resumption of offensive operations.

Units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked large landing ships stationed in the port of Berdyask. As a result, a fire broke out on a large landing ship of project 1171, followed by the detonation of ammunition (enemy losses are being clarified).


Despite significant losses and demoralized personnel, the military-political leadership of the Russian federation does not refuse to continue its war against Ukraine. The enemy continues to destroy the infrastructure of peaceful towns and villages of Ukraine, grossly violating the rules of warfare and neglecting to comply with the requirements of international humanitarian law.

According to the available information, among the personnel of the armed forces of the Russian federation, propaganda work is constantly being carried out, which imposes the idea that the war must be completed before the 9th of May 2022.

The vast majority of the Russian federation's medical institutions in settlements located near the territory of Ukraine are occupied by wounded servicemen of the Russian federation, who took part in the war against Ukraine and encountered units of the defense forces in combat.

As a matter of urgency, the enemy is taking measures to renew the combat capability of the air units of the airborne troops, which had suffered critical losses both in manpower and military equipment.

Despite the active measures taken by the federal security services, the crossguard, and the informational-psychological operations, which are taking place on the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, Russian occupants are facing enormous difficulties controlling the population in said territories. Attempts to install a false pro-Russian government among the traitors and collaborators do not have support from the local population.

In the unrecognized Transnistrian-moldavian republic, local Russian curators are spreading rumors about involving Transnistrian in the war with Ukraine.

In the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the location of the 126th separate coast guard brigade held a farewell ceremony with approximately 100 dead members of the unit at once. Similar measures recently took place at the sailors' club in the city of Sevastopol, where a farewell was held for the marines of the Black Sea fleet who died in the war against Ukraine.

In the city of Dokuchaivsk of the Donetsk region, the occupants created a filtration camp for civilians, who attempt to flee Mariupol. The punitive bodies of the Russian federation's FSB carry out so-called "filtration measures" with the detained people.

In the regions of the settlements Kreminna and Rubizhne, there have been records of forced evacuation of the Ukrainian citizens by the occupants, and their deportation to the Voronezh region.

In some settlements of the Chernihiv region, which are temporarily occupied by the occupational forces, instances of tractors being seized from local farmers have been observed.

Agricultural machinery is being used for evacuating the occupants' damaged equipment.

In the Kharkiv region, a battalion-tactical group from the 59th tank regiment of the Western military district, which operated in the direction of Kharkiv, came under the fire of Ukrainian artillery. The consolidated unit suffered significant losses in manpower and equipment.



Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine/Minister of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories

Iryna Vereshchuk: “Today was the first full-fledged exchange of POWs”.

“In exchange for 10 captured occupiers, we are releasing 10 of our servicemen. Also today we sent to Russians 11 civilian Russian sailors whom we rescued from the sunken ship near Odessa. As a result of this exchange, 19 Ukrainian civilian sailors are returning home from the rescue ship Sapphire, which was captured by the Russians while trying to take our troops from Snake Island. Under the terms of the exchange, the rescue ship itself will also be returned to Ukraine and sent to a port in Turkey” noted Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine.


Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine

Persecution of the Head of the Central Election Office of the Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar People.

On March 24, 2022, Russians conducted an illegal search and detained the Head of the Central Election Office of the Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar People.


On March 23, 2022, Russian fascists fired multiple missiles at the Zolochiv settlement in the Bohodukhiv district. The shelling damaged more than 30 houses, some of which were completely destroyed.


Donetsk Prosecutor's Office urges citizens to join the collection of evidence on the forcible transfer of persons to the territory of the aggressor country.


On March 24, 2022, at about 00:28 CET, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, using means of warfare prohibited by international law, carried out aerial bombardment of a residential area in the town of Okhtyrka in the Sumy region. At least 15 residential multi-story and private buildings, civil infrastructure facilities and power lines were destroyed or damaged. According to preliminary data, one civilian died.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Police is recording the consequences of artillery shelling on the outskirts of Vyshgorod

On March 24, the occupiers fired heavy artillery at a residential area near Vyshhorod. As a result, a high-rise building was damaged. According to preliminary data, no one was injured.


Russians organize abduction of children in Ukraine.

In the occupied part of Kharkiv region invaders persuade collaborators to kidnap children of the locals.

According to operatives of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, people who agreed to work for the invaders stole children from a resident of one of the cities of Kharkiv region. The invaders were told that the man had weapons collected at the scene of hostilities. The Russians sent local collaborators to investigate.

The expropriators did not find the owner of the house, so in agreement with Russian officers, they took away his two minor sons. Their father just went to another village for humanitarian aid to feed his six-month-old grandson.


Ukraine introduces criminal liability for photo and video shooting of movements of servicemen, weapons and equipment of Ukrainian army.


In the Mykolayv region National police of Ukraine destroyed more than one hundred explosive devices, bombs and the missiles left after enemy shelling’s.


Ministry of Defense

The large landing ship “Orsk” of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian occupiers was destroyed in the temporarily Russian-occupied port of Berdyansk.



President of Ukraine

Address by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the participants of the Group of Seven summit

The world's greatest democracies represented by you!

First of all, I would like to thank Chancellor Scholz and the German presidency for the opportunity to address you today. At this urgent summit.

Today is exactly one month since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. Russia, which was present at this format together with advanced democracies. Then the G7 was the G8. And there were a lot of hopes for its participation, for a dialogue with Russia. I want to emphasize that most of those hopes, as well as the place next to the Group of Seven, Russia received in advance. And it still hasn't deserved this advance.

But this and other similar advances gave the Russian leadership the impression that they would get away with anything. In recent years, the Russian state has created so many crises and such instability that it has now become a major problem for the world. A problem that is only growing.

And you and I still have no idea how many more such urgent summits will have to be held before the problems created by Russia are resolved. Europe is going through a war, every day of which is full of war crimes of Russian troops. This morning I received information that Russian troops had used phosphorus bombs against civilians in Ukraine.

The threat of large-scale use of chemical weapons by Russia on the territory of Ukraine is quite real. We are trying to find out the exact number of deported Ukrainians. People who are forcibly deported to Russia on a daily basis are deprived of documents, means of communication - everything is taken away - and distributed among their regions. And even then Russia tries to mobilize them into its army!

It illegally abducts children. According to our data, more than two thousand already! Ukrainian cities - Mariupol, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Okhtyrka and other cities - look like a global catastrophe. They are ruined. The roads from these cities, which people used to escape, resemble the set of a post-apocalyptic movie with hundreds of burned and shot cars.

But it is true: there is a global catastrophe! Russia has destroyed the global security architecture and dealt a powerful blow to international relations. But this is just the beginning. This war may be followed by a global food crisis. The longer there is no peace on Ukrainian land, the less food the world market will receive from Ukraine. Consequently, many countries in Asia, Africa, and even Europe, may have extraordinary problems with access to basic products, with food prices. This will definitely result in political destabilization. Maybe this is also the goal of the Russian leadership? I do not know.

We must all act immediately! Immediately stop Russian troops, remove them from the territory of Ukraine. Peace is needed immediately before the world faces an even greater level of problems. It is better now to tighten sanctions against Russia as much as necessary to stop its military machine than to deal with the consequences of the food and political security global crisis. Unprecedented challenges!

If so, a full embargo on trade with Russia is needed. It is necessary to deprive Russia of the opportunity to use GPS in war. It is very important. So that this system does not help Russian missiles and bombs destroy peaceful cities.

Russian banks and, most importantly, the Central Bank of Russia must get a complete blockade from the global financial system. War criminals should be left without money at all! And their frozen assets should turn, inter alia, into reparations for the reconstruction of Ukraine.

It is better to give Ukraine the kind of weaponry support we really need now than to look for weapons for other countries later. We mean Georgia, Moldova, the Baltic States, Poland and Central Asia.

The sooner this happens as we ask, the sooner there will be peace in Eastern Europe. This is in our best interest. This is in your best interest. This is in the interests of all democracies. Because democracies must be able to defend themselves. Freedom must be armed. Life must overcome death.

And I emphasize this: no advances to such a Russian state! Never again. Any steps towards it or towards any other violator of international law should take place only after their steps towards peace, towards universally recognized rules. And on the basis of a system of preventive deterrence.

I am grateful to you for the unprecedented unity. For your resolute support for peace for our country, for our people. I am grateful to those of you who are trying one hundred percent to stop this war. I believe we can do it. We will be able to make your Group of Seven not just the Great Seven, but the Great Seven of Peacekeepers. What do we need for this? Ukraine is very specific in answering this question.

First - to intensify sanctions against Russian aggression on a weekly basis until it stops and restores peace for us.

Second - to take part in the creation of a new system of security guarantees for Ukraine, for our region. Real guarantees. Effective. Those that can stop any aggressor in 24 hours.

We offered to create an association - U-24. This is what the world really needs. Not just to preventively stop the war or hostilities that have already begun. But also to provide assistance to the states that were affected by the natural disaster, that need to be supported during a pandemic, that are facing migration or food crises.

The world needs new effective alliances! New effective guarantees! This can support developing democracies. This can support the economies of countries where there are no stable institutions yet.

And third - which directly concerns our state and Eastern Europe. We must rebuild our state together as soon as possible after the war. Rebuild cities. Restore economic life. Bring people back.I offer you to participate in such a project. Recovery project. I am sure it will be in our common interest.

But first - weapons for Ukraine. First - increase sanctions against Russia every week. That is, peace comes first. We have the strength to do it. You have the strength to do it. So, may there be peace! I am grateful to everyone who supports us.

Thank you.


Israel could become one of the guarantors of the international agreement on security guarantees for Ukraine, as it should understand us like no other - Andriy Yermak

Ukraine would like the State of Israel to be one of the guarantors of a major international treaty that would provide clear security guarantees for our country after the end of the war with Russia. Ukraine also hopes for an effective mediation role of Israel in ending the war and more powerful assistance to our country. This was stated by Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak during a conversation with the Israeli media.

He stressed that our country has very warm, friendly and special relations with Israel. Andriy Yermak noted that the Ukrainian authorities welcome the mediating role of the State of Israel in its attempts to stop the war started by the Russian Federation on the territory of our country.

"We are amazed at how deeply Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, are aware of the issue. And we believe that he is really determined to do everything necessary to bring peace to our land and end the war," said the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine.

At the same time, he stated that there are issues that Ukraine will never compromise on.

"These are compromises related to our independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty. And Prime Minister Bennett knows about it," Andriy Yermak added.

According to him, there are also hopes that Israel can be one of the guarantors of the future major international agreement on security guarantees for Ukraine.

"Such an agreement provides for a large list of countries - potential guarantors. Therefore, we are holding separate consultations with each of these countries in order to meet together afterwards," said the Head of the Office of the President.

In addition, Ukraine would like to receive more assistance from the State of Israel in armaments and military technology.

Andriy Yermak noted that the Israeli authorities should also resolve the issue, which was very negatively perceived in Ukraine, when the rules of entry for our citizens were changed and electronic permits were introduced.


Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine has been ongoing already for a month. Every day Ukrainian diplomats work to make our victory closer. Our achievements:

☑️ Our partners imposed powerful sanctions which are ruining the Russian economy

☑️ Number of Russian banks were disconnected from SWIFT

☑️ Many countries closed their sky for Russian airplanes

☑️ More than 240 companies left Russian market

☑️ Russia was expelled from the Council of Europe and from the Danube Commission

☑️ 141 states supported UN General Assembly's ResolutionES-11/1 on Russian aggression against Ukraine

☑️ Ukraine has obtained the first victory in the International Court of Justice

☑️ Our partners provide enhanced military, humanitarian, and financial assistance to Ukraine

☑️ The international community develops reconstruction fund that will help to rebuild Ukraine after our victory

☑️ Parliaments of the world are applauding the President of Ukraine, millions of people around the world send their support to our country


            UN General Assembly Special Session

Today, during the continued 11th Emergency Special Session on the Humanitarian situation in Ukraine, 140 countries voted in favor of the Resolution "Humanitarian consequences of aggression against Ukraine" that clearly indicates the grounds of the humanitarian catastrophe and focuses on the immediate steps for the facilitation of sufferings on the ground.

By supporting this document, UN member countries reaffirmed Russia's full responsibility for the humanitarian consequences of the aggression against Ukraine and condemned the aggressor's violation of the international humanitarian law.

The approved document calls on Russia to immediately cease shelling civilian population and infrastructure, end the siege of cities, and ensure full access for humanitarian personnel to deliver humanitarian assistance.

The Resolution calls for the safe and uninterrupted passage of civilians who leave the war zone, including foreign nationals and students.

The Resolution also warns of the possible consequences of Russia's aggression on global food security and the potential environmental consequences of nuclear facilities shelling.

The UN Member States emphasized the need to fully implement the UN General Assembly Resolution of March 2, 2022, "Aggression against Ukraine," and tasked the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator to prepare a report on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine.

The adopted Resolution is the result of collective and rigorous efforts of more than two dozen countries from all over the world: 90 countries became its co-authors.

We are grateful for the full support of the UN Member States for the General Assembly resolution, which has become an essential part of the international actions for holding Russia accountable for its actions.


State Border Guard Service

Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, 3.2 million people have crossed Ukraine's state border.

▪️Ukraine has been holding back and defeating a much bigger enemy for a month. We showed the world the stability of Ukraine, the courage of our soldiers, national unity in the fight against the enemy.

▪️In connection with the military aggression committed by Russia against the Ukrainian people, tens of thousands of citizens cross the state border of Ukraine every day.

▪ ️In total, from February 24 to March 24, the State Border Guard Service registered 3.2 million people for both entering and leaving Ukraine.

In particular, 2.2 million of our compatriots and 275,000 foreigners left the country. We remind you that in the conditions of the humanitarian crisis, the priority of crossing the border of Ukraine is given to women and children.

▪️At the same time, during the war 435 thousand of our compatriots returned to Ukraine, the vast majority of whom are men. Thank you to our defenders, our Warriors of Light!

▪️The war of the Russian Federation against our state is not only a war against Ukraine, we stand for security and democratic values ​​of the whole world.


Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN March 24, 10.30 EST

Thu, 03/24/2022 - 1:55pm
Note that it looks like NATO's Russian casualty estimates are catching up to Ukrainian reporting.

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



March 24, 10.30 EST

 President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on NATO to provide Ukraine with military assistance to the extent that will enable the Ukrainian army to oppose the military arsenal of the Russian Federation.

Russia has launched a new phase of terror against the city of Mariupol. Residents who survived Russian bombing and artillery shelling are now being forcibly deported to Russia.

An unexploded «Tornado» projectile was found at the site of the Neutron Source nuclear facility in the Kharkiv region.

Russian war crime - the shelling of the town of Rubizhne in the Luhansk region with phosphate munitions.




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 24.03:

personnel - 15800,

tanks ‒ 530,

APVs ‒ 1597,

artillery systems – 280,

MLRS - 82,

anti-aircraft warfare systems - 47,

aircrafts – 108,

helicopters – 124,

vehicles - 1033,

boats / vessels - 4,

fuel tanks - 72,

UAVs operational-tactical level - 50.

special equipment - 16.

The estimations of losses are completed under high intensity of hostilities.

The 29th day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion has begun.

The Defence Forces continues to conduct a defence operation in the Eastern, Southeastern and Northeastern directions.

The enemy did not succeed in any of them.

Groups of troops deter the enemy in these areas, conduct a stabilization operation and perform territorial defence tasks.

250 aircraft flights of the enemy were completed for the past 24 hours (which is on 60 flights more than on March 22). Russian forces significantly intensified their air strikes aiming at military and civilian infrastructure of Kyiv, Chernihiv and Kharkiv regions.

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine repulses concentrated missile and air strikes of the enemy. One of the main objectives is to provide aerial support of crucial infrastructure and groups of troops of Ukraine. For the previous day, 11 enemy air targets were downed (7 planes, 1 UAV, 1 helicopter and 2 cruise missiles). Data are being clarified.

In the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson region, in connection with peaceful protests against the occupation, the enemy resorted to terror of the local population, actively using “Rosguard” units to prevent these actions of civil disobedience.

The enemy continues to lose manpower and equipment in all directions. Total resistance of the Ukrainian people continues.


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

The aggressor's troops continue terrorist acts against the sources of increased nuclear danger in Ukraine. An unexploded «Tornado» projectile was found at the site of the Neutron Source nuclear facility in the Kharkiv region.

The presence of this warhead next to a subcritical nuclear installation poses a potential risk of explosion. Currently, it is impossible to neutralize the projectile due to constant hostilities in Kharkiv in general and directly in the area of the location of the nuclear installation, which has repeatedly come under fire.

As of today, it has been transferred to a deep subcritical state.

The Neutron Source facility, like any other nuclear facility, is not designed to operate in combat. Continued bombing or shelling could result in severe radiation effects.

The situation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is also deteriorating. Forests are burning near the station. 7 fires were recorded.

The area of forest fires in the exclusion zone exceeds the permissible values by tens of times. Ukrainian rescuers are hampered by fighting and the presence of Russian occupiers in the fight against forest fires that have covered an area that significantly exceeds the permissible norms.

There is a significant deterioration in safety parameters and the state of the radiation situation.

Further escalation and fighting near nuclear facilities threaten to turn Ukraine and all of Eastern Europe into a nuclear desert.

The enemy daily violates the requirements of the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Hostile Use of Means of Environmental Influence and Article 56 of the 1977 Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions and Other Acts Regulating International Nuclear Obligations.

I reiterate the need for the IAEA to take all possible measures and take the nuclear facilities of Ukraine under its protection.


Another Russian war crime was the shelling of the town of Rubizhne in the Luhansk region with phosphate munitions.

 Rockets filled with white phosphorus fell on a residential area of   the city.  There was a fire.  It is currently known about four dead and 6 wounded.  The number of victims is being clarified.

According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, the ignited phosphorus burns at temperatures above 800 degrees Celsius, and fires can spread over large areas, up to several hundred square kilometers.

The use of such weapons can cause very severe and painful injuries or lead to a slow painful death.

The Additional Protocols of 1977 to the Geneva Convention prohibit the use of white phosphorus munitions if they endanger civilians.

Attacking a peaceful city with such weapons is a war crime under the Statute of the International Military Tribunal and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.


As of March 24, 2022, according to the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations, as well as other sources that need confirmation, 128 children (+7 per day) have died and 172 children (+5 per day) have been injured since the Russian invasion in Ukraine.

 It is impossible to establish the actual number of dead and wounded children due to the fact that the occupying forces are actively fighting in Ukrainian cities.

 11-year-old Ukrainian gymnast Kateryna died under the rubble in Mariupol.  The shell of the Russian occupiers hit the house where the girl was at the time.

 As a result of mass shelling of Rubizhne, Luhansk region, 6 were wounded, 4 died, 2 of them children.

 In the city of Bucha, Kyiv region, Russian soldiers ruthlessly shot dead a car with a family, a mother and two children aged 4 and 9.  Everyone died.

 As a result of daily bombings and shelling, 566 (+18 per day) educational institutions were damaged.  73 of them were completely destroyed.  It is more than 230 schools, 155 kindergartens.

 Such actions of the Russian occupation forces are a direct violation of the Hague and Geneva Conventions.  The aggressor continues to defiantly violate the fundamental rights of children - the right to life and health, guaranteed to every child in the world by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  Each of these facts is a crime against humanity under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.


Head of Kharkiv Region Administration

In Kharkov at the point of delivery of humanitarian aid Russians killed 6 people, 15 people wounded. Russians continue to terrorize civilians!

In Kharkiv, near Akademika Pavlova Street, Russians fired long-range weapons at the Nova Poshta checkpoint, near which Kharkiv residents were receiving humanitarian aid.

According to preliminary data, 6 civilians were killed and another 15 were wounded, and they were hospitalized. The number of victims is being determined.

This is another war crime of the Russian occupiers.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

About 200 civilians were evacuated from the shelled cities of Donetsk oblast.

Russian troops do not stop firing on settlements in the region. In the past 24 hours residents of Avdiivka and Ocheretyn were evacuated to safe places.

140 people were rescued from Avdiivka, including 32 children, and 46 people from Ocheretyn.




President of Ukraine

NATO can still prevent the deaths of Ukrainians from Russian strikes by providing weapons - Volodymyr Zelenskyy

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on NATO to provide our country with military assistance to the extent that will enable the Ukrainian army to oppose the military arsenal of the Russian Federation.

“Ukraine does not have powerful anti-missile weapons, and has a much smaller aircraft fleet than Russia. Therefore, their advantage in the sky is like the use of weapons of mass destruction. And you see the consequences today - how many people were killed, how many peaceful cities were destroyed,” the Head of State noted during the speech in the video conference format at the NATO summit in Brussels.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy stressed that the Ukrainian army has been resisting the Russian invasion for a month in unequal conditions. Russia's superiority has resulted in numerous casualties, including among the civilian population of Ukraine.

“To save people and our cities, Ukraine needs military assistance - without restrictions. As Russia uses without restrictions its entire arsenal against us. Destroys all living things. Any objects - from houses to churches, from food warehouses to universities, from bridges to hospitals,” the President said.

He reminded that Ukraine had asked NATO to close the skies for Russian military aircraft or to provide aircraft.

“You have thousands of fighter jets! But we haven't been given any yet. We asked for tanks. So that we can unblock our cities that are now dying - Mariupol, Berdyansk, Melitopol, others. Cities where Russia is keeping hundreds of thousands of people hostage and artificially creating famine - no water, no food, nothing there. You have at least 20,000 tanks! Ukraine asked for a percent, one percent of all your tanks to be given or sold to us! But we do not have a clear answer yet. The worst thing during the war is not having clear answers to requests for help,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized.

The Head of State stressed that Ukraine had never wanted this war and did not want to fight for years.

"We just want to save our people. We want to survive," he added.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy stressed: the North Atlantic Alliance can still prevent the deaths of Ukrainians from Russian strikes by providing weapons needed by the Ukrainian army.

At the same time, the President thanked those NATO member states that help Ukraine as much as they can. But now is the time to take care of security in Europe.

“I am sure you already understand that Russia does not intend to stop in Ukraine. Does not intend and will not. It wants to go further. Against the eastern members of NATO. The Baltic states, Poland - that's for sure,” he said.

The President called on the Alliance to provide Ukraine with one percent of all their aircraft and tanks, as well as MLRS systems, anti-ship weapons, air defense equipment.

"When all this is finally available, it will give us, and you as well, one hundred percent security," said Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

He also made a request to NATO regarding the Ukrainian military: "After such a war against Russia, I ask you: Never, please, never tell us again that our army does not meet NATO standards. We have shown what our standards are capable of. And how much we can give to the common security in Europe and the world. How much we can do to protect from aggression against everything we value, everything you value,” the President stressed.

At the same time, the President added that NATO had yet to show what the Alliance can do to save people, “to show that this is truly the most powerful defense union in the world.”


Speech by the President of Ukraine at the Riksdag in Sweden

Swedish people!

Now the blue and yellow flag in the world is probably the most popular. These colors are associated with freedom. This is true for different people on different continents. And of course in Europe.

The blue and yellow colors of the national flag are not just about Ukraine. This is about you as well, about Sweden. And obviously this is not a coincidence. This is fate. Because we are equally for freedom. We are equally for a peaceful life. We are equally for respect for everyone. We are equally for justice and equally for caring for the natural world in which we live. Therefore, it is logical that Sweden is now among those who support Ukraine the most.

And I am sincerely grateful to each of you for this.

Today is exactly the month of the worst ordeal - the full-scale war waged by Russia against our state.

Europe has never known such a dark month since World War II. It has not seen such destruction and such war crimes. The list of those killed already reaches thousands. Dozens of our cities and communities were destroyed. Russian troops do not distinguish between civilian and military targets. They destroy everything. They burn residential neighborhoods and houses. They blow up hospitals. They even fire at kindergartens with rocket artillery! Hundreds of educational facilities and more than 200 schools were destroyed. Russian troops bombed universities.

Imagine - they destroy any infrastructure that simply serves life. Warehouses with food and medicine. They seized two nuclear power plants. Yesterday they hit the second chemical production already. Phosphorus bombs were used today! Both adults and children were killed. What is the purpose of such actions of Russia? What is the reason of such terror against us? This is an attempt to conquer the whole nation. An attempt to make the neighboring state a slave.

Modern Europe, which has finally become peaceful, is built on clear principles. Namely: there can be no forced border revision. And every nation has the right to choose its own future - without dictatorship, without coercion, without occupation. Thanks to these two principles, we in Europe have had an unprecedented era of cooperation. Peace. Confidence.

We had it until the Russian leadership decided that it could travel in time. That it allegedly could cancel the 21st century. Allegedly could act as in the old days of totalitarian ideologies.

If Ukraine failed to endure, defend itself, it would mean that everything we, living and modern people, value was lost. Everything you value. Everything that is valued by any free people of any state. This would mean that all of Russia's neighbors are in danger. This would mean that you are in danger, because only the sea separates you from this aggressive policy of this state.

And Russian propagandists are already discussing on state television how Russia is occupying your Gotland island in particular. And how to keep it under control for decades. They show it to the Russians on the map, show the directions of the offensive... You may ask for what purpose? They say it will be beneficial for Russia to deploy air defense systems and a military base in Gotland. To cover the capture of the Baltic states.

Russia went to war against Ukraine because it expects to go further to Europe. Expects to destroy freedom further in Europe. This is a fundamental challenge for the European security system.

Please take a look at what the Russian military has already done in our country. 8 years of war in the east. Occupation of Crimea. This is repression. Torture of people, suppression of all manifestations of freedom and diversity.

A month of full-scale war. Total cruelty. The bombing of peaceful cities is as terrible as it was in Syria. Abduction of children. Forced transportation of children and adults to Russia. Rape in the occupied areas. Large-scale looting by the Russian military. Now tens of thousands of houses and tens of thousands of apartments have been destroyed. And there are already almost ten million migrants, three and a half million of them in the European Union.

I deliberately do not want to call these Ukrainians refugees. Because I know that they will return to Ukraine. As soon as Russia leaves our land, as soon as peace is established.

Sweden was one of the first to come to our aid. I am grateful to you! Your support is absolutely sincere. It is based on values. On our love for freedom. On what our blue-yellow national colors symbolize.

The whole world knows what Sweden wants. The whole world has seen in a month of this shameful war what Ukraine wants. We are together in our anti-war coalition. And we must do everything to make Russia seek peace.

Sweden has made a historic decision to provide Ukraine with the necessary weapons. We thank you for that! For your prudence. For your foresight.

Sweden supports the sanctions policy. A policy without which there will be no peace. Because the Russian leadership will not understand any language other than effective sanctions.

But for peace to come faster, sanctions packages against Russia must be applied on a weekly basis. Not a single barrel of Russian oil! No Russian ships at your ports! Not a single euro of taxes of your companies in Russia! Their military machine must be left without means of subsistence.

Deliberate actions of Russian troops to destroy civilians in Ukraine, to destroy our peaceful cities must receive an inevitable and principled response from all European countries. From the free world.

This has already become the typical feature of Russian troops... Syria, Ukraine... Massacres. Cities destroyed to the ground. Phosphorus and other prohibited munitions. To prevent this from becoming a victorious strategy, all war crimes must be punished. Those who gave the order to kill and those who killed must face the Tribunal. So that no other country in the world thinks that it can kill people with impunity just like that, that it can destroy neighboring countries.

I am confident that together we will be able to ensure peace, and that is why we must now think about rebuilding Ukraine after this war. And it will happen! I invite Swedish architects, Swedish companies, the Swedish state, your people to take part in this historic project.

Ukraine was beautiful. But now it will be great, because this is our nation. Great Ukraine. Great recovery project. For the sake of the people. For the development of our country and the whole of Europe.

I invite you to show to the world, to all present and future generations that war does not bring the result. And peace does. And it gives life.

Sweden is the first country we offer this project to. You can take patronage over any city, region or industry to restore them. I am confident that your leadership will be indispensable. Your technology, business and your love of life. Your ability to organize space in people's best interest.

Ukraine - all our heroic defenders, all our citizens - has already done a lot to protect our common European values, our common European home.

We are fighting not only for Ukraine, but also for the security of the European Union! And we have proved that we deserve to be a full member of the European Union. The decision is already being elaborated. It's time to adopt it!

I believe that you will support us in this as well.

Thank you, thank you Sweden!


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba

If any EU country bows to Putin’s humiliating demands to pay for oil and gas in rubles, it will be like helping Ukraine with one hand and helping Russians kill Ukrainians with the other. I urge relevant countries to make a wise and responsible choice.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on the forced deportation of residents of Mariupol by Russia

The Russian Federation has launched a new phase of terror against the city of Mariupol. Residents who survived Russian bombing and artillery shelling are now being forcibly deported to Russia.

15,000 residents of the Left Bank district of Mariupol are in grave danger. The Russian occupiers are forcing them to move to Russia. The invaders confiscate people's passports and other identity documents.

According to the information available, the Russian army has forcibly deported about 6,000 Mariupol residents to Russian filtration camps in order to use them as hostages and put more political pressure on Ukraine.

At the same time, the Russian armed forces are firing on evacuation columns trying to leave Mariupol for the territory of Ukraine free from Russian occupation. Russian troops continue to hold in detention a humanitarian convoy of buses that arrived a few days ago from Zaporizhia to take people from Mariupol.

Such actions by Russia are a gross violation of the laws and customs of war, the norms of international humanitarian law, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions.

We call on the world leaders gathered in Brussels today for the NATO, Group of Seven and EU summits to take urgent action to save the lives of the residents of Mariupol and other Ukrainian cities who have found themselves in an inhumane siege by the Russian army.

The international community must impose new tough sanctions on Russia to stop its deadly military machine, as well as cut off all business ties with Russian companies to stop funding Russia's war against Ukraine.

VIDEO: "Oh So Social" Conversation: Dr. Robert Gates and Dr. Michael Vickers

Thu, 03/24/2022 - 10:32am

A great discussion with two great national security practitioners on Ukraine and Putin's War and worth an hour of your time.

Video HERE.

Also note following the discussion is a unique video about the project to build the National Museum of Intelligence and Special Operations (NMISO). Details about the project are HERE.




3/24/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 03/24/2022 - 9:31am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. Does Ukraine Change Everything?
3. Opinion | Meet Alexander Dugin, author of Putin’s deadly playbook
4. Exclusive: Inside a rare US meeting with a Russian general in Moscow
5. What If Russia Makes a Deal? How to End a War That No One Is Likely to Win
6. Can the Korean War point the way out of the killing in Ukraine?
7. Top Russian military leaders repeatedly decline calls from U.S., prompting fears of ‘sleepwalking into war’
8. NATO members to pledge support for Ukraine against potential chem-bio attacks
9. Leaked documents suggest plans for Chinese military presence in Solomon Islands
10. White House to Seek $813.3 Billion National Security Budget
11. Multidomain operations concept will become doctrine this summer
12. How Russia's warfare doctrine is failing in Ukraine
13. The Money Question: How Long Can Russia Wage War Against Ukraine?
14. Our Elites Need to Recognize that America’s ‘Unipolar Moment’ is Over
15. U.S. Makes Contingency Plans in Case Russia Uses Its Most Powerful Weapons
16.  Ukraine War Update - March 24, 2022 | SOF News
17. NATO: Up to 40,000 Russian Troops Killed, Wounded, Taken Prisoner or Missing in Ukraine
18. NATO: 7,000 to 15,000 Russian troops dead in Ukraine
19. War Crimes by Russia’s Forces in Ukraine
20. IntelBrief: How Will Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Impact its Influence Abroad?
21. Putin’s Afghanistan: Ukraine and the Lessons of the Soviets’ Afghan War
22. Don’t Underestimate the Bear—Russia Is One of the World’s Most Effective Modern Counterinsurgents
23. The will to fight in the age of social media
24. As allies meet, splits emerge in NATO about how to deter Russia
25. Why Russian generals keep getting killed in Ukraine

Korean News Content:

1. North Korea Test-Fires Possible Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
2. N. Korea fires apparent ICBM toward East Sea
3. Live Updates: North Korea Launches New ICBM
4. North Korea launches long range ballistic missile capable of reaching U.S., Japan and South Korea say
5. Dialing up pressure, North Korea tests long-range missile
6. N. Korea to hold major festivals for late founding leader's birth anniversary
7. Expanding communication, cooperation among countries key to security in NE Asia: experts
8. North Korea’s Nuclear Opportunism
9. Yoon Has No Time to Waste Time Fighting His Predecessor
10. Fate of North Korean Refugees in China Presents an Historic Opportunity for Moon
11. North Korea’s Cabinet orders tough crackdown on foreign electronic products sold in markets
12.Despite mid-air explosion of missile, Kim Jong Un expresses encouragement rather than rebuke
13. Yoon makes unusual move as President-elect
14. Moon lashes out after North tests possible ICBM
15. New administration's North approach to be based on 'mutual reciprocity'

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN March 23, 10.30 EST

Wed, 03/23/2022 - 1:57pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



March 23, 10.30 EST


President V.Zelenskyy: About 9 million Ukrainians were forced to leave their homes, their native places, fleeing from Russian troops.

Chernobyl NPP facilities in the exclusion zone have been under the control of the aggressor, which leads to a deterioration of the radiation situation and contributes to the spread of radioactive contamination outside the exclusion zone.

According to the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations, as well as other sources that need to be confirmed, 121 children have died and 167 children have been wounded since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began.




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 23.03:

personnel - 15600,

tanks ‒ 517,

APV ‒ 1578,

artillery systems – 267,

MLRS - 80,

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 47,

aircraft – 101,

helicopters – 124,

vehicles - 1008,

boats / vessels - 4,

fuel tanks - 70,

UAVs operational-tactical level - 42.

special equipment - 15.

The calculation is complicated by the high intensity of hostilities.

The defense forces continue to conduct a defense operation in the Eastern, Southern, and Northeastern directions.

In the Eastern direction, the operational groups of troops are operating in the Donetsk, Slobozhansk, and Eastern parts of the Tavriya operational districts. Ukrainian forces are not giving the enemy an opportunity to renew their offense in the directions of Slov'yansk and, part of the forces, on the Lozova locality. They are restraining the advances of the enemy in the direction of Zaporizhzhia.

The combined forces are holding back the invader in the direction of the cities of Popasna and Kurakhove. Ukrainian military are also carrying out the defense of Mariupol.

In the North-Eastern direction, the defense operation continues in a designated operational zone. The main efforts are focused on protecting the state border, holding back the enemy's offense in the area of Malyn.

In the Siversky region, a group of troops holds the defense of Chernihiv and holds back the advancement of the enemy in the direction of Kyiv.

In the South-East direction a defense operation is being carried out, as well as the support of troops' ground operations and individual units, and the defense of bases and seaports in the Black Sea operational zone. The defense of the Mykolayiv region continues.

Our defenders are holding back the enemy in the direction of Kryviy Rih and Novovorontsovska, conducting a stabilizing operation, and carrying out territorial defense tasks.

Ukrainian military acquired documents regarding enemy's aviation active tasks, as well as missile strikes, over the past 24 hours.

The Air Force and Armed Forces of Ukraine are repulsing concentrated missiles and airstrikes of the enemy, covering important objects in Ukraine from the air, and grouping troops. Over the past 24 hours over 17 of the enemy's air targets have been hit (6 aircraft, 5 UAVs, 1 helicopter and 5 cruise missiles). Additionally, the aviation of the Air Forces has made devastating blows to the accumulation of equipment and manpower of the enemy.

On the territory of the Russian federation, covert mobilization continues, with the aim of replenishing the personnel losses in the occupying group of troops operating on the territory of Ukraine. Military commissariats are making efforts to attract former servicemen to serve and sign the contracts, preference is given to those with combat experience.

On the territory of Belarus the representatives of the opposition forces and concerned citizens who condemn the assistance of the current illegitimate government of the Russian federation in the war with Ukraine, have partially disrupted the railway connection between republic of Belarus and Ukraine. Information to be confirmed.

At the same time, based on the available information, Russian and Belarusian military equipment is being actively moved across the territory of the republic of Belarus, and further accumulated along the Ukrainian border.

In certain areas, the enemy has been demoralized. Thus, during the storming of the city of Mariupol, in one of the special forces units that were involved in active hostilities, less than 10% of the personnel are prepared to continue to take part in the war, and the remaining personnel is either killed, wounded, or demoralized.


Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights

The actions of the Russian army at Ukraine’s nuclear facilities threaten an environmental catastrophe for the entire Eastern European region.

 Since the beginning of the Russian military aggression against Ukraine, all Chernobyl NPP objects and facilities in the exclusion zone have been under the control of the aggressor country's military.

 Regulatory control over the state of nuclear and radiation safety at the station site and in the exclusion zone, as well as control of nuclear materials is still impossible.

 Information on safety parameters and the state of the radiation situation at the site indicates a trend of steady deterioration of a number of indicators.  The occupier continues to grossly violate the requirements of radiation safety and sanitation, which leads to a deterioration of the radiation situation and contributes to the spread of radioactive contamination outside the exclusion zone.

 Scheduled work, maintenance and repair of systems and equipment of Chernobyl facilities are not carried out as a result of the occupation.

 This situation has already made it impossible to restore the operation of individual neutron flux sensors, gamma radiation dose rate and radiation pollution, further failure to perform repairs may lead to failures of other systems and elements important for safety.

 The actions of the Russian military at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are a gross violation of the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Hostile Use of Environmental Means and Article 56 of the 1977 Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions and Other Acts Regulating International Nuclear Obligations.

 I call on international partners and the IAEA to take all possible measures to withdraw the troops of the Russian Federation from the territories of the NPP and to take the nuclear facilities of Ukraine under their protection.


As of 10 a.m. on March 23, 2022, according to the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations, as well as other sources that need to be confirmed, 121 children have died and 167 children have been injured since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began.

 It is impossible to establish the actual number of dead and wounded children due to the fact that the occupying forces are actively fighting in Ukrainian cities.

 Two dead children in a day in Rubizhne, Luhansk region.  A russian shell hit a high-rise building.  The shell exploded on the fifth floor.  Rescuers found three dead, two of them children.

 In the Donetsk region, the russian military continues to shell cities and civilian housing.  The strikes damaged at least 43 civilian properties, including homes, a school, a kindergarten and a church.  A 9-year-old girl and a 14-year-old boy were killed by russian weapons, and three children were injured.

 In Bucha, Kyiv region, the occupiers shot a father with many children in front of his 14-year-old son, who was riding bicycles for medicine.  The child received two bullet wounds.

 As a result of daily bombings and shelling, 548 educational institutions were damaged.  72 of them were completely destroyed.  It is more than 220 schools, 155 kindergartens.

 Such actions by the armed forces of the Russian Federation violate the fundamental rights of children - the right to life and health, guaranteed to every child in the world by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The Russians continue to brutally kill civilians and destroy Ukrainian towns and villages.

 In Ivanivka (Chernihiv region), Russian militants allowed several cars to leave on a mined highway.  Only three of the six passengers of one of the cars survived the blast.

 In Dnipropetrovsk region, the enemy launched missile strikes in Pavlograd.  The railway station was destroyed.  Destroyed railway line and tracks.  15 freight cars derailed.  One person died.  Traffic through the station is suspended indefinitely.

 In the Luhansk region for days 15 destroyed houses, one civilian died, six wounded.  The russians concentrated almost all the shelling on Rubizhne, Lysychansk, and Severodonetsk.  According to preliminary data, as a result of shelling by the russian army, there are one dead and six injured in Severodonetsk.

 The enemy fired on Kyiv again - damaged buildings in Sviatoshynskyi and Shevchenkivskyi districts.  A shopping mall, private sector buildings and high-rise buildings came under fire.

 In the morning, the Shevchenkivskyi district came under fire.  Rescuers and medics are working on the spot.  Currently, there are fires in several private houses and in high-rise buildings.  Four people were injured.  Information about the victims and the nature of the destruction is being clarified.

 Two buildings and a truck caught fire as a result of the blow to the Obolon district housing estate.  One person was killed and three were injured.

 In the Kharkiv region, racists fired on the town of Lozova.  There are casualties among civilians, the latest information - 8 civilians were injured, at least 20 houses were damaged.  The shelling damaged boilers, civilian infrastructure, including schools and kindergartens.

In the city of Kharkiv, 32 shellings per night, including shelling from tanks, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and artillery.

 In the Donetsk region on March 22 from the Russian weapon 3 people were lost, 6 were wounded.

 The aggressor's armed forces brutally exterminate civilians every hour by committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, in violation of all the 1949 Geneva Conventions and all existing acts of international humanitarian law.






President of Ukraine

Speech by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the Parliament of Japan

Dear Mr. Hosoda!

Dear Mrs. Santō!

Mr. Prime Minister Kishida!

Distinguished Members of the Japanese Parliament!

Dear Japanese people!

It is a great honor for me, the President of Ukraine, to address you for the first time in the history of the Japanese Parliament.

Our capitals are separated by a distance of 8 thousand 193 kilometers. On average, it's 15 hours on a plane. Depending on the route. But what is the distance between our feelings of freedom? Between our desires to live? Between our aspirations for peace?

On February 24, I did not see any distance. Even a millimeter between our capitals. Even a second between our feelings. Because you immediately came to our aid. And I'm grateful to you for that.

When Russia destroyed peace for the entire Ukraine, we immediately saw that the world is truly against the war. Truly for freedom. Truly for global security. Truly for the harmonious development of every society. Japan has become the leader of this position in Asia. You immediately started working to stop this brutal war started by the Russian Federation. You immediately started working for peace in Ukraine. Hence, in Europe. And this is really very important. It is important for everyone on Earth. Because without peace for Ukraine, no person in the world will be able to look to the future with confidence.

Each of you knows what Chornobyl is. Nuclear power plant in Ukraine, where a powerful explosion occurred in 1986. Radiation release. The consequences of which have been recorded in different parts of the planet. The 30-kilometer zone around the Chornobyl station is still closed. It is hazardous. During the elimination of the consequences of the explosion at the station, thousands of tons of contaminated materials, debris and cars were disposed of in the forests in the closed area. Just in the ground.

On February 24, Russian armored vehicles passed through this land. Lifting radioactive dust into the air. The Chornobyl station was captured. By force, by weapon. Imagine a nuclear power plant where a disaster happened. Confinement that closes the destroyed reactor. Operating nuclear waste storage facility. Russia has turned this facility into an arena of war as well. And Russia is using this 30-kilometer territory, this closed zone, to prepare new attacks against our defense forces.

It will take years after Russian troops leave Ukraine to investigate the damage they have done to Chornobyl. What sites of radioactive materials disposal were damaged. And how radioactive dust spread on the planet.

There are four operating nuclear power plants on our land! These are 15 nuclear units. And they are all under threat. Russian troops have already fired from tanks at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe. The fighting has damaged hundreds of plants, many of them particularly dangerous. The shelling threatens gas and oil pipelines. Coal mines.

The other day, Russian troops also fired at a chemical plant in the Sumy region of Ukraine. There was a leak of ammonia. We are warned about possible chemical attacks, in particular with the use of sarin. As it was in Syria.

And one of the main topics for discussion of world politicians is the question: how to react if Russia also uses nuclear weapons. Any confidence of any person in the world, any country is completely destroyed.

Our servicemen have been heroically defending Ukraine for 28 days already. 28 days of full-scale invasion of the largest state in the world. But not the greatest in potential. Not the most influential. And the smallest from a moral point of view.

Russia has used more than a thousand missiles against peaceful cities in Ukraine. Countless bombs. Russian troops destroyed dozens of our cities. Some were burned to the ground. In many towns and villages that have come under Russian occupation, our people cannot even bury their murdered relatives, friends and neighbors with dignity. They have to bury them right in the yards of broken houses, near roads, anywhere where it is possible...

Thousands were killed, including 121 children.

About 9 million Ukrainians were forced to leave their home, their native places, fleeing from Russian troops. Our northern territories, eastern, southern are becoming empty, because people are fleeing from this deadly threat.

Russia has even blocked the sea for us. Usual trade routes. Showing some other - potential - aggressors of the world how to put pressure on free nations by blocking sea navigation.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today, it is Ukraine, the partner states and our anti-war coalition that can guarantee that world security will not be completely destroyed. That in the world there will be a foothold for the freedom of nations. For people and for the preservation of diversity in societies. For security of borders. To make sure that we, our children, our grandchildren still have peace.

You see that international institutions have not worked. Even the UN and the Security Council... What can they do? They need reform. They need an injection of honesty. To become effective. To really decide and really influence, not just discuss.

Due to Russia's war against Ukraine, the world is destabilized. The world is on the verge of many new crises. And who is now sure what tomorrow will be like?

Turbulence in world markets is a problem for all countries that depend on imports of raw materials. Environmental and food challenges are unprecedented. And most importantly, it is now being decided whether all the aggressors on the planet - explicit and potential - will be convinced that the war they have waged will lead to a punishment so powerful that they should not start a war. That they should not destroy the world. And it is absolutely logical and correct that the responsible states unite to protect peace.

I am grateful to your state for its principled position at such a historic moment. For real help to Ukraine. You were the first in Asia to put real pressure on Russia to restore peace. Who supported the sanctions against Russia. And I urge you to continue to do so.

I call for the united efforts of the Asian countries, your partners, to stabilize the situation. So that Russia seeks peace. And stops the tsunami of its brutal invasion of our state, Ukraine. It is necessary to impose an embargo on trade with Russia. It is necessary to withdraw companies from the Russian market so that the money does not go to the Russian army. It is necessary to help our state, our defenders, our soldiers who are holding back Russian troops even more. It is necessary to start thinking about rebuilding Ukraine already now. About the return of life to the cities destroyed by Russia and the territories devastated by it.

People need to go back to where they lived. Where they grew up. Where they feel is their home. Their small homeland. I'm sure you understand this feeling. This need. The need to return to your land.

We need to develop new security guarantees. So that it is possible to act preventively and strongly every time there is a threat to peace.

Is it possible to do this on the basis of existing international structures? After such a war - definitely not. We need to create new tools. New guarantees. Which will work preventively and strongly against any aggression. Which will really help. Japan's leadership can be indispensable in their development. For Ukraine, for the world. I offer it to you.

So that the world can feel confident again. Confident about what tomorrow will be like. Confident that tomorrow will come and will be stable and peaceful. For us, for future generations.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Japanese people!

We can do a lot together with you. Even more than we can imagine.

I know what a brilliant history of development you have. How you can build and defend harmony. Follow the principles and value life. Protect the environment. The roots of this are in your culture. Which Ukrainians really love. My words are not unsubstantiated. This is actually true.

Back in 2019, literally six months after I became President of Ukraine, my wife Olena took part in a project for children with visual impairments. In the project to create audiobooks. And she voiced Japanese fairy tales. In Ukrainian. Because they are understandable for us, for children. And it was only a drop in the huge sea of our attention, the Ukrainian attention, to your attainment.

We have similar values with you despite the huge distance between our countries. A distance that doesn't really exist. Because we have equally warm hearts. Thanks to joint efforts, thanks to even greater pressure on Russia, we will come to peace. And we will be able to rebuild our country. Reform international institutions. 

I am sure that Japan will be with us then - just as it is now. In our anti-war coalition. At this crucial time for all of us.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Almost 240 companies left the Russian market. There are more and more of them every day. We call on all international companies to stop supporting the aggressor and leave the Russian market.


The operational situation on the diplomatic front as of March 23

For 28 days in a row, Ukraine has been fiercely resisting Russia's armed aggression on all fronts, including diplomatic.

Today is an important day at the UN. A special emergency session of the UN General Assembly on the situation in Ukraine will continue in New York. The General Assembly is going to adopt a resolution "Humanitarian Consequences of Aggression against Ukraine."

☑️World's Support

🔺Readers of Politico magazine called President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskiy the most influential human in Europe

🔺The Paris City Hall unanimously voted to grant Kyiv a citizen of honor

☑️Isolation of the Russian Federation

🔺The Polish Chamber of Tourism, which includes 500 businesses in the field of hotel, tourism, and logistics services, has announced its intention to suspend cooperation with Russian businesses

🔺The French banking group Crédit Agricole has announced a decision to suspend its activities in Russia

🔺The French oil and gas company TotalEnergies has decided not to buy Russian oil products

🔺New Zealand dairy producer Fonterra will close its Moscow office and leave the Russian business

☑️Assistance to Ukraine

🔺France is transferring support of 11 fire engines, 16 rescue vehicles, 49 tons of medical and emergency equipment to Ukrainian rescuers

🔺The Estonian Chamber of Commerce has raised 100,000 euros to transfer to the account of the National Bank of Ukraine

🔺The National Charitable Foundation of Latvia has already received about 6.2 million euros in donations for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people


Spokesperson for the MFA of Ukraine

According to a survey, 86.6% of Russians support Russia’s invasion of European countries. 75.5% think that after Ukraine Russia should attack Poland. Show this to those who believe only Putin is responsible for the war. They all bear responsibility, even if poisoned by propaganda.


Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN March 22, 8.30 pm EST

Wed, 03/23/2022 - 1:51pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



March 22, 8.30 pm EST


Volodymyr Zelenskyy stressed that the issue of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity is a "red line", many Ukrainians gave their lives for it.

As a result of talks with Russia, Ukraine expects an end to aggression and withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory - Andriy Yermak

Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine called on NATO Allies to give Ukraine an answer regarding its accession to NATO and help from the Alliance.

Servicemen of the aggressor country, while intoxicated, repeatedly raped the wife of the civilian they murdered, threatening her with violence and weapons, including her young child, who was with the victim.

The enemy has been having significant problems with the logistics in almost all directions. The occupying forces continue to suffer significant losses due to an inadequately organized medical supply system.

Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry urges the international community to take decisive action against Russia, including the introduction of new painful economic sanctions, to force it to lift the siege of Kherson and other cities of Ukraine and create the conditions for safe evacuation of Ukrainian and foreign nationals. 




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Failing to succeed, the enemy continues to launch missiles and bomb strikes at military and civilian infrastructure of Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Donetsk regions. Russian fascists have carried out over 80 flights, including 29 from the airfields of Baranovychi and Bobruisk, which are located on the territory of Belarus.

The strikes were carried out using bomber aircrafts, attack bombers, and fighter jets. 5 reconnaissance aircrafts were used to carry out area reconnaissance.

In the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov operational zones, ships of the Russian Federation's navy are carrying out tasks. To support actions of the ground forces of the Russian fascists, up to 5 ships of varying types continue to be stationed in the northeastern part of the Sea of Azov.

Despite the active propaganda, the personnel of various units of the Central military district are demoralized due to significant losses.

There continue to be cases of mass refusal of servicemen of Russian forces to take part in the war against Ukraine. According to the available information, in the 155th separate brigade of the marines, since the beginning of war, approximately 220 servicemen have refused to take part in the armed aggression against Ukraine. In total, since the 24th of February of this year, approximately 50 servicemen in this unit have been killed and 110 wounded. Additionally, the death of top and senior officers in the Russian-Ukrainian war has significantly resonated throughout the Russian society.

The enemy, as noted earlier, has been having significant problems with the logistics in almost all directions. The occupying forces continue to suffer significant losses due to an inadequately organized medical supply system. Thus, due to the untimely provision of medical care, a lack of system of medical evacuation of the wounded, and a lack of medication, units of the 7th assault division of the airborne Russian forces have suffered heavy losses.


It is day 27 of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to russia's military invasion.

Failing to succeed, the enemy continues to launch missiles and bomb strikes from the air, at military and civilian infrastructure of Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Donetsk oblasts. The enemy has carried out over 80 flights, including 29 from the airfields of Baranovychi and Bobruisk, which are located on the territory of belarus.

The strikes were carried out using bomber aircraft, attack bombers, and fighter jets. 5 reconnaissance aircraft were used in order to carry out area reconnaissance of Ukraine's territory from the air.

In certain areas of the Black Sea, in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov operational zones, ships of the russian federation's navy are carrying out tasks. In the northeastern part of the Sea of Azov, with the purpose of supporting the actions of the ground forces of the occupational forces, up to 5 ships of varying types continue to be stationed.

Despite the active propaganda, the personnel of various units of the Central military district is demoralized due to significant losses.

There continue to be cases of mass refusal of servicemen of the armed forces of the russian federation to take part in the war against Ukraine. According to the available information, in the 155th separate brigade of the marines, since the beginning of the war, approximately 220 servicemen have refused to take part in the armed aggression against Ukraine. In total, since the 24th of February of this year, approximately 50 servicemen in this unit have been killed and 110 wounded. Additionally, the death of top and senior officers in the russian-Ukrainian war has significantly resonated throughout russian society.

The enemy, as noted earlier, has been having significant problems with the logistics within the occupying forces in almost all directions. In addition, the occupying forces continue to suffer significant losses due to an inadequately organized medical supply system. Thus, due to the untimely provision of medical care, a lack of a system of medical evacuation of the wounded, and a lack of medication, units of the 7th assault division of the airborne forces of the russian federation have suffered heavy losses.

Ukraine's protectors continue to hold back the enemy, demonstrating courage and heroism, and destroy them in all directions.


Prosecutor General’s Office

On 19 March 2022, members of the Russian armed forces used a firearm to attack a retired couple who were cycling to Trostianets hospital on a country road; the 59-year-old woman was killed and her husband wounded.


On 21 March 2022, the Russian Armed Forces shelled Zelenodolsk of Dnipropetrovsk Region with a «Grad» multiple rocket launcher. As a result of the shelling, four multi-storey buildings were damaged.


On 22 March 2022, the Russian Armed Forces shelled Brovary, Kyiv Region. The shell hit the territory of one of the factories, damaging seven buses and outbuildings.


On 17-21 March 2022, Russian forces opened fire on residential areas and civilian infrastructure in Rubizhne and Popasna, Luhansk region. As a result of the shelling, 9 people were killed and 2 suffered shrapnel wounds. The Popasna Lyceum No. 1 communal institution was destroyed.


Refugees can receive the status of witnesses and victims of Russian war crimes in Ukrainea.


A Russian soldier broke into a private house in one of the villages of Brovary district and shot the owner of the house. Subsequently, he and other servicemen of the aggressor country, while intoxicated, repeatedly raped the wife of the murdered civilian, threatening her with violence and weapons, including her young child, who was with the victim.


Commissioner for Human Rights

Russia continues to shell peaceful cities and civilian sites with weapons prohibited by international treaties.

During the past 24hrs, the city of Avdiivka in the Donetsk region has been hit by Russia's Tornado-C (C-tornado) volley fire system, designed to bomb high-precision military fortifications and fortifications.  Residential buildings in the city were damaged by such shells - they were completely destroyed.

Hundreds of Iskander and Caliber missiles have already been fired by the enemy in peaceful cities throughout Ukraine - in Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Kharkiv and many other regions and the city of Mariupol.  Such heavy missiles inflict huge damage.

Yesterday in Kramatorsk another case of phosphorus munitions was recorded, the damage of which can cause particularly severe and painful injuries, chemical burns, bone and bone marrow damage, provoke slow and painful death.

The use of such weapons by enemy troops against civilians is a crime against humanity and a violation of all four 1949 Geneva Conventions.


Enemy bombardment in broad daylight kills residents of Ukrainian cities.

In the Luhansk region, the occupiers fired at a shop in the city of Severodonetsk.

One person died on the spot, more than ten received injuries of varying severity and taken to hospital.

Targeted shelling of cities and civilian objects is evidence of the selective direction of hostilities against civilians, another crime of the Russian army against humanity and a violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

I call on the international community to take decisive action to deter the aggression of the Russian Federation and to force the aggressor country to immediately cease hostilities on the territory of Ukraine.


As of 22 March 2022, 117 children had been killed and 155 wounded in Ukraine since the beginning of the invasion by the Russian Federation.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

During the last 24 hours, Russian forces attacked 11 settlements. The strikes damaged at least 43 civilian properties, including homes, school, kindergarten and a church. There are dead and wounded civilians, including children.




President of Ukraine

Russia should move away from ultimatums against Ukraine, because they will not lead to any results. We need to find a compromise to end the war. This was emphasized by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview for world broadcasters.

"If we want peace, we need to sit down and talk. The right word is to negotiate. But to negotiate, not to fulfill the ultimatum. This is an important point. A compromise can be found in the dialogue," the President stressed.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy stressed that the issue of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity is a "red line", because many Ukrainians gave their lives for it.

Talking about the European Union, he said the EU does not have to take up arms to fight the Russian threat - it needs to fight on the diplomatic and economic frontlines.

"Europeans can fight using sanctions - they have now started with sanctions. They are fighting using the blockade for the economy and Russian business, they are fighting using diplomacy. European leaders must start fighting," the President said.

According to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, European leaders must show readiness to fight Russia. This is necessary so that in the end they do not find themselves in the current situation in Ukraine, which could not imagine that it would fall victim to a full-scale invasion by a neighbor.

"You will just wake up one morning and understand what we understood - the war started. Europe must do everything for Russia not to feel like the ruler of the world, it is possible today," he said.

The President reminded that the Ukrainian army had stopped the offensive of the Russian army - the second army in the world. So, there is no need to be afraid of Russia.


Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine

On negotiations with Russia

As part of the negotiation process with the Russian Federation, Ukraine expects to reach an agreement on ending the armed aggression against our state and withdrawing Russian troops from Ukrainian territory. This was stated by Head of the President's Office Andriy Yermak during a video meeting at the Royal Institute of International Affairs Chatham House (UK).

"I hope that these agreements will primarily provide for a ceasefire, withdrawal of Russian troops to the territory of February 23, 2022, as well as consultations and talks on other issues on the return of our territories, the return of full control over the territories within the internationally recognized borders to the Ukrainian authorities," said Andriy Yermak.

In addition, according to him, such agreements should provide for the construction of a new security system for Ukraine.

"We want this war to end as soon as possible. To end with agreements solely in the interests of our country. To end with what we gained, not what we lost. To end with the fact that we gained a new security system. There is no more time to wait, to think. There is no more time to delay this decision," said the Head of the President's Office.

Andriy Yermak stressed that there can be no compromises regarding Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"We are ready to talk about any issues, we are ready to meet and these issues need to be addressed. You don't have to ignore them. Both the issue of Donbas and the issue of Crimea. And above all the issue of ending the war and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory. All this should be the subject of conversation. First of all, conversation between the President of Ukraine and the President of Russia,” the Head of the Office of the President noted.

He stressed that the Ukrainian delegation is working 24/7 to organize a meeting of the heads of state.

"Significant work is underway, in which, in particular, our partners are participating. Therefore, of course, negotiations and agreements are the shortest way to end the war," Andriy Yermak summed up.


Address to the Chatham House

This Thursday, March, 24 meeting of the NATO Allies is scheduled to take place in Brussels.

There is still time to take steps towards Ukraine. Or to say honestly and publicly that there will be no such steps. That NATO is refusing to allow Ukraine to join, and it is not Ukraine that refuses to join, as many have wanted to say lately. Say it - and together we will start building a new security system.

Russian leadership understands only the language of strength and always confuses peace with weakness.

I want to ask our European partners: who are you really? Are you peaceful or weak? Will you finally give us the weapons that will allow Ukraine to remain an independent sovereign state within internationally recognized borders? Will you finally open a full-fledged land lease for us? Will you continue to watch anxiously as our cities turn into rubble?


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Russian armed forces occupied the southern city of Kherson at the beginning of March.

Russian invaders conduct reprisals against the city’s residents. In particular, on 21 March, they opened fire on peaceful demonstrators in Freedom Square, wounding an elderly person. As the Russian occupation administration is trying to quell civil resistance, it is attempting to create self-governing occupation authorities.

The humanitarian situation is rapidly deteriorating. The city is critically lacking food and medical supplies due to the siege. Newborn babies, who are lacking child nutrition and hygiene products, and serious patients make up the population at especially high risks. 

About one hundred international students, mainly from African countries, are also currently present in Kherson. 

Despite the efforts by the Government of Ukraine and international humanitarian organisations, the Russian Federation continues to refuse the creation of a humanitarian corridor for evacuation of civilians and delivery of food. The city is approaching humanitarian catastrophe with each passing day.

We urge the international community to take decisive action against Russia, including the introduction of new painful economic sanctions, to force it to lift the siege of Kherson and other cities of Ukraine and create the conditions for safe evacuation of Ukrainian and foreign nationals. 

We also call on foreign governments whose citizens Russian armed forces are holding hostage in Kherson to increase political pressure on Moscow.




National Bank of Ukraine

NBU Governor Kyrylo Shevchenko has called on the leadership of international banking groups to suspend all activities of their subsidiaries and branches in Russia and join the global push to thwart the aggressor economy’s capability to finance the war of aggression in Ukraine. After all, any further financial transactions with the institutions based in Russia and any taxes paid into its budget can and will abet in the commission of war crimes and acts of terrorism against the civilian population of Ukraine, the NBU Governor said in a statement.

The widening geography of hostilities and terrorist attacks against civilians indicates that the measures taken so far have not been effective. With this in mind, it is important that banking groups around the world bring more pressure to bear on the aggressor to undermine its position. The suspension of business in Russia by banking groups that are top players in the global financial services market will amplify the impact of the economic sanctions already imposed on Russia by the global community." Failure to halt operations in Russia may carry additional reputational risks for your organizations not only in our country, but in Europe as a whole. In its struggle against the occupier, Ukraine has actually galvanized support from the majority of European governments, the international business community, and the people living in these countries," said Kyrylo Shevchenko.


Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

The Government provides an opportunity to obtain a loan of up to UAH 60 million to any Ukrainian company at 0% interest rate during martial law under the "5-7-9%" program. Any business may benefit from 0% interest rate as long as the martial law is in force and during 1 month after it will be lifted. Afterwards, the interest rate will be 5%.

The Government has also expanded the list of instruments that will allow banks to provide loans under the "5-7-9%" program in case of lack of collateral. The Export Credit Agency will be able to insure the loans of exporting entrepreneurs, which will greatly simplify their access to cheap financing.

Restrictions on participation in the program have also been lifted. From now on any company, whose final beneficiaries with a share of over 50% are Ukrainians, can obtain such a loan. Enterprises, whose beneficiaries have Russian citizenship or belonged to terrorist organisations, will not be able to receive a loan.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Almost 240 companies left the Russian market.

There are more and more of them every day.

We call on all international companies to stop supporting the aggressor and leave the Russian market.






One of the effective ways to fight the enemy is to deprive it of the funds to continue it. Therefore, we call on all Western partners to stop cooperating with Russia in the fuel and energy sector. Do not buy Russian gas and oil, do not sell it any equipment for power companies and components relating thereto, do not do anything that will help the Russian invaders to obtain funds to continue the war!

This letter of appeal was signed by Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, Chairman of the Management Board of Ukrenergo, together with the heads of the largest Ukrainian power companies Naftogaz of Ukraine and DTEK.


GTS Operator of Ukraine

Operation of the Ukrainian GTS as of March 22

For the previous day, on March 21, GTSOU transported 93.5 million cubic meters of natural gas for Ukrainian infrastructure and consumers. The company promptly responds to the risks of ensuring a reliable gas supply and, if necessary, changes gas transportation routes in coordination with GDSOs (gas distribution system operators).

GTSOU keeps complete operational and technological control over the operations of the Ukrainian GTS. We are grateful to the military, the security and protection sector of Ukraine, and local administrations for helping our colleagues perform functions of natural gas supply to Ukrainians. The company continues rebuilding infrastructure damaged as a result of hostilities. For the previous day, GTSOU carried out repair works on the main gas pipeline Luhansk-Lysychansk-Rubizhne, restoration works on eliminating damages on CS Maryivka in the Mykolaiv region, and on other GTS objects.

The total number of disconnected gas distribution stations in Ukraine remains the same – 40 GDSs, which were stopped due to the damage to GDSOs networks and active hostilities.


Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine stands for increasing energy security of Ukraine

Gas TSO of Ukraine stands for increasing energy security of Ukraine and of the region by reducing gas supplies to Europe via the Nord Stream-1 gas pipeline and appropriate rerouting of gas transportation to ensure maximum utilization of the Ukrainian GTS.

Such a proposal has been made by Olga Bielkova, Director on Government and International Affairs of GTSOU at the meeting of the Energy Community Secretariat of Europe (SEEGAS).

“Ukrainian GTS is designed in such a way, that we do not have separate pipelines for transit and separate ones for domestic gas transportation. First and foremost it is the social protection of Ukrainians, which needs to be enhanced. Currently, transit is an additional factor of security for the Ukrainian gas transportation infrastructure. Proportionally, we will weaken the position of Russia on the European energy market,” – said Olga Bielkova in her speech.

Moreover, the representative of the GTSOU noted the importance of improving the energy security of Ukraine by increasing the firm capacities with Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Poland on a long-term basis. In addition, the security of the region will be facilitated by the opening of the Trans-Balkan corridor, for the full operation of which the Turkish and Bulgarian operators shall create firm capacities in the Turkey-Bulgaria direction, and our Moldovan partners shall remove regulatory barriers.

The Gas TSO of Ukraine has applied for the introduction of the norms of the EU third energy package on all borders between Ukraine and the EU.

The European GTS operators supported the position of Ukraine and agreed to contribute to strengthening the energy security of the region.


The GTS operator of Ukraine is upgrading main gas pipelines in the Ukrainian-Polish direction.

The GTS operator of Ukraine is carrying out scheduled maintenance of sections of the main gas pipelines Pukenichi - Komarno, Komarno-Drozdovichi. These gas pipelines are an important part of the gas transmission system, which provides gas imports from Poland to Ukraine.

The works are performed by the Operational and Repair Department of OGTSU, Naftogazmotazh and Ukrgazprombud branch of Ukrtransgaz.

The section of the Ukrainian GTS, where repair works are being carried out, is operated by Bibrske linear production management of main gas pipelines. There are currently no active hostilities in the area of this line production management.

As scheduled repairs are necessary for the reliable operation of the Ukrainian GTS, in particular - effective preparation for the next heating season, OGTSU resumes the repair campaign in the regions where it is currently possible.