Small Wars Journal

The Interpreter COIN Discussion

Fri, 07/22/2011 - 2:43am
Two interesting pieces at The Interpreter (Lowy Institute for International Policy):

Doubts about Leahy's Afghanistan Plan by Dr. Milton Osborne every counter-insurgency campaign of which I am aware, the goal of overcoming insurgents through programs that emphasise civic as well as military action can only be contemplated when both the non-military personnel who are carrying out that action and their clients can be protected.

It seems evident to me that such a situation does not exist in Afghanistan, and is not likely to be achieved in any foreseeable future, whatever brave statements are made to the contrary.

Our Undeserved COIN Reputation by Major General (Ret) Jim Molan

... I never met anyone in any position of authority who said that success in these wars could be achieved by military forces alone, but the creation of relative security for the people by the use of military or para-military forces is the first and most essential step. Security does not have to be perfect. But political, social and economic progress will not occur while the local population has the insurgent or terrorist tearing their collective throat out...

Both authors were writing in response to Time Running Out to Fix Strategy for Afghanistan by Peter Leahy (former Chief of the Australian Army) in The Australian.

... The West has mistaken killing terrorists and counter-insurgency warfare for nation building. All three are needed but at different times and different degrees. It is clear the only way to deal with many of today's terrorists is to strengthen our defences and kill those who maintain their murderous intent. We can conduct raids on them in their lairs with drones as in Pakistan and raw air power as in Libya. But these actions are also likely to destabilise the countries we attack and generate more terrorists then we kill. So counter-insurgency and nation building will still be needed...

Some Safety Advice for the U.S. Military

Thu, 07/21/2011 - 12:36pm
Some Safety Advice for the U.S. Military by Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic. BLUF: "... I was sitting, at one point, next to an American man of obvious military bearing, a real barrel-chested freedom fighter sort, who wore a polo shirt inscribed with the words, "Army Aviation Association." He was also carrying a camouflage tactical rucksack with his last name stitched on the back. He seemed like a senior-enough guy to have a Google profile, so I typed into my iPhone his last name, plus Afghanistan, plus "army aviation" and came up with his exact identity in 20 seconds. He is one of the key leaders of the military's drone programs in Afghanistan. Now if I weren't a patriot, but instead an anti-American jihadist, I might have seen this as an opportunity to do some damage..."

Inside Darpa's Secret Afghan Spy Machine

Thu, 07/21/2011 - 9:57am
Exclusive: Inside Darpa's Secret Afghan Spy Machine by Noah Shachtman at Wired's Danger Room. BLUF: "The Pentagon's top researchers have rushed a classified and controversial intelligence program into Afghanistan. Known as "Nexus 7," and previously undisclosed as a war-zone surveillance effort, it ties together everything from spy radars to fruit prices in order to glean clues about Afghan instability... But those efforts are drawing fire from some frontline intel operators who see Nexus 7 as little more than a glorified grad-school project, wasting tens of millions on duplicative technology that has nothing to do with stopping the Taliban."

21 July SWJ Roundup

Thu, 07/21/2011 - 8:04am

Watchdog Says US Aid Money May Be Fueling Insurgency - NJ

General Petraeus: Afghanistan War 'Fragile' But Doable - NYT

Afghan Forces Take Security Control Despite Deadly Attacks - VOA

Lashkar Gah: NATO Hands Over Volatile Afghan City - BBC

In Southern Afghanistan, a Modest Transition - WP

Ahead of Security Transfer, Suicide Blast Shakes Afghan City - NYT

Drug Trade Menaces Afghanistan Despite Progress - Reuters

US Hacking of Taliban Site Deemed Unlikely - WP

Two British 'Terror Suspects' Held in Afghanistan - Reuters

2 Who Claim UK Citizenship Held in Afghanistan - AP

ISAF Operations Roundup - AFPS

Trying to Save Troops' Lives With Flying Hospital - AP


Documents Outline Funneling of Pakistani Funds to US Candidates - WP

Lawmakers Say Pakistani Plot Did Not Influence Actions - NYT

Bomb Kills 3 Employees of Pakistani Oil Company - AP


Analysis: Legal Safeguards for US Troops Key to an Iraq Deal - Reuters

Sadr Says Iraqis Employed with US are Outcasts - AFP

Iraq Shi'ite Militia Splinters Into Hit Squads, Gangs - Reuters

Hezbollah Commander Could be Transferred in Days - AP

Our Iraqi Allies Deserve Better - LAT editorial


Syria Restricts Travel of US, French Envoys - VOA

Syrian Warns Ambassadors Not to Leave Capital - AP

Loyalist Troops Besiege Damascus Suburb After Protests - Reuters

Intense Shooting in Central Syrian City - AP

Plotting a Post-Assad Road Map for Syria - WP opinion


Logistics, Coordination and Rivalries Hamper Rebels - NYT

France, Russia Use Diplomatic Influence to Resolve Libya's Crisis - VOA

France Says Qaddafi Can Stay in Libya if He Relinquishes Power - NYT

France: Gaddafi could possibly stay in Libya - WP

France: Gadhafi Could Possibly Stay in Libya - AP

Tripoli: Gaddafi Removal Not Being Discussed - BBC

For Libyan Rebels, a Funeral is No Somber Event - LAT

Gadhafi Calls Tribes to Take Back Rebel Mountains - AP


Egypt Rulers Outline Plan for Elections - NYT

Egypt: No Foreign Electoral Oversight - WP

Egypt Refuses International Election Monitors - AP

Egypt to Hold Parliamentary Vote in 3 Stages - Reuters

Egypt's New Cabinet to Be Sworn in Today - Reuters

Social Media Show Limits as Egypt Elections Loom - Reuters

Egypt's Army Draws Fire Over Military Trials - Reuters

Egypt's Road to Freedom - WP editorial

Middle East / North Africa

Europe Takes Bigger Role in Mideast Peace Push - NYT

Iran: Ahmadinejad and Clerics Fight Over Head Scarves - WP

Jordan Police Probe Blames Protesters for Violence - AP

Jailed Palestinian Leader Asks Millions to Protest - AP

Car Bomb in Aden Kills British Worker - BBC

Morocco's Democratic Changes Fail to Appease All - NYT

Deposed Tunisian President Faces 2 New Trials - AP

For Refugees, a Frustrating Feeling of Permanence - NYT

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP


Clinton Urges More Assertive Indian Role in Central, East Asia - VOA

Clinton Urges Greater Leadership Role for India - WP

India Police Widen Probe Into Cash-For-Votes Scandal - Reuters

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda Plans Cartoon to Fight the West - TT

Al-Qaida Plans Cartoon Recruiting Film for Kids - AP

'Al-Qaeda Movie Targets Children' - BBC

Militants Plan Al Qaeda Cartoon for Kids, Monitors Say - Reuters

Australia: Terror Site's Sydney Opera House Pic Prompts Alert - AP

US Department of Defense

Pentagon Braces for Deep Cuts in Debt Deal - WP

Former Marine to Receive Medal of Honor for 2009 Battle - S&S

Major Is Arraigned In Fort Hood Killings - NYT

Trial Date Set in Ft. Hood Rampage - Reuters

Fort Hood Suspect's Lead Attorney Steps Down - AP

VA Shooting Spree: "Melaku Has No Grudge Against Marines" - AP

Fort Hood Shooting Suspect's Court-martial Set for March - S&S

Pentagon Strategy Addresses Energy Challenges - AFPS

Walter Reed, Bethesda Hospitals on Track for Realignment - AFPS

Space Shuttle

Atlantis Lands Safely After Final Shuttle Flight - WP

Atlantis Ends Its Final Voyage and an Era - NYT

Space Shuttle Makes Final Landing - BBC

United States

House Moves to Restrict US Foreign Aid - WP

Obama Open to Debt-Cap Deal - WSJ

Obama Signals Openness to Short-term Debt Extension - WP

Post-9/11 Hate Murderer Executed - BBC

United Kingdom

British Leader Defends His Actions in Hacking Case - NYT

Cameron Faces Parliament on Hacking - WP

Cameron Concedes Error in Hiring Aide Linked to Hacking - LAT

British PM Defends Phone Hacking Links - VOA

UK PM 'Regrets' Hiring ex-Murdoch Editor - BBC

United Nations

UN Deadlock on Addressing Climate Shift - NYT

UN: Climate Change 'Threatens Peace' - BBC


UN Declares Famine in Somalia, Issues Aid Appeal - VOA

Food Crisis in Somalia Is a Famine, UN Says - NYT

UN Declares Somalia Famine in Bakool and Lower Shabelle - BBC

UN Declares Famine in Southern Somalia - LAT

UN: Famine in Somalia Killing Tens of Thousands - WP

US Pledges Aid for Drought-Stricken Somali Refugees - VOA

US 'to Aid Islamist Areas of Famine-hit Somalia' - BBC

Somali Militias Recruiting Child Soldiers, New Report Finds - VOA

3 Somalis Deny Killing Americans in Pirate Attack - AP

US Govt Cannot Confirm Mass Graves in Sudan - WP

Malawi Riots Erupt in Lilongwe and Mzuzu - BBC

Malawi Police, Protesters Clash for Second Day - Reuters

1 Person Killed During Violent Malawi Riots - AP

Riots in Malawi as Protesters Demand Mutharika Leave - Reuters

Ivory Coast's Ouattara Sets Up Inquiry Into War Crimes - Reuters

Official: 37 Arrested in Guinea After Coup Attempt - AP

USAF Contingency Response Wing Takes on Africa Mission - AFPS


Ex-mayor of Cancun Released, Case Appears to Collapse - LAT

Mexico Acuses Ex-Cancun Mayor of Smuggling Cubans - AP

US-Cuba Ties in Balance Over Jailed American's Appeal - Reuters

Venezuela Court Grants Parole to Chavez Opponent - AP

Brazil Police Seek Arrests in Amazon Killings - AP

Humala Picks Two Moderates for Peru Cabinet - Reuters

Haiti Leader to Ask for Recovery Panel's Extension - AP

Asia Pacific

A Look at the Top Issues at Asian Security Meeting - AP

ASEAN Pushes for Resumption of N. Korea Nuke Talks - AP

Vietnam: Tensions in South China Sea a Challenge - AP

China Complains About Philippines Lawmakers' Visit to Disputed Islands - VOA

China Says Xinjiang Attack Killed 18 - WP

Clinton Urged to Press Indonesia on Military Abuse - AP

Malaysia Rules Harsh Interrogation Caused Suicide - AP

Thailand's Irresistible Attraction for Fugitives - NYT

Japan Plans Additional $165 Billion for Reconstruction - Reuters


Italy Joins Germany in Fight for Lockheed Missile System - Bloomberg

Italian Govt Refuses to Account for Missing Arms Cache - TI

EU Warns Bulgaria and Romania on Reforms - NYT

Serbia Arrests Last War Crimes Fugitive - NYT

Serbia Arrests Last UN War Crimes Fugitive - AP

Serbia Arrests Last Major War Crimes Fugitive - Reuters

Police Detain Dozens of Protesters in Belarus - AP

South Asia

Bangladesh Court Indicts 430 for Murder in Mutiny - AP

Analysis: Bangladesh Protests Distract From Real Concern - Reuters

Sadr says Iraqis employed with US are outcasts

Wed, 07/20/2011 - 6:14pm
Sadr says Iraqis employed with US are outcasts

by Louai Beshara


BLUF "Boycott them and reject them," he said about Iraqis who were still working for American forces or the embassy, or who had worked with them in the past but had shown no remorse.

He said translators were also to remain outcasts: "It is forbidden to work with them also."

Much more at Yahoo News

Understanding 'The Death of American Strategy'

Wed, 07/20/2011 - 2:12pm
Understanding 'The Death of American Strategy' by Colonel Gian P. Gentile, Infinity Journal. (registration required - no cost). Here's the overview:

In the 3rd Issue of Infinity Journal (Summer 2011), respected U.S. Army Colonel, Professor of Military History at West Point, and combat battalion commander in Iraq, Gian P. Gentile writes on "The Death of American Strategy". In the article, Gentile relays to his readers that the tactics of so-called Population-Centric Counterinsurgency (Pop-COIN) has "slayed" American strategy. As was to be expected, some reactions to the article have been critical, including a post on the webpage of the highly respected and notable National Defense University's Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS). While that post in particular did contain some solid points that are more than worthy of further analysis, unfortunately they were overshadowed by personal attacks on Gentile. The purpose here is not to return fire on any specific critic but rather to offer a clearer interpretation of what the original article intended to get across — a message that has seemingly become distorted by faulty analysis and unfortunate assaults on character rather than on ideas.

Understanding 'The Death of American Strategy'.

Afghans Taking the Lead in Lashkar Gah Security

Wed, 07/20/2011 - 12:18pm
Via the British Embassy in DC: Afghans Taking the Lead in Lashkar Gah Security

British troops have formally handed the lead responsibility for security to Afghan Forces in the capital of Helmand Province today - a significant milestone in a process of transition that will continue to 2014 and beyond.

Lashkar Gah, where British troops have operated since 2006, is the fourth of seven districts across Afghanistan where responsibility for security is gradually shifting from ISAF forces to their Afghan counterparts.

Afghan Army and Police units have been assuming responsibility for security in the town over recent months. Today, no coalition troops are involved in the day-to-day security of the bustling town.

British forces will stay in the remainder of Central Helmand province where they will continue to develop the capability and capacity of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). Although security in Lashkar Gah is good, work in other areas will continue to ensure UK forces remain on track to withdraw combat forces by the end of 2014.

Foreign Secretary William Hague said:

The UK and our ISAF partners remain committed to helping the Afghan Government ensure that Afghanistan never again becomes an operating base for international terrorism.

Although UK forces will no longer be in a combat role in Afghanistan by 2015, we will continue to provide military and development assistance. We are preparing a strong, long term partnership with Afghanistan based on diplomacy, trade and development that will continue beyond the end of transition.

For more please see here.

Also, in his latest blog, Head of the Provincial Reconstruction Team Michael O'Neill said the principal criterion to assess progress is not what we have done ourselves, but what Afghan authorities can do in future.

For more on supporting Afghan leadership visit the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's Global Conversations Blog.

20 July SWJ Roundup

Wed, 07/20/2011 - 6:36am

NATO Gives Security to Afghans in Eastern Capital - AP

NATO Hands Over Key Afghan City - BBC

Handover of Key City Tests Afghan Forces Amid Rising - Reuters

Karzai Seeks to Fill Power Void after Brother's Death - WP

Afghan, Pakistan Presidents Meet Amid New Tensions - Reuters

Villagers Join with US Coalition to Bring Peace to Marjah - S&S

Taliban Denies Texting Mullah Omar's Death, Blames Hacking - LAT

Afghan Police and Insurgents in Kandahar Gunbattle - BBC

Militants Storm Kandahar Police Station, Kill Commander - Reuters

Taliban Say Hackers Broke Into Phone, Website - AP

Taliban Deny Their Leader Mullah Omar Has Died - AP

ISAF Operations Roundup - AFPS

Afghanistan's 'Other' Transition - TA opinion

Afghanistan Is Now India's Problem - FP opinion


US, India Press Pakistan on Terrorist Safe Havens - VOA

Clinton Calls on Pakistan to Prosecute Bombing Suspects - WP

FBI: Pakistani Spies Spent Millions Lobbying US - AP

DC Nonprofit Illegal Agent of Pakistani Government - WP

FBI Arrests Man Said to Be a Front for Donations - NYT

Pair Charged with Illegally Lobbying for Pakistan - LAT

Pakistan: Shelling from Afghanistan Kills 4 Troops - AP

US Steps Up Push for Aid Recognition in Pakistan - AP

Pakistan Appoints First Woman Foreign Minister - Reuters


UN Envoy Cautiously Optimistic on Iraq - AP

Kirkuk a 'Land Mine' Where All Sides Want US to Stay - McClatchy

Fiery Iraqi Cleric's Political Party Puts On New Face - NPR

Al-Qaida Iraq Group Claims Recent Deadly Attacks - AP


US Softens its Criticism of Syria - LAT

Syrian Military Assaults Intensify on Homs, 16 Killed - Reuters

Syrian Violence Leaves At Least 10 More Dead in Homs - VOA

Syrian Security Forces Shoot at Funeral Processions - NYT

Syrian Mourners 'Killed in Homs' - BBC

Syrian Forces Fire on Funeral Procession, 10 Killed - AP

Rights Group Fears Syrian Detainees Being Tortured - AP

FBI Interviews Syrian Activists in Washington - WP

A Vision of a Life Free From Dictators - NYT


US Recognition of Rebels Raises Tough Legal Questions - WP

US Officials Met Gaddafi Envoys - BBC

Libya Forces, Rebels Locked in Battle for Port Brega - LAT

Landmines Hinder Libyan Rebel Battle for Oil Port - VOA

Libyan Rebels Say They Have Encircled Brega - Reuters

Libyan Troops Kill 8 Rebels Near Eastern Oil Town - AP

Gaddafi Could Stay in Libya, France's Juppe Says - Reuters


Yemen Opposition Forms Council to Oust President - Reuters

Yemeni Army Shelling Kills More than 20 Militants - AP

Israel / Palestinians

Spirit of Middle East Protests Doesn't Spare Israel - NYT

Israel Seizes Pro-Palestinian Flotilla Vessel - VOA

Israel Troops Board Gaza Protest Boat Dignite-al Karama - BBC

Israel Stops French Boat Headed to Gaza - WP

Protest Yacht, Bound for Gaza, Is Diverted by Israeli Forces - NYT

Israeli Navy Takes Over Gaza-Bound French Ship - AP

Middle East / North Africa

Iran to 'Speed Up' Uranium Enrichment - BBC

Lawmaker: Iran Shot Down Unmanned US Spy Plane - AP

Jordan's Protesters Ask Little, and Receive Less - NYT

Military Is Left Out of Draft for Egyptian Rule - NYT

Egypt's Military Seeks Future Political Role - AP

Tunisia's Islamist Party Denies It Behind Riots - Reuters

Tunisia Gas Pipe Hit by Blast but Still Working - Reuters

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP


US, India Focus on Homeland Security - WP

Clinton Says US, India 'Allies' in Terrorism Fight - LAT

US Vows Counterterrorism Support for India - AP

Clinton Seeks Indian Security and Nuclear Deals - BBC

Death Toll from Mumbai Triple Bombing Rises to 20 - AP

Afghanistan Is Now India's Problem - FP opinion

US Department of Defense

USMC Sgt Dakota Meyer To Be Awarded The Medal Of Honor - MCA

Accused Fort Hood Shooter to Be Arraigned Wednesday - VOA

Army to Move Hundreds of Wounded as Walter Reed Closes - S&S

DOD Can No Longer Solve Problems with Money as Cuts Loom - S&S

$46 Billion Worth of Cancelled Programs - DT

Two Never-finished Navy Ships Head to Scrap Heap - VP

Lynn: Defense Department Seeks Energy Revolution - AFPS

Lynn: Defense, Energy Departments' Partnership Pays Off - AFPS

Carter Updates Industrial Leaders on 'Better Buying Power' - AFPS

DOD Personnel Chief Slammed in IG Complaint - MT

Coordinated Strategy Lacking for Missile Defense Training - S&S

Air Force Tidies Up Manual on Dress Code, Grooming Standards - S&S

Cut Bloated Head Count, Not Weapons Programs - Forbes opinion

United States

Obama Hails Senate Deficit-reduction Plan - WP

16 Arrested as FBI Hits the Hacking Group Anonymous - NYT

Minnesota Man Admits Somalia Terror Plot - BBC

When a Visa Application Gets Flagged - WP

United Kingdom

Close Ties Between UK Media, Police Scrutinized - AP

2nd News Executive, Arrested, May Have Counseled PM - NYT

No Outside Involvement in UK Whistleblower's Death - AP

Murdochs Deny That They Knew of Illegal Acts - NYT

Murdoch Apologizes, But Deflects Blame - WP


Clinton Promises $28M More in Famine Aid to Africa - AP

Oxfam: $800 Million Needed to Help HOA Hungry - AP

Somali President Declares Famine - VOA

UN Declares South Somalia Famine - BBC

UN: Parts of South Somalia Suffering From Famine - AP

UN Set to Declare Famine in Parts of Somalia - Reuters

UN Wants Security Guarantees for Somalia Aid Work - AP

Somalia Pirate Video: Danes, Filipinos Plead for Release - AP

Attack on Home of Guinea President Conde Repelled - BBC

Guinea's President Calls for Calm After Assassination Attempt - VOA

Ex-Army Chief Held After Guinea's Conde Escapes Attack - Reuters

5 Nigerian Cops Say They Didn't Kill Sect Leader - AP

South Sudan Heralds Independence With First Oil Cargo - Reuters


Slain Kids Cast Larger Shadow on Mexican Drug War - Reuters

Venezuela Court Drops Complaint Against Chavez Foe - AP

Peru: Shining Path 'Kills Two Soldiers' - BBC

Nicaragua: Ortega Proposes Referrendum to Demand US Damages -AP

Paraguay Rebel Leader Launches Book Outside Jail - AP

Asia Pacific

ASEAN Foreign Ministers Discuss South China Sea Dispute - VOA

ASEAN, China Approve 'Guidelines' for Disputed Sea - AP

South China Sea Dispute: Philippine MPs Visit Spratlys - BBC

Filipino Lawmakers Visit Disputed Isle, Defy China - AP

Xi Jinping: China Will 'Smash' Tibet Separatism - BBC

China Executes Corrupt Hangzhou and Suzhou Officials - BBC

China Says 14 Rioters Killed in Xinjiang Attack - AP

Japan Claims Success in Cooling Damaged Nuclear Reactors - VOA


IMF Warns European Debt Could Derail Global Economy - VOA

IMF Says Euro Under 'a Shadow' - WP

Europe Fears Financial Contagion in Italy and Spain - NYT

Europe Sees US Debt Crisis as Threat - WP

Russia and Germany Bolster Trade Ties - NYT

Serbia Arrests Last War Crimes Fugitive - BBC

Serbia Arrests Last UN War Crimes Fugitive - AP

Greece: 6 Jailed Over Militant Anarchist Bombings - AP

Cyprus FM Formally Resigns Over Deadly Blast - AP

2011-2012 U.S. Army War College Key Strategic Issues List

Tue, 07/19/2011 - 7:58am
The 2011-2012 U.S. Army War College Key Strategic Issues List (KSIL) was published online on 11 July and can be found at this link. The KSIL is published annually for the purpose of making students and other researchers aware of strategic topics that are, or should be, of special importance to the Department of Defense and the U.S. Army. The list is a compilation of input from the faculty at the U.S. Army War College, as well as from civilian and military experts across the field of defense studies.