Small Wars Journal

3/31/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 03/31/2022 - 6:58am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

3. Ukraine War Update - March 30, 2022 | SOF News
4. U.S. says Putin being misled, as Ukraine refugee tally hits 4 million
5. Volodymyr Zelensky and The Dangers of Worship Culture
6. The Pentagon is now calling Russia an ‘acute threat’
7. Former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates has a Signal for President Putin
8. One Of Russia’s Newest Air Defense Systems Has Been Captured In Ukraine
9. Cold War II and Biden’s new ‘new world order’
10. No one believes Biden has a red line in Ukraine after Obama’s Syria debacle
11. How to prevent China from coming to Russia's rescue | Opinion
12. FDD | Administration’s Iran Nuclear Deal Claims Do Not Stand Up to Reality
13. How drones are helping fuel propaganda in Ukraine
14. Zelenskyy recalls Ukraine’s ambassadors to Morocco and Georgia
15. Vladimir Putin’s New Alter Ego Is Igor Strelkov
16. Putin Has Admitted He Can't Conquer Ukraine
17. U.K. intelligence chief says Putin's Plan B is "more barbarity against civilians" in Ukraine
18. The upcoming defense strategy dubs Russia an 'acute threat.' What does that mean?
19. Ukrainian president says defense is at a 'turning point'
20. "Guide to Nuclear Deterrence in the Age of Great-Power Competition": What it actually says
21.  After Russia Invaded Ukraine, a U.S. Nonprofit Shifted Its Mission
22. Ukrainian Hackers Take Aim at Russian Artillery, Navigation Signals
23. What is the Wagner Group?
24. Tulsi Gabbard And Tucker Carlson Featured In Stunning Exchange On Russian TV
25. A New Framework for Understanding and Countering China's Gray Zone Tactics
26. Civilian group with US military links raising money to supply Ukrainian fighters

Korean News Content:

1. Satellite imagery shows 'unusual' movement of N. Korean ballistic missile submarine: U.S. monitor
2. USFK reveals special ops training following N.K. ICBM launch
3. Belgian envoy voices concern about impact on N. Korea from Ukraine crisis
4. New book provides suggestions to incoming Yoon administration about its N. Korea policy
5. N. Korea calls on party officials to wipe out anti-socialist practices
6. Database formed on human rights abuse in N. Korea's penal facilities: British group
7. S. Korea, U.S. sign military document for war plan update
8. 1st workshop for N. Korean ruling party propaganda officials
9. North Korea not telling the whole truth about latest ICBM test, South Korean official says
10. Debris fell 'like rain' over Pyongyang, says lawmaker
11. Lessons from Reagan administration for Korea's new president
12. Tokyo fancies possible Japan-US-Korea alliance with change of leader in Seoul
13. As it happened: South Korea’s deadly omicron experiment
14. Testing times: why North Korea’s missile launches should worry the west
15. Former President Park Geun-hye, “The dreams that I haven’t achieved are now up to others”

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN March 30, 10.30 a.m. EST

Wed, 03/30/2022 - 10:13pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



March 30, 10.30 a.m. EST




General Stuff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 30.03:

personnel - 17300,

tanks ‒ 605,

APVs ‒ 1723,

artillery systems – 305,

MLRS - 96,

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 54,

aircrafts – 131,

helicopters – 131,

vehicles - 1184,

vessels - 7,

fuel tanks - 75,

UAVs operational-tactical level - 81.

special equipment - 21.

mobile SRBM systems - 4.

Data are being updated.


The thirty fifth day of the resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion has already started.

The units of the 4th (Tskhinvali district, South Ossetia) and the 7th (Abkhazia) military bases, belonging to the Southern Military District, were deployed from the occupied territories of Georgia to the territory of Ukraine in order to perform the units manning of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Three BTGs with a total number of up to 1,200 Russian and Ossetian servicemen were formed and sent to Ukraine from the 4th military base as well as two BTGs – from the 7th military base numbering 800 pax.

In the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions, the enemy continues committing illegal acts against the local population. Thus, in the settlement of Velyka Bilozirka (Zaporizhzhia region), Russian troops located hardware between the residential buildings.

In the city of Melitopol (Zaporizhzhia region), Russia set up the checkpoints and enforced a permit regime on the outskirts of the city. The enemy continues looting the homes and apartments of local residents, detaining pro-Ukrainian activists and public officials of Ukraine.

In the temporary occupied territory of Luhansk region, the occupying authorities plan to organize another wave of mobilization since this April, 1. It is possible that such efforts will be made also in the recently occupied territories of the region.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue experiencing problems with the units manning. Thus, the servicemen of the 26th Tank Regiment from the component of the 47th Tank Division, who signed the contracts after their participation in the war with Ukraine, started submitting reports on terminating the contracts.

Ukrainian Forces repulsed four Russian attacks in Donetsk and Luhansk directions for the last 24 hours. Our soldiers destroyed 7 tanks, 7 armored units, 2 motor vehicles and anti-tank gun.


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

Mass abductions by Russian invaders continue in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Today in Kherson region, Russians, who introduced themselves as police officers, captured a well-known public figure, volunteer and priest of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Serhiy Chudynovych. Three military men broke into the church, searched it, checked the documents and messengers of those present, and then took Farther Serhiy away.

As of March 30, the Russian military abducted the mayor of Primorsk, Zaporizhia Oblast, Oleksandr Koshelevych, the mayor of Beryslav, Oleksandr Shapovalov, and the mayor of Gil’s Prystan, Oleksandr Babych, in Kherson Oblast.

In Sumy region, the invaders kidnapped the head of the Novoborovytsia municipality, Anatoliy Syry. Russians said they would return the mayor if the road to Novye Borovich was cleared of fallen trees.

In total, since the beginning of the war, the occupiers have kidnapped 11 mayors and 8 other municipal officials.

By taking hostages, Russians grossly violate Articles 3 and 34 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

I ask the international community to increase sanctions and economic pressure on the terrorist state of the Russian Federation to stop the military invasion of Ukraine and return all the hostages taken.


The occupiers are mining Ukrainian land with their latest anti-personnel mines POM-3 "Medallion".

Cases of using mines with a seismic target sensor have been recorded in Kharkiv region.  Russian invaders use them for remote mining of the region.

The mine is equipped with an electronic seismic sensor that receives a signal of ground vibration and provides detonation if the amplitude of the oscillation corresponds to human footsteps.  After that, the combat part of the mine flies to a height of about one and a half meters and explodes.

The use of POM-3 mines is prohibited by the Ottawa Convention on the Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Mines, as they are instruments of indiscriminate warfare.  Such mines are produced only in Russia.

The occupiers' actions violate the Protocol to Prohibit or Restrict the Use of Mines, Traps and Others to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts.


More than 10 million Ukrainians have already left their homes due to the fighting in Ukraine

Almost 4 million Ukrainians have left our country, mostly women and children.

Citizens of Ukraine become refugees of War due to constant shelling and bombing. Every day, enemy missiles and shells destroy their homes and take away the most valuable thing - the lives of children.

Yesterday it became known that on March 24, 2022, a 9-year-old girl received multiple facial injuries as a result of enemy bombing of civilians in the town of Trostyanets in the Sumy Region.

Earlier it was reported that an 11-year-old Ukrainian gymnast Kateryna and her father died under the ruins of their own house in Mariupol. It is now known that a few days after Catherine's death, the enemy fired on the children's hospital where Catherine's brother was staying with his mother. The whole family died.

The bombing and shelling already damaged 790 educational institutions. 75 of them were completely destroyed. The worst situation is in Donetsk, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Kyiv, Kherson, Chernihiv regions and the city of Kyiv.

The actions of the Russian occupation forces violate the right of children to life, which is enshrined in Article 6 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

From March 29 to 30, rescuers of the Kharkiv garrison of the State Emergency Service (SES) continued to perform their duties and carried out 68 visits. In particular, they carried out 14 visits to extinguish fires caused by shelling of residential high-rise buildings, private, warehouse and other buildings that arose in the residential areas of Kyiv, Shevchenkivskyi and Moscow districts of Kharkiv.

State Emergency Service pyrotechnic units neutralized 28 explosive devices.





President of Ukraine

Speech by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Folketing

Mr. Speaker!

Mrs. Prime Minister!

Members of the Government and the Folketing!

Danish people!

40 missiles. Every day, Russian troops use so many different but equally deadly missiles against our state, against Ukraine. This is the average number per day. 40. More than 1,370 missiles have been used in just over a month of Russia's full-scale invasion of our land.

This morning the Russian missiles hit one of our southern cities - Mykolaiv. The city of shipbuilders. Absolutely peaceful city, which dreamed of only one thing - to regain the glory of the center of shipbuilding in the Black Sea region. As a result of this strike, the building of the regional administration was destroyed. It is known that seven people were killed and 22 were wounded. Debris removal continues. The Mykolaiv region residents didn't have any military dreams. They posed no threat to Russia. But they, like all other Ukrainians, believe me, have become a target for Russian troops. For missiles, bombs, rocket artillery, mortars.

The total number of means of destruction that Russian troops have already used against our people on our land is simply impossible to count. But we can say that the intensity and brutality of the hostilities against us have reached a level even higher than during World War II. The most devastating war for Europe. A month of hostilities - and we already have not one or two, but a whole black list of cities that were completely destroyed by Russian bombing.

In dozens of other cities, towns and small villages, residential areas were partially burned, infrastructure was destroyed and enterprises where people worked were blown up. Living, ordinary people.

773 educational institutions - universities, schools, kindergartens - were destroyed. 773. Imagine! And dozens of hospitals, churches, even memorials to Holocaust victims have become targets...

The goal of Russian troops in this war is to completely destroy any basis for the normal life of the Ukrainian people. The occupiers are deliberately making sure that nothing is left of Ukraine. Only ruins. Only refugees.

More than 10 million Ukrainians have already fled their homes due to the hostilities. Almost 4 million Ukrainians have left our country, most of them women and children. The stories of these people are full of horror.

There are still many burned and shot cars on the roadsides in the areas where the Russian military came. Hundreds and hundreds of such cars, what’s left of them. The occupiers were killing civilians even when they were just trying to escape! Along with our immigrants in Europe and the western regions of Ukraine, there are children who were simply picked up on the road near the corpses of their parents.

Up to 100,000 people remain in our city of Mariupol, which has been blocked by Russian troops for more than three weeks. While there was snow people melted it to get water. All this time we can't deliver humanitarian goods to the city - they are simply blocked. Water, food, medicine. Everything is blocked by the Russian military. More than 90 percent of all buildings in Mariupol were completely destroyed by shelling and bombs. But Russian aircraft strike without stopping. They purposefully blow up even shelters, although they know for sure that peaceful people are hiding there - women, children, old people. What Russian troops are doing to Mariupol is a crime against humanity that is being committed live in front of the eyes of the entire planet. Why is this even possible? Why can't the world stop this flow of Russia's war crimes ongoing since February 24 this year?

The answer is very simple and cynical. People who make decisions in Russia hope that they will get away with it. Sanctions? They think they can be bypassed. An embargo on Russian oil? They see that this is still nothing more than just talking about this important topic. And concern, constant concern. An international tribunal? They know that it takes years to bring specific perpetrators to justice.

That is why we appeal to you and to the entire democratic community of the world: sanctions against Russia must be strengthened! Constantly. We need to give up Russian oil, we need to block trade with the Russian Federation, we need to close ports for Russian ships. And this must be the solidarity policy of the European Union, of all the member states. Everyone.

It is you, in Denmark, in the country where the basic principles of the European Union, the Copenhagen criteria, come from, who can feel most of all how important it is for all-European solidarity to work for pressure on Russia. Because this pressure is for Russia to seek peace. This is pressure to give the necessary protection to all the basic values on which life in Europe is built and which are now completely trampled by Russia in Ukraine.

What can be said about the protection of human rights or freedom on the European continent, if there is no such crime against people and humanity in general not committed by the occupiers? They deport our people to Russia by force, rape women, underage girls, and engage in looting. They have already taken more than two thousand children to Russia, and we do not know where they are, we do not even have a complete list of these children. Do they have families? How will they then find their loved ones?

It would be simply impossible for a normal person to imagine the level of evil that was brought to our land! That is why I call on you to raise the issue of solidarity in the defense of freedom, in the defense of humanity at the level of the European Union. There can be no Russian branches in Europe that split the EU from within, that are trying to help Russia make as much money as possible even now.

Everyone knows very well who in the European Union opposes humanity and common sense. Who does nothing at all to help establish peace in Ukraine. This must stop, and Europe must stop listening to any excuses from official Budapest. I am grateful to Denmark for its principled position. Thank you to everyone. I am grateful to your people who help Ukraine and help Ukrainians. To your companies that have decided to leave the Russian market. Maersk, Jysk, Lego, Vestas, DSV, Arla Foods, Carlsberg and many other companies who have made this important decision. But I ask you not to stop, to be leaders in Europe in promoting the decisions we really need.

Long before this war, it was clear that humanity should reduce the use of fossil fuels. The era of coal and oil has caused huge damage to the environment, to our planet as a whole. Green technologies and green energy have become a logical and just answer to this challenge.

European policy is already aimed at reducing the consumption of environmentally hazardous resources. But Russia's aggression against Ukraine and against everything that life in Europe is built on is an argument to accelerate green transformation on the continent. Europe must give up Russian oil, give up as soon as possible!

Because it is the crazy income from energy resources that allows the Russian leadership to be bold. Violate generally accepted rules. Promote hatred against other nations, against us and destroy the lives of neighboring countries. If you had to find the complete opposite of what is called the "Law of Jante" in your country, it would be the "Law of Russian Oil".

I am confident that together - only together with all Europeans, with all responsible states on the planet - we will be able to overcome this catastrophe. We will be able to return to peace. We will be able to live together in a European family. I hope this will happen very soon. But it depends on how consistent and principled we remain at this time. At a time when the war continues. However, we have no right now to think only of war. We know there will be peace. We know that we will be able to return to a normal, peaceful life. That is why I want to invite you to join our initiative to rebuild Ukraine after the war, after our victory. We invite your companies, your specialists, your state. Knowing your potential, your creative economic power, I offer your country to take patronage over one of our beautiful regions - after the war. Of course, after the war.

Mykolaiv, the city of shipbuilders, can become such a city, such a region, which will unite you and us even more. Which Denmark can help rebuild.

Now is the dark time in Ukraine. Thousands of candles are placed in our churches in memory of the people whose lives were taken by this war. I know that for you the warm light of candles is a synonym of home comfort, ordinary good human life. Life, which today has become an unattainable dream for many in Ukraine. The Russian invasion continues. But I believe, I know, that we can return to peace. I ask you to light a candle at home tonight in memory of all Ukrainians whose lives were taken by Russian aggression.


Deputy Prime Minister

Iryna Vereshchuk, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories announced the approval of three humanitarian corridors in Zaporizhzhia region and called on the UN Security Council to take measures to demilitarize the Chornobyl zone due to the danger of detonation of Russian ammunition.

In Ukraine, as of March 30, three humanitarian corridors have been agreed in Zaporizhzhia region for the evacuation of Mariupol residents to Berdyansk and for the evacuation of residents of Melitopol and Enerhodar.

The Deputy Prime Minister stressed that the Ukrainian side demands that the occupying forces abide by their commitments and allow humanitarian columns through checkpoints.

"Yesterday, during the talks, the Russian delegation received proposals to organize humanitarian corridors to the 97 most affected settlements in the Kharkiv, Kyiv, Kherson, Chernihiv, Sumy, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk, Luhansk and Mykolaiv regions. Today we will continue to work to get answers to these proposals," underlined the Deputy Prime Minister.

She reminded that on March 29 a detonation of ammunition took place at the warehouse of the Russian Armed Forces in Belgorod, Russia. According to Iryna Vereshchuk, this is an example of the typical Russian neglect of safety and mass use of dangerous ammunition produced during World War II.

"Only yesterday, the Ukrainian General Staff warned of the threat of self-detonation of ammunition, a huge number of which Russia has piled up near the Chornobyl nuclear power plant. Russia must immediately withdraw its troops from the Chornobyl zone," said the Deputy Prime Minister.

According to her, in the context of nuclear security, the irresponsible and unprofessional actions of the Russian military pose a very serious threat not only to Ukraine, but also to hundreds of millions of Europeans.

"Therefore, we demand that the UN Security Council take immediate steps to demilitarize the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone and establish a special UN mission there to eliminate the risk of repeating of the Chornobyl nuclear disaster as a result of actions of the Russian occupation forces," Iryna Vereshchuk said.


Prime Minister of Ukraine

Denys Shmyhal: “For the first time since the beginning of the war, we are holding an open meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. We will do this from time to time so that people can see that we are taking a number of steps day after day to approach our joint victory”.

Most of the fellow ministers perform their activities in Kyiv. Others are now on business trips in different parts of our country to coordinate processes, communicate with people, get all the necessary information first hand, communicate with business.

In recent weeks, the Government has developed 9 main directions of how the country will live, work, accumulate resources, defend itself in a full-scale war. Every day we fill each of these sectors with specific solutions.

1. Army as the topmost issue. It means providing the defence forces with everything necessary. Cash payments, weapons, equipment, food, fuel, development of the military-industrial complex. All resources are primarily directed to the defence forces. Tens of billions hryvnias have already been redistributed to the army, and we will continue to do so.

2. Food Security. We have formed strategic food stocks for several years ahead in Ukraine.

Spring sowing campaign has already begun in 11 regions. We also help farmers with exports and will now actively expand this domain, because the country should earn.

We have launched a program of free distribution of key social products in frontline cities. The state procures more than 10 such products and then distributes them among people. It also means the support of a Ukrainian producer - the support of our food industry.

3. New Economic Policy. Drastic reduction of taxes to 2% of turnover. Abolishing VAT, abolishing income tax. Complete deregulation for business. Declarative principle of work. The world's fastest customs service. Abolition of import VAT and import duties. Loans for entrepreneurs at 0% up to UAH 60 million. Assistance in relocating businesses to safe regions.

4. ePidtrymka and social assistance programs. In March we have conducted indexation of pensions, and in April - in the regions where hostilities are taking place, pensions are paid in advance. We cover all the social benefits. Under the ePidtrymka program the Government has paid UAH 6,500 to those who lost their jobs. 3.5 million citizens have already received such assistance. All kinds of social benefits, salaries for doctors, teachers - all these are funded and will further be paid.

5. Assistance to IDPs – ‘You Are at Home’ programme. Three key points of the program are as follows: housing, job, money. We have allotted 500,000 places for temporary accommodation of people. Those families who host displaced citizens will get assistance while paying their utility bills. The state will pay monthly to IDPs UAH 2,000 for adults and UAH 3,000 for children or people with disabilities. We will pay UAH 6,500 to a business hiring a displaced person as a partial salary compensation for this person.

6. Energy Front. We have completely cut off from the energy networks of Russia and Belarus and joined the European energy system ENTSO-E. A historic step through which we have confidence and stability. All types of generation operate. Coal reserves are in storage facilities. We have pumped up 9 billion cubic meters of gas in storage. Gas production for the first 3 months dropped a bit compared to the previous year.

7. Wartime Logistics. The Ukrzaliznytsia JSC has become one of the major companies for the state. Thousands of tons of cargo and hundreds of thousands of people are transported on daily basis. Separate logistics routes have been opened for motor transport. We are building new warehouses on the western border, and we also plan to open new checkpoints there in the near future.

8. World Stands with Ukraine. Three key areas include humanitarian aid, sanctions against the aggressor, financial assistance.

Sanctions are unprecedented. Russia is isolated, but this is certainly not enough. We will continue negotiations with our partners about the embargo on oil purchases, on the ban on Russian ships to enter European ports, on the closure of all western companies in Russia.

9. Restoration of Ukraine. Again, three vectors. The first is a competent calculation of all the losses incurred by our people and our state from this aggression. The second is the freeze and seizure of all Russian funds and assets abroad. The third is the accumulation of funds from partners in the Destroyed Property and Infrastructure Restoration Fund.

We are continuing negotiations to intensify preparations for our accession to the EU. Ukraine should receive the candidate status to get membership in the European Union not sometime in the future, but already now. We are actively working on this.


3/30/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 03/30/2022 - 7:08am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. Ukraine War Update - March 28, 2022 | SOF News
3. What the horrors of Syria and Chechnya can tell us about Russia’s tactics in Ukraine
4. Leadership at War
5. The Cruelty of Half Measures in Ukraine
6. In Cyber: Resilience is about Capabilities, not Plans
7. Biden’s ‘Integrated Deterrence’ Fails in Ukraine
8. Ukraine Proposes Neutral Status With Guarantees, and Zelensky Seeks More Western Help
9. America’s Declining Military
10. Rival Networks Aided Fox News After Ukraine Tragedy, Highlighting War-Zone Collaboration
11. Ukraine will not be like Korea – dogged resistance will turn it into Putin’s ‘bleeding ulcer’
12. Biden’s Defense Budget Sends the Wrong Message
13. Opinion | What if Putin Didn’t Miscalculate?
14. U.S. and Europe Should Stop Congratulating Themselves
15. Biden risking new wars with Iran 'diplomacy' — and our Middle East allies know it
16. Generation Jihad Ep. 67 — Meanwhile in Africa
17. Ukraine War Offers Opportunity To Bring Turkey and its Defense Industry into NATO Fold
18. Marines Head to Lithuania as Russians Relent Around Kyiv
19. Russia Has Fired Hypersonic Missiles Into Ukraine, US General Confirms
20. True or False? The Fight Against Disinformation
21. Biden’s Unbalanced Ukraine Policy
22. The Rhino of Kyiv
23. Open source intelligence observers gain growing role in how war is viewed

Korean News Content:

1. The U.S. Needs to Bankrupt North Korea’s War Machine
2. S. Korea successfully test-fires solid-fuel space rocket: defense ministry
3. U.S. still analyzing latest N. Korean missile test, but remains concerned
4. U.S. allocates $2.6 billion to defend against N.Korea’s ICBMs
5. North may have tried switcheroo in ICBM test
6. North seems to be restoring Punggye-ri tunnel
7. South Korean military to develop stealth drones, satellite, laser weapons
8. North Korea passed off old intercontinental ballistic missile as newer version, Seoul says
9.  Yoon proposes meeting with Zelenskyy at early date after war ends
10. Navy SEAL-turned-YouTuber says he is conducting secret direct offensive operations in Ukraine
11. Statement of International Support and Solidarity with the U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea
12. S.Korea, U.S. Stage Drills in Warning to N.Korea
13. [Editorial] Fixing failed strategy (north Korea)
14. Facing international sanctions, North Korea-Russia economic cooperation could expand
15. North Korea launches investigation into anti-socialist behavior in Wonsan
16. Hopes for Sino-ROK ties boosted
17. New Japanese Textbooks Water down Descriptions of Wartime Forced Labor
18. Why now? The timing of North Korea’s ICBM test

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN March 29, 7.00 p.m. EST

Wed, 03/30/2022 - 4:51am

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



March 29, 7.00 p.m. EST


Russian missiles hit Mykolaiv, as a result the building of the regional administration was destroyed, 7 people were killed and 22 were wounded.

President V.Zelenskyy: Signals from the negotiations can be called positive, but they do not silence the explosion of Russian shells.

Minister D.Kuleba: I welcome the decision of G7 to reject Russia's demands to pay for Russian gas in rubles.

Introduction of the Russian ruble in the temporarily occupied territories is a blatant violation of the international conventions.




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russia continues to conduct full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine. It carries out the withdrawal of individual units from the territory of Kyiv and Chernihiv regions, as well as regrouping to focus on the Slobozhansky and Donetsk areas.

The Russian enemy did not conduct active offensive operations in the Polissya direction. It attempted to fire on units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Romanivka, Gorenko, Lychanka, Petrushka, Shpytky, Moshchun, Nova Buda, Maidanivka, Lyubovychi, Zabuyannia, and Nalyvaykivka. It carries out regrouping of troops and their partial withdrawal to the territory of the republic of Belarus.

In the Siversky direction, the situation remains unchanged. The Russian enemy continues to blockade Chernihiv, inflicting fire on civilian and military targets. In the direction of Brovary it is trying to keep the previously occupied positions and prevent further advance of Ukrainian troops.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the Russian enemy continued to blockade Kharkiv, diverted some units of the 1st tank Army from the Sumy region outside Ukraine, and continued to regroup troops in order to transfer them to other directions. It strengthened the offensive capabilities of the group of separate units of the 20th All-Military Army of the Western Military District in the direction of Slovyansk.

In the South Bug direction, the enemy is taking measures to restore combat capability and replenish supplies. It is trying to prepare units for the resumption of offensive operations.

In the Black Sea and Azov operational zones, the Russian enemy's naval group continues to carry out tasks to monitor the situation, conduct reconnaissance and isolate the area of hostilities.

On the territory of the Russian federation, in the area of the settlement of Boguchar, the russia is taking measures to remove from long-term storage of military and special equipment. More than 40 percent of this equipment is out of order.

The Russian federation and its numerous agencies in international organizations deny the transportation and accumulation of large quantities of ammunition by Russian troops in the immediate vicinity of the Chornobyl Shelter. The activities of the Russian occupation forces at any time could lead to the detonation of ammunition and damage to the Chornobyl Shelter.

The tasks of reaching the administrative borders of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, encircling the city of Kyiv and establishing control over the left-bank part of Ukraine remain unfulfilled by the enemy.

Withdrawal of units of the Armed Forces of the Russian federation from the territory of Kyiv and Chernihiv oblasts continues.

According to some indications, the Russian enemy is regrouping units to focus its main efforts on the East. At the same time, the so-called "withdrawal of troops" is probably a rotation of individual units and aims to mislead the military leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and create a misconception about the occupiers' refusal to plan to encircle the city of Kyiv.

There are no significant changes in the composition and position of the Russian enemy's troops in the Volyn, Polissya, and Siversky areas. The Russian occupiers are trying to keep the previously occupied borders; they are not carrying out active offensive operations in these areas.

In the direction of Slovyansk, the enemy continues to hold positions in the area of ​​the settlements of Kamyanka, Sukha Kamyanka? implement measures to supply Russian troops, regroup units and replenish supplies continued.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy continues to fire and storm. It carried out air and missile strikes in the areas of Kreminna and Mariupol. Its main efforts were focused on taking control of the settlements of Popasna, Rubizhne, as well as the complete capture of Mariupol, which was not successful.

In the South Buh direction, the Russian enemy is taking measures to restore the combat capability of its units. It does artillery fire and airstrikes, trying to restrain the actions of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Russian enemy carried out artillery shelling of the positions of the units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine near the settlements of Stepnohirsk, Orikhove, and Huliaipole.

In the areas of Novokarlivka and Luhivske settlements, the enemy continues to carry out fortification equipment of occupied positions and install minefields.

There are without significant changes in the Black Sea and Azov operational zones.                                       


Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine

The Russian Armed Forces personnel launched a missile attack on the town of Liubotyn, Kharkiv Region. As a result, seven houses and a car were damaged. A man was found dead under the rubble of one of the houses. Seven people were injured.


The Russian Armed Forces launched a missile attack on the territory of an oil depot in the Rivne region. As a result, fuel tanks at the oil depot were destroyed and a fire broke out. These actions have the potential to cause irreparable environmental damage.


Airstrikes on the homes of civilians in the settlement of Malina.


On March 29, 2022 the armed forces of the Russian Federation carried out a missile strike on the administrative building of the Mykolaiv regional state administration.


Russian military men kidnapped the Head of the education department of the Melitopol City Council. According to preliminary data, the reason for the abduction was the refusal of the heads of schools and kindergartens in the Melitopol district to cooperate with the occupying authorities and start the educational process under the Russian program.


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

At the time of negotiations for a possible peace, which took place in Turkey, the aggressor's troops continued to shell peaceful cities and towns of Ukraine.

Mortar shelling in Chernihiv. Russians fired from a distance of more than 5 km to the administrative borders of the city.

In the Luhansk region, the city of Severodonetsk is under "carpet" bombing. The city has no electricity, there is no water and light.

A missile strike was carried out in the Zhytomyr region.


Russians are conducting total searches of houses in the suburbs of Kherson.

On Tuesday morning, armed groups of the Russian military began searching households in the village of Komyshany in the Shumen district of Kherson.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

On March 29 around 08:45 Russian troops bombed regional state administration in Mykolaiv. As a result, the central section of the building was destroyed.

As of 1:30 p.m., 7 people were killed and 22 were injured. Units of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine rescued and released 18 people from the rubble. Search and rescue operations continue.

Luhansk region is once again under Russian missile fire: residents of the cities of Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Rubizhne, Popasna, Kreminna, Zolote and Nyzhne are suffering from heavy shelling.

In Sirotyn, Severodonetsk district, firewood caught fire in a forest area of more than 100 square meters as a result of the shelling. Fire and rescue units of the State Emergency Service of Luhansk region continue to extinguish fires in all cities. The shelling continues.

A fire caused by a missile strike is being extinguished at the Rivne oil depot. 67 firefighters and 17 units of equipment, as well as 2 fire trains are working to eliminate the fire.



Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

As of March 29, three humanitarian corridors have been agreed:

-          from Mariupol to Zaporizhzhia - by own car;

-          from Melitopol to Zaporizhzhia;

-          from the city of Energodar to Zaporizhzhia.


Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, three field hospitals have been deployed in Ukraine. These hospitals are expanding the capacity of the treatment network.


State Guard Service

As of March 29, over 54 thousand people and nearly 12 thousand vehicles crossed the state border of Ukraine with the EU and the Republic of Moldova. In comparison to the previous day, passenger traffic at the western border has decreased.

In the last 24 hours, over 33 thousand people left Ukraine. Over 21 thousand of them crossed the Ukrainian-Polish border. We recommend that you consider crossing the border to the EU at less busy crossing points with Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, and the Republic of Moldova.

In the last 24 hours, over 21 thousand people arrived in Ukraine, over 18 thousand of whom are Ukrainians. The majority of them are men who are ready to defend our Homeland, weapon in hand. We are grateful to our compatriots! Overall, since the beginning of the overt armed aggression, nearly 479 thousand of our countrymen have returned to Ukraine.




President of Ukraine

Signals from the negotiations can be called positive, but they do not silence the explosion of Russian shells - address by the President of Ukraine

The 34th day of the full-scale invasion of Russia and our full-scale defense is coming to an end. Successful defense.

I'm sure you saw the news today that the Russian military command allegedly decided to "reduce hostilities in the directions of Kyiv and Chernihiv."

Well, the same can be said about Chornobaivka - as if the Russian aviation simply decided to fly less, and the Russian military vehicles - to drive less. I am grateful to all our defenders, to all those who ensure the defense of Kyiv. It is their brave and effective actions that force the enemy to retreat in this direction.

However, we should not lose vigilance. The situation has not become easier. The scale of the challenges has not diminished. The Russian army still has significant potential to continue attacks against our state. They still have a lot of equipment and enough people completely deprived of rights whom they can send to the cauldron of war.

Therefore, we stay alert and do not reduce our defense efforts. Both in the north of our state and in all other regions of Ukraine, where Russian troops have temporarily entered. The defense of Ukraine is the number one task now, and everything else is derived from it.

It is on this basis that I consider the messages on the negotiation process, which is underway at various levels with representatives of the Russian Federation.

The enemy is still in our territory. The shelling of our cities continues. Mariupol is blocked. Missile and air strikes do not stop. This is the reality. These are the facts.

That is why the Armed Forces of Ukraine, our intelligence and all those who have joined the defense of the state are the only guarantee of our survival today. As a nation. As a state. The guarantee that works.

Yes, we can call positive the signals we hear from the negotiating platform. But these signals do not silence the explosion of Russian shells.

Of course, we see all the risks. Of course, we see no reason to trust the words of certain representatives of a state that continues to fight for our destruction. Ukrainians are not naive people. Ukrainians have already learned during these 34 days of invasion and over the past eight years of the war in Donbas that only a concrete result can be trusted. The facts - if they change on our land.

Of course, Ukraine is willing to negotiate and will continue the negotiation process. To the extent that really depends on us. We expect to get the result. There must be real security for us, for our state, for sovereignty, for our people. Russian troops must leave the occupied territories. Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity must be guaranteed. There can be no compromise on sovereignty and our territorial integrity. And there will not be any.

These are clear principles. This is a clear vision of the possible outcome. And to those on social networks who perceive words as if they are facts already, I want to remind one thing: we live in a democratic state and fight for our freedom. For freedom for our people.

Therefore, any decisions that are important for all our people must be made not by one person or a group of people with any political views, but by all our people. The wise people of Ukraine.

And certain countries should not even expect that certain negotiations will facilitate the lifting of sanctions against the Russian Federation. The question of sanctions cannot even be raised until the war is over, until we get back what’s ours and until we restore justice.

On the contrary, sanctions must be strengthened. Intensified weekly. And they must be effective. Not just for headlines in the media that sanctions have been imposed, but for real peace. Real.

And to ensure this, a team of Ukrainian and international experts has already begun work to assess the effectiveness of the sanctions imposed on Russia. On the Ukrainian side, this area is coordinated by Head of the President's Office Andriy Yermak, and on the international side by Michael McFaul.

During the day the rescue operation was ongoing in Mykolaiv. The debris of the building of the regional administration destroyed by Russian missile strikes was dismantled. As of now, 8 people have been reported killed and 30 wounded. It is likely that these are not final figures.

The Russian troops hit Mykolaiv very insidiously. At a time when people came to their workplaces in the morning. Thank God, most of those in the building managed to evacuate when they heard an air alarm.

This one more act of the Russian so-called denazification of Mykolaiv took place in the morning after the anniversary of liberation of the city from Nazi invaders. Mykolaiv residents remember the day of March 28, 1944. And they see who the Russian troops trying to capture their city now look like.

I spoke about Mykolaiv today in my address to the Danish Parliament and the Danish people. I invited the society of this country to take part in the reconstruction of the city and the region after the war. In the framework of our program of Ukraine's reconstruction, we involve partner states, leading companies and the best specialists in order to guarantee the speed and quality of the reconstruction of our state. As I was told, this proposal was very positively received in Denmark.

There is also important news from our government officials. As of today, the new functionality of our "Diia" state service will be available. As I promised, the state will compensate for the loss of a house or apartment as a result of hostilities. Every citizen of ours can already submit an application in "Diia".

Applications are already available in the mobile application. You need to update the app to see this new service. And in a week it will be available offline - in the centers of administrative services. In itself, the functionality in "Diia" is quite convenient. But all the necessary details will still be clarified by our government.

The main thing is that the state will compensate for every meter of lost real estate.

In addition, government officials today expanded the program to help those institutions that support IDPs from the areas of hostilities.

Another important decision was to allocate 426 million hryvnias to pay the miners' salaries.

Traditionally, I signed several important decrees before delivering this evening address. The first is about awarding communications service employees. I am sincerely grateful to everyone who provides the fundamental basis of our lives. Who gives us connection.

By the way, on the day of the beginning of the Russian invasion, the first missile strike in the JFO area was made against them.

12 people were awarded state awards, 4 - posthumously.

The second signed decree is on awarding 126 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 34 of them - posthumously.

We will always be grateful to each of our defenders for the defense of our state in the Ukrainian Patriotic War against Russia.


The new multilateral treaty should make any aggression against Ukraine impossible - Andriy Yermak

The new multilateral treaty should make any aggression against Ukraine impossible and become a key element of the new international security system. This was stated by Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak commenting on the face-to-face round of Ukrainian-Russian talks, which took place on March 29 in Istanbul.

"We all and I personally liaise around the clock with our international partners to elaborate a quality and effective multilateral security treaty," he said.

According to the Head of the Office of the President, today the relevant work is underway together with the United States, Great Britain, China, Canada, France, Germany, Turkey, Italy, Poland and Israel. The leaders of these states have appointed specific political and security advisers. They are working with the Ukrainian party on a future document on security guarantees.

"Ukraine needs clearly and qualitatively formulated legally effective and binding international security guarantees. The horrors that the Russians have brought to the Ukrainian people must never be repeated," Andriy Yermak said.

He stressed that "Ukraine is primarily concerned about ending the war, withdrawal of Russian troops from our territory and, of course, building a new security structure."

The Head of the President's Office noted that today it is important for Russia to stop the shelling immediately and for the full-fledged humanitarian corridors to all cities where a humanitarian catastrophe already exists or is approaching to be opened as soon as possible. First of all, we are talking about Mariupol, other cities of Donbas and Chernihiv.

Andriy Yermak thanked the members of the Ukrainian delegation for their important and difficult work.

"I'm sure everyone understands how difficult it is to negotiate with representatives of Russia today," said the Head of the President's Office.


Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

The National Bank of Ukraine declares that the activities of the Russian invaders to limit the circulation of cash and cashless currency, as well as attempts to put into circulation the Russian ruble, in the Ukrainian territories temporarily occupied by Russia constitute a gross violation of international law.

By trying to circulate its currency there, Russia is creating additional preconditions for a humanitarian crisis in the Ukrainian territories that are, for the time being, under Russian control. The aggressor state must immediately stop all attempts to subject Ukrainians to these acts of financial terrorism.


The NBU considers unacceptable the Russian actions to limit the circulation of cash and cashless hryvnias and introduce the Russian rubble in the territories of Ukraine that have temporarily been occupied. Those areas include Zaporizhzhia region and Kherson region.

The NBU has been alerted to this “initiative” by multiple reports from banks and the media. At the same time, such actions by the Russian invaders would have been impossible without unlawful support and political will from the leadership of Russia’s Central Bank.

In this regard, the NBU reiterates that under the Constitution of Ukraine, the only currency accepted as legal tender in Ukraine is hryvnia.

The issuing and circulation in Ukraine of currencies other than the hryvnia are expressly prohibited by Ukrainian law, as is the use of money substitutes as a means of payment.

Ukraine’s banking system has the capability to provide all necessary services to the Ukrainian population, and the NBU and Ukrainian-based banks are fully capable of ensuring the circulation of  hryvnia, in accordance with Ukrainian legislation, in the areas temporarily occupied by Russia.

The NBU therefore:

considers it unacceptable for anyone to promote Russia’s military aggression in this way, in particular by placing any restrictions on the circulation of Ukraine’s currency, hryvnia.

demands that the Russian central bank immediately cease all actions it has been taking to put into circulation any other means of payment in the areas of Ukraine temporarily occupied by Russia.

In addition, we emphasize that under Article 43 of the Regulations respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land, annexed to The Hague Convention (IV) on Laws and Customs of War on Land, dated 18 October 1907, to which Ukraine and the Russian federation are parties, the occupant “shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country.”

The NBU declares that the activities of the Russian invaders to limit the circulation of cash and cashless hryvnias, as well as attempts to put into circulation the Russian rubble, in the Ukrainian territories temporarily occupied by Russia constitute a gross violation of international law.

By trying to circulate its currency there, Russia is creating additional preconditions for a humanitarian crisis in the Ukrainian territories that are, for the time being, under Russian control. The aggressor state must immediately stop all attempts to subject Ukrainians to these acts of financial terrorism. The NBU has called on the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine to take this information into account as it prepares to file lawsuits with relevant international courts.


Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

The Ukrainian government institutions have launched an international information campaign DO NOT sponsor murder to help businesses boycott Russian and Belarusian goods and services.

The main idea of the project is:

1. to convey to foreign business the importance of boycotting Russian and Belarusian goods and services;

2. to contribute to the rapid and large-scale decline of the aggressor countries' economies;

3. to replace Russian and Belarusian goods and services with goods and services of countries that oppose the war in Ukraine, or in support of Ukraine's economy — with Ukrainian ones.


Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN March 29, 10.00 EST

Wed, 03/30/2022 - 4:42am

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



March 29, 10.00 EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 29.03 were approximately:

personnel - about 17200,

tanks ‒ 597,

APV ‒ 1710,

artillery systems – 303,

MLRS - 96,

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 54,

aircraft – 127,

helicopters – 129,

vehicles - 1178

boats / cutters - 7,

fuel tanks - 73,

UAV operational-tactical level - 71.

special equipment - 21.

mobile SRBM system - 4.


The thirty fourth day of the resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion has already started.

The Ukrainian Defence Forces Group continues to conduct a defense operation in the Eastern, Southeastern and Northeastern directions. The Armed Forces of Ukraine successfully hold back the enemy in all the directions, and in some areas our troops carry out successful counterattacks.

The Russian enemy continues to insidiously launch missile and bomb strikes, trying to completely destroy the infrastructure and residential areas of Ukrainian cities. It concentrates on fuel storage, in order to complicate logistics and create conditions for a humanitarian crisis.

In violation of the requirements of International Humanitarian Law in some temporarily occupied settlements of Kyiv, Zaporizhzhia, Chernihiv, Kherson and Kharkiv oblasts, the Russian occupiers continue to terrorize the local population. They are shelling residential buildings; rob, abduct and hostage civilians, engage in looting.

The Joint Forces of Ukraine repulsed 7 enemy attacks in the Donetsk and Luhansk directions during the day. Our soldiers destroyed 12 tanks, 10 infantry fighting vehicles and 3 units of motor vehicles. The enemy suffered casualties.

Defenders of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the previous day hit 17 air targets - 8 planes, 3 helicopters, 4 UAVs of various types and 2 cruise missiles. Air Force aircraft fired missile and bomb strikes at places of accumulation of the Russian enemy equipment and manpower.

The Russian enemy did not meet the goal of the offensive operation. The withdrawal of certain units of the armed forces from the territory of Kyiv and Chernihiv oblasts is noted. At the same time, there is a high risk of the Russian occupiers attacking military and civilian infrastructure.

There is a problem of strengthening and rotating the existing enemy group. Thus, only in the Pacific Fleet of the Armed Forces, recruitment units, due to the refusal of personnel to participate in the so-called "special operation", are not able to staff even one battalion-tactical group.

In the Volyn direction, the group of the armed forces of the republic of Belarus provides cover for its state border, conducts demonstration actions. In the Polissya direction, the enemy is limited to artillery shelling, regrouping of existing units and their partial withdrawal to the territory of Belarus.

In the Sivershchyna direction, the occupiers continue to blockade Chernihiv, trying to gradually destroy military and civilian facilities. The enemy did not take active action in the direction of Brovary.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the Russian occupiers continue to use aircraft and artillery in the settlements of Kharkiv and Barvinkove, trying to capture the city of Izyum. Fighting continues in the area of ​​the settlements of Kamyanka, Sukha Kamyanka, Tykhotske. The Russian enemy increased the existing group by involving separate units from the 1st Tank Army of the Russian federation. The 200th separate motorized infantry brigade of the enemy lost two battalion-tactical groups and personally the brigade commander, Colonel Denis KurilIt in the battles near Kharkiv. The losses only of one 200th brigade amounted to more than 1,500 servicemen.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy increased its firepower and intensified assault operations in most areas. He struck air strikes in the settlements of Voevodivka, Rubizhne, Lysychansk, Kreminna, Zolote-4, Popasna, Toretsk, and Novhorod. It focuses its main efforts on taking control of Popasna and Mariupol. The russian enemy is not successful.

In the city of Berdyansk, the occupiers are trying to restore the port infrastructure.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy, under cover of artillery fire, takes measures to restore combat capability, replenish ammunition and fuel.

The Defence Forces Group continues to conduct a defence operation in the Eastern, Southeastern and Northeastern directions, restrains the enemy in all directions, in some directions - displaces the enemy.


Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights

Russians are taking hostages of civilians en masse in the occupied territories.

Another abduction of local authorities in the Kherson region - the invaders took hostage a deputy of the Genichesk City Council O.Konovalov.  The man was taken to a Russian-occupied school building.  His further fate is unknown.

The occupiers captured the head of the Mylivka village territorial community Oleh Yakhnienko.

Zaporizhzhya regional journalist Iryna Dubchenko was arrested by Russian forces in the town of Rozivka, where she was caring for her frail grandmother.  The woman was taken to Donetsk for "investigative actions".

Dubchenko is accused of supporting and hiding the Ukrainian military.

In Sumy region, the occupiers are abducting residents along with cars.  The Russian military takes them to other areas and arranges interrogations.

The taking of civilian hostages is a direct violation of Articles 3 and 34 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights.


As of 10 a.m. on March 29, 2022, according to the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations, as well as other sources that need confirmation, 144 children (+1 per day) have died and 220 children (+4 per day) have been injured since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began.

It is impossible to establish the actual number of dead and wounded children due to the fact that the occupying forces are actively fighting in Ukrainian cities.

A 3-year-old child died in the Luhansk region from mine injuries.

As a result of the shelling of a village in the Zaporizhzhia region, the occupiers wounded three civilians, including a child.

In the Luhansk region, an obstetrician covered a mother and a newborn child with his body while receiving a childbirth under enemy fire, which saved their lives. The doctor received multiple injuries.

In the Donetsk region, the occupiers continue the blockade of Mariupol. In the city, the invaders are active in hostilities and do not provide emergency medical care to children. Data on dead and injured children in the city of Mariupol are currently being established.

The bombing and shelling damaged 773 educational institutions, 75 of which were completely destroyed.

The actions of the Russian Federation violate the right to life of children, guaranteed by Article 6 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and prove that Russia is a terrorist state and its political and military leadership criminals.

I call on international human rights organizations to take all possible measures to increase pressure on the Russian Federation to end military aggression against Ukraine.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

In one of the settlements of the Rivne region the fire broke out at the enterprise for storage of fuel as a result of Russia’s rocket strike.

There is no oil spill outside the embankment. Rescuers from the State Emergency Service are working at the scene. There are no victims.

As a result of shelling in a five-storey building in Severodonetsk, a fire broke out in one of the apartments on the 4th floor, subsequently the 4th and 5th floors of the building were destroyed. Rescuers from the Luhansk State Emergency Service rescued 4 people from the rubble.

The shelling destroyed a five-story apartment building. Arriving at the scene, the SES of Luhansk region rescued 9 citizens. Disassembling the debris, rescuers found 2 people bodies.

As a result of the shelling in the city of Lysychansk, apartments and garages caught fire. Rescuers of Luhansk region are extinguishing the fire.





President of Ukraine

Address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Ukrainians.

Today we have good news. Our defenders are advancing in the Kyiv region, regaining control over Ukrainian territory. Irpin was liberated and the occupiers are pushed away. Pushed away from Kyiv.

However, it is too early to talk about security in this part of our region. The fighting continues.

Russian troops control the north of Kyiv, have the resources and manpower. They are trying to restore the destroyed units. The level of their losses, even at 90%, do not convince them that this will happen to everyone.

Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv regions, Donbas, southern Ukraine - the situation everywhere remains tense.

As of today, 143 children are known to have died. Mariupol remains blocked. Russian troops did not allow any humanitarian corridor to be organized today, they did not allow "silence". Therefore, the situation must now be perceived in a balanced, wise way. We still need time and weapons. We can't set expectations too high. Just so as not to burn out.

I spoke with the leaders of the partner countries. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Johnson, Prime Minister of Canada Trudeau, Chancellor of Germany Scholz, Prime Minister of Italy Draghi and President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

We agreed with Britain to further support our defense and strengthen sanctions against the Russian Federation. Canada also supports a tougher response from the world to the catastrophe created by Russian troops in Ukrainian cities.

In a conversation with German Chancellor Scholz, I also paid considerable attention to the need to increase sanction pressure on Russia.

I thanked the President of Azerbaijan for the humanitarian support provided to Ukraine, informed about the state of affairs in the territories where Russian troops entered.

Italy has agreed to become one of the guarantors of Ukraine's security in the relevant new system of guarantees that we are elaborating.

Ukraine cannot and will not agree with the passive sanctions position of some entities towards Russia. There should be no "suspended" sanctions packages. 

We went through this story last year when we said that strong preventive sanctions against Russia were needed to prevent an invasion. The preventive package was not made. A full-scale war has begun. There are now many hints and warnings that sanctions will be tightened, such as an embargo on Russian oil supplies to Europe, if Russia uses chemical weapons. There are simply no words.

We, living people, have to wait for chemical weapons … Doesn't everything that the Russian military is doing and has already done deserve an oil embargo? Don't phosphorus bombs deserve that? Do the shelled chemical production or nuclear power plant deserve that?

It is important for us that the sanctions packages are effective and substantial enough, given what is already being done against Ukraine by the Russian Federation.

Starting this week, we are creating a group of experts at the President's Office - Ukrainian and international, who will constantly analyze the sanctions against Russia - what they really influence.

Our goal is for the sanctions to work as intended. And so that there is no possibility to circumvent them. This must be a goal for the whole democratic world, without exception.

During the week I will speak in the parliaments of the partner countries: Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Greece, Australia. It is important that these are speeches not only in front of politicians, but also in front of societies.

I will emphasize everywhere that no one has the right to use the lives of Ukrainians to save any income in Russia or income common with Russia. Ukrainians should not die just because someone cannot find enough courage to hand over the necessary weapons to Ukraine.

Fear always makes you an accomplice. If someone is afraid of Russia, if he or she is afraid to make the necessary decisions that are important to us, in particular for us to get planes, tanks, necessary artillery, shells, it makes these people responsible for the catastrophe created by Russian troops in our cities, too.

Full address:


Speech by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Folketing

Mr. Speaker!

Mrs. Prime Minister! 

Members of the Government and the Folketing!

Danish people!

40 missiles.

Every day, Russian troops use so many different but equally deadly missiles against our state, against Ukraine.

This is the average number per day. 40. More than 1,370 missiles have been used in just over a month of Russia's full-scale invasion of our land.

This morning the Russian missiles hit one of our southern cities - Mykolaiv. The city of shipbuilders.

Absolutely peaceful city, which dreamed of only one thing - to regain the glory of the center of shipbuilding in the Black Sea region.

As a result of this strike, the building of the regional administration was destroyed. It is known that seven people were killed and 22 were wounded. Debris removal continues.

The Mykolaiv region residents didn't have any military dreams. They posed no threat to Russia.

But they, like all other Ukrainians, believe me, have become a target for Russian troops. For missiles, bombs, rocket artillery, mortars.

The total number of means of destruction that Russian troops have already used against our people on our land is simply impossible to count.

But we can say that the intensity and brutality of the hostilities against us have reached a level even higher than during World War II. The most devastating war for Europe.

A month of hostilities - and we already have not one or two, but a whole black list of cities that were completely destroyed by Russian bombing.

In dozens of other cities, towns and small villages, residential areas were partially burned, infrastructure was destroyed and enterprises where people worked were blown up. Living, ordinary people.

773 educational institutions - universities, schools, kindergartens - were destroyed. 773. Imagine! And dozens of hospitals, churches, even memorials to Holocaust victims have become targets...

The goal of Russian troops in this war is to completely destroy any basis for the normal life of the Ukrainian people. The occupiers are deliberately making sure that nothing is left of Ukraine. Only ruins. Only refugees.

More than 10 million Ukrainians have already fled their homes due to the hostilities. Almost 4 million Ukrainians have left our country, most of them women and children.

The stories of these people are full of horror.

There are still many burned and shot cars on the roadsides in the areas where the Russian military came. Hundreds and hundreds of such cars, what’s left of them. The occupiers were killing civilians even when they were just trying to escape!

Along with our immigrants in Europe and the western regions of Ukraine, there are children who were simply picked up on the road near the corpses of their parents.

Up to 100,000 people remain in our city of Mariupol, which has been blocked by Russian troops for more than three weeks. While there was snow people melted it to get water. All this time we can't deliver humanitarian goods to the city - they are simply blocked. Water, food, medicine. Everything is blocked by the Russian military.

More than 90 percent of all buildings in Mariupol were completely destroyed by shelling and bombs. But Russian aircraft strike without stopping. They purposefully blow up even shelters, although they know for sure that peaceful people are hiding there - women, children, old people.

What Russian troops are doing to Mariupol is a crime against humanity that is being committed live in front of the eyes of the entire planet.

Why is this even possible? Why can't the world stop this flow of Russia's war crimes ongoing since February 24 this year?

The answer is very simple and cynical.

People who make decisions in Russia hope that they will get away with it. Sanctions? They think they can be bypassed. An embargo on Russian oil? They see that this is still nothing more than just talking about this important topic. And concern, constant concern. An international tribunal? They know that it takes years to bring specific perpetrators to justice.

That is why we appeal to you and to the entire democratic community of the world: sanctions against Russia must be strengthened! Constantly. We need to give up Russian oil, we need to block trade with the Russian Federation, we need to close ports for Russian ships. And this must be the solidarity policy of the European Union, of all the member states. Everyone.

It is you, in Denmark, in the country where the basic principles of the European Union, the Copenhagen criteria, come from, who can feel most of all how important it is for all-European solidarity to work for pressure on Russia.

Because this pressure is for Russia to seek peace. This is pressure to give the necessary protection to all the basic values on which life in Europe is built and which are now completely trampled by Russia in Ukraine.

What can be said about the protection of human rights or freedom on the European continent, if there is no such crime against people and humanity in general not committed by the occupiers?

They deport our people to Russia by force, rape women, underage girls, and engage in looting.

They have already taken more than two thousand children to Russia, and we do not know where they are, we do not even have a complete list of these children. Do they have families? How will they then find their loved ones?

It would be simply impossible for a normal person to imagine the level of evil that was brought to our land!

That is why I call on you to raise the issue of solidarity in the defense of freedom, in the defense of humanity at the level of the European Union.

There can be no Russian branches in Europe that split the EU from within, that are trying to help Russia make as much money as possible even now.

Everyone knows very well who in the European Union opposes humanity and common sense. Who does nothing at all to help establish peace in Ukraine. This must stop, and Europe must stop listening to any excuses from official Budapest.

I am grateful to Denmark for its principled position. Thank you to everyone.

I am grateful to your people who help Ukraine and help Ukrainians. To your companies that have decided to leave the Russian market. Maersk, Jysk, Lego, Vestas, DSV, Arla Foods, Carlsberg and many other companies who have made this important decision.

But I ask you not to stop, to be leaders in Europe in promoting the decisions we really need.

Long before this war, it was clear that humanity should reduce the use of fossil fuels. The era of coal and oil has caused huge damage to the environment, to our planet as a whole. Green technologies and green energy have become a logical and just answer to this challenge.

European policy is already aimed at reducing the consumption of environmentally hazardous resources. But Russia's aggression against Ukraine and against everything that life in Europe is built on is an argument to accelerate green transformation on the continent. Europe must give up Russian oil, give up as soon as possible!

Because it is the crazy income from energy resources that allows the Russian leadership to be bold. Violate generally accepted rules. Promote hatred against other nations, against us and destroy the lives of neighboring countries.

If you had to find the complete opposite of what is called the "Law of Jante" in your country, it would be the "Law of Russian Oil".

I am confident that together - only together with all Europeans, with all responsible states on the planet - we will be able to overcome this catastrophe.

We will be able to return to peace.

We will be able to live together in a European family.

I hope this will happen very soon. But it depends on how consistent and principled we remain at this time.

At a time when the war continues.

However, we have no right now to think only of war. We know there will be peace. We know that we will be able to return to a normal, peaceful life.

That is why I want to invite you to join our initiative to rebuild Ukraine after the war, after our victory.

We invite your companies, your specialists, your state.

Knowing your potential, your creative economic power, I offer your country to take patronage over one of our beautiful regions - after the war. Of course, after the war.

Mykolaiv, the city of shipbuilders, can become such a city, such a region, which will unite you and us even more. Which Denmark can help rebuild.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Danish people!

Now is the dark time in Ukraine.

Thousands of candles are placed in our churches in memory of the people whose lives were taken by this war.

I know that for you the warm light of candles is a synonym of home comfort, ordinary good human life.

Life, which today has become an unattainable dream for many in Ukraine. The Russian invasion continues.

But I believe, I know, that we can return to peace.

And I ask you to light a candle at home tonight in memory of all Ukrainians whose lives were taken by Russian aggression.


Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

The operational situation on the diplomatic front as of 10:00, March 29

Ukrainian diplomacy continues Russia's complete isolation, particularly in the energy sector, which is actively fueling Russia's military machine. The energy ministers of the Group of Seven have made a responsible decision, rejecting Russia's demands to pay gas bills in rubles.

Dmytro Kuleba: “I welcome the statement of the Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Gabek regarding the decision of the Group of Seven to reject Russia's demands to pay for Russian gas in rubles. Blackmail of the Russian Federation is unacceptable. I am grateful to France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the European Union.”

☑️ Deputinization of the world

Northern Macedonia is deporting 5 Russian diplomats for violating the Vienna Convention. They must leave the country within five days

Riga's tallest buildings, the Z-Towers, changed their name to Zunda Towers in response to a negative association with the letter Z, which the Russian military uses in symbolic terms of its invasion of Ukraine

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has announced the closure of its offices in Moscow and Minsk due to Russia's military invasion of Ukraine

☑️ Isolation of the Russian Federation

Sri Lanka's national airline SriLankan Airlines Limited will suspend flights to Russia from March 28

The European Commission appealed to Affiliated Countries to immediately abolish any existing schemes for gaining citizenship for investment and to provide strict checks are in place to address the risks associated with residence permit schemes, as well as to revise previously issued "golden passports"

International rating agency Fitch Ratings will no longer publish data on Russia's sovereign rating

The government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has decided to suspend state-funded research and innovation cooperation with Russian universities and companies that are strategically important to the Russian government

The United Arab Emirates Investment Fund Mubadala Investment Company suspends investments in Russia

☑️ Humanitarian aid

Since the start of the war, the American charity company United Help Ukraine has collected more than $ 10 million in donations from Americans, which will be spent on humanitarian and medical aid to Ukraine

Material and technical assistance worth a total of 163,000 euros arrived in Ukraine from Slovenia

Thanks to the efforts of the public organization Razom for Ukraine, $ 20 million was raised in the United States from 60,000 privates


3/29/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 03/29/2022 - 7:14am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. DoD Transmits 2022 National Defense Strategy
3. Fiscal 2023 Budget Funds Military for Today, Future
4. Ukrainian intelligence releases names of more than 600 alleged Russian spies
5. Here’s what’s in Biden’s natsec budget
6. Billionaire Abramovich, Ukrainian peace negotiators hit by suspected poisoning -reports
7. The Army Is Not Ready to Win Without Fighting
8. Shanghai starts China's biggest COVID-19 lockdown in 2 years
9. Taliban hard-liners turning back the clock in Afghanistan
10. Zelensky says Ukraine prepared to discuss neutrality in peace talks
11. Ukraine War Update - March 28, 2022 | SOF News
12. The Work to Come: Russia, Ukraine, and the West at the Negotiating Table
13. The Will to Fight
14. Biden makes 'no apologies' for saying Putin 'cannot remain in power'
15. Global Supply Chains Are Driving Conflict. They Can Be Rewired for Peace.
16. China hid the COVID pandemic and could do it again
17. Strikes on Iraq Reveal Iran’s Embrace of Missile Operations
18. Troops would see a 4.6% pay raise next year under Biden’s fiscal 2023 budget plan
19. Pentagon will accelerate production of missiles Ukraine has requested to refill US stockpiles
20. US, Filipino forces start war drills in region facing Taiwan

Korean News Content:

1. N.K. leader urges party officials to eradicate anti-socialist practices
2. Dictator Kim Jong-un assured that Pyongyang will continue to develop "powerful means of attack" in North Korea
3. Analysts investigate possibility of North Korea missile test 'deception'
4. Kim says N.Korea will arm forces with ‘more powerful means of attack’
5. Yoon’s approval rating on a slippery slope
6. Opinion | North Korea’s man with the shades and the missiles just won’t disappear
7. North Korea's Missile Program Keeps Growing More Dangerous
8. Beatings and forced abortions: Life in a North Korea prison
9. The Dark History Of The Woman Who Raised Kim Jong Un
10. S. Korean, Russian nuclear envoys discuss N. Korea's ICBM test
11. North Korean capital Pyongyang cracks down on citizens illegally moving downtown
12. North Korea’s latest missile test may not have been what it claimed
13. N.Korea's Kim calls for ramping up ideological campaigns amid 'worst difficulties'

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN March 28, 7.30 pm EST

Tue, 03/29/2022 - 4:25am

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



March 28, 7.30 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Russian enemy is focusing its efforts on fulfilling the objectives of reaching the administrative borders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Also, the Russian occupation Command is making every effort to keep the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine under control.

In order to replenish personnel losses, the military commissariats in the Russian federation continues to recruit citizens to form so-called "volunteer" units, which will be involved in establishment of a kind of occupation "order" in the occupied territories. The main requirement for candidates is satisfactory health. Experience in military service is not required. In addition to that, Russian fascists are drafting people with a criminal record to their army.

Despite statements of officials from the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Russian Federation regarding changes in plans and priorities, the enemy continues to increase the number of troops around the capital of Ukraine. Russian troops continue unsuccessful attempts to take positions from which they could attack or surround Kyiv.

Units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to defend the city of Mariupol restraining Russian fascists from offensive actions in other regions of Ukraine. In the meantime, Russian occupiers continue to suffer heavy losses.

The temporarily captured city of Kherson is fearlessly resisting the Russian occupation. Actions of the locals are forcing Russian fascists to concentrate more and more military power in Kherson to keep the city under their control.

About 150 people from South Ossetia were transferred to the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea for their further participation in the war with Ukraine. The enemy is taking measures to covertly mobilize the population of the so-called South Ossetia in order to further involve it in the war with Ukraine.

Round-the-clock operation of the Russian defense-industrial enterprises involved in the production of missiles indicates a significant reduction in the arsenal of missile weapons of the enemy.

Given the international sanctions that ban the supply of high-tech parts for products of the Russian federation, the import substitution process for such parts in missile manufacturing will have a long-term effect.

Russia's military leadership is trying to build up reserves and restore the combat capability of units that suffered losses during the first month of the war.

The Defence Forces of Ukraine continue to conduct a defence operation in the Eastern, Southeastern and Northeastern directions, focusing on:

- preventing the advance of the enemy in the directions of the settlements of Slovyansk and Barvinkove;

- taking of the settlements of Kamyanka, Topolske;

- creating conditions for improving the tactical situation in the area of the city of Chuhuiv;

- deterring enemy attacks in the areas of the settlements of Rubizhne, Lysychansk, Popasna, preventing the bypass of the main forces of the group.

At the same time, the Defence Forces of Ukraine continue to maintain the circular defence of the city of Mariupol and defend and deter the advance of the enemy in the Chernihiv region.

In order to improve the operational situation and maintain the outer line of defence, the group defending Kyiv is continuing hostilities and controlling the situation in the settlements of Motyzhyn, Lisne, Kapitanivka and Dmytrivka.

Part of the Ukrainian forces continues to conduct a defence operation in other identified areas, a stabilization operation is being carried out, territorial defence tasks are being carried out and counterattacks are being carried out in certain areas.

The enemy is weakened, disoriented, much of it is cut off from logistics and the main forces.

The command of the Russian occupying forces is trying to compensate for the decline in the combat potential of the enemy's units by indiscriminate artillery fire and rocket-bomb attacks, thus destroying the infrastructure of Ukrainian cities.


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

As of 28 March 2022, 143 children have been killed and 216 injured since the start of the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine.


Over the cores of one day, Russians fired missiles at Lutsk, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Severodonetsk and Rubezhnoye. Mariupol is under carpet bombardment.

last night, houses in Severodonetsk and Rubizhne, Luhansk region, were shelled.

In the city of Kharkiv, the occupiers shelled a local school from heavy artillery.

Russian troops set the residential area in Chernihiv on fire.

The settlement of Kryvyi Rih district was hit by the “Tornado-C” volley fire system.


Prosecutor General’s Office

On 27 March 2022, a convoy of Russian Federation military equipment was moving on a road outside Konotop district, Sumy region. Disregarding international law, a Russian soldier deliberately hit pedestrians walking in the opposite direction. As a result, a family was injured - a 15-year-old boy and his mother were injured, while a 33-year-old man died in hospital.


The Office of the Prosecutor General will cooperate with Eurojust to coordinate the work of the joint investigation team to investigate Russian war crimes.


During the occupation of Trostyanets, Russian fascists tortured and killed a man. His body with multiple injuries was found by the police in the garage after the liberation of the city from the occupiers on March 28, 2022. The identity of the deceased is being established.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Over the past 24 hours, emergency workers carried out 761 visits, including 317 visits to eliminate the consequences of shelling of settlements and civilian infrastructure by Russian troops. Pyrotechnics of the State Emergency Service neutralized 416 explosive devices and inspected the area of 600 hectares.


Hundreds of unexploded ordnance and mines seized in Kyiv in recent weeks.





President of Ukraine


Today we have good news. Our defenders are advancing in the Kyiv region, regaining control over Ukrainian territory.

Irpin was liberated. Well done! I am grateful to everyone who worked for this result. The occupiers are pushed away from Irpin. Pushed away from Kyiv.

However, it is too early to talk about security in this part of our region. The fighting continues.

Russian troops control the north of Kyiv region, have the resources and manpower. They are trying to restore the destroyed units. The level of their losses, even at 90%, is not an argument for them to stop. Hundreds and hundreds of units of burned and abandoned enemy equipment do not convince them that this will happen to everyone.

Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv regions, Donbas, southern Ukraine - the situation everywhere remains tense, very difficult.

This is a ruthless war against our nation, against our people, against our children.

As of today, 143 children are known to have died. Mariupol remains blocked. Russian troops did not allow any humanitarian corridor to be organized today, they did not allow "silence". Therefore, the situation must now be perceived in a balanced, wise way. As much as possible. Without excessive euphoria from success. But also without getting yourself worked up. We still need time. We still need weapons. We still have to fight, we have to be patient. We can't burn emotions right now. We can't set expectations too high. Just so as not to burn out.

I spoke with the leaders of the partner countries. It was a very active diplomatic day.

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Johnson, Prime Minister of Canada Trudeau, Chancellor of Germany Scholz, Prime Minister of Italy Draghi and President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

We agreed with Britain to further support our defense and strengthen sanctions against the Russian Federation. Canada also supports a tougher response from the world to the catastrophe created by Russian troops in Ukrainian cities.

In a conversation with German Chancellor Scholz, I also paid considerable attention to the need to increase sanction pressure on Russia.

I thanked the President of Azerbaijan for the humanitarian support provided to Ukraine, informed about the state of affairs in the territories where Russian troops entered.

Italy has agreed to become one of the guarantors of Ukraine's security in the relevant new system of guarantees that we are elaborating.

I will continue this activity tomorrow. I will talk to other world leaders. I will work with international organizations, with the nations of Europe and the world.

Ukraine cannot and will not agree with the passive sanctions position of some entities towards Russia. There should be no "suspended" sanctions packages - that if the Russian troops do something, then there will be some answer...

We went through this story last year when we said that strong preventive sanctions against Russia were needed to prevent an invasion. The preventive package was not made. A full-scale war has begun. There are now many hints and warnings that sanctions will be tightened, such as an embargo on Russian oil supplies to Europe, if Russia uses chemical weapons. There are simply no words.

Just think about what it all came down to. Waiting for chemical weapons... We, living people, have to wait… Doesn't everything that the Russian military is doing and has already done deserve an oil embargo? Don't phosphorus bombs deserve that? Do the shelled chemical production or nuclear power plant deserve that?

It is important for us that the sanctions packages are effective and substantial enough, given what is already being done against Ukraine by the Russian Federation.

If the sanctions packages are weak or do not work enough, if they can be circumvented, it creates a dangerous illusion for the Russian leadership that they can continue to afford what they are doing now. And Ukrainians pay for it with their lives. Thousands of lives.

Therefore, starting this week, we are creating a group of experts at the President's Office - Ukrainian and international, who will constantly analyze the sanctions against Russia - what they really influence.

Our goal is for the sanctions to work as intended. And so that there is no possibility to circumvent them. This must be a goal for the whole democratic world, without exception. No exception.

During the week I will speak in the parliaments of the partner countries: Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Greece, Australia. It is important that these are speeches not only in front of politicians, but also in front of societies.

In front of millions of people who want to hear Ukraine and are ready to hear it to help and support. Who feel that we are fighting for our common freedom. One for all people on our earth.

I will emphasize everywhere that no one has the right to use the lives of Ukrainians to save any income in Russia or income common with Russia. And Ukrainians should not die just because someone cannot find enough courage to hand over the necessary weapons to Ukraine.

Fear always makes you an accomplice. If someone is afraid of Russia, if he or she is afraid to make the necessary decisions that are important to us, in particular for us to get planes, tanks, necessary artillery, shells, it makes these people responsible for the catastrophe created by Russian troops in our cities, too.

Because if you could save, you had to save.

The peoples of Europe, the peoples of the world will definitely hear and support me. And all politicians should think now what they will have left if they do not correspond to the position of their people.

And finally. Already traditional.

Just before delivering this address to you, dear Ukrainians, I signed two important decrees on awarding servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with state awards. At the request of our Commander-in-Chief, 302 of our defenders are awarded.


Ministry for Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Most recent sanctions against Russia:

Google has stopped licensing Russian Android smartphones;

Nokia has suspended deliveries to Russia;

American corporation specializing in the development and manufacture of devices for printing and image processing, Lexmark has suspended supplies to Russia;

TikTok forbade users from the Russian Federation to post videos, even using VPN;

The largest Japanese banks, including Mitsubishi UFJ, Sumitomo Mitsui and Mizuho, have suspended dollar transactions with Russia's Sberbank.



Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

Ukraine has already suffered 564.9 billion USD in losses from the Russian invasion, including:

· 119 billion USD - losses of infrastructure (almost 8 thousand km of roads, dozens of railway stations, airports were destroyed or damaged);

· 112 billion USD - GDP losses in 2022;

· 90.5 billion USD - losses of civilian population (10 million square meters of housing, 200 thousand cars, food security for 5 million people);

· 80 billion USD - losses of enterprises and organizations;

· 54 billion USD - losses of direct investment in the Ukrainian economy;

· 48 billion USD - losses of the state budget.

The losses suffered by Ukraine as a result of Russian aggression are calculated within the framework of the "Russia Will Pay" project implemented by the KSE Institute together with the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Defense.





Ministry of energy of Ukraine

German Galushchenko: G7's refusal to pay for gas in rubles canceled Russia's attempts to circumvent sanctions.

Minister of Energy of Ukraine German Galushchenko welcomed the decision of the G7 countries not to pay for Russian gas in rubles.


Ukraine is expected to make the first export after synchronization.

The first auction after connecting of Ukrainian power system with ENTSO-E on the distribution of interstate cross-border capacity allocations to Poland is scheduled for March 28. The actual date of the start of delivery is March 30, the cross-sectional volume is 210 MW (per hour). All Ukrainian energy companies will be able to take part in such auctions.

“For the first time since synchronisation with ENTSO-E, Ukraine will export electricity to Europe. Exports are small, but this is the early sing of the integration of Ukrainian and European energy markets. Of course, we still have a lot of work to do to implement EU legislation, which is necessary for the full coupling of markets," - German Galushchenko said.



Ukrenergo resumes daily auctions for cross-border capacity allocation to Poland. This is the first auction after the integration of Ukraine’s power system with the power grid of Continental European ENTSO-E. Currently, there are no commercial exchanges between Ukrainian and European synchronized power systems. Such a condition was stipulated in the Agreement between Ukrenergo and ENTSO-E for the synchronous operation trial period.

Resumption of export-import operations is one of the main tasks of NPC Ukrenergo within the framework of further integration with ENTSO-E. The first auction will take place on March 28, 2022, for the delivery day of March 30 (actual export start date). The auctioned profile volume is 210 MW (hourly).

The start of electricity exports will allow Ukraine to obtain additional resources for the restoration and development of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure during the war. In total, the cross-border capacity between Ukraine and ENTSO-E is up to 2 thousand MW and will have a direct economic effect for the country in the amount of several billion dollars a year. Alongside, for European countries, Ukrainian electricity, 70% of which is already of low-carbon sources, opens up wide opportunities for replacing Russian gas.

It is worth mentioning that NPC Ukrenergo stopped allocating cross-border capacity for electricity imports/exports on February 24, 2022, due to the start of power system tests in the isolated operation mode. With the beginning of Russia’s military aggression, Ukraine has decided not to resume synchronous operation with the power systems of Russia and Belarus. Later, on March 16, 2022, the emergency synchronization of Ukraine’s power system with the power system of Continental Europe ENTSO-E took place.


The power system of Ukraine is balanced and stable. The power grid frequency is controlled at the standard level of 50 Hz.  

To ensure the reliable day-to-day operation of the grid, Ukrenergo repairmen try to use every opportunity to inspect and repair power lines and substations.

Yesterday, the repair of OHL 330 kV Trykhaty-Mykolaivska was completed, and the power line was put into operation. 

All types of power plants are operating steadily in the power grid providing electricity to all Ukrainian consumers.


GTS Operator of Ukraine

State of the Ukrainian GTS operation as of March 28, 12:00 CET

On the previous day, March 27, Gas TSO of Ukraine transported 68.3 million cubic meters of natural gas for the needs of Ukrainian consumers. Gas production in Ukraine amounted to 49 mcm, while import was equal to 9.4 mcm of natural gas.

Today, the stable operation of the Ukrainian gas transmission system is essential for energy infrastructure. Due to logistics problems with the primary fuel delivery, several thermal power plants are switching to reserve fuel – natural gas.

Russian occupiers continue destroying Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. As a result of the shell hit, GDS-3 Kharkiv, which supplied gas to a small town Rogan, was significantly damaged.


Almost 4.5 thousand households were left without a gas supply. The company’s specialists under fire made the necessary switchings, closed the inlet and outlet valves to localize the effects of the damage and protect the population from danger. Resumption of gas transportation through this GDS is possible only after a significant amount of restoration works and after the end of hostilities in the area.

Currently, 44 GDSs from 1395 in Kharkiv, Luhansk, Kyiv, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, and Mykolaiv regions of Ukraine remain disconnected.


Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN March 28, 10.30 EST

Mon, 03/28/2022 - 8:09pm
 Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



March 28, 10.30 EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 28.03 were approximately:

personnel - about 17000,

tanks ‒ 586,

armored personnel vehicles ‒ 1694,

artillery systems – 302,

MLRS - 95,

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 54,

aircrafts – 123,

helicopters – 127,

vehicles - 1150,

boats / cutters - 7,

fuel tanks - 73,

UAV operational-tactical level - 66.

special equipment - 21.

mobile SRBM systems - 4.

Data are being updated. The calculation is complicated by the high intensity of hostilities.


The thirty fourth day of the resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion has already started.

The enemy is focusing on maintaining the occupied frontiers and preparing for the resumption of offensive operations. There is noted a regrouping of Russian troops in order to increase offensive capabilities to meet their objectives of reaching the administrative borders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. At the same time, the enemy continues launching missile and bomb strikes on military and civilian infrastructure of Ukraine. Also, additional units of the Armed Forces of the Russian federation are being trained and relocated to conduct hostilities on the territory of Ukraine.

According to the available information, it is planned to send military equipment and 150 servicemen from the 155th Separate Brigade of the Pacific Fleet (permanent base of Vladivostok). A unit of the 14th special brigade of the Eastern Military District (Khabarovsk, permanent deployment point) has been formed.

In the Volyn direction, there are up to four BTGs from the Armed Forces of the republic of Belarus, involved in strengthening and protecting the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. It is impossible to completely rule out the involvement of the armed forces of the republic of belarus in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine.

In the Polissya direction, the Russian enemy did not carry out active offensive actions. It continues to inflict fire damage on units of Ukrainian troops in the areas of the settlements of Lychanka, Petrushka, Shpytka and Moshchun.

The enemy is regrouping troops and withdrawing some of the units to the territory of the republic of belarus to restore combat capability. In the Gomel region of the republic of Belarus, the transporting of Iskander-M mobile short range ballistic missile system in the direction of the State Border with Ukraine has been recorded.

In the Siversky direction, the enemy, with the help of certain units of the Central Military District, did not conduct offensive operations. It focused its efforts on consolidating and maintaining the previously occupied borders. Carries out regrouping, concentrates equipment in settlements and forests in order to prevent its fire damage.

The enemy continues its blockade of the city of Chernihiv, inflicting fire damage on civilian infrastructure. It defends previously captured frontiers and conducts engineering equipment positions. According to available data, the Russians withdrew from the village of Snovsk, destroying the bridge over the river Snov. In addition, they destroyed bridges in the settlements of Konotop, Stara Rudnya, Smyach, Maly Dyrchyn and Velykyi Dyrchyn.

In the direction of Brovary, the occupiers tried to act with the help of separate units of the 90th Tank Division and the 2nd All-Military Army of the Central Military District. The enemy was stopped by active defensive actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but it continued to shell the positions of our troops near the village of Lukyanivka. In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy is acting with the help of separate units from the Western Military District.

In the area of the city of Sumy, they did not conduct active hostilities, continued regrouping troops and withdraw them to the territory of the Russian federation to restore combat capability after the losses. According to available information, the morale and psychological condition of the personnel is extremely low. Thus, servicemen of the 15th Motorized Rifle Regiment refuse to take part in the war.

In the direction of Kharkiv city, the Russian enemy did not conduct offensive operations, continues to block the city and fire on civilian infrastructure and carries out measures of logistical support of troops.

In the area of the city of Izyum, the Russian enemy is operating with the help of separate units of the 20th All-Military and 1st Tank Armies and the Baltic Fleet. Carries out regrouping, it replenishment of ammunition in order to further resume the offensive on Slovyansk.

In the Donetsk direction, the Russian occupiers are concentrating their main efforts on taking control of the settlements of Popasna and Rubizhne, exits to the districts of Vuhledar and Solodke, as well as capturing the city of Mariupol.

The Russian enemy carried out artillery and mortar shelling of the settlements of Toretske, Svitlodarsk, Troitske, and Pisky.

In the direction of Terny, as a result of a combat clash with units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the russian enemy suffered losses and retreated to the area of the settlement of Makiyivka.

In Rubizhne, with the support of artillery, enemy is trying to gain a foothold in the north-western part of the city, but it suffered losses with no success.

In the area of the settlement of New York, Donetsk oblast, the enemy attempted assault twice. It was unsuccessful, was retreated, and continued artillery shelling of the positions of Ukrainian defenders. The Russian enemy carried out assaults in the area of Marinka. It was unsuccessful and suffered losses.

In Mariupol - the enemy continued to advance to the city center and fire on the positions of Ukrainian troops.

In the areas of Stepnohirsk and Huliaipole, the russian occupiers carried out artillery shelling of the positions of units of the Ukrainian Defence Forces.

In the Tavriya direction, Rosguard units in the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region continue to carry out filtering measures to identify Ukrainian servicemen, participants in the anti-terrorist operation, civic activists, as well as the seizure of weapons and ammunition.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy is taking measures to restore combat capability and replenish ammunition, continues engineering work. It carried out assault operations in the direction of the settlement of Blahodatne but with no success.

The naval staff of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian federation performs tasks in certain areas of the Black Sea and Azov operational zones. Some ships went to a closed area, probably to launch missile strikes on targets in Ukraine.

Defensive battles continue in the areas of Topolske, Kamyanka, Sukha Kamyanka.

The grouping of Ukrainian troops effectively restrains the advance of the russian enemy in the directions of the settlements of Huliaipole and Zaporizhzhia.

In the Avdiivka direction, Ukrainian warriors repel the assaults of the russian occupiers in the area of ​​the settlement of Verkhnotoretske.

In the Volyn and Siversky directions, there is the conduction of defense operations and other tasks in certain operational areas continue. The situation is under control and has not changed significantly.

The grouping of Ukrainian forces and means of defense of the city of Kyiv is deterring the Russian enemy, which is trying to break through the Ukrainian defense from the Northwest and East in order to take control of key roads and settlements.

In the south, the main efforts of the Ukrainian Defence Forces are focused on the organization of defense activities in the cities of Kryvyi Rih, Zaporizhzhia and Mykolayiv, to maintain the certain areas of the sea coast, protection and defense of critical infrastructure. Stabilization operations and territorial defense tasks are underway in certain areas.

In the Donetsk and Luhansk directions, the Ukrainian Joint Forces repulsed 5 Russian’s enemy attacks per day. Ukrainian soldiers destroyed 2 tanks, an infantry fighting vehicle and one vehicle. The Russian enemy also suffered casualties. The data on quantity is specified.

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 4 planes, 1 helicopter, 2 UAVs of various types and 2 cruise missiles in the previous day. The Air Force was also involved in striking certain ground targets and occupiers.


Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights

The growing military presence of Russian troops in the exclusion zone and near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant threatens to damage insulation facilities built over the station's fourth unit after its 1986 explosion.

This will inevitably lead to the release of significant amounts of radioactive dust and contamination of Ukraine and European countries.

Ignoring the strict safety rules at the nuclear facility, the occupiers are transporting and storing a significant amount of ammunition in the immediate vicinity of the nuclear power plant.

Dozens of tons of rockets, artillery shells, mortar ammunition are transported daily.

The transport corridor of the invaders passes through the city of Pripyat and a few hundred meters from the isolation facilities of the nuclear power plant.  Further ammunition is stored in the city of Chernobyl, near the city of Pripyat, which is also a short distance from the nuclear power plant.

There is a high risk of detonation of ammunition during loading and transportation.

Using nuclear power plants as a shelter and a means of influencing the course of the war, the troops of the Russian Federation deliberately endanger the whole of Europe.  Such actions are in direct violation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Force or Any Hostile to the Environment and Article 56 of the 1977 Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions and Other Acts Regulating International Obligations in the Nuclear Obligation.

I call on international partners and the IAEA to take all possible measures to withdraw the troops of the Russian Federation from the territories of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and take it and other nuclear facilities of Ukraine under its protection.


The enemy resorted to criminal methods of killing civilians of Ukraine and bypassed the territory of Ukraine with volley remote systems. In the Kharkiv region, the occupation forces are using their new engineering system for remote mining "Agriculture".

 This system is designed to create minefields at a distance of 5 to 15 km - the machine works like a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, installing anti-personnel mines, which are fired very quickly.

 In fact, the enemy can mine large areas in a very short period of time, which is a great danger, especially for civilians.  Russian militants carry out uncontrolled mining, in large areas, regardless of the place or territory of hostilities, thereby endangering primarily civilians.

 Such actions of the occupiers are a violation of the Protocol on the Prohibition or Restriction of the Use of Mines, Mine Traps and Others to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts.


Spokesperson of the MFA of Ukraine

Fake referendums in the occupied parts of Ukraine are null and void. No country in the world will ever recognize the forceful change of Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders. Instead, Russia will facе an even stronger international response, further deepening its isolation.


Prosecutor General’s Office

In Kharkiv region, Russian forces opened fire at a car with small children and parents inside.


The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, ignoring the norms of international humanitarian law, carried out a prohibited rocket-propelled artillery shelling of one of the settlements of the Kryvyi Rih with Tornado-C MLRS.


Occupation troops continue shelling settlements in Kyiv region. Two civilians were wounded in the shelling in Irpin. A 74-year-old woman died of her injuries the day before due to mortar fire at a medical facility.


Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

On Sunday, March 27 evacuation and the work of humanitarian corridors were held for Donetsk and Luhansk regions. A total of more than 1,000 people had been evacuated.




President of Ukraine

Address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Ukrainians.

Imagine, today they were frightened there in Moscow because of my interview to Russian journalists. To those of them who can afford to tell the truth. When journalists were preparing to publish our interview the Russian censorship agency came out with a threat. That's what they wrote - they demand not to publish the conversation. It would be ridiculous if it wasn't so tragic.

Well, if there is such a reaction, then we are doing everything right. Apparently, they have seen that their citizens have more and more questions about the state of affairs in their country.

Although we were limited in time, we talked quite thoroughly. I felt that everyone cares about Ukraine, cares about us and you, cares about our future. I wrote down a lot of questions and suggestions - we will work them out.

Today I supported the global marathon for peace in Ukraine. Not just a television one. In dozens of cities around the world, people gathered in support of our state, in support of freedom.

An impressive number of people in the squares of Europe, on other continents. Because when people are in the square, politicians will no longer pretend not to hear us and you, not to hear Ukraine.

I will continue to appeal to the parliaments of other countries. The week is planned to be very busy from a diplomatic point of view.

Once again, I want to thank our people in Kherson, Kakhovka, Slavutych and other cities who do not stop resisting the occupiers. If the occupiers had temporarily entered Ukrainian cities, it only means that they would have to leave.

Of course, this week we will work for new sanctions against the Russian Federation, against the aggression, sanctions that are needed as long as Russian troops remain on the territory of Ukraine.

A new round of negotiations is ahead. As I was informed, there is an opportunity and a need for a face-to-face meeting already in Turkey.

Our priorities in the negotiations are known. Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity are beyond doubt. Effective security guarantees for our state are mandatory. Our goal is obvious - peace and the restoration of normal life in our native state as soon as possible.

The Armed Forces of our state are holding back the occupiers, and in some areas they are even taking steps forward.

Full speech:


Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke with Ukrainian journalists creating the United News TV marathon

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke in a video conference mode with Ukrainian journalists, who create a continuous round-the-clock telethon "United News" and tell citizens the truth.

The Head of State noted the honest and united work of the media representatives.

"Now, during the war - terrible, tragic, but for Ukraine definitely victorious - you really are an army. A large, powerful army. I believe that today you are a great hope, a foundation, one of those whales on which a man in an ordinary Ukrainian town stands, a man who stops tanks with his bare hands. Today, people like you are holding on to the truth that the Russians do not have,” the President said.

He supported the proposal of journalists to increase the participation of government officials and MPs in the telethon in order to better communicate government initiatives.

The President stressed that the Ukrainian authorities are constantly in dialogue with representatives of Ukraine's partner countries. He thanked journalists for revealing to the world the image of Ukraine, which has been undisclosed so far.

"I want everything we do, everything you do, everything people do, our military, and all those victims were not in vain," said Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The President expressed his conviction that Ukraine would definitely win the war.

"We have definitely become leaders who have agency in the world. And we are not behind the scenes. It seems important to me. It is important that Ukraine has ceased to be a part of the Russian Federation for the whole world," the President said.


Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Ukraine calls the world to change the address of Russian embassies and consulates to

‘Ukraine Street’

As of March 28, the citizens of 34 countries are being urged to sign a petition to rename a street where offices of the Russian Embassies/Consulates are located to Ukraine Street. This would be a symbolic act of support for the Ukrainian people, defending their independence in the war started by Russia.

Dmytro Kuleba: “Forcing Russian embassies around the globe to be located on Ukraine Streets is part of our worldwide effort to isolate Russia and deputinize the world. Russians will have to literally read the name ‘Ukraine’ everywhere and anytime. A daily reminder that Ukraine is a sovereign state which will prevail and which will always exist, no matter how hard Russia tries to deny our right to exist.”

The campaign website contains links to petitions to rename the streets with the aggressor state’s embassies and consulates in 57 cities in 38 countries worldwide. The list will be extended further as the campaign develops.


3/28/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 03/28/2022 - 6:23am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. Volodymyr Zelensky on why Ukraine must defeat Putin
3. The true story about Russian lying
4. Here’s What Russia Did in Ukraine While You Were All Squabbling Over Biden’s ‘Attack’ on Putin
5. Putin wants ‘Korean scenario’ for Ukraine, says intelligence chief
6. If you want to help in Ukraine Please Consider Spirit of America
7. Ukraine’s warfare outmodes ‘psy-ops’
8. Ukrainian town near Chernobyl revolts against Russian occupiers
9. Instability brewer: Behind every war and turmoil in the world is shadow of the Star-Spangled Banner - Global Times
10. Ukraine's Intel Chief: We Have Sources In The Kremlin, But We Need Jets
11.  Zelensky opens the door for Ukraine neutrality in Russia peace deal
12. Biden’s Putin remark pushes U.S.-Russia relations closer to collapse
13. Analysis | Social media wasn’t ready for this war. It needs a plan for the next one.
14. Oft Forgotten But Critical Elements of Ukrainian Resistance
15. A Proxy War in Ukraine Is the Worst Possible Outcome — Except For All the Others
16. China’s Plan for Digital Dominance
17. The Ukrainian Exodus
18. Operation ‘brain drain’: Help Russian talent flow west

Korean News Content:

1.  N.K. leader says Pyongyang will further develop 'powerful strike means': state media
2. Allies view N. Korea's ICBM launch as involving Hwasong-15, not new missile: sources
3. Former commander Thurman said, “U.S. and South Korea need to resume large-scale real-world maneuvers… We need to deliver a strong message to North Korea.”
4. N. Korea opens photo exhibition marking decade of leader's rule
5. N.Korea’s ICBM launch crystallizes conflict among US, China, Russia
6. N. Korea carrying out construction at Punggye-ri nuclear test site: sources
7. Some experts predict Pyongyang could conduct the country’s next nuclear test within the year
8. S. Korea on alert for N. Korea's additional provocations
9. S. Korean, U.S., Japanese nuclear envoys discuss N. Korea's ICBM test
10. S. Korean volunteers deployed to front-line units in Ukraine: official
11. Elderly man sentenced to forced labor in Yanggang Province for contacting outside world
12. No security vacuum from the relocation
13. N. Hamgyong Province branch of unified command on anti-socialist behavior comes under investigation

3/27/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 03/27/2022 - 8:47am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. Putin Doesn’t Realize How Much Warfare Has Changed
3. With Captured Tanks, Ukraine Now Has More Armor Than When the War Began
4. Biden denounces Russian invasion, casting it as part of a decades-long attempt to crush democracies.
5. Russia's war in Ukraine is far from over
6. Why spies and veterans want to do more for Ukraine
7.  Essential reading for understanding U.S.-Russia intelligence warfare
8. Opinion | The Insidious Effects of the Meme-ification of War
9. How Biden sparked a global uproar with nine ad-libbed words about Putin
10. Dollar reserve system frays with India-Russia currency deals
11. Why India, US don’t see eye to eye on Ukraine
12. Philippines reaching back to US as Duterte fades away
13. Momentous Changes in the U.S. Marine Corps’ Force Organization Deserve Debate
14. Russian generals are getting killed at an extraordinary rate
15. Russian troops’ tendency to talk on unsecured lines is proving costly
16. Ukrainian Farming Town Destroys Putin's Tank Assault - BBC - 3/22/2022
17. Young Ukrainian mums tell how they have taken up arms to defend Odesa
18. English-language military drills held (Taiwan)
19. Air Force creates new information warfare training detachment
20. Wagging the Dog: The Ten Commandments of Propaganda
21. How my F-16 crashed into the cuckoo’s nest: Battling the internal and external demons

Korean News Content:

1. N.K. propaganda outlet slams Yoon's approach toward Pyongyang
2. Moon, Yoon to hold first meeting Monday
3. N. Korea crosses red line
4. Yoon cites 'pragmatism,' 'people's interests' as key to setting state agendas
5. How to Strengthen South Korea-US Cooperation on Combatting Cyber-enabled Financial Crime
6. Will North Korea Soon Test a Nuclear Weapon?
7. Blue House Brawl: South Korea Spars Over Where Next President Will Live
8. Allies view N. Korea's ICBM launch as involving Hwasong-15, not new missile: sources
9. President-elect Yoon to send delegation to U.S. for policy consultation
10. N. Korea carrying out construction at Punggye-ri nuclear test site: sources
11. North's latest ICBM launch may be a Hwasong-15 in disguise
12. North Korea may be preparing for nuclear test soon – report
13. Pence says U.S. will remain committed to defense of South Korea
14. Get tougher with North