Small Wars Journal

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN April 19, 7.00 pm EST

Wed, 04/20/2022 - 6:41am

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



April 19, 7.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 19.04 were approximately:

personnel - about 20800,

tanks ‒ 802,

APV ‒ 2063,

artillery systems – 386,

MLRS - 132,

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 67,

aircraft – 169,

helicopters – 150,

vehicles - 1495,

boats / cutters - 8,

fuel tanks - 76,

UAV operational-tactical level - 158.

special equipment - 27.

mobile SRBM system - 4.

The fifty-fifth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues. A Russian federation continues its full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine.

A Russian enemy is trying to continue offensive operations in the Eastern Operational Zone in order to establish full control over the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, as well as to maintain a land corridor with the temporarily occupied Crimea.

Missile and air strikes on civilian targets throughout Ukraine do not stop. There was the intensification of the Russian missile strikes on civilian objects in the western regions during the 18th of April.

In the Slobozhansky and Donetsk operational districts, the Russian aggressor is conducting offensive and assault operations in certain areas.

The Russian enemy continues to transfer weapons and military equipment to Ukraine from the central and eastern regions of the Russian federation. Along with combat units, it transfers support units.

In addition, in order to improve the logistics system, the Russian occupiers are deploying logistics centers and creating field bases for repairing and renewing damaged equipment.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the Russian enemy continues to partially block the city of Kharkiv. According to available information, in order to organize the air defense system of the offensive group, the Russian enemy is transferring additional anti-aircraft missile divisions of short-range surface-to-air missile system "Tor" (SA-15 Gauntlet) to the Kharkiv region. At the same time, mobile long range surface-to-air missile divisions of S-400 (SA-21 Growler) and S-300 (SA-10 Grumble) were deployed in the areas of the Belgorod region bordering on Ukraine to cover the main command and control points, as well as the rear areas.

In the Izyum direction, the Russian enemy is conducting offensive operations on the left bank of the Siversky Donets River. To support the offensive actions of the group in this direction, the enemy created a system of main and reserve firing positions for rocket and barrel artillery.

In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions, the Russian occupiers intensified offensive operations along the entire line of contact.

The main efforts of the enemy are focused on breaking through the defence of Ukrainian troops in Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts, as well as establishing full control over the city of Mariupol. In the Zaporozhzhia oblast, the concentration of units of the Russian occupying forces continues in certain areas.

In the South Buh direction, the Russian enemy focuses on reaching the administrative border of the Kherson region. In order to improve the tactical situation, the Russian occupiers are trying to conduct offensive operations in the area of ​​the village of Oleksandrivka. The Russian enemy does not stop shelling of civilian objects in the city of Mykolaiv.

No significant changes have been recorded in the Volyn, Polissya and Siversky directions.

The republic of Belarus continues to use and provide its territory for air strikes on the territory of Ukraine and reconnaissance of objects on Ukrainian territory.

According to the available updated information, the losses of the 126th Coast Guard Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet are up to 75%. The 810th Independent Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet lost 158 ​​servicemen killed, about 500 wounded, and 70 people are missing.

A significant number of servicemen of these brigades wrote reports refusing to participate in the so-called "special operation".

In the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, Ukraine's defenders repulsed seven enemy attacks, destroyed ten tanks, eighteen armored units and eight vehicles, one artillery system, and an enemy mortar.

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has hit seven air targets the day before: one plane, four UAVs and two cruise missiles.


The Russian occupiers continue to launch missile and bomb strikes on civilian and military infrastructure throughout Ukraine.

In the Volyn, Polissya, and Siversky directions, the Russian forces did not take active action. The movement of damaged equipment of the military units of the Eastern Military District continues by rail from the territory of the Republic of Belarus to the Russian Federation. The Armed Forces of the Russian federation continue to use the airfield network on the territory of the republic of Belarus in order to launch airstrikes on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.

In the Slobozhansky direction the partial blockade by the Russian enemy of the city of Kharkiv proceeds. The Russian occupiers are trying to fire at Ukrainian troops and critical infrastructure. The enemy units from Russia attempted an offensive south of Izyum. They were unsuccessful, suffered losses, and were forced to retreat to their former positions.

In the Donetsk direction, near the town of Marinka, as a result of a counteroffensive by Ukrainian troops, the Russian enemy suffered losses and retreated. Units of the Defence Forces of Ukraine regained control of the settlement.

Fighting continues in the area of ​​Oleksandrivka in the South Buh area, where Russian enemy is unsuccessful. Russian enemy tries to reach the administrative border of the Kherson oblast and it does not stop shelling settlements.

The Russian enemy continues to suffer significant personnel losses. In order to solve the problem of recruiting units under contract, the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation decided to sign short-term contracts for three months and simplify the form of psychophysical selection of future candidates. These measures did not lead to the desired effect. According to available information, since the beginning of the 2022 year, only 130 contract servicemen have been selected to serve in 42 units of the Southern Military District. 22 of them have already refused to participate in the so-called "special operation" in Ukraine.

According to the available information, the personnel of two battalion tactical groups was destroyed in the 200th separate motorized infantry brigade of the 14th Army Corps of the Coastal Forces of the Northern Fleet. In addition, three companies of the 51st Airborne Regiment and the Company of the 137th Airborne Regiment, which is part of the 106th Airborne Division, were destroyed on the territory of Ukraine.



Security Service of Ukraine

SSU actively counteracts to enemy who seeks to destabilize our information and cybersecurity The war is not just on the battlefield. The enemy seeks to undermine our information and cybersecurity. Russian fakes are becoming more and more fantastic. The occupiers’ aim is to sow panic and discord.

However, the SSU is actively counteracting to this. We are detaining Russian propagandists. We are exposing enemy’s agents. We are blocking bot farms and hackers.

But each of you can help Ukraine:

·     join the fight on the information front;

·     spread true information about the war;

·     expose the enemy’s fakes;

·     send data about the enemy’s movement to our chatbot @stop_russian_war_bot.


While the Russian Ministry of Defence is fabricating nonsense about the SSU (this time that the SSU ‘plans to disguise its employee occupiers’ uniform and arrange execution of local population in Odesa region’), the SSU is working effectively. We respond to fakes with real outcomes of our activity, which are very annoying for the enemy.

Our staff not only defend Ukraine with weapons in hands, but also counteract to the enemy’s sabotage and reconnaissance activity. Over the last few days, the SSU exposed two traitors-collaborators in a railway company, neutralized a group of FSB sleeper agents in Dnipropetrovsk region and detained an official from the Crimea.

In a special operation, the SSU detained one of the heads of a unit of Donetsk Railway, who had been recruited by the occupiers. Following their instructions, he was to collect data on movement of equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and location of Ukrainian checkpoints.

Another collaborator was caught in Kyiv. He turned out to be an official of Ukrzaliznytsia's central office. Since the start of Russia’s full-scale aggression, he called on his colleagues to support the occupiers. In particular, he sent propaganda material through messenger apps to the company’s employees.


In addition, during temporary occupation of Irpen, Bucha and Vorzel, the man helped the invaders navigate the area for equipping positions and looting.

In Dnipro: The SSU special purpose unit detained a sabotage group of FSB sleeper agents that included three locals. Supervised by the enemy’s special services, they conducted sabotage and reconnaissance in the region. The agents told the investigation that their group had been formed in 2015 and was not active until now. From time to time, they carried out rare instructions of the FSB.

Recently, the enemy activated them and tasked to closely monitor critical and military infrastructure, as well as commit arson of premises of patriotic civilian organizations to create a ‘picture’ needed for the Russian media.

In Lviv region: The SSU detained an official of one of the ‘ministries’ of the temporarily occupied Crimea, who contributed to the establishment of Russian occupation authorities on the peninsula. She publicly supported Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the crimes of the Russian military. According to the woman, she ‘came to Lviv due to family circumstances’ and did not expect to be identified. However, thanks to the SSU, she will be held accountable for her actions.

In Luhansk region: The SSU detained an agent whom Russia had sent to Ukraine a week before the war. The agent is a man who has just been released from Russian pre-trial detention center. The occupying forces did not come up with anything better than send him to the Joint Forces Operation area. He was to conduct reconnaissance of the area and photograph positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

All the suspects have been detained. The SSU is working to establish the entire chain of those involved and bring them to justice.


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

The occupiers are abducting residents of Zaporizhzhia region en masse.

According to the available information, as of the evening of April 18, 155 cases of abduction of civilians by the troops of the Russian Federation were registered in the region.

So far, 86 hostages have been released and 69 more remain in captivity. Of the total number of abductees - 34 local authorities (24 released), 14 entrepreneurs (6 released), 12 heads of enterprises, institutions, organizations (released 5), 3 lawyers (released 2), 2 journalists - released.

Such actions by russian militants grossly violate the right to liberty and security of citizens of Ukraine guaranteed by Articles 3 and 34 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Torture of prisoners of war is a violation of Article 3 of the 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War.


The Russians continue to try to destroy Mariupol and its defenders.

The occupiers dropped heavy bombs on the premises of the Azovstal plant, fired at it from artillery and tanks, and inflicted chaotic blows on the residential sector of the Left Bank district.

About 1,000 civilians, including children, remain in the basement of the plant.

To travel around the city, it became mandatory for residents to wear white armbands similar to those worn by the enemy military. Thus, the militants expose them to shelling and use them as "bait" for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The so-called "DPR ombudsman" decided to intervene in the burial of the dead, explaining that from now on burials require a "document" that can be issued when relatives provide all their personal data. Currently, all channels on social networks Facebook, Telegram and others are under the control of "DPR volunteers", who disseminate misinformation and also collect personal data of those who remained in Mariupol and their relatives. In fact, the public has become another way of "filtering" Mariupol inhabitants.

The actions of the occupiers of the Russian Federation in Mariupol are genocide of the Ukrainian people in accordance with the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and Article 6 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.


Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine

On 19 April 2022, Russian armed forces launched a targeted artillery attack with prohibited cluster munitions against civilians and infrastructure in the town of Zelenodolsk, Dnipropetrovsk region. As a result of large-scale enemy shelling, residential multi-storey buildings, premises of an educational institution, agricultural equipment and other facilities were damaged.

Russian forces also shelled a children's playground in the local recreation park. Seventeen cluster munitions craters were identified.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

State Emergency Service officers (SES) completed work on 40 sites in Kharkiv, removed the bodies of 112 people from the rubble, and rescued 59 people.

SES efforts are also aimed at dismantling debris in the settlements of Kyiv, Sumy and Chernihiv regions. In particular, rescuers completed the dismantling of debris at 7 sites in Borodyanka, Kyiv region, unblocking the bodies of 41 victims. Work is underway to dismantle the destroyed high-rise buildings in Gostomel, where 11 foreign rescuers are helping Ukrainian rescuers.


Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Most of the patients affected by the full-scale Russian invasion were admitted to the hospitals with injuries of varying severity. Therefore, today Ukraine is expanding the possibilities of wound healing according to the method of VAC-therapy in different regions. VAC therapy is the gold standard in the treatment of wounds in the world. Ukrainian doctors who have returned from abroad are working on the development of VAC therapy in the Vinnytsia region to help save the lives and health of Ukrainians affected by the war.




President of Ukraine

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a meeting with the leadership of the Verkhovna Rada, representatives of the parliamentary corps and members of the government on legislative initiatives that are of paramount importance for the state's activities in wartime.

Particular attention was paid to the draft laws that need urgent consideration at the next sitting of the Verkhovna Rada.

In particular, the parties discussed the need to approve the decree of the President of Ukraine on the prolongation of martial law, bills to regulate the legal regime in the temporarily occupied territory, the procedure for locating production facilities evacuated due to armed aggression of the Russian Federation, amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine on cooperation with the International Criminal Court.

Also consideration is required for the draft laws on the organization of the work of providers of electronic communications networks in martial law, features of privatization of state property in this period, improvement of sanctions and recovery of assets of individuals and legal entities for the state revenue, deregulation in the supply of agricultural products during martial law.


Address of President V.Zelenskyy to Ukrainians

The 55th day of our defense against Russia's full-scale aggression is coming to an end. At present, virtually the entire combat-ready part of the invaders’ army is concentrated on the territory of our state and in the border areas of Russia. They drove against Ukraine almost everyone and almost everything that can fight us.

Therefore, in this confrontation, in this defense, before the eyes of the whole world, we are really opposing the army, which was considered the second or third in power. And the way our Armed Forces are holding on, the way our entire nation is boldly defending itself shows that the Ukrainian army has long deserved to be higher than the Russian one in global rankings.

If we had access to all the weapons we need, which our partners have and which are comparable to the weapons used by the Russian Federation, we would have already ended this war. We would have already restored peace and liberated our territory from the occupiers. Because the superiority of the Ukrainian military in tactics and wisdom is quite obvious.

That is why I emphasize the simple truth in literally every contact with the leaders of the democratic world, in all negotiations, in all interviews - it is unfair that Ukraine is still forced to ask for what its partners have been storing somewhere for years. If they have the weapons that Ukraine needs here, needs now, if they have the ammunition that we need here and now, it is their moral duty first of all to help protect freedom. Help save the lives of thousands of Ukrainians.

If we had received what we are getting now in the first week of the war, the benefit for Ukraine and for freedom in Europe would be greater, I am sure. And if we get what some partners plan to hand over to Ukraine in the coming weeks right now, it will save the lives of thousands of people.

I hope that the partners will hear this thesis and understand that every day matters. Any delay in helping Ukraine gives the occupiers an opportunity to kill more Ukrainians.

The intensity of fire by Russian troops in the Kharkiv direction, in Donbas and in the Dnipropetrovsk region has increased significantly. They still consider ordinary housing infrastructure normal targets for them. In this war, the Russian army will forever inscribe itself in world history as perhaps the most barbaric and inhuman army in the world.

Purposefully killing civilians, destroying residential neighborhoods, civilian infrastructure, using all kinds of weapons for this, including those prohibited by international conventions, is the signature of the Russian army. And this is vileness, which will mark the Russian state as a source of absolute evil for generations.

And when a special tribunal is set up to convict all those guilty of war crimes, a Russian passport will mean only one thing in any country: unequivocal condemnation from all decent people, unequivocal unwillingness to cooperate.

The situation in Mariupol remains unchanged - as severe as possible. The Russian army is blocking any efforts to organize humanitarian corridors and save our people. The occupiers are trying to carry out deportation or even mobilization of the local residents who have fallen into their hands. The fate of at least tens of thousands of Mariupol residents who were previously relocated to Russian-controlled territory is unknown.

Unfortunately, we do not hear a response from Russia to the exchange offer, which could save the civilians and defenders of Mariupol. And this silence should be noted by all who have been or may be associated with Russia. When your fate is decided, Moscow will be silent. This is illustrative. And this is the best argument not to have contacts with the Russian Federation.

In the south of our country, the occupiers are trying to demonstrate at least something that can be presented in Russia as the alleged readiness of Ukrainians to cooperate with Russian structures. It looks pathetic. After 55 days of war, the occupiers didn't manage to attract anyone to their side except for some outcasts.

The situation is quite clear - Ukrainians in all regions of our state support Ukrainian national unity. They support our national statehood.

And I am grateful to all the residents of the temporarily occupied cities, temporarily occupied communities - Kherson, Kakhovka, Melitopol and all our other communities - for this clear position. No cooperation with the occupiers. No support for the collaborators. The more principled we are, the more principled you will be, the sooner normal life will return.

I held a meeting with representatives of the Verkhovna Rada today. We discussed the plan of parliamentary work, agreed on important draft decisions for the state, which need to be adopted in the near future.

In particular, the deputies were offered to support the technical decision to extend the martial law. This is necessary for the legal support of the defense of our state and the stable operation of all structures.

We also discussed a bill on the procedure for deploying the capacities of the enterprises that were evacuated from the combat zone. A bill with amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, which are necessary for cooperation with the International Criminal Court. A bill on the legal regime in the temporarily occupied territories.

The conversation was substantive, and I hope that the deputies will work out these bills soon enough.

I spoke today with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte. Informed him about the current situation in the areas of hostilities and especially in Donbas. Expressed gratitude for the strong support for Ukraine. We coordinated the next steps needed to protect our state and freedom in Europe. Agreed to increase the supply of heavy weapons, including armored vehicles.

I also spoke with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. In particular, on the defensive, financial and humanitarian needs of Ukraine. We are accelerating procedures so that Ukraine can move forward in European integration as fast as possible. Now, during the war, this movement and its speed are also elements of protection of our state, preservation of freedom for our people.

More and more global companies are announcing the shutdown in Russia. Today, the German company Henkel has joined hundreds of other such large companies.

I want to emphasize that this is inevitable: any normal business will have to make such a decision and leave Russia. Now the Russian state is at a level where any association with it and any support for it means complicity in mass killings. Complicity in what will be called crimes against humanity and genocide.

Before delivering this address, I signed the traditional decree on awarding our defenders. 286 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were awarded state awards. 229 of them are servicemen of the 36th separate brigade of marines, which together with other units heroically defends Mariupol. Maximum gratitude from all the Ukrainian people to the 36th brigade, Azov, the 12th brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, border guards, Right Sector volunteers, the 555th military hospital, police officers and territorial defense.


Prime Minister of Ukraine

Our Armed Forces are defending themselves. They keep in all directions, including the hero Mariupol city. We believe in our victory, and we believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Ensuring our defenders remains a priority for the Government. We allocated billions of hryvnias for this every week.

While our soldiers bravely defend the eastern and southern borders, the country is returning to work. Ukrainians are returning home. More than a million of our citizens have returned to their homeland since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. The government continues an effective program of gradual reconstruction of unoccupied cities. At today's meeting, we will adopt three documents in this direction.

The documents adopted today are part of a comprehensive plan that envisages the reconstruction of everything destroyed, the modernization of state structures, and the maximum acceleration of Ukraine's development.

Every week we make decisions for the social support of Ukrainians. We continue to finance all social expenditures: pensions, benefits, and subsidies despite all the difficulties. Pensions have already been funded for UAH 37 billion, or more than 75% of all April payments.

Today we will approve the procedure for allocating subsidies and the algorithm for their calculation and payment for those of our settlements that are currently under temporary occupation.

Almost 1.5 million people have officially registered as internally displaced persons. We started paying for them on April 8th. UAH 2,000 for each adult and UAH 3,000 for a child or a person with a disability. So far, 250,000 people have received their funds. We will gradually transfer money to all our IDPs.

Providing our army, rebuilding destroyed cities, and providing social benefits is impossible without a functioning economy. Compared to March, we are recording a somewhat positive recovery dynamic. The tax, credit, and regulatory changes we have launched are helping businesses stay afloat and rebuild. Over the past week, more than 2,500 applications have been submitted from various companies for loans at 0% under the 5-7-9 program.

0% of loans worth almost UAH 8.3 billion were attracted for sowing. The state has already helped about 3,000 agricultural enterprises to sow. As of April 18th, the projected planted areas of the mainspring crops in the controlled zone are 14.2 million hectares. This is 2.7 million hectares less than last year. In fact, this year, we will sow more than 80% of the previous year's areas with spring crops.

And finally. A historic event took place yesterday. Ukraine submitted answers to the questionnaire for EU candidate status. We received it a week ago. And in record time, our team filled it. It was a collaborative and genuinely professional work of the Government, the Office of the President, People's Deputies of Ukraine, and public experts. Thank you all very much for this work. We are one step closer to the EU. We hope that the European solution will be just as quick in response.

Today we are presenting a bill proposing to ensure the free circulation on the territory of Ukraine of goods that meet the requirements for the safety of EU non-nutrition products.

Our main goal is the European future, European standards in everything. After the war, we plan to build a new Ukrainian economy that will be part of a larger European one.

We have already joined the European power grid, discussing a single payment space and free-roaming. Ukraine will win and be a wealthy, free member of the European Union.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Comment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine regarding the Russian Federation's disregard of the Order of the International Court of Justice.

Five years ago, on April 19, 2017, the International Court of Justice delivered its Order in the case “Ukraine v. Russia” ordering Russia to “refrain from maintaining or imposing limitations on the ability of the Crimean Tatar community to conserve its representative institutions, including the Mejlis” and to “ensure the availability of education in the Ukrainian language”.

The 2016 ban on the Crimean Tatars' highest representative and executive body became further evidence of Russia's gross violation of international humanitarian and human rights law, racial discrimination, and part of a large-scale campaign of intimidation and persecution of those who oppose the temporary occupation of the peninsula.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine condemns Russia’s deliberate disregard for the International Court of Justice Order as well as its continued crack-down on the rights of ethnic Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

"Repressive campaigns against the Crimean Tatars, their ousting, deprivation of the right to own land, forced change of the demographic composition of Crimea by the Russian occupation administration are aimed at destroying the identity of the Crimean Tatar people," - said First Deputy Minister Emine Dzhaparova.

We consider as illegal all decisions of the so-called "courts" to ban the entry to the territory of the Crimean Peninsula for a long time to the leader of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilev, Head of the Mejlis Refat Chubarov, and deputy heads of this representative body - Akhtem Chiygoz and Ilmi Umerov.

We stress that the arrest of First Deputy Head of the Mejlis Nariman Dzhelal in September 2021 just days after his participation in the Crimea Platform Summit became another example of Russia's continued and deliberate pressure on Mejlis representatives. Today, along with more than 120 other Ukrainians, he is a political prisoner of the Kremlin.

Russia's impunity for its crimes has led to a deliberate increase in aggression, to a full-scale war against our state as well as to its atrocities in Ukraine with the aim to annihilate the Ukrainian people, eradicate culture, identity, and ultimately the Ukrainian state. Painful images of mutilated bodies and raped civilians, destroyed cities, towns, settlements of Kyiv region - Borodyanka, Bucha, Gostomel, Irpin - are evidences of Russia’s war crimes as well as of its agony to brutally destroy everyone and everything Ukrainian.

After February 24, 2022, Russia openly uses the occupied Crimea and the Black Sea as one of the bridgehead of its invasion of Ukraine, in order to move its manpower and weapons, launch aircrafts, cruise and ballistic missiles, as well as to hold Ukrainian prisoners of war. Conscription and mobilization of Crimean residents to the Russian Armed Forces is also underway.

We are grateful to our partners for all the support provided to our state in countering Russia's armed aggression. We call on the international community to continue its pressure on Russia to end its war against Ukraine, to stop persecutions of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars in Crimea, as well as to implement the Order of ICJ.


Every day more and more diplomatic missions resume their work in Kyiv. This is the best evidence that the world supports and believes in Ukraine.

Today, diplomats from 16 diplomatic missions keep up working in the Ukrainian capital again - 🇪🇺 EU, 🇫🇷 France, 🇮🇹 Italy, 🇱🇻 Latvia, 🇱🇹 Lithuania, 🇪🇪 Estonia, 🇵🇱 Poland, 🇹🇷Turkey, 🇨🇿 Czech Republic, 🇸🇮 Slovenia, 🇻🇦Vatican, 🇲🇩 Moldova, 🇬🇪 Georgia, 🇮🇷 Iran, 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan, 🇹🇯 Tajikistan, 🇹🇲 Turkmenistan.


Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine

On April 19, the Minister Oleksiy Chernyshov together with the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki, the Minister of Poland Michał Dworczyk, the Mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovy and the Head of Lviv Regional State Administration Maksym Kozytsky opened the first modular camp for internally displaced persons in Lviv.

 In total, three modular towns are planned to be installed in Lviv to accommodate more than a thousand internally displaced persons.  The infrastructure of one town is designed to accommodate 350 people and includes both residential modules and sanitary (toilet / shower), dining room and administrative modules.  The town is provided with lighting, heating and, importantly, the necessary furniture and equipment. This type of construction is the first installed in Ukraine, and fully meets the technical requirements, climate, is comfortable for temporary residence at any time of year.

 The next stage of cooperation with Polish partners involves the establishment of towns to accommodate 5,000 people a month.  The Minister also thanked the Polish partners who support our refugees in such a difficult time for Ukraine and join the deployment of IDPs in Ukraine and thanked the Mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovy for the prompt allocation of sites and providing them with communications.


New Global Cities in Latin America and Asia: Welcome to the Twenty-First Century

Tue, 04/19/2022 - 4:24pm

Small Wars Journal−El Centro Fellow Pablo Baisotti has published a new book New Global Cities in Latin America and Asia: Welcome to the Twenty-First Century.  The book assesses the role of global cities while examining their social difficulties: organized crime, drug trafficking, slums, and economic inequalities. Dr. Baisotti includes researchers from a range of fields to interpret the role and future of megacities in Latin America and China. 

Baisotti Cover

The book is divided into two parts: Part I. Asia,: Center of growth and globalism and part II. Latin America: Opening , Globalization, and Crisis. Part II contains two chapter of specific interest to SWJ−El Centro readers. These are: Chapter 9, "Urban Conflict and Transnational Crime in Latin American Cities by SWJ−El Centro Senior fellow John P. Sullivan and Chapter 11, "Economy, Inequalities, and Cities: Chinese Influence in Latin America. New Global Cities in Latin America and Asia is available in Kindle, Hardcover, and Paperback formats. 

Source: Pablo Baisotti, New Global Cities in Latin America and Asia: Welcome to the Twenty-First Century. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 2022. 

4/19/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 04/19/2022 - 9:17am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. An Interview with Richard D. Clarke (JFQ)
3. Rediscovering the Value of Special Operations (JFQ)
4. Making the Case for a Joint Special Operations Profession (JFQ)
5. How a Mariupol steel plant became a holdout for the city’s resistance
6. Use of Army’s prepositioned ‘afloat’ equipment is expected to grow in the Pacific
7. Russia forces attacking along broad east front, Ukraine says
8. Three US Army vehicle upgrade programs look smart after Russia's Ukraine debacle
9. Special Operations Command Targets Vehicle Upgrades
10. The West Is As Poorly Prepared to Help Taiwan As It Was for Ukraine
11.  US troops to train Ukrainian forces on howitzers in coming days
12. Paratroopers with the 173rd Airborne Brigade fire live Stinger missiles in Croatia
13. Russia’s Military: Failure on an Awesome Scale
14. Hearts Not Minds: Morale and Inspiration in Insurgency and Territorial Defense
15. Russia's special-operations forces are under fire in Ukraine
16. Special Operations News Update - April 19, 2022 | SOF News
17. Ad execs and car salesmen: Meet the Ukrainian volunteers fighting back against Russia
18. Putin’s May 9 problem: Can there be a Victory Day in Russia with nothing to celebrate?
19. Russia's War for the Donbas Begins: What Happens if Putin Can't Win?
20. FDD | What is the Future of Cyber Deterrence?
21. White House finally awakens to PRC capture of Solomon Islands
22. Analysis: Hamas-Led Militant Groups Create Strife at Al-Aqsa Mosque
23. Beijing Is Used to Learning From Russian Failures
24. Pentagon, industry wrestle with how to boost weapons production for Ukraine
25. How Ukraine War Is Changing The World Order – OpEd
26. Russia’s favorite war propagandist is a Navy veteran from Missouri

Korean News Content:

1. North Korea's weapons system test seen as boosting short-range nuclear capabilities
2. U.S. will listen to N. Korea's concerns but only through dialogue: State Dept.
3. Seoul urges Pyongyang to stop provocations, resume dialogue
4. Economy and security risks to be managed by presidential office (South Korea)
5. State Department says Korea is totally safe to visit
6. North's gearing up for military parade
7. North Korea likely to resume show of force to commemorate multiple anniversaries
8. Russian, Chinese warplanes entered S. Korea's air defense zone last month
9. Unification minister holds talks with US nuclear envoy on N. Korea
10. North Korea's nuclear doctrine
11. Going nuclear (nuclear energy in South Korea)
12. US government warns that North Korea is targeting crypto firms
13. Yoon to invite 41,000 for his inauguration ceremony amid eased virus distancing

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN April 18, 10.00 pm EST - The fifty-fourth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues.

Mon, 04/18/2022 - 1:37pm

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



April 18, 10.00 pm EST




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 18.04 were approximately:

personnel - about 20600,

tanks ‒ 790,

APV ‒ 2041,

artillery systems – 381,

MLRS - 130,

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 67,

aircraft – 167,

helicopters – 147,

vehicles - 1487,

boats / cutters - 8,

fuel tanks - 76,

UAV operational-tactical level - 155.

special equipment - 27.

mobile SRBM system - 4.

Data are being updated


The fifty-fourth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a Russian military invasion continues. Russia continues its full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine.

The Armed Forces of the Russian federation are completing the creation of an offensive group in the Eastern Operational Zone. The enemy also continues to launch missile and bomb strikes on critical infrastructure of Ukraine.

In the Volyn and Polissya areas, the enemy did not take active action, no signs of the formation of offensive groups were found. Certain units of the Armed Forces of the republic of Belarus continue to carry out tasks to cover the Ukrainian-Belarusian border in Brest and Gomel regions. In these areas, the enemy conducts electronic warfare reconnaissance. The export of damaged armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of the Russian federation is recorded by rail from the territory of the republic of Belarus.

In the Siversky direction, the enemy exercises increased control over border areas. Engineering equipment of positions in the areas of checkpoints and in the border areas of the Bryansk and Kursk regions of the Russian federation continues. The involvement of sabotage and reconnaissance groups and missile strikes from the territory of the Russian federation is not ruled out.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the occupiers continue to partially blockade Kharkiv and try to carry out fire damage to units of our troops.

In order to expand the bridgehead on the left bank of the Siversky Donets River and create conditions for the rapid deployment of troops, the enemy conducted reconnaissance by fighting in the settlements of Zavody, Dmytrivka and Dibrovne. He was unsuccessful, lost and left.

In the Donetsk and Tavriya directions, the enemy regains combat capability and replenishes its reserves. It is trying to improve the tactical position of his units and intensify hostilities. The Russian occupiers continue shelling the settlements of Siversk and Pokrovske.

The enemy concentrated its main efforts in the areas of the settlements of Lyman, Kreminna, Popasna and Rubizhne, trying to establish full control over the city of Mariupol. It carried out offensive operations in the Siverodonetsk, Popasna and Zaporizhia directions.

The enemy tried unsuccessfully to gain a foothold in the areas of Kreminna and Rubizhne. It carried out assault operations in the areas of Novotoshkivske, Popasna, Avdiivka and Marinka. It was also unsuccessful.

In the South Buh direction, the enemy focuses its main efforts on maintaining its positions, and continues to exert fire on the positions of our troops in the directions of Mykolayiv and Oleksandrivka.

It is expected that the enemy will continue to fight to reach the administrative borders of the Kherson region.

In total, 87 battalion tactical groups of the enemy were involved in the implementation of combat missions on the territory of Ukraine.

In the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, defenders of Ukraine repulsed twelve enemy attacks, destroyed ten tanks, fifteen armored units and five vehicles, as well as five enemy artillery systems.

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has hit five air targets the day before: one plane, three helicopters and one UAV.


The Security Service of Ukraine

MP Viktor Medvedchuk, detained by the SSU, has addressed the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin with an offer to exchange him for defenders and residents of Mariupol.

He notes that they are in a blocked city, without a safe way out through humanitarian corridors.

In Mariupol, Russia’s aggression caused one of the biggest humanitarian catastrophes. The invaders bomb civilians, block the delivery of humanitarian aid to the city, forcibly deport Ukrainians to Russia and deliberately destroy the city.

According to various estimates, about 120,000 civilians remain in blocked Mariupol, and the soldiers of the Azov Regiment and the 36th Marine Brigade continue to defend the city.

The SSU detained Medvedchuk on April 12. Later, the Head of the SSU Ivan Bakanov revealed the details of the special operation to detain the fugitive MP. He informed that the Russian FSB tried to take him first to Transnistria and then to Moscow. The SSU detained Medvedchuk on the way out of Kyiv region.


Russian invaders continue forced mobilization in so-called LNR/DNR (video). Men are caught on the streets, taken away from work, taken out of apartments or just off buses. All their documents are taken away, the ‘newly-recruited’ are dressed in uniforms without identification marks and sent to the front.

For the ‘troops’ not to run away - they are transported in closed railway cars. This is what a Donetsk resident, taken prisoner in Ukraine, tells about the ‘special rescue operation of Russia’.

‘They put us [in a vehicle] and drove somewhere. We didn’t know where we were going. And then we saw… Our task, as I understand it, we were like construction battalion… Like, dig trenches. It is unclear why and for what,’ says the ‘mobilized soldier’.

According to him, he did not take part in hostilities, but only guarded the checkpoint following orders of his commanders.


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

Peaceful cities of Ukraine are under regular shelling from the enemy.

This morning, five aimed missile strikes on Lviv. The missiles hit near railway facilities. One of the missiles hit a civilian object - a tire fitting.

Previously, 6 people died. 11 were injured, including 1 child. About 40 cars were damaged or destroyed. The shock wave shattered the windows of a nearby hotel. Ukrainians evacuated from other regions live there.

Rocket attack in Dnipropetrovsk region - two victims in Synelnykiv district. There, the missile hit an infrastructure facility. Rescuers put out the fire.

People were not affected in Pavlograd district. But it destroyed the railway infrastructure.

Tonight there was a rocket attack on Kramatorsk, there is destruction of infrastructure - at least 8 residential buildings, educational and infrastructural facilities were destroyed, information on the victims is being clarified.

Due to a missile strike on April 17, 98 apartment buildings in Brovary Kyiv region remain without electricity.

Since the beginning of the large-scale Russian invasion, 859 explosive devices, including two aerial bombs, have been detected, seized and destroyed by SES units in Kyiv.

The use of such weapons of mass destruction against civilians is a crime against humanity and a violation of the 1949 Geneva Conventions.


A special telephone line of the Commissioner for Psychological Assistance was launched on April 1 with the support of UNICEF.

There are 5 professional psychologists working on the line.

During the two weeks of its existence, more than 400 people called us for help, most of them calls from residents of liberated cities in Kyiv region - Bucha, Irpen, Gostomel.

People seek help mainly for sexual crimes, torture and abuse, both for themselves and for loved ones, including children.

Each appeal is a horrific account of the crippled life and unprecedented cruelty of the occupiers.

The number of requests for psychological help is growing every day.

We are currently working with UNICEF on the possibility of involving a psychiatrist in the telephone line.

You can get acquainted with some stories and conditions of psychological assistance in the interview of the psychologist of the telephone line of the Commissioner Oleksandra Kvitko:


Russians declare plans to attack the territory of the Azovstal plant in Mariupol, where at least 1,000 civilians are hiding.

According to Ukrainian defenders of the city, citizens who do not want to leave remain in the premises and basements of the plant, as their houses have been destroyed and they are afraid of being sent to filtration camps and Russia.  Among them are women, children and the elderly.

Mariupol City Hall reports that currently there are 4 filtration camps within the city, which hold citizens before deportation to Russia, they are more than 20 thousand people.  In the city of Bezymenne is a camp with 5-7 thousand citizens who are being prepared for deportation.

The actions of the enemy army in Mariupol are an act of genocide of the Ukrainian people in accordance with the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and Article 6 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.


As of 10 a.m. on April 18, 2022, according to the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations, as well as other sources that need confirmation, 205 (+3 per day) children have died and 362 children (+1 per day) have been injured since the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine.

It is impossible to establish the actual number of dead and wounded children due to the fact that the occupying forces are actively fighting in Ukrainian cities.

A 17-year-old boy was injured in the detonation of an unidentified explosive device in the Vyshhorod district of Kyiv region.

As a result of injuries received after the shelling of the village.  A 13-year-old girl died in Vilkhivka, Kharkiv Region.

It became known that an 11-year-old girl died in Kharkiv due to the shelling of the premises of the Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National University of the Air Force.

Such actions by the occupation forces are a direct violation of the fundamental rights of children - the right to life and health, guaranteed to every child in the world by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovyi

On April 18, Russian troops carried out 5 missile strikes on Lviv.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

On April 17, Russian invaders hit 18 residential buildings during the shelling of Kharkiv. Information on victims and injured is being clarified.

Everyone knows about the massacres in Bucha, but now new cases are opening in cities and villages across the country. There is direct evidence that in many cases these murders were committed for no reason. But there are those where the motives are quite clear to us. Before leaving the occupied territories, the Russians left many mines. They knew where Ukrainian soldiers lived and mined their homes. Our sappers continue to find minesweepers everywhere, even in washing machines and utensils.

About 400 bodies have been found so far in Bucha. However, according to the First Deputy Interior Minister Eugene Yenin it is still too early to sum up, we will need about 15 more days and then we will provide details.




President of Ukraine

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a meeting to discuss the country's post-war reconstruction and development plan.

The event was attended by Head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, Deputy Heads of the Office of the President, members of the Government, the leadership of the parliamentary majority and relevant committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

According to Denys Shmyhal, the post-war reconstruction plan consists of several parts, and international audit companies, Ukrainian think tanks, parliamentary committees and ministries have joined its development.

The plan envisages the restoration of Ukraine on new principles using all available resources and opportunities. In particular, it is planned to cover the material damage caused by the war, restore the destroyed infrastructure capacity and carry out structural modernization of the Ukrainian economy.

The participants also discussed the course of Ukraine’s European integration and obtaining candidate status for accession to the European Union.


Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

Minister Denys Maliuska: We use every opportunity to put the aggressor to responsibility.

According to him, the criminal proceedings have been opened in the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. Another 13 countries have also instituted criminal proceedings against hostilities of the Russian federation on the territory of Ukraine, as a universal jurisdiction is vested over war crimes. The International Criminal Court continues to investigate crimes. The ICC has jurisdiction covers three types of crime - genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. In addition, work is underway to establish an international tribunal to investigate the crime of aggression. For such a tribunal, Putin’s diplomatic immunity will not matter.


Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine,

Minister Viktor Liashko: 800 systems for VAC therapy - a unique method of wound healing - were purchased in Ukraine

Most of the patients affected by the full-scale Russian invasion end up in hospitals with injuries of varying severity. Therefore, today Ukraine is expanding the possibilities of wound healing according to the method of vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) of a wound in different regions. Viktor Lyashko spoke about it visiting medical institutions of Vinnytsia region.

VAC therapy is the gold standard in the treatment of wounds in the world. Treatment involves a device decreases air pressure on the wound to clean its surface and accelerate healing in the wounded.

“Since the beginning of the war, the Ministry of Health has directed its efforts to expand the possibilities of treatment with this method in different parts of our country. About 800 devices for VAC therapy have already been purchased, which will start arriving at hospitals this week, and we will deliver additional consumables to hospitals with vacuum consoles,” - said the Minister of Health.

Today, Ukrainian doctors who have returned from abroad are working on the development of VAC therapy in Vinnytsia region to help save the lives and health of Ukrainians affected by the war. In particular, Ihor Vitenko, a surgeon who has significantly improved the method of treatment of VAC therapy and has now left Belgium, came to Ukraine and has been treating patients since the beginning of the war.

According to Viktor Liashko, in general, the health care system in the region works well, hospitals are provided with the necessary medicines and consumables. Patients receive uninterrupted medical care.

Moreover, pharmacies in Vinnytsia region are provided with a sufficient number of vital medicines, including insulins and thyroid drugs. There is also an "Available Medicines" program, which allows you to buy medicines on both electronic and paper prescriptions.


State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

As of April, 18 almost 57,000 people and 12,000 vehicles crossed Ukraine's western borders with the EU and Moldova. Passenger traffic remains stable.

More than 28,000 people left Ukraine last day. About 19,000 of them crossed the border with Poland, the rest went to other EU member states and Moldova.

Almost 29,000 people arrived in Ukraine last day, about 26,000 of them Ukrainians. More than 380 vehicles with humanitarian goods have been processed.

Reminding, loading of checkpoints for border crossing to the EU and Moldova (in Chernivtsi region) can be followed on Facebook page of the Western Regional Directorate of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine – the Western Border. The data are renewed every three hours.

Pay attention, passing of persons through the state border is performed by authorized officials of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in accordance with valid passport or other documents provided by the legislation and international treaties.

4/18/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 04/18/2022 - 9:27am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. Atrocities in Ukraine War Have Deep Roots in Russian Military
3. Why Russia gave up on urban war in Kyiv and turned to big battles in the east
4. 'Wolverines' graffiti straight out of 'Red Dawn' showing up all over battlefields in Ukraine
5. A Most Reliable Ally: How Corruption in the Russian Military Could Save Ukraine
6. Putin's War - April 18, 2022 Update | SOF News
7. What the New Vision for US Special Operations Gets Right—and Wrong
8. The Tank Is Dead: Long Live the Javelin, the Switchblade, the … ?
9. U.S. Army Options to Regain Land Power Dominance
10. The CCP’s Ukraine War Propaganda
11. Defense Department Sets Out to Build Miniature Nuclear Reactor, Again
12. How China Would Wage War Against the 'Great Wall In Reverse'
13. Shortwave radio: can you hear me now?
14. The Dangers of China’s Decline
15. Eight New Points on the Porcupine: More Ukrainian Lessons for Taiwan
16. Russians at War – Putin’s Aggression Has Turned a Nation Against Itself
17. How to Seek Justice for Rape in the Ukraine War
18. New American Lend-Lease Program Sends Powerful Signal To Russians – OpEd
19. Column: U.S. Special Forces Have Unique Input With Ukraine

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1. U.S. envoy vows 'strongest possible deterrent' over N.Korea weapons tests
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3. Sung Kim arrives on five-day trip to South
4. Time to change conciliatory approach to North Korea: FM nominee
5. S. Korea, US kick off military drills as N.Korea gears up for massive military parade
6. How Much Are South Koreans Willing to Pay Toward the US Alliance?
7. Thank President Moon for South Korea's Big Military Build-Up
8. North Korea urges tighter antivirus efforts against prolonged COVID-19 pandemic
9. Why S.Korea Should Support Ukraine
10. North Korea may need more time to restore tunnels at Punggye-ri nuclear test site
11. North Korea issues orders regarding young violators of anti-reactionary thought law
12. A behind-the-scenes look at Moon’s 5 years in office, from inter-Korean peace talks to real estate woes
13. North Korea, NFTs and a hit video game: inside a $500m cryptocurrency theft

4/17/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 04/17/2022 - 11:19am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. The Mozart Group
3. U.S., allies plan for long-term isolation of Russia
4. 'Inclined Toward Treason': More And More Russian Soldiers Reportedly Refusing To Fight In Ukraine
5. Ukraine’s warning to Russia as war shifts east: ‘We are not going to give up a millimeter of our Motherland’
6. GUY ADAMS reveals how Ukrainians are holding out beneath Mariupol
7. Ukraine is scanning faces of dead Russians, then contacting the mothers
8. The New Democratic Alliance May Not Outlast the Ukraine War
9. Russia Crisis Military Assessment: How Ukraine can take the fight to Russia
10. Russia and China nightmare as UK scientists analyse secrets of Putin's prized fighter jet
11. What other weapons could the West wheel out?
12.  Putin’s Ukraine Gamble Pivots to a Very Different Battlefield
13. 'A family tradition': Special Forces candidates train across North Carolina for Robin Sage
14. Putin Has A Problem: NATO Is Sending Artillery and Tanks to Ukraine
15. US Army using lessons from Ukraine war to aid own training
16. Russia Loses Another General, Vows ‘Elimination’ of Resistance
17. More Than 1,500 Books Have Been Banned in Public Schools, and a U.S. House Panel Asks Why

Korean News Content:

1.  North Korea Launches 2 Short-Range Missiles
2. North Korea sharpens nuclear prowess with test of new weapons system: KCNA
3. N.K. leader inspects new tactical guided weapons test to improve nuke efficiency
4. Korea's Population to Dwindle Below 50 Million Next Year
5. S. Korea to hold NSC meeting on N.K. military activities: Cheong Wa Dae
6. President-elect Yoon to send delegation to Japan for policy consultation
7. Why not a Korea-U.S.-Japan TTC?
8. Korea-US joint military drills begin Monday
9. 'Call me by my English name'
10. Korea takes step closer to normality
11.FBI Statement on Attribution of Malicious Cyber Activity Posed by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
12. North Korea's Kim attends massive parade honoring grandfather

4/16/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 04/16/2022 - 12:08pm

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National Security News Content:

3. Zelensky asks Biden to designate Russia a state sponsor of terrorism
4. Taiwan says China's threats will only increase support for island
5. Russian Legislator and Two Staff Members Charged with Conspiring to Have U.S. Citizen Act as an Illegal Agent of the Russian Government in the United States
6. Ukraine May Get U.S. MQ-9 Reaper Strike Drones
7. [OPINION] The Philippines as disinformation battleground in the Ukraine War
8. Panel: China Planning a 'Go Big, Go Early' Strategy Against Taiwan
9. Zelenskyy Turns to the Laws of War in Prosecuting Kremlin Ally Caught in Uniform
10. This Is The Shadowy Special Operations Mothership You've Never Heard Of
11. What should the US Navy learn from Moskva's demise?
12. Liberation Without Victory
13. The Lessons of Ukraine for Taiwan—and the U.S.
14. Ukraine braces for a ‘knife fight’ in the Donbas
15. Understanding global disinformation and information operations
16. The PsyOps war comes to west Ukraine
17. ‘Neptune’ missile strike shows strength of Ukraine’s homegrown weapons
18. Removing Russia from the U.N. Security Council is a punishment that would matter | Column

Korean News Content:

1. Interview with South Korea’s next president, Yoon Suk-yeol
2. N.K. leader visits mausoleum to mark birth anniversary of grandfather
3. N. Korea marks late founder's birthday with fireworks, large-scale performance
4. Military veteran groups donate to building Wall of Remembrance in Washington
5. Radio Free Asia Wins Gracie for Korean Defector Project
6. North Koreans pay for sons to spend military service in cushy capital posts
7. Korea, U.S. in talks to hold Yoon-Biden summit around May 21: source
8. South Korean, Ukrainian FMs discuss humanitarian aid plan in phone talks
9. Is Kim Jong-un progressive?
10. North Korea's nuclear annihilation threat and Biden's timely 2022 Nuclear Posture Review
11. S. Korea decides to join CPTPP trade agreement
12. North Korea Marks Key Anniversary But No Word on Military Parade
13.  Koreans Who Served Alongside Americans Earn Place of Honor on National Mall Memorial
14. How Global Is the North Korean Economy?
15. North Korea blows up the Diamond Mountain tourist resort that once symbolized peace and cooperation with South Korea, report says
16. DPRK Military Parade Viewbook 2022 | Open Nuclear Network

4/15/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 04/15/2022 - 10:12am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. Ukraine War Update - April 15, 2022 | SOF News
3. C.I.A. Director Airs Concern That Putin Might Turn to Nuclear Weapons
4. Russia warns U.S. to stop arming Ukraine
5. U.S. Support for Ukraine Moves Further Into Offensive Assistance
6. Iran’s Revolutionary Guards leader vows to back all Islamic militias
7. What Would Happen If Russia Invaded Finland? Experts Weigh In
8. Putin purges more than 100 FSB agents in apparent retaliation amid Ukraine invasion quagmire
9. US military aid to Ukraine now has surpassed $3 billion under Biden. Here's what's been provided
10. Six U.S. lawmakers arrive in Taiwan on unannounced trip
11. In future wars, US Marine special operators will need to do more than 'kicking down a door,' top Marine says
12. Document reveals $14 billion backlog of US defense transfers to Taiwan
13. DOD: Security Assistance Support to Ukraine Not Affecting U.S. Readiness
14. Inside Ukraine's Makeshift Training Camps, Where Soldiers Are Forged from Civilians
15. What Artillery and Air Defense Does Ukraine Need Now?
16. Republican lawmakers call for reopening US Embassy in Ukraine’s capital
17. Biden Rejects Unanimous NSC ‘More Often Than You Might Think’
18. What China gets wrong
19. The Cyber-Escalation Fallacy
20.  The Outsiders – How the International System Can Still Check China and Russia
21. Fact Sheet on U.S. Security Assistance for Ukraine
22. Strategic sabotage is coming to a global conflict near you
23. Russian warship told to 'go f--- yourself' was either f---ed by Ukraine or by itself
24. The Latest Propaganda Wars
25. FBI Documents Expose Bureau's Big Jan. 6 'Lie'
26. Sex, Lies, and UFOs: Pentagon's Head of Counterintelligence and Security Ousted

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea marks late founder's birthday with fireworks, large-scale performance
2. South Korean President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol unveils foreign policy goals
3.U.S. special envoy for N. Korea to visit Seoul for talks: State Dept.
4. Moon to leave Cheong Wa Dae on May 9, attend Yoon's inauguration ceremony
5. Ahn vows to do best as transition team chief after patching up row with Yoon
6. N. Korean provocations likely to continue for months: Jake Sullivan
7. N. Korean defense minister promoted to vice marshal on late leader's anniv.
8. Only 11 N.K. defectors arrived in S. Korea in Q1
9. Dossier reveals diplomacy behind two Koreas' simultaneous entry into U.N. membership in 1991
10. Penthouses in North Korea are mainly for the unfortunate few
11. FBI says North Korean hackers stole more than $600 million in cryptocurrency in single hack
12.  Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site: Work Continues Around South Portal
13. New Seoul Government Turns Sharply to Washington
14. Washington seeks to reduce Pyongyang oil imports by half
15. Kim birthday brings joy to nobody in North Korea
16. Kim Jong-un Gives North Korea’s Most Famous TV Anchor a Luxury Home
17. US Air Force removes stockpile of depleted uranium rounds from South Korea (South Korean munitions)
18. HRNK Quoted 31 Times in the U.S. Department of State's Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2021 Human Rights Report

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN April 14, 7.00 pm EST

Fri, 04/15/2022 - 6:41am

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA



April 14, 7.00 pm EST


President V.Zelenskyy: I am grateful to everyone who supported our state and stood with us back to back helping us to get what is necessary for the defense of our state.

Russia is trying to complete preparations for an offensive operation in the Eastern Operational Zone. The aviation group and the command and control system are being built up.

Russian forces continue air strikes on Mariupol.

During the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 324 hospitals were damaged, 24 completely destroyed.




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russia is trying to complete preparations for an offensive operation in the Eastern Operational Zone. The aviation group and the command and control system are being built up.

Russia continues to launch missile and bomb attacks on infrastructure facilities and residential areas of cities and villages of our state.

In order to conduct hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, the occupiers are training additional units of the northern fleet and the 8th army of the southern military district of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. To provide units with weapons and military equipment, measures are being taken to remove them from long-term storage at bases and warehouses.

According to available information, the losses in the 126th separate coastal defense brigade (Perevalne) and the 127th separate reconnaissance brigade (Sevastopol) amount to more than 50 percent of the personnel.

Due to the critical situation with the staffing of combat units, the command of the armed forces of the Russian Federation plans to begin a new process of mobilization at the national level. According to the plan, the mobilization, in order to hide it, will be carried out in parallel with the planned conscription.

The situation in the Volyn and Polissya areas has not changed significantly. There is a movement of units of the 36th army of the eastern military district by rail from the territory of the Gomel region of the Republic of Belarus. The threat of missile strikes from the territory of Belarus on the objects of our State remains.

In the northern direction, the enemy is regrouping units with their further concentration in areas bordering Ukraine. From the territory of the Bryansk and Kursk regions there is a movement to the Belgorod and Voronezh regions of Russia.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the occupiers are conducting reconnaissance of probable areas of attack, increasing the system of reconnaissance and medical support. Stocks are being replenished.

The partial blockade and shelling of the city of Kharkiv continues.

In the city of Belgorod, the enemy deployed a unit of information and psychological operations of the armed forces of the Russian Federation in order to intensify measures of psychological influence on units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine and the civilian population of Kharkiv region. The goal is to demoralize and end the resistance.

The occupiers continue to prepare for active action in the areas of Slovyansk and Barvinkove.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy, with the support of aircraft and artillery, continues to attack in certain directions. The main efforts are focused on establishing control over the settlements of Popasna, Rubizhne, Severodonetsk and Slovyansk.

The enemy tried to break through our defenses in the areas of Rubizhne, Novotoshkivske and Marinka, was not successful. Russian forces continue to launch air strikes on Mariupol.

In the Black Sea and Azov operational zones, enemy naval groups continue to carry out tasks to isolate the area of hostilities and reconnaissance.


Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

Defence Intelligence of Ukraine has obtained data on Russian war criminals belonging to the highest command staff, knowingly following the orders of the Putin regime to destroy the Ukrainian state.


Defence Intelligence of Ukraine has obtained the list of servicemen of the special police unit "Oberig" of the Rosguard in the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass. They took part in the genocide of the people of Ukraine in the Kyiv region.


Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

58 orphans remain in danger in the occupied Kherson region.

At the beginning of 2022, there were 35 orphanages in the system of the Ministry of Health in Ukraine.  20 institutions have already been evacuated (yesterday the orphanage was evacuated from Zaporizhia).

At the same time, the orphanage in Kherson remains in the occupied territories.  According to operative information, there are 58 children in it.  The children have been in the basement for a long time, hiding from the shelling and bombing of the Russian military.


In Mariupol, Russians continue repressions against civilians in the occupied areas of the city.

During the monitoring of the occupiers' social networks, information about "evacuated" Mariupol residents was revealed. As stated in the source, for 13.04.2022.  447 citizens, including 69 children, were deported from the city. At the moment, they are in the "relief point", in other words - "filtration camp". Those who remain in the city are forced by the occupiers to wear a white ribbon, which is a hallmark of the Russian military. Civilians are used as a shield against the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


More than 76,700 information requests on the destruction and damage of property of Ukrainians were received through the electronic portal of public services "Action". The total area of losses is more than 5.3 million square meters.

Russian army has already left more than 219.6 thousand people homeless. These are 37550 unique addresses throughout Ukraine.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Last night the enemy fired on 15 settlements in Donetsk region.

The strikes damaged at least 34 civilian objects: residential buildings, agricultural and railway infrastructure, and a gas pipeline. 11 civilians were injured.

During the past 24 hours, the occupiers have attacked the following settlements of Donetsk region: Mariupol, Avdiivka, Marinka, Krasnohorivka, Velyka Novosilka, Ocheretyne, Cherkaske, Novoselivka-3, Berestove, Sokil, Komar, Bohatyr, Novomykhailivka, Novobakhmutivka, Novobakhmutovka, Dolyna.

The enemy fired on the civilian population from aircraft, missiles, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, tanks, and heavy artillery.

This morning, Russian troops launched three air strikes on the village of Velyka Novosilka. There are wounded.

The police of Donetsk oblast opened criminal proceedings under Article 438 (violation of laws and customs of war) and Article 110 (encroachment on the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the war, the National Police of Ukraine has been detecting and documenting criminal offenses committed by Russian troops.

Since February 24, 2022, more than 12,500 criminal proceedings have been initiated:

- 4561 proceedings under article 438 of the Criminal Code (Violation of the laws and customs of war);

- 1431 proceedings under article 110 of the Criminal Code (encroachment on the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine);

- 188 proceedings under article 111-1 of the Criminal Code (Collaborative activity);

- 36 proceedings under article 113 of the Criminal Code (Diversion);

- 8 proceedings under article 437 of the Criminal Code (Planning, preparation, resolution and conduct of aggressive war);

- 10 proceedings under article 258 of the Criminal Code (Terrorist act);

- 12 proceedings under article 111 of the Criminal Code (Treason).


Ministry of Health of Ukraine

During the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 324 hospitals were damaged, 24 were completely destroyed. The list of destroyed medical institutions is replenished almost daily by new ruined hospitals. On the territories already liberated from the occupiers, work is underway to restore healthcare facilities. The Ministry has already started planning the rehabilitation and reconstruction of hospitals. The Ministry of Health is currently working on a comprehensive plan of where hospitals will be built, in what shape they will be restored and what services they will provide. While the reconstruction of medical facilities continues, mobile hospitals may be temporarily located in some settlements. Also in hospitals where the scale of destructions is low, minor repairs will be carried out as an intermediate stage.

The Ministry of Health is working systematically with international partners to rebuild every hospital needed to provide healthcare services to the population as soon as possible.

Humanitarian aid is also being actively supplied to healthcare facilities in the liberated territories. In particular, medicines, consumables and equipment.


Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

9 humanitarian corridors were agreed for April 14.




President of Ukraine

During the 50 days of this war, Ukraine became a hero for the whole free world - address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

We have withstood 50 days already. 50 days of Russian invasion, although the occupiers gave us a maximum of five. That's how they "know us". That's how they "make friends with reality."

Russia did not start the war against Ukraine on February 24. Russian troops came to us in 2014. They captured our Crimea. They turned it into a large military base. They made the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov one of the most dangerous seas on the planet. They started a terrible, absolutely cynical war in our Donbas. They have been killing our people for 8 years. 14 thousand were killed during this time!

How did the world respond to this? The question remained rhetorical. But that is why they decided they could afford a full-scale war.

Some are still debating the severity of sanctions against the Russian Federation. But what is there to discuss when Russian troops are already repeating on our land what Europe saw only during World War II?

During the 50 days of full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, they showed that Donbas is the main target for Russia. It is Donbas that Russia wants to destroy in the first place. It is the Luhansk and Donetsk regions that Russian troops are destroying as if they want only stones to be left. And no people to be left at all.

They forcibly recruit residents of these areas into their army. They throw them into the worst battles, literally in the frontal of our defense. They are destroying the cities and villages of Donbas. They burn everything that endured eight years of that war.

For 80 years, proud and tidy Kharkiv has not seen such torments that Russia has brought to it. Why do they destroy it? What can be achieved by burning Kharkiv?

What exactly can destruction on Saltivka or on Freedom Square give to Russia?

And these are no longer rhetorical questions. This is a question of how absurd this invasion of the Russian Federation is. How suicidal it is for everything that Russia allegedly "protects". For Russian culture, for relations with this nation, even for the Russian language. Russia is burning all this with its weapons. For decades at least. For generations.

Ancient Chernihiv. Which is over a thousand years old. Which saw so many wars and so many invaders that at least in the XXI century it deserved peace and tranquility. But... Russia came. Came with the worst that Chernihiv has experienced since the X century. Since the period of Rus’ relation to which Russia once claimed. Now this myth is also burned. Rus’ would not destroy itself. Strangers did that to it. Horde and other invaders. That's who came to our land today. And they are fighting in the same way - for the sake of looting and for the sake of torture.

Thank God, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and our people, we defended most of our country.

I remember the first day of the invasion of the Russian Federation. I remember what I was told on February 24. In particular, the strong of this world. To put it mildly, no one was sure that we would withstand it. Everyone sympathized. Many of them advised me to flee the country. Advised to actually surrender to tyranny.

But they didn't know us either. And they did not know how brave Ukrainians are, how much we value freedom. Our opportunity to live the way we want. Not the people who rule in such a way that their army sees toilets for the first time in their lives in the occupied territories and steals even ordinary household appliances.

The occupiers will be responsible for everything they have done in Ukraine. For everything they did to Ukrainians. They will be responsible for Bucha, Kramatorsk, Volnovakha, Okhtyrka. For Hostomel and Borodyanka. For Izyum, for Mariupol and all other cities and communities of Ukraine, which the Russian army pulled back to the period 80 years ago. To that terrible time, about which everyone in the world has always said: "Never again." Here it is again. Here it is now. And we will do everything to make it truly the last.

Because the question "How to guarantee security for Ukraine and for Europe?" will never be rhetorical again. We will not allow this.

I am grateful to everyone who supported our state. Who immediately asked how they could help. Who stood with us back to back and helped us get what is necessary for the defense of our state.

This period, these 50 days have shown me many world leaders in a different way. Different states. I have seen great generosity in those who are not rich themselves. I have seen the extraordinary determination of those who were not taken seriously by global leaders. I have seen that the democratic world does have those whose will is enough to protect freedom from the onslaught of tyranny.

I have seen politicians behaving as if they had no power. And I have seen non-politicians who did more in these 50 days than some statesmen who claimed leadership.

But all that is just an add-on. An add-on for how Ukraine is defended by our people, all our people. Those who stopped the advance of endless columns of Russian equipment. Those who rebuff constant attacks in Donbas. Those who heroically defend Mariupol, helping our entire state to withstand. Those who stopped the offensive from the south. And made our Chornobaivka famous. Those who drove the enemy out of the north.

Those who have shown that Russian aviation is defenseless, even though Russia has spent tens of billions of dollars on various systems to protect its aircraft.

Those who have shown that Russian ships can go... to the bottom only.

Those who help the army and society find everything they may need.

Those who save, heal, those who teach. Conduct mine clearance. Who provide us all with a stable connection.

Those who rebuilt supply chains for the whole country.

Those who maintain financial stability, who saved the business and continued to work.

Those who help the displaced persons.

Those who started the sowing campaign. Those who give Ukraine the correct information and the necessary emotions. All our journalists, all those who united for the national telethon.

50 days of our defense is an achievement. Achievement of millions of Ukrainians. Everyone who made the main decision in life on February 24 - to fight. To be human. Not to give up. And not to betray.

From time immemorial to the present day, mankind has been looking for heroes. People always appreciate heroes. They always support those who are brave. And always feel who is fighting for the good. During the 50 days of this war, Ukraine became a hero for the whole free world. For those who have the courage to call a spade a spade. For those who are not poisoned by propaganda. You have all become heroes. All Ukrainian men and women who withstood and do not give up. And who will win. Who will return peace to Ukraine. I'm sure of it.

I spoke today with our team, which will take part in the Invictus Games international sports competition. Among them are both veterans and servicemen who are currently defending our state. They are deeply concerned that they had to go to the competition. I assured them that we will wait for their return and will support them in the competition just as sincerely. I believe that our team will make us proud of it this year as well.

And traditionally, as every evening, I signed decrees on awarding those who excelled in the defense of the state. 221 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 34 of them posthumously. And two employees of the State Special Communications Service of Ukraine.

The title of Hero of Ukraine was awarded to Major Kukurba Oleksandr Vasyliovych, chief of intelligence of the 299th tactical aviation brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Thanks to his courageous actions, dozens of enemy equipment units and hundreds of occupiers were destroyed.

I also awarded those whose surnames cannot be told. But I awarded them for what is definitely good for everyone.


State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine

Enemy hackers are once again attacking Ukrainians using "hot" military themes. This time - about mobilization. The government team for responding to computer emergencies of Ukraine CERT-UA warns about the widespread distribution of dangerous XLS documents among the citizens of Ukraine called "Mobilization Register.xls". Opening the document will eventually launch the malicious program IcedID, also known as BankBot. It belongs to the class of "banking Trojans" and, among other things, provides theft of authentication data.


During the month and a half of the war, the number of hacker attacks tripled.

Fierce war continues not only on the battlefield, but also in cyberspace. According to the Government Emergency Response Team CERT-UA, Ukraine suffered 362 cyberattacks during the 1,5 months of the war. This is three times more than in the same period last year: 122 cyberattacks were recorded then. More than half of all attacks were carried out to gather information or spread malicious code. Main targets of enemy hackers include the Government and local authorities of Ukraine, the security and defense sector, commercial organizations.


Difficult work is underway to restore the networks damaged by the occupiers in the territories liberated from enemies.

The National Center for Operational and Technical Management of Telecommunications Networks (NCU) together with the operators have prepared a list of priority base stations in the Chernihiv region for restoring the power supply as soon as possible with the help of Chernihivoblenergo.

The NCU also informed the operators about the procedure for carrying out emergency and recovery works in the Kyiv region with the involvement of services that will inspect the area and - if necessary - demining it. This will allow operators to plan their work and reconnect as quickly as possible.

In the Donetsk region, Ukrtelecom specialists restored Internet services for subscribers of Toretsk, Kostiantynivka and the district, and other settlements.  Work on restoration of services in some settlements of Kherson region has also been completed. Cable infrastructure in Sumy, Chernihiv and other oblasts is being restored.




National Bank of Ukraine

NBU’s Comment on Current State and Prospects of the Economy of Ukraine

The NBU held a scheduled meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC). The discussion focused on assessing the current economic situation and scenarios of further developments, while the decision on changing the key policy rate was postponed.

Under the current conditions, the impact of the key policy rate on the functioning of the money market and the FX market remains limited. With this in mind, the key policy rate will stay flat at 10% until monetary transmission channels are effective again.

Consequences of Russia’s massive attack will raise inflationary pressures, which will be partially offset by measures taken by the government and the NBU

In March 2022, consumer inflation accelerated in annual terms, to 13.7%, up from 10.7% in February. The rise in consumer prices was primarily driven by disruptions of supply chains and production processes, uneven demand, higher business costs, and the physical destruction of company assets due to Russia’s full-scale assault on Ukraine. Prices for food, pharmaceuticals, and fuel surged the most.

The NBU estimates inflationary pressures to persist due to the consequences of the full-scale war. At year-end 2022, inflation might exceed 20%, but it will remain under control. The reasons for the rise in the prices of goods and services will include:

disruptions in production processes;

logistical problems due to the temporary occupation of a part of the territory, destruction of the transport infrastructure, and, as a result, the uneven distribution of supply across some regions;

pass-through effects from the weakening of the hryvnia in the run-up to the war;

high global energy prices, which will put pressure on fuel prices and prices of goods and services with energy-heavy production costs.

At the same time, measures taken by the NBU and the Ukrainian government will restrain the price growth. These measures include:

a temporary fixing of the hryvnia exchange rate, which will limit the probable deterioration in expectations and the rise in prices of imported goods;

a decrease in taxes, including the indirect taxation of imports;

locking in public utility rates;

administrative regulation of prices for some foods and fuel.

Excessive supply of some agricultural crops will be an additional restraining factor due to limited exports.

Moreover, after the monetary transmission channels are restored, the NBU will resume to use its key policy rate and other monetary instruments to control inflation expectations and gradually reduce inflation.

Economic activity is reviving in the regions where it is relatively calm after a shock of the first weeks caused by Russia’s massive attack

Businesses are gradually reopening, overcoming the wartime challenges. Results of unscheduled surveys held by the NBU show a decrease in the number of companies that stopped their operations completely. While in the first weeks of March the share of these companies was above 30%, it dropped to 23% in early April. Consumption and production of electricity remains stable, while the number of open restaurants and their turnovers are increasing. The revival in economic activity is also evidenced by resumed sales of train tickets by Ukrainian Railways and the steady demand for them.

At the same time, active combat continues in many regions of Ukraine. Civilian casualties are rising, and infrastructure and production facilities continue to be destroyed. Russia’s large-scale assault on Ukraine has also broken production ties between regions and caused a major increase in forced migration. As a result, losses from the war will be significant.

According to the NBU’s baseline estimates, the Ukrainian economy will gradually recover. Despite that, real GDP could drop by at least one third in 2022.

All GDP components are expected to decline. More specifically, private consumption will contract on the back of the forced relocation of many Ukrainians to other countries, higher unemployment, lower income and decreased spending on non-essential goods. Investment activity will also decline markedly in the wake of considerable uncertainty and high risks.

Decreased consumption and investment could decrease imports compared to the pre-war period. Exports of goods will also drop significantly due to the shutdown of companies, a reduction in sown areas, and farmers’ inability to conduct agricultural work effectively because of fighting, blocked seaports and disrupted supplies of fuel and fertilizers. At the same time, the NBU expects an increase in stocks of goods, which companies will try to export later.

Exports of goods plunged in March 2022 after logistical pathways were severed and production facilities were destroyed. Imports of goods also slumped last month, dragged down by weaker domestic demand, disrupted logistics, and by imports being limited to critical goods.

The NBU expects that exports will gradually rise compared to those in March, thanks to logistical problems being partly resolved. Imports of goods and services will also grow moderately, fueled by gradually rebounding consumer and investment demand.

Financial assistance provided by Ukraine’s international partners will be an important source of FX inflows in the country. Workers’ remittances and the income generated by the IT industry will remain other relatively stable source of FX inflows. 

While the economy and the financial system are recovering to normal functioning, the NBU will gradually return to inflation targeting with a floating exchange rate, and will stop financing the budget.

A fixed exchange rate and persisting administrative restrictions on FX transactions will remain important prerequisites for supporting macroeconomic stability in Ukraine. However, in the long-run these measures result in macroeconomic imbalances. Therefore, the NBU will strive to resume inflation targeting with a floating exchange rate as soon as the FX market recovers its capacity to self-balance.

The NBU’s financing of the budget deficit, which is being carried out in controlled volumes, is not putting any significant pressure on prices thanks to the fixed exchange rate and FX restrictions. In spite of that, with a view to minimizing risks to price and financial stability, avoiding difficulties with Ukraine’s European integration and preventing the loss of people’s trust in the central bank, the NBU will continue to maintain the stance that its monetary financing cannot be the main source of the budget’s revenues.

In contrast, the NBU will work closely together with the government in order to help the country raise financing from international organizations and partner countries. Among other things, this financing will be used to resolve humanitarian problems, restore destroyed infrastructure, and revive the Ukrainian economy. This financing will also help meet budgetary needs and maintain sufficient international reserves.

The full extent of the economic losses from Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine will mainly depend on the duration of the hostilities. Continued structural reforms, wide international support and Ukraine’s integration into the European Union will pave the way for the country’s rapid recovery.


Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

The government has allocated UAH 200 million in compensation to companies that employed internally displaced persons.

The program provides monthly reimbursement of salary costs in the amount of 6500 UAH for each employee for 2 months. Such state support is aimed at reducing unemployment and increasing the economic activity of Ukrainian business.




Ministry of energy of Ukraine

Operation of the power system of Ukraine on April 14.

Over the past 24 hours, power supply to more than 66,000 consumers has been restored.

In particular, in Luhansk region – 27,5 thousand consumers, Kharkiv - 15 thousand, Kyiv - 12 thousand, Donetsk – 6,1 thousand, Dnipropetrovsk – 4,5 thousand, Chernihiv - 600 consumers, Zaporizhzhia - 300 consumers.

Gas supply was restored to 6,000 consumers.

Ukrainian energy companies are doing their best to quickly restore energy supply to Ukrainian citizens.

However, in some areas, emergency recovery work is complicated or impossible due to the intensification of hostilities and the emergence of new damage.

As of April 14, about 880 settlements in Ukraine remain without electricity, in total about 684,4 thousand consumers.

More than 283 thousand subscribers remain without gas supply.



During the first two weeks of April, the repair crews of Ukrenergo repaired about 60% of the infrastructure of the main grids, which was destroyed during the fighting in Kyiv, Chernihiv regions, as well as in Mykolayiv region. As a result, the reliability of energy supply has been restored for 3 million consumers.

The repair works of the Company's repairmen have started after the approval of the Armed Forces and sappers. Over the last two weeks, Ukrenergo's repair crews have repaired more than 200 wire breaks on the lines and repaired 23 damaged pylons. More than 30 units of damaged equipment were replaced at two substations of voltage class 750 kV and 300 kV.

“The amount of work is large, but we try to work as fast as possible. As the three-week experience of autonomous operation of the power system in combat conditions has shown, the high reliability of the main networks is the key to its stable operation and sustainable energy supply to consumers. Ensuring this reliability is an unconditional priority for Ukrenergo. We plan to complete all major works in Kyiv and Chernihiv oblasts by the beginning of May,” - Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, Chairman of the Board of Ukrenergo said.

Repairs of 7 high-voltage lines of 750 kV and 330 kV have already been completed. Another 12 lines are under various stages of repair. The equipment of two high-voltage substations damaged by shelling is being restored.