Small Wars Journal

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN April 14, 11.00 am EST - The fiftieth day of the resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

Fri, 04/15/2022 - 6:34am

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



April 14, 11.00 am EST



General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 14.04 were approximately:

personnel - about 19900,

tanks ‒ 753,

APV ‒ 1968,

artillery systems – 366,

MLRS - 122,

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 64,

aircraft – 160,

helicopters – 144,

vehicles - 1437,

boats / cutters - 7, fuel tanks - 76,

UAV operational-tactical level - 134.

special equipment - 25.

mobile SRBM system - 4.

Data are being updated.


The fiftieth day of the resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues. Russia continues to build an aviation group near the eastern border of our state, strengthens artillery units, optimizes existing command systems, intelligence and medical support.

There is a constant threat of enemy use of missile weapons throughout Ukraine. The Russian occupiers continue to launch systematic missile and bomb strikes on military and civilian infrastructure in Kharkiv, Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts.

Russian forces did not take active action in the Volyn and Polissya areas. Certain units of the Belarus Armed Forces continue to carry out tasks to cover the Ukrainian-Belarusian border in Brest and Gomel regions. Planned combat training activities are underway.

In the Belarus town of Kholmych, at the checkpoints, the military police of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus are checking personal phones. Civilians are informed that Ukrainian units may attack Belarus at any time.

In the Siversky direction, the enemy is regrouping units of the Central Military District from the territory of the Bryansk and Kursk regions. After restoring combat capability, it concentrated these units in the Belgorod and Voronezh regions. Russia strengthens border control, conducts engineering equipment for positions, bases and ensures the presence of a small number of personnel, weapons and military equipment.

In the Slobozhansky direction, Russia conducts reconnaissance of probable areas of attack, increases the system of reconnaissance, management and medical support. It continues to partially block the city of Kharkiv and shells the city with artillery, regroups units and replenishes supplies.

In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions, Russian troops fought in the Slavyansk, Popasna, and Kurakhovo districts and attacked the city of Mariupol. They were not successful and the fighting continues.

Strengthening of grouping of the Russian enemy around Severodonetsk is carried out by the expense of separate divisions of the 2nd All Arms Army of the Central military district.

Coercive mobilization measures continue in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

In Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the defenders of Ukraine repulsed eight enemy attacks, destroyed a tank, four armored units and six vehicles, as well as one enemy artillery system.

Units of anti-aircraft missile forces shot down two enemy fighters during the previous day.


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

Along with the lives of civilians and the military, residential buildings and infrastructure, the aggressor state’s troops are destroying the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people.

Dozens of destroyed churches, theaters, memorials due to shelling by the Russian army.

According to the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, 189 cases of destruction of such objects have been recorded.

Destroyed or damaged:

74 cultural heritage sites.

82 religious buildings.

21 memorials.

15 buildings, museum complexes and reserves.

17 houses of culture, theaters, libraries.

The destruction and damage of Ukraine’s tangible cultural heritage sites is a gross violation by Russia, as a member of UNESCO, of the protocols to the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property during Military Conflict.


As of 10 a.m. on April 14, 2022, according to the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations and other sources that need confirmation, 197 (+6 per day) children have died and 351 children (+2 per day) have been injured since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began.

It is impossible to establish the actual number of dead and wounded children due to the fact that the occupying forces are actively fighting in Ukrainian cities.

The number of children killed as a result of the shelling of the Kramatorsk railway station has increased. As of today, two more children have died at the hospital. A total of 7 children were killed in the shelling of the railway station.

The bodies of children aged 4 and 10 with injuries were found in Gostomel and Bucha in the Kyiv region.

It also became known that in February, at a checkpoint in the Chornobyl zone near the village of Dytyatky in the Kyiv region, Russian servicemen shot dead a civilian car that had stopped on the roadside. A father and his minor son died.

As a result of the shelling of the village of Novoselivka in the Polohiv district of the Zaporizhzhia region by the Russian military, a 10-year-old boy was seriously injured.

As a result of daily bombings and shelling, 1,014 educational institutions were damaged, 91 of which were completely destroyed.

Such actions by the Russian occupation forces are a direct violation of the fundamental rights of children - the right to life and health, guaranteed to every child in the world by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


The occupying country deprives Ukrainian citizens of their livelihood.

On April 13, in temporarily occupied Melitopol, the Russian military stole money from the post office of the Ukrposhta for elderly citizens and vulnerable people in need of state support to pay pensions, benefits and subsidies.

The aggressor's troops, encroaching on the pension and social funds due to citizens, violate their right to peaceful possession of their property and leave the citizens of Ukraine without means of subsistence, provoking a humanitarian crisis in the occupied territories.

Possession of any property without the consent of its owner for personal use is looting, which according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court is a war crime.  Any person who commits such an act is responsible and should be punished.

I call on the UN Crisis Coordinator in Ukraine and the International Committee of the Red Cross to provide humanitarian assistance to the inhabitants of the occupied territories, including the city of Melitopol, which is on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe.



Prime Minister of Ukraine

On April 14, the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal met in Kyiv with the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Karim Khan. The meeting was also attended by the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Iryna Venediktova, Minister of Defence Oleksii Reznikov, Minister of Internal Affairs Denys Monastyrskyy, Minister of Justice Denys Malyuska and Deputy Head of the Office of the President Oleh Tatarov.

Denys Shmyhal thanked Karim Khan for his visit and stressed the importance of the ICC’s involvement in mobilizing all resources and launching an investigation into Russia’s brutal violations of international humanitarian law. The Head of the Ukrainian government reminded that Russia has been committing systematic and mass war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine since 2014.

"The Ukrainian people demand justice, the whole civilized world demands justice. And this requirement is burning," Denys Shmyhal stressed.

The Prime Minister spoke about the atrocious crimes of the Russian military in Bucha, Borodyanka, Irpin, Hostomel and other settlements. The Prime Minister reminded of the rocket attack on the Kramatorsk railway station and the crimes in Mariupol that Russia is trying to hide.

"It is time to conduct a swift and effective investigation, which will result in real charges. It is necessary to ensure the millions of victims of Russia’s armed aggression the right to a fair trial and bring to justice those who organize and directly commit horrific crimes against Ukrainians and all Ukrainians," said Denys Shmyhal, adding that 42 countries have already called on the ICC to conduct investigation.

The meeting participants stressed that investigative teams consisting of the National Police and prosecutors are carefully documenting crimes against civilians by the Russian military. This work is taking place, including in areas where hostilities are still going on.

According to the Prime Minister, Ukraine will continue to provide all necessary support in gathering evidence of Russia’s international crimes.

The ICC Chief Prosecutor responded by saying that the law should be mobilized on the side of humanity in order to put a halt to the suffering of the civilian population. According to Karim Khan, the ICC team will gather evidence so that all those who committed crimes will be held accountable.


Ministry of Health of Ukraine

During the time of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, 324 hospitals were damaged, of which 24 were completely destroyed. This was announced by Deputy Minister of Health Oleksii Yaremenko on air of Kyiv TV channel.

According to him, the list of destroyed medical institutions is replenished almost daily by new ruined hospitals. After all, Russians are destroying everything in their path.

Instead, in the territories already liberated from the occupiers, work is underway to restore healthcare facilities.

"As soon as the territory is de-occupied, we send the necessary resources there. In particular, the Ministry has already started planning the rehabilitation and reconstruction of hospitals. The Ministry of Health is currently working on a comprehensive plan of where hospitals will be built, in what shape they will be restored and what services they will provide. While the reconstruction of medical facilities continues, mobile hospitals may be temporarily located in some settlements. Also in hospitals where the scale of destructions is low, minor repairs will be carried out as an intermediate stage," Oleksii Yaremenko said.

The Ministry of Health is working systematically with international partners to rebuild every hospital needed to provide healthcare services to the population as soon as possible.

Humanitarian aid is also being actively supplied to healthcare facilities in the liberated territories. In particular, medicines, consumables and equipment.

It should be noted that since the beginning of the full-blown war, Ukraine has received more than 3,234 tons of medical humanitarian aid totaling more than UAH 3,214,000,000.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Statement by the MFA of Ukraine on the threat of illegal adoption of Ukrainian children by citizens of the Russian Federation

In the course of the ongoing full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the Russian occupiers continue to violate the norms of international law and resort to unacceptable actions -  the illegal and forced displacement of Ukrainian citizens, including children, among them orphans, children deprived of parental care, as well as children whose parents died as a result of Russia's military aggression, across the state borders of our State to the territory of Russia.

A blatant threat of illegal adoption of Ukrainian children by Russian citizens without observing all the necessary procedures determined by the legislation of Ukraine. In this context, information about the intention of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to sign “agreements” with the Russian occupation administrations in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions that would allow the transfer of orphans illegally deported from the territory of Ukraine to Russian families calls the particular concern in this context.

According to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the states that are parties to this international treaty, including Russia and Ukraine are obliged to take measures to combat the illegal movement and non-return of children from abroad.

The Kremlin’s attempts to provide “legitimate” grounds for its criminal actions on the territory of Ukraine are a cynical disregard for the fundamental laws and customs of warfare and universally recognized human rights.

In fact, in violation of international humanitarian law and basic standards of humanness, Russia is engaged in state-organized kidnapping of children and destruction of the future of the Ukrainian nation.

Such actions of the Russian occupiers can be qualified as kidnapping and require a decisive reaction from the international community, primarily from the relevant international organizations.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine appeals to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Committee of the Red Cross, UNICEF, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children to accept urgent measures for the return of Ukrainian children to the territory of our State.


Comment by the MFA of Ukraine on the Report of the OSCE Moscow Mechanism Mission of Experts in the context of the war of the Russian federation against Ukraine

The MFA of Ukraine welcomes the publication of the comprehensive Report on violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Russian Federation and its armed forces during the ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine.

For the first time, this OSCE mechanism was invoked by an unprecedented number of initiating countries - 46 together with Ukraine, which testifies to the recognition by the international community of the extreme seriousness and scale of Russia’s gross violations.

The findings of the Report clearly testify to the fact that Russia’s violations are on a scale that the international community has not seen in Europe in decades and that urgent action is needed to stop the aggressor-state. The recognition in the Report that certain parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions have also been occupied by Russia since 2014 is of crucial importance.

We view the OSCE Moscow Mechanism Report as an important contribution to the international community’s efforts to prevent impunity and ensure justice by holding accountable all masterminds and perpetrators of the crimes of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, war crimes, crimes against humanity and other violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. We take note of the fact that the Russian Federation refused to cooperate with the Mission of Experts which is nothing but a clear indication of the recognition of Russia’s full responsibility for the war of aggression it launched against Ukraine and its consequences.

The MFA of Ukraine draws separate attention to the Mission’s conclusion about the need for a serious international enquiry, on the spot, to investigate summary executions of a large number of civilians during the Russian occupation of villages in the proximity of Kyiv, in particular Bucha, pointing to war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Russia's armed formations.

Almost 100-pages Report provides strong evidence of the enormous amount of atrocities committed by Russia in Ukraine. As a conclusion, it is stressed that “the Mission found clear patterns of IHL violations by the Russian forces on many of the issues investigated. It is not conceivable that so many civilians would have been killed and injured and so many civilian objects, including houses, hospitals, cultural property, schools, multi-story residential buildings, administrative buildings, penitentiary institutions, police stations, water stations and electricity systems would have been damaged or destroyed if Russia had respected its IHL obligations in terms of distinction, proportionality and precautions in conducting hostilities in Ukraine. The conduct of the siege of Mariupol is an extreme example”.

4/14/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 04/14/2022 - 8:53am

Access National Security News HERE.

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4/13/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 04/13/2022 - 9:08am

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Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN April 12, 6.30 p.m. EST

Tue, 04/12/2022 - 7:52pm

 Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations




April 12, 6.30 p.m. EST


Operatives of the Security Service of Ukraine detained Viktor Medvedchuk.

There is a high threat of enemy use of missile weapons on military and civilian infrastructure throughout Ukraine and the possibility of intensification of the occupation forces advance to the administrative borders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

According to preliminary information, the occupiers may hold about 200 crew members of several ships that were blocked by the Russians in the port of Mariupol.

Defence Intelligence of Ukraine obtained a list of servicemen of the special unit of the Yastrub Rosguard of Nizhny Novgorod who committed war crimes.

Russian special services are planning a series of terrorist attacks to blow up residential buildings, hospitals and schools in Russian settlements - Kirill Budanov.




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Regrouping and relocation of enemy units to areas of concentration in the Slobozhansky and Donetsk directions continues. In order to prevent local residents from recording the movement of weapons and military equipment in the border areas of the Kursk, Bryansk and Voronezh regions of the Russian Federation, under the guise of a high level of "terrorist threat", the administrative-police regime was strengthened.

The enemy is accelerating the training of junior specialists in the eastern military district of the Russian Federation, mobilizing the Rosguard units and relocating additional troops to areas bordering Ukraine.

The Russian command is reviewing the terms of the contracts of Russian soldiers to legalize participation in hostilities outside Russia and to prevent them from being terminated.

There is a high threat of enemy use of missile weapons on military and civilian infrastructure throughout Ukraine and the possibility of intensification of the occupation forces advance to the administrative borders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

In the Volyn and Polissya areas, the situation has not changed significantly.

Planned measures of operational and combat training of units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus are being carried out in the Seversky direction. Some military units of this country continue to perform tasks to strengthen the Ukrainian-Belarusian section of the state border.

The partial blockade of the city of Kharkiv continues in the Slobozhansky direction. At the same time, the enemy continues to use artillery and rocket-propelled grenade launchers to destroy the residential areas of Kharkiv, Dergachi and Pyatihatki.

In the area of the city of Izyum, the occupiers regrouped units, replenished supplies and focused on maintaining the pontoon crossing over the Seversky Donets River. Air reconnaissance of the area with the use of UAVs continues. To strengthen the Russian Army in, separate units of the 1st Tank Army of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were moved to the area.

In the Donetsk direction, enemy troops continue the intensive use of aircraft and tactical missile systems.

During the day, the occupiers tried to improve the tactical situation in the areas of Popasna, Stepne, Rubizhne and Nizhne. They were unsuccessful.

Engineering units of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation are trying to restore the railway bridges in the area of Svatovo. The battle for Mariupol continues.

In the South Bug direction, the enemy is trying to hold the occupied territory, Russians conducted air reconnaissance with UAVs. In addition to that, the enemy was shelling Mykolayiv and Oleksandrivka from multiple rocket launchers.

In the Black and Azov Seas, enemy naval groups continue to carry out tasks to isolate the area of hostilities and reconnaissance.


Security Service of Ukraine

Operatives of the Security Service of Ukraine detained a Russian Spy, People's Deputy of Ukraine Viktor Medvedchuk. The detainee has family ties with Vladimir Putin. Russian President is the godfather of Medvedchuk's youngest daughter.

"I thank all the SSU officers, in particular, investigators and counterintelligence officers of the Security Service of Ukraine, who, following the instructions of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, proved their professionalism and conducted this lightning-fast and dangerous multilevel special operation to detain MP Medvedchuk. No traitor will escape punishment and will be held accountable under the Law of Ukraine. This person will answer for all the todays crimes against Ukraine, which his personal actions led to, "- said the Chairman of the SSU Ivan Bakanov.


Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

Defence Intelligence of Ukraine obtained a list of servicemen of the special unit of the Yastrub Rosguard of Nizhny Novgorod, who committed war crimes against the people of Ukraine. Full list of the war criminals:


"Russian special services are planning a series of terrorist attacks to blow up residential buildings, hospitals and schools in Russian settlements. In addition to that, their plan includes the launch of missile and bomb strikes on the city of Belgorod or one of the cities of Crimea, "said in a comment to press the Head of the Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine Major General Kirill Budanov.


Prosecutor General’s Office

A mission of French experts will help investigate Russia's war crimes. This was announced by Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova during a joint work with the foreign colleagues in Bucha, Kyiv region.


On April 10-11, 2022, units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out artillery and rocket attacks on the cities of Krasnohorivka, Marinka, and the villages of Velyka Novosilka, Mykhailivka, Novogrodivka, New York, South and North.

In Krasnohorivka, the remains of a cluster munition found on the street detonated in the hands of a local resident - the man died on the spot. Two seriously injured men and a woman from the same village were taken to the Pokrovsky Hospital.


On April 8-11, 2022, the servicemen of the aggressor state shelled the cities of Lysychansk, Popasna, Severodonetsk, Rubizhne, Kreminna and the town of Komyshuvakha. A civilian was killed and two others were wounded by shrapnel. Apartments, private houses and vehicles were destroyed or damaged. The gas pipeline in Severodonetsk was cut off.


On 24 March 2022, aerial bombardment was carried out on a residential area in Okhtyrka. As a result, 15 residential buildings were destroyed or damaged. Significant damage was caused to critical infrastructure. According to preliminary reports, 20 people were injured and 1 person killed.


On the night of 10 April 2022, Russian servicemen shelled two districts of Kharkiv with prohibited cluster munitions PTM-1. As a result, a number of residential buildings were damaged.


In Shevchenkove village in Kyiv Region, soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces were killing civilians during the occupation. During inspection of the territory, the bodies of six citizens with gunshot wounds were found in the basement of a private home.


In March, Russian soldiers used small arms and artillery to shoot at a convoy of five vehicles carrying civilians at the exit from the village of Peremoha in Kyiv Region. The enemy attack killed four people, including a 13-year-old boy.

Also near the village of Havronshchyna in the Kyiv region, the occupiers shot at a civilian vehicle. The enemy attack killed 5 people, including two children aged 1 and 14. The bodies of the dead were buried by local residents next to the vehicle.


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

On the territory of the Mariupol Sea Commercial Port, members of the crew of the dry cargo ship "Blue Star-1" under the Liberian flag were taken hostage by the military of the Russian Federation.

18 sailors who are citizens of Ukraine were taken to the temporarily occupied Donetsk.

According to preliminary information, the occupiers may hold about 200 crew members of several ships that were blocked by the Russians in the port of Mariupol.


The city of Izyum in the Kharkiv region is on the verge of survival.

According to city officials, there are now about 15,000 civilians in Izyum.

Due to the active hostilities and occupation of the territory, there is no light, no water, no heat, no communication.  Medical facilities do not work, there is no medicine.

People are starving, because it is currently impossible to deliver food to them, and it is impossible to evacuate them from the city.


As a result of the exchange, which took place on April 9, Hanna Gavrilina, the head of the village of Gremyach in the Chernihiv region, was released after 20 days of captivity.

The occupiers detained the woman on charges of allegedly "working as a fire adjuster" for the Ukrainian military.

At first, Ms. Anna was taken to a tent camp, where she was kept in the cold for a week, almost without sleep, and threatened with reprisals during daily interrogations: she was beaten on the head with a lock, shot over the head, and threatened to shoot her knees.

Then the woman was taken to a pre-trial detention center in Kursk (Russia), where her hair was cut for expressing her pro-Ukrainian position.

Ms. Hanna spoke about one Ukrainian compatriot girl who tried to hang herself on a prison sheet because of torture.


The occupiers use children as spies and fire adjusters.

In Kharkiv, the Russians tried to recruit a minor through the Telegram so that the young boy could provide information about the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the city for a monetary reward.

In the Luhansk region, two Russian servicemen personally offered a 16-year-old boy funds for information on the locations and routes of Ukrainian troops.  They assured the boy that nothing would happen to him because he was a minor.

The Security Service of Ukraine reported that in both cases the minors did not have time to pass information to the occupiers.


In the temporarily occupied Melitopol of the Zaporozhye region, russian servicemen detain businessmen en masse, and release them only after paying "compensation".


More than 800 students in the temporarily occupied city of Volnovakha are being forced Russians to study near the war zone.


In the occupied territories of Ukraine, Russian invaders are increasing forced mobilization.




Prime Minister of Ukraine

Today is the 48th day of fighting of the Ukrainian people against the aggressor and the occupier. Struggles for our freedom. Struggles for our state. Struggles for the opportunity to live on our land.

Due to the toughness of the Ukrainian military, four regions have been completely liberated, and the country and the economy can function now to ensure our victory. On the economic, informational, and diplomatic front, we are exerting every effort to help the Ukrainian army defeat its enemies.

After the start of the full-scale war, the Government identified 9 key areas of work. We adapt our policies and strategies. We are retrofitting the rules to restart the economy and provide social support to the people.

The army is a key priority, so last week an additional UAH 33 billion was allocated to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and an additional UAH 1.5 billion to the Security Service of Ukraine. UAH 19 billion will be spent on weapons. UAH 7 billion for the repair of equipment and weapons. UAH 5 billion - for the purchase of real property and personal protective equipment for the military. UAH 1.3 billion for operational support.

Also met with the leadership of the European Union in Kyiv. We have received a questionnaire that we have to fill out in order to obtain the status of a candidate for EU membership. They started working on it. We expect that Ukraine will be able to receive such a status no later than June this year.

Formalized the decision on a full embargo on imports of goods from Russia. After the full-blown invasion, the flow of goods was halted, and it was important to officially consolidate it.

We support our people in the liberated territories. A sum worth UAH 1 billion has been allocated for the priority reconstruction of infrastructure in the liberated cities and villages of Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy and Zhytomyr regions. We constantly send humanitarian aid, free things, medicines. In addition, today at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers decided to allocate an additional UAH 490 million for basic rehabilitation and normal operation of road infrastructure, including in the liberated areas.

We continue to distribute free food packages in frontline cities. The state buys products mainly from Ukrainian producers to load them with orders. For most items purchased from 30 to 80% of all necessary.

We support IDPs. 1 million people have already officially registered. They continued to apply for the monthly payment program until April 30. Separately today, a decision was made to allocate UAH 200 million to employers who hire workers from the number of IDPs. We are talking about the payment of UAH 6,500 for each new employee. More than 5,000 employers have already asked for compensation for the employment of displaced persons.

Successfully completed the heating season. 9 billion cubic meters of gas in storage. 1 million tons of coal in warehouses. We begin preparations for the next heating season.

In all regions, except Luhansk, a sowing campaign was launched. We help farmers. They have already been provided with preferential financing for UAH 3.5 billion. At today's meeting of the Government, a decision was made to simplify the registration of agricultural machinery as much as possible. Hence to ensure the ongoing process of sowing and fieldwork.

An additional UAH 2.3 billion has been allocated today for the 5-7-9 program. We also reformatted this program. Now every entrepreneur can get a loan at 0% in the amount of up to UAH 60 million. Interest before the bank will be paid by the state. Restarting and restoring business is a necessary condition for the stability of our economy, so we help.

Finally, the business relocation program. More than 250 state-supported production facilities have already been relocated to other areas. Of these, 121 companies are already fully operational in the new location, others - are in the process of relocation. Another 430 productions are waiting their turn.


Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine

Olga Stefanishyna during the speech at the conference on April, 11 in Vienna called on the Energy Community and European leaders to mobilize financial resources for the immediate reconstruction of the liberated territories, including the restoration of energy infrastructure and energy supply.

She noted the importance of the decision to synchronize Ukraine’s integrated energy system with the ENTSO-E continental European energy network, despite Russia’s full-scale hostilities against Ukraine. The official stressed that this was possible both due to a set of reforms that Ukraine has implemented earlier, and real political leadership in Europe.

Olga Stefanishyna underlined that Ukraine remains committed to implementation of the Green Deal in Ukraine. The Deputy Prime Minister paid special attention to the importance of expanding the embargo on energy resources from Russia.




Ministry of energy of Ukraine

Operation of the power system of Ukraine on April 12

Over the past 24hrs, electricity supply to more than 51,7 thousand consumers has been restored.

In particular, in Dnipropetrovsk region - 25 thousand consumers, Kyiv – 13,8 thousand, Kharkiv - 5 thousand, Donetsk – 4,8 thousand, Mykolaiv – 2,6 thousand, Zaporizhzhia - 500 consumers.

Gas supply was restored to more than 5,7 thousand consumers.

Ukrainian energy companies are making every effort to quickly restore energy supply to Ukrainian citizens.

However, in some areas, emergency recovery work is complicated or impossible due to the intensification of hostilities and the emergence of new damage.

As of April 12, more than 974 settlements in Ukraine remain without electricity, a total of about 725,9 thousand consumers.

More than 293 000 consumers remain without gas supply.


Deputy Minister for Energy for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitization Farid Safarov: Since the beginning of the war, we have recorded an average of more than 4,000 attempts of cyber attacks in the energy sector.

The teamwork of specialists from the Ministry, the State Special Communications Service, the Security Service of Ukraine, the National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity and the government's CERT-UA computer emergency response team can prevent or repel most cyber-attacks on critical energy infrastructure.

The total number of cybersecurity events that have been recorded since the beginning of the war (in 47 days) is over 200,000. For comparison, there were about 900,000 in the past year.

The number of DDos attacks since the beginning of the war has been more than 50, compared to only 2 last year.

Also in the last week, there have been about 20,000 attempts to attack the infrastructure of the Ministry of Energy itself.

Most cyberattacks occur in the electricity sector.


Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN April 12, 10.30 a.m. EST

Tue, 04/12/2022 - 3:42pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



April 12, 10.30 a.m. EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 12.04:

personnel - 19600,

tanks ‒ 732,

APVs ‒ 1946,

artillery systems – 349,

MLRS - 111,

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 63,

aircraft – 157,

helicopters – 140,

vehicles - 1406,

vessels - 7,

fuel tanks - 76,

UAVs operational-tactical level – 124,

special equipment – 25,

mobile SRBM systems - 4.


The forty-eighth day of the resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues. The Russian Federation continues its full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine.

Russia is trying to complete the regrouping and relocation of units to areas of concentration in the Belgorod and Voronezh regions of the Russian Federation, as well as the relocation of air and space forces to airfields in the immediate vicinity of Ukraine's eastern borders.

The Russian occupiers, ignoring the norms of international humanitarian law, continue to use tactics of placing equipment and manpower directly in housing. Thus, in the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson oblasts, the Russian forces use the premises of agricultural enterprises, energy and social infrastructure facilities, and the central districts of settlements. Cases of enemy fighting in civilian clothes have been reported.

In the Volyn and Polissya directions, Russian troops did not take active action. No changes in the position and actions of enemy units in these areas have been recorded.

In the Siversky direction, Russia completes the redeployment of individual units to the eastern operational zone. Units of the 41st Combined Arms Army of the Central Military District are being relocated to designated areas in the Belgorod and Voronezh oblasts.

In the Slobozhansky direction, enemy troops continue to partially block the city of Kharkiv. In the area of the city of Izyum, Russia is fighting with separate units of the 1st tank and 20th Guards Combined Arms Army. It conducts air reconnaissance in order to identify the positions of units of Ukrainian troops and determine the routes of their deployment.

In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions, Russia is fighting and holding certain borders with forces from the Southern Military District. It carries out the movement of additional units to conduct hostilities on the territory of Ukraine.

There are signs of strengthening the air defence system in the areas of Melitopol and Ilovaisk.

It is likely that in the future Russia will try to take control of the city of Mariupol, capture Popasna and launch an offensive in the direction of Kurakhove in order to reach the administrative borders of Donetsk region.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy holds certain boundaries by units of the Southern Military District. It replenishes regular losses in manpower and equipment. It tries to ensure the survival of its own control points. Russia does not stop trying to gain a foothold on the administrative borders of Kherson region.

In the waters of the Black and Azov Seas, Russian enemy naval groups continue to perform tasks related to the isolation of the area of hostilities, reconnaissance, and fire support of ground units.

The threat of the enemy's use of missile weapons remains.

In the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, our soldiers repulsed six enemy attacks, destroyed four tanks, five armored units, twenty-six vehicles and eight enemy artillery systems.

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has hit seven air targets in the previous day: one plane, two helicopters and four unmanned aerial vehicles.


Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

4,354 people were evacuated on April 11 as the result of the work of humanitarian corridors, including: 556 people – from Mariupol; 3,298 people - residents of cities of Zaporizhia region (Pology, Vasylivka, Berdiansk and Melitopol).


Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

Russian servicemen from the 47th Tank Division who took part in the battles against Ukraine did not receive the promised additional surcharges. The last surcharges they received were 2 percent of their pre-war salary.

The status of "veteran" can theoretically be obtained only by those who were injured, treated in hospital and have an official record of injuries. The occupier's troops bombard the command with appeals for bonuses and "veteran" status, but they are all ignored.

Additional incentive to refuse to take part in the war against Ukraine was the large number of bodies that are beginning to arrive to Russia. In order not to cause panic, the command ordered to transport them in small batches. According to the commanders, this will help avoid discontent and resistance in some units, as well as panic among local communities.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

In Ukraine, the application "TiHto" has been launched to check for suspects.

The application was developed by the YouControl and Artellence teams with the support of cyber specialists of the Security Service of Ukraine.

Its main purpose is to simplify the procedure for checking suspects at checkpoints, on the streets during curfew, at the entrance to shelters or in other situations.

The application does not contain, store or transfer personal data, and works with information from open registers.


During the day, the police recorded 27 shellings of settlements by the occupying troops of the Russian Federation

The enemy fired mortars, artillery, and rocket-propelled grenade launchers at the cities of Severodonetsk, Rubizhne, Kreminna, Lysychansk, Novodruzhesk, Popasna, and Gorskoye. In addition to that, mobile communications have partially disappeared in the region.


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

As of 10 a.m. on April 12, 2022, according to the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations and other sources that need confirmation, 186 (+3 per day) children have died and 344 children (+2 per day) have been injured since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began.

It is impossible to establish the actual number of dead and wounded children due to the fact that the occupying forces are actively fighting in Ukrainian cities.

A 1.5-year-old girl died as a result of the shelling of a house in Mariupol by Russian troops.

During the fixation of criminal offenses committed in the village Gavronshchyna, Bucha district, Kyiv region, a shot dead civilian car was found.  The bodies of five people were buried nearby, including two children aged 1 and 14 years.

The body of a 5-year-old child with multiple injuries resulting from the rupture of an artillery shell was found in Kyiv Region.

According to UNICEF in Ukraine, due to the war of 3.2 million children left in their homes, about 1.6 million children are at risk of living on the brink of starvation and at risk of food shortages.

To date, daily bombings and shelling have damaged 938 educational institutions, 87 of which have been completely destroyed.


At night, the outskirts of Severodonetsk and Gorsky in the Luhansk region were shelled with phosphorous shells, and large-scale destruction was inflicted.

The anti-personnel mine MON-90 was found in the private sector of Irpin, a charge of 6.2 kg of plastid.  Mined under the guise of a checkered bag.

In the Kharkiv region, law enforcement officers recorded the mass use of delayed-action mines by the enemy.  They do not work immediately, only when they are affected by a person or other motion factor.

Rescuers managed to destroy more than 80 mines yesterday - on roofs, attics and even on playgrounds for children.

In total, 6,252 explosive devices were found and neutralized in Ukraine during the day of pyrotechnics.  The largest number is in the Kharkiv region (2,327 subjects).  In total, since the beginning of the war, rescuers have neutralized 54,523 explosive devices.


In Severodonetsk, the occupiers destroyed a humanitarian aid center, and the building came under massive shelling.  Eight shells hit the room where the center was located.  The walls were destroyed, there was a significant fire in the warehouse

The night shelling of the outskirts of Severodonetsk and Gorsky has catastrophic consequences - almost all communications have been destroyed.  People were left without light, water and gas.  95,795 consumers were left without electricity; 36 settlements were without electricity.

As a result of artillery shelling with.  Mykhailivka, Pokrovskyi district, Donetsk region, 30 houses were damaged.



President of Ukraine

Address of the President to the Parliament of Lithuania

Dear Mrs. Speaker, Mrs. Viktoria, I remember your visit to Kyiv, one of the first since the beginning of this war.

Dear Mr. President, friend Gitanas, you have been to Ukraine many times, you and I have done a lot together. I'm sure we will do even more!

Dear Mrs. Prime Minister, Mrs. Ingrida, I am grateful to you for your visit yesterday.

Dear Lithuanian people!

I am grateful for the opportunity to address you today on behalf of the entire Ukrainian people, who will always remember your sincerity and readiness to support us at the most difficult time for our country.

You were among the first to come to the aid of Ukraine. And you remain among those who care most about peace and security of Europe.

In the liberated areas of Ukraine, work continues to record and investigate war crimes committed by the Russian Federation. Almost every day new mass graves are found. Evidence is being gathered. Thousands and thousands of victims. Hundreds of cases of brutal torture. Human corpses are still found in manholes and basements. Tied up, mutilated bodies. There are villages - once quite large, which were left almost without inhabitants. Hundreds of children are orphans. That is, at least hundreds of children, because we do not know the exact number of victims yet. Hundreds of cases of rape have been recorded, including underage girls, very young children... And even a baby! It's just scary to talk about it now. Even this person, this Russian savage Bychkov from Pskov is identified. The paratrooper or special services officer who sent this video to his comrades. Video of what he does to the baby. How he torments the baby!

This is the Russian military. "Defender" of children. This is a "special operation" planned in Moscow. This is the story of the struggle for the "Russian world". This is what the Russian army and Russian paratroopers will now be associated with. From Pskov.

Russian propagandists have apparently already begun to justify this. They will probably say, as always, that this did not happen, or even if it did happen, it was the protection of "Russian-speakers." And propagandists will also be responsible for this crime, as well as for any such crime. Including those who educate such paratroopers. From Pskov, including those in Europe who still do not remove Russian propaganda from television. Everywhere in Ukraine where the occupiers came, along the roads, in yards, parks, gardens, there is a burial of people whose bodies could not be taken to cemeteries. And all this is within a period of several weeks of Russian occupation. About a month. In the areas around our capital, in the Chernihiv and Sumy regions, in the north of our state.

The whole world remembered the name of the city of Bucha. But this is just one symbol of the crimes of the Russian military. You can take any other city from those where they managed to gain a foothold for a while, any village... The occupiers did the same thing there as in Bucha.

And what is in the east of our country, where Russian troops still remain? What is in the south? We cannot even imagine what is in Mariupol and Volnovakha, which were almost destroyed by the Russian army. Corpses are no longer left on the streets there. They are taken out and probably burned.

There are mass deportations of people from the occupied areas. Hundreds of thousands of people have already been deported. They are placed in special filtration camps. Documents are taken away from them. They are interrogated and humiliated. It is unknown how many are killed.

The European Union is discussing the sixth - I emphasize: the sixth package of sanctions against Russia for the war unprecedented since World War II, and it is still unknown whether oil will be subject to sanctions.

Even after seeing massacres in Bucha and other cities, even knowing about the deportations of people, even watching the deliberate destruction of peaceful cities by Russian missiles and air bombs - some EU countries cannot decide when they will at least significantly limit the purchase of Russian energy.

Hundreds of European companies and banks have not only not yet refused to operate in the Russian market, but are also showing outright contempt in response to demands to stop financing Russia's military machine through their taxes and excise taxes. And all this is happening right now - when the blood is still fresh. What does this indicate?

If oil is being seriously discussed only for the sixth package of sanctions, then the world does not realize what war Russia was preparing for. If there is still no clear decision on Russian gas, there can be no certainty that Europe has a common will to stop Russian war crimes. To force Russia to seek peace.

If there are large European companies and large European banks, which even in the midst of hostilities in Ukraine do not consider it necessary to withdraw from the Russian market, it means that all other companies will take this as a signal: wait, wait a bit and then you can work as usual, even if nothing changes significantly in Russia's behavior.

I am grateful to you for the leadership. For being the first to abandon Russian energy now. When it is really necessary.

I am grateful to you, Gitanas, for the important decision. For being the first to give us real help, to give us weapons. Stingers and more.

It was a historic manifestation of leadership. After all, the Lithuanian people, like no other, understand how the occupiers can destroy freedom and at what cost the independence is rebuilt then, which you have done exemplary.

This is exactly the kind of leadership the whole continent needs now to truly save and uphold common values that are undoubtedly important for Europe.

To prove that the common values of freedom, human rights, respect for state borders and prevention of a war of invasion are in fact alive, not something outdated and worthy of a museum only.

When the continent thought primarily of selfish interests, rather than of what should unite everyone, this has always led to terrible times for Europe as a whole. Discord, outbreaks of revanchism, wars - this is definitely not what Europeans need in the 21st century.

But this is what Russia is trying to bring back.

The Russian state must be responsible for this war. Russian officials and military commanders, all those guilty of war crimes, must be held accountable. All organizers and perpetrators of deportation must be held accountable. Russia must be deprived of any opportunity to terrorize its neighbors.

It's not just about us, it's not just about Ukraine! The real Russian plans are obvious to everyone. Ukraine is just the beginning. Next, God forbid, but next is your state, other Baltic states, Moldova, Georgia, Poland, Central Asian states. Threats are already being heard from Moscow against Finland and Sweden.

How will Europe be able to stop Russia's further expansion if it is not yet able to stop even what is happening in Ukraine now? Although I know that Lithuania is already doing everything one hundred percent to protect Europe's values, freedom and security for Europeans, it is important that the whole of Europe works one hundred percent.

We cannot wait for the elaboration of the seventh or eighth or ninth, tenth, twentieth package of sanctions against Russia in order to make really powerful decisions. We must do everything necessary now - in the sixth package of sanctions. The European Union can do that. And it must do that. It must include oil there. It must impose sanctions on Russian banks - on all of them, not part. No demonstrations needed.

Specific deadlines must finally be set for each EU state in order to really abandon or at least significantly limit the consumption of Russian gas, oil, etc. Only then will the Russian leadership come to the conclusion that real peace must be sought. That war is a catastrophe first of all for them.

We have already achieved a lot at the bilateral level. True understanding. True allied relations based not just on interests, but on values and on our common historical path.

We will only strengthen our cooperation in the original format of the Lublin Triangle. This will definitely be the basis for a new security configuration in the Baltic-Black Sea region.

Ukraine is also grateful to all our friends in the European Union for starting the accelerated procedure for our country to obtain the status of a candidate for EU membership. We are especially grateful to the Republic of Lithuania.

Successfully completing the procedure in the near future is also a must to show Russia that the war will not break either you or the whole of Europe.

And when peace finally comes - and I am sure it will come very soon if everyone in Europe is truly principled - we will be able to quickly and demonstratively rebuild Ukraine after this war.

I invite your society, your companies, your state to join the project of reconstruction of Ukraine. The reconstruction, which will be the most convincing argument for all those who still have doubts about Europe. About its future. About its potential.

Life must win the war. Values must win the war. Europe must win the war. And we will win.


Ministry for Communities and Territories Development

The government of Ukraine has decided to allocate the first UAH 1 billion to eliminate the consequences of hostilities in the occupied regions. The funds will be used to carry out the most necessary priority works on the reconstruction of facilities in Kyiv (UAH 400 million), Sumy (UAH 250 million), Chernihiv (UAH 250 million) and Zhytomyr (UAH 100 million) oblasts.

The funds of the reserve fund of the state budget are allocated to the regional military administrations and will be directed to the following areas: repair and replacement of filling of window and door openings (current repairs); overhaul of roof and roof structures; current repair of the roof covering; elimination of potholes of streets and roads of settlements; repair of external and internal engineering networks and systems, including heat supply, gas supply, water supply, drainage, sewerage, heating, electrical networks; dismantling of destroyed structures and other priority measures to restore the infrastructure of settlements.


Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine has collected more than 3,234 tons of humanitarian aid, including medicines, medical devices, medical equipment and other goods.

During the war, Ukraine received numerous shipments of medicines from around the world. Medical humanitarian aid has already been distributed to the central, southern and eastern regions to ensure the smooth operation of Ukrainian hospitals.

The ministry is grateful to Ukrainian and international partners, business and charities for their strong support.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Two private companies, AXON (the USA) and Benish GPS (Switzerland), donated $ 4 million of special equipment (i.e. chest video recorders) to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. It will allow Ukrainian law enforcement to effectively collect and digitize evidence of Russian war crimes against Ukraine.

The equipment received by the Ministry of Internal Affairs is considered to be one of the best sample in its field. The body cameras provided by the companies will be used by investigators and forensic scientists to capture traces of war crimes, and the data will be transferred to a single archive of historical memory of Russia's aggression against peaceful Ukraine.

The American company AXON is a leader in the production of high-tech security equipment, together with Benish GPS - one of the leaders in the IT market in Europe. Both AXON and Benish GPS call on international companies to join in helping Ukraine at this difficult time.


4/12/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 04/12/2022 - 9:31am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. I Commanded U.S. Army Europe. Here's What I Saw in the Russian and Ukrainian Armies. by Mark Hertling
3. Army generals to be nominated to lead European Command, Special Operations Command: report
4. Leaders Update Special Ops Vision, Strategy
5. SOF Vision and Strategy
6. 70 years and Counting: U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School celebrates anniversary
7. Security Assistance to Ukraine Continues Unabated
8. For America’s security aid programs, who will run the show?
9. British veteran of US Marines who battled ISIS is now helping Ukraine's special forces take the fight to Putin's battalions
10. Opinion | America Needs to Stop Being Polite and Start Getting Real
11. Ukraine Situation Report: Leopard Tanks Could Arrive In Six Weeks With Germany's Approval
12. U.S. SOF Vision & Strategy - 2022 | SOF News
13. Analysis | Congress comes off the sidelines on Ukraine. Will it stay on the field?
14. Opinion | Trump is wrong about war. Russia’s failure in Ukraine shows why. By Max Boot
15. Mariupol mayor says siege has killed more than 10K civilians
16. Concern over possible use of chemical weapons as battle rages in besieged Ukrainian port
17. The Army’s transformation begins with these new units
18. Russia’s war in Ukraine is about to enter a new phase
19. The US Navy SEALs just turned 60. Here are the missions that have made them legendary.
20. What the U.S. Military Needs to Learn from the Ukraine War by James Stavridis
21. Supporting Ukraine for the Long War
22. The Clarion Call of Failure in Afghanistan
23. A Chinese Invasion of Taiwan: What Response Would Americans Support?
24. What Ukraine Needs Now
25. FDD | To be effective, US policy on PRC must be actioned early and often
26. The Ukraine Temptation – Biden Should Resist Calls to Fight a New Cold War
27. FDD | Putin’s war perverts a personal geography
28. FDD | Uyghur Tribunal Emerges as a Model for Addressing War Crimes in Ukraine
29. FDD | The U.S. Should Sanction Gaza’s Popular Resistance Committees
30. The Right’s Speech-Code Moment
31. Russia Used ‘Mobile Crematoriums’ to Dispose of Mariupol Dead, Mayor Says
32. Russia ‘using weapons smuggled by Iran from Iraq against Ukraine’

Korean News Content:

1. Yoon says sorry to ex-President Park, invites her to inauguration ceremony
2. N.K missile tests aimed at defeating U.S. missile defense: CRS report
3. North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons and Missile Programs (CRS Report)
4. N. Korean leader celebrates completion of major housing project in Pyongyang
5. N. Korea demolishing S. Korean-built golf resort at Mount Kumgang: Seoul official
6. N. Korea says forest fire broke out in Mount Kumgang area over weekend
7. N. Korea releases photo books touting late founder's diplomacy with China, Russia
8. Navy carrier strike group steams off Korean Peninsula amid talk of North Korean test
9. Possibility of Yoon-Biden summit in May arises
10. Shame on our lawmakers (South Korea)
11. RDP MOU, the FTA in defense?
12.  Presidential office relocation expected to usher in new era for Yongsan
13.  N. Korean security officials use arrested foreign mobile phone users to investigate persons of interest
14.  UN aviation agency chief voices concern over North Korea's unannounced missile launches
15. North Korea's Recent Missile Tests and Activity at Nuclear Test Site

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN April 11, 6.00 p.m. EST

Mon, 04/11/2022 - 7:54pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



April 11, 6.00 p.m. EST


Russian forces continue to partially block the city of Kharkiv, firing from multiple rocket launchers, artillery and mortars.

Russia is preparing another offensive. The occupiers concentrated tens of thousands of soldiers and a huge amount of equipment to try to strike again.

President Zelenskyy: occupiers stated that they could use chemical weapons against the defenders of Mariupol.

If Ukraine receives the necessary weapons in time, it will win - Andriy Yermak.

Denis Shmyhal discussed Ukraine’s support in overcoming the consequences of aggression and increasing sanctions against Russia during an online meeting with members of the United States Congress.

Mykhailo Podolyak: Ukraine's position in negotiations with Russia will depend on our success on the frontline




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russia does not abandon plans to fully capture the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblast.

Russian forces continue to partially block the city of Kharkiv, firing from multiple rocket launchers, artillery and mortars.

In the area of the city of Izium, the Russian occupiers are trying to keep the borders that were captured earlier.

In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions, Russian troops tried to attack the city of Siverodonetsk, but were unsuccessful. During the Popasna attack, they used the Tochka-U tactical missile system. Attempts to advance deep into Ukraine defences to improve the tactical situation were unsuccessful.

Russian forces are carrying out assault operations in some areas of the city of Mariupol.

In the South Buh direction, the Russian occupiers are trying to improve the tactical situation and gain a foothold on the administrative borders of the Kherson region. There are many cases of desertion in enemy units.

Russian occupying troops are trying to carry out measures of information and psychological influence on the people of Kherson city and the oblast. To do this, they distribute information bulletins containing distorted information about the course of hostilities, substantiate the so-called "special military operation" of the Russian occupiers, impose on citizens of Ukraine registration of social benefits, including pensions in accordance with norms and rules established in the Russian Federation, disseminate information about Russian telegram channels in which allegedly "reliable" information is published.

In order to quickly replenish the losses of its troops, the occupation authorities announced another wave of mobilization of men under 65 in Luhansk. Soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation conduct raids on utilities and factories to identify conscripts and forcibly send them to military registration and enlistment offices.

At the same time, in Alchevsk, with the beginning of hostilities, more than 300 people among the mobilized locals lost their lives. More than 1,200 people have been brought to a hospital in Donetsk since the beginning of the large-scale war.


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

The threat of Russia's use of chemical weapons in Mariupol.

Representatives of the so called DPR occupation administration are already openly threatening to use chemical weapons against the Ukrainian military defending Mariupol at Azovstal factory.

Russian media are spreading the statement of Eduard Basurin, one of the leaders of the so-called "People's Militia of the DPR", that there is no point in storming the Azovstal underground fortifications in Mariupol. It is advisable to close all exits and use chemical weapons.


Forced deportation of Ukrainian citizens to the Russian Federation, filtration camps, rape of children and adults in the occupied territories. On Radio Svoboda, she spoke about the crimes of the Russian military against Ukrainian citizens, which are recorded daily by the Office of the Commissioner.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

The enemy continues to fire at nitric acid tanks in Luhansk and Donetsk regions.


Today, as a result of artillery shelling in the village. Mykhailivka, Pokrovsky district, 30 houses were damaged.


Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

On April 11, 9 humanitarian corridors were agreed in Luhansk, Donetsk and Zaporizhia regions.




President of Ukraine

The 47th day of the Russian-Ukrainian war, this shameful invasion that is gradually wiping Russia out of international relations, is coming to an end. Invasion that makes it more and more toxic every day. Now it is only a matter of time before the Russian army with its own actions and war crimes forces everyone in the world to renounce all ties with the Russian Federation.

Security work is underway in the northern regions of our country, from where the occupiers were expelled. First of all, it is mine clearance. Russian troops left behind tens if not hundreds of thousands of dangerous objects. These are shells that did not explode, mines, tripwire mines. At least several thousand such items are disposed of daily.

The occupiers left mines everywhere. In the houses they seized. Just on the streets, in the fields. They mined people's property, mined cars, doors. They consciously did everything to make the return to these areas after deoccupation as dangerous as possible. Due to the actions of the Russian army, our territory is currently one of the most contaminated by mines in the world. And I believe this should also be considered as a war crime of Russian troops. They deliberately did everything to kill or maim as many of our people as possible, even when they were forced to withdraw from our land. Without the appropriate orders, they would not have done it.

This afternoon I met on Bankova Street with an expert group working on the creation of a special mechanism for pre-trial investigation and judicial review of all war crimes committed by the occupiers. We are working on a legal way to bring the occupiers to justice, which will be as effective and as fast as possible. In order not to wait for decades until all international legal procedures are completed, but to accelerate the onset of justice. I expect that the options for creating such a special mechanism will be presented in the near future.

Today, the occupiers issued a new statement, which testifies to their preparation for a new stage of terror against Ukraine and our defenders. One of the mouthpieces of the occupiers stated that they could use chemical weapons against the defenders of Mariupol. We take this as seriously as possible.

I want to remind the world leaders that the possible use of chemical weapons by the Russian military has already been discussed. And already at that time it meant that it was necessary to react to the Russian aggression much tougher and faster.

The European Union has now begun discussing a sixth package of sanctions against Russia.

It is time to make this package such that even a word about weapons of mass destruction is no longer heard from the Russian side. An oil embargo against Russia is mandatory.

Any new package of sanctions against Russia that does not affect oil will be received in Moscow with a smile.

I spoke about the need to strengthen sanctions against Russia in my address to the parliament and people of the Republic of Korea.

This week I will continue this format of communication with partner countries. Tomorrow I will address the parliament and the people of the Republic of Lithuania.

By the way, Prime Minister of Lithuania Ingrida Šimonytė paid a visit to Ukraine today. I am grateful to her for the support, as well as to all the Lithuanian people.

The issue of punishing all those guilty of crimes against Ukrainians was also discussed today with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte. The second important topic of our conversation was the strengthening of sanctions against Russia. We will continue to coordinate our steps to force the Russian Federation to seek peace.

I also discussed cooperation in the energy sphere with the Prime Minister of Norway. Expressed gratitude for the support of efforts aimed to force Russia to seek peace.

I also held talks with the Chairperson of the African Union, President of Senegal. Informed him about the current situation in Ukraine, about the global threats posed by the Russian invasion.

The key task both today and every day at this time is concrete defensive measures. A concrete increase in our ability to repel any attacks by Russian troops. I am dealing with this issue almost around the clock. I'm sure people see it, too. Just as they see that the military and technical capabilities of the enemy are still very high. Yes, Ukrainians are incomparably braver. Our Armed Forces are beating the occupiers with wisdom and well-thought-out tactics inaccessible to the Russian military.

But when it comes to the necessary weapons, we still depend on the supply, on our partners.

Unfortunately, we are not getting as much as we need to end this war sooner. To completely destroy the enemy on our land. And to fulfill those tasks that are obvious to each of our people. In particular, to unblock Mariupol.

If we got jets and enough heavy armored vehicles, the necessary artillery, we would be able to do it. But...

We still have to agree on this. We still have to persuade. We still have to squeeze out the necessary decisions. I am sure that we will get almost everything we need. But not only time is being lost. The lives of Ukrainians are being lost. Lives that can no longer be returned.

And this is also the responsibility of those who still keep the weapons Ukraine needs in their armory. The responsibility that will forever remain in history.


Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine

If Ukraine receives the necessary weapons in time, it will win - Andriy Yermak

Ukraine will be able to repel the armed aggression of the Russian Federation if we are provided with the necessary weapons as soon as possible. This was emphasized by Head of the President's Office Andriy Yermak in an interview for 60 Minutes on CBS.

According to him, first of all Ukraine needs heavy weapons, in particular artillery. Secondly, we need tanks, military aircraft. We need all possible weapons that will help close the Ukrainian sky.

The Head of the Office of the President noted that he has a profound and detailed dialogue with the American side, and stressed that US President Joseph Biden "has done more for Ukraine than anyone else."

"But when you're at war - we talk about it openly - you need more. And even that is not enough - we need everything as soon as possible. If we have it in time, we will win," Andriy Yermak said.


Prime Minister of Ukraine

Denis Shmyhal discussed Ukraine’s support in overcoming the consequences of aggression and increasing sanctions against Russia during an online meeting with members of the United States Congress. Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov and Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko. also attended the meeting.

Prime Minister stressed that Russia's actions demonstrate that the aggressor seeks to kill as many civilians as possible, cause maximum damage to infrastructure and create a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

"To end the war, genocide and suffering of Ukrainians, we need further support from the United States, especially with greater military assistance and increased sanctions," stressed Denis Shmygal.

We ask you to take urgent measures and introduce a complete blockade of all Russian banks and financial institutions, including Gazprombank, Bank of Moscow and Rosselkhozbank. We urge you to recognize Russia as a sponsor of terrorism, to impose sanctions on the assets of the Russian government and Russian state-owned enterprises in the United States, and to block Russian ships and shipping companies from accessing all U.S. domestic seaports,

Denis Shmygal stressed that Ukraine needs the voice of the United States in upholding a full embargo on key Russian goods: oil, gas, metals, minerals. Your actions today are crucial to ending Russia's war against Ukraine. The sooner you act, the more lives of innocent civilians will be saved. You can do it.  Prime Minister thanked the United States for a number of important decisions to provide financial support to Ukraine.


On April 11, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal and Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania Ingrida Šimonytė visited the liberated town of Borodyanka in the Kyiv region.

The heads of government could see the destruction inflicted on the settlement by Russian occupation forces.


Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal and Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania Ingrida Šimonytė discussed the investigation of Russian war crimes and the intensifying of sanctions against the aggressor. 

Denys Shmyhal called on Lithuania, together with other friends of Ukraine, to establish an alliance within the EU to push for tougher sanctions against the aggressor. In particular, the Ukrainian PM voiced the following important steps to end the war:

• introduction of a trade, economic and transport embargo against russia, especially on oil, gas, metals and minerals;

• freezing the accounts of all Russian and Belarus banks and major Russian and Belarus companies;

• disconnection of all Russian banks from SWIFT, first of all Sberbank;

• depriving Russia of the ability to use GPS during the war;

• preventing Russia from using cryptocurrencies to circumvent sanctions and close other loopholes that Russians are trying to use;

• expanding sanctions against Russian oligarchs who continue to fund the Putin regime and the war against Ukraine.


Adviser to the President of Ukraine

Mykhailo Podolyak: Ukraine's position in negotiations with Russia will depend on our success on the frontline

In negotiations with the Russian Federation, Ukraine will do its utmost to end the war taking into account its national interests and to obtain reliable international guarantees to prevent such wars in the future. This was stated by Adviser to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Mykhailo Podolyak in an interview for the host of the TV channel "Ukraine 24" Tygran Martyrosyan.

"We have the Istanbul Communiqué, which clearly explains Ukraine's position. It is unchanged. We want to get a formulaic solution: both the possibility of ending the war and preventing similar wars in the future. Because today's situation has shown that Ukraine is left alone with an expansionist empire that invests a lot of money in military technology. And if it remains more or less in its current form, in a year or two it will invade someone's territory again," Mykhailo Podolyak said.

According to him, even when the aggressor continues to attack Ukrainian cities, negotiations must be held, because our state must use all the tools to end the war on its own terms and with the least losses among the civilian population.

At the same time, Mykhailo Podolyak reiterated that issues related to territorial integrity and sovereignty remain inviolable for Ukraine He also noted that Ukraine's goal is not a bilateral peace agreement with Russia, which will not fulfill it, but multilateral security guarantees that will prevent a repeat of such a war against our state.


"We want to have a specific formula that Ukraine is sitting at the negotiating table, the aggressor country - the Russian Federation is sitting at the negotiating table, and next to Ukraine are the countries that will guarantee Russia's commitment not to attack," he explained.

According to him, Russia is now concentrating on the eastern direction - Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk - to prove to the world that it still knows how to fight. In view of this, as Mykhailo Podolyak noted, it is worth waiting for the situation in eastern Ukraine to unfold in the coming weeks.

"And if we can prove once again that the Russian army is a rudiment, a useless institution, then we will have a great opportunity to prove that Russia as a state must stop dictating any conditions in the world," stressed the Adviser to the Head of the President's Office.


Minister of Foreign Affairs

The world is preparing to impose new sanctions on Russia. The European Commission is already working on the sixth package of restrictive measures against the aggressor state. Ukraine insists on expanding sanctions against the Russian energy sector, including an embargo on oil imports.

☑️ Sanctions

 Canada has imposed sanctions on 33 Russian defense companies

 The U.S. Department of Commerce imposes sanctions on three Russian airlines: Aeroflot, Azur Air and UTair

 Croatia is expelling 18 diplomats and 6 administrative staff from the Russian embassy

☑️ Isolation of the Russian Federation

The European Commission has included 21 Russian airlines in the list of air carriers banned from flying in the European Union due to non-compliance with safety standards

Finnish state postal company Posti suspends postal service with Russia and Belarus

Swedish telecommunications equipment maker Ericsson is suspending its business in Russia

Employees of the Customs Administration of the State Revenue Service of Latvia banned 152 trucks with Russian and Belarusian license plates from entering the country

☑️ Russian criminals on the way behind bars

 Germany to allocate 1 million euros to support the International Criminal Court, which investigates war crimes of the Russian army in Ukraine

Latvia allocates 100,000 euros for the work of the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Karim Khan, which investigates war crimes in Russia

French specialists arrive in Ukraine to help Ukrainian colleagues investigate Russian war crimes in Kyiv region


Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine

Since the beginning of martial law, 2,807 adults from nursing homes for the elderly, people with disabilities and psychoneurological boarding schools have been evacuated due to the threat to their lives and health from social institutions where they have been staying around the clock. The vast majority of residents have been relocated to other institutions where there is no active hostilities. 221 people were relocated abroad.


Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

The government has received more than 66,000 claims of damaged property through the digital application ‘Diia’.


Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food

Coordination Council for Logistics in Agriculture has been established In Ukraine. The Council will be chaired by Mykola Solsky, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food. The Council will prepare proposals and recommendations on: implementation of state policy in the field of transport, road management, development of transit potential and logistics; improvement of transportation logistics; reduction of costs for international and domestic transportation of goods; improvement of international transport monitoring; providing qualified logistics infrastructure staff.




Ministry of energy of Ukraine

Operation of the power system of Ukraine on April 11

Over the past 24 hours, power supply to more than 43,9 thousand consumers has been restored.

In particular, in Kharkiv region - 16 thousand consumers, Kyiv – 12,1 thousand, Donetsk – 7,2 thousand, Chernihiv – 4,5 thousand, Mykolaiv – 3,7 thousand, Zaporizhzhya - 400 consumers.

As of April 11, about 972 settlements in Ukraine remain without electricity, in total about 694,8 thousand consumers.

More than 296,000 consumers are left without gas supply.


Ukraine's energy system confidently maintains the balance of production and consumption, and works synchronously with ENTSO-E. Network frequency is maintained at the level of 50 Hz.

Atomic generation

All operating nuclear power plants in Ukraine produce electricity stably. The total current capacity of power units provides the necessary amounts of electricity for the needs of the country.

Radiation, fire and environmental conditions at the industrial sites of nuclear power plants and adjacent territories have not changed and are within current standards.

Zaporizhzhya NPP continues to operate in the power system of Ukraine. The current capacity of the Zaporizhzhya NPP power units is quite sufficient for supporting life-sustaining activities of the population and the operation of industrial facilities in Ukraine. The NPP operates in compliance with nuclear, radiation and environmental safety standards. On the territory of the industrial site and sanitary protection zone the ecological, fire and radiation condition is within the norm.

Gas transmission system

The company maintains operational and technological control over the Ukrainian GTS, fulfills its obligations to transport gas to consumers.


Currently, all hydro power plants within Ukrhydroenergo operate according to the dispatch schedule and fulfill their obligations to regulate the frequency and capacity of the country's energy system.


GTS Operator of Ukraine

Gas TSO of Ukraine resumes gas supply in the Kyiv region

Gas TSO of Ukraine, in cooperation with the local distribution system operators, energy companies, and the Ukrainian military, resumes gas network operations on the territories of the Kyiv region liberated from the occupiers.

On April 11, Boyarka LPU employees returned to operation two GDSs, which supply gas to more than 10 thousand residents of Vorzel and Semypolky villages. Moreover, last week GTSOU employees resumed gas supply to residents of Makariv, Velyka Dymerka, and Dymer.

The time of the GDSs launch depends on the readiness of DSO networks, which significantly suffered due to hostilities in the Kyiv region. Restoration works in the area are underway.

The total number of GDSs disconnected due to military operations is 44 out of 1395. The most common reason for GDS disconnection is the damage to gas distribution networks of regional and city DSOs in Ukrainian settlements. Almost 2/3 of the disconnected GDSs are located in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine.



Latest update on operation of Naftogaz Group enterprises as of 17:00 CET, 10 April