Small Wars Journal

This Week at War: A Leaner, Cleaner Russian Army

Fri, 06/22/2012 - 3:25pm

In my Foreign Policy column, I explain how Russia is slowly reforming its army. I also explain why the U.S. might benefit, assuming a crash in the price of oil doesn't torpedo the whole project.


This month, the U.S. Army War College released Can Russia Reform: Economic, Political and Military Perspectives, an anthology published by the college's Strategic Studies Institute and edited by Stephen Blank, a professor at the college. Mark Galeotti, a professor at New York University and a long-time analyst of Russia's military and security forces, contributed a chapter on reforming the Russian Army. Corruption, poor leadership, outmoded policies, and Russia's impoverishment after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Galeotti suggests, has reduced the once-mighty Russian fighting force to an ineffective mob. In 2007, President Vladimir Putin moved Anatoly Serdyukov, then the government's chief tax collector, to the Defense Ministry, with a mandate to fix the army -- a task Serdyukov's numerous predecessors had failed to accomplish. Facing monumental bureaucratic obstacles, Serdyukov's struggle to reform the service has only begun. Whether he ultimately succeeds will have implications for Russia's neighbors, the future of nuclear arms control, and the assertiveness of Putin's foreign policy.

If only as a human rights issue, the case for reforming the Russian Army is clear. For decades, conscripts -- nearly always young men whose families can't afford to pay their way out of the draft -- have suffered brutal treatment under the culture of Dedovshchina, a Lord-of-the-Flies tradition under which more senior conscripts deliver regular beatings to the newest recruits for no apparent military purpose. According to Galeotti's research, 80 percent of Russia's soldiers reported being beaten, with 33 percent requiring hospitalization or a medical discharge as a result. Another 20 percent are discharged early due to poor diet or illness from poor sanitation and improper medical care. These are not conditions that support an effective modern army. Under public pressure to scale back the burden of conscription, the enlistment term was reduced from two years to one in 2009, but the result was basic infantrymen being tactically useful for only two months before being discharged.

The punitive raid against Georgia in August 2008, although successful at intimidating Tbilisi, revealed deep flaws in the Russian Army's leadership, command and control, and soldier training, especially compared to Western and emerging Chinese standards. The Georgian skirmish encouraged Serdyukov and Chief of the General Staff Nikolai Makarov to redouble their reform program. Their reforms have a striking resemblance to changes instituted in the West over the past several decades. They include the eventual end of conscription, an all-volunteer army with soldiers employed on long contracts, a professional non-commissioned officer corps, and a nearly 60 percent reduction in the bloated ranks of commissioned officers. Operationally, the army is downshifting from ponderous, inflexible divisions to smaller and more nimble brigades as the basic combat unit -- a shift the U.S. Army made about seven years ago. As U.S. planners have discovered, brigades are easier to deploy and support and give field commanders more options and flexibility. In order to further emphasize the concept of combat-ready quality in place of untrained and ill-equipped quantity, some in the Defense Ministry want to reduce the size of the army over the next ten years from a million soldiers to less than 500,000, which would roughly match the size of the U.S. Army.

In order to push through these reforms, Serdyukov and Makarov have had to go to war against deeply entrenched interests and traditions. Using a murder mystery's template of motive, opportunity, and means, Galeotti considered whether Kremlin leaders have the will and incentives to reform the army, whether they will have the resources, and whether they can overcome the institutional barriers that have stymied past reform efforts.

According to Galeotti, Russian Defense Ministry leaders are finally catching up to the fact that the mass-mobilization, multi-million soldier Cold War-era model is a poor design for Russia's current security requirements. NATO's ground forces are no threat. Russian strategists believe that modern and rapidly deployable professional units, envisioned in the new brigade structure, would be the best response to a hypothetical ground threat from China. The Kremlin's most important mission for the army is to police the "near abroad," suppressing incipient instability along Russia's borders. The Kremlin no doubt hopes to avoid repeating the brutal and mismanaged campaigns in Chechnya, which were mostly waged by untrained and poorly led conscripts. A better outcome in a similar contingency will require a smaller but skilled, flexible, and rapidly deployable army, along with units experienced at working with the security forces of neighboring countries. Russia's current security environment provides a strong motivation to change from a mass conscript army to a smaller professional force.

But will Russia have the human and intellectual capital needed to make the switch? The crash in Russia's population, especially in its youth cohort, makes a reduction in the army's size a necessity. Sustaining the current army with one-year conscripts will require drafting 600,000-700,000 men per year. However, only 400,000 qualified inductees become available each year, a figure that will decline over time. Serdyokov's purges to the officer corps removed many who were resisting these demographic realities and failing to face up to the army's operational shortcomings compared to Western counterparts.

Even so, Serdyukov and Makarov face ferocious bureaucratic resistance which will take years to overcome. Reform threatens long-standing practices that have enriched officers and Defense Ministry officials. An internal army inspector estimates that up to 20 percent of the army's budget is lost to corrupt contracting, supplies redirected for personal use, and soldier pay stolen by officers. Defense contractors similarly enjoy a long-established pattern of receiving payment for substandard and unreliable equipment and have a financial incentive to resist reform.

But these resisters need to reckon with new arrangements. Serdyukov has brought in civilian deputy ministers from the outside to supervise the ministry and the general staff. He has also shown a willingness to use foreign contractors -- for example, the purchase of French amphibious ships, Italian armored vehicles, and Israeli drones -- to both bypass domestic suppliers and incentivize them to improve. Finally, officials who thought they could simply outwait Serdyukov and Putin, his patron, will have to reckon with the possibility that Putin is now Russia's president-for-life.

Galeotti concludes that the odds of Russian Army reform are now higher than at any time in the past two decades. If successful, a decade from now the Army will be smaller, but more professional, adaptable, and mobile.

Would such an outcome present a challenge to U.S. military planners? A smaller but more deployable Russian Army, focused on the "near abroad," could actually be a modest benefit to U.S. interests. Such an improvement in Russian military power could cause China and Iran to divert some attention and resources away from preparing for U.S. military capabilities. U.S. planners should also be pleased if the Russian Defense Ministry is expending resources on neighborhood security rather than on long-range nuclear and expeditionary capabilities. Finally, Russian leaders won't give any consideration to a deal on tactical nuclear weapons until they have more confidence in the army's ability to protect Russia by conventional means.

Reforming the Russian army will cost money, both for improved soldier pay and conditions, but also for advanced military technology and realistic training. A crash in the price of oil would empty Russia's treasury and very likely end the Kremlin's hopes for army reform. Out of money and with a broken army, Serdyukov and Makarov would then need a new plan for patrolling Russia's rough neighborhood.


22 June SWJ Roundup

Fri, 06/22/2012 - 8:08am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP



Pentagon: Afghan Forces Face Challenges But ‘On Track’ to Take Charge - WT

Afghan Forces Show Progress, DOD Officials Tell House Committee - AFPS

Afghan Forces Need Reading Lessons Before Security Transfer - Reuters

Karzai Calls for Government Reform - WP

16 Dead After Militants Lay Siege to Resort in Afghanistan - NYT

Taliban Insurgents Attack Kabul Hotel, At Least 15 Dead - WP

Taliban Storm Afghan Hotel, Kill 18 People - AP

Troops End Taliban Hotel Siege - BBC

Services to Decide Possible Discipline in Quran Burning Incident - AFPS

Pre-trial Hearing in Bamberg for Soldier who Killed Civilian Continues - S&S

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



Pentagon Chief All but Rules Out Apology for Pakistan - Reuters

Pakistan’s Multiple Power Struggles Point to Continued Tumult - WP

Pakistan’s Ruling Party Nominates New Candidate for PM - NYT

PM Candidate Switch in Pakistan - BBC

Ruling Party Replaces PM Nominee After Arrest Warrant - Reuters

Pakistan Party Picks Nominee for PM - WP

Pakistan's Political Crisis Grows as PM Nominee Faces Arrest - VOA

Court Orders Arrest of Presidential Ally in a Drug Inquiry - NYT

Pakistani Harassment of US Diplomats Said to Rise - AP

Pakistan 'Impairing' US Diplomats - BBC



CIA Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition - NYT

Not Time to Arm Syrians, Pentagon Chief Says - Reuters

West Floats Clemency Offer if Assad Goes Quietly - IHT

Syria Said to Possess Vast Quantities of Chemical Weapons - VOA

Arab League Urges Russia to End Syria Arms Sales - Reuters

Red Cross Evacuation in Homs On Hold - VOA

UN: 1.5 Million Syrians Need Humanitarian Help - Reuters

US to Maintain Pressure on Assad Regime, DOD Press Secretary Says - AFPS

US Adds Syria to List of Countries Not Fighting Slavery - VOA

Syria Jet Pilot Defects to Jordan - BBC

Syrian Pilot Granted Asylum in Jordan - NYT

Syrian Fighter Pilot Defects to Jordan, Gets Asylum - Reuters

US Welcomes Defection of Syrian Pilot - WP

Syrian Activists Report More Defections - AP

Syria Says 'Terrorists' Kill 25 People in Village - Reuters

European Ministers in Lebanon to Tackle Syria Spill Over - Reuters



As Iran Talks Falter, Fears of Military Action Increase - VOA

Insight: Iran Talks-Across the Table, a Wary Stalemate - Reuters

Israel to Press Visiting Putin on Iran - AP

Iran Says Israel, US Plan Fresh Cyber Attacks - Haartez

Sanctions Against Iran - NYT editorial

The Saudi End Game for Iran - AT opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Hamas 'Ready for Israel Truce' - BBC

Iraq: 2 Bombs in Busy Baghdad Market Kill 9, Wound 50 - AP

Iraq: Blasts Kill Eight at Baghdad Market - BBC

Iraq: Nephew of Saddam Hussein Claims Asylum in Austria - Reuters

US Weighs Plan to Send Military Aircraft to Aid Yemen - TWB

Under the Abaya, Saudi Women Grasp Reform Toehold - Reuters

Egypt's Shafiq Campaign Signals Softening in Standoff - VOA

Libya's Clashes Leave 105 Dead - BBC

Gun Smugglers Attacked in Tunisia - BBC

In the Battle for Egypt, West Must Back Islamists - Economist editorial

Hamas Violence Undermines Real Resistance - TN editorial

Cutting Off Aid to Egypt Won't Work - TNI opinion

The Muslim Brotherhood's Useful Idiots - JP opinion

To Defeat al-Qaeda, Win in Yemen - Bloomberg opinion

The Five Models of Arab Revolution - WPR opinion



Ecuador 'Examining' Assange Asylum Case - BBC

Ecuador to Decide on Wikileaks Founder Asylum Bid - AJ

Assange: Ecuador Asylum Bid May Not Succeed - AP

Assange Says Ready for Life in Ecuador - Reuters

Assange Says 'Abandoned by Australia' - BBC


International Criminal Court

Clearing a Path to Global Justice - WP opinion


US Department of Defense

Pentagon Gets Attention, but Planned Cuts Range Far and Wide - NYT

McKeon: Congress 'Not Mature Enough' to Stop Sequestration - S&S

Army Told to Spend or Lose Mobile Tech Funds - WT

US Sending Floating Special Operations Base through Suez Canal - CNN

Review Panel Urges Changes in Combat, Incentive Pays - AFPS

Study Offers Glimpse Into Suicide Motives - AFPS

Reforms Improve DOD’s Security Clearance Process, Official Says - AFPS

Air Force Officials Announce Milestone Atlas V Launch - AFPS

USS Nimitz Spooks Drug Runners into Dumping 18,600 Pounds of Pot - S&S


United States

Strikes on Al Qaeda Leave Only 'Handful' of Top Targets - Reuters

House Committee Suspects 'Fast and Furious' Cover-up - WT

White House, GOP Square Off over Attorney General Holder - WP

Romney Hedges on Keeping Obama's Immigration Amnesty in Place - WT

Romney Exhibits a Change in Tone on Immigration - NYT

Agency Officials Praise New START Treaty Progress - AFPS

Texas Man Accused of Threatening Tennessee Mosque - NYT

Congress vs. Obama and Holder - WP editorial

Holder the Wrong Target - WP opinion

If Holder is Held in Contempt - WP opinion

Eric Holder Spits on Brian Terry's Grave - WT opinion

Illegal Immigration: Death in the Desert - NYT opinion

America's Best Export: Arms to Autocrats - FP opinion



AFRICOM Strives to ‘Turn on Lights’ Against Terrorism in Africa - AFPS

Fort Riley Soldiers First to Rotate to Africa Under New Strategy - S&S

Nigeria: US Designates Boko Haram as Terrorists - VOA

Nigeria: Boko Haram Men on US Terror List - BBC

Congo: Over 200,000 Flee Fighting in North Kivu - VOA

HRW: US 'Blocking Report on DR Congo' - BBC

Burundi Sentences Journalist to Life in Prison for Terrorism - NYT

Somaliland Future Discussed in UK - BBC

Somali Piracy Death Toll Rises as Violence Worsens - Reuters

South Africans Freed From Somali Pirates - VOA

South African Couple Freed from Somali Pirates - BBC

Liberia: A Chance at Life - WP opinion



Central America Next Drug Hot Spot - WT

Son of Mexico’s ‘El Chapo’ Arrested - WP

Drug Kingpin’s Son Is Arrested in Mexico - NYT

Mexico Marines Detain Suspected Son of Drug Lord - AP

Mexican Drug Lord's Son Arrested - BBC

Uruguay Bill to Legalize Drug Use - BBC

Paraguayan President's Trial to Start in Senate - AP

Paraguay Leader Faces Impeachment - BBC

Mexico Faces a Big Choice - NYP opinion


Asia Pacific / Central / South

South Korea, Japan, US Hold Military Drills - VOA

Allies Wage Largest Live-fire Drills Since Korean War - AP

Huge US, S. Korea War Games Called Warning to N. Korea

N. Korea Slams Joint Drill Among US, Japan and S. Korea - CNN

Vietnam Law on Contested Islands Draws China’s Ire - NYT

Crashes Fuel Uproar in Japan over US Aircraft - AP

US, Japanese Defense Officials to Meet to Discuss Osprey Issues - AFPS

Indonesian Court Sentences Bali Bomber to 20 Years - VOA

Indonesia: Militant Gets 20 Years in Prison for Bali Bombing - NYT

Indonesia: Military Plane Crashes Into Jakarta Homes, Killing 10 - AP

Chinese State Media: Democracy No 'Panacea' for Burma - VOA

Burma’s Suu Kyi Makes Historic Address to British Parliament - VOA

Ai Weiwei: Still Can't Leave China - VOA

Chinese Dissident Artist Ends Yearlong Probation - NYT

Hong Kong Newspaper Charged With Downplaying Dissident’s Death - NYT

Children of Mao's Wrath Vie for Power in China - Reuters

China Orders Top Army Officers to Declare Assets - AP

Cambodia Will Not Extradite Frenchman Linked to China’s Bo - AP



Amid Crisis, Leaders of Germany, France, Italy and Spain Meet - WP

Key European Leaders Meet to Ease Debt Crisis - AP

Talks May Test Partnership Between Weak France and Strong Germany - NYT

German Business Optimism Fades as Crisis Bites - AP

In Former E. Germany, Residents Resent Paying for Europe’s Problems - WP

A Tenuous Coalition Government Takes Reins in Greece - NYT

Russia: Putin Attempts to Reassure Investors - WP

Sweden on Alert, Explosives Found Near Nuke Plant - AP

Poland Shaken by Case Alleging Illicit CIA Prison There - LAT

Greek Extremists Accused of Anti-immigrant Attacks - AP

Norway Mass Killer's Prosecutors Ask for Insanity Ruling - VOA

Norway: Defense Argues Mass Killer Breivik is Sane - BBC

Norway: Mass Killer’s Lawyers Say He Is Sane - NYT

Key Moments in Trial of Norway Mass Killer - AP

UK Flexes Gunship Diplomacy with Russia - DT editorial

Syrian MiG Pilot Defects to Jordan

Thu, 06/21/2012 - 8:05pm

A Syrian MiG-21 pilot, reportedly Col Hasan Mirei al-Hamadeh, defected today, landing in Jordan where he requested and was granted asylum.  BBC, among many others, has the story here.  The BBC also has a brief but smart analytical comment.  It notes the historical linkages of the Asad regime to the air force (Hafez al-Asad was an air force officer and pilot), and especially air force intelligence, however cautions against extrapolating this event to be a potential tipping point for the cohesiveness of the military.  Additionally, it avoids trotting out the sectarian simplifications that have become all too common in caricatures of the region (some sources cite that the air force is largely Sunni).  Nonetheless, it is a major event and cannot but heighten cross-border tensions and suspicions within Syria.

21 June SWJ Roundup

Thu, 06/21/2012 - 3:30am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP



High-profile Problems Haven't Slowed Pace of Afghan Transition - S&S

Afghan Transition Timeline Remains On Track, Official Says - AFPS

Afghanistan Expects $4 Billion in Aid Pledges at July Conference - Reuters

Summer Poses Toughest Test for Afghan Force - AP

Suicide Bomber Attacks NATO Convoy in Afghanistan - VOA

Suicide Bomber Strikes Coalition Convoy in Afghanistan - NYT

Suicide Bomber on Motorcycle Targets NATO, Afghan Forces - CNN

Deadly Attacks in Afghanistan - WP

3 US Soldiers, 18 Afghans Killed in Suicide Attack  - AP

Afghan Suicide Attacker Kills 21 - BBC

Afghan Refugees Forced to Return Home - WP

Pre-trial Hearing Opens for GI Who Killed Afghan Civilian - S&S

US Soldier Brings ‘Special Compassion’ to Work with Afghan Women - S&S

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



Pakistani President Chooses Party Stalwart as New Premier - NYT

President 'Nominates Shahabuddin for PM' - BBC

Political Crisis in Pakistan Looming? - CNN

Officials: Al-Qaida Leader Detained in Pakistan - VOA

Pakistan Arrests Frenchman Suspected of Qaeda Links - NYT

Pakistan Arrests French Man With Reported 9/11 Links - AP

Political Crisis a Blow to Pakistan's Government - VOA



Activist Fears Syria Will Become 'New Somalia' - VOA

Refugees in Jordan Return to Syria to Fight Against Assad - NYT

Syria 'Truce' to Evacuate Homs - BBC

Red Cross to Pluck Wounded From Syria's Homs - Reuters

Syrian Air Force One of Middle East's Largest - VOA

Syrian Christians Feel Vulnerable as Country Burns - AP

Syria Expels Jesuit Priest Who Spoke for Change - NYT



US Urged to Confront Iran on Nuclear Work - NYT

Faltering Iran Talks Stoke Fears of New, Dangerous Phase - WP

Iran Officials Assert Defiance of West in Aftermath of Nuclear Talks - NYT

Israel: 'All Options' Open After Iran Talks Fail - Reuters

Clinton: China Moving on Cutting Iran Oil Imports - Reuters

Why Iran Covets Brazil - WS opinion

In Iran, They Want Fun, Fun, Fun - NYT opinion



Egypt Delays Declaring Winner of Presidential Election - NYT

Egypt Election Results to be Delayed - WP

Egyptian Election Result Delayed - BBC

Vote Result Delay Frays Egyptian Nerves - Reuters

Egypt's Mubarak on Life Support - VOA

Why Egypt Won't Change if Mubarak Dies - CNN

Traders Charge Egypt Big Premiums for Fuel Shipments - Reuters

Google Translate Misfires on Egypt's Future President - VOA

Rumors of a 2nd Egypt Revolt Are Greatly Exaggerated - TNR opinion


Middle East

Israelis, Palestinians Closely Watch Egypt Turmoil - VOA

Israeli Strike Kills Suspect in Ambush From Egypt - AP

Hamas Military Wing Accepts a Cease-Fire - NYT

Palestinian Village Faces Demolition by Israel - AP

Palestinians Die in Gaza Strikes - BBC

Palestinian Court Secures Conviction, Raises Questions of Bias - WP

Iraq: Breakfast, Bombing, Then Lunch: A Return to Grim Rhythms - NYT

Aging of Saudi Royalty Brings Question of Succession to Fore - NYT

Kuwait Court Rules 2012 Elections Unconstitutional - AP

Kuwait Election Declared Illegal - BBC

Bahrain Court Delays Verdict for 11-Year-Old Protester - AP

Turkey Hits Kurdish Sites in Iraq - BBC

Yemen: 31 Killed in Fighting in South - AP

Red Cross Staff Member Killed in Yemen Airstrike - AP

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak - WP interview

How America Can Help Its Friends Make Nice - NYT opinion



Britain and Ecuador at Standoff Over Assange’s Bid for Asylum - NYT

Wikileaks Founder Assange Faces Arrest, Police Say - BBC

WikiLeaks Founder Could be Jailed - WP

Assange Faces Arrest if Leaves Ecuador’s UK Embassy - AP

No Easy Way Out for Assange Holed Up in Embassy - Reuters

Why Assange Needs Ecuador and Ecuador Needs Assange - CNN

Asylum For Assange? - WP editorial


US Department of Defense

Congress Won’t Let Panetta Close Bases - WT

Navy Places $42 Billion Bet on Carriers in China's Sights - Bloomberg

Dempsey Looks to Future in Time of Budget Constraints - AFPS

Officials Announce Findings of Military Education Reviews - AFPS

DOD Needs More People with More Languages - AFPS


United States

US Economy Growth Forecast Cut - BBC

House Panel’s Vote Steps Up Partisan Fight on Gun Inquiry - NYT

House Panel Votes AG Holder in Contempt of Congress - Reuters

Contempt Charge for US Attorney General - BBC

Obama Claims Privilege in Gunrunning Probe - WT

Obama Invokes Privilege in Bid to Halt AG Holder Contempt Vote - NYT

White House Asserts Executive Privilege in ‘Fast and Furious’ Case - Reuters

Obama Raises Legal Eyebrows with Executive Privilege Claim - WT

Retirement May Unleash PTSD Symptoms in Vietnam Veterans - S&S

Documentary Looks at Post-service Challenges of Female Troops - S&S

Holder’s Contempt and Obama’s Privilege - WT editorial

A Pointless Partisan Fight - NYT editorial

GOP Blowing Gunsmoke on Holder - WP opinion

Obama Leak 'Scandal' Wildly Overblown - CNN opinion

Drones vs. Diplomacy - WP opinion


United Nations

UN Environmental Summit Opens in Rio - VOA

Big UN Environmental Summit Opens in Rio - AP



Frustration Mounts in Nigeria After 3 Days of Deadly Violence - VOA

Religious Violence Increases Despite Curfews in Nigeria - NYT

Reprisals, Church Attacks in North Nigeria Kill 98 - AP

US to Slap 'Terrorist' Label on Nigerian Militants - Reuters

Controversial UN Congo Report Delayed, Not Blocked - Reuters

Congo Rebellion Threatens Ties with Rwanda - VOA

Rwanda's General Nyamwasa in SA 'Murder Plot' Evidence - BBC

Key Somaliland Talks Set to Start - BBC

Zimbabwe: President Speeds Past, Casualties in His Wake - NYT

Senegal's ex-Interior Minister Detained - BBC



US Congressman Riles Mexican Politics - AP

Poll: Most Mexicans Support Army Anti-Drug Battle - AP

El Salvador Gang Truce 'Working' - BBC

Man Sentenced for Killing Colombian Priests - AP

Bolivia: Brazilian Drones vs. Drug Labs - AP

Argentina Deploys Security Forces Against Truckers - AP

Argentina Deploys Military Police in Fuel Strike - Reuters

Chile: Ex-Leader's Father Likely Died of Torture - AP

Brazilian Tribe in Damages Plea - BBC

SOUTHCOM Exercise Program Promotes Stability, Security - AFPS


Asia Pacific / Central / South

China Tests Troubled Waters With $1b Rig for S. China Sea - Reuters

China’s Rare Earth Pool 'Declining' - BBC

Anti-China Protest Leads to 2 Tibetan Immolations - VOA

Two Tibetans Set Themselves on Fire in West China - AP

Chinese Artist Is Barred From His Own Hearing - NYT

Restrictions on Dissident Artist Ai Being Lifted - AP

Nuclear Operator in Japan Exonerates Itself in Report - NYT

Indonesian Court to Rule on Bali Bombing Suspect - AP

90,000 Displaced in Burma Unrest - BBC

Access to Burma Entices Gulf Investors - NYT

UN Condemns Kazakh Expulsion of Uzbek Detainees - AP

Drones to Take on Nepal Poachers - BBC



Greece Forms New Government - VOA

Samaras Takes Over as Greek PM - WP

Samaras Takes Office as Greece’s PM, Facing Major Challenges - NYT

New Greece Leader Offers 'Hope' - BBC

New Greek Government to Seek Bailout Relief - VOA

German Left Party Tries to Stop Fiscal Pact Ratification - Reuters

France: Hostages at Toulouse Bank Freed, Suspect Detained - VOA

Suspected Explosives Found at Swedish Nuclear Plant - Reuters

Ordered to Prison, Former Romanian PM Shoots and Wounds Himself - NYT

Romanian Ex-PM Attempts Suicide as Jailers Arrive - Reuters

Norway: Insane or Not? Decision Time in Breivik Trial - AP

20 June SWJ Roundup

Wed, 06/20/2012 - 6:43am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP



Violence Spikes Against Allied Troops - WT

Uniformed Attackers Strike 3 Times in Afghanistan - CNN

At Least 10 Afghans Killed in Suicide Bombing - AP

Afghan Transition Remains on Track, Officials Say - AFPS

New Worries About Women’s Rights and Ethnic Tensions Emerge - NYT

Afghans Slow to Warm to Their Stable Currency - Reuters

Admin Punishment for Troops Involved in Koran Burning - WP

Admin Discipline Recommended for Troops Involved in Quran Burning - AP

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



America, Pakistan and the Impact of Never Having to Say Sorry - AP

Pakistan Demands Respect - WT

Pakistan's Supreme Court Ousts Prime Minister - VOA

Political Instability Rises as Pakistani Court Ousts Premier - NYT

Pakistan PM Ousted by Supreme Court - WP

Pakistan People's Party Meets to Appoint a New PM - BBC

Pakistan President Considers Names for New PM - BBC

Pakistan Nabs French Man with Reported 9/11 Links - AP

Popular Pakistani Singer Gunned Down - VOA



UN Members Differ on Conditions for Withdrawing Syria Observers - VOA

Doubt Is Cast on Mission by Monitors Inside Syria - NYT

UN Team in Syria 'was Targeted' - BBC

Syria Says Ready to Evacuate Civilians From Bombarded Homs - VOA

Syrian Activists Report Clashes in Northwest - AP

Obama: Russia, China Aren't on Board with Ousting Assad - WT

What Syria Reveals About US-Russia Ties - CNN

Putin Rules Out Intervention to Stop the Syrian Rebellion - NYT

Putin: Syrian People Must Decide Their Leadership - AP          

Russian Ship Suspected of Carrying Arms to Syria Turns Back - VOA

Russian Ship Carrying Copters to Syria Retreats - LAT

Russian Ship Bound for Syria Reverses Course - WP

Syrian Army is Capable Military Force, Say Experts - VOA

Syrian Rebels Lack Firepower But Not Will - WP

Syria Conflict Puts Hezbollah Ally in Delicate Position - VOA

US Adds Syria to List of Nations Failing to Combat Human Trafficking - NYT

New 'Slavery' Report Slams Syria - BBC

Syria Tests Russia's Global Role - TNI opinion



Officials: ‘Flame’ Created by Israel, US to Slow Iran - WP

Setback in Talks on Iran’s Nuclear Program in a ‘Gulf of Mistrust’ - NYT

Iran Warned of Tougher Sanctions - BBC

Iran Nuclear Talks Fall Short - WP

Israeli President Has Warning for Iran, Again - CNN

Iran Rallies to Aid Iraq’s Embattled Leader - AP

Japan Passes Law to Insure Iran Oil Imports - Reuters

A Nuclear Impasse with Iran - WP editorial

How to Help Democracy in Iran - TD opinion

Time for US to Rattle the Saber - WT opinion



Reports: Egypt's Mubarak Suffers Stroke - VOA

Mubarak’s Health, Protests Roil Egypt - WP

Mubarak Said to Be in Critical Condition in Egypt Hospital - NYT

Egypt's Mubarak 'Health Worsens' - BBC

Egypt's Mubarak on Life Support Amid Crisis - AP

Military Official Disputes Report of Mubarak's Clinical Death - CNN

Egypt Court Postpones Anti-Brotherhood Cases - Reuters

Egypt’s Coup: It’s About Time - WT editorial

Army Misrule Turns Egypt into Pakistan - DT opinion


Middle East / North Africa

US Plans Significant Military Presence in Kuwait - AP

Police: Bomb Kills 2 in Northern Iraq - AP

Israel Weighs Response After Attacks by Hamas - NYT

Hamas Fires Rockets into Israel - BBC

Israel Aircraft Strike Gaza in Response to Rockets - AP

Forced Move Raises Anger in West Bank Villages - NYT

Settlers Suspected in West Bank Arson - WP

Yemen Says Kills Militant Who Planned Bombings - Reuters

Panetta to Lead Presidential Delegation to Saudi Arabia - AFPS

Libya Becomes Focal Point for Foiling Terror - WT



WikiLeaks Founder Seeks Asylum in Ecuador - VOA

Assange Seeking Ecuador Asylum - BBC

WikiLeakers Founder Assange Seeks Asylum in Ecuador - CNN

WikiLeaks Founder Seeks Asylum at Ecuador Embassy - AP


US Department of Defense

Congress Looks at Cutting Military Sports Sponsorships - S&S

Strategic Airlift Crews Fight an Exhausting War in Anonymity - S&S

Judge Considers Delay in Fort Hood Suspect’s Trial - AP

USS Essex Skipper Relieved of Command in Wake of May Collision - S&S

Feds: Soldier Charged $10M in Purchases to Army, Then Sold Goods - OS


United States

FBI Gets a Broader Role in Coordinating Domestic Intelligence - WP

Obama Administration’s Drone Death Figures Don’t Add Up - ProPublica

Talk of Drones Patrolling US Skies Spawns Anxiety - AP

Last-minute Deal Fizzles, Holder Contempt Vote Still on Tap - WT

Faced with Drawdown, Defense Companies Retool for the Future - S&S

Job Training Grants to Assist Nearly 9,000 Homeless Vets - AFPS

Brewing Backlash Against the Drone War - AI opinion


New Zealand

New Zealand and US to Expand Defense Ties - BBC



World Leaders Make Little Headway in Solving Debt Crisis - NYT



Pentagon Aims to be Proactive in Countering Terror Threat in Africa - WT

AFRCIOM Commander Ham: Africa Presents Opportunity, Challenges - AFPS

UN Airlifts Emergency Aid to South Sudan - VOA

Christian, Muslim Clashes in Nigeria Leave 3 Dead - VOA

Nigeria's Boko Haram: Damaturu and Kaduna Under Curfew - BBC

UNHCR Tries to Count Somalia's Displaced - VOA

Sudan Releases AFP Correspondent in Khartoum - Reuters

Special Court for Sierra Leone: Charles Taylor to Appeal Sentence - VOA

Rwanda: Nizeyimana Convicted of Killing Queen Gicanda - BBC

Does Obama Have a Strategy for Africa? - FP opinion



UK PM Confronts Argentine President over Falklands - BBC

Chavez Predicts Big Win in Venezuela Election - Reuters

El Salvador Gangs Say Permanent Truce Possible - AP

Five Cuban Basketball Players Go Missing in Puerto Rico - AP

Haiti Approves New Constitution - BBC

Face of Defense: Marines Train Caribbean Troops, Police - AFPS


Asia Pacific / Central

Japan Failed to Use U.S. Data Tracking Radiation After Tsunami - NYT

Blind Chinese Dissident Settles Into Life in US - VOA

China: Police 'Bar' Ai Weiwei from Court - BBC

Africans Clash With Police in Southern China - AP

Philippines May Send Ships Back to Disputed Shoal - AP

Burma President Promises 'Second Wave' of Reforms - VOA

Burma President Announces Economic Reforms - NYT

Burma’s Suu Kyi Returns to Oxford After 24 Years - VOA

Chen: A Call for Chinese Justice - WP opinion



Obama, G20 Press Europe On Economic Plan - VOA

US 'Encouraged' by Eurozone Plans - BBC

EU Set to Ease Greek Bailout Terms - VOA

Greece Poised to Form New Coalition - NYT

Greece Close to Coalition Government - WP

Renewed Push for Greek Coalition - BBC

EU Outlines Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy - VOA

Man Claiming Al Qaeda Link Takes Hostages in France - Reuters

Greek Cypriot Government Accused of Mistreating Migrants - VOA

26 Killed in Clashes in Southeast Turkey - AP

The Trouble With Ms. Merkel - NYT editorial


South Asia

Bangladesh's Right of Refusal - NYT opinion

Splinter Gangs Wage War in Acapulco

Tue, 06/19/2012 - 4:44pm

Splinter Gangs Wage War in Acapulco: The Future of Mexico's Conflict - Southern Pulse and InSight.

A field report by Southern Pulse describes how Acapulco represents the future of Mexico's drug conflict, in which super-powered street gangs, the descendants of the big cartels, are increasingly responsible for much of the violence. And the gangs currently fighting for control of their turf may only get smaller and more numerous.

Disruptive Thinkers: The Gritty Truth of Junior Leader Innovation

Tue, 06/19/2012 - 6:27am

Editor's Note:  You can also see BJ Armstrong's presentation at the Naval Warfare Development Command's Junior Leader Symposium here.

In May a discussion was started here at Small Wars Journal about junior leaders and the role that they can play in the innovative solutions needed for our success in the 21st century.  The opening salvo was written by LT Ben Kohlmann with his article “The Military Needs More Disruptive Thinkers,” and it was followed by SWJ Editor Pete Munson’s response “Disruptive Thinkers: Defining the Problem.”  I wrote about the subject at the USNI Blog with my article “Time to Think…and to Listen” and many more have followed here at Small Wars Journal.

On 6 June, I was invited to speak at Navy Warfare Development Command’s “Junior Leaders Innovation Symposium” in Norfolk, Virginia.  In a day-long event myself, Ben Kohlmann, and LT Rob McFall (a Surface Warfare Officer, author, and member of the U.S. Naval Institute’s Editorial Board) were given a chance to speak along with Flag Officers and academics.  NWDC put on a great event and a lot of good material was presented.  You can visit the website and find the slides that went with the presentations, as well as a lot of reading material like Ben Kohlmann’s article on Disruptive Thinkers from here at Small Wars Journal and Rob McFall’s call for tactical innovation at USNI Blog.

The following links are a series of blog posts based on the remarks that I delivered to a standing room only crowd of 230+ Junior Officers and Junior Enlisted which gathered at NWDC’s headquarters, and the 200+ that joined us online via DCO.  These are based on my prepared remarks, so if NWDC posts the video online you’ll surely find differences (I worked from notes rather than reading directly from the page) as well as some mistakes.  In the first post, “A Junior Officer and a Discovery” I relate the history of Lieutenant William Sowden Sims’ discovery of a new gunnery technique which revolutionized naval warfare, and how he developed the new tactics, techniques, and procedures needed to implement it.  The next post, “The Gritty Truth of Junior Leader Innovation,” we look at what Sims did after developing his idea in order to get the Navy to adopt it.  In the final post, “Expertise, Voice, Grit, and Listening…A Look at the Possible.” we look at what Admiral Sims learned about innovation to apply later in his career, and what we can observe from the history.

 A Junior Officer and a Discovery

The Gritty Truth of Junior Leader Innovation

Expertise, Voice, Grit, and Listening…A Look at the Possible

If you haven’t already, also consider checking out the podcast of Midrats Episode 127, where Pete Munson discusses “Disruption, Disfunction, and Leadership” for an hour.

19 June SWJ Roundup

Tue, 06/19/2012 - 5:54am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP



Insurgents Strike Checkpoint in Southern Afghanistan - NYT

Likely Insider Attack Kills US Troop - AP

Militants Kill Afghan Policemen - BBC

2 Charged in Afghan Mosque Bombing That Killed 56 - AP

Training Emphasizes Evasion, Survival in Enemy Territory - S&S

Military's New R&R Plan Doesn’t Include Leaving Afghanistan - S&S

Safety, Higher Pay Outside ISAF for Working Children of Kabul - S&S

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



Taliban to US: End Drone Strikes or Else - CNN

Taliban Block Vaccinations In Pakistan - NYT

Pakistan Blast Kills 4, Wounds 40 - VOA



UN Official Says Syria May Be Guilty Of War Crimes - VOA

UN Suspends Observer Mission in Syria - CNN

Dozens More Killed in Syrian Violence - VOA

Syrian Forces Pound Cities as Obama, Putin Meet - Reuters

Face to Face, Obama Tries to Persuade Putin on Syria - NYT

Obama and Putin Seek Syria Peace - BBC         

Obama: Tensions With Russia Can be Worked Out - VOA

Russian Warships Said to Be Going to Naval Base in Syria - NYT

Russian Ships 'Ready for Syria' - BBC

In Syria's Homs, Sectarian Spoils of War at Bargain Prices - Reuters

Syria Says Ready to Evacuate Besieged Families - AP

It's OK for Obama to Play Politics with Syria - TNR opinion

Let China Save Syria - Newsweek opinion



Amid Takeover by Ruling Generals, Egyptian Candidates Claim Victory - WP

Egypt's Military Keeps Power Despite Presidential Vote - CNN

Egypt's Military Stages Naked Power Grab - DS

After Victory, Egypt Islamists Seek to Challenge Military - NYT

Muslim Brotherhood's Morsi Claims Win in Egyptian Election - VOA

Egyptian Military Moves to Retain Power After Vote - AP

Muslim Brotherhood Set to Protest - BBC

Uncertainties Underlie the Celebrations in Cairo - NYT

Defense Department Officials Express Concern Over Egyptian Transition - AFPS

Egypt’s Democracy Interrupted - NYT editorial

Egypt’s Power Grab - WP editorial

The Betrayal of Egypt’s Revolution - NYT opinion

Egypt's Generals Let Arab Spring Wilt - SMH opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Nuclear Talks Begin, Iran Wants Sanctions Lifted - VOA

No One Budges in Tense Iran Nuclear Talks in Moscow - NYT

Big Powers Seek Progress on Day Two of Iran Talks - Reuters

Iranian Exiles in Iraq Balking at Relocation - WP

US Warns MEK to Leave Iraqi Camp - BBC

Pick for US Ambassador to Iraq Out Amid Furor over Racy Emails - WP

Obama Pick for Iraq Envoy Withdraws Nomination - AP

Funeral Blast Kills 15 in Iraq - BBC

Militants Attack Israelis Across Egyptian Border - NYT

Deadly Attack on Israeli Border - BBC

13 Wounded in Clashes in North Lebanon Camp - AP

Top Yemen General Dies in Attack - BBC

Yemen Commander Killed in Suicide Bombing - NYT

Saudi Arabia Names Crown Prince - BBC

Defense Minister New Heir to Throne in Saudi Arabia - NYT

US Must Press Edge in Iran Nuke Talks - AP opinion



Unified Vision Promotes NATO Intelligence Advances - AFPS


US Department of Defense

Drones Most Accident-Prone Air Force Craft - Bloomberg

Amphibious Group Moves to Fla. in 2013; Carrier Plan on Hold - S&S

DOD Reassessing Plans for New Medical Center Near Ramstein - S&S

Air Force Airman Who Deserted in 1984 Surfaces in Sweden - S&S

Small Defense Programs Need Close Look - WP opinion


United States

US Senator Urges Independent Probe of National Security Leaks - VOA

In a Shift, Biggest Wave of Migrants Is Now Asian - NYT



Strategy Guides Africa Engagement, Defense Official Says - AFPS

Donors Focus on Sahel Food Crisis - VOA

Sudan Slashes Spending Amid Money Woes - VOA

Nigerian Militants Claim Church Bombings - VOA

Boko Haram Claims Nigeria Bombing - BBC

Nigeria: Reprisal Killings Follow Church Attacks - AP

HRW: Ethiopians 'Forced Off Land' - VOA

Ethiopians 'Evicted' for Sugar Projects - BBC

Mali's Ansar Dine Meets With ECOWAS Mediators - VOA

Rwanda Closes Genocide Courts - VOA

Rwanda Genocide Courts Shut Down - BBC

Ousted Titan Keeps a Hold Over Senegal - NYT



Regional Challenges Drive Southcom’s Agenda - VOA

Mexico’s Cocaine Incorporated - NYT

US Accuses Colombian in Drug Bribes - NYT

Colombian General on Drugs Charge - BBC

American Children, Now Struggling to Adjust to Life in Mexico - NYT

Colombia: An Ex-President Who Won’t Keep Away - NYT opinion


Asia Pacific / Central

Even in New York, China Casts a Shadow - NYT

Chinese Activist Plunges into US Studies - WP

Philippines and China Ease Tensions in Rift at Sea - NYT

Philippine Leader Signs Law on Terror Financing - AP

South Korea: US Artillery Unit Might Not Move in Realignment - S&S

Thailand, US to Set Up Panel for Military Base - AP

Burma’s Suu Kyi Honored in Ireland - VOA

Burma’s Suu Kyi Begins UK Visit - BBC

Burma's President Promises Second Wave of Reform - Reuters

Burma’s Journalists Win Battles, but War Not Over - AP



G20 Alarmed Over Eurozone Crisis - BBC

Greek Voting Past, Europe Returns to Fiscal Rescue - NYT

Greek Parties Attempt to Form Government - VOA

Greeks Look to Secure Coalition - BBC

New Efforts Begin to Form a Government in Greece - NYT

Greece Enters 2nd Day of Power-Sharing Talks - AP

Greek Elections Don’t Calm Fears - WP

Spain Borrowing Costs Soar in Debt Auction - AP

Faith is Lost in Italian Government - WP

Ukraine’s Stalled Promise - WP

For Rescue Line, Cyprus Prefers a Russian Loan - NYT

Leaders Call for End to Armenia-Azerbaijan War - NYT

Turkish Troops 'Killed by Rebels' - BBC

Serb Mladic War Crimes Trial Suspended Over Evidence Error - BBC

Rescuing the Euro - WP editorial

Avoiding a Catastrophe - WP opinion


South Asia

India Holds Interest Rates Steady Amid Slow Growth - VOA

Indian TV Show Highlights Human Rights Issues - WP

18 June SWJ Roundup

Mon, 06/18/2012 - 1:53am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP



Attack at US Base in Afghanistan Worse than Initially Disclosed - WP

Central Asia Set to Receive US Military Equipment from Afghanistan - Rianovosti



26 Killed in Pakistan Car Bombing - VOA

Bombs in Pakistan Kill at Least 32 - NYT

Deadly Bus Bombing in Pakistan - BBC



Syria’s Assad Embraces Pariah Status - WP

Syrian Government Forces Escalate Attacks - VOA

'Shelling Intensifies' in Homs - BBC

Syrian Activists Warn of Fire Conditions in Homs - AP

UN Suspends Mission in Syria - WP

UN Suspends Syria Mission, Citing Increase in Violence - NYT

UN Demands Evacuation of Syrian Civilians in Homs - AP

One Night Only: Syria in Revolt, on a Beirut Stage - NYT

Obama to Press Putin on Syria at G20 Amid Skepticism - Reuters



Iran’s Economic Pain Deepens as New Nuclear Talks Begin with US, Allies - WP

Iran to Face Critical Choice in the Latest Round of Nuclear Talks - NYT

Iran: About 20 Arrested for Nuclear Scientist Hits - AP



Egyptians Vote on Final Day of Historic Presidential Election - VOA

Egypt Military Adds to Power as Vote Ends - NYT     

Egypt's Military Granted Powers - BBC

Egypt Army to Outline President's Role, Retain Powers - Reuters

Egypt Holds Final Leadership Poll - BBC

Muslim Brotherhood Claims Victory for Morsi - CNN

Islamists Say Win Egypt Presidency; Army Holds Power - Reuters

Islamist Claims Victory in Egypt President Vote - AP

Islamist Vows to Be a President for All Egypt - Reuters

Low Turnout for Egyptian Presidential Run-Off - VOA

Egyptian Activists Debate How Not to Vote - NYT

Al-Qaida Urges Egypt to Cancel Treaty with Israel - AP



Iraq Car Bombs Target Shi'ite Pilgrims - VOA

Iraq: Baghdad Car Bombings Target Shia - BBC

2 Car Bombs Target Shiites in Baghdad - NYT


Middle East / North Africa

Israel Begins Deporting Migrants from Africa - VOA

Crackdown on Migrants Tugs at Soul of Israelis - NYT

120 South Sudanese Leaving Israel Under Pressure - AP

Palestinians Shot Dead in West Bank - BBC

Heir to Saudi Throne Dies - VOA

Saudis Seek a Crown Prince and Talk of Other Successors - NYT

Troops Deployed in Western Libya - BBC

Arab Identities - WP opinion


US Department of Defense

Drone, Intel Work Saves Hundreds of Jobs - S&S

Aberdeen Scientists Fight a War Against IEDs - BS

Military Suicides a 'National Public Health Problem' - S&S

Reports: Air Force's Troubled Technology Projects Cost Millions - S&S

In Sweden, Man Claims to Be AWOL Since 1984 - NYT


United States

In a World of Complications, Obama Faces a Re-election Test - NYT

In Modern World of Politics, are Two-term Presidencies History? - WP

After Chorus of Protest, New Tune on Deportations - NYT

What is America’s Cyberwar Policy? - WP editorial

Mr. Obama Acts on Immigration. Will Congress? - WP editorial


United Nations      

UN: 800,000 Forced to Flee Their Countries in 2011 - AP

World Close to Ending Polio, Yet It's a Tough Foe - AP

Take Meat Off the Menu - WP opinion



Pope, Cardinals Meet on Scandal Probe - VOA

Pope to Irish: Child Abuse by Clergy 'a Mystery' - AP



Activists Demand More Protection for African Children - VOA

Multiple Church Bombings in Nigeria Ignite Riots - VOA

Explosions Hit Nigerian Churches - BBC

3 Church Attacks and Retaliation Rock Nigeria - Reuters

21 Killed in Attacks on Churches in Nigeria -AP

Suicide Bomb in Key Somali Town - BBC

Africa’s Hidden Water Wealth - NYT opinion



World Leaders Meet in a Mexico Giving Brazil a Run for Its Money - NYT

Mexico's Drug War Rocks US Expat Stronghold - Reuters

Venezuela: Who Would Replace Hugo Chavez? - WP

Charges after Paraguay land clash - BBC


Asia Pacific / Central

China Closes Window on Economic Debate, Protecting Dominance of State - NYT

Chinese City Beset by Scandal Tries to Turn Page - AP

China Puts First Female Astronaut in Space - VOA

First Female Astronaut From China Blasts Into Space - NYT

North Korea Accuses Clinton of 'Reckless' Criticism - AP

Japan OK's Restart for 2 Nuclear Reactors - VOA

Japan Public Still Divided as 2 Reactors to Be Opened - NYT

Thailand: Suspected Islamist Insurgents Kill 3 Thai Troops - AP

Burma’s Suu Kyi Says Nobel Prize Dispelled Isolation - VOA

Burma Dissident Says Nobel Opened Her Heart - NYT

Suu Kyi Asks Burma Refugees to Seek Ethnic Unity - AP

As Singapore Loosens Grip, Residents Lose Fear to Challenge Authority - NYT



European Leaders to Present Plan to Quell the Crisis Quickly - NYT

US Effort to Contain Euro Crisis Takes on New Urgency - WP

Germany ‘Will Do Whatever it Takes to Defend the Euro’ - WP

European Protesters Decry Austerity Plan - VOA

Greece Conservatives, Leftists in Tight Race - VOA

Supporters of Bailout Claim Victory in Greek Election - NYT

Greek Right 'in Narrow Poll Lead' - BBC

Greece: Far-Right Party Returns to Parliament - AP

Germany Welcomes Greek Conservatives' Win - AP

Aftermath of the Greek Vote - NYT

White House Urges Swift Formation of New Greek Government - Reuters

France: Hollande Party 'Wins Majority' - BBC

Socialists’ Victory in France Buttresses Hollande’s Power - NYT

Socialists Take French Parliament, Sweep Power - AP

13 Inmates Killed in Turkish Prison Fire - AP


South Asia

Pay Row Closes Bangladesh Firms - BBC

Journalist Killed in Bangladesh - AP