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Beyond Rhetoric: Passing the Afghan Adjustment Act Image

Beyond Rhetoric: Passing the Afghan Adjustment Act

Corioli Institute Director of Advocacy and Outreach
12.13.2024 at 06:00am

Versatility at the Tip of the Spear: Food Security and the Utility of SOF

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Legio Patria Nostra: A Blueprint For An American Foreign Legion

09.03.2023 at 09:05pm

Night of Nights

04.23.2023 at 09:58pm

Challenging the “Problem of Special Operations and USSOF”

02.20.2023 at 08:13pm

To Address the Irregular Warfare Elephant in the Room, Sacred Cattle Must First be Slain

01.07.2023 at 02:16am

The Battle of Mogadishu; Framework of Mission Command Failure

01.03.2023 at 10:39pm

Developing Mastery of Irregular Warfare is a Pipe Dream if the DOD is Forced to Rely on SOCOM

01.03.2023 at 01:39pm

Joint Forces and Integrated Deterrence: Rebalancing China in the Western Pacific

01.01.2023 at 02:55am

SOF and Field Sanitation: The Importance of a Healthy Partner Force

08.30.2022 at 11:15pm

One More Link to the Stars: Space Training in Special Operations

08.02.2022 at 09:23pm

Special Operations are Deterrence Operations: How United States Special Operations Forces should be used in Strategic Competition

05.24.2022 at 09:08pm