Small Wars Journal

Counterinsurgency Scorecard

Mon, 06/27/2011 - 11:45am
Counterinsurgency Scorecard: Afghanistan in Early 2011 Relative to the Insurgencies of the Past 30 Years by Christopher Paul, RAND. Here's an overview:

The previously published RAND monograph, Victory Has a Thousand Fathers: Sources of Success in Counterinsurgency, used detailed case studies of the 30 insurgencies worldwide begun and completed between 1978 and 2008 to analyze correlates of success in counterinsurgency (COIN). A core finding was that a case's score on a scorecard of 15 equally weighted good and 12 equally weighted bad COIN factors and practices perfectly predicted the outcome of those 30 insurgencies. That is, the balance of good and bad factors and practices correlated with either a COIN win (insurgency loss) or a COIN loss (insurgency win) in the overall case. Using the scorecard approach as its foundation, a RAND project sought to extend the findings to the case of Afghanistan in early 2011. The effort involved an expert elicitation, or Delphi, exercise in which experts were asked to make "worst-case" assessments of the factors to complete the scorecard for ongoing operations in Afghanistan. The consensus results revealed that early 2011 Afghanistan scores in the middle of the historical record in terms of COIN wins and losses: Its score was lower than that in the lowest-scoring historical COIN win but higher than that in the highest-scoring COIN loss. This suggests an uncertain outcome in Afghanistan, but the findings may help provide additional guidance as operations continue.

Read the Full Monograph: Counterinsurgency Scorecard: Afghanistan in Early 2011 Relative to the Insurgencies of the Past 30 Years .

27 June SWJ Roundup

Mon, 06/27/2011 - 6:46am
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Afghan Officials at Loggerheads as US Withdrawal Looms - WP

A Decade On, No Clear Answers in Afghanistan War - AP

Obama Gave Commanders Leeway on Afghan Pullout - AP

Intelligence Shift Shows Change in Afghan War Aims - AP

Afghanistan Plan Gets Mixed Reviews at Fort Campbell - WP

Karzai: Afghans Step Up as US Troops Withdraw - Reuters

Karzai: Pakistan Firing Rockets into Afghanistan - AP

Latest Afghan Violence Takes Toll on Women, Children - VOA

Afghan Girl Tricked Into Carrying Bomb, Officials Say - NYT

Afghan Girl Given Explosives by Insurgents Dies - VOA

Eight-year-old Girl 'Used in Attack' - BBC

Attackers in Uniform Add to Anxiety in Afghanistan - LAT

Afghan Officials Ignored Warnings, Policeman Murdered 2 GIs - S&S

World Food Program Cuts Afghan Food Assistance - AP

Afghanistan Contractors Under Review - WP

Among The Costs Of War: $20B In Air Conditioning - NPR

What Would Nixon Do? - NYT opinion

It Has to Start With Them - NYT opinion

Prudent Policy on Afghanistan - WP opinion


Border Shelling Overshadows US-Pakistan-Afghanistan Talks - Reuters

Pakistan Denies Firing Rockets Into Afghanistan - AP

UK Military Trainers in Pakistan are Withdrawn - BBC

Pakistan Expels British Counter-Terrorism Trainers - Reuters

Pakistan Orders UK to Withdraw Military Trainers - AP

Taliban Say Husband and Wife in Suicide Attack - BBC

Pakistan Taliban Use Husband, Wife Suicide Bombers - AP

Pakistan's Taliban Vow Attacks on West - Reuters

'Pakistan: A Hard Country' - NYT book review


Syrian Troops Close in on Lebanon Border - AFP

Opposition to Meet in Syria After Bloody Weekend - AP

Syrian Activists to Meet to Chart Way Out of Crisis - Reuters

Turkey Loses Patience Over Syria - Reuters

Saving Syria from Assad - WP opinion

My Syria, Awake Again After 40 Years - NYT opinion


Libya: Fierce Fighting South-west of Tripoli - BBC

Libyan Rebels Advance Towards Tripoli - Reuters

Rebels Clash with Kadafi's Forces in Western Libya - LAT

Libyan Rebels Claim Advances in Western Mountains - AP

Gaddafi Revives Offer of Vote to End Libya Conflict - Reuters

International Judges to Decide on Gadhafi Warrant - AP

Libyan Govt: Gaddafi's Future Not Up for Debate - Reuters

AU: Kadhafi to Stay Out of Libya Peace Talks - AFP

S. African President Zuma Warns NATO Against Killing Gadhafi - VOA


Chaos in Yemen Creates Opening for Islamist Gangs - NYT

Tens of Thousands Call for Transitional Presidential Council - WP

Yemen's Saleh to Reappear as Violence Grips South - Reuters

Son of Yemeni Leader Voices Support for Dialogue - AP

Yemen's Saleh Was Injured by Planted Bomb - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

Israel Urged to Speak Directly to Arab World - LAT

Palestinian Leaders Vote to Go for UN Recognition - AP

Israel Begins Dismantling Section of West Bank Barrier - VOA

West Bank Barrier Section at Bilin is Re-routed - BBC

Abandoned Palestinian Village Stirs Up a Troubled Past - WP

Avoid Gaza Flotilla, Israel Warns Foreign Journalists - NYT

Israel: Journalists on Flotilla Face Expulsion - AP


In Iraq, Sunni Deaths Stir Sectarian Fears - WP

Ramadi: Rift Between Residents and Soldiers Imperils Stability - NYT

Spike in US Deaths in Iraq Raises Worries - NYT

US Deaths in Iraq is Highest in 2 Years - AP

2 American Troops Killed in Northern Iraq - AP

Suicide Bomber in Wheelchair Kills Two at Iraqi Police Station - VOA

Wheelchair Bomber Attacks Iraqi Police Station - AP

Iraq Court Gives Al Qaeda Leader's Wife Life Sentence - Reuters


Egypt's Pro-democracy Activists Feel Grip Slipping - LAT

Egyptian Leader Assures McCain and Kerry on Transition - NYT

McCain: Egypt Military Wants Civilian Government - AP

New Cracks Form in Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood - AP

Middle East / North Africa

Iran Slams US at Conference on Fighting Terrorism - LAT

Iran in Missile Training, Says Ready for Enemy Attack - Reuters

Saudi Trial Opens for 85 Suspected Al-Qaida Agents - AP

Bahrain Tries More Medics Accused in Protests - AP

Moroccans Protest For and Against New Constitution - AP

Rival Groups March Over King's Reforms in Morocco - Reuters

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP

US Department of Defense

Gates Leaves Legacy of Major Achievements, Contradictions - WT

Beyond Missteps, Military Crime Lab Roils with Discontent - McClatchy

United States

GOP Compromise on Debt: Cut Military Spending? - WP

The Phony Tough-on-Terror Crowd - NYT editorial

Wanted: A Tougher ATF - WP editorial

National Security and a Less-restrained FBI - LAT opinion

Barack Obama, the National Security President - WP opinion

United Kingdom

Liam Fox Targets Waste in Ministry of Defence Shake-up - BBC

United Nations

Brazilian Elected Head of UN Food Agency - VOA

Brazil's Graziano Elected Chief of UN Food Agency - AP


25 Killed in 3 Bomb Attacks in Northeast Nigeria - AP

Deadly Bombing in North Nigeria - BBC

25 Killed in Attacks in Northern Nigeria - AFP

Official: 17 Killed in Terror Camp Raid in Mali - AP

Mauritania Says 17 Died in Al Qaeda Operation - Reuters

Jameson Timba, Zimbabwe Minister, Ordered Free by Court - BBC

Senegalese Muslim Youths Burn Church, Destroy Bar - AP

Somalia Frees UK, American Ransom Couriers - Reuters

Somalia Frees Six Convicted in Cash Case - AP

Sudan's Bashir Arrival in China Delayed, No Explanation - Reuters


Mexico Details La Familia Extortion Practices - AP

Drug Trafficking on the Rise Through Ecuador - LAT

Venezuela: Absence of Ill Chavez Sparks Speculation - BBC

Venezuela: Foes Say Chavez's Health Should Not Be Mystery - AP

Venezuela Tells Foes 'Stop Dreaming' of Chavez Death - Reuters

Venezuela: Chavez's Brother Talks of Armed Struggle - AP

Cardinal Urges End to Venezuela Prison Revolt - AP

Zelaya Calls for End to Ruling Elite in Honduras - AP

'Maí±ana Forever?: Mexico and the Mexicans' - NYT book review

Asia Pacific

China's Wen Visits Britain Amid Release of Rights Activist - AFP

Prominent Chinese Dissident Hu Jia Is Released From Jail - NYT

China's Hu Jia Release: Guarded Welcome from Europe - BBC

Vietnam and China Pledge to Peacefully Resolve Maritime Dispute - VOA

China and Vietnam Agree to Talks on South China Sea Dispute - NYT

The US Role in the South China Sea - WP editorial

Thai PM Warns over Thaksin Return - BBC

At Heart of Thai Election, a Fugitive Rallies - Reuters

Ex-Khmer Rouge Leaders Set for Trial in Cambodia - NYT

Khmer Rouge Trial Fraught with Drama in Cambodia - LAT

'Cambodia's Curse' - NYT book review

US and N. Korea: The Land of Lousy Options - LAT opinion


Azerbaijan Leader Warns of Army Buildup at Huge Parade - Reuters


Greece: Deputy PM Warns Austerity Vote May Fail - BBC

Italy Government Tensions Rise Over Austerity Plans - Reuters

Russia Faces Elections With Budget Woes - Reuters

Former Ukraine PM to Stand Trial for Abuse of Power Charges - VOA

Major Nidal Hasan and the Fort Hood Tragedy

Sun, 06/26/2011 - 2:05pm
Major Nidal Hasan and the Fort Hood Tragedy: Implications for the U.S. Armed Forces by Clint Watts, Foreign Policy Research Institute. From the Introduction:

Major Nidal Hasan's killing of his fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood, Texas undermines the common trust binding America's all-volunteer, multi-ethnic military force. Hasan's violence forces all service personnel to take an introspective look at their organization and persistently assess the possibility of extremists in their ranks. After Hasan's attack, many questioned the U.S. military's ability to recruit, train and retain Muslim military members without exposing service members to violent extremism. Unfortunately, Hasan's violence against fellow soldiers and fellow Americans is not unique. Recent history offers repeated examples of current or former military members conducting violent attacks in support of many different extremist causes. To ensure the integrity and safety of the all-volunteer force, the U.S. military needs a structured approach to assessing and mitigating the threat of lone-wolf extremists in the ranks.

Read the full FPRI E-Note: Major Nidal Hasan and the Fort Hood Tragedy: Implications for the U.S. Armed Forces

Leaving Iraq: Why total U.S. military withdrawal is best

Sun, 06/26/2011 - 10:15am
Leaving Iraq: Why total U.S. military withdrawal is best

by Mark Kukis

Informed Comment

Download the Full Article: Leaving Iraq: Why total U.S. military withdrawal is best

The Obama administration's move to accelerate a U.S. withdrawal in Afghanistan inadvertently highlighted an unsettled question about American forces in Iraq. Will U.S. troops leave Iraq entirely at the end of 2011, as outlined in a standing agreement between Washington and Baghdad? Or will Iraq and the United States strike a new deal that allows a significant U.S. military presence to remain?

In 2009, as the U.S. withdrawal was beginning, I interviewed roughly 100 Iraqis in Baghdad at length for a book of mine recently released, Voices from Iraq: A People's History, 2003 -- 2009. The book is an oral history of the war in Iraq as told entirely by Iraqis, who spoke with candor at length with me on a wide range of topics. The subject of whether U.S. forces should stay or go came up frequently, and Iraqis generally had one of two opinions based on their sectarian identity. Shi'ites tended to be eager to see U.S. forces go -- and the sooner the better. The newly empowered Shi'ite majority often sees the U.S. presence as an impediment to the new order in Iraq, where wealth, power and privileges have been flowing into Shi'ite circles since the downfall of Saddam Hussein at the expense of the Sunni minority. (In other opinion polling, a super-majority of Iraqis has tended to want US troops out in fairly short order, a finding that remained the same over many years, and which would be consistent with the majority Shiite population of some 60% of the country being in favor of an early departure of the Americans).

Download the Full Article: Leaving Iraq: Why total U.S. military withdrawal is best

Mark Kukis is a journalist and writer now living in Boston, Massachusetts. He has written for Time, The New Republic, and Salon, and was the White House correspondent for United Press International, 1999-2001. His most recent book is Voices from Iraq: A People's History, 2003-2009

Army Worries about 'Toxic Leaders' in Ranks

Sun, 06/26/2011 - 8:33am
Army Worries about 'Toxic Leaders' in Ranks by Greg Jaffe, Washington Post. BLUF: "A major U.S. Army survey of leadership and morale found that more than 80 percent of Army officers and sergeants had directly observed a "toxic" leader in the last year and that about 20 percent of the respondents said that they had worked directly for one... The survey also found that 97 percent of officers and sergeants had observed an "exceptional leader" within the Army in the past year." The Army defines "toxic leaders" as "commanders who put their own needs first, micro-managed subordinates, behaved in a mean-spirited manner or displayed poor decision making."

26 June SWJ Roundup

Sun, 06/26/2011 - 1:07am
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Taking a Risk With Taliban Negotiations - NYT

While US Talks Withdrawal, Afghan Corruption Soars - AP

Story of a Raid: US Night Operations Anger Afghans - AP

Suicide Bomber Strikes Medical Facility in Eastern Afghanistan - VOA

Car Bomb Blast at Afghan Hospital Kills at Least 20 - NYT

Suicide Attack at Afghan Hospital Kills at Least 25 - WP

Suicide Bombing Outside Afghanistan Hospital Kills 27 - LAT

Afghanistan: Deadly Attack on Logar Hospital - BBC

Suicide Car Bomber Kills 35 at Afghan Clinic - AP

Afghan MPs Hit Back on Court Ruling - Reuters

It Has to Start With Them - NYT opinion


Militants Launch Deadly Attack on Police Station in NW Pakistan - VOA

Militants Raid Pakistan Police Station; 10 Killed - AP

Taliban Militant and Wife Staged Attack on Pakistani Police - Reuters

Pakistani Taliban Use Female Bomber for First Time - AP

Trucking in Technicolor on Pakistan's Highways - NYT


Syrian Government Forces Continue Crackdown - VOA

Forces Make Arrests Across Syria; 5 Dead - NYT

Syria Sends More Troops to Turkey and Lebanon Borders - BBC

Chaos Feared as Syria Crisis Nears Bloody Impasse - AP

Syria Protest Group Warns of Coming 'Volcano' - AFP

Syrian Forces Kill 5 Civilians in Clampdown - Reuters

Activist: Syria Kills 2 Protesting After Funerals - AP

Syrian City Crushed in 1982 Rises Up Again - NYT


NATO Begs More Time as Libya Effort Drags On - WP

W. Libya Earns Taste of Freedom, Rebels Loosen Qaddafi's Grip - NYT

Libyan Rebels Plan Broader Coordination - WSJ

Libya Rebels Expect Kadhafi Proposal 'Very Soon' - AFP

Libyan State Media Says NATO Airstrike Kills 15 - AP

NATO Responds to Libya Claim that Strikes Killed 15 Civilians - VOA

NATO Says Hit Military Targets in Libya's Brega - Reuters


Yemen President to Appear in Media within 48 Hours - Reuters

3 Al-Qaida Suspects Killed After Escape in Yemen - AP

Yemen Detains Prison Officials Over Al Qaeda Escape - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

Israel Seeks Freedom for Soldier Held in Gaza Since 2006 - VOA

Israeli Soldier Marks 5th Year in Hamas Captivity - AP

Powerful Explosion Near UN Office in Gaza City - BBC

Israel Begins Dismantling Section of Barrier - AP

A Construction Boom in Gaza's Lingering Ruins - NYT


Bitter Feud Between Top Iraqi Leaders Stalls Government - NYT

Al-Qaida Leader's Wife Gets 20 Years in Prison - AP


Has the Revolution Left Egypt's Workers Behind? - Time

Amnesty Urges Egypt's Military to Break From Past - AP

Egypt Decides It Does Not Need World Bank, IMF Funding - VOA

Egypt Abandons Plans for IMF Loan - BBC

Christians, Muslims Clash Over New Church in Egypt - AP

Middle East / North Africa

Iran Slams US at Conference on Fighting Terrorism - LAT

Iran's Supreme Leader Accuses US of Terrorism - AP

Dozens March for Freedom in Saudi Arabia - Reuters

Saudi Reformers May Get Verdicts Next Week - Reuters

Tunisia Court Upholds Conviction of Ben Ali Nephew - AP

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP

US Department of Defense

Air Force, Lawmaker Clash over $100 Million Flight Suit Makeover - AFT

United States

US Probes Google's Business Practices - VOA

The Phony Tough-on-Terror Crowd - NYT editorial


Official: 11 Dead in Attack on South Sudan Town - AP

Mauritanian and Malian Forces Raid al-Qaeda Camp - BBC

Arrested Zimbabwe PM Aide 'Missing,' Say Lawyers - AP

In Uganda, a Bitter Rivalry Is Played Out - NYT

At Least 10 Killed in North Kenya Clashes - Reuters


Remains Found in 11 Pits in Northern Mexico - AP

Chavez's Long Absence Spurs Succession Talk in Venezuela - WP

Venezuela: Absence of Ill Hugo Chavez Sparks Speculation - BBC

Report: Chavez in 'Critical' Condition - AFP

Venezuela: Doubts Over Chavez's Health Spur Talk of Successor - AP

Venezuela Reports Seizure of 5.5 Tons of Cocaine - AP

Peru Protesters Shut Airport After Deadly Clash - Reuters

El Salvador: First a Gold Rush, Then the Lawyers - NYT

Asia Pacific

US, China Broach South China Sea in Hawaii Talks - Reuters

China, Vietnam Agree to Resolve Maritime Dispute - Reuters

Prominent Chinese Dissident Hu Jia Freed - BBC

Prominent Chinese Activist Released - AP

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in UK for Trade Summit - BBC

Growing Urban Population Strains Chinese Cities - AFP

Lawmaker: Japan PM Could Resign Before August - AP

Cambodian Tribunal Set to Try Khmer Rouge Leaders - AP

Malaysia Detains About 60 Activists Ahead of Rally - AP


Distrust of Government Impedes Reform in Greece - NYT

Ex-Premier Blasts Court in Ukraine - Reuters

Nets Owner Prokhorov Elected Russian Party Chief - AP

25 June SWJ Roundup

Sat, 06/25/2011 - 6:21am
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Drawdown Plans Leave an Ambiguous Military Mission - S&S

Gates: Obama Had 'Wide Array of Options' for Reduction - AFPS

France to Withdraw Hundreds of Troops From Afghanistan - VOA

ISAF Operations Roundup - AFPS

Photos with Dead Afghans Stirred Pride, Soldier Testifies - McClatchy

Bicycle Bomb Kills 10 in Northern Afghanistan - AP

Attack on Logar Hospital Kills 15 - BBC

15 Dead in Car Bombing in Eastern Afghanistan - AP

How to Leave a War - NYT opinion

The Endgame in Afghanistan - WP opinion

What the War is Missing: A Sense of Desperation - WP opinion

Victory Fragile as Mission Winds Down - EJ opinion


In Pakistan, Pro-American Sentiment is Rare - WP

Pakistan's Military Rejects Phone Report on Bin Laden's Links - VOA

Pakistan Army Rejects Report on Bin Laden's Cell-Phone - Reuters

'Militant' Group Denies Bin Laden Link - BBC


Rejecting Offer of Dialogue, Protesters Return to the Streets - NYT

Protest Draws Largest Numbers Since Start of Uprising - WP

Attacks on Syrian Protesters Leave a Reported 20 Dead - LAT

Protesters, Security Forces Face Off in Syria - VOA

Deadly Protests Erupt Against Bashar al-Assad - BBC

15 Die as Syrians March Demanding Assad's Ouster - AP


House Spurns Obama on Libya, but Does Not Cut Funds - NYT

House Rejects Obama's Policy, Stops Short of Cutting Funding - WP

House Rebukes Obama but Won't Halt Funds for Libya - AP

US House Sends Obama Message of Discontent on Libya - Reuters

Libya's Western Front Joins the Battle - LAT

Rebels Arm Tripoli Guerrillas and Cut Resources to Capital - NYT

Diplomats Draw Up Plans for Post-Gadhafi Libya - AP

Libya Rebels 'in Secret Talks' with Tripoli Underground - BBC

Red Cross Ferries Displaced, Prisoners From Libyan Capital - VOA

Libyan Rebels Held by Gadhafi Returned to Benghazi - AP

Top Footballers Defect in Libya - BBC

Sarkozy Criticizes US Complaints on Libya, NATO - WP

Sarkozy Rebuts Gates's Remarks on Libya Strikes - NYT

Sarkozy Lashes Out at US over Libya Mission - WP

Sarkozy Slams Gates as Bitter Retiree - DN

How Obama Can Help Libya - WP opinion


Security Forces Clash With Protesters at Funeral Procession - NYT

Medics: Yemeni Forces Open Fire at Funeral - VOA

Car Bomb Kills 3 Security Personnel in South Yemen - AP

Yemenis Pray for End to Deadlock as Blast Rocks Aden - Reuters

Yemen Blacklists 43 Opponents for Pipeline Blasts - Reuters

UN Council Voices 'Grave Concern' About Yemen - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

Ahead of UN Vote, Effort to Restart Mideast Talks - NYT

With a Bit of Land Restored, Villagers End Campaign - NYT

US Warns Against New Gaza Flotilla Plans - Reuters

Middle East / North Africa

Turkey Aligns with West on Regional Turbulence - AP

Iran's Political Struggle Hits Theaters - WP

Nasrallah: Hezbollah Men 'Spied for CIA' - BBC

Hezbollah Says CIA Recruited Members to Spy - AP

France to Build High-speed Rail Line in Iraq - BBC

Hard-line Sunni Voice Gains Audience in Bahrain - AP

Egypt's Free Speech Tug-of-war - WP

Egypt: Mubarak Supporters Clash With Opponents in Cairo - AP

Egyptians Injured in Clashes Over Mubarak's Fate - Reuters

Egypt's Brotherhood to Fire Members Joining Other Parties - Reuters

Tunisia Joins International War Crimes Court - Reuters

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP

Al Qaeda

Terror by Any Other Name: Osama Eyed Name Change - AP


Assange Builds New, Less-Confrontational Legal Team - Reuters

US Department of Defense

Military Court Upholds Gitmo War Crimes Conviction - AP

Guantanamo Detainees See Legal Progress Reversed - WP

Arlington Records Found in Private Storage Prompt Investigation - S&S

Obama Visits Fort Drum, Thanks First to Deploy - AFPS

United States

President Announces an Initiative in Technology - NYT

Obama's New Push for High-tech Innovation - WP

Obama's Growing Trust in Biden Reflected in Call on Troops - NYT

Intelligence Spending, Still Buried Deep in Budget - WP

Accused Seattle Attackers Wanted Media Attention - AP

Hacked Memos of State Police in Arizona Are Released - NYT

Crime Lord Returns to Boston to Face Raft of Charges - NYT

Rethinking 'the Long War' on Terrorism - WP opinion

United Nations

Amid Criticism, UN Food Agency to Elect Chief - NYT

UN Food Agency to Elect New Chief - AP

IAEA Head Sees Wide Support for Stricter Atom Safety - Reuters


Michelle Obama Defends Husband on Africa - AP

Zimbabwe Diamond Exports Approved Over Objections - NYT

Kimberley Process: Zimbabwe Diamond Sale 'Approval' Row - BBC

Zimbabwe PM Aide Arrested; Called Mugabe a 'Liar' - AP

Zimbabwe Police Arrest Tsvangirai Ally - BBC

Life Sentences in Rwanda Genocide Case - NYT

Former Rwandan Women's Minister Sentenced to Life - BBC

UN: Some 170 Women Raped in Attack on Congo Villages - Reuters

UN: '170 Attacked' in Congo Mass Rape - BBC

Somalia: 'Foreign Air Raid' Targets Kismayo's al-Shabab - BBC


Mexico: Army Takes Over in Parts of Tamaulipas State - SAEN

Mexican Ex-Presidents Lead Debate on Legalizing Drugs - Reuters

Mexico Discovers 117 Migrants Hidden in Truck - AP

Venezuelans Speculate on Chavez's Absence - LAT

Chavez's Odd Silence Raises Questions in Venezuela - AP

Haitians Hunker Down in 'Transitional' Shelters - AP

US Man Charged in Haiti Sex Case - BBC

Asia Pacific

China Warns N. Korea Against New Attacks - DN

US Calls for Calm Over South China Sea - VOA

US 'Stands by Philippines' Amid South China Sea Tension - BBC

US, Philippine Navies to Train Near Disputed Waters - DN

Released Chinese Artist-Activist Ai's Associates Freed - Reuters

US: No Decision on Food Aid to N. Korea - AP

Freed Vietnam Dissident to Wage Democracy Fight - AP

Burma Struck by Series of Blasts - BBC

'Safety Myth' Left Japan Ripe for Nuclear Crisis - NYT


US Extends Emergency Order in Western Balkans - VOA

EU Leaders Agree on Second Bailout for Greece - VOA

EU Tells Hard-up Greeks to Unite - BBC

EU Leaders Give Conditional Go-Ahead to Croatia Entry - Reuters

Former Prime Minister Goes on Trial in Ukraine - NYT

Ex-Ukraine PM Accuses Yanukovich of 'Mock' Trial - Reuters

Azerbaijan and Armenia Fail to End Enclave Dispute - NYT

Armenia, Azerbaijan Talks Produce Little Progress - AP

South Asia

India and Pakistan in Nuclear Confidence-building Vow - BBC

Pakistan, India Say They'll Keep Pushing for Peace - AP

CAC Stands Up Irregular Warfare Cell (w/ Saved Round)

Fri, 06/24/2011 - 8:15pm
Well, since the powers to be decided - very, very, unwisely IMHO - to do away with the Joint Irregular Warfare Center as part of the disestablishment of US Joint Forces Command, I personally think this a bit of good news. That said, all those Joint IW tasks performed by the JIWC; and considered critical by OSD, the Joint Staff, and the Services won't be covered by a Service organization - nor should they. But at least the IW effort stays alive at the Combined Arms Center, at the USMC Center for Irregular Warfare and similar service-level entities.

Here's the news out of TRADOC: CAC Stands Up Irregular Warfare Cell by Colonel Chad Clark, Leavenworth Lamp. BLUF: "Irregular warfare is not so irregular. In fact, it is so prevalent and our Army has been engaged in irregular conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan for so long that Soldiers in non-Special Forces units have become proficient in key irregular warfare and counterinsurgency warfighting tasks. Since the end of the Vietnam War, irregular warfare has been the exclusive domain of special operations forces, but now knowledge of irregular warfare tactics has become important for all soldiers."

As an endnote - IW is not exclusively COIN ala Iraq and Afghanistan -- it includes counterinsurgency, counterterrorism, unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, and stability operations. And further - as full disclosure - I proudly worked for the JIWC up until my day-job "went away" - but that aside, my opinion on this matter is not based on that unfortunate turn of events. I think my work here at SWJ speaks volumes in regards to my passion for this subject.


As a saved round here is a collection of IW-related quotes I began assembling last August when Secretary Gates announced the disestablishment of USJFCOM. "Senior Defense Department Officials Commentary On Irregular Warfare Related Issues" is a collection of quotes (with links) by the "powers to be" via speeches as well as articles published by or reported on a particular DOD official.

Missed Direction

Fri, 06/24/2011 - 4:10pm
Missed Direction: Washington is obsessed with U.S. progress in southern Afghanistan. But the real fight is in the east. National Journal article by Yochi Dreazen. BLUF: "... the real story is not in the south; it's in the east. Senior officers increasingly believe that the conflict will be decided in the valleys and mountain ranges of eastern Afghanistan, a violent region that abuts some of Pakistan's most unruly provinces."