Small Wars Journal

11 July SWJ Roundup

Wed, 07/11/2012 - 9:03am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP


'Poetry of the Taliban' Elicits Anger, Astonishment - LAT

NATO Transit Through Ulyanovsk to Begin in August - MT

US Military Deaths in Afghanistan at 1,900 - AP

Afghans Protest Recent Public Killing of Woman - AP

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS

Life and War in Afghanistan - WP photos



Annan Warns of Disaster Without End to Syria Crisis - VOA

Annan Talks With Syria Neighbors - BBC

Annan: Iran Has Role to Play in Syria - WP

UN Envoy Presses Syrian Peace Plan with Iran, Iraq - AP

Annan Says Iran a Player in Syria Crisis Talks - Reuters

Russia Sends Warships to Mediterranean - VOA

Russia Sending Warships on Maneuvers Near Syria - NYT

Syrian Opposition Sees No Change in Russia Stance - AP

Jordan Opens New Refugee Camp for Syrians - AP

Christians Evacuated From Besieged Syrian City - AP



Egyptian Lawmakers Meet, Defying Military - VOA

Dispute Threatens Egypt’s Transition - WP

Top Court Rules Against President’s Parliament Recall - VOA

Egypt Court Overturns Mursi Order - BBC

Egypt's President Flexes Power, But Cautiously - AP


Middle East / North Africa

Iran’s Foreign Minister Plays Down Hormuz Blockade - AP

Iran's Top Leader: Country 'Immune' to Sanctions - AP

Iran: Video Games Central to Secret War Against Culture - McClatchy

Israeli Court Clears Olmert of Corruption Charges - VOA

Israeli Court Mostly Clears Former PM - WP

Rights Groups: Spike in Israeli Settler Violence - AP

Palestinians: Arafat's Widow Wants French Probe Into His Death - AP

Lebanon: Hard-line Cleric Gives Voice to Deep Sectarian Tensions - WP

Angry Throngs at a Funeral in Saudi Arabia - NYT

Deadly Bombing Hits Yemen Police - BBC

Yemen: Suicide Attack on Police Cadets Kills 6 - AP

Partial Vote Count Indicates Jibril Leads in Libya Election - VOA

Wrong Time for New Israeli Settlements - NYT editorial


US Department of Defense

Is the MV-22B Osprey Safe? - S&S

Lawmakers Have More Questions for Air Force About F-22 Problems - DP

No Decision Yet on Fate of Universal Camo Uniform - S&S

Pentagon Planning Database of Military Valor Awards, Medals - S&S

Landscapers ‘Give Back’ to Vets, Fallen at Arlington National Cemetery - AFPS

NSA Chief: Cyber World Presents Opportunities, Challenges - AFPS

Missile Agency's Chief Faulted for Leadership Cited High Morale - S&S

Lack of Resources Backlogs High-tech Leg Brace for Injured GIs - S&S


United States

Closure of Border Patrol Stations Across Four States Triggers Alarm - Fox

NRO Accused of Illegally Collecting Personal Data - McClatchy

Lockheed's You-May-be-Fired Notices Questioned as Scare Tactic - Bloomberg

Should the US Revive the Draft? - WP opinion


United Kingdom

Terror Charges for Three More Men - BBC

UK Police Charge 3 More Men with Terror Offenses - AP

UK Police Arrest 2 Journalists in Corruption Probe - AP



Boko Haram Warns Nigeria Christians to Convert - VOA

Armed Mali Militants Resume Destruction of Timbuktu Shrines - VOA

New Fighting in DR Congo Sends Refugees Spilling Into Uganda - VOA

Congo Warlord Jailed for 14 Years - BBC

ICC Sentences Congolese Warlord to 14 Years in Prison - VOA

Mali’s Timbuktu Mosque Tombs 'Destroyed' - BBC

Ivory Coast: 2 Gbagbo Allies Charged With Genocide - AP



Mexico: US Offers Reward in Fast and Furious Murder Case - BBC

Indigenous Colombians Defy Rebels - BBC


Asia Pacific / Central

Japan Lodges China Ships Protest - BBC

Ordination of Bishops Increases Tensions Between China and Vatican - NYT

EU, China Agree to Regular Defense, Security Talks - AP

'Progress' in Pacific Trade Talks - BBC

Economic Issues Dominate Clinton's Asia Tour - VOA

S. Korea Tries to Curb its Mounting Debt - WP

Late S. Korean Dictator's Daughter Seeks Presidency - VOA

S. Korean President's Brother Jailed in Bribe Case - AP

Warning About S. Korea Nightspots Causes Bit of a Stir - S&S

US Chides N. Korea Over Unauthorized Disney Display - AP

Clinton Promotes US Investment, Human Rights in Vietnam - VOA

ASEAN Hoping for Removal of Burma Sanctions - VOA

Clinton on Historic Visit to Laos - BBC

Thailand's King Pardons US Man - BBC

China’s Censors Fighting Losing Battle - WP editorial

A Confucian Constitution for China - NYT opinion



Eurozone 'Risks Losing 4.5m Jobs' - BBC

EU, China Agree to Regular Defense, Security Talks - AP

EU Throws a Lifeline to Troubled Spanish Banks - VOA

Spanish PM to Unveil Fresh Cuts - BBC

IMF: Another Year of Recession in Italy - WP

Greek Police Ignores Migrant Abuse, Rights Group Accuses - VOA

Greek Far Right Hangs a Target on Immigrants - NYT

Russia Joins World Trade Organization - WP

In Russia, Political Protest is a Lonely Pursuit - WP

Russian Wikipedia Protests New Internet Legislation - VOA

Bill to Restrict Web Content Is Assailed in Russia - NYT

After Russian Floods, Grief, Rage and Deep Mistrust - NYT

France: Paris Prosecutor Probes Leak of Terror Tape - AP

Serbia Charges 12 Over Setting 2008 Fire to US Embassy - AP

Bosnia Marks 17th Anniversary of Srebrenica Massacre - VOA

Bosnians to Bury 520 Srebrenica Genocide Victims - AP


South Asia

India Buys Gandhi's Correspondence Before Auction - VOA

10 July SWJ Roundup

Tue, 07/10/2012 - 3:13am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP


US-Afghanistan Alliance Important to DOD, Spokesman Says - AFPS

Karzai Renews Call for Dialogue with Taliban - VOA

Taliban Claim Responsibility for Blast that Killed 6 US Troops - S&S

Public Execution of Woman Raises Fears for Afghanistan’s Future - VOA

Taliban Execution of Afghan Woman Triggers Public Outcry - WP

Gunmen Attack Kandahar Police Headquarters - BBC

Dozens Killed in Afghan Attacks - WP

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS

Picking a Winner in Afghanistan - WP opinion



Pakistan's Hardline Activists Protest Reopening of NATO Routes - VOA

Thousands of Pakistanis Protest Opening of NATO Supply Route - Reuters

Gunmen Attack Pakistan Army Camp - BBC

Gunmen Attack Pakistani Army Camp, Kill 8 - AP



DOD Official: Assad Regime Must End ‘Wanton Murder’ - AFPS

Syrian Opposition Group Says Death Toll Tops 17,000  - AP

Annan Reaches New Framework with Syria - WP

Annan Syria Talks 'Constructive' - BBC

UN Envoy Anan Seeks Iranian Help on Syrian Crisis - AP

Russia to Halt Arms Shipments to Syria - VOA



Egypt's President and Military on Collision Course - VOA

Egypt’s Military and President Escalate Their Power Struggle - NYT

Egypt Military 'Warns' President - BBC

Egypt Parliament Set to Meet, Defying Army - Reuters

Egypt’s Top Court Affirms Ruling to Disband Parliament - AP

Morsi Pledges to Reopen Parliament, Despite Rebuke from Court - WP

New Crisis Looms in Egypt Over Legislature's Fate - AP

What to Know About Egypt's New Political Drama - AP



UN Calls Libyan Election 'Extraordinary Achievement' - VOA

Election Observers Give Thumbs-Up to Libyan Vote - Reuters

Despite Fairly Smooth Election, Attacks in Libya Show Unrest - NYT

Jibril: National Unity for Libya - BBC

2 Local Libya Journalists Held in Pro-Gadhafi Town - AP

Libya’s Achievement - WP editorial

Libya’s Election - NYT editorial


Middle East / North Africa

As Islamists Gain Influence, Washington Reassesses Who Friends Are - NYT

Analysts: US Has No Choice But to Deal with Islamic Groups - AP

Former CIA Spy Advocates Overthrow of Iranian Regime - LAT

EU-Iranian Officials to Meet on Nuke Standoff  - AP

Iran: Trades at Currency Bazaar Ripple Through Struggling Economy - WP

Validate Settlements, Israeli Panel Suggests - AP

Israeli Settler Population Surges Under Netanyahu - AP

Israeli Court Clears Ex-PM Olmert of Major Charges - AP

Two Killed During Saudi Arabia Protest - BBC

Saudi Arabia Says Two Killed After Cleric's Arrest - Reuters

Saudi Princess Seeks Political Asylum - FP

Jordan to Investigate TV Fight MP - BBC

Algeria: Feared al-Qaida Offshoot Neutralized - AP

Al-Qaida Leader Released From Mauritanian Jail - AP


United Nations

House Panel Probes UN Agency's Tech Shipments - AP

UN says Journalists Need Greater Protection - VOA


International Criminal Court

ICC Set to Issue First Sentence - VOA


US Department of Defense

Instead of Upgrading Helicopters, Army Wants to Upgrade Pilots - DR

US Navy Presses Forward with Biofuels - VOA

IEDs: An Unsettling Amount of Outsourcing - WP opinion


United States

FBI: $1m Reward to Find Men Charged in Border Agent’s Killing -WP

Cyber Chief Urges Greater Role in Protecting US Infrastructure - S&S

Cellphone Carriers Report Surge in Surveillance Requests - WP

Army, Civilian Drones May Fly in US Airspace Sooner - HT

US Arms Makers: Uncertainty Paralyzing Investment, Jobs - Reuters

New Airport Security Procedures Available for Wounded Warriors - TNT

Let’s Draft Our Kids - NYT opinion


United Kingdom

Three Men Facing Terror Charges - BBC

UK Police: 3 Men Charged with Terror Offenses - AP



Forgotten Conflicts - WP photo report



South Sudan Celebrates First Independence Day - VOA

South Sudan Marks First Birthday - BBC

South Sudan Turns 1, but Oil, Border Issues Remain - AP

ECOWAS Technical Team Monitoring Mali Security Crisis - VOA

Mali Creates 'Elite Force' to Protect Interim Leaders - VOA

Fatal SUV Accident in Mali Reveals US Commando Presence - WP

DR Congo Rebels 'Advancing on Goma' - BBC

Peacekeepers Vow to Protect Eastern Congo City From Rebels - VOA

Niger: Child Marriage ‘as a Survival Strategy’ - WP

Malawi Protest Prisoners Escape - BBC

Zambia Government Committed to Creating Jobs, Says Official - VOA



Mexico Gunbattle Leaves 11 Dead - BBC

Mexico Says US Agents Killed Mexican on Border - AP

FBI Probes Fatal Shooting Over US Border Into Mexico - Reuters

White House Notifies Congress on Mexico Trade Talks - Reuters

Honduras 'Drug Pilot' Shot Dead by US Agents - BBC

Honduras Shootings Spark Fears of Confrontation - AP

Bolivia Coca Union Elects Morales - BBC


Asia Pacific / Central

Cambodia Says ASEAN Ministers Agree to 'Key Elements' of Sea Code - VOA

ASEAN Adopts South China Sea Code - BBC

Aung San Suu Kyi Makes Debut in Burma's Parliament - VOA

North Korean Woman at Kim's Side Sparks Curiosity - LAT

Mystery Woman for North Korea's Kim - BBC

On North Korean TV, a Dash of (Unapproved) Disney Magic - NYT

South Korea Tries to Curb its Mounting Debt - WP

South Korean Officials: US Agrees to Review In-town Patrols - S&S

In Indonesia’s Jakarta and Election Issue is a Mustache - WP

China Flight Crew Rewarded for Foiling Hijackers - AP

Top Crime Suspect, 10 Others Flee Philippine Jail - AP



Russia: Putin Introduces Measures to Curb Political Opposition - VOA

Russia's Putin Says the West Is on the Decline - Reuters

Fatal Delay in Russia Flood Alert - BBC

Russians Doubt Government’s Flash Flood Explanation - WP

Iceland Turns Away from EU as Economy Recovers - VOA

Spain to Get 30bn Euros for Banks - BBC

Romania Court Ruling May Decide President's Fate - Reuters

Uproar in France over Tapes of Terrorism Suspect - AP

South Carolina Guardsmen Have a Mission in Kosovo - TS

First Witness Testifies in Bosnian Serb Mladic Trial - AP

Witness at Mladic Trial Recalls Bosnia Killings - BBC

Testing the Surge: Why Did Violence Decline in Iraq in 2007?

Mon, 07/09/2012 - 6:56pm

You can find the pre-publication version of a new article by Stephen Biddle, Jeffrey Friedman, and Jacob Shapiro on the decline in violence in Iraq in 2007 at this link.


Why did violence decline in Iraq in 2007? Many analysts credit the “surge,” or the program of U.S. reinforcements and doctrinal changes that began in January 2007. Others cite the voluntary insurgent stand-downs of the Anbar Awakening or say that the violence had simply run its course with the end of a wave of sectarian cleansing; still others credit an interaction between the surge and the Awakening. A combination of recently declassified data on violence at local levels combined with information gathered from seventy structured interviews with coalition participants enables a systematic test of these claims. These data show little support for the cleansing thesis. Instead, a synergistic interaction between the surge and the Awakening was required: both were necessary; neither was sufficient. U.S. policy thus played an important role, but Iraq provides no evidence that similar methods will produce similar results elsewhere without local equivalents of the Sunni Awakening. 

H/T Mike Few.

Casebooks on Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare

Mon, 07/09/2012 - 6:49pm

US Army Special Operations Command and Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory National Security Analysis Department have put together a useful reference for small wars students and practitioners entitled "Casebook on Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare Volume II:  1962-2009."  The resource is available for download in PDF format here.  If you are wondering where Volume I is, that government document covers post-World War I insurgencies and revolutions up to 1962 and can be downloaded in PDF here.  The original was published by the Special Operations Research Office at The American University in 1962.

Volume II is broken down by conceptual categories as can be seen by the table of contents:



1. New People’s Army (NPA).............................................................5 

2. Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC)..........39 

3. Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path)............................................71 

4. 1979 Iranian Revolution............................................................113 

5. Frente Farabundo Martí Para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN)...151 

6. Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA)................................195 


7. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)...............................233 

8. Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO): 1964–2009............277 

9. Hutu–Tutsi Genocides...............................................................307 

10. Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA): 1996–1999............................343 

11. The Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA): 1969–2001...379 


12. Afghan Mujahidin: 1979–1989..................................................427 

13. Viet Cong: 1954–1976................................................................459 

14. Chechen Revolution: 1991–2002..............................................489 

15. Hizbollah: 1982–2009................................................................525 

16. Hizbul Mujahideen....................................................................569 


17. Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ)......................................................609 

18. Taliban: 1994–2009....................................................................651 

19. Al Qaeda: 1988–2001.................................................................685 


20. Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND)....729 

21. Revolutionary United Front (RUF)—Sierra Leone.................763 

22. Orange Revolution of Ukraine: 2004–2005..............................801 

23. Solidarity.....................................................................................825 


The original was broken down regionally and included chapters on Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaya, Guatemala, Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, Tunisia, Algeria, French Cameroon, Congo, Iraq x 2, Egypt, Iran, Sudan, Korea, China, Germany, Spain, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia.


This project has been the vision of Paul Tompkins, a retired Special Forces Warrant Officer who works in the USASOC G3 and has had the support of the senior Army SOF leadership (see forwards from LTG Mulholland and MG Sacolick).  This is the first of several products that will be published on human factors In revolutions and insurgencies as well as undergrounds and auxiliaries.  

"In a rare spare moment during a training exercise, the Operational Detachment-Alpha (ODA) Team Sergeant took an old book down from the shelf and tossed it into the young Green Beret’s lap. “Read and learn.” The book on human factors considerations in insurgencies was already more than twenty years old and very out of vogue. But the younger sergeant soon became engrossed and took other forgotten revolution-related texts off the shelf, including the 1962 Casebook on Insurgency and Revolutionary Warfare, which described the organization of undergrounds and the motivations and behaviors of revolutionaries. He became a student of the history of unconventional warfare and soon championed its revival as a teaching subject for the US Army Special Forces. When his country faced pop-up resistance in Iraq and tenacious guerrilla bands in Afghanistan during the mid-2000s, his vision of modernizing the research and reintroducing it into standard education and training took hold. 

This second volume owes its creation to the vision of that young Green Beret, Paul Tompkins, and to the challenge that his sergeant, Ed Brody, threw into his lap."

H/T to Dave Maxwell  

9 July SWJ Roundup

Mon, 07/09/2012 - 12:31am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP


Afghanistan Designated Major US Ally - VOA

US Grants Special Ally Status to Afghanistan - NYT

Clinton Declares Afghanistan a Major non-NATO Ally - WP

US, Pakistan, Afghanistan Call on Taliban to Join Reconciliation - VOA

Peace Talks Spawn Violent Taliban Splinter Groups - AP

$16 Billion Pledged to Afghanistan, With Caveat - NYT

International Donors Pledge $16bn in Aid to Afghanistan - WP

Donors Pledge $16bn in Afghan Aid - BBC

Afghanistan Promises to Fight Corruption as Donors Pledge Billions - VOA

Corruption in Afghanistan Still a Problem - WP

Afghan Official’s Big Job: Clean Up Banking Scandal - WP

Obama to Ask for Civilian Afghan Aid Through 2017 - S&S

US Troops Score Win Against IEDs in Afghanistan - AP

Roadside Bombs Kill Dozens in Afghanistan - CNN

Bombs, Clashes Kill 35 Including Seven NATO Soldiers - Reuters

US NATO Soldiers Killed by Roadside Bomb - BBC

NATO: 6 Service Members Killed in Afghanistan - AP

14 Afghan Civilians Die in Twin blasts - WP

Roadside Bomb Kills 5 Afghan Policemen - AP

Video: Taliban Shoot Woman in Public Execution as Men Cheer - CNN

In Video of Execution, Reign of Taliban Recalled - NYT

Taliban Publicly Execute Woman Near Kabul - Reuters

Locals Vow Revenge for Afghan Woman's Execution - Reuters

The Afghan Air War - NYT video

Is the Afghan War Doomed? - WP book review / opinion

Will Afghanistan and Pakistan Go to War? - FP / SWJ opinion

Paying the Price in Afghanistan - Commentary opinion



Clinton's 'Sorry' Unlikely to Stop Pakistan’s Support of Insurgents - S&S

Clinton Looks for Better US-Pakistani Cooperation - AP

Clinton Says US, Pakistan Ties Still Raise Tough Questions - Reuters

Hardline Islamists Lead Thousands in Protest Against NATO Supply Line - AP

Pakistan Shuns Physicist Linked to 'God Particle' - AP



UN Envoy Annan in Syria for Talks With Assad - VOA

Clinton Says Assad's Days Are Numbered - VOA

Clinton: With Defections, Syrian Regime's 'Days are Numbered' - CNN

Assad Says US 'Destabilizing Syria' - BBC

Syria's Assad Rejects Comparison With Egypt, Libya - AP

Syria's Assad Says Annan Peace Plan Must Not Fail - Reuters

Annan Arrives in Damascus, Syria Tests Missiles - Reuters

Syria Launches Large-Scale Military Exercises - VOA

Syrian Military Holds Exercises in Show of Force - AP

NATO Tying Turkey's Hands on Syria - TN opinion



Morsi Orders Egyptian Parliament to Reconvene - VOA

Egypt’s President Orders Return of Parliament - NYT

Morsi Moves to Restore Islamist Parliament - WP

Egypt President Reinstates MPs - BBC

Egypt's President Reconvenes Dissolved Parliament - AP

Egypt's Generals Meet on Recall of Parliament - AP

Egypt Army Meets to Discuss Presidential Decree - Reuters

Egyptian Military Still a Revered Institution - WP

For Egypt’s Leaders, Jobs are First Priority - WP

Egypt's Morsi to Make Saudi Arabia His First Foreign Visit - VOA

Obama Invites Egypt's Islamist Leader to US - Reuters

A Do-over with Egypt - WP opinion

Is Morsi Confronting Egypt's Generals? - Time opinion



Coalition Led by Pro-Western Official Claims Lead in Libya - NYT

Libya’s Election Blow to Islamist Rise in Arab Spring Wake - AP

Libya's Jibril Calls for Grand Coalition - Reuters


Middle East

Arab Spring Highlights International Court Flaws - NYT

Book: Israeli Spies Behind Iran Assassinations - AP

Premier Vows Exemptions in Israel Draft Will Change - NYT

Israeli PM Promises Military Draft Reform After Protest - CNN

Israeli Likud Backs Conscript Law - BBC

Israel Moves to End Religious Military Exemptions - Reuters

Israel to Bring Remaining Ethiopian Jews by 2014 - AP

Palestinians: Abbas to Visit Iran for International Conference - AP

Bombing in Central Iraq Kills Six - BBC

Iran Says Diplomat Target of German Smear Campaign - AP

Saudi Police Arrest Prominent Shi'ite Muslim Cleric - Reuters

Saudi Officials Arrest Radical Shiite Cleric - AP

Influential Saudi Prince Mohammed Bin Saud Dies - AP

Yemeni Soldiers Free Officer They Abducted - Reuters

Limits to Iran Sanctions - WP opinion

Message to Iraq: Pull Back from the Brink - JP opinion


United Nations

A Treaty on Conventional Arms - NYT editorial


US Department of Defense

Troops Driving Humvees for 20 More Years, Maker Says - SBT

Unit of Crashed Firefighting C-130 Quietly Handles Perilous Duties - S&S

Warrior Transition Unit’s Role Changes with Times - S&S

Navy Ramps Up Crackdown on Drug Use, Widens Testing - S&S


United States

Americans Have More Confidence in Military - OCR

Extreme Heat Continues in US - VOA

Unrelenting Heat Wave Bakes All in Its Reach - NYT

US Heatwave Leaves Dozens Dead - BBC

13 Minutes to Doomsday - WP editorial

Another Stab at the US Constitution - NYT opinion



Sudan Military Vows to Avenge Killings of 2 Government Officials - VOA

Sudan Opposition Figure Arrested - BBC

South Sudan Looks Ahead After Rough First Year - VOA

Blood and Oil Tinge South Sudan's First Birthday - Reuters

South Sudan Rebel, Now President, Takes on Poverty, Graft - Reuters

Timeline: South Sudan-Born Out of Conflict - Reuters

Gunmen Strike Nigeria Towns, Killing Dozens - AP

Nigeria Officials Killed at Funeral - BBC

Nigeria Senator Killed at Mass Burial After Ethnic Clash - Reuters

Congo Rebels Seize Eastern Town After Army Flees - AP

DR Congo Rebels Seize Key Town - BBC

Congo Rebels Seize Strategic Eastern Town - Reuters

Mali’s Tomb Raiders - NYT opinion



Mexican Electoral Officials Confirm Pena Nieto Win - Reuters

Mexicans Protest Over Presidential Poll Winner - BBC

DEA Agents Killed Pilot of Drug Flight in Honduras - AP

Venezuela: Chavez Rivals Should Not Campaign in Slums - AP

Cuba's Raul Castro Welcomed to Vietnam - AP


Asia Pacific / Central

Clinton Makes Effort to Rechannel the Rivalry With China - NYT

China's Premier Warns of Further Economic Slowdown - AP

China Pollution Protest Ends, but Suspicion of Government High - Reuters

S. Korea: US General Apologizes For Dispute In Seoul - NYT

Rights Groups Urge Release of ASEAN Declaration - VOA

Violence, Threats Rise as Malaysia Election Nears - Reuters

Burma: Many Fear Completion of Stalled Dam Project - WP

Ruling Party Wins E. Timor Poll - VOA

East Timor PM Heads for Poll Win - BBC



Russian Flood Death Toll Hits 150; Putin Orders Investigation - VOA

Russia: Putin Tours Flooded Region, Questions of Negligence Arise - NYT

Putin Orders Probe Into Russia Flood Deaths - AP

France, Germany Mark Postwar Reconciliation Amid Divisions - VOA

Germany and France Celebrate Their Bond - NYT

Germany, France Urge Closer European Unity - AP

Romania Rocked by Political Turmoil - VOA

Greek Government Wins Confidence Vote - AP

Greek Government Wins Confidence Vote, Battles Loom - Reuters

Europe’s Missing Union - NYT opinion


South Asia

Flood Toll Rises, Damage Mounts in Northeast India - AP

CJCS: Let's Continue the Dialogue & Keep Sharing

Sun, 07/08/2012 - 8:33pm

Via CJCS General Dempsey's Facebook Page: "Thanks for sharing your favorite blogs and lectures this week! I saw several familiar names out there like Small Wars Journal, TED, our own DoDLive, and even blogs run by service members. These conversations contribute to our Profession of Arms and they help connect our military and civilian communities. Let's continue this dialogue and keep sharing!"

8 July SWJ Roundup

Sun, 07/08/2012 - 7:01am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP


Afghanistan Designated Major US Ally - VOA

US Grants Special Ally Status to Afghanistan - NYT

Clinton Declares Afghanistan a Major non-NATO Ally - WP

Afghanistan Made 'Major US Ally' - BBC

US Designates Afghanistan a Major Ally - CNN

Clinton Visits Kabul, Declares Afghanistan 'Major Ally' - TT

$16 Billion Pledged to Afghanistan, With Caveat - NYT

Donors Pledge $16bn in Afghan Aid - BBC

International Donors Pledging $16B in Afghan Aid - AP

Donors Offer $16 Billion Afghan Aid at Tokyo Conference - Reuters

Obama to Ask for Civilian Afghan Aid Through 2017 - AP

Corruption in Afghanistan Still a Problem - WP

Afghan Official’s Big Job: Clean Up Banking Scandal - WP

Peace Talks Spawn Violent Taliban Splinter Groups - AP

US Troops Score Win Against IEDs in Afghanistan - AP

14 Afghan Civilians Die in Twin blasts - WP

Roadside Bomb Kills 5 Afghan Policemen - AP

US Cozies Up to Outcast Uzbekistan for Afghan Role - AP

ISAF Commander Condemns Farah Rocket Attack - AFPS

Taliban Publicly Execute Woman Near Kabul - Reuters

Is the Afghan War Doomed? - WP book review / opinion

Will Afghanistan and Pakistan Go to War? - FP / SWJ opinion



Clinton's 'Sorry' Unlikely to Stop Pakistan’s Support of Insurgents - S&S

Clinton Looks for Better US-Pakistani Cooperation - AP

Clinton Says US, Pakistan Ties Still Raise Tough Questions - Reuters

Hardline Islamists Lead Thousands in Protest Against NATO Supply Line - AP

Pakistan: Gunmen Kill 18 at Roadside Restaurant - AP

Pakistan Drone Attack Kills 12 - BBC

Pakistan Police Foil Huge Artifact Smuggling Attempt - BBC

Reading Pakistan: By the Numbers - IBT opinion



Clinton: Syria Must End Violence to Avoid 'Catastrophic Assault' - Reuters

Syrian Defection Prompts Calls for Sanctions - VOA

DOD Officials Call Syrian General’s Defection, ‘Significant’ - AFPS

Pentagon Cheers Defection of Syrian General - AP

Clinton: Russia, China Blocking Progress on Syria 'Intolerable' - VOA

China Rejects US Criticism Involving Syria Conflict - VOA

A Young Syrian’s Evolution to a Revolutionary - NYT

Lebanon Hit by Deadly Syria Fire - BBC

Shells Fired From Syria Kill Lebanese - AP

Syria's Fighting Spills Into Lebanon, Five Killed - Reuters

Turkey Mourns 2 Pilots Downed by Syria - VOA

The Tide Turns Against Assad - TE editorial

Syria Options Dwindling - CNN opinion / analysis

Is Syria Unsolvable? - CNN opinion

Edging Closer to a Coup in Syria - TNI opinion

Russia Fears Islamist Takeover in Syria - NYT opinion

Fresh Hope for Ending Syria's Bloodbath - NYP opinion



Iran Says it Has Plan to Close Strait of Hormuz - AP

US: Iranian Dissident Group Must Complete Move From Iraqi Base - VOA

US Urges MEK to Relocate in Iraq - WP



Libyans Hold Emotional Multi-Party Election, First in 60 Years - VOA

Libya Holds Vote After 40 Years of Dictatorship - NYT

Libyans Flock to Historic Polls - BBC

Libyans Turn Out Big in Landmark Election - CNN

Excited Libyans Vote Hopefully, Remember Sacrifices - TT

Libyans Hold 1st Nationwide Vote in Decades - AP

Libyans Celebrate Free Vote Despite Violence - Reuters

Count Begins after Libya Election - BBC

Obama Hails Libya Elections as Democratic Milestone - Reuters

Clinton Hails Libyan Election, Pledges US Support - AP

Violence in Libya Underscores Struggles Ahead - WP

Discontent Rules in Cradle of Libya Revolution - Reuters

Libya Election Helicopter 'Shot' - BBC

Libyan Anti-Poll Protester Shot Dead in East - Reuters

'No Fair Trial' for Gaddafi's Son, Says Lawyer - BBC

Libya Takes Faltering Step Toward Democracy - TI editorial

Libya’s Milestone Election - WP opinion


Middle East / North Africa

Arab Spring Highlights International Court Flaws - NYT

Israeli Military Draft Pits Secular Jews vs. Ultra-Orthodox - AP

Israeli Protesters Demand Military Draft Reform - Reuters

Bombing in Central Iraq Kills Six - BBC

Yemen: 4 Killed at Southern Secessionist March - AP

Yemen on High Alert After al Qaeda Threatens Prison Break - CNN

Egypt President to Visit Saudi Arabia on 1st Foreign Trip - AP

Militarizing the Persian Gulf Won't Tame Iran - GN editorial

The Muslim Brotherhood's Long Game - FA opinion

Egypt, Improve on Women's Rights - CNN opinion

Europe's Right Wing Enters Mideast Peace - DS opinion


US Department of Defense

At Nellis AFB, Teaching the Shadowy Art of Cyber Warfare - LVS

The Drone Zone - NYT

Court Upholds Soldier's Conviction in 2008 Killing of Iraqi Civilian - TPO

Unprecedented Dual Engine Failure Caused April Hornet Crash - S&S

Wartime Remains of 6 US Airmen Recovered in Laos - S&S


United States

McChrystal Says it's Time to Bring Back the Draft - S&S

New Veteran Unemployment Falls in June, Hinting at Positive Trend - S&S

Franchising Making Comeback, with Veterans as Good Prospects - McClatchy

Is America the Moral Leader in the World? - CNN opinion


United Kingdom

Al-Qaeda Terror Suspect Caught at Olympics Site - TT

Seventh Arrest in Terror Probe - BBC

British Police Arrest Seven Terror Suspects - VOA

7th person Arrested in British Terrorism Probe - AP

N. Ireland Tensions Rise Over Bloody Sunday Probe - AP

US Court Rules IRA Interview Must be Given to PSNI - BBC

Norway's EU Example: An Option for Britain? - TT

Britain's Only EU Hope Lies Hidden in Lisbon - TT opinion



N. Nigeria City Fears Both Police Brutality and Boko Haram - VOA

S. Sudan Prepares for 1st Independence Anniversary - VOA

Sudanese Refugee Camp 'Horrific' - BBC

Malians Wonder What Another Summit Will Achieve - VOA

Mali Militants 'Recruit Children' - BBC

West African Heads Urge Mali to Act Over Militants - Reuters

ECOWAS Urges Mali Unity Cabinet - BBC

Zimbabwe: Mugabe Returns From Medical Checks in Singapore - Reuters

Mali: Libya’s Unintended Consequences - NYT opinion

Africa Foreign Aid: The Coffin-Maker Benchmark - NYT opinion

End the Suffering in the Sudans - CNN opinion

Mali’s Timbuktu Tomb Attack is Unacceptable - CNN opinion



Mexico Presidential Election: Obrador to Challenge Result in Court - BBC

Mexico City Mayoral Win is Seen as Show of the Left’s Strength - WP

Mexicans Protest over Poll Winner - BBC

Students March Against Mexico's Election Result - AP

Argentina Now a Drug Trafficking Destination - NYT

Bolivian Farmer Dies in Protests - BBC


Asia Pacific / Central

Japan's Government Eyes Buying Disputed Islands - AP

China Dismisses Japan Plan to Buy Disputed Islands - Reuters

Clinton Makes Effort to Rechannel Rivalry With China - NYT

China: Hong Kong Seizes 'Record' Cocaine Haul - BBC

China: $98m in Cocaine Seized in Hong Kong - CNN

China Boosts State Firms as Entrepreneurs Struggle - AP

Plans for S. Korean Naval Bases Moving Forward - S&S

Booming Southeast Asia in Quandary Over US-China Rivalry - Reuters

Philippine Economy Makes Gains - VOA

Philippine Rebels Free 3 Abducted Mining Employees - AP

Detained Burma Students Released - BBC

Activists Held by Burma Released - AP

East Timor in Key National Poll - BBC

A Lost Deal for South Korea and Japan - NYT editorial

Japan's Resurgent Militarism a Threat - KT editorial

China's Quest to Dominate the Seas - TNI opinion

China’s Inevitable Democracy - WP opinion

In China, Hong Kong Press Under Attack - CNN opinion



Romania President Impeached Amid EU, US Concern - AP

Romania Suspends Leader Basescu - BBC

Romania Under Fire After President Suspended - Reuters

Bosnia’s Sarajevo: Moving Forward Even as War Scars Remain - S&S

At Least 99 Dead in Russian Storms, Crude Oil Shipments Halted - VOA

Dozens Killed in Russia Flooding - CNN

103 Dead in Southern Russia Floods - AP

Russia's Putin Seeks Answers Over Deadly Floods - Reuters

Germany: Red Army Faction Militant Jailed - BBC

Germany: Ex-Red Army Faction Member Convicted in 1977 Killing - AP

France: Hollande Plans New 'Genocide Law' - BBC

Russia Approves 'NGO Agents' Bill - BBC

Sweden: WikiLeaks Assange Deadline for Extradition Looms - CNN

Russia: Putin Tightens the Screws - WP editorial

Why Greeks Know More About Politics than Americans - WP opinion

Cyprus vs. Cyprus - WP opinion


South Asia

Former Nepal King Wants to Return - BBC

India’s Blood-Stained Democracy - NYT opinion

La Revue de Presse Juridique

Sat, 07/07/2012 - 5:55pm

Introducing the new blog La Revue de Presse Juridique.

The number of international humanitarian law issues facing public administrations and militaries calls for tailored information blogs. Last week, a new Website, La Revue de Presse Juridique, enriched the active law-related blogosphere. La Revue intends to develop dialogue and cooperation between researchers and officials engaged in international humanitarian law practice. Specifications offer both French and English-language news articles and academic research papers.

This Week at War: The Next Afghan War

Fri, 07/06/2012 - 2:58pm

In my Foreign Policy column, I discuss the odds of the Afghan conflict mutating again, this time into an old-fashioned war between Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Rather than winding down with the planned departure of NATO troops by 2014, the war in Afghanistan may just be undergoing a metamorphosis, as has happened many times since strife began there in the late 1960s. A slowly escalating old-fashioned war between Afghanistan and Pakistan may soon emerge, joining the internal insurgencies both of those governments are attempting to smother and pitting one state against the other. Cross-border sanctuaries and Islamabad's covert support to the Taliban are well-known features of the current violence. But as the Western military presence inside Afghanistan draws down, the trends leading to direct military escalation between Afghanistan and Pakistan are likely to continue.

The Afghan government will face an increasingly difficult security situation after 2014 and will need a new strategy if it is to survive. The number one security problem from Kabul's perspective is the continued presence of Taliban sanctuaries inside Pakistan, and the support the Afghan Taliban continues to receive from Pakistan's intelligence service. For a decade, U.S. and Afghan officials have pleaded with the Pakistani government to halt this support, to no avail. For Islamabad, groups like the Haqqani Network -- which specializes in periodic raids in downtown Kabul -- are proxy forces that Pakistan can use to keep Afghanistan weak and pliant.

After 2014, the Afghan army and police will bear nearly the full burden fending off the Haqqanis and other cross-border Taliban forces. Afghan military leaders are likely to conclude that they cannot reach a stable end-state by only parrying the Taliban's attacks. The only hope of ending the war on favorable terms is through offensive action against the Taliban's sanctuaries in Pakistan or action that inflicts pain on the leadership in Islamabad. If Kabul hopes to negotiate a settlement with Islamabad and the Taliban, it will have to acquire some leverage first. And that will come only after it has demonstrated a capacity to threaten the Taliban's sanctuaries and other assets inside Pakistan.

Initial trials of such incursions may have begun. Last week, the Pakistani government accused the Afghan National Army of a cross-border raid into the Upper Kurram District. Two Pakistani tribesmen were killed during a 90-minute gun battle. Although this particular incident may be more a case of hot pursuit rather than a deliberate attack, it also shows the Afghan army's willingness to step up its aggressiveness.

The Afghan government may also find it useful to employ the same tactics that Islamabad is using against Afghanistan. Pakistan has its own problem with Taliban insurgents, with these rebels using the Afghan side of the border as a sanctuary from Pakistani security forces. Indeed, in June, a Pakistani Taliban raiding party crossed from its Afghan sanctuary into Pakistan, captured 18 Pakistani soldiers, and videotaped the severed heads of 17 of these prisoners. Pakistan's army chief Gen. Ashfaq Pervez Kayani subsequently complained to U.S. Marine Gen. John Allen, the coalition commander, and urged him to take action to control the Taliban sanctuaries inside Afghanistan.

It seems doubtful that the Pakistani Taliban finding haven in Afghanistan are agents of Afghanistan's intelligence service. But the Afghan government has likely concluded that it needs to obtain leverage over Pakistan if it is to obtain a satisfactory settlement to the war. If the Pakistani Taliban lurking in Afghanistan are a potential source of that leverage, it might be only a matter of time before Kabul makes contact with the Pakistani rebels.

Kayani probably realizes that there is as little chance of him getting a positive response from Allen and Karzai as there is of Pakistan doing anything meaningful about the Taliban problem that runs from east to west. That would explain why the Pakistani Army is taking matters into its own hands the old-fashioned way. Beginning in March, it fired a series of cross-border rocket barrages targeted at suspected Pakistani Taliban base camps in Afghanistan's Kunar province, resulting in the deaths of four civilians.

The Haqqani attacks in Kabul and against U.S. targets in eastern Afghanistan have compelled U.S. officials to consider cross-border special operations raids against Haqqani camps inside Pakistan. Given the military hardware currently in place, the intelligence on the Haqqanis the United States has developed, and the experience its special operations raiders have accumulated, U.S. forces are unlikely to ever get a better opportunity to hit the Haqqani Network and thereby create some incentives for a settlement. But the White House currently has a higher priority, namely disengaging from the conflict. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's apology to Pakistan for a cross-border "friendly fire" incident last November that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers has reopened the supply lines from Afghanistan to the port at Karachi, which the United States will need to extract its mountain of equipment by the end of 2014. The requirements of an orderly withdrawal trumped the risks of widening the war and further angering Islamabad.

Although the United States can withdraw from Afghanistan, the Afghans, at least the vast majority of them, cannot. They are stuck with the Haqqanis, Pakistan's intelligence service, and Islamabad's long-term interest in a weak Afghanistan. The only path to a reasonable settlement lies through offensive action inside Pakistan. Afghans will have to be willing to go where the U.S. military (drones excepted) have feared to tread.

Until the Afghan military can develop greater offensive punch, it will have to turn to proxy forces such as the Pakistani Taliban as tools to gain leverage over Islamabad. Should such proxies fail, Kabul will have to turn to an outside power to support its development of helicopter mobility and artillery and air support, essential elements of a capability to directly attack the sanctuaries and other objectives inside Pakistan.

When he signed the strategic partnership agreement pledging support to Afghanistan through 2024, it is unlikely that President Barack Obama had such a war in mind. But once Kabul becomes solely responsible for Afghanistan's security, it will undoubtedly turn to the United States first to help it develop the offensive capability it believes it will need. Should Washington demur, Kabul will call New Delhi, which could be eager to help.

After 2014, Pakistan should see the wisdom in wrapping up the remainder of al Qaeda and settling the conflict with Afghanistan. NATO's withdrawal will actually reduce Islamabad's leverage and expose it to more forms of pressure. Continuing the conflict will only encourage outside intervention.

If Islamabad decides to fight on after 2014, we should expect to see a messy, multi-level conflict much like the 18th century French and Indian War. That war featured insurgencies, proxy armies, old-fashioned nation-state war, and great power intervention from the far side of the world. A similarly complicated scenario may be headed for the Durand Line. The Afghan war may be about to mutate again -- policymakers should get ready for the change.


6 July SWJ Roundup

Fri, 07/06/2012 - 6:24am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World – RCP


US-trained Afghan Militia Troops Desert to Taliban-led Insurgents - WP

US Concerned by Rise in Afghan Insider Attacks - AP

Afghans Move Closer to a Foreign Investment Goal - NYT

Tokyo Conference Crucial to Future Afghan Aid - AP

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS



NATO Supply Trucks From Pakistan Resume Trek to Afghanistan - NYT

First NATO Trucks Cross Pakistan Border - AP

Border Reopening Solves Immediate Problem, One Down the Road - S&S

Reopened Supply Routes Mean Cost Savings, DOD Spokesman Says - AFPS

Long Road Ahead in US-Pakistan Ties After NATO Deal - Reuters

Détente on Supply Routes - NYT editorial

Pakistan's Undemocratic Supreme Court - FA opinion



UN Monitor Chief: Violence in Syria Reaches 'Unprecedented' Levels - VOA

Iraq Says al-Qaida Fighters Flowing into Syria - AP

Amid Reports of Defection, Opponents of Syria’s President Meet - NYT

Syrian General Reportedly Defects - WP

Diplomats Press Assad, Top Syrian General Defects - AP

Senior Defection Cheers Anti-Assad Coalition at Paris Meet - Reuters

'Friends of Syria' Set to Meet in Paris - CNN

Paris Meeting Seeks Syria Action - BBC

Clinton Goes to France for Syria Talks, then Asia - AP

UN to Recommend Fewer Syria Monitors, Same Mandate - Reuters

Syria Another Kofi Annan Tragedy? - WP opinion

US Must Bend to Iran & Russia on Syria - Stratfor opinion



Gulf Sabers Rattle as Iran Sanctions Bite - Reuters

Iranian Exiles, US Supporters Under Scrutiny - WP

Tanzania Probes Iran Oil Tankers Re-Flagging Allegations - BBC

Nuclear Brinksmanship with Iran - TNI opinion

Are Obama's Iran Sanctions a Ruse? - TD opinion



From Bullets to ballot box: Libyans freely cast votes - WT

Libya's Election a Giant Step Toward Democracy - AP

Libya: ‘This is our Fate in our Hands’ - WP

Libyans Rally Before First Post-Gadhafi Election - AP

Nervous Libyans Ready for First Taste of Democracy - Reuters

Election Material Burned in Libya - BBC


Middle East / North Africa

6 Killed, 20 Wounded in Iraq Bomb Blast, Police Say - CNN

Israeli Identity at Heart of Service Debate - NYT

Oxfam: Palestinian Prosperity 'Hampered' - BBC

Palestinian Leader Wants More on Arafat’s Death - AP

Bahrain Boy Held Over Protests to Be Monitored - Reuters

Egypt Army Salutes Mursi, Both Strive for Control - Reuters

Pain and Joy as Algerians Celebrate Independence - VOA

How Morocco Dodged the Arab Spring - NYROB opinion



Wikileaks Releasing 'Syria Files' - BBC

WikiLeaks Releases Syria Emails - CNN

WikiLeaks to Publish Material From 2.4 million Syrian Emails - AP


United Nations

Obama Told to Back Off UN Gun Treaty - WND

Opposition to UN Arms Trade Treaty Heats Up - TH

The UN is Coming for Your Guns - WT editorial

Gun-grabbing UN Treaty - PTR editorial

UN Treaty Would Disarm US Foreign Policy - BH opinion

NRA's Arms Treaty Hysteria Too Much Even For Fox - MM opinion



NATO to Strengthen Ability to Act with Global Partners - AFPS

China-Russia's Anti-NATO Drive Fizzles - TD opinion


US Department of Defense

Military C-130 Crews Continue Firefighting Efforts - AFPS

Navy Dismisses Exam-cheating Claims in Submarine Force - S&S


United States

Clinton Goes to France for Syria Talks, then Asia - AP

Senator’s Letter to AG Holder Demands Accountability - WT

Veterans Affairs Chief Criticized For Low Profile - NYT

Emotional Toll of Losing Loved Ones to War Can Last a Lifetime - PTR

George W. Bush Focuses On Quiet Service After Presidency - VOA

Malware May Knock Thousands Off Internet on Monday - AP

Counterfeit Industry Tied to Organized Crime, Terrorism - VOA

In War, Civilians Unsung Service - WP opinion

Obama, Drones and Just War Theory - BR opinion


United Kingdom

UK Army to Lose 17 Major Units Amid Austerity Push - AP

British Police Flex Muscle as Olympics Near - CNN

British Police Nab Six in Anti-Terror Raids - VOA

6 Arrested in Terror Raids Around London - AP

Police to Investigate 1972 'Bloody Sunday' Killings - Reuters

Police Chief: Bloody Sunday Probe Can't Start Yet  - AP



AFRICOM Promotes Humanitarian Response Readiness in Africa - AFPS

UN Concerned About Rising Terror Threat in Mali - VOA

UN Puts Off Mali Force Decision - BBC

UN Stops Short of Endorsing Intervention in Mali - Reuters

UN Council Threatens Sanctions on Mali Fighters - AP

Poverty, Pollution Lower Life Expectancy in Nigeria - VOA

Nigerian Rebels Swap Weapons for Welding - WP

Nigerian Men 'Linked to al-Qaeda' - BBC

Dissent Sprouts in Sudan, but It May Not Be Arab Spring - NYT

UN Mission Warns of Economic, Refugee Crises in S. Sudan - VOA

UN Council Extends South Sudan Mission - AP

S. Sudan Archivists Battle Rats, Termites, Time - VOA

DR Congo Troops 'Flee into Uganda' After Rebel Clashes - BBC

Somalia Faces 'New Hunger Crisis' - BBC

US Sanctions Eritrean Officials for Aiding Somalia Militants - Reuters

Mali: Trouble in Timbuktu - WP editorial

War on Terror Moves to Nigeria - FP opinion



Mexico Wants Close Security Ties With US, With Limits - WP

Official Count Confirms Pena Nieto Win in Mexico - AP

Colombian Ex-General Waives Detention Hearing in US -AP

Colombian Police Arrest 'Drug Dealer' at His Wedding - BBC

Argentina ex-Junta Leaders Jailed - BBC

Argentina 'Dirty War' Dictators Guilty of Stealing Babies - CNN

Ex-Argentine Dictators Stole Babies from Dissidents - AP

Cuba's Raul Castro Meets China Leaders - BBC

Earthquake Relief Where Haiti Wasn’t Broken - NYT

A Radical Turn for Mexico? - MH opinion


Asia Pacific / Central

US Military Faces Balancing Act in Asia - VOA

Wary Neighbors Turn Into Partners in Developing Southeast Asia - NYT

Panel: Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 'Man-Made' - VOA

Inquiry Declares Japan’s Fukushima Crisis Man-Made Disaster - NYT

Japan Leaders Slammed for 'Man-Made' Nuclear Disaster - LAT

Japan Blasted for Disaster Response - WP

Japan, Taiwan Activist Visits Fuel Isle Dispute - AP

S. Korea Fires Top Presidential Aide Over Pact With Japan - NYT

S. Korea Arrests Activist After Unauthorized Trip to North - NYT

N. Korea a Grim Picture of Deprivation - AP

Amnesty: Chinese Crackdown on Uighurs Continues - VOA

After Hijacking Attempt, China Tightens Airport Security - NYT

China 'Smashes' Child Trafficking Gangs - BBC

Obama Touts US Trade Complaint Against China - VOA

China Encourages People to Spend - WP

Burma Detains Thai Villagers in Unclear Border Area - Reuters

Japan: A Needless Nuclear Disaster - WP editorial

Asia Pivoting, Rebalancing: Good, Bad, and Ugly - FP opinion

China Is Obsessed with America - TD opinion

South Korea's Huge Diplomatic Blunder - JAD opinion

Letting North Korea Starve - TNI opinion



German Spy Chief Admits Mistakes in Neo-Nazi Probe - AP

Russia Debates 'NGO Agents' Bill - BBC

Greece Admits Veering From Bailout Obligations - Reuters

UN Appoints Human Rights Investigator on Belarus - AP

Romania President Accuses Government of Power Grab - Reuters


South Asia

India-Pakistan Talks Focus on Mumbai Attacks

PM Singh Pledge on India Business - BBC

India a Long Way from Superpower Status - FP opinion