Small Wars Journal

3 August SWJ Roundup

Wed, 08/03/2011 - 7:07am

Afghanistan Seeks to Disband Some Armed Militias - NYT

Afghan Official: Peace Depends on Pakistan - AP

In One Tense District, Crisis Comes Into Focus - McClatchy

American Troops Go Medieval for Knightly Protection - NJ

Suicide Bombers Kill 4 in Northern Afghanistan - VOA

ISAF Operations Roundup - AFPS


Suspected US Drone Kills 4 Militants in Pakistan - VOA

Timing of US Drone Strike Questioned - AP

Pakistan, US Try to Narrow Differences as Officials Meet - Reuters

Karachi Fighting Claims 34 Lives - BBC

Pakistan Uses Patrols to Calm Karachi - NYT

Picking Up the Pieces in Pakistan - WP


Mullen Blasts Iran for Interference in Iraq - AFPS

Iraq Leaders Seek Talks About US Military Trainers - WP

Iraq, US to Discuss Extended Stay for Troops - LAT

US Wants Immunity Deal if Troops Remain in Iraq - VOA

US, Iraq to Discuss Fighter Jet Deal - DN

Mullen Talks Change, Leadership With Troops in Mosul - AFPS

Officials: 4 Killed in Two Bomb Blasts in Baghdad - AP

Heat and Fasting Add to Woes of Iraqis - NYT


US Seeks Pressure on Syria, but Options Are Few - NYT

UN Mulls Syrian Violence as Government Crackdown Continues - VOA

Syria Forces in Hama Push as Crackdown Continues - BBC

Tanks Converge on Besieged Hama - WP

Syria Tightens Hama Siege, Italy Pulls Ambassador - AP

Syrian Tanks Occupy Main Hama Square, Shell City-Residents - Reuters

Little Cheer in Syria as Ramadan Begins - LAT

Why Arab Leaders are Silent on Syria's Crackdown - CSM


Killing of General Vexes Rebels in Libya - NYT

US Envoy Says Gadhafi's Fall 'A Matter of Time' - VOA

Libyan Rebels Push Toward Zlitan - VOA

Gaddafi Forces Launch Counter-assault Near Zlitan - BBC

Israel / Palestinians

Israel, US Race to Avert Palestinian UN Bid - AP

Supreme Court Orders Demolition of West Bank Settlement - LAT

Israeli Court Orders Outpost Removed - WP


Mubarak on Trial Begins, Transfixing Arab World - Reuters

Mubarak's Trial Begins in Cairo - BBC

Mubarak Trial a 'Decisive Moment' for Egypt - WP

Extraordinary Precautions Taken for Mubarak Trial - NYT


As Bleak Ramadan Begins, Yemeni Protesters Cling to Hope - Reuters

US Department of Defense

Obama Nominates Carter as Next Deputy Secretary - AFPS

Carter Picked for No. 2 Pentagon Post - WP

Dempsey Confirmed as Next Top US Military Officer - AFP

Pentagon Seeks a Few Good Social Networkers - NYT

Mullen Stresses Lessons of Jointness - AFPS

Mullen Speaks on Debt Deal, Progress in Iraq - AFPS

Antipsychotic Drug Prescribed for PTSD Ineffective - S&S

Air Force Suspends Ethics Course that Used Bible - WP

United States

Obama Signs Compromise Debt Ceiling Bill - VOA

After Crisis, Attention Turns to Spending Panel - WP

Report Identifies Widespread Cyber-spying - WP

Stalemate in Senate Leaves 4,000 Out of Work at FAA - NYT


State Department Reassures Groups Aiding Somalia - NYT

Oxfam: Horn of Africa Needs Faster Drought Aid - VOA

UN: Famine Likely to Spread Across Southern Somalia - VOA

UN Declares Famine in Southern Somalia - LAT

Somali Militiamen Prey on Refugees Fleeing Famine - AP

UN: Militants Forcing Somali Migration Along With Famine - VOA

US Eases Sanctions on Al-Shabab to Improve Aid Access - VOA

Kenya Provides Funds to Combat Drought, Famine - VOA

Somalia's Hunger - WP editorial

Four UN Peacekeepers Killed in Disputed Sudanese Town - VOA

Sudan: UN Peacekeepers Killed by Abyei Landmine Blast - BBC

Mugabe's Zimbabwe Land Seizures 'Cost $12bn' - BBC

Eritrea Seeks to Rejoin East African Body - BBC

Ten 'Coup Plotters' Held in Niger - BBC

Liberian Opposition Challenges Electoral Commission's Neutrality - VOA


HRW: Mexican Military Has Heavy Hand in Drug Cases - NYT

Nine Pollsters Missing in Mexico - BBC

Mexico Police Detain Prison Director, 4 Guards - AP

Man Suspected in Tourist Deaths Arrested in Mexico - AP

Colombia Arrests Leaders of Submarine Cocaine Ring - Reuters

US Coast Guard Unloads Drug Sub Cocaine Haul in Miami - BBC

Panama Canal Undergoes Multi-Billion-Dollar Expansion - VOA

Cubans Set for Big Change: Right to Buy Homes - NYT

Cuba: US Releases More Classified Bay of Pigs Documents -AP

Asia Pacific

Chinese Police Kill Perpetrators of Xinjiang Attack - VOA

Chinese Citizen Activist Latest Free Speech Cause - AP

China Lashes Out at Manila Over Island Claims - AP

S. Korea Investigates Alleged North Korean Spy Ring - VOA

Official: Red Cross Offers Relief Aid for N. Korea - AP

US Assistance Aims at Preventing Conflict in Mekong Region - VOA

Bomb Blast Kills 1, Wounds 12 in Philippines - AP

Thousands of Papuans March for Independence From Indonesia - VOA

Malaysia's 8TV Pulls 'Racist' Ramadan Adverts - BBC


NATO Sends More Troops to Kosovo After Border Unrest - BBC

NATO Activates Reserve Force for Kosovo - AP

Turkey: More Kurdish Politicians Face Separatism Charges - AP

Russia: Officials Won't Pursue Magnitsky Case - WP

Norway Mass Murderer: Breivik Presents List of Demands - BBC

Italy Moves Toward Face Veil Ban - BBC

South Asia

India's PM Tainted by Corruption - WP

Ten Men Beaten to Death in India - BBC

Kashmir Shuts Against Death in Police Custody - AP

Rights Group Demands Probe of Sri Lankan Massacre - AP

2 August SWJ Roundup

Tue, 08/02/2011 - 6:18am

Mullen Concerned over Afghan Border - BBC

ISAF Operations Roundup --AFPS

Civil Affairs Soldier Makes Immediate Impact --AFPS

4 Dead in Suicide Bombing at Hotel in Kunduz - AP

Suicide Bombers Storm Afghan Guesthouse, Four Killed - Reuters

"Kill Team": Soldier Reaches Plea Deal - AP


US Warns Pakistan Over Curbs on Diplomat Travel - AP

Bomb Kills 2 Pakistani Soldiers Near Afghan Border - AP

India and Pakistan, Talking - NYT editorial


Sectarian Violence Predicted after US Troops Leave - WP

US Claims Success in Curbing Iranian-Backed Attacks --NYT

US Sees Dramatic Drop in Iran-Backed Attacks in Iraq - Reuters

Deadline Nears for Iraqi Request, Mullen Says --AFPS

Delay on Iraq Decision Threatens Smooth Withdrawal - AP

US Troops Must Have Legal Immunity to Stay in Iraq - AP

US Forces Build Flexibility into Iraq Exit Plan - AFPS

In Iraqi Village, a Raid Sows Distrust of Americans --NYT

14 Wounded in Church Attack in North Iraq - AP

Iraq Declares First-ever Heat Holiday - WP


Syrian Forces Renew Assault on Hama --WP

Syrian Forces Renew Strike on Restive City of Hama --NYT

Syrian Tanks Renew Attack on Hama --BBC

Regime Launches Attacks on Hama, Other Cities - LAT

Hama Suffers Heaviest Shelling in 2-day Assault --JP

Syrian Troops Attack Hama for 2nd Day --AP

UN Security Council Revives Syria Debate - Reuters

EU Expands Sanctions on Syria --VOA

EU Slaps More Sanctions on Syria - AP

Analysis: Assad Embarks on Path of No Return - Reuters

Syria's Ramadan Massacre - WP editorial


Western Allies Move Cautiously on Libyan Assets - LAT

In Libya, No Cease-fire for Ramadan - WP

France Hands Rebels $259m in Unfrozen Funds - Reuters

25 Libyan Refugees Found Dead on Boat --VOA

Many Dead on Italy Migrant Boat - BBC

Gadhafi Official Urges Filipinos to Come to Libya --AP

Chavez: Venezuela Firmly Backing Gadhafi - AP


Yemeni Airstrikes Kill 15 Suspected Militants --AP

Yemen Air Raid Kills 13 Militants - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

TV: Israel Agrees to Negotiate over Pre-'67 Lines --AP

Israel PM Ready to Discuss Border 'Package' - Reuters

Israelis Kill 2 as West Bank Raid Goes Awry - NYT

Israeli Soldiers Kills 2 Palestinians - WP


Egyptian Forces Roust Tahrir Square Sit-In --NYT

Military Police Break Up Egyptian Sit-in --WP

Egyptian Forces Clear Activists From Tahrir Square - AP

Egypt's Poor Cannot Afford a Revolution - LAT

Middle East / North Africa

Iran Kills, Arrests People Linked to Gas Pipeline Blast - Reuters

To Punish Iran, Seize Its Embassy - NYT opinion

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP

Al Qaeda

Getting bin Laden: A Detailed Peek - TNY

United States

House Approves Increase in Debt Ceiling -WP

House Passes Bill on Debt Ceiling - NYT

Debt Deal to Hit DC Economy, Defense Firms --WP

Debt 'Trigger' Has Pentagon in Cross Hairs - WP

Deal Includes Billions in Defense Cuts, Pay, Vet Programs Safe --S&S

Does Debt Bill 'Gut' Military? Depends Whom You Ask - NYT

FBI: 'Credible Lead' Surfaces in D.B. Cooper Case - AP


Famine in East Africa --USAT

Somalis Waste Away as Insurgents Block Escape From Famine - NYT

Up to Six More Somalia Regions May Face Famine --Reuters

US to Ease A-T Rules to Help Drought-Stricken Somalia - AP

AU Force Presses Offensive to Ease Somali Food Aid --VOA

Somalia: 2 AU Troops Die During Suicide Bomb Raid - AP

Somali Refugees: No Food to Break Ramadan Fast --AP

Ex-Military Leader to Run as Sierra Leone President - Reuters


21 Top Prosecutors Quit as Mexico Continues Purge -AP

Mexican Police Search for Missing Pollsters - AP

Panama Police Seize Half a Ton of Heroin --AP

Cuban Lawmakers Meet to Consider Economic Changes --AP

Cuba Revising Travel Policies - Reuters

Venezuela's Chavez Loses Hair From Chemotherapy- Reuters

Asia Pacific

Japan: N. Korea Seeks New Missile, China Navy Active - AP

China Issues Guidelines to Ease South China Sea Tensions - Reuters

China's Xinjiang Region Hit by More Attacks --VOA

China Blames Foreign-Trained Separatists for Attacks in Xinjiang --NYT

China: Islamic Radicals Behind Violence in Kashgar - LAT

China Blames Pakistan-Trained Militants for Attack - AP

China Offers Emergency Flood Aid to North Korea --VOA

N. Korea 'Keen' for Nuclear Talks --BBC

North Korea Says Agrees to More US Talks - Reuters

Japanese Lawmakers Barred from South Korea --VOA

5 South Koreans Arrested over Espionage --AP

Deadly Political Violence in Indonesian Province - NYT

Thai Parliament Opens, Thaksin's Sister Expected to Lead - VOA

Vietnam Dissident Calls for Reforms During Appeal - AP

Bomb Blast Kills 1, Wounds 6 in Philippines - AP

Heavy Flooding Swamps Manila, Gov't Suspends Work - AP


Turks Question Power of Prime Minister - NYT

Turkish PM Convenes Key Meeting After Mass Army Resignations --VOA

Turkey to Name New Military Leaders - WP

Turkey to Appoint Military Chiefs - BBC

Military Brass Absent as Turkey Meets on Military --WSJ

Turkish Meeting Shows Who Is in Charge - AP

Kurdish Rebels Kill 3 Turkish Soldiers --AP

Russia Replies Sharply to US Senate's Support of Georgia - NYT

Putin Supports Merger of Russia and Belarus --AP

Putin Says US Is 'Parasite' on Global Economy - Reuters

Kosovo PM Backs Drive for North --AP

Norway Attacks: Was Breivik a Christian Terrorist? --CSM

Norway 'Must Resist Witch Hunt' - BBC

South Asia

Corruption Uproar Again Derails Indian Parliament Agenda --VOA

India's Internet Crackdown -WP

India and Pakistan, Talking - NYT editorial

Sri Lanka Admits to Civilian Deaths During War --VOA

Sri Lanka Says Civilian War Deaths Unavoidable - AP

Rights Group: Sri Lankan War Report Is a Whitewash - AP

Book Review: Desert Hell: The British Invasion of Mesopotamia

Mon, 08/01/2011 - 6:07pm

Book Review: Desert Hell: The British Invasion of Mesopotamia

by Charles Townshend

Published by Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 2011, 624 pages

Reviewed by Youssef Aboul-Enein

The history of Iraq and the United States has been linked for better or worse with America's removal of Saddam Hussein, and the placement of the country towards some form of multi-faction representative government. This is why books on the World War I intervention of British forces in what would become Iraq draw much interest among current military historical readers. Charles Townshend is an academic and Professor of International History at Britain's Keele University His book delves deeply into the British involvement in Mespotamia, and dissects the tactics, operations, and strategies from the decision to land a British Expeditionary Force composed of Indian infantry in Basra in 1914, to the surrender of General Charles Townshend (no relation to the author) in Kut in 1916. Following the Siege of Kut, British officers described Kut as the largest surrender of British arms since the Siege of Yorktown on the American continent in 1781.

Britain, France, Germany, and Russia attempted to bully, influence, and outright annex the weakening Ottoman Empire. But within the weakness of the Ottoman Empire, internal potentates and despots, under its rule, would attempt to reach for increased autonomy. Tribal dyansities fought the Ottomans, and seduced the great powers, such as the British, for support. This was the state of the Ottoman dominions of Middle East in World War I. The book magnificently brings to life biographies of renowned Arabian figures such as Ibn Saud, Hussein ibn Ali of Mecca, and his sons Prince Feisal and Abdullah who all led the Arab Revolt, as well as lesser known Arab leaders like the Sheikh of Mohammara (located around what is Basra in Iraq), the Ibn Rashids (located in Northern Arabia today) who allied themselves with the Ottomans, and much more. Townshend also recreates the squabbles and virulent disagreements over Middle East policy among British officials in Egypt, India, and England, which would have disastrous results on a tactical and strategic level. For example, the book describes pressure from London to take Baghdad, despite serious reservations expressed by British Officials in India about placing their troops in an overstretched position. London's demands led to the disaster in Kut, when Ottoman forces, commanded by Halil Pasha, took 13,000 British prisoners. It was British officials in India who initially convinced London to deploy an army into what is now Iraq, to address threats to its oil interests in Persia. The book presents the total misreading of culture among the British commanding their own forces comprised of Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs, such as contending with any religious issues about whether to eat horsemeat while facing starvation. I will let you discover the answer as you read the book.

Townshend uses primarily British archival sources, and does not include such Arabic sources as the late Iraqi sociologist Ali al-Wardi's whose eight volume, "Glimpses of Modern Iraqi Social History," is a seminal work published in 1969. Wardi has an entire volume dedicated to the British Mandatory period. However, I can excuse the author, as Wardi's work is not available in the English language. Those with an interest in Iraq and the Middle East will find Townshend's work a fine read.

Commander Aboul-Enein is author of "Militant Islamist Ideology: Understanding the Global Threat," (Naval Institute Press, 2010). He teaches part-time at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces in Washington D.C. Commander Aboul-Enein is working with Naval Institute Press to publish a book exposing American military readers to the work of the late father of Iraqi sociology Ali al-Wardi, it is scheduled for publication in April 2012. He wishes to thank his Teaching Assistant Mr. Michael Barry for editing this review and the National Defense University Library for providing the volume for review.

Getting bin Laden

Mon, 08/01/2011 - 12:54pm

Getting bin Laden: What Happened that Night in Abbottabad by Nicholas Schmidle, The New Yorker. BLUF: "... Obama and his advisers went into a second room, down the hall, where others involved in the raid-including logisticians, crew chiefs, and SEAL alternates-had assembled. Obama presented the team with a Presidential Unit Citation and said, "Our intelligence professionals did some amazing work. I had fifty-fifty confidence that bin Laden was there, but I had one-hundred-per-cent confidence in you guys. You are, literally, the finest small-fighting force that has ever existed in the world." The raiding team then presented the President with an American flag that had been on board the rescue Chinook. Measuring three feet by five, the flag had been stretched, ironed, and framed. The SEALs and the pilots had signed it on the back; an inscription on the front read, "From the Joint Task Force Operation Neptune's Spear, 01 May 2011: 'For God and country. Geronimo.' ""

Iraq since 2003: Perspectives on a Divided Society

Mon, 08/01/2011 - 10:41am
Iraq since 2003: Perspectives on a Divided Society by Safa al-Sheikh and Emma Sky, The International Institute for Strategic Studies. BLUF. The US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 had a traumatic effect on Iraqi society, causing it to break down into different armed groups that at times fought the US-led Coalition, the new government, members of other sects and even members of the same sect in a nation-wide conflict that claimed the lives of well over 100,000 Iraqis. While this violence has since decreased, Iraq's stability gains remain fragile, and the country's future is uncertain. To understand why there was so much violence in Iraq after 2003, and why the violence eventually decreased, it is important to examine the contending perspectives of the different groups, in particular Sunni insurgents, the central government in Baghdad and the followers of Shia leader Moqtada al-Sadr (known as Sadrists).

Editor's Note: While the cost is $20, this read is well worth the price. Safa and Emma attempt to deconstruct the American narrative about the invasion and subsequent "Surge" by providing the Iraqi perspective on the overall cost and impact of the intervention.

1 August SWJ Roundup

Mon, 08/01/2011 - 6:13am

In Afghanistan, Plan Sought in Oct. for US Exit - AP

In Kabul, Mullen Promotes US Pullout, Border Defenses - NYT

Mullen Focuses on Afghanistan-Pakistan Border Havens - BBC

US Military Chief Cites Progress Against Haqqanis - Reuters

Chairman Pleased with Progress, Concerned About Corruption - AFPS

Afghans Must Address Corruption, Criminal Networks, Mullen Says - AFPS

12 Police, Child Killed in Southern Afghanistan Suicide Blast - VOA

Afghanistan Car Bombing Kills as Many as 13 - LAT

Suicide Attack in Lashkar Gah 'Kills 13' - BBC

Bomb Kills 11 at Police HQ in Southern Afghanistan - AP

Taliban Leaders May Take Ramadan Break - Reuters

Official: Associate Killed Karzai's Half-Brother - AP

Afghan Governor: NATO Airstrike Kills 4 - AP

Medics Act First, Sort Through Emotions Later - JS

Names of Suspects in Bank Fraud Sent to Afghan Courts - NYT

Politics From a Spray Can in Kabul - LAT

Afghan Media Watchdog Seeks Probe of Reporter Death - Reuters


US Refocused on Covert Strikes in Pakistan - LAT

Mullen Focuses on Afghanistan-Pakistan Border Havens - BBC

Pakistan Imposes Travel Curbs on US Diplomats - VOA

Violence Continues in Pakistan's Karachi; 200 Killed in July - Reuters

Pakistan Says US Missiles Kill 3 Near Border - AP


Purchase of US Jets, But Still No Decision on Troops - McClatchy

Kurds Serve Warning as US Withdrawal Nears - Reuters


Syrian Raid on Hama Kills 80 - VOA

Dozens Killed as Syrian Forces Storm Restive Cities - NYT

Syrian Tanks Storm Epicenters of Protest - WP

Syria Forces Escalate Attacks on Protesters - LAT

Syrians Mark Bleak Ramadan After 80 Killed in Hama - Reuters

Scores Reportedly Killed in Syria by Army Troops - AP

Dozens Killed as Syrian Tanks Storm Hama - Reuters

US, UN Leaders Condemn Syrian Assault on Hama - VOA

Call for UN Security Council Meeting on Syria Crisis - TT

Obama Condemns 'Brutal' Hama Raid - BBC

To Topple Assad, It Takes a Minority - NYT opinion


Rebels Making Progress in Mountains West of Tripoli - WP

Clash in Benghazi Exposes Cracks in Libyan Rebel Ranks - NYT

Rebels Clash With Gaddafi Loyalists - Reuters

Rebels Say They Unmasked Secret Pro-Gadhafi Group - AP

With Rebels in Charge, Life Returns to Libyan Town - AP

France to Keep Up Pressure on Libya - Reuters

An Arab Spring Shadow - WP opinion


Yemen's President Calls for End to Street Protests - AP

Yemen's Saleh Calls for Ramadan Talks to End Crisis - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

Lebanese, Israeli Troops Exchange Fire on Border - AP

Israel Says Troops Fire Back at Lebanese Soldier - Reuters

Israeli Gov't Opens Dialogue with Protesters - VOA

Israelis Feel Tug of Protests, Reviving the Left's Spirits - NYT

Netanyahu Pressured by Protesters - WP

Doctor: Israeli Troops Kill 2 Palestinians - AP

Israeli Troops Kill Two Palestinians in West Bank - Reuters


Egyptian Activists Suspend Sit-in for Ramadan - WP

Judge Says TV Will Show Mubarak on Trial - NYT

Egypt's Prosecutor Summons Mubarak to Trial - AP

Egyptian Judge Outlines Plans for Mubarak's Trial - Reuters


Iran Will Announce US Hikers Verdict By Next Week - VOA

US Hikers Expect Iran Verdict Soon - LAT

Verdict for 2 Americans in Iran Within a Week - AP

Iran Man 'Pardoned' from Blinding - BBC

Iranian Blinded by Acid Pardons Her Attacker - AP

Middle East / North Africa

Arab Unrest, High Food Prices Cast Pall on Ramadan - AP

Thousands Protest on Morocco King's Allegiance Day - Reuters

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP

US Department of Defense

Defense Contractors Set Sights on DOD Despite Cuts - WP

United States

White House, Congressional Leaders Reach Deal - WP

Obama and Leaders Reach Debt Deal - NYT

US Leaders Strike Debt-ceiling Deal to Avoid Default - LAT

Congress Moving Quickly on Debt and Spending Deal - AP

Congressman: Misunderstanding of Islam Continues in the US - VOA


Somalia Famine: African Union Calls 'Pledging Summit' - BBC

Rains Add Misery to Somalia's Famine Refugees - AP

Somali Women Fleeing Famine Preyed On by Rapists - AP

Somali Legislator Shot Dead by Gunmen - AP

West African Pirates Repelled After Attack on Panama Ships - Reuters


Drug Kingpin Wanted in US Is Held in Mexico - NYT

Mexico Says a Top Juarez Cartel Figure Captured - AP

Mexico Drug Cartel Suspect Acosta 'Admits 1,500 Killings' - BBC

Venezuela Plans 'to Release 40% of Prisoners' - BBC

Rebels Free Five Kidnapped Colombian Oil Workers - Reuters

Guatemala Nabs Third Suspect in Folk Singer Murder - AP

Asia Pacific

Official: N. Korea Wants Nuke Talks to Resume Soon - AP

S. Korea Wants Progress From N. Korea Before Talks - AP

14 Killed in W. Chinese City on Edge Over Ethnic Tensions - NYT

China: Scores Dead in Restive Xinjiang - WP

China: Unrest in Kashgar, Xinjiang, Leaves 15 Dead - BBC

China Blames Pakistan-Trained Militants for Attack - AP

China Blames Muslim Extremists for Attack in Xinjiang - Reuters

China Imposes Blackout on Train Wreck Coverage - NYT

Philippine Troops Hunt Abu Sayyaf Despite Ramadan - AP

Japan's Post-tsunami Task - WP editorial


Serbia Calls for Peace in Crisis with Kosovo - AP

NATO Starts Clearing Roadblocks in Kosovo - AP

Police Detain Russian Opposition Protesters - AP

Insanity Ruling Not Likely in Norway Mass Killings - AP

South Asia

India Parliament Adjourns Amid Opposition Anger - AP

India: 'Slutwalk' Protest Held in Delhi - BBC

How We Became a Nation of Warriors

Sun, 07/31/2011 - 2:25pm
How We Became a Nation of Warriors: Over the Last Century, Militarism Has Warped our Foreign Policy -- And Our Soul. Can the Budget Crisis Save Them? By Stephen Glain at Salon - a condensed excerpt from Stephen Glain's new book, State vs. Defense: The Battle to Define America's Empire, available August 2 from Crown.

BLUF: "State vs. Defense, the century-old competition between those who would confront America's overseas challenges through diplomatic means and those who would subdue them by force of arms, is all but decided. The economic and political resources commanded by the latter group are vast and powerful, while the former has been reduced to a cadre of supplicants forced to beg before the lavish table of the national security state. Such a lopsided state of affairs has been abetted by a citizenry generally uninterested in the policies carried out in its name and un—to share in the burden of their prosecution. Only now, with the specter of bankruptcy looming over the national accounts, are some in Washington daring to contest the bill for, if not the value of, unchecked global hegemony."