Small Wars Journal

14 October SWJ Roundup

Thu, 10/14/2010 - 6:45am

Petraeus Cites 'Hard-Won' Progress in Afghanistan - AFPS

Cautiously Optimistic Petraeus Briefs NATO on Afghan War - Associated Press

NATO Helping Afghan-Taliban Talks, Official Says - New York Times

NATO Forces Facilitate Taliban, Government Talks - Washington Post

Official: NATO Helping Taliban Contact Afghan Government - Voice of America

NATO Aids Taliban Contacts With Afghans - Associated Press

NATO Facilitating Taliban Contacts With Afghan Government - Reuters

NATO Official Discusses Way Ahead in Afghanistan - AFPS

NATO Asks Karzai to Allow Private Security for Aid Programs - Washington Post

French General Mixes Formula for a Bit of Afghan Calm - New York Times

6 NATO Troops Slain in Afghanistan - Los Angeles Times

NATO: 3 More Troops Killed in Afghan Bomb Blast - Associated Press

Bomb Kills 3 Foreign Troops In West Afghanistan - Reuters

Coalition Forces Obtain More Contraband Munitions - AFPS

Stryker Brigade Strategy: Strike, Destroy - Washington Post


Pakistan Supreme Court Postpones Corruption Hearing - Washington Post

Kidnap Surge in Pakistan Province - BBC News


Dutch Court to Free Iraq Insurgent - Washington Post


Ahmadinejad Addresses Hezbollah Rally in Lebanon - Voice of America

Lebanon Crowds Greet Ahmadinejad - New York Times

Ahmadinejad Draws Large Crowds, Wary Officials in Lebanon - Los Angeles Times

Iran Says to Stand By Lebanon Against Israeli Hostility - Reuters

Ahmadinejad Heads to Israel Border - BBC News

Ahmadinejad Heads to Border With Israel - Associated Press

Hidden Agenda in Iranian's Lebanon Trip? - Washington Times

18 Iran Guards Killed by Blast at Their Base - New York Times

Al Qaeda

In Online Journal, al Qaeda Pushes 'Lone-wolf' Attacks - Washington Times

Praise Allah and Pass the Ammunition - Washington Times opinion


Gates, NATO Defense Ministers Discuss New Strategic Concept - AFPS

NATO Ministers Meet to Mull New Strategy - Associated Press

NATO Official Discusses Way Ahead in Afghanistan - AFPS

NATO Seeks More Nimble Ways to Meet Challenges - AFPS

U.S. Department of Defense

Witnesses Recount Horror at Ft. Hood - New York Times

Witnesses Describe Chaotic Scene of Fort Hood - Washington Post

DOD, DHS Join Forces to Promote Cybersecurity - AFPS

Service Leaders Discuss Way Forward on Energy - AFPS

Administration Expected to Appeal 'Don't Ask' Ruling - Washington Post

Unexpected Turns for Suit Over 'Don't Ask' Rule - New York Times

Gates Reaffirms Position on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' - AFPS

Gates: Abrupt End to 'DADT' Would Have Consequences - Washington Post

Military Gay Ban Best Left to Congress, Gates Says - Washington Times

Dithering on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' - New York Times editorial


Would-Be 'Canadian Idol' on Bail in Terrorism Case - Associated Press


U.N. Could Police Parts Of North-South Sudan Border - Reuters

U.N. Wants Security Sector Reform Before Liberian Elections - Voice of America

Guinea Moves to Appoint Interim Election Chief Days Before Scheduled Poll - VOA

U.N. Piracy Chief: More Countries Should Help Kenya Try Pirates - VOA

Nigerian Military Deploys to Northern City - Associated Press

Somali Pirates Release Minister - BBC News

Americas and Caribbean

Misión Cumplida: All 33 Miners Pulled to Safety - Washington Post

Chile Rejoices as Capsule Brings Miners to Freedom - New York Times

Chile Celebrates Rescue of 33 Trapped Miners - Los Angeles Times

Jubilation as Chile Rescue Ends - BBC News

U.S. Dug In to Rescue Chilean Miners - Washington Times

Emerging From Shaft, a Pageant of Spirit - New York Times

Mexican Investigator of American's Killing Is Beheaded - New York Times

Beheadings, Hangings Plague Tijuana Amid Festival - Associated Press

Mexican Drug Gangs Expand Into Illegal Mining - Reuters

Ecuador Police Face Sanctions Over Deadly Revolt - Associated Press

Peru Arrests Shining Path Leader, Two Killed - Reuters

Jamaica Court OKs Murder Appeal by Gang Leader - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

Retired Chinese Officials Urge Government to Respect Free Speech - VOA

Former Chinese Officials Demand Media Freedom - New York Times

Big Names on Letter Calling for China to End Censorship - Los Angeles Times

In China, Silence Greets Talk of Reform - Washington Post

Japan PM: Desirable For China to Free Nobel Winner - Reuters

S. Korea Kicks Off Naval Maneuvers With U.S., Japan - Associated Press

North Korea's Kim Jong Eun Already Getting Bad Press - Los Angeles Times

Centeral Asia

Democracy in Central Asia - Washington Post editorial


Clinton Visits Kosovo After Appeal to Serbia - Voice of America

Clinton Reaches Out to the Serbian Minority in Kosovo - New York Times

Hillary Clinton Urges Kosovo-Serbia Talks - Washington Post

Clinton Pays Visit to Support Kosovo - Washington Times

Anti-Foreigner Attitudes Surge in Germany - New York Times

Greece: Riot Police, Protesters Clash at Acropolis - Associated Press

Middle East

Palestinians Counter Israeli Offer on Settlements - Washington Post

Israeli FM's Brusque Talk Exposes Rivalry With Netanyahu - New York Times

Jerusalem Mayor Pushes for Rezoning of Arab Areas - Associated Press

Ahmadinejad Addresses Hezbollah Rally in Lebanon - Voice of America

Lebanon Crowds Greet Ahmadinejad - New York Times

Ahmadinejad Draws Large Crowds, Wary Officials in Lebanon - Los Angeles Times

Iran Says to Stand By Lebanon Against Israeli Hostility - Reuters

Ahmadinejad Heads to Israel Border - BBC News

Ahmadinejad Heads to Border With Israel - Associated Press

Hidden Agenda in Iranian's Lebanon Trip? - Washington Times

Egypt Takes New Steps to Control Media Before Vote - Associated Press

Searching for Crumbs in Syria's Breadbasket - New York Times

An End to Israel's Invisibility - New York Times opinion

South Asia

Political Uncertainty Intensifies in Nepal - Voice of America

Prepare for major war or stability ops? The Navy faces the same question

Wed, 10/13/2010 - 7:58pm
Debates over how to prepare for both major combat operations and stabilizations missions are not just for the Army. The Navy also faces the same questions, but with even more severe troubles with its future acquisition budgets, its contractors, a rapidly rising Chinese peer competitor, and expectations policymakers have for the Navy. A recent analysis showed that a muddling-through strategy that attempted to retain the Navy's capacity for full spectrum operations would result in a second-rate Navy that would no longer be a global player. The report concluded that the Navy will have to either give up some missions or its presence in some regions.

The latest issue of Proceedings summarizes the controversial analysis produced by the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) for the Admiral Gary Roughead, the Chief of Naval Operations. The problem is the gap between the Navy's annual shipbuilding budget and what it costs the Navy's contractors to deliver the ships the Navy orders. In recent years, the Navy's shipbuilding budget has averaged about $13 billion per year. However, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the Navy's shipbuilding plan, which hopes to increase the Navy from about 285 to 313 ships, will cost $19-21 billion per year. Ship retirements are outrunning new additions, causing the fleet to shrink by 20% over the past decade. The CNA analysis predicts a further 20% decline in ship numbers over the next 10-15 years under these conditions.

While the Navy has struggled with its shipbuilding budget, it has increased the tempo of its "stability operations" such as counter-piracy patrols, counter-drug patrols, humanitarian assistance, and cooperative engagement operations with foreign partners around the world. These operations have been a method of coping with declining U.S. ship numbers by attempting to create a "1,000 ship navy" composed of partner navies that have experience operating with the U.S. Navy.

The CNA report (also summarized in the Proceedings article) discusses five future paths for the Navy as it faces a constrained budget and shrinking numbers:

1. 2-Hub Navy: The Navy focuses on high-end combat capability emphasizing forward presence, deterrence, sea control, and power projection in the Western Pacific and Persian Gulf. The Navy would sharply reduce its cooperative engagement operations with foreign partners and other "stability" missions.

2. 1+ Hub Navy: High-end combat capability in the Western Pacific plus low-end stability and cooperative engagement operations in the Persian Gulf/Indian Ocean area.

3. Shaping Navy: Focus on global stability operations and cooperative engagement with sharply reduced high-end combat capability.

4. Surge Navy: A powerful high-end Navy that could defeat any adversary but would operate close to home. Such a Navy would support an "offshore balancing" foreign policy and would end the Navy's global forward presence.

The worst choice of all according to CNA would be a Navy that attempts to retain "full spectrum" capability. Without making hard choices about missions and geography, such a Navy would eventually be unable to accomplish any of its missions or maintain a credible global presence.

Just like the Army, the Navy faces the same tradeoffs preparing for both high-end and stability operations. In the Navy's case, the full spectrum of demands on it are current, not hypothetical. Much of world has become accustomed to the Navy patrolling the maritime commons while also backstopping security alliances, especially in the Pacific. And in a decade or so the Navy will face at least one high-end peer competitor. But the Navy is also called on to do its part to address various sources of instability, from Latin American to all sides of Africa. According to CNA, there is a big gap between what policymakers want the Navy to do and what muddling through will bring.

Travels with Nick 2010 #3: Civil-Military Marriage Counseling

Wed, 10/13/2010 - 8:47am
Kandahar Air Field is a sprawling air base in the desert north of Kandahar City. It has a dusty acrid industrial feel. The international influence is everywhere. Tommy Horton's (the British equal of Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks) is the best place for coffee and pastry. And why so many hockey rinks? Oh right. Canadians.

My visit to Kandahar is leg one of a two part trip that will also include RC (SW) and Helmand. The purpose of this southern swing is to see how civ-mil relations are up and down the chain of command... From Kabul/ISAF/IJC to the Regional Commands to the Task Forces to the PRTs and DSTs. Effective civ-mil coordination is a key part of the work we do and a critical tenant of COIN. As part of the civilian uplift, State and AID had now sought to parallel the military structure with civilian counterparts at the Regional Command, Task Force, and Battalion level. Was it working?

My going in position was that Regional Command (South) at Kandahar Air Field would likely be a model of success because of my familiarity with and respect for the Regional Platform leadership -- Senior Civilian Rep Henry Ensher, CoS Rob Tillery, and USAID Development Advisor Tom Baltazar. This is an all-star team of experienced Afghanistan and civil-miltary coordination talent. I expected the rest of RC (S) to be jumping on Oprah's couch proclaiming their love for their regional platform and the new alignment of civilian and military structures.

Alas, things are never quite so simple. Complication #1: RC (S) is a NATO HQ, not a US HQ. ISAF RC (S) Commander, MG Carter (a Brit) no doubt appreciates the US regional platform but that is not his chain of command. And his existing stability operations section has been working these issues since the infant days of the platform. Complication #2: the role of the regional platform as a regional coordinator of multiple provinces doesn't work because so much of the RC (S) focus is on Kandahar — the mandate of the PRT. This is bound to lead to some tugs between the platform and the PRT. And if that were not enough, Complication #3 is that the civilian staffs themselves are not really integrated. USAID and its implementing partners may listen to their State colleagues but they ultimately still have authority over their own programs.

Not that there are major issues here — by all accounts folks are working together in constructive and practical ways. But the staffs have clear differences and are not integrated. This is may improve when 10th Mountain gets settled in. The 10th Mountain CO MG Terry is fully switched on to importance of civ-mil integration. My suggestion to all involved is to integrate the platform and stability operations staffs into one relatively seamless unit and for 10th Mountain to fully embrace the SCR as the political and economic lead on the team.

The situation at RC (SW), in Helmand province is perhaps even more complex. Here again, the Regional Command had an overwhelming interest in just one province -- Helmand. The Helmand PRT, under British leadership, was well staffed and independent. Furthermore, under agreements made in Kabul, the Helmand PRT Team Leader is also the ISAF Senior Civilian Representative — bypasing the US chain of command. This has led to considerable tension between the US contingent at Camp Leatherneck and the heavily civilian British led PRT in Lashkar Gah. The good news is that the new leadership at both the Regional Platform and the PRT are working closely to improve relations and collaboration.

Leatherneck also had three different organizations competing for leadership of civil issues — the still forming Regional Platform, the RC (S)/I MEF C-9, and the 1st Marine Division CMO. The professionals in all these organizations are working hard to make this work but it is just that... Work. Plus there is a missed opportunity here to integrate and streamline these staffs under the SCR, reduce coordination friction, and push more CMO resources out into the field.

Closing point on the civ-mil issues. A common civ-mil refrain we have heard is the effective cooperation is "personality dependent." We heard this at every level of command, including in the assessment of how each DST was performing. Personalities that succeed tend to be those that think more about the team and less about turf, more about consensus and less about being right, more about demonstrating value to their counterpart rather than judging the value of their counterpart. However, I would argue that "personality dependent" is also a sign that there may be some room for organizational improvement.

If an organization has a clear mission, clear lanes and lines of authority, and most importantly the right standard operating procedures for decision-making and action, personality matters a lot less. A flight crew of a 747 can usually taxi, take off, fly, navigate, approach, land, and taxi from one crowded airspace to another without either crashing or having a fight among the crew. Success here is not usually personality dependent! Why is that? Neurosurgery is pretty complicated business involving a team of different specialists and nurses yet we don't think of success as personality dependent. The same is true for a ballet, or a battalion staff. Organizations with clear processes and procedures for decisions and action, and experience/training in exercising those decisions and actions, will function with much less dependence on personality. What this means is it is important for civilian and military leaders in Kabul and at the platforms to more carefully define lanes and procedures for joint planning and decision-making, and then to push those staff processes hard in the pre-deployment training. This will do more than simply preaching peace, love and understanding — though the right attitude certainly helps as well.

SWJ Editors' Note: Nick Dowling is a small wars policy wonk with experience in OSD, the NSC Staff, NDU, and the contracting sector. He has worked on stability operations for 16 years, most prominently on Bosnia and Kosovo as a Clinton Administration appointee and Iraq and Afghanistan as a DoD contractor. He is currently President of IDS International, a leader in interagency and "soft power" types of support to the US military. He is a graduate of Harvard, got his masters at Georgetown, and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Female Lieutenants Join Afghan Air Force

Wed, 10/13/2010 - 8:09am
Via e-mail from NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan:

Five recent graduates from the first Afghan National Army female officer candidate school reported to the Afghan Air Force for further training Oct. 12.

The female lieutenants reported to the AAF School Pohantoon-e-Hawayee and the Thunder Lab, an English immersion center.

The English language immersion program is designed to prepare the "future eagles" of the AAF awaiting pilot training. The program includes a total immersion program in English, along with aviation and professional skills.

While at the Thunder Lab, the female and male lieutenants will compete on equal terms. Additionally, the male and female officers will train shoulder-to-shoulder with their advisors, but will have segregated living quarters.

"They were all extremely professional, motivated and their English is fantastic. My sense is that these women will serve as an inspiration for other potential female officers, as well as keep the male lieutenants at the top of their game," said U.S. Lt. Col. John Howard, lead advisor for the Thunder Lab.

A typical day for the new lieutenants at the Thunder Lab begins early with physical fitness at 5:15 a.m. After breakfast, students receive three hours of English training or Air Force training. The afternoon is filled with aviation English instruction, followed by military and professional training with an American mentor for two hours. Following prayer and dinner, there is time for the simulator, study, and an evening movie.

"I am excited to be here. It is my big wish, my big dream to join the air force," said 2nd Lt. Mary. "First, I want to be a good pilot -- after that an engineer."

13 October SWJ Roundup

Wed, 10/13/2010 - 7:13am

Gains in Afghan Training, but Struggles in War - New York Times

Afghanistan Shows Progress on Economic, Governance Fronts - AFPS

NATO: Haqqani Commander Killed in Joint Force Raid - Associated Press

Afghans Turn-in Numerous Weapons, Explosives - AFPS

Afghan Firms "Pay Off Taliban With Foreign Cash" - Reuters

One Dead in Taliban Attack on Afghan NATO Helicopter - BBC News

U.S. General Leads Hostage Death Investigation - AFPS

Australian Army Chief Won't Drop Afghan Charges - Associated Press


Pakistan Says it is Key to Taliban Peace Talks - Associated Press

Emboldened Judiciary Threatens Government Stability - Washington Post

Militants Kill 3 Anti-Taliban Elders in Pakistan - Associated Press

Trickle of Western Jihadists Head to Pakistan - Agence France-Presse

Pakistan Flood Crisis Blamed Partly on Deforestation - Los Angeles Times

Pakistan Flood Damages $9.5 Billion - Reuters


Iraqi PM to Visit Syria as Relations Warm - Voice of America

Iraq Seeks Diplomatic Thaw with Syria - Associated Press


Crowd Greets Iran's Ahmadinejad in Lebanon - Los Angeles Times

Ahmadinejad Boosts Hezbollah With Lebanon Visit - Associated Press

Lebanon Crowds Cheer Ahmadinejad - BBC News

Lebanese Shi'ites Give Ahmadinejad Hero's Welcome - Reuters

Arrests of 2 Germans in Iran Take on Political Overtones - New York Times

5 Arrested in Iran for Spying for 'Enemies' - Associated Press

18 Guard Members Killed in Iran Base Blast Tuesday - Associated Press

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda Affiliate Calls for Strikes in U.S. - Washington Post

Al Qaeda Publishes Second Edition of English Magazine - Associated Press

U.S. Department of Defense

Pentagon, Warfighters Work to Cut Energy Needs - AFPS

2010 Proves Banner Year for Recruiting - American Forces Press Service

Schwartz Discusses Change in the U.S. Air Force - AFPS

Major Nidal Malik Hasan Returned to Fort Hood for Hearing - New York Times

Defense Seeks to Delay Fort Hood Hearing - Associated Press

Judge Orders U.S. Military to Stop 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' - New York Times

Judge Ends Military's 'Don't Ask' Ban on Gays - Washington Post

Judge: Stop 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Immediately - Associated Press

DOD Lawyers Study Judge's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Injunction - AFPS

United States

First Guantanamo Detainee Terror Trial Opens in New York - Voice of America

Trial of Man Once Held at Guantánamo Opens - New York Times

East Africa Bombing Trial Starts - BBC News

U.S. Intelligence Agencies 'Wasted' Billions - Washington Times

United Kingdom

Foreign Secretary Hague in Moscow for Talks - BBC News

U.K.'s Hague Seeks to Improve Relations With Russia - Reuters

U.K. Military Official Warns of Air Vulnerability - Associated Press


Canada Fails In U.N. Security Council Bid - Reuters

Canada Defiant on U.N. Loss, Blames Opposition - Reuters


No Deal in Talks on Sudan's Disputed Abyei Region - Voice of America

Actor George Clooney Briefs Obama on Sudan Trip - Voice of America

Sudan Abyei Shooting a 'Pretext for War' - BBC News

Rwanda, Human Rights Groups Applaud Rebel Leader's Arrest - VOA

Americas and Caribbean

Chilean Rescuers Begin Pulling Out Trapped Miners - Voice of America

Chile Lifts First Trapped Miners to Freedom - Los Angeles Times

One by One, Chilean Miners Rise to Freedom - Washington Post

Miners Hoisted to Freedom in Chile - New York Times

Joy as First Chile Miners Rescued - BBC News

Plan B Turns Out to Be Fastest Path for Rescue - New York Times

Chief Engineer Knew it Would Take a Miracle - Los Angeles Times

Humanity Is Drawn to Scene of Rescue - New York Times

Calderon Tries to Cut Crime In Mexican Drug War City - Reuters

"Zetas" Drug Gang Grows, Sows Fear in Mexico - Reuters

Mexico Captures Man Blamed in Marine Slaying - Associated Press

Jamaica PM: Panel Will Probe Coke Extradition - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

Gates Emphasizes Value of Expanded Regional Dialogue - AFPS

Gates Spotlights Maritime Security in Hanoi Forum - AFPS

U.S. and China Soften Tone Over Disputed Seas - New York Times

China Moves to Ease Conflict Over Territorial Disputes - Los Angeles Times

China Offers Taiwan Military Dialogue, Island Wary - Reuters

Former Communist Officials in China Demand Media Freedom - New York Times

Beijing Calls Nobel Insult To People Of China - New York Times

Experts Meet Ahead of Naval Drills in S. Korea - Associated Press

Indonesia: Left Out in the Cold by Revival of Old Rules - New York Times

Burma's Suu Kyi 'Will Not Vote' - BBC News

Central Asia

Kyrgyz Parties Agree Vote Recount After Protests - Reuters


Germany, Unscathed, Is in Eye of Terrorism Scare - New York Times

France Tries to Strengthen Relations With Turkey - Voice of America

Clinton Urges Serbia to Open Talks with Kosovo - Voice of America

Clinton, Citing Work With Obama, Urges Unity in Bosnia - New York Times

Clinton Praises Serbia's Progress, New Leaders - Washington Post

Hungarian Government Takes Over Toxic Spill Plant - Voice of America

Middle East

Netanyahu Takes Heat for Obama Snub - Washington Times

U.S. Nudges Palestinians to Answer Israeli Proposal - Reuters

In West Bank, Peace Symbol Now Signifies Struggle - New York Times

In West Bank, Olive Groves are Front Line in Land Struggle - Washington Post

Jordan Valley Joins List of Peace Obstacles - Associated Press

Crowd Greets Iran's Ahmadinejad in Lebanon - Los Angeles Times

Ahmadinejad Boosts Hezbollah With Lebanon Visit - Associated Press

Lebanon Crowds Cheer Ahmadinejad - BBC News

Lebanese Shi'ites Give Ahmadinejad Hero's Welcome - Reuters

Al-Qaida in Yemen Leader Threatens to Topple Government - Voice of America

12 October SWJ Roundup

Tue, 10/12/2010 - 8:18am

Payoff Seen in Afghan Surge - Washington Times

Taliban Border Haven in U.S. Sights - Los Angeles Times

U.S. Rescuers May Have Killed Briton Held by Taliban - New York Times

Rescue Attempt May Have Killed British Aid Worker - Washington Post

U.S. Troops May Have Killed Kidnapped British Aid Worker - Los Angeles Times

Afghan President Confirms Contact With Taliban - Voice of America

Petraeus Launches Investigation Into Aid Worker Death - AFPS

Cameron: British Hostage May Have Been Killed by U.S. Grenade - VOA

Tangled Tale Surrounds American Found in Afghanistan - New York Times

Beleaguered Afghan Judges Get New Vehicles From U.S. - Associated Press

Blast Inside NATO Helicopter Kills One In Afghanistan - Reuters

Seeds of Victory - Washington Post opinion


Taliban Border Haven in U.S. Sights - Los Angeles Times

Pakistan Says It Is Key to Taliban Peace Talks - Associated Press


Iraq's Leader Gains Crucial Ally - Washington Post

Getting Away From It All in Iraq - New York Times


Ahmadinejad Visit to Lebanon Brings Fears of Instability - Los Angeles Times

Bahrain Seeks to 'Clarify' Comments on Iran as Threat - Washington Times

Iran's Hardliners Target Moderate Stronghold - Associated Press

Iran Arrests 2 Foreign Reporters - Washington Post

Iran: 2 Foreigners Arrested, Tied to Stoning Case - Associated Press

Iran, the Paper Tiger - New York Times opinion

U.S. Department of Defense

Witnesses to Recall Fort Hood Attack at Hearing - Associated Press

Army Tribunal to Consider Mass Killing At U.S. Base - Reuters

Closing the Case on the Cole - New York Times opinion

Remember the Cole - Los Angeles Times opinion

United States

Intelligence Official Shares his Organizational Vision - Washington Post

Obama: U.S. Trails China, Others on Infrastructure - Voice of America

Holder's Blunder - Washington Post opinion

United Kingdom

Inquest Begins on 2005 London Bombs - New York Times

British Inquest Into 2005 London Attacks Opens - Associated Press

United Nations

Germany, Portugal and Canada in Race for U.N. Seats - Associated Press


Arrest Made for Terror Acts in Congo - New York Times

Rift Endangers Power-Sharing Deal in Zimbabwe - New York Times

Zimbabwe: Mugabe-Appointed Ambassadors Face Diplomatic Problems - VOA

Zimbabwe PM: Don't Recognize Our 6 Ambassadors - Associated Press

Rioters Burn Police Station in Northern Nigeria - Associated Press

Rwandan Rebel Leader Arrested in Paris - Associated Press

Americas and Caribbean

U.N. Says Latin American Democracy Still Vulnerable - Associated Press

8 Police Killed in Ambush in Northern Mexico - Associated Press

Gunmen Ambush Mexican Officers, Killing 8 - Reuters

Tijuana Gains Some Bounce Amid Mexico's Drug War - Associated Press

Chilean Crews Begin Testing Hatch to Rescue Miners - Voice of America

Dramatic Endgame Nears for Trapped Chile Miners - Associated Press

Carnival Air Fills Chilean Camp as Miners' Rescue Nears - New York Times

Mine Rescue Seen as a Chance for a Rebirth - Washington Post

Asia Pacific

U.S. Concerned About Attitude of China's Military - New York Times

Gates Urges Improved Military Ties With China - New York Times

Gates Set to Warm Relations with China - Washington Post

U.S. Defense Chief Meets with Chinese Counterpart - Los Angeles Times

Gates Receives, Accepts Invitation to Visit China - American Forces Press Service

U.S. Defense Secretary Invited to Visit China - Voice of America

China Tries to Calm Nerves Over Asia Sea Activity - Associated Press

U.S. Sees Crisis Fears Easing Over South China Sea - Reuters

Obama Loosens Sanctions on C-130s to China - Washington Times

Chinese Cancel Meeting With Norwegian Minister - New York Times

Norwegian Meeting in China Canceled After Award - Associated Press

China: Nobel Peace Laureate's Wife Prevented From Meeting Reporters - VOA

Bilateral Meetings Mark 'Full Day' for Gates in Hanoi - AFPS

Gates Seeks Expansion of U.S.-Vietnamese Cooperation - AFPS

MIA Issue Aided U.S.-Vietnam Relationship, Gates Says - AFPS

Thai PM Says Burma Rejects Help With Election - Associated Press

Cambodia Denies Thai Assassination Plot Allegation - Associated Press

No Prosecution for Philippine Officials - Associated Press

Philippine Leader Amnesties Coup-Plot Soldiers - Associated Press

Central Asia

Krygyzstan Parties Start Coalition Talks for Parliamentary Democracy - VOA

Kyrgyzstan Votes and Surprises the World - Washington Post

Kyrgyz Democratic Experiment Begins Uncertainly - Associated Press


France Faces Terror Threats at Home and Abroad - New York Times

Russian President Fetes Schwarzenegger in Moscow - Los Angeles Times

Nuclear Ambitions Thriving in Russia - New York Times

Irish Police Find Weapons, Explosives Cache - Associated Press

Communism Left Toxic Legacy in Eastern Europe - Associated Press

Clinton Visits Bosnia, Still Gripped by Ethnic Tension - Washington Post

Clinton In Sarajevo to Push For Bosnian Reforms - Reuters

Middle East

Palestinians Reject Israel's Offer on Settlement Freeze - Voice of America

Israeli PM Offers Conditional Settlements Freeze - Washington Post

Israel Makes Settlement Offer, Palestinians Say No - Reuters

New Initiatives Spark Debate on Netanyahu's Intentions - New York Times

Deputy PM: Israel Officials Doubt Peace Reachable - Associated Press

Groups Plan 2nd Aid Flotilla to Gaza From February - Associated Press

Ahmadinejad Visit to Lebanon Brings Fears of Instability - Los Angeles Times

U.S. Helping Yemen Fight Al Qaeda, Against Talks - Reuters

Al-Qaida in Yemen Threatens to Topple President - Associated Press

Bombs in South Yemen Kill 2 Near Sports Club - Associated Press

11 October SWJ Roundup

Mon, 10/11/2010 - 7:16am

NATO Brass See Signs of Hope in Afghanistan - Globe and Mail

Forces in Afghanistan Kill 2 Senior Taliban - Voice of America

Karzai: 'Unofficial Personal Contacts' Taking Place with Taliban - CNN News

Karzai: Talks With Taliban On for 'Some Time' - Associated Press

Ex-Afghan President to Lead Peace Council - Reuters

Taliban Meetings All Talk, No Action - Washington Times

Karzai, Petraeus Visit South Afghanistan - Voice of America

Female Engagement Teams Make Inroads - Stars and Stripes

British Aid Worker Killed in Rescue - New York Times

British Aid Worker in Killed in NATO Rescue Attempt - Washington Post

British Aid Worker Dies During Rescue Attempt - Los Angeles Times

Roadside Bombs Kill 7, Including 2 NATO Troops - Associated Press

Thousands of Complaints Filed over Afghan Elections - Los Angeles Times

More Than 4,000 Complaints In Afghan Poll - Reuters

White House Report: Hold the Optimism - Washington Post opinion

Is Afghanistan Worth Winning? - Washington Times opinion

Will Afghanistan Embrace Rights? - Washington Post opinion


Allies in War, but the Goals Clash - New York Times

Blunt U.S. Warnings to Pakistan Prompted By Terrorism Fear - Reuters

Pakistan Reopens Afghan Border Crossing to NATO - Voice of America

Pakistan Reopens Pass to NATO Supply Trucks - Washington Post

Pakistan Reopens Border Crossing to NATO Trucks - Los Angeles Times

Pakistan to Open NATO Supply Route - New York Times

Pakistan Opens Border, Letting Supplies Move - Associated Press

Pakistan Reopens Afghan Border For NATO Supplies - Reuters

Pervez Musharraf Vows Return to Pakistan - Voice of America

Suspected U.S. Missile Strikes Kill 8 in Pakistan - Associated Press

The Branding of U.S. Aid - Washington Post opinion


U.S. Presses Iraqi Leaders to Broaden Coalition - New York Times

Sunni-Backed Bloc Bending on Iraqi Premiership - Associated Press

In Iraq, Political Negotiation is a Blood Sport - Los Angeles Times

Iraqi Police Still Struggle with Insecurity as U.S. Departs - McClatchy

In Baghdad, It's Business as Unusual - New York Times

Iraq Broadcasts Confessions By Al Qaeda Insurgents - Reuters

Iraqis Cleared of Murdering U.K. Soldiers - BBC News

Iraqi Court Drops Case in British Soldier Slayings - Associated Press

Court Acquits Iraqis Of Killing Six British Soldiers - Reuters


Iran Says October, November Good Time for Nuclear Talks - Voice of America

Iran May Be Ready For Nuclear Talks By Late October - Reuters

Iran Acknowledges Spies Got Inside Nuclear Program - Los Angeles Times

Iran Says It Halted Western Spying - Associated Press

Iran Rebels Say Kidnap Nuclear Expert - Reuters

Iranian Officials Warn of Unrest Tied to Subsidy Cuts - New York Times

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaida in North Africa Seen as Key Europe Threat - Associated Press

Al-Qaeda's New Strategy - Washington Post opinion

Cyber Warfare

Computer Worm Creates an Opening for Copycats - Washington Times

Nobel Peace Prize

The Nobel's Discouraging Record - Washington Post opinion


NATO Ministers to Review New Mission Statement - Associated Press

U.S. Department of Defense

Hearing Set to Begin into Ft. Hood Shootings - Los Angeles Times

Despite Army Efforts, Soldier Suicides Continue - New York Times

Lessons from the Cole: 'We Have to be Ready All the Time' - Virginian-Pilot

Perfection as Guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns - Fayetteville Observer

United States

Prosecutor Won't Appeal Barring of Witness in Terror Trial - New York Times

Prosecutors in Gitmo Suspect's Terror Trial Won't Appeal - Washington Post

'Green' Red Tape Said to Hinder Border Patrol - Washington Times

Lethal Force Under Law - New York Times editorial

Torture's Consequences - Washington Post editorial

Administration Relies on Diplomacy by Timetable - Washington Post opinion


Afro-Arab Summit Calls for Increased Cooperation Among Members - VOA

Tensions Rise Ahead of Sudan Vote - Wall Street Journal

Sudan 'Fully Committed' to On-Time Referendum - Voice of America

Sudan Says It Is Committed to Independence Vote - Associated Press

Sudan Ex-rebels 'Snub Peace Deal' - BBC News

U.N. Concern Over Sudan Referendum - BBC News

South Sudan President Asks For Peacekeepers - Reuters

Sudan President Warns Of Greater Conflict With South - Reuters

U.S. Aids Police in Sudan for Security - Washington Times

AP Enterprise: Questions Raised on Congo Slaughter - Associated Press

Rift Endangers Power-Sharing Deal in Zimbabwe - New York Times

Suspected Nigeria Sect Gunmen Kill Islamic Scholar - Reuters

New Mandela Book Offers Personal Portrait - Associated Press

Excerpts From Mandela Book - Associated Press

Americas and Caribbean

Mayor-Elect Shot as Hits on Mexico Politicos Climb - Associated Press

Carnival Air Fills Chilean Camp as Miners' Rescue Nears - New York Times

Rescue of Chile's Trapped Miners Draws Nearer - Los Angeles Times

Chilean Miners Closer to Freedom - Washington Post

Drill Reaches Trapped Miners in Chile, but Risks Remain - New York Times

Chile Bolsters Rescue Mine Shaft - BBC News

Chile: Miners' Rescue to Start Wednesday - BBC News

Chile Workers Reinforce Miners' Escape Shaft - Voice of America

Chile Rescuers Prepare Escape Shaft For Miners Exit - Reuters

Trapped Chilean Miners Argue Over Who's Out Last - Associated Press

Ecuador's Leader Confounds Backers and Detractors Alike - New York Times

Poll Gives Rousseff Lead in Brazil President Race - Associated Press

In Rough Slum, Brazil's Police Try Soft Touch - New York Times

Argentina Protests U.K. Falklands Military Exercise - Reuters

Chavez Backs China Over Nobel for Jailed Dissident - Associated Press

Status Change Means Dutch Antilles No Longer Exists - BBC News

Dutch Antilles Dissolves as Two New Countries Created - Reuters

Cuba 'Set to Release Three More Political Prisoners' - BBC News

Cuba to Free 3 Prisoners Not in Church Deal of 52 - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

Gates Arrives in Vietnam for Bilateral Meetings, Conference - AFPS

In Vietnam, Gates to Discuss Maritime Claims of China - New York Times

In Vietnam, Gates Faces Balancing Act With Assertive China - New York Times

Defense Ministers Arrive for Meeting in Vietnam - Associated Press

Gates in Hanoi Notes the Friendly Ties of Old Foes - Associated Press

In Asia, Gates Reassuring Allies Unnerved by China - Associated Press

Shared Concern About China Aligns U.S. and Vietnam - New York Times

Vietnamese Try to Let Loose for Capital's 1,000th Birthday - New York Times

Hanoi Throws Extravagant 1,000th Birthday Bash - Associated Press

Angry China Blocks Noble Peace Prize Celebration - New York Times

Chinese Media Stay Resolutely Silent on Nobel Winner - Los Angeles Times

Rights Group: Wife of Chinese Nobel Winner Detained - Voice of America

Wife Detained After Visiting Nobel Winner - New York Times

China Detains Nobel Peace Prize Winner's Wife - Reuters

China Allows Nobel Peace Prize Laureate to Meet Wife - Los Angeles Times

Wife Allowed to Meet Jailed Chinese Nobel Winner - Associated Press

Chinese Media Stay Resolutely Silent on Nobel Winner - Los Angeles Times

China Media Say Dissident Nobel Shows West's Fear - Reuters

Norway: China Cancels Meeting, Days After Nobel - Associated Press

U.S.-China Deadlock Dims Climate Talk Prospects - New York Times

IMF Doesn't Press China on Currency - New York Times

Currency Rift With China Exposes Shifting Clout - New York Times

Japan And China Defence Chiefs to Meet Monday - Reuters

Japan "Urges China to Set Up Communication System" - Reuters

U.S. Often Weighed North Korea 'Nuke Option' - Associated Press

North Korea Stages Display of Military Might to Mark Key Anniversary - VOA

Kim Jong Il and Likely Heir Appear at Massive Military Parade - Washington Post

North Korean Crowds Greet Father and Son Kims - Los Angeles Times

North Korea: Show of Strength for Kim Jong-un - BBC News

Kim Jong-il's Heir Attends Parade - New York Times

North Koreans Celebrate Newly Anointed Kim Jong Eun - Los Angeles Times

North Korea's Kim and Heir Appear at Lavish Parade - Associated Press

North Korea's Heir Debuts At Giant Military Parade - Reuters

Official Who Left North Korea Is Dead - New York Times

North Korean Defector Found Dead in Seoul - Los Angeles Times

Manila Court Rules Anti-Terror Law Constitutional - Associated Press

Burma Could Free 3,000 Prisoners Before Polls - Reuters

Central Asia

Kyrgyz Tensions Simmer Amid Inquiry Into Unrest - New York Times

Kyrgyzstan Votes for New Parliament - Voice of America

Kyrgyzstan Votes in Historic National Election - Associated Press

After Election, Coalition Seems Likely in Kyrgyz Parliament - New York Times

Landmark Kyrgyz Election Passes Without Violence - Reuters

Nationalists Have Narrow Lead in Tight Kyrgyz Poll - BBC News

Kyrgyz Election Yields Uncertain Result - Associated Press

Five Kyrgyz Parties Pass Election Threshold - Reuters


Al-Qaida in North Africa Seen as Key Europe Threat - Associated Press

Germany Steps Up Terrorism Probes - Wall Street Journal

Germany Seeks Extradition of Islamic Militant - Associated Press

Malta Guards Europe's Gates Against African Immigrants - Los Angeles Times

Spain's Socialists and Unions, Battered, Struggle to Adapt - New York Times

Two Face Court on Irish Terror Charges - BBC News

Europe Seeks to Block Polish Gas Contract - New York Times

Austria: Far-Right Support Surges in Vienna - Associated Press

Far Right Makes Large Gains In Vienna Vote - Reuters

Slovenia's Local Polls Seen as Warning to Government - Reuters

Fears of More Red Sludge in Hungary - New York Times

Hungary Sludge Reservoir at Risk of Collapse - Associated Press

Serb Police Clash With Anti-Gay Rioters - Associated Press

Balkans, Past and Future - New York Times editorial

Middle East

Arab League Offers Reprieve on Mideast Talks - New York Times

Arab League Backs Palestinian Refusal on Talks - Washington Post

Palestinians Give U.S. One Month to Curb Settlements - Reuters

Israel Satisfied with Arab League Decision on Peace Talks - Voice of America

Abbas Seeking Alternatives if Mideast Talks Fail - Associated Press

Palestinian Dream City Hits Snag From Israel - Associated Press

Israeli Cabinet Approves Controversial Citizen Loyalty Oath - Voice of America

Israeli Cabinet Approves Citizenship Amendment - New York Times

Israel's Cabinet Approves Controversial Loyalty Oath - Los Angeles Times

Israeli Bill Requires New Citizens to Pledge Loyalty - Washington Post

Transcripts on '73 War, Now Public, Grip Israel - New York Times

Ahmadinejad Visit to Lebanon a Boost for Hezbollah - Associated Press

Egypt's Opposition Muslim Brotherhood to Run in Parliamentary Election - VOA

Egypt Islamist Group Vies for 30 Pct of Parliament - Associated Press

Banned Egypt Party to Run in Poll - BBC News

Afro-Arab Summit Calls for Increased Cooperation Among Members - VOA

Middle East Catholic Bishops Open Rome Meeting - Voice of America

Pope Opens Mideast Meeting, Urges Peace And Harmony - Reuters

Dubai Police Say Suspect Nabbed in Hamas Killing - Associated Press

South Asia

Sri Lanka Tamil Tiger Spokesman 'Missing After Arrest' - BBC News

10 October SWJ Roundup

Sun, 10/10/2010 - 7:50am

Ex-Afghan President to Lead Peace Council - Reuters

Karzai, Petraeus Visit South Afghanistan - Voice of America

British Aid Worker Killed in Rescue - New York Times

British Aid Worker in Killed in NATO Rescue Attempt - Washington Post

British Aid Worker Dies During Rescue Attempt - Los Angeles Times

NATO: 2 Taliban Commanders, 2 Fighters Killed - Associated Press

White House Report: Hold the Optimism - Washington Post opinion

Is Afghanistan Worth Winning? - Washington Times opinion

Will Afghanistan Embrace Rights? - Washington Post opinion


Allies in War, but the Goals Clash - New York Times

Pakistan to Reopen Supply Route for NATO Forces - Voice of America

Pakistan Reopens Pass to NATO Supply Trucks - Washington Post

Pakistan to Open NATO Supply Route - New York Times

Suspected U.S. Missile Strikes Kill 8 in Pakistan - Associated Press

The Branding of U.S. Aid - Washington Post opinion


In Baghdad, It's Business as Unusual - New York Times


Iran Says October, November Good Time for Nuclear Talks - Voice of America

Iran May Be Ready For Nuclear Talks By Late October - Reuters

Iran Acknowledges Spies Got Inside Nuclear Program - Los Angeles Times

Iran Says It Halted Western Spying - Associated Press

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda's New Strategy - Washington Post opinion

Nobel Peace Prize

The Nobel's Discouraging Record - Washington Post opinion

United States

Lethal Force Under Law - New York Times editorial

Torture's Consequences - Washington Post editorial


Sudan 'Fully Committed' to On-Time Referendum - Voice of America

Sudan Says It Is Committed to Independence Vote - Associated Press

U.N. Concern Over Sudan Referendum - BBC News

South Sudan President Asks For Peacekeepers - Reuters

Suspected Nigeria Sect Gunmen Kill Islamic Scholar - Reuters

Americas and Caribbean

Mayor-Elect Shot as Hits on Mexico Politicos Climb - Associated Press

Mexico Offers Reward in Case of Missing Children - Associated Press

Rescue Shaft Reaches Trapped Chilean Miners - Voice of America

Rescue of Chile's Trapped Miners Draws Nearer - Los Angeles Times

Chilean Miners Closer to Freedom - Washington Post

Drill Reaches Trapped Miners in Chile, but Risks Remain - New York Times

Chile: Miners' Rescue to Start Wednesday - BBC News

Ecuador's Leader Confounds Backers and Detractors Alike - New York Times

Argentina Protests U.K. Falklands Military Exercise - Reuters

Poll Gives Rousseff Lead in Brazil President Race - Associated Press

Cuba 'Set to Release Three More Political Prisoners' - BBC News

Cuba to Free 3 Prisoners Not in Church Deal of 52 - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

Angry China Blocks Noble Peace Prize Celebration - New York Times

Chinese Media Stay Resolutely Silent on Nobel Winner - Los Angeles Times

Relatives: Nobel Winner Liu's Wife to Visit Him Sunday - Voice of America

U.S.-China Deadlock Dims Climate Talk Prospects - New York Times

IMF Doesn't Press China on Currency - New York Times

Japan And China Defence Chiefs to Meet Monday - Reuters

North Korea: Show of Strength for Kim Jong-un - BBC News

Kim Jong-il's Heir Attends Parade - New York Times

North Koreans Celebrate Newly Anointed Kim Jong Eun - Los Angeles Times

North Korea's Heir Debuts At Giant Military Parade - Reuters

Official Who Left North Korea Is Dead - New York Times

North Korean Defector Found Dead in Seoul - Los Angeles Times

Vietnamese Try to Let Loose for Capital's 1,000th Birthday - New York Times

Hanoi Throws Extravagant 1,000th Birthday Bash - Associated Press

Central Asia

Kyrgyz Tensions Simmer Amid Inquiry Into Unrest - New York Times

Kyrgyzstan Votes in Landmark Poll - BBC News

Kyrgyz Vote in Historic Parliamentary Election - Associated Press

Kyrgyzstan Votes In Landmark Election - Reuters


Malta Guards Europe's Gates Against African Immigrants - Los Angeles Times

Spain's Socialists and Unions, Battered, Struggle to Adapt - New York Times

WWF: Toxic Sludge Leaking for Months in Hungary - Voice of America

Sludge Disaster Darkens Hungary's Mood - Washington Post

Red Sludge Only Latest Hungarian Calamity - Associated Press

1,000 Back New Anti-Kremlin Bloc At Moscow Rally - Reuters

Middle East

Arab League Offers Reprieve on Mideast Talks - New York Times

Arab League Backs Palestinian Refusal on Talks - Washington Post

Palestinians Give U.S. One Month to Curb Settlements - Reuters

Israel Satisfied with Arab League Decision on Peace Talks - Voice of America

Abbas Seeking Alternatives if Mideast Talks Fail - Associated Press

Egypt's Opposition Muslim Brotherhood to Run in Parliamentary Election - VOA

Egypt Islamist Group Vies for 30 Pct of Parliament - Associated Press

Banned Egypt Party to Run in Poll - BBC News

South Asia

Ticket Fraud Reported as Commonwealth Games Miss The Crowds - Reuters

9 October SWJ Roundup

Sat, 10/09/2010 - 8:59am

Governor of Kunduz, 19 Others Killed in Mosque Bombing - Washington Post

Afghan Governor Is Killed in Blast at Mosque - New York Times

Afghan Governor, 18 Others Killed in Mosque Bombing - Los Angeles Times

Afghan Governor Killed in Bombing - BBC News

Coalition Condemns Afghanistan Mosque Killings - American Forces Press Service

U.K. Hostage Killed in Afghanistan - BBC News

Abducted British Aid Worker Killed In Afghanistan - Reuters

Four Italian Soldiers Killed In Afghanistan - Reuters

Afghan Rebels Kill Italian Troops - BBC News

British Aid Worker Killed During Rescue - Associated Press

Colonel Outlines Construction Hurdles - American Forces Press Service

Raisins Give Hope to Afghan Farmers - New York Times


Killing of Doctor Part of Taliban War on Educated - New York Times

Pakistan to Investigate Executions Video Dismissed as Fake - Los Angeles Times

Gunmen Torch 29 More NATO Oil Tankers in Pakistan - Associated Press

NATO Tankers Torched in New Attack - Reuters

9 Die in U.S. Airstrikes, Pakistanis Say - Associated Press


Iraq's PM Calls for Talks With Political Rivals - Associated Press

Historian Captures Evolving Story in Iraq - American Forces Press Service


Iran Says Ready For Nuclear Talks With Major Powers - Reuters

Iran Acknowledges Espionage at Nuclear Facilities - Associated Press

United States

Civilian Replaces General in Key Foreign Policy Job - New York Times

Jones to Step Down as National Security Adviser - Washington Post

Obama's Top Security Adviser Steps Down - Washington Times

Obama Praises Jones' Tenure as National Security Advisor - AFPS

Jones was Awkward Fit in Obama White House - Washington Post

Don't Try Terrorists, Lock Them Up - New York Times opinion

Unraveling the Torture Knot - Los Angeles Times opinion

United Nations

U.S. Calls for Withdrawal of U.N. Prize Financed by Dictator - New York Times

U.N. Weighs How to Answer a Knock on Earth's Door - New York Times


U.N. Presses Sudan to Allow Referendum and Avert Civil War - New York Times

U.N. Members Visit Darfur as Peacekeeper Is Abducted - Associated Press

In Somalia, Signs of Discord Appear in a Militant Group - New York Times

Americas and Caribbean

With Drilling Near End, Chile Rescue Enters Risky Phase - New York Times

Rescuers Expect to Reach Chilean Miners Saturday - Los Angeles Times

Rescue Near For Chile Miners Trapped For 2 Months - Reuters

Mexico's President Opposes Marijuana Legalization - Los Angeles Times

Lawmakers Urge Clinton to Ensure Haiti Elections Are Inclusive - Reuters

Asia Pacific

China's Liu Xiaobo Wins Nobel Peace Prize - Washington Post

Nobel Peace Prize Given to Jailed Chinese Dissident - New York Times

Nobel Prize Honors Dissident, Sends Message to China - Los Angeles Times

China Livid as Dissident Liu Wins Nobel Peace Prize - Reuters

Nobel Prize Is Seen as Rebuke to China - New York Times

Nobel Euphoria Fails to Mask Tough Reality In China - Reuters

Obama Calls on China to Free Nobel Laureate Liu - Associated Press

Europe Praises Choice of Liu for Nobel - Los Angeles Times

Mr. Liu's Peace Prize - Washington Post editorial

Liu Xiaobo - New York Times editorial

Changing China's Ways - Washington Post opinion

China Releases Japanese Man on Bail as Ties Ease - Reuters

China Calls U.S. A Pig In The Mirror on Climate Change - Reuters

U.S.-South Korea Alliance Remains Strong, Leaders Say - AFPS

U.S. and South Korea Reaffirm Ties - New York Times

North Korea Digs In - Washington Post editorial

Burma's Junta-Backed Party Announces Platform - Associated Press


Terror Suspect Is Friend of Man Convicted in 9/11 Attacks - Associated Press

Irish Police Arrest 9 IRA Dissidents, Seize Arms - Associated Press

The E.U. is Alive and Well - Washington Post opinion

Middle East

Arab League Backs Halt to Peace Talks - Washington Post

Arab League Offers Reprieve on Mideast Peace Talks - New York Times

Arab League to Give More Time to Salvage Peace Process - Los Angeles Times

Arabs Allow 1 Month for Deal to Save Mideast Talks - Associated Press

Abbas May Ask U.S. To Recognise Palestinian State - Reuters

Easing of Blockade Not Enough to Rebuild Gaza - Associated Press

2 Hamas Militants Dead in Israeli Raid in West Bank - Associated Press

South Asia

Bangladesh Storms Make Nearly Half Million Homeless - Reuters