Small Wars Journal

The Accidental Counterinsurgent?

Wed, 06/29/2011 - 2:57pm
The Accidental Counterinsurgent?

Travel back with me a couple of decades to the Trident Room, the local watering hole at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. We could pay $3 to obtain a Trident Mug and drink unlimitedly with exceptional discounts. While we are there, we are looking for a young paratrooper on his way to earning a Masters degree in National Security Affairs. We spot him in a corner with some friends playing drinking games, which apparently he excels at because his name is still on a plaque at that bar today. So, we walk up to the young captain, and say, "Dude, guess what? One day you will be a three star general trying to build a military from scratch in Afghanistan." He'd probably think we were crazy.

Well, that "dude" in now Lieutenant General William B. Caldwell. Does he qualify as an Accidental Counterinsurgent? No, of course not, he is a professional military officer executing the mission given to him to the best of his ability. This experience is common throughout our military these days. We choose to serve, go where the nation tells us to go, and do what the nation tells us to do. We do not consider ourselves accidental.

I believe the same applies to those who rebel. Before you gasp and think that I'm dissenting against David Kilcullen, walk with me for a bit and let's see where it leads. Personally, I think Kilcullen has offered a lot to our understanding over the last decade, but I cannot quite resolve my direct observations with Kilcullen's theory of an Accidental Guerrilla.

Accidental implies Victimization

Whenever I would meet with representatives of the local resistance movements, whether it was the Madhi Militia, Badr Corps, AQI, ISI, or the 1920's Revolutionary Brigades, I would always start with developing a personal relationship, empathize with their views, and allow them to vent since they considered my men and I the occupying authority.

For the Sunnis in particular, I would take the time to admit that we had made mistakes at the outset of our intervention from outlawing the Ba'ath Party to disbanding the Iraqi Army. They felt extremely violated by these actions, and I wanted to make sure that they recognized that I understood their grievance. Additionally, we recognized their men as soldiers fighting against a government that they did not consider legitimate.

While I empathized with their views, I would reiterate that their feelings did not justify their behavior, and they must stop fighting and enter the political process. This realization would have to wait until my men proved that we were the biggest tribe, and that is another story for another day.


Why is this important? We earned the respect of our opponent because we gave them respect. We acknowledged that they were thinking, rational men acting over perceived grievances generated from either ideology or emotion. Unfortunately, we still had to fight it out for a bit until we exhausted the enemy, but we did not coddle, preach, or attempt to win their hearts, minds, or soul even when we disagreed with them. In fact, those actions were self-defeating and disrespectful to the insurgents in the Diyala River Valley.

As I type this entry two weeks after al Qaeda penetrated the Baqubah provisional government office and a day after the Taliban penetrated a luxury hotel in Kabul, I'm wondering if we really respect our enemy, or do we feel that he is just a confused, illiterate soul waiting to have his heart, mind, and soul converted by modernity?

By our own accord, free men have the right to choose. I cannot find evidence that a man deciding to blow himself up, behead his neighbor, or rebel against his government is accidental. He is not a victim of circumstance. He made a choice. Professional soldiers understand these choices. Tens years into Afghanistan, we might want to start respecting these choices.

The Third Way of COIN: Defeating the Taliban in Sangin

Wed, 06/29/2011 - 7:43am
The Third Way of COIN: Defeating the Taliban in Sangin by Dr. Mark Moyar, Orbis Operations.

The history of counterinsurgency in Sangin district offers a wealth of insights into the nature of the war in Afghanistan and the path that coalition forces should now follow. From 2006 to 2011, coalition forces took three distinct approaches to counterinsurgency in Sangin. The first two—the enemy-centric approach and the population-centric approach—failed to suppress the insurgents. The enemy-centric approach failed because it did not provide the population with adequate governance or deprive the insurgents of access to the population. The population-centric approach failed because the enemy's persistent military strength impeded governance and discouraged popular support for the government. Coalition forces adhered to the enemy-centric and population-centric approaches for four and a half years, from the beginning of 2006 to the summer of 2010, during which time they sustained one hundred fatalities and many times that number in wounded.

Read the full report.

This report is © 2011, Orbis Operations LLC. It is presented here with the kind permission of the author, Dr. Moyar, for viewing by the small wars community. Any further use is subject to copyright.

29 June SWJ Roundup

Wed, 06/29/2011 - 5:57am
***Keep the Roundup (the Journal, the Blog and the Council) Going AND Get a Nifty Coin to Boot***


Lt. Gen. John Allen Falls in Line on Afghanistan - WP

Nominee to Run Afghan Fight Backs Drawdown - WSJ

Allen Vows to Slow Drawdown if Conditions Deteriorate - S&S

Allen Vows to Emulate Petraeus' Leadership - AFPS

Allen Endorses Troop Withdrawal Plan - AP

Lieutenant General John Allen Backs Obama Plan - Reuters

Allen Vows to Emulate Petraeus' Leadership - AFPS

Leaving Afghanistan Soon? Not Exactly - WP

Militants' Influx Fuels North Afghanistan Violence - AP

NATO Ends Taliban Siege on Kabul Hotel - WP

Raid by Coalition Forces Ends Attack on Hotel in Kabul - NYT

Kabul Hotel Attack: NATO Helicopters Kill Taliban - BBC

Attackers Kill 10 at Landmark Afghan Hotel - LAT

Taliban Suicide Assault Team Attacks Hotel in Kabul - LWJ

Landmark Afghan Hotel Attacked - LAT

Kabul Police: 10 Afghans Killed in Hotel Attack - AP

Police Search Kabul Hotel After Taliban Attack Kills 10 - Reuters

US Starts New Airlift Operation in Eastern Afghanistan - S&S

Al-Qaeda Leader Captured Dressed as Woman - USAT

ISAF Operations Roundup - AFPS

Former Afghan Bank Chief Faces Charges - VOA

Arrest Warrant For Ex-Afghan Bank Chief Over 'Fraud' - BBC

Petraeus's Unfinished Legacy in Afghanistan - WP opinion


Pakistan Says Stop 'Blame Game' at US, Afghan Talks - Reuters

Pakistan Charges Six Rangers With Murder - Reuters


Russia Urges Syria to Implement 'Real' Reforms - VOA

Syrians Get an Unexpected Taste of Freedom - NYT

Syrian Protesters Discover New 'Power of their Voice' - WT

Syrian Tanks Shell Villages, Assad Offers Dialogue - Reuters


Libyan Base Falls to a Rebel Ambush in the West - NYT

Rebels Capture Gaddafi Arms Bunker Near Zintan - BBC

Libyan Rebels Seize Kadafi Arms Depot - LAT

NATO Says it will Keep Pressure on Libyan Government - VOA

Prosecutor Presses Inner Circle on Gadhafi Arrest - AP

Libya Rebels Says ICC Decision Rules Out Gaddafi Talks - Reuters

Obama Adviser Defends Libya Policy to Senate - NYT

Senate Panel OKs Use of Force in Libya - WT

Israel / Palestinians

Palestinian Leader Skeptical of UN Bid - AP

Israel Ramps Up Campaign Against Gaza Aid Flotilla - WP

Advocacy Group Helps Delay Departure of Flotilla - NYT

Gaza Activists Say Flotilla Ship Sabotaged in Greece - AP

Middle East / North Africa

Admiral McRaven: Small Commando Force Should Stay in Iraq - AP

China Opens Oil Field in Iraq - NYT

China Starts Oil Pumping in Iraq - WT

Saudi Forces Withdrawing From Bahrain - NYT

Iran Test-fires Missiles, Shows Secret Silos - WP

Guard Chief: Iran Can Build Longer-range Missiles - AP

Yemen Bombs Anti-government Tribal Area - AP

Egypt: Fresh Clashes Erupt in Cairo's Tahrir Square - BBC

Egyptian Security Forces Clash With Protesters - AP

Protesters, Police Clash in Cairo - WP

Al Qaeda

Final Days of Suicide Bomber Who Attacked the CIA - WP

At End bin Laden Wasn't Running al-Qaida - McClatchy

US Department of Defense

New US Defense Secretary Panetta Faces Many Challenges - VOA

FBI Investigating Mismanagement at Arlington - WP

Guam Buildup Could Cost $23.9B Over Next Decade - S&S

US Spent $11.7M to Fly Dependents Out of Japan - S&S

Senators Quiz McRaven For Top Special Operations Slot - AFPS

Military Takes Top US Confidence Rankings - AFPS

Probe into Leak of 'DADT' Report Fails to Identify Sources - WP

United States

McRaven: Administration Has No Plan for Captured Terrorists - WP

Which Petraeus Will Arrive at the CIA? - WP

Kerry, McCain's Bond Shaped by War - WP

United Nations

UN Climate Panel to Examine Extreme Events - AP

International Monetary Fund

Lagarde Chosen to Head IMF - VOA

Lagarde to Succeed Strauss-Kahn at IMF - WT

Christine Lagarde Named IMF Chief - BBC

Combative New IMF Chief Takes on New Challenge - AP

Washington Backs Lagarde to Head IMF - VOA


Uganda and Burundi to Get US Drones to Fight Islamists - BBC

Sudan Signs Pact With Opposition Forces - NYT

Sudan Deal to Disarm Pro-Southern Rebels - BBC

China Hosts Alleged War Criminal Sudanese President Bashir - VOA

Sudan's Omar al-Bashir Meets China President Hu Jintao - BBC

China Rolls Out Red Carpet for Sudan President - AP

Sudan to Let Ex-Rebels Join Army When South Secedes - Reuters

UN Concerned at Fate of 7,000 Missing Sudanese - AP

Sudan to Appoint Vice President From Darfur - Reuters

Nigerian Sect Targets Security Forces, Non-Muslim Civilians - VOA

UN Extends 19,000-strong Congo Force - AP

Zimbabwe Energy Minister Acquitted - VOA

UN Court Refers Genocide Case to Rwanda - Reuters

UK Navy: Patrols Reduce HOA Piracy, Battle Not Over - Reuters

Horn of Africa Sees 'Worst Drought in 60 Uears' - BBC


Mexico President Feels 'Misunderstood' in Drug War - AP

7 Cops Investigated in Slaying of Mexico Police Chief - AP

Colombia Extradites Convicted Trafficker to US - AP

Venezuelan, Like Castro, Has Brother at the Ready - NYT

Venezuela's Chavez Shown on Cuban State TV - BBC

Cuba, Venezuela Put Out New Images of Post-Op Chavez - Reuters

Chavez Back on TV, but Still No Info on Health - AP

Scenarios: Chavez Health Saga Keeps Venezuela Guessing - Reuters

Hugo Chavez, MIA - WP editorial

Ecuador Police Convicted over Rafael Correa Protest - BBC

Asia Pacific

China Rejects US Senate Criticism Over Sea Dispute - AP

Chinese Communist Site Now a Bastion for Capitalism - Reuters

North Korea Scorns South's Offer of Nuclear Talks - DN

North Korea Issues Threat to South Ahead of Joint Talks - BBC

Thurman: Kim Jong Il Provocations Will Continue - S&S

Thurman Wants to Bolster US-South Korean Ties - AFPS

Group: Philippine President Hasn't Improved Rights - AP

In Thailand, Money Can Buy Anything, Including a Vote - Reuters

Khmer Rouge UN Tribunal Centers on Controversial Amnesty - VOA

Khmer Rouge Defendant Challenges Genocide Tribunal - AP

Burma's Suu Kyi Warned Over Plans for Tour - AP


Russian Military Test-fires New Missile - AP

Challenge to UK Rules on Overseas Torture - AP

Greeks Dig in Their Heels, Protest Against Austerity Measures - VOA

Greece Protest Against Austerity Package Turns Violent - BBC

Violence Flares in Athens - LAT

46 Hurt in Clashes on Eve of Key Greek Vote - AP

Turkey Election: Opposition Boycotts Parliament Oath - BBC

In Turkey, Lawmakers Refuse Oath in Protest - NYT

Chinese Leader's Visit to Germany Ends With Large Trade Deals - NYT

Leaderless in Europe - NYT editorial

South Asia

US Sees Bigger Role for India as Trade Partner - BBC

US-India Talks Yield Little for Trade - NYT

General Allen on Afghanistan

Tue, 06/28/2011 - 7:21pm
Allen Vows to Slow Drawdown if Conditions Deteriorate by Leo Shane III, Stars and Stripes. BLUF: "The incoming head of U.S. forces in Afghanistan on Tuesday offered support for the president's drawdown of American troops from that battlefield but also vowed to slow down those departures if the situation begins to deteriorate."

Nominee to Run Afghan Fight Backs Drawdown by Julian E. Barnes, Wall Street Journal. BLUF: "The Marine general nominated to become the top commander in Afghanistan said he believed that the insurgency's momentum has been halted, and even reversed in key parts of the country."

Allen Vows to Emulate Petraeus' Leadership by Lisa Daniel, American Forces Press Service. BLUF: "Based on his recent time in Afghanistan, Allen said, he agrees with assessments that U.S. and NATO forces have made significant progress there, but that challenges remain. Afghan and coalition forces control much of the battle space in Afghanistan, including the capital of Kabul, which consists of one-fifth of the population, as well as other population centers in Kandahar and Helmand provinces, the general said. Military operations increasingly are being led by Afghan forces, which are on track in a surge of their own to meet a goal of 305,000 troops later this year, Allen said. Asked about the importance of Afghan forces taking over security, Allen said, 'It's essential to the strategy'."

Lt. Gen. John Allen Falls in Line on Afghanistan by Craig Whitlock, Washington Post. BLUF: "... Allen said Obama's timetable to wind down the war in Afghanistan sent a clear message to the government of President Hamid Karzai that it needs to assert itself and take more direct responsibility for fighting the Taliban."

USFF Hosts Bold Alligator 2012 Main Planning Conference

Tue, 06/28/2011 - 5:40pm
Via Expeditionary Strike Group 2 PAO: USFF Hosts Bold Alligator 2012 Main Planning Conference

The Atlantic Fleet's largest amphibious exercise in the last 10 years continued taking shape this past week as Commander, United States Fleet Forces hosted the first of two Main Planning Conferences for Exercise Bold Alligator 2012, scheduled to take place next January and February.

Bold Alligator 2012 represents the Navy and Marine Corps' revitalization of the fundamentals of amphibious operations, strengthening their traditional role as fighters from the sea.

The focus of this event is based on the common goal of Navy and Marine Corps leadership to revitalize, refine and strengthen core amphibious competencies, which are critical to maritime power projection and are a cost effective option for a wide range of military operations.

The capabilities that allow the amphibious force to conduct a forced entry landing against an opposing military force are the same capabilities that make it the force of choice for crisis response and building partnerships.

"As recent world events show, amphibious forces are a critical part of a wide range of military operations," said Rear Adm. Kevin Scott, commander, ESG-2. "We need to always be ready to successfully conduct prompt and sustained amphibious expeditionary operations from the sea in support of the nation's Maritime Strategy."

More than 330 Navy and Marine Corps personnel from more than 50 ships and commands met at Expeditionary Warfare Training Group Atlantic (EWTGLANT) on the Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story here, to incorporate recent guidance from senior leaders and continue the planning process for this large scale amphibious exercise. The primary training audiences for the exercise are Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) 2, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade (2d MEB) and the Enterprise Carrier Strike Group.

Bold Alligator 12 will be a large-scale multinational naval amphibious exercise conducted by United States Fleet Forces (USFF) and Marine Forces Command (MFC) that will focus upon the planning and execution of a brigade-sized amphibious assault from a seabase in a medium threat environment. The underlying scenario of this exercise is designed to emphasize the Navy/Marine Corps capabilities in undeveloped and immature theaters of operations.

Expected to participate in the exercise are: an Amphibious Task Force (led by ESG-2) consisting of 10 amphibious ships and four to six combatants; a Marine Expeditionary Brigade-sized Landing Force (2d MEB); a Carrier Strike Group (aircraft carrier, embarked air wing and four combatant ships); Mine Counter Measure forces, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command forces, Military Sealift Command ships; coalition force elements from several allies, and other commands in the support of amphibious operations.

28 June SWJ Roundup

Tue, 06/28/2011 - 4:14am
***Keep the Roundup (the Journal, the Blog and the Council) Going AND Get a Nifty Coin to Boot***


General Named to Head US Afghan Force OKs Drawdown - AP

US Steps Up Efforts for Talks with Taliban - LAT

US, Afghan Forces Take Mission to Insurgent-filled Mountains - USAT

Afghans Build Security, and Hope to Avoid Infiltrators - NYT

Afghan Govt Says Cenbank Governor on Prosecution List - Reuters

Fearful Afghan Central Banker Quits Post - NYT

Top Afghan Banker Flees Country, Karzai Govt Says - AP

Afghan Central Banker Resigns, Fearing for Life - Reuters

Refugee Group Finds 250,000-plus Afghans Displaced - AP

Is the Taliban Using Girls in Suicide Bombings? - CSM

Ex-contractor to Serve 2.5 Years in Afghan's Death - AP

ISAF Operations Roundup - AFPS

Obama as Risk Manager of Afghanistan War - CSM editorial

Obama's Afghan Numbers - WP opinion

Afghanistan Withdrawal: Sign of America's Decline? - CSM opinion


Pakistan 'Can't Protect Atomic Arsenal from Islamic Extremists' - DT

US: Pakistan Must Show it Wants Afghan Peace - AP

Gunmen Kill Senior Pakistani Taliban Commander - AP

Pakistan Military Denies It Intentionally Targets Afghan Territory - VOA

Pakistan Denies Rocket Attacks on Afghan Border - BBC

US Drones Kill 21 Militants in NW Pakistan - Reuters

Pakistan Saleem Shahzad Murder Inquiry Starts - BBC


Syrian Activists Meet in Damascus, Seek to End Violence - VOA

Syria Allows Opposition to Meet in Damascus - NYT

Syria Dissidents Meet in Damascus to Discuss Transition - BBC

Syrian Opposition Meet in Damascus - AP

Syria Activists Meet, Call for Change to Avert Crisis - Reuters


ICC Issues Arrest Warrant for Gadhafi - VOA

International Court Issues Gaddafi Arrest Warrant - WP

Hague Court Issues War Crimes Warrant for Qaddafi - NYT

Court Issues Gadhafi Warrant - WSJ

Arrest Warrant Issued for Gaddafi - BBC

Court Orders Arrest of Gadhafi, Son, Key Aide - AP

International Court Orders Gaddafi's Arrest - Reuters

Eastern Libyans Welcome ICC Charges Against Gadhafi - VOA

Libya Rejects ICC Arrest Warrant for Gaddafi - BBC

Arrest Warrant for Kadafi May Complicate Libya Conflict - LAT

UN: Libya Rebels Have Upper Hand in War on Gaddafi - Reuters

Libya: Hospitals in Rebel-held Benghazi 'Face Crisis' - BBC

Timing Is Questioned in Seeking House Vote on US Role - NYT


Yemen Foils Qaeda Attack, Saleh Speech Seen on Tuesday - Reuters

Yemen Islamists Tighten Grip on Southern Cities - AP

Yemen Says It Foils Planned Qaeda Attack in Aden - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

Analysis: Two Months on, Palestinian Unity Proves Elusive - Reuters

Israel Orders Military to Stop Gaza Aid Flotilla - VOA

Tension Builds as Israel Warns Planned Gaza Aid Flotilla - VOA

Israel Drops Warning to Foreign Journalists on Gaza Flotilla - WP

Israel Rescinds Threat to Reporters on Flotilla - NYT

Activists: Israel Presses Greece to Halt Flotilla - AP

Israel Preparing for September West Bank Violence - AP

Germany: Israel Accepted Swap With Hamas - AP

The Floating Gaza Strip Show - WT editorial


Iran Unveils Missile Silos as It Begins War Games - NYT

Iran Unveils Underground Missile Silos - AP

2 Women Activists Arrested; Political Prisoners End Hunger Strike - WP

Iranian Filmmaker Reportedly Arrested in Tehran - AP

Middle East / North Africa

Google Chairman Warns of Censorship after Arab Spring - BBC

Bahrain Tries More Medics Accused in Protests - AP

Egyptian Policeman Sentenced to Death for Killing Protesters - LAT

Tunisia Islamists Say Fear Election Delay Planned - Reuters

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP


After Bin Laden, Militants Flood Net With Threats - Reuters

US Department of Defense

Lessons from the Gates War Room - WP

Gates' Tenure Successful, Contradictory - WT

Gates: MRAPs Save 'Thousands' of Troop Lives - USAT

Army to Soldiers: Take Concussions Seriously - AT

Optics Added for Entry-level USMC Rifle Training - MCT

Supreme Court Deals Devastating Blow to Feres Doctrine Opponents - S&S

Bethesda Medical Prepares for Walter Reed Arrivals - AFPS

Defense Department, Services Monitor Arctic Melting - AFPS

Most DOD School Buildings Below Military Standards - S&S

United States

US Expands Human Trafficking Blacklist - AP

Human Trafficking: Scourge Needs Greater Attention - WP editorial

US Foreign Policy: War Fever Subisdes - LAT opinion

Obama's Illusory 'Peace Dividend' - WT opinion

Rage Against the TSA Machine - LAT opinion


UN Approves Troop Deployment in Sudan - NYT

Sudan: UN Authorizes Peacekeepers for Abyei - BBC

UN Council Approves Ethiopian Troops for Abyei - Reuters

Confusion as Sudan President Arrives Day Late in Beijing - LAT

Sudan President Arrives in China After 1 Day Delay - AP

Delayed Sudan Leader Omar al-Bashir Arrives in China - BBC

China Says Sudan Split on Agenda as Bashir Visits - Reuters

Eastern Zimbabwe Plantations Face Grim Future - VOA

Mauritania, Mali Military Attack Al-Qaida Base in Sahel - VOA

Nigeria Boko Haram Islamists 'Bomb Maiduguri Drinkers' - BBC

Somalia: Increase in Refugees Fleeing to Kenya - BBC

Islamic Banking Controversy in Religiously-divided Nigeria - CSM


Mexican Priest: Mass Kidnapping of Central Americans - LAT

Priest: 80 Migrants Kidnapped in Mexico - AP

Gunmen Kill Police Chief Inside His Mexico Office - AP

Venezuela: Allies Say Chavez Is Improving After Surgery - AP

Venezuela Opposition Demand Info on Chavez's Health - Reuters

Venezuela NGO Urges Mediation to End Prison Revolt - AP

Peru: Prosperity Brings Remarkable Change to Lima - LAT

Bolivia Moves to End Dependence on Foreign Seed Firms - BBC

Clashes after Argentina's River Plate Club Relegation - BBC

Chilean Begins as UN Peacekeeping Chief in Haiti - AP

Uruguay: President Mujica Backs Military Rule Inquiries - BBC

Asia Pacific

Southwestern Chinese City Leading Red Revival - WP

China Warns Britain Against 'Finger-pointing' - DT

China's Wen Calls for Greater Democracy, Reforms - Reuters

Museum in DC Focuses on Human Rights Abuses in China - WP

China's Claim on Sea Leads Neighbors to Strengthen US Ties - S&S

South China Sea Disputes Could Lead to War in Asia - Reuters

Philippines Local Disputes Complicate Peace Talks with Separatists - VOA

Long-Awaited UN Tribunal Opens in Cambodia - VOA

Top Surviving Khmer Rouge Leaders Go on Trial - AP

Cambodia: KR Leader Leaves Court, Sign of Wrangling to Come - NYT

Suu Kyi Sees Burma Parallels With Arab Spring - Reuters


Finance Minister Calls for Reforms to Bolster Russia's Power - NYT

Russian Officer Convicted of Treason - VOA

Officer Who Exposed Russian Spies Is Sentenced in Absentia - NYT

Russian Convicted of Treason in Sleeper Agent Case - BBC

Former Russian Spymaster Convicted of Treason - LAT

Russian Officer Guilty of Betraying Spy Ring in US - AP

Bosnia Flounders as Powers Argue - NYT

Greece: Papandreou Urges MPs to Back Austerity Plan - BBC

Greece General Strike: Unions Act Amid Cuts Debate - BBC

South Asia

Bangladesh Jails 657 Border Guards for 2009 Mutiny - AP

Lessons from the Gates War Room, Successful Tenure

Tue, 06/28/2011 - 3:10am
Lessons from the Gates War Room by Greg Jaffe, Washington Post. BLUF: "In his four years in the Pentagon, Gates has become an indispensable force in the debate over two deeply unpopular wars. He's been a savvy manager of the Pentagon bureaucracy and earned a reputation as the most ruthlessly efficient defense secretary in decades."

Gates' Tenure Successful, Contradictory by Rowan Scarborough, Washington Times. BLUF: "Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates leaves office Thursday popular with the liberal Washington establishment, but not so with conservatives chafed by his budget cutting and his enthusiastic support for open gays in the ranks."

Our National Military Strategy: What About the Blank Pages?

Mon, 06/27/2011 - 5:39pm
General Fritz Kroesen, U.S. Army ret., critiques the current National Military Strategy of the United States in the July 2011 issue of Army magazine. His article, The NMS and More Blank Pages, deplores "more blank pages" which, like the National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy, fail to link ends and ways with means, a defect that GEN Kroesen labels a "do more with less" philosophy. (H/T Warlord - COL John Collins for the pointer and intro)