Small Wars Journal

Ukraine: WAR Bulletin: RUSSIAN AGGRESSION AGAINST UKRAINE As of March 5, 14.00 CET

Sat, 03/05/2022 - 1:57pm


As of March 5, 14.00 CET

Russia impeding the opening of humanitarian corridors in Ukraine.

The main efforts of the aggressor were focused on the encirclement of Kyiv and the weakening of resistance in the settlements they blocked.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine bravely hold the positions; counter-attack the occupants in Kharkiv, hold Mykolaiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy regions.

"Green corridors" under fire: Russia has violated the agreement with the mediation of the Red Cross and does not allow the evacuation of people.

            The President sent special thanks to all those hundreds of thousands people around the globe who went on support actions for Ukraine and were calling their governments to introduce additional sanctions and a no—fly zone over Ukraine to protect people.




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the Russian forces from 24.02 to 05.03:

personnel – more than 10 000

tanks ‒ 269,

APV ‒ 945,

artillery systems – 105,

MLRS - 50,

anti-aircraft warfare systems - 19,

aircrafts – 39,

helicopters – 40,

vehicles - 409,

light speedboats - 2,

fuel tanks - 60,

UAV operational-tactical level - 3.

War Bulletin stats










Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

Address by Minister of Defence of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov

9 days 4 hours 2 minutes. Ukraine protects the world. The tenth day of resistance to Russian terrorists. The tenth day of courage of the Armed Forces, guardsmen, border guards, rescuers, fighters of other security forces, all Ukrainians who heroically defend. Thanks to all our people, the Kremlin's plans to subdue Ukrainians in two days, seize large cities, overthrow the state, and annex Ukraine to Russia have failed. Yes, the enemy has advanced in some directions, but controls only a small area.

Given the slow pace of the offensive and resistance of Ukrainians, Russia is changing tactics. The Ukrainian sky is the most vulnerable place. The aggressor comprehensively and actively uses its air and missile potential. All types of aircraft bombard cities, towns and civilian infrastructure, including critical and dangerous nuclear and hydropower plants.

The "great" army has shown its true nature - a cowardly terrorist who is able to attack only the civilian population - children, women, unarmed civilians. Targeted shelling, bombing and rocket-propelled grenades on residential neighborhoods, schools, kindergartens and hospitals, the enemy destroying temples and churches.

We are working on the introduction of a regime of silence and the opening of humanitarian corridors. We hope that the humanitarian corridor will work and we will be able to evacuate civilians.

The main efforts of the occupiers were focused on the encirclement of Kyiv and the weakening of resistance in the settlements they blocked.

In the Volyn direction, the position of our troops has not changed significantly. In the northern direction Chernihiv carries out heroic defense. In the area of the settlement of Mykhailo-Kotsyubynske, Chernihiv region, a column of up to 200 units of equipment and manpower is standing in front of the water barrier. The bridge across the river was destroyed. In the Slobozhansky direction, the Ukrainian military continue to conduct defensive battles, successfully defeating the enemy. In the Prymorsky direction our defenders cover the sea coast and carry out tasks on prevention of encirclement of the city of Mykolaiv. The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine repulses enemy air strikes. Systematic hostilities continue, with the Russian invaders losing 39 aircraft and 40 helicopters.–-oleksij-reznikov/


Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

"Green corridors" under fire: Russia has violated the agreement even with the mediation of the Red Cross and does not allow the evacuation of people – DPM Iryna Vereshchuk

“The Russian occupiers began shelling with heavy weapons. As you know, from 9 am on March 5, we had a preliminary agreement that we would create two humanitarian corridors: Volnovakha and Mariupol. I note the fact that Russia has violated the agreements even with the mediation of the International Committee of the Red Cross and is shelling the city of Volnovakha. Also in the direction of Mariupol - Zaporizhzhia, fighting is taking place in the area of Polohy-Orikhov, which makes it impossible for the column to move from Mariupol to Zaporizhzhia, "she said.

Iryna Vereshchuk appealed to the Russian side to stop the shelling and provide an opportunity to form columns of the humanitarian corridor so that children, women and the elderly could leave the settlements.

"We also appeal to the Russian Federation to give the opportunity to send humanitarian goods from the Dnipro and Zaporizhzhia with medicines and food," the Deputy Prime Minister added.


State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SES)

March 4

In the village of Belenky (Odessa region) pyrotechnic workers of regional SES department retrieved and destroyed 253 units of anti-tank cluster elements and 2 avia bombs (ammunition left after the March 3 airstrike).

In Okhtyrka city (Sumy region) rescuers together with employees and inhabitants of the city carried out emergency works in the territory of thermal power plant which suffered an enemy air strike on March 3. The work had to be suspended due to the threat of another air strike.

The SES carried out rescue works in the buildings of Kharkiv city, destroyed as a result of shelling and bombing by Russian invaders. Rescuers are clearing the rubble and search for survivors. Sappers are involved in the extraction and destruction of explosive objects.

In the village of Markhalivka (Fastiv district, Kyiv region) as a result of the shelling, private houses caught fire.  3 people were rescued, 5 people died.

As a result of shelling a school in Zhytomyr was hit, which resulted in collapse of the building, without any subsequent ignition. 


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Kyiv region. On March 4, at about 3:30 p.m., the occupiers' plane dropped two air bombs on the village of Markhalivka. 6 people died. As a result of the impact, 9 residential buildings were damaged and two more were completely destroyed. Three adults and a child were burned alive in a car, two more adults were found dead under the rubble. Two injured children and three more adults are being rescued by doctors.


Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Many logistics structures in Ukraine have suffered due to Russian aggression. The stable operation of pharmacies and pharmaceutical establishments for the population is no exception. However, today the e-resources continue to work and provide as accurate information as possible about the availability of medicines.

Ukraine appeals to the International Committee of the Red Cross and its President Peter Maurer and the Presiden of the Red Cross in Europe Robert Mardini to help organize a safe humanitarian corridor for the earliest possible evacuation and assistance to civilians. To save hundreds of thousands of civilians, all opportunities, resources and humanism must be mobilized.




Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine


Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on Russia's impeding the opening of humanitarian corridors in Ukraine.

Violating the agreements reached, the armed forces of the Russian Federation continue to launch missile and bomb strikes on Mariupol, Volnovakha and other Ukrainian cities.

The ongoing shelling makes it impossible to open humanitarian corridors for the safe evacuation of civilians and the delivery of medicines and food.

The allegations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation that it is the Ukrainian authorities who are ehindering the departure of residents of the cities under siege are not true and constitute disinformation to justify the criminal actions of the Russian armed forces.

The Russian side ignores the appeals of international humanitarian organizations, in particular the International Committee of the Red Cross, to cease fire in order to create safe conditions for the departure of civilians and wounded.

Russia's actions are a gross violation of the Geneva Conventions and are classified as a war crime under the Rome Statute.

We call on the international community - states and international organisations - to immediately condemn Russia's gross violation of the agreements on the opening of humanitarian corridors, and call on Moscow to order Russian troops to cease fire.

Ukraine, together with the humanitarian organisations involved, is ready to evacuate the civilian population as soon as safe conditions are in place.



Key messages of the address of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

It is the 10th day of war, which feels like one long day and one long night without any rest; there is no difference what time and date or day it is. Ukrainians protect their state and save their people, no matter what.

The President of Ukraine holds daily phone conversations with the Presidents of France and Poland, and his gratitude to them is immense. With the invaluable help of the President of Poland, the humanitarian crisis at the border was averted. More than that, thousands of Ukrainian women and children received a decent attitude, without any discrimination by nationality, race, religion or so. In fact, the actual border with Poland has disappeared, as there is no time for separation when both states are on the good side.

President Zelenskyy stated: “I am convinced that soon we will be able to say to our people to return to Ukraine from Poland, Romania, Slovakia and all other friendly states, since there will be no threat”. He assured that already now the Government is thinking about the return of its people, revitalization of cities, and recovery of the economy. After conversations with the leaders of the World Bank and IMF, there is a consent on provision of immediate support to Ukraine’s reconstruction after the war.

Moreover, the President held conversations with leaders of Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The main topic of conversation with the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission was the membership of Ukraine in the EU.

The President sent special thanks to all those hundreds of thousands people around the globe who went on support actions for Ukraine and were calling their governments to introduce additional sanctions and a no—fly zone over Ukraine to protect people.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine bravely hold the positions; counter-attack the occupants in Kharkiv, hold Mykolaiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy regions, Donbas. The occupants suffer colossal losses. The Russian army did not manage to occupy the planned spots; at the same time, it has reached the amount of at least 10000 soldiers dead from its side.

Ukrainian people fights back and protests even in those places where, unfortunately, Russia managed to squeeze through. The President is convinced that Russia’s stay is temporary, as the Ukrainian people are full of dignity, courage and are determined.

During the second round of negotiations in Belarus, the sides agreed to bring back at least a small percent of humanity to most war-torn areas by establishing the humanitarian corridors. These cities today are Mariupol and Volnovakha. Women and children, who decided to stay, must be provided with food and medicines. Ukrainian aid is on the way and all those who need that help must have a possibility to receive it, and all those who can must continue the fighting. Ukraine does everything required from its side for the agreement to start working, and it remains one of key tasks for today. That would be an indicator whether Ukraine will continue the negotiations process.

“We pray for our military, help our civilians and work for peace,” – the President finished.


Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources

Ukraine calls on the contracting parties to the environmental conventions to suspend 14 international environmental agreements with regard to the occupier, which include the termination of the Russia Federation – aggressor state's membership in the governing and advisory bodies of international environmental organizations:

-      Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants;

-      UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes;

-      Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora;

-      Convention on Biological Diversity;

-      Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer;

-      UN Convention to Combat Desertification;

-      Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal;

-      Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management;

-      Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitats;

-      Convention for the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution;

-      Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques;

-      UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage;

-      UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and suspension of Membership in the International Coordinating Council of the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Program.

By carrying out a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the occupier violated international law, human rights, nuclear security and global peace in general. This radically changes the position of each party to these conventions and the obligations arising from such agreements.




Ministry for Digital Transformation of Ukraine

PayPal stopped operations in Russia, according to the letter by PayPal CEO Dan Schulman. PayPal customers also did not stay away and donated several million dollars to international charities that provide humanitarian aid in Ukraine and support migrants. 



The hit of an enemy shell damaged the railway track in the direction of Irpin. Two empty cars of the evacuation 5-car train went out the track. The evacuation train from Irpin will be carried out promptly by other means of Ukrzaliznytsya from the nearest possible point. The remaining evacuation trains are on schedule, with a total of 1.26 million rescued people.


National Bank of Ukraine

More than UAH 7.8 Billion Raised for Ukrainian Army

As of 4 March 2022, an equivalent of more than UAH 7.8 billion has been transferred to the special account the NBU opened to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Money has been coming in from people and businesses in Ukraine and from all over the international community (including the U.S., the UK, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Finland, the Czech Republic, China, France, Canada, and many other countries).

Over UAH 765 million of that amount has been received from abroad in foreign currencies (U.S. dollar, euro, GB pound, Canadian dollar, Chinese yuan, Japanese yen, Swiss franc, Polish zloty, Australian dollar).

To help the Ukrainian Army, funds can be transferred both to IBAN and from a card:





Gas TSO of Ukraine

Status of operation of Ukrainian GTS

Due to hostilities, the company stopped the operation of 16 gas distribution stations in Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhia, Kyiv, Donetsk, Luhansk regions. Hundreds of thousands of household consumers are left without gas. Due to significant damage to the networks of regional gas distribution network operators (regional gas companies) and active hostilities, it is currently impossible to restore gas supply to some GDS units.

GTS operator of Ukraine and GTS operator of Poland Gaz System S.A. agreed on the introduction of firm capacity for gas imports. Now firm capacity, regardless transit, is more than 50 million cubic meters of gas per day, which is almost equal to the average daily consumption in Ukraine. Ukrainian gas market participants were able to import gas from three countries - Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, including LNG terminals in Poland and Croatia. Thanks to the efforts of OGTSU and the support of international partners - operators of related systems, Ukraine is strengthening energy security and diversifying sources and routes of gas supply.

Despite the extraordinary working conditions, Ukrainian gas companies continue to meet Ukraine's needs. For the previous day, on March 4, OGTSU transported 76.5 million cubic meters of gas for domestic consumers.


GTSO has created another guaranteed route for gas imports to Ukraine

Gas TSO of Ukraine (GTSO UA) and Polish TSO Gaz System S.A. agreed to introduce firm capacity for gas imports from March 6, 2022. It allows the physical gas imports from Poland, including from the LNG terminal, on a guaranteed basis and thus contributes to the security of gas supplies for Ukraine.

Over the past three months, GTSOU international partners have taken essential steps in cooperation to enhance the security of supply. Now Ukrainian market participants will receive gas from three directions – Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia. At the auctions for capacity distribution in the Polish-Ukrainian direction, short-term products “during the day” and “for the day ahead” will be offered, which were not contracted by previously available longer products (annual, quarterly, monthly capacity).

“In recent months, Gas TSO of Ukraine has worked hard to create routes for gas imports to guarantee the necessary gas resources for Ukraine in any scenario. Today, this is a critical issue for the country’s survival. I am grateful to our colleagues – European TSOs for their important contribution to strengthening Ukraine’s energy security. On the energy front, we continue taking every effort to ensure uninterrupted gas supply to Ukrainian consumers”, said Sergiy Makogon, CEO of GTSOU.

For comparison, on average, Ukraine consumes 100-120 mcm of gas per day. Over the past three months, GTSOU has concluded agreements with the related TSOs, which have increased capacity for gas imports to more than 50 mcm per day, which is about half of the country’s natural gas needs.



On the tenth day of the war, the Ukrainian power system remains stable. Despite all the enemy’s efforts to destroy Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, the Dispatch Centre of NPC Ukrenergo controls standard frequency of 50 Hz. 

Zaporizhia NPP continues to operate with two power units. All thermal and hydroelectric power plants are operating. The electricity consumption schedule is within the norm.

Do not believe the provocations about power outages. At present, our power system provides electricity for the household, military, and other consumers. In order for it to continue to operate, it is necessary to keep the level of consumption around the clock.

Today, many Ukrainians have been without electricity for several days in a row. Bombing and fierce fights prevent repair crews from approaching power lines and substations to repair them. However, specialists of Ukrenergo and distribution system operators are on full alert around the clock and coordinate their work so as to start repairs as soon as possible. Yesterday, some residents of Sumy and Kharkiv regions have got electricity thanks to a break in the battles between the heroic Armed Forces of Ukraine and the invaders.


Ministry of energy of Ukraine

All Ukraine’s NPPs are operational

As of 8:30 a.m. CET on March 5, 2022, Ukraine's existing nuclear power plants continue to operate stably.

The current capacity of all four Ukrainian NPPs provides the necessary volumes of electricity production for the needs of the country.

Radiation, fire and environmental conditions at NPPs and adjacent territories have not changed and are within current standards.

In the conditions of martial law and full-scale aggression of Russia, Energoatom strengthened its control and determined the exclusive priority of safety issues of nuclear facilities over all others.

The main equipment of the reactor compartments of power units, premises and buildings of power plants, the perimeters of protected areas and adjacent areas, as well as particularly important NPP facilities outside their protected areas are under strict supervision and control.



State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine

Zaporizhzhya NPP as of 07:00 СET 5 March

The largest nuclear power plant in Europe - Zaporizhzhya NPP - after heavy fighting and shelling of the industrial site with artillery weapons on 4 Marsh was captured by the military forces of the Russian Federation.

Currently, ZNPP operational personnel monitor the condition of power units and ensure their operation.

Status of power units:

Power unit № 1: planned and preventive repairs.

Power unit № 2: at 17:49 CET 4 March,it is connected to the power system, at 18:45 CET up to 460 MW (electricity) is loaded, currently the load is up to 750 MW (electricity).

Power unit № 3: disconnected from the grid, cooling of the nuclear installation is underway.

Power unit № 4: in operation, electric power 980 MW (electricity).

Power units № 5, 6: cooling of nuclear installations is carried out.

No changes in the radiation status in the Zaporizhia region have been recorded, the gamma radiation background is within normal limits.

In the city of Energodar there is no heating and hot water supply due to damage to the heating main during the fierce battles of the defenders of ZNPP with the Russian occupiers, going from ZNPP to the city. Repair work is underway. The work is complicated by multiple damage to the heating main.


Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN March 4, 8.00 p.m. (EST)

Fri, 03/04/2022 - 9:34pm


March 4, 8.00 p.m. (EST)


Ukraine to be accepted as a Contributing Participant to NATO CCDCOE.

Civilians under attack in Kyiv region.

Russians use the most powerful bombs in Kharkiv.

Dmytro Kuleba called on the EU, the US, Canada, and the UK to impose new harsh sanctions against Russia and immediately provide Ukraine with warplanes.

Ukraine calls on the international community to ensure peacekeeping groups arrival at all five nuclear power plants in Ukraine.

The President of Ukraine expressed gratitude to Europeans in Vilnius, Frankfurt, Tbilisi, Bratislava, Lion, Paris, Prague – calling everyone who stands today with Ukraine a true Ukrainian.

The Government of Ukraine has two tasks: to meet the needs of the Armed Forces and to provide the civilian population with basic necessities.




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

This week, the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) held its 30th Steering Committee. With a unanimous vote, the 27 Sponsoring Nations in the Steering Committee of the CCDCOE agreed to Ukraine’s membership in the NATO CCDCOE as a Contributing Participant.

“Ukraine’s presence in the Centre will enhance the exchange of cyber expertise, between Ukraine and CCDCOE member nations. Ukraine could bring valuable first-hand knowledge of several adversaries within the cyber domain to be used for research, exercises and training,” emphasized Col Jaak Tarien, Director of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence.

“Capability and knowledge comes from experience, and Ukraine definitely has valuable experience from previous cyber-attacks to provide significant value to the NATO CCDCOE. Estonia as a Host Nation of the CCDCOE has been a long-term partner for Ukraine in enhancing its cybersecurity capacity and cyber resilience and we welcome the decision of the members of CCDCOE agreeing to Ukraine’s membership,” commented Minister of Defence of Estonia Kalle Laanet.


Operative information

The main efforts of the occupiers were focused on the encirclement of Kyiv and the weakening of resistance in the settlements they blocked. The occupiers also continued to launch missile and bomb strikes on Ukrainian cities and settlements. Artillery and multiple rocket launchers were used to destroy critical infrastructure and residential buildings.

In the Volyn direction, the position of Ukrainian troops has not changed significantly.

In the northern direction the city of Chernihiv carries out heroic defense. Units of the operational group hold positions on the occupied frontiers.

In the area of the settlement of Mykhailo-Kotsyubynske, Chernihiv region, a column of up to 200 units of equipment and manpower is standing in front of the water barrier. The bridge across the river was destroyed.

In the Slobozhansky direction, Ukrainian units continue to conduct defensive battles.

In the Primorsky direction, Ukrainian operational group of troops covers the sea coast and performs tasks to prevent the encirclement of the city of Mykolayiv.

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine repulses enemy airstrikes. By this time, the Russian invaders had lost 37 aircraft and 37 helicopters.

Defenders of the city of Kyiv continue to repel the enemy's attack.

The enemy is demoralized. The local population shows in every way that Russia is not happy here.

The struggle continues across the country.


Office of the President of Ukraine

Commissioner of Ukraine for the Children's Rights and Rehabilitation Darya Herasymchuk stressed “28 children were killed and 64 wounded during the eight days of the war in Ukraine. The enemy is destroying maternity hospitals, kindergartens and schools. There are about 1.5 million children in the affected areas under siege now. These include orphans and children with disabilities who need immediate assistance.



Kharkiv residents

FAB-500 - High explosive bomb, one of the most powerful in Russia. One such bomb can completely destroy a high-rise building. The bomb is designed to break through powerful shelters.

The Russians drop these bombs on the heads of Kharkiv residents.




President of Ukraine

“Out of 3 minutes I was given to speak, I would like to dedicate the first minute to silence to commemorate all soldiers, police officers, firefighters, and soldiers of special forces who have perished protecting the freedom of Ukrainian nation - regardless of our inability to see them alive, they will always remain in our hearts.

The second minute will also be silent and will be in honor of tens and hundreds of civilians - both adults and their children - who experienced sudden violent and undeserved death. May those rest in peace.

My last minute is devoted to all of you, the people of Europe. I urge you to show the much-needed support to the Ukrainian nation and its freedom. The defeat of Russian aggression will be the win of good over evil, light over darkness, and the triumph of freedom over the devastating genocide imposed on us all. Don’t be silent and come out on the streets because if Ukraine falls, so will Europe.”  

The President of Ukraine expressed gratitude to Europeans in Vilnius, Frankfurt, Tbilisi, Bratislava, Lion, Paris, Prague – calling everyone who stands today with Ukraine a true Ukrainian.



Ukrainians have withstood nine days of the war, three times longer than the enemy expected. We have responded to the invasion with heroism, solidarity, mutual help. The whole of Europe will know our cities that have all withstood the attack since WW2.

The enemy attempted to disorient Ukrainians with propaganda and disinformation, but our people refuse to follow the rules of the occupiers. The Russians assumed that disrupted supply chains, power and water cuts would stop our people. But now, the whole world sees the courage and resolve of Ukrainians.

Today's NATO summit showed that not everyone considers Europe's safety the essential goal. Despite the many deaths and destruction, NATO declared that it would not close the sky over Ukraine. We believe that NATO members themselves create the narrative that closing the sky over Ukraine would provoke Russia's direct aggression against NATO. Ukraine is protecting the rest of Europe, and NATO remains passive.

We thank the friends of our country, the powerful partners who have been helping us since the first days of the invasion. We do not feel alone.



Prime Minister

The enemy suffers huge losses in human resources and equipment. Fighting is taking place in dozens of cities and hundreds of villages. Everywhere the enemy is facing resistance not only from the army, but from the entire population as well. In the agony of its own defeat, Russia is resorting to war crimes. The airstrikes are hitting residential buildings, hospitals, schools, and even maternity hospitals.

Tonight the aggressor was shelling Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in the city of Enerhodar. The President of Ukraine urgently addressed the leaders of the G7 countries. Prime Minister urgently called the head of the IAEA, Rafael Grossi, and declared that in the agony of fear, the enemy could cause the largest tragedy since the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Radiation has no boundaries. The possible impact area is the whole world. Ukraine calls on the international community, represented by the IAEA and the European Union, to ensure that peacekeeping groups consisting of representatives of the EU, the IAEA, and the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine arrive at all five nuclear power plants in Ukraine.

The UN Human Rights Council: a commission will be set up to investigate the crimes of Russia against the civilian population of Ukraine. International Criminal Court begins to work on war crimes of Russian terrorist forces in Ukraine. This means that all responsible for the deaths, especially those of civilians, will be punished.

The government is now working 24/7. Today we have two main tasks. The first is to meet the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other armed groups. The second is to provide the civilian population with basic necessities, even in those regions that are currently blocked due to hostilities or occupation, the organization of green corridors for the evacuation of civilians, and the delivery of humanitarian goods. Yesterday I had a conversation with the President of the Red Cross, Peter Maurer. He assured me that the Red Cross is doing everything possible to help evacuate Ukrainians, deliver food and medicine to the places where the fighting continues.

At the expense of state funds Ukrzaliznytsia buys food, fuel, medicine for the state and people affected by the war. According to the latest government decision, Government of Ukraine has allocated 18 billion hryvnias for these purposes.



Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

EU Foreign Ministers' Council emergency meeting

Dmytro Kuleba called on the EU, the US, Canada, and the UK to impose new harsh sanctions against Russia and immediately provide Ukraine with warplanes.

The Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs took part in an online EU Foreign Ministers' Council emergency meeting, which was attended by the diplomatic leaders of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom including NATO Secretary-General.

Key points:

🔹 fourth level of harsh EU sanctions against Russia for its aggression against Ukraine, war crimes, and brutal attacks that destroy Ukrainian cities and jeopardize critical infrastructure, including nuclear power plants.

🔹 embargo on oil trade, a ban for Russian ships from entering European ports and a prohibition of foreign ships to enter from Russian ports, disconnection of additional Russian banks from SWIFT, a further freeze of Russian assets, and elimination of all workarounds to save the Russian economy from the crushing effect of sanctions.

🔹 immediate fighter jets supply for Ukraine to strengthen the ability of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to protect Ukrainian cities and civilians from cruel Russian bombing and shooting. In addition to that, weapon supply to Ukraine for further effective fight against Russian invaders, including air, missile, anti-tank defenses.



Business refuses to deal with Russia

Ukrainian diplomacy confronts Russian business in every capital of the world. The goal is to inflict maximum damage on the Russian economy. This includes complete sectoral and financial isolation and the discrepancy of all business ties. The pressure of Ukrainian communities, which are currently in total mobilization, as well as the public pressure of foreign countries is crucially important to corner the aggressor.

Today, world business is literally sending Russia to float freely in the right direction.

There are about 100 giant companies that no longer do business with the Russians. Inevitable circumstances of such actions will be felt by all citizens of Russia in and outside of the country.

“Next step is to put additional pressure on the foreign business that remains in Russia. The money everyone earns in that country is blood money. Ukraine is protecting world from Russia on the battlefield. Help Ukraine help you and refuse to fuel the war machine of Putin.” stressed Kuleba.

New sanctions against Russia are approaching, and we are working on it.


Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN March 4, 11.00 a.m.

Fri, 03/04/2022 - 2:47pm



March 4, 11.00 a.m.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine strongly condemns the shelling and seizure of the Zaporizhzhya NPP site in the town of Energodar by the occupying armed forces of the Russian Federation.

There have been changes in the tactics of Russian Armed Forces.

Ukraine requests the International Committee of the Red Cross to urgently assist in creating humanitarian corridors.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine urged international partners to provide Ukraine with immediate assistance.

NBU Head Kyrylo Shevchenko called on the US and the EU to freeze the assets of all Russian banks.



losses of the enemy

from 24.02 to 04.03 were approximately:

personnel - aprox. 9166;

tanks ‒ 251;

APV ‒ 939;

artillery systems – 105;

MLRS – 50;

Anti-aircraft warfare systems – 18;

aircraft – 33;

helicopters – 37;

vehicles – 404;

light speedboats – 2;

fuel tanks – 60;

UAV operational-tactical level – 3;


General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

On the 4th March in the sky over VOLNOVAHA, the air defense units of the Joint Forces shot down another russian enemy Su-25 attack aircraft. The plane bombed civilian homes and civilian infrastructure. The pilot was ejected; active searches are conducted.

As of 06:20 a.m, the fire in the building of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station in Energodar was extinguished. There are no victims.

The main efforts of the occupiers are focused on the encirclement of Kyiv and the weakening of resistance in the blocked settlements. In the course of this task, the groups of the RF Armed Forces exhausted most of the operational reserves and began preparations for the transfer of additional forces and resources from the Southern and Eastern military districts. The second echelons and most of the operational reserves of the occupying groups were put into operation.

In the Volyn direction, the enemy with the help of two BTGs moved to defensive operations in the areas of Poliske and Kukhari. It is possible that the occupier will carry out armed provocations at the border in order to involve the armed forces of Belarus in the war against Ukraine.

In the Polissya direction, a group of occupiers consisting of military units of the Eastern Military District with forces of up to fifteen BTGs is conducting an offensive operation in the Kozarovychi, Vyshhorod, Fastiv, Obukhiv lanes, concentrating efforts in the direction of Byshiv and Ukrainka. In the struggle abroad in the area of ​​the settlements of Poliske, Kukhari, Borodyanka, Byshiv, Gorenychi, Demidiv, the enemy partially lost its offensive potential.

The main enemy forces were blocked and stopped in the Makarov area. The occupiers withdrew from Bucha and Gostomel airfield.

In the northern direction, a group of troops from the Central Military District with forces of up to fourteen BTGs, as well as the 14th Army District of the Northern Fleet is conducting an offensive operation in the Oster, Zazimya, Berezan, Vyshenky, focusing on Kyiv. At the same time, the enemy regrouped in order to continue the offensive in the direction of Brovary.

In the Slobozhansky direction, a group of troops of the Western Military District with forces of up to sixteen BTGs

The second echelons and most of the operational reserves of the Russian Armed Forces were put into operation.

In Slobozhanshchyna, units 20A of the enemy maintain efforts to carry out attempts to continue the offensive on the Joint Forces in the Novoaydar and Severodonetsk directions.

In the Donetsk operational direction, the enemy is trying to keep the encirclement around the city of Mariupol with the help of six BTGs. To minimize the negative effect of the losses in the Donetsk region, Russian curators began to bring Russian Armed Forces servicemen to the Ilovaisk station.

The main goal of the enemy remains the encirclement of Kyiv and the weakening of resistance in the blocked settlements. In the course of this task, groups of the RF Armed Forces exhausted most of the operational reserves and began to transfer additional forces and resources from the Southern and Eastern military districts.

In the Black Sea the Black Sea Fleet was withdrawn from naval bases with the task of striking the surface forces of the Navy forces, but more often civilian ships and their crews become the victims of Russian pirates.

Having an intention to take over the Black Sea coast, the enemy continues to prepare for the landing of marines in the region Zatoka - Chornomorsk. 40 km east from Chornomorsk there are two large landing ships of the occupiers.

Up to 80 representatives of the Russian media and a large group of "demonstrators" were set up in the occupied cities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to organize public gatherings of "local residents".

They will probably be sent to Kherson in the near future to organize fake rallies with the participation of propaganda media, to support the change of the Ukrainian government on the ground, and to legalize the occupation.

the use of airborne troops to ensure the construction of bridges over water obstacles has increased;

the Russian occupiers pay considerable attention to intensifying measures of psychological influence on the population and troops;

There have been changes in the tactics of Russian criminals:

failing to fulfill the task of military "blitzkrieg", the Russian Federation is turning to openly terrorist methods of conducting hostilities on the territory of Ukraine;

special units are used as assault units in the city suburbs;

in the near future, we should expect a comprehensive and large-scale spread of fake news by the enemy, which will be carried out with the involvement of the full range of modern media.

Ukraine requests the International Committee of the Red Cross to urgently assist in creating humanitarian corridors.

Due to constant shelling by Russian troops, a number of Ukrainian towns and villages are on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe.  Thousands of people are in urgent need of evacuation. These cities lack food, water, medicine, electricity, and water.

Settlements in the areas of hostilities that require the creation of humanitarian corridors are located in the Sumy region (Sumy, Shostka, Romny, Konotop, Okhtyrka), Chernihiv region (eastern and northern parts), Kharkiv region (all of the region except the south-eastern parts), Kyiv (Bucha, Irpin, Vyshhorod, Ivankiv, Vasylkiv, Borodyanka), Mykolaiv region (Bashtansky, Snihuriv, Bereznehuvatsky directions), Zaporizhzhia region (Tokmatsky, Berdyansk, Velykobilozersky directions), Kherson (Chaplynka, Kalanchak, Henichesky, and Novokakhovsky directions), Luhansk and Donetsk regions (Volnovakha district, Mariupol district), etc.


The State Emergency Service of Ukraine

As a result of the shelling in Donetsk region, a low-pressure pipeline was damaged in Toretsk city, 2 gas distribution points were turned off. Gas supply to 19 nearby cities was cut off, as a result of which 400 residential buildings, 8 secondary schools, 9 children's educational institutions and 10 medical institutions were left without heating.

As a result of a shelling in Kyiv city 8-storey administrative building and a warehouse for the manufacture and storage of polyurethane foam were set on fire. The total fire area was 10,000 square meters. Preliminary, there were no casualties.

As a result of the shelling of a multi-storey residential buildings in Kharkov region, a number pf buildings and structures were destroyed. 70 people and 20 vehicles were involved in search and rescue of people and fire extinguishing.


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Russian troops intensified attempts to capture the Zaporizhzhiia Nuclear Power Plant.

Despite the fact that roads to the city of Energodar were blocked by representatives of the territorial defense and local residents, 2 tanks and 2 armored personnel carriers approached the city, trying to break through the defense. Chaotic shooting with small arms has begun. Russian occupiers are also trying to break down engineering barriers to gain access to the road leading to the station.

Kharkiv: Russian troops struck at the civilian population.

Chernihiv: as a result of air strikes the bodies of 33 dead and 18 injured were removed from the rubbles. Rescue work has been suspended due to heavy shelling.

Russian invaders sank a civilian ship under the flag of Panama. The shelling of a Russian military ship flooded a dry cargo ship "HELT", which the invaders took hostage the day before yesterday.


Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukrainian, doctors have continued to provide medical care.

During the week of hostilities, there is no doubt that the occupiers are targeting civilian and critical infrastructure, trying to deprive people of medical care, communications, food and other necessities. Their goal is to create a humanitarian catastrophe and sow panic among the citizens.

The ministry of health is currently working with the team to ensure that oxygen therapy is continuous in hospitals with COVID-19 patients, they plan and calculate logistics routes, the necessary amount of medication so that everyone has insulin and timely delivery of dialysis consumables.




Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on the shelling of the Zaporizhzhya

Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) by the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine strongly condemns the shelling and seizure of the Zaporizhzhya NPP site in the town of Energodar by the occupying armed forces of the Russian Federation.

As a result of the shelling on the territory of the nuclear power plant, a fire broke out, killing and injuring several people. The fire has now been extinguished.

The Zaporizhzhya NPP site as well as the Chernobyl NPP are currently under the control of Russian armed forces.

Employees of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant are monitoring the condition of power units and ensuring their operation in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations for safe operation. The radiation background is currently within the norm.

Cooling of the nuclear fuel within Zaporizhzhya NPP power units is maintained by dedicated systems of power units, in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations for safe operation. If, at any point, the cooling process is disturbed, this could cause radioactive damage across large territories and have irreparable consequences for Europe's environment. Thousands of people – including civilians who are currently unable to evacuate the area near the plant due to ongoing shelling and fighting - would be hurt by this.

In addition to the six power units at the Zaporizhzhya NPP, there is a storage facility for spent nuclear fuel on site. Any damage to this facility can also lead to nuclear radiation release.

As a result, a nuclear disaster of this scale may exceed all previous accidents at nuclear power plants, including Chernobyl and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disasters.

Russia has consciously undertaken an armed attack on the nuclear power site, an action that violated all international agreements within the IAEA, in particular the IAEA Charter, the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, the Convention on Nuclear Accident Warning and the Convention on the Protection of Nuclear Accidents and the Convention of Protection of Nuclear Facilities and Nuclear Material. The shelling of the Zaporizhzhya NPP is also a gross violation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism.

We are disappointed by the reaction of the IAEA, whose statement did not go far enough to include any mention of the attacking side. We demand clear and decisive action from the IAEA.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine calls on the international community to strongly condemn the actions of the Russian occupiers, which could lead to an unprecedented nuclear catastrophe.

We call on our partners to take urgent steps to force Russia to withdraw its armed forces from the nuclear power plant and create a security zone.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba has already instructed Ukrainian diplomatic missions to start urgent contacts with partners, in particular through the IAEA, in order to prepare an international response to Russia's aggression of the Russian Federation against nuclear infrastructure.


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Dmytro Kuleba took part in a meeting of NATO foreign ministers.

Key messages to Alliance:

-       Ukraine appreciates assistance but more decisive steps are needed till Ukraine prevails.

-       Don't let Putin turn Ukraine into Syria, Russians exercised the same tactics in Syria.

-       We continue to fight but we need the help of partners in the form of decisive and swift actions.

-       Please help save lives of peaceful civilians, otherwise, you will be partially held responsible for their loss. We have to act together before it’s too late.


State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine

A number of websites of local authorities and local governments were hacked.

The sites affected by Russian cybercriminals allegedly contain an appeal by the President of Ukraine to sign a peace treaty with the occupiers.

We ask citizens not to trust this information. The enemy wants to make us believe in defeat and give up. We have no right to do that. Our soldiers courageously hold the defense and do not allow the enemy to capture and destroy our state.

Putin and his gangster forces will use all possible means - banned weapons, exposing people with human shields in front of the military, striking homes, hospitals, orphanages, cheating and spreading fakes. 




The National Bank of Ukraine

NBU Head Kyrylo Shevchenko called on the US and the EU to freeze within their jurisdiction the assets of all Russian banks, suspend Russian access and financial resources in the markets around the world, and instruct their banks to sever correspondent relations with all banks of the aggressor state.

“Confidence has been and remains a foundation for the operations of banking system. Ukraine has compelling evidences of distortion of any internationally recognized standards and commitments in order to achieve its criminal goals by current regime in the Russian Federation, of which the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is an integral part. To keep on trusting and expecting proper actions from all Russian banks in the face of international financial sanctions against some of them and hope that these institutions will adhere to international AML/CFT standards means to ignore reality,” the NBU statement reads.

“To maximize the impact of financial sanctions and prevent the direct or indirect involvement of the US and EU financial and banking systems in financing terrorist attacks on civilians in Ukraine, we urge you to take decisive actions that will help in international fight against financing of the terrorism,” the NBU Head stressed.


Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

80 million hryvnias were raised for the Ukrainian army through “Diia” App.

Such an amount was transferred for military assistance by 85 thousand users of the application. And it's just 5 days since the Ministry launched "Help the Army" service in “Diia” App.

3/4/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 03/04/2022 - 10:03am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

3. What Putin’s Nuclear Threats Mean for the U.S.
4. Putin Thought Ukraine Would Fall Quickly. An Airport Battle Proved Him Wrong.
5. Russian troops may soon be fighting Ukrainian special operators with years of secretive training from the US
6. "Wanted: Dead or Alive": Russian Tycoon Puts $1M Bounty on Putin's Head
7. Top Russian general is killed by Ukrainian sniper as Kyiv claims 9,000 of Putin’s troops have died during invasion
8. How Ukraine is winning the propaganda war
9. Ukraine Conflict Update - March 4, 2022 | SOF News
10. RT America ceases productions and lays off most of its staff
11. False Claims of U.S. Biowarfare Labs in Ukraine Grip QAnon
12.  EXPLAINER: How dangerous was Russia's nuclear plant strike?
13. Putin and his band of dictators: Russia is supported by four regimes in UN vote
14. The U.S. Is Not at War, But Its Civil Society Is Mobilizing Against Russia
15. Fire out at Ukraine nuclear plant after Russian attack, no radiation released
16. Lviv is turning its factories into improvised weapon centers
17. Opinion | I’ve Dealt With Foreign Cyberattacks. America Isn’t Ready for What’s Coming.
18. Russia blocks access to BBC and Voice of America websites
19. The Dangerous Allure of the No-Fly Zone
20. China’s Strategic Assessment of Russia: More Complicated Than You Think
21. The War in Ukraine Is Keeping Chinese Social Media Censors Busy
22. Ukraine a Case for Hypocrisy and Political Diversion?
23. FDD | Iran Approaches the Nuclear Threshold
24.  Erdogan’s Balancing Act Between Russia and Ukraine
25. Accommodating Iran Will Be No More Successful Than Accommodating Russia
26. US, Russia Agree to Deconfliction Hotline As Putin’s Attack On Ukraine Escalates
27. Opinion: The world’s fault lines show in response to Russian invasion of Ukraine
28. Putin’s war, as seen in Russia: Protests, arrests and alternate reality
29. China seeks to unify public in support for Russia
30. Russia should be cut off from the world and treated like North Korea
31. International Cat Federation bans Russian cats from competitions

Korean News Content:

1. [Editorial] Shaky alliance (ROK/US)
2. Ukraine crisis causes delay in S. Korea,-U.S.-Japan talks to arrange defense ministerial meeting: official
3. 2.1 magnitude natural quake hits near N. Korea's nuclear test site: weather agency
4. North Korea, China and the U.S. are closely watching South Korea's election
5. The Ukraine lesson (for South korea)
6. South Korean Presidential Candidates Accused of Politicizing Ukraine War
7. North Korean nuclear weapons program 'primed for expansion,' report says
8. North Korean workers in Russia feel financial sting from Ukraine invasion
9. Korea's Per-Capita Income Reaches $35,000
10. Inside Vladimir Putin And Kim Jong-Un's Relationship
11. U.S. senators voice concern over possible use of cryptocurrency by N. Korea to evade sanctions
12. S. Korea wins exemption from U.S' Foreign Direct Product Rule regarding exports to Russia
13. How North Korea Could Exploit Russia's War Against Ukraine
​14. ​North Korea Kept Ukraine Invasion Secret to All Except Ruling Party Members
15. S.Korea's next president to face a N.Korea forging ahead in nuclear, missile production

Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN As of March 3, 8.00 p.m. (EST)

Thu, 03/03/2022 - 9:57pm
As a reminder for those reading this the first time, this is from  the Ukraine Information Service.


As of March 3, 8.00 p.m. (EST)


Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant hit by shelling, is on fire.

The Panamanian-flagged civilian ship “HELT was sunk by gunfire from a Russian warship.

The enemy fears ordinary Ukrainian villagers so much that Russians have started extermination of entire villages.

The moral and psychological condition of the Belarusian paratroopers is extremely low. Officers and soldiers do not want to play the role of Russian mercenaries.

Russia is liable as a state on international and individual levels. If Russia is not held accountable the credibility of international law will be permanently undermined.

Officially, Ukraine and Russia reached understanding on the establishment of humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians.

Ukrainian Government is creating four funds that will be used to rebuild the country.

The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine sent a number of appeals to influential companies and institutions with a request to apply severe measures against Russia.




As a result of Russian shelling, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, has been hit and is on fire. If it blows up, it will be 10 times larger than Chornobyl. Russians are not allowing the firefighters to put out the fire.


General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Armed Forces of Ukraine maintain certain boundaries near Volyn direction.

On the territory of the Republic of Belarus there are 38 separate assault brigades of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

According to available information, the command of the military unit received an order to cross the border with Ukraine. Command how to act according to the combat order will be made after crossing the border.

The moral and psychological condition of the Belarusian paratroopers is extremely low. Officers and soldiers do not want to play the role of Russian mercenaries. A significant number called for the termination of contracts, most of which expire in May.

According to available data, the enemy brought into the territory of Ukraine most of the group created to attack the country. Out of 117 man-powered and equipped BTGs, no more than six remain, which are not on the territory of Ukraine, the moral and psychological condition of these units is at a low level.

The enemy is delaying the landing in the Odesa-Zatoka area.

To carry out missile strikes on objects on our territory, the Russian invaders used almost all the ammunition of the Caliber missile complex, which was intended for the offensive operation in Ukraine. Currently, the enemy is replenishing supplies.

In the Siverskyi region, mechanized and tank units are defending the occupied frontiers around Chernihiv.

In Slobozhanshchyna, mechanized units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are effectively conducting defensive battles with the overwhelming forces of the enemy, and are successful in some areas. The enemy suffers heavy losses.

During heavy defensive battles, the Joint Forces thwarted the plans of the Russian invaders and prevented the enemy from entering the administrative borders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The Ukrainian city of Mariupol remains an example of heroic resistance to the Russian invasion.

According to the plans of the Russian curators, the marching companies of Donetsk and Luhansk reservists will be urgently transferred to Kharkiv.

In the Primorsky direction, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are conducting a defense operation in the operational zone and covering part of the sea coast. Part of the forces are preventing the enemy from breaking through the area of the settlements of Kherson and Mykolayiv.

Kyiv City Defense Group continues to repel the enemy's offensive, inflict fire on him and maintain defensive lines around the city and major airfields. Unsuccessfully, the enemy fired on civilian buildings from the southwestern outskirts of the Ukrainian capital.

At the same time, the aggressors are acting defiantly in the information space, spreading disinformation and materials of Kremlin propaganda.


Air Force Command of UA Armed Forces

Due to the fierce resistance of the Ukrainians, the occupier incurs significant losses in aircraft, armored vehicles, and manpower.

The air defense units destroyed three more Russian aircrafts. Su-30SM, Su-34, and Su-25 of the Russian occupiers were annihilated. Enemy helicopter losses are being clarified.


Kharkiv region

The enemy fears ordinary Ukrainian villagers so much that they have started clinically exterminating entire villages.

As announced earlier, at 22:57 on March 2, 2022 village Yakivlivka of Merefiansk hromada Kharkiv district was under an air raid.

At least 30 private houses, as well as personal vehicles and barns, were destroyed by bombs.

7 people were injured, 10 rescued from under the rubble. Unfortunately, 3 of our fellow citizens died.


The State Emergency Service of Ukraine

As of 3:30 p.m., the bodies of 22 people were removed from the rubble as a result of air strikes in Chernihiv.




State Border Service of Ukraine

The Panamanian-flagged civilian ship “HELT”, taken hostage by invaders the day before yesterday, was sunk by gunfire from a Russian warship.

We have now received voice messages exchanged by the boatswain with a representative of the shipowner.

"Know this, it's all Russia's fault, they started the war and they bombed HELT too," was the message sent by the boatswain of the downed ship, not knowing if he and the crew would be able to escape.

According to reports, the boatswain and the cook had survived and were trying to locate the rest of the crew. Meanwhile, the dry cargo ship was completely sunk. A Russian Navy ship prevented the rescue operation by threatening to open fire.

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the aggressor fleet has already shelled five civilian ships, one of which was completely sunk, and another with a cargo of 600 tons of diesel fuel has been on fire for several days, which the hijackers do not allow to extinguish.

In addition, three civilian ships remain hostage to the invaders and cannot move because of a threat from the Russians.





Office of the President of Ukraine re talks with Russia

Officially, Ukraine and Russia reached understanding on the establishment of humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians. Same corridors will be used for the provision of medicine and food into the cities with the most concentrated fighting with the possibility of temporary cease fire (only in the areas of humanitarian help). With this goal, special channels of network and collaboration will be created. Logistic procedures are to be established shortly. “We hope to continue to discuss other aspects of the truce soon.” stressed Podoliyak.


Prime Minister of Ukraine

The Blietzkrieg failed. None of the regional centers in Ukraine are surrendering to the enemy. Ukraine is transitioning to a state of total resistance. In cities and villages, people are blocking the military vehicles, attacking the convoys, and capturing Russian soldiers.

The whole world stands with Ukraine. Thousands of international volunteers are coming to Ukraine to fight on the side of freedom. Ukraine has received tons of weapons from its allies.

The world helps us financially. Today was signed a memorandum on macro-financial support from the EU amounting to 1.2 billion Euros. Within the next hours, an agreement will be signed on creating a multi-donor monetary fund including a World Bank loan amounting to $1.8 billion.

Ukraine is also calling on international organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency to demand from NATO to immediately close Ukrainian sky over Nuclear power plants.

Ukraine is also calling on the UN and Red Cross. After attacking civilians, Russian troops are seen by the whole world as terrorists. They don’t allow to provide help for the wounded. In several cities, children, the elderly, and pregnant women are trapped by the enemy. Many of them have been surviving without electricity, heat, water supply, food, and medical help for a few days now. The invader doesn’t create green corridors for evacuation. Ukraine demands to ensure green corridors to evacuate and help everyone who needs it.

Despite enemy attacks, all systems ensuring the proper functioning of the state are intact. There is undeniable stability in the work of Ukrainian Government. Despite the war, Ministry of Social Policy and Pension Fund have paid all pensions to almost 13 million retired citizens in Ukraine. The Government prepared an assistance program for all Ukrainians who have lost their jobs. Every employee and sole proprietor who lost their job due to war will receive 6500 UAH unconditionally during March.

Ukrainian Railways started procuring food, fuel, medicines, electricity, and other important goods and services for the population. The enterprise will be in close contact with military administrations to address the most pressing needs of people and the state.

Ukrainian Government is creating four funds that will be used to rebuild the country.

1.    Fund for the Restoration of destroyed property and infrastructure. With the aim to rebuild every house, apartment, school, kindergarten, hospital, bridge, and road that the invaders destroyed.

2.    Fund for Economic Recovery and Transformation. Ukraine will address it`s partners to provide ‘Ukrainian Marshall Plan.’

3.    Debt Service and Repayment Fund. Focus of the fund will be arround fulfillment of all Ukrainian obligations. On March 1, the Ministry of Finance made a coupon payment of $292 million on Eurobonds. In the face of Russian invation financial aid to support Ukrainian obligations will be welcomed and needed.

4.    Affected Business Support Fund. Tasked with helping business return to it1s full scale activities.



Prosecutor general of Ukraine

Russia is attacking Ukrainian cities in violation of international humanitarian law.

Russian forces are using cluster munitions and other weapons prohibited by international humanitarian law to bomb civilian population.

1000 civilians are dead, more than 20 children have been killed, 1 million of Ukrainians left the country.

Russia is liable as a state on international and individual levels. If Russia is not held accountable the credibility of international law will be permanently undermined.

International community was unanimous on imposing sanctions on Russia. “We welcome the decision of the prosecutor of international criminal court to proceed with investigation of Russian and Belarus crimes against Ukraine.” underlined Venediktova.

Ukrainians are also investigating Russian crimes to ensure criminal accountability of these crimes.

Ukraine appeal the international community to commence investigations in the committed war crimes. Lithuania and Poland are already investigating the war crimes on the territory of Ukraine.

The international community should consider strengthening sanctions against Russia, as well as persons involved in planning and executing the military operation on Ukraine.

No Russian should benefit from the assets that are being held abroad in safety until now. We are establishing a task force to freeze and seize these assets. These possessions should be directed to Ukraine post-war reconstruction.






The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine sent a number of appeals to influential companies and institutions with a request to apply severe measures against Russia, calling for the implementation of the following restrictive measures:

• To companies: Moody’s Corporation, AM Best Rating Services, S&P Global, Fitch Group – lower Russia’s credit rating to the minimum, which will cause mass requirements to repay debt obligations and will make Russian economy more vulnerable.

• To the International Bureau of Expositions – close Russian pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai and exclude Moscow from the list of candidates to hold Expo 2030.

• To the members of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade – apply the widest embargo on Russian products or apply a non-automatic licensing, which will decrease the export of Russian goods to a minimum. In particular, steel and raw goods.

• To the International Labour Organization – revoke ILO membership of Russia and Belarus, who cynically trampled internationally recognized fundamental rights, freedoms, and guarantees that form the foundation of the organization.


Ukraine: WAR BULLETIN 17 As of March 3,11.00 a.m. (EST)

Thu, 03/03/2022 - 2:33pm


As of March 3,11.00 a.m. (EST)


In violation of the norms of International Humanitarian Law, Russian high-power cluster munitions and fragmentation munitions are used in bombardments of Ukrainian cities.

Deployment of a network of Voluntary Formations of Territorial Communities.

The Russian military leadership has conducted mobilization in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine.

National member of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Maryna Fenina was killed on 2 March in Kharkiv.

Ukrainian government prepared special financial aid for all the citizens who have lost their jobs at the torn by war regions of the country.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine addressed international organizations to: establish a no-fly zone over the territory of Ukraine, establish immediately humanitarian (green) corridors and bring the United Nations peacekeeping forces into Ukraine.




Total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 03.03

personnel – approximately  9000,

tanks ‒ 217,

APV ‒ 900,

artillery systems – 90,

MLRS - 42,

Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 11,

aircraft – 30 (TBC),

helicopters – 31 (TBC);

vehicles - 374,

light speedboats - 2,

fuel tanks - 60,

UAV operational-tactical level - 3,


General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russian occupiers continue to use civilians as human shields, taking hostages. Contrary to the norms of International Humanitarian Law, high-power cluster munitions and fragmentation munitions are used in bombings. During the artillery strikes on the settlements, the occupiers actively used the "Hrad", "Tornado" and "Hurricane" multiple rocket launchers.

On Volyn direction, the enemy with up to 2 BTGs moved to defensive operations and tried to stay on the border of Bihun, Ovruch, Pirozhky, Rizniya, Ukrayinka.

In Polissya, the occupiers concentrated their main efforts on the Kyiv direction, incurring losses in personnel and equipment, but did not abandon attempts to block Kyiv from the northern and north-western directions.

In the direction of Korosten, the enemy suffered heavy losses and stopped.

In the Siverskyi region, the enemy is trying to stay in the areas of the settlements of Lyubech and Mena with the forces of 41 all-military armies, 90 tank divisions of the Central Military District of the Russian Armed Forces in the direction of Chernigiv-Kyiv. Forces of 2 BTGr are moving in the direction of Kotsyubynske - Honcharivske (Kyiv).

Occupying troops are forced to put reserves into operation. To resume the offensive in the direction of Kyiv, an additional BTGr was leaded in.

7 BTGr, 3 TGr Missile and Artillery, TGr CBRN of the 6 All-Military Army of the Central Military District of the RF Armed Forces, 2 All-Military Army of the RF Armed Forces continue attempts to resume offensive operations in the Nizhyn and Pryluky areas.

In the direction of Peremoha - Brovary are noted to two BTGr from the 2nd All-Military Army of the Central Military District of the RF Armed Forces.

In Slobozhanshchyna, enemy troops from the 1st Panzer Army of the RF Armed Forces, the 6th and 20th All-Military Armies were stopped at the border in the areas of Okhtyrka, Bogodukhiv, Chuguiv, Shevchenkove after illegally crossing the state border of Ukraine.

In the Sumy direction up to two BTGr of 200 separate rifle brigade (14 Army Corp PF) and 90 (up to two BTGr) continues to keep under siege settlements Sumy, Lebedyn and Okhtyrka.

In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy was forced to move to the defense with forces up to six BTGr. Up to three BTGs will probably make another attempt to invade Kharkiv from the south.

In the Svativ direction, forces with up to two BTGs will probably try to advance in the direction of Izum and gain a foothold at any frontier. The main reason for such actions is the continuation of the offensive in the directions of the Dnipro and Zaporizhya.

Mariupol is stable in the Donetsk region, and the administrative borders of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts are inaccessible to the enemy.

In the Tavriya direction, the enemy introduced part of the operational reserves - to BTGr, trying to continue the offensive in the direction of Zaporozhye, part of the forces - in Mariupol.

Ship groups of the Black Sea, Northern and Baltic Fleets are actively conducting demonstration activities.

In the Sumy region, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine advanced along the State Border.

The demoralized enemy continues to suffer losses! This you, with real photos and videos, you can see on our official resources.


Minister of Defence of Ukraine Address

For more than 60 hours Ukraine has been fighting back against the Russian occupiers.

Units of the Territorial Defence Forces became a formidable force destroying the enemy.

Tens of thousands of people have already joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Territorial Defence Forces. Now Ukraine is at the stage where the country needs to increase coordination of the created units, to organize their actions as part of a single plan under the leadership of the AFU Command.

In agreement with the Brigadier General and Commander of the Territorial Defence Forces Yuriy Halushkin, Minister of Defence of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov has decided to deploy a network of Voluntary Formations of Territorial Communities.

By the provisions of Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On Fundamentals of National Resistance", Volunteer Formations of Territorial Communities are carried out under the direct command and control of the commander of the military unit of the Territorial Defence Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Now Ukrainians can join the construction of checkpoints, block the movement of columns of enemy equipment, perform other tasks assigned by the command of the Territorial Defence Forces using their own weapons. The Volunteer Formations of Territorial Communities must be suitably to obtain severe defensive armaments and a unified plan of action.

The network of Volunteer Formations of Territorial Communities will be an essential factor in counteracting enemy saboteurs and disrupting the logistics of the occupiers.


Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

There is an appeal from Ministry to foreigners all over the word:


 If your citizenship is other than Ukrainian, but you are standing with Ukraine fighting against Russian invasion this is information for you:

- Full support is provided;

- Visa requirement is cancelled (Temporary: From 1st Mar till the end of martial law, Presidential Decree №82/2022);

- Vital experience is guaranteed!

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, addressed all citizens of friendly to Ukraine countries, to come to Ukraine and together to fight against Russian occupants. The legal base of foreigners’ direct participation is already created.

According to the Regulation on military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

by citizens of other countries and stateless persons (approved by President of Ukraine Decree # 248 of June 10, 2016) foreigners, that have the desire to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine, can do it by signing a contract, including with the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forced of Ukraine. Thus, a separate foreigner’s detachment, named the Territorial Defense International Legion of Ukraine, is formed. Obviously, there is no greater contribution for international peace and security, than directly participate in its maintenance.


CinC AF of Ukraine

The Russian military leadership has conducted mobilization in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and is forming units 1 and 2 of the army corps to assault cities and towns in Ukraine-controlled territory. The majority of these people have Russian passports. Part of the mobilized troops are being transferred across the territory of the Rostov region, the Krasnodar territory and the temporarily occupied Crimea to conduct a naval offensive operation to capture Odessa. The rest were taken to Belgorod to assault Kyiv in the first echelon as "cannon fodder".

This is a war crime and a blatant violation of the Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.


OSCE Chairmanship

National member of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Maryna Fenina was killed on 2 March in Kharkiv. OSCE Chairmanship and SMM strongly condemned the increased shelling and missile and rocket attacks in urban areas causing death and injury to civilians, including women and children, and reiterated the call on the Russian Federation for an immediate cessation of hostilities and to engage in a meaningful dialogue.




President of Ukraine

One week ago, at 4 am, Russia invaded independent Ukraine. The first hours and days of full-scale invasion were challenging. But Ukraine stood united and was able to protect itself. And will continue to do so. Ukrainian resistance was so successful that the invaders were forced to change their tactics. Russian missiles and bombs that strike residential areas of Ukrainian cities are a confession that the aggressor can`t gain any significant advantage. All lines of Ukrainian defense are preserved. The enemy has no success in any of the strategic directions. Russians are demoralized. Kyiv survived this night and withstood another missile strike.

Ukrainian air defense worked. Kherson, Izum, all other cities where the invaders carried out strikes from the air are holding strong. Chernihiv, Sumy, Mykolaiv are hold the line.

Russians also want to destroy Odesa. But aggressors will see only the bottom of the Black Sea.

Occupiers launched air strike on Assumption Cathedral in Kharkiv - one of the oldest Orthodox monuments of the city. During the war, the cathedral is a shelter for Kharkiv residents, protection for all people.

“Russians: learn the words “reparations” and “contributions.” You will pay back in full for everything you did against Ukraine.” stressed Zelenskyy. 

Russian army destroys Ukrainian cities, cuts off electricity, water, and heating to civilians. Occupiers cut of food and medicine supply for Ukrainian population. Other war crimes include shelling of routes for possible evacuation. There is no weapon that Russians would not use against Ukraine, against the free citizens of a European country.

Ukrainians will receive everything they need from their government. Coordination headquarters work 24/7. Humanitarian aid is on the way.

Ukrainian government prepared special financial aid for all the citizens who have lost their jobs at the torn by war regions of the country! Every employee, sole proprietor, and citizen of Ukraine, from whom Russia has taken away the opportunity to work, will receive six and a half thousand hryvnias without any conditions. Despite the war, Ukrainian authorities ensure the full payment of pensions. Indexed pensions. As it should be following the law. From March 1st, pensions for Ukrainians are indexed by 14%. All payments will be made in full.

Ukraine receives weapons from its partners on a daily basis. More and more powerful weapons every day.

Ukraine is already meeting first, of sixteen thousand, foreign volunteers. “They are going to defend freedom, defend life for all of us. And it will be successful, I am sure of that.

We’ve been through so much! And if someone thinks that, having overcome all this, Ukrainians - all of us - are scared, broken, or will surrender, he knows nothing about Ukraine and has nothing to do with Ukraine.” underlined Zelenskyy.



Head of the Presidential Administration

Together with the whole international community, we do everything possible to ensure the livelihood of Ukrainian cities and villages. Many volunteers from local and international organizations are involved. The National Bank has created a unique account for crediting donations to humanitarian needs.

The President of Ukraine established the Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian and Social Affairs to coordinate these efforts. The headquarters will work in three directions:

▫️ humanitarian aid from foreign governments and international organizations;

▫️ assistance from big business to military administrations and communities;

▫️assistance from the authorities at the request of military administrations and communities.

Andriy Yermak was appointed as the Chief of Staff. Yuliya Sokolovska (the Chief of campaigns' Deputy) will be responsible for operational processes, and Daria Zarivna will provide information support.

The President of Ukraine recommended that the National Bank of Ukraine open a particular fundraising account for humanitarian aid to Ukrainian people, who suffer the most from Russian aggression today.

For the convenience of communication, a Facebook page was already created:

And Telegram channel:



Minister of Foreign affairs of Ukraine

The sanctions coming from world leading companies make their way into Russian economic structures. Regular citizens are already feeling the impact. For instance, there is shortage of cash in ATMs. One more Russian economy investment project has been blocked today. Windmill turbine manufacturer froze its deal with the aggressor which costed Russia $2.5 billion.

MFA team is making sure that those sanctions have no loopholes. This work is being expanded every day thanks to cooperation with the US, the EU, the UK, Canada, and many other partner countries.

Ukraine made a deal on new supply of military equipment from Germany. Thanks to a logistics group, the supply from all international partners is smooth and constant.

The humanitarian aid is being transported to the most affected regions. “We assure Ukrainians who were hit with severe humanitarian crisis that local government is working really hard to create humanitarian corridors to either evacuate civilians to shelters or to send help to the areas. Russians are trying to disrupt creation of those corridors, so we are still working on it.” stressed Kuleba.



Address of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

From the very beginning of its insidious and unjustified invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Federation has been systematically carrying out military attacks, including those from the air, on residential housing, hospitals, kindergartens, schools and other civilian infrastructure in Ukraine, destroying cultural monuments and  also objects of critical infrastructure, the damage of which can lead to man-made catastrophes on a global scale, in particular, chemical  warehouses and plants, storage facilities for particularly hazardous waste, nuclear power plants, etc.

Russia has launched several hundred Iskander-type and Kalibr-type ground and sea-based tactical missiles targeting peaceful cities and villages in Ukraine.  Contrary to the norms of international humanitarian law, cluster and vacuum bombs have also been used striking the city of Kharkiv and the city of Okhtyrka in the Sumy region.

Every day we record numerous war crimes committed by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation led by their President Vladimir Putin.  Every hour we lose the best sons and daughters of the Ukrainian people; thousands of people, including children, are injured or forced to flee their homes.  Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, 21 children have died and 55 have been injured. The Russian military is destroying homes, hospitals, kindergartens and schools, and killing civilians in cold blood and with unseen brutality. Putin's army is shelling humanitarian corridors, ignoring our requests to allow the removal of women, children, orphans and people with limited mobility.  Kremlin soldiers are taking civilian hostages using them as human shields.

As a result of constant shelling, the cities of Kharkiv, Volnovakha in the Donetsk region, Shchastya and Stanytsia Luhanska in the Luhansk region, are on the verge of a humanitarian disaster.  Some of these cities have been practically destroyed.  Residents who are mostly in shelters and basements lack food, drinking water and medicines, there is no medical care, electricity and heating.  Housing and social infrastructure have been severely damaged by the shelling.  The cities of Nova Kakhovka and Tavriysk in the Kherson region are completely blocked, without any possibility for supplies of food or even basic medicines.

These bloody crimes of the Putin regime are a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law; they need to be immediately stopped and investigated as international war crimes.

Russian occupation forces have seized the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in whose environs radiation levels have already been exceeded.  The troops of the Russian Federation are also conducting combat operations in the immediate vicinity of other nuclear power plants, which threatens to unleash an environmental and humanitarian disaster not only for Ukraine and Europe, but also for the whole world.

Ukraine is audaciously fighting the aggressor for its independence, for the European choice of the Ukrainian people, for all the values that are fundamental to the European Union and the entire democratic world.  This war is a struggle for the very existence of such concepts as respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and human rights in the whole world.  The Ukrainian Army and the entire Ukrainian people are defending their homeland and their historic civilizational choice.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, welcoming the approval by more than two thirds of the Member States of the United Nations of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution (A / ES-11 / L.1) "Aggression against Ukraine" on March 2, 2022, appeals to the United Nations 'United Nations, the High Commissioner for Refugees of the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the European Parliament, international organizations and their parliaments, parliaments and governments of foreign countries to take all necessary measures to:

Immediate establishing of a no-fly zone over the territory of Ukraine for the protection of civilians, world cultural heritage sites, critical infrastructure facilities, nuclear power plants and other facilities, the damage of which could cause a world-class catastrophe;

Establish immediately humanitarian (green) corridors for the safe evacuation of women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities and guarantee their security in direct cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross in accordance with their mandate under the 1949 Geneva Conventions as well as to provide humanitarian assistance to suffered and civilian persons to meet priority needs of people in food, clothing, first medical aid;

Bring the United Nations peacekeeping forces into Ukraine on the basis of the United Nations Charter, UN General Assembly Resolution 377 (V) "Unity for Peace" of November 3, 1950, to protect human rights, maintain humanitarian access and prevent war crimes and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appeals to the Secretary-General of the United Nations to mediate ending the war.


3/3/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 03/03/2022 - 9:41am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

3. Combat operations in Ukraine are coming to a critical inflection point and Congress must act now
4. The Beginning of the End for Putin?
5. We Followed a Foreign Fighter on His Way to Join the War in Ukraine
6. Ukraine revealed secret battle plans left behind by Russian troops and claimed they show Russia planned a 15-day war
7. A War the Kremlin Tried to Disguise Becomes a Hard Reality for Russians
8. China Asked Russia to Delay Ukraine War Until After Olympics, U.S. Officials Say
9.  International Criminal Court begins war crime investigation in Ukraine
10. Statement of ICC Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan QC, on the Situation in Ukraine: Receipt of Referrals from 39 States Parties and the Opening of an Investigation
11. Biden administration launches new 'KleptoCapture' task force to go after Russian oligarchs
12. 141 countries vote to condemn Russia at UN
13. Russia Crisis Military Assessment: Why did Russia's invasion stumble?Russia Crisis Military Assessment: Why did Russia's invasion stumble?
14. Biden administration does not 'have a strategic interest' in sanctioning Russian oil, White House says
15. Russia Appears To Be Preparing Its Ancient An-2 Biplanes For War In Ukraine
16. VOA Responds to Russian Government Plans to Block VOA Russian Website
17. Opinion | Republicans are so eager to see Biden fail that they’d let Putin succeed
18. Ukraine Conflict Update - March 3, 2022 | SOF News
19. The Wargame Before the War: Russia Attacks Ukraine
20. How Might the War in Ukraine End? Five Factors Will Shape the Outcome
21. Ukraine and a Guide to Avoiding World War III
22. How to protect the world from Putin: Put him before a war crimes tribunal
23. How the Finns Deter Russian Invasion
24. Reimagining Homeland Defense
25. The Two Debates in Military Circles the War in Ukraine Could Help Settle
26.  FDD | US unreliability makes regional allies cautious on Ukraine
27. FDD | Putin is not crazy and the Russian invasion is not failing. The West's delusions about this war - and its failure to understand the enemy - will prevent it from saving Ukraine
28. A Ukrainian Insurgency Will Be Long and Bloody
29. Taiwan to more than double annual missile production capacity amid China tension
30. Russia's Plan C - Sir Lawrence Freedman
31. Will Putin Lose Russia?
32. Invasions Are Not Contagious
33. Calling all pirates: This US lawmaker wants you to seize Russian vessels
34. Japan, Russia feud on Twitter over Ukraine invasion, WWII-era territorial dispute

Korean News Content:

1. Ukraine Crisis Prompts Fears of North Korean Challenge to US-Seoul Alliance
2.  **North Korea’s Foreign Ministry: “The U.S. is Interfering in Our Domestic Affairs by Using Human Rights, Darkening Prospects for U.S.-DPRK Relations”
3.  HRNK Response to March 1 Statement by the DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs
4. Mission Possible: Advancing the Human Rights of North Koreans Mission Possible: Advancing the Human Rights of North Koreans
5. Security and Defense Issues Facing South Korea’s Next President
6. If Putin has his way, Kim Jong Un may be next
7. The Republic of Korea’s Economic Actions to Support Ukraine - United States Department of State
8.  Koreans who fight for Ukraine could face trouble at homeKoreans who fight for Ukraine could face trouble at home
9. South Korea’s raucous politics: presidential election defined by mudslinging and scandal
10. What next President should prioritize
11. Do Samsung smartphones have a chance in China?
12. Leaving their instruments behind, Ukrainian musicians return home to take up arms
13. Moon tells Zelenskyy S. Korea stands in solidarity with Ukrainian people
14. S. Korean crypto exchanges block Russian IP addresses over its invasion of Ukraine
15. S. Korea says F-35A emergency landing caused by bird strike, subsequent damage

Ukraine WAR BULLETIN 16 As of March 2, 7.00 p.m. (EST)

Wed, 03/02/2022 - 9:13pm


As of March 2, 7.00 p.m. (EST)


Secret documents for the planned war with Ukraine were approved on January 18. Operation to capture Ukraine was to be executed within 15 days, 20.02. - 06.03.

Active military actions by Russian terrorist forces are threatening the largest nuclear catastrophe to unfold in Europe.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has launched an information platform

Ukraine is currently working on three major goals in diplomatic domain: supply of military equipment, destruction of Russian economy, «Deputinisation» of the world.

UN voted for resolution “Aggression against Ukraine” that demands Russia to pull back troops from the Ukrainian territory including Crimea.

The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine has sent official letters to the 11 largest organizations in the world to isolate Russia.

First time in the last seven days of war when Ukrainian army went on the offensive was in Kyiv.

Ukraine demands the immediate creation of humanitarian corridors by international organizations.




General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

On March 2, the crews of the Su-24m and Su-25 combat aircraft provided air close support to units of the UA Army, destroying Russian convoys of military equipment and manpower in Kyiv, Sumy, Chernihiv, and Kharkiv oblasts.

During the day, anti-aircraft missile units have destroyed three enemy jets and two helicopters.

Ukrainian military intercepted secret documents of one of the units of the battalion tactical group of the 810th separate brigade of marines of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Among the received documents are Battle Maps, Combat mission, call signs to communications, control signal list, hidden command and control tables, personnel list, etc.

Based on the acquired information, it is known that the secret documents for the planned war with Ukraine were approved on January 18, and the operation to capture Ukraine itself was to be executed within 15 days, 20.02. - 06.03.

The enemy unit was to disembark from the landing ship “Orsk” in the area of the Stepanovka-1 and execute further actions with the military units of the 58th Army of the Russian federation, namely with the 177th Separate Regiment of Marines of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. The ultimate goal of these forces was to blockade and take control of Melitopol.

In Volyn, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have created a reliable defense system.

Ukrainian divisions neutralized the Russian landing party near the city of Mykolayiv.

During the current day, up to thirty fighter jets violated the airspace of Ukraine, mostly from the Republic of Belarus, and bombed the civilian population.

Russian occupying forces continue to suffer losses from the Air Force of the UA Armed Forces.

Units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine liberated Makariv, Kyiv oblast, and positioned themselves in the city.

Certain forces and means are defending the city of Kyiv, continuing to conduct systematic hostilities, and holding certain areas.

Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to report on multiple cases of surrender by groups of Russian soldiers and officers, and their refusals to continue the offensive.

Russian occupying forces violate the norms of international humanitarian law by looting and killing local people, including children. The morale of the occupying army is extremely low.

State Emergency Service rescuers and volunteers evacuated 200+ residents of Bucha (Kyiv region) from under debris. People were trapped in basements due to Russian shelling.


Operational Situation

The aggressor-state is trying to capture Energodar where the largest in Europe Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Plant is located. Active military actions by Russian terrorist forces are threatening the largest nuclear catastrophe to unfold in Europe.

On 2 March, the city of Zhytomyr (Zhytomyr region is next to Kyiv region and has border with Belarus) was under the Russian missiles attack. 2 civilians were killed and 12 have been injured.

The civilians of Borodyanka, Dymer and Bila Tserkva (Kyiv region) were under missile attacks as well.

The territory of Belarus is actively used by Russia for its military purposes.

Russian military vessels are blocking the access of civil ships to the North-Western part of the Black Sea along Ukraine's shoreline.

Russia has mobilized 3.5 thousand persons in the temporarily occupied certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. They are being brought to Kherson oblast with the aim to be involved in further armed attacks of Russian Army on Ukrainian cities.

The web-sites of the governmental institutions of Ukraine suffer from cyber attacks.

The activity of Russian technical intelligence unit, which directed local sabotage groups, had been terminated in Mariupol.


Head of Kyiv Regional State Administration

Russian occupiers use Vyshgorod, Zhytomyr and Dimer-Ivankiv directions to hide and move military equipment. The enemy does not allow civilian access to food aid, and opens deadly fire. As a result, the communities in these areas experience hard humanitarian situation.



The State Emergency Service of Ukraine

Enemy missiles hit the central part of Kharkiv. The City Council building, the Palace of Labor building, high-rise buildings, Main Directorate of the National Police in Kharkiv Oblast and the building of the Karazin Kharkiv National University.

There are dead and injured.



Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority

According to the Olbia branch of the USPA at 17:25 03.02.22 Russian Navy shelled the ship "Banglar Samriddhi" (flag of Bangladesh), which was in the harbor, port of Olvia. One missile hit the superstructure. There is a fire on board.

2 sea tugs were sent to rescue the crew.

According to preliminary data, there are no victims.




Russian terrorists have launched an air strike on the Southern Railway Station in Kyiv, where thousands of Ukrainian women and children are being evacuated.

Information about the victims is being clarified.




President of Ukraine

During his address Zelensky stressed that Ukrainians are the nation that in one week destroyed enemy plans.

All the Russian troops capture by Ukrainians say the same: they don’t know why they are here.

“Even though there are tenfold more of the enemies, their moral is decreasing. More and more enemy troops are running back to Russia under fire of everything that shoots.

Ukrainians can hit the enemy not only with weapons. I admire the civilians in all towns around the country that do not let the occupants in by blocking the roads with their bodies. You all have seen the video from Melitopol’ where Ukrainians protested against Russians that temporarily entered our city. If Russians are entering any town, they will stay there temporarily, I am sure of that.

Russian occupants are not soldiers of a superpower; these are confused children that were used. Take them home.

Every occupant must know that they will not get anything here. Sending more military equipment and more Russian people will not change anything. No matter where they go, they will be killed. Ukrainians will show the enemy that we do to not let go of what is ours. For us, Ukrainians, this is a Patriotic War.

Almost 9000 enemy troops killed in one week. In Mykolaiv direction enemy uses tens of helicopters to airlift dead and wounded that are 19 - 20 years old. However, most of them are spread all over Ukraine. Our country does not want to be littered with dead soldiers. Tell your commanders that you want to live. We must restore peace as soon as possible.” stressed Zelenskyy.

The President of Ukraine reported on talks with government leaders from Norway and Israel, president of Kazakhstan, president of the EU council, prime minister of Canada, and president of Poland.

Aftermath of the UN General Assembly showed stunning results for Ukraine. 141 countries supported a resolution that demands Russia to leave Ukraine. Only 4 voted against.

Zelenskyy also elaborated on his meeting with heads of regions and cities of Ukraine. Authorities were working hard to organize the corridors to get Ukrainian civilians out and bring medicine in.


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Briefing

Ukraine is currently working on three major goals in diplomatic domain:

1. Supply of military equipment (even by those countries that have never done it before);

2. Destruction of Russian economy;

3. «Deputinisation» of the world.

Ukraine created an anti-war coalition with 86 countries and 15 international organizations as of now. 19 countries supply military equipment, 10 countries make macro financial donations, 22 countries give humanitarian aid, and 16 countries confirmed to help transport more than 1000 volunteers to fight for Ukrainian army.

Russia is trying to establish partnerships with at least 3 countries that could help Kremlin make it through economic crisis. Ukrainian diplomats will stay in touch with those governments to ensure their decision not to support the aggressor.

During the briefing Kuleba stressed “There is an urgent need to strengthen the Air Force. Ukraine is working with a number of countries to close the skies over the country and there is already some progress in this regard.”

Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs  informed that he had a call with British colleague Liz Truss, during which they discussed potential solutions for loopholes that Russia could use to stay within global economy. Among other European partners, Spain decided to aid defense equipment. This help will flow more smoothly now due to opening of European Peace Fund.

38 countries closed the sky for Russian planes, Canada and the UK do not allow Russian boats in their ports. UN voted for resolution “Aggression against Ukraine” that demands Russia to pull back troops from the Ukrainian territory including Crimea ( This is one of the largest resolutions in the world that was co-authored by 95 and supported by 141countries.

The world leads an information war against Putin’s regime by banning Russian media resources and firing Russian public figures. The most powerful impact, is made by large corporations that stop operations in Russia. Those include but are not limited to DHL, Apple, Google, Twitter, Lenovo, Spotify, Tesla, BMW, Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, Adidas, and Nike. Those, as well as other sanctions, will take place until we ensure complete absence of Russian army in Ukraine.



Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has launched an information platform. for foreign audiences concerning the war in Ukraine

The main goal of is to provide verified information about the situation in Ukraine, to share specific ways to support Ukraine and also to show the human dimension of the resistance.

“This website is de-facto a live documentation of war developing before the eyes of the entire world”, stressed the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

On the website you can currently find information and answers to the following key questions and themes:

  • Understand why Russia is invading Ukraine
  • Find out, through verified information, what is happening in Ukraine right now. The site provides the latest updates from official sources
  • Learn how you can help the Ukrainian people.
  • Discover the real faces behind Ukraine’s resistance.



Adviser to the Head of the President's Office

In the North-West of Kyiv, the enemy tries to break into the city. Ukrainian artillery successfully stopped the attack, so Russian soldiers are now regrouping. Chernihiv and Sumy direction are significantly slowed down by Ukrainian soldiers and locals. In Kharkiv, Russian troops work in the city as well as target it with heavy rocket-propelled grenade launchers. As far as we understand, they were given orders to break into Kharkiv.

The precise number is yet to be confirmed, but a few Russian aircrafts were destroyed. Most of Ukrainian military checkpoints stay in place, and one of them - Horlivka - even managed to advance to the East. This is for the first time in the last seven days of war when Ukrainian army went on the offensive.

Mariupol’ is relatively calm, but the occupant will be trying to break into the city. Our soldiers keep the situation under control.

Kherson continues to be fought for, the city streets periodically have shootings. Fake news about given up local government were supposed to disorient local citizens, but we keep the situation under control.

Enemy’s movement toward Mykolaiv was stopped by successful operations of the Ukrainian army in the area of Bashtanivka town.

A large number of Russian equipment was destroyed by Kryvyi Rih.

The presence of Russians by Zaporizka nuclear power plant in Enerhodar might turn into ecological threat, so local government held negotiations with the occupants to inform them about the danger of shootings in the area.

Based on the last few days, we noticed that small groups of occupants are giving up, abandoning their equipment, and are running away. Only larger groups with leaders that stay in touch with Russian authorities are continuing to fight. Number of such groups is in minority. Russia tries to make up for losses by sending cadets to fight, which means that they are running out of capable soldiers. Their strategy is poorly executed partially because we heard that Belorussian army will join Russian troops. There is no official statement on that regard, but it’s being checked.

 Ukrainian artillery was standing strong yesterday. In Kharkiv, Ukrainian soldiers destroyed the 200th brigade, the most elite group of militants among Russian troops.

The Kalibr cruise missiles are not used anymore because our enemy ran out of them. Iskander are being used now. They have certain advantages and disadvantages - Iskander missiles can harm civil populations, but they are not very powerful. Since Russians are scared of attacking us during the day, they mostly attack at night in Kyiv, Zhytomyr, and Kharkiv. Numbers of victims is soon to be announced by the President of Ukraine. The shelling of the TV tower and Babyn Yar, a jewish cemetery, were large strategic mistakes due to massive future responses of international communities.


Office of the President of Ukraine

The President of Ukraine signed a decree on the establishment of the Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian and Social Affairs assistance to citizens in difficult life circumstances caused by armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.





National Bank of Ukraine

Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Kyrylo Shevchenko addressed the Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which serves as a central bank for central banks, asking to terminate the membership of the Central Bank of Russian Federation (CBRF).

Excluding the CBRF and imposing sanctions against the Russian Federation by all international financial institutions is an important step in response to Russian aggression.

“I would like to ask you to consider the possibility of suspension of the Bank of Russia’s membership in the BIS, its Committees, working groups. Taking into account the status of the BIS in the world finanсe, this sanction from your side will help us fight the aggressor on the financial battlefield,” underligned the NBU Chairman in his letter to the BIS leadership.

Kyrylo Shevchenko also proposed to reconsider granting the NBU membership in the organization.



Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine

Complete infrastructural isolation of Russia: work on the international front

The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine has sent official letters to the 11 largest organizations in the world in the field of infrastructure.

It is an appeal to the international community to take the necessary measures to close the airspace for the aggressor country, access to seaports, as well as the exclusion of Russia from international organizations.

Among the addressees - the world's largest and most influential organizations in the field of air, sea, rail transport, as well as construction and tourism:

▪ International Bridge, Tunnel & Turnpike Association (IBTTA)

▪ Airports Council International (ACI)

▪ United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

▪ International Union of Railways (UIC)

▪ International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

▪ Ministry of Transport of the United Kingdom

▪ United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

▪ Danube Commission

▪ International Air Transport Association (IATA)

▪ US Federal Aviation Administration

▪ International Transport Forum (ITF)



Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Ukraine demands the immediate creation of humanitarian corridors by international organizations in Sumy, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhia, Donetsk, Luhansk and Kherson oblasts to evacuate civilians and, above all, children.

The Russian invasion caused the greatest humanitarian catastrophe in Europe since World War II. Enemy troops openly inflict constant missile, bomb, and artillery strikes on peaceful cities, housing infrastructure, and educational institutions.

Millions of Ukrainian citizens - especially women, children and the elderly - suffer from shelling, lack of food, water and medicine. The enemy does not distinguish between military and civilian targets, including striking artillery and missiles at kindergartens, schools, colleges and universities.

Ukraine has already appealed to international organizations that have a mandate to create "green corridors" for the population to leave the war zone. So far, three requests have been sent to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the Red Cross, but unreasonable denials have been received.

Ukraine insists on the need to immediately create humanitarian corridors by eligible international organizations in parts of Sumy, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhia, Donetsk, Luhansk and Kherson Oblasts.

What is required:

  1. immediate delivery of medicines, medical equipment, drinking water, food, warm clothes and heating accessories;
  2. evacuation of the civilian population, especially children;
  3. provision of access for medical and social workers to Ukraine to help all those who need it, including the most vulnerable (children, sick people, people with disabilities) and single people.