Small Wars Journal

Next COIN Center Webcast

Mon, 07/02/2012 - 5:45pm

The US Army Counterinsurgency Center is pleased to host COL (Ret) Mike Kershner from the Biometrics Identity Management Agency (BIMA) and a former Special Forces officer with operational experience in 55 countries. He leads training and education efforts for BIMA.  Mr. Kershner will provide a key update for military practitioners and interagency partners on the latest technologies in biometrics that will assist in pre-deployment education and training, and in planning and executing counterinsurgency operations.

The webcast is scheduled for Thursday, 12 July 2012, at 1000 CDT (1100 EDT,15:00 ZULU).

Those interested in attending may view the meeting online at and participate via Defense Connect Online (DCO) as a guest. Remote attendees will be able to ask questions and view the slides through the software.

2 July SWJ Roundup

Mon, 07/02/2012 - 7:26am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP


US Building $92m Military Headquarters for Afghanistan - S&S

Afghan Policeman Kills UK Troops - BBC

3 British Troops Are Killed by Afghan in Police Uniform - NYT

Britain Says 3 UK Soldiers Die in Afghan Shooting - AP

Afghan Official: NATO Airstrike Kills 3 Civilians - AP

Blast Hits Afghan Passenger Bus, Kills 5 - VOA



Clinton: World May Not Succeed in Syria - CNN

Syrian Opposition Rejects UN Transition Deal - VOA

Syrian Opposition Rejects New International Plan - AP

Arab League Says Syrian Opposition Must Unite - AP

Russia to Hold Talks With Syrian Opposition - AP

Assad's Forces on Offensive; Moscow Defends Him Again - Reuters

Russia, China Join US in Calling for New Government in Syria - McClatchy

Turkey Weighs Options for Dealing with Syria - WP

Turkey Scrambles Jets to Syria Border - BBC

Russians and Syrians, Allied by History and Related by Marriage - NYT


Middle East / North Africa

Iran Braces for EU Embargo - VOA

Already Plagued by Inflation, Iran Is Bracing for Worse - NYT

US Praises EU Embargo of Iranian Oil, Presses Tehran - Reuters

Iran Threatens Israel; New EU Sanctions Take Force - Reuters

Iran to Hold Maneuvers with Missiles - AP

Jordan's King Urges Islamists to Contest Election - AP

Yemeni Troops Kill al-Qaida Militant - VOA

Yemen: Authorities Foil Attacks on Foreigners - AP

Two Killed in Yemen as Army Pursues Militants - Reuters

Official: Verdict July 10 for Ex-Israeli Premier - AP

Palestinians Detain Dozens in Weapons Crackdown - AP

Election Commission Offices in Eastern Libya Sacked - NYT

Libya: Benghazi Election HQ 'Ransacked' - BBC

Libyan Lawyer Says ICC Staff to Be Released - AP

How Muslim Brotherhood Went from 7 Members to Presidency - McClatchy

Egypt's New President Faces Burden of Expectation - Reuters

Our Relationship with Egypt - WP opinion


US Department of Defense

Military Looks for Ways to Save More Lives on Battlefield - USAT

Troop Hospitalizations Show Mental Toll of War - S&S

Stan McChrystal, Drone Skeptic - DR

More Aircraft Arrive to Combat Western Wildfires - AFPS

Some Firefighting C-130s to Redeploy from Colorado to Wyoming - AFPS

Gunman in Fort Bragg Commander Shooting Dies - NYT

Fort Bragg Soldier Who Shot Commander Dies - S&S

Soldier Killed in Fort Bragg Shooting Identified - AFPS

Report: More Sexual Assaults at Camp Lejeune - S&S

US Officials Seek 1984 Deserter in Sweden - AP


United States

Drone Makers Urge US to Let Them Sell More Overseas - LAT

Domestic Drone Push Raises Privacy Questions - DDN

Veterans Respond to Supreme Court Overturning Lying Law - AP

Storm-Related Outages in DC Region May Last for Days - WP

Heat Reigns After Deadly Storms in Mid-Atlantic - NYT

Show Me Your Papers - NYT opinion


United Kingdom

PM to Face More Pressure Over EU - BBC

Hague: Case for EU Vote Powerful - BBC

England Riots: Police Feared for Their Lives - BBC

Army’s Most Senior Female Officer Quits Amid Cuts Anger - DT

Theresa May 'Planning Changes to Immigrant Test' - BBC

Reports: Barclays Chairman to Resign This Week - AP



Gunmen Attack Catholic Churches in Northeast Kenya - VOA

Kenyan Church Attacks 'Kill 15' - BBC

15 Dead in Kenyan Church Attacks - WP

Kenya Police: Church Attacks Kill 15, Wound 40 -AP

Islamist Militants in Mali Continue to Destroy Shrines - Reuters

Mali: Attacks Renewed on Timbuktu Tombs - BBC

Islamist Militants in Mali Continue to Destroy Shrines - Reuters

Sudan Breaks Up Protest, Blames Zionist Plot - Reuters

US Tells Rwanda to Halt Support for Congo Rebels - Reuters

Rwanda’s Day of Liberation - WP opinion



Exit Polls: Pena Nieto Wins Mexican Presidential Election - VOA

Ex-ruling Party 'Returns to Power' in Mexico - BBC

Weary Voters Turn to Party of Mexico’s Past, Polls Say - NYT

Mexican Old Guard Leads, Ruling Party Concedes - AP

Mexico's Old Rulers Claim Presidential Election Win - Reuters

Mexico PRI Candidate Pena Nieto Leads - WP

Exit Polls: Leftist to Win Mexico City Mayorship - AP

Instant View: Mexico Poised for Change of Government - Reuters

Venezuelan Election Race Begins - BBC

Venezuela's Chavez, Capriles Launch Presidential Race - Reuters

Chavez, Capriles Begin Venezuela Campaigns - AP


Asia Pacific / Central

Japan: Okinawa Governor Rejects Plan to Deploy US Planes - AP

Protest as Japan Restarts Reactor - BBC

Japan: First Nuclear Reactor to Restart Met with Protests - PW

Japan’s Leader Is Set Back as Party Faction Quits - NYT

US Firm Guilty of Aiding China's Military Attack Helicopter - CP

Mass Protests as Hong Kong Marks 15 Years of Chinese Rule - VOA

Protests on Hong Kong Anniversary - BBC

Protesters March as New Hong Kong Leader Is Sworn In - NYT

Vietnam: Anti-China Protesters Take to Streets of Hanoi - VOA



Germany’s Merkel Defends Compromise on Euro - BBC

Eurozone Unemployment Hits New Record in May - AP

Bailout Envoy Urges Greece to Speed Up Reforms - AP


South Asia

India: Mumbai Terror Suspect's Taped Voice Comes to Life - AP

Reported US Drone Strike Kills 8 Militants in Pakistan - VOA

Crippled, Chaotic Pakistan - NYT editorial

Late Sunday Night Disruptive Thinking - Balt. Det. Jimmy McNulty (The Wire)

Sun, 07/01/2012 - 10:48pm

Judge Daniel Phelan: I hold you in contempt, Detective!
Detective James 'Jimmy' McNulty: Who doesn't?

Then Officer (former Dectective) James 'Jimmy' McNulty: [to a patrolman who has given someone a ticket at the urging for more arrests] Baker, let me let you in on a little secret, the patrolling officer on his beat is the one true dictatorship in America, we can lock a guy up on the humble, lock him up for real, or say fuck it and drink ourselves to death under the expressway and our side partners will cover us. No one - I mean no one - tells us how to waste our shift!

Detective James 'Jimmy' McNulty: If only half you motherfuckers at the district attorney's office didn't want to be judges, didn't want to be partners in some downtown law firm... If half of you had the fucking balls to follow through, you know what would happen? A guy like that would be indicted, tried and convicted. And the rest of 'em would back up enough, so we could push a clean case or two through your courthouse. But no, everybody stays friends. Everybody gets paid. And everybody's got a fucking future.

Video worth watching through, drawing parallels and thinking about:

Syrian Opposition Rejects UN Transition Deal

Sun, 07/01/2012 - 6:16pm

Syrian Opposition Rejects UN Transition Deal

by VOA News

Syrian opposition groups have rejected a United Nations-backed plan for a political transition in Syria, calling it "ambiguous" and "a farce" while ruling out any possibility of sharing power with President Bashar al-Assad.

A Paris-based Syrian National Council spokeswoman, Bassma Kodmani, said Sunday that Syrians "will not accept engaging in any political track while the killing continues."

Dozens of civilians were reportedly killed the day before, including at least 30 when a powerful explosion hit a funeral procession in a suburb of the capital, Damascus. Activists blamed government forces for the blast.

The conflict is threatening to spill across borders after Syria shot down a warplane from neighboring Turkey, which responded by setting up anti-aircraft guns along the frontier. Turkey said Sunday it scrambled fighter jets to its border after Syrian helicopters flew too close to the frontier.

An international conference in Geneva on Saturday accepted a watered down version of U.N. envoy Kofi Annan's plan for the creation of a transitional government in Syria. But at Russia's insistence the compromise agreement left the door open to Assad being part of the interim administration.

Rafif Jouejati, a spokeswoman for the Local Coordination Committees, an activist group with members throughout Syria, called the Geneva meeting a step backwards.

"Kofi Annan said he [wants] to give this plan another year, and to us that's tantamount to giving the Assad regime a full year to continue the killing with zero consequences," said Jouejati. "The plan has no teeth and is simply a reiteration of the Kofi Annan peace plan version one."

The wording of a final communique from the meeting calls for "clear and irreversible" steps toward a political transition. It says a transitional body must be formed through "mutual consent," and could include current members of the government.

Jouejati told VOA the mutual consent clause shows Annan has "absolutely no perception of the reality on the ground."

She said the current plan needs to be reworked into one "that has consequences for...the amount of killing that is taking place" and must include an "enforcement mechanism" to deal with Assad's "failure to comply with a single tenet" in [Annan's] six-point plan.

Burhan Ghalioun, a senior SNC member and the group's former head, told pan-Arab Al-Arabiya television that "this is the worst international statement yet to emerge from talks on Syria." According to the SNC's official Facebook page, he described as a "mockery" the notion that Syrians should negotiate with "their executioner, who has not stopped killing, torturing...and raping women for 16 months."

The Geneva deal was forged amid deep divisions between Western and Arab countries and China and Russia on how to end the violence.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said Sunday that Assad must abdicate power.

His U.S. counterpart, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has also insisted Assad cannot be a part of Syria’s future, saying it is now "incumbent on Russia and China to show Assad the writing on the wall.''

Moscow and Beijing had refused to back a provision that would call for Assad to step aside, with Russia insisting that outsiders cannot order a political solution for Syria.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the plan does not require the Syrian president leave power, saying there is “no attempt in the document to impose on the Syrian people any type of transitional process.''

Earlier in the meeting Annan warned the participants - the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and envoys from Arab countries - that if they failed to act, they could face an international crisis of "grave severity.''

1 July SWJ Roundup

Sun, 07/01/2012 - 2:12am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP


Militants Storm Eastern Afghan District, Killing 10 - VOA

Rare Meeting Between Afghan Government, Taliban - AP

US Nixes $300,000 Office Upgrade for Afghan Official in New HQ - WP

Bomb Kills 2 Afghan Policemen Outside Bank - AP

Young Afghans Seek Solace From War in Heavy Metal Rock - Reuters



World Powers Agree on Syria Transition - VOA

UN Calls for New Syria Government - BBC

World Powers Agree on Steps for Syria - CNN

Talks Come Up With Plan for Syria, but Not for Assad’s Exit - NYT

Talks Fail to Specify Plan for Assad - WP

Syria Conference Leaves Open Assad Question - AP

Assad's Fate Unclear in World Powers' Syria Plan - Reuters

Annan Says He Expects Assad to Cooperate With Syria Plan - Reuters

Clinton Says Syria Deal Means Assad Must Go - Reuters

Russia's Lavrov Delighted at Syria Meeting Outcome - Reuters

Raised on Power, Assad Risks All - Reuters

Palestinians in Syria Reluctantly Drawn Into Vortex of Uprising - NYT

Syria Troops Regain Key Damascus Suburb - AP

Activists: Syria Troops Fire on Damascus Funeral, Killing 30 - Reuters

Syria's Opposition Is Disorganized, Good - FP opinion

Syria Needs a Vigilante - SMH opinion



Morsi Sworn In as Egypt's New President - VOA

Mursi Sworn In as Egypt's Leader - BBC

Morsi Sworn In as Egyptian President - WP

Morsi Takes Office, Praises Egyptian Military - WSJ

Power Struggle Begins as Egypt’s President Formally Sworn In - NYT

Egypt's New President Begins Struggle for Power - AP

Tables Turn as Egypt's Islamist President Sworn In - Reuters

Tone of Egyptian Foreign Policy May Change, Not Substance - LAT

Will Morsi Govern for All of Egypt? - DS editorial

Can Egypt's Peace with Israel Hold? - DT opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Muslim Brotherhood’s Ascent Impacts Region - WP

US Defense Leaders Provide Middle East Update - AFPS

EU Oil Embargo on Iran Takes Effect Sunday - VOA

US Bets New Oil Sanctions Will Change Iran’s Tune - NYT

Iran Calls for OPEC Emergency Meeting - AP

Report: Iran to Deploy Submarines in Caspian Sea - AP

Oil Wealth Returning, Iraq Sees Malls Rise - NYT

Violence Surge Spurs Fears in Iraq 6 Months after US Pullout - AP

Palestinian Leader Abbas Postpones Israel Meeting - Reuters

US-Israel Missile Defense Exercise Rescheduled for Autumn - AP

Israel’s Yitzhak Shamir Dies at 96 - WP

Former Israeli PM Shamir Dies at 96 - AP

Tunisia Declares Its Desert 'Closed Military Zone' - AP

Snap Elections Won't Cure Iraq's Broken Politics - GN editorial


US Department of Defense

DOD Leaders: Sequestration Threatens Military’s Successes - AFPS

Slain Fort Bragg Battalion Commander Identified - S&S

Senior Leaders Reflect on Talks With Troops, Wounded - AFPS

Ft. Hood: Hasan Trial Set for Aug. 20 as Judge Denies Continuance - AFPS

Recruiting Remains on Target for Active Components - AFPS

President Nominates Grass as Next National Guard Chief - AFPS

Guard Members Aid Flood-stricken Floridians - AFPS

TRICARE Unchanged by Health Care Ruling, Officials Say - AFPS

Master Sgt. Says No to Chinese-made Boots - AFT

Panetta: Military Has ‘No Tolerance’ for Sexual Assault - AFPS

CO, CMC of Pax River Naval Health Clinic Fired - S&S

3 CA Army National Guard Captains Plead Guilty to Fraud - McClatchy

NSA’s New Standard for Oxymoronic Newspeak - ST opinion

Ending Military Sexual Assault - WP opinion



United States

Obama: Employ All Resources to Fight Colorado Wildfires - AFPS

Obama Weekly Address Focuses on Colorado Wildfires - VOA

Federal Agencies Partner to Combat Western Wildfires - AFPS

National Guard Colonel to Direct Colorado Wildfire Effort - S&S

National Guard Commander to Oversee Colorado Wildfire Response - AFPS

Fire in Colorado 30% Contained; National Guard Troops Deployed - AP

US Storms Knock Out Power to Millions - VOA

DC Area Power Outages After Storm Could Last for Days - WP

Mid-Atlantic Storms Bring Stifling Heat and Power Loss - NYT

Bill Restricting US Lobbying for Foreign Governments Has Support - VOA

In Supreme Court Term, Striking Unity on Major Cases - NYT

Declare Victory: al-Qaeda Has Been Defeated - CNN opinion


United Kingdom

Secret Plans to Loan US Warship to UK During Falklands Conflict - DM

PM 'Prepared to Consider EU Vote' - BBC

UK Politicians: Banking System Is Corrupt - AP



‘Lost Boys’ Peril Returns in Sudan - NYT

South Sudan Oil Shutdown Chokes Economy - VOA

Mali: Islamic Militants Destroy Timbuktu Islamic Shrines - VOA

Mali: Islamists Damage Timbuktu Shrines - BBC

Militants Seek to Destroy Mali Shrines - Reuters

Kenya Pursues Somali Kidnappers From Refugee Camp - AP

UNHCR: Refugee Status Ends for Angolans, Liberians - VOA

Swedes Mark Year in Ethiopia Jail - BBC

Former President Bush Arrives in Zambia - VOA

Africa on the Rise - NYT opinion



Pocketbook Issues Weigh Heavily as Mexicans Vote - NYT

Worries About Vote Buying Despite Mexican Reforms - AP

Ousted Paraguay President Calls Removal ‘Coup Against Democracy’ - WP

Guatemala: ‘Beyond the Horizons’ to Have Far-Reaching Impact - AFPS

A Better Mexico - WP opinion

Mexicans Ready for a Change - JT opinion

The Dam Boom in the Amazon - NYT opinion


Asia Pacific / Central

Hong Kong Marks 15 Years Since Chinese Handover - BBC

Hong Kong in Dour Mood as Chinese Leader Makes Return Visit - NYT

New Hong Kong Leader Takes Office Amid Discontent - AP

Tough, Pro-Beijing Leung to Lead Wary Hong Kong - Reuters

Hong Kong Reporter Detained Over Question to President - VOA

HK Reporter Asks About Tiananmen, Upsets Hu Visit  - AP

Key Figure in China’s Political Tumult Quits Legislature Post - WP

1st Japan Reactor Goes Online Since Nuclear Crisis - AP

Burmese Government Demands Opposition Use 'Myanmar' - VOA

Malaysian, Indonesian Culture Spats Flare Up - VOA

Will China Go to War Against Vietnam? - AS opinion



Germany’s Merkel Defends Compromise on Euro - BBC

Cyprus Sparks Controversy as EU's Next President - VOA

Georgian President Names New PM as Elections Loom - Reuters


South Asia

India Floods Kill 29, Displace More than a Million - AP

Russia Elbows US in Indian Ocean - AT opinion

US Army Command and General Staff College Writing Awards

Sun, 07/01/2012 - 12:15am

Via the Fort Leavenworth Lamp: The Command and General Staff College’s Golden Pen Award program recognizes personnel assigned to the college for their literary achievements. Four Small Wars Journal articles make the cut.

Michael C. Sevcik, School of Command Preparation, “Army Learning Concept 2015: These are Not the Droids You are Looking For”, Small Wars Journal.

Dr. Dan G. Cox, SAMS, “The Test Case in Afghanistan for Special Operating Forces”, Small Wars Journal.

Dale C. Eikmeier, DJIMO, “Design versus the Center of Gravity”, Small Wars Journal.

Barry M. Stentiford, SAMS, "The Most Dangerous Dumb Idea that Will Not Die", Small Wars Journal.

Kudos to the authors and a hearty thanks for contributing to SWJ!

Border Security Threats to the Homeland

Sat, 06/30/2012 - 4:54pm

Subcommittee Hearing: Border Security Threats to the Homeland: DHS’ Response to Innovative Tactics and Techniques - Opening Statements and Witness Testimony.



Ms. Donna A. Bucella
Assistant Commissioner
Office of Intelligence and Investigative Liaison
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Department of Homeland Security
[Full text of testimony]

Mr. James A. Dinkins
Executive Associate Director
Homeland Security Investigations
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Department of Homeland Security
[Full text of testimony]

Rear Admiral William D. Lee
Deputy for Operations Policy & Capabilities
U.S. Coast Guard
Department of Homeland Security
[Full text of testimony]

Rear Admiral Charles D. Michel
Joint Interagency Task Force South
[Full text of testimony]


30 June SWJ Roundup

Sat, 06/30/2012 - 6:39am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP


Armed Forces Day: With the UK troops in Afghanistan - BBC

IMF Approves Disbursement After First Review of Afghan Program - Reuters

US Tries to Crimp Taliban’s Cash Flow - WP

Some Taliban at Gitmo Could Go to Afghanistan, Officials Say - AP

Search and Destroy - Slate “Little America” book excerpt



Syrian Groups Say Violent Day Left High Civilian Toll - NYT

Syria Conflict Stokes Calls for Global Arms Treaty - VOA

Which Way Forward in Syria? - CNN

Key Talks Due on Syria Peace Plan - BBC

Pessimism Clouds Start to Syria Talks - Reuters

US, Russia Remain Divided Over Syria - VOA

Russia's Syria Policy Planners Look for 'Plan B' - VOA

No Satisfying Explanation for Russia’s Stance on Syrian Conflict - WP

Russia, US Key to Last-Ditch Syria Talks in Geneva - AP

UK's Hague Says Syria Talks 'Very Difficult' - Reuters

Syrian Troops Besiege Rebellious Suburb - AP

US Downplays Turkish Troop Moves Near Syrian Border - Reuters

UN Publishes Report on Iran Arms Trade With Syria - Reuters

Where's the Action on Syria? - WP editorial



Morsi Pledges to Represent All Egyptians - VOA

Morsi Hails Cairo Crowds - BBC

Morsi Defiant on Eve of Taking Office - WP

Egypt President-Elect Vows to Fight for Authority - AP

Morsi Says He Will Work for Release of Sheik Jailed in US - NYT

Egypt's Islamist President-Elect to Be Sworn In - AP

Egypt's First Islamist President to Be Sworn In - Reuters

How Egypt’s Army Won - NYT opinion

The Key to Liberating Egyptians? - CNN opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Iran Feels Pinch of New Sanctions - WP

Iranian Says Nuclear Talks Have Reached ‘Critical Point’ - NYT

Iran Expects to Equip Gulf Ships with Missiles Soon - Reuters

3 Blasts Kill 8 in Central Iraq  - AP

US, Israeli Military Drill Set for October-November - Reuters

Palestinians: Meeting Delayed With Israeli Vice PM - AP

Israeli Coalition Divided on Military Conscription - NYT

UNESCO: Bethlehem Nativity Church is 'Endangered Site' - VOA

Bethlehem Sites Given UN Status - BBC

Iran-Israel: Bombing or the Bomb? - WP opinion


US Department of Defense

US Drops Charges Against Kuwaiti Held at Guantanamo - Reuters

Fort Hood Commander Tapped to Lead US Army Europe - S&S

All 8 Air Force Firefighting Planes Activated - AP

One Soldier Killed, Two Injured in Fort Bragg Shooting - FO

Fort Bragg Shooter Faced Court Martial, Discharge, Officials Say - NBC

Fort Hood Shooting Suspect Trial Won't be Delayed - AP

Air Force has Identified 31 Alleged Victims in Lackland Scandal - S&S

Naval Academy Greets Record Number of Female Plebes - S&S



United States

Foreign Spying of US Companies on the Rise, FBI Says - LAT

Attorney General Holder Won’t be Prosecuted for Contempt - WP

Hillary Clinton’s Last Tour as a Rock-Star Diplomat - NYT

Panetta: Partnerships Bolster National Security - AFPS

US Charges Vietnamese Man With Helping Yemeni Militants - Reuters

Supreme Court Defends the Right to Lie - WP editorial


United Kingdom

Armed Forces Day Being Celebrated - BBC

WikiLeaks’ Assange 'Declines' British Police Order - BBC

Assange: I'm Not Leaving Ecuadorian Embassy - CNN

A Handshake in Belfast - NYT editorial



Watchdog Group Warns of 'Dangerous Expansion' of State Power - VOA



US Military Plans Operations in Africa - VOA

UN Warns Sudan About 'Heavy-Handed' Suppression - VOA

Protests Heat Up the 'Sudanese Spring' - CNN

Sudan Austerity Protesters 'Tear-Gassed' - BBC

ECOWAS to Meet on Mali, Guinea Bissau Crises - VOA

US Ambassador to Kenya Quits Before Audit Release - NYT

Aid Workers Kidnapped in Kenya - BBC

Nigeria Says Arrests Oil Pipeline Bomber - Reuters

UN Refugee Status Ends for Angolans - AP

After Rwanda Genocide, Stifled Dissent - NYT opinion



Mexico Seems Poised to Embrace Party It Ousted in 2000 - NYT

Mexican Election Watchdog Under Pressure in Sunday's Vote - Reuters

Bomb Explodes in Mexican City Days Before Election - Reuters

Venezuela: Anti-Chavez TV Channel Pays $2.1m Fine - BBC

Mercosur Welcomes Venezuela, Suspends Paraguay - Reuters

Paraguay Suspended from Mercosur Bloc - BBC

Paraguay Suspended From Mercosur, No Sanctions - AP


Asia Pacific / Central

S. Korea Postpones Signing Military Pact with Japan - VOA

S. Korea Puts Off Japan Military Pact at Last Minute - AP

No Outcry over Korea-based Soldier's Suspended Sentence - S&S

UN Publishes Report on North Korea Sanctions Violations - Reuters

Japan: Thousands Protest Restarting of Nuclear Power Plant - NYT

Thousands at Japan PM's Office Decry Nuke Restart - AP

US Reaches Out to China, but Not for Naval Maneuvers - NYT

US Urges China to Avoid Censorship - WP

Chinese Police Crack Down on Guangdong Protesters - VOA

Key Figure in China's Political Tumult Quits Post - AP

China Paves Way to Charge Cop Who Sparked Bo Drama - Reuters

China: Plane Hijacking Foiled in West, 6 Detained - AP

Ningxia, China Muslims Hope Islamic Ties Profitable - VOA

Philippine Troops Kill 13 Communist Rebels - AP

Burmese Civil War Displaces Tens of Thousands - WP

US Confirms 1st Ambassador to Burma in 22 Years - AP



Eurozone Leaders Try Again to Resolve Debt Crisis - VOA

Germany’s Merkel Gets Parliament to Approve Euro Deals - NYT

Germany’s Merkel Defends Compromise on Euro - BBC

Germany Cedes Some Ground in Steps to Bolster Euro - NYT

Italy’s PM Nudges German Chancellor Toward Growth - NYT

EU Bailout Funds to go to Banks - WP

Europe's Bold Rescue Plan Still Awaiting Details - AP

Fate of Turkish Courts Hangs in the Balance - VOA

Clinton Recommends Fewer Business Barriers for Young Latvians - VOA

Clashes Injure Dozens as Serbs Visit Kosovo Battle Site - BBC

Greek Militant Group Claims Microsoft Attack - Reuters


South Asia

India Says Pakistan Involved in 2008 Mumbai Attacks - VOA

Sri Lankan Police Raid News Website, Arrest 9 - AP

World Bank Pulls Out of Bangladesh Project Amid Corruption - Reuters