Small Wars Journal

Why the U.S. Can't Afford to Ignore Latin America

Fri, 06/15/2012 - 7:17pm

Why the U.S. Can't Afford to Ignore Latin America by Christopher Sabatini and Ryan Berger, CNN.

...  The Center for a New American Security, a respected national security think tank a half-mile from the White House, recently released a new series of policy recommendations for the next presidential administration. The 70-page “grand strategy” report only contained a short paragraph on Brazil and made only one passing reference to Latin America.

Yes, we get it. The relative calm south of the United States seems to pale in comparison to other developments in the world: China on a seemingly inevitable path to becoming a global economic powerhouse, the potential of political change in the Middle East, the feared dismemberment of the eurozone, and rogue states like Iran and North Korea flaunting international norms and regional stability.

But the need to shore up our allies and recognize legitimate threats south of the Rio Grande goes to the heart of the U.S.’ changing role in the world and its strategic interests within it...

This Week at War: The Deepest Cut

Fri, 06/15/2012 - 5:14pm

In my Foreign Policy column, I explain that although policymakers in Washington vow to avoid recreating the "hollow force" of the 1970s, they may get a hollow force anyway.


On June 10, The Hill's defense blog reported that a bipartisan group of 30 senators is meeting behind closed doors to discuss funding alternatives that would avert "sequestration," an instant $55 billion cut to the Pentagon's budget slated to occur on January 2, 2013. This 10 percent across-the-board cut to defense spending was originally designed to be such an unthinkable menace that it would motivate policymakers to come up with rational fixes to the federal budget. Whether the senators will be able to find a solution before January remains uncertain.

Even if President Barack Obama and congressional leaders can ward off sequestration, few believe that this will end Washington's budget drama. The outcome of the November election will be crucial to future budget priorities. In the meantime, some defense analysts are already preparing for what may come even if sequestration is averted. Last January, Obama unveiled a new defense strategy, designed around $487 billion in cuts over the next 10 years. This strategy will lay off 100,000 soldiers and Marines over the next five years, cut nine Navy ships and defer or cancel the construction of 12 others, and eliminate six Air Force tactical fighter squadrons and scrap 130 cargo planes. But one new analysis, based on three other deep defense drawdowns that have occurred since World War II, suggests that Pentagon planners would be wise to get ready for cuts far beyond the $487 billion already factored into the military's plans.

Part I of the report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies was released last month and discusses the assumptions and framework for their analysis. Part II will arrive in November and will present specific recommendations for restructuring U.S. military forces after assuming a one-third cut in defense spending between 2010 and 2024. The CSIS authors believe that regardless of how the 2012 and subsequent elections turn out, the pressure of fiscal austerity will remain. Further, they assume bargaining leverage among political parties and factions will remain sufficiently dispersed, such that bipartisan compromises on the large budget and tax issues will be required. The authors thus conclude that the Pentagon will have to endure cuts totaling $1.2 to $1.5 trillion between 2010 and 2024.

How should the Pentagon plan for triple the cuts currently contemplated while also minimizing the risks to U.S. security? Congress and Pentagon planners will have to apportion the reductions between the size of the military, the military's current level of readiness for operations, and preparing for future risks.

In order to guide their analysis, the CSIS team studied the drawdowns that followed the Korean, Vietnam, and Cold Wars. The CSIS authors identified the post-Vietnam drawdown as perhaps the best example of what not to do. Pentagon funding declined by 33 percent, similar to what the authors assume will occur this time. But after Vietnam, Congress and the Pentagon retained far more force structure than they could properly afford. The result was the "hollow force." Soldiers in the new all-volunteer force were poorly recruited and paid. Funds for training were inadequate and equipment maintenance was deferred. By 1979, 6 of 10 Army divisions stationed in the United States were assessed as "not combat ready."

The authors found the post-Korea and post-Cold War examples somewhat better role models. After the Korean War, the Eisenhower administration performed a thorough analysis resulting in a significant cut to the Army's force structure and a re-allocation of resources to the Air Force's strategic nuclear deterrence mission and general research and development, then thought to be enduring U.S. strengths compared to the Soviet Union. After the Cold War, the military again chopped its force structure and procurement, while generally maintaining research funding. In both cases, the Army found itself unprepared for guerilla wars that were considered unlikely contingencies, until policymakers decided to engage in them anyway.

As they prepare their November recommendation, the CSIS authors are open about their "analytic bias." They have already concluded that a much smaller force that is well equipped and well trained is far preferable to the large but "hollow" force the U.S. found itself with during the 1970s. As an example of this in action, this week was the 30th anniversary of the end of the Falklands conflict, which saw a small but elite British expeditionary force rapidly defeat a much larger but ill-equipped and ill-trained Argentine army.

The CSIS authors believe that history and logic justify their analytic bias favoring cuts to force structure while maintaining funding for readiness and R&D. However, political forces may spoil their plans.

The authors assume that U.S. leaders will shed low priority missions that aren't essential to U.S. security. Although this assumption is critical to making the CSIS analysis work, it is questionable to count on enduring self-restraint by U.S. policymakers. Problems the CSIS authors would very likely view as non-essential -- Lebanon in 1982, Somalia in 1992, Bosnia in 1996, Libya in 2011, to name only a few examples -- resulted in U.S. military interventions. The CSIS authors are expecting future U.S. presidents to restrain themselves when confronted by similar problems in the future. A much shrunken force structure available to future presidents is expected to bolster this restraint. But the pressure to act will remain -- even if the U.S. military is much smaller in the future. And with the CSIS assumption of at least $1.2 trillion in defense cuts borne mostly by force structure, we should expect that the force structure CSIS recommends in November to be very small indeed. Even though the CSIS approach specifically attempts to avoid a hollowed out force, this will very likely be the result anyway. CSIS's small force, even if well-trained and well-equipped, will eventually wear out from excessive deployments and overwork.

Although the sorry experience of the 1970s hollow force should rationally exclude that course from consideration, political pressure may nevertheless result in its resurrection. Policymakers may conclude that they must maintain adequate force structure in order to cover the missions, essential and otherwise, to which the U.S. has obligated itself. In addition, leaders on Capitol Hill and elsewhere may opt to protect soldiers and their families from the pain of layoffs and from the impossible deployments schedules that would result from a much smaller force. But to balance the books, it will be tempting to nibble away at training budgets, spare parts, and corners of procurement that aren't politically influential. Although policymakers will know that they are creating a hollow force over time, they may rationalize this by assuming that they will get adequate warning of a future crisis and be able to boost readiness as needed with some "just-in-time" injections of training funds. They will be playing a game of bluff, trading on the U.S. military's past reputation and the difficulty of discerning just how hollow U.S. forces might actually be at a given moment.

The Obama administration believes that it is approaching the latest drawdown with a rational and deliberate strategy. Like the Eisenhower administration's post-Korea strategy exercise, the Obama plan shifts resources from ground forces to air and naval power, which are perceived to be U.S. strategic advantages and the right tools for the current challenges in the Asia-Pacific region.

But this strategy may already be fraying at the edges. Although the strategy is designed to boost air and naval power, air and naval forces will still shrink. And although the Pacific is the strategy's focus, the Pentagon will struggle to make a modest boost to its naval presence there. And this fraying is visible before either sequestration or CSIS's forecast of further cuts occurs.

In its January strategic guidance, the administration admitted that its defense plans entail taking on more risk. These risks will include cutting ground forces too much, having inadequate forces for certain kinds of simultaneous crises, relying on what may end up being unreliable allies, and having over-optimistic assumptions about the Pentagon's ability to regenerate forces in a crisis.

The CSIS deep drawdown project is an attempt to plan for a much worse budget scenario than the Pentagon is currently planning for. With its $1.2 trillion in assumed cuts, the CSIS-recommended force would still likely be too small to cover problems and allies that the U.S. has been used to covering for decades. If U.S. policymakers don't want to accept that proposition, they may be tempted to bluff with a hollow force, as they have done in the past. But games based on bluffs and uncovered bets sometimes end abruptly.


Confronting the Terrorism of Boko Haram in Nigeria

Fri, 06/15/2012 - 3:18pm

Confronting the Terrorism of Boko Haram in Nigeria.  A Joint Special Operations University monograph by Dr. James Forest.

In this monograph counterterrorism expert James Forest assesses the threat Boko Haram poses to Nigeria and U.S. national security interests. As Dr. Forest notes, Boko Haram is largely a local phenomenon, though one with strategic implications, and must be understood and addressed within its local context and the long standing grievances that motivate terrorist activity. Dr. Forest deftly explores Nigeria’s ethnic issues and the role of unequal distribution of power in fueling terrorism. Indeed, these conditions, combined with the ready availability of weapons, contribute to Nigeria’s other security challenges including militancy in the Niger Delta and organized crime around the economic center of the country, Lagos.

15 June SWJ Roundup

Fri, 06/15/2012 - 4:16am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP



Australia to Train Afghan Forces after Withdrawal of Combat Forces - CNN

Karzai: Cooperation Key to Stability in Afghanistan - VOA

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS

Haggling Over Afghanistan - WP opinion



US, Pakistan Appear to Have Reached a Stalemate on Key Issues - WP

Pakistan Calls Again for Apology for NATO Strike - Reuters



US Military Completes Planning for Syria Scenarios, CNN Says - S&S

UN Observers Enter Battered Syrian Town - VOA

UN Monitors Reach Haffa in Syria - BBC

UN Monitors Find Vast Devastation in Syrian Village - NYT

Smell of Death Greets UN Monitors in Syrian Town - AP

Syrian Town Deserted, Burnt After Clashes - Reuters

Britain: Time Running Out for Annan's Syria Peace Plan - Reuters

Civil War Designation Would Trigger Humanitarian Protections - VOA

Clock Ticking for Russian Political Solution in Syria - VOA

Russia Official Says West Has No Solution to Syria - Reuters

A Closer Look at Russian Arms Sales to Syria - AP

Syrian Liberators, Bearing Toy Guns - NYT



Clinton Says No Going Back on Democracy in Egypt - Reuters

Egypt Ruling Lets Mubarak Official Run for President - VOA

Blow to Transition as Court Dissolves Egypt’s Parliament - NYT

Egypt’s Highest Court Says Parliament Must Dissolve - AP

Egyptians Challenge Decree Giving Army Arrest Powers - Reuters

Brotherhood Anger at Egypt Ruling - BBC

Court Rulings Tip Egypt's Transition Into Turmoil - Reuters

Experts: Egyptian Rulings Could Throw Country Back Into Chaos - VOA

Egypt’s Parliament Declared Illegal - WP

Revolt Leaders Cite Failure to Uproot Old Order in Egypt - NYT

Egyptians React to Court Ruling Dissolving Parliament - WP

What to Know on Egypt's New Political Drama - AP

In Egypt, a Sense of Dread - WP opinion                                                                    


Middle East / North Africa

Obama Speaks With Saudi King Amid Syria, Iran Concerns - Reuters

British and Iranian Officials Meet to Discuss Rift - NYT

Bahrain Court Upholds Convictions of 9 Doctors - NYT

Bahrain Cuts Medics' Sentences - BBC

Yemeni Army Advances on Third Rebel-Held Town - Reuters

Tunisia Bans Rival Protests Set for Friday - AP

Tunisia Outlaws Friday Protests - BBC

Libya Refuses to Release Hague Court Workers - NYT

Libya Revokes Gaddafi Praise Law - BBC

Bahrain Compounds the Injustice - NYT editorial


US Department of Defense

NATO is Crucial to US Security, Panetta Tells Senators - AFPS

Reduction Focus Shifts From Nukes to Bio Threats - AFPS

Military, NFL Team Up to Reduce Shared Stigma About Concussions - S&S

Panetta Praises Legacy on Army’s 237th Birthday - AFPS

Navy Ships Participate in Flag Day, War of 1812 Commemorations - AFPS


United States

Panetta: Sense of Urgency Needed to Defend Against Cyber Attacks - AFPS

Senator Urges Bigger Cuts to Nuclear Arsenal - NYT

Winnefeld: Time for US to Join Law of Sea Convention - AFPS

Holder to Comply in Part With Gun Inquiry Request - NYT

Eric Holder’s Worst Week - WP opinion


United Kingdom

UK Sets Measures to Insulate Itself from Spreading Crisis - WP

Switzerland and Britain Gird Against the Storm - NYT

Britain Unveils Electronic Mass Surveillance Plan - AP

PM: Relationship Between Media, Politicians Too Cozy - VOA

Editor to PM: 'We're in this Together' - BBC

At British Inquiry, Cameron Denies ‘Deals’ With Murdoch - NYT

Britain’s Cameron in the Hot Seat - WP

British Court Rejects WikiLeaks Founder Appeal - VOA

WikiLeaks Founder Loses in Court Again - NYT



Stop Funding Explosives, Activists Say - VOA



Obama Unveils US Africa Strategy - BBC

Clinton Unveils New US Africa Policy - VOA

Report: US Expands Air Surveillance Across Africa - VOA

Contractors Run Spying Missions for US in Africa - WP

US Shares Fruit of Spy Missions - WP

US Surveillance Targets in Africa - WP

Sudan Agrees to Resume Talks With S. Sudan Next Week - Reuters

Former Nigeria Military Leader Hints at Presidential Run - VOA

Nigerian Fuel Subsidy Probe Head Quizzed Over Bribe - Reuters

UN Chief Warns of Lack of Resources in Kony Hunt - Reuters

Bid for UN Mali Sanctions Falters - BBC

Mali Journalists Denounce Attack on Press Freedom - VOA

Togo Rocked by Reform Protests - BBC

Dozens Hurt, Arrested in 3 Days of Togo Protests - AP



USSOUTHCOM Promotes ‘Whole-of-Society Solutions’ - AFPS

Mexico Presidential Frontrunner Rises in Poll After Debate - Reuters

Mexico: Case of ex-Governor and Narcos Reads Like Crime Thriller - WP

Kidnapped Crime Reporter Found Dead in Eastern Mexico -Reuters

Mexican Journalist Killed, 5th in 1½ Months - AP

Mexico Crime Reporter Found Killed in Veracruz State - BBC

Kidnapping by Mexican Police Caught on Video - AP

Films Highlight Mexico's Dark Political Past - AP

Colombia's Legendary Police Chief Heads to Mexico - AP

Colombian Congress Approves Landmark Peace Talks Law - BBC

Colombia Lawmakers Pass Framework Law for Peace - AP

Colombian Lawmakers Approve Peace Talks Law - Reuters

Venezuela’s Chavez Unveils Surveillance Drone - BBC

Argentina's President Presses Claim to Falklands - AP

Argentina's Fernandez Takes Falklands Claim to UN - Reuters

Argentina Demands Falklands Talks - BBC

Britain Warns Argentina Over Falklands 'Aggression' - Reuters

Falkland Islanders Mark Day of Argentine Defeat - AP

Falklands Anniversary: Argentine Media Subdued - BBC

Bolivia Tries Out Anti-fraud Pens - BBC

Jamaica Party Says It Got $1 Million From Swindler - AP


Asia Pacific / Central

US, South Korea, Japan to Conduct Naval Exercise - AFPS

South Korea, US Hold Defense, Foreign Affairs Talks - AFPS

Clinton: N. Korea's Kim Has Opportunity to Bring Historic Change - VOA

Don't Be Like Your Father, Clinton Urges North Korea Ruler - Reuters

Accused Chinese Party Members Face Harsh Discipline - NYT

Arrested Spy Compromised China's US Espionage Network - Reuters

Japan Moves Closer to Restarting Nuclear Reactors - WP

Japan: New Atomic Regulatory Body Within 3 Months - Reuters

Suspect in ’95 Tokyo Attack Is Said to Be Caught - NYT

Police 'Holds Japan Cult Fugitive' - BBC

Last Fugitive Nabbed in '95 Japan Gassing - AP

UN Envoy Visits Burma’s Stricken Rakhine State - VOA

A Burmese Leader’s Triumphant Return to Europe - NYT

Burma’s Suu Kyi Falls Ill During Swiss News Conference - VOA

Coca-Cola Announces Burma Return - BBC

Veteran Mideast TV Reporter Missing in Philippines - AP

Activist Slaying Sparks Riot in Indonesia's Papua - AP



Switzerland and Britain Gird Against the Storm - NYT

Europe Braces for Greek Vote, and Maybe More - NYT

Greece Ponders Second Election in 6 Weeks - VOA

World Bank Chief Rejects Involvement in Greece - Reuters

Greek Stocks Rocket Ahead of Crucial Elections - AP

Merkel Stresses Limits to Germany’s Strength - NYT

France's Left Set for Parliament Majority - Reuters

Russian Official Apologizes for Threatening Journalist - NYT

New Serbian President Vows to Seek EU Membership - AP

Official: Russia Wants Nationalist Serb Government - AP

How Greece Squandered Its Freedom - NYT opinion

14 June SWJ Roundup

Thu, 06/14/2012 - 3:32am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP



Rising Numbers of Children Hurt, Killed in Afghan Conflict, UN Says - LAT

Combined Forces Seize Large Hashish Caches - AFPS

Brigade Commander Prepares for Afghanistan Deployment - AFPS

Reconciliation with the Taliban: Fracturing the Insurgency - ISW opinion



US Awaits Pakistan's Decision on NATO Supply Routes - VOA

Pakistan Border Closure Costs US $100 Million a Month - WP

Pakistan Route Cut-Off Costs US $100 Million a Month - Reuters

Pakistan Court Initiates Contempt Charge Against Justice’s Accuser - NYT

US Drone Strike Kills 3 in Pakistan, Officials Say - AP

I’m No Traitor - WP opinion



Syria: Rebel Enclave 'Cleansed,' Retaken - VOA

Syria Rebels Retreat from Key Town - WP

Syria Claims Retaken Rebellious Village - AP

UN Kept Out of a Town That Syria Says It ‘Cleansed’ - NYT

Helicopters in Syria May Not Be New, US Officials Say - NYT

US: Russian Arms Kill Syrians 'Hourly' as West Turns Up Pressure - CSM

Amnesty: Syrian Army Systematically Killing Civilians - Reuters

Clinton Warns Russia on Syria, Questions Claims of Wanting Peace - AP

Russia Told to Harden Syria Line - BBC

US: Russia Must Be Constructive on Syria Right Now - Reuters

US Accuses Russia but Needs its Help in Syria - AP

Syria Crisis and Putin’s Return Chill US Ties With Russia - NYT

Helicopter Allegations Roil US-Russia Ties - WP

Russia Defends Arms Sale to Syria, Blasts US - VOA

Russia Denies Sending Attack Helicopters to Syria - AP

Russia-America Tussle Over Syria Evokes Cold War - Reuters

Russia and Iran Criticize the United States on Syria - NYT

US Buying More Helicopters From Firm Supplying Syria - Reuters

France Seeks UN Action over Syria - BBC

France Wants UN to Be Able to Enforce Annan Plan - Reuters

Is Syria Really in a Civil War? - CNN

Both Sides Deny there’s Civil War in Bloody Syria - WT

Syria’s Collateral Damage - WP opinion

Why Syria Is Not Libya - TNI opinion



Bombs Kill 72 in Iraqi Cities, Shi'ite Pilgrims Targeted - VOA

Dozens Die in Attacks on Shiite Targets in Iraq - NYT

Scores Die in Attacks Across Iraq - BBC

Wave of Car Bombs Kills 66 During Iraq Pilgrimage - AP

Iraq Attack on Shiite Pilgrims 'Despicable' - CNN

Scores Killed in Deadliest Attacks Since US Troop Pullout - WP photos

GOP Senators Oppose Choice for Iraq Envoy - NYT

More Trouble for Obama Nominee to be Envoy to Iraq - AP



Would New Leader Change Egypt's Foreign Policy? - VOA

Mud-Slinging Campaign Overshadows Egypt Elections - AP

Egypt Allows Military to Detain Civilians - WP

Egypt Reimposes Martial Law, Ahead of Closely Watched Ruling - NYT

Egypt Extends Military Police Powers Before Vote - AP

Egypt Gives Army Power to Arrest Civilians - Reuters

Egyptian Army Gets Arrest Power Back - BBC

Egyptians Face Nerve-Wrecking Court Sessions - Reuters


Middle East / North Africa

Iran Hardens Nuclear Stance - WSJ

S. Korea Limits Exports to Iran on Payment Concerns - Reuters

Israeli Leader to Deport African Asylum Seekers - VOA

African Migrants Spark Ire in Israel - WP

Israeli Watchdog Criticizes Government Over Gaza Flotilla Raid - NYT

Israeli PM Netanyahu 'Erred over Flotilla' - BBC

Israel: Report Faults Netanyahu on 2010 Raid - WP

Gaza Water 'Dangerous to Drink' - BBC

Yemen: A Battle for Control and a Tug of War With the Past - NYT

Raids Strike al-Qaeda Yemen Bases - BBC

Rights Group Accuses Oman of Protest Crackdown - Reuters

Let Women Drive, Saudi King Urged - BBC

Death Illustrates Issues With Loose Weapons Stockpiles in Libya - NYT

Tribal Clashes in Western, Southern Libya, 15 Dead - AP

Tunisia: Calm Returns to Tunis After Riots but Fears Remain - Reuters

New Sentence for Tunisia's Ben Ali - BBC

Tunisia Ex-Chief, Now in Exile, Gets Life Sentence - AP

Tunisian Court Sentences Ben Ali, Security Chiefs Over Killings - Reuters

Give Obama Elbow Room on Iran - NYT opinion

Hugs From Iran - NYT opinion


Terrorism / Counterterrorism

US Security Expands Presence at Foreign Airports - NYT

KSM Seeks Military Uniform for Sept. 11 Trial at Guantanamo - AP

Suspected Militant Pleads Guilty to Aiding Somalia's Al Shabaab - Reuters

US Pledges Support to Turkey’s Fight with PKK Terror - TZ

The Court Retreats on Habeas - NYT editorial

How Drones Help Al Qaeda - NYT opinion

Islamically Correct Counterterrorism - WT opinion


US Department of Defense

DOD Leaders Strongly Urge Congress to Preserve Budget Request - AFPS

Panetta Warns of 'Disaster' from Defense Cuts - AP

Panetta, Dempsey Call on Lawmakers to Protect Military Personnel Accounts - AFPS

Ground Broken on New Facilities Aimed at Treating Brain Injuries - S&S

Johnson Found Guilty of Last Two Counts; Awaits Sentencing - S&S

Women Don't Belong in Ranger School - WSJ opinion

The Battle for the Military’s Future - WP opinion


United States

Panetta Fears 'Another Pearl Harbor' in Cyberattack - WT

Method to Track Firearm Use Is Stalled by Foes - NYT

Attorney General Struggles to Balance Dueling Political and Apolitical Roles - WP

Civilians Believe Vets are Valuable, but Lack Education and Suffer PTSD - S&S

Proposed Changes to GI Bill Focus on Preparing Veterans for College - S&S

Don’t Criminalize Leaks - WP editorial

The Great Immigration Reform Mirage - NYT opinion


United Nations

Giant UN Conference Opens in Rio De Janeiro - AP



Oxfam says Arms Trade is 'Paralyzing' Development - VOA

OPEC Debates Whether to Cut Output - WP

New Domain Name Endings Set to Shake Up the Net - BBC

Two Worlds Cracking Up - NYT opinion



US Expands Spy Operations Across Africa - WP

Arrest over Kenya 'Terror' Blast - BBC

South Sudan Seeks Arbitration Over Disputed Borderlands - Reuters

Ivory Coast Coup Plot 'Foiled' - BBC

Mali Rebels, Militants Clash in North - VOA

ICC Prosecutor Seeks 30-Year Term for Congolese Warlord - Reuters

Sierra Leone Police Shootings Stir Unrest, Probe - Reuters

Nigerian Clashes over Bike Ban - BBC

UN Urges Africa to Create Green Economy - VOA

New Malaria Task Forces Will Address Top Africa Killer - AFPS



Venezuelans Consider the Unthinkable, No Chavez - WP

Chavez: Venezuela Making Drones, Assembling Rifles - AP

Guatemala Court OKs Extradition of Suspected Drug Boss to US - Reuters

US Congressman in Bolivia to Back Jailed US Man - AP

Shell Shelves Brazil Biofuel Plan - BBC

Argentina's President to Press Claim to Falklands - AP

Falkland Islanders Praise Vote on Their Future - AP

Falklands Mark End of 1982 War - BBC

Cuba Replaces 2 Cabinet Ministers - AP

Trinidad Islamic Group Leader Faces Sedition Trial - AP

Jamaica Officer Accused of Beheading Man - AP


Asia Pacific / Central

Firepower Bristles in South China Sea as Rivalries Harden - Reuters

US Envoy: North Korean Isolation Hides Suffering - AP

China Denies Firms Exported 'Banned Goods' to N. Korea - Reuters

Chinese Still Angry with Norway about Nobel Prize - VOA

Top UN Envoy Visits Burma Conflict Area - VOA

Toll in Burma Ethnic Violence Rises - WP

Riot-Hit Burma Town Calmer as Troops Restore Order - Reuters

Burma's Suu Kyi on Europe Visit - BBC

Burma’s Suu Kyi Visits Europe for First Time in 24 Years - AP

Suu Kyi Kicks Off Euro Tour Set to Steal Burma Spotlight - Reuters

ILO Brings Burma Out of Cold Ahead Suu Kyi Visit - Reuters

West Must Try a 'Third Way' with North Korea - CSM opinion



Germany, Italy Urge Funding for US Missile Program - Reuters

Greek Election a Referendum on Its Eurozone Membership - VOA

Dread and Uncertainty Pervade Life in a Diminished Greece - NYT

Withdrawals Up Before Greek Poll - BBC

French President Warns Greeks over Euro - AP

Moody's Downgrades Cyprus on Greek Euro Exit Fears - AP

Moody's Cuts Spain Credit Rating - BBC

Spain Calls for European Integration to Save Euro - AP

Italy Hit by Market Fears of Contagion From Spain - AP

German State Expels Far-right MPs - BBC

Russia: Putin Uses Tough Tactics Against Protest Challenge - Reuters

Russian Official’s Death Threat, in Bold Type - NYT

Russian Top Investigator Threatens Reporter, Paper Says - Reuters

Bury Lenin? Russian Minister Stirs Debate Over Soviet Past - NYT

184 Arrested in Poland During Euro 2012 Violence - VOA

Tymoshenko Jailing Casts Shadow Over Ukraine Euro Match - Reuters

Euro Marriage Can Use a Trial Separation - Bloomberg opinion

Why Berlin Is Balking on a Bailout - NYT opinion

Italy Mired in a Death Spiral - DS opinion

Is Putin Finally Pushing Russia Over the Edge? - FP opinion


South Asia

US, India Discuss Ways to Enhance Economic Relationship - WT

Reconciliation with the Taliban: Fracturing the Insurgency

Thu, 06/14/2012 - 1:11am

Reconciliation with the Taliban: Fracturing the Insurgency by Jeffrey Dressler, Institute for the Study of War.

The Obama administration has pursued peace talks with the Taliban’s leadership in Pakistan with the hopes of engineering a grand peace bargain with the Taliban. Making a deal with the Taliban senior leadership will compromise America’s national security interests in the region by fueling ethnic tensions in Afghanistan and possibly providing a continued platform for international extremists to operate within the region and beyond. Thus far, there has been little to no progress and the effort has halted since the Taliban walked away from preliminary discussions in March. However, high-level outreach between the U.S. and Afghan governments and the senior Taliban leaders hiding in Pakistan has caused the various factions in the movement to turn against each other—some believing that peace talks are a step in the right direction and others vowing to fight to the death. Capitalizing on this infighting, rather than quixotically pursuing a negotiated settlement, may be the best way for the international community and the Afghan government to accelerate the demise of the movement.

The Danger of Even a Lot of Knowledge

Wed, 06/13/2012 - 5:13pm

Abu Muqawama: Special Forces, or the Danger of Even a Lot of Knowledge by Andrew Exum, World Politics Review and Are Special Forces Special Enough? By James Joyner, Outside the Beltway.

A few weeks ago, when I started this series of columns on the perils of the special operationalization of U.S. national security policy, I briefly argued that U.S. special operations forces are often not as good as they or their commanders believe them to be. I worried about a young Special Forces officer with six months of Arabic convincing himself he was “Sir Richard Burton in a green beret.”

Some of my friends in the U.S. Army Special Forces demanded to know why I was picking on them, while others suggested my own service in the 75th Ranger Regiment explained my obvious bias against “indirect” special operations forces. Nothing could be farther from the truth, and in this column, I will expand on why both special operations forces and their commanders should be more humble about what these forces can and cannot do in complex operational environments…

Are Special Forces Special Enough? By James Joyner, Outside the Beltway.

In a World Politics Review column titled, “Special Forces, or the Danger of Even a Lot of Knowledge,” former Army Ranger and current Middle East policy expert Andrew Exum argues persuasively that special operations forces have far less regional and cultural knowledge than they’re given credit for. This is important, Exum explains, because it’s easy to assume that a crash course in the local language and mores combined with some time in country allow people to make more nuanced judgments than they’re truly qualified to make.

Driving his point home, though, I believe Exum takes it too far…

13 June SWJ Roundup

Wed, 06/13/2012 - 7:31am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP



Transition Continues, Haqqani Network Seeks Gains, Commander Says - AFPS

Karzai: Airstrikes in Afghan Civilian Areas 'Absolutely Banned' - VOA

Days After Order to Restrict Afghanistan Calls for Airstrikes to End - NYT

Karzai, NATO at Odds over Airstrikes - LAT

US Forces Will Retain Self-defense Capability in Afghanistan - AFPS

US Troops Return to Afghanistan's "Lost Province" - Reuters

ISAF Joint Command Welcomes New Commander - AFPS

Afghan Heroin Trafficker Gets Life in US Prison - AP

Bulldozers Dig for Victims of Afghan Earthquakes - AP



Panetta’s Pakistan Comments Complicate Talks - TWB

Pakistan Downplays Stalemate with US on Supply Lines - VOA

PM: Pakistan Not 'Gouging' Over NATO's Afghan Routes - Reuters

Work Continues Toward Opening Pakistan Supply Routes - AFPS

NATO Still Hopes for Pakistan Transit Agreement - Reuters

Pakistan Says ex-Ambassador Behind Memo to Washington - WP

Trial of Son Taints Pakistan’s Venerated Chief Justice - NYT

Pentagon’s Little Addresses Syria, Pakistan with Reporters - AFPS



Heavy Fighting Kills 34 in Syria, UN Monitors Blocked - VOA

New Weapons Push Syrian Crisis Toward Civil War - NYT

Renewed Fighting Erupts in Syria - BBC

Rebels Say Syrian Army Bombing and Burning Haffeh - Reuters

Russia Selling Helicopters to Syria, US Says - WP

US: Russia Sending Syria Attack Helicopters - AP

Syria in Civil War, UN Official Says - Reuters

Syria Denies It Is in a State of Civil War - AP

Revolt Threatens Assad's Grip on Damascus - Reuters

UN: Syrian Kids Used as Human Shields - CNN

Syrian Refugees Seek Help in Lebanon - VOA

Britain Warns Syria Follows Path of Balkans - VOA

Pentagon’s Little Addresses Syria, Pakistan with Reporters - AFPS

Stay Out of the Syrian Morass - WT opinion



US Pressures Iran with More Sanctions Waivers - VOA

Iran's Oil Exports Plummet as Sanctions Bite, Agency Says - Reuters

China Defiant on Iran Oil Purchases - VOA

Saudi-Iran Rivalries High Ahead of OPEC Meeting - AP

Single Women Gaining Limited Acceptance in Iran - NYT



Bombs Kill 44 in Iraqi Cities - VOA

Scores Die in Wave of Attacks on Shiite Targets in Iraq - NYT

Dozens Die in Attacks Across Iraq - BBC

Coordinated Bombs Kill 56 in Iraq Pilgrimage - AP



Yemeni Troops Recapture Southern Cities from al-Qaida - VOA

Yemen Says Militants Are Driven From 2 Cities - NYT

Yemen Army Regains Crucial Towns - BBC

9 al-Qaida Fighters Killed in Yemen Missile Attack - AP


Middle East / North Africa

Panetta, Israel’s Peres Meet on Security Issues, Defense Relationship - AFPS

Report Criticizes Israel PM Over 2010 Naval Raid - AP

Saudi-Iran Rivalries High Ahead of OPEC Meeting - AP

Egypt Forms Panel to Draft New Constitution - WP

Egypt Constitution Vote Boycotted - BBC

Egypt: Rumors Now Have Mubarak Die Daily - NYT

ICC Visits its Detainees in Libya - BBC

Blast Hits Red Cross Office in Libya, One Wounded - Reuters

Tunisia Imposes Curfew after Riot - BBC

Ex-Tunisia President Gets 20 Years in Absentia - AP


US Department of Defense

Defense Dept. Could Avoid Drastic Cuts Required by Debt Deal - EP

Pentagon Soon to Spend More on Vets’ Benefits than Active Personnel - S&S

Navy Sets New Standards for Future Commanders with Input from Chiefs - S&S

GI Accused in WikiLeaks Case Thanks Supporters - AP

Iraqi Woman’s Father Testifies at COL Johnson’s Trial - S&S

Soldier Found Guilty of Murder in Iraq Shootings - AP


United States

Study Shows Widespread Global Opposition to US Drone Attacks - S&S

Surge in US Weapon Sales Overseas - CNN

Holder Tells Cornyn in Faceoff on Gunrunning He Won't Quit - WT

Holder Under Fire - WT editorial

Obama Chooses Vulnerability - WT opinion

Protect, Don’t Prosecute, Patriotic Leakers -NYT opinion


United Kingdom

British Press Inquiry Strains Ruling Coalition - NYT


United Nations

UN Cash Gap May Hinder Its Nuclear Role - Reuters



Nigeria Clergy Calls for Action Against Sectarian Violence - VOA

Nigeria Financial Chief Suspended - BBC

After Crash, New Anxiety for Travelers in Nigeria - NYT

Thousands of Refugees Moved From South Sudanese Border - VOA

South Sudan Acts over Missing $4bn - BBC

Kenya PM Says Troops Will Take Kismayo, Somalia, by August - VOA

Somalia: Mogadishu Is Losing 'Most Dangerous City' Label - AP

UN: Disarmament a Priority for Ivory Coast Peace - VOA

CPJ Calls for Release of Jailed Reporters in Ethiopia - VOA



US Raid Targets Mexico Drug Gang - BBC

Mexico: A Drug Family in the Winner’s Circle - NYT

Leftist Makes Gains in Polls in Second Bid for Mexico’s Presidency - WT

Despite Protests, Young Mexicans Favor Past - AP

Venezuela: Chavez Launches Bid for Re-election - WP

Brazil Tries to Curb Crime Wave - BBC

Falkland Islands to Vote on Sovereignty - BBC

Falkland Islands will Vote on Political Status - CNN

Nations at Odds on Rio+20 Summit - BBC

Clinton to Attend Rio+20 Conference - Reuters

US an Easy Haven for Illicit Funds from Mexico - CNN opinion

Mexico Drug Violence Marches North - NI opinion


Asia Pacific / Central

US to Beef Up Marine Presence on Okinawa Before Drawdown - S&S

China Defiant on Iran Oil Purchases - VOA

Gun Ring Involving US Soldier Is Broken Up, Chinese Officials Say - NYT

China Breaks Gun Trafficking Ring Involving US Soldier - Reuters

US Military to Help Philippines Monitor Coastal Waters - AFP

Philippines, China Seek Friendly Ties, Despite Tensions - VOA

US Commander Seeks Enhanced Deterrent on Korean Peninsula - AFPS

China Shipped Missile Launch Vehicles to North Korea - VOA

Reports Indicate N. Korea Missile Launchers Came from China - AP

N. Korea Missile Launchers Came From China - Reuters

China Denies Firms Exported 'Banned Goods' to N. Korea - Reuters

UN: N. Korea Aid Efforts 'Seriously Underfunded' - VOA

More Than 20 Killed in Sectarian Violence in Burma - VOA

Food Shortages Add to Misery in Burma Strife - AP

UN Envoy in Restive Burma State - BBC

Burma’s Suu Kyi Set for Triumphant Return to Europe - NYT

Burma's Suu Kyi on Europe Visit - BBC



Russia: Opposition Rally Draws Tens of Thousands in Moscow - VOA

Russia: Large Anti-Putin Protest Signals Growing Resolve - NYT

Russian Protest Unfolds Smoothly - WP

Russia Protesters Demand Putin's Resignation - CNN

Russia’s Independence Day: Calls for Freedom from Putin - WT

Russia-Poland: Football Fans in Warsaw Clashes - BBC

Panetta Praises US-Turkish Alliance, Pledges More Support - AFPS

Turkey Fear Syria Conflict Can Cross Its Borders - AP

Irish Republic Pardons WW II Deserters - BBC

Europe Still Bailing - WP editorial

Russia, Soviet Style - NYT editorial

Europe is Really on the Brink - DS opinion


South Asia

India-US Talks Due in Washington - BBC

India Advances, but Many Women Still Trapped in Dark Ages - Reuters

Reinventing Peace

Tue, 06/12/2012 - 11:40am

FYI on a new blog from the World Peace Foundation - Reinventing Peace.

Reinventing Peace is the World Peace Foundation‘s blog. In 2011, the World Peace Foundation established a program at the Fletcher School at Tufts University, under Executive Director Alex de Waal.  In line with the educational and practical vision of its founder, today the Foundation aims to provide intellectual leadership on issues of peace, justice and security. We believe that innovative research and teaching are critical to the challenges of making peace around the world, and should go hand in hand with advocacy and practical engagement with the toughest issues. As the Foundation enters its second century, our underlying theme is reinventing peace for the globalizing world.

12 June SWJ Roundup

Tue, 06/12/2012 - 8:17am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP



US Military Officials Restrict Using Aircraft to Bomb Afghan homes - WP

NATO Limits Airstrikes on Afghan Homes to Self-Defense - AP

Afghan Leader: No Airstrikes on Homes, at All - AP

Four Seconds in Afghanistan: Was it Combat, or a Crime?  - S&S

Afghan Earthquakes 'Killed 80' - BBC

Up to 100 Feared Dead in Afghan Earthquake - AP

Bomb Hits Ambulance in Usually Calm Afghan Area - NYT

Ex-PM Brown: Murdoch Lied, Undermined UK War Effort - AP



US Pulls Negotiators from Pakistan on Supply Routes - VOA

US Takes Step Toward Exit in Pakistan Talks - NYT

US Pulls Negotiators from Pakistan as Supply Routes Remain Closed - S&S

Pakistan Should 'Bite the Bullet' in NATO Routes Row - Reuters

Pakistan Panel Says ex-Ambassador Behind Memo to Washington - WP

Pakistan Inquiry Says Former Envoy Sought Help From US - NYT

Pakistani Probe Finds Case Against Ex-Envoy - AP



UN Fears for Civilians as Heavy Fighting Continues in Syria - NYT

UN Envoy Kofi Annan 'Gravely Concerned' as Violence Surges - LAT

NATO Chief Sees Parallels Between Syria and Balkans - NYT

US Accuses Syria of New Tactics, Fears Massacre  - AP

Syrian Troops Pound Rebel Strongholds - VOA

Syrian Troops Renew Shelling of Homs - WP

Syrian Children 'Used as Shields' - BBC

Syrian Rebels’ Arsenal Includes Remote-controlled Truck Bombs - McClatchy

Number of Syrians Fleeing to Northern Iraq Growing - AP



Iranians’ Past with US Colors Standoff over Nuclear Program - WP

Sanctions Squeeze Iran’s Oil Exports to a 20-year Low - WT

Iran's Ahmadinejad Wounded but Wily in Final Year - AP

Iran to Send Humanitarian Aid to North Korea - AP

US Waives Sanctions over Iran Oil - BBC

China Excluded from Waivers for Oil Trade with Iran - NYT

US Clears India, 6 Others from Iran Oil Sanctions - AP

Step Forward in Iran Nuclear Talks - WP opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Iraq Pilgrimage Security Tight after Mortar Attack - AP

Yemeni Army Retakes Militant Stronghold of Jaar - Reuters

Yemeni Troops Regain Al-Qaida Stronghold in South - AP

Yemen Town 'Deserted' by al-Qaeda - BBC

Israel Begins Rounding Up African Migrants - AP

Rights Groups Protest Israeli Arrests of African Migrants - VOA

Bahrain Releases 'Boy Protester' - BBC

Tensions on a Campus Mirror Turbulence in a New Tunisia - NYT

Tunisian Police Clash With Islamist Extremists - AP

Libya Town Tribal Clashes Kill 16 - BBC

UK Embassy Convoy Attacked in Libya - AP

ICC Staff 'Moved to Libya Jail' - BBC

War Crimes Court: Libya Must Release Staffers - AP

Egypt's Parliament to Pick Constitutional Panel - AP

Egypt's Mubarak 'in Poor Health' - BBC

Doctors Twice Use Defibrillator on Egypt's Mubarak - AP

Detained in Libya - NYT editorial

Invisible Deaths in Libya - WP opinion


Terrorism / Counterterrorism

Justices Reject Detainees’ Appeal, Cloud Over Earlier Guantánamo Ruling - NYT

US Supreme Court Turns Down New Guantanamo Appeals - AP

Attorney: Terror Suspect Isolated in Kentucky for a Year - AP

Al-Qaida Blames Germany for Nigeria Hostage Death - AP


US Department of Defense

Report: US Military Admits to Mistakes in Iraq, Afghanistan - S&S

Pentagon to Deploy Pint-sized but Lethal Switchblade Drones - S&S

DOD, Congress Debate Replacement Costs for Landstuhl hospital - S&S

More Charges Dropped Against Former 173rd Commander - S&S


United States

Drones Revolutionize US Warfare - VOA

House Moving to Hold Holder in Contempt - WT

A Century Later, John Philip Sousa's Marches Still Quicken the Pulse - CT

John Wayne Obama - WT editorial

White House Blabbermouths - WP opinion

A ‘Kill List’ Power Grab - WP opinion

Hold Obama Accountable - WT opinion


United Kingdom

Olympics Opening Details Revealed - BBC

Ex-PM Says Murdoch Press ‘Lowered Tone’ - NYT

Ex-PM Brown: Murdoch Lied, Undermined War Effort - AP

Julian Assange Asks Top UK Court to Reopen Case - AP



Priorities Set US Africa Command’s Agenda - AFPS

AU Summit Moved to Ethiopia - BBC

AU Moves Summit to Ethiopia After Malawi Snubs Bashir - Reuters

Sudan Frees Opposition Politicians - Reuters

DRC Government Rules Out Talks With Rebels - VOA

ECOWAS Losing Patience with Malian Rebels - VOA

Africa Warned over Mali Islamists - BBC

Nigeria Gang in 'Revenge Raid' - BBC

Nigeria Launches Airline Industry Probe - VOA

Ugandan Activists Pressure Government to Reduce Maternal Deaths - VOA

Kenya's President Pays Homage to George Saitoti - VOA

Burkina Faso Grants Presidents Amnesty - BBC



In Mexico, a Candidate Stands Out Despite Attacks - NYT

Mexico Candidates in Final Debate - BBC

Chávez Forces Venezuela to Contemplate a Void - NYT

Venezuela: Chavez Registers for October Poll - BBC


Asia Pacific / Central

China Excluded from Waivers for Oil Trade with Iran - NYT

China Announces 23 Arrests in US Gun Scheme - AP

Japanese City Balks at US Aircraft Deployment - AP

UN Optimistic on US Aid for N. Korea, Food Still a Problem - Reuters

UN: Food supply tenuous for 16 million N. Koreans - AP

Iran to Send Humanitarian Aid to North Korea - AP

Violence Escalates in Burma’s Rakhine State - VOA

Burmese Police Collect Bodies from Homes - WP

Clinton Urges Halt to Burma Sectarian Violence - AP

Taiwan Investigates Navy Ship's Missing Laptop - AP



Europe Stays Quiet Despite Unease About Drones - IHT

Russia: Anti-Putin Demonstrators Gather in Moscow - NYT

Russian Police Raid Opposition Leaders' Homes Ahead of Protest - VOA

Police Raid Homes of Russian Activists - WP

Russia: Putin Opponents March in Moscow - BBC

Opposition Rally in Moscow Draws Tens of Thousands - AP

A Russian Reformer, Felled by Graft - WP

World Markets Surge After Spanish Bank Rescue - VOA

Worry for Italy Quickly Replaces Relief for Spain - NYT

French Vote Raises Socialists’ Hopes for Majority in Parliament - NYT

Neighbors Boycott Serb President's Inauguration - AP

Bosnian Serb Karadzic Asks Judges to Dismiss Genocide Case - AP

Now, Spain - NYT editorial


South Asia

In a Time to Shine, India Can’t Get Off the Ground - NYT

India Output Weaker than Forecast - BBC

US Clears India, 6 Others from Iran Oil Sanctions - AP

Bangladesh Turns Away 1,500 Refugees From Burma - AP