Small Wars Journal

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN 26 March 8, 11.00 am EST

Tue, 03/08/2022 - 9:45pm


March 8, 11.00 am EST


D.Kuleba: Russia holds 300 000 civilians hostage in Mariupol, prevents humanitarian evacuation despite agreements with ICRC mediation. One child died of dehydration yesterday. War crimes are part of Russia’s deliberate strategy.

Russians are attacking foreign journalists and took 2000 foreign students hostage.

FSB is setting up task forces to work with the population, in particular, to identify resistance.

The invaders bombed Sumy with air bombs.

Ukraine requests global businesses to stop or suspend operations with or in Russia, therefore refusing to finance its violence, murders, and crimes against humanity.




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the Russian forces from 24.02 to 08.03:

personnel - almost 12 000

tanks ‒ 303

APV ‒ 1036

artillery systems – 120

MLRS - 56

anti-aircraft warfare systems - 27

aircrafts – 48

helicopters – 80

vehicles - 474

boats / cutters - 3

fuel tanks - 60

UAV operational-tactical level – 7.–-generalnij-shtab-zs-ukraini/


enemy losses

























General Staff of the Armed Forces

Pace of the enemy`s advance has slowed significantly.

The Defense Forces of Ukraine continue to conduct an operation within the Southern, Eastern, and Northern Operational Zones along defined boundaries.

The heroic defense of Chernihiv continues in the Seversky direction.

The Defense Forces of Kyiv continue to protect the capital along the outer border of the defense and in additionally defined areas.

Defensive fights are conducted in the suburbs of Mykolaiv.

Russians are demoralized and increasingly marauding and violating the Rules of International Humanitarian Law on military conflict.

In Kharkiv, Sumy, Chernihiv, and Kyiv regions, in the territories temporarily occupied by the Russian forces, there are documented facts of: robberies, acts of violence against local residents, seizure of civilian housing, use of agricultural hangars for parking of military equipment, setting up firing positions in the heavily populated areas and close to civil infrastructure facilities.

In the territories of Kherson and Mykolayiv regions, which are temporarily occupied by the enemy, the occupiers use units of psychological influence to harm the local population. According to the available information, up to 10 tactical groups of psychological influence have been created to carry out Russian propaganda amongst the local population.

The occupiers are intimidating the population of the northern part of the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea with the possibility of an offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In addition, the FSB is setting up task forces to work with the population, in particular, to identify resistance.


Statement of the Minister of Defence of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov

Today I am addressing not only the leaders of the free world. But also to people all over the world.

Two weeks ago, the world changed. Everything has changed, although not everyone realizes it yet.

Russia has explicitly attacked Ukraine. Eight years ago in Crimea and in Donbass they said “we are not here”. Now the Kremlin is demonstratively waging war against my people. This is happening in the heart of Europe. Rockets fly hundreds of kilometers. And peaceful cities are impressive. Today they are our cities. Tomorrow it can be anyone's. Yours.

No warnings, attempts at dialogue or concerns had any influence. No international rules and mechanisms.

The Kremlin couldn't care less about your attempts to communicate. It is not concerned with the UN, PACE or any other institution, where you are attempting to keep its presence. Russian soldiers behave like terrorists and cowards.

During 11 days’ Russian occupants have ruined more than 200 Ukrainian schools, 34 hospitals, more than 1500 residential buildings. It has already been recorded that 38 Ukrainian children were killed by the Russian military, more than 70 are wounded. In total, data on more than 400 civilians killed and more than 800 wounded are confirmed. These data are definitely incomplete. After all, the enemy staged a real act of genocide against Ukraine. In Mariupol alone, 400,000 Ukrainians have been taken hostage. They are constantly shelled by aircraft, jet artillery, and missiles.

Russian invaders fire on humanitarian corridors through which civilians are trying to escape. They kill those they promised to let go. They kill those who try to save terrorist hostages from injury or starvation. These are war crimes. This is such a terrible grief for Ukraine. And still, let me remind you that Russian soldiers kill residents of a European country.

Where are your values and ideals? Where is the work of international organizations that costs billions of dollars? Where are the UN, International Red Cross, OSCE? They hid.

I bring to your attention that about 10 000 students from other countries in Ukraine are targets of Putin’s terrorists today. Over 2 000 of them have been taken hostage by Russian soldiers. Many of them are from India, China, Turkey, and the Persian Gulf countries.

Young people are staying in the cities blocked by the Russian military – i.e. Chernihiv, Sumy, Kherson, Mariupol. Russians shell these cities. They are actually at war with the whole world. Even with those who try to stay neutral.

Let me remind you that Ukraine was and is home to representatives of more than 100 nations. We have always lived in peace. We have many mixed marriages in which beautiful children were born. And these children are now being killed by the occupiers.

Russians are attacking foreign journalists: it is currently known about British citizens in the town of Stoyanka-2. The group was fired upon and another journalist, a British citizen, was wounded. The journalist, a citizen of Switzerland, was shot and robbed by occupiers in the Mykolaiv region. Unfortunately, you still allow the occupiers to do that.

In 11 days, Ukraine debunked the myth of Russia's military power. During 11 days Ukrainian warriors destroyed over 11 thousands of Russian soldiers. This is more than during the two Chechen wars, which lasted 6 years. A few more days, and Russia’s losses of killed and wounded will outnumber the losses of 10 years of war in Afghanistan. Russia has lost hundreds of elite paratroopers and special forces members. The ones horrifying Africa, the Middle East. But not Ukraine.

Do not be afraid! Same as our young boys and girls who are not afraid to stop the enemy. Same as our farmers who are not afraid to seize the enemy's armored vehicles. Same as the employee of the postal company who was not afraid to shoot down the Russian plane with MPADS.

Today, Europe has a chance to defeat a tyrant who has been intimidating everyone around for decades.Russia will not be able to defeat us in an open battle. It will not be able to intimidate us by the criminal shelling of our cities.

In order to win we need help - closed sky and weapons. We will protect ourselves and you. We are not afraid of the Russians. They are the ones fleeing and surrendering by hundreds.

In addition to weapons, the question of general endurance arises every day.

We need resources to provide our army with uniforms, to feed our people. To quickly restore the destroyed infrastructure.

You need to increase the pressure on Russia. Because they will bring war to your homes.

The world has changed. You have to make decisions very quickly. I mean, the war is going on in Europe. The Kremlin may start new fires.

We will fight and we will win. But at what cost. Every day of the war means dozens of deaths of civilians. Of Europeans.

I thank all those who are already helping.

I urge everyone to show that the free world is not afraid of a single tyrant hiding in a bunker.


Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed Decree №114/2022 on the withdrawal of Ukrainian contingents participating in international peacekeeping operations.

"In connection with the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, in order to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, in accordance with Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On Ukraine's participation in international peacekeeping operations" I decide to withdraw national contingent and national personnel, who take part in international operations, to maintain peace and security in order to participate in the protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state ", - said in the Decree. The document enters into force on the day of its publication.


Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk

Humanitarian corridor in Mariupol

Today in the morning the humanitarian corridor, which was agreed the day before with the Russian Federation, started working. Instead, there are reports that Russia is shelling the direction of humanitarian aid. Iryna Vereshchuk announced this in her video address.

"We appeal to all leaders of the free world to monitor the situation in the Mariupol area, where literally 300,000 people have been taken hostage. Among them are insulin-dependent, cancer patients, young children. That is why it is a humanitarian catastrophe that needs the attention of the whole world, " - she urged.


Humanitarian corridor in Sumy

Deputy Prime Minister - Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk announced the launch of a humanitarian corridor for the city of Sumy. This was officially approved by the Russian Ministry of Defense in a letter to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

We call on the Russian side not to resort to manipulative actions and fulfil the documented promise. We are talking about the evacuation of civilians from Sumy to Poltava, including students from China and India. The Ukrainian side is ready to fully provide the entire route along the agreed route. The Red Cross and the Russian side have been informed about it, - the head of the Ministry of Reintegration declared.

All obstacles to the movement of convoys must be removed along the entire route, both with people traveling from Sumy and with humanitarian goods moving to this city.


State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SES)

Over the past few days infrastructure in Chernihiv city, Kharkiv city, Mykolayiv city, Kharkiv region, Zhytomyr region and Vinnytsya region experienced extensive consequences of Russian invasion. SES pyrotechnicians continued demining explosive objects left after the shelling.

The city of Mykolayiv was massively shelled. As a result, there were 5 fires in the residential sector and in industrial buildings. 11 SES vehicles and 32 rescuers were involved in the elimination of the consequences.

The SES rescuers continued searching for survivors under the rubble at the destroyed Vinnytsia Airport near the village of Gavryshivka (Vinnytsia region). 15 people have been released from the rubble of buildings, 9 of them were found dead (5 civilians, 4 military).

In Ovruch (Zhytomyr region) airstrike damaged residential buildings. In the houses, rescuers together with citizens are fixing the windows which were damaged by the blast wave.

In Zhytomyr region two air strikes hit oil depots in Zhytomyr and Chernyakhiv. In Zhytomyr, a tank with a capacity of 10 cubic meters caught fire. In the village of Chernyakhiv two half-empty tanks caught fire.

SES continue providing assistance to people who are fleeing the areas of active hostilities, heading to the Western regions of Ukraine. In order to help people at checkpoints on the state border in Zakarpattia, Odesa, Lviv and Chernivtsi regions, the SES in cooperation with the Red Cross of Ukraine and local authorities set up 45 tents for heating and helping the citizens. More than 122,000 people have been assisted.

SES Pyrotechnics have neutralized 74 explosive devices during the day.

Since the beginning of war, SES pyrotechnicians neutralized 1,403 explosive objects.

Evacuation of civilians and unloading of humanitarian aid are continuing in Sumy.

As of 15:30, the second column of 35 buses (over 600 people) left the city of Sumy in assistance with the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the National Police, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, local authorities and volunteers.


Sumy District Prosecutor’s Office

Bodies of 21 people, including 2 children, were previously found during an inspection of the site of the air strike as of 7 a.m. The number of victims is being determined.

Under the procedural guidance of the Sumy District Prosecutor's Office, criminal proceedings have been instituted for violating the laws and customs of war.

According to the investigation, servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, violating the rules of war.


Ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine


Appeal of the Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn to the entire international community

There is a humanitarian catastrophe in Irpin and neighboring towns and villages.

In Vorzel, Bucha, Hostomel, Zabuchchia, and Mykhailivka-Rubezhivka, the RF troops do not allow the civilian locals to leave their houses. From time to time, people's houses are being fired at by invaders. Russian troops bombed the Irpin City Hospital and the new medical center; medical staff and parts of medical equipment were evacuated. The aggressors seized some of the medicines and the previously imported humanitarian aid. Russians threatened to kill the mayor of Irpin and demanded the surrender of Irpin. But Irpin does not give in.

In all the above settlements, there is no mobile communication, light and   water supply. Because of the fires in many neighborhoods, the gas supply had to be cut off.

There are corpses in basements and on the streets all over the Irpin area; the occupiers do not allow even the Red Cross to take away bodies; they fire at humanitarian aid vehicles.

Irpin, Bucha, Hostomel, Vorzel, Mykhailivka-Rubezhivka, Zabuchchia are already the epicenter of the humanitarian catastrophe.

A safe green corridor is urgently needed to reach Irpin and further evacuate through Kyiv for residents of Irpin, Bucha, Hostomel, Vorzel, Mykhailivka-Rubezhivka.

The occupiers do not allow to transport humanitarian aid to these settlements!

The local population is being starved and kept cold in the basements, held hostage.

We call on the entire international community to make efforts to save civilians from death.






President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

The invaders bombed Sumy again. With air bombs. Our peaceful city that has never threatened Russia in its history! Good, quiet, soulful Sumshchyna! Which is turned into hell.

Mariupol. Peaceful and hard-working city without any internal malice. It was surrounded. Blocked. And is being deliberately exhausted. Deliberately tortured. The invaders deliberately cut off communication. Deliberately block the delivery of food, water supply. Turn off the electricity.

In Mariupol, for the first time in dozens of years, perhaps for the first time since the Nazi invasion, a child died of dehydration.

Hear me, today, dear partners!

A child died of dehydration. In 2022!

We have been fighting for the thirteenth day. We destroy the invaders wherever we can. Everywhere. But there is a sky. Hundreds of Russian cruise missiles. Hundreds of fighter jets of the invaders. Hundreds of helicopters. Yes, we destroy them.

Russia has not lost as much aircraft in the past 30 years as in these 13 days in Ukraine.

But they still have enough machinery to kill. There are still enough missiles for terror. They still have enough 500 kg bombs to drop them on us, ordinary people. On Chernihiv and Kyiv. Odesa and Kharkiv. Poltava and Zhytomyr. Dozens and dozens of Ukrainian cities. On millions of peaceful Ukrainian people.

It has been 13 days of promises. 13 days when we are told that there will soon be help in the sky. There will be planes. They will be handed over to us...

The blame for every death of every person in Ukraine from air strikes and in blocked cities, of course, lies with the Russian state, the Russian military, those who give and those who carry out criminal orders, who violate all the rules of warfare, who deliberately exterminate the Ukrainian people.

The fault lies with the invaders. But the responsibility for this lies also with those who have not been able to make an obviously necessary decision somewhere in the West, somewhere in the offices for 13 days. Those who have not yet secured the Ukrainian sky from Russian murderers.

Those who did not save our cities from air strikes. From these bombs, missiles. Although they can.

Those who do not help in lifting the blockade.

Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people in the cities are on the verge of life and death. Literally.

Not as it sounds in the comments of politicians about providing Ukraine with vital combat aircraft. Vital missile defense.

Vitally important!

We have heard many assurances and seen many agreements. In particular, on the creation of humanitarian corridors. To save our citizens in Mariupol. But they didn't work. All of them didn’t work. Yet. And I have no more time to wait. We do not have. Mariupol doesn’t have time to wait.

It is the invaders who want our people to die. Not us. We sent columns with humanitarian aid to Mariupol. Everything necessary is there! We sent vehicles to rescue people. Drivers understand everything. They are heroes. Brave people! They understand that Russian troops can simply destroy these vehicles on the road. Just as they did, killing people who were just trying to get to a safe territory from the war zone.

But if you fire at these vehicles, these people, you should know that it will be before the eyes of the whole world.

Everyone will be witnesses. And everyone will testify.

When everyone, I repeat this, everyone who gives and fulfills inhuman orders will be severely judged and convicted.

We have seen the concrete consent of the Russian side to organize an evacuation corridor from the city of Sumy. And not just for our people. For hundreds of foreigners. Citizens of India, China. These are students who studied in Sumy.

You know, I was told that the Red Cross, the International Red Cross, forbids us to use the emblem on vehicles carrying out humanitarian missions. The Red Cross prohibits it as if it is their property.

And this is indicative. This says a lot about the fact that some people, very influential, have decided to give up Ukrainians.

But we will not allow it. And I will not allow it.

Our friends. They are next to us.

I will appeal directly to the nations of the world if the leaders of the world do not make every effort to stop this war, this genocide.

Of course, we continue to talk to our partners, to the leaders, parliamentarians of all countries who know how to help Ukraine. We have a very busy negotiation period.

I spoke with Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda. The people of Lithuania always stand by Ukrainians in this struggle. We feel this help and appreciate it.

I spoke with President of the European Council, our friend Charles Michel. I also spoke with Prime Minister of India, Mr. Modi.

But there are things that are not decided in negotiations, that depend not directly on us, but on humanity, which must win in the leading capitals, must overcome fear, must overcome any benefits.

And then we will see that the Ukrainian sky is safe and the Ukrainian cities are unblocked.

We can do this together as people of the world. And if the world stands aloof, it will lose itself. Forever. Because there are unconditional values. The same for everyone. First of all, this is life. The right to life for everyone.

This is exactly what we are fighting for in Ukraine. Very fiercely, together with our military. This is exactly what these weak invaders want to deprive us of.

This is exactly what the whole world must protect.

Glory to Ukraine!


Office of the President of Ukraine, briefing of Mykhailo Arestovych

The Armed Forced of Ukraine continue the defense operation to hold the enemy on the following operative directions: Kyiv, Sumy, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia. The enemy is making attempts to advance in these directions but suffers losses by rocket and artillery forces, as well as aviation and infantry of Ukraine. The information that the enemy took Izyum city is not correct, the fight is on-going there.

Mykolaiv, Sumy, Chernihiv, Kharkiv and Okhtyrka are standing heroically, bring losses to the enemy and do not allow the enemy to advance.

Due to the lack of success on land and in the air, they have redirected their main efforts to the information and psychological attacks against the residents of Ukraine. That is why for 2-3 days in a row we witness the spread of information on seizure of new cities, advancement, threat, massive attacks and so on. The aim is to decrease the resistance from our side. Our task remains to stand and not to believe their disinformation.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine control the situation and down the aircrafts and rockets of the enemy, do not allow the enemy to advance and to settle at those places the enemy wants. Yesterday the Armed Forces of Ukraine together with other forces of Ukraine conducted no less than seven counter-attacks.

Mariupol is standing heroically. Moreover, during yesterday’s counter-attack the enemy’s tank column was destroyed. The Joint Forces Operation’s area is standing. One of Ukraine’s airborne divisions destroyed the enemy’s column. Kharkiv is conducting counter-attacks.

The leadership of Ukraine does everything in its power to attract military, diplomatic, economic, humanitarian support.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine strongly condemns the shelling of the premises of foreign diplomatic missions in Ukraine by the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

The Russian military's missile and bombings damaged the building in Mariupol where the Greek Consulate General and the office of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine were located. Honored consulates of Slovenia, Azerbaijan and Albania in Kharkiv were also destroyed.

Russia's armed attacks on the premises of diplomatic missions represent gross violation of international humanitarian law, the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Relations.

We call on the international community to condemn Russia for its barbaric shelling of civilian objects in Ukraine, which results in murders and injuries of civilians, including children.

The Ukrainian side will add the facts of the destruction of premises of foreign diplomatic missions in Ukraine to the lawsuits against Russia in international courts to bring Russia to maximum responsibility for its crimes.


Minister of Foreign Affairs

Ukraine requests the ethically and socially responsible global businesses to stop or suspend operations with or in Russia, therefore refusing to finance its violence, murders, and crimes against humanity. Please read and share my full appeal to global business community below.


Russia holds 300k civilians hostage in Mariupol, prevents humanitarian evacuation despite agreements with ICRC mediation. One child died of dehydration (!) yesterday! War crimes are part of Russia’s deliberate strategy. I urge all states to publicly demand: Russia, Let People Go!

Minister of Digital Transformation

VMware is the world's top cloud and virtualization company. Today, most large IT systems (banks, energy, etc.) use public or private clouds based on VMware. The company's exit from Russia will mean stopping support in resolving incidents and important upgrades, which will ultimately make it impossible to use modern cloud solutions.  




Ministry of energy of Ukraine

The main task of our ongoing dialogue and previous appeals to the IAEA is for the international mission to officially record the seizures of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant by the Russian military.

Hopefully, this will be an incentive to make tough decisions to ensure the security of Ukraine's nuclear energy, and the nuclear security of Europe and the whole world. Top priority is to close the sky over Ukraine.

We have already sent official requests to the IAEA outlining our vision for security in the context of Russia's hostilities on our territory. In particular, we emphasize the following actions:

- immediate ceasefire and prohibition of occupying forces from approaching closer than 30 km to nuclear power facilities;

- IAEA should apply to NATO for the introduction of A2/AD zone (closed sky) over the territory of Ukraine, given the geography of the NPPs location in Ukraine;

- intensification of IAEA activities to coordinate the prevention of acts of nuclear terrorism at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and on humanitarian and psychological assistance to its personnel with detailed documentation of events;

- banning Russia's access to IAEA intellectual and technological resources, severing relations with Russian citizens employed in UN structures related to nuclear energy;

- immediate strengthening of IAEA-led monitoring and control over the situation at Zaporizhzhya NPP (Energodar), South Ukrainian NPP (Pivdennoukrainsk), Rivne NPP (Varash), Khmelnitsky NPP (Netishyn) and other nuclear facilities of Ukraine, involving international organizations nuclear security and other international organizations, including the WHO and the Red Cross.

Ukraine also appealed to the European Commission, the UN to lauch special missions to ensure nuclear security in Ukraine and globally, as well as to identify all crimes of Russian military aggression that threaten the safe operation of nuclear facilities in Ukraine.

In addition, Ukraine insists that a special OSCE monitoring mission in our country establish round-the-clock monitoring and analysis of the situation at all domestic nuclear facilities, including the Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plants, as well as other Ukrainian nuclear power plants.


Information on damage of energy infrastructure due to hostilities as of 17:00 CET 7 March

According to operational data, as of 17:00 CET 7 March 2022, more than 1,133 settlements and 8,074 transformer substations in Ukraine remained without electricity (completely or partially) due to damage caused by hostilities. In total, more than 742 thousand consumers.

The most difficult situation with electricity supply is observed in the Donetsk region - more than 233 thousand consumers remain without electricity supply, Mariupol is completely disconnected.

Over the past 24hrs, about 71,000 consumers have been able to restore electricity, but new fighting has left new grid damage and power outages due to active hostilities.

About 238,2 thousand consumers remain without gas supply. At the same time, gas supply to 7,529 consumers was restored during the day.

Ukrainian power engineers work around the clock to ensure a reliable energy supply to all consumers, despite the efforts of the enemy!

3/8/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 03/08/2022 - 8:53am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Ukraine Conflict Update - March 8, 2022 | SOF News
3. The Strategy That Can Defeat Putin By Eliot A. Cohen
4. No-Fly Zone in Ukraine: War with Russia by Another Name
5. Biden’s Russian roulette may kill dollar dominanceBiden’s Russian roulette may kill dollar dominance
6. The Anti-Dollar AxisThe Anti-Dollar Axis
7. The Biggest Cyber Risk in Ukraine?The Biggest Cyber Risk in Ukraine?
8. Gig App Gathering Data for U.S. Military, Others Prompts Safety Concerns
9. Russia vs West in war for the censorship high ground
10. Why Is Ukraine’s Internet Still Up? Perhaps Because the Invaders Need It
11. Ukraine, Fight Your Fight—Not Their Fight
12. The Russian Sanctions Regime and the Risk of Catastrophic Success
13. Different Countries, Different Methods, Same Goal: Destroy Democracy
14. A photo apparently showing Russian troops stranded in an elevator is going viral
15. Like the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, But for Cyber
16. The Emergence of Civilian Resistance to Military Rule in Myanmar
17. Checking Putin: How to Counter Russia in Ukraine
18. What Ukraine Means for Japan
19. How the US and Europe helped Ukraine prep for insurgency
20. Niger Syndrome goes mainstream: Abbey Gate attack shows commanders are failing to assess risks
21. Analysis of IAEA Iran Verification and Monitoring Report - March 2022
22. Trudeau’s Double Standards on Iranian Immigrants: Alireza Nader for Inside Policy
23.  Stunned by Putin’s war, nations rewrite their playbooks on defense
24. Thinking Strategically: Economics, Resources, and Strategy
25. FDD | Time to Sanction Russia’s Alternative to SWIFT
26. FDD | Returning to UNESCO Will Not Solve Our China Problem
27. How the Letter Z Became a Russian Pro-War Symbol
28. Russia-Ukraine live updates: Ukraine says Russia still disrupting evacuations; U.N. says 2 million have fled
29. As Russia’s Military Stumbles, Its Adversaries Take Note
30. Ukraine war serves as wake-up call for Taiwan over China threat

Korean News Content:

1. Chinese FM says N. Korea's security concern not resolved yet, U.S. holds key
2. N. Korea urged to respect denuclearization deals amid reports of activities at Yongbyon
3. Australia sanctions N. Korean firm involved in arms development
4. North restarts construction at old nuclear test site
5.  N.Korea could return to ICBM, nuclear tests this year-U.S. intelligence report
6. S.Korea seizes N.Korean 'fishing' boat, fires warning shot at patrol boat
7. Russia says it understands North Korea's move to renew missile launches -RIA
8. North Korea: Construction spotted at Punggye-ri nuclear test site
9. U.S., 10 others, bemoan failure of U.N. Security Council to condemn N.Korea launches
10. Why Won't S.Korea Join the Quad?
11. Korea's mildeok put their collections to use to help Ukraine
12. Pentagon urges N. Korea to stop 'needless' provocation and engage in negotiations
13. N. Korean inspections find that grain processers and military logistics departments colluded to pilfer rice
14. Many N. Korean party cadres believe Ukraine’s “abandonment” of nuclear weapons caused current crisis
15. Lee vows to send special envoy to N. Korea, freeze public utility charges
16. 'Peace for Ukraine' message put up on Seoul city library building

Ukraine: War Bulletin 25 March 7, 7.00 p.m. EST

Mon, 03/07/2022 - 7:33pm
As a reminder for those reading this for the first time, this information is from the Ukraine Information Service.  They have asked that these reports receive the widest dissemination to inform the public.

War Bulletin 25

March 7, 7.00 p.m. EST


A major general of the Russian army was liquidated near Kharkiv.

Russian Armed Forces plan to intensify their war aviation in order to launch missile and bomb strikes on major cities and industrial infrastructure of Ukraine.

The air defense of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down two Russian warplanes.

Ukraine calls on the international community to increase pressure on Russia to comply with its international obligations, including the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons, and not to pose additional security risks to the biological agents.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy awarded the Ronald Reagan Medal of Freedom.




Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

A major general of the Russian army was liquidated near Kharkiv.

During the fighting near Kharkiv, major general Vitaly Gerasimov, a Russian military leader, chief of staff, and first deputy commander of the 41st Army of the Central Military District of Russia was killed in action. A number of senior Russian army officers were also killed and wounded.

Vitaly Gerasimov participated in the Second Chechen War and the Russian Military Operation in Syria. He received a medal "For the Return of the Crimea."

The data obtained also indicate significant problems with communication in the Russian army and with the evacuation of their defeated units.


General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Defense Forces of Ukraine continue to conduct protective measures within the Southern, Eastern and Northern Operational Zones, and the Joint Forces - in the eastern part of the Donetsk Operational District. Successful, defense of the city of Kyiv continues.

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine repel concentrated missile and air strikes of the enemy. Protection of critical Ukrainian infrastructure and troops is being provided at the highest level.

Russian Armed Forces plan to intensify their war aviation in order to launch missile and bomb strikes on major cities and industrial infrastructure of Ukraine. To fulfil this goal, the aviation units of the Central and Eastern Military Districts are being transferred to the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

In the village of Myla (Kyiv region) a unit of Kadyrov (Chechen) mercenaries is shelling civilians.

Enemy groups operating in certain areas of Konotop and Okhtyrka lost up to 50 percent of their personnel. To continue the offensive, they need to regroup and replenish supplies.

The insidiousness of the occupiers is manifested in the tactics of terror against the civilian population. One of the most brutal examples of such actions is shelling of organized by the Ukrainian authorities’ humanitarian convoys.

The moral and psychological state of the enemy remains extremely low and tends to deteriorate. In some areas, the Russian soldiers are throwing out their own documents and trying to return to Russia.


The enemy continues the offensive operation against Ukraine with the support of aircraft and missile strikes, focusing its main efforts on the following tasks: providing a land corridor between the Temporary occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the mainland of the Russian Federation; taking full control of Mariupol; encirclement with further capture of Kyiv, as well as access to the administrative borders of Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

During the day, the enemy regrouped to organize the storming of Kyiv. The occupiers plan to join the assault by the most capable units and subdivisions of the Ramzan Kadyrov Special Guards Regiment (Grozny), the 27th Detachment of the Kuzbass (Kemerovo), the 604th Vityaz Center (Moscow) of the Russian guard, and the private military company Liga (formerly Wagner).

In the Polissya direction, the enemy concentrated in the settlements of Poliske, Kukhari, Borodyanka, Byshiv, Gorenichi, Demiyiv.

In the Byshiv direction, the enemy was maneuvering with forces up to two BTGs from the 36th Army of the RF Armed Forces and is trying to move forward.

In the Tarasivshchyna and Rakivka directions, the enemy from the 98th Airborne Division in cooperation with BTGr 155 Separate Marine Brigade after forcing the Irpin River near Rakivka launched an offensive, but has suffered significant losses in manpower and equipment, lost part of the offensive potential, and stopped.

In the Seversky direction, the enemy is conducting an offensive operation with the help of units from 2 and 41 Armies of the RF Armed Forces and the 90th Tank Division of the Central Military District in order to block Chernihiv and prepare for the attack on Sumy.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy forces the 1st Tank Army of the Russian Armed Forces (up to 12 BTGr), the 20th Army of the Russian Armed Forces (up to 8 BTGr), the 6th Army (up to 2 BTGr) of the Western Military District, and the 14th Army Corps of the Russian Armed Forces (up to 2 BTGr) focuses on the directions of Kaniv, Novomoskovsk. Stopped and trying to resume the offensive on Severodonetsk by the 144th Motorized Rifle Division of the 20th Army of the Russian Armed Forces. Carries out regrouping and preparation for the storming of the city of Sumy.

In an attempt to capture Izum, the enemy suffered losses and retreated. The occupiers terrorized the city, shelling civilian homes and infrastructure.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy with forces of up to 7 BTGr 1, 2 AK, and 150 Motorized Infantry Division of the 8th Army continues offensive operations in the direction of the Dnipro and Zaporizhzhia in order to reach the administrative borders of the Donetsk region.

In order to conduct offensive operations in the direction of Severodonetsk, the BTGr of the 150th Motorized Rifle Division is being moved. Attempts to break through the defense in the Volnovakha direction. He is trying to break through the defense of Mariupol, but to no avail.

On the Tavriya direction the enemy forces separate forces of separate divisions of the 49th Army of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, 22 Army Corps, 20 Motorized Infantry Division of the 8th Army of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and Airborne Troops in the following directions; to Voznesensk - up to 3 BTGr from the 49th Army of the RF Armed Forces; in Zaporizhia - up to 4 BTGr of the 42nd Motorized Rifle Division and 136 Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade of the 58th Army of the RF Armed Forces; Melitopol, Mariupol - up to 3 BTGr from the 19th Motorized Rifle Division of the 58th Army. Carries out regrouping of troops for offensive operations.

In the South Bug operational area, the enemy is stopped on approaches to Nikolaev, carries out regrouping of troops for resumption of offensive.

In general, the moral and psychological state of the enemy is low. He is demoralized due to heavy losses in manpower and military equipment, in some areas Russian soldiers are trying to desert.

During the fighting near Kharkiv, the Chief of Staff, First Deputy Commander of the 41st Army, Major General Vitaliy Gerasimov, was killed, and several senior officers of the Army Staff were killed and wounded.


Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The air defense of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down two Russian warplanes: the first - over Kyiv at 8:30 p.m., and the second - in the air battle at 21:10 in the vicinity of Kyiv.


Air Force Command of UA Armed Forces

12 days of the war, and the Ukrainian air defense is still effectively destroying the Russian forces in the sky.

Many cruise missiles fired by Russians from various directions do not reach their targets thanks to the state's air defense system. Today, one more of them was intercepted by a missile fired from a Ukrainian fighter jet.

Last night, Ukrainian fighter jets destroyed two enemy aircraft in an air battle near the capital. The third - in the same battle, was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile.

The Air Force's strike aircraft worked extremely successfully in several strategic areas. Su-25 attack aircraft and Su-24m bombers burned several convoys of enemy equipment.

On March 7, there are reports of the downing of one enemy helicopter and three fighter jets. One of them was shot down in the Kharkiv region by a serviceman of the National Guard of Ukraine, the other two - near Kyiv, shot down by an anti-aircraft missile unit and an aircraft fighter jet of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Dozens of the Russian cruise and ballistic missiles, 52 fighter jets, 69 helicopters, and other small targets were shot down by the Air Force of Ukraine since February 24th.


OSCE /SMM to Ukraine

On March 6, the SMM Mission received reports that the SMM premises in Mariupol were damaged by shelling. According to initial reports from SMM national mission members, the building has been damaged, SMM communication equipment has been destroyed, and two SMM vehicles were set on fire.

The process of temporary evacuation of all international mission members is nearing its completion. The last remaining group – the Chief Monitor and senior management team – will now leave Ukraine.

The relocation of national mission members formerly stationed in Kramatorsk and Sievierodonetsk continues while the relocation of those formerly stationed in Mariupol is still pending due to security concerns. Another convoy of national mission members from Kyiv has started its movement out of the capitol of Ukraine.



Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

The Russian Federation continues to circulate misinformation about weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine.

After a series of absurd statements by Russian officials about the alleged creation of a "dirty" nuclear bomb in Ukraine, the Russian disinformation machine has switched to the biological weapons.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has refuted information circulated by Russian propaganda media about the alleged "emergency stripping of the military-biological program funded by the US Department of Defense" and "destruction of especially dangerous pathogens." The Ministry of Health of Ukraine also stress that there are no American laboratories in Ukraine.

All laboratory facilities in Ukraine perform a single general function - the indication and identification of pathogens of infectious diseases that have significant epidemic potential and/or international significance and are subject to regulation in accordance with international health regulations.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine also drew attention to the fact that the documents published by Russia do not mention particularly dangerous biopathogens, development of which Russian propaganda attribute to Ukraine.

Russia's military aggression has significantly weakened Ukraine's national biological security system. In particular, by seizing Ukrainian research and sanitary-epidemiological institutions in the temporarily occupied Crimea, as well as in the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Russia deliberately ignores the requirements for providing information on the status and location of pathogens that were stored in these facilities and used in the development of vaccines as well as for diagnostic purposes for the benefit of the Ukrainian people.

Under the ongoing armed invasion of the Russian troops into Ukrainian territory, the Government of Ukraine is making every effort to ensure strong protection of all laboratories in the controlled territories.

In this context, any attempt by Russia to seize biological materials is extremely dangerous and could pose a threat to both the security of Ukraine and the whole Europe.

Russia's public statements about the alleged development of biological weapons in Ukraine should be considered as misinformation and provocation.

Ukraine calls upon the international community to increase pressure on Russia to comply with its international obligations, including the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons, and not to pose additional security risks to the biological agents.





Third round of talks

During the third round of talks in Belarus, the delegations of Ukraine and Russia clarified the details of the functioning of humanitarian corridors to provide more effective assistance to people in the cities most affected by the Russian shelling. This was stated by Adviser to the Head of the President's Office Mykhailo Podoliak after the meeting.

"We have received some positive results in terms of logistics of humanitarian corridors. They will be amended, and we will receive more effective assistance to people who are currently suffering from the aggression of the Russian Federation," he said.

Intensive consultations will be continued on the basic, political bloc of settlement, in particular on the ceasefire and security guarantees.

"There are no results that significantly improve the situation yet," Mykhailo Podoliak said.

"However, I emphasize once again that the consultations will be continued and we will get the result," the Adviser to the Head of the President's Office summed up.


Office of the President of Ukraine

The address of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky

- My team and I are staying in Kyiv, on Bankova street. We are not hiding and not being afraid of anyone. We will stay here as long as it takes to win this war.

- I’m proud of Ukrainians, civilians who defend their cities, towns, villages even without special armament, as our main weapon is bravery and strength of spirit to tell the aggressor: “This is my land, go away!” All Ukrainians who protest against invaders are heroes

- In the south of Ukraine a powerful national front of resistance unfolded, which was completely unexpected by the enemy. The spirit of a true Ukraine reigns in those cities, because the truth is on the side of Ukrainians who defend their homes.

- We will rebuild Ukrainian cities like Energodar or Chornobil and make them even better. Today invaders fired at the old bakery in Makarov and hit the church in Zhytomyr. It is impossible to explain the logic of such barbaric actions.

- The third round of talks took place in Belarus today, but it`s not the last one, we are waiting to be able to tell Ukrainians how we will come to peace.

- Today I signed a decree to award 96 Ukrainians, our military men and women, with the title of Hero of Ukraine. We are grateful to every hero and every ordinary soldier, we highly value our armed forces.



Ronald Reagan Medal of Freedom for President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States Oksana Markarova received the Ronald Reagan Medal of Freedom for President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, which was presented by the head of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation Frederic Ryan.

Frederick Ryan stressed that this high award honors the leadership of the President of Ukraine and the steadfastness of millions of Ukrainians who defend their right to choose their own future and inspire the entire civilized world to fight for the values of freedom and democracy to which Ronald Reagan dedicated his life. 

The Freedom Medal was established by the President Ronald Reagan Foundation in 1992. It is awarded to outstanding world figures for "making a significant and lasting contribution to the development of freedom in the world." During the entire existence of the award, only 10 people became its laureates.



Prime Minister of Ukraine Briefing

140,000 Ukrainians, primarily men, have returned home to Ukraine. They are ready not only to defend their homes but also to work for victory. Ukrainian companies are prepared and invite various specialists to work. Following instructions from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the government has formed a package of decisions to support Ukrainian business during the war.

First: Ukrainians will be exempt from paying the Single Social Payment for physical persons of entrepreneurs of groups 1 and 2 during martial law and within a year after its completion.

Second: Ukrainian Government will exempt enterprises and individuals of entrepreneurs of the 3rd group from paying the Single Social Payment for employees drafted into the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other armed groups, including territorial defense. The state will pay the fee.

Third: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is postponing the payment of taxes for all entrepreneurs who cannot pay them.

Fourth: Registration of Settlement Operations will be postponed for all individual entrepreneurs.

Fifth: the government will abolish all the market and consumer supervision measures in all matters except price regulation and pricing control. A moratorium on inspections of all types for business has already been established.

All these decisions and several other additional decisions are necessary for this support package to work, have already been adopted, or will be approved by the authorities shortly. The government and local authorities are also actively taking additional measures to stabilize prices for the products of first necessity. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a decision that allows Regional military administrations, together with the National Police of Ukraine and the State Service for Medications and Drugs Control, to monitor the prices of socially important: food, medicine, and fuel. Also, a significant number of the government and local authorities is working to ensure the proper functioning of critical infrastructure, including those parts of it that supply people with electricity, heat, and water.

It was decided that 12 Ukrainian thermal power plants will now receive gas from Naftogaz of Ukraine for 7 hryvnias per cubic meter. This will allow the relevant companies to buy the necessary volumes of natural gas to continue to operate stably and supply electricity to Ukrainian families despite possible disruptions in the supply of coal products, which is also very important.

“I would also like to thank the Ukrainian energetic power engineers, who hold a vital energy front for the country. You make miracles every day so that, where possible, Ukrainians stay with light, warmth, and gas. Every family is grateful to you.” stressed Shmyhal



Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Operational Situation On the Diplomatic Front

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba has announced an initiative to set up a special tribunal for Russia to hold it accountable for crimes against the Ukrainian people.

☑️ Sanctions:

🔺 Canada imposes new sanctions on 10 Russian officials, people in business and propagandists involved in Russia's armed invasion in Ukraine;

🔺 Following the meeting in London, the Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom, Canada, and the Netherlands agreed to impose new restrictive measures against Russian Federation;

☑️ Financial assistance:

🔺 Great Britain will provide Ukraine with an additional 175 million pounds of financial aid;

🔺 Germany plans to allocate 38.5 million euros for emergency services of Ukraine, as well as for the accommodation of internally displaced persons;

🔺 Slovenia will send up to 5,000 StarLink satellite Internet reception stations to Ukraine.

☑️ Isolation of the Russian Federation:

🔺 Danish energy company Ørsted will not sign new contracts with Russia. The company also cut off supplies of Russian coal to its power plants;

🔺 One of the world's largest audit companies, Ernst & Young, has suspended its work in Russia;

🔺 Deloitte rejects customers from Russia and Belarus. Deloitte became the last of the Big Four audit companies to announce its withdrawal from Russia after its invasion to Ukraine;

🔺 Danish concern Arla Foods, which is the largest producer of dairy products in Scandinavia, has begun preparations to close its operations in Russia;

🔺 The Singaporian stock labor Exchange Regulation has stopped trading in Gazprom shares;

🔺 Singapore's largest telecommunications companies, StarHub and SingTel, have stopped broadcasting Russian state media RT;

🔺 Boeing aircraft manufacturer suspends titanium purchases in Russia due to Russia's war against Ukraine.

☑️ Humanitarian aid:

🔺 The Kingdom of Bahrain has decided to provide $1 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine;

🔺 UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation sent 30 tons of medical and humanitarian aid to Ukraine;

🔺 The Chancellor of Austria Karl Negammer and his wife donate 15,000 euros through the charity “Neighbor in Need” to help people in Ukraine.



Creation of a chat bot to help children in emergency situations

The war started by Russia is taking hundreds of civilian lives. Children are often left without parents or lost during evacuation. Their parents die defending Ukraine.

Together with UNICEF, the Office of the President of Ukraine and the Ministry of Social Policy created a chat bot to help children in emergency situations during wartime:

The war can separate parents from children, put families in crisis. As adults, we must do everything in our power to help. If your family is willing to provide temporary refuge for a child; if you know of international organizations that are willing to host Ukrainian children; if you have any other questions regarding children — you can access the hotline.

Because of the war, children can end up far away from their parents and find themselves in difficult circumstances. Our common mission is to help them.





The National Bank of Ukraine

The USAID Technical Assistance to Agricultural Lending in Ukraine (CEP) Project, implemented by the World Credit Union Council (WOCCU), has actively participated in the actions of the National Bank for the Support of Credit Unions of Ukraine.

USAID allowed the United Credit Unions of Ukraine to use the funds previously provided by the project to develop agricultural lending to provide liquidity. This will allow you to quickly return the savings of some depositors.

WOCCU and the CEP Project plan to create an international platform that will accumulate financial and technological resources to restore the activities of credit unions in Ukraine. Under the auspices of the WOCCU and the CEP Project, a dialogue is being initiated with institutions involved in social lending and microbusiness financing.

In addition, WOCCU, credit unions of Canada, the United States, Poland and Lithuania are ready to provide financial support to Ukrainian credit unions for the rapid resumption of their activities. Thus, from the first days of the war, credit unions of the United States and Canada, established by Ukrainian communities, have already provided $ 1 million in support of Ukraine.



Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN March 7, 10.30 EST

Mon, 03/07/2022 - 11:24am


March 7, 10.30 EST


Aggressor violates the rules of international humanitarian law, shells civilians, "green corridors", takes women and children hostage, artificially creates a humanitarian crisis in the occupied settlements.

It has been twice that the Russians blocked the launch of the humanitarian corridors by shelling the route of the humanitarian convoys.

President of Ukraine: future of the continent is decided by Ukrainians, by our resistance and our real friends who help.

The hearings under Ukraine's lawsuit against Russia in genocide case have commenced at the UN International Court of Justice.

More than 140,000 Ukrainians, mostly men, have returned from Europe.




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the Russian forces from 24.02 to 07.03:

personnel – more than 11 000

tanks ‒ 290

APV ‒ 999

artillery systems – 117 MLRS - 50

anti-aircraft warfare systems - 23 aircrafts – 46

helicopters – 68

vehicles - 454

boats - 3

fuel tanks - 60

UAV operational-tactical level - 7. 000-osib-znishheno-bilshe-110-litakiv-ta-vertolotiv-%E2%80%93-generalnij-shtab-zs-ukraini/




The twelfth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion has begun.

The enemy continues its offensive against Ukraine.


From the beginning of the day, the Russian aggressor continued to carry out rocket-bomb and artillery strikes on settlements in Ukraine.

The invaders continue to use the airfield network of the Republic of Belarus to carry out air strikes on Ukraine.

Acting insidiously, the aggressors violate the rules of international humanitarian law, shell civilians, "green corridors", take women and children hostage, place equipment, ammunition in residential areas of cities, artificially create a humanitarian crisis in the occupied settlements. Yes, the city of Irpin remains deprived of light, water and heat for more than three days, there is no supply of food and water, the aggressors forbade citizens to leave their homes.

There are numerous cases of staging reports for Russian TV channels about the alleged humanity and humanity of the invaders' soldiers. Also, on social networks, the enemy continues to distribute content treated from the first person, which negatively covers the activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The enemy continues the offensive operation against Ukraine, concentrating its main efforts on the encirclement of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Mariupol, and Mykolayiv. He does not stop trying to reach the administrative borders of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

In the Polissya direction, the Russian aggressor is concentrating its main efforts on the encirclement of Kyiv. Concentration in the area of settlement Hostomel up to 2 BTGr; in the area of Bucha - up to 3 BTGr, reinforced by tank units; in the area of Borodyanka - up to 2 BTGr; in the area of Sitnyaki - up to 2 BTGr.

In the occupied territories, the enemy immediately tries to establish an administrative-police regime with the help of undisguised terror directed at the local population.

The occupiers are preparing to attack Vyshhorod.

Also, the enemy is preparing to resume the offensive in the following directions: on settlements Hostomel, Irpin, Stoyanka.

In the Siversky direction, the enemy focused its efforts on the following areas with the help of units from the two all-military armies and the tank division of the Central Military District. Brovary - up to 2 BTGr; in the areas of settlement n.p. Semenivka, Mena, Bobrovytsia - up to 3 BTGr; n.p. Boryspil - up to 4 BTGr.

The Russian invader is trying to provide a tactical advantage in Brovary and Boryspil districts. They are trying to gain control of Chernihiv and are concentrating units of the 41st General Army of the Central Military District near its southern outskirts.

They are trying to prepare for the attack on Sumy.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy is trying to continue the offensive in the direction of the Dnipro with the help of units of the tank army, two general armies and the army corps.

The main efforts are focused on the directions of Kaniv, Dnipro and Severodonetsk. Carries out regrouping to continue the offensive in certain areas in order to take control of Kaniv Hydro Power Plant.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy with forces of up to seven BTGs continues offensive operations in the directions of the cities of the Dnipro and Zaporizhya, in order to reach the administrative borders of the Donetsk region. Despite heavy losses, it is moving in the direction of Volnovakha.

The aggressor made repeated attempts to break through the defences in the area of settlement Staromlynivka, as well as to capture settlement Zachativka, however, suffered significant losses and retreated to the area of settlement Lubymivka.

At the same time, the enemy is trying to break through the city's defences in the areas of the west neighbourhood of Mariupol, Staryy Crimea. It is not successful.

In the Tavriya direction, the invader with forces of up to 17 BTGr holds the borders in the Kherson region. The main efforts are focused on the following areas: Mykolaiv - up to 2 BTGs,


Voznesensk - up to 2 BTGs, Belhorod-Dniester - up to 1 BTGs, Zaporizhya - up to 4 BTGs; Mariupol - up to 3 BTGr.

The enemy is regrouping troops for further attack on the city of Zaporizhya. Urgently restores the runway at Melitopol airfield.

In the Bessarabian direction, the enemy is not taking active action, but the servicemen of the operational group of Russian troops in the security zone of the self-proclaimed Transnistrian region are on high alert.

Despite a large number of troops, the occupiers have low morale and psychological condition. In the event of losses, enemy units lose their offensive potential and surrender en masse to the Defenders of Ukraine and the civilian population.

The enemy continues the offensive operation against Ukraine, concentrating its main efforts on the encirclement of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Mariupol, and Mykolayiv. He does not stop trying to reach the administrative borders of Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

In the Polissya direction, the Russian aggressor is concentrating its main efforts on the encirclement of Kyiv. Concentration in the area of settlement Hostomel up to 2 BTGr; in the area of Bucha - up to 3 BTGr, reinforced by tank units; in the area of Borodyanka - up to 2 BTGr; in the area of Sitnyaki - up to 2 BTGr.

In the occupied territories, the enemy immediately tries to establish an administrative-police regime with the help of undisguised terror directed at the local population.

The aggressors are preparing to attack Vyshhorod.

In addition, the enemy is preparing to resume the offensive in the following directions: on settlements Hostomel, Irpin, Stoyanka.

In the Siversky direction, the enemy focused its efforts on the following areas with the help of units from the two all-military armies and the tank division of the Central Military District. Brovary - up to 2 BTGr; in the areas of settlement n.p. Semenivka, Mena, Bobrovytsia - up to 3 BTGr; n.p. Boryspil - up to 4 BTGr.

The Russian invader is trying to provide a tactical advantage in Brovary and Boryspil districts. The aggressors are trying to gain control of Chernihiv and are concentrating units of the 41st General Army of the Central Military District near its southern outskirts.

They are trying to prepare for the attack on Sumy.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy is trying to continue the offensive in the direction of the Dnipro with the help of units of the tank army, two general armies and the army corps.

The main efforts are focused on the directions of Kaniv, Dnipro and Severodonetsk. Carries out regrouping to continue the offensive in certain areas in order to take control of Kaniv Hydro Power Plant.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy with forces of up to seven BTGs continues offensive operations in the directions of the cities of the Dnipro and Zaporizhya, in order to reach the administrative borders of the Donetsk region. Despite heavy losses, it is moving in the direction of Volnovakha.

The aggressors made repeated attempts to break through the defences in the area of settlement Staromlynivka, as well as to capture settlement Zachativka, however, suffered significant losses and retreated to the area of settlement Lubymivka.

At the same time, the enemy is trying to break through the city's defences in the areas of the west neighbourhood Mariupol, Staryy Crimea. It is not successful.

In the Tavriya direction, the invader with forces of up to 17 BTGr holds the borders in the Kherson region. The main efforts are focused on the following areas: Mykolaiv - up to 2 BTGs, Voznesensk - up to 2 BTGs, Belhorod-Dniester - up to 1 BTGs, Zaporizhya - up to 4 BTGs; Mariupol - up to 3 BTGr.

The enemy is regrouping troops for further attack on the city of Zaporizhya. Urgently restores the runway at Melitopol airfield.


Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Address by the Minister of Defence of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov

"Russian World" is trying to stifle the heroic city of Mariupol with a humanitarian crisis. The government is doing everything possible and impossible to provide humanitarian corridors.

More than 140,000 Ukrainians, mostly men, have returned from Europe. Tens of thousands joined the Territorial Defense Forces.

Already more than 20,000 appeals from foreigners who are ready to come to Ukraine and defend the world from the Russian Nazis on the Ukrainian front. I will not comment on the supply of weapons and ammunition - this is a delicate moment. Let the enemy be surprised. There is significant progress. Among other things, over the past 3 days, more than 50,000 helmets and bulletproof vests have been delivered to Ukraine or contracted.

Our greatest advantage over the enemy is the unity of Ukrainian society. Russia does not understand what self-organization is and what real trust between the government and the citizens is. For decades, they have destroyed the freedom and dignity of the people in order to obtain a humble population. There are more of them, it's true. They predominate at sea and in the air. After all, one Ukrainian soldier and one Ukrainian citizen are guarding dozens of Russian aggressors during the war.

We will return all temporarily captured towns and villages. Kherson, Kakhovka, Melitopol, Berdyansk and Henichesk have shown that it is better for the aggressors to leave before it is too late. sferi-ppo-ta-pro-vid-partneriv-%E2%80%93-oleksij-reznikov/


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Vinnytsia, in particular, Vinnytsia Airport, joined the list of hotspots. Eight heavy shells hit the airport. Now rescue operation continues at the airport near the village Gavryshivka of Vinnytsia oblast. As of 7 a.m. on March 7, 15 people were released from the rubble, including 9 dead.

Russian forces used Smerch heavy multiple rocket launchers to shell the city of Mykolaiiv. As a result, there were 5 fires in the residential sector and industrial facilities.

Kirovohrad police helped a wounded foreign journalist to reach the hospital. Guillaume Briquet, a Swiss citizen and independent journalist, worked in the neighboring region, covering events in Ukraine. On March 6 while moving towards Mykolaiiv his armored car was fired at by Russian military forces. The journalist suffered facial and forearm injuries. After the vehicle was stopped, the Russian invaders confiscated the citizen's documents, money, photo, video equipment, laptop and other valuables and released him. The wounded man was met at the checkpoint by Kropyvnytskyi police, who helped the man get to a hospital where he was provided with medical care.




Key messages of the address of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

It has been 12 days of war, which Ukraine never wanted. Ukraine was forced to fight and stand something that Europe never faced in 80 years. It is Ukraine, where it is being decided whether other countries of Europe will become victims of the same aggression. The future of the continent is decided by the Ukrainians, by their resistance and their friends by their aid.

The President of Ukraine had additional phone conversations with the Presidents of Poland and France, the Prime Ministers of the Great Britain, Italy, and India, during which he received important signals, which will strengthen Ukraine. The President Zelenskyy stressed that in case the


invasion will continue, and Russia will keep up to its plans in relation to Ukraine, then a new sanctions package will be needed to restore the peace. Boycott of the Russian export, including the rejection of the Russian oil and petroleum products. Someone would call it embargo, other can call it morality, when you reject giving money to a terrorist. Boycott of the import to Russia – no goods and services from civilized world.

The international society has to be even more pro-active. When someone loses his mind, the others have to lose their fear and forget about commerce, work on defense and both states and enterprises have to be moral, they have to fight against the inhumane force that wants to destroy the humanity as such.

“Success of the Ukrainian army, will of the Ukrainian people, and adherence to principles with the international sanctions – is a way to peace”.

The occupants shelled with reactive artillery the residential buildings in Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, and other cities of Ukraine. There was no military sense in these actions, only the terror. The residents of Irpin, Bucha, Gostomel and many other cities, towns and villages temporarily occupied by Russia remain captive.

The enemy is tired and demoralized. “They came to our land to search for something that has

never been seen here – cowardice and consent to slavery”.

After listing the Russian atrocities in Ukraine, the President Zelenskyy asked: “How do civilians in Kharkiv or Mykolaiv differ from Hamburg or Vienna? We are waiting for a decision. Securing the sky. Either with the power you have, or give us fighter jets and air defense systems that will provide us with the strength we need. This is the help that the world should provide not just to Ukraine, but to itself. To prove: humanity will win. As soon as possible.”

The President then informed that the Government of Ukraine works already on restoration of Ukraine after the victory. The first part of the special package of assistance to business and employees has been created for the period of the martial law and at least a year after its end. Sole proprietors of the first and second group were completely exempt from paying UST for employees who were called to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other defense formations. In particular, the territorial defense.

Exemption from land tax and rent for state and communal land in all areas where hostilities are taking place. The payment of taxes for all enterprises that are unable to pay them is postponed.

All leaders of the central government have a clear task: to develop a system of action so that the recovery of Ukraine is rapid and focused only on people. First of all - on people.

For us all to return to peace, to normal work. When we return our land, return peace to our land. I am grateful to all business owners and managers who continue to work and fulfill their obligations to their employees. To pay salaries to people - even if the company does not work as before - is to protect Ukraine.

The state fulfills all its obligations. Indexed pensions have already been provided to the people.

The salary in the budget sphere is paid as it should be.

There are millions of Ukrainians who to fight for our future, state, freedom, and our national flag, which is blue and yellow. “We defend our flag because it is our worldview. Under the blue and yellow we gained victories at the Olympics. We unfurled this flag both in space and in Antarctica. Under our national flag, our rescuers, firefighters, peacekeepers, medics and everyone else came to the aid of Turkey, Greece, Israel and Georgia, Afghanistan and Montenegro, India, Italy, the Congo and many other countries.” The President said that Ukraine has never attacked other countries, seized foreign lands, killed peaceful people of other nations under this flag. Ukraine and terror are two different universes.

“That is why there is no blood on our flag. There are no and will never be black spots on it. There are no and will never be any swastikas on it. The Ukrainian flag is the land. Peaceful, fertile, golden and without tanks. This is the sky. Peaceful, clear, blue and without missiles. It was so. And so it will be”, – he finished.

VIDEO with English subtitles:

Deputy Prime Minister I.Vereschuk

It has been twice that the Russians blocked the launch of the humanitarian corridors by shelling the route of the humanitarian convoys.

Now the Russians are saying that they can open the corridors, but they want the civilians to leave for the Russian territory, which is absurd, cynic and unacceptable.

The civilized world must lay pressure on Russia. We need the humanitarian corridors badly.

We have to let the civilians, both Ukrainians and foreigners, leave the hot areas.

Only official statements of the Ukrainian authorities! Only those can be the true and legitimate basis for the humanitarian corridors on the Ukrainian territory.


Briefing of Mykhailo Arestovych, Counsellor to the Head of the Presidential Office of Ukraine

Yesterday the enemy did not manage to make advancement in any frontline points.

Tonight the enemy was making rocket and aviation attacks at the Ukrainian cities: Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Mariupol and in Sumy region. At the same time, our Armed Forces rebuff and make counter-attacks on some separate points.

We witness a sharp increase in information and psychological operations against the Ukrainian citizens, Armed Force of Ukraine and the Ukrainian leadership. It means that their actions on land and in the air do not bring success to them, making them increase the attack in other dimensions. Secondly, we understand that their aim is to make us lose our psychological possibility to resistance; hence, we should not pay attention to that.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

The hearings under Ukraine's lawsuit against Russia in genocide case have been commenced at the UN International Court of Justice

On behalf of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, on March 7, the Ukrainian delegation presented a legal position in the UN International Court of Justice in the case against Russia, in accordance with the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

After World War II the international community came together in order to recognize two fundamental principles: protecting the sovereign states out of aggression and people’s defense from the rude violations of human rights, in particular against an act of genocide.

Russia manipulates by international law and, in particular, the aforementioned Convention, which is a fundamental international treaty in the field of human rights protection, and has used it for armed aggression against Ukraine.

Today, the Ukrainian delegation appeals to the UN International Court of Justice to impose the following precautionary measures in this case, in order to stop the bloodshed:

•    The Russian Federation must immediately stop the hostilities which have been started on the territory of Ukraine dated February 24, 2022

•    The Russian Federation must make sure immediately that every military and any other armed formations under its authority, supervision or influence stopped to engage the hostilities

"Ukrainian diplomacy continues to fight against Russian invaders on all fronts, including the legal one. We defend not only our freedom and independence, but also the entire international legal order. The UN International Court of Justice must stand with Ukraine and immediately impose precautionary measures: order to the Russian Federation to stop hostilities immediately" - said Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.


In violation of the previously reached agreements, on 7 March 2022 the Russian Federation yet again sabotaged the opening of the humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of the civil population from the besieged cities of the Kyiv, Kharkiv, Donetsk and Kherson regions.

Russia's armed forces continue bombardments and missile attacks on Kyiv, Mariupol, Volnovakha, Sumy, Mykolayiv, Kharkiv and other cities, towns and villages. This prevents the safe exit of humanitarian convoys carrying Ukrainian and foreign citizens, as well as the delivery of medications and food.

Russia must stop violating the ceasefire agreement, put an end to spreading disinformation and manipulating the lives of civilians. Evacuation through humanitarian corridors is only possible when the ceasefire regime is fully upheld. The Ukrainian side is ready for that.

We also consider as inappropriate any attempts by Moscow to force civilians in the besieged cities to flee to the territory of Russia and Belarus, taking into account high probability of provocations, in particular taking those evacuated as hostages or using them by the Russian armed forces as human shields.

Ukraine calls on the states, in particular those whose leaders maintain contacts with president Putin, to make all the possible efforts to force Russia to ensure the ceasefire regime is upheld in order to open humanitarian corridors and prevent a large scale humanitarian catastrophe.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine continues to remain in constant contact with embassies of foreign states whose citizens remain in the conflict zones, and provides them with maximum assistance for the evacuation of their citizens though the territory of Ukraine.


Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal

Slovenia collects all available StarLink satellite internet stations in the EU. It is expected that up to 5,000 pieces will be sent to Ukraine in the coming days. Thank you Janez Janša for such an initiative.


Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Another roundup of sanctions against Russia over the past 24 hours:

«Netflix» suspended operations in Russia

«TikTok» suspends operations, due to "fake news" law

Visa and Mastercard withdraw from Russia and suspend transactions

«Spotify» suspended the sale of Premium subscriptions

Major graphics card maker «Nvidia» stops selling its products to Russia

«American Express» suspends transactions in Russia and Belarus

«PVH» ceased operations (owns Warner's, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, etc.)

The «Qt Group» developer, whose products are used by Russian companies to create interfaces and programs, blocked the downloading of its products from Russian IP addresses.


Kyiv City Administration

"The city is fully supplied with electricity, water, heat and communications. Thank you to the city welfare public services for their serious work on neutralizing network disruptions and adjusting the entire infrastructure. I want us all to appreciate their work," - said the first deputy head of the Kyiv City State Administration Nikolay Povoroznyk.

Mykola Povoroznyk also noted the work of volunteers who have been working at logistics hubs for 10 days and providing the city with food, medicine, fuel, etc.



Latest update on operation of Naftogaz Group enterprises

Gas supply company “Naftogaz of Ukraine” keeps supplying gas and providing services to its clients in full. All clients have the opportunity to pay for gas on-line and check their current account status via their personal accounts and chat-bots available and operating 24/7. During the day the company received more than 11 thousand payments from its customers. We would like to thank everyone for the timely payments.

JSC Donetskoblgaz has started to restore its damaged infrastructure wherever it is safe and possible. Significant amounts of local damages were eliminated due to applying bandages. Unfortunately, the lack of communication in the region make it difficult to determine the exact number of subscribers without gas.

JSC Ukrtransnafta continues to operate as usual.

The processing at Shebelynka Oil Refinery has not been resumed so far. Duty staff and the facility itself are safe. One of our network of petrol stations, i.e. U.GO, received minor damage as a result of the shelling. The staff was not injured.

The grid facilities of JSC Ukrtransgaz UGS are under enhanced security and keep operating as normal, except for Krasnopopivka underground gas storage in Luhansk region (shut down due to combat operations in close proximity to the facility).

LLC “Gas supply company “Naftogaz Trading” fulfils consumers’ orders for natural gas provision. The Company services almost 12,000 heat producers, budget and religious organisations, industry and other enterprises. The volume amounted to 70 mcm. The Company's resource allows to fully meet the current needs of the clients.

JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya keeps producing gas at all its facilities sustainably, except for those located near the contact line.

JSC Ukrspectransgaz is operating meeting all the requirements of martial law status.

OJSC “Kirovohradgaz” is operating as normal.


GTS Operator of Ukraine

96 thousand consumers in the suburbs of Kyiv will lose gas supply due to shelling of distribution networks by Russian invaders.

Upon request of the operator of gas distribution networks of JSC "Kyivoblgaz" the GTS operator of Ukraine disconnected gas distribution stations (GDS) "Irpin", "Vorzel", "Blystavitsa", "Stoyanka", "5 (Gostomel, plants)", "Seagulls".

This means that 96,000 consumers in the suburbs of Kyiv remain without gas supply. The pressure in the system will be enough until the morning of March 7. The reason is numerous damages to the regional gas distribution networks as a result of shelling by the aggressors. Due to active hostilities, employees of the GTS Operator and Kyivoblgaz cannot repair the damage.

Destruction of important infrastructure is another crime against the people of Ukraine.



3/7/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 03/07/2022 - 10:01am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Ukraine Conflict Update - March 7, 2022 | SOF News
4. Russia’s Military Chief Promised Quick Victory in Ukraine, but Now Faces a Potential Quagmire
5. Arming Ukraine: 17,000 Anti-Tank Weapons in 6 Days and a Clandestine Cybercorps
6. House working on bill to ban Russian oil imports
7. Putin’s plan is failing in ways he could not have imagined
8. Why the War in Ukraine Seems Destined to Get Far Worse
9. Making the Most of Foreign Volunteers in Ukraine
10. 20,000 foreigners volunteer to fight for Ukraine, foreign minister Kuleba says
11. If Russia Hacks a US Satellite, Is It an Act of War?
12. Truth Is the Best Way to Defeat Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine
13. Options to Mitigate Cognitive Threats
14. Why Putin will regret launching this war (Interview with MG Mike Repass)
15. Putin’s War Is Xi’s Worst Nightmare
16. FDD | Biden’s Coming Iran Deal Will Be Even Worse than Obama’s
17. Biden's bold gamble might just save Ukraine | Opinion
18. Putin Is Making a Mockery of the United Nations
19. Russia Recruiting Syrians for Urban Combat in Ukraine, U.S. Officials Say
20. Decoding the 'Z' — the mysterious Russian military symbol that's been co-opted by Russia's nationalist movement
21. WATCH: Russian POW Tells Truth About Ukraine War, Putin Throws Russia Back To the U.S.S.R.
22. The world after the war in Ukraine: Who or what will stop Putin?
23. The stakes couldn't be higher in Ukraine. Here's why and what to do next | John Nagl
24. Top Republican says no-fly zone over Ukraine could lead to ‘beginning of World War III’
25. The battle for Kyiv will be on a scale the world hasn’t witnessed for 75 years
26. Ukraine needs clandestine help from the West | Column

Korean News Content:

1. If Putin has his way, Kim Jong Un may be next
2. South Korea reports high turnout in early voting, but apologizes to coronavirus patients for a lack of preparation.
3. N.K. leadership to decide time for satellite launch: pro-N.K. paper
4. Explained: Why North Korea's satellite launches are so controversial
5. U.N. set to hold meeting on N. Korea's latest missile launch: Seoul official
6.  (South Korea) Navy SEAL-turned-YouTuber claims he left for Ukraine to participate in war as volunteer 
7. South Korea’s presidential candidates face balancing act amid rising anti-China sentiment
8. New Australian Deputy Commander of USARPAC visits Camp Casey
9. S. Korea to suspend transactions with Russia's central bank, sovereign funds
10. Biden's mentioning of S. Korea shows gratitude for joining sanctions on Russia: Cheong Wa Dae
11.  Millennial and Gen Z views of South Korea's generation in power shape an election
12. 'Squid Game Election': South Korean campaign gets ugly
13.  What South Korea’s Election Means for Biden and Democracy
14. Traveller Shocked By App That He Discovered On A North Korean Smartphone
15. <Absolute Secret> Documents Obtained: Kim Jong-un's security team conducted background checks on grandparents to the sixth degree of kinship.

Ukraine: War Bulletin March 6, 2.00 p.m. EST

Sun, 03/06/2022 - 1:49pm

War Bulletin

March 6, 2.00 p.m. EST


Urgent address of Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Eight rockets hit a peaceful city of Vinnytsya. The city airport is completely destroyed. Russia continues destroying Ukraine’s infrastructure. President urged international partners to close the skies over Ukraine and provide the airplanes for defense.

Russians disrupted the opening of humanitarian corridor in Mariupol.

Website of International defense Legion of Ukraine and website for collecting evidence of Russian crimes have been launched.

Russian forces disrupt evacuation of women, children and the elderly.  

Russia’s war against Ukraine threatens the world with food shortages.




Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

The total combat losses of Russian forces from 24.02 to 06.03:
personnel - more than 11 000,
tanks ‒ 285,
APV ‒ 985,
artillery systems – 109,
MLRS - 50,
anti-aircraft warfare systems - 21,
aircraft – 44,
helicopters – 48;
vehicles - 447,
light speedboats - 2,
fuel tanks - 60,
UAV operational-tactical level - 4.



russian losses













General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Despite losses in personnel and equipment, the occupiers, with the support of the air forces, focused their efforts on encircling the cities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, and Mykolaiv and reaching the administrative borders of Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts, and creating a land corridor with the temporarily occupied Crimea.

Unable to achieve the goal of capturing the capital of Ukraine in the first days of the war, the occupiers focused on active action in the southern regions, in order to deprive Ukraine of access to the Black and Azov Seas. The invaders have spent almost all their reserves and are preparing to send additional units from the Eastern, Central and Western military districts.

Ukraine continues to conduct a defense operation. In the eastern direction, a defense operation is being conducted in the Donetsk, Slobozhansky and, in part, Tavriya operational districts.

The Joint Forces Group is conducting a defense operation in the Donetsk direction. In the Slobozhansky direction, mechanized units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are defending the cities of Kharkiv and Okhtyrka. The defense of Chernihiv continues in the Sivers'kyi region.

In the village of Liptsi (Kharkiv oblast), the occupiers confiscated the phones of local residents, forced them to wear white and red armbands, and hung white rags on buildings.

At about 2 p.m., the enemy launched a massive missile strike at Vinnytsia airport, and shelling of Mariupol, Irpen, and other Ukrainian towns and villages continued throughout the day.

Due to the significant losses suffered by the occupiers since the beginning of the war, in order to attract volunteers, the Krasnodar Territory began covert mobilization, increased the spread of propaganda materials about "neo-fascist atrocities and the need to destroy fascism" (data to be clarified).

Defined units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine counterattacked in the Mariupol direction and destroyed 3 tanks, 4 infantry fighting vehicles, 2 armored vehicles "Tiger" and about 30 Russian occupiers, 2 invaders were taken, prisoner. The enemy has losses in other areas.

The Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine repulses missile and air strikes and means of air attack of the enemy, concentrates its efforts on air cover of important (critical) objects of Ukraine and groups of troops.



The website of International Defense Legion of Ukraine was launched

The website contains all the necessary information for citizens of foreign countries who want to join the International Defense Legion of Ukraine. The government has also set up a dedicated call center:  For foreign volunteers already in Ukraine +380800507028; For foreign volunteers located abroad +380443395987.

After Russia launched a large-scale military invasion of Ukraine on February 24 and began striking at civilians and infrastructure from day one, the Ukrainian state called on foreigners to join our struggle for peace and democracy in Europe and around the world.

A decree of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on March 1, 2022 introduced a visa-free regime for entry into Ukraine for citizens of foreign countries who are willing to join the International Defense Legion of Ukraine, except for citizens of the aggressor state.

Foreigners who want to help Ukraine can find detailed step-by-step instructions on how to join the fair fight against the aggressor at

In particular, in order to join the International Defense Legion of Ukraine, it is necessary to apply to the Embassy of Ukraine in your country.



Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

The most large-scale consequences of the fighting affected civilian infrastructure in Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Bucha district of Kyiv oblast and Korosten district of Zhytomyr oblast.

During the day, State Emergency Service units made 422 visits to the scene, including 198 visits to eliminate the consequences of shelling of settlements and civilian infrastructure by Russian troops, 64 people were rescued.

Pyrotechnics of the State Emergency Service carried out 63 operations, 605 explosive devices were neutralized.

In the Zhytomyr region police are documenting the consequences of night shelling of settlements.

On the night of March 6, Russia carried out several air strikes on residential buildings in the cities of Korosten and Ovruch. As a result of the shelling, several dozen private houses were destroyed. There are victims among the civilian population.

As a rocket attack on the private sector in Korosten killed 1 person and injured 2. 10 private houses were destroyed and 1 building was burnt down. 5 children were rescued from the basement.

As a result of a missile strike on the private sector in the city of Ovruch, 15 private houses were destroyed, 5 of them completely.



Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Despite the Russian aggression the Ministry of Health of Ukraine continues to respond to challenges to maintain the smooth operation of the medical system. For the past day the transportation and temporary storage of medicines of JSC "Ukrainian Railways" is allowed. Ministry is trying to ensure the supply of medicines to every corner of the country and demand the creation of humanitarian corridors in areas of active hostilities.





Urgent address of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Eight rockets hit a peaceful city of Vinnytsya. The city airport is completely destroyed. Russia continues destroying our infrastructure and life we were building, and many generations before us. We repeat every day: “Close the skies over Ukraine for all Russian rockets, fighter jets, all these terrorists, make a humanitarian air zone without rockets and air bombs. We are people and this is your responsibility to defend us and you can do this. In case you will not do this, in case you will not provide us with the airplanes so that we could defend ourselves, then only one conclusion can be done – you also want Ukraine to be killed very slowly. This is a responsibility of politicians around the globe, Western leaders from now on and forever”.



Address of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

The President started with words of support by the international partners and friends, which were supported by the concrete actions. Every day the President is holding phone conversations with the leaders of other states and business associations. At night, there was a conversation with the U.S. President, and President Zelenskyy thanks his counterpart for his determination to prepare new decisions for Ukrainians and Europeans, including new sanctions against aggression. Conversations were also held with the U.S. congressmen and senators, who are very sincere in their willingness to help Ukraine. Such conversations multiply our confidence.

The world has a power to introduce a no-fly zone over Ukraine for Russian rockets, fighter jets, and helicopters. Ukraine needs airplanes to make the safe sky for Ukraine and Europe.

The President had a conversation with the Prime Minister of Australia, and the President is thankful for the position of Australia on the Russian export. Not a single port must exist where the state-terrorist is able to earn money. The Prime Ministers of Albania, Bulgaria and Israel provide support to Ukraine. There was an inspiring conversation with Elon Musk, who does rockets for the sake of future and does not kill with rockets for the sake of past. The support from the global international business is no less important than support from the leading world states. Combined together we receive a doubled defense, tripled weapon, and a possibility for the future.

He addressed the Ukrainians by saying: “We have already won out our future, but we are still fighting for this day… We fight for the position where the border will be established between life and slavery, and it’s not only our decision”. 

He addressed the Russians, too, by claiming that the Russian citizens also do this choice at this moment, when the evil can be won without irreparable losses. With material losses but not with execution. He called on them not to lose this opportunity. “Social networks, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and relatives – you must be heard!”

He continued: “We, Ukrainians, want peace! Citizens of Russia for you this fight is not only for the peace in Ukraine, this is a fight for your country. For the best it had. For the freedom you saw. For the wealth you have felt. If you keep silent now, then only your poverty will speak for you later. And only repression will be an answer it. Do not be silent”.

The Russian servicemen, who were taken captive by our defenders started speaking. Hundreds and hundreds of prisoners. Among them are the pilots of the planes that bombed our cities and our peaceful people. “We have heard their testimonies, and saw documents, maps, plans that were elaborated not yesterday. This is not an improvisation, but a war. They prepared this invasion exactly this way – cruelly, cynically, consciously violating the rules of war. Therefore, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Mariupol, and many other Ukrainian hero cities have faced pure evil and atrocity. This was planned, but this will not kill our humanity”. Despite this Ukraine treats war prisoner under the Geneva Convention, our missiles do not hit in response the Russian or Belarussian civilian facilities, from where rockets and aviation fly to our territory every day, columns of military equipment go against peaceful civilians and cities. Zhytomyr, Korosten, Ovruch, suburbs of Kyiv, cities in the south… They are preparing to bomb Odesa, where Russians have always come to Odesa and felt only warmth and sincerity there. It will be a war and a historical crime.

For 11 days the Ukrainians are fighting for freedom, state, and withstood. Ukraine already understands how it will rebuild the country, and is already forming four special funds for reconstruction: Fund for the Restoration of Destroyed Property and Infrastructure, Fund for Economic Recovery and transformation, Public Debt Service and Repayment Fund, Small and Medium Business Support Fund, and many more programs to support its people.



Briefing of Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk

-Russians disrupted the opening of the humanitarian corridor in Mariupol. At night Ukrainian side agreed to open a humanitarian corridor in Mariupol. The gathering of people was to take place from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM. Unfortunately, at about 9:20 PM, the bombardment with multiple rocket launcher system Grad began. The humanitarian corridor didn't work.

-We organized a humanitarian convoy to arrive from Zaporizhia to Mariupol. Eight trucks with food and medicine. Thirty buses to help transport women, children, and the elderly from Mariupol on the way back. All this did not happen as Russians were again cynically shelling the path Ukrainian humanitarian convoy was about to take.

-Address the issue of international students separately. Hundreds of citizens from India (more than seven hundred), China, Turkey, Pakistan, and other countries (in total, more than two thousand) today suffer along with Ukrainians from Russian aggression. We had correspondence with all representatives of embassies all night on how to evacuate the citizens. Question to those who are still trying to reconcile Putin (for example, to Mr. Erdogan, who had a conversation with Putin today) Do those who decide to do everything possible to make Putin show his brutality in civilians know this?

-We are trying to help Chinese students, and I am constantly contacting the Chinese Ambassador to Ukraine. We are trying to agree on a humanitarian corridor for more than a hundred students from Sumy.

 -What needs to be done to understand that there are no citizens of China, India, Turkey, or others today - we do not distinguish between a Ukrainians and citizens of Turkey, or China. We help everyone. Once again, we passed information to the Russian Federation that foreign citizens are in the column we are forming from Mariupol to Zaporizhzhia. We passed a note from the Turkish ambassador, we gave letters, exchanged all the necessary formal documents to save foreign nationals.

-We call on the entire civilized world to say an explicit "no" to Putin's aggression, killing citizens of the free world. We must say “yes” to the humanitarian corridors together because it is necessary to save the lives of your citizens.



Briefing of Advisor to the Head of Office of the President of Ukraine Oleksiy Arestovich

The military and political situation around Ukraine remains controlled by the leadership of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At night the enemy was shelling with rockets and artillery the cities of Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Gostomel, Korosten, Starokostiantyniv, Chernihiv and Kharkiv. The situation around Kyiv remains tense. Our military makes artillery strikes at the enemy in the North-West of Kyiv. Due to humanitarian reasons, our forces took other positions in Bucha and Gostomel so that to avoid any casualties among civilians. Chernihiv is standing and is shooting down the enemy’s aircrafts, rebuffs attacks on land. In Sumy the enemy is trying to push forward to the city. Kharkiv made a counter-attack and rebuffed the enemy, and is fixing its positions in Northern lines. In Bryanka region (Joint Forces Operation area) our army rebuffed the serious attempt by the enemy’s offensive, and the enemy suffered massive losses. Mariupol is standing. The Government of Ukraine and the international humanitarian organizations are taking care of the humanitarian situation, while the Armed Forces supported by other armed formations keep securely the defense of the city. In Kherson the enemy somewhat moved away from the city, the residents are resisting, the enemy is trying to move closer to Mykolaiv and Vozenesensk, trying to cause threat to Pivdennoukrainska (Southern Ukrainian) nuclear power plant, however, the situation remains controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine that is preparing the defense. Mykolaiv is standing and has rebuffed yesterday several attempts of attack, and has downed the enemy’s helicopter landing. Odessa is holding an air and sea defense, downed at least two airplanes of the enemy.
The enemy concentrates his main efforts on the offensive in the north of Mykolaiv, and yesterday there was an attempt to move from Kharkiv to Dnipro city, which was terminated by the airborne army of Ukraine.



Address by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal to the people of Ukraine

Key messages:

- We must quickly move to the "Martial Law Economy" - to rebuild the efficient operation of all necessary enterprises, mobilize resources, create new logistics;

- Local authorities of those regions that are now in the hinterland should provide evacuees with work;

- If possible, business should gather workers and resume production in safer regions;

- An updated eSupport program will be launched next week. Under this program, every employee, every self-employed person whose job was taken away by the war, will be able to receive 6.5 thousand hryvnias;

- We are negotiating financial assistance with all international organizations and countries. According to the latest decisions, the European Investment Bank will transfer 639 million euros from other projects to the state budget of Ukraine. We have already approved the necessary documents in the Government;

- The Ministry of Finance has already issued the first issue of military bonds, the second is on the way;

- Funds which will be used to restore Ukraine are now being created. The government has already authorized the relevant ministries to open four accounts with the National Bank, which will be credited with funds from individuals, organizations, companies and international financial organizations. Such funds will be: the Fund for Economic Recovery and Transformation, the Fund for Small and Medium Business Support, the Fund for Restoration of Property and Destroyed Infrastructure, ss well as the Public Debt Service and Repayment Fund;

- The state has already begun to place government orders at enterprises to meet the most critical needs. It's not just about weapons. We are talking about food, medicine, fuel and other important goods;

- The government also decided to restrict the export of a number of socially important goods and raw materials from which they are made. Control over food security is currently one of the priorities of the Ministry of Economy.



Iryna Venediktova, Prosecutor General of Ukraine is the main platform for collecting evidence of Russian crimes.

All important information about the crimes of the enemy must be accumulated and properly documented. The Prosecutor's General Office created a single resource for this - This is a kind of evidentiary hub that all law enforcement and government agencies work with.

The Prosecutor's General Office continues to play a coordinating role even under martial law. On this platform we bring together law enforcement officers, experts, representatives of public and international organizations, journalists and all those who want to help and record the brutal killings of civilians and other crimes of the Russian Federation on our soil.

For the information gathered to be used later by the Prosecutor's General Office in the International Criminal Court in Hague and in Ukrainian courts and during potential special international tribunals, it must be responsibly and professionally collected and documented according to internationally recognized standards. This evidence will be used by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the UN International Court of Justice and by the Ministry of Justice at the European Court of Human Rights.



Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

The Ukrainian authorities are in constant and intensive negotiations with international organizations, in particular the International Committee of the Red Cross. They appeal to the Russian leadership so that, in accordance with humanitarian law, evacuation corridors can be organized for our civilians from the places of the fiercest battles. The process is complicated, the Russian side does not always adhere to its commitments and does not profess the principles of humanism inherent in modern civilization.

There have been some successes, but there are constant obstacles to the evacuation of women, children and the elderly. For example, the continuous shelling of Mariupol, in particular the shelling of depots with evacuation buses, the shelling of the railway near Irpin in the Kyiv region, the destruction of the bridge on the way to Volnovakha - forced to adjust plans and routes.



Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

In order to prevent the occupiers from blocking our television and disseminating lies, together with the streaming service MEGOGO we are launching an online broadcast of Ukrainian TV channels in the Diia application - Diia TV. Due to this, Ukrainians will have free access to news anywhere and anytime. Now Diia TV broadcasts the marathon of unity "We are strong together", which was joined by leading Ukrainian TV channels.



Kyiv City Administration

Kyiv's infrastructure is stable, with light, heat and water. Hospitals are working in an intensified mode. In the capital, fortifications have been built at the entrances to the city, checkpoints have been set up.

The city has a curfew from 20:00 to 7:00. At this time, citizens are prohibited from going outside. The only exception: when in case of air alarm, you need to get to the shelter.




The National Bank of Ukraine

As of 6 March 2022, an equivalent of more than UAH 10 billion has been transferred to the special account the NBU opened to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine (

Money has been coming in from people and businesses in Ukraine and from all over the international community (including the U.S., the UK, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Finland, the Czech Republic, China, France, Canada, and many other countries). Over UAH 2.9 million of that amount has been received from abroad in foreign currencies.

To help the Ukrainian Army, funds can be transferred both to IBAN and from a card:


Special Fundraising Account for Humanitarian Purposes

As of 6 March 2022, an equivalent of more than UAH 57.5 billion has been transferred to the special account of the Ministry of Social Policy the NBU opened for humanitarian aid (

Now, the funds on the account of the Ministry of Social Policy amount to UAH 57.5 million.

The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine is both the recipient and administrator of the funds credited to the account opened by the NBU for humanitarian aid from Ukraine and abroad.

To help the people affected by the war, funds can be transferred both to IBAN and from a card:



Ukrainian railways save Ukrainian food exports. Russia's illegal military aggression has led to the seaports' closure, which Ukraine used to export agricultural products to consumers worldwide. This situation causes problems not only for Ukraine. The share of Ukrainian grain on the world market is 11%, the share of sunflower oil - is 55%. Every tenth loaf of bread in the world is baked from Ukrainian grain. The war against Ukraine threatens the world with food shortages. To prevent the global food crisis and save Ukrainian exports, JSC Ukrainian railways is ready to organize agricultural products delivery by rail urgently.

The logistics of grain delivery to the border with Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland are already being worked out, from where the grain will be delivered to ports and logistics hubs of European countries. In particular, the Ukrzaliznytsia team is working on logistics routes that will allow grain delivery through the following crossings:

In the direction of Romania:

Reni Station (capacity 87 carriages per day)

Giurgiuleşti Station (capacity 5 carriages per day)

Izmail station (capacity 18 carriages per day)

Vadul-Siret Station (capacity 40 carriages per day)

In the direction of Poland:

Maciejów Station (capacity of 20 carriages per day)

Mostyska-2 station (capacity 25 carriages per day)

In the direction of Hungary:

Batyovo station (capacity 17 carriages per day)

In the direction of Hungary and Slovakia:

Chop station (capacity 20 carriages per day)

Mukachevo station (capacity of 10 carriages per day)

Esen station (capacity 30 carriages per day)




3/6/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 03/06/2022 - 11:28am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Ukraine Conflict Update - March 6, 2022 | SOF News
3. Sanctions won’t move Putin — we must bolster Ukraine’s air defenses by Philip Breedlove
4. Reliable Sources For ‘Open-Source Intelligence’ From Ukraine
5. Putin Lost the Digital War Abroad. Will He Lose at Home?
6. Send More Aid to Taiwan, Before It’s Too Late
7. EXCLUSIVE: Retired US Special Forces sergeant from Bay Area headed to Ukraine on medical mission
8. Desperate Russian Rear-Area Troops Are Armoring Their Vehicles With Wood Logs
9. Ukraine Is Waging a 'People's War' Against Russia: How Will It End?
10. America Must Do More to Help Ukraine Fight Russia
11. Ukraine invasion: China needs to rethink Taiwan
12.  American Veterans Volunteer to Fight in Ukraine
13. RFE/RL Suspends Operations In Russia Following Kremlin Attacks
14. The Limits of Putin’s Propaganda
15. Opinion | Gen. Mark Milley: Why no-fly in Ukraine is a no-go
16. Opinion | We need a more realistic strategy for the post-Cold War era
17. Opinion | The sanctions that will really stop Putin
18. U.S. and allies quietly prepare for a Ukrainian government-in-exile and a long insurgency
19. A Trump-appointed former senior adviser to the Secretary of Defense says Russian forces have been 'too gentle' on Ukraine and called Zelensky a 'puppet'
20. Russia's second-largest internet provider cuts off Russian websites

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea says it conducted another 'important test' for 'reconnaissance satellite' development
2. On foreign affairs, presidential candidates are far apart
3. South Korea presidential election: could Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sway the vote for ‘the lesser of two evils’?
4. Record high early voting turnout marred by lackluster management
5. South Korean Presidential Election 2022: Ballot Problems Already
6. Top S. Korean, US nuclear envoys discuss N. Korea's missile launch
7. Anti-feminist Or Foul-mouthed Liberal? South Korea To Pick New President
8. Korea must get over the fear of failure
9. Major Bang Ju-won picked as S. Korean Air Force’s ‘Top Gun’

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN As of March 5, 6.30 p.m.(EST)

Sat, 03/05/2022 - 8:31pm
Note the list of ministry locations for those who need more information.


As of March 5, 6.30 p.m.(EST)


Russian private military companies (PMC) intensified recruitment of personnel with military experience.

Russians destroyed Luhansk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital.

Russian plane dropped heavy aerial bombs on the military camp of the 5th Slobozhansk Brigade.

The enemy rigorously attacks Ukrainian information space with various fakes. List of credible resources in Security Service of Ukraine part of the text.

Kuleba and Blinken meeting key points: painful sanctions against Russia, supply of additional weapons and isolation of Russia.




Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

On March 5, the enemy struck Bila Tserkva. More than 20 houses were damaged. In Irpin, the bombing damaged a railway track and disrupted a train used to evacuate civilians.

According to the available information, Russian private military companies (PMC) intensified recruitment of personnel with military experience. Wagner is developed in Rostov-on-Don, the city that is also used as the headquarters of the PMC.

The aggressors continue to use fake news to prepare video reports on the “success” of the “operation” in Ukraine.

On the approaches to Brovary, near the settlement of Peremoha, the defenders of Ukraine inflicted an airstrike on 15 separate motorized infantry brigades of the Central Military District of the Russian occupiers, losses are to be confirmed.

Units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the commander of the 247th Guards Assault Regiment of the Southern Military District of the RF Armed Forces.

2 planes of the Russian aggressors were shot down, 3 pilots were taken prisoner, 1 was killed in action. 5 helicopters and 1 enemy UAV were downed.


General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukrainians downed Su-25 warplane

For the last 24 hours Russian forces are trying to destroy the city of Ochakiv. Ukrainian Armed Forces are successfully defending the city.

On March 5, during the next air raid one of Ukrainian military sailors shot down the plane of aggressor, namely Su-25. The pilots were taken prisoner.

It should be noted that the downed plane took off on its "last" flight from the captured in 2014 airfield in Saki (Novofedorovka), Crimea.



Russian helicopters downed in Mykolayiv region

In Mykolaiv region, Ukrainian Marines together with warriors of Operrational Command "South" shot down four enemy helicopters. “One of the Marines shot down 3 units at once” - said Rear Admiral Oleksiy Neizhpapa, Commander of the Navy of the AFU.


Russians destroyed Luhansk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital

Head of Luhansk Region Administration stated that Luhansk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital was destroyed by Russian Forces. Authorities are working to restore communications in the area.



Ministry of Interior of Ukraine

The situation in Irpin is very tense. After a series of powerful air strikes, the Russian aggressors entered the city, but police managed to evacuate several families with children.

Civilians urgently took the trucks and left the town. It was reported that Russian military were already passing through the streets of Irpin.



The State Emergency Service of Ukraine

As of 5:00 p.m., March 5, after airstrikes in the North Saltivka microdistrict in Kharkiv, 10 multi-storey residential buildings were damaged. (the number of buildings is being specified).



National Guard of Ukraine

Russian plane dropped heavy aerial bombs on the military camp of the 5th Slobozhansk Brigade in the night of March 5. Four servicemen were killed, many wounded. Members of the brigade are clearing the blockages. Despite the loss and serious damage to the infrastructure, the Guards are steadfastly defending Kharkiv together with the Armed Forces, the Territorial Defense, the National Police and the Security Service. We will fight for Victory!



Security Service of Ukraine

The enemy rigorously attacks Ukrainian information space with various fakes. Regular variations are released every day, allegedly:

▪️ Ukraine's leadership has left the country or signed a surrender agreement;

▪️ the population of the captured cities meets the Russian occupiers as “liberators”;

▪️ conversations and messengers of citizens are intercepted by the Ukrainian special services according to the rules of “wartime”;

▪️ other nonsense.

There is only one truth: the enemy sustains casualties and tries to spread panic among Ukrainians!

Security Service of Ukraine refutes these and other fakes every day and will keep doing it.

However, the users of social networks are requested of the following:

before reposting and disseminating any information, please check whether it was published on one of the official channels.

All statements important for state security are promptly published on the pages of state authorities and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine! Here is a list of these resources:

🔹 Office of the President of Ukraine



🔹 Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine



🔹 Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine



🔹 Security Service of Ukraine



🔹 Ministry of Defence Ukraine



🔹 General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine



🔹 Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine



🔹 State Border Guard Service of Ukraine



🔹 National Police of Ukraine



🔹State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine







Office of the President of Ukraine

President Zelenskyy key messages:

All Ukrainians of all professions have united and withstood the Russian strike, and we will all rebuild our country.

It is a special heroism to protest while your city is temporary occupied. It proves that the nature of the occupation is artificial and non-acceptable. Ukrainians unite in all cities and tell the aggressor to go away.

Every inch of land that is won back by protests is a step to our victory. Ukrainians in all the occupied cities, -- go offensive, protest on the streets. We need to drive enemy away with every opportunity so that new so called “DPR” an “LPR” won’t happen.

Donbass, remember the famous words: “Nobody has ever kneeled Donbass, and no one will”. Donbass, we address these words to everyone that can hear us on the occupied territories: fight for freedom together with the rest of Ukraine. You were told that Ukraine allegedly hates you and wants to destroy you. It is Russian TV brainwashing. Do not believe it! Just compare Donetsk after 8 years of war and Kharkiv after 8 days of war. You were told that Ukrainians are destroying cities, but look at Kharkiv, Chernihiv other cities after Russian blatant attack. Defend yourselves and your home, otherwise Russia will take your homes and lives.



Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba held talks with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on the border between Ukraine and Poland.

The key topics of the conversation were further painful sanctions against Russia, supply of additional weapons to defend Ukraine, isolation of Russia from the world for its aggression against Ukraine.

Kuleba expressed gratitude for the unprecedented and swift steps taken by the United States and its partners to defend Ukraine during the ten days of Russian invasion, including provision of weapons.

“Ukraine will win this war, because the Ukrainians are fighting People's War for their land, and the truth is on their side. The question is the price of victory. If the partners continue to act decisively, increase economic and political pressure on Russia, provide us with the weapons we need, the price will be lower for Ukraine. It will save many lives.” stressed Kuleba

Effectiveness of sanctions against Russia and prevention of their circumvention were discussed amongst the parties of diplomatic dialog.



Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Thanks to the round-the-clock work of Ukrainian diplomacy, foreign partners, the Ukrainian community abroad and volunteers, dozens of trucks with military and humanitarian aid arrive in Ukraine every day.

☑️ Financial assistance:

🔺 USA will allocate $ 2.75 billion to support humanitarian services in Ukraine and Poland.

☑️ Sanctions:

🔺 Liechtenstein supported EU sanctions against Russia. Restrictions on payment transactions are introduced for a number of Russian financial institutions and select telecommunication companies (RT, Sputnik). Liechtenstein has also expanded the list of Russian individuals that are subject to sanctions;

🔺 Switzerland expands sanctions against Russia: Federal Council decides to join EU sanctions.

☑️ Isolation of the Russian Federation:

🔺 Adobe has stopped selling its services in Russia;

🔺 Cypriot authorities banned the mooring of five ships of the Russian Navy in the port of Limassol. Cypriot ports will be closed to Russian Navy ships while the war in Ukraine continues and European sanctions are in place;

🔺 Italy suspended the possibility of managing two villas of Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov worth 8 million euros;

🔺 Inditex, which owns the brands Zara, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Oysho, Pull & Bear, Stradivarius, Uterqüe, is shutting down it`s work in Russia. The company will close 502 stores;

🔺 Association of European Professional Football Leagues announced decision to exclude Russia from the organization.

☑️ Deputinization of the world:

🔺 Norway will minimize contacts with Russian authorities over Russia's war against Ukraine;

🔺 Estonian universities terminate cooperation with Russian and Belarusian universities. In particular, Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonian Academy of Music and Theater, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn University, Tallinn University of Technology, and University of Tartu announced their severance of ties;

🔺 Tirana City Hall just renamed the street where the embassies of Serbia, Ukraine, Kosovo, Switzerland and Russia are located to Free Ukraine.

☑️ Humanitarian aid:

🔺 Estonian town Türi sent to Ukraine 10 minibuses with humanitarian aid for people affected by Russian armed aggression;

🔺 Deputies of the Polish Senate handed over humanitarian aid to citizens of Ukraine who were forced to leave the territory of Ukraine due to Russian aggression. Poland is a transit country for foreign aid to Ukraine.

☑️ Russian criminals on their way to prison:

🔺 Poland is establishing a center for documenting Russian war crimes in Ukraine.


3/5/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 03/05/2022 - 2:20pm

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Integrated Deterrence at Center of Upcoming National Defense Strategy
2. The Weapon the West Used Against Putin
3. Ukraine Conflict Update - March 5, 2022 | SOF News
4. UKRAINE CONFLICT UPDATE 15 (Institute for the Study of War - ISW)
5. RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE CAMPAIGN ASSESSMENT, MARCH 4 (institute for the Study of War - ISW)
6. How to help Ukraine and stay off the nuclear escalation ladder
7. Understanding Russia’s Various Hybrid War Tactics in Ukraine
8. I’m Writing From a Bunker With President Zelensky Beside Me. We Will Fight to the Last Breath.
9. 'Dad, Please Don't Die!': Harrowing Video Captures Deadly Russian Attack On Ukrainian Father And Son
10. The Russian Elite Can’t Stand the Sanctions
11. Rich Russians have been squirreling money away in the U.K. and U.S.
12.  The propaganda war has eclipsed cyberwar in Ukraine
13. Keyboard army using restaurant reviews to take on Russian state media
14. How the US can beat Russia in Ukraine without firing a shot
15. The Fourth Age of SOF: The Use and Utility of Special Operations Forces in a New Age
16. Dollar reigns supreme after Russia's invasion
17. Ukraine: Ham Radio Help
18. Opinion | What Putin’s top aides need to tell him today
19. As war loomed, U.S. armed Ukraine to hit Russian aircraft, tanks and prep for urban combat, declassified shipment list shows
20. The West is trying to destroy Russia's economy. And analysts think it could succeed
21. Ukraine’s Special Forces Hold Off Russian Offensive on Kyiv’s Front Lines
22.European peace seems as fragile as ever

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea fires 1 ballistic missile toward East Sea: S. Korean military
2. Human rights conditions in N. Korea worsen during pandemic: U.S. official
3.  Satellite imagery shows ongoing operations at N. Korea's Yongbyon nuclear site: report
4. North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Center: In Full Swing
5. Both Lee and Yoon promise to build ‘united government’
6. Russia funds trading in Korea hammered after invasion and sanctions