Small Wars Journal

4/27/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 04/27/2022 - 10:20am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. Roots of the Resistance: Understanding National Identity in Ukraine
3. Some Clausewitzian Thoughts on the Ukrainian Defense
4. Russia reports blasts in south that Ukraine calls payback for invasion
5. Blasts reported in 3 Russian regions bordering Ukraine
6. U.S., Ukraine, and Neutrality Law | SOF News
7. The US needs a new approach to producing weapons. Just look at Ukraine.
8. Going Underground: Ukraine’s Subterranean Fighters Highlight the Benefit – and Long History – of Tunnels in Warfare
9. Modernizing the Military May Require Modernized Oversight
10. From Electronic Warfare to Cyber and Beyond: How Drones Intersect with the Information Environment on the Battlefield
11. What We Know About Future Maritime Wars
12. As Raytheon struggles to replenish Stinger missiles, lawmaker pushes Defense Production Act
13. Why Xi Is Trapped in Ukraine
14. America is now thinking of “winning” the war in Ukraine
15. How does Ukraine keep intercepting Russian military communications?
16. Biden’s National Security Strategy still unavailable
17. U.S. diplomats return to Ukraine for first time since Russia's invasion
18. Russian Leaders Know They’re Committing War Crimes. Their Laws of War Manual Says So.
19. Interview: Can the Russian Military Overcome Its Manpower Problems In Ukraine?
20. Taiwan aims to learn lessons of Ukraine in annual military drills
21. Former Marine Trevor Reed freed in prisoner swap with U.S., Russia says
22. Rethinking Indonesia’s non-aligned foreign policy
23. Don’t Fight in Another Country’s War
24. NATO’s Nordic Expansion: Adding Finland and Sweden Will Transform European Security
25.  What War Is Still Good For
26. A Real Foreign Policy for the Middle Class
27. The Bizarre Russian Prophet Rumored to Have Putin’s Ear
28. China grapples with political challenges as Covid death toll mounts
29. China condemns latest U.S. sailing through Taiwan Strait
30. Vicious Blame Game Erupts Among Putin’s Security Forces
31. Fuel And Ammo Depots Keep Blowing Up In Russia. Ukraine’s Ballistic Missiles Might Be Why.
32. Ramstein meeting gives birth to global 'contact group' to support Ukraine

Korean News Content:

2. North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Are Here to Stay
3. Kim Jong Un hints he might use nukes as more than deterrent
4. Nuclear arms not just a deterrent, says Kim
5. Kim Jong Un Underlines North Korea’s Nuclear Capabilities in Military Parade
6. U.S. objective remains complete denuclearization of Korean Peninsula: State Dept.
7. See the weapons on display during North Korea’s latest parade
8. N. Korea uses footage of young women caught wearing “capitalist” clothing in lectures
9. North Korea’s new sub missile aims for US mainland
10. N. Korea poses serious threat to peace, nonproliferation regime: DoD spokesperson
11. Ex-president Park coming to Yoon's inauguration
12. Putting strained relations back on track
13. Self-destructive behavior - Allies should thwart North's threat to use nukes
14. North Korea struggling to secure 'advanced' nuclear technology: expert
15. North Korean state media airs footage of military parade
16. North Korea lowers threshold for nuclear use: experts
17. Ramstein meeting gives birth to global 'contact group' to support Ukraine

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN April 26, 6.00 pm EST - The sixty-second day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

Tue, 04/26/2022 - 9:49pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



April 26, 6.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 26.04 were approximately:

personnel - about 22100 (+200),

APV ‒ 2308 (+50),

artillery systems – 416 (+5),

MLRS - 149 (+0),

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 69 (+0),

aircraft – 184 (+3),

helicopters – 154 (+0),

vehicles - 1643 (+77),

cutters - 8 (+0),

fuel tanks - 76 (+0),

UAV operational-tactical level - 205 (+4).

special equipment - 31 (+3).

mobile SRBM system - 4 (+0).

The sixty-second day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues. A Russian federation continues its full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine.

Russian enemy continues to carry out offensive operations in the Eastern Operational Zone in order to defeat the Joint Forces, establish full control over the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and maintain the land route with the occupied Crimea.

In the Volyn and Polissya directions, the condition, position and nature of the Russian enemy's actions did not change significantly. The Russian enemy did not take active action in these areas. Certain units of the Armed Forces of the republic of belarus on a rotational basis perform tasks to cover the Ukrainian-belarusian border in Brest and Gomel regions.

In the northern direction, there were no signs of enemy forming a strike group to resume offensive operations. In the districts of Bryansk, Kursk and Belgorod oblasts adjacent to Ukraine, Russian enemy has strengthened the protection of the border and checkpoints, and is conducting engineering equipment for positions. Russian occupiers in border areas have intensified anti-sabotage measures.

In the Slobozhansky direction, Russian enemy is strengthening groups of troops, continuing to partially blockade the city of Kharkiv, and firing on units of Ukrainian troops and critical infrastructure.

Russian invaders are trying to launch an offensive in the direction of the settlement of Zavody. Fighting continues.

In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions, Russian enemy is moving command and control points closer to the line of combat.

Russian enemy fires on the positions of Ukrainian troops with the use of mortars, artillery, rocket-propelled grenade launchers along the entire line of contact, as follows:

in the Severodonetsk direction, the enemy is fighting in the area of the settlement of Rubizhne;

in the Popasna direction the enemy is trying to capture Popasna, the battles continue;

in the Avdiivka direction the enemy tries to conduct offensive actions and has no success;

in the Kurakhiv direction the enemy unsuccessfully carried out offensive operations in the direction of the settlements of Novomykhailivka and Marinka;

in the Zaporizhzhia direction, the enemy is conducting offensive operations in the direction of the settlement of Trudolyubivka, fighting continues.

The enemy is carrying out massive fire and blocking of Ukrainian units in the area of the Azovstal plant in Mariupol.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy, along the entire line of contact, carried out single shellings of Ukrainian units. Reconnaissance activity around the administrative border of the Mykolayiv area is noted.

In the area of the settlement of Velyka Oleksandrivka, Kherson oblast, the defenders of Ukraine destroyed an ammunition depot and a large number of russain enemy personnel (more than 70 Russian enemies were eliminated). The exact number of dead is being clarified.

Units of Russian occupiers also suffered personnel losses in the area of the settlements of Novodmytrivka and Bilousove.

Russian occupiers continue to plunder the local population in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Units of the armed forces of the Russian federation are trying to conduct air reconnaissance over the territory of Odesa oblast. They suffer losses.

Ten air targets were hit by a grouping of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the previous day: three planes, four UAVs of operational and tactical level and three cruise missiles.

In the past 24 hours, six Russian enemy attacks have been repulsed in Donetsk and Luhansk, four tanks, five artillery systems, thirteen units of armored vehicles, fifteen units of motor vehicles, two tankers and one anti-aircraft gun have been destroyed.

The enemy continues to carry out offensive operations in the Eastern Operational Zone in order to defeat the Joint Forces, establish full control over the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and maintain the land route with the occupied Crimea.

The  enemy continues to launch missile and bomb strikes on military and civilian infrastructure.

In the Slobozhansky direction, russian enemy groups from the 6th Combined Arms Army of the  Western Military District, the coastal troops of the Baltic and Northern Fleets continue to partially block Kharkiv and fire on it.

In the Izium direction, russian enemy units and subdivisions of the 1st Tank Army, the 20th and 35th Combined Arms Armies, the 68th Army Corps, and the Airborne Forces, supported by artillery, are advancing in the direction of Barvinkove. In order to reconnoiter the positions of Ukrainian troops, russian enemy continues to use UAVs in this area.

In the areas of the Belgorod region bordering Ukraine, russian occupiers continue to hold field camps to restore combat readiness and train units. According to available information, up to five battalion tactical groups of russian enemy are in the immediate vicinity of the state border of Ukraine in this area.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy is taking active action along almost the entire line of contact. The main efforts are focused on taking control of Rubizhne, Popasna, and Marinka.

In the Severodonetsk direction, as part of the regrouping of troops in the direction of Kreminna, russian occupiers moved to a tank battalion from the 90th Tank Division, as well as a pontoon-bridge unit from the 12th separate engineering brigade of the Central Military District.

To develop the offensive in the direction of the settlement of Lyman, russian enemy is building up a group of troops. The invaders do not stop artillery shelling and airstrikes on Mariupol. The blocking of units of our troops in the area of ​​the Azovstal plant continues.

In the South Buh and Tavriya directions, russian enemy continues to hold the occupied frontier, in some areas it tries unsuccessfully to improve the tactical position, improves the engineering equipment of its positions, and carries out shelling of positions of our armies.

In the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, units of the operational group of Russian troops have been put on alert "Full", the security forces have been transferred to a reinforced model of service.


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

The aggressor is preparing new scenarios and provocations in the territory of unrecognized Transnistria.

With the help of provocations in the so-called "Transnistrian Moldavian Republic", the Russians are trying to involve their occupying contingent in Moldova in the war against Ukraine and mobilize the local population to attack Odessa.

The so-called "Army Corps-3", similar to the illegal armed formation "LDNR", operates in the territory of unrecognized Transnistria under the auspices of the Russian armed forces. According to information from partner human rights organizations, before the start of the war in Ukraine, Russian-controlled groups of militants from unrecognized Transnistria upgraded their reserve forces.

Representatives of the Army Corps-3 were the first to be spotted after the explosions near the MGB building and TV towers, which testify to their control of streets and critical infrastructure in unrecognized Transnistria.

Human rights activists note the activity of local military enlistment offices in unrecognized Transnistria, which inspect conscripts. Currently, car queues have formed to leave for the territory controlled by the Moldovan government.

The media are spreading reports about Ukraine's intentions to "strike" the territory of Transnistria in order to provoke panic among the local population. A similar scenario was used by the enemy with the evacuation of people from ORDLO a week before the invasion of Ukraine.

It is difficult to resist this lie, as there are no opposition channels in unrecognized Transnistria. Citizens of the unrecognized republic watch mostly pro-Russian television.

By its actions, the occupier is trying to justify the invasion of Ukraine and the death of thousands of his soldiers, as well as to divert the attention of the world community from Mariupol with another mass grave in which they try to hide traces of their war crimes and genocide of the Ukrainian people.

Russia's actions in Transnistria are a crime of aggression under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and UN General Assembly Resolution 3314 of December 14, 1974, and a violation of the UN Charter.


Ukrainian prisoners of war are being held in torture chambers under the supervision of FSB officers.

Information on the locations of our captured defenders in the Russian Federation has been received from our partner human rights organizations.

Premises of the pre-trial detention center at PKU-IK 1 UFSIN in the Tula region (Komsomolsky settlement) were released for 100 Ukrainian prisoners of war. The FSB was thoroughly instructed with the administration, and the service was also housed in an institution to "work" with prisoners.

Prisoners of war of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are held in the colonies of the GUFSIN of Russia in the Rostov region. For this purpose, two penitentiaries in the south of Russia were resettled at once - now they are in fact concentration camps for prisoners of war and are being filled at the expense of Ukrainian soldiers captured on the battlefield.

Prisoners of war are monitored by the FSVP, the FSB, the Rosguard, and secret agents from among convicted activists, many of whom have been transferred from the torture chambers of other penitentiaries.

There has been no official conversion of prisons into POW camps, as required by international humanitarian law.

The Vyazemsky Concentration Camp of SIZO-2 (in Vyazma) of the UFSIN in the Smolensk Region has been set aside to hold Ukrainian prisoners of war. It is equipped for torture and interrogation of prisoners of war. Ukrainians will also be detained in the Small Psychiatric Hospital at the SIZO, a well-known torture chamber for the "rebellious" outside Russia.

Human rights activists report the placement of Ukrainians in the UFSIN SIZO-2 in the Bryansk region (Novozybkov), the Taganrog SIZO-2 and the Moscow SIZO.

The placement of Ukrainian prisoners of war in Russia is in gross violation of Articles 22 and 97 of the 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War.


Instead of implementing a humanitarian corridor - 35 air strikes on the Azovstal plant in a day, the enemy is purposefully destroying Mariupol residents.

Russians fire on the approaches to the plant from artillery, not allowing any evacuation.

The occupiers are searching the city, breaking into all the surviving homes. Housing, according to the invaders, suitable for the military of russia, is marked with the symbol "Z". The rest is looted.

In the future, the devastated apartments will obviously be used to resettle the surviving Mariupol residents.

There is not enough food in Mariupol. Men can get at least some "rations" only if they participate in the dismantling of debris, digging graves and performing other work for the occupiers.

In the "best" traditions of the Nazis, the occupiers are looting the archives and cultural funds of Mariupol museums. Obviously, the most "valuable" exhibits will be exported to Russia.

Russia's actions in Mariupol are genocide of the Ukrainian people in accordance with the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and Article 6 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

The occupiers used indiscriminate weapons, which led to total destruction and the death of civilians.

During the storming of the residential quarters of Mariupol and Rubizhne, the enemy used UR-07M "Peresortirovka" remote demining systems based on the BMP-3 chassis.  It also houses a launcher with an extended demining charge UZP-06 and UZP-06D.

This allows the occupiers to break through the corridor in the minefield at a distance of 340 meters to 1 kilometer, and its width can reach several tens of meters.  Demining is carried out by the occurrence of a shock wave from a projectile explosion, which affects the detonator of a mine.

In addition, UR-07 M can be used to destroy manpower.  At simultaneous start and detonation of several charges there is an effect of volume explosion which is capable to clear any ruins, destroying at the same time the living force protecting them.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not have such installations.  All responsibility for the consequences of the occupiers' use of the UR-07 "Peresortivka" remote demining facility during the storming of Rubezhnoye and Mariupol lies directly with the military-political leadership of the occupying country, as international humanitarian law prohibits the use of weapons that cause excessive damage or indiscriminate action.




President of Ukraine   

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Prime Minister of Romania Nicolae Ciucă who was on a visit to Kyiv.

"Your visit is an important clear signal of support for Ukraine in the war against the Russian Federation," the President stressed.

The President of Ukraine informed the Prime Minister of Romania about the situation on the frontline, the heroic defense of Mariupol.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked the Romanian government for the assistance Romania provides to our defense forces.

During the discussion of the issue of counteracting Russian aggression, it was noted that one of the critical elements of such counteraction is the sanctions pressure on the aggressor, which needs to be strengthened and which should become a key element in forcing Russia to peace.

"Thank you for your clear position on the sanctions policy against the Russian Federation during the war it unleashed on our territory," the President said.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed confidence that the next, sixth package of EU sanctions against Russia should contain truly effective decisions, especially in the energy sphere.

The President of Ukraine praised Bucharest's assistance in organizing a critical transit to Ukraine - international humanitarian aid, the goods we need and energy resources. Further steps were agreed to deepen such cooperation.

To this end, it has been agreed to hold a separate meeting at the ministerial level soon.

The Head of State noted Romania's readiness to join Ukraine's post-war development.

The European integration agenda was discussed separately. Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked Nicolae Ciucă for Romania's clear support for the Ukrainian people's desire to become a full member of the European family as soon as possible. An important component of the common European future will be the absolute protection and development of our national minorities - the Ukrainian community in Romania and the Romanian community - in Ukraine.

The parties also discussed other topical issues on the agenda and touched upon regional issues.

Following the talks, the President expressed his conviction that Ukraine and Romania should reach a new level in all key areas of bilateral relations.


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Mariano Grossi who is on a visit to Ukraine.

The Head of State stressed that today, on the 36th anniversary of the Chornobyl accident, it has to be said that the world is once again one step away from catastrophe due to Russia's actions.

"In the Chornobyl zone, the Russian occupiers looted and destroyed a nuclear analytical laboratory on the territory of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant. For the Russian military, the Chornobyl zone and station were a military bridgehead, just as the bridgehead is now the territory of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. There is also a risk of catastrophe from Russia's launch of cruise missiles that fly over nuclear power plant units," Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

He stressed that given the level of threat, the reaction to Russia's actions was extraordinary, and that country has no right to turn nuclear energy into weapons, as well as to blackmail the world with nuclear weapons.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that the world must stop nuclear blackmail by Russia and restore the fundamental principles of nuclear safety and peaceful use of nuclear energy.

"We also have to work together to address a number of critical issues that were discussed today. This is a question of depriving Russia of disproportionate representation in the IAEA. I am convinced that our state has the right to be represented in the IAEA Board of Governors. We also raised the issue of Russia compensating for all the damage caused to our nuclear facilities," the President stressed.

According to the President, Ukraine has proposed an initiative to deploy peacekeepers to ensure the security of the Zaporizhzhia NPP.

He stressed that Ukraine will hold a dialogue with its IAEA partners and insist on measures to restore nuclear security in Europe and around the world.

For his part, Rafael Mariano Grossi said that today, on the 36th anniversary of the disaster, he visited the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, where he thanked the employees of the station for their work, courage and professionalism.

"We could not imagine that this path would take us where we did not expect to end, that it is not over and that tragic events will continue in this area," he said.

The IAEA leader stressed the importance of further cooperation and support for Ukraine in difficult times.

"My task, among other things, is to ensure that the country's nuclear power plants, which are important in the world in terms of electricity supply, are not threatened. That is why the IAEA is in Ukraine and will continue its work. Today, we agreed to provide assistance and special work to restore the capacity of the damaged infrastructure," said Rafael Mariano Grossi.


Presidnt Zelenskyy address to Ukrainians:

Every year on April 26, the world remembers the Chornobyl disaster. The worst nuclear disaster in human history.

But this year it is not enough to just remember Chornobyl. And it is not enough to say traditional words of gratitude to the heroes-liquidators. It is not enough to remind why and how the catastrophe became possible. It is not enough to repeat the conclusions that every intelligent person and every adequate society must draw.

Because this year, Russia has created new threats that could surpass even the worst accident.

I remember the night of March 4, when it became known about the fire at the Zaporizhzhia NPP.

When Russian tanks fired at the station. They knew exactly which object they were firing at. But they had an order to seize the object at any cost.

They did not care about anything. They did not care that the Zaporizhzhia station is the largest in Europe. They didn't think about how many power units there are and how the shelling could end.

That night I spoke with world leaders. With everyone who could influence the events and stop Russia. I spoke with President Biden, with Chancellor Scholz, with President of the European Council Charles Michel, with President of Poland Andrzej Duda... I spoke with IAEA Director General Mr. Grossi.

Not only Ukrainians were involved in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chornobyl accident in 1986. But also Belarusians, Russians and others.

That catastrophe should have been told about in Russian schools as well. They should have reminded about it in Russia every year on April 26, as is done throughout the civilized world.

Instead, today they launched three missiles against Ukraine so that they flew directly over the blocks of our nuclear power plants. Over three nuclear power plants at once. Over Zaporizhzhia, Khmelnytskyi and South-Ukrainian NPPs. What is it? Are they threatening? Are they targeting? There are no words...

It turns out they do not realize what Chornobyl is. At all.

Russian troops that were trying to attack Kyiv through the Chornobyl zone used the restricted area as a military base.

They set up positions on land where it is forbidden to even stand. They drove armored vehicles through areas where radiation-contaminated materials are buried and where the number of radioactive particles is simply horrendous. They destroyed the dosimetric control points. The Chornobyl radiation monitoring system was broken and looted. They looted a nuclear analytical laboratory...

They even stole contaminated items, which were confiscated from violators of the rules of the Exclusion Zone!

Only thanks to the professionalism and conscientiousness of our specialists working at the Chornobyl station and other facilities of the Chornobyl zone, we managed to save Ukraine, save Europe from a new catastrophe.

Only thanks to the professional team of the Zaporizhzhia NPP and our entire nuclear industry is it possible to ensure trouble-free operation of stations during the war.

Today, I also awarded our heroes - shift workers at the Chornobyl station who did not leave the facility. Who maintained the work of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant despite the threat to their lives and despite the occupiers' lack of understanding of even the basics of radiation safety.

I believe that after all that the Russian military has done in the Chornobyl zone and at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, no one in the world can feel safe knowing how many nuclear facilities, nuclear weapons and related technologies the Russian state has.

If Russia has forgotten what Chornobyl is, it means that global control over Russia's nuclear facilities and nuclear technology is needed.

I spoke today with the Prime Minister of Japan. In particular, about the dangers created by Russia. About the situation on the battlefield in Ukraine. I thanked Japan for a strong package of sanctions, for its support and for the leadership needed to force Russia to peace and recognition of the foundations of international law. We also discussed the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and the possible role of Japan in future security agreements.

The Prime Minister of Romania paid a visit to Kyiv. I thanked him for the defensive and political support.

We discussed not only bilateral cooperation between our states and joint work to protect freedom in Europe, but also cooperation at the EU level. With Romania, we share a common vision of both prospects and threats to European unity, in particular in the Black Sea region.

We agreed to work together even harder to ensure security in our region.

An important meeting at the level of defense ministers of Ukraine's partner countries took place in Germany today. The key issue was to strengthen the protection of the whole of Europe from Russia's aggressive ambitions.

There are almost no people left in the free world who do not understand that Russia's war against Ukraine is just the beginning.

The ultimate goal of Russia's leadership is not just to seize the territory of Ukraine, but to dismember the entire center and east of Europe and deal a global blow to democracy.

Therefore, the free world has the right to self-defense. And that is why it will help Ukraine even more.

I am grateful to the United Kingdom and personally to Prime Minister Boris Johnson for his prompt and positive response to our request for trade liberalization. Right now it is especially important for the support of our state.

Britain has announced the abolition of all duties and quotas on imports of Ukrainian goods. This will allow us to save thousands of jobs during the war and ensure a significant intensification of economic relations with Britain.

We expect similar decision from other partners.

I want to emphasize that this is important not only for our country, not only for each of the partner countries. This adds stability to global markets, especially the food market, which is one step away from a large-scale price crisis due to Russia's war against Ukraine.

There is only one way to avoid the crisis: to strengthen cooperation and put pressure on Russia for it to give up this war.

Today, Russian troops continued missile strikes at our land, particularly in the Odesa region. They continued to attack our troops near Kharkiv, in Donbas. They are trying to portray an alleged "new government" in Kherson and part of the Zaporizhzhia region. They change flags, demonstrate some suicides in the role of collaborators.

And what does this give Russia? Only new losses.

There will be a new sanctions package from the European Union. There will be even more restrictions on trade. Inevitably, the vast majority of the world's countries will abandon Russian oil and other Russian energy sources. No adequate country will want to invite Rosatom to cooperate. Most Russians will have to pay with poverty for the aggressive policy of their country's leadership.

And I emphasize: we will identify, find and prosecute everyone - war criminals and collaborators. The longer and more brutal this war, the more resources will be spent not only by us, but also by the world to establish justice and punish all those responsible.

The time will come when Russia will have to recognize that peace is needed.

I paid a visit to Ilya Matvienko and Kira Obedinska in Okhmatdyt Hospital today. Kira is 12 years old, and Ilya turned 10 today. They lived in Mariupol until the Russian army came. Ilya's mother was killed during the bombing of the city. Kira's father, a well-known athlete and former captain of Ukraine's water polo team, Yevhen Obedinsky, was killed by a sniper.

The occupiers took the children out of the city, actually abducted them, and it took a lot of effort to get them back. I am grateful to everyone who joined this cause. I am especially grateful to Iryna Vereshchuk and Andriy Yermak, who coordinated this task, to our entire team.

Now Ilya is with his grandmother, Kira is with her grandfather. Their only relatives left. We will help them with everything they need. We will help raise children.

And we will definitely do everything to return all our Ukrainian children to Ukraine. Let no one in Russia hope that Ukraine will forget or forgive the abduction of our children, the deportation of our citizens. And the destruction of Mariupol.

I also thanked Okhmatdyt's doctors for their work. For saving lives and trying to restore children's peace of mind under all circumstances. Thank you very much, dear doctors.

Before delivering the evening address, I traditionally signed a decree awarding our heroes. 243 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were awarded state awards.


Prime Minister of Ukraine

April 26th is a tragic date for Ukraine and the world.  On this day, in 1986, one of the biggest artificial disasters occurred - the Chornobyl accident.

 The consequences of the tragedy were genuinely horrific and affected the whole of Europe.  Almost 5 million people were affected.  Thousands of rescuers, risking their lives and health, did not allow the catastrophe to grow even grander scale.  Such was the price of total silence in the Soviet elite.

 Thirty-six years later, the world faced a new challenge: the capture of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant by Russian troops and further "nuclear terror."  While held hostage, the Chornobyl NPP shift worked 600 hours in a row.  The slightest mistake could lead to a new tragedy.  Many thanks to all the workers who, despite everything, defended nuclear and radiation safety and who continue to do so under the barrels of machine guns at the captured Zaporizhzhya NPP.  We remember everyone's heroism.

 Even after so many years, we see that the methods of the USSR, adopted by Russia, continue to pose a threat to everyone around.  Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why Russian troops hid ammunition and mined the area around the Chornobyl nuclear power plant. The enemy will be punished for this.

            Ukraine will continue to protect nuclear security globally, turning the Shelter Structure into an environmentally friendly system.  Preventing such a catastrophe is our moral responsibility to all those affected by accidents and future generations.


The Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine approved the List of Territorial Communities located in areas of military (combat) operations or under temporary occupation, surrounded (blocked) as of April 25th, 2022.


 The relevant order was developed to meet the requirements of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 16th, 2022 № 457 "On support for certain categories of the population affected by the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine."

 This means that starting from May 2022, the procedure for receiving state assistance for internally displaced persons will follow a clear and regulated procedure.

 Citizens who have moved from territorial communities approved by the order of the Ministry of Reintegration, as well as internally displaced people whose housing was destroyed or unusable due to damage and who have applied for compensation, in particular through the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services:

 List of approved territorial communities 👉https: //

 Read more:


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

First Deputy Minister Emine Dzhaparova informed about the situation around Russian armed aggression against Ukraine and blatant violations of international law and human rights by the Russian occupiers, and thanked the international community for support of Ukraine in the struggle for its territorial integrity.

She stressed that Ukraine and the representatives of the Crimean Tatar people stood up to defend not only their homeland, but also their identity, traditions, culture and language.

Emine Dzhaparova informed about the constant violations of the rights and freedoms of the representatives of the Crimean Tatar people by the Russian occupation administration in the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea and Sevastopol.

First Deputy Minister stressed that "the Crimean Tatar language is one of the endangered languages and the Russian occupiers in Crimea are constantly restricting its use."

Emine Dzhaparova noted that Russia continues its illegal policy, bans the leaders of the Majlis from entering the territory of the Crimean Peninsula, fabricates the charges against them, and prosecutes them. She stressed that "the practice of political persecution of all those who have the courage to resist the Russian occupation of the peninsula has long become normal in Crimea." 

During the speech, First Deputy Minister paid attention to numerous violations of international law by Russia, including the fact of illegal conscription of Crimean Tatars to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and they are forced to leave Crimea and move to mainland of Ukraine.

Emine Dzhaparova stressed the importance of the adoption of the Strategy for the Development of the Crimean Tatar Language for 2022-2032 by the Government of Ukraine, which aims to create all conditions for the restoration, preservation and development of the Crimean Tatar language.

First Deputy Minister called on the international community to continue to take measures and increase pressure on Russia in order to force it to end its armed aggression against Ukraine and liberate all temporarily occupied territories.


4/26/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 04/26/2022 - 9:12am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

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10. Settlement Agreement between the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control and Toll Holdings Limited
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14. Commercial Drones/Robotics and the Modern Combat Zone: A look at Ukraine
15. Where a Russian ‘fantasy’ meets brutal reality: A Ukrainian writer’s reflections on war
16. Pentagon chief’s Russia remarks show shift in US’s declared aims in Ukraine
17. The War in Ukraine Has Unleashed a New Word
18. Shabaab targets Somali police chief in Mogadishu suicide bombing
19. Vietnam War Insiders: Putin Making Same Dumb Mistakes We Did
20. Plan Now for a No-Fly Zone Over Taiwan
21. Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis: The Myth Of Debt Trap Vs The Reality Of Identity – OpEd
22. Vladimir Putin has to appear victorious 14 Days from today. Can he?
23. Finland, Sweden to begin NATO application in May, say local media reports

Korean News Content:

1. North Korea showcases new SLBM in the military parade
2. North Korea showcases its biggest ICBM yet as Kim vows to hasten development of North's nuclear arsenal
3. North Korea Holds Military Parade, Testing U.S. and Allies
4. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Makes Speech at Military Parade Held in Celebration of 90th Founding Anniversary of KPRA
5. Ri Pyong-chol reinstated as top N. Korean official, report shows
6. Transition team vows to bolster capabilities to deter N.K. nuclear, missile threats
7. U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against Two European Citizens For Conspiring With A U.S. Citizen To Assist North Korea In Evading U.S. Sanctions
8. Crypto Conference in North Korea Leads to More Criminal Charges
9. North Korean State Actors Deploying Novel Malware to Spy on Journalists
10. U.S. commission says religious freedom remains worst in N. Korea
11. Appointments at the 50th session of the Human Rights Council (13 June to 8 July 2022) (including Special Rapporteur for north Korea)
12. Yoon's delegates, Japan's leader agree on need to pursue 'shared interests'
13. N. Korean leader Kim ramps up nuclear threat, alludes to more aggressive doctrine
14. For Peace, Let There Be Nukes
16. South Korea key for Europe to manage fallout from China-U.S. rivalry, report says

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN April 25, 6.00 pm EST

Mon, 04/25/2022 - 10:02pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



April 25, 6.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 25.04 were approximately:

personnel - about 21900 persons,

tanks ‒ 884,

APV  ‒ 2258,

artillery systems – 411,

MLRS - 149,

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 69,

aircraft – 181,

helicopters – 154,

vehicles - 1566,

boats / cutters - 8,

fuel tanks - 76,

UAV operational-tactical level - 201.

special equipment - 28.

mobile SRBM system - 4.

Russian enemy suffered the greatest losses (of the last day) in the Sievierodonetsk direction (30th independent motorized infantry brigade of the 2nd Combined Arms Army of the Central Military District of the Armed Forces of the Russian federation).

Russian enemy is conducting offensive operations in the Eastern Operational Zone in order to defeat the Joint Forces, establish full control over the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, and secure a land route between these territories and the occupied Crimea.

In the Volyn, Polissya, and Seversky areas, Russian enemy did not take active action, no significant changes in the position and activities of enemy units that protect the Ukrainian-belarusian and Ukrainian-Russian sections of the state border of Ukraine were detected.

In the Slobozhansky direction, Russian occupiers continue shelling with artillery and rocket-propelled grenade launchers in the settlements of Kharkiv, Karasivka, Prudyanka, and Kororbochkino.

In the directions of Izyum - Barvinkove and Izyum - Slovyansk, Russian enemy unsuccessfully tried to carry out assault operations and carried out shelling in the areas of the settlements of Velyka Komyshuvakha, Virnopillya, and Nova Dmytrivka.

In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions, enemy carried out artillery shelling on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In the city of Mariupol, Russian enemy launched missile and bomb strikes on the positions of Ukrainian troops on the territory of the Azovstal plant. Russian enemy conducts assault operations on the village of Popasna.

In the South Buh direction, enemy fired at the positions of our troops in the areas of the settlements of Knyazivka and Mykolayivka.

Ukraine's Defense Forces inflict heavy losses on the enemy. In the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts only, seven enemy attacks have been repulsed in the past 24 hours, thirteen tanks, three artillery systems, seventeen armored vehicles, four armored combat vehicles, eighteen vehicles, and four tankers have been destroyed. Three Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down by air defense units in the area.

The  enemy continues to carry out offensive operations in the Eastern Operational Zone in order to defeat the Joint Forces, establish full control over the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and maintain the land route with the occupied Crimea.

Russian troops, including strategic bombers, ships, and submarines, are launching missile and bomb strikes on military and civilian infrastructure. They are trying to destroy the ways of supplying military-technical assistance from partner states. To do this, concentrate strikes on railway junctions.

The  enemy continues to strengthen long-range air defense by moving additional anti-aircraft missile systems from the territory of the Russian federation, trying to create stocks of ammunition, logistics, and special engineering equipment.

The Russian command does not stop searching for ways to replenish personnel losses in units directly involved in the war on the territory of Ukraine.

There were no significant changes in the Volyn, Polissya, and Siversky directions. No signs of enemy offensive formations were found.

In the Slobozhanshchyna region, Kharkiv is being partially blocked, its infrastructure is being destroyed, and the positions of the defenders of the Kharkiv region are being destroyed with the use of aircraft and artillery.

In the area of ​​the city of Izyum, the enemy tried to improve the tactical situation in the directions Andriyivka - Zavody and Dibrovne - Kurulka. Carries out measures of logistical support of the group of occupiers.

In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions, Russian enemy, intensifying shelling with available means of fire destruction, tried to advance deep into the territory of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Koroviy Yar and Rubizhne, to develop an offensive in the direction of Zaporizhzhia. It was unsuccessful and suffered losses.

In Mariupol, including strategic bombers, ships, and submarines enemy continues to destroy the city, blocking locals and some of our defenders in the area of ​​the Azovstal plant.

In the South Bug direction, Russian enemy is concentrating its main efforts on the Kherson-Mykolayiv and Kherson-Kryvyi Rih directions. Conducts regrouping of troops, consolidates on the ground, strengthens the grouping of barrel and jet artillery, accumulates ammunition and fuel.

In the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson region, in the urban-type settlement of Velyka Oleksandrivka, the occupiers announced to the local population that it was necessary to leave the settlement by April 28. Forced evacuation will be applied to residents who do not comply with the order.

In the temporarily occupied territory of the Zaporizhzhia oblast, in the city of Enerhodar, employees of the Federal Security Service of the Russian federation continue to carry out filtration activities.

In the temporarily occupied territories of Kharkiv and Luhansk oblasts, the occupiers are engaged in looting, theft, and robbery of the local population. Particular attention is paid to the "removal" of alcoholic beverages and food.


Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

A series of explosions erupted in the capital of the unrecognized Transnistrian Moldovan Republic (TMR) on April 25 at about 5:45 p.m. They took place in the premises of the offices of the local "Ministry of State Security" and the branch of the Russian "Federal Security Service" in Transnistria.

However, this event was not a surprise to the PMR leadership. On April 22, Vadym Shmalenko, Secretary of the State Commission for Emergency Situations of the Transnistrian Region, wrote a letter to the head of the Kamensky district, Volodymyr Bychkov. It was about the urgent (until 16.00 on the same day) preparation of information on the availability and location of "protected point of civil defense of the city."

Three days before the incident, the leaders of "PMR" were already preparing for it and took care of the installation of a secure and comfortable bunker.

It is obvious that this case is one of a number of provocative measures organized by the FSB to instill panic and anti-Ukrainian sentiments. According to the authors, they should justify the war on the territory of Ukraine or involve the Transnistrian region in hostilities. Either as a territory with a certain mobilization reserve, or as a territory from which Russian troops can carry out attacks on Ukrainian territory.

On April 22, Deputy Commander of the Central Military District of the Russian Federation, Major General Rustam Minnekayev announced plans for an unrecognized "Transnistrian region". He said that the Russian army has the task of "establishing full control over Donbass and southern Ukraine." After that, the occupiers must break through the corridor to the unrecognized "Transnistrian region", where "the facts of oppression of the Russian-speaking population are noted."

According to available information, the FSB will continue a series of provocative terrorist attacks on the territory of the Transnistrian region.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Since the beginning of the military aggression, investigators of the National Police of Ukraine have launched more than 8,000 criminal proceedings on the facts of crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine by servicemen of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. 152 people were detained, 192 were declared suspects. With the help of the unique Clearview AI software, National Police identifies Russian servicemen who have been killed or taken prisoner, check people at checkpoints and search for missing persons. Although the Russian authorities deny the presence of their conscripts on the territory of Ukraine and send them without documents - this technology still helps to identify them.

Since the beginning of the war, the pyrotechnics have neutralized more than 75,000 and about 2,000 air bombs. More than 13,000 hectares of the country's territory have been inspected and cleaned.


Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine

On the morning of April 25, Russian armed forces personnel launched several missile strikes on a railway station in Rivne region. This damaged the traction substation and disrupted the train schedule. In addition, private houses located near the rocket struck facility were damaged.


In the morning of April 25, Russian occupation troops fired rockets at transport infrastructure near Zhmerynka and Koziatyn, Vinnitsa Region. According to preliminary reports, five people were killed and 18 injured. Rescue efforts continue, and investigators, prosecutors, and other services are working at the scene.


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

In Luhansk Region, the Russians have practically destroyed all health care facilities. Since the start of the full-scale war, the Russian army has destroyed 347 health care facilities, 36 of which cannot be rebuilt. In Luhansk Region, all medical facilities and hospitals have been damaged or destroyed. This situation threatens the lives of thousands of people in occupied cities.

The World Health Organization stated that the health care system in the East of Ukraine is practically destroyed. The WHO confirmed 162 attacks on medical facilities and personnel, which resulted in at least 73 deaths. The health care situation in Ukraine is becoming more difficult every day. The risk of infectious diseases, as well as increasingly common waterborne diseases, is significant.

The occupiers do not grant WHO permission, even for two days, to enter Mariupol and other besieged areas to assess the needs of the healthcare system and provide life-saving medical services to the sick and wounded.


Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the aggressor has been purposefully shelling and destroying sites of cultural heritage and cultural values of Ukrainians.

According to the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine 242 episodes of occupants' war crimes against Ukrainian cultural heritage have already been documented. Numerous architectural monuments, historical buildings, religious sites, theaters, and memorials have been damaged or completely destroyed. Sacred architectural monuments are also being destroyed.

Recently, the occupiers shelled the island of Khortytsa in Zaporizhzhia, which is the center of the Ukrainian Cossacks.

In the Kyiv region, an early twentieth-century building, the Makariv Public Library, was damaged.

In the Kharkiv region, shelling damaged the old Teacher's House of 1925 and many historical monuments.

In Luhansk Region, the Russians destroyed at least seven Orthodox churches.

The Islamic cultural center in Severodonetsk and the Baptist prayer house in Metiolkino were also destroyed.


After the liberation of towns in the Kyiv region, new atrocities by russian troops are being uncovered. Forensic experts found sharpened steel flechettes, similar to "darts" in the bodies of residents of Bucha and Irpin. These were used by the Russians to fill the shells used to bomb homes in and around the city from airplanes.

In Bucha, liberated from the Russian occupation, locals found hundreds of these small “darts” in their private homesteads. Shells exploded over residential houses, and thousands of flechettes flew several meters away in the surrounding countryside. Warheads filled with metal shrapnel exploded over the city as the Russian troops withdrew from the area.


The Russians fired missiles at several regions of Ukraine, targeting railroads and infrastructure.

Today the Russian army struck five railroad stations in central and western Ukraine. At least 16 passenger trains were delayed.

As a result of the rocket attack there was an explosion at the traction substation of the railway station "Chervone" in the Lviv region. The structural subdivisions of the State Emergencies Service are working at the scene of the explosion; the fire is still being extinguished.

Nine Russian missiles struck the infrastructure of Kremenchuk, Poltava region - the Kremenchuk thermal power plant and again the Kremenchuk oil refinery in the evening of April 24. This was the worst shelling of the region since the full-scale Russian invasion. There is considerable damage to buildings, but all fires have been localized. There is no hot water in almost all districts of the city due to the shelling of the thermal power plant. One person was killed and 7 others were injured.


According to the Luhansk Regional State Administration, the Russian army has today de-energized a 500 kV power substation built recently near Kreminna. This substation supplied power to most towns and villages in the region during peacetime.

Previously, electricity was supplied from the Luhansk thermal power plant in Schastia, but its transformer units were destroyed due to Russian military aggression. Therefore, ALL settlements in Luhansk Region were left without electricity. The Russians continue to turn Ukrainian cities and villages into uninhabitable areas.





President of Ukraine

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin who arrived in Ukraine on a visit.

At the beginning of the talks, Volodymyr Zelenskyy stressed the importance of the visit of American high-ranking officials to Kyiv at this crucial and important moment for the Ukrainian state.

"We appreciate the unprecedented assistance of the United States to Ukraine. I would like to thank President Biden personally and on behalf of the entire Ukrainian people for his leadership in supporting Ukraine, for his personal clear position. To thank all the American people, as well as the Congress for their bicameral and bipartisan support. We see it. We feel it," Volodymyr Zelenskyy stressed.

The President of Ukraine discussed with the United States delegation the current priorities for the belligerent state - defense assistance, strengthening sanctions on Russia, financial support for Ukraine and security guarantees.

The Head of State noted that the $ 3.4 billion in defense support already provided by the United States is the largest contribution to strengthening Ukraine's defense capabilities. The President of Ukraine stressed that this assistance already helps in bringing Ukraine's defense capabilities to a qualitatively new level, which is extremely important for our defenders who are defending their homeland on the frontline.

Particular attention was paid to the sanctions policy, which should be further strengthened and become an important element of influence on the aggressor. "We understand what the next steps on this track should be. And we count on the support of our partners," Volodymyr Zelenskyy said, handing over to the American side the Action Plan to strengthen sanctions on the Russian Federation developed by the Yermak-McFaul international expert group.

Discussing ways to increase financial support for Ukraine, both to promote the economy and to further rebuild our country, the President of Ukraine stressed the importance of expanding the opportunities for Ukrainian goods to access the American market.

The parties also discussed the peace process and prospects for strengthening the anti-war coalition. Volodymyr Zelenskyy stressed that Ukraine sees the United States as a leader among the future guarantors of our country's security.


Ukraine has prepared the necessary documents for the launch of a special tribunal on the crime of aggression as soon as possible - Deputy Head of the President’s Office Andriy Smyrnov

Ukraine has promptly prepared the relevant legal framework, draft statutory documents for the earliest possible launch of a special tribunal to investigate the crime of aggression against our state.

The Deputy Head of the Office of the President noted that the idea of establishing a special tribunal on the crime of aggression against Ukraine was supported by hundreds of European and world intellectuals, leading international lawyers, public figures who signed a statement on the need to establish it.

According to Andriy Smyrnov, daily work on the Book of Executioners is being carried out in coordination with the President's Office together with the Ukrainian pre-trial investigation bodies, intelligence agencies and the Ministry of Digital Transformation. This is a set of information about every Russian war criminal involved in the war and atrocities committed and being committed in Ukraine.

"A huge amount of information is being researched and verified, which will later be available to our citizens and the entire civilized world," said the Deputy Head of the Office of the President.

In addition, the Office of the President together with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine have developed mechanisms to recover funds from the Russian Federation frozen abroad to compensate for losses.

"We have several plans to achieve this. The main one is the signing of an international agreement, which will provide for the lifting of immunity from the funds of the Russian Federation and directing them to the affected citizens and legal entities, as well as the restoration of infrastructure. Plan B is the enactment of the relevant law in each jurisdiction where funds have been frozen. In some countries, such bills have already been registered," said Andriy Smyrnov.

He noted that the relevant talks with international partners will be held this week.


50 pupils of the Kramatorsk Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Children were evacuated to Switzerland

50 pupils of the Kramatorsk Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Children were evacuated to the Swiss Confederation. This is the second group of orphans, children deprived of parental care and children in difficult life circumstances who are evacuated to this country at the initiative of the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska and at the invitation of the Swiss Migration Office.

Children aged 4 to 16 and their educators first went to Ivano-Frankivsk, then to Budapest. There they were met with equipped buses by pediatricians and social workers from Switzerland.

Children will be accommodated in the canton of Bern. For them, the local representatives will organize the study of the German language, common in this region of the country, provide rehabilitation and education in local schools.

"Every year in their native Kramatorsk, these children have been finding new families who love them. Just before the war, one of the little pupils found a new family. But they did not have time to take her away - the adoption procedure was suspended for the duration of the hostilities. But we promise her that she will meet with her chosen parents immediately after our victory. Meanwhile, this girl and other children will fall asleep and wake up without sirens and alarms in the Swiss Alps," said Olena Zelenska.

Prior to that, 25 children from the Kamyanka Specialized Orphanage have already settled in Switzerland.

The evacuation program is implemented thanks to the Embassy of Ukraine in Switzerland, the National Social Service of Ukraine, regional military administrations, the Swiss Migration Office (Staatssekretariat für Migration, SEM), the administrations of the cantons of Vaud and Bern.

It is expected that the evacuation of children from Ukrainian orphanages to safe countries will continue in the near future.


Address of President Zelenskyy to Ukrainians

Unbreakable people of the bravest country in the world!

Today the third month of our war for our independence began. Russian-Ukrainian war. The third month!

On February 24, most in the world did not even believe that we would withstand more than a week. Someone said - three days. A month ago, we still had to convince different countries that betting on Ukraine means winning. And now... Now everyone knows it.

Thanks to the courage, wisdom of our defenders, thanks to the courage of all Ukrainian men, all Ukrainian women our state is a real symbol of struggle for freedom. Everyone in the world - and even those who do not openly support us - agree that it is in Ukraine that the fate of Europe, the fate of global security, the fate of the democratic system is being decided. And above all, it is being decided what life in the center and east of our continent will be like and whether there will be life at all.

Bucha, Borodyanka, Hostomel, Okhtyrka, Chernihiv and Sumy, Izyum, Kharkiv, Volnovakha, Zolote, Severodonetsk, Rubizhne, Popasna and Mariupol... Missiles aimed at Odesa and Kramatorsk, Zhytomyr, Lviv, Kremenchuk and Kryvyi Rih... In all Ukraine's cities and communities, Russia has shown what it really wants and can bring to Europe. What it can bring to Chișinău, Tbilisi, Helsinki, Vilnius, Warsaw, Prague, all the cities and countries that Russian state propagandists have long openly identified as alleged enemies for Moscow.

Russia has launched an offensive against Ukraine in many directions. Missile strikes, air raids, artillery, tanks - everything! Russian troops did not spare anything, any means to kill us, kill Ukrainians and destroy our land.

In two months, they used more than 1100 missiles against us. Countless bombs and artillery. They tortured, robbed, executed. They mined our land. Peaceful cities and villages were turned into hell. Some Ukrainian cities and communities were destroyed to the ground. But they did not achieve anything. And they will not achieve.

Russia wants to play a sham "referendum" somewhere on our land? Even if they try, it will be as shameful as everything else that was "created" in Moscow for the occupation of Ukraine.

In two months of hostilities 9 thousand 781 defenders of Ukraine were awarded state awards. The title of Hero of Ukraine was awarded to 142 of our defenders.

Ukrainian men and women have shown a truly massive readiness to defend Ukraine. At any age, any property status, with any education - Ukrainian men and women equally stood up for the state.

This war has truly become a people’s war for Ukraine. And it showed that throughout our territory - from east to west, from north to south - the Ukrainian idea is equally strong, equally national.

As of this time, 931 settlements have already been de-occupied. Many cities and communities are still under the temporary control of the Russian army. But I have no doubt that it is only a matter of time before we liberate our land.

Russia can spend enormous resources to support the war. To oppose even the whole free world. It can take away from its people everything that could develop Russia itself, and direct this potential to destroy the lives of neighbors.

But the lessons of history are well known. If you are going to build a millennial Reich, you lose. If you are going to destroy the neighbors, you lose. If you want to restore the old empire, you lose. And if you go against the Ukrainians, you lose.

A global anti-war coalition was formed in two months. Sanctions have already been imposed on Russia, which have taken away its future. Ukraine receives assistance from dozens of countries. This is support in the form of weapons, finances, necessary goods, political support directly.

We are accelerating our movement to the European Union as much as possible. We have already passed a historic moment, an important stage - with the receipt and answering a special questionnaire, which was provided to each country before they acquired the status of a candidate for EU membership.

Even now, when the war is still going on, we are creating the necessary base for the reconstruction of Ukraine. These are international agreements of various levels; this is the creation of special funds for the reconstruction of our state.

There is and at the same time there is no simple answer to this question. When we gain a victory, everyone will feel it. When peace comes, everyone will see it. But for this to happen - and happen faster - we need to think not about when and what it will be. We must think every day about how to make the stay of the occupiers on our land even more unbearable.

Ukraine is ready for peace. It was ready even when the war was going on in Donbas. It is ready even now, when the Russian invasion has become full-scale.

But for Russia to seek peace, every Ukrainian must still fight. They must defend freedom. Because every day of struggle now adds years of peaceful life after this war. After our victory.

As always, before delivering the address, I signed decrees awarding our heroes. 269 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and 9 servicemen of the Main Intelligence Directorate were awarded state awards.

4/25/22 National Security. and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 04/25/2022 - 9:27am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. U.S. Wants to See Russia Weakened, Says Defense Secretary Austin
3. U.S. to send diplomats back to Ukraine, pledges support in protracted war
4. U.S. diplomats to begin returning to Ukraine this week
5. Secretary Blinken and Secretary Austin’s Travel to Ukraine - United States Department of State
6. Russia Begins 'Second' Phase of War - April 25, 2022 | SOF News
7. Assessing the Costs of Expecting Easy Victory
8. How to Target Russian Oil Exports Without Upending Global Energy Markets
9. India’s role significant as US seeks to reverse PRC takeover of Solomon Islands
10. With Abu Sayyaf declining, is Daesh still a threat in the Philippines?
11. No respite for re-elected Macron as parliamentary elections loom
12. Why it’s smart to slash the US defense budget
13. Opinion | The Russians appear ready to repeat Germany’s mistake
14. Expand NATO to Hawaii
15. The Ukrainians Keep Blowing Up Russian Command Posts And Killing Generals
16. China is hunting down Uyghurs with help from some surprising countries
17. Why the Pentagon is fanboying over Elon Musk’s space company
18. Foreign investors are ditching China. Russia's war is the latest trigger
19. Exclusive: An Insurgency In Ukraine Is Growing, Says a Former FBI Acting Deputy Director and IED Expert

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea has not staged military parade yet: source
2. South Korea Conducts Second SLBM Test from KSS-III Submarine
3. Yoon's delegates meet Japan's top diplomat, note need for strengthened Seoul-Tokyo ties
4. Yoon's temporary office to be set up on 5th floor of defense ministry building
5. S. Korea honors 15 officers for last year's mission to rescue Afghan coworkers
6. North Korea's military parade never materialized
7. Cheong Wa Dae to open to public at noon on May 10
8. Significance of the Ukraine war
9. Yoon's delegation, Japanese foreign minister agree on need to mend frayed ties
10. <Inside N.Korea> Hunger spreads in rural areas in April; farmers run out of food, and people in cities have no cash income… The authorities implement weak measures to resolve these issues
11. N.Korean Hackers 'Work out of Chinese Hotels'
12. North Korea changed the scheduled date for its military parade in early April 
13. N. Korea to severely crackdown on market activities of teens and 20-somethings from May
14. Several elementary school teachers in Hamhung reported to authorities for “excessive bribes”
15. N.Korea, Russia develop ‘strongest ever’ mutual support on global issues: state media
16. Marshall Plan for North Korea proposed as a big step for peace

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN April 24, 5.00 pm EST - The sixtieth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

Mon, 04/25/2022 - 7:33am

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



April 24, 5.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 24.04 were approximately:

personnel - about 21800,

tanks ‒ 873,

APV ‒ 2238,

artillery systems – 408,

MLRS - 147,

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 69,

aircraft – 179,

helicopters – 154,

vehicles - 1557,

boats / cutters - 8,

fuel tanks - 76,

UAV operational-tactical level - 191.

special equipment - 28.

mobile SRBM system - 4.

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The sixtieth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues. The Russian federation continues its full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine.

The enemy continues to conduct offensive operations in the Eastern Operational Zone in order to defeat the Joint Forces, establish full control over the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and ensure a land route between these territories and the Russian occupied Crimea.

Russian enemy is regrouping and expanding missile and artillery units to support the offensive, and continues to launch missile and bomb strikes on military and civilian infrastructure.

In the Volyn and Polissya directions, the enemy did not take active action. Certain units of the Armed Forces of the republic of Belarus continue to carry out tasks to cover the Ukrainian-Belarusian border in Brest and Gomel regions. In the areas of the settlements of Grabovka, Hlybotske and Kalinino, Gomel region, engineering equipment of positions was carried out.

In the Siversky direction there are without significant changes. The FSS Border Service of the enemy continues to provide enhanced protection of the Ukrainian-Russian border in the Bryansk and Kursk regions. enemy is increasing the engineering and fortification equipment of positions in the Bryansk region at a distance of up to 3 km from the state border of Ukraine.

In the Slobozhansky direction, Russian enemy increased the grouping of troops by transferring and concentrating additional units in the Belgorod region. Thus, according to available data, 60 km from the state border of Ukraine deployed launchers of ground-to-ground ballistic operational-tactical missile systems 9K720 Iskander (SS-26 Stone). The enemy continues to partially blockade Kharkiv, firing on units of our troops and critical infrastructure. In order to complicate the movement of units of the Defense Forces in the area of ​​the village of Korotychi, the enemy conducted remote mining.

The occupiers are shelling the positions of Ukrainian in the areas of Kurulka and Nova Dmytrivka, conducting air reconnaissance of the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the help of the Orlan-10 UAV in the areas of Barvinkove, Kurulka and Husarivka.

In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions, the enemy fires on the positions of Ukrainian troops with the use of mortars, artillery and rocket-propelled grenades along the entire line of contact. It intensified offensive and assault operations in the Siverodonetsk, Kurakhiv and Popasna directions. There are battles in the areas of Zarichne, Rubizhne and Popasna. In the Siverodonetsk direction, the enemy launched pontoon crossings across the Krasna River. It is increasing the air defence system in the Avdiivka direction.

In the Mariupol direction, the enemy continued to fire and blockade our units in the Azovstal area of Mariupol. Inflicts air strikes, including from long-range aircraft. Using the railway connection, the enemy makes attempts to establish logistical support for troops.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy continues to hold its positions, in some areas it tries to improve the tactical position, exerts fire on the positions of units of Ukrainian troops and civilian infrastructure of Ukrainian settlements.

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, along with other anti-aircraft units of the Defence Forces, destroyed seventeen air targets the previous day: nine UAVs, three planes and five cruise missiles.

Twelve attacks by the Russian occupiers were repulsed in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts over the past 24 hours, four tanks, fifteen armored and four units of motor vehicles, and five artillery systems were destroyed.



President of Ukraine

Easter greetings by President Zelenskyy

Great people of great Ukraine!

Today is a great holiday. And I'm in a great place. The Great St. Sophia Cathedral. In the cathedral, which was founded a thousand years ago, on the field of the sacred battle where the army of Kyivan Rus’-Ukraine defeated the Pechenegs. In the cathedral, which was not destroyed by the Horde invasion or the Nazi occupation, which withstood in spite of everything!

Today we all believe in a new victory for Ukraine. And we are all convinced that we will not be destroyed by any horde or evil.

We are enduring dark times. And on this bright day, most of us are not in bright clothes. But we are fighting for a bright idea. On the bright side. And the truth, people, the Lord and the holy heavenly light are on our side. The power of the patron saint of the human race - Oranta. She is above me. She is above us all.

The unshakable pillar of the Church of Christ, the unbreakable wall of the main stronghold - Kyiv, the Unbreakable Wall of the State. As long as there is Oranta, there is Sophia, and Kyiv stands with her, and the whole of Ukraine stands with them!

Above the image of Oranta are the words from the Psalms: “God dwells in that city; it cannot be destroyed. From the very break of day, God will protect it." On this Great Day, we all believe that our dawn is coming soon.

Oranta in Latin means "one who prays". We have all been praying for the last two months. And in the Resurrection of Christ, which symbolizes the great victory of life over death, each of us asks the Lord for one thing. And speaks the same words to heaven. The words of a great and united prayer.

Great and Only God! Save our Ukraine!

Protect those who protect us! Heaven, protect those who defend the native land. Strengthen the will of those who protect us from captivity. Save those who save Ukraine. These are our military, national guards, border guards, our territorial defense, intelligence. These and all our other warriors of light.

Help those who help them. These are volunteers and all people who care. From Ukraine and around the world. Give strength to all who give all their strength. May everyone who seeks always find. May everyone who is on the road always overcome it. And may everyone who does everything possible to save Ukraine never lose faith that everything is possible.

Save the lives of those who save the lives of others. These are all our medics. Our firefighters, rescuers, sappers. May the victory of life be a symbol not only of this holiday. May life win the battle against death every day.

Take care of our mothers. Give endurance to those who are waiting for a son or daughter from the war. Give fortitude to those who, unfortunately, have lost their children on the frontline. Help those who have lost their children in peaceful cities and villages where Russia has brought death to overcome unbearable pain.

And give good health to all our mothers and all our grandmothers for many more years. To see their loved ones. To see peace and victory. To see justice. And the happy old age that the invaders are trying to steal from them. And instead of knitting scarves and sweaters for their grandchildren, today they weave camouflage nets. So give many years of peaceful life to them.

And to our fathers. And to our grandfathers. Who once told their grandchildren about the war, and today send grandchildren to the war. Our fathers and our grandfathers built this country. Today they see it being destroyed. Let them see how our land will be liberated and rebuilt. And give us strength to do it.

Take care of all our children. Give every boy and every girl a happy youth, maturity and old age, which will allow at least a little to get rid of the memories of their terrible childhood during the war. Not children's, scary games that they were forced to play. Hide and seek, but in the basement, from the bombs. Running, but from the gunshots. Travel, but because of the loss of home, fleeing the war.

Save all Ukrainians! We did not attack anyone, so give us protection. We have never destroyed other nations, so do not let anyone destroy us. We did not seize other people's lands, so do not let anyone seize ours.

Save Ukraine! Its right and left banks - at a time when we are being viciously beaten on both right and left cheeks. At the end of winter, spring did not come to us. Severe cold was brought to our house. At dawn we were brought opaque darkness.

We believe, God, that in your judgment you will not forget them all. All those who have forgotten all your commandments.

You will not forget about Bucha, Irpin, Borodyanka, Hostomel. All those who survived brutal crimes. Give them and all our land human happiness.

You will not forget about Chernihiv, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Sumy, Kharkiv, Izyum, Kramatorsk and Volnovakha, Popasna. All other towns and villages that hear the terrible explosions. Let them and all of us hear the fireworks of victory.

You will not forget about Mariupol and its heroic defenders. One can destroy the walls, but can't destroy the foundation on which the morale stands. The morale of our warriors. The morale of the whole country.

We see terrible scenes of war. Let us see a happy picture of peace.

We are going through very difficult ordeals. Let us reach a just end on this path - the beginning of a happy life and prosperity of Ukraine!

Our hearts are full of fierce fury. Our souls are full of fierce hatred for the invaders and all that they have done. Don't let fury destroy us from within. Turn it into our accomplishments from the outside. Turn it into a force of good to defeat the forces of evil.

Save us from strife and division. Don't let us lose unity.

Strengthen our will and our spirit. Don't let us lose ourselves. Don't let us lose our longing for freedom. Therefore, do not let us lose our zeal for a righteous struggle. Do not let us lose hope of victory and self-esteem, and therefore our freedom. And therefore Ukraine. And therefore faith.

Dear Ukrainians!


Last year we celebrated Easter at home because of the pandemic. This year we also celebrate the Resurrection of Christ not as we used to. Because of another virus. Because of the plague called war.

Both last year's and the current threat are united by one thing - nothing can defeat Ukraine.

The great holiday today gives us great hope and unwavering faith that light will overcome darkness, good will overcome evil, life will overcome death, and therefore Ukraine will surely win!

And on Easter, we ask God for great grace to make our great dream come true - this is another great day - the day when great peace will come to Ukraine. And with it - eternal harmony and prosperity.

With faith and confidence in this - I congratulate all of you on Easter.

Take care of yourselves. Take care of your loved ones. Take care of Ukraine!


Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak expects an increase in the defensive support for our country from international partners, as well as increased sanctions pressure on Russia, which will allow to end the aggressive war and sit down at the negotiating table. He told it on French TV channel TF1.

"Currently, Mariupol remains the most tragic and tense point on the map of Ukraine. That's where the fierce fighting is taking place. As for the information that the Russians have gained control of the city... No, that's not true. Yes, they are in the city, but the area where the Ukrainian heroes stand remains under the control of our soldiers. They are there together with civilians, there are even children there," Andriy Yermak said.

He stressed that the Ukrainian authorities continue to fight and do everything to save the lives of these people.

According to him, the military-political leadership of the country is in constant contact with the fighters who remain in Mariupol, and receives firsthand information about the situation in the city.

"The struggle for Mariupol does not end. This is a Ukrainian city. And it will always be like that," said the Head of the President's Office.

Andriy Yermak confirmed that Ukraine will now need heavy weapons to counter Russia more effectively.

"This is something that will allow us to protect our sky during the constant bombing. These are tanks. These are remedies against ship attacks. MLRS and more. But I would like to emphasize once again that our partners have an exhaustive list. We look forward to even greater support. With this support and a strong sanctions policy, we will surely win," he said.

Andriy Yermak reminded that a group of international and Ukrainian experts has been set up pursuant to the instructions of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy who are analyzing the effectiveness of the current sanctions and developing proposals for new restrictive measures. An action plan to strengthen sanctions on the Russian Federation developed by the Yermak-McFaul international group of experts has already been presented.

"It contains clear, definite sanctions that we will propose to our partners - the EU and its member states, as well as the United States, Great Britain and other countries - to apply against Russia. The fact that the war in Ukraine continues, our people, our children are being killed, makes it clear that the current sanctions policy is insufficient. It needs to be strengthened. It needs to be updated, new sanctions need to be developed constantly. And I would like to emphasize that the EU's support for a full embargo on energy, Russian gas and oil, is very important to us. Also the application of sanctions against all Russian banks. It is important to elaborate sanctions recognizing Russia as a country that sponsors terrorism. Also, in my opinion, the issue of including Russia in the FATF blacklist should be considered, following the example of other countries to which such measures have already been applied. And much more," Andriy Yermak said.


The Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine also noted that in a situation where a full-scale war is being waged against our state virtually throughout the territory, it is difficult to negotiate with an aggressor who ignores not only international law, but also the laws of war.