Small Wars Journal

Private Contractors in Conflict Zones: The Good, the Bad, and the Strategic Impact

Wed, 10/27/2010 - 7:32pm
Private Contractors in Conflict Zones: The Good, the Bad, and the Strategic Impact by Dr. T.X. Hammes (Col. USMC ret.) has just been posted to the Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, web site.

Here are the key points from the forum monograph: (1) The United States has hired record numbers of contractors to serve in the conflict zones of Iraq and Afghanistan but has not seriously examined their strategic impact. (2) There are clearly advantages to using contractors in conflict zones, but they have three inherent characteristics that have serious negative effects during counterinsurgency operations. We cannot effectively control the quality of the contractors or control their actions, but the population holds us responsible for everything the contractors do, or fail to do. (3) Contractors compete with the host government for a limited pool of qualified personnel and dramatically change local power structures. (4) Contractors reduce the political capital necessary to commit U.S. forces to war, impact the legitimacy of a counterinsurgency effort, and reduce it's the perceived morality. These factors attack our nation's critical vulnerability in an irregular war - the political will of the American people.

Read the entire monograph at INSS.

Your COIN Is No Good Here; Don't Abandon COIN

Wed, 10/27/2010 - 8:28am
Your COIN Is No Good Here - Foreign Affairs opinion piece by James Dobbins. Summary: "President Obama's advisers agree that the Taliban is an insurgency and that the United States has a real interest in stopping its return to power. Why, then, would some argue against using counterinsurgency, the strategy designed to fight such uprisings?"

Don't Abandon COIN - Defense News editorial. Commentary argues that now that America isn't fighting two major COIN operations it's time to change training. Yet the Army must take care not to shift too much, turning its back entirely on COIN.

27 October SWJ Roundup

Wed, 10/27/2010 - 7:34am

Military Campaign to Topple Taliban Hasn't Succeeded - Washington Post

Afghanistan Strategy Works, Needs Time, General Says - AFPS

Afghans Begining to Feel Pride of Ownership, General Says - AFPS

Development Aid in Key Afghan Province Lacks Oversight - Washington Post

No Clear Replacements for Afghan Security Guards - Associated Press

Tea Party Could Stir Afghan Policy - Wall Street Journal

Afghan, Coalition Troops Capture Haqqani Network Leader - AFPS

Russia Steps in to Help NATO - The Independent

Russian Military Could be Drawn Back into Afghanistan - The Guardian

Iran Acknowledges It Funds Afghan Government - Associated Press

Iran Says Helps Afghanistan Amid Bags Of Cash Report - Reuters

Bomb Kills 4 Police in West Afghanistan - Associated Press

NATO: Bomb Kills Service Member in Afghanistan - Associated Press

Karzai's Pieces of Iranian Silver - Washington Times editorial

Afghan Peace Solution - United Press International opinion

Turning the Taliban Against Al Qaeda - New York Times opinion


Pakistan Touts Success in a Corner of Tribal Belt - Associated Press

Pakistan Army Blockades Anti-Taliban Tribe in Kurram - BBC News

Pakistan Border Region Becomes Terror Epicenter - Associated Press

Amnesty Calls on Pakistan to Investigate Killings - Associated Press

Pakistan Condemns Fatal Sufi Shrine Blast - United Press International

If Pakistanis Thought Like Americans - United Press International opinion


Anbar Province Demands a Say on Resources - New York Times

Saddam's Deputy Tariq Aziz Sentenced to Die - Voice of America

Top Aide to Saddam Hussein Is Sentenced to Death - New York Times

Tariq Aziz Sentenced to Death for Persecution of Shiites - Washington Post

Tarik Aziz Sentenced to Death - Los Angeles Times

Saddam Hussein Aide Tariq Aziz Sentenced to Hang - Associated Press

Iraq's Tareq Aziz Sentenced to Death, Vatican Appeals - Reuters

Lynn Arrives in Baghdad for Talks, Troop Visit - AFPS

Deputy Defense Secretary Examines Transitions Facing U.S., Iraqis - AFPS

10 Killed in Robbery Attempt in Northern Iraq - Associated Press

Gunmen Kill 10 In Iraq Gold Market Attack - Reuters


U.S. Tries to Restart Talks With Iran - Wall Street Journal

Iran Isolating Itself, U.S. Diplomat Says - United Press International

Iran Acknowledges It Funds Afghan Government - Associated Press

Iran Says Helps Afghanistan Amid Bags Of Cash Report - Reuters

Iran Begins Loading Fuel into Core of Bushehr Nuclear Plant - Voice of America

Iran Begins Loading Fuel at Nuclear Reactor - New York Times

Iran Starts Loading Uranium Fuel Rods Into Nuclear Reactor - Washington Post

Iran Begins Fueling Nuclear Reactor - Los Angeles Times

Iran Loads Fuel Rods Into 1st Nuclear Power Plant - Associated Press

Iran Fuels Up Nuclear Plant as Sanctions Bite - Reuters

Clinton: No Problem With Iran Bushehr Atomic Plant - Reuters

Iran to Try Two People Accused Of Spying For Israel - Reuters


WikiLeaks Has More U.S. War Files, Pentagon Says - Reuters

U.S.: Enemies Searching WikiLeaks Iraq Papers - Associated Press

WikiLeaks Documents Highlight Problem of Security Force Training - VOA

U.N.: WikiLeaks Files Should Prompt Iraq Abuse Probe - Reuters

U.S. Department of Defense

Massive U.S. Army Trade Show Opens in D.C. - Washington Post

Fake Chips From China Sold to U.S. Defense Contractors - Reuters

FBI Opens Investigation into Pentagon, Two Marine Site Shootings - AFPS

FBI Links Shots Fired at Pentagon and Marine Museum - Washington Post

United States

Former al-Qaida Fighter Pleads Guilty to Murder - AFPS

Canadian Gitmo Prisoner Said to Be 'Full of Rage' - Associated Press

Guantanamo Made Omar Khadr More Dangerous, Doctor Says - Reuters

Candid Talks by Detainee Were Caught on U.S. Tapes - New York Times

American Arrested in Terror Case Denied Entry to Pakistan - Los Angeles Times

New York-born Man Arrested in Hawaii in Terror Case - Associated Press

U.N. Investigator Urges Probe Of Alleged U.S. Torture - Reuters

Former Raytheon Engineer's Home Targeted by Feds - Boston Herald

Feds Search Mass. Home of Missile Systems Expert - Associated Press


Pope Says States Have Right to Defend Borders - New York Times

U.N. Chief, Clinton Call for Action on Women - Associated Press

Hackers Shopping Malware Network - Washington Times


ICC Wants Arrest of Sudanese President - United Press International

Ward: Guard, Reserve Make Vital Contributions in Africa - AFPS

Ivory Coast PM Tries to Ease Concern Over Vote Count - Voice of America

U.N. Gives Green Light for Ivorian Vote - United Press International

Guinea Election Chief Proposes Oct. 31 Vote Date - Associated Press

Curfew After Deadly Nigeria Clash - BBC News

Congolese Rebels Attack U.N. Troops - United Press International

Somalia Most Corrupt, Report Finds - United Press International

China Fuels Madagascar Timber Crisis - BBC News

Americas and Caribbean

Kidnapped Mexican Names Names, Including Sister's - Los Angeles Times

Mexico Official: 2 Dead Men May Be Massacre Gunmen - Associated Press

Latin Leaders Question Move to Legalize Marijuana - Associated Press

Brazil's Rousseff Lead Steady In Presidential Race - Reuters

U.N. Votes Against U.S. Embargo on Cuba For 19th Year - Reuters

Haiti Cholera Deaths 'Near 300' - BBC News

Death Toll in Haiti Cholera Outbreak Passes 280 - Associated Press

Haiti's Latest Misery - New York Times editorial

Asia Pacific

Clinton to Focus on Asian Alliances - Washington Times

Clinton to Visit China Suring Asian Tour - United Press International

Nobel Laureate's Wife Invites Scores of Chinese to Oslo - New York Times

China Holds First Live-Fire Joint Drills in Tibet - Associated Press

Japan, Worried by China, May Boost Submarine Fleet - Associated Press

U.S.-South Korea Exercises Will Resume, Commander Says - AFPS

N. Korea Demands S. Korea Resume Large-Scale Food Aid - Associated Press

U.N. Chief Calls for Burma to Free Political Prisoners - Voice of America

Philippines Calls Burma Elections a 'Farce' - Associated Press

Indonesia: Still Hope For Burma Poll Credibility - Reuters

Burma's Sham Election - Washington Post editorial

Burma: No more charades - Los Angeles Times opinion

Indonesia Reels Amid Disasters on Two Fronts - New York Times

Trio of Catastrophes Hit Indonesia - Washington Times

Indonesia Hit by Deadly Tsunami, Volcanic Eruption - Associated Press

Indonesia Tsunami Deaths Increase - BBC News

Indonesian Volcano Merapi Erupts - BBC News

Cambodia Rebuffs UN Chief on Khmer Rouge Trials - Associated Press

The Caucasus

Arab Jihadists Emerge in Caucasus War - United Press International


Europe Amplifies Objections to U.S. Data-sharing Demands - Washington Post

Report: Russia Seeks to Limit New NATO Members - Associated Press

Report: Russia Wants Troop Limit In New NATO States - Reuters

Gorbachev Says Putin Hinders Democracy - New York Times

Russian Corruption Takes on a Life of its Own - Washington Post

E-Mail Spam Falls After Russian Crackdown - New York Times

Russia Plans Color-Coded Anti-Terror Alerts - Reuters

Turkey Detains 12 Suspected Of Aiding Al Qaeda - Reuters

Terror Suspect Gets Victim Status in Polish Probe - Associated Press

French Brace for More Demonstrations Against Reforms - Voice of America

French Unions Deny Strikes Defeat - BBC News

Middle East

Saudi Border With Yemen Is Still Inviting for Al Qaeda - New York Times

Yemen Interior Ministry Imposes Ban on Weapons - Associated Press

Yemen Recruits Tribesmen to Hunt al Qaeda - Associated Press

Netanyahu Praises Israeli Troops Who Raided Gaza-Bound Flotilla - VOA

Netanyahu "Salutes" Commandos Who Raided Gaza Ship - Reuters

Police, Protesters Clash in Arab Israeli Town - Associated Press

Israeli Police And Arabs Clash Over Rightist March - Reuters

In Mideast House of Cards, U.S. Views Lebanon as Shaky - New York Times

Lebanon: Hezbollah Won't Rise Up in Tribunal Probe - United Press International

Syrian Leader Says U.S. Sows Chaos Overseas - Associated Press

Opposition Members Jailed in Egypt Before Election - Associated Press

Ruler Of UAE's Ras Al Khaimah Emirate Dies - Reuters

The end of the America's unipolar primacy? Not so fast

Tue, 10/26/2010 - 12:31pm
So argues Eric Edelman, a career United States Foreign Service Officer, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy in the second Bush term, and now Distinguished Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA).

In Understanding America's Contested Primacy, a new report he wrote for CSBA, Edelman argues that for all of the significant challenges the United States faces over the medium term, no other power or alliance of powers is likely to displace the United States from its perch. Nor, according to Edelman, is a multipolar world likely to arrive anytime soon, a world which would find the United States one of several equals competing for political power while defending clashing spheres of influence. After thoroughly analyzing the positions and prospects of the United States and other competing powers, Edelman concludes that for all of America's problems, all of the other pretenders to the throne have it even worse. Thus, although the U.S. will never again have it as easy as it did in the 1990s, neither is the world slipping back to another unstable multipolar pre-1914 era.

Edelman was inspired to write this report as a response to the National Intelligence Council's 2008 Global Trends 2025 project, which forecast a sharp decline in the relative influence of the United States and the arrival of an increasingly chaotic multipolar world. Contributing to this hypothesis was the investment firm Goldman Sachs with its BRIC label of supposedly rising economic and political powers (Brazil, Russia, India, and China). Edelman also notes that at the end of every decade since World War II, a new theory has arrived to explain why the United States will soon drop off the top position on the podium.

After reviewing the history of the "declinism" literature, Edelman turns to an analysis of the BRIC countries, Europe, Japan, and the United States itself. Edelman discusses the looming social and economic challenges many of these countries will face, in most cases the result of damaging demographic imbalances (by comparison, a relatively minor problem for the U.S.). Edelman grants that Brazil, India, and China will gain in relative power. But he concludes that they and the others will at best be regional players and will not likely gain the economic, military, diplomatic, or "soft" power to become global poles of influence challenging the global position of the United States.

Edelman's report overstates the linkage of demographics to national power. It is no longer 1815 or 1944; national military power no longer correlates with the number of military aged males. And the size of the working age population is only one factor determining economic output and the size of the tax base. Wide variations in worker productivity will do as much or more to determine economic and social clout, along with a country's generation of globally-influential "soft power."

Also largely missing from Edelman's report is much discussion of non-state actors and what the possible decline in the authority of nation-states relative to self-organized groups may mean. Non-state actors are not likely to be contenders for global primacy any time soon. But their disruptive second- and third-order effects merit discussion.

As a challenge to the declinist conventional wisdom, Edelman's report is a welcome addition to the discussion of grand strategy. I recommend reading it.

26 October SWJ Roundup

Tue, 10/26/2010 - 6:01am

U.S. Operations in Kandahar Push Out Taliban - Washington Post

Karzai Rails Against America in Diatribe - New York Times

Karzai Again Blasts Security Firms' Role in Afghanistan - Washington Post

Afghan President Admits Receiving Money From Iran - Voice of America

Afghan Leader Admits His Office Gets Cash From Iran - New York Times

Karzai Confirms Large Cash Payments by Iranian Officials - Los Angeles Times

It's 'Transparent,' Karzai Says of Receiving Cash from Iran - Washington Times

Karzai Says His Office Gets Cash From Iran, U.S. - Associated Press

Karzai Says His Office Gets "Bags Of Money" From Iran - Reuters

U.S. 'Skeptical' of Iranian Motives in Cash Payments to Karzai Aides - VOA

Iran's Cash to Kabul Worries U.S. - BBC News

Afghan, ISAF Troops Kill 15 Insurgents in Helmand - AFPS

NATO Airstrike Kills 15 in Afghanistan - Voice of America

NATO: South Afghan Raid Kills 15 Militants - Associated Press

Stryker Unit Sought to Defend Killing at Heart of Murder Probe - Washington Post

What Does Iran's Cash Buy in Afghanistan? - New York Times opinion series


Bomb Blast Kills Five at Sufi Shrine in Pakistan - Voice of America

6 Militants, 1 Pakistan Soldier Killed in Fighting - Associated Press


Iraq Government Talks May Gather Pace After Court Order - Reuters

Diyala Struggles to Overcome Sectarian Bad Blood - Los Angeles Times

Life Behind and Beyond the Barricades - Agence France-Presse


Tehran Orders Halt to Refueling of U.K. Planes - Washington Post

Iran Injects Fuel Into First Nuclear Reactor - Associated Press

Iran Inserts Fuel Into Nuclear Plant Core - Reuters


Shariah Law and the Secular State - New York Times opinion


WikiLeaks' Redaction Doesn't Remove Danger - AFPS

U.S. Rebuffs Wikileaks Iraq Claims - BBC News

WikiLeaks Docs Raise Questions of Obama Policies - Associated Press

Wikileaks's Leaks Mostly Confirm Earlier Reporting - Washington Post editorial

Declare War on Wikileaks - Washington Times editorial

U.S. Department of Defense

Webb Puts Hold on Appointments Until JFCOM Data Arrives - Washington Post

Webb to Block Pentagon Nominations - Richmond Times-Dispatch

United States

Youngest Guantanamo Detainee Pleads Guilty to All Counts - Voice of America

Guantánamo Detainee Pleads Guilty, Averting Trial - New York Times

Youngest Guantanamo Detainee Pleads Guilty - Washington Post

Canadaian Convicted of Murder in U.S. Soldier's Death - Los Angeles Times

Canadian at Gitmo Pleads Guilty to All Charges - Associated Press

U.S. Tries to Detect Muslim Radicals at Home - Washington Times

U.S. to Send Visual Artists as Cultural Ambassadors - New York Times

United Nations

Study: Women Still Kept Away From Peace Talks - Associated Press


Sudan Wants Darfur Deal by End of 2010 - BBC News

U.N.: More Peacekeepers Couldn't Halt New Sudan War - Reuters

Nigeria Issues Fraud Blacklist - BBC News

Somali Pirates to Hold British Couple Until Ransom Is Paid - Voice of America

Rwanda Terror Charge for Ingabire - BBC News

Report: Terror Suspects in Morocco Suffer Abuse - Associated Press

Americas and Caribbean

13 Executed at Tijuana Drug Treatment Center - Los Angeles Times

Lull in Violence in Tijuana Is Broken by Massacre - New York Times

Gunmen Kill 13 at Mexico Clinic - BBC News

Mexico Massacre Shows Teen Toll in Drug War - Christian Science Monitor

Mexico: Ex-Prosecutor's Kidnapped Brother Shown on Video - Associated Press

Epicenter of Colombia's Drug War Fights for Peace - Christian Science Monitor

More Than 250 Dead in Haiti Cholera Outbreak - Voice of America

Amid Cholera Outbreak in Haiti, Fear and Misery - New York Times

Fear Amid Haiti Cholera Progress - BBC News

Haiti Cholera Deaths Slow, But Spread Still Feared - Reuters

Haiti Official: Cholera Outbreak Is Easing - Associated Press

Is Aid Doing Haiti More Harm Than Good? - Reuters

Asia Pacific

Taking Harder Stance Toward China, Obama Lines Up Allies - New York Times

China Telecom Giant Makes Push for U.S. Market - New York Times

Spy's Arrest Underscores Beijing's Bid for Agents - Washington Times

Nobel Peace Prize Winners Call for Release of Dissident - Los Angeles Times

China Battles Probe of Burma's Military Rulers - Washington Post

Burma's Culture Evolves Despite Junta's Tight Grip - Reuters

South Korea Sends Food Aid to North - New York Times

S. Korea Sends 1st Food Aid to N. Korea in 3 Years - Associated Press

Major Earthquake Strikes Off Indonesia's Sumatra Island - Voice of America

Critics Say Cost of Forgiveness Is Too High in East Timor - New York Times

Riches May Not Help Papua New Guinea - New York Times


Anti-Muslim Feelings Propel Right Wing in Europe - Washington Post

Serbia Moves Closer to Joining E.U. - New York Times

Will the U.S. Lose Europe to Russia? - New York Times

French Protests Ease, but Refineries Are Still Affected - New York Times

Turkey Steps Out - New York Times opinion

Middle East

Israeli Reporter Faces Questions for Whistleblowing on 'Targeted Killing' - VOA

Photos Show Israel Soldiers' Alleged Misconduct - Voice of America

Palestinians, Jews Race to Plant West Bank - Associated Press

Yemen Recruits Tribesmen to Hunt al Qaeda - Associated Press

The Starfish Irregular Warfare Education and Training Portal

Mon, 10/25/2010 - 7:21am
I'd like to share a site I've been poking around lately (and adding material to its library) with SWJ readership -- as well as encourage our community of interest and practice to help grow this relatively new joint initiative.

The Starfish Irregular Warfare Education and Training portal is a globally accessible, web-based community of interest maintained by U.S. Joint Forces Command. It was founded on principles followed by other successful COIs such as Intellipedia. Small Wars Journal / Council was also used as a model and provided advice.

Getting started is a two step process -- registration at ("Request Membership" or sign in if already a member) and then registration (via Joint Knowledge Online) at the Starfish Irregular Warfare Education and Training portal. The second step is not instantaneous as it requires approval from the site's administrator -- in my case (requested during normal working hours) it took less than a couple of hours before my approval e-mail with password was received.

Information from the Starfish factsheet follows:

Starfish seeks to create a collaborative and leaderless education and training platform that fosters cross-community sharing of IW best practices, lessons learned, research, lesson plans and curricula. Starfish encourages active participation from multinational partners, the interagency community and academia, realizing that it, like many other successful web-based COIs, will require the cooperation from professional military education institutions, the combatant commands, the services and individual warfighters with past and recent IW experience.

Three active worksites reside within the Starfish portal:

Education worksite: A collaborative forum for developing IW learning and for challenging doctrine, best ideas and processes from inside and outside the Department of Defense establishment.

Training worksite: A collaborative forum for IW training development to support operations and programmatic training initiatives.

Irregular Warfare Training Community of Interest (IW TCOI) worksite: An organizational point for the IW TCOI's monthly meetings, which provide a venue for collaboration and coordination among the training community on relevant IW training related issues pertaining to the execution of current and future military operations.

Current technical capabilities include: Document libraries, internal resource library, discussion forums, blog, teleconferencing and chat, and key links.

25 October SWJ Roundup

Mon, 10/25/2010 - 6:45am

Afghan President Stands By Private Security Ban - Voice of America

Karzai Seeks List of Aid Projects Needing Security - Associated Press

Afghan President Says "Firm" on Private Security Ban - Reuters

Taliban Fighters May be Granted Amnesty - The Australian

U.N. Will Help, But Not Discuss, Afghan Peace Talks - Reuters

Iran Is Said to Give Top Aide to Karzai Cash by the Bagful - New York Times

Karzai 'Slush Fund Comes from Iran' - The Australian

Karzai Confirms Cash Payments from Iran - BBC News

In Afghanistan's Northwest, Insurgency Remains in Control - Washington Post

Afghan Taliban Commander Feels NATO's Heat - Los Angeles Times

U.N. Compound Attacked in Afghanistan - New York Times

Taliban Attacks U.N. Compound in Western Afghanistan - Washington Post

Suicide Attack Targets U.N. Compound in Herat - Los Angeles Times

Afghan Rebels Die in Attack on U.N. - BBC News

Suicide Attackers Assault U.N. Office in Afghanistan - Associated Press

No U.N. Staff Hurt in Afghan Suicide Attack - Voice of America

U.S. Military Treats Many Soldiers' Wounds 'in Theater' - Los Angeles Times

Times Photographer Wounded by an Afghan Mine - New York Times

Afghan Official: Many Killed in NATO Airstrike - Associated Press

8 Enemy Deaths, 46 Shootings: War by the Numbers - Associated Press

Foreign Troop Deaths In Afghanistan Near 600 For 2010 - Reuters

NATO: Service Member Killed in Eastern Afghanistan - Associated Press

NATO: Afghanistan Bomb Attack Kills Service Member - Associated Press

What About Afghan Women? - New York Times opinion


Pakistani Security Officials Seek Larger Role - Washington Post

Pakistan Resists U.S. Push to Expand Terror Fight - Associated Press

Deadly Blast Hits Shrine in Pakistan - Reuters

Bomb Kills 5 People at Sufi Shrine in Pakistan - Associated Press


Iraq's Supreme Court Orders Parliament Back Into Session After 4 Months - VOA

Iraq's High Court Orders Parliament Back to Work - New York Times

Iraq's Supreme Court Orders Parliament Members to Meet - Washington Post

Iraq's High Court Orders Parliament to Get Back to Work - Los Angeles Times

Iraq Parliament Ordered to Meet - BBC News

Iraqi Court Orders Parliament Back to Work - Associated Press

Iraqi PM Criticises Timing of Wikileaks Disclosure - BBC News

Iraq's Sunni-Backed Political Bloc Rejects Gas Auction - Reuters

U.S. Soldiers In Iraq Restless In Advisory Role - Reuters

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Growing in Iraqi Forces - New York Times

Iraq in 2025 - Washington Post opinion


WikiLeaks Papers Back Bush Claims of Iran Role in Iraq War - Washington Times

Iran Sidesteps Trade Sanctions with Help from Chinese Firms - Los Angeles Times

Skirting Sanctions, Iran Attempts to Set Up Banks Worldwide - Washington Post

Hawkish Israeli Minister Drafts Nuclear Iran Plan - Reuters

Iran Restricts Social Sciences Seen as 'Western' - Associated Press

Iran Says Some Academic Courses Too "Western" - Reuters


Eastern Islam and the 'Clash of Civilizations' - Los Angeles Times opinion

Al Qaeda

American al-Qaida Spokesman Urges Attacks in U.S. - Associated Press


Secret War at the Heart of Wikileaks - The Independent

WikiLeaks Boss Walks Out on CNN Interview - Daily Mail

U.S. Department of Defense

Air Force Manual Describes Shadowy Cyberwar World - Associated Press

Top US Military Official Tweets Condemnation of WikiLeaks - Voice of America

The ROTC Myth - New York Times opinion

United States

Canadian At Guantanamo to Announce Plea Decision - Reuters

Canadian at Gitmo Faces Trial or Possible Plea - Associated Press

Detainees: An Indefensible Defense - New York Times editorial

United Kingdom

British Deputy PM: Investigate Iraq Abuse Claims - Voice of America

British Deputy PM: Investigate Iraq Leak Claims - Associated Press

United Nations

Call for Study of Ethics, Legality of Unmanned Weapons - Washington Post


IMF Gains Sway, but Its Authority Is Uncertain - New York Times

Time to Reboot our Push for Global Internet Freedom - Washington Post opinion


More U.S. Diplomats Heading to Sudan Before Critical Vote - Washington Post

U.S. Senator: Sudan Committed to Jan. 9 Referendum - Associated Press

Sudan 'Committed to Referendum' - BBC News

Darfur's JEM Rebels Open to Discussions In Qatar - Reuters

Southern Sudan Holds Anthem Competition - Associated Press

Dispute Delays Approval of New Somali PM - Voice of America

Somali Pirates Seize Tanker With 17 Crew - Voice of America

Somali Pirates Hijack Two Ships Over Weekend - Reuters

Pirates Seize 2 Ships Off Kenya - Associated Press

Nigeria: Sect Members Attack Police Station - Associated Press

Niger PM: Hostages Held by Al-Qaida Are Alive - Associated Press

U.N. to Start Benin Floods Airlift - BBC News

Aid Report Cites Abuses as Angola Deports Congolese - Reuters

U.N. to Start Benin Floods Airlift - BBC News

Americas and Caribbean

13 Are Killed as Gunmen Storm House in Mexico - New York Times

13 Killed in Violence at Party in Mexico - Washington Post

13 People Shot Dead at Ciudad Juarez Party - Los Angeles Times

Mexico: 13 Dead in Massacre at Ciudad Juarez Party - Associated Press

Mexico: Death Toll in Juárez Attack Rises to 14 - New York Times

Ciudad Juarez Cries for its Slain Youths - Los Angeles Times

Mexicans Mourn Slain Party-Goers In Drug War City - Reuters

Gunbattle in Northern Mexico Kills 3 Bystanders - Associated Press

Leftist Indian Leader Killed in Southern Mexico - Associated Press

More Deaths Reported in Haiti's Cholera Epidemic - Voice of America

Cholera Outbreak Threatens Haiti's Capital - Washington Post

Cholera Death Toll Jumps in Haiti - BBC News

In Haiti, Capital Braces for a Cholera Outbreak - New York Times

In Haiti, Cholera Could Heighten Earthquake Misery - Associated Press

Wife of American Held in Cuba Pleads for His Release - New York Times

Asia Pacific

Geithner, Wang Discuss U.S.-China Economic Ties - Voice of America

Security Tightened at Schools in Western China - Associated Press

Anti-Japan Protests Spread in Chinese Cities - Associated Press

Will China Keep Rising or Succumb to Paranoia? - Washington Post opinion

Japan Protests Over Chinese Boats - BBC News

S. Korea to Send 1st Food Aid to N. Korea in 3 Years - Associated Press

In the Philippines, Politics as Bloodsport - Washington Post

Philippines Militiaman Kills 6 Colleagues - Associated Press

Central Asia

Bethesda-based Development Firm Gets Kyrgyzstan Contract - Washington Post

Hundreds Rally in Kyrgyzstan Against Security Boss - Associated Press


Defense Cuts Requested in Germany - New York Times

France's Sarkozy Approval at Record Low - Associated Press

Serbia: How Has Mladic Managed to Evade Capture? - New York Times

E.U. Teams to Patrol Greek Border Amid Migrant Surge - BBC News

Russia Plans to Build Up Black Sea Fleet - Reuters

Middle East

Israel Warns Palestinians Against Unilateral Steps for Statehood - VOA

Israel Tells Palestinians Talks Only Option - Associated Press

Insisting on Israel as Jewish State - New York Times

Saudi Payout Eases Palestinian Funding Crisis - Reuters

Settlers Confirm Work Has Begun on Up to 600 Homes - Associated Press

Israel Army Chief Defends Flotilla Raid at Inquiry - Associated Press

Israelis Fired 308 Bullets Aboard Gaza Ship - Reuters

Pope Ends Synod on Middle East with Strong Call for Peace - Voice of America

Pope in New Mid-East Peace Call - BBC News

Shi'ites Advance in Bahrain Elections - Voice of America

Bahrain's Shiite Majority Makes Gains in Elections - Los Angeles Times

Bahrain's Shiite Opposition Gains, but Still in Minority - Washington Times

Shia Hold Ground in Bahrain Polls - BBC News

Bahrain Shiites Retain Chamber Seats After Vote - Associated Press

Shi'ite Group Wins 18 Seats In Bahrain Polls - Reuters

Yemen Estimates 400 Al-Qaida Militants in Country - Associated Press

Yemen In Al Qaeda Manhunt as U.S. Preacher Appears In Tape - Reuters

24 October SWJ Roundup

Sun, 10/24/2010 - 7:59am

Iran Is Said to Give Top Aide to Karzai Cash by the Bagful - New York Times

In Afghanistan's Northwest, Insurgency Remains in Control - Washington Post

Afghan Taliban Commander Feels NATO's Heat - Los Angeles Times

U.N. Compound Attacked in Afghanistan - New York Times

Taliban Attacks U.N. Compound in Western Afghanistan - Washington Post

Suicide Attack Targets U.N. Compound in Herat - Los Angeles Times

Afghan Rebels Die in Attack on U.N. - BBC News

Suicide Attackers Assault U.N. Office in Afghanistan - Associated Press

No U.N. Staff Hurt in Afghan Suicide Attack - Voice of America

U.S. Military Treats Many Soldiers' Wounds 'in Theater' - Los Angeles Times

NATO: Afghanistan Bomb Attack Kills Service Member - Associated Press

Times Photographer Wounded by an Afghan Mine - New York Times

What About Afghan Women? - New York Times opinion


Iraqi Court Forces Parliament Back to Work - Associated Press

Iraq in 2025 - Washington Post opinion


Use of Contractors Added to War's Chaos in Iraq - New York Times

Iraq WikiLeaks Release Offers New Casualty Details - Associated Press

Tensions High Along Kurdish-Arab Line - New York Times

Leaked Documents Recount Tales Known by Every Iraqi - Agence France-Presse

Leaked Reports Stir Political Disputes in Iraq - New York Times

Iraq Prime Minister Calls Report Political - Wall Street Journal

Iraqi PM Says Politics Behind Latest WikiLeaks Relase - Voice of America

Maliki: Opponents Will Use U.S. Leaks Against Him - Washington Post

Wikileaks' Timing Angers Iraqi PM - BBC News

WikiLeaks Documents Give Iraqis Fuller Picture of War - Los Angeles Times

WikiLeaks Continues to Face Challenges - Washington Post

WikiLeaks Defends Release of US Iraqi War Document - Voice of America

Wikileaks Defends Its Release of Iraq War Documents - Time

WikiLeaks Defends Release of Classified Documents - Christian Science Monitor

Mix of Trust and Despair Helped Turn Tide in Iraq - New York Times

WikiLeaks Founder Gets Support in Rebuking U.S. - New York Times

WikiLeaks Founder on the Run, Trailed by Notoriety - New York Times

Ministry of Defence Criticises Wikileaks Iraq Release - BBC News


Skirting Sanctions, Iran Attempts to Set Up Banks Worldwide - Washington Post

Iranian Authorities Cut Off Hand of Thief - Associated Press


Eastern Islam and the 'Clash of Civilizations' - Los Angeles Times opinion

Al Qaeda

American al-Qaida Spokesman Urges Attacks in U.S. - Associated Press

United States

Guantanamo Terrorism Suspect May Get Plea Deal - Los Angeles Times

United Kingdom

What America Might Learn from British Austerity Model - Washington Post opinion

United Nations

Call for Study of Ethics, Legality of Unmanned Weapons - Washington Post


More U.S. Diplomats Heading to Sudan Before Critical Vote - Washington Post

Darfur's JEM Rebels Open to Discussions In Qatar - Reuters

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Cholera 'Found in Haiti Capital' - BBC News

Haiti Cholera Toll Tops 200, Five Cases In Capital - Reuters

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China Breaks Up Anti-Japan Protests - Reuters


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WikiLeaks, Again (Updated)

Sun, 10/24/2010 - 6:45am
News Links Below (Updated)

Press Secretary Calls WikiLeaks Release Shameful

By Cheryl Pellerin

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Oct. 22, 2010 -- WikiLeaks full public release on its website of 400,000 classified military documents from Iraq war operations is shameful, the Pentagon press secretary said tonight.

"This is an extraordinary disservice to America's men and women in uniform," Geoff Morrell said.

More than 150,000 forces in Iraq and Afghanistan are already in considerable danger, he said. "That danger is now exponentially multiplied as a result of this leak because it gives our enemies the wherewithal to look for vulnerabilities in how we operate and to exploit those opportunities and potentially kill our forces. That is just shameful."

The department does not yet know in detail what Wikileaks has published, but officials say they expect the same sort of documents the organization put on the Internet in July about the conflict in Afghan. WikiLeaks posted 77,000 documents from the Afghan database online in that breach of national security.

"This document leak is four times as large as the Afghan document leak," Morrell said. "It gives our enemies that much more to mine, and it puts our forces that much more in danger, so we condemn it, we deplore it."

Based on information contained in the newly released Iraq documents, some news outlets are already reporting on alleged abuse and civilian deaths.

"It has been a driving force for us, a guiding principle for us over the last seven years of this conflict to do everything in our power -- perhaps more than any other military in the history of the world has ever done -- to minimize civilian casualties," Morrell said.

"We have not always been perfect but we have been far better than anyone else has in the history of warfare," he added, "and we continue to do everything in our power to prevent innocent civilians from being killed in the war zones."

A DOD task force has been combing through the Iraq data base to assess the damage that the WikiLeaks publication of the activity reports could pose to the U.S. military, Iraqi allies and on-going operations.

"Potentially what one could mine from a huge data base like this are vulnerabilities in terms of how we operate, our tactics, our techniques, our procedures, the capabilities of our equipment, how we respond in combat situations, response times -- indeed how we cultivate sources," Morrell said. "All of that, [given the] thinking and adaptive enemy we've been facing in Iraq and Afghanistan, can be used against us."

U.S. intelligence reports and Taliban public statements indicate that enemy forces have been mining the released Afghan data base for operational vulnerabilities, Morrell said.

"We fear that this indeed can further endanger and get our troops killed," he said.

"We are extraordinarily disappointed that [WikiLeaks is] making the same mistake twice," Morrell said, "that they are leaking classified information -- in fact that they induce people to break the law to leak classified information and then share that information with the world, including our enemies."

News Links

WikiLeaks Releases 400,000 Classified U.S. Military Files - Voice of America

The Iraq Documents - New York Times

The Iraq War Logs - The Guardian

The Iraq War Logs - Der Spiegel

WikiLeaks Discloses Reports From Iraq - Wall Street Journal

Wikileaks Posts Thousands of Classified U.S. Documents - Los Angeles Times

Website Claims 15,000 Unreported Iraq War Deaths - Wall Street Journal

A Grim Portrait of Civilian Deaths in Iraq - New York Times

WikiLeaks Reveals War 'Bloodbath' - Sydney Morning Herald

Leaked Reports Detail Iran's Aid for Iraqi Militias - New York Times

Iran Accused of Plotting Attack on Green Zone - The Guardian

Iran Waging Shadow War with Coalition Troops in Iraq - The Australian

Five Bombshells from WikiLeaks' Iraq War Logs - Christian Science Monitor

Detainees Fared Worse in Iraqi Hands, Logs Say - New York Times

Iraq War Leaks: U.S. Didn't Probe Abuse Allegations - Washington Post

Wikileaks: U.S. Ignored Iraq Torture Allegations - Daily Telegraph

Iraq War Documents: No U.S. Investigation of Many Abuses - Los Angeles Times

U.S. Forces 'Ignored Iraq Torture' - BBC News

Iraq War Leaks: No U.S. Investigation of Many Abuses - Associated Press

WikiLeaks Show U.S. Failed to Probe Iraqi Abuse Cases - Reuters

Iraq War Logs Disclosure Condemned by NATO and Pentagon - The Guardian

Ministry of Defence Criticises Wikileaks Iraq Release - BBC News

Opinion Mixed on Significance of WikiLeaks' Latest Revelations - Globe and Mail

WikiLeaks Continues to Face Challenges - Washington Post

Iraqi PM Says Politics Behind Latest WikiLeaks Relase - Voice of America

Maliki: Opponents Will Use U.S. Leaks Against Him - Washington Post

Iraq Prime Minister Calls Report Political - Wall Street Journal

Leaked Reports Stir Political Disputes in Iraq - New York Times

Wikileaks' Timing Angers Iraqi PM - BBC News

Tensions Still High Along Kurdish-Arab Line - New York Times

WikiLeaks Documents Give Iraqis Fuller Picture of War - Los Angeles Times

WikiLeaks Defends Release Of U.S. Iraqi War Documents - Voice of America

WikiLeaks Defends Release of Classified Documents - Christian Science Monitor

Wikileaks Defends Its Release of Iraq War Documents - Time

Pentagon: No Surprises Seen In WikiLeaks Iraq War Data - Reuters

WikiLeaks Documents Open To Interpretation - NPR

Mix of Trust and Despair Helped Turn Tide in Iraq - New York Times

Iraq WikiLeaks Release Offers New Casualty Details - Associated Press

Leaked Documents Recount Tales Known by Every Iraqi - Agence France-Presse

Use of Contractors Added to War's Chaos in Iraq - New York Times

British Legal Threat as U.N. Calls on Obama to Look at Claims - The Guardian

WikiLeaks Founder Gets Support in Rebuking U.S. - New York Times

WikiLeaks Founder on the Run, Trailed by Notoriety - New York Times