Small Wars Journal

The Arab Upheavals

Tue, 07/19/2011 - 7:55am
The Arab Upheavals and the Future of the U.S. Military Policies and Presence in the Middle East and the Gulf by Dr. W. Andrew Terrill, US Army War College Strategic Studies Institute. Summary excerpt follows:

The political and social upheaval in the Arab World known as the Arab Spring is one of the most significant set of events to unfold in the Middle East since the fall of the Ottoman Empire following World War I. The United States seeks a democratic outcome to all of these conflicts and is also concerned about the human rights of demonstrators in countries where they are treated with brutality. Additionally, traditional U.S. concerns for the region discussed by President Obama in a May 19, 2011, address include: (1) fighting terrorism, (2) opposing nuclear proliferation, (3) supporting freedom of commerce, including commerce in oil, and, (4) supporting Israel and the Middle East peace effort. Currently, the Arab Spring has had only a limited impact on these U.S. interests. The Arab monarchies, which are allied with the United States, appear to be the least vulnerable to regional unrest (except for Bahrain) and are moving rapidly to increase the stake of individual citizens within their political systems so as to prevent serious unrest. Bahrain, by contrast, is simmering with sectarian anger after the brutal suppression of its mostly Shi'ite demonstrators. Despite this situation, the United States can probably be more helpful to Shi'ites in that country by remaining engaged with the Bahraini government which has already shown itself responsive to some U.S. concerns about building an inclusive society.

The Arab Upheavals and the Future of the U.S. Military Policies and Presence in the Middle East and the Gulf.

The Changing Face of Afghanistan, 2001-08

Tue, 07/19/2011 - 7:48am
The Changing Face of Afghanistan, 2001-08 by Colonel Deborah Hanagan, US Army War College Strategic Studies Institute. Brief synopsis follows:

Based on the reporting of major American news media, one could have drawn the conclusion that the Bush administration had paid little attention to Afghanistan or that its strategy focused mainly on military operations in the country. This conclusion would have been inaccurate. Shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President Bush articulated his broad foreign policy goals in Afghanistan and laid out a strategy that included the main instruments of U.S. national power: diplomatic, economic, and military. He also recognized the United States could not achieve its objectives unilaterally; he welcomed and strongly supported cooperation with the United Nations (UN) and the international community. The U.S.-led effort in Afghanistan was multilateral and multinational from the beginning in 2001. The administration also constantly assessed the progress being made, as well as the challenges, and it was flexible enough to adjust its strategy to address challenges and changing conditions in the country and the region. This paper is a review of the broad dimensions of the Bush administration's Afghanistan policy and what was achieved over the course of 7 1/2 years, as well as some of the ongoing challenges.

The Changing Face of Afghanistan, 2001-08.

Ritual and Restraint in Contemporary Western Military Operations

Tue, 07/19/2011 - 7:46am
The New Aztecs: Ritual and Restraint in Contemporary Western Military Operations by Dr. Zhivan Alach, US Army War College Strategic Studies Institute. Brief synopsis follows:

The Western way of war has come full circle. After centuries of evolution toward increased totality and brutality, it has turned back once again to the ritualistic and restrained methods of primitive warfare. Largely, this has been due to an interaction between the perceived lack of utility in contemporary warfare, developing humanitarian public opinion, and increasing professionalism among militaries. The significance of these evolutionary trends in the way that the West engages in modern warfare is that they are potentially dangerous, and they include the possibility that the West will be unprepared for a future foe whose defeat requires more unrestrained methods.

The New Aztecs: Ritual and Restraint in Contemporary Western Military Operations.

19 July SWJ Roundup

Tue, 07/19/2011 - 7:21am

Petraeus Departs Amid Afghan Violence, Transition - VOA

As Generals Change in Afghan War, Violence Flares - NYT

Gen. David H. Petraeus Ends His Command in Afghanistan - WP

Petraeus Hands OIver Command in Afghanistan - LAT

Allen Takes Reins as ISAF Commander - AFPS

Gen. Petraeus Hands Over Command in Afghanistan - AP

Petraeus: Legacy of Ramped-up Special Ops Fused with Intel - AP

US Gen John Allen Warns of 'Tough Days' - BBC

Allen Praises Troops' Courage, Sets ISAF Priorities - AFPS

As Leadership Changes, So Could Afghanistan Strategy - NPR

ISAF Operations Update - AFPS

Eleven Police Killed, Two Beheaded in Afghan Violence - Reuters

7 Afghan Policemen Poisoned, Killed in the South - AP

Weekly Radio Call-in Program a Hit in Eastern Afghanistan - S&S


The Haqqani Network: Al-Qaeda's Dangerous Patron - WP

Violence in Karachi Exposes Deep Divides - WP

Pakistani Taliban Release Video of Police Execution - VOA

Video From Taliban Shows the Killing of 16 Pakistanis - NYT

Taliban in 'Police Killing' Video - BBC

15 Pakistan Policemen Killed by Taliban Firing Squad - TT

Aid Workers Kidnapped in Pakistan - BBC

Pakistani Workers of US Aid Agency Feared Kidnapped - Reuters

Gunmen Kidnap 8 Pakistani Aid Workers - AP

Pakistanis Seek Arrest of Ex-CIA Legal Chief Over Drone Attacks - Reuters


On PM Visit, Iraq Asks China for Reconstruction Fund - AP

Iranian Troops Attack Kurdish PJAK Rebel Bases in Iraq - BBC

Report: Iranians Seize Kurdish Bases in Iraq - AP

Iraqi Refugees in US Rechecked for Terrorism Links - LAT


Sectarian Violence in Syria Kills at Least 30 - VOA

Deaths in Syria Tied to Rift Between Sects - NYT

Sectarian Violence in Syria Spurs Fears - WP

Sectarian Killing Spree Kills 30 in Syria - AP

14 Reported Killed in Syrian Raids - AP

Syria's Struggle - NYT editorial


Libyan Rebels Capture Part of Eastern Oil Port - VOA

Libyan Rebels Claim Victory in Battle for Port Brega - BBC

Rebel Casualties Tell Story Behind Fight for Port Brega - LAT

Rebels Refuse to Negotiate with Kadafi - LAT

US Delivers 'Stern Message' to Libya - WP

US Urges Gaddafi to Go as Rebels Claim Oil Town - Reuters

Gadhafi Government Holds Talks With US Officials - AP

US, Libya Put Different Spin on Talks - LAT

Exiled Islamists Watch Rebellion Unfold at Home - NYT


Yemeni Army, Tribes Launch Southern Offensive - VOA

Yemen Security Forces Open Fire on March; 1 Killed - AP

Fighting Erupts in Yemeni Capital, Six Killed - Reuters


Egypt Postpones Swearing-In of New Cabinet - VOA

Egypt Revamps Cabinet as Protesters Seem to Lose Steam - NYT

Egyptian PM Taken to Hospital, New Cabinet Delayed - Reuters

Egypt TV Shows Officials' Trials - BBC


Iran Says Installing New Nuclear Enrichment Machines - Reuters

Iran Says It Is Installing New Centrifuges - AP

Iranian Hardliner Says US, Europe Need 'Lesson' - AP

Iranian Blogger Arrested Before Germany Trip - AP

Resistance Group Demands Clinton Remove from Terror List - WT

Cain: I Would Attack Iran to Protect Israel - WT

Israel / Palestinians

Israel Plans Hundreds More Jewish Settler Homes - Reuters

Israelis 'Stop Gaza Protest Boat Dignite-al Karama' - BBC

Israeli Navy Challenges Gaza-Bound Yacht - Reuters

Israel Rapped for Jailing Minors - BBC

Norway Backs Palestinian Path to UN Vote - Reuters

Middle East / North Africa

UAE Activists Plead Not Guilty to Insulting Rulers - BBC

Tunisian Leader Says Protesters Aim to Spread Chaos - Reuters

Tunisia Protests: Boy Shot Dead in Sidi Bouzid - BBC

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP


Clinton in India for Security Talks - AP

Clinton Begins Key India Talks - BBC

Clinton Says US Will Support India in Terror Fight - AP

Clinton Wants to Improve Economic Ties in India Visit - Reuters

US-India Nuclear Pact at Risk - WP

Clinton Pushes India on Nuclear Law, Market Access - Reuters

'Massive' Uranium Find in India - BBC

US Department of Defense

Liberals See Opportunity for Big Cuts in Defense - WT

US Builds Up E-warfare Arsenal - S&S

United States

Post-9/11, Biggest Terror Threat is Underground - AP

Lawmakers Want Answers About ATF Gun Operation - WT

Marijuana May Be Studied for Combat Disorder - NYT

A Cloudy Vision of US Spaceflight - LAT

Hillary Clinton's Welcome Words on Human Rights - WP editorial

Why Aren't We Working with Japan and India? - WP opinion

United Kingdom

Pressure Mounts on UK PM as Scandal Widens - WP

Tabloid Scandal a Fresh Threat to PM Cameron's Survival - NYT

British Prime Minister on the Defensive - LAT

PM Cuts Short Africa Trip Amid Phone-Hacking Scandal - VOA

Another Top Police Official Resigns in Scandal - NYT

UK Hacking Whistle-blower Found Dead - BBC

Britain Blocks Permanent EU Military HQ - AP

Britain Blocks Proposal for Permanent EU Security HQ - Reuters

British Army to Shrink to Smallest Size in a Century - WP

UK Plans to Boost Army Reserves - AP

United Nations

UN Chief Says Sustainable Development Top Priority - AP


Sudan's South Kordofan Fighting: UN Warns of War Crimes - BBC

Zimbabwe 'Egypt Uprising' Treason Charges Reduced - BBC

UN Begins Food Aid Airlift to Rebel-Held Somalia - Reuters

Secrets of Somali Pirates Revealed in New Book - AP

Guinean President Addresses Nation After Attack - AP


Trial of Alleged 'Boy Assassin' Begins in Mexico - AP

Mexican Army Burns Crops of Huge Marijuana Farm - AP

Venezuela: Chavez 'to Run in 2012 Election' - BBC

Brazil: Rio de Janeiro Luxury Hotel Robbed by Armed Gang - BBC

Asia Pacific

South China Sea Dispute High Priority for ASEAN - VOA

Asian Ministers Discuss South China Sea, Security - AP

Taiwan: China's Military Advantage Growing - AP

Several Die in Clash in China's Xinjiang Region - VOA

Police Station Raid Leaves 4 Dead in Western China - NYT

Armed Men Attack Police Station in China's Xinjiang Province - WP

Chinese Police and Protesters Clash; Four Dead - LAT

China Says Violence in Far West Was Terrorist Act - AP

China Protests Planned Philippine Trip to Spratlys - AP

China's Heir Apparent Pledges Tough Line on Tibet - Reuters

International Court Rules on Cambodia-Thailand Border Dispute - VOA

Thai-Cambodian Troops 'Must Leave Preah Vihear Temple' - BBC

UN Court Draws DMZ for Thai, Cambodia Troops - AP

Japan's World Cup Win Helps Lift Devastated Country - AP


Germany: Europe's Economic Powerhouse Drifts East - NYT

Britain Blocks Proposal for Permanent EU Security HQ - Reuters

Britain Blocks Permanent EU Military HQ - AP

EU Pressures Denmark on New Border Controls - NYT

Russia Says Militant Attack Foiled in Moscow - Reuters

Russia Says It Will Try Jail Doctors in '09 Case - NYT

No Consensus as Europe Limps Toward Greece Summit - Reuters


Mon, 07/18/2011 - 8:53pm
US Army Irregular Warfare Fusion Cell SITREP

From the Director

The AIWFC is a new Army Organization which the Army recently started to integrate the various components of IW, in particular to benefit both General Purpose Forces and SOF who are called to conduct IW tasks and missions mutually.

The central idea behind the AIWFC is to have a repository of expertise in key IW functions and from which important actions are coordinated and implemented that benefit the force, particularly those that affect doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leader development, personnel, and facilities. The IW Fusion Cell has a small, permanent structural network of on-site subject matter experts in the IW functions that utilizes larger, established communities (both formal and informal) to reach out to gain further expertise, collaboration, and insight into the doctrine, history, and application of IW.

The Combined Arms Center constructed the AIWFC this year in what the Army calls a—resourced informed|| way. In other words, it did not get millions of new dollars from the Department of the Army to organize yet another new office. Instead, CAC looked across its own organization and took advantage of existing expertise in IW and brought them together under one roof. It also called on other Army organizations to participate by establishing permanent liaison officers within the AIWFC. These liaison officers have functional expertise in IW and also have direct ties to their organizational higher headquarters for reachback support and additional subject matter expertise. AIWFC mission accomplishment is also helped by its immediate higher headquarters, the Mission Command Center of Excellence, which develops capabilities that advance both the art and science of mission command. To learn more about the Army IWFC, see this link in the Fort Leavenworth Lamp.

This SITREP may look familiar, since it is adopted from what we used to send each month from the Army COIN Center. The intent is the same -- to share information, but our horizon-level has been raised to include other aspects of irregular warfare. Let us know what you think.

Colonel Chad Clark

CSBA's Todd Harrison dissects the defense budget

Mon, 07/18/2011 - 5:42pm
The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments just released a detailed study of the FY2012 defense budget request. Written by Todd Harrison, the think-tank's budget expert, the report discusses just about every angle of the Pentagon's budget problems. Personnel costs, training expenses, research, weapons systems, munitions, space operations, even the "black budget" get scrutiny. Harrison analyzes future trends and discusses options for savings and their risks. There have been numerous such studies of the FY2012 budget, but I think this one is particularly insightful.

Click here to read the report.

18 July SWJ Roundup

Mon, 07/18/2011 - 5:33am

Petraeus Hands Over Afghan Command to Allen - AP

David Petraeus Hands Over Afghanistan Command - BBC

General Petraeus Steps Down - TT

Top US Commander Steps Down in Afghanistan - AFP

Transition to Afghan Security Forces Begins - VOA

Afghan Transition Begins Quietly Amid Attack - Reuters

Karzai Adviser, MP Killed in Attack; Taliban Asserts Responsibility - WP

Karzai Adviser Is Killed at Kabul Home - NYT

Senior Aide to President Karzai Killed at Home - BBC

Killing of Adviser Another Blow to Afghan Leader - AP

NATO, Afghan Army Kill at Least 13 Taliban - AP

'Fast Lane' System Expedites Gear to Troops in Afghanistan - USAT


Pakistan Looms Large as Clinton Flies to India - Reuters

Renewed Cooperation Between US and Pakistan - WP opinion


Iraqi PM in Beijing to Meet With Chinese Leaders - AP

Retreat Roulette - WP opinion


Syrian Troops Raid, Surround Towns in Opposition Crackdown - VOA

Syrian Forces Mass Near Town Where Soldiers Defected - NYT

As Unrest Grips Syria, Soldiers Flee - USAT


NATO Warplanes Hit Libyan Military Targets Near Tripoli, Brega - VOA

Libyan Rebels: Street Fighting Engulfs Brega - VOA

Libyan Rebels 'Fighting Gaddafi Forces in Brega' - BBC

Libya Rebels Fighting to Capture Eastern Oil Town - Reuters

Gadhafi Rallies the Troops Against the World - AP

Among Libyan Rebels, Reluctant Warriors - WP


Al Qaeda's Yemen Branch Aided Somalia Militants - LAT

Yemenis Organize Shadow Government - NYT

Yemenis Protest on 33rd Anniversary of Saleh's Rule - VOA


Bahrain's Main Shi'ite Party Quits Government-Led Reform Dialogue - VOA

Bahrain Opposition Bloc al-Wifaq 'to Quit National Talks' - BBC

Shiite Party in Bahrain Leaves Talks With Rulers - AP


Egypt Reshuffles Cabinet in Effort to Quell Protests - WP

Egyptian Prime Minister Shuffles Cabinet - LAT

Egypt's Generals May Maintain Large Role in Governance - WP

Egyptians Fear Army Rulers Acting as New Mubaraks - AP

Egypt's New Cabinet to Be Sworn in After Protests - Reuters

Egypt's Iconic Antiquities Chief Fired - AP

In Egypt, US Seeks a Few Good Democrats - WP

Mubarak's Lawyer Says Ex-President Suffered Stroke - AP

Hosni Mubarak Coma Claim Denied - BBC

Rumours Swirl Around Egypt's Mubarak - Reuters

Middle East / North Africa

Kurds Battle Iranians at Border - WT

Rioters Clash With Police in Tunisia - Reuters

Thousands Rally in Morocco Over Reform Plan - Reuters

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP

Israel Boycott Law: Not Befitting a Democracy - NYT editorial

United States

Petraeus's Next Battle - Newsweek

US to Use GPS to Track Staffers in Danger Zones - WP

Washington Times' Embassy Row - WT

Suspect in Soldier's Death, Abdulhakim Muhammad, Seeks Bigger Stage - AP

Coming Together to Fight for a Troubled Veteran - NYT


Nigeria: Borno Governor Admits Army Boko Haram Excesses - BBC

Zimbabwe 'Egypt Uprising' Activists in Treason Trial - BBC

Somalia Drought: UN Aid for Camps Under Islamists - BBC

Sierra Leone: New Hope for Children and Pregnant Women - NYT

Niger Fears Takeover by Militants in Neighbour Libya - Reuters


Family of US Agent Slain in Mexico Demands to Know Gun Source - LAT

Gun Control at the Border - LAT editorial

Colombia Bombs 'FARC Rebel Arms Factory' in Arauca - BBC

In Booming Brazil, Crack Strikes Late but Hard - AP

Venezuela: Chavez Retains Secrecy Over Cancer Therapy in Cuba - AP

Argentina Praises Iran Help Offer in Bombing Probe - AP

Asia Pacific

China Formally Protests Obama Meeting With Dalai Lama - VOA

China Assails US Over Dalai Lama, Fallout Seen Limited - Reuters

Vietnamese Police Arrest More Than a Dozen Anti-China Protesters - VOA

Refugees Flee Famine Ravaging North Korea - SMH


UK: Shakeup Means Smallest Army Since Boer War - TT

An Arrest and Scotland Yard Resignation Roil Britain - NYT

Head of Scotland Yard Resigns - WP

Scandal Felt in Britain's Power Structure - WP

Phone Hacking: London Police Commissioner Quits - BBC

IMF Says Huge Greek Debt 'on Knife Edge' - BBC

US Offers Full US Support for Greek Economic Recovery Plan - VOA

South Asia

Mumbai Blasts: Probe into 'Suspect' Death - BBC

More Autonomy for India's Ethnic Gorkhas - AP

The Politics of Rage: Why Do They Hate Us?

Sun, 07/17/2011 - 11:02am
As we close in on the ten year anniversary of 9/11, I thought it was time to reread and reflect on Fareed Zakaria's Magnum Opus, The Politics of Rage: Why Do They Hate Us? First published by Newsweek on Oct 15, 2001, this essay was hauntingly prescient. Over the last decade, many of us have directly observed this hate, and our country remains deeply embattled in the Middle East. As we look towards where we should go in the next decade, we must figure out where we have been. Fareed wrote,

"To the question "Why do the terrorists hate us?" Americans could be pardoned for answering, "Why should we care?" The immediate reaction to the murder of 5,000 innocents is anger, not analysis. Yet anger will not be enough to get us through what is sure to be a long struggle. For that we will need answers. The ones we have heard so far have been comforting but familiar. We stand for freedom and they hate it. We are rich and they envy us. We are strong and they resent this. All of which is true. But there are billions of poor and weak and oppressed people around the world. They don't turn planes into bombs. They don't blow themselves up to kill thousands of civilians. If envy were the cause of terrorism, Beverly Hills, Fifth Avenue and Mayfair would have become morgues long ago. There is something stronger at work here than deprivation and jealousy. Something that can move men to kill but also to die."

Much more at Newsweek

17 July SWJ Roundup

Sun, 07/17/2011 - 5:42am

Warning Over Early Afghan Pull-out by British Forces - BBC

ISAF: Man in Afghan Army Uniform Kills Coalition Soldier - VOA

Shooter in Afghan Army Uniform Kills NATO Service Member - WP

Gunman Wearing Afghan National Army Uniform Kills ISAF Member - S&S

Shooter in Afghan Army Uniform Kills NATO Trooper - AP

Changing the Flow of Downrange Water - S&S

NATO Airstrikes Target Taliban in East Afghanistan - AP


Al Qaeda Gets Training Manuals from Pakistan ISI - WP

Iran's Top Leader: US Is 'Real Enemy' of Pakistan - AP


MRAPs Being Armored Against Iran-made Bombs - Bloomberg

5 Killed in Bombings in Iraq - AP


Impromptu Words, Actions Drive US Stance on Syria - WP

Syrian Killings Stall Bid to Unite Opposition - WP

Syrian Opposition Mulls Government Transition - VOA

Syrian Opposition Forms Council to Counter Assad - Reuters

Tens of Thousands Attend Protester Funerals - BBC


Joint Fight with Arabs Spurs Berber Hopes of Equality - LAT

Libyan Rebels Breach Brega - VOA

Explosions Reported East of Tripoli - AP

Gaddafi Vows He Will Never Leave Libya - BBC


Yemeni Opposition Figures Form Shadow Government - VOA

Yemeni Protesters Form Interim Council - AP


Egypt's Military Aims to Cement Muscular Role in Government - NYT

Egyptian Protesters Heckle Interim Government - VOA

Senior Egyptian Military Official Heckled - AP

Egypt's Foreign Ministers Resigns - BBC

Egypt PM Accepts Foreign Minister's Resignation - Reuters

Egypt PM Picks Two Deputies Ahead of Cabinet Change - Reuters

Arab Spring, Start-Up Summer? - NYT

Middle East / North Africa

Palestinian Factions Settle Comfortably Into Limbo - LAT

Iran Seeks to Triple China Trade to $100 Billion - AP

Israeli Police Clash With Ultra-Orthodox Protesters - Reuters

Rights Groups Urge UAE to Release Activists - AP

Tunisian Police Fire in Air to Disperse Rioters - Reuters

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP

US Department of Defense

Army Identifies Additional Vietnam-era Draftees in Service -AP

'Ranger' Faker Admits He Made Up Story - AT

Lawmakers Seek to Protect Troops from Foreclosure - WP

National Guard Demands Repayment Of Bonus - KTVZ

Court: 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' will Stay in Place - AP

Why Would Anyone Miss War? - NYT opinion

United States

Obama, Republicans Still Wrangling Over Debt Solution - VOA

Credit Rating Firms Unmoved by US Pleas - WP

News Corp Faces Potential Fallout in US - VOA


Somalia Drought: UN Delivers Aid to Islamist Areas - BBC

No Safe Place for Somali Women Refugees in Kenya - VOA


Gun-smuggling Cartel Figures Possibly Paid FBI Informants - LAT

Consulate Warns Americans in Mexican Border City - AP

Mexico: Cancun Mayor Freed by Judge, Re-Arrested - AP

2 Mexican Tourists Die in Acapulco Gun Attack - AP

Back to Cuba, Venezuela's Ailing Chavez Delegates Some Duties - VOA

Venezuela: Chávez Puts His Trust in Castro for Care - NYT

Venezuela Anti-Chavez Leader Rejects Graft Case - Reuters

Iran 'to Cooperate' over Argentina Jewish Center Bomb - BBC

Iran Offers Argentina Help With Bombing Probe - AP

Asia Pacific

Coal-rich China Seeks More in Mongolia - WP

Vatican Excommunicates Chinese Bishop - NYT

Ethnic Music Tests Limits in China - NYT

Dalai Lama and Obama Meet to Talk About Tibet - NYT

Obama Stresses Human Rights for Tibetans in Talks With Dalai Lama - VOA

Obama Ignores China on Dalai Lama - BBC

China Slams Obama's Meeting With the Dalai Lama - AP

Vietnamese Hold Anti-China March Despite Crackdown - AP

Tajikistan: Islam's Rise Worries Authoritarian Govt - NYT


Clinton Concerned About Media Freedom in Turkey - VOA

Clinton Chides Turkey on Rights Record - NYT

Clinton Chides NATO Ally Turkey on Rights Curbs - AP

Clinton Seeks Closer Turkey Ties After Strains - Reuters

Turkey Charges 14 Militants With Anti-US Plot - AP

Georgia Says Photographer Admits Spied for Russia - AP

UK: Phone Hacking Scandal Exposes Scotland Yard - WP

UK: Stain From Tabloids Rubs Off on a Cozy Scotland Yard - NYT