Small Wars Journal

27 May SWJ Roundup

Fri, 05/27/2011 - 3:55am
Keep the Roundup (the Journal, the Blog and the Council) Going AND Get a Nifty Coin to Boot

It's zero dark early and while putting together this latest SWJ news roundup I have to ask why the effort? I don't have an answer to that so I'll just stop this time intensive endeavor for the moment unless I get indications otherwise - that it is valued and worth supporting. This SWJ feature (albeit an aggregation and not original content) is one of the more popular and most visited. So why the hesitation in throwing in fifty tax deductible bucks? Thanks much to those who have contributed; this is not directed at you. I'm serious about our requirement for funding to keep this thing going - and not just the "roundup" - I'm talking the whole enchilada.

- Dave D.

Memorial Day 2011

Fri, 05/27/2011 - 2:20am


General Orders No.11, WASHINGTON, D.C., May 5, 1868

I. The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet church-yard in the land. In this observance no form of ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit.

We are organized, comrades, as our regulations tell us, for the purpose among other things, "of preserving and strengthening those kind and fraternal feelings which have bound together the soldiers, sailors, and marines who united to suppress the late rebellion." What can aid more to assure this result than cherishing tenderly the memory of our heroic dead, who made their breasts a barricade between our country and its foes? Their soldier lives were the reveille of freedom to a race in chains, and their deaths the tattoo of rebellious tyranny in arms. We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. All that the consecrated wealth and taste of the nation can add to their adornment and security is but a fitting tribute to the memory of her slain defenders. Let no wanton foot tread rudely on such hallowed grounds. Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and fond mourners. Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic.

If our eyes grow dull, other hands slack, and other hearts cold in the solemn trust, ours shall keep it well as long as the light and warmth of life remain to us.

Let us, then, at the time appointed gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with the choicest flowers of spring-time; let us raise above them the dear old flag they saved from dishonor; let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us a sacred charge upon a nation's gratitude, the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan.

II. It is the purpose of the Commander-in-Chief to inaugurate this observance with the hope that it will be kept up from year to year, while a survivor of the war remains to honor the memory of his departed comrades. He earnestly desires the public press to lend its friendly aid in bringing to the notice of comrades in all parts of the country in time for simultaneous compliance therewith.

III. Department commanders will use efforts to make this order effective.

By order of




Adjutant General



26 May SWJ Roundup

Thu, 05/26/2011 - 8:35am
Keep the Roundup (the Journal, the Blog and the Council) Going AND Get a Nifty Coin to Boot


House GOP, Dems Push to Get US Out of Afghanistan - AP

NATO and Afghan Forces Push Taliban Out of Seized Town - NYT

NATO on Alert for Influx of Foreign Fighters in Southern Afghanistan - CNN

Taliban Seize District in Eastern Afghan Province - BBC

US Soldier Gets 12 1/2 Years in Detainee Death - AP

Hope in Afghanistan - WP opinion


US to Reduce Troops in Pakistan - BBC

Pentagon Says US Reducing Troop Total in Pakistan - AP

Pakistan Trims US Military Mission as Mistrust Grows - Reuters

Pakistani Taliban Strike Again; Suicide Blast Kills 8 - VOA

Israel / Palestinians

Palestinians Accuse Netanyahu of Killing Peace Process - VOA

A Deepening Israeli-Palestinian Abyss - WP

Poll: Israelis Back Netanyahu's Tough Stance in US - AP

Egypt to Open Border With Gaza, in the Face of Israeli Objections - NYT

Egypt's Rafah Crossing Raises Concerns - WP

Netanyahu Fails Israel - WP opinion


Turkey Calls for Syrian Reforms on Order of 'Shock Therapy' - NYT

Europeans Seek UN Condemnation of Syria - AP


Kadafi's Government Proposes He Stay as a Figurehead - LAT

Libya Effort Is Called Violation of War Act - NYT

Libyan Gold Rush After Sanctions' End - WP

Qaddafi Reportedly Stashes Billions in Western Institutions - NYT

Global Banks Held Libyan Assets - BBC

Libya's Mountain Berber See Opportunity in War - Reuters

At Odds Over Libya - WP editorial


Evasions By Leader Add Chaos In Yemen - NYT

Yemen Troops Fight Tribal Forces, New Turn in Revolt - VOA

Arms Depot Blast Kills 28, Yemen Says - LAT

Blasts Kill 28 in Yemen Amid Widening Clashes - AP

US Orders Nonessential Diplomats to Leave Yemen - AP

US Pulls Diplomats Out of Yemen - BBC


Analysis: Iraqis Wary of Decision on US Troops - AP

Sadr Supporters Rally Against US - WP

Al-Sadr Followers Rally in Iraq Against US Troops - AP

Soldier Guilty of Iraq Deaths in Ga. Court Martial - AP


Spain 'Stops Iran Aircraft Sale' - BBC

Middle East / North Africa

On the Heels of Revolution, Economic Realities Arrive - NYT

G8 Summit to Discuss Arab Unrest - BBC

Arab Uprisings Top Agenda as Obama Attends G-8 - AP

Germany's Merkel Urges Effective Arab Support - AP

U.S. Department of Defense

Task Force Blasts DOD for Mishandling Intelligence Operations - S&S

Army Chief Dempsey Picked to Head Joint Chiefs - AP

Balanced, Versatile Force Key, Mullen Says - AFPS

United States

Parties See Obama's Israel Policy as Wedge for 2012 - NYT

Chicago Trial: Mumbai Plotter Testifies About Training - NYT

Disney Withdraws Navy SEAL Trademark Application - AP

Fixing the Patriot Act - WP editorial

United Kingdom

Obama in London: 'The Time for Our Leadership Is Now' - VOA

Obama Says U.S.-Britain Alliance Is Still Vital - NYT

Shared Values Define US-UK Ties, Obama Tells Parliament - AFPS

Obama, Cameron Discuss Security Aspects of US, UK Ties - AFPS

International Monetary Fund

French Finance Minister Announces Candidacy for Top IMF Job - VOA

The Woman Who Would Lead the IMF - WP

Politicking at the IMF - WP editorial


Red Cross: More Aid Needed in Disasters, Conflicts - AP


AFRICOM in the Congo (Part 1) - S&S

AFRICOM in the Congo (Part 2) - S&S

AFRICOM in the Congo (Part 3) - S&S

Monitors: North Sudan's Occupation of Abyei Was Planned - VOA

UN Warns of Ethnic Cleansing in Sudan Town - NYT

Southern Sudan Pres: 'We Will Not Go Back to War' - AP

Amnesty: Ivory Coast's Ouattara Giving 'Green Light' to Violence - VOA

Somalis Are Told to Stop Bickering or Lose Financing - NYT

Security Council: Somalia Risks Losing Support - AP


Gang Shootout in Mexico Kills 28 - BBC

Drug Gang Gunfight Kills 28 in Mexican State - Reuters

Asia Pacific

Series of Blasts Leaves at Least 2 Dead in S. Chinese City - NYT

Two Dead in Blasts Near China Government Buildings - Reuters

In China, Kim Jong Il Studies Reforms - WP

China Seen Nudging North Korea's Kim on Economic Reform - Reuters

North Korea's Kim Visits Tech Sites in Beijing - AP

Dalai Lama Rejects Ceremonial Head of State Role - VOA

Central Asia

Report: Tajikistan at Risk of Islamist Insurgency - VOA


Chasing Riches From Africa to Europe and Finding Only Squalor - NYT

US Says bin Laden Knew of Europe Plot - AP

Riot Police Break Up Opposition Protest in Georgia - NYT

Two Killed in Georgian Crackdown - BBC

Turkey: 7 Injured in Explosion in Istanbul - AP

Serbia: Arrest in Hunt for Ratko Mladic - BBC

Man Believed to Be Mladic Arrested in Serbia - AP

Belarus Leader May Trade Rivals' Freedom for Aid - NYT

COIN and ISR Operations

Wed, 05/25/2011 - 11:35pm
Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Defense Intelligence Counterinsurgency (COIN) Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations.

Cover Memorandum Excerpt:

Based on its investigation the Task Force arrived at the following observations:

- DoD lacks a common understanding of COIN

- DoD has assumed responsibility for COIN ISR by default

- DoD ISR is narrowly interpreted to mean technical intelligence collection by airborne platforms

- ISR capabilities have not been applied effectively against COIN operations that deal with populations in part because a comprehensive set of intelligence requirements for COIN does not exist

- The U.S. Government is not investing adequately in the development of social

and behavioral science information that is critically important to COIN

- ISR support for COIN is currently being overshadowed by counterterrorism and force protection requirements

- Increasing the focus of ISR for COIN on incipient insurgencies would provide more whole of government options and reduce the need for major commitment of military forces

- New S&T solutions must address the crisis in processing, exploitation, and dissemination (PED) and associated communications caused by the deluge of sensor data

- New and emerging technologies and techniques can be employed to improve our understanding of COIN environments

The report provides the rationale for the Task Force's findings and recommendations, responds to five specific tasks, and notes substantial policy guidance on aspects of COIN and ISR as well as numerous and inconsistent definitions of key terms associated with the study.

Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Defense Intelligence Counterinsurgency (COIN) Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations.

Post OBL: Afghanistan, Pakistan and South-Central Asia Strategy

Wed, 05/25/2011 - 3:53pm
Via e-mail from the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) - New CNAS Report offers Afghanistan, Pakistan and South-Central Asia strategy post-Osama bin Laden.

"The United States is at a strategic inflection point in South and Central Asia. The death of Osama bin Laden, together with the projected transition to a smaller U.S. military presence in Afghanistan, presents a new opportunity for the United States to protect its enduring interests in the region. In Beyond Afghanistan: A Regional Security Strategy for South and Central Asia, CNAS authors Lieutenant General David W. Barno, USA (Ret.), Andrew Exum and Matthew Irvine identify key priorities for the United States and the key components of a regional strategy in light of fast-changing current events."

Beyond Afghanistan: A Regional Security Strategy for South and Central Asia - Full PDF

The Serenity Prayer for Grand Strategy: Nine-Step Recovery Method for Reframing Problem Solving

Wed, 05/25/2011 - 9:23am
The Serenity Prayer for Grand Strategy: Nine-Step Recovery Method for Reframing Problem Solving

Recently, our authors began to shift from problem definition to reframing problem solving. Over the last year, we published some remarkable works effectively describing Iraq, Afghanistan, Mexico, Libya, and others. Simultaneously, we published several series on design and wicked problems.

The challenge we are posing is can someone produce a concise document applying design to an existing problem? If we cannot find practical application or wisdom, then the process becomes a moot effort. Below is my white board attempt to provide an example and discussion for others to follow. This blog post is similar to many of the discussions our authors and readers have daily in the classroom and nightly at the pub or dinner with colleagues. Simply put, I am merely merging the sum of our published thought and discussions.

Three years ago, I was challenged to determine if my experiences in big wars and counterinsurgency could be applied to the macro level. On the tactical level, I found that I simply relearned the lessons of those that had come before me, the countless art of war and warfare. However, when I consider how my thinking had changed, I feel that perhaps there are some lessons that can be applied for us all.

In combat, I finally learned the limits of my own control. This understanding freed me to concentrate focusing on changing the things that I could control. I look at framing problem solving in international relations in a similar manner. It's kind of like the Serenity Prayer for Grand Strategy. So, as a practical exercise, below is an example of how I would use Design, Wicked Problems, and Military Decision Making Process using the example of Mexico.

1. Define what we cannot control. We cannot "fix" Mexico. They are a sovereign nation-state, and they must choose to work on their internal issues. Moreover, our "solution" to their problems may not be a proper fit despite our best intentions. Our intervention efforts in Central and South America over the past sixty years (or more) have had mixed results.

2. Define the problem as it is not as we wish to see it. Are we really in a war on poverty, drugs, education, terrorism, and governance? Are we really at war? Labels are often limiting, but there needs to be some common framework to understanding. Typically, that can be driven by good communication and active listening. We must learn to transcend how "I" see the problem and work towards how the collective group sees the problem accounting for all stakeholders.

3. Define our relationship. How does the US and Mexico see each other? This perception requires a degree of self-introspection and humility. Are we a brother attempting to help our sibling overcome addiction or work through difficult financial times? Are we a parent disciplining a spoiled child? Are we a spouse in a broken marriage? How we see ourselves defines our national interest. If we see ourselves as the parent, then we're self-imposing a conceptual block.

As Martin Luther King wrote while sitting in the Birmingham Jail,

"Moreover, I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Never again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial "outside agitator" idea. Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere within its bounds...In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self-purification; and direct action."

4. Describe what we are currently doing and how we can adjust these things.

- Impact of NAFTA

- Border Security

- FID efforts in Mexico

- Counter-Drug efforts in Mexico

- Counter-Drug efforts in the United States

- Anti-Gang efforts in the United States

5. Discuss the cost benefits of future intervention efforts and internal reforms

- Comprehensive immigration reform

- Dream Act

- Expanded Counter-Drug efforts

- Expanded FID efforts to better strengthen Mexico's Army and Police internal security forces

- State Department "better" governance efforts (Plan Colombia)- to include judicial and economic issues

- Legalizing drugs in the continental United States (demand side interdiction)

- Comprehensive Prison Reform in the United States

- Treasury Department financial interdiction to narco banking

- Promoting and expanding free press in Mexico through Twitter, Facebook, and new media

6. Describe Area of Influence- Central and South America

- Illegal immigration from Guatemala

- Drug Trafficking from Colombia

7. Ask the hard questions

-What are the key factors driving the problem?

-What is the causality?

-And, if the analysis is from a U.S. perspective, to what degree and in what ways is the problem a problem for the United States?

-what ways do those in power benefit by the status quo?

8. Rethinking the Assumptions

-What are the desired outcomes?

-Is the policy driving the process or is the effort outcome based?

-Are our efforts helping or hurting?

9. Timing of Implementation

- Simultaneous, Sequential, or Cumulative

-Prepare to accept that some items are not decision points; Rather, they are processes that change and morph over time.

Special thanks to those that contributed to the proofreading of this post, and I would like to specifically highlight Dr. Nancy Robert's methodology for teaching any class on problem solving,

A. Creativity

B. Problem Framing

C. Systems thinking

D. Entrepreneurship and Innovation

E. Collaboration in Networks

Now, let the discussion and writing continue...

25 May SWJ Roundup

Wed, 05/25/2011 - 6:41am
Keep the Roundup (the Journal, the Blog and the Council) Going AND Get a Nifty Coin to Boot


Taliban Seize Half of East Afghanistan District - AP

Officials Confirm Capture of Helmand Taliban Leader - AFPS

Afghan Blast 'Kills 10' Labourers in Kandahar Province - BBC

Roadside Bomb Kills 10, Wounds 28 in Afghanistan - AP

NATO Service Member Dies in Blast in Afghanistan - AP

US Snipers Capitalize on Mistake by Insurgents - S&S


Analysis: Is Attack a Blueprint for Nuclear Base Raid? - Reuters

Analysis: Pakistan Raid Raises Nuclear Fears - AP

Anti-Americanism Rife in Pakistan Army Institution - Reuters

US Terrorist links Pakistani ISI to Mumbai Attacks - AP

Pakistan Returns Helicopter Used in Bin Laden Operation - BBC

Helicopter from bin Laden Raid Now Back in US - AP

China Admits Its Technicians Were Held in Pakistan Base Attack - NYT

Suicide Bomb Kills 5 at Pakistani Police Building - AP

Israel / Palestinians

Top Democrats Criticize Obama's Israel Policy - WP

Netanyahu Gives No Ground in Congress Speech - NYT

US Congress Gives Netanyahu Speech an Enthusiastic Response - VOA

Congress Raves over Israeli Prime Minister - WT

Netanyahu: No Compromise on Pre-1967 Borders - VOA

Netanyahu Lays Out Vision for Peace - WP

Netanyahu: Israel 'to be Generous' in Palestine Deal - BBC

For Many Israelis, 1967 Borders Moot Point - VOA

Abbas Aide: Israeli PM's Speech Creates 'Obstacles' to Peace - VOA

Palestinians say Netanyahu Speech will Not Bring Peace - BBC

Lessons From Tahrir Sq. - NYT opinion


Syria had Reactor Site, UN Says - WP

Nuclear Report on Syria May Augur Punitive Action - LAT

IAEA: Syria Site Bombed by Israel 'Likely Nuclear' - BBC

At Least 1,100 Civilians Killed in Syria Uprising - Reuters

Canada Imposes Sanctions on Syria - VOA


NATO Airstrikes on Libya Intensify - VOA

NATO Bombs Libyan Capital in Heaviest Strikes Yet - NYT

Daunting Task for NATO in Libya as Strikes Intensify - NYT

US Invites Libyan Rebel Council to Open DC Office - WP

Feltman: Rebels 'to Open Office in US' - BBC

In Libya, Robbery Funds a Revolution - WP

South Africa's Zuma to Meet Gaddafi Next Week - Reuters


Fighting Intensifies in Yemen as the Govt Battles Tribal Groups - NYT

38 Killed as Tribe Battles Government Forces - BBC

Yemen Officials: 38 Killed in Capital Fighting - AP

Yemen Machinegun Clashes Resume in Capital Sanaa - Reuters


After Egypt's Revolution, Malaise Spreads - WP

Egypt Is Moving to Try Mubarak in Fatal Protests - NYT

Hosni Mubarak to Stand Trial, Prosecutors Say - LAT

Hosni Mubarak and Sons to be Tried over Deaths - BBC


Gates Sees Iran as a Consideration for US Troops in Iraq - NYT

Gates Urges Iraqis to Ask for US Troop Extension - AP

Iraqi Forces Eye Readiness Ahead of US Pullout - Reuters


Watchdog Finds Evidence That Iran Worked on Nuclear Triggers - NYT

US Widens Sanctions on Iran Amid Nuclear Impasse - VOA

US Imposes Iran-focused Sanctions - WP

US Sanctions Foreign Firms Trading with Iran - BBC

Ahmadinejad Backs Out of Key Role at OPEC - NYT

Middle East / North Africa

World Bank Offers Aid to Egypt and Tunisia - NYT

Bahrain Hopes for Normalcy With Martial Law Lifted - Reuters

U.S. Department of Defense

SECDEF at American Enterprise Institute (Defense Spending) - Transcript

Defense Cuts Must Be Part of Nation's Fiscal Solution, Gates Says - AFPS

Gates Warns Defense Cuts Could Severely Hurt Military - WP

Gates: Big Budget Cuts will Diminish US Influence - AP

Gates: Defense Cuts Must Be Prioritized, Strategic - AFPS

Gates Urges Protection of Modernization Funding - AFPS

Cartwright Out of Contention to Lead Joint Chiefs - NYT

Army Seeks Recruits in Social Media - NYT

Army Mulls Future of National Guard, Reserve - AT

SEALs Canine Commando Piques Interest in War Dogs - AP

At DADT Repeal Training, Marines Stress 'Nothing Will Change' - S&S

United States

White House Threatens to Veto Defense Bill - AP

Homemade Cyberweapon Worries Feds - WT

2 More Somalis Plead Guilty in US Piracy Trial - VOA

Chicago Trial: Witness Details '08 Mumbai Attacks - WP

Chicago Trial: Mumbai Accused 'Plotted Danish Newspaper Attack' - BBC

US Terrorist links Pakistani ISI to Mumbai Attacks - AP

Subpoena Issued to Writer In CIA-Iran Leak Case - NYT

Lawmakers to Grill VA over Suicides Among Troops, Vets - Politico

House Passes GI Bill Fixes, but Will the Senate Act? - S&S

The War Powers Act Cop-out - WP opinion

United Kingdom

Obama Hails 'Special' Ties to UK - BBC

Obama Talks Focus on Libya, Afghanistan - BBC

United Nations

UN Nuke Agency Pressures Iran, Syria - AP


AFRICOM in the Congo (Part 1) - S&S

AFRICOM in the Congo (Part 2) - S&S

Thousands More Flee Fighting in Sudan's Oil-rich Abyei Region - LAT

New UN Mission Proposed for South Sudan - AP

Sudan's Abyei Dispute: Bashir Vows to Remain - BBC

Sudan Official Resigns Post Over Assault At Border Town - NYT

Sudan: 197 Troops Killed, Missing in Abyei Attack - AP

Militias Fire at UN Helicopters in Abyei - Reuters

S. Sudan: A New Nation at Risk - WP editorial


OAS to Vote on Readmission of Honduras - VOA

Killings of Journalists Go Unsolved in Honduras - AP

Venezuela Condemns US Sanctions on Oil Company - AP

Colombia Vows to Break Up Drug Gangs, Beat Rebels - Reuters

Colombia Judge Orders Arrest of Ex-Spy Chief - AP

Guatemala Says 5 Mexicans Tied to Massacre Suspect - AP

Asia Pacific

Company Believes 3 Reactors Melted Down in Japan - NYT

What's Going On at Japan's Crippled Nuclear Power Plant? - Reuters

N. Korea's Kim Said to Arrive in Beijing to Meet Hu - AP

Islamist Militants in Thailand Kill Soldier - AP


Thousands Hit by Volcanic Ash Cloud Flight Delays - BBC

Ash Cloud to Shut German Airports, Snarls British Air Travel - CNN

North Africa Migrant Influx Prompts EU Border Debate - VOA

Greek Opposition Rejects New Economic Reform Plans - VOA

No Permanent US F-16 Base In Poland, Minister Says - DN

Polish Prosecutor Removed from CIA Prison Probe - AP

Serbia TV Apologizes to Viewers over Propaganda - AP

South Asia

US Terrorist links Pakistani ISI to Mumbai Attacks - AP

India Accused of Map Censorship - BBC