Small Wars Journal

31 July SWJ Roundup

Sun, 07/31/2011 - 4:36am

In Afghan Drawdown, US Faces Quandary - WP

In Kabul, Mullen Promotes US Withdrawal - NYT

Mullen Confident Afghans Will Be Ready to Shoulder Security - AFPS

Attack on a Patrol in Afghanistan Kills Seven - NYT

Bomb Hits Police HQ in Southern Afghanistan - AP

Afghanistan Army Officer 'Worked for Taliban' - BBC

Warlords, Government Capacity Threaten Afghan Mining - Reuters

Afghans Rage at Young Lovers - NYT

Anxiety in Afghanistan Over Troops' Pay if US Defaults - S&S

Budget Woes Top List of Concerns in Afghanistan - AFPS


US is Refocused on Covert Strikes in Pakistan - LAT

Pakistan Puts Travel Curbs on US Diplomats - AP

Gunmen Kill 11 Shi'ite Muslims in SW Pakistan - VOA

Pakistani Gunmen Kill 11 Shias in Second Quetta Attack - BBC

11 Shiites in Pakistan Die in Sectarian Attacks - NYT

CIA Station Chief Leaves Pakistan - VOA

CIA Pakistan Boss Leaves Due to Illness - AP


US Report Finds Security Deteriorating in Iraq - NYT

Study: Iraq Growing More Dangerous - WP

US Watchdog: Iraq Less Safe Than Year Ago - BBC

Iraq to Buy 36 US Fighter Jets - LAT

Iraq Says it will Buy 36 US Fighter Jets - AP

Wiretapping System Planned for Iraq - WP


Syrian Troops Intensify Raids Ahead of Ramadan - WP

8 Killed in Syrian Security Force Raids - VOA

Army Tanks Move Into Hama - BBC

Tank Attacks in Hama Kill 24, Syrians Say - Reuters

Syrian Troops Storm Hama, Up to 13 Killed - AP


Islamist Militia 'Shot Libya Rebel Abdel Fattah Younes' - BBC

NATO Bombs Libyan Satellite Dishes - VOA

NATO Strikes at Libyan State TV - NYT

NATO Bombs Libyan State TV Transmitters - AP

Libyan TV Still on Air Despite NATO Bombing - Reuters

Rebels Attack Last Gaddafi Western Mountain Stronghold - Reuters

Ramadan Brings Back Bitter Memories for Many Libyans - LAT


Southern Yemen Unrest Kills at Least 24 - VOA

Airstrikes Kill 40 Pro-Government Yemeni Tribesmen - AP


Military Stokes Xenophobia in Egypt - WP

Egypt Changes Mubarak Trial Venue - BBC

Egypt Changes Venue for Mubarak Trial - AP

Gunmen Attack Sinai Gas Pipeline - NYT

Six Dead, 21 Injured in Egyptian Sinai Clash - Reuters

Middle East / North Africa

Protests Against High Costs Put Pressure on Israel PM - Reuters

Moroccan King Renews Call to Mend Ties With Algeria - Reuters

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP

US Department of Defense

Defense Budget Cuts Must be Balanced, Mullen Says - AFPS

Navy: Aircraft Better Off, Future Readiness Still an Issue - MT

Author Writes of US Military's Strategic Manhunts - AP

Activists Push to End Military Ban on Women in Combat Roles - WP

Dubai Firm Billed Pentagon $900 for $7 Part - Bloomberg

Secretary Tells Defense Workers to Plan Normal Work Week - AFPS

United States

US Lawmakers Continue Debt Ceiling Negotiations - VOA

US Senate Postpones Test Vote on Debt Ceiling - VOA

Senate Delays Vote on Debt as Talks Gain Ground - McClatchy

Amid New Talks, Some Optimism on Debt Crisis - NYT

White House, McConnell in Tense Negotiations - WP

Businesses Play Critical Role in Thwarting Terror - AP

Behind an Anti-Shariah Push - NYT


Nigeria Plans Talks with Islamist Group Boko Haram - BBC


Alleged Drug Hit Man Leader Arrested in Mexico - VOA

Mexico: Juarez Cartel Armed Wing Leader Nabbed - AP

Aide to Former Colombian President Faces Arrest - BBC

Suspected Rebels Kidnap Five Oil Workers in Colombia - Reuters

Venezuela President Chavez in Middle Class Appeal - BBC

Asia Pacific

Knife Duo Kill Six in China's Xinjiang Region - BBC

7 Dead in Attack in Troubled NW China - AP

Taiwan Eases Up on Mainland Chinese Visitors - LAT

S. Korean Military 'Sacred Duty' Harbors a Dark Side - NYT

South Korea Rain Deluge Hits Weapons Dumps - BBC


Turkish Prime Minister Climbs a Higher Perch - NYT

Turkey's Prime Minister Appoints New Armed Forces Chief - VOA

Turkey's Leaders Deny Crisis as Top Generals Quit - Reuters

Norway Attacks: Breivik 'Had Other Targets' - BBC

Norway Terrorist Had More Targets in Mind - VOA

Norway Suspect Was Considering Other Targets - AP

In Georgia, a Spy Case and a National Rorschach Test - NYT

Wanted Dead or Alive

Sun, 07/31/2011 - 3:01am
Author Writes of US Military's Strategic Manhunts - Associated Press. BLUF: "Benjamin Runkle, an ex-paratrooper and presidential speechwriter now on the staff of the House Armed Services Committee, details the hunts for Geronimo, bin Laden and other targeted individuals in Asia, Africa and the Americas. They include Filipino rebel leader Emilio Aguinaldo, Mexican bandit Pancho Villa, Panamanian strongman and drug dealer Manuel Noriega and deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein."

Wanted Dead or Alive: Manhunts From Geronimo to bin Laden at Be looking for a SWJ interview with the author in the near future.

An Insurgency and Its Lessons

Sun, 07/31/2011 - 2:25am
An Insurgency and Its Lessons - Wall Street Journal Book Review by Dr. Mark Moyar. BLUF: "A few years ago, the U.S. counterinsurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan began drawing historians and military officers to the hitherto obscure Moro War. Following on the heels of better-known campaigns on the Christian islands of the northern and central Philippines, this conflict pitted the U.S. Army against the Islamic Moros, the largest population group on the southern Philippine islands. The violence began in 1901 and continued intermittently through 1913. James Arnold's 'The Moro War' is not the first recounting of the struggle, and it presents little information that cannot be found in other accounts, but it has the virtue of bringing together much material that had been scattered across histories that are focused on particular individuals or times."

Bing West HASC Statement: "The Way Ahead in Afghanistan"

Sun, 07/31/2011 - 2:04am

The House Armed Services Committee held a hearing "The Way Ahead in Afghanistan" featuring witnesses General John Keane USA (ret.), Lt General David W. Barno USA (ret.) and The Honorable Francis J. "Bing" West appearing before the committee for a hearing on "The Way Ahead in Afghanistan".

The Way Ahead in Afghanistan - Statement by The Honorable Francis J. "Bing" West

30 July SWJ Roundup

Sat, 07/30/2011 - 7:19am

Coalition Holds Line on Taliban Attacks, Data Shows - USAT

Mullen: Coalition Maintains Momentum in Kandahar - AFPS

US Military Chief Aims to Reassure Afghans After Attacks - Reuters

Roadside Bombs Kill 19 Civilians in Southern Afghanistan - VOA

Afghanistan: Helmand Bus Blast Kills 18 Civilians - BBC

Roadside Bombs Kill 19 Afghans, 2 NATO Personnel - AP

Report Clears Afghanistan Training Commander - AFPS

UK Judges Say Cannot Free Afghanistan Detainee - BBC

ISAF Operations Roundup - AFPS


US Boosting Efforts Against Al Qaeda in Pakistan - LAT

Top US Officials Debate Drone Strikes in Pakistan - AP

UN Adds Pakistani Taliban to Sanctions List - Reuters

UN Imposes Sanctions on Pakistani Taliban - AP

Pakistan Torturing Balochistan Activists, Report Says - BBC

Gunmen Kill 11 in Pakistan Suspected Sectarian Attack - Reuters

Gunmen Kill 11 Shiite Muslims in SW Pakistan - AP


US Review Finds Iraq Deadlier Now Than a Year Ago - AP

The Iranian General 'Secretly Running' Iraq - TG

US Dilemma: What to Do With a Hezbollah Killer - WP opinion


Syrian Forces Crack Down on Thousands of Protesters - VOA

Bomb Hits Syrian Pipeline as Protests Continue - NYT

At Least Four Killed During Protests in Syria - VOA

Syria Braces for Ramadan; 15 Killed - WP

9 Reported Slain in Syrian Protests - LAT

Syrian Troops Storm Damascus Suburb, Kill 4 - AP

Rights Group Says 20 Protesters Killed Across Syria - Reuters

Protesters Urge Fellow Syrians to Join Uprising - AP


Funeral Held For Libyan Rebel Military Chief - VOA

Killers of Libyan Rebel General Were Among His Own Forces - NYT

Libyan Rebels Say Rogue Fighters Killed General - WP

Rebel Chief Younes' Killing: Unanswered Questions - BBC

Witnesses: Commander Killed by Fellow Libya Rebels - AP

Islamists Suspected Over Libyan Rebel Death - Reuters

Death of Military Chief Weakens Libyan Rebels - AP

US Says Libyan Opposition Must Focus on Unity - Reuters

UN to Consider Unfreezing Fund for Libyan Aid - AP

NATO Bombs Libyan State TV Transmitters - AP

Libyan TV Still on Air Despite NATO Bombing - Reuters


Tens of Thousands Protest in Yemen Amid Stalemate - AP

13 Die in South Yemen Clash; 8 Killed in Friendly Fire - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

Israel Seeking Formula for Palestinian Talks - AP

Palestinian Police Raid Home of Ex-Fatah Man Dahlan - BBC

Israel's Lost Chance - NYT opinion


Islamists Show Solidarity in Massive Egypt Rally - VOA

Islamists Flood Square in Cairo in Show of Strength - NYT

Islamists Display Clout in Tahrir Square - WP

Islamists Lead Tahrir Square Rally - BBC

Groups Quit Egypt Rally Saying Hijacked by Islamists - Reuters

Cairo Protest Highlights Clash of Visions - LAT

Middle East / North Africa

Iran May Release Detained US Hikers Soon - Reuters

International Court Publishes Names of 4 Suspects in Hariri Case - AP

Bahrain Marchers Not Content With Reform Proposals - AP

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP

Al Qaeda / Terrorism

US Has 6 Months to 'Knock Out' Rattled Qaeda Leadership - NYT

Nuclear-Detection Effort Is Halted as Ineffective - NYT

Canada Seeks Top Court Terror Extradition Appeal - AP

UK Seeks to Question Guantanamo Detainees - AP

US Department of Defense

Soldier Accused of Plotting Ft Hood Attack Defiant in Court - S&S

Naser Abdo, AWOL Soldier, Charged in Fort Hood Bomb Plot - WP

Ft. Hood Suspect Cries Name of Defendant in 2009 Rampage - LAT

Fort Hood 'Plot' Soldier Naser Abdo Defiant in Court - BBC

Abdo Had Series of Disputes With Army - NYT

Prosecutors in NSA Case Critiqued - WP

Military Mentors Program Casualty of Disclosure Law - USAT

New CNO Warned About Costly Ship, Plane Programs - SUT

Reserve Chiefs Press for More DOD Call-Up Authority - AFPS

Budget, Debt Worries Plague Troops - AP

Recruiters Pressed to Reach Out to Gays Once Ban is Lifted - WT

United States

Senate Blocks House Republicans' Debt Plan - WP

Debt-Ceiling Debate: Now it's the Senate's Turn - LAT

Struggling with Debt, Congress Talks Defense Cuts - AP

Obama Chooses Carter for 'Transparency' Board - AFPS

Judge Approves Nixon Watergate Release - BBC

Protecting our Global Influence - WP opinion


UN: Africa Reemerging as Heroin Trafficking Hub - Reuters

UN: One-Third of Somalis Needing Aid Are Children - VOA

World Bank Drought Plan Focuses on Ethiopia, Kenya - VOA

Maternal Deaths Focus Harsh Light on Uganda - NYT

Why Somalia Stays Hungry - WP opinion

The Long African Summer - FP opinion


Venezuela: Chavez's Opponents See an Opportunity - WP

Eying Support, Venezuela's Chavez Urges Moderation - AP

Chavez Says Venezuela's OPEC Quota Should Grow - AP

Honduras Recovers 7.3 Tons More Cocaine From Sub - AP

Cuba Should Free Alan Gross - WP editorial

Asia Pacific

US, North Korean Diplomats Finish Talks - VOA

US, North Korea Conclude 'Constructive' Talks - WP

Seoul Sets Terms for Resuming Talks With North Korea - NYT

US Military Bases in Korea Begin Cleanup After Massive Rainstorm - S&S

China's Government Struggles With Outcry Over Train Wreck - VOA

China Denies Destroying Evidence After Fatal Rail Crash - Reuters

China Jails Journalist Who Reported on Corruption - NYT

Philippines Says Militants Beheaded 2 Marines - AP

Thailand's 'Lese Majeste' Laws Under Scrutiny - AP


Norway Mourns, Buries Massacre Victims - VOA

Norway Displays Unity at Attack Victim's Funeral - NYT

Europe Re-Examines Extreme Right Groups After Norway Massacre - VOA

Extremists Flocking to Facebook for Recruits - AP

Ethnic Serbs Blockade NATO Troops in Kosovo - Reuters

NATO in North Kosovo Withdraws From Serb Roadblock - AP

Turkey's Entire Military Command Resigns - VOA

Top Generals Quit in Group, Stunning Turks - NYT

Turkey: Military Chiefs Resign En Masse - BBC

Turkey: Top Military Figures Resign En Masse - LAT

Turkey's Military Leadership Resigns - WP

Turkish Military's Chiefs of Staff Step Down - AP

Turkey's Military in Turmoil as Top Brass Quit - Reuters

Turkey to Formally Appoint New Military Commander - AP

In Belarus, Just Being Can Prompt an Arrest - NYT

Zapatero Calls Early Spain Election Amid Economic Woes - BBC

Poland: Russia Shares Blame for Presidential Jet Crash - BBC

Polish Defence Minister Quits Over Damning Crash Report - Reuters

South Asia

Mumbai Gunman Qasab Appeals Against Death Penalty - BBC

India: Activist Anna Hazare Rejects Anti-Graft Law - BBC

29 July SWJ Roundup

Fri, 07/29/2011 - 6:16am

Talks on Long-term Afghan-US Partnership Stalled - WP

Deputy Notes Progress of Afghan Training Mission - AFPS

Suicide Bombers, Gunmen Attack Afghan Provincial Capital - LAT

At Least 19 Killed as Insurgents Launch Attacks in South - WP

Eighteen Civilians Killed in Helmand Blast - BBC

Roadside Bombs Kill 23 in South Afghanistan - Reuters

Deadly Attack in Tarin Kowt, Uruzgan - BBC

Mission Offers Young Army Officer a Lesson - S&S

Marine Reaches Out to Afghan Women - AFPS

ISAF Operations Roundup - AFPS


Pakistan Dealing With Flood Effects One Year Later - VOA

Holding Pakistan to Account - NYT editorial


Record Number of US Troops Killed by Iranian Weapons - NJ

Double Bombing Kills at Least 16 in Iraq - WP

Tikrit City Hit by Deadly Twin Bombings - BBC

Double Bombing Kills 12 Outside Bank in Iraq - AP

Syria Still Looks Like an Oasis to Iraqis - NYT

Army Corps Agrees to Pay Whistle-Blower In Iraq Case - NYT


Syrians Planning for Stepped Up Protests During Ramadan - NYT

Syrian Revolt Still Spontaneous and Leaderless - WP

Syrian Forces Kill 5 People in Two Towns - Reuters


Death of Rebel Leader Stirs Fears of Tribal Conflict - NYT

Abdul Fattah Younis, Libyan Rebel Military Commander, Killed - WP

Top Libyan Rebel Commander Killed - BBC

Libyan Rebels' Military Chief of Staff Slain - LAT

Libyan Rebels Say Their Military Chief Shot Dead - Reuters

Libyan Rebels Claim Success After New Offensive - VOA

Minefields: Ill-equipped Rebel Teams Defuse Devices - LAT


US Accuses Iran of Secret Al-Qaida Ties - VOA

US Accuses Iran of Aiding al-Qaeda - WP

US Accuses Iran of Pact With al Qaeda - WSJ

US Accuses Iran of 'Secret Deal' with al-Qaida - AP

US Accuses Iran of 'Secret Deal' with al-Qaeda - TT

Hikers' Families Await Justice from Iran - LAT opinion


Will Egypt Be Able to Restore Security, Stability? - VOA

Mubarak Trial to be Held in Cairo - VOA

Hosni Mubarak to Go on Trial in Cairo - BBC

Mubarak Declared Fit for Aug. 3 Trial - WP

Middle East / North Africa

40 Dead in Clash Between Yemen Army and Tribes - AP

Yemeni Forces Fire on Protesters in South's Taiz - Reuters

Jordan Convicts al-Qaeda 'Mentor' - BBC

Tunisia's Ex-President, Daughter, Nephew Convicted - AP

Al Qaeda

Zawahri, Al Qaeda's New Leader, Praises Syrian Protesters - NYT

Ex-Counterterrorism Aide Warns Against Complacency on Al Qaeda - NYT

US Department of Defense

AWOL Soldier Accused of Plotting Fort Hood Attack - WP

Soldier Held Amid Claim of Terror Plot at Fort Hood - NYT

US Soldier Arrested Near Fort Hood, Planning Attack - VOA

US Serviceman Arrested in Plan to Attack Fort Hood - S&S

CNO Nominee: Greenert Outlines Priorities at Senate Hearing - AFPS

Jacoby: Relationships Drive Northcom, NORAD Missions - AFPS

Most Acquisition Reform Policies, Plans in Place, Official Says - AFPS

DOD Working Toward Full Financial Audits, Comptroller Says - AFPS

Troops Could Soon Learn What Debt Debate Means - S&S

United States

House Leaders Postpone Vote on Debt Plan - WP

House Puts Off Debt Vote as Press by Boehner Fails - NYT

27 Deemed to Be Threats Held Aviation Licenses - NYT

States of Conflict: An Update - NYT opinion


10 Killed in Battle to Keep Somali Aid Flowing - VOA

World's Biggest Refugee Camp Extended as Somalis Flood In - Reuters

Has Somalia's Famine Weakened al-Shabab? - VOA

Somali Pirates Release UAE-Flagged Ship, Crew - VOA

UN Peacekeepers Deployed to Sudan's Abyei Region - VOA

UN Accuses Eritrea of Bomb Plot - BBC

Zambia Election Set for September 20 - VOA

Sweden Releases Rwandan Genocide Suspect - VOA

Behind Africa's Famine - WP opinion


Study: Mexico Homicides Rose 23 Percent in 2010 - AP

Mexico Suspends Police Aid to Violent Border City - AP

Mexico Prison Shooting: Police Row Over Response - BBC

Venezuela: Chavez Turns 57 Vowing to Stay in Power Until 2031 - AP

Peru's Ollanta Humala is Sworn In - BBC

Cocaine Recovered From Sunken Sub Off Honduras - Reuters

UK Boost for Bolivian Battle Against Cocaine Production - BBC

Return of Guatemalan Military Looms as Left Falters - Reuters

Ecuador's Media Crackdown - WP editorial

Asia Pacific

US-North Korea Talks Begin in New York - VOA

US, N. Korean Diplomats Meet in New York - WP

North Korea Nuclear Talks Business-like, Says US - BBC

South Korean Envoy Downbeat on Nuclear Talks - Reuters

South Korea Storm Toll Rises - LAT

S. Korea Flooding: US Bases Hit Hard - S&S

Blogs Erode China Censorship - NYT

Indonesia: No Justice for Victims of Islamic Sect Attack - AP


NATO Takes Over Kosovo Border Posts After Clashes - BBC

Serb Police, NATO Boost Forces After Kosovo Violence - Reuters

NATO Peacekeepers Can Fire if Attacked in Kosovo - AP

3 Civilians Killed in Russia's Restive Dagestan - AP

Poland Releases Report on Presidential Plane Crash - AP

South Asia

Mumbai Gunman Qasab Appeals Against Death Penalty - BBC

Leader of India State Resigns Over Corruption Inquiry - NYT

DOD IG Clears LTG Caldwell (Updated)

Thu, 07/28/2011 - 6:35pm
Pentagon Clears 3-Star General of Alleged Misdeed by Robert Burns, Associated Press. BLUF: "The office of the Defense Department inspector general wrote in a memorandum dated July 22 that it agreed with an Army probe that concluded that the allegations against Lt. Gen. William B. Caldwell IV were not substantiated." SWJ: There was never any doubt, and it is sad that such a distraction to our war efforts was forced upon ISAF by a disgruntled LTC.

Update: More good news at The New York Post - Afghan Book by Rolling Stone's Hastings Goes MIA by Keith Kelly. BLUF: "Little, Brown has apparently canceled a much-anticipated book about the war in Afghanistan by Michael Hastings, based on 'The Runaway General', last summer's explosive Rolling Stone article on Gen. Stanley McChrystal."

Update 2: Overview at Politico - William Caldwell, 'Psy-Ops' General, Cleared by Pentagon Report by Elias Groll.

Update 3: An Open Letter to Rolling Stone by Carl Prine at Line of Departure. BLUF: "Dear Rolling Stone, The time has come for you to do the right thing. Retract 'Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators,' a bit of fable haplessly ginned up by your star reporter Michael Hastings in late February."

US Accuses Iran of Secret Al-Qaida Ties

Thu, 07/28/2011 - 5:31pm
US Accuses Iran of Secret Al-Qaida Ties - Voice of America

The United States accused Iran of having a "secret deal" with al-Qaida as Washington announced sanctions Thursday on six suspected al-Qaida operatives.

The Treasury Department did not offer many details. But it says the operatives are part of a network headed by Ezedin Abdel Aziz Khalil, described by U.S. officials as an al-Qaida facilitator based in Iran.

The Treasury statement says Khalil has been operating under an "agreement" between the Iranian government and the terror group.

The department says Iran is a "critical transit point" for funding to support al-Qaida's activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

There was no immediate reaction from the Iranian government.

But Treasury Under Secretary David Cohen says a "secret deal" in which Iran allows al-Qaida to funnel resources through its territory has been exposed. He says the case illuminates what he called another aspect of Tehran's "unmatched support for terrorism."

The sanctions on Khalil and the five other reputed operatives freeze any U.S. assets that they may have and prohibit U.S. citizens from engaging in financial transactions with them.