Small Wars Journal

06/07/2020 News & Commentary – Korea

Sun, 06/07/2020 - 12:10pm

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. S. Korea's coronavirus cases above 50 for 2nd day

2. North Korea Clamps Down On Potential 'Disorder' In Military with Harsh New Punishments

3. Kim Jong-un U-turn: How dictator FORGAVE insider who exposed North Korean regime

4. North Korea building case for further provocation: experts

5. Moon Jae-in Holds on to His Dream of North Korea Diplomacy

6. U.S. Coast Guard "stepping up our game in the Pacific" and against DPRK: Admiral

7. The Limited Power of Indictments and Sanctions Pressure on North Korea

8. Seoul committed to inter-Korean agreement despite harsh rhetoric from North

9. 2 Koreans convicted in U.S. cultural office attack case acquitted posthumously

10. Head of shelter for S. Korean 'comfort women' found dead: police

11. Book Review: "Becoming Kim Jong Un: A Former CIA Officer's Insights into North Korea's Enigmatic Young Dictator"


1. S. Korea's coronavirus cases above 50 for 2nd day · by 최경애 · June 7, 2020

Again, South Korea is worried but should not panic. Koreans can deal with this.  I think we can all learn from this. Social distancing works and if people do not abide by the guidance there will be outbreaks.


2. North Korea Clamps Down On Potential 'Disorder' In Military with Harsh New Punishments · by Anna Harnes · June 6, 2020

This bears watching.  If there is "disorder" in the North Korean People's Army it does not bode well for the Kim family regime if it cannot be suppressed.


3. Kim Jong-un U-turn: How dictator FORGAVE insider who exposed North Korean regime

Express · by Josh Saunders · June 6, 2020

Kenji Fujimoto.  People still refer to his biography of Kim Jong-un for insights as this author did in his story below. But I wonder how he is really doing in Pyongyang these days.


4. North Korea building case for further provocation: experts · by Ahn Sung-mi · June 7, 2020

There is likely one reason for this.  Kim believes his blackmail diplomacy works.  He uses increased tensions threats, and provocations to gain political and economic concessions.  We just saw this happen this week.  Within 5 hours of Kim Yo-jong making threats against the South's Ministry of Unification put out a statement calling for an end to balloon launches by escapees.  And this is the buried lead: Quote: "The UFD stated Yo-jong ordered officials to look into implementing a series of measures against South Korea, and that she is in charge of the inter-Korean affairs,"  Has Kim Jong-un really put his sister in charge of intra-Korean affairs?


5. Moon Jae-in Holds on to His Dream of North Korea Diplomacy · June 2, 2020

North Korea is exploiting President Moon's vision.  We saw it play out this week in Kim Yo-Jong's demand for an end to the balloon launches.  President Moon wants diplomacy much more than Kim Jong-un.  Kim is unlikely to respond favorably to President Moon's initiatives unless they include direct transfers of cash to the regime as his father demanded and received. And even if that were to happen now (which I doubt will happen) it would not change Kim's behavior in any way that President Moon envisions.


6. U.S. Coast Guard "stepping up our game in the Pacific" and against DPRK: Admiral · by Min Chao Choy · June 5, 2020

Very interesting to hear this from the Coast Guard.  Are we really depending on our most underfunded and under resourced service to address this threat in a more significant way?

I am pleased to see the Coast Guard efforts but they are really small fish in a large pond.  We need more capabilities like this.


7. The Limited Power of Indictments and Sanctions Pressure on North Korea · by Richard Nephew · June 5, 2020

Yes more could be done.  A lot more.  As experts such as Dr. Bruce Becthol and my colleague Mathew Ha have pointed out these indictments are only the tip of the iceberg.  This author offers some reasons why we are not going far enough in targeting the north's illicit activities and North Korean sanctions' enablers (e.g., China and Russia). 


8. Seoul committed to inter-Korean agreement despite harsh rhetoric from North · by 장동우 · June 7, 2020

This is why North Korea exploits South Korea.  North Korea does not view agreements in the same way as South Korea (which acts as a responsible member of the international community and horrors agreements made).  What agreement has the north lived up since 1992? The North South Agreement on Denuclearization? The Agreement ON Non-aggression Reconciliation and Exchanges?  The Agreed Framework? The September 2005 Agreement?  The Leap Day Agreement?  And now the 2018 Pyongyang declaration and the Comprehensive Military Agreement?


9. 2 Koreans convicted in U.S. cultural office attack case acquitted posthumously · by 장동우 · June 5, 2020

This illustrates the Moon Administration's focus on the Kwangju narrative as the centerpiece for the democracy movement. If there was a technicality on the trial and a constitutional violation in the trial I can accept that.  That is the basis for this acquittal.  But this appears purely political and these criminals are given status for bombing an American diplomatic facility, killing one and injuring four, as a protest against US support for President Chun at Kwangju in 1980. Within the Kwangju narrative this is a "heroic" rather than an attack on an ally.


10. Head of shelter for S. Korean 'comfort women' found dead: police · by 주경돈 · June 7, 2020


11. Book Review: "Becoming Kim Jong Un: A Former CIA Officer's Insights into North Korea's Enigmatic Young Dictator" · by Robert Carlin · June 5, 2020

This book review is not really a book review of Dr. Pak's excellent book.  This negative review is written to not only criticize the book but to advance Robert Carlin's views on North Korea and US-north Korean negotiations.  Carlin does not believe in the North Korean "playbook" or its long term strategy to dominate the Korean peninsula. The subtle implication is that if the last 3 administrations had listened to his analysis we would have solved the Korea problem.  All we would need to do is give security guarantees, lift sanctions, withdraw troops and allow North Korea to live in peace, the regime would end its nuclear program and not be a threat to the South, the region, or the US.




"In a way you're writing your own obit every day. You're making the lead paragraph positive and constructive, or not. Someone's going to sum you up one day. You want to live your professional life in a way that they can write good things."

-Peggy Noonan

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of those words in and of themselves. They're only words. It's the context that counts. It's the user. It's the intention behind the words that makes them good or bad. The words are completely neutral. The words are innocent."

-George Carlin

"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards out of men."

- Abraham Lincoln


06/07/2020 News & Commentary – National Security

Sun, 06/07/2020 - 12:08pm

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. On the Chinese Communist Party's Obscene Propaganda - United States Department of State

2. Trump's Troop Plan Stuns Germany and Rocks the Postwar Order

3. 'It's complicated', German minister says of ties with U.S.

4. U.S. Diplomats Struggle to Defend Democracy Abroad Amid Crises at Home

5. A Chinese soccer legend has called for the downfall of the Communist Party in shock videos

6. Coronavirus: How map hacks and buttocks helped Taiwan fight Covid-19

7. How the Coronavirus Sows Civil Conflict

8. A lawyer is tweeting videos of police using force at protests. There are more than 350

9. Pentagon Ordered National Guard Helicopters' Aggressive Response in D.C.

10. Analysis: White House, Pentagon tensions near breaking point

11. Special Operations Command is diving into space

12. Exposed: China's Operating Manuals for Mass Internment and Arrest by Algorithm - ICIJ

13. Japan Avoids Signing U.K.-U.S. Statement on China, Kyodo Says

14. What is antifa? Behind the group Trump wants to designate as a terrorist organization


1. On the Chinese Communist Party's Obscene Propaganda - United States Department of State · by Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State

One of the things we need to do to undermine Chinese propaganda is to allow and support peaceful protests in the U.S.  The example of how to conduct protests should come from the US. We should ensure we never give the appearance of employing Chinese tactics against protestors.  But the fact that we have a First Amendment right to peaceably assemble and petition the government with grievances is one of the starkest differences between the revisionist (China and Russia) and rogue powers (Iran and north Korea) and America.  Our government should be embracing our protests as one of the strongest counterpropaganda themes and messages.  Our protests about securing civil rights, human rights, and freedom and justice for all.


2. Trump's Troop Plan Stuns Germany and Rocks the Postwar Order

Bloomberg · by Angela Cullen · June 6, 2020

The shot heard by alliances around the world.  The US now only believes in alliances for transactional purposes.  All alliances must be worried about the financial demands from the US and continued US troop presence.  


3. 'It's complicated', German minister says of ties with U.S.

Reuters · by Paul Carrel; Editing by Daniel Wallis · June 6, 2020

To put it mildly.


4. U.S. Diplomats Struggle to Defend Democracy Abroad Amid Crises at Home

The New York Times · by Lara Jake and Edward Wong · June 6, 2020

Our diplomats have a tough job.  But we could use the current protests as an opportunity to reinforce American values.  I am going to continue to repeat Congressman Jim Clyburn's words that what has made America exceptional is our ability to correct mistakes.  That is what makes this our American experiment.  You do not get an experiment right the first time, every time. That is what we should focus on.  That is what the protests are driving us toward - correcting our mistakes.  And we have made mistakes in how we have handled the protests, some in more states and cities than others and in the federal government as well.  But we can correct our mistakes because the American people can peaceably assemble to petition their grievances.  We should embrace that.


5. A Chinese soccer legend has called for the downfall of the Communist Party in shock videos

CNN · by CNN Staff

As I have said I fear for his safety. I hope the Global Engagement Center (GEC) is crafting themes and messages to exploit his statements.  And of course the Chinese service of Voice of America and Radio Free Asia must aggressively report this (which I know they are and will continue to do) because the news and information is so censored in China.


6. Coronavirus: How map hacks and buttocks helped Taiwan fight Covid-19

BBC · by Shiroma Silva BBC Click · June 7, 2020

Please do not be put off by the click bait title.  This is a very interesting article with some techniques worth considering.  Of course this is unique to Taiwan but there are lessons to be learned.  But can we ever reach a point of "mutual trust?"  Certainly we never will trust government but hopefully on certain issues, such as public health, we can have a sufficient level of mutual trust. (And of course as long we have separation of powers and checks and balances we should be able to generate sufficient mutual trust).


7. How the Coronavirus Sows Civil Conflict

Foreign Affairs · by Rachel Brown, Heather Hurlburt, and Alexandra Stark · June 6, 2020

The authors conclude that while the coronavirus specifically might have caught us by surprise the indicators of political violence were clear for all to see.  This is the recommendation: Quote: "The challenge for violence prevention, both between states and within them, is to pay attention to new conflict dynamics in order to better understand how peace, security, and their opposites play out in the lives of the authorities and the governed around the world."


8. A lawyer is tweeting videos of police using force at protests. There are more than 350

Los Angeles Times · by Josh Rottenberg · June 6, 2020

This lawyer of conducting a one man information and influence campaign and illustrating the power of social media.

I would think that everyone would know they are live on camera in today's world.  I would think that in itself would have a moderating if not deterrent effect on these types of abuses.  But they are captured on camera.  Of course others would argue that cameras (and software) can provide opportunities to doctor videos to suit agendas.  But looking at many of these videos it is clear these videos document heinous actions that are un-doctored.


9. Pentagon Ordered National Guard Helicopters' Aggressive Response in D.C.

The New York Times · by Thomas Gibbons-Neff and Eric Schmitt· June 6, 2020

I wonder who thought this was a good idea.  I would like to see the risk analysis document and who signed off on it.


10. Analysis: White House, Pentagon tensions near breaking point

AP · by Robert  Burns · June 6, 2020

I hope the title is simply hyperbole. But if it is the case then we need to ask why this is the case? (Mr. Burns provides his analysis)  And we have to ask how can we will fix this?


11. Special Operations Command is diving into space · by Nathan Strout · June 6, 2020

An old joke is we always wanted to be a space shuttle door gunner.  Of course we are not talking about putting SOF operators in space (although there is a SEAL at the International Space Station right now).  


12. Exposed: China's Operating Manuals for Mass Internment and Arrest by Algorithm - ICIJ

This is from November 2019 but it just ended up in one of my news feeds today. I cannot recall reading this before. This should be exploited.  The GEC should use this.  And again the Chinese service of VOA and RFA must report on this (hopefully they did when this came out a few months ago but it will be a useful reference for continued reporting on the Chinese gulags.


13. Japan Avoids Signing U.K.-U.S. Statement on China, Kyodo Says

Bloomberg · by Chikafumi Hodo · June 7, 2020

Could disappoint the US European countries?  Yes I think so.


14. What is Antifa? Behind the group Trump wants to designate as a terrorist organization · by ABC News

Know your enemy. But what if the enemy is leaderless and with no defined organization?   This also shows the power of social media to mobilize resistance.




"In a way you're writing your own obit every day. You're making the lead paragraph positive and constructive, or not. Someone's going to sum you up one day. You want to live your professional life in a way that they can write good things."

-Peggy Noonan

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of those words in and of themselves. They're only words. It's the context that counts. It's the user. It's the intention behind the words that makes them good or bad. The words are completely neutral. The words are innocent."

-George Carlin

"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards out of men."

- Abraham Lincoln

6/6/2020 News & Commentary - Korea

Sat, 06/06/2020 - 11:58am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Riley Murray.

1. For the U.S., South Korea, and Japan, It is the North Korean Regime, Not Kim Jong Un per Se, That Is the Threat

2. Why Donald Trump Still Doesn't Understand North Korea

3. Trump to Pull Thousands of U.S. Troops from Germany

4.  Don't Be So Quick to Attack Moon Jae-in's North Korea Leaflet Decision

5.  The Government Is N.Korea's Puppet

6.  KDVA's ROK Memorial Day Message

7. Moon vows stronger national defense, security in Memorial Day address

8. North Korea's Supreme Sister scolds 'human scum' jeopardizing deal with south

9. Kim Jong-un: Terrifying reason behind North Korean leader's nuclear obsession exposed

10. North Korean Party Officials Required to do 'Voluntary' Labor on Farms

11. HRNK on the Passing of Mr. Yokota Shigeru, Megumi's Father

12. Remembering Otto: A Conversation with Cindy Warmbier

13.  S. Korea reports 51 new virus cases, most in 8 days 

14.  In South Korea, history and free speech collide in a battle to define democracy


1. For the U.S., South Korea, and Japan, It is the North Korean Regime, Not Kim Jong Un per Se, That Is the Threat · by Scott W. Harold and Soo Kim

Interesting title.  The authors make an excellent point.  This is a very succinct but thorough assessment of the regime and its threats and ways ahead.  And we are grateful they acknowledged and linked to our maximum pressure 2.0 report.

As I have often written: The root of all problems in Korea is the existence of the mafia- like crime family cult known as the Kim family regime that has the objective of dominating the Korean Peninsula under the rule of the Guerrilla Dynasty and Gulag State.


2. Why Donald Trump Still Doesn't Understand North Korea

The National Interest · by Doug Bandow · June 5, 2020

I do not know how Mr. Bandow knows this.  But if it is true it can only be that he is not listening to his expert advisors at State and the CIA.  I know many government officials who understand north Korea (as well as any of us can understand it given that it is one of the hardest targets).

But I wonder if Mr. Bandow has the same understanding of the Kim family regime (which is key to understanding north Korea) as some of us.

Kim Family Regime Strategy
* Vital Interest: Survival of the Kim Family Regime
* Strategic Aim: Unification of the Peninsula

* Subversion, coercion, extortion, use of force

* Key Condition: Split the ROK/US Alliance

* US forces off the Peninsula

* "Divide to Conquer" - Divide the Alliance to conquer the ROK

* Desire: Recognition as nuclear power - negotiate SALT/START
* Nuclear weapons key to deterrence - Hwang Jong Yop
* nK believes US will not attack a nation with nuclear weapons

north Korea Negotiating Strategy
(post Panmunjom, Singapore, Pyongyang, Hanoi Summits and. DMZ meeting)

Key "agreement:" denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
1. Change relationship - Declaration of the end of the war (end of hostile US policy - e.g., Peace regime)
2. Sanctions relief (permanent removal)
3. Denuclearization of the South (e.g., end of alliance, removal of troops, end of nuclear umbrella over ROK and Japan)
4. Then negotiate dismantlement of the north's and ICBM programs
* In Short:
    * nK: change relationship, build trust, denuclearize
    * US: denuclearize, build trust, change relationship

And I would ask Mr. Bandow to answer these questions

Key Questions for the Summit(s) and Beyond
1. Has the regime abandoned its strategy of the use of subversion, coercion, extortion, and force to unify Korea under northern domination to ensure regime survival?
2. Has the regime abandoned its objective to split the ROK/US Alliance to support its strategy?
3. Who does Kim fear more: US or Korean people?
4. What do we want to achieve in Korea?
5. What is the acceptable durable political arrangement on the Korean peninsula and in Northeast Asia that will serve and protect US and Alliance interests?


3. Trump to Pull Thousands of U.S. Troops from Germany

Wall Street Journal – Michael R. Gordon and Gordon Lubold - Updated June 5, 2020 6:49 pm ET

A significant event.  Will this resonate with South Korea?  Is it a message to South Korea (in addition to Germany and all our allies)?  This appears to me that we have finally shifted our alliance to a transactional based relationship rather than one based on shared interests. shared, values, and shared strategy.  The effects of such a change could affect US national power for decades to come.



4. Don't Be So Quick to Attack Moon Jae-in's North Korea Leaflet Decision

The National Interest · by Daniel R. DePetris · June 5, 2020

I am sorry Mr. DePetris.  I will be quick to criticize.  He made a huge mistake in sacrificing the human rights of the Koreans living in the north who have a right to information, and we all have a moral responsibility to help them get it.  His second major mistake and this is the worst mistake you can make with north Korea: He gave in to north Korean threats.  And not only did he give in, he did so quickly and now there is discussion of passing a law preventing information flow into the north. 

And as to the likelihood of his Peace Strategy working it is more than a long shot. I actually like his strategy.  It is visionary and very logical.  The problem is not with President Moon's strategy.  The problem is Kim Jong-un and the Kim family regime.  There is no strategy that will work because every strategy goes against Kim protecting his vital national interest and achieving his strategic aims.  President Moon's strategy will only work is the answer to these two questions is yes:

1. Has the regime abandoned its strategy of the use of subversion, coercion, extortion, and force to unify Korea under northern domination to ensure regime survival?

2. Has the regime abandoned its objective to split the ROK/US Alliance to support its strategy?

The problem is not President Moon and his strategy. The problem is Kim Jong-un.  And to beat a dead horse: The root of all problems in Korea is the existence of the mafia- like crime family cult known as the Kim family regime that has the objective of dominating the Korean Peninsula under the rule of the Guerrilla Dynasty and Gulag State.


5. The Government Is N.Korea's Puppet

Strong criticism from the Chosun Ilbo editorial board.   I missed the point that the Blue House has abandoned the attempt to pass a new law to prevent escapees from sending information to the north due to concerns it would be a Constitutional violation.  That is some good news.   


6. KDVA's ROK Memorial Day Message

Most of us overlook ROK Memorial Day since it is on the 6th of June.  Here is a message from the Korean Defense Veterans Association.

KDVA's ROK Memorial Day Message


On this 6th day of June, the people of the Republic of Korea remember their Service Members who died during the Korean War and other conflicts. KDVA would like to ask you to join the Korean people in reflecting on and remembering all that they did for this important and great country. 

 KDVA honors their brave and heroic sacrifices by supporting the ROK-U.S. Alliance and the people who built the Alliance and continue to serve it.  They include the 28,500 U.S. Service Members serving in South Korea today and the millions of Korean and American troops who have served together in "The Land of the Morning Calm" since the start of the Korean War on June 25, 2020 and around the world in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.  

KDVA truly believes in working "Together for the ROK-U.S. Alliance." 


General (Ret.) Walter Sharp

President and Chairman, KDVA


7. Moon vows stronger national defense, security in Memorial Day address · by 이치동 · June 6, 2020

The right words.  Interestingly, liberal South Korean administrations increase defense spending.

I do wish he would have named north Korea as the existential threat to the Republic of Korea.  But that would go against his vision and narrative.  But there should be no doubt that the Korea soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines sacrificed their lives so the people of South Korea would not have to live under the despotic regime in north Korea.


8. North Korea's Supreme Sister scolds 'human scum' jeopardizing deal with south

RFI · by Jan van der Made · June 5, 2020

The Kim family regime are all bullies.  We should remember sticks and stones...

I wonder what it was like dealing with Kim Yo-jong when she came to the 2018 Olympics.

I am going to start using the "Supreme Sister."  You have the Seoul Sisters (LPGA golfers) in the South and the Supreme Sister in the north.



9. Kim Jong-un: Terrifying reason behind North Korean leader's nuclear obsession exposed

Express · by Josh Saunders · June 5, 2020

Perhaps it is in his DNA since his grandfather began the pursuit of nuclear weapons in the 1950s.

Most liberal Kim?  He became westernized?  Signs of a benevolent character? A different heart?  That is what we thought in 2011 when he came to power.  We hoped for change.  But the author saves himself by acknowledging he is still a brutal dictator.

The author acknowledges the paradox - nuclear weapons are an insurance policy to keep the regime in power indefinitely but will not pull the trigger and use them because that will mean the end of the regime.   That may seem logical, but I would posit the regime does have plans to use them in war


10. North Korean Party Officials Required to do 'Voluntary' Labor on Farms - 2020-06-05

Everyone needs to do some voluntary labor to cleanse their communist-juche souls.


11. HRNK on the Passing of Mr. Yokota Shigeru, Megumi's Father


12. Remembering Otto: A Conversation with Cindy Warmbier

The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (HRNK) cordially invites you to:

Remembering Otto:

A Conversation with Cindy Warmbier

Friday, June 19, 2020

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.





13. S. Korea reports 51 new virus cases, most in 8 days · by 이민지 · June 6, 2020

Please do not panic South Korea.  Keep pressing.


14. In South Korea, history and free speech collide in a battle to define democracy

South China Morning Post – Josh Power - Published: 7:00am, 5 Jun, 2020

To honor the South Korean democracy movement the government must ensure it remains a liberal democracy that defends and protects the rights of the people to include freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly.  Stifling free speech and press is one of the most undemocratic actions a government can take. 

This really saddens me.



In honor of the Resistance on D-Day:


"Jean has a long mustache"


"There is a fire at the insurance agency,"


"Molasses tomorrow will bring forth cognac."


"Courvoisier, we're coming to visit you."


"When a sighing begins / In the violins / Of the autumn-song"

"My heart is drowned / In the slow sound / Languorous and long."

6/6/2020 News & Commentary - National Security

Sat, 06/06/2020 - 9:38am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Riley Murray.

1.  In Honor of D-Day

2. Questions arise over Special Forces guarding Donald Trump from protests

3. Utah Guard Sends Green Berets to DC to Assist in Civil Unrest Response

4. Chinese soccer superstar calls for ouster of Communist Party, stunning nation

5. White House Report Recommends Multi-Pronged Approach to Counter China (DOD Defense News article)

6. Should the US move to strengthen ties with Taiwan?

7. Protests, a pandemic and evidence of a hybrid war

8. This is Not a Civil-Military Crisis

9. 89 former Defense officials: The military must never be used to violate constitutional rights

10. Reaping What We Sowed: Coronavirus Pandemic Is Our Wake Up Call

11. DIA staffers 'raise fears about supporting domestic surveillance'

12. China could lose 95% of ballistic, cruise missiles under strategic arms control pact, says new analysis

13.  Former Army sergeant arrested after allegedly posing as a National Guardsman during protests in Los Angeles

14. Does America Have Enough Access in the Western Pacific?

15. The Military and FBI Are Flying Surveillance Planes Over Protests

16. China bests US on key New Cold War battleground

17. Pentagon War Game Speculated Uprising From 'Psychologically Scarred' Generation Z, Report Says

18. Philippines' move to keep US military pact reveals shift in South China Sea calculations


1.  In Honor of D-Day

Here is the link to the OSS short film (15 minutes): "Operation Overlord: OSS and the Battle for France." Note also Secretary Panetta's opening comments as he discusses the National Museum of Intelligence and Special Operations (NMISO). I am on the committee that is building the museum.


2. Questions arise over Special Forces guarding Donald Trump from protests · by ABC News

Yes, this is not a good look for the SF Regiment. 

I am reminded of a Tom Ricks' novel. A Soldier's Duty: A Novel

I believe he had the US Army Special Forces conducting a palace coup and then the US Marines thwarting it.


3. Utah Guard Sends Green Berets to DC to Assist in Civil Unrest Response · by Matthew Cox · June 4, 2020

Yes, not a good look. But orders are orders.  And 19th SFG was ready for another deployment.


4. Chinese soccer superstar calls for ouster of Communist Party, stunning nation

The Washington Post – Gerry Shih - June 5, 2020 at 7:14 a.m. EDT

This is a pretty amazing development.  Certainly, the CPP will consider one of the highest threats to its rule.  Look how fast they shut things down.  But they cannot totally prevent it from getting through.  I hope the Spanish security forces are ready to deal with the what may come next from Chinese security services.


5. White House Report Recommends Multi-Pronged Approach to Counter China (DOD Defense News article) · by JIM GARAMONE

This is just out from the Department of Defense.  Two points.  DOD basically says the National Defense Strategy supports the new approach. I think the pictures are meant to highlight DOD's main contribution to security: Air and sea power. A picture is worth a thousand words though to have real effects we need extended presence of those assets in the Asia-Pacific region (oops, I mean Indo-Pacific, old habits die hard).

I also wonder how much we will see of this line used as part of our messaging. Quote: "By the same token, our vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific region does not exclude China," according to the report. "The United States holds the [People's Republic of China] government to the same standards and principles that apply to all nations."


6. Should the US move to strengthen ties with Taiwan?

The Hill · by Jeffrey W. Hornung and Scott W. Harold, Opinion Contributors · June 5, 2020

Short answer, yes. I am afraid not strengthening will send the wrong message and may be tantamount to abandoning it. Miscalculation on Taiwan can be catastrophic, so it is best to ensure our intentions are clear and that we are not going to allow Taiwan to fall victim to outside coercion, or worse.  Yes, an ambiguous stance may have been useful in the past but I think we have to demonstrate strategic reassurance and strategic resolve if we want to prevent war.


7. Protests, a pandemic and evidence of a hybrid war · by Oleksandr Danylyuk · June 5, 2020

A very provocative theory from a Ukrainian perspective. Is a hybrid war being waged against the US?  I do not know the author or anything about him other than what is in his biography below.  But based on his biography it appears he might have some personal experience with hybrid warfare and an academic foundation as well.  The article is really describing what Russia did to Ukraine in an attempt to make use understand what the author believes may be happening to us.  

If what he says is true and if we could sufficiently prove that Russia (or anyone else) is attacking us with hybrid means and exploiting the George Floyd situation, would that be sufficient to unify the American people against an external enemy?  Or are the divisions in America too great at this time?


8. This is Not a Civil-Military Crisis · by James Joyner

The bottom line according to the Professor: the uniformed leadership statements okay 9except for contradicting POTUS' view because "they're anodyne expressions of the requirements of the Constitution and the law of the land."  It is the actions of the retired leadership that is problematic but hardly a civil-military relations crisis.  Read the conclusion in the final paragraph.


9. 89 former Defense officials: The military must never be used to violate constitutional rights

The Washington Post · by 89 former Defense officials

If the Democrats win the White House, you can use this list as a helpful scorecard for who will be serving in senior administration positions.  Setting aside the Republicans on this I think there is a potential SECDEF and SECSTATE and at least a handful of potential national security advisors.


10. Reaping What We Sowed: Coronavirus Pandemic Is Our Wake Up Call · by Suzanne Scholte · June 5, 2020

Suzanne Scholte is a great humanitarian and a great American.  As an aside she and her Defense Forum Foundation is one of the biggest supporters of information and influence operations in north Korea.  The story she tells and the experiences she describes are evidence of the words in our 2017 National Security Strategy:

"For decades, U.S. policy was rooted in the belief that support for China's rise and for its integration into the post-war international order would liberalize China. Contrary to our hopes, China expanded its power at the expense of the sovereignty of others. China gathers and exploits data on an unrivaled scale and spreads features of its authoritarian system, including corruption and the use of surveillance. It is building the most capable and well-funded military in the world, after our own. Its nuclear arsenal is growing and diversifying. Part of China's military modernization and economic expansion is due to its access to the U.S. innovation economy, including America's world-class universities."


11. DIA staffers 'raise fears about supporting domestic surveillance'

Daily Mail · by Lauren Edmonds For · June 5, 2020

I am surprised I did read the acronym COINTELPRO in this article.  See this 1976 senate report ( to include: "Amy Surveillance of Civilian Political Activity. " Perhaps there is master’s thesis or a PhD dissertation comparing current conditions and activities with the 1960s COINTELPRO.


12. China could lose 95% of ballistic, cruise missiles under strategic arms control pact, says new analysis

Defense News · by Mike Yeo · June 5, 2020

This seems like sufficient rationale for China not to participate in arms control negotiations.


13. Former Army sergeant arrested after allegedly posing as a National Guardsman during protests in Los Angeles · by Paul Szoldra


14. Does America Have Enough Access in the Western Pacific?

The National Interest · by Blake Herzinger · June 5, 2020

Prepare for zero access.  That is quite a statement and I have not heard it expressed that way before.  This is really the key point: Quote: "Spanning from critical repair and replenishment functions to overflight permissions and divert airfields, the premise of access in nations such as Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Japan, Korea, and elsewhere is crucial to American operational plans."  Without action we have few options and no freedom of action.  Think about what will happen to Korea and Taiwan. 


15. The Military and FBI Are Flying Surveillance Planes Over Protests

Vice · June 6, 2020

I am reminded of Secretary Albright's comments in the 1990s, "What good is to have a military if you do not use it."  Of course, she was talking about overseas employment. Perhaps a similar question is being asked today.


16.  China bests US on key New Cold War battleground · by Richard S Ehrlich · June 6, 2020

The problem with articles like this is it is not over until it is over. While the anecdotes provide some indicators, the problem is it is too soon to make these kinds of judgments.  Maybe they will bear out but maybe they will not, depending on US diplomatic actions.


17. Pentagon War Game Speculated Uprising From 'Psychologically Scarred' Generation Z, Report Says · by Tyler MacDonald · June 5, 2020

It is amazing how conspiracy theorists like Nick Turse (who originally reported this at The Intercept) can spin a theoretical war game (original article here:  This is not an intelligence assessment (which was noted).  If you are going to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, you have to think about the full spectrum of threats that could possibly arise.  You at least have to assess the most likely threats as well as the most dangerous threats and everything in between.


18. Philippines' move to keep US military pact reveals shift in South China Sea calculations

South China Morning Post – Maria Siow - Published: 4:15pm, 6 June 2020

I imagine there was some very good behind the scenes diplomacy taking place to make this happen.  And perhaps China's actions helped as well.



In honor of the Resistance on D-Day:


"Jean has a long mustache"


"There is a fire at the insurance agency,"


"Molasses tomorrow will bring forth cognac."


 "Courvoisier, we're coming to visit you."


"When a sighing begins / In the violins / Of the autumn-song"

"My heart is drowned / In the slow sound / Languorous and long.

06/05/2020 News & Commentary – Korea

Fri, 06/05/2020 - 11:30am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

 1. Gov't Kowtows to Kim Jong-un's Sister over Leaflets

2. Moon pulls plugs on leaflets after North squawks

3. Why Is Kim Jong-un's Sister Suddenly Spitting Feathers?

4. Experts say inter-Korean pact is inapplicable to Seoul's balloon leaflets

5. Mayors from border areas urge unification ministry to help halt leaflets into N. Korea

6. Defector-turned-lawmaker espouses anti-North leaflet campaigns

7. Crackdowns on foreign video content reported in S. Pyongan Province (north Korea)

8.  N. Korea embraces YouTube as new tool for propaganda aimed at wider audience

9. N. Korea takes further steps to clamp down on military corruption

10. N. Korean students return to school amid stringent disease control measures

11. New construction underway at major N. Korean parade training ground

12. North Korean women in Hyesan voice discontent over forced labor

13. What's the truth about coronavirus and North Korea?

14. S. Korean military to conduct postponed maritime combined arms drill next week

15. S. Korea conducted Dokdo defense exercise this week

16. U.S. envoy comments on anti-U.S. protest in S. Korea

17. Diplomacy is needed to prevent S. Korea-Japan relations' catastrophic end

18. Sources of More Coronavirus Infections Untraceable

19. U.S. continues to urge S. Korea to show flexibility in defense cost talks: official

20. North Korea conducting massive cyber threats against US, other countries, reports say

21. N. Korean gold smugglers arrested near the Sino-NK border

 22. S. Korea can now 'choose' between U.S., China: ambassador


1. Gov't Kowtows to Kim Jong-un's Sister over Leaflets

The Chosun Ilbo, by Lee Yong-soo, Kim Myong-song, and Roh Suk-jo.  June 05, 2020.

The ROK government is taking a good bit of criticism over this.  There are a number of articles that are critical and rightly so for a number of reasons.

1.  This is a human rights issue.  According to most human rights assessments, including the 2014 UN Commission I\of Inquiry, the Korean people living in the north are denied access to uncensored information. These reports call on the international community to provide information to the Korean people in the north.  There is no better place (save China) than South Korea for getting information into North Korea.

2. Giving in to these "threats" from the north will result in no corresponding actions from the north that will further President Moon's peace strategy.

3. Giving in to these demands only confirmed to Kim Jong-un that his blackmail diplomacy works and he will soon be making more demands.

This is a terrible decision on the part of the Korean government and I urge President Moon to reconsider.  No good will come of this decision.


2. Moon pulls plugs on leaflets after North squawks

Korea Joong Ang Daily, by Ser Myo-Ja. June 04, 2020.

More (deserved) criticism.  The South must stand up to North Korea in the face of threats. It cannot back down to words such as these. Quote: ""Clearly speaking, the South Korean authorities will be forced to pay a dear price if they let this situation go on while making sort of excuses," Kim Yo-jong's English-language message, released through the North's state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), said."  A "dear price?"  We cannot allow such rhetoric to have such effects on strategic decision making.  Kim Yo-jong is really telling us how powerful is the information coming from the South.  Rather than stop these information and influence activities the alliance and the international community should be doubling down on them.

As Dr. Jung Pak often asks:  "Who does Kim Jong-un fear more? The US or the Korean people?  It is the Korean people, especially when they are armed with information from the outside world.

Ending information dissemination from the South will weaken the maximum pressure campaign.  As you can see in the last chapter of our report here information and influence activities should be a key component of an alliance maximum pressure 2.0 campaign.


3. Why Is Kim Jong-un's Sister Suddenly Spitting Feathers?

The Chosun Ilbo, by Kim Myong-song.  June 05, 2020.

"Spitting feathers."  "Stoney faced young woman." "Maximizing efforts to tame South Korea."   The Chosun Ilbo is starting to use rhetoric like KCNA. 

But the serious question is why is this happening now and why is Kim yo-jong taking the lead?  She is after all the Vice Director of the Propaganda and Agitation Department and one of her "prime directives" is protecting and enhancing the reputation of Kim Jong-un.  Outside information is a direct threat to his reputation (and legitimacy).

Kwak Gil-sup provides an interesting assessment.  If Kim Jong-un made these demands and there was no effect it would undermine him.  He says Kim Yo-jong is playing the bad cop.


4. Experts say inter-Korean pact is inapplicable to Seoul's balloon leaflets

The Dong-a Libo, Sang-Ho Yun. June 05, 2020.

South Korean defense officials seem to be pushing back on the administration by saying the Comprehensive Military Agreement does not prohibit balloon launches.  The statement in the penultimate paragraph of the article is instructive and important (and I believe correct).


5. Mayors from border areas urge unification ministry to help halt leaflets into N. Korea

Yonhap News Agency, by Yi Wonju. June, 05 2020.

This saddens me.  A weak response from the mayors.  They should be standing up to North Korea.  Where is Neidermeyer when you need him?

Neidermeyer: You're all worthless and weak! Now drop and give me twenty!


6. Defector-turned-lawmaker espouses anti-North leaflet campaigns

Yonhap news Agency. June 04 2020.

Rep. Ji Seong-ho is right in saying the right of the Korean people to information should be guaranteed. This is a human rights issue.  And human rights is a national security issue.


7. Crackdowns on foreign video content reported in S. Pyongan Province

Daily NK, by Ha Yoon Ah.  June, 05 2020.

This is also focused on professors and teachers using foreign media content.  But it is just another indicator the regime does not want the Korean people contaminated with any outside influence (though it cannot put the genie back in the bottle because there has already been a great proliferation of outside information).  But from an educational perspective this is one reason why the military, party, and technocrats are weak - most expect for the very trusted are authorized access to outside information.

But note the techniques by professors and teachers to get information to their students:  Getting approval for certain titles and then replacing the content.  A subtle form of resistance and doing what is right to try to give students a good education.


8. N. Korea embraces YouTube as new tool for propaganda aimed at wider audience

Yonhap News Agency, by Yi Wonju. June, 04 2020.

I have watched this YouTube channel.  Pretty slick videos.  North Korea is entering the 21st Century information age.  And of course these videos are going to appeal to the younger generations who get their news from YouTube, I had a long discussion with my daughter about the YouTube viewing habits of college students.  She showed me a list of news sites where many young people get their news which is filtered through a YouTube personality (some of it is way better than Fox and CNN and MSNBC).  But young people will go to this North Korean YouTube channel and be influenced to believe North Korea is an okay country that is just misunderstood and treated badly by the outside world.


9. N. Korea takes further steps to clamp down on military corruption

Daily NK, by Jeong tae Joo.  June 05, 2020.

This is an important indicator for potential regime instability. The regime is dependent on the support of the military for its survival, and the military must remain a coherent force - if there is a breakdown of any and all three chains of control it could have catastrophic effects on the military and then the regime.

 Disorder in the ranks is a threat to the regime and a potential problem for the ROK/US Alliance.


10. N. Korean students return to school amid stringent disease control measures

Daily NK, by Ha Yoon Ah. June 05, 2020. 

Again, does this indicate the regime has prevented or contained a coronavirus outbreak?  Surely the continued measures mean they still fear one.

Note the order to minimize mobilization of students for work projects.


11. New construction underway at major N. Korean parade training ground

Daily NK, by Jeong Tao Joo.  June, 04 2020. 

Kim Jong Un says, "I love a parade."  Maybe we should send him this 1932 cartoon video.

But on a serious note the article speculates about preparations for unveiling new strategic weapons.  Parades are important tools for such things.  Kim gets to show us what he wants us to see (and remember the regime and nKPA are masters at denial and deception).


12. North Korean women in Hyesan voice discontent over forced labor

Daily NK, by Mun Dong Hul. June, 04 2020

Women are terribly abused in North Korea. Yet they are extremely resilient and strong and are responsible for the survival of so many families during and after the Arduous March of the 1994-1996 (Great Famine). And they are responsible for much of the market activity in the north running many businesses.  When you really think about it one of the great strengths of North Korea is Korean women.


13. What's the truth about coronavirus and North Korea?

Spectator US, by Edward Howell.  Jun, 04 2020.

Bottom line is we just do not know.  Maybe our intelligence community has a good assessment but from open source reporting we can surmise that either its draconian population or resources control measures have prevented it mitigated/contained an outbreak. Of if it is has suffered an outbreak those same measures have been effective in f preventing information from leaking outside of the north.


14. S. Korean military to conduct postponed maritime combined arms drill next week

Yonhap News Agency.  June 04, 2020.

A positive step forward.  This is very necessary to maintain readiness.  Training is perishable and must be conducted continually.


15. S. Korea conducted Dokdo defense exercise this week

Yonhap News Agency, by Oh-Seok-min. June 05, 2020.

Sadly I think South Korea is tougher on and would rather stand up to Japan more than North Korea.  This is not helpful.


16. U.S. envoy comments on anti-U.S. protest in S. Korea

Yonhap News Agency, June 04, 2020.

Good words from the Ambassador.  Sad that these protests have to occur and that they exploit our own internal problems and divisions.  But the eyes of the world are upon us.

Like the Ambassador, we should all respect and embrace the protests (not the riots). It is the ability to peaceably assemble and petition grievances to the government that makes a democracy strong.  Despite our problems we should take solace in the fact that people in the US and South Korea can freely protest without fear of retribution.

And as Congressman Jim Clyburn of South Carolina reminded us a few days ago, one of the great things about being part of a democracy is that we can correct our wrongs.


17. Diplomacy is needed to prevent S. Korea-Japan relations' catastrophic end

The Dong-a Libo. June 05, 2020.

The title says it all.  Korean diplomacy.  Japanese diplomacy.  US diplomacy.


18. Sources of More Coronavirus Infections Untraceable

The Chosun Ilbo, By Bae-Jun-yang.  June, 05 2020.

This. Is. Not. Good.


19. U.S. continues to urge S. Korea to show flexibility in defense cost talks: official

Yonhap News Agency, by Lee Haye-ah. June 05, 2020.

I have great respect for our diplomats who are trying to navigate the minefield of burden sharing.  It truly is a minefield these days. And unfortunately it is an unmarked minefield and our mine detecting equipment is inoperable and we do not know where the gaps and bypasses are located. 

However, I fear the words below are code for the US is still making demands for a lot of money and South Korea had better comply


20. North Korea conducting massive cyber threats against US, other countries, reports say

Fox News, by Brooke Cruthers. June 04, 2020.

Cyber is an important battlespace - for political warfare, for economic warfare and eventually for kinetic conventional warfare.  North Korea's all-purpose sword is designed to operate across the spectrum and I believe Kim will become more and more dependent upon it.


21. N. Korean gold smugglers arrested near the Sino-NK border

Daily NK, by Kim Yoo Jin. June 04, 2020. 

As they say, follow the money.  Although $30,000 is not a lot of money is this an early warning of capital flight. From North Korea?


22. S. Korea can now 'choose' between U.S., China: ambassador

Yonhap News Agency, by Lee haye-ah. June 03, 2020. 

I fear the Ambassador's remarks will be misinterpreted.  Surely South Korea has to walk a tightrope between the PRC (largest trading partner) and the US (treaty ally and security partner).  I know many who correctly say the ROK made its "choice" in 1953 when it signed the Mutual defense Treaty.  But what I think the Ambassador means is that Korea is now a great middle power and it can navigate between the two countries and the PRC-US competition without being forced to do something by either side. It has options.  And I think  when you look at the alliance, the ROK//US FTA, and now the G7 plus invitation it should be clear that South Korea is doing its best to navigate stormy seas.  The bottom line is the ROK is not being forced to make these agreements and decisions but is able to do so based on its strength.  That makes the decisions all the more important and legitimate.







"All government, indeed every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every prudent act, is founded on compromise and barter."                                                                                                                                                                          

-Edmund Burke


"The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control."                                                  

-Epictetus, The Discourses.


"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."                                                                 

 -Frederic Bastiat



06/05/2020 News & Commentary - National Security

Fri, 06/05/2020 - 9:42am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.  

1.  China tried to erase the memory of Tiananmen Square. But its legacy lives on.

2. China, Iran targeting presidential campaigns with hacking attempts, Google announces

3. Did Chinese Communist Party intend for COVID-19 to destabilize a disunited America?

4.  America must assume that foods, medicines and chemicals from China are tainted

5. Army reservist, Navy and Air Force vets plotted to terrorize Vegas protests, prosecutors charge

6. Evidence that Antifa, 'foreign actors' involved in sowing unrest and violence: AG Barr

7. Three men connected to 'boogaloo' movement tried to provoke violence at protests, feds say

8. Facebook will block ads from state-controlled media outlets

9.  AMA statement on president "terminating" U.S. relationship with WHO

10. Cool It With the 'America In Decline' Talk

11. Rumors of America's Death Are Greatly Exaggerated

12. America in Crisis

13. Revolt of the generals

14. U.S. Special Operations Command considers smart-soldier equipment to outfit warfighters of the future

15. Disunited Democracies Cannot Face the Challenge of China

16. MPs from eight countries form new global coalition to counter China

17. President Trump's New China Strategy is Just the Realism We Need

18. The Army Will Soon Have Female Grunts, Tankers in All Brigade Combat Teams

19. The Government is Regularly Flying Predator Drones Over American Cities


1. China tried to erase the memory of Tiananmen Square. But its legacy lives on.

Washington Post, by Various Contributors. May 31, 2019

Yes, no one should ever forget this.  The CCP cannot erase this from the collective global memory. This is one of the best indicators of the nature of the Chinese Communist Party.  The question is in 30 years will we be saying remember Hong Kong?


2. China, Iran targeting presidential campaigns with hacking attempts, Google announces

Washington Post, by Ellen Nakashima, Josh Dawsey and Matt Viser. June 04, 2020

Cyber is one of the most effective tools for use in political warfare. We have to be ready for these attacks.


3. Did Chinese Communist Party intend for COVID-19 to destabilize a disunited America?

Washington Times, by Clifford D. May. June 02, 2020.

If this was intentional it was a pretty bold and sophisticated act of political warfare.  I do believe the way ahead is through alliances.  I like these names: Quote: "Among the names that have been suggested: "Concert of Democracies," "League of Democracies," "Community of Democracies" and "Democratic Cooperative Network.'"   I think our State Department is already working on projects in this direction, the Economic Prosperity Network and the Blue Dot Network.  These will harness likeminded (freedom loving countries) to develop common prosperity and counter China's One Belt One Road.


4. America must assume that foods, medicines and chemicals from China are tainted

Washington Times, by Daniel Gallington. June 01, 2020

One of the strongest critiques of China I have read recently.  There is more to this than just the headline.


5. Army reservist, Navy and Air Force vets plotted to terrorize Vegas protests, prosecutors charge

Military Times, by Michelle L. Price and Scott Sonner. June 04, 2020.

I have no words except to say what is the matter with these men?  I do wonder why we are just hearing about this now if they were arrested last Saturday?


6. Evidence that Antifa, 'foreign actors' involved in sowing unrest and violence: AG Barr

ABC News, by Alexander Mallin. June 04, 2020. 

Video at the link. 


7. Three men connected to 'boogaloo' movement tried to provoke violence at protests, feds say

NBC News, by Andrew Blankstein, Tom Winter and Brandy Zadrozny.  June 04, 2020.

The boogaloo movement, members of which are often referred to as boogaloo boys, is a loosely organized American far-right extremist movement. Members of the boogaloo movement say they are preparing for a coming second American Civil War, which they call the "boogaloo".

Here are some references to this "movement."


8. Facebook will block ads from state-controlled media outlets

CNBC, by Salvador Rodriguez. June 06, 2020.

This appears to be a significant development.  Will this help?  Unsure.  But the labeling of foreign media outlets should help all of us to better identify sources of disinformation.

I hate to have to keep pounding this drum but we should heed these words from our National Security Strategy.  Can anyone argue against these words about our democracy?


9. AMA statement on president "terminating" U.S. relationship with WHO

AMA, by Patrice A. Harris, M.D., M.A. May 29, 2020.

I think it is a mistake to withdraw from the WHO.  I defer to the medical expertise of the AMA. In addition I think if we are going to participate in Great Power Competition we need to recognize that much of the political warfare will be conducted within international organizations.  We should not retire early from the field.


10. Cool It With the 'America In Decline' Talk

Defense One, by Daniel Depetris.  June 04, 2020. 

I do not often agree with Daniel DePetris but I do agree that America does not have to be in decline though we do face some of the most significant challenges since the end of the Cold War and after 9-11.  Quote: "The bottom line: the notion that the United States is shrinking to a shell of its former glory or somehow withering in the face of challenges from its strategic competitors leaves out all nuance and simplifies a highly complicated world into clickbait."


11. Rumors of America's Death Are Greatly Exaggerated

National Review Online, by Cameron Hilditch.  June 04, 2020.

The author hits back at those who have called the US a failed state.


12. America in Crisis

Foreign Policy Research Institute, by Marvin C. Ott.  June 03, 2020.

And another view of America in crisis.  He makes an interesting point.  Think back to the end of 2019 when "no big changes, either domestically or internationally, seemed in the offing."  Who would have thought we would be in this place just 6 months later.


13. Revolt of the Generals

Washington Post, by Jennifer Rubin.  June 04, 2020.

Will we have a crisis in civil-military relations?  I think I can say with some certainty the events of this week are going to be studied in leadership and ethics classes at PME institutions for years to come.


  1.   U.S. Special Operations Command considers smart-soldier equipment to outfit warfighters of the future

Military Aerospace. June, 04 2020.

Goal is to give operators the same capability they have with commercial smart phones in the U.S. while they are operating anywhere in the world.


15. Disunited Democracies Cannot Face the Challenge of China

Chatman House, by Roland Paris. 04 June 2020 

Which is exactly what China is trying to create: disunited democracies.


16. MPs from eight countries form new global coalition to counter China

Sydney Morning Herald, Latika Bourke.  June 05, 2020. 

Note Republican Senator Marco Rubio and Democrat Senator Robert Menendez joined this group.

This is a step in the right direction. Shall we call this: "Concert of Democracies," "League of Democracies," "Community of Democracies" and "Democratic Cooperative Network.'"


17. President Trump's New China Strategy is Just the Realism We Need

National Interest, by Walter Lohman, Thomas Spoehr, and Terry Miller. June 05, 2020.

Yes. Worth the read.  My summary: The new approach from the White House is a direct challenge to China's policies and strategy and is designed to protect U.S. interests and values.  It outlines the three challenges from China: economic challenges, challenges to U.S. values, and security challenges.  It provides an approach based on principled realism and a free and open Indo-Pacific region that does not have to exclude China. Finally, it provides guidance on implementation in four areas: Protect the American People, the Homeland, and the American Way of Life; Promote American Prosperity; Preserve Peace through Strength; Advance American Influence.

It is a step toward operationalizing the 2017 NSS.  The question is can we execute it with balance and coherency among ends, ways and means over the long term?


18. The Army Will Soon Have Female Grunts, Tankers in All Brigade Combat Teams, by Matthew Cox.  June 03, 2020.

In the words of Bob D:  "The times they are a changing."  In a year or so no one will bat an eye at this. It will be the new normal.


19. The Government is Regularly Flying Predator Drones Over American Cities

Vice, by Joseph Cox. 03 June 2020. 

Big brother expanding its surveillance capabilities?




"All government, indeed every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every prudent act, is founded on compromise and barter."                                                                                                                  Edmund Burke                                                                     

"The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control."  Epictetus, The Discourses

"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." Frederic Bastiat





06/04/2020 News & Commentary – Korea

Thu, 06/04/2020 - 10:26am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Ahyoung Shin.

1. North Korea lashes out at U.S., Saying China is eclipsing It

2. North Korea eases coronavirus lockdown because even totalitarian states need trade

3. North Korea warns South Korea to stop defectors from scattering anti-North leaflets: KCNA

4. Cheong Wa Dae vows 'stern' response to anti-North leaflet campaigns posing threat to security

5. S. Korea to legislate ban on anti-Pyongyang leaflet campaign after N.K. threats

6. North Korea threatens to halt Military Agreement with South over anti-Pyongyang leaflets flown over Border

7. North Korea cracks down on SARCASM (great idea!)

8. Greater Seoul under threat of further spread, high alert over 'silent' virus spreaders

9. South Korea approves antiviral drug to treat COVID-19

10. North Korea is importing construction materials from China

11. Korea threatens to let Intel-Sharing Pact with Japan lapse

12. U.S. accepts S. Korea's proposal to pay local USFK base workers

13. USFK raps local daily for false report, vows commitment to conditions-based OPCON transfer

14. 'Korea's response to COVID-19 serves as model for the world': Jared Diamond


1. North Korea lashes out at U.S., Saying China is eclipsing It

The New York Times · by Choe Sang-Hun · June 4, 2020

The North is embarking on a new propaganda campaign. The regime senses an opportunity with the upheaval in the US and the challenge the US is facing around the world.

What is troubling in South Korea's reaction to it. The South is playing right into the North's strategy.

2. North Korea eases coronavirus lockdown because even totalitarian states need trade

The Washington Post · by Simon Denyer and Min Joo Kim · June 2, 2020

Again, perhaps the regime's draconian population and resources control measures have been successful in preventing or containing the coronavirus. Yes, as the title says the regime needs trade.  

But I wonder if what we are seeing is the beginning of an execution of a new campaign to influence the ROK and US. The regime is conducting blackmail diplomacy (and it already appears the South has succumbed to it). But what effect does the regime expect to achieve if it is embarking on a new campaign?

3. North Korea warns South Korea to stop defectors from scattering anti-North leaflets: KCNA

Reuters · by Sangmi Cha · June 4, 2020

This should be an indicator that information and influence activities work and are a threat to the regime. Now should be the time to not only double down but to implement a sophisticated and holistic information and influence activities campaign and fully support these escapee organizations. These organizations are operating on shoestring budget and relatively primitive technology and equipment with no support from the ROK government and yet are punching well above their weight and achieving demonstrable effects.

4. Cheong Wa Dae vows 'stern' response to anti-North leaflet campaigns posing threat to security · by 박보람 · June 4, 2020

Oh no. This is so wrong. This is succumbing to the Kim family regime's blackmail diplomacy (to conduct provocations and raise tensions to get political and economic concessions). The regime is threatened by information and is not forcing the South to protect the regime. This is so disappointing but not unexpected. I think I know what will happen in the future. Based on the South's response the regime will be making even more demands. The regime sees the response as an indication that its blackmail diplomacy is working. So, we will see more of it.

5. S. Korea to legislate ban on anti-Pyongyang leaflet campaign after N.K. threats · by 고병준 · June 4, 2020

We should remember what the 2014 Commission of Inquiry on human rights in North Korea said. One of the human rights abuses by the regime is not allowing the people to have access to information. Nearly every human rights report says that nations should work to get information into the North to the people. Passing this proposed law is a statement the ROKG sides with the Kim family regime. This is such a terrible decision. The irony is that the South will not benefit from this in any way. There will be no reciprocity from the North. The North will not accept South engagement proposals (unless a very large amount of funds is transferred directly to the regime) and the north will not return to nuclear negotiations because of this action. This action will only beget more demands from the regime.

6. North Korea threatens to halt Military Agreement with South over anti-Pyongyang leaflets flown over Border

TIME · by Kim Tong-Hyung · June 3, 2020

The Moon administration touts the September 19th Comprehensive Military Agreement as a great success and wants to protect it. Yet it has not paid off. The North has not shown any reciprocity in confidence or trust building measures. Again, this the North's blackmail diplomacy. And it knows what to threaten to push the Moon administration's buttons. And no one should be afraid of this rhetoric from Kim Yo-jong.

If the South gives in to these threats (which it appears they will do) it should expect more threats like this.

7. North Korea cracks down on SARCASM (great idea!)

Daily Mail · by Chris Jewers For Mailonline · June 3, 2020

This is one of the reasons for Kim Yo-jong's push against escapees in the South to stop sending information into the North. One of the things they are sending in on thumb drives and other media is the South Korean K-drama, "Crash Landing on You". As we assessed this would have useful propaganda value in the north on a number of levels. The fact that this sarcastic phrase appears to be in widespread use is an indicator of the reach of this K-drama and should reinforce our calls for a sophisticated information and influence activities campaign.

8. Greater Seoul under threat of further spread, high alert over 'silent' virus spreaders · by 강윤승 · June 4, 2020

The numbers remain relatively low and while Koreans are rightly concerned, they seem to be managing this better than most.

9. South Korea approves antiviral drug to treat COVID-19 · by Reuters · June 3, 2020

10. North Korea is importing construction materials from China · by Mun Dong Hui · June 3, 2020

Sanctions violation. China is complicit. Also note the discussion on smuggling.

11. Korea threatens to let Intel-Sharing Pact with Japan lapse · by Kim Jin-myung · June 3, 2020

We should have expected this. But this does nothing to help South Korean (or US or Japanese) national security. I am reminded of the gunman holding himself hostage with a gun to his own head who says - "don't come any closer or I will shoot."

12. U.S. accepts S. Korea's proposal to pay local USFK base workers · June 4, 2020

I am not sure how this decision leads to a more fair equitable burden sharing as long as the US continues to demand $4 billion.

13. USFK raps local daily for false report, vows commitment to conditions-based OPCON transfer · by 오석민 · June 4, 2020

This is the work of a faction in the South who wants to eliminate the UN Command and who believe the US wants the UN Command to be the "higher headquarters" after the OPCON transition happens with a new ROK General commanding the ROK/US Combined Forces Command. (This is a patently false accusation). This is also the work of people in South Korea who want to split the ROK/US alliance (which of course is also a major objective of north Korea. (Think about that - the north's supporting strategy is "divide to conquer" - divide the ROK/US alliance to conquer the ROK).

14. 'Korea's response to COVID-19 serves as model for the world': Jared Diamond · by Ock Hyun-ju · June 4, 2020

High praise from Mr. Diamond.  



"In this sad world of ours sorrow comes to all and it often comes with bitter agony. Perfect relief is not possible except with time. You cannot now believe that you will ever feel better. But this is not true. You are sure to be happy again. Knowing this, truly believing it will make you less miserable now. I have had enough experience to make this statement." 

 - Abraham Lincoln


The history that lies inert in unread books does no work in the world.
If you want a new idea, read an old book.
`Tis the good reader that makes the good book.
A book is like a mirror. If an ass looks in, no prophet can peer out.

- The "maxims" quoted come from Clark Becker, Lord Lytton, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Georg Lichtenberg quoted in Jay Luuvas' "Military History: Is It Still Practicable? " 

"Education should implant a will and a facility for learning; it should produce not learned but learning people.  In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." 

- Eric Hoffer



06/04/2020 News & Commentary – National Security

Thu, 06/04/2020 - 10:06am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Ahyoung Shin.

1. Thomas Jefferson signed the Insurrection Act in 1807 to foil a Plot by Aaron Burr

2. Washington looks to Five Eyes to build anti-China coalition

3. Trump must exploit Xi's new imperialism

4. FDD | Military and Veteran Groups decry ICC Investigation

5. An Appeal to the National Security Community to fight Racial Injustice

6. We are the Useful Idiots: How Our Nation divided is playing straight into the Hands of Our Greatest Enemies

7. Meet the Drone Startup scoring Millions in Government Surveillance Contracts

8. Hong Kong at risk of a repeat of Tiananmen

9. "Operation Overlord: OSS and the Battle for France"

10, A divided America cannot compete in a superpower duel with China

11. Service Chiefs acknowledge Racism in the Ranks, Pledge Dialogue, Change

12. The Endangered Asian Century: America, China, and the Perils of Confrontation

13. The End of Europe's Chinese Dream

14. 'Wolf Warrior Diplomacy': Israel's China Strategy in Peril

15. On the Path to Intellectual Overmatch

16. SOCOM looking to bake in AI Requirements on Every New Program

17. The United States and the New World Disorder: Retreat from Primacy

18.  How the World Views the Protests in America


1. Thomas Jefferson signed the Insurrection Act in 1807 to foil a Plot by Aaron Burr · by Dave Roos

It is always useful to review some history to help guide us in the future.

2. Washington looks to Five Eyes to build anti-China coalition

Financial Times · by Katrina Manson · June 3, 2020

Allies are critical to US national security and foreign policy.

3. Trump must exploit Xi's new imperialism · by Gary Anderson

To exploit the situation, we have to play our superior form of political warfare. I still think we can take some lessons from George Kennan's policy planning memo.

4. FDD | Military and Veteran Groups decry ICC Investigation · by Orde Kittrie Senior Fellow · June 3, 2020

The ICC is a threat to US military and government personnel.  It is good to see these veteran's organizations step up to oppose the ICC investigations.

5. An Appeal to the National Security Community to fight Racial Injustice

Foreign Policy · by Bishop Garrison, Jon Wolfsthal · June 2, 2020

An interesting argument. Everyone should be united in protecting American values: individual liberty and freedom, liberal democracy, free market economy and human rights. Our national security and foreign policies rest on those values. There are two things we should keep in mind. Our nation was founded on an idea and ideals (which makes us one of a kind) and what has made America exceptional is we have admitted and more importantly corrected our mistakes. And we have to continue to correct our mistakes to make the American experiment work in order to strive to form a more perfect union.

6. We are the Useful Idiots: How Our Nation divided is playing straight into the Hands of Our Greatest Enemies · by Alice Atalanta · June 2, 2020

Yes, this is a clickbait title. But I do think too many of us are useful idiots. But read on.  

(note that from there are six types of "Useful Idiots from the article at this link: -  The Seeker. The Utopian, The Power Worshipper, The Relativist, The Stability-Fetishist, The Nostalgist) - it is amazing how many of these types we see on social media. We should be on the lookout for them and most important we should make sure we are not one of them).

Chris Costa hits the nail on the head here. 

But after insulting us (note sarcasm) Dr. Atalanta provides some practical advice. 

7. Meet the Drone Startup scoring Millions in Government Surveillance Contracts

Forbes · by Thomas Brewster · June 3, 2020

It is a brave new world and Big Brother's capabilities are growing.

8. Hong Kong at risk of a repeat of Tiananmen

taipeitimes · by Hsiao Hsu-hsing 蕭徐行 · June 2, 2020

I suppose the key indicator will be when the PLA rolls tanks into Hong Kong. 31 years ago today (June 4, 1989) I was in the field conducting training when Tiananmen happened. Our communications sergeant tuned into the news on our PRC-70 radio and we listened to the reports and wondered if this would cause greater resistance in China but of course the PLA crushed it.

9. "Operation Overlord: OSS and the Battle for France"

To commemorate the 76th anniversary of D-Day, The OSS Society will release "Operation Overlord: OSS and the Battle for France" on June 6th. This film tells the story of Allied special forces whose daring exploits changed the course of WW2.

10, A divided America cannot compete in a superpower duel with China

Financial Times · by Janan Ganesh · June 3, 2020

A view from the UK. I wonder if our adversaries recall the Napoleon dictum: “Never interrupt your enemy have he is making a mistake."  And we need to remember our President Lincoln: "A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

11. Service Chiefs acknowledge Racism in the Ranks, Pledge Dialogue, Change · by Marcus Weisgerber, Kevin Baron, and Bradley Peniston · June 3, 2020

Are we going to see a civil-military relations crisis?

12. The Endangered Asian Century: America, China, and the Perils of Confrontation

Foreign Affairs · by Lee Hsien Loong · June 4, 2020

An interesting read. Asian countries do not want to choose between the US and China. China cannot replace the US as a security partner and the US cannot replace China as an economic. The old adage of "Europe is the continent of the past, America is the continent of the present, and Asia is the continent of the future "may still not hold true according to the author. But it seems like US-PRC confrontation is going to drive foreign policy and strategy for some years to come and the future of Asia will be dependent on the strategic decisions made by the US and the PRC.

13. The End of Europe's Chinese Dream · by Mark Leonard · May 26, 2020

Can Europe decouple of at least reduce dependence on China? This is the recommended way ahead for the EU.

14. 'Wolf Warrior Diplomacy': Israel's China Strategy in Peril · by Ramzy Baroud · June 3, 2020

The relationship between Israel, China, and the US is an interesting one. The author argues the Israeli strategy of being able to play both sides may no longer be possible.

15. On the Path to Intellectual Overmatch · by Adam Oler · June 3, 2020

More on professional military education. In my mind it is not the institution but the individual. That is why I am fond of Eric Hoffer's quote here: "Education should implant a will and a facility for learning; it should produce not learned but learning people. In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists."  - Eric Hoffer

16. SOCOM looking to bake in AI Requirements on Every New Program · by Paul McLeary

I do not think T.E. Lawrence was anticipating AI when he said this: "Irregular warfare is far more intellectual than a bayonet charge." However, while we focus on the high end technology and "bake" AI into ll programs, sometimes you still need to be able to conduct a bayonet charge depending on the conditions.

17. The United States and the New World Disorder: Retreat from Primacy · by Aaron David Miller, Richard Sokolsky

The authors argue Russia and China are here to stay but they cannot lead. I like his description of "small tribes, big powers." They argue Iran and north Korea has successfully pushed back on the US. Finally, the authors ask if the US is divided at home will it lead in international affairs?

18.  How the World views the Protests in America

Bloomberg · by Robert Burgess · June 3, 2020

A survey of views of writers in Europe, Asia, and Australia.



"In this sad world of ours sorrow comes to all and it often comes with bitter agony. Perfect relief is not possible except with time. You cannot now believe that you will ever feel better. But this is not true. You are sure to be happy again. Knowing this, truly believing it will make you less miserable now. I have had enough experience to make this statement." 

 - Abraham Lincoln


The history that lies inert in unread books does no work in the world.
If you want a new idea, read an old book.
`Tis the good reader that makes the good book.
A book is like a mirror. If an ass looks in, no prophet can peer out.

- The "maxims" quoted come from Clark Becker, Lord Lytton, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Georg Lichtenberg quoted in Jay Luuvas' "Military History: Is It Still Practicable? " 

"Education should implant a will and a facility for learning; it should produce not learned but learning people.  In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." 

- Eric Hoffer