Small Wars Journal

Half-Brother of Afghan President Karzai Assassinated (Updated)

Tue, 07/12/2011 - 12:05pm
Half-Brother of Afghan President Karzai Assassinated, Voice of America.

The half brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai has assassinated at his home in southern Kandahar province. President Karzai told reporters in Kabul the murder of his younger brother, Ahmad Wali Karzai, represents the suffering of all Afghan people.

Afghan officials say Wali Karzai was killed on Tuesday, likely by one of his bodyguards. The Taliban has claimed responsibility for his murder.

The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, David Petraeus, condemned the assassination and said that NATO forces will support the Afghan government's efforts to bring justice to those responsible.

Wali Karzai served as the head of the provincial council and was one of the most powerful leaders in southern Afghanistan. The provincial council chief was often the target of corruption allegations. In November, a U.S. diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks suggested that Wali Karzai was "widely understood to be corrupt and a narcotics trafficker." The president's half-brother repeatedly denied the charges.

Wali Karzai survived at least two previous attempts on his life in recent years. In May 2009 insurgents attacked his motorcade, killing one of his bodyguards. He also escaped an earlier attack on his provincial council facilities in Kandahar.


Half Brother of Afghan President Is Killed in Kandahar - NYT

Ahmed Wali Karzai, Brother of President, Killed by Trusted Guard - WP

Afghan President's Brother, Ahmad Wali Karzai, Killed - BBC

Brother of Afghan President Karzai Killed by Bodyguard - G&M

Karzai's Brother Slain by Guard - SMH

Afghan President's Half Brother Killed in South - AP

Afghan Assassination - Time

'Big Headache for NATO' - DT

'Dangerous Power Vacuum in South' - AP

'Huge Propaganda Boost for Taliban' - DT

Who Killed Ahmed Wali Karzai? - FP

A Gangster's Death in Kandahar - DR

Why Ahmed Wali Karzai Was a Target - DB

Assassination of Ahmed Wali Karzai: Careful What You Wish For - Time

Killing of Ahmed Karzai a Setback for US. Mission - WP

Ahmed Wali Karzai: Reactions and Analysis - WP

Factbox: Reaction to Death of Afghan President's Brother - Reuters

Time Magazine and CNAS Team for "Command Post" (Updated)

Tue, 07/12/2011 - 11:43am
Time and the Center for a New American Security have just launched Command Post, a series of regular video conversations on the key national-security challenges of the 21st Century. The joint effort by the magazine and the Washington-based national-security think tank begins with a week-long series of videos examining President Obama's evolving strategy for Afghanistan.

Update: Command Post Episode Two: "Is Counter-Insurgency Dead?" may be of interest to our community.

Update 2: Time Partners with CNAS, But is it Good for Journalism? By Allen McDuffee at The Washington Post's ThinkTanked blog.

NDU Press Online Book: Understanding War in Afghanistan

Tue, 07/12/2011 - 2:28am
Understanding War in Afghanistan by Joseph J. Collins, National Defense University Press. From the introduction:

This monograph aims to provide military leaders, civil servants, diplomats, and students with the intellectual basis they need to prepare for further study or for assignments in Afghanistan, a nation that has been at war for 33 years. Officers in the Af-Pak Hands Program may also find it a useful starting point, but their intensive studies will quickly take them beyond the scope of this work. Students or scholars may also find it a useful primer for learning about Afghanistan. By analyzing the land and its people, recapping Afghan history, and assessing the current situation, this work hopes to set a foundation upon which leaders and scholars can begin their preparation for more specific tasks. It also will examine the range of choice for future U.S. policy toward Afghanistan and give suggestions for future study.

Understanding War in Afghanistan.

12 July SWJ Roundup

Tue, 07/12/2011 - 2:21am

Scaparrotti Takes ISAF Joint Command Reins - AFPS

Tensions Rise Along Afghan-Pakistan Border (Updated) - WP

Marines Discuss Counterinsurgency Successes in Helmand - AFPS

France's President Sarkozy Arrives in Afghanistan - BBC

ISAF Operations Update - AFPS

Suspect in Mutilation of an Afghan Woman Is Freed - NYT

Afghan Bank Says It Is on Solid Financial Footing - AP

Copper Mining Will Crush Ancient Afghan Site - LAT


US Decision to Withhold Military Aid Could Backfire - LAT

Pakistan Says US Aid With Conditions Unacceptable - VOA

DOD Spokesman Discusses Pakistan Military Aid Delay - AFPS

In Pakistan, Many Say Aid 'Snub' Dims US Sway - AP

US Aid Cut to Pakistan Could Hurt Economy - Reuters

US Aid Cutoff Followed by Drone Strike in Pakistan - AP

Four Die in US Drone Attack on Afghan Border - BBC

Lashkar-e-Taiba Says Pakistan Needs Peace, Prosperity - Reuters

Squeezing Pakistan - WP editorial


Panetta Presses Iraq for Decision on Troops - NYT

Panetta on Ssking US Troops to Stay: 'Dammit, Make a Decision' - S&S

Panetta Calls for Iraqi Decision on Future US Presence - AFPS

US Defense Chief Concerned About Iranian Weapons in Iraq - VOA

Extremists Use Iranian Weapons, Iraq Command Spokesman Says - AFPS

Iran Threatens to Attack Kurdish Rebels in Iraq - AP

Panetta Vows to Protect US Troops in Iraq - AFPS

Iraq Moving Forward to Establish Democracy, Panetta Says - AFPS

1 of Iraq's 3 Vice Presidents Resigns - AP


Crowds in Syria Attack US and French Embassies - NYT

Demonstrators Storm US Embassy in Damascus - WP

US: Syria Unleashed Mob Attacks on US, French Embassies - LAT

US Embassy in Syria Is Attacked - AP

US Slams Syria for 'Outrageous' Embassy Attack - Reuters

Assad No Longer Legitimate, Says Clinton - BBC

Clinton Says Syria's Assad Has Lost Legitimacy - Reuters

US Says Syria's Assad Has Lost Legitimacy - AP


Reading the Rebels in Western Libya, Pt. I - NYT

As Ramadan Approaches, Rebels Worry About Mounting Odds - WP

Italy Calls for Political Solution in Libya - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

Israel Bans Boycotts Against the State - NYT

Israeli House Passes Ban on Settlement Boycotts - AP

Gunmen Blow Up Egyptian Gas Pipeline to Israel - AP


Extremists Use Iranian Weapons, Iraq Command Spokesman Says - AFPS

Iran Threatens to Attack Kurdish Rebels in Iraq - AP


Egypt Protesters Reject PM Offer of Cabinet Reshuffle - Reuters

Egypt's Latest Crisis Puts Pressure on Leadership - AP

Gunmen Blow Up Egyptian Gas Pipeline to Israel - AP

Middle East / North Africa

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP

The Long Pursuit of Justice in Lebanon - NYT editorial

Morocco: All Hail the (Democratic) King - NYT opinion

Al Qaeda / Terrorism

New Study Shows How Terrorist Activities are Evolving - WP

CIA Moves to Protect Key Analyst in bin Laden Raid - WP

Vaccination Ruse Used in Pursuit of Bin Laden - NYT

Panetta Appears to Link al-Qaeda Presence with Iraq Invasion - WP

Ex-CIA Chief Hayden on al-Qaida after bin-Laden - AP


Julian Assange Back in Court to Fight Extradition - AP

WikiLeaks' Assange in UK Court Extradition Appeal - Reuters

US Department of Defense

Panetta: Doing Every 'Damn' Thing He Can - WP

Officials to Release DOD Cyber Strategy - AFPS

United States

Partisan Divide on Debt Grows Wider - WP

Obama Takes Centrist Banner in Impasse Over Deficit - NYT

Hackers Grab 90,000 Military Emails, Encrypted Passwords - S&S

Anonymous Claims Obtained Military Data in Breach of Booz Allen - WP

Court: Gov't Must State Position on Gay Troop Ban - AP

Books Aren't Closed on Bush's Torture Policy - WP opinion


USMC Task Force to Train Militaries Fighting AQ-Linked Groups - S&S

South Sudan Gets Vice President, Government - VOA

Independent South Sudan is Jubilant, Wobbly - LAT

In S. Sudan, Can Liberators Build a Nation? - WP opinion

Uganda Opens Country's First War Crimes Trial - VOA

Uganda LRA War Crimes Trial Opens - BBC

Somali Children Die en Route to Refugee Camp - AP


Mexico Captures US-Born Tijuana Drug Lieutenant - AP

Likely Candidate Says Mexico Ready for Woman Pres - WP

Colombia to Destroy Houses Used by Rebels for Attacks - BBC

In Colombia, a Move Toward Restitution - LAT editorial

Haiti: Why Accurate Count of Civilian Deaths Matters - LAT opinion

Asia Pacific

US, Chinese Military Chiefs Discuss Disputes - VOA

Top Chinese General Takes Aim at US Military Policy - CNN

US-China Spat Over South China Sea Military Exercises - BBC

Mullen Cites Importance of US-China Relationship - AFPS

Philippines Rachets Up Pressure on China Over Territorial Dispute - VOA

China's Space Program Shoots for Moon, Mars, Venus - AP

Protesters, Police Clash in South Korea - CNN

Armed Men Abduct 3 People in Southern Philippines - AP


UK Lowers Terrorist Threat Level - AP

Petrol Bombs Thrown at N. Ireland Police - BBC

N. Ireland: Divisive Ulster Holiday Starts With Belfast Riots - AP

Cyprus Blast Results in Death, Widespread Power Cuts - VOA

Cyprus: Navy Chief Killed by Base Munitions Blast - BBC

Cypriot Defense Minister Resigns After Blast Kills 12 - AP

Scores of Children Among 128 Dead in Russian Sinking - NYT

German Intelligence Agency Looking Into Stolen Blueprints - NYT

IMF Chief: Not Ready to Talk About New Greek Bailout - Reuters

South Asia

Scores Killed in India Train Accidents - VOA

Filling the Gap: A Tribute to those lost in RC-E during the Spring 2011 Offensive

Mon, 07/11/2011 - 8:58pm
Filling the Gap: A Tribute to those lost in RC-E during the Spring 2011 Offensive

This video, and the footage contained in it, is courtesy of Doc Brit Jacobs. Doc was 3rd Platoon's medic, and was able to have his camera out for much of the fighting. Cougar Company was tasked with seizing and clearing the town of Sarwobay, Afghanistan. 10 km from the Pakistan border, and a known Taliban stronghold. Cougar company air assaulted into the town, and immediately made contact with the enemy. The soldiers of Cougar company, with less than 50 infantrymen on the ground, were surrounded by 150 hardened Taliban fighters. Strong Eagle III was originally planned to take only 3 turned into a 9 day battle against the enemy and the terrain. In the end, we lost 6 brothers within Task Force NO SLACK. 4 of our fallen were Cougars. We will never forget SSG Frank Adamski, SSG Bryan Burgess, SPC Dustin Feldhaus, and PFC Jeremy Faulkner. Thanks to Doc Jacobs for helping us tell our story.

Feedback Loops: Mexican Immigration Trends

Mon, 07/11/2011 - 10:46am
Feedback Loops: Mexican Immigration Trends

Over the past couple of years, SWJ authors have been on the forefront of both design thinking and the situation in Mexico. Recently, Ben Zweibelson attempted to merge the two in Cartel Next: How Army Design Methodology Offers Holistic and Dissimilar Approaches to the Mexican Drug Problem. While Design, as a compliment to good planning, provides decision makers with a description of the current situation, in and of itself, it does not provide a solution.

One way to "see" the problem is through causal loop diagrams which Ben highlights throughout his paper, but seeing and interpreting the loops requires two different methods. One assumed driver in the ongoing conflict is the border issue that illegal immigration into the United States facilitates the ease of illicit drug trafficking. In turn, ungoverned areas along the border are filled with high violence and high crime, and local criminal groups will fill these security gaps only perpetuating the problem. These are feedback loops that build upon each other.

When analyzing these loops for causation and possible intervention, it is extremely important to understand the outliers or changes in the assumptions. Last week, a discussion panel on The Diane Rehm Show explored one significant change- illegal immigration into the United States is decreasing.

BLUF. For decades people from Mexico and Central America found a way into this country, some legally but many more illegally. In recent years there's been a dramatic shift: the numbers of legal immigrants have risen, but illegal immigration rates have dropped precipitously. Diminished job prospects here in the U.S., a somewhat improved economic picture in Mexico, and the many risks associated with illegal border crossings may explain the shift, at least in part. Join us for a discussion of what's behind the declining numbers of illegal immigrants in to this country from Mexico and Central America and political and economic implications.

What the implications of this shift? Why did it happen? Is it sustainable? How will it effect the rest of the situation?

Lots of important questions to add to the ongoing conversation.

The Necessity Of U.S. Naval Power

Mon, 07/11/2011 - 10:32am
The Necessity Of U.S. Naval Power by Gordon England, James L. Jones, and Vern Clark; Wall Street Journal opinion piece. BLUF: "Postured to respond quickly, the Navy-Marine Corps team integrates sea, air, and land power into adaptive force packages spanning the entire spectrum of operations, from everyday cooperative security activities to unwelcome—but not impossible—wars between major powers. This is exactly what we will need to meet the challenges of the future."

Activation of Army Irregular Warfare Fusion Cell

Mon, 07/11/2011 - 10:20am
Via STAND-TO! - Activation of Army Irregular Warfare Fusion Cell

What is it?

The U.S. Army Combined Arms Center (CAC) at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, recently activated the Army IW Fusion Cell (AIWFC) to assess, integrate, coordinate, and synchronize irregular warfare (IW) activities, initiatives, and capabilities across the U.S. Army and joint services. The AIWFC establishes a repository of key IW functional expertise under one roof and from which important actions are coordinated and implemented, particularly those IW actions that have DOTMLPF (doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leader development, personnel, and facilities) implications.

What has the Army done?

Enduring Army requirements from Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom showed the need for a permanent and integrated Irregular Warfare capability. CAC constructed the AIWFC this year by taking advantage of existing CAC IW expertise. It also called on other Army IW organizations to participate by establishing permanent liaison officers within the AIWFC thereby bringing IW expertise under one roof. These liaison officers provide functional IW expertise and can coordinate for "reachback" support and additional subject matter expertise with their organizational headquarters. The AIWFC has a small core "cell" that includes the director, and has a wider "in-house" staff from other organizations including:

Army Asymmetric Warfare Group

Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute

U.S. Army Special Operations Command

U.S. Army Counterinsurgency Center

U.S. Army Security Force Assistance Proponent Office

U.S. Army Center for Army Lessons Learned

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?

The AIWFC will assist in the development of a coherent Army IW and Countering Irregular Threats strategy that accounts for building partner capacity, stability operations and the integration of unconventional warfare and counterterrorism. As part of the Mission Command Center of Excellence, the AIWFC will also assist and facilitate an enduring IW capability within the operational force both for current and future conflicts.

Why is this important to the Army?

IW constitutes one of the most prevalent forms of armed conflict. DoD Directive 3000.07 states: "It is DoD policy to recognize that irregular warfare is as strategically important as traditional warfare."

Army forces will vigorously train for conventional warfighting, but the requirement for the same forces to also understand the history, doctrine, and lessons of irregular warfare, and to practice it, is also important. With its complement of subject matter experts and practitioners with IW combat experience, the AIWFC brings fresh thinking and understanding to help Army forces educate, apply, and maintain IW knowledge and skills.

11 July SWJ Roundup

Mon, 07/11/2011 - 1:01am

Petraeus Confident as He Leaves Afghanistan - NYT

Petraeus: Afghan Fight Continues Outside Cities - AP

Tensions Rise Along Afghan-Pakistan Border - WP

Hundreds of Afghans Protest Against Pakistan Shelling - Reuters

Highway Carries Supplies, and Hope - USAT

3 NATO Troops Die; 6 Abducted Afghans Killed - AP


US Suspends $800 Million in Military Aid to Pakistan - VOA

$800 Million in Aid to Pakistan Suspended by US - LAT

US to Suspend $800M in Aid to Pakistan - WT

US Halts Some Aid to Pakistan for Military - WSJ

US Suspends Pakistan Military Aid - BBC

Tough Line: US Suspends Military Aid to Pakistan - AP

US Withholds $800 Million in Aid to Pakistan - Reuters

Pakistan: US Aid Cut will Not Harm Fight Against Terror - BBC

With US Military Aid Cut, Pakistan Eyes China - CBS

Pakistan Turns to China as US Announces $800 Million Aid Cuts - IBT

Pakistan: Less US Military Aid to Harms Relations - Reuters

Experts: US Aid 'Snub' to Pakista, Blow to America - AP

Q&A: Worsening Ties Between Pakistan and the US - Reuters

Pakistan Urges US to Share Intelligence on Zawahri - Reuters

Pakistan Rejects 'Vilifying' US News Reports - VOA

Is Pakistan's Army Going Soft? - BBC

Suicide Bomber Kills 6 in Pakistan - NYT

Suicide Attack on Pakistan Rally Kills Five - BBC

Blast at Islamabad Arms Depot, 5 Killed in Suicide Bombing - Reuters


Panetta Makes First Trip to Iraq as Defense Secretary - WP

Panetta Arrives in Baghdad for Talks with Leaders - AFPS

Panetta in Iraq to Press for Decision on US Troops - VOA

Panetta to Discuss Iraqi Troop Levels - AP

New US Defense Chief in Iraq, to Press on Drawdown - Reuters

Panetta Says Iranian Arms in Iraq Are a 'Concern' - NYT

Panetta: Iranian Weapons Used to Attack Americans in Iraq - LAT

Panetta Warns Iran Against Arming Iraqi Militias - S&S

Panetta in Iraq to See Officials, Commanders - AP

Rockets Hit Baghdad During Visit by Pentagon Chief - AP

In Iraq, Mosul Faces Uncertain Future - WP

New US Consulate in North Iraq to Boost Investment - AP

Tug-of-War over Iraqi Jewish Trove in US Hands - AP


Syrian VP Calls for Democratic Transition, Opposition Boycotts Talks - VOA

Syrian VP Calls for Transition to Democracy - AP

Opposition Leaders Boycott a Government Dialogue Opening - NYT

Opposition Voices Absent from Syrian Dialogue - LAT

Syrian Opposition Boycotts Talks With Government - Reuters

Syria Summons US and French Envoys Over Hama Visit - Reuters

Syrian Troops Storm Central City - AP

Syrian Forces Raid Homs, Hama; Assad Starts Dialogue - Reuters

US Investigates Syrian Diplomats for Spying on Protesters - WT

A Measured US Response in Syria - LAT opinion


War Shapes New Identities for Libyan Men - LAT

Libya Shows Tough Face Against Rebel Mountain Push - AP

France Tells Libya Rebels to Seek Peace With Gaddafi - Reuters

Gaddafi Government in Talks With France - Reuters


Obama Envoy Meets With Yemeni Leader - NYT

White House Official Meets Yemen's Saleh - WP

US Envoy Urges Yemen's President to Step Aside - AP

Eight Dead in Yemen as US Envoy Presses Saleh to Go - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

Vote Set on Israeli Settlement Boycott Bill - AP

Israel Outlines Maritime Border in Lebanon Dispute - Reuters

Israel, Lebanon Differ on Sea Line Near Gas Fields - AP


Iran Sanctions Target Shipping Lifeline - WP

Panetta Says Iranian Arms in Iraq Are a 'Concern' - NYT

Panetta Warns Iran Against Arming Iraqi Militias - S&S


Egyptian Activists Block Roads, Government Building in Cairo - VOA

Egyptian Frustrations With Army and Government Mount - Reuters

Street by Street, Egypt Activists Face Old Guard - AP

Clashes Erupt in Suez to Urge Reforms - AP

Middle East / North Africa

Interpol Issues Warrants for Hariri Killing Suspects - Reuters

Offering Slow, Small Changes, Morocco's King Stays in Power - NYT

No Let Up in Moroccan Protests for Deeper Reform - Reuters

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP

Book Reviews

Rumsfeld and Kissinger Memoirs Worth a Read - WT

US Department of Defense

Army Sets Sights On Next Carbine - AT

United States

Negotiations on Deficit Resume at White House - NYT

A One-man Fight Against Islamic Radicalism - WP

Shuttle Docks at Space Station for Last Time - AP

New Court for Non-al-Qaeda Terrorists - WP editorial


Nations Move to Recognize South Sudan - VOA

US Envoy Warns That Sudan's Peace Could Unravel - AP

Sudan's Bashir Warns About Disputed Abyei Region - BBC

Sudan's Bashir Warns About Disputed Abyei Region - Reuters

Analysis: Sudan's Smooth Separation Masks Messy Divorce - Reuters

Blast in Outskirts of Nigerian Capital Abuja - Reuters

Nigeria Army Claims 11 Boko Haram Deaths in Maiduguri - BBC

17 Killed During Security Operation in Nigeria - AP

Horn of Africa Drought: Kenya Pressed Over Ifo II Camp - BBC

UN: Somalia Drought Is Worst Humanitarian Crisis - AP

Somalis Escaping Drought Flee to Capital - BBC

Somalia: al-Shabab's Influence Diminished - WT

Zimbabwe Police Detain Three Ministers - AFP

Senegal Suspends Habre's Repatriation to Chad - BBC

Senegal Calls Off Extradition of Habre to Chad - AP


Despite Mexican Violence, US Firms Expand by Border - NYT

At Least 20 Killed in Mexico Bar - LAT

Mexico Rescues 20 Kidnap Victims in Monterrey - AP

Mexican Army Frees 20 Kidnap Victims in Monterrey - BBC

Ten Decapitated Bodies Left in Truck in Mexico - Reuters

Ten Decapitated Nodies Found in Torreon, Mexico - BBC

Colombia Rebels Kill 2 Police, Set Off 'Horse Bomb' - Reuters

Colombia: Prisoners in Mass Tumaco Jail Break - BBC

Bolivian Leader: Hugo Chavez's Health Improving - AP

Folk Singer Killed in Ambush in Guatemala - AP

Asia Pacific

Mullen: China Now a World Power - CNN

Joint Chiefs Chairman Meets With Chinese Counterpart - NYT

CJCS Mullen Lauds Progress in US-China Partnership - AFPS

Top US Officer Urges China-US Security Cooperation - VOA

China Says US Spends Too Much on Military - AP

CJCS Mullen Urges China to Become Global Security Partner - AFPS

Analysis: Succession Politics Simmer as China's Jiang Ails - Reuters

China Offers to Train Philippines Military - AFP

Philippines: Manila Tells China It's Taking Spats to UN Court - AP

Manila Proposes UN Arbitration to China in Sea Dispute - Reuters

Vietnam Forcibly Breaks Up Anti-China Protests - VOA

Ambush, Bombs Raise Tension in Thailand's Restive South - Reuters

After Mass Arrests, Govt Shrugs Off Rare Malaysia Protests - CSM

Turkmenistan Says 15 People Dead After Explosion - AP

Blasts at Turkmen Arms Depot Kill 15 People - Reuters


Italian Debt Adds to Fears In Euro Zone - NYT

EU Calls Emergency Meeting as Crisis Stalks Italy - Reuters

Germany: Merkel Signals Ambitions to Run for 3rd Term in 2013 - Reuters

Russia: 102 Missing after Boat Sinks on Volga River - AP

Cyprus: Zygi Naval Base Munitions Blast Kills 12 - BBC

South Asia

31 Dead, 100 Injured as Train Derails in India - AP

Bangladesh Police Clash With Islamist Protesters - AP

Petraeus Confident as He Leaves Afghanistan

Sun, 07/10/2011 - 11:40pm
Petraeus Confident as He Leaves Afghanistan by Carlotta Gall, New York Times. BLUF: "... the general said signs of progress were beginning to appear. Insurgent attacks were down in May and June compared with the same months in 2010, and July is showing the same trend, he said... But he warned that there would still be tough fighting in the next 15 months before 33,000 surge troops are brought back to the United States, according to the schedule that President Obama laid out in a speech on June 22..."