Small Wars Journal

27 June SWJ Roundup

Wed, 06/27/2012 - 6:05am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP



Top US Afghan General Visits Pakistan Amid Tension - AP

US Military Deaths in Afghanistan at 1,892 - AP

Insurgent Attacks Kill 10 Police in Afghanistan - AP

The Real War on Women in Afghanistan - DT

At Scene of Kabul Resort Attack, a View of Different Worlds - S&S

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



Backed by NATO, Turkey Steps Up Warning to Syria - NYT

Downing of Turkish Jet Serves as Warning - WP

Assad: Syria in 'State of War' - VOA

Assad Says Syria in a 'Real State of War' - Reuters

Turkey Threatens Military Retaliation Along Syria Border - WP

NATO Condemns Syria for Downing Turkish Jet - VOA

Erdogan Warns Syria of Turkey's 'Wrath' - VOA

Turkey Threatens Syria with Retaliation over Jet - AP

Rebels Attack Syrian Broadcaster as Assad Talks of War - NYT

Gunmen 'Storm Pro-Assad Syria TV'  - BBC

Syria: TV Station Attacked, 3 Staffers Killed - AP

Heavy Fighting Reported Around Syrian Capital - Reuters

US Intelligence Sees Few Cracks in Assad's Inner Circle - Reuters

Syrian Army Stable Despite Defections - AP

Weeks with Syrian Rebels Reveal Force of Sunni Muslim Civilians - McClatchy

UN Peacekeeping Chief: Syria Mission Won't Resume - AP

UN Probe Hints at Gov't Blame for Syria Massacre - AP

UN: Violence in Syria Worse Than Before Ceasefire - AP

Annan to Convene Syria Talks in Geneva on Saturday - Reuters      

Russia's FM Lavrov to Attend Syria Meeting, if It Happens - Reuters

A Flashpoint on Turkey’s Border - NYT editorial

How Will Turkey React to Syrian Downing of Plane? - TE editorial



Egypt's New President to Pick Woman, Christian VPs - CNN

Egyptian Court Overturns Military Decree on Civilian Arrests - VOA

Egypt Military’s Arrest Power Curbed - WP

Egypt Suspends Military Arrests - BBC

US Senators Voice Hopes, Concerns on Egypt Transition - VOA

Can We Trust Egypt's New President? - CNN opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Falling Oil Prices Put Iran Over US Sanctions Barrel - Reuters

US Congress Considers More Iran Sanctions - Reuters

Iran Says It Seeks EU Engagement, Not Stand-Off - Reuters

Iran’s Vice President Makes Anti-Semitic Speech at Forum - NYT

Before a Full House in Iran, Koran Reciters Vie for Top Honors - NYT

Iraq: Bombs in Baghdad Suburb Kill 8 - AP

Settlers Begin Evacuation of West Bank Outpost - NYT

Settlers Start Leaving West Bank Homes - WP

To Secure Egypt's Revolution, It Must Spread - TG opinion

The Fear Factor - NYT opinion

Obama's Retreat on Iran - WS opinion


US Department of Defense

New Fort Story Training Range Creates Combat Scenarios for SEALs - S&S

Making Sure Military Ballots are Counted is Project's Priority - S&S

The US Army’s $5B CAMO SNAFU - TD

An Open Celebration of LGBT Pride Month at the Pentagon - S&S

USAFE Keeps Track of Registered Sex Offenders on Base - S&S

USS Iowa: From Naval Dreadnought to Floating Gaming Station - S&S


United States

FBI Smashes Global Credit Card Fraud Ring - VOA

War of Words Heats Up Over US Gun Running Case - Reuters

Democrats Feel Pressure From Gun Lobby on Contempt Vote - NYT

A Lot at Stake for US Gun Lobby in Contempt Vote - Reuters

Aerospace Contractors Ready to Make Cuts, if Funding Falls - LAT

Young Undocumented Immigrants Hopeful with US Policy - VOA

Immigration Ruling Leaves Issues Unresolved - NYT

Arizona Law an 'Impossible Mandate?' - CNN

Arizona Police See 'Difficulties' Enforcing Immigration Law - Reuters

Taking STOCK of Congress - WP

Cargo, the Terrorists’ Trojan Horse - NYT opinion


United Kingdom

High Olympics Price Tag Draws Controversy - VOA

US-UK Security Experts Unite for London Olympics - AP

Queen and Martin McGuinness to Shake Hands - BBC

Queen, Ex-IRA Chief Plan Symbolic Belfast Meeting - AP

British Monarch Meets Victims of IRA Bombing‎ - VOA

UK Fights Off E. Africa Rendition Case - BBC



Signs of Military Professionalism, Cooperation On Rise in Africa - AFPS

Africa Militants Link Up, US Says - BBC

UN: Rwanda Aided Mutiny in Congo - WP

UN to Release Divisive Report on Rwanda Support for Congo Rebels - Reuters

President Sacks Nigeria Oil Bosses - BBC

US Condemns Crackdown on Sudan Protests - Reuters

Malian Militias Unite Against Rebel Occupation in the North - VOA

Somali Forces Gain Against Al-Shabab - VOA

Increasing Number of Somalis Fleeing Insecurity, Hunger - VOA

Gabon President Aims to Lift Living Standards - VOA

Burundi Leader Defends Journalist's Jailing - BBC

Zambia Opposition Ban Overturned - BBC

Uganda Calls Off Search for Landslide Survivors - VOA



China in $10bn Latin America Loan - BBC

Mexican Navy Searches for Missing Helicopter in Cartel Area - BBC

Violence Tops Debate Ahead of Venezuela Vote - AP

Venezuela: Chavez Foe Demands Limits on Leader's On-Air Talks - AP

Paraguay's Lugo Changes Tack Ahead of Summit - AP

Bolivia Police in New Clashes over Pay Demands - BBC


Asia Pacific / Central

UN: Amphetamine Trafficking, Usage Up in Asia - VOA

Both Koreas Suffering Worst Drought in a Century - AP

Japan Reactor Building Tilting but Not a Risk, Operator Says - NYT

China's Bloggers Push for Change - WP

Migrant Workers and Locals Clash in China Town - BBC

China Unveils New Boost for Hong Kong Ahead of Anniversary - Reuters

Rights Group Urges China to Protect Burmese Refugees - VOA

Aung San Suu Kyi Urges France to Support Burma - VOA

France Makes Pledge to Burma’s Suu Kyi - BBC

In Mongolia, a New, Penned-In Wealth - NYT



European Leaders Call for Tighter Fiscal Control - VOA

Leaders Face Ambitious Agenda at European Summit - AP

European Union Prods Germany With Fiscal Plan - NYT

World Bank Sees Steep Growth Slowdown in East EU - Reuters

Spain Officials Hailed Banks as Financial Crisis Built - NYT

Portugal Clings to Austerity on Edge of Abyss - Reuters

Documentary Links Russian Officials, Investigators in Tax Fraud - WP

Cyprus to Take Over European Presidency - NYT


South Asia

India's Finance Minister Resigns to Run for President - VOA

Coca-Cola to Invest $3 Billion More in India by 2020 - VOA

India in New Sarabjit Singh Death Row Release Call - BBC

Pakistan Denies Commuting Indian Death Sentence - AP

Pakistani Crisis Over Graft Case Set to Continue - AP        

Sri Lanka's Muslims Under Siege? - TD

Seventy Dead, 200,000 Stranded in Bangladesh Floods - Reuters

26 June SWJ Roundup

Tue, 06/26/2012 - 6:00am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP



Biden, in Leaked Memo, Told Obama War Plan Flawed - AP

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



Taliban Kill 13 Soldiers in Pakistan Raid - NYT

Militants Kill 13 Pakistani Troops, Beheading 7 - AP

Taliban Attack Pakistan's Aaj TV - BBC



Turkish Border is Crucial to Syrian Fight as Rebels Evolve - NYT

NATO to Hold Urgent Meeting on Syria - VOA

Turkey Seeks NATO Backing in Syria Dispute - NYT

Turkey Treading Cautiously on Syria over Jet Downing Incident - WP

NATO Envoys to Discuss Downing of Turkish Jet - AP

Turkey Toughens Response to Syria’s Downing of Military Jet - VOA

Turkey Warns of Syrian 'Threat' - BBC

Turkish Fighter Shoot-Down Concerns Panetta, Press Secretary Says - AFPS

Latest Syrian Defectors Are From Higher Ranks - NYT

Heavy Fighting Around Syrian Capital - Reuters

Activists: Syrian Rebels Clash With Elite Troops - AP

US accuses UN of ‘colossal failure’ on Syria - DT

UN Envoy Wants Iran at Syria Meeting - AP

ICRC Asks Syrian Government for Access to Homs - VOA



Egypt’s President is US Critic, but Could be Ally - WP

Egypt's President-Elect Starts to Form Government - VOA

Egypt’s President-Elect Begins Rituals of Office - NYT

Mursi Builds Egyptian Government - BBC

World Leaders React to Egypt's Election Results - VOA

Panetta Commends Egyptian Military for Supporting Elections - AFPS

How Much Change Can Egypt Expect? - CNN

Another Chance for Egypt - NYT editorial

Can the Muslim Brotherhood Unite Egypt? - NYT opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Putin Consults With Israeli Leaders on Syria and Iran - NYT

Israel Urges Putin Action on Iran - BBC

Iran Warns EU Oil Embargo to Impact Nuclear Talks - AP

S. Korea to Halt Iran Oil Imports from July 1 - AP

West Bank Settlers Leave Outpost - BBC

Settlers Begin Evacuation of a West Bank Outpost - NYT

Israel Museum Attack Arrests Made - BBC

For Gaza, Egypt's Islamist Victory No Quick Fix - AP

Iraq Bomb Kills 9 Young Soccer Players, Fans - Reuters

Al Qaeda Members Fled US-Backed Strike in Yemen to Oman - Reuters

Al Qaeda Threatens Arab Spring Nations - Reuters

List of Unexploded Arms in Libya Is Seen as Limited - NYT


US Department of Defense

FBI Checked More Than 100 Military-Related Islamic Extremists - S&S

Senior Leaders: Now is Time for Law of the Sea Treaty Ratification - S&S

Chairman’s Corner: Civil-Military Relations and the Profession of Arms - AFPS

Audit: DOD Computer Network Upgrades $7 Billion Over Budget - DDN

New Admiral Takes Charge at Guantanamo Bay Camps - McClatchy

Marines Release New Plan to Prevent Sexual Assault - S&S


United States

New Measures Approved to Stem Intelligence Leaks - WP

Intelligence Chief Announces New Rules to Curb Leaks - NYT

New Measures Designed to Stop US Intelligence Leaks - CNN

Congress Keeps Closer Watch on CIA Drone Strikes - TWB

Senate Panel Briefed on Nuke Treaty - WP

US Supreme Court Rejects Much of Arizona Immigration Law - VOA

Blocking Parts of Arizona Law, Justices Allow Its Centerpiece - NYT

Homeland Security Suspends Immigration Agreements with Arizona Police - WT

Supreme Court Immigration Ruling to Frame US Political Debate - VOA

Immigration Ruling: 5 Things Learned - CNN

House to Vote Thursday on Holder Contempt Charge - Reuters

Sharia Financing Helps US Muslims Achieve Home Ownership Dream - VOA

A Supreme Reminder: Immigration Belongs to Washington - WP editorial

An Attorney General Lacking Trust - WP opinion


United Kingdom

MI5: Arab Spring Spawns New Wave of UK Terrorists - DT

MI5 Issues Cyber-attacks Warning - BBC

MI5 Chief Talks Threats Before Olympics - AP

UK Hackers Admit Plotting Attacks on CIA, Firms - Reuters

UK Police Launch Riot Suspects App - BBC

Queen to Begin N. Ireland Visit - BBC

Queen Begins N. Ireland Trip, to Meet Ex-IRA Chief - AP



AFRICOM Commander Details Current, Emerging Threats - AFPS

AFRICOM: African Extremist Groups Linking Up - Reuters

US Looks to Expand Military Aid, Intel to Africa - AP

Nigerian President Seeks 'New Tactics' Against Boko Haram - VOA

Sudan Says No Retreat on Cuts Despite Protests - Reuters

Rwanda FM Slams Claims It Supports Congo Rebels - AP

Zimbabwe Gets Privately-Owned Radio Station - VOA



Upcoming Vote Might Shift Mexico's Drug Policy - CNN

Gunmen Kill 3 Officers at Airport in Mexico - NYT

Three Dead in Mexico Airport Gunfight Between Police - Reuters

Deadly Shootout at Mexico Airport - BBC

Mexico Laments Part of US Immigration Ruling - AP

In Reversal, Ex-President of Paraguay Seeks Power - NYT

Ousted Leader Hopes to Regain Power in Paraguay - AP

Guatemala Says Arbitration Panel with US on Hold - Reuters

Ecuador Studying Asylum Bid by WikiLeaks Founder - AP

Unrest Over Bolivia Police Strike - BBC

Hundreds Protest Haiti Gov't Plan to Destroy Homes - AP

Protest Against Haiti Slum Eviction - BBC

Mexico Stepping Out of Brazil's Shadow - CNN opinion


Asia Pacific / Central

Allies Conduct Exercise to Mark Korean War Anniversary - AFPS

Boat Ramming Incident Reported in South China Sea - VOA

China Hails Sea and Space Exploits - CNN

China Has Forced Refugees Back to Burma Conflict Zone - Reuters

China 'Failing Burmese Refugees' - BBC

Malaysia Court: Give Iranian Bomb Suspect to Thais - AP



Charities Say EU Budget Crunch Affects Foreign Aid - VOA

France Plans Cuts but ‘Rejects’ Idea of Austerity - NYT

Spain, Cyprus Looking for Outside Aid for Ailing Banks - VOA

Cyprus to Ask for Bailout Help - BBC

Spain Banks Downgraded by Moody's - BBC

Al-Qaida Trains Norwegian to Attack - AP

Bosnian Accused of War Crimes Appeals Extradition - AP


South Asia

Mumbai Attack Suspect Arrested in India - VOA

Indian Police Arrest Suspect in 2008 Mumbai Attack - NYT

India: New Arrest in 2008 Mumbai Attacks - WP

India: Mumbai Attacks 'Planner' Questioned - BBC

In Kashmir, Killing Ebbs, but Killers Roam Free - NYT

Analysis of a Decade at War

Mon, 06/25/2012 - 9:56am

On 15 June, the Joint and Coalition Operational Analysis division of the Joint Staff J-7 published a report titled, "A Decade at War."  This report came in response to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Dempsey's guidance that we should make sure we "actually learn the lessons from the last decade at war."  The report can be downloaded in PDF format here.  An excerpt follows:


In the decade following 9/11, it became evident that the Cold War model that had guided foreign policy for the previous 50 years no longer fit the emerging global environment. Key changes included: 

  • A shift from US hegemony toward national pluralism 
  • The erosion of sovereignty and the impact of weak states 
  • The empowerment of small groups or individuals 
  • An increasing need to fight and win in the information domain 

In the midst of these changes, the US employed its military in a wide range of operations to address perceived threats from both nation-state and terrorist groups; to strengthen partner nation militaries; to conduct humanitarian assistance operations; and to provide defense support of civil authorities in catastrophic incidents such as Hurricane Katrina. This wide range of operations aimed to promote and protect national interests in the changing global environment. 

In general, operations during the first half of the decade were often marked by numerous missteps and challenges as the US government and military applied a strategy and force suited for a different threat and environment. Operations in the second half of the decade often featured successful adaptation to overcome these challenges. From its study of these operations, JCOA identified overarching, enduring lessons for the joint force that present opportunities for the US to learn and improve, best practices that the US can sustain, and emerging risk factors that the US should address. 

The report broke down lessons into eleven strategic themes, analyzing each one in brief and providing a way ahead on each.  These were:


  • Understanding the Environment: A failure to recognize, acknowledge, and accurately define the operational environment led to a mismatch between forces, capabilities, missions, and goals. 
  • Conventional Warfare Paradigm: Conventional warfare approaches often were ineffective when applied to operations other than major combat, forcing leaders to realign the ways and means of achieving effects. 
  • Battle for the Narrative: The US was slow to recognize the importance of information and the battle for the narrative in achieving objectives at all levels; it was often ineffective in applying and aligning the narrative to goals and desired end states. 
  • Transitions: Failure to adequately plan and resource strategic and operational transitions endangered accomplishment of the overall mission. 
  • Adaptation: Department of Defense (DOD) policies, doctrine, training and equipment were often poorly suited to operations other than major combat, forcing widespread and costly adaptation. 
  • Special Operations Forces (SOF) – General Purpose Forces (GPF) Integration: Multiple, simultaneous, large-scale operations executed in dynamic environments required the integration of general purpose and special operations forces, creating a force-multiplying effect for both. 
  • Interagency Coordination: Interagency coordination was uneven due to inconsistent participation in planning, training, and operations; policy gaps; resources; and differences in organizational culture. 
  • Coalition Operations: Establishing and sustaining coalition unity of effort was a challenge due to competing national interests, cultures, resources, and policies. 
  • Host-Nation Partnering: Partnering was a key enabler and force multiplier, and aided in host-nation capacity building. However, it was not always approached effectively nor adequately prioritized and resourced. 
  • State Use of Surrogates and Proxies: States sponsored and exploited surrogates and proxies to generate asymmetric challenges. 
  • Super-Empowered Threats: Individuals and small groups exploited globalized technology and information to expand influence and approach state-like disruptive capacity. 

What Do Video Games Say About the American Experience with War?

Mon, 06/25/2012 - 7:58am

In an essay at The Atlantic, Michael Vlahos, a Naval War College professor, argues that the state-waged long war has brought a hint of defeat and self-destruction to popular culture - particularly Modern Warfare 3.  Many may roll their eyes at the linkage, but the essay is smart, short, and if nothing else, brings some pretty unfamiliar references (Zouave regiments, Prussian pickelhaube, a late Roman adoption of Gothic trousers) to The Atlantic's entertainment page.  I highly recommend clicking through to his reference on "The Culture of Defeat."  An excerpt from Vlahos' essay follows.  Read it all here.


Like German Stoßtruppen remade in fire, our warrior-heroes find identity and realization in the firefight. Battle itself is meaning; battle is pure; battle becomes the only reality—and as it was for Junger, compared to the venality and corruption and aimlessness of modern life, its destruction is cleansing.

MW3 reveals how this long war reaches back to seize us in ways we can only sense. ...

[Young gamers] are connecting at the gut level. Yet it is there that allegiances are made. They do not want to be Muslim Ghazi, but they do want to be American Ghazi. They want to fight like Ghazi and if necessary, die like Ghazi. In their deepest dreams, think Beowulf. Think berserker.

These dreams mean something. Something the Washington political realm might yet wish to see before it is too late. This world might wish to reflect on how a war fought solely by and for government and its military has placed our larger national identity at risk. In the original Call of Duty, players relived an American way of war now forgotten: where people and their government fought as one for sacred goals like freedom and democracy. MW3 shows us what the U.S. government's long war has brought: instead of straight-up defeat, a more corrosive loss of self.

25 June SWJ Roundup

Mon, 06/25/2012 - 7:51am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP



Attacks Underscores Difficulties US Troops Face Training Afghan Forces - FO

Lucrative Afghan Oil Deal Was Awarded Properly, Karzai Says - NYT

Bomb Blast Kills 6 Afghan Police Officers - AP

Concussion Care Center Offers Full Treatment for Troops - S&S



US Mulls New Covert Raids in Pakistan - AP

Pakistan Says Afghan Peace Requires Clarity From US, Taliban - Reuters

Militants Kill 6 Pakistan Troops Near Afghanistan - AP

In a Troubled Country, Still Time for High Society - NYT

Pakistan: Buddha Attacked by Taliban Gets Facelift - AP



Turkey: Syrian-Downed Plane Was Over International Waters - VOA

Turkey Calls Jet Shoot-down a Hostile Act - CNN

Western Powers Condemn Syria for Downing Turkish Jet - VOA

Turkey Calls NATO Allies to Emergency Meeting Jet Downing - WP

Turkey Calls NATO Meeting on Jet Shoot-down - BBC

NATO to Meet on Syria-Turkey Jet Downing - AJ

Jordan Says Several Syria Pilots Seeking Refuge Recently - DPA

Reports of Military Defections Come Amid Crisis With Turkey - NYT

Syrian Officers 'Flee to Turkey' - BBC

Report: 33 Syria Military Members Defect to Turkey - AP

Syrian Officers Defect, Turkey Looks to NATO - Reuters

Australia Introduces New Sanctions Against Syria - AP

International Red Cross Seeks Access to Syria's Homs - Reuters

Would Russia Help Oust Assad? - NYT opinion



Mohamed Morsi, First Freely Elected Egyptian President - VOA

Named Egypt’s Winner, Islamist Makes History - NYT

Morsi is Declared New Egyptian President - WP

Islamist Mursi Wins Egyptian Presidency - BBC

Muslim Brotherhood-backed Candidate Wins in Egypt - CNN

Muslim Brotherhood Candidate Declared Winner - McClatchy

Islamist Wins Egyptian Presidency with 52 Percent - Reuters

Islamist Candidate Morsi Wins Egypt Presidential Vote - AP

Celebration in Egypt as Morsi Declared Winner - AJ

Challenges Multiply for Egypt’s New President - NYT

Egypt Appears to Underline the Limit of US Influence - WP

Egypt Results Leave White House Relieved but Watchful - NYT

Obama Congratulates Egypt's New President-Elect - AP

Israel Jittery After Brotherhood Victory in Egypt - AP

Gazans Celebrate Brotherhood Victory in Egypt - AP

Egypt's President-Elect at Home in His Village - VOA

Egypt President-Elect Starts Consultations on Team - AP

Who is Mohammed Morsi? - WP

Egypt's New Leader: Dutiful, Pragmatic Islamist - AP

Mursi to Build Egypt Government - BBC

Where Morsi Stands on the Issues - WP

Key Events in Egypt's Uprising and Transition - AP

Egypt Stumbles Forward - WP editorial

A New Dawn in Egypt - DS editorial

Egypt's Hopes Betrayed - DT editorial

Morsi and Egypt’s Military - WP opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Four US Navy Minesweepers Arrive in the Gulf - Reuters

Iran to Top Putin Talks in Israel - BBC

Standoff With Iran Focus of Putin Visit to Israel - AP

Iran, Syria on Agenda for Putin's Israel Visit - Reuters

Scores Arrested in Israel Protest  - VOA

Israel Expelling 150 South Sudanese - AP

Turkey Hits Kurd Bases in Iraq - BBC

Saudi Women Allowed into Olympics - BBC

Tunisia Extradites Former Qaddafi Prime Minister to Libya - Reuters

Tunisia: Libya ex-PM Extradition 'Illegal' - BBC

Putin's Visit to Israel - JP editorial

Arab Spring Mess - WP opinion

Mideast Goes Deeper into Chaos - GN opinion

How Israel Could Change the World - Newsweek opinion



Ecuador Mulls Giving Julian Assange Asylum - VOA

Assange 'Being Buoyed by Support' - BBC


US Department of Defense

DOD to Halt Air Force Aircraft Transfers - S&S

Guard Generals Not Disciplined in Misuse of Aircraft - VP

First African-American Marines to Get Highest Civilian Honor - S&S


United States

Suspension Doesn't Stop VA Doctor from Practicing - AJ

High Veterans' Jobless Rate Leads to State and Federal Initiatives - DFP

A Weapon We Can’t Control - NYT opinion

Fixing the Immigration System - WP opinion


United Kingdom

Scottish Anti-Independence Campaign Launched - BBC



One Killed, Several Wounded in Blast in Mombasa, Kenya - VOA

Kenya: Deadly Attack on Bar in Mombasa - BBC

Grenade Attack in Kenya Kills at Least 3 - AP

Nigeria Says It Needs New Anti-Terrorism Tactics - Reuters

Militants Attack Jail in Nigeria, Freeing 40 - Reuters

Nigeria Jail Attack Frees Inmates - BBC

Blast at Beer Garden in Northeast Nigeria Wounds 9 - AP

Tuareg Rebels in Mali Appeal to Bruised Local Population - VOA



Man Is Killed by US Agent in Drug Raid in Honduras - NYT

DEA Honduras Raid Part of Aggressive Drug Strategy - AP

Can 'Chavismo' Outlast Venezuela's Chavez? - Reuters

Ousted Paraguay Leader Denounces 'Coup'  - VOA

Paraguay's Lugo Denounces Removal - BBC

Bolivia Police Reject Salary Deal - BBC


Asia Pacific / Central

North Korea Tests the Patience of Its Closest Ally - NYT

USS George Washington Leads Joint Maneuvers With S. Korea - VOA

China, N. Korea Wary of US-ROK Navy Exercises - S&S

N. Korea Blasts Use of its Flag During US-S. Korea Exercise - S&S

Chinese Company Ensnared in Philippines Graft Case - WP

Philippines: Chinese Boats Leave Disputed Lagoon - AP

Philippines Says Reporter From Jordan Held Hostage - NYT

Malaysia to Deport Bomb Suspect to Thailand - BBC

Burma's Suu Kyi to Appeal Ruling in Home Dispute - AP

How Successful Is America's Asia Rebalance? - TD opinion

Japan’s Inept Guardians - NYT opinion



Europe Crisis 'Cuts Aid to Poor' - BBC

Greece’s New Leaders to Miss Crucial Meeting - NYT

Greek PM to Miss EU Summit; Hopes Fade of Major Action - Reuters

Spain Requests EU Aid, Market Hopes Dim - Reuters

Bosnian Accused of War Crimes Appeals Extradition - AP

Italy’s Monti: The Euro’s Best Hope? - WP opinion


South Asia

India: Mumbai Attacks 'Planner' Arrested - BBC

India: New Arrest in 2008 Mumbai Attacks - WP

India: Police Arrest Key Suspect in Mumbai Attack - AP

Fire Destroys Kashmir Sufi Shrine - BBC

Blaze at Sufi Shrine Triggers Violence in Indian Kashmir - Reuters

Anti-Government Protesters, Police Clash in Nepal - AP

Morsi Is Winner of Egyptian Presidency

Sun, 06/24/2012 - 11:23am

Morsi Wins Egypt's Presidential Election

by VOA News

Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi has been declared the winner of Egypt's presidential run-off.

A huge cheer went up from Tahrir square where supporters of Morsi gathered.

Morsi defeated former Mubarak-era prime minister Ahmed Shafiq.

The official results were supposed to be released Thursday, but the election commission said it needed more time to investigate fraud allegations by both candidates - Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi and former prime minister Ahmed Shafiq.

Egyptian officials have deployed extra security forces to Cairo streets and key state institutions ahead of the announcement of the election results scheduled for 3 p.m. local time.

Supporters of both men have threatened a backlash should their candidate lose.
Thousands of Egyptians held rallies in central Cairo late Saturday amid tight security to show support for both candidates.

Muslim Brotherhood supporters rallied in Cairo's Tahrir Square, the heart of the 16-month uprising, chanting their support for Morsi, while Shafiq's supporters gathered near the memorial of the unknown soldier.  

The new president will emerge with fewer powers than the candidates had expected when the army promised to hand over power to civilian rule by July 1.

The ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces recently carried out a series of moves aimed at solidifying its power, including the court-ordered dissolution of the Islamist-dominated parliament. The council also declared an interim constitution that gives its generals and the courts final say over much domestic and foreign policy, as well as the process to create a new, permanent constitution.


Morsi Is Winner of Egyptian Presidency - NYT

Morsi is Declared New Egyptian President - WP

Islamist Mursi Wins Egyptian Presidency - BBC

Muslim Brotherhood-backed Candidate Wins in Egypt - CNN

Islamist Wins Egyptian Presidency with 52 Percent - Reuters

Islamist Candidate Morsi Wins Egypt Presidential Vote - AP

24 June SWJ Roundup

Sun, 06/24/2012 - 4:02am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP



Flooding in Northern Afghanistan Kills at Least 37 - AP

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS

‘Little America’ - WP book excerpt (highly recommended)



8 Dead in Pakistan Shooting - VOA

Coup Fears Return to Pakistan - TH opinion

Pakistan: No Country for Armed Men - FP opinion

Pakistan's Ménage à Trois - NYT opinion



Turkey's President: Warplane May Have Crossed Syrian Border - VOA

Turkish Jet 'May Have Strayed' - BBC

Turkey Mulls Response to Syria’s Attack - WP

Turkey Vows Action After Downing of Jet by Syria - NYT

Top-level Meetings in Turkey on Syria - CNN

Turkey Threatens Action After Syria Downs Jet - AP

Turkey Says Jet Downing Cannot be Ignored - AJ

Syria Insists Shoot Down of Turkish Plane "An Accident" - DT

Syria: Downing of Turkish Plane Not a Hostile Act - AP

UN Hopes for Restraint Over Downed Turkish Jet - Reuters

Turkish, Syrian Forces Seek Downed Turkish Jet - Reuters

Syrian Civilians Hit Hard by Spreading Violence - AP

Syria Army Shells City Near Iraq, Kills 28 - Reuters

Syrian TV Says Gunmen Kidnapped and Killed 25 - AP

Fourth Syrian Red Crescent Worker Shot Dead - Reuters

Gunship Diplomacy - DT editorial

Act Now in Syria or Pay Later - G&M opinion

Anan’s Deal with the Devil - WP opinion

Is Syria Becoming a Proxy War Between US and Russia? - USN&WR opinion



Egypt Election Results to be Announced Sunday - VOA

Results in Egypt’s Presidential Election to be Announced Sunday - WP

Egypt: Declaration of Winner in Presidential Contest Said to Be Near - NYT

Tension as Egyptians Wait for Word of New President - CNN

Egypt to Announce Election Results Sunday - AP

Egyptians Await Election Results - BBC

Egypt Braces for Islamist President, or Army Rule - Reuters

In the Battle for Egypt, West Must Back Islamists - TE editorial

Egyptians Look to US for Help - TG opinion

Cutting Off Aid to Egypt Won't Work - TNI opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Israel Launches More Air Strikes on Gaza, 3 Killed - VOA

Two Killed in Fresh Gaza Strikes - BBC

Israel Kills Two in Strikes on Gaza as Truce Falters - Reuters

Violence Escalates on Gaza Border - NYT

Hamas Threatens to Escalate Attacks on Israel - AP

Huge Iranian Resistance Rally in Paris - AP

In Israel, African Newcomers Face Violence - WP

Governing Iraq Is Nice Work, If You Can Avoid It - AP

Hopes for Reform Fade in Bahrain, Protesters Turn Anger on US - NYT

Yemen: Army Takes New al-Qaida Stronghold - AP

Libya Democracy Clashes With Fervor for Jihad - NYT

No Alternative to Palestinian Statehood - WP interview

Saudi Monarchy Must Change or Die - TE editorial

Hamas Violence Undermines Real Resistance - TN editorial

Stop the Hamas Rocket Assault on Israel - DT opinion

The Overshadowed Peace Process - TNI opinion

A Third Intifada Is Inevitable - NYT opinion

To Defeat al-Qaeda, Win in Yemen - Bloomberg opinion

Not-So-Crazy in Tehran - NYT opinion

Russia Won't Play Ball on Iran - TD opinion

The Saudi End Game for Iran - AT opinion



Ecuador Ambassador Leaves UK to Discuss Assange Case - Reuters

Ecuador's Envoy Heads to Quito for Assange Talks - AP

Julian Assange: Thanks for Nothing - DT opinion


US Department of Defense

Panetta Welcomes Senate-confirmed Leaders to Pentagon - AFPS

Hawaii Bracing for Largest-ever RIMPAC Exercise - S&S

Report: Submarine Hazing Centered on Homosexuality - AP

Defense Department Computer Upgrades $7B Over Budget - S&S

US Military Hunts for Safe Smartphones for Soldiers - NYT

Vt. Defense Contractor Buys Another, Saves 40 Jobs - AP

The Truth About Jonathan Pollard - CNN opinion (Pollard’s lawyers)


United States

US Virgin Islands Seeks Return of ATF Agents to Fight Crime - AP

All the President’s Privileges - NYT opinion

Obama and the ‘Vietnam Hangover’ - WP opinion

Protecting Free Speech - WP opinion

Eric Holder’s Worst Week, Again - WP opinion

American Power Enters the 21st Century - AS opinion



Immigrants Change Australia's Cultural Identity - VOA



Bomb Blast Hits Nigeria's Capital - VOA

Nigeria: UN Human Rights Chief Condemns Boko Haram Attacks - VOA

US Says Attack Likely in Kenya Port City - Reuters

US Embassy Warns of 'Imminent' Terror Threat in Kenya - CNN

Kenya Police Seize Explosive Material - AP

UN Report on Congo Mutiny Omits Evidence of Rwanda Role - Reuters

Sudanese Protest Over Cuts Amid Security Crackdown - Reuters

Protests Against Sudan Austerity - BBC

Sudan Police Orders Firm Dispersal of Protests - AP

US Restores $350 Million Aid Package to Malawi - CNN

Ivorians Extradited from Liberia - BBC

In Pictures: Africa's Power Women - CNN



US Plans More Drone Flights Over Caribbean - LAT

Mexico: Drug War-weary Voters Set to Return Opposition to Power - DT

Mexico: Violent Wave Swallows More Women in Ciudad Juárez - NYT

Fourteen Mutilated Bodies Found Outside Mexican Supermarket - Reuters

Son of Mexican Drug Lord Not Arrested, Authorities Say - CNN

Mexican Car Dealer Mistaken for Son of Wanted Drug Lord - DT

In Paraguay, Democracy’s All-Too-Speedy Trial - NYT

Outcry as Paraguayan Leader Ousted - BBC

Paraguayan Protesters Demand Lugo's Return - AP

Paraguay Under Pressure After Lugo Ousted - Reuters

Brazil Calls Back Ambassador Over Paraguay Impeachment - Reuters

Argentina Withdrawing Ambassador to Paraguay Over Impeachment - Reuters

Paraguay Leader Tries to Quell Diplomatic Fallout - AP

Army Deployed in Bolivia Strike - BBC

Former FIFA VP Warner Is New Trinidad Security Minister - Reuters

Mexican Democracy’s Lost Years - NYT opinion

Mexico Faces a Big Choice - NYP opinion


Asia Pacific / Central / South

Pacific Pivot Perks Up US Interest in 'Old' Bases - S&S

US, Japanese Officials Discuss Osprey Issues - AFPS

Chinese Spacecraft Docks With Orbiting Module - AP

China Makes Manual Space Docking - BBC

In North Korea, Learning to Hate US Starts Early - AP

Massacre Tests Judicial Reform in the Philippines - Reuters

Malaysia Haze Points to a Regional Problem - NYT

Gang Suspects in Kazakhstan Killed in Gunfight - AP

Japan Wants Nuclear Weapons - KT editorial

Russia, Japan Takes Steps on Island Dispute - JT editorial



Greek Coalition Outlines Plan to Renegotiate Loan Deal - NYT

Greece Seeks Austerity Slowdown - BBC

Former Russian Minister Warns of Economic Ebb - NYT

Russia Shifts From Resource Nationalism to Globalism - Reuters

Swedish Police Baffled by Explosives Near Nukes - AP

Polish Reporter Arrested in Belarus for Defaming President - VOA

Poland Demands Release of Reporter Held in Belarus - Reuters

Norway: Breivik Ends Massacre Trial by Defending Attacks - AP

UK Flexes Gunship Diplomacy with Russia - DT editorial

23 June SWJ Roundup

Sat, 06/23/2012 - 6:08am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP



Afghan Forces Defeat Taliban Siege of Hotel - VOA

Taliban Insurgents Attack Popular Kabul Resort; at Least 20 Killed - WP

Witnesses Describe Brazen Attack on Resort Hotel Near Kabul - NYT

Relatives Gather at Scene of Grisly Slayings at Kabul Hotel - S&S

Officials Condemn Hotel Attack in Afghanistan - AFPS

Soldier Who Killed Afghan Civilian Says He Felt Threat to His Men - S&S

‘Little America’ - WP book excerpt



Pakistani Lawmakers Elect Ashraf New PM - VOA

Pakistan Party Picks Nominee for PM - WP

Pakistani Parliament Elects New Prime Minister - NYT

Ashraf Elected New Pakistan PM - BBC

Report: US Diplomats Harassed in Pakistan - VOA

Pakistan's Ménage à Trois - NYT opinion



Syria Shoots Down Turkish Warplane, Fraying Ties Further - NYT

Turkey Says it Will Take ‘Steps’ after Syria Shoots Down Military Jet - WP

Syria Admits Shooting Down Turkish Warplane - VOA

Syria Confirms Downing of Turkish Jet - BBC

Syria Says it Shot Down Turkish Air Force Jet - AP

Turkey's Gul Says Downing of Jet Cannot Be Ignored - Reuters

Annan: Syria Crisis Must Not Spiral Out Of Control - VOA

Rising Death Toll in Syria Prompts Calls for Western Intervention - VOA

As Militants Join Syria Revolt, Fears Grow over Arms Flow - Reuters

Syria Rebels Accused of Massacre - BBC

Russia Flexes Diplomatic Muscle on Syria - VOA

UN's Annan: Iran Should Be Part of Syria Solution - AP

Anan’s Deal with the Devil - WP opinion



Egyptians Protest Against Military Council, Delayed Vote Results - VOA

Showdown Escalates in Egypt - WP

Showdown in Egypt Escalates in Fight for Power - NYT

Tension Soars as Egypt Awaits Vote Results - AP

Egypt Army, Islamists in Talks to Resolve Impasse - Reuters


Middle East / North Africa

Israeli Strikes Kill Two in Gaza - BBC

Israel Bombs Hamas Targets in Gaza as Truce Unravels - Reuters

Hamas Entrenched in Gaza After 5 Years of Rule - AP

Palestinians Display Weapons of Protest - AP

Bahrain Opposition Leader Says Injured in Police Clashes - Reuters

Egypt Protest Over Military Rule - BBC

ICC Promises Libya Staff Probe - BBC

Group Condemns Libya Judge Murder - BBC

No Alternative to Palestinian Statehood - WP interview

The Third Intifada Is Inevitable - NYT opinion


US Department of Defense

Report: Peralta's Medal of Honor Nomination Reaches Panetta's Desk - S&S

Panetta: Suicide Problem Goes Far Beyond Combat Veterans - VOA

Blueprint for Modernizing Military Pay Delivered - S&S

Lawmakers Charge Air Force Hostile to Religious Freedom - S&S

Air Force Training Head Orders Misconduct Probe - AP


United States

Threats from Cyber to Terror Supplant Cold War's Clearer Dangers - S&S

Moroccan Man Pleads Guilty to US Capitol Bomb Attempt - Reuters

Agent: Chemicals Found in Saudi Man's Texas Apartment - AP

Texas Man Accused of Trying to Blow up Pipeline - AP

The LOST Sinkhole - WP opinion

Obama and the ‘Vietnam Hangover’ - WP opinion

Protecting Free Speech - WP opinion

Eric Holder’s Worst Week, Again - WP opinion


United Kingdom

Robinson Says Sinn Fein Right to Meet Queen - BBC

Ex-IRA Man McGuinness, Queen to Meet for First Time Next Week - WP

IRA Ex-Commander to Shake Hands With Queen - NYT

Former IRA Commander to Meet Queen Elizabeth II - AP

British Banks Battling Somali Pirates by Curbing Dollar Supply - Bloomberg


United Nations

Rio Summit Ends with Warning on Corporate Power - BBC

Rio+20, the Unhappy Environmental Summit - AP

Activists Decry Missed Rio Summit Chance - BBC



US Support Aids Hunt for Central African Rebel Group - AFPS

US Army’s ‘Dagger Brigade’ to Align with AFRICOM in 2013 - AFPS

US Army: Troops to be Ready for Africa Missions - WT

Nigerian Security Chiefs Sacked - BBC

Nigeria 'Christmas Bomber' Held - BBC

Sudanese Refugees Fleeing From One Nightmare to Another - VOA

Sudan Police Clash With Protesters Overnight - AP

Somali Leaders Agree on Draft Constitution - VOA

Deaths of Hostages Held by Somali Pirates 'Increasing' - BBC

British Banks Battling Somali Pirates by Curbing Dollar Supply - Bloomberg

Ethiopia Says Troops to Stay Longer in Somalia - Reuters

Liberia to Extradite 41 Ivorians for Involvement in 2011 Conflict - VOA

Ethiopia Jails UN Worker for Terrorism Links - BBC

US Warns of Attack Threat in Kenyan Port City - Reuters

Kenya Maids Barred from Mid-East - BBC

VOA Reporter Visits Northern Mali - VOA

Zimbabwe Parliament Members Go 'Under the Knife' - VOA

Circumcision for Zimbabwe's MPs - BBC

In Taylor Trial, Tampering Conviction for Ex-Rebel - VOA



Killings Curb Reporting of Mexican Crime Wave - NYT

Mexicans, Watchful for Vote Fraud, Hope to Avoid 2006 Repeat - WP

Arrested Man May Not be Son of Mexican Drug Lord ‘El Chapo’ - WP

Mexico Arrests 'Wrong Drug Lord' - BBC

Mexico: Missing Reporter Is Alive, Under Govt. Protection - AP

Video Adds to Honduran Drug Raid Mystery - NYT

Senate’s Vote Ousts Leader of Paraguay After a Clash - NYT

Paraguay Leader Lugo Forced Out - BBC

Colombia Justice Minister Resigns Over Controversial Reform - Reuters

Police Protests Spread in Bolivia - BBC

Ecuador's Quandary Over Asylum for WikiLeaks Chief - AP

SOUTHCOM, Partners Prepare to Respond to Natural Disasters - AFPS


Asia Pacific / Central / South

As China’s Power Rises, US Eyes Return to Military Bases in SE Asia - WP

Allies Wage Largest Live-fire Drill Since Korean War - VOA

Japan Passes Law Permitting Military Space Development - DN

Vietnam's Maritime Claim 'Will Harm Ties' - ANN

Philippines Arrests Militant in American Beheading - AP

Chinese Data Mask Depth of Slowdown, Executives Say - NYT

Brazil and China Sign Trade Agreements - Reuters

US: Tibetan Self-Immolations in China 'Desperate Acts' of Protest - VOA

Cambodia Won't Deport Bo Xilai-linked Frenchman - VOA



Eurozone Leaders Say Big Financial Stimulus Needed - VOA

Leaders Vow to Defend Euro, but Hint at Rifts on How - NYT

Euro's Big Four Agree on Economic Growth Plan - BBC

Greek-German Tensions Over Finances Spill Into Another Arena - NYT

Greeks Jeer Merkel, but German Chancellor Has Last Laugh - AP

Economy Forces More Greeks to Soup Kitchens - VOA

Russian Human Rights Activist Resigns From Presidential Council - VOA

Yugoslav War Crimes: First Mladic Trial Witness to Testify July 9 - AP

Norway: Mass Killer Breivik Trial Ends with Walkout - BBC

At Trial’s End, Lawyers Say Norway Killer Is Not Insane - NYT

The War Within the War for Afghanistan

Fri, 06/22/2012 - 7:42pm

Editor's Note: The following was provided by the Washington Post and is posted here unedited.  I look forward to your comments.

In ‘Little America: The War Within the War for Afghanistan,’ author Rajiv Chandrasekaran explains how the Pentagon’s decision to send U.S. surge forces to Helmand in 2009 had profound consequences on the Afghan war effort. The Washington Post published an excerpt from book today, which can be read here. 

Key new information from The Post's excerpt: 

-- The U.S. military squandered more than a year of the war by sending troops to the wrong places. Most of the first wave of new forces authorized by President Obama was sent to Helmand province instead of Kandahar, which was far more critical to Afghanistan's overall stability. The failure to focus on Kandahar right away delayed and compromised U.S. efforts to beat back the Taliban.

-- The excerpt provides new insight into Obama's national security record. As Obama battles for re-election, White House aides have sought to depict the president as an engaged and decisive leader on national security matters. But the initial deployment exposes the limits of his understanding of Afghanistan - and his unwillingness to confront the military - early in his presidency. "Nobody bothered to ask, 'Tell us how many troops you're sending here and there,'" a senior White House official involved in war policy told Chandrasekaran. "We assumed, perhaps naively, that the Pentagon was sending them to the most critical places."

-- U.S. Marines made a series of highly unusual demands before deploying to Afghanistan in 2009 that hindered the war effort. Among them was the requirement that overall operation control of the Marine force rest with a three star Marine general at the U.S. Central Command, not the supreme coalition commander in Kabul. That meant General Stan McChrystal lacked the power to move the Marines to another part of Afghanistan or change their mission in anything other than minor, tactical ways.

-- While in Helmand, the Marines engaged in questionable operations. They conducted a massive assault on an abandoned town in late 2009. The Marines undertook the mission because they had so many spare troops. But when McChrystal's top deputy asked the Marines to secure part of neighboring Kandahar province, Marine commanders refused.

The Post will publish a second excerpt from Little America in Monday's print and online editions. It will contain the previously unrevealed story of how infighting between the White House and the State Department led the U.S. government to squander its moment of greatest leverage to hammer out a peace deal with the Taliban to end the war.