Small Wars Journal

Spirit of America Update

Wed, 05/25/2011 - 5:20am
Spirit of America Update

By Jim Hake

An excellent story on Spirit of America and last month's American and Afghan student videoconference was shown on ChannelOne in 8,000 schools yesterday morning. ChannelOne is the in-school TV network of CBS. You can watch it here (click on "Video: Afghan School Skype Chat").

Also see a column on SoA by Dr. James Carafano in the Washington Examiner: "Winning Afghanistan, in War and Peace". Dr. Carafano writes, "Spirit for America pursues its mission with 'zero' government funds. Yet their partnership with the Marines in Helmand is helping win the war in Afghanistan, one village at a time. It's the kind of ingenious problem solving that has always enabled America to win wars ... and to win peace."

We invite you to participate in a teleconference with Marines who just returned from Helmand Province this Thursday (26 May 2011) from 3:00pm-4:00pm (ET). Details are below. The Marines will talk about their experience in Afghanistan and what they accomplished. They'll also answer your questions about Spirit of America or anything else. LtCol Matt Reid, Commanding Officer of 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines, will be on the call.

Call-in Details

1. Thursday, 26 May, we encourage you to call in starting at 2:45pm (ET)

2. Dial 877-348-3414

3. Enter the conference ID number when prompted: 70-412-815

4. You will be greeted by the conference call operator (this is not a Spirit of America rep) and they will ask you for your name and current location.

5. The Marines on the call will be at Camp Pendleton.

Your Questions

After the Marines have given a brief overview of their deployment in Helmand province, the operator will open up the call for questions. The operator will ask that those callers who want to ask a question will key in *1 on their phones. This will be a "first come, first served" format, and the conference call operator will moderate this section.

You may address your questions to the Marines, the Spirit of America team, or the entire group.

We hope you can join us,

Jim Hake and the team at Spirit of America

No endorsement of Spirit of America by the US Department of Defense or its personnel is intended or implied.

Will Robert Gates stay in the game?

Tue, 05/24/2011 - 5:00pm
This afternoon at the American Enterprise Institute, Defense Secretary Robert Gates delivered what he termed "my last major policy speech in Washington" before retiring next month. Gates's speech broke no new ground but was rather a final summation of his views on America's role in the world, the challenges of managing the Pentagon, and how policymakers should approach strategy and the Pentagon's budget in the coming age of fiscal austerity.

Four and a half years in the E-Ring have taken their toll. But Gates energetically made the case for U.S. diplomatic and military leadership and a robust forward military presence in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Gates repeated his concerns about cutting future defense spending and pledged that the latest defense review, sparked by President Obama's call to cut $400 billion from security spending over the next 12 years, will result in a presentation to Obama of the resulting risks and not an across-the-board budget slash that results in a hollowed-out force.

Gates discussed his frustrations managing the department. He was disappointed that he and his staff were unable to wring more savings out of the Pentagon's "Fourth Estate," the many defense agencies, field offices, and commands, which he described as a "semi-feudal system," devoid of accurate accounting and performance measurements and thus impervious to management.

He also expressed bewilderment that a doubling in procurement and research spending over the past decade has resulted in so little additional capability, a marked contrast to the success of the Reagan-era buildup which delivered new platforms for all of the services -- almost all of which remain best-in-class today. But in spite of this poor showing, Gates asserted that it was simply mandatory for the country to acquire a new aerial tanker fleet, the F-35, a new ballistic missile submarine fleet, a larger Navy, and recapitalized ground forces. Having said that, he said that if there was a significant chop to the Pentagon's top line, he would much rather have a smaller but superbly capable force rather than a large hollow one.

Finally, Gates closed his last policy address in Washington by asserting that the United States remains the indispensible nation and that it cannot escape its special responsibilities regarding global security. With fiscal and moral exhaustion setting in, that view will certainly come up for debate between now and November 2012.

What remains to be seen is what role Gates himself will play in that debate. The standard practice is for retiring statesmen such as Gates to disappear from the stage for a long interlude, both for well-needed rest and to write their memoir. Gates will no doubt greatly prefer to follow this path.

But will events allow him this option? He has firm views about the issues he addressed and cares about the policy outcomes that will occur. Most significantly, Gates's stature on strategy and defense planning are unequaled. Most Republicans concur with his views while Democrats will find difficulty challenging him due to his service to Obama. On defense issues, Gates's credibility is nearly impervious.

With many critical decision points looming over the next two years, Gates may not be able to take the traditional break from the stage. The defense review and the future years defense plan could be debated and resolved in a manner that trashes his counsel. Will Gates -- for many, the indispensible man on defense issues -- remain silent during the upcoming debate? Although he no doubt wants a long breather, Gates may end up staying in the game after his retirement.

24 May SWJ Roundup

Tue, 05/24/2011 - 3:40am
Keep the Roundup (the Journal, the Blog and the Council) Going AND Get a Nifty Coin to Boot


A Slice of Afghanistan Well Secured by Afghans - NYT

Changing the Face of the War One High-value Target at a Time - S&S

Afghan Security Forces Grow in Numbers, Quality - AFPS

Five Arrests In Attack On Hospital In Kabul - NYT

Afghan Intel Agency: Taliban Chief Has Disappeared - AP

Mullah Omar Dead? Widespread Sources Skeptical - LAT

Taliban Say Their Leader Isn't Dead - NYT

Omar Missing, But is He Dead? - AP

NATO Troops Die in Afghan Blast - BBC

Still No Details on July Troop Drawdown - S&S

Afghan Official Escapes Attempted Suicide Bombing - AP

Soldiers Describe Life in Paktika Province - AFPS


Pakistan's Military Faces New Questions After Raid - NYT

US Intensifies Drone Attacks in Pakistan - GP

Karachi Siege Exposes Pakistan Military's Vulnerabilities - LAT

Pakistan Retakes Naval Base After Militant Attack - VOA

Troops End Pakistan Base Attack - BBC

Pakistan Quashes Taliban Attack - WP

Report: Pakistan Wants Chinese to Have Naval Base - S&S

Terror Trial Witness Ties Pakistan to 2008 Attacks in India - NYT

Pakistan 'Link to Mumbai India Attack' - BBC

Israel / Palestinians

Netanyahu Speaks to Pro-Israel Group in Washington - VOA

Netanyahu Says No 1967 Borders in Peace Deal - VOA

Netanyahu Defiant on 1967 Borders - BBC

Palestinian UN Bid Enters Unknown Territory - AP

Palestinian PM Fayyad Had Heart Attack in US - Reuters


Syrian Leader Hit With European Sanctions - NYT

Syria Hits Back at EU Sanctions - BBC

Syria Acknowledges Sanctions Will Hurt - AP


NATO Bombs Tripoli in Heaviest Strikes Yet - NYT

NATO Launches Largest Airstrike Against Gaddafi - WP

NATO Warplanes in New Bombing Campaign on Tripoli - VOA

NATO Steps Up Libya Air Strikes - BBC

NATO Airstrikes Hit Tripoli, Heaviest Bombing Yet - AP

Senators Introduce Legislation to Support Force - WP

US Senate Democrats, GOP Agree on Libya Resolution - AP

Clinton: More NATO Nations Must Join Libya Mission - AP


After Talks Collapse, Violence Flares in Yemen - NYT

US, Allies Weigh Support for Yemen - WP

Gun Battles in Yemeni Capital Kill Six - VOA

Three Die in Yemen Street Battle - BBC

Yemen President's Forces Battle Tribe - AP

Reneging on Goodbye - WP editorial


Blast, Fire at Iran Refinery as Ahmadinejad Visits - Reuters

Saudi Arabia

Saudis Arrest Woman Leading Right-to-Drive Campaign - NYT

Al Qaeda

Study Ties New al Qaeda Chief to Murder of Journalist Pearl - Reuters

U.S. Department of Defense

Supreme Court Declines to Hear Army Crime Lab Case - McClatchy

Thousands of Air Force Civilian Jobs Won't be Filled - S&S

Gates's Final War - WP opinion

United States

Pentagon, Homeland Security Collaborate on Cybersecurity - AFPS

Visiting Guantanamo - WP editorial

United Kingdom

U.S., Britain to Form Joint Security Board - VOA

Obama to Get Royal Welcome to UK - BBC


AFRICOM in the Congo (Part 1) - S&S

UN Sudan Mission Condemns Looting in Abyei - VOA

Sudan Gunmen 'Burning Abyei Town' - BBC

Sudan's Flashpoint Town Looted - AP

Border Town Incursion Poses Big Risk for Sudan - NYT

Nigerian President Prepares for Inauguration - VOA

Nigeria's President Prods UN Chief on Security Council Seat - VOA

Ivory Coast in Mercenary Warning - BBC


Mexico Detains 16 Police Who Protected Drug Gang - AP

Colombian Cocaine Shipment Seized - BBC News

Colombia Shifts From Drugs to Food in Farm Expansion - Reuters

Gunmen Wound Manager of Honduran Newspaper - AP

Asia Pacific

Japan: Tepco Confirms Meltdowns of 2 More Reactors - Reuters

Seoul Tightens Rules on Cash Flow to North Korea - KH

US Team Flies to North Korea as Kim Visits China - AP

US Envoy Makes Groundbreaking Trip to North Korea - Reuters

Burma Inmates 'On Hunger Strike' - BBC


President Obama in Europe - WP

Rifts Widen Over Greece's Bailout - NYT

Discontent Over EU Foreign Policy Chief Goes Public - NYT

Georgia: Anti-Saakashvili Protesters Vow to Continue - BBC

Volcanic Cloud Sweeps Across Europe - WP

Flights Cancelled Over Ash Cloud - BBC

South Asia

Pakistan 'Link to Mumbai India Attack' - BBC

Terror Trial Witness Ties Pakistan to 2008 Attacks in India - NYT

Sri Lanka Prisoners 'Refuse Food' - BBC

U.S., Britain to Form Joint Security Board

Tue, 05/24/2011 - 12:33am
U.S., Britain to Form Joint Security Board

Voice of America

The United States and Britain are planning to form a joint national security council, designed to allow the two allies close cooperation in dealing with security challenges.

The two are expected to officially announce the creation of the new National Security Strategy Board during U.S. President Barack Obama's visit to London this week.

Mr. Obama's national security adviser, Tom Donilon, and his British counterpart, Peter Ricketts, will head the group, which is to share information and deal with long-term security challenges.

Officials say the board also will discuss responses to recent developments in the Middle East and will examine rogue states.

The U.S. and Britain already have long-standing cooperation on a wide range of security issues, from terrorism to the war in Afghanistan. But officials say the new body also will address future challenges, not just immediate concerns.

Mr. Obama and Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron reaffirmed their countries' close ties in a joint article published by The Times of London. They wrote that the U.S.-British relationship is not just special, but also essential to the two countries and to the world.

More by Mark Safranski at Zenpundit.

WANTED: 3 Great Vets with Counterinsurgency, Civil Affairs/Stab Ops Experience

Mon, 05/23/2011 - 1:11pm
WANTED: 3 Great Vets with Counterinsurgency, Civil Affairs/Stab Ops Experience

To the SWJ community,

Spirit of America is looking for 3 great veterans of OIF or OEF—especially those with civil affairs or stability operations experience—to join our Commander Support Program (CSP) team. The Commander Support Program is a unique initiative that puts Spirit of America personnel on the ground alongside US military units in Afghanistan to provide rapid humanitarian aid and development assistance for needs identified by US military and civilian personnel at district level and below. You can read more about the origins of the CSP in the Wall Street Journal here.

We're looking to hire at least three field reps to continue our work with the Marines in Regional Command Southwest and to extend our support to Army units operating in Regional Command South's area of responsibility. Start dates would be later this summer. Your tour would be approximately 8 months long, with a two-week leave.

Our basic qualifications: E6 and up, service in Iraq or Afghanistan (preferably at the battalion level or below), patience, maturity, a sense of humor and the ability to explain your role as an SoA field rep to a gunnery sergeant who thinks you're just another civilian eating his chow. Well, only some of the time on that last point. But you get the idea. Check out our full job description here.

Spirit of America is a Los Angeles-based non-profit organization that, since 2003, has supported the humanitarian and counterinsurgency efforts of American military personnel in Afghanistan and Iraq.

If you're interested and think you fit the bill, email me a cover letter and resume to I look forward to hearing from you.

Matt Valkovic is the Manager of Spirit of America's Commander Support Program. He is a former US Army field artillery officer, who served in Baghdad from 2008 to 2009 with 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment out of Fort Riley, Kansas.

23 May SWJ Roundup

Mon, 05/23/2011 - 7:29am
Keep the Roundup (the Journal, the Blog and the Council) Going AND Get a Nifty Coin to Boot


Taliban Fighters Raid Govt. Building in Afghan East, Killing 7 People - VOA

Uniform-Wearing Militants Kill 6 at Afghan Police Station - NYT

Insurgents Attack Afghan Police Outpost, Killing 6 - LAT

Forces Retake Afghan Building - WP

Afghan Troops End Police HQ Siege - BBC

Afghan TV Reports Taliban Leader Omar Killed in Pakistan - WT

Taliban Denies Reports of Mullah Omar's Death - LAT

Taliban: Mullah Omar Alive and in Afghanistan - AP

Afghan Taliban Reject Reports Leader Mullah Omar Killed - Reuters


Militants Strike Naval Air Base in Pakistan - WP

Militants Attack Pakistani Naval Base in Karachi - NYT

Taliban Fighters Storm Pakistani Naval Base - WSJ

Militants Storm Naval Base in Pakistan - LAT

Troops 'End Pakistan Base Attack' - BBC

Militants Attack Pakistani Base - AP

Militants Storm Pakistan Naval Air Base, Two Dead - AFP

Leaked Cable says Pakistanis Sabotaged Own Air Missions - WT

US Trial Risks Raising Tensions With Pakistan - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

Obama Addresses Questions About Mideast Peace Approach - VOA

Obama Shifts Tone on Israel Borders - WSJ

Obama Presses Israel to Make 'Hard Choices' - NYT

Obama Clarifies Israel Stance - WT

Netanyahu Aides Play Down Spat - WP

Israel's Netanyahu Downplays Rift With Obama - VOA

Obama's 'Jewish State' Reference Jars Palestinians - AP


Seeking to Disrupt Protesters, Syria Cracks Down on Social Media - NYT

EU Imposes Sanctions on Syrian President Assad - Reuters


EU Opens Diplomatic Office in Libyan Rebels' Stronghold - VOA

EU Opens Libya Office in Benghazi - BBC

Sealift Extends Lifeline to a Rebel City in Libya - NYT

France to Deploy Helicopters in Libya - Reuters

Libya Oil Minister No Longer Working for Gaddafi - Reuters


Yemeni President Refuses to Sign Gulf Plan in Private - VOA

Saleh Refuses Deal to Bow Out - WP

Gulf States Withdraw Yemen Deal - BBC

Yemen Leader Again Balks at Leaving; Tension Grows - AP

Ambassadors Escape Surrounded Diplomatic Mission in Yemen - VOA


In Egypt, a Revolution with an Asterisk - WP opinion


Baghdad Rocked by Blasts That Kill 20, Including 2 US Soldiers - NYT

US Military: 2 Troops Killed in Iraq - AP

Bomb Blasts Around Baghdad Kill 15 - VOA

Wave of Bombings Strikes Baghdad - WP

Deadly Attacks Rock Baghdad Area - BBC

Iraqi Security Targeted as Bombs Kill 16 People - AP

Car Bomb Kills 2 Bystanders in Northern Iraq - AP

British Military Ends 8-year Mission in Iraq - AP

The Hot-Money Cowboys of Baghdad - NYT


EU Significantly Extends Sanctions Against Iran - Reuters

Ahmadinejad Remains Caretaker Oil Minister - Reuters

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Says Europe 'Stealing Iran's Rain' - DT

Middle East / North Africa

In Arab States, Battles in Cyberspace - WP

Many Wounded as Moroccan Police Beat Protestors - Reuters

Al Qaeda

Bin Laden Seemed to Stick to Schemes He Knew Best - AP

U.S. Department of Defense

Gates Warns Against Big Cuts in Military Spending - NYT

Pentagon to Redefine Priorities: What Can't We Afford to Cut? - CSM

Strong Military is Key to Long-term US Success, Gates Says - AFPS

United States

US Probes Rely on Companies' Own Findings - WP

Obama Says He'd Repeat bin Laden Raid - AP

US 'Would Repeat bin Laden Raid' - BBC

Man Held in Car Bomb Probe Deported to Pakistan - AP

Chilling Echoes From Sept. 11 - NYT editorial

Obama Double Downs at AIPAC - WP opinion


Sudan's Disputed Abyei Region Under Northern Control - VOA

Warnings of All-Out War in Fight Over Sudan Town - NYT

Sudan: Abyei Seizure by North 'Act of War', Says South - BBC

Seizure of Oil Field Brings Newly Divided Sudan to Brink of Civil War - TI

South Sudan: Seizure of Disputed Abyei 'Illegal' - VOA

South Sudan Asks for Help Over Abyei Seizure - AP

UN Urges North Sudan Out of Abyei - BBC

Rwanda Denies Assassination Plot Against 2 Dissidents - VOA

Somali and African Union Forces Advance in Mogadishu - NYT


Mexico Mass Graves of 219 Signal Major Cartel Rift - AP

Mexican Army General Shot Dead - BBC

Ex-Leader of Honduras Signs Accord Clearing Path for Return - NYT

Ousted Honduras Leader Can Return - BBC

Asia Pacific

East Asian Leaders Agree On Trade, Nuclear Cooperation - VOA

Japan Nuclear: Kan, Lee and Wen Agree Early Warning - BBC

China's Food Choices Reshaping Markets - WP

UN Asia Pac Chief: Corruption Feeding Poverty, Halting Development - VOA

North Korea's Kim Said to Be in Eastern China City - AP

China, Philippines Warn vs. Aggression in Spratlys - AP

S. Korean Court Begins Trial for 5 Somali Pirates - AP


Obama Heading to Europe on Six-Day, Four-Nation Trip - VOA

Barack Obama Begins European Tour - BBC News

Mideast Questions Likely to Surface in Obama's Trip to Europe - NYT

Obama Begins Tough Trip with Family Time in Ireland - LAT

Europeans Focus on Retaining Leadership of IMF - NYT

Russia: Putin Decides to Retake Presidency - TOL

Spain Socialists Beaten at Polls - BBC

Spain's Governing Party Suffers Heavy Losses - NYT

Deep in Crisis, Portugal Transforms - WP

Protesters Call for the Resignation of Georgia's President - NYT

Volcano Closes International Airport in Iceland - WP

Iceland Volcano Closes Airports - NYT

South Asia

India PM Eyes Trade, Catch-Up With China in Africa Visit - Reuters

SWJ Coin (Bumped and Updated)

Sun, 05/22/2011 - 5:41am

No, not COIN as in Counterinsurgency, though we do that too.  Coin as in challenge

coin -- you know, those little things the Army has been flinging around for many

years and the Marine Corps eventually glommed onto as well, and now they're everywhere. 

Well, they're finally here now, too.

For your donation of $50, we'll send

you a freshly minted SWJ Challenge Coin as a thank you gift.  Wield it with

the vigor and flair appropriate to its magnificence.  For those interested

in such details, these are 1 3/4" coins, the perfect size, not too tiny and not

too big.  Just like most wars.

Small Wars Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Contributions are tax deductible for U.S. taxpayers.


multiple coins,

contact us.

If you don't want a coin as a premium, you can still:

Prior donors please note, now that we've finally got these, we'll be rummaging

through our records of past donors and contacting those of you that are coin-qualifying

from prior support to see if you'd like one.  You are of course always

welcome to donate again, but we remember and appreciate what you've already

done.  We'll be in touch soon.

Update 1: The front image is called Tracking Bin Laden and was painted by U.S. Army Center of Military History, Museum Division's staff artist Sergeant First Class Elzie Ray Golden, U.S. Army. The back image is called After the Battle and was painted by Michael R. Crook; Tan Hep, Vietnam, 1967. Both paintings are part of the U.S. Army art collection.

Update 2: Tip of the hat to Carl Prine at Line of Departure for his post COINtribute! BLUF: "The Small Wars Journal Foundation is a 501C3 nonprofit. The founders don't seem to have made any moolah off of it and they mostly get by with slave labor from cranky Army majors. Those unpaid editors bring us not only the best essays of the COINdinistas but also (and increasingly) the ripostes of dissenters who don't drink the Kool-Aid."

Update 3: Tip of the hat to Mark Safranski at Zenpundit for his post It Takes a Big Man to Know the Value of a Small Wars Coin. BLUF: "I've got mine. Get yours! It is pretty weighty, moreso than a Liberty silver dollar. And it is a slick presentation."

22 May SWJ Roundup

Sun, 05/22/2011 - 5:30am
Keep the Roundup (the Journal, the Blog and the Council) Going AND Get a Nifty Coin to Boot


Kabul Plagued by Rising Violence - WP

Suicide Blast Kills 6 Medical Students in Major Afghan Hospital - VOA

Afghan Hospital Hit by Suicide Bomber; 6 Killed - LAT

Militants Storm Afghan Police HQ - BBC

Militants Storm Afghan Gov't Building; 3 Dead - AP

Sleep Loss a Chronic Problem for Afghanistan Troops, Army Says - S&S

Afghanistan's Three Wars - WP opinion

Finally, a Fighting Force - NYT opinion


Saudi Arabia, UAE Funded Jihadi Networks In Pakistan - Reuters

Pakistan Army Denies US Troop Intelligence Support - AP

Pakistan Army Denies U.S. Troops Were in Northwest - Reuters

Bomb Attack on NATO Tanker in NW Pakistan Causes Deadly Explosion - VOA

Oil Truck Explosion Kills at Least 15 in Pakistan - NYT

Pakistan Says Wants China to Build Naval Base - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

Palestinians Say Peace Process at Dead End - VOA

Palestinians More Skeptical About Mideast Talks - AP

Palestinians Set on UN Statehood Bid in September - Reuters

Israeli Rebuke of Obama Exposes Divide on Mideast - Reuters

Netanyahu Says Differences With Obama Exaggerated - Reuters

In the Golan Heights, Anxious Eyes Look East - NYT


Shootings in Syria Push Death Toll Above 900 - AP

Activists: Syrian Security Forces Kill 3 at Protesters' Funeral - VOA

Syrians Are Fatally Shot At Funeral for Protesters - NYT

They Shoot Horses, Don't They? - NYT opinion


Libya's Rebels Accused of Reprisal Attacks - WP

NATO Widens Libya Pressure Amid Questions on Goal - AP

Libyan Rebels Free 4 Detained Frenchmen - VOA


UK's Iraq Military Campaign Ends - BBC

6 Dead, Dozens Injured in Bombings Across Baghdad - AP

Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 7 in Iraq - Reuters


Iran's Supreme Leader and President Wrestle for Power - LAT

Iran Says 30 Arrests in Alleged US Spy Case - VOA

Tehran 'Breaks Up US Spy Network' - BBC

Iran Lets Karoubi Hunt New House for House Arrest - Reuters

Middle East / North Africa

Promise of Arab Uprisings Is Threatened by Divisions - NYT

Half a Doctrine Will Have to Do - NYT

In Egypt, Anger Grows over Mubarak's Health Reports - LAT

Top Egyptian Cleric: Mubarak Deserves Mercy - AP

Trial of Egypt's Former Security Chief Postponed - AP

With Elections on the Way, Tunisia Still Unsettled - VOA

UN Rapporteur: People Still Tortured in Tunisia - Reuters

Yemen's Saleh Says He Will Step Down - AP

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP


Oil Tanker Terror Hijacks Easy, Attacks Complex - AP


IMO Endorses Use of Armed Guards on Ships - BBC

U.S. Department of Defense

Survey: Bad Leadership Drives Soldiers to Leave - AT

Bill Would Lift Combat Restrictions for Women - MCT

More than 1,000 Cadets Graduate from West Point - AP

Mullen: New Army Officers Should be Soldiers, Statesmen - AFPS

Odierno Celebrates Past, Future of Field Artillery During Ceremony - AFPS

United States

Obama: On European Tour, a New Agenda - WP

US 'Would Repeat bin Laden Raid' - BBC

International Monetary Fund

Posh, Pricey NYC House Arrest for ex-IMF Leader - AP

Osborne Backs Lagarde to Head IMF - BBC

Germany Voices Support for Lagarde's IMF Bid - AP

Mexico Leaning Toward Proposing Carstens to Lead IMF - Reuters


U.S., African Militaries Share Problems, Solutions - AFPS

US Condemns Khartoum for Offensive in Region Claimed by South - VOA

N. Sudan Takes Contested Town on South Border - NYT

Northern Sudan Takes Border Town - BBC

UN: Tanks of Northern Sudan in Contested Abyei - AP

Ivory Coast President Ouattara Formally Inaugurated - VOA

Ivory Coast President Inaugurated - BBC

In Belated Inauguration, Ivory Coast's President Urges Unity - NYT


Mexico Police Seize 'Narco-tank' Used by Drug Gang - BBC

Mexican President Honors 'Heroic' Ciudad Juarez - AP

Clashes at Chile Demonstrations - BBC

Asia Pacific

East Asian Leaders Visit Fukushima Ahead of Regional Summit - VOA

Trilateral Summit Opens in Tokyo - BBC

Japan, China, South Korea Hold Summit in Tokyo - AP

China Says Dialogue Only Way to Solve Korea Crisis - Reuters

Reports: North Korea's Kim Headed to Eastern China - AP

Vietnamese Voters Cast Ballots for Parliament - AP

Central Asia

Soviet Nuclear Site Has Unlikely Sentinel: The US - NYT


US Military Forges Ahead with European Force Cuts - AP

Russia Seeks Pledge From NATO on Missile Defense - NYT

Spain Polls to Open Amid Protests - BBC

Despite Ban, Protests Continue Before Spanish Vote - NYT

Cyprus Polls Set for 'Close Race' - BBC

South Asia

Seeds of Unrest Sown in India - WP

Fighting the Right War in Afghanistan

Sun, 05/22/2011 - 5:17am
Afghanistan has three wars at once. Let's fight the right one - Washington Post op-ed by Douglas Ollivant. BLUF: "America's counterinsurgency strategy did not go poorly at first, and its supporters highlighted the progress made in Konar in 2006 and 2007. Even traditionalists appreciate some of modernity's advantages. What isolated chieftain doesn't like hard currency, and who doesn't prefer easier export of local products, whether food or gems or timber, to urban centers? But roads run in two directions, and the same vehicles that are welcome to leave full of local goods are more suspect when they arrive with artifacts such as CDs and printed T-shirts, let alone government agents or tax collectors."