Small Wars Journal

26 May SWJ Roundup

Thu, 05/26/2011 - 8:35am
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House GOP, Dems Push to Get US Out of Afghanistan - AP

NATO and Afghan Forces Push Taliban Out of Seized Town - NYT

NATO on Alert for Influx of Foreign Fighters in Southern Afghanistan - CNN

Taliban Seize District in Eastern Afghan Province - BBC

US Soldier Gets 12 1/2 Years in Detainee Death - AP

Hope in Afghanistan - WP opinion


US to Reduce Troops in Pakistan - BBC

Pentagon Says US Reducing Troop Total in Pakistan - AP

Pakistan Trims US Military Mission as Mistrust Grows - Reuters

Pakistani Taliban Strike Again; Suicide Blast Kills 8 - VOA

Israel / Palestinians

Palestinians Accuse Netanyahu of Killing Peace Process - VOA

A Deepening Israeli-Palestinian Abyss - WP

Poll: Israelis Back Netanyahu's Tough Stance in US - AP

Egypt to Open Border With Gaza, in the Face of Israeli Objections - NYT

Egypt's Rafah Crossing Raises Concerns - WP

Netanyahu Fails Israel - WP opinion


Turkey Calls for Syrian Reforms on Order of 'Shock Therapy' - NYT

Europeans Seek UN Condemnation of Syria - AP


Kadafi's Government Proposes He Stay as a Figurehead - LAT

Libya Effort Is Called Violation of War Act - NYT

Libyan Gold Rush After Sanctions' End - WP

Qaddafi Reportedly Stashes Billions in Western Institutions - NYT

Global Banks Held Libyan Assets - BBC

Libya's Mountain Berber See Opportunity in War - Reuters

At Odds Over Libya - WP editorial


Evasions By Leader Add Chaos In Yemen - NYT

Yemen Troops Fight Tribal Forces, New Turn in Revolt - VOA

Arms Depot Blast Kills 28, Yemen Says - LAT

Blasts Kill 28 in Yemen Amid Widening Clashes - AP

US Orders Nonessential Diplomats to Leave Yemen - AP

US Pulls Diplomats Out of Yemen - BBC


Analysis: Iraqis Wary of Decision on US Troops - AP

Sadr Supporters Rally Against US - WP

Al-Sadr Followers Rally in Iraq Against US Troops - AP

Soldier Guilty of Iraq Deaths in Ga. Court Martial - AP


Spain 'Stops Iran Aircraft Sale' - BBC

Middle East / North Africa

On the Heels of Revolution, Economic Realities Arrive - NYT

G8 Summit to Discuss Arab Unrest - BBC

Arab Uprisings Top Agenda as Obama Attends G-8 - AP

Germany's Merkel Urges Effective Arab Support - AP

U.S. Department of Defense

Task Force Blasts DOD for Mishandling Intelligence Operations - S&S

Army Chief Dempsey Picked to Head Joint Chiefs - AP

Balanced, Versatile Force Key, Mullen Says - AFPS

United States

Parties See Obama's Israel Policy as Wedge for 2012 - NYT

Chicago Trial: Mumbai Plotter Testifies About Training - NYT

Disney Withdraws Navy SEAL Trademark Application - AP

Fixing the Patriot Act - WP editorial

United Kingdom

Obama in London: 'The Time for Our Leadership Is Now' - VOA

Obama Says U.S.-Britain Alliance Is Still Vital - NYT

Shared Values Define US-UK Ties, Obama Tells Parliament - AFPS

Obama, Cameron Discuss Security Aspects of US, UK Ties - AFPS

International Monetary Fund

French Finance Minister Announces Candidacy for Top IMF Job - VOA

The Woman Who Would Lead the IMF - WP

Politicking at the IMF - WP editorial


Red Cross: More Aid Needed in Disasters, Conflicts - AP


AFRICOM in the Congo (Part 1) - S&S

AFRICOM in the Congo (Part 2) - S&S

AFRICOM in the Congo (Part 3) - S&S

Monitors: North Sudan's Occupation of Abyei Was Planned - VOA

UN Warns of Ethnic Cleansing in Sudan Town - NYT

Southern Sudan Pres: 'We Will Not Go Back to War' - AP

Amnesty: Ivory Coast's Ouattara Giving 'Green Light' to Violence - VOA

Somalis Are Told to Stop Bickering or Lose Financing - NYT

Security Council: Somalia Risks Losing Support - AP


Gang Shootout in Mexico Kills 28 - BBC

Drug Gang Gunfight Kills 28 in Mexican State - Reuters

Asia Pacific

Series of Blasts Leaves at Least 2 Dead in S. Chinese City - NYT

Two Dead in Blasts Near China Government Buildings - Reuters

In China, Kim Jong Il Studies Reforms - WP

China Seen Nudging North Korea's Kim on Economic Reform - Reuters

North Korea's Kim Visits Tech Sites in Beijing - AP

Dalai Lama Rejects Ceremonial Head of State Role - VOA

Central Asia

Report: Tajikistan at Risk of Islamist Insurgency - VOA


Chasing Riches From Africa to Europe and Finding Only Squalor - NYT

US Says bin Laden Knew of Europe Plot - AP

Riot Police Break Up Opposition Protest in Georgia - NYT

Two Killed in Georgian Crackdown - BBC

Turkey: 7 Injured in Explosion in Istanbul - AP

Serbia: Arrest in Hunt for Ratko Mladic - BBC

Man Believed to Be Mladic Arrested in Serbia - AP

Belarus Leader May Trade Rivals' Freedom for Aid - NYT