Small Wars Journal

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN April 3, 6.30 p.m. EST

Mon, 04/04/2022 - 5:10am

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA




April 3, 6.30 p.m. EST


Liberation of the Kyiv region, particularly the towns of Bucha and Irpin, revealed the scale of Russia’s atrocities committed against Ukrainian people. The Bucha massacre proves that Russian hatred towards Ukrainians is beyond anything Europe has seen since World War II.

Law enforcement agencies collect all necessary information to assess the scale of atrocities. The mayor of Bucha Anatoly Fedoruk informed that 280 people were buried in mass graves. Killed people lie on the streets. Dozens of them were found with tied hands. While leaving, the invaders mined dead bodies and civilian buildings.

According to Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova, 410 bodies of killed civilians have been taken out of the territory of the Kyiv region for examination. In the coming days, law enforcement agencies will uncover more details, and the real scale of the Bucha massacre will become more clear.

Since the beginning of the invasion, Russian army has already murdered thousands of civilians in Ukraine, including children, kidnapped and tortured activists and local leaders, looted houses and raped Ukrainian women and girls. Mass war crimes, reports of looting and rape prove that Russian troops have no red lines or moral values whatsoever.

The Human Rights Watch has sent its representatives to Kyiv, Chernihiv and Kharkiv regions to document the evidence of Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has decided to establish a special mechanism of justice in Ukraine to investigate and prosecute all crimes committed by the invaders. This mechanism will bring together the efforts of national and international experts.

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba urged the International Criminal Court and international organizations to send their missions to Bucha and other liberated towns and villages of the Kyiv region, to thoroughly collect all the evidence of Russian war crimes in cooperation with Ukrainian law enforcement authorities. This evidence will be used in courts, national and international, to bring all those who committed those atrocities to justice.

Ukraine activates all legal instruments to bring Russia and its citizens who are responsible for crimes against humanity to justice. More than 40 countries have already supported the investigation of Russia’s war crimes and appealed to the International Criminal Court. A number of countries launched their own criminal investigations of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Russians on the territory of Ukraine.



General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 03.04 were approximately:

personnel - 18000,

tanks ‒ 644,

APVs ‒ 1830,

artillery systems – 325,

MLRS - 105,

anti-aircraft warfare systems - 54,

aircraft – 143,

helicopters – 134,

vehicles - 1249,

vessels - 7,

fuel tanks - 76,

UAVs operational-tactical level – 89,

special equipment – 24,

mobile SRBM systems - 4.


The enemy continues to launch systematic missile and air strikes on civilian infrastructure and fuel storage facilities. It is noted that Russian military command is taking measures to train additional personnel and relocate equipment to form additional units for future hostilities on the territory of Ukraine.

The main efforts of the Russian enemy are focused on preparing for the resumption of offensive operations, establishing control in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

The situation in the Volyn direction has not changed.

In the Polissya direction, the Russian enemy completed the withdrawal of certain units of the Eastern Military District to the territory of the republic of Belarus, with the subsequent transfer of these units to the territory of the Russian federation.

In the liberated territory of the Kyiv region, in the areas of the settlements of Velyka Dymerka, Skybyn and Hoholiv, units of the defense forces are clearing the territory of mines and explosive devices installed by the Russian invaders.

In the Siversky direction, the Russian enemy completed the withdrawal of units of the Central Military District to the territory of the Russian federation.

The withdrawal of occupation troops continues in the Sumy region. The enemy provides cover and logistical support for individual units withdrawing to the territory of the Russian federation.

In the liberated territories, small groups of servicemen of the Russian forces are still holding positions. The enemy is hiding or fleeing, trying to cross the state border of Ukraine.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the occupiers continue to blockade the city of Kharkiv. The main efforts of the enemy are focused on continuing the offensive in the direction of the city of Izyum.

In the Donetsk direction, the Russian enemy continues to shell settlements and positions of Ukrainian troops and conduct assault operations in most areas. All of the offensive efforts by the enemy in this region of Ukraine were unsuccessful. 

The battle for the settlement of Oleksandrivka is underway in the Pivdennobuzhsky direction.


Russian enemy, having not achieved the goal of the operation in some areas of Ukraine, decided to abandon the offensive in the Siversky and, in part, Slobozhansky directions.

The withdrawal of units of the occupying forces to the territory of Belarus is coming to an end in the Siversky region. Border guards of the republic of Belarus is not controlling the situation. The occupiers continue to export looted vehicles and other property from Ukraine to the republic of Belarus without hindrance.

The situation in the Slobozhansky direction did not change significantly during the day.

In the Donetsk direction, the Russian enemy is taking measures to regroup and strengthen the existing troops. Thus, the transfer of some units from the 37th separate assault brigade (Chernyakhovsk and Kaliningrad regions of Russia) to the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions is confirmed.

The Russian enemy continues to suffer losses in manpower and military equipment. Particularly, in the area of the city of Kharkiv, thanks to the successful actions of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a motorized infantry company from the 59th Tank Regiment of Russian forces suffered significant losses.

It was established that the losses of this unit amounted to almost 80 percent of the personnel.

Due to significant personnel losses, about 25 servicemen of the 31st Separate Assault Brigade from Ulyanovsk refused to take part in the war with Ukraine and wish to resign.

In addition, Deputy Commander of the 83rd Separate Assault Brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Vitaliy Slabtsov, Russian, was killed in action.

The enemy's violations of international humanitarian law are confirmed daily by numerous civilian casualties in the liberated settlements. All facts are documented and submitted to international judicial institutions. War crimes do not have a statute of limitations, justice is inevitable.


The occupiers continue to launch missile strikes on critical infrastructure throughout Ukraine, trying to sow panic among the population and disrupt the logistics of the Defense Forces.

In the Volyn direction, the situation has not changed significantly, certain units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus continue to perform tasks to cover the border.

In the Polissya direction, the enemy completes the regrouping and preparation for the redeployment of individual units from the territory of Belarus to the Russian Federation. According to available information, some units of the occupiers from the airborne troops are transferred by military transport aircraft to the city of Belgorod. In order to slow down the advance of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the occupiers carried out mass chaotic mining not only of previously occupied positions and areas but also of deployment routes.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy continues to blockade the city of Kharkiv, inflict artillery strikes on residential areas of the city and tries to regroup the troops.

In the Izyum direction, the occupiers tried to resume the offensive but were unsuccessful.

In the Donetsk and Tavriya areas, the occupiers continued to focus on capturing the settlements of Rubizhne, Popasna, Troitske, Avdiivka, and Marinka, Krasnohorivka and preparing for an offensive that may begin in the coming days in the direction of Severodonetsk and Velyka.

With the support of aircraft and artillery, the enemy continues to attack the city of Mariupol.

South Bug direction. During the day, the enemy concentrated its efforts on maintaining the occupied positions in the area of Alexandrovka and is trying to reach the administrative border of the Kherson region.



First Deputy Foreign Minister Emine Dzhaparova

Ukrainian soldiers who liberated Bucha near Kyiv from Russian invaders report numerous civilians shot dead. Russians executed them during occupation & when retreating from the town. Some of victims have their hands tied. Innocent victims.


Motyzhyn village in Kyiv region liberated by Ukrainian troops. Russian soldiers did terrible things here. Pictured 2 women and 4 men shot dead in the back of their heads. Some had their hands tied. Russian soldiers are war criminals. Their cruelty is limitless.


Kyiv region, Ukraine. New evidence of Russian war crimes against Ukrainian civilians. Before troops arrived, Russian Army killed as many civilians as possible. Inhuman. Terrible. Speechless.


Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine obtained a list of servicemen of the 56th Airborne Assault Brigade in unit 74507 Kamyshin, Volgograd region (Feodosia, Crimea), committing war crimes against the people of Ukraine. Full list:


Ukrainian Commissioner for Human Rights

Residents of Kherson and Kakhovka went to rallies against the occupation of their cities by Russian invaders.

During the peaceful action in Kakhovka, the Russian military opened fire on the townspeople, who came out to say "no" to the invaders. Grenade explosions and machine guns can be heard in the city. There are detainees and wounded.


Soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine, who were captured by the Russian invaders on February 24, 2022 and detained by them, were taken out of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and transferred to the Russian Federation (Smolensk) and the Republic of Belarus (Bragin). This was reported by the wife of one of the prisoners.


Without communication, electricity, food, medicine and even water, looted shops, destroyed houses - this is how villages in the occupied Kherson region live today.

The Stanislav community was under constant fire from enemy artillery.

Stanislav is already half-destroyed. No connection with other villages of the community. Most of the houses and local school were destroyed. People are forced to live in rubble, hide in basements.

Civilians ask for evacuation, but the occupiers do not allow people to leave.

The third week in the occupation of the village of Vysokopillya.

People are left without water, electricity, gas, many have run out of food. The occupiers are constantly firing at the village. Many buildings are annihilated.

Russians rob, kidnap, and kill civilians. Documents and mobile phones were taken from civilians.


According to the local authorities of the city of Mariupol - almost 40 thousand citizens of the city were deported to the so called "DPR" or Russia. Counting deportees is complicated by the fact that Ukrainian documents are confiscated from people.

Russian invaders separate parents from children. 17 injured children were abducted from the local hospital where they were undergoing treatment. Their parents stayed and they were evacuated to the city of Zaporizhia.

Some of the forcibly deported Mariupol residents were found in Estonia, where they entered from the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition to the residents of Mariupol, people from the Kherson, Kharkiv, and Luhansk regions reached Estonia in the same way through Russia. According to them, some of these people decided to go through Russia because they could not go to Western Ukraine. At the same time, there were people who were forcibly sent to Russia and then allowed to travel at their own discretion.


As a result of the Russian shelling, about 80% of housing in Izyum in the Kharkiv region was destroyed.


Prosecutor General’s Office

On April 3, 2022, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched a rocket artillery shelling of the settlements of Zaporizke and Volodymyrivka in the Kryvyi Rih region with prohibited cluster munitions of a Tornado-C volley fire system.


Death of civilians as a result of detonation of Russian munitions in Dnipropetrovsk region.


During the occupation of Trostyanets, Russian invaders entered the house of civilians, searched it, and then took a 32-year-old man with them. Another 29-year-old civilian was taken prisoner under similar circumstances. The whereabouts of the prisoners are currently unknown. Two other men managed to escape from captivity. According to the victims, on March 20, 2022, the Russian invaders detained them in Trostyanets. Russians kept them in the basement of the railway station and systematically tortured both men. It was not until March 26, 2022, that Ukrainians escaped from captivity by taking advantage of the fighting in the city.




President of Ukraine

Address by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

The global security architecture has failed. Peace for us will not be the result of any decisions of the enemy somewhere in Moscow as well. We should not cherish empty hopes that they will simply leave our land. We can only gain peace in hard battles and in parallel - in negotiations, and in parallel - in daily vigorous work.

Our defenders continue to regain control over communities in the Kyiv and Chernihiv regions. There are more and more Ukrainian national flags in the areas that have been temporarily occupied.

We are strengthening our defenses in the eastern direction and in Donbas. We are aware that the enemy has reserves to increase pressure in the east. The goal of Russian troops is to capture both Donbas and the south of Ukraine.

Heroic Mariupol continues to hold back a significant part of the enemy forces. Thanks to this resistance, thanks to the courage and resilience of our other cities, Ukraine has gained invaluable time. The time that allows us to undermine the enemy's tactics and weaken their capabilities.

Unfortunately, Ukraine has not yet received enough modern Western anti-missile systems or aircrafts. Hasn’t received what the partners could provide. Could - and still can!

Every Russian missile and every bomb dropped only adds black paint to the history that will describe everyone on whom the decision depended. Decision whether to help Ukraine with modern weapons.

I would like to thank the residents of our Enerhodar separately, who went to a rally today. In response, the occupiers opened fire and used grenades. There will be an answer for each wounded person.

I want to turn to person who does not seem to fully understand what is happening not only in Ukraine, but throughout Europe. To the Prime Minister of Hungary. He is virtually the only one in Europe to openly support Mr. Putin.

We did not ask for anything special from official Budapest. We didn't even get what everyone else is doing! We saw no effort to stop the war!

The whole of Europe is trying to stop the war, to restore peace. Then why is official Budapest opposed to the whole of Europe, to all civilized countries? For what?

The main thing for us is the opinion of the people. The Ukrainian people support the Hungarian people, while Hungarians support Ukrainians. I am convinced that our minorities should be the bridges that unite us even more.

If it's a war, then I call it a war, not a "special operation." If this is a threat to the whole of Europe, then I call it a threat to the whole of Europe. This is called the honesty that Mr. Orban lacks. He may have lost it somewhere in his contacts with Moscow.

I spoke today with the President of Colombia. I am very grateful to him for his support and solidarity with Ukraine. The list of countries that say that freedom matters and the war must stop is expanding.

I also spoke with British Prime Minister Johnson. A meaningful, pleasant conversation. We agreed on new defensive support for Ukraine, on the strengthening of sanctions against Russia. Agreed on joint steps to achieve peace. Thank you, Boris, for the leadership!


Address to Ukrainians

Today this address will be without greetings. I do not want any extra words.

Presidents do not usually record addresses like this. But today I have to say just that. After what was revealed in Bucha and our other cities the occupiers were expelled from. Hundreds of people were killed. Tortured, executed civilians. Corpses on the streets. Mined area. Even the bodies of the dead were mined!

The pervasive consequences of looting. Concentrated evil has come to our land. Murderers. Torturers. Rapists. Looters. Who call themselves the army. And who deserve only death after what they did.

I want every mother of every Russian soldier to see the bodies of the killed people in Bucha, in Irpin, in Hostomel. What did they do? Why were they killed? What did the man who was riding his bicycle down the street do? Why were ordinary civilians in an ordinary peaceful city tortured to death? Why were women strangled after their earrings were ripped out of their ears? How could women be raped and killed in front of children? How could their corpses be desecrated even after death? Why did they crush the bodies of people with tanks? What did the Ukrainian city of Bucha do to your Russia? How did all this become possible?

Russian mothers! Even if you raised looters, how did they also become butchers? You couldn't be unaware of what's inside your children. You couldn't overlook that they are deprived of everything human. No soul. No heart. They killed deliberately and with pleasure.

I want all the leaders of the Russian Federation to see how their orders are being fulfilled. Such orders. Such a fulfillment. And joint responsibility. For these murders, for these tortures, for these arms torn off by explosions that lie on the streets. For shots in the back of the head of tied people.

This is how the Russian state will now be perceived. This is your image.

Your culture and human appearance perished together with the Ukrainian men and women to whom you came.

I approved a decision to create a special mechanism of justice in Ukraine for the investigation and judicial examination of every crime of the occupiers on the territory of our state. The essence of this mechanism is the joint work of national and international experts: investigators, prosecutors and judges. This mechanism will help Ukraine and the world bring to concrete justice those who unleashed or in any way participated in this terrible war against the Ukrainian people and in crimes against our people.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Office of the Prosecutor General, the National Police, the Security Service, the Intelligence Service and other structures within their competence must make every effort to ensure that the mechanism is operational immediately.

I call on all our citizens and friends of Ukraine in the world who can join this work and help establish justice to do so.

The world has already seen many war crimes. At different times. On different continents. But it is time to do everything possible to make the war crimes of the Russian military the last manifestation of such evil on earth.

Everyone guilty of such crimes will be included in a special Book of Torturers, will be found and punished.


I want you to realize that. We drove the enemy out of several regions. But Russian troops still control the occupied areas of other regions. And after the expulsion of the occupiers, even worse things can be found there. Even more deaths and tortures. Because this is the nature of the Russian military who came to our land. These are bastards who can't do otherwise. And they had such orders.

All partners of Ukraine will be informed in detail about what happened in the temporarily occupied territory of our state. War crimes in Bucha and other cities during the Russian occupation will also be considered by the UN Security Council on Tuesday.

There will definitely be a new package of sanctions against Russia. But I'm sure that's not enough. More conclusions are needed. Not only about Russia, but also about the political behavior that actually allowed this evil to come to our land.

Today is the fourteenth anniversary of the NATO summit in Bucharest. Then there was a chance to take Ukraine out of the "gray zone" in Eastern Europe. Out of the "gray zone" between NATO and Russia.

Out of the gray zone, in which Moscow thinks they are allowed everything. Even the most dreadful war crimes.

Under optimistic diplomatic statements that Ukraine could become a member of NATO, then, in 2008, refusal to accept Ukraine into the Alliance was hidden. The absurd fear of some politicians towards Russia was hidden. They thought that by refusing Ukraine, they would be able to appease Russia, to convince it to respect Ukraine and live normally next to us.

During the 14 years since that miscalculation, Ukraine has experienced a revolution and eight years of war in Donbas. And now we are fighting for life in the most horrific war in Europe since World War II.

I invite Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Sarkozy to visit Bucha and see what the policy of concessions to Russia has led to in 14 years. To see with their own eyes the tortured Ukrainian men and women.

I want to be understood correctly. We do not blame the West. We do not blame anyone but the specific Russian military who did this against our people. And those who gave them orders. But we have the right to talk about indecision. About the path to such Bucha, to such Hostomel, to such Kharkiv, to such Mariupol. We have no indecision. No matter whether we are in a certain bloc or non-aligned, we understand one thing: we must be strong.

Fourteen years ago, Russia's leader in Bucharest told Western leaders that there was no country like Ukraine. And we prove that there is such a country. It was and it will be.

We will not hide behind the strong of this world. We will not beg anyone.

Honestly, we shouldn’t have asked for help with weapons to protect ourselves from this evil that came to our land. All the necessary weapons should have been given to us anyway - without requests. Because they themselves realized what evil had come and what it had brought with it.

We see what’s at stake in this war. We see what we are defending.

There are standards of the Ukrainian army - moral and professional. And it is not our army that has to adjust now. These are many other armies that should learn from our military.

And there are standards of the Ukrainian people. And there are standards of the Russian occupiers. This is good and evil. This is Europe and a black hole that wants to tear it all apart and absorb.

We will win this war. Even if individual politicians are still unable to overcome the indecision they will pass on to their successors together with their offices.

And all the necessary services are already working in Bucha to bring the city back to life. Restore electricity supply, water supply. Restore the work of medical institutions. Rebuild the infrastructure. Give security to people. Because Russia was expelled. And Ukraine is returning. And brings life back.

Today I visited our border guards, our heroes in the hospital of the Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Wounded warriors.

I presented state awards to the eight of them. I also awarded the orthopedist-traumatologist - medical service officer who is a leading military traumatologist in Ukraine and has already saved many Ukrainian defenders.

In total, 41 border guards received state awards under this decree.

It was the servicemen of the State Border Guard Service who first met the occupiers with fire when they went on the offensive on February 24. Now our boys and girls are returning to the state border as we expel the occupiers.

I am sure the time will come and the whole line of the state border of Ukraine will be restored.

And for this to happen sooner, we must all be focused, ready to boldly face evil and respond to every criminal act against Ukraine, against our people, against our freedom.


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Face the Nation

Russians have pulled out from some localities. In others they are redoing the redeployment because the situation is difficult. There were some communities that they were trying to take several times, and this is a tragedy because Ukrainian army had to take these territories back as well. Bright example if the city of Chornobaivka. It was attacked nine times.

They were trying to take Kyiv and some cities in Kyiv region. Some of them have been occupied and then they destroyed everything. The civilians, the houses, they were stealing washing machines and equipment. There were multiple cases torture in the city.

Now Russians are focusing on the east of Ukraine. So this corridor, which is going from the Crimea to the east of Ukraine, this is in the south of Ukraine. And this is where they are trying to focus in terms of armament, in terms of deploying their personnel. They were bringing people in from different parts of the world because they were in deficit of their personnel and now they are grouping all of these troops in the south and east of Ukraine.

We believe in justice, in the justice of the Western world and therefore, the question is not only about the leader of Russian Federation. We wouldn't think that it would be fair to take only him. I think all the military commanders, everyone who gave instructions and orders should be punished adequately.

We are the citizens of Ukraine. We have more than 100 nationalities. This war is about the destruction and extermination of all these nationalities. We are the citizens of Ukraine and we don't want to be subdued to the policy of Russian Federation. This is the reason we are being destroyed and exterminated, and this is happening in the Europe in the 21st century.

Many people, many thousands of people have been evacuated. In certain cities, 35, 30, 40,000 Ukrainians have been evacuated. So altogether, hundreds of thousands. But nevertheless, there are still hundreds of thousand blocked. Some of them are blocked or behind the bars.

Before the beginning of this full-fledged war and the occupation of Mariupol, many people lived there. But today they are suffering. All the humanitarian corridors have been blocked. There is shortage of food and water supplies. Many dead people are left to lie on the streets…

“As the president of Ukraine, there cannot be just my personal view about President Putin and a dialogue with the Russian Federation. I must stand for the interests of my country. So, it's difficult to say how, after all- what has been done, we can have any kind of negotiations with Russia. That's on the personal level. But as a President, I have to do it. Any war must end.” – underlined the President of Ukraine.

“I would like to thank the United States and Biden administration and their bipartisan support in everything they're doing for us. But nevertheless, the United States have not provided the security guarantees to us. You have to understand this as a president of the country in war. The United States is our strategic partner and they are supporting us. But security guarantees is when you have an enforceable document. Even the Budapest Memorandum was a- a treaty. We have given away our nuclear power and it was just a piece of paper.” stressed Zelenskyy.


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba called on the missions of the International Criminal Court and international organizations to arrive in Bucha and other cities and towns of Kyiv region as soon as possible to gather evidence of Russian war crimes and crimes against humanity.

This was announced by the Foreign Minister of Ukraine on Sunday, 3 April, on the air of the British radio Times UK radio.

"I urge the International Criminal Court and international organizations to send their missions to Bucha and other liberated towns and villages of the Kyiv region, in cooperation with Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, to thoroughly collect all evidence of Russian war crimes," he said.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has already sent a request to the International Criminal Court.

Dmytro Kuleba stressed that this evidence will be used in international and foreign courts to bring to justice those who committed these atrocities.

"We are still gathering and looking for bodies, but the number has already gone into the hundreds. Dead bodies lie on the streets. They killed civilians while staying there and when they were leaving these villages and towns, "he said.

The Foreign Minister of Ukraine spoke about the mass crimes of the Russian army in Ukraine, including murder, torture, looting, rape: "It was impossible to imagine this in the XXI century, but it is happening before our eyes. Russia is worse than ISIS. "

"If I used to say that I will make every effort to bring the perpetrators to justice, now I am convinced that this is a matter of my life, which I will do until my last breath, until they are all held accountable," he said.


4/3/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 04/03/2022 - 12:07pm

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

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3. Ukraine War Update - April 1, 2022 | SOF News
4. Russians Likely to Encounter Growing Guerrilla Warfare in Ukraine
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6. ‘Tectonic shifts’: How Putin’s war will change the world
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11. Opinion | Ukraine Is the First Real World War
12.  Opinion | Putin Is Losing in Ukraine. But He’s Winning in Russia.
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3. How Domestic Politics Affects Military Strategy—and Why Military Leaders Need to Understand It
4. War Termination and Escalation in Ukraine
5. China’s Bid for Global Hegemony: One Base at a Time
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Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN April 1, 6.30 pm EST

Sat, 04/02/2022 - 4:50am

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



April 1, 6.30 pm EST


Deputy Head of President’s Office: The exchange of prisoners of war took place in Zaporizhzhia region. 86 Ukrainian servicemen, including 15 women, returned to Ukraine.

The so-called “referendum” is planned for April 4 in the city of Tokmak, Zaporizhzhia region, by the Russian occupiers.

In the capital of Ukraine and Kyiv region, specialists of the National Police of Ukraine seized and destroyed about 10,000 unexploded munitions.




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 

According to the available information, "wounded" servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation suffering from the aftermath of their stay in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone are currently located in the Gomel Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology (Republic of Belarus).

In the territories of the Zaporizhzhia region temporarily occupied by the Russians, in the city of Enerhodar, on the territory of the military unit of the National Guard of Ukraine, the Russian occupiers continue to detain local residents. They are “suspected” of organizing pro-Ukrainian actions and preparing sabotage against the Russian invaders. Employees of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation are interrogating them using psychological and physical pressure.

A so-called referendum is planned for April 4 in the city of Tokmak by the Russian occupiers. The occupation administration has already notified the local population about this event.

The city of Melitopol is temporarily controlled by the military. Russia continues to place artillery systems among the residential quarters, from which it fires in the Zaporizhzhia direction.

The Russian forces do not give up the idea of introducing the educational process in educational institutions according to their own standards in April 2022.

When leaving the city of Bucha, the Russian occupation forces mined civilian buildings, infrastructure and areas within the settlement.

Russian enemy units, in order to create offensive groups, continue to regroup their troops. Separate units of the 5th, 29th, and 35th All-Military Armies of the Eastern Military District and the 155th Separate Marine Brigade of the Pacific Fleet are being withdrawn from the Chornobyl district to the settlements located on the territory of the republic of Belarus.

According to the available information, a railway echelon with the equipment of separate units of the 4th Tank Division of the 1st Tank Army of the Western Military District arrived at the Dolbino railway station (Belgorod region).

In the Polissya direction, the enemy is operating with separate units of the 38th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 35th All-Military Army, the 37th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade, and the 5th Separate Tank Brigade of the 36th All-Military Army. It did not carry out offensive actions, its main efforts were focused on defending certain borders in order to cover the withdrawal of troops to the territory of Belarus. It mines areas and equipment that cannot be evacuated, destroys infrastructure to delay the advance of our troops.

In the Chernihiv direction, the enemy continues to blockade Chernihiv and inflict artillery strikes on residential areas of the city and positions of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In order to increase the grouping of troops, units of the 106th Airborne Division were moved from the settlement of Valuyky (Belgorod region) to the Pisky district (Kharkiv region), presumably to conduct hostilities in the Donetsk direction.

In Kharkiv direction, the enemy continues to block Kharkiv, regrouping troops and shelling residential neighborhoods. It conducts air reconnaissance of the positions of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the use of UAVs.

In Izium direction, the occupiers continue to control part of the city of Izium and maintain pontoon crossings across the Siversky Donets River, regrouping troops in order to create an offensive group.

In Donetsk direction, the enemy continues to carry out fire and assault operations in most areas. It inflicts airstrikes on units of our troops in the areas of the settlements of Rubizhne, Bila Hora, Marinka, Severodonetsk. The main efforts are focused on taking control of the settlements of Popasna, Rubizhne.

 Russians   carry out fire damage and assault operations in order to establish control over the city of Mariupol. It launched offensive operations in the direction of Velyka Novosilka and Rozdolne. He was stopped in both directions.


Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

Russian banks continue to finance Russian aggression against Ukraine.

In particular, it has been established that UAVs, components for military equipment and electronic reconnaissance equipment for units of the 47th Tank Division are being procured through Russia's Promsvyazbank and Gazprombank.


Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine obtained a list of servicemen of the 34th command brigade (military unit 29202) of Vladikavkaz who commit war crimes against the people of Ukraine.

Link to the list:


Russians use Ukrainian children as a human shield when moving convoys of military equipment.

According to residents in Novyi Bykiv village (Chernihiv oblast), Russian soldiers took local children hostage and put them in trucks. These actions aim to ensure protection of a column of Russian military equipment on the march.

In addition, the occupiers are using children as hostages to guarantee that the local population will not give the coordinates of the enemy's movement to Ukrainian defenders.

Cases of using Ukrainian children as a human shield by the Russian forces are recorded in Sumy, Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Zaporizhzhia regions.

The Ukrainian side and international institutions record cases of inhumane treatment of children. Information about each of the cases will be passed to international criminal courts. The occupiers will bear responsibility for every committed war crime.


Prosecutor General’s Office

Russian Armed Forces soldiers abducted and abused civilians during the occupation of Trostianets in violation of the Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilians. After the town was liberated from the Russian forces on 30 March, two bound bodies were found with gunshot wounds. The victims turned out to be civilians whose disappearance had been reported by their relatives a few days earlier.


From March 29 to 31, 2022, seven civilians were killed and eight were injured, including one child after shelling of Lviv region by the Russian forces.

At another part of Ukraine, on March 30, 2022, during the evacuation of residents of Lysychansk, a bus carrying citizens came under enemy fire. No one was injured in the shelling.


Servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in violation of the requirements of the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons, during the occupation of Trostyanets mined objects and places of civilian infrastructure.


The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out a rocket-propelled artillery shelling of the Tornado-C volley fire system in two settlements of the Kryvyi Rih district of the Dnipropetrovsk region. Three missiles were equipped with prohibited cluster munitions.


Russian servicemen started shelling the village of Dmytrivka, Chernihiv region. As a result, private households were damaged or completely destroyed.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

In the capital of Ukraine and Kyiv region, specialists of the National Police of Ukraine together with the representatives of State Emergency Service of Ukraine seized and destroyed about 10,000 unexploded munitions.


Today, officers of the Donetsk Military Administration, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine evacuated residents from the hottest spots in the region - Vuhledar, Avdiivka, Ocheretyn, Novogrodivka - to safe places. 248 residents of Donetsk oblast, including 40 children, were rescued from the Russian shelling.

Police officers, who delivered humanitarian assistance to Marinka, got under fire. Russian troops have interrupted a humanitarian mission, leaving Marinka without food.

A special police operation is underway in Irpin. The city was liberated from Russian troops. Employees of the National Police of Ukraine work on the spot in coordination with territorial defense units, rescuers and representatives of local authorities. It is very important to go through every house, because people can stay under the rubble, elderly people can stay in apartments. Police examine the bodies of citizens who, unfortunately, died, take them to the morgue for forensic examinations and subsequent burial. The main task is to rescue people who remained in the city.


Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security

The exchange of prisoners of war took place in Zaporizhzhia region. 86 Ukrainian servicemen, including 15 women, returned to Ukrainian side.



President of Ukraine

President of Ukraine met with President of the European Parliament Robert Mezzola in Kyiv, on April 1.

 The parties in particular discussed the coordination of the European parliaments in their coordinated support of Ukraine.

President V.Zelenskyy described the situation at the front and stressed the importance of continuing and intensifying sanctions pressure on Russia. He underlined that new sanctions packages should appear on a regular basis and be painful for Russia until it stops aggressive actions. At the same time, sanction pressure on Russia must be intensified with the defense support of Ukraine. The world must put pressure on Russia, be with Ukraine at the negotiating table and seek for peace. But this will not happen if the Russian Federation continues to feel impunity for any of its brutal actions.

“You have led a country of extremely brave men and women fighting for freedom and democracy. I came to Ukraine not only to confirm our solidarity, not only to continue working on the wording of our resolutions, in which we say that Ukraine is part of our European family, because you are fighting for us, for fundamental principles that the European continent has upheld for centuries. I would also like to make sure that you have everything you need to win this war. Because if you win, the whole world will win." - underlined R. Mezzola.

 The EU President also mentioned that she would like to give Ukrainians who have fled their native land because of the war and found refuge in other European countries a new perspective  when they return to beautiful Ukraine.


The world must learn to live without Russian energy, through which Russia finances the terrible war in Ukraine - Oleh Ustenko and Simon Johnson.

The European Union, the United States and its allies are already working to block Russia's cash flow from energy exports as the Kremlin's main source of geopolitical influence. This is stated in a joint article by Adviser to the President of Ukraine on Economic Affairs Oleh Ustenko and former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management Simon Johnson for Project Syndicate.


Prime Minister of Ukraine

Denys Shmyhal: “The European Parliament demonstrated support and continues to support our state in the struggle for freedom”.

The support of European integration aspirations of Ukraine and strengthening the sanctions policy against the Russian Federation were among the topics for discussion between the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk, the First Deputy Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Kornienko, the Deputy Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Olena Kondratiuk and the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola.


Statement of the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal at Government meeting on April 1 (key messages):

We continue to work 24/7 for the victory of Ukraine.

From the first days of the full-scale war, both the President and the Government promised financial assistance, housing assistance, and work assistance. We keep our word. Relevant programs are working. Some of them have already been implemented.

Over the last 3 months, UAH 78 billion in social benefits have been financed. State aid to families with children, low-income families, people with disabilities.

In March, pensions of all our pensioners were indexed by 14%. This is plus UAH 400 on average before pensions.

March 31, was the last day when it was possible to apply for the eSupport program, under which 6.5 thousand hryvnias were paid to those who lost their jobs. We received almost 5 million applications. Payments amounted to UAH 22 billion, received by almost 3.5 million people. This successful program has already helped many of our citizens.

The next program that starts on April 1, is work for internally displaced persons. We are starting to accept applications from businesses that hire IDPs. 6.5 thousand hryvnias for each new employee so that people receive these funds and can get a job in those businesses that are ready to work in martial law.

The registration of internally displaced persons also continues. Currently, 260,000 people are registered with the social security authorities. Based on this registration, the state will pay 2,000 hryvnias to an adult and 3,000 hryvnias to a child or a person with a disability.

“Prykhystok” (Shelter) program works. We will reimburse those who have taken in IDPs to pay for utilities. There are currently vacancies for almost 10,000 IDPs.

Today we will decide to increase the size of the reserve fund by UAH 73.3 billion. These funds will be reallocated from other budget programs and will be used primarily to meet the key needs of our army and economy.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Minister D.Kuleba in his interview to CNN: “Nothing is agreed before everything is agreed”.

We are not getting tired of fighting for freedom, for independence and for values. So I hope that people in the West will not get tired of supporting us."




The National Bank of Ukraine

NBU Appeals to European Commission and Central Banks of Japan, UK, US, and EU to Ban Payments in Russian and Belarusian Rubles in Their Countries

 NBU Governor Kyrylo Shevchenko has addressed the European Commission and central banks of Japan, the United Kingdom, the U.S., and the EU, requesting to impose a sweeping ban that will forbid financial institutions based in these countries and their counterparties to process payments in the Russian and Belarusian rubles.  Transactions to open ruble-denominated accounts and exchange the ruble for other currencies must also come under the ban.

The sanctions imposed on Russia by international partners of Ukraine have undoubtedly been unprecedented. However, as Russia continues military actions, the international community must increase pressure on the aggressor. Russia keeps on looking for ways to mitigate economic effects of the sanctions, which, in particular, have put a freeze on Russian assets denominated in dollars and euros. The aggressor is making every effort to convert its trade in energy and other natural resources into rubles, trying to generate additional demand for its domestic currency and thus shore it up, the appeal says.

A ban on making settlements in rubles would derail Russia’s plan to switch to being paid in its domestic currency. This step would only preserve the status quo in trade settlements with Russia, stressed Kyrylo Shevchenko.




Ministry of energy of Ukraine

The World Association of Nuclear Operators is relocating all Ukrainian nuclear power plants to the Paris Center

On March 31, 2022, the Board of Governors of the World Association of Nuclear Power Plant Operators (WANO) supported the request of NNEGC Energoatom and decided to transfer the Company together with all its stations and nuclear power plants to Paris Center:

Zaporizhzhya NPP (6 WWER-1000 units),

Rivne NPP (2 WWER-440 units, 2 WWER-1000 units),

South Ukrainian NPP (3 WWER-1000 units),

Khmelnitsky NPP (2 WWER-1000 units).

Ukrainian nuclear power plants have been part of the WANO Moscow center since its establishment in 1989.


Operation of the power system of Ukraine as of April 1

Over the past 24hrs, electricity supply to more than 54,3 thousand consumers has been restored.

In particular, in Kyiv region - about 22,9 thousand, Donetsk – 18,6 thousand, Kharkiv - 11 thousand, Kherson – 1,5 thousand, Mykolaiv - 338 consumers.

As of April 1, more than 1,301 settlements in Ukraine remain without electricity, with a total of more than 925,7 thousand consumers.

Almost 340,000 consumers are left without gas supply.


Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: April

Fri, 04/01/2022 - 8:37pm

Access the Tracker HERE.

April 1, 2022 | FDD Tracker: March 2, 2022-April 1, 2022

FDD | Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: April · by David Adesnik Senior Fellow and Director of Research · April 1, 2022

Trend Overview

Edited by David Adesnik

Welcome back to the Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker. Once a month, we ask FDD’s experts and scholars to assess the administration’s foreign policy. They provide trendlines of very positive, positive, neutral, negative, or very negative for the areas they watch.

As Russian bombs fell on theaters, markets, and hospitals across Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy became a global icon of democratic resistance to tyranny and aggression. Defying expectations, Ukraine bled Russian forces around Kyiv until they could advance no further, ensuring the capital would not fall. The United States and its NATO allies escalated sanctions on Moscow and provided many of the weapons essential to Ukraine’s survival, but consciously remained in a supporting role, wary of a direct confrontation with Russia.

While visiting Poland, President Joe Biden cast the war as the latest clash in the “great battle for freedom” that must be fought in every generation. Both as a candidate and during his first months in office, Biden spoke of a historic confrontation between democracy and dictatorship, yet that assessment has rarely seemed to drive his foreign policy. Will the Warsaw speech mark a turning point, or just an interlude of inspirational rhetoric? The White House still has no clear policy toward China despite the grave threat posed by Beijing’s increasingly hostile regime. In March, North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile for the first time since 2017, reminding the Biden administration that leaving Kim Jong Un to his own devices is not a sustainable policy. In the Middle East, Biden’s strategy remains wedded to the hope of finalizing a nuclear deal with the clerical dictatorship in Tehran, which has gunned down far more of its own citizens than Vladimir Putin has. Is change coming, or will the status quo prevail?

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN April 1, 11.00 a.m. EST

Fri, 04/01/2022 - 5:20pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



April 1, 11.00 a.m. EST




General Stuff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 01.04 were approximately:

personnel - about 17700,

tanks ‒ 625,

APV ‒ 1751,

artillery systems – 316,

MLRS - 96,

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 54,

aircraft – 143,

helicopters – 131,

vehicles - 1220,

boats / cutters - 7,

fuel tanks - 76,

UAV operational-tactical level - 85.

special equipment - 24.

mobile SRBM system - 4.

Data are being updated. The calculation is complicated by the high intensity of hostilities.

The thirty-seventh day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the russian military invasion continues.

The Russian federation continues to conduct full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine. The enemy continues to launch systematic missile, bomb and air strikes on critical infrastructure, government buildings and residential areas of Ukrainian cities.

The Russian occupying forces are regrouping and are likely to focus on an offensive operation in the Eastern Operational Zone.

There is a partial withdrawal of units of the Russian occupying forces from the Polissya and Siversky directions. At the same time, the enemy is preparing to move additional units (reserves) of the Eastern Military District to conduct hostilities on the territory of Ukraine.

In the Volyn direction, units of the Armed Forces of the republic of Belarus are taking measures to strengthen the protection of the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.

The enemy did not carry out offensive operations in the Polissya direction. The main efforts of the occupiers are aimed at defending the previously occupied borders, regrouping and withdrawing troops to the territory of the republic of Belarus to restore combat capability. To ensure the withdrawal of its units, the enemy mines the terrain and infrastructure, uses artillery.

Units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine restored control over the settlements of Demydiv, Dymer, Lytvynivka, Gavrylivka, Kozarovychi, Zhovtneve, Hlybivka, Yasnohorodka, Talakun, Sukoluchchya, Lypivka, Gavronshchyna, Makovyshche, Mykolaivka, Khmilna.

In the northern direction, the enemy continues to blockade the city of Chernihiv. At the same time, there is a movement of troops of the Central Military District to areas located at a short distance from the state border of Ukraine.

After the departure of the enemy, the Armed Forces of Ukraine took control of the settlements of Rudnya, Shevchenkove, Bobryk, Stara Basan, Nova Basan, Makiyivka, Pohreby, Bazhanivka, Volodymyrivka, Shnyakivka, Salne, Sofiyivka, Gavrylivka.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy continues to blockade Kharkiv and carry out artillery shelling of the city. Additional delivery of ammunition for artillery units is recorded.

In the Izyum direction, the enemy continues to control Izyum and hold pontoon crossings across the Siversky Donets River in order to ensure offensive operations. During the day, the enemy fought in the direction of the settlement of Mala Komyshuvakha, stopped, without success.

It is likely that the enemy will strengthen the grouping of occupation troops in the Izyum direction at the expense of separate units of the 1st Tank and 20th All-Army.

In the Donetsk direction, the Russians continue to carry out fire and assault operations in some areas.

The main efforts are focused on taking control of the settlements of Popasna and Rubizhne, as well as establishing full control over the city of Mariupol.

In the South Buh area, units of the occupying forces continue to fire under artillery on the positions of Ukrainian troops. In order to improve the tactical situation, the enemy tried to conduct offensive operations in the direction of the village of Alexandrivka.

The units of the occupation forces continue to partially withdraw from the north of Kyiv oblast towards the state border with the republic of Belarus. It is noted the movement of joint columns of equipment of different quantity of Russians. The convoys also include civilian vehicles (trucks, buses, minibuses, cars) that were stolen by the invaders during the temporary occupation of the territories.

In addition, the enemy carries out the removal of looted property.
In the temporarily occupied territories, the enemy continues its illegal actions, restricting the movement of civilians, using the houses and apartments of local residents to accommodate personnel, holding hostages local residents and activists. Marauding and violence against Ukrainian citizens continues.

In the temporarily occupied areas, the occupiers are trying to force entrepreneurs to switch to paying for goods and services in Russian rubles. The Joint Forces of Ukraine repulsed 7 enemy attacks in the Donetsk and Luhansk directions during the day. Ukrainian warriors destroyed 3 tanks, 2 armored personnel carriers, 2 units of motor vehicles and 2 artillery systems. An Orlan-10 UAV was also shot down.


Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine would like to draw attention to incorrect information published in many Ukrainian and foreign media about the situation in the skies of Ukraine and the support of Ukraine by our allies.

While the Ukrainian people are defending their country from Russian aggression, we ask journalists of all countries to be careful and not to support the Russian army by spreading inaccurate information.

⚫️ Myth: Ukraine's success on the ground is enough to win the war.

🔻 Truth: Air superiority is the decisive factor in this war.

Airspace control has played a crucial role in all wars since World War II. Dominance in the air is a rapid and accurate strike on enemy troops, logistics centers, and other essential facilities and compelling fire support of its ground and naval forces.

⚫️ Myth: The Ukrainian Air Force has weapons to defend the country from Russia effectively.

🔻 Truth: Russian air defense systems are significantly superior to Ukrainian ones and access more modern radars and missile technologies.

At present, the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot completely cover the skies over Ukraine and gain an advantage over Russia in the air. Russian Aerospace Forces significantly outnumber Ukrainian aircraft in number and advanced technologies. Due to this imbalance between the Russian and Ukrainian military forces, the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine urgently asked Western partners to provide more modern fighters and air defense equipment from the very beginning of the war. The Air Force is also suffering losses. Russian troops are destroying more and more equipment or breaking down during operations. This need is becoming more urgent.

⚫️ Myth: "Stingers" or other Man-portable air-defense systems compensate for the lack of equipment of the Air Force of Ukraine.

🔻 Truth: For a successful confrontation in the sky of Russian aircraft (including cruise missiles), Ukraine needs both fighters and anti-aircraft missile systems of medium and long-range.

Portable air defense systems, such as the Stinger, have a limited range (up to 5 km) and functionality and cannot compensate for the lack of modern fighters and anti-aircraft missile systems of medium and long-range. Kamikaze drones are designed to hit ground targets and also cannot withstand Russian planes and missiles.

⚫️ Myth: The United States and NATO provide Ukraine with all the necessary weapons. The Allies are doing everything possible except taking part in the war.

🔻 Truth: To date, our allies did not meet our needs for air defense (fighters and anti-aircraft missile systems).

We have not received the weapons we need to defend our skies and win, other than the short-range portable anti-aircraft missile systems we have already provided. Fighters are most needed in the sky. Given the conditions, the Air Force had enough F-15 and F-16 generation 4+, on which Ukrainian pilots will be able to fly after 2-3 weeks of training. Unlike Soviet MiG-29s, these fighters are equipped with the best technology used by the enemy, including modern radars and missiles.

Ground-based air defense systems will be able to prevent airstrikes and missile strikes. Russia has fired more than 1,000 ballistic and cruise missiles and dropped hundreds of tons of unguided bombs on Ukrainian cities and villages. Most of them could be intercepted if the Ukrainian sky was protected by the necessary number of modern air defense systems.

Currently, Ukraine has at its disposal S-300 long-range anti-aircraft missile systems (SA-10) and Buk-M1 medium-range missile defense systems. However, these are outdated Soviet-era systems that are much worse than Russian ones, such as the S-400 and others.

Patriot systems (USA) or cheaper and more mobile NASAMS systems (Norway) would be the most effective for the adequate protection of Ukrainian airspace.

However, the Armed Forces of Ukraine would be satisfied with the Soviet Systems S-300, Buk-M1, which are also now effective in combating the enemy.


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

Another horrible war crime of the Russian army against Ukrainian children.

Russian military kidnap children and use them as human shields when moving their columns of equipment.

According to residents of the village of Novy Bykiv (Chernihiv region), the occupiers took hostage and put local children in trucks.  In this way, they "insure" the columns with equipment.

Russian invaders use children as hostages - as a guarantee that the local population will not give the coordinates of the enemy's movement to Ukrainian defenders.  Cases of using children as cover are recorded in Sumy, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Zaporizhzhia oblasts.

The actions of the Russian occupation forces violate the right of children to life, which is enshrined in Article 6 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  The killing of children and the shelling of peaceful settlements are crimes against humanity and war crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

I appeal to the UN Commission for Investigation Human Rights Violations during Russia's Military Invasion of Ukraine and the expert mission set up by the OSCE participating States under the Moscow Mechanism to take into account these facts of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine.


The Russian occupiers are trying to establish full control over Mariupol in the Donetsk region.

Since yesterday, the invaders have not allowed residents from Mariupol.  According to eyewitnesses, the invaders set a deadline of 5-7 days, when the city will remain closed.

Depriving civilians of the opportunity to save their lives is nothing but genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

I appeal to the UN Commission to Investigate Human Rights Violations during the Russian Military Invasion of Ukraine and the expert mission set up by the OSCE participating States in accordance with the Moscow Mechanism to take into account these human rights violations in Ukraine.


The occupiers are terrorizing teachers of the peaceful city of Melitopol.

The invaders decided to start the Russian-language education process on Russian programs on April 4. They are trying to force children to stay in the city as a human shield in the event of an attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Principals of Melitopol schools refused to cooperate with the enemy, so everyone wrote applications for dismissal.

As a result, the self-proclaimed mayor of Melitopol, Halyna Danilchenko, ordered the Russian military to expel disobedient school administrators from the city.

Last night, the occupiers came to the homes of three directors, Angelina Kovalenko, Olena Galatsan and Lyudmila Chugai, and drove them in an unknown direction.

By these actions, Russian militants grossly violate Articles 3 and 34 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The act of coercion by the occupiers and interference in the educational process is a direct violation of the right to cultural and national identity guaranteed by Article 29 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the right to education under Articles 24 and 94 of the 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.


The occupiers continue to illegally mobilize the inhabitants of ORDLO and send them into battle in front of Russian troops as a human shield.

Mobilization in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts is carried out by force: men are detained on the streets, in shops and forcibly taken to military enlistment offices, and those who disobey orders are intimidated by executions on the spot.

After that, recruits without training and equipment were sent by the Russian occupiers to Kharkiv. The so-called "command" did not sign any documents with them.

The men are sent in front of the regular troops to storm the Ukrainian positions.

International humanitarian law prohibits forced mobilization. Article 51 IV of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War prohibits the occupying Power from forcing persons under protection, those under the control of a party to the conflict or an occupying State of which they are not nationals, to serve in its armed forces or auxiliary forces.


Ministry of Health of Ukraine

21 ambulances arrived in Ukraine from French communities. Russian occupiers, who are acting like real criminals, ruthlessly fire on hospitals and ambulances. For more than a month of war, 67 ambulances became a target for the enemy and came under fire.




Office of the President of Ukraine

The Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak: Ukraine has proved to everyone that it is a serious player that needs to be respected.

Andriy Yermak noted that today Ukraine is not only defending itself from Russian aggression - it is protecting the whole European world. So Europe must help He said this in an interview with leading international media - The New Yorker, Bild and Le Monde.


A.Yermak stressed that the position of Russian troops in the Kyiv direction is currently changing, but "we can only believe when they leave our country."

The Head of President Office also noted that the blockade of the city of Mariupol is underway. There, people are dying without food and water, and the Russian side is not opening humanitarian corridors to evacuate residents. "Instead, the Russians are trying to take people away to Russia under the pretext of" if you want to survive", -  underlined A.Yermak.

"Mariupol is totally blocked. They are ready to completely destroy Mariupol just to take it under control, "he added. According to the head of the President's Office, given that Russian forces continue to bomb civilian settlements.

"We continue to talk about sanctions and I asked my good friend Michael McFaul for the analysis of sanctions. We started to analyze each sanction - how it works, which of it is effective in a short time as Ukrainians are paying every day with their lives for this brutal war.

Today, thanks to international restrictive measures against Russia and the successful deterrence of armed aggression by the Ukrainian army, Russia has moved from the language of ultimatums to dialogue, although this dialogue is difficult.

A.Yermak noted that Ukraine has always been in favor of dialogue and most of all wants to achieve peace. But there are fundamental issues on which concessions are impossible. "In Zelensky's time, Ukraine will not give away a single centimeter of our territory" he underlined.

Ukraine struggling for European values, freedom and justice, has once again proved that it deserves to take a worthy place among European countries. Today, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has become a leader of the free world, and the entire Ukrainian nation is a true hero.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Minister Dmytro Kuleba: “We need to impose more sanctions on Russia and provide more weapons to Ukraine. Both factors facilitate negotiations, not hinder them. "

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine took part in an online meeting of the Bucharest Nine, NATO members Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, and the Czech Republic.

Key messages:

-       Ukraine calls on NATO's eastern flank to focus on two priorities. First: how to strengthen Ukraine with weapons. Second, how to weaken Russia to prevent it from achieving its goals.

-       Russia must be isolated on all fronts, ruthlessly cut all its rescue paths, nullify all malicious Russian activities abroad.

-       Ukraine's victory will mean the victory of the entire democratic world.

-       Ukraine is grateful to nine allies of NATO's eastern flank for caring for Ukrainian citizens temporarily forced to go abroad, as well as for actively promoting Ukraine's integration into the EU.

More details on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:


The operational situation on the diplomatic front as of 10:00, April 1

For 36 days in a row, Ukraine has been fiercely resisting Russia's armed aggression on all fronts, including diplomatic.

☑️ Sanctions

The U.S. Department of Commerce will soon impose new sanctions on 120 militaries, aviation, and maritime entities in Russia and Belarus

☑️ World's support

Following a donors' conference convened by British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, the Allies agreed to provide more assistance to strengthen Ukraine's defense capabilities

The President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola has arrived in Ukraine

The World Association of Nuclear Operators relocates all Ukrainian nuclear power plants to the Paris Center. Before that, Ukrainian nuclear power plants have been part of the WANO Moscow center since 1989

☑️ Deputinization of the world

The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau said that the countries of the G20 should reconsider Russia's participation

The Latvian Seimas has banned the use of symbols that denote military aggression and crimes against Ukraine used by Russia

The Estonian government has approved a draft amendment to the Penal Code, according to which the public display of hostile symbols of the Russian Federation will be classified as a crime

☑️ Humanitarian aid

In Lithuania, the charity organization "Maisto bankas" sent 20.27 tons of food to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Czech Ministry of the Interior is handing over $ 230,000 worth of medical supplies



4/1/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 04/01/2022 - 6:53am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

3. Special Operations News Update - March 31, 2022 | SOF News
4. There Is No Liberal World Order
5. Francis Fukuyama: We could be facing the end of “the end of history”.
6. How Bill Clinton’s Foreign Policy Led to the War in Ukraine
7. Russia's Military Was Great Until It Wasn't
8. Opinion | Ukraine needs better air defense systems, not more excuses
9. French intelligence chief Vidaud fired over Russian war failings
10. U.S. says China's pressure on Taiwan a threat to all democracies
11. The case for Taiwan’s statehood
12. Putin’s Soldiers Caught on Tape Lamenting Losses and Blasting His Army of ‘Stupid Morons’
13.  Clash between Japan and Russia looms as Tokyo steps up Kuril Island claims: 'Russian Army is illegal occupier'
14. In Iniochos Exercise, Israel Rehearses Iran Strikes as Saudis Observe
15.The Challenge of Containing a Nuclear Iran
16. Biden Administration Failing to Reform U.N.’s Palestinian Refugee Agency
17. Biden struggles to tell his Russia story
18. Let Ukraine Go on Offense Against Russia
19. Opinion | Biden sends Putin a muddled nuclear message
20. Gen. Kellogg: Russia 'on the edge' of losing the war in Ukraine
21. Russia’s War Lacks a Battlefield Commander, U.S. Officials Say
22. The war makes China uncomfortable. European leaders don’t care
23. Western spy agencies weaponize intelligence in attempt to undermine Putin
24. The double standard with Hunter Biden's laptop is worse than you think
25. Opinion | Koch Industries’ valentine to Vladimir Putin

Korean News Content:

1. April is likely to be a busy month for North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un
2. South Koreans Could Learn A Lot From the War in Ukraine
3. Exclusive: GOPs Ask Why Biden Not Sanctioning North Korea and China
4. The Emerging North Korean-Russian Cybercrime Partnership
5. N.K. leader urges 'ideological offensive' by propaganda officials
6. N. Korea resumes construction activity at nuclear test site: report
7. North Korea shows signs of SLBM launch
8. Yoon delegation to depart for US Sunday
9. [Lee Kyong-hee] Myopia, machismo and Dragon Hill
10. Struggling North Koreans say they are in no mood to celebrate missile launch
11. <Inside N. Korea> Young People are Fleeing from Jong-un's Luxury Tourism Special Zone.
12. Yoon considering visit to Camp Humphreys next week
13. North Korea is using American Dell computers and Microsoft Windows OS…possible sanctions violations - OKN
14. COVAX cuts all COVID-19 vaccines allocated for N. Korea: global charity
15. 4 killed in collision, crash of 2 Air Force trainer jets
16. North Korean ICBM Launch May Have Been Fake. It’s Still Important.
17. North Korea restricts public access to Pyongyang following failed ICBM test launch

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN March 31, 11.00 a.m. EST

Thu, 03/31/2022 - 9:58pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



March 31, 11.00 a.m. EST




General Stuff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 31.03:

personnel - 17500,

tanks ‒ 614,

APVs ‒ 1735,

artillery systems – 311,

MLRS - 96,

anti-aircraft warfare systems - 54,

aircrafts – 135,

helicopters – 131,

vehicles - 1201,

vessels - 7,

fuel tanks - 75,

UAVs operational-tactical level - 83.

special equipment - 22.

mobile SRBM systems - 4.

The thirty-sixth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion began.

The main efforts of the Russian enemy are focused on maintaining the occupied territory, preparing for the resumption of offensive operations in certain areas and establishing full control over the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Russians are taking measures to replenish groups of the armed forces of the Russian federation in order to conduct an offensive in the Eastern Operational Zone of Ukraine. The transfer of part of the enemy's equipment from the territory of the republic of Belarus to the territory of the Russian federation by railways was recorded.

There is a threat that Russians will use missiles, striking objects of the defense-industrial complex and logistical infrastructure of Ukraine. Additional units of the armed forces of the Russian Federation are being relocated to Ukraine to conduct hostilities. At the same time, some military units of the Russian enemy have already exhausted the possibilities of forming reserves.

In the Volyn direction, no significant changes in the composition and position of Russian enemy troops were noted.

In the Polissya direction, the enemy's main efforts are focused on withdrawing units from the territory of Ukraine, restoring their combat capability and transferring them to other directions. In particular, the enemy is moving units of the 35th, 36th All-Military Armies and the 76th Airborne Assault Division of the Airborne Troops from the Polissya Operational District.

To ensure the withdrawal of troops, the occupiers are conducting artillery fire on the positions of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and carry out remote mining of the area by means prohibited by international conventions. Due to the critical situation, the withdrawal of units of the 35th All-Military Army is personally organized by the commander of the army, Lieutenant General Oleksandr Sanchyk.

According to the available information, during the fighting against Ukraine, the losses of the 1st Motorized Rifle Battalion of the 36th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade (unit 06705, Borzya) of the 29th All-Military Army accounted for more than 60% of the personnel.

In the Siversky direction, the Russian enemy operates with the help of separate units of the 2nd, 41st All-Military Army and 90th Tank Division of the Central Military District.

The Russian occupiers continue to block and carry out artillery shelling of Chernihiv. They are fixed on the occupied frontiers and are regrouping. Russians use UAVs to conduct reconnaissance and adjust artillery fire.

In the Brovary direction, the enemy continues to withdraw units to the border areas with the Russian federation.

Some units remain at positions and checkpoints along transport communications and on the approaches to temporarily occupied settlements, mines areas and civilian objects.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the Russian enemy continues to carry out artillery shelling of the city of Kharkiv.

In the direction of Slovyansk, the Russian enemy continues to regroup troops and replenish ammunition and fuel and oil.

In the Donetsk direction, the Russian enemy is concentrating its main efforts on taking control of the settlements of Popasna, Rubizhne, as well as the capture of the city of Mariupol.

Russians intensified air strikes with the use of operational and tactical aircraft on troops and facilities in the areas of the settlements of Lysychansk, Rubizhne, Popasna, and Kreminna. The enemy attempted to bypass Ukrainian forces, but was unsuccessful. Russians are strengthening the group in the Donetsk direction. The arrival of railway echelons with weapons and equipment at the Rovenky railway station was noted.

Russians continue assault in the city of Mariupol.

The Russian enemy concentrated its efforts on maintaining the occupied positions in the areas of the settlements of Novozlatopil and Lyubimovka.

In the Tavriya direction, near Nova Kakhovka, the enemy deployed a logistics base and does not take active action.

In the South Bug direction, the Russian enemy is taking measures to restore combat capability and continues to carry out engineering activities. Russians are attempting to block the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with artillery fire.


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

Liberated from the Russians cities are a mirror of the " Russian world", mass murder, torture and destruction.

During the occupation and fighting in Trostyanets, the city sustained a large-scale destruction.

90% of the settlement is without heating, electricity, water and communication.

The bodies of dead or tortured are found in the city every day. Number of citizens abducted or forcibly deported to Russia is still unknown.

About 10,000 citizens who remained in Trostyanets need food and medicine. During the 30 days of occupation and looting of Russians, many people went on a hunger strike.

Russians also mined the cemetery, leaving a large number of streamers - in the fields, roadsides and roads.


As of 10 a.m. on March 31, 2022, according to the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations, as well as other sources that need confirmation, 148 children (+3 per day) have died and 232 children (+10 per day) have been injured since the Russian invasion in Ukraine.


In the Luhansk region, Russians are constantly shelling peaceful cities. Two people died, five were injured and 21 were rescued from debris and fires. The city of Lysychansk was attacked by Russian artillery, settlement of Popasna was heavily bombed by the aircraft.

As a result of heavy shelling of Severodonetsk, Rubizhne, Lysychansk, Kreminna, dozens of civilian objects were damaged - a school, an oil depot, dozens of houses in Severodonetsk and Lysychansk were engulfed in Russian fire. Injured and killed in Lysychans could not be removed from the streets due to the heavy fire from the enemy.


Centre of Strategic Communications

Situation in Kyiv Region: mined areas and regular shelling.

In Kyiv region, the enemy, retreating, mined some areas and residential buildings, stressed the Head of the Kyiv Oblast Administration O.Pavlyuk. Such cases are increasingly detected, mines are neutralized.

 O.Pavlyuk also noted that the dangerous areas still remain:

• Settlements along the Zhytomyr highway;

• Bucha - Vorzel - Gostomel;

• Dmitrov community;

• Makariv community;

• north of Vyshhorod district;

• territories of some settlements of Baryshivska, Kalitnyanska, Velykodymerska communities.

Every day there are 30 to 40 enemy shelling of housing estates and social infrastructure of Kyiv region.


As of March 31, the level of radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is not monitored.

The system for monitoring the level of radiation pollution in the Chernobyl zone is not working. This was announced by the Head of the State Agency for Exclusion Zone Management Yevhen Kramarenko on national TV:

-       Previously, the level of radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant could be observed online.

-        The last time the monitoring system was working was on March 25, when the radiation level exceeded the norm seven times.

-       Currently, the monitoring system is not working, so it is impossible to find out the level of radiation and air pollution.




President of Ukraine

Speech by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the States General of the Netherlands

I have the great honor of becoming the first foreign head of state to address the House of Representatives of the Netherlands and your people. In this format, at such a time.

I am sincerely grateful for this opportunity. For the fact that in these critical circumstances in which my country and our entire continent found themselves, I can explain to you directly what is happening and why it is so important to be together now for all of us, for all Europeans. For all who value peace on our planet.

So much has been done since World War II so that what Ukraine is experiencing right now never happens again. But everything repeats.

The World War II began with the destruction of individual states as well. And then it led to the tragedy of Rotterdam, the terrible bombing of London and the massacre that engulfed all of Europe.

Especially since many in Russia want to carry this aggression further, further to Europe. The shadow of those ruins of Rotterdam is already hanging over many European cities. Ukraine is just the beginning, if Russia isn’t stopped. If we don't stop it immediately!

36 days! 36! That is how long our state, our people have already been fighting alone against the army, which was considered among the strongest in the world. Russia has been preparing for this campaign against us, against freedom, against our people for decades. They have accumulated as many resources to spend on war, on death, as not every European country can spend on life.

For many others, the war in Ukraine is becoming routine. Unfortunately, this is true. Routine. But not for those whose lives are in danger every minute.

Who, as residents of our city of Mariupol, has been under complete blockade for more than three weeks already.

Hundreds of children were killed. Thousands of people were killed. Tens of thousands of houses were destroyed. Burned cities, villages. Russian occupiers rape women in occupied areas. They loot everything they can, everything they find. They even kill not to achieve any military success anymore. Not to sow terror.

Tomorrow your country will celebrate 450 years since the beginning of the armed uprising against tyranny. A fundamental event for your state, for your society.  What was the goal of the founders of the Netherlands? Obviously: freedom, democracy, human dignity, cohesion, cultural, religious diversity.

And all this is now under attack again. All this now needs to be defended again. To be defended in the east of Europe, to be defended in our state, in Ukraine. So far only in Ukraine… So far there is a chance to stop the tyranny on our land and drive it back, beyond our Ukrainian border.

I am grateful to you, politicians, I am grateful to all ordinary people for the extremely strong support of my state, our people at this time. For leadership in sanctions. For the principled stance in business activity related to the Russian Federation. For the help you provide to Ukrainian immigrants who have felt family care in your society. This is all extremely valuable!

But Russia does not cease hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. Exactly on the territory of Ukraine. And we have to do much more to restore peace. To protect freedom. To save us as a state. And to really ensure one vital fact: there will never be another war in Europe. Never again!

In 2014, the world did not fully understand why the Russian occupiers came to our land. Then - to the land of Crimea, partly - to the land of Donbas. There can be no doubt that this is a totally unjust war.

Your city, The Hague, the capital of international justice, knows exactly how to do it. I'm sure they will do it! To assert international law. To assert the rule of law. To assert justice that is clear to everyone on Earth.

But for that to happen, sanctions need to be stepped up. Together with other EU countries, you have to do everything possible so that Russia does not have the resources to continue this war, the war in Europe, and so that there is no political opportunity to hide criminals.

Close your ports to Russian ships! Together with all other EU countries. Stop any trade with this country that has forgotten all the lessons of World War II!

Get ready faster to give up Russia's energy resources, so that billions, billions of euros for them do not go to arms production and mass killings in Ukraine.

Tyranny must lose. Tyranny must always lose.

And for that to happen, freedom must get all the weapons it needs to win, to defend itself. The weapons that are available on the continent. The weapons you have.

"Stingers" and "Panzerfausts" allow you to hold on, to fight. However, this is not a weapon of victory. We desperately need weapons that can make our skies safe, that we can use to unblock our cities where Russia is artificially creating famine.

We need weapons that can drive the occupiers out of our land. Aircraft, tanks, NASAMS air-defense systems and Spike anti-tank systems, shells, missiles and more. You have this list. And I hope you will find an opportunity to help us as much as you can, to help us with that.

The second point. I urge you to influence international institutions! The crimes of the Russian occupiers must be punished. Deportations, massacres, destruction of civilian infrastructure, bombing of hospitals - all this must be answered by the democratic community.

Third. We already have to think about rebuilding Ukraine. About how we all - not only Ukrainians, but all Europeans - will return to a peaceful life.

I dream of this day. The day when Ukrainian immigrants who arrived in the European Union after the beginning of the Russian aggression will be able to say "thank you" and return home. Return to rebuilt cities, to restored Ukraine.

And I invite your country to join this project - the project of reconstruction of Ukraine. I urge you to choose a city, a region of our state that can see your care, can feel what you can do.

I believe that this will happen very soon! Because it is absolutely rational. With our potential, with our people, with our ability to defend freedom. And you know this perfectly well! And you know very well, my friend Mark, that our accession to the European Union depends very much on you, on your country.

I want to thank you for everything!

Full speech:


 Address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the Australian Parliament

In May 2016, thousands of Australians gathered at Perth Airport to see the Ukrainian "Mriya" for the first time. "Mriya" is the name of our An-225 aircraft. "Mriya" is a dream in English. After covering almost 15,000 kilometers, it delivered to Australia an urgent cargo - a 130-ton electric generator, which your enterprise desperately needed. Delivery by sea would take several months. And the Ukrainian plane did it in a few days.

We have always been proud of our "Mriya". Not because it is the largest on the planet. First of all because it helped people from all over the world by delivering food, drinking water, equipment for peacekeeping and humanitarian missions.

Unfortunately, now it is impossible. On February 27, as a result of fighting in the city of Hostomel, our plane "Mriya" was burned. Can we say that Russia has destroyed our dream? No. It burned the plane, it burned the iron. It destroyed matter, not soul.

For decades, there has been no such threat of nuclear strikes as there is now. Because Russian officials and state propagandists are openly discussing the use of nuclear weapons against those who do not want to obey Russian demands.

If Russia is not stopped now, if Russia is not brought to justice, some other countries in the world that dream of a similar war against their neighbors will decide that this is possible for them as well.

The fate of global security is being decided now. After 36 days of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, it is safe to say that there is no other way in the world to guarantee global security than to force Russia into silence, into peace. And also to bring it to justice - this is important - for everything it has done against global security.

I am sure that each of you, as well as each of us Ukrainians, remembers the tragedy of MH-17. Malaysian Boeing shot down by the Russian occupiers in the sky over the Ukrainian Donbas. Then 298 people died. My condolences to all the families who lost their loved ones.

But was it possible to bring to justice those who caused this tragedy? No. They are hiding in Russia. And, obviously, received security guarantees from the Russian state. Has Russia paid compensation to the relatives of the victims? No. It still denies its guilt in the tragedy.

We need to fix these terrible mistakes now.

I am grateful to Australia for its bipartisan support for our defense against invaders. For the help that your state has already given us. In particular, for 70 thousand tons of coal for the needs of our energy.

Together we can, and must do more. New sanctions against Russia are needed. Strong sanctions. As long as it doesn’t abandon nuclear blackmail, the blockade of the sea, it must pay the highest price. No Russian ship should be allowed into the ports of the free world. Buying Russian oil means paying for the destruction of the foundations of global security. Any business activity with Russia must be completely stopped.

Dear friends, the geographical distance between us is insane. Thousands of kilometers. But what does this distance mean for those who have a common understanding, who see the world the same way, who are bitterly disturbed when the enemy comes, when children are killed, when cities are destroyed, when refugees are shot on the roads, when a peaceful country is turned into a burned territory? Then any distance disappears. Geography means nothing. Only humanity matters. Only a dream of returning to a peaceful life.

Full speech:


Deputy Prime Minister - Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories

Ukraine has received a message from the International Committee of the Red Cross that the Russian Federation confirms its readiness to open access for the humanitarian convoy to Mariupol in transit through Berdyansk. In addition, two humanitarian corridors in the Zaporizhzhia region have been agreed - from Melitopol and Enerhodar. This was announced by Iryna Vereshchuk.

According to her, 45 buses were sent to Mariupol along the route. In particular, as of 9:00 am, 28 buses were to be allowed to pass through the Russian checkpoint in Vasylivka. In addition, 17 buses have already departed from Zaporizhzhia.

"We will do everything possible to ensure that buses arrive in Mariupol today and pick up people who have not yet been able to get out of the city," said the Deputy Prime Minister.

Two humanitarian corridors in the Zaporizhzhia region have been agreed. In particular, for the delivery of humanitarian aid and the evacuation of people from the city of Melitopol. It is also planned to organize a column of citizens on their own transport from the city of Enerhodar to Zaporizhzhia.