Small Wars Journal

1 June SWJ Roundup

Wed, 06/01/2011 - 7:30am
***Keep the Roundup (the Journal, the Blog and the Council) Going AND Get a Nifty Coin to Boot***


Force Repels Attack on Reconstruction Team in Herat - AFPS

Afghanistan Demands End to Airstrikes on Houses - VOA

Karzai Gives 'Last' Warning to NATO on Airstrikes - NYT

Karzai Orders Change in US Strategy - WP

Afghan President Seeks to Limit NATO Airstrikes - AP

NATO: Arrests Made in Deadly North Afghan Bombing - AP

Afghan Colonel Thinks Rogue Soldier Is Insurgent - AP

Afghanistan Discusses Defense Ties With India - AP


Pakistan Forms Commission to Probe bin Laden Raid - AP

Spy Agencies Suspected of Ties to Reporter's Death - WP

Journalist Who Covered Security and Terrorism Is Found Dead - NYT

Spy Agency Faces More Heat After Reporter's Killing - Reuters

Clinton Condemns Pakistan Killing - BBC

Bin Laden Raid Gets Little Credence in Conspiracy-minded Pakistan - LAT

Militants Attack Pakistan Checkpoint, 5 Killed - AP

Cooperating with Pakistan - WP editorial


Clinton: Position of Syrian Leader Less Tenable by the Day - VOA

To Much Skepticism, Syria Issues Amnesty - NYT

Syria Offers General Amnesty - WP

Syria Declares 'General Amnesty' - BBC

Syrian Troops Attack Southern Town, 8 Killed - AP


NATO Resumes Airstrikes After Qaddafi Vows to Fight On - NYT

In Tripoli, Support for Gaddafi is Shallow - WP

Tripoli, Benghazi Embody Battle for Libya's Future - LAT

NATO Hits More Libyan Targets as Diplomatic Efforts Appear to Fizzle - VOA

NATO Extends Operation in Libya Another 90 Days - AP

Italy Pledges Fuel, Cash to Libyan Rebel Forces - VOA

Libyans Reclaim Embattled Misrata Street - AP


Yemen Unrest Deepens, Downward Spiral Spreads - VOA

Cease-Fire in Yemen Capital Breaks Down - NYT

Yemen Truce Ends in Blasts - WP

Yemen: 37 Killed in Sanaa Clashes - BBC

Street Battles in Yemeni Capital Leave 41 Dead - AP

Report: Yemen's Saleh Likely Out of Power This Year - Reuters


Egypt's Military Censors Critics as It Faces More Scrutiny - NYT


Amid Talk of Democracy, Iraqi Activists Decry Detentions - LAT

US Forces Iraq Re-evaluates Priorities - AFPS

Middle East

Iran Parliament: Ahmadinejad Ministry Move Illegal - Reuters

Bahrain Ends State of Emergency - WP

Police Boost Patrols for East Jerusalem March - AP

U.S. Department of Defense

Pentagon Develops Cyber-weapon List - WP

Pentagon to Consider Cyberattacks Acts of War - NYT

Cyberattack on US Could Warrant Deadly Response - S&S

US Army Chief: Impact of OBL Death Still Unclear - AP

Army Ranger to be Awarded Medal of Honor - ANS

Cartwright Seeks Independent Look At JCIDS - ITP

Post-conflict Era to Challenge Military Trainers - AFPS

Pentagon Looks to Double Its Unmanned Air Force - Wired

Women Breaking Barriers in Navy, Not SEALs Yet - AP

United States

Five 9/11 Suspects are Re-charged - WP

New Charges for 9/11 Suspects Held at Guantanamo - BBC

2 Iraqis Charged in Ky. with Terrorism Plotting - AP

US Terror Charges for Iraqi Pair - BBC

Justices Block Suit Over Use of Material Witness Law - NYT

Bureaucracy on the Cutting Edge - WP

The Right Call on John Ashcroft - WP editorial

Qualified Immunity, Unqualified Doubt - NYT editorial

How Dangerous Is Anwar al-Awlaki? - NYT opinion

The Bin Laden Decade - NYT opinion


Journalists' Deaths 'Unpunished' - BBC


North-South Sudan Agree on Demilitarized Zone Along Border - VOA

N. and S. Sudan Tentatively Agree to Demilitarize Disputed Border - NYT

North, South Sudan Reach Border Deal - AP

North Sudan Proposes Rotating Abyei Administration - Reuters

Report Finds Mixed Record for Rwanda's Genocide Courts - VOA

US Says Somalia Needs Governance to Defeat Piracy - AP

Somalia's Child Casualties Surge - BBC


Police Nabs 15 Zetas Lookouts, 10 Police in Mexico - AP

Mexico: A Vision of an Oasis Beneath the Sprawl - NYT

Iranian Wanted by Argentina Visits Bolivia - AP

Bolivia Apologises for Iran Visit - BBC

Clinton 'Sure' Congress Will Pass US-Colombia Trade Deal - VOA

Colombia Fined Over Rebel Attack - BBC

Chavez Condemns US Sanctions, Jokes About Missiles - AP

Cuba Court Sentences 4 Dissidents to Jail Terms - AP

US Reduces Estimates of Homeless in Haiti Quake - NYT

Asia Pacific

US Role in Asia on Agenda for Gates' Final Trip - AP

Gates to Reaffirm US Commitments to Asia - AFPS

US Seeks to Work with China in SE Asia - AP

US Senator: Decision Soon on Marine Base in Japan - AP

Okinawa Decries Reported Plans to Locate Ospreys at Futenma - S&S

Nuclear Watchdog Says Japan Underestimated Danger - NYT

UN: Japan 'Underestimated Risk' - BBC

Japan's PM Faces No-Confidence Vote Over Crisis - AP

China's Stagnant Workforce - WP

Chinese Rights Activist Jailed for Fraud - AP

N. Korea Rejects S. Korea's Proposal for Summit Talks - AP

N. Korea Says Rejects South's Secret Summits Offer - Reuters

Clan Leader in Philippines Pleads Not Guilty to 2009 Massacre - NYT

Filipino Clan Leader Pleads Not Guilty to Massacre - AP

US Sen. McCain Visits Burma to Assess Reform - AP


'Frozen Conflict' Between Azerbaijan and Armenia Begins to Boil - NYT

Azerbaijan Frees Journalist after Years of World Pressure - WP


Mladic in The Hague for War Crimes Trial - VOA

Mladic Awaits Trial in The Hague - BBC

Mladic Arrives in The Hague - NYT

Mladic Spending Night in Isolation at UN Prison - AP

War Crimes Court to Arraign Mladic on Friday - AP

UK Delays Release of Anti-terror Cartoon Movie - AP

Italy Feels Alone in African Immigrant Crisis - VOA

Leader Transcends Complex Politics of Turkey - NYT

Russian Victory in Khodorkovsky Case - WP

Suspect Held in '06 Killing of Journalist in Moscow - NYT

South Asia

India and Pakistan Fail to Resolve Glacier Dispute at Talks - NYT

Defense: Mumbai Attacks Witness Lied to FBI, Judge - AP

Sri Lanka: Forensic Experts Say Tamil Killings Video is Authentic - VOA

UN Says Sri Lanka War Crimes Footage is 'Authentic' - BBC

President Obama to Award Medal of Honor

Tue, 05/31/2011 - 8:30pm

Office of the Press Secretary


May 31, 2011

ADVISORY: President Obama to Award Medal of Honor

On July 12th, President Barack Obama will award Sergeant First Class Leroy Arthur Petry, U.S. Army, the Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry. Sergeant First Class Petry will receive the Medal of Honor for his courageous actions during combat operations against an armed enemy in Paktya, Afghanistan in May, 2008. He will be the second living, active duty service member to be awarded the Medal of Honor for actions in Iraq or Afghanistan. Sergeant First Class Petry's wife, Ashley, and other family members will join the President at the White House to commemorate his example of selfless service.


Leroy Arthur Petry was born on July 29, 1979. He is a native of Santé Fe, New Mexico and enlisted in the United States Army in September 1999. He attended Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Benning, Georgia. Sergeant First Class Petry is currently assigned to the 75th Ranger Regiment and attached to Special Operations Command (SOCOM) with duty at Joint Base Lewis McChord as a liaison for the SOCOM Care Coalition where he tracks and monitors injured Rangers returning from the Theater of Operations to the initial place of care to home station care.

Sergeant First Class Petry has completed multiple combat tours to Afghanistan and Iraq totaling 28 months of deployment.

His military decorations include: two Bronze Stars, a Purple Heart, three Army Commendation Medals, two Army Achievement Medals, National Defense Service Medal, three Army Good Conduct Medals, Afghanistan Campaign Medal with Combat Star, Iraq Campaign Medal with Combat Star, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, to name a few.



The Medal of Honor is awarded to members of the Armed Forces who distinguish themselves conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty while:

* engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States;

* engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; or

* serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party.

The meritorious conduct must involve great personal bravery or self-sacrifice so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish the individual above his or her comrades and must have involved risk of life. There must be incontestable proof of the performance of the meritorious conduct, and each recommendation for the award must be considered on the standard of extraordinary merit.


More: Army Ranger to be Awarded Medal of Honor - Army News Service

Maritime Strategy in an Age of Blood and Belief

Tue, 05/31/2011 - 7:57pm
Maritime Strategy in an Age of Blood and Belief by (then) Vice Admiral Sandy Winnefeld, U.S. Navy. The U.S. Naval Institute has posted this 2088 Proceedings article by the next Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

While the United States keeps a watchful eye on potential global trouble spots, it cannot lose sight of the changing security complexion in Europe, Eurasia, and Africa.

As the 20-year fog of the post-Cold War transition lifts, a 21st-century pattern of international affairs is coming into sharp focus. The classic ideological feud between capitalism and socialism has given way to new dynamics that are remaking the international system: rising ethno-nationalism, violent religious extremism, globalization, scarcity of energy and food resources, and concerns over immigration and climate change.

Nowhere is this more true than Europe, Eurasia, and Africa, where these factors are widespread and intensifying, with increasingly disruptive effects. Although China, Korea, and Iran crisis scenarios exert the strongest influence over mid-term security strategies—including force structure, presence, and capability decisions—Europe and Africa are rising again on the ladder of America's vital security interests, with important long-term implications for how our nation's maritime forces are shaped and operated...

Read the full article Maritime Strategy in an Age of Blood and Belief at USNI.

Book Review: Identity in Algerian Politics: The Legacy of Colonial Rule

Tue, 05/31/2011 - 1:25pm
Book Review: Identity in Algerian Politics: The Legacy of Colonial Rule

by J.N.C. Hill.

Published by Lynne Reinner Publishers, London, United Kingdom and Boulder, Colorado. 2009, 209 pages.

Reviewed by Commander Youssef Aboul-Enein, MSC, USN

With recent and rapid changes gripping the Middle East, it is vital to go beyond the headlines and read a few books to understand nuance and context. Jonathan. N. C. Hill is a lecturer in the Defense Studies Department at King's College in London. His most recent book is an in-depth look into the complex political history of Algeria with a focus on the impact of colonialism on this nation that has seen more than its share of political violence. Algeria is home to al-Qaida in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), and therefore is of special interest in America's global counter-terrorism effort. The introduction offers an excellent essay on the betrayal of the French reason for colonizing Algeria in 1832, that the French has a civilizing mission. Yet no aspect of French liberty ever make to the Arab Algerian populace. What evolved, according to the book, are a series of laws and privileges that gave increasing civil liberties and outright power to the pied-nior (French settlers in Algeria). One ubiquitous law passed by the French, was the consideration of granting French citizenship to Muslim Algerians, only if they renounce their faith. The book does a marvelous job in laying out the imbalance of rights between the French settlers and the native Algerians. A zero-sum game developed in which any granting of rights to Algerians was perceived by French settlers of Algeria as an erosion of their privileges.

The book devotes an entire chapter to the evolution of the National Liberation Front (FLN), an organization created by nine men. Although the guerilla movement acquired independence from the French in 1962, the different founders of the FLN would digress into violent internal struggles, culminating with the take-over by Houari Boumidiene. The book discusses how Islam, Arab identity, and Socialism would be the slogans Boumidiene used to establish an Algerian identity, which was severely marginalized by French authorities. He would rule from 1965 to 1978, and would oversee disastrous economic policies that would be compounded by his predecessors leading partly to the rise of the Islamist option starting in 1987. The book discusses the rise of the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS), its leaders, and the differences within other Islamist groups. With the electoral dominance of the FIS in general elections, the Army would nullify the election in 1992 and declare a military junta. This led to the decade long civil war that claimed between 125,000 and 200,000 lives. A chapter takes us deep into the insurgency, and the increasing militancy of Islamist groups. The Islamic Army Group (GIA) would splinter into the Salafist Group for Propagation and Combat (GSPC), this would splinter into AQIM. This is a scholarly and deep dive into Algerian political history and personalities, it is highly recommended for counter-terrorism professionals, those interested in counter-insurgency, and North African affairs.

Editor's Note: Commander Aboul-Enein is author of "Militant Islamist Ideology: Understanding the Global Threat," published by Naval Institute Press (2010). He is Adjunct Chair of Islamic Studies at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces. Commander Aboul-Enein wishes to thank the National Defense University Library for providing the book and quiet place to read and write this review. In addition, the quality of this review was enhanced by the edits of YN1 Gavin Irby, USN currently serving with an aviation squadron at Oceana Naval Air Station in Virginia.

With Dempsey, Obama focuses on today's problems

Tue, 05/31/2011 - 1:19pm
A month ago, who thought Gen. Martin Dempsey would be the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Gen. James Cartwright, the erstwhile frontrunner, was well-known and apparently admired by President Obama. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus had supposedly cleared up a controversy involving a former Cartwright staffer. Now Cartwright is headed for retirement and Dempsey is headed for the top job.

It is clear that Obama and his team are focused most intensely on the present, namely a clean ending in Iraq, no screw-ups with the drawdown in Afghanistan, and starting at the top rather than the bottom of the learning curve regarding other problems that could flare up in the Middle East. If those are the priorities where the administration wants to take the smallest risks, Dempsey is a strong choice for chairman.

Dempsey's personal experience with counterinsurgency in Iraq directly transfers to both the final endgame there and to advising the President on the fight in Afghanistan. Of even greater importance is Dempsey's experience with security force assistance both in Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The biggest problem the United States has in Afghanistan is not with suppressing the Taliban; the Taliban, or something like them, will always be there and will always be fighting somebody. The biggest problem lies with standing up useful Afghan security forces. In Dempsey, Obama and Leon Panetta will have someone who can give them experienced advice on this issue. Perhaps equally important will be Dempsey's personal knowledge of Saudi Arabia's security forces, both regarding Saudi internal security and Saudi Arabia's ability to fend off a challenge from Iran.

One storyline out of the Obama administration is its professed eagerness to extract itself from the Middle East and Central Asia in order to focus on East Asia and the Pacific. If that was the most urgent priority and the place where Obama wanted to minimize risk, perhaps Adm. James Stavridis would be the next chairman (think you can't have admirals as back-to-back chairmen? President Clinton had soldiers for chairmen, back-to-back-to-back.).

Of course, just because a soldier will be chairman does not mean that the development of the Air-Sea Battle Concept will stop for the next two or four years. Dempsey is very smart (something I have observed first-hand), has experience in joint billets, and has his picture next to the word "adaptable" in the dictionary. As a hedge, Obama has selected Adm. James Winnefeld, a former carrier strike group commander, as the next vice chairman. As vice chairman, Winnefeld will chair the Joint Requirements Oversight Council and co-chair the Defense Acquisition Board, two critical posts regarding the capabilities needed for the Air-Sea Battle Concept.

With his national security appointments over the past two months, Obama revealed some surprises. But the logic is clear: minimize risks to operations in the Middle East and Central Asia by appointing those with the most experience in those areas. East Asia, the Pacific, and Adm. Stavridis will apparently have to wait before they get the same level of attention.

31 May SWJ Roundup

Tue, 05/31/2011 - 5:55am
***Keep the Roundup (the Journal, the Blog and the Council) Going AND Get a Nifty Coin to Boot***


Cost of War Will Be Big Factor In Troop Reduction - WP

UK General Warns Against Afghanistan Pullout - AP

Taliban Attack in Herat, Far From Their Usual Areas - NYT

Taliban Hit NATO Base, Downtown Herat in Coordinated Attacks - LAT

Insurgents Attack Afghan NATO Base, Downtown Herat - WP

Twin Blasts Hit Western City of Herat - BBC

Suicide Blasts in Normally Calm Afghan City Kill 5 - AP

Afghan Soldier Shoots Dead Australian Mentor - AP

Afghan President Seeks to Limit NATO Airstrikes - AP

Afghan Leader Tells NATO Attacks on Homes 'Not Allowed' - Reuters

Specialist's Sacrifice Spurs Soldiers to Reach Out to Afghan Villagers - S&S

Afghan Central Bank Defends Itself After Critical Report - NYT


Mullen: Pakistan Leaders Want to Cooperate With US - AFPS

Former Pakistani Navy Commando Arrested in Sweep for Attack Suspects - NYT

Former Navy Commando Detained for Karachi Attack - BBC

Pakistan Detains Ex-Navy Personnel After Raid - AP

Pakistan Tells Agencies to Prepare for N. Waziristan Evacuation - Reuters

Pakistani Jets Attack Taliban Hideouts, Kill 11 - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

Activists Vow New Aid Flotilla to Gaza - VOA

Gaza Activists Warn Israel Not to Block New Convoy - Reuters


Syrian Crackdown in Central Towns Kills 15 Civilians - VOA

Three Killed as Army Enters Central Syrian Town - Reuters

Video of Tortured Boy's Corpse Deepens Anger in Syria - NYT


More Defections, Protests in Libya - WP

African Peace Effort Appears a No-go in Libya - LAT

South Africa's Zuma in Libya to Try to Broker Cease-Fire - VOA

Qaddafi and Zuma Meet But Reach No Agreement - NYT

Zuma Says Gaddafi Will Not Quit - BBC

South African President: Gadhafi Ready for Truce - AP

Libyan Rebel: Offensive Against Gadhafi Near - AP

Over 100 Libyan Army Members Defect From Qaddafi - Reuters

Libyan Rebels Distribute Rules on POW Treatment - AP


Yemen Fighting Intensifies on More Fronts, At Least 20 Killed - VOA

Yemeni Military Battles Opponents on Two Fronts - NYT

20 Protesters Feared Dead in Yemen - WP

Yemen Warplanes Bomb Islamists Who Seized Town - AP

Yemen Forces 'Kill 20 Protesters' - BBC News


Christians Fear Violence as Egypt Redefines Itself - NYT

Egypt Activist Summoned for Criticizing Military - AP


2 Americans Are Indicted in Iraq Contract Bribery - NYT


Inspectors Pierce Iran's Cloak of Nuclear Secrecy - NYT

Israel Minister: Strike on Iran Could Be Necessary - AP

Middle East / North Africa

EU Assures It Backs Religious Freedom in Mideast - Reuters

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP

Cyber Warfare

Cyber Combat: Act of War - WSJ

US Department of Defense

Obama Pays Tribute to Troops, Makes Key Appointments - VOA

Obama Taps Dempsey, Winnefeld as Chairman, Vice Chairman - AFPS

Obama Wraps Up Reshaping of National Security Team - NYT

Dempsey Picked to Head Joint Chiefs - WP

Gen. Martin Dempsey to Chair Joint Chiefs of Staff - LAT

Gen. Dempsey Chosen to Head Joint Chiefs of Staff - AP

Dempsey Career Reflects Adaptability, Creativity - AFPS

Winnefeld Mixes Battlefield, Pentagon Expertise - AFPS

'Insourcing' Effort Still Under Fire - WP

Navy Roommates Shared Lives, Now Lie Together at Arlington - BS

United States

Memorial Day Marked by Parades, Flyovers, Flags - AP

Obama Leads Nation in Observing Memorial Day - AFPS

Memorial Day Tributes at Arlington to Iraq, Afghanistan Fallen - S&S

Gates, Mullen Praise Efforts of Troops, Families, Vets - AFPS

Mending State Secrets - WP editorial

Getting Tough on Gitmo - WP editorial


Food Prices 'Will Double By 2030' - BBC


North Sudan Demands South Pull Troops From Two States - VOA

Thousands Flee Sudanese Bombing - WP

North and Southern Sudan Face Off Over Border - AP

North, South Sudan Discuss Abyei as Tension Simmers - Reuters

Sudan Border Strategy May Bring in Ethiopian Peacekeepers - NYT

Sudan's Peaceful Partition, at Risk - NYT opinion

Nigeria: Blasts Hit Vice-President's Hometown, Zaria - BBC

Nigeria Investigates Bombs After Jonathan Sworn In - Reuters

US Engages With an Iron Leader in Equatorial Guinea - NYT

End Near for Zimbabwe's Last White Farmers - VOA

ICC Rejects Kenya Bid to Halt Election Violence Probe - BBC

Domestic Rape in Congo a Rapidly Growing Problem - VOA

Suicide Attack on AU Base in Somalia Kills 3 - AP

Protesting Burkina Faso Soldiers Fire Into Air - BBC


Brazil Federal Leaders Discuss Amazon Conflict - AP

Spain Indicts Salvadoran Soldiers for Jesuit Killings - BBC

Charges Against 20 in the Killing of 6 Priests in El Salvador in 1989 - NYT

Peru Candidates Trade Poll Barbs - BBC

Peru Candidates Tussle in Debate as Race Tightens - Reuters

Asia Pacific

China: Intensified Demonstrations by Mongolians - NYT

Protests Break Calm in China's Inner Mongolia Area - AP

China's Economy Slows, but Inflation Still Looms - NYT

In Japan, a Culture That Promotes Nuclear Dependency - NYT

North Korea Threatens to Close Hotline With South - NYT

North Korea Threatens to Cut off Hotline With South Korea - AP

Former Thai PM: No Plans to Return to Leadership - AP

US Condemns Conviction of 7 Vietnamese Activists - AP

Which Burma to Engage? - WP opinion


Serbia's Tadic Says EU Must Act - AP

Serbia Quashing Influence of Nationalists - AP

Lawyer Warns Mladic Will Die Before Trial - VOA

Mladic Appeals Extradition on Health Grounds - NYT

Ratko Mladic Files Appeal Against Hague Extradition - BBC

Mladic Could Be Sent to War Crimes Court in 24 Hours - Reuters

Denmark: Hotel Bomber Found Guilty of Terror - AP

Police Investigator Is Cleared in Death of Russian Awaiting Trial - NYT

Charges for Opposition Protest in Georgia - NYT

Germany 'to Set Energy Example' - BBC

Italy: More Blows to Berlusconi Coalition - NYT

Italy: Berlusconi Loses Key City Votes - BBC

South Asia

India's Economic Growth Slows - BBC

UN Investigator Accuses Sri Lanka of Crimes Against Tamils - VOA

UN Expert: Video Proves Sri Lanka War Crimes - AP

UN Envoy: Sri Lanka War Atrocities Video Credible - Reuters